10737/Destruction and Deviants

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Destruction and Deviants
Date of Scene: 11 April 2022
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: DV8 goes in for the kill with gleeful orders from Ivana to leave a trail of bodies behind as a message. With a plan of attack and assets in place, the Deviants go to hit some heroes in Hell's Kitchen. They give a brutal gut punch.. But take some hard hits back as they have to flee. They have several pissed off heroes now.. And worst of all for DV8, a very pissed off Ivana. More to come as the freaky lady's plans haven't been toppled, just set back.

She has far more screws to twist to bring people to the depths of despair and darkness. So be ready for the next time we plunge.. Into Deviancy and what dwells in the depths of sinister minds.

Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Valerie Killmore, Illyana Rasputina, Cole Cash, Gar Logan, Tabitha Smith, Stefani Houston, Rachel Goldman, Terry O'Neil

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It had been all too easy. Sarah Rainmaker had gotten a 'call' from someone in Team-7 and without so much as a thought had gone to meet them. Said member of Team-7 had been a quite broken in psionic meat puppet. Sarah hadn't even bothered to tell anyone else where she had been going, so fast had she left Titan Tower.
    Ivana's instruction to her team had been simple. Leave no one alive. If anyone 'fun' showed up, then take them in. Some hired help was there for extra muscle. The members of DV8 had been setup in a maze of alleyways in Hell's Kitchen in ambush positions. Threshhold had psionically cloaked them or they'd gone to cover.
    Sarah would fly in, scanning the area with wide eyes, "All right November, where the hell.."
    Right as there would be a -sensation- as her body would turn to total jelly, limbs falling out from under her.
    Nicole Callahan, aka BLISS would grin, "Hey Sis! Good to see you. Don't bother moving, it will just hurt. And I want to be able to hurt you myself." Lifting up the paralyzed Apache by the chin, Sarah's body non-responsive. And this is going to be so much fun. Now.."
    Her sending a blast of raw primal terror to Sarah's mind.
    Sarah's scream of fear and panic shooting through the sky. "There's a good girl, let's get ready for some happy fun times!"

Valerie Killmore has posed:
"Bombs... bombs... the miracle weapon. The more you make the more you ... shoot" A pause, and Hex looks up, "No no, that is NOT right. Bombs bombs the miracle weapon the more you make the more you..." Quirking her mouth to the side, "What rhymes with make that references bombs? Take, shake, bake... oh, bake! No, that could just be using drugs, how is this so hard?!."

Her scream reverberates amongst the walls of the nearby buildings, but she just continues wandering through that maze of alleyways. Hex is hiding clatter bombs. You know, steam punk esque bombs that have some really sharp dangerous looking teeth on them. Attached to hot pink yarn, that manages to stick to anything, like walls, draping from fire escapes just waiting for passerby (innocent or otherwise), in, under, or around dumpsters, you know ... anything! It helped that they all have different faces drawn on with hot punkish colored paints, making each all the more unique.

Strapped to her thigh is her single shot grenade launcher and over her shoulder is her pew pewing uzi, both similarly decorated. Though her walking includes a few twirls, and a couple serious arms over waist, hand up to her chin, as she mutters and talks to herself in exciting tones then serious ones...

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    A Saturday wedged between two holidays makes for a good party night. No more lectures, no more books, no more demons' insipid looks! Two party girls are out to bring the party to the dance floor. The dance floor in this case happens to be a low rooftop at a place charging too much cover for April, not the height of summer. The up-tempo music makes the dancing fun.
    Illyana isn't silent wherever she goes. Clicking beads make up the ombre halter top that cascades in silver-purple waves. A few frosty looks keep frat boys already on their way to being thoroughly drunk from getting too close or Tabby. All signs point to having a night on the town. Now if night would get here already.
    Plans in motion take a nosedive when someone screams, and not in the "it's my birthday and you came!" way. It's Hell's Kitchen and that happens regularly enough.
    "You hear a crunch or is this a problem for the friendly neighbourhood devil?" she asks Tabitha. Trust in Tabby to know the right level of chaos to follow. The Russian keeps up the rhythm of the dancing to the bubbly hit and edges from the middle of the rooftop to the side where they can get a view of more than a dumpster, a car park, and a bus stop. Any are possible targets for screaming. "What do your elf eyes see?" Ooh, bad Tolkien quips for Boomboomolas.

Cole Cash has posed:
<Someone used old Team Seven codes. New York> and a set of coordinates. That was all Cole sent to Quiet before grabbing the fastest motorcycle he could steal in Gotham and hurrying up to New York. The call was in the area he knew Sarah Rainmaker was. Cole had thought she would be safe with the Titans!

He now owes one (another!) to Waller because she got the cops to let him pass when he was breaking all speed limits. Fortunately Waller doesn't like Ivana much. Of course, no one likes Ivana much. The irony, of course, is Waller has the same problem.

Of course it is a trap. But Cole hopes it is a trap for Sarah Rainmaker, and he is not expected. But if Grifter is expected, he hopes Quiet is not expected.

Gar Logan has posed:
On monitor duty at Titans Tower, Gar Logan is alerted to a sudden departure and movement. It's Sarah, making a beeline away from Metropolis on to parts unknown. "Hmm." He frowns at this, something tugging at the back of his head about it. It's not out of the ordinary for anyone to speed off from the Tower, but usually there's a 'Hey, I'm going out for food!' or whatever. Plus, he knows there have been some Things going on lately. Beyond the norm, that is.

Once he's figured out where she's going, Gar presses a button and sends a call over to someone else. "Vorpal, Sarah sped off to somewhere around Hell's Kitchen in NYC. I think we'd better check it out, just in case. Can you do the honors? I'm in the monitor room." He'll have to leave word behind, so if things go belly up, others will know where Beast Boy and Vorpal were.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Never one to miss a chance to party with one of her closest friends, Tabby Smith happily joined Illyana on the dance floor and general making of noise. The benefits inlcuding warding off handy fratbros, Tabby herself earning a buzz of her own but at least she's not going for hammered, just enough she can still function and be fun.

The warmer months inchhing away from winder and climbing towards summer is nicer for Tabitha Smith's sense of fashion. Doubly for going out and kicking ass on a dance floor for who knows how long. Yellow jeans with numerous rips along her thighs and fishnet stockings peeking through between skin and denim. a little Bolero bomber jacket in black leather with a fleece lining and BOOM! over a mushrom cloud stitched into the back covers her upper half and leaves a good chunk of her toned midriff exposed. Red knee high lace up combat boots with yellow laces keep her feet safe for the elements and matches her red cat eye frames.

The sounds she hears, the scream and the direction it came from hitting Boom-Boom's ears a bit after Illyana's. "Don't ya just hate having to work on your day off. "Keen elven senses. They kinda think the screams, went that away!" Tabby points out and nibles a lower lip. "I suppossssse we should take a peak. I've made that damn scream way too much to know it's probably something horrible." she states and shrugs and looks down over the roof to the ground. "So standard night out. We dance, see if someone needs hitting!" she resigns herself to the call to action.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet was already in NYC, so that was convenient.

On one of the rooftops she just materializes out of a puff of black smoke. Armed already she hunkers down to keep out of sight. Over the comm channel she shares with Cole, she has an automated voice speaking to him for her. "I am in place." The female voice says in a vaguely robotic tone to the man she's working with on these missions.

"I can post up wherever you need me to be." She tells him while peering over the edge of the structure she's on. Her black military cap shielding her eyes from any light from above.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    In a shadowed place, a tall blonde figure idly spins the end of a three piece rod, her attention on a handheld tablet split into a gallery of cameras. As the various new arrivals appear in the screens, a childlike voice says. "Can we gooooo yet?"

    "Not yet." Sublime murmurs. "But....soon...." She idly waves to those waiting with her, starting to move across the darkened room to the opposite wall, carefully judging positions based on the hidden cameras outside.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry looks up from his laptop screen as the comm call comes in, and lets out a sigh. He was behind on his submission for Starr Inc. But, on the bright side, if this was just pure concern and nothing more, he could get back to it fairly soon.

<<Titan Call, had to step out, will try to finish this ASAP by tonight.>> he quickly taps out the email. Thank goodness for flexible schedules- you did get a little bit of leeway for having helped save the world at least three times.

"On my way, greenie," Terry says and, after transforming, the requisite Rabbit Hole opens up to pick him up.

And then, the other one opens up into the Kitchen- on one of the rooftops belonging to the more iconic buildings at the intersection if 47th and 48th, Hearst Tower looming somewhere nearby. There is nothing subtle about these two: the Cheshire cat in the black bodysuit with the manic grin logo emblazoned across the chest and the green guy in the red-and-white. But then, a moment of chaos magic and Beast Boy appears to be your regular blond twentysomething in a grey hoodie and Vorpal is a dark-haired man of the same age range, dressed in denim and a t-shirt.

"Element of surprise and all," Vorpal explains with a grin, "Now, which direction? We'll have a better idea of the surroundings from up here."

Not to mention that he always likes patrolling and doing recon from the rooftops. Looking down from high places is a cat thing.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It's an ambush all right. Now it's time to draw in everyone. The heroes of the hour will be here within minutes, then it's time for the show to begin. Nicole is waiting, spending her time in relative freedom by by looking her half-sister in the eyes. "Now, this is fun." She would hold up Sarah by the neck. Sarah would spasm. "That's your heart shutting off for just a few. I'll start it again in a minute or two. Would leave you brain dead. But maybe you're a bit tougher. If you're still functional after that, I'll add another minute."
    Rainmaker mostly frothing at the mouth. "Oh, also shutting off the parts of your brain that let you breathe. Fun little trick!"
    A mental 'update' comes from THRESSHOLD <<Others are arriving, stop playing with your food. That comes later>> There would be a wicked from from BLISS. "Promises, promises." The ambush set for heroes..
    Cole and Quiet's presence were definitely not part of the plan. A bonus.. but not part of the plan. Heroes en route and more screaming, Nicole making sure that her comments were overheard.. Standing out in the open and seemingly on her own.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
The ambush? Hex was brought here to setup traps, or an ambush or something. She's not fully sure anymore, but boy did she bring a lot of bombs with her. Mostly on the ground level, then she looks up, "Right... some heroes fly. That got me last time." She snaps and then hops up quite a distance, not hulk level, but right up to a fire escape, then bounds over to another one on the other side, and is all too soon coming to land on a rooftop. Trailing hot pink yarn along the edges she setups a clatter bomb, and taps its head affectionately, "When your full, don't worry, you'll do well. BOOM, I believe in you." The bomb starts chomping along the yarn, making a distinct clattering sound like those toy dentist teeth.

The screaming doesn't really bother her or even draw her attention. It's Hell's Kitchen, after all, and she was probably explained some kind of plan some time ago. Not that she was listening, she was busy working on stuff, and there was some lady, and another person, and some comments about what she should be doing. "They said blow things up. Or was it people? Hmmm. Let's do both."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    "Add it to our bill," says the Russian mutant a touch sourly. Only sour for those unable to read her desert-dry sense of humour, and not see her make a face. The brick edge of the rooftop is rough underhand and the drop of three storeys not breached on that side by a fire escape. "Conveniently New York. I'll be on the corner. You want to go out the front or straight down?" Tabby's choice is honoured either way.
    In her case, going over is a predetermined outcome. It all begins by running straight down the wall in her patent leather boots, and leaping from a bricked-up window casement to the adjacent building. Slowing her free run takes a few course reversals until she hits the ground loping.
    Just another blue-eyed blonde in the Kitchen, headed away from trouble. The club is full of girls calling for Ubers or couples trucking it for the exits. She's smarter about getting out of trouble and waiting for Tabby to get down in her stompy red boots.
    Nothing to suggest she is herself a terror disguised. Just part of a crowd.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole is not subtle today, he choose speed instead. But he is wearing his mask and armored coat, and he doesn't fear much Ivana's child soldiers, even as he dreads they are family of sorts.

Lynch would know for sure, but the paranoid ass has left no clear clues Cole can follow. If he is still alive somehow, Cole will have some 'words' with him. The possibility Ivan has actually killed most of Team Seven also fills him with silent rage. But where are the others?!

So, maybe he is not as cautious as he should. The motorcycle screeches loudly as he get to the city block, and Cole scans the area quickly, with his eyes and with his psychic powers, considers I.O. typical approach to ambushing, and moves accordingly. Texting Quiet a few words of advice.

Gar Logan has posed:
"I'm a little worried about this," Beast Boy tells Vorpal, then their transport over to the rooftops of Hell's Kitchen is instantaneous. The illusions, being what they are, could prove useful, but in his case the charade might not last very long. Dropping his voice, he says, "Be careful. This doesn't feel right. My Spidey senses are tingling." In the process, he turns himself into a tarantula, albeit a green one, to scuttle about less obviously than if he were in human form.

There are a few sounds from not far away that suggest reason to be wary. A scream? A few people in ambush positions. More things set up around them that warn of bad tidings on the way. "I think this is about to get pretty bad."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Her own descent to ground floor is probably a a bit on the noisier side as Tabby vaults the ledge with a wave and a wink to the folks still partying and a push of arms that gets her enough momentum and distance from the wall that when she comes down to ground level she can arrest the momentum with a controlled blast of her plasma from her hands and feet.

Knees bend and strain her jeans even further as she lands on both feet and the last flourish of plasma is allowed to blast upwards and away. The sound not unlike a fuly automatic shotgun going off. Not exactly stealthy but sometimes you don't have that option.

Turning her smile to Illyana already waiting for her. "Cribbed that off Sam! Fire escapes are just too slow nowadays. " she declares ith a grin and points in the direction of the screams. Not quite aware herself of what could happen when X-Chicks arrive to save the day, or evening.

Tabby never can keep track if things like time. The alcogol does not help!

Stefani Houston has posed:
Once more the black smoke sweeps across the shadows before materializing.

Quiet's things are quickly set down again as she takes up a new position on the rooftops. Her pony tail waves around behind her shoulders as she sets her communication device down.

TAp tap tap tap on the keys.

The orange and yellow 'Speak and Spell' goes straight to her communication device with the modified female voice.

"This feels like a tinderbox, ready to explode." The robotic voice says to Cole on their shared channel. She's keeping tabs on him down below, as she scans the rooftops for others along her own similar duty up here in the high above.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    "Huh. Lots of playmates." Sublime murmurs, mostly to herself as she continues to monitor the people who are converging on the area. She's been briefed on some of them....no idea who the party girls are. Unlucky drunk party girls are. Sucks to be them. She hasn't spotted Quiet quite yet, but the motorcycle pulling up does draw the eye. "Cole is here." she reports over her own coms, idly giving one of her shadowy companions a push until he's right up against the wall to the exterior, then grabs the hand of her other teammate as she starts to go past. "Wait." she repeats, glancing over, her voice sharper. She ignores the childish whine that follows, continuing to try to time things.

    After all, a proper ambush goes up at just the right time.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"By the prickling of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes-" Vorpal muses as Gar lets out his warning. "You're not kidding. There's magic about, but that could be nothing," he whispers. Gar has the enhanced senses that allow for it, and he has a cat's ears, after alll, "There are so many magic users crammed in Manhattan it's crazy. But I feel something tickling in my nogging, too... we had best be on our guard."

He dismisses Gar's illusion and instead he wraps himself up with invisibility, leaving not a trace of him behind as he follows his boyfriend.

"... I wish Troia had let me keep the Red King's regalia. Do you realize how powerful I would be with that?" he says, his voice taking on a combo of petulance and sadness at the missed opportunity. "Anyways. Take point, Gar, I'll bring up the rear." Because it makes sense for the invisible one. As Eddie Izzard pointed out, the element of surprise is everything.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
THRESSHOLD goes to send another telepathic message to the group <<They're en route. Seem a bit wary. So let's give them a bit of a reason to hurry up, shall we?>>
    BLISS would smirk at the message, going to let Sarah drop over to the ground with a -THUNK-. Her focusing over then and going, "Eenie, meanie.." Getting the position of Tabitha, the most exposed..
    "Moe." She can't really get a great -sense- of Tabitha, so BLISS goes to do the first thing that at a range with someone she can't get a great feel for can. Adrenaline. If possible from far distance simply going to try and spike Boom-Boom's mind over with extreme fear, rage, anger, terror. It of course might not work in the slightest due to how well effectively the girl's mind was resistant to psionics. But it also might be very nasty.
    The two small Titans aren't noticed for the moment, at least seemingly. Cole arriving right along with the motorcycle.. That has THRESSHOLD grin. Rather than blasting at Grifter psionically.. THRESSHOLD just attempts to psionically pick up the nearest building over to try and smash it over towards him if he can, trying to just collapse it in Cole's general direction! Quiet still in concealment, Magik impossible to pick out of the general crowd in the area.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
There's people showing up, that's for sure. And Hex is looking around, there's a wispy shadowy type person appearing on top of a rooftop adjacent. When she pops up, Hex squints in that direction. "Helloooooooo?!" Hex waves rather largely, "Excuse me?" A hesitant grin, that's rather big, and she clasps her hands together as she's shouting in Quiet's direction, "This is really embarassing." Tilting her head, her braids kind of dangle about as she hops up onto the edge of her own rooftop. "Are you presently here for the ambusher or ambushee party? Or were you doing your own kidnapping and or nefarious activity?"

She's being a bit loud and is one street away from the other person as she's shouting, but isn't really hiding out, just balancing now at the edge of the building she's on.

Meanwhile, in various alley ways in this maze, there starts to be other click clattering sounds beginning at different times and tempos. For those who can hear, or those who might be in those passages, it's clear there's something going on. These clatter bombs are NOT quiet. Most of them have a good distance to go before they reach the end of the yarn though.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    Illyana quips, "Bystander discretion advised." Tabby's landing elicits a vampish smirk and not much past that. The rooftops and the alleys distort sound, but she nods to a path looping around a smokeshop and past a string of businesses closed for the Easter weekend. "So loud around here. Weak magical fields over that way don't belong to the residents this way."
    Her beaded top shimmers with faint hints of sound. She leans in to Tabby, affecting a stumble like a tipsy party girl would. That her stumble mostly coincides to Bliss choosing to target her friend will no doubt produce spectacularly funny results. When things go sideways, they might also go up on a plasma column too.
    A metal object bounces down too close for comfort. It takes her a second to identify it, reflexively kicking it aside. "Back!" Lucky that's in English. Russian bleeds through in curse as she searches for Hex's bomb, banishing it offshore about three kilometers or so. "Raining bombs? Tabby?" Trust the expert.

Cole Cash has posed:
"Ah, that dumb boy again," groans Cole at seeing Threshold, just as the mad psion grabs an WHOLE building and drops it on him. Yeah, maybe Cole had underestimated the 'dumb boy' a tad.

But, he has a new bike, and it is fast. So, Cole hits the gas and speeds off out of the way of the rain of bricks and shattered glass, trying to steer away from New York citizens, too, to keep the number of crushed people as low as possible.

Now, dodging a whole building is kind of tricky, so Grifter drives the motorcycle inside of another, larger building (and through an Italian restaurant) all the way to the backdoor. Hopefully that also serves to get out Threshold radar for a few seconds.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a not of the location of the smoke shop and a dispensary for Weed. Good to know. But she also grins when 'Yana leans in against her on their travels. There's never a complaint from Tabby when that happens.

Of course 'Yana probably saw what was about to happen coming a mile away.

When Tabby comes on the scene the woman on the ground it's at the exact same moment that Bliss is trying to weave her mojo on the explosive Mutant's mind.

Sarah's visage and Tabby being just drunk enough she makes a spark of familiarity. Not for Sarah but but Tabby does know a First Nations woman that trips her sense of worry and allows Bliss that toe in the slamming door with the slippery knob.

"Dani?" Tabby growls as fear turns to anger and validates Yoda's entire spiel in that movie. Magik has seen many of the expressions that cross Boom-Boom's face and with other explosives going off trying to catch the blonde women and others coming to play. The one expression that Boomie settles on is rage.

"Raining bombs. Ain't got motherfucking shit on me!" she growls as plasma swirls and coalesces into a mix of orbiting spheres as large as volleyballs amid the gouts of flaming ionised gasses.

Behind her glasses, blue eyes search for the first target, the aura of plasma and her glowing payload widening to circle around Illyana. Not quite a forcefield but it can catch any other blasts from other sourses.

Of course seeing Bliss in front of her, with a woman that is clearly not Dani Moonstar is still pissing Boom-Boom off and that column of plasma. It flies horisontally right at the woman messing with Boom-Boom's mind.

"BOOM!" she yells as the bomb flies right at the woman with a stream of concussively blasting raw plasma follows like a contrail.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    Really, Sublime still has no idea who the party girls are. Other than unlucky. She makes a faint tisk noise, then spins her teammate by the wall so he's facing it. "Hey!" he growls, right before she simply shoves him forward...right through the wall as Frostbite pops out behind Illyana and Tabitha before her hand lets go and disappears back through the wall as she backs up.

    "Good enough. C'mon." she says, pulling along the younger girl with her, who looks to be perhaps 15 with red hair, a diamond tattoed under her left eye and the number 77 tattoed on her shoulder. "Where are we going noooow?" she whines a bit as she's pulled along to the stairs up towards the roof. "This way. More toys for you to play with hon." Sublime answers, idly hanging her three piece rod around her neck as she pulls her along.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet looks across the distance toward Hex shouting at her. The questions are rewarded with the sudden sight... of a troll doll. It has pointy green neon colored hair. Quiet holds it up and wobbles it playfully back and forth.

She then vanishes again in to a puff of black smoke while Cole does his cowboy thing of riding through a restaurant.

The puff of black smoke streaks across the way toward where his motorcycle is headed, and ends up on an entirely different rooftop.

She doesn't yet come out of this state in the now, instead opting for the cover of being black smoke moving from shadowy cover.

Gar Logan has posed:
The tarantula lifts a leg in the direction of one of the buildings across the way. "I'm gonna go over to that rooftop and check it out, see what the deal is." Before he's able to, that very place reveals there are others gathered inside, one being pushed into the wall hard enough to break it. That, you don't see every day. "I think we've got a few. Be ready. I'm gonna go say hi." An invisible Cheshire Cat could still be a good surprise.

As the spider descends, it turns into a bird to cross the gap and land up top, at which point he turns back to normal Beast Boy. As soon as a door swings open to let them exit topside, he's there with a cheerful-looking wave that really is anything but as he catches sight of their particulars - the tattoos, the accessories. "Oh, hey there. Beast Boy of the Titans. Maybe you've heard of me? One of my friends came out here and you're gonna tell me where she is before I go looking my own way. So, let's go. Chop-chop!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
THRESSHOLD casually updates the rest of the team <<Grifter is present and disengaging. He'll likely be returning to flank us as the engagement progresses.>> He then would laugh and broadcast to Hex telepathically <<I like your enthusiasm. Keep up the good work>> It's alays lovely to meet a fellow fiend. But he has lost track of Grifter in the chaos and is not moving to pursue or throw more things at him.
    As BLISS' attempts at hitting Boom-Boom don't quite work as well as planned, the explosions around the area do serve as nice cover. Bliss is sent flying by the blasts, a flickering around her body indicative of a force field flashing into existence. "Hector!" Seh would yell, "Paste 'em!"
    Coming from out of a hole blown by Hex in a nearby building comes a Hispanic man with dark hair and a black bodysuit. "Let's get this over with.."> HE would mumble to himself. Then he's going to charge. He looks al ittle weedy, which seems strange for someone going into a sprinting run at Illyana.
    On the ground, BLISS goes to cackle. And starts sending through to POWERHOUSE hate, loathing, agony, rage.. All those deepest, darkest things that drive one berserk. POWERHOUSE doesn't resist as he goes to take a swing at Magik with a fist, presuming he could get close enough for it. An insanely strong fist with striking power on par with Spider-Man's even as he would be overloading with emotional energy courtesy of the psycho-girl!
    Popping out from around Magik and Tabitha is a dark skinned man that's bald, wearing a set of cargo pants and has a bright red tatoo along his chest reading 'BITE'. "Nothing personal." He would go to try and put a globe of ice around each mutant girl's head as POWERHOUSE would charge them.
    Quiet unnoticed so far as she would drift in smoke adminst the chaos of the melee.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
"Troll." Hex pauses, and then hrms, "Troll." Looking around now, she then turns her head, "Look. Just cause I don't know what troll means as an answer to a question does NOT mean I'm dumb. Who answers with ... troll? How's your day going?" Hex quickly moves a few feet to the side, changing her posture to be more shoulders in, making her look smaller. "Troll. You?" Then she zips back to where she was, standing taller, hands on her hips, "Ohhhhh, well you know. A bit more trolly than that." A pause, "Huh, that does make sense." Clatter clatter clatter.

Near where Gar just was, at ground level, there's an explosion as some of one of the walls of a building explodes. Off in the distance there's a BOOOOOOOOOOM. And some angry rage bombing. It gets a passing whistle, like she hears that, gurl, but she's blinking some, "Oh, uh, thank you? Voice in my head. It's very nice to meet you, of course, well, if you're really a real person, or maybe you aren't. Have you met Uzi in there? He's been awfully quiet today." While she's talking aloud to the voice in her head, she's moving though, running and hopping from rooftop to rooftop seeing if there's anyone she manages to find. As she's moving, there's more bombs coming to the end of their yarn, and will start exploding - few electrical bursts that can shut things down, a few just weird crystal clay things meant to trap folks, fire and ice explosions naturally, and others just puff smoke... fizzling out. Everything was just on a timer instead of, you know, targeted.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    "That woman doesn't like us. Help the lady free," she says. A little too happy sounding about the growing Powerhouse guy barrelling down on her and his buddy trying to put the party girls down.    "Hector?" The Russian smirks at him. "Helen of Wilusa, da?" That would be Troy, for the modern or students not educated aprtly under the Russian state system. Things turned out pretty terribly for Hector last time around. Second round might not be much better.
    The black irony slides over Illyana as she shifts into a defensive position at Boom-Boom's back. She gets her hands up in front of her, crossed in a X. Not for team pride, she guards her face and chest. Her teammate throwing plasma bombs and waves is somewhat of a problem.
    The air temperature drops and two things happen simultaneously. Her eyes go blank, the icy orbs ripped out of existence and superimposed on Hector through a portal. A pauldron crystallizes from hammerspace, silently enfolding her right arm in liquid midnight blue metal. The sleeve extends to her wrist in a second, wreathed in the energies of Limbo from the other half of Limbo. She moves counter to Tabby, whatever's needed to keep them both covered.
    Her sharp teeth gleam when she grins at the ice conjurer. "Nothing personal." She isn't good at diplomatic, but scary is second nature for Demon Queen.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole is indeed moving to flank Ivana's kids, but he has gone stealthy. Mostly to prevent more buildings been thrown around. He is also trying to get to a higher position, because right now he is hearing explosions and it seems likely some of New York's super-being are fighting back.

His main priority is finding Sarah Rainmaker, though. Although putting a bullet through Threshold's head comes a close second. <Quiet, do you see Ms. Rainmaker?> he texts his part-time ally.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    =Sublime pulls to a stop, eyeing Gar as she does. "See, I told you we'd find more interesting people from the roof." she asides to the teen with her, then turns her attention back to Gar. "Grr? I'm sorry, I don't keep track of third rate superhero teams." she says, smirking at him as she focuses, pulling herself and Copycat out of phase as she lowers their density. Of course, it doesn't really look any different to those watching. "I mean, you came by yourself? That seems kinda, I dunno....dumb." Copycat, still holding Sublime's hand tightly, moves to hide a bit behind Sublime. "But don't worry about your friend. I'm *sure* she's in good hands."

Gar Logan has posed:
Beast Boy rolls his eyes. "Third rate? That's a step up from what most of you dorks register as. If you need a refresher, look us up while you're recuperating." He morphs into a feline of his own, a full-sized tiger, roaring at them aggressively as his tail lashes side to side. "You asked for it." He draws back a large paw and swipes it at them, since nobody is being forthcoming about Sarah's exact whereabouts. He gives away nothing about being alone or not.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Forcefields are great when dealing with the heat and flame so Bliss might be okay on avoiding any burns especially from blasts that could destroy armored vehicles and punch holes in Sentinels. There is still the force of Boom-Boom's attack throwing Bliss around hard so good luck with the whiplash and noise.

While Illyana has her own problem in Powerhous and his emotionally fueled strength, Tabby feels her head encased with ice. It's hard to breath and through the glacial helmet Tabby turns to glare as much as as her face can move.

This might have been where Bliss goofed.

Tabitha is just getting more and more enraged to the point that her plasma just starts glowing brighter and hotter around her while she rushes at Frostbite, foot and a half taller as he is. Boom-Boom jumps with some added force by a blast of that plasma behind as she takes a page out of Cannonball's book and headbutts Frostbite with as much force as a helmet of ice and and a point blank blast can muster. This does crack the ice on Tabby's head allowing it to fall away and the ensuing headache just keeps her angry.

The roar and snarling aimed at Leon Carver as the much smaller blonde levels blast after blast of point blank plasma with all the force that can knock a sentinel ass over teakettle.

The heat might be able to be absorbed but is there an upper limit against Boom-Boom's hyperactive boundless energy and psychic nudged drunken rage and aggression.

Does Powerhaus have limits. He might be absorbing that rage to enhance his strength but that musclemass grows with it. If she could think straigh Tabby would probably laugh at the image and what so much muscle does for mobility. Which is probably more of a help for the sexy armored teleporting Demon Queen fighting along side Boom-Boom than a hindrance.

Somewhere Guido Carosella would laugh his ass off too.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet reforms on the rooftop behind where Hex is gallavanting. She raises up a large sniper rifle with a sticker of a sad butterfly on its side. The woman stares down the scope toward the back of the woman she saw drop that bomb on the rooftop, then squeezes the trigger!

A high powered capsule of a high powered sleeping agent is sent rushing toward the back of Hex's neck!

Then, Quiet ducks back down and taps out on the Speak and Spell.

"No sign of your target. Lots of crazies out tonight. Hell hath no fury like the Kitchen."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire cat remains invisible upon arriving to cover Gar's rearguard. His job at this point is to observe- the woman is carrying a teen around. And, by the explosions currently blasting, and the sound of a building suffering structural damage, this must be part of a larger strike force. Since the teen girl is not an obvious hostage, she must be an enemy combatant- and if being on the same team as Raven has taught him anything, it is to /never/ underestimate anyone. And if someone capable of bursting through walls is carrying /that/ one around, odds are that they are Trouble with a capital T.

So he hangs back and lets Gar engage in the banter and the initial offensive, trying to pick up as much information as possible so that when he has to make his entrance, it will actually be a surprise.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Rainmaker's body has been left on the ground where Nicole dropped her. Her heart having been stopped for several seconds has left her mostly stilled. She's breathing and peripherally conscious. There's the occasional spasm in her from the fading pulses of the several seconds of a seizure that she had been put under at the start of the melee. She is, however, ignored now and seemingly left alone. Quiet on overwatch in a good observation position can however make out -something- still in hiding. Small, moving ever, ever so quickly. About the size of a rat. But, any sort of small animal would have fled in the midst of the 'blowing up the streets' fight, not staying in the area. Another attacker of a sort. Particularly with it being within a dozen or so meters of Rainmaker.
    Going to charge in at Magik, Powerhouse goes to swing a heavy fist overhead. The sudden blitz of Frostbite's ice hitting him the face has him staggered. Before he can so much as try to clear his eyes as Boom-Boom is upon him. He's fueled over by emotional rage. As the blonde goes to blast at him he absorbs it from her, adding it to his own. The fear,the terror blasted out from Illyana hits him and amplifies him as well.. but there is a limit, however. That limit is when he's at the point where he's next to a literal demon and Frostbite is breaking and running -hard-. Powerhouse is slammed down and blasted unconscious and Frostbite is just throwing up a wall between himself and Illyana in a sheer panic.. But he's also picking up his teammate to drag along with him. Something few other members of the team might bother to do.
    This has Thresshold now going in to try to involve himself once more. "Interesting." HE would muse at Illyana. "Some sort of spawn?" He would go to try and telekinetically pick up Tabitha to hurl her HARD over at Illyana if at all possible, following it with a potent energy blast aimed over at ivana, having come to the general conclusion, accurate or not, that any sort of thing he shot at Boom-Boom wouldn't phase her at all.
    Nicole is just ducking behind rubble, now out of line of sight for anyone. Not bothering to check in on Hex or put herself out on the line again, scorched and battered.

Valerie Killmore has posed:
Running along the rooftops, Hex is blissfully unaware of whatever is going on. Other than explosions, and she's moved quite a bit of distance, and she's running on this one particular rooftop when... schnnnick. A needle thing, that's right, it feels kind of like a mosquito bite if that mosquito was surrounded by 15 bees stabbing her at the same time! As that toxin starts going into her blood stream, she stumbles, loses her footing, hits the couple foot brick edge of the building and then goes over it with the momentum she had.

Spiraling down, hitting the railing of a fire escape, then another one, then finally being far enough out that she just spin falls (like doing cart wheels just with the help of gravity) she comes to a stop. When she hits the ground with a thud.

This just so happens to be on her back, and the needle shot gets snapped off and out of her neck, still partially filled with sleeping toxin. Drearily she closes her eyes, and then opens them, then closes them then opens them, and with some blurry vision she sees Cole's bike. With a groan she reaches out with her hands and starts dragging herself across the ground toward that bike, fading but not... just... yet.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    Some people make all the wrong choices in life. Straight up beating up women and stealing Indigenous women, say. The misuse of powers really doesn't improve life's balance sheet. Sin after sin here... all in the presence of a Hell-Lord. Illyana would agree with Terry's assessment about underestimating people if she knew. Also on Raven's need to check herself for obvious Trigon-shaped reasons.
    When Boom-Boom goes flying spectacularly back, she reacts almost instinctively. Witchfire slices a line in front of her, the lens slanting back to catch the body in motion. "Got you!" The two of them collectively pass through the portal into Limbo's violent starless skies. Something trumpets in a keening wail from the other side in no way a human voice could ever hope to produce. Before the portal flashes shut, the thunderous wingbeats indicate something big moving at speed. Demons on parade, friends.
    What happens on the other side takes several minutes to resolve. Asynchronous timelines and elevations sync back up again on a completely different trajectory. Seconds later when they reconnect with reality, they've sorted which way is up and who leads the charge.
    End point: Threshold, definitely too close for comfort.
    <<Tiy pliyvee, pliyvee bestrashna, gordest sayviernykh marieye. Tabby! Tabby! Revoluytziye nadezhdah sgoostk vieri fsekh luydeye! V'oktyabreh! V'oktyabreh!>> Illyana is totally not singing the Hunt for Red October song.
    Oh yes she is.

Cole Cash has posed:
Now perched at some height, Cole has a chance to see how the battlefield is shaping. On one side two party blondes have managed to beat up two of Ivana's kids, which is hilarious. On the other, Threshold is still lurking around. And on the third tentacle, Rainmaker is apparently unconscious, maybe dead.

As tempting as is attacking Threshold, Cole chooses to check on Sarah's first. A few Daredevil-style jumps between rooftops and fire escapes, he lands close enough to the young woman, checking her vitals at the same time he is scanning the area around him with his telepathy.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    Sublime doesn't even move, though Copycat lets out a squeal and hides her face as the claw...passes right through both of them. When Copycat's face comes back up, her expression has changed. It's just empty. Cynical. She says boredly. "Dumb kitty." Her eyes seem to bore into the tiger's eyes as she drops on all fours, Sublime moving her hand to rest it on her back as she mimics the tiger's position. "You tried to hurt us. I think you need to be hurt." She raises her hand, flexing her fingers as the tiger's right paw mimics her hand, extending it's claws, before she reaches it up to try and rake his own claws across Gar's throat, her fingernails leaving bloody furrows across the skin of her own neck as she does. "I need to be hurt too...."

    Sublime grins nastily. "Whoops." She mentally reverses her and Copycat's density to ultradense, keeping her hand on the other girls' back. Her footsteps go from silent to heavy crunches as she takes a step forwards where she's in kick range of the tiger's head. "Buh bye kitty kat..." she sing songs, drawing back her now superpowered leg for a full extension punt...

Gar Logan has posed:
Others have sought to control Gar in the past, though not through direct puppetry. Something feels off as suddenly, the tiger's body betrays the mind. "What are you do--" he begins, before the claws are out and coming at his own neck. It's only a moment of quick thinking that keeps him from potentially facing a deadly attack against himself.

Impulsively, he grows smaller and a lot less lethal, in the form of one of the first things he can think of that doesn't really strike anyone as seriously harmful: a squirrel, also green of course. There is a minor scratch along the neck, but nothing like the claws of the tiger would have caused. "Aw, nuts. Okay, first one's on you. I won't go that easy on you next ti--"

Again he cuts off, only because he's scampering off to one side of the kick that's coming his way. "Oh no, I don't think so!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Powerhaus and Frostbite, they're noping out in a mass of ice and their own fear from the two blonde X-Women. Still angry and snarling. "Better frigging run!" she yells before she feels lighter all of a sudden.  

She'sin the air and flying at Illyana, dud not cool. Luckily the cooler head. That being Magik catches and ports them both trhough to limbo.

The next portal that opens, right on top of the telekinetic powered man.

"BOOM! 'Splode!" Tabby doesn't know much Russian. Let alone the national anthem but she knows her name at least.

So as soon as she's out in the Kitchen once more and on top of her new target the next blast that comes out is point blank, loud, bright as a welding torch and pushed even more forceful as all that adrenaline surging through her keeps Boom-Boom running way longer than is probably wise but Bliss' powers did work. With hilarious results as the TabitHadoken bursts forth with less and less restraint from the Mutant. Not her first telekinetic after all.

Tabitha is not going to enjoy coming down from all this, like sprinting a marathon on PCP. But she's clearly determined to make others not enjoy the here and now even more.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet watches the sight of Hex vanish over the other rooftop before she just shakes her head softly. She wasn't going for a killshot... but... shit happens, in fights like this.

She gathers up her stuff again before 'poofing' back in to smoke!

It is beside Cole then that the smoke reforms again, in to the standing Sniper now, holding her rifle down to the side as she looks at Cole, and the target he'd come form. She turns around then to hold her rifle up at the ready, watching for any more targets to present themselves.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal's eyes take everything in quickly. The teen seems to be capable of some form of mind-control.
One of them appears to phase like that woman at Xavier's, and the other one seems to have some amount of super-strength.

While normally he would be tempted to let the girl try to control him and invite herself into the psychedelic hell that a Wonderland psyche, but that would be incredibly unwise and would reveal his position.
What is needed is a distraction.

"Hello, Garfield" comes the husky and lightly-accented voice known the world over. "Are you in need of assistance?"

Diana of Themyscira alights upon a corner of the roof not too far from them, the glory of Gaia on her face and the blessings of Athena on her armor. The glowing line of pure light that is the golden perfect- the Lasso of Hestia- illuminating her side where it hangs. Her stance is that of an Amazonian warrior ready for conflict, but her voice is as gentle as it always is: "I would advise you to surrender yourselves. You do not have to fight." It is said in a tone that implicates she would rather not fight, but that she will certainly end the fight if it starts.

Vorpal is exceedingly proud of how accurate the magical illusions have gotten. It helps that he knows the subject of his illusion in this case, after all- and it is definitely a bit of MMO kiting: What teenage villain would resist the oppotunity to boast of trying to control Wonder Woman? All he needs is for her to turn towards her and away from Gar.

His boyfriend seems to be handling himself, although he is in danger, so the Cheshire remains hidden. After all, Wonder Woman has just entered the fight. No need for him to make a flashy entrance at this moment.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Of all the things that are going on so far in the melee, THRESSHOLD is not expecting to have two blondes drop in on him in the very literal sense. He responds by going to slam a telekinetic hsield up and bove him right as the two impact. Illyana's singing making no sense in or out of context, as Russian magic clashes with a twisted, psychotic and sadistic mind. The two charging towards him. Then coming right up and over after is Boom-Boom. With all that power and fire built up in her body.
    Tabby and all of her power is going to hit THRESSHOLD hard over on the shield, and the result of the blast is slamming him down HARD over to the ground, only his blanket of telekinetic shields holding together enough to prevent his chest from being caved in. THRESSHOLD quickly evaluates the field. Grifter is going after Rainmaker. Sublime and Copycat are holding their own but in circumstances that are not optimum. The hired help is holding up surprisingly well.
    Sarah Rainmaker is on the ground, unconscious. She's in bad shape, but breathing. In whatever state, she's still alive. As Cole is going to sweep along the ground he's picking up someone nearby. Something feral.. Darting along through the walls and then going to fly at him over is a large bat.. Which is then transforming over to a huge dire wolf as VOX goes to make his jump from the shadows, claws and teeth out! Right as Quiet is going next to Cole trying to smash into them both! Then BLISS goes to try and pop out of cover to try and hit Grifter over with something nastier if possible. Namely attempting to seize up his brain if she could to stop his heart. With none of her usual threats or taunts to give it away. Of course, her actual stealth skills being limited to having stayed behind cover after having been blasted made it easy to perhaps have kept track of her. And Grifter's own psionic resistance and abilities considerable. So it may yet not work. But if it did, it would quite possibly leave him open for VOX!

Valerie Killmore has posed:
More bombs explode around in the environments. There are certainly people not part of this fight that are being brought into the terribleness of it all because of these bombs. The devastation of Hell's Kitchen goes missed, often, but in this case it may just be enough to pull in some tv stations or wanna be journalists (bloggers) after the mayhem has stopped.

In the sky, though, there's a bird, there's a plane, no... there's a sudden eruption of electricity as Hex suddenly appears high, and way off target. Or is she? As she slumbers on the motorcycle, draped on it like a cat on a tree limb, there's a few scratches in the material. Here and there some runes, a bit of paint, a cheshire cat vandalized on the engine. And it falls, falls falls, until it's close to Tabitha Smith.

Then, it explodes. Shrapnel goes, every which way, allies nearby, enemies nearby, buildings, people watching the Price is Right, are ALL in danger. Even Hex herself, as she's sleeping, knocked unconscious by whatever was in that toxin needle. Her limp form erupting backwards off the motorcycle, and being erupted backwards like Team Rocket in every single Pokemon episode. Surprisingly, most of the shrapnel flying from the erupting magical bomb bike zips past the blue haired woman, her limbs almost elegantly twirling about with her form as it is spun through the air without any direction from herself. Soaring through the air, she's rather peaceful, like a sleeping beauty if the 7 dwarves dropped her off a building.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    The Russian's singing is only that. Triumphant and ominous as her native tongue is, Illyana's rendition of anything would put a chill through the body. She grunts at the pain rolling through her body through several different places at point of impact. The armour that guarded her shoulders and arms enfolds her as fast as it can, though none of that stops the jarring bruise or sudden heating to the point the air's not breathable.
    Threshold still stands, or at least he remains. Tabitha is angry force of her own, but the marginally cooler sorceress picks herself up. Ribs don't exactly like that, though she can ignore the stinging burn for now. Especially when bombs bursting in air signal a level of property damage gone bad.
    She's balletically tossed back when the motorcycle falls out of the sky and Hex kites off through the debris field. Scratches gashing her skin where not fully enclosed in her armoured shell.
    A glowing sword almost as long as she is tall comes to hand, a forking beam of light hardened into ion-cutting edges. With that, her violent freefall changes, falling through a series of tiny wormholes that send her catapulting right back to land in the thick of the melee.
    <<Ow. Fucking ow.>> Russian. So eloquent. <<Who's next?>>

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole winces when he feels Bliss trying to claw her way into his mind. "Told you those psychic tricks didn't work on us, Ivana is not teaching you anything, is she?" He grunts, turning to face the charging wolf. Not surprised, he can feel minds around him, Evo is not -that- good at ambushing.

And Cole is fast, the shapehsifter claws only hit his coat. And then his hand grabs him by the scruff of his neck, using the boy's own impulse to redirect his charge towards Nicole, "keep practicing the sneaking, kiddo. You still have a long way to go."

Crouching down for a second, he picks up Rainmaker and looks at Quiet. "Looks like the local supes have the situation under control," a nearby explosion seems to contradict this. Hex bombs are still going. "Well... almost mostly. I am taking the girl to a safe place, you staying here?"

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    The initial kick misses, though Sublime kicks high in the process! She hmmphs, shifting her stance slightly as her boot drops back down in a stomp that cracks the roof. "Hold him Copycat. I'm suddenly up for a game of punt the squirrel." she says, moving to line up for another shot. Copycat, meanwhile, is turning to reacquire Gar's new form, squatting with intent to keep him sitting still, when suddenly Wonder Woman shows up.
    DV8 has been briefed, and has trained against their expected opponents, the Titans. So Sublime and Copycat are solidly aware of what most of them can do in terms of powers and abilities, even if Copycat's attention tends to wander.

    On the other hand, they haven't seen Vorpal, only Beast Boy, so they're not on guard against illusions. Yet. And then Hex goes flying up into the air and explodes her bike, sending fiery shrapnel raining down.

Sublime's split second decision is to evade what seems to be the arrival of the most powerful woman in the world and fiery death, as she changes density again and both she and Copycat drop through the roof, vanishing from sight, readjusting to a lower density as they drop to the floor without harm. "Shit." Sublime growls. There's a moment of hesitation where she ponders calling this in immediately or confirming it first, then reluctantly goes with the latter and waits to see if "Diana" follows them down as she moves to take cover, pulling Copycat along again as the younger girl stumbles a bit, but doesn't protest this time. Other than to say. "I didn't get to see any red, Rachel...."

Gar Logan has posed:
Beast Boy finds himself stuck in place again, thanks to whatever Copycat is capable of doing. "Stop chittering! I mean, cheating!" he blurts, but there is a bit of respite in there when Diana shows up. /He/ knows who's behind that, and the creation is pretty good, definitely enough to fool someone not in the know. Good enough to convince someone who is too, perhaps.

With concentration broken, particularly as /something/ goes on around them and makes things look more dangerous, Gar himself looks around in an attempt to figure it out while chaos rises, and he scampers around to find cover. That whole thing was not good. He couldn't counter it, so if he's going to fight it, he's got to do so in a way that keeps Copycat from having time to control him. Avoiding Sublime would also be a good idea. Turning back to normal, could that be his best option? Or would it help to be smaller, easier to get around? He remains out of direct sight for the moment, checking his neck again.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby's supply of rageahol seems almost inexhastable. All that light sound and force going off in Threshhgold's face and telekinetic shields. And Tabby is still standing and sparking plasma all around here. Somewhere she lost her glasses so blue eyes stare down at the man with a snarl that looks way, way too sadistic. There's even a faint glow of visible power eminating from those irises as power crackles through her.

There's another explosion. This one isn't Boom-Boom's as the mortorcycle that Hex swiped is destroyed in the blast. Shrapnel peppers the blonde woman tearing clothes and skin and leaving her tumbling on the ground before she screams in pain and anger as she staggers back onto her feet. She's had her own bombs go off in her face numerous times and throw her through walls and into vehicles or even sentinel

Now she looks like she's really been in a fight and someone just had to keep pissing her off.

a Trail of blood at Tabby's feat and the angry woman keeps charging bombs and flames of plasma around her as she eyeballs Threshold. "This is only going to get. More. Fun" she declares in a threatening tone. A crack of her knuckles and balling of fists as she looks around to see how many of her opponents still stand.

Spheres of plasma grow in numbers for each member of DV8 still fighting, including Threshold still all the size of those yoga fitballs people use.

Of course when they all fly and home in on their targets, all driven with psionic control and a single minded desire to hurt and unload twenty plus years of anger and abuse built up.

The explosions are as loud and bright as a flashbang not good for the eyes or ears. And they still have enough force to flip tanks like a coin.

Not like there hasn't been enough property damage. Who's gonna know.

"BrightBOOM!" she yells as she raises a hand to the spy and clenches a fist to set them all off.

Stefani Houston has posed:
After Cole rises up and sends the wolf enemy flying, Quiet tracks his body through the air and shoots off another round of her rifle's sleeping agent rounds! She takes a step back before lowering the weapon back to her side. Her eyes go back over to him as he asks that question, and a second later she lifts up the Speak and Spell from her hip, types on it quickly.

"No." The computer says to Cole in response, and Quiet shakes her head side to side to punctuate what the old 80s toy says.

Her rifle is stowed away then as she fades away in to smoke that floats up toward the sky...

Terry O'Neil has posed:

That's Vorpal. Because shrapnel has just hit him. His invisibility drops, as does Diana's doppelganger, as the spell is momentarily broken. Good thing that the villains went through the roof. Or the floor. Although every floor is a roof from the right angle, right?

Grasping his arm, he surveys the damage. That's going to require medical attention. Later.

"Hon, you should look to that explosion and see if there are any injured. That girl can't control me- and she's welcome to try, if she wants to end up gibbering on the ground and talking about how the color blue is sharing eternal wisdom with her via the songs of The Ramones." How does he know who the Ramones are?

"I can go down and keep them occupied in the meanwhile. I just have to watch out for, you know, the super-strong kicker. What could go wrong?" He grins and the illusion comes up again- he doesn't go invisible.

He looks like Beast Boy.

"Or you can follow me super-tiny and knock that mind-controller from behind. Up to you."

He leaps over the edge of the building to access one of the fire escapes, thereby entering the building. Garfield Logan is known for having a very particular approach, so he emulates it. "Hey, ladies! You ready for round two of the Green Lean Punning Machine?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The fight is not going the way that they would have liked. THRESSHOLD looks up to see Wonder Woman!? What the hell? He goes to try and reorient himself, evaluating things. Sublime and Copycat are holding their own but the arrival of a big leaguer has put their position all the more precariuos. EVO has just been thrown away and has slammed into BLISS. THRESSHOLD goes to calmly speak to the rest of the grou telepathically <<We're leaving.>> So much for leaving bodies behind.
    After a moment, he also sends a telepathic message to Hex <<We're disengaging. You're urged to do the same. You've fulfilled your contractual obligations.. you'll be paid in full. And I hope we can do future business together>> From one psychopath to another. Even as he would see Hex blasted hard and drop like a stone.
    A signal sent to Copycat and Sublime <<Phase out and we'll rendezous at pickup>> Even as he would move to wave a hand, sending another pair of buildings in the area collapsing around to give some cover. As he's picking up several o fthe injured members of DV8 in a psychic grip and blasting off into the air with them. Hex being hauled along even as she was out like a light, a flashing psychic pulse akin to a flashbang lighting up the air!
    Cole is left with the unconscious, badly injured form of Rainmaker.. And the retreating DV8's are booking it with general devastation in the area. But it's a win. Having taken a gut punch from the enemy, and given it right back.
    And Ivana was NOT going to be happy. Matthew would know it. Nicole would know it. Rachel.. Would definitely know it. And Ivana's wrath was always a jagged thing.

Cole Cash has posed:
"Ok, fine, see you later," mutters Cole, already on her way out by the route less likely to have cops coming in. He is taking Rainmaker to an underground doctor he knows. Maybe to a hospital if the doc is not good enough. He probably should talk with the young woman before returning Gotham.

There is one (several) reasons out of all Team Seven Cole is the one who doesn't have children. Parenting is tough work.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
    This is where a misconception bites Vorpal on the butt. Copycat doesn't mentally control someone....she physically takes control of their body as their mind rides along like a passenger in their own body. All she has to do is make the motions she wants and her victim is forced to copy her motions.

    Which is why when Vorpal makes his appearance, Copycat turns to look, locks on to his body, then after a brief glance at the fire escape behind him backs up, raising a leg as if stepping out onto the fire escape to move him back onto it, then with a slightly creepy grin, does a vault backwards and lands on her back with a loud THUD. Which probably hurt her a bit..

    Of course, Vorpal does not have a floor to land on when his body jumps off the fire escape and begins to plummet, the last thing he hears being a slightly disturbing giggle from Copycat, before Sublime crouches down next to her. "We're gone..." she says over her communicator, touching Copycat again as they phase through the floor into the storm sewer network underneath. There's more than one reason they chose this building, after all.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a good chance Tabby won't get yelled at after all this. It would have been a close bet on if she could have wiped out the whole team in her current state versus if she'd collapse with a heart attack first.

But with everyone of the opponents leaving the scene, the explosions go off and are little more than fireworks with extra craters in walls and ground. And ears ringing for those sensitive to noise.

"Pussy ass punks!" she yells as she lets them go but adds a scream as her rage finally subsides and she starts wobbling and remembering she's peppered with lots of shrapnel and bleeding.

"Magik, hon. I think I'm partied out, sorry babe!" she says weakly as she wobbles very much with a faltering balance as she lacks any more energy to walk more than a few meters on her own.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    Cowards on the run. Or smart, smarter than they get credit for. Live to fight another day is a useful tactic if not an honourable one sometimes. Illyana winks the sword out of her hand when her opponents decide to retreat.
    No matter how deep the itch to chase, she has other matters. Like making that armour vanish in a moment. Maybe worry about bombs, leave Daredevil a note of apology about the state of disrepair. Burning down Hell's Kitchen to start fresh is a good thing, right?
    "Let's go find a better club. Ice cream. And you act like I cannot /heal/ you," she tells Tabitha. Never mind her broken ribs. The cuts and battery that fellow party girl faces is more important. "Let's go dance the Mummy."

Gar Logan has posed:
"Be careful. She.." But Gar has to shut up for a moment as he sees Vorpal turn into himself, at least visually. "No, wait!" But Vorpal-as-Gar is already being taken over in the same way he was, leading to a quick plunge off the side of the roof.

He runs, fast as he can, to the edge and leaps off after him, turning into his Akiar form. The wings help him with his speed, but also in pulling up short of going splat with Vorpal, who may or may not even be able to rabbit hole himself out.

A hand closes around Vorpal's, and the descent is halted about a story from the street below, swinging around to steady out and land, more or less, softly. "She can puppet your body. I was trying to tell you."

Of course, Akiar contact made with Vorpal can lead to some 'fun' side effects.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"... duly noted," says the Cheshire cat, breathlessly. And then leans forward to peck at Gar's cheek.

He still looks like Gar, incidentally, so anyone seeing this might probably decide they've had too much to drink. "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers, after all," he says with a pitch-perfect southern belle accent.

But then he grows serious. "We still haven't found Sarah- turn Bloodhound and see if you can trace her, I'll be right behind you!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
And Cole is left with a hurt Apache girl that's the daughter of a friend to talk on what's going on and compare notes. And there's some more planning to be done. Ivana had overstretched herself.. And it might be time to do something.