13324/Themyscirans: The 700

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Themyscirans: The 700
Date of Scene: 18 November 2022
Location: Entertainment District
Synopsis: The 700 are introduced to Themyscira in a wide variety of ways, including a bit of dance and drink at the new club dedicated just to that! Talk of space is had, talk of music takes place, dance moves are explored, and something something 'i just kissed a girl' and apparently people liked it!
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Monet St. Croix, Cassie Sandsmark, Kora Ikassis, Donna Troy

Diana Prince has posed:
After a full week of women stepping forth from the Well of Souls, the spring fell silent again. The Harbinger had said that the spring was finished, and now the newly arrived Amazons have been spending time settling in to their new lives. It's a strange experience, one might imagine, to have died at some point throughout history, and been roaming the stars ever since, only to find yourself being summoned back to this pale blue dot in the universe, and a new body awaiting you, with a new purpose and power bestowed upon you.

the women have been settling in to this well though. Even eagerly. Making friends amongst their fellow newcomers, and the island's existing residents. There had been some 'spats' here and there, as some of the women were having a harder time with the transition than others, especially the younger ones, and especially the ones who had memories of their past lives still strong within their minds.

All of these women, in their past lives, died because of heinous acts performed unto them by the cruelty of the outside world, and many of them still harbored a measure of a grudge because of that. The Queen had asked these women who were struggling more with the transition to be taken better care of, watched more closely... and given new memories, happy memories.

Thus this new nightclub experience was opening up within the city. Conveniently geared toward creating happy memories, and even more conveniently geared toward the young at heart.

With some lively music playing, there are several hundred Amazon women in attendance this evening. Both inside the main room, and outside at the yard and garden that lines one of the riverways that sweeps through the city, the nightclub offers a great place for Amazon women to come and relax, enjoy each other's company, and enjoy food and drink together.

Diana is here this evening, having come to mingle with the newly arrived, and the long-standing Amazons alike. The Princess was eager to make relationships with the newcomers, and help them settle in, as it were.

Currently, Diana is at a tall table inside the large club. It is a two story tall room, surrounded on all sides by a balcony level overlooking the main floor where people organize for complicated Amazonian dances, both in groups, and in solo performances. It is a lively affair tonight, with some of the older Amazons (don't call them that) putting on some entertaining dance performances to many cheers and much applause!

Diana, dressed in a white short dress, with bared shoulders, her dark hair in a braided ponytail behind her neck, is sipping a red fruity drink, and speaking to a table of the newly arrived women, most of whom belong to the 20-something aged bracket of the newly arrived '700' as they're being called commonly now.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is here to observe. To learn about new cultures. And.. In some way, to help handle spillover for damage control if need be. She can understand that these women all have returned with pain from their memories and their experiences. She does not know if those are all the ones that are brought back. Is that history? To give those that have had such pain and suffering a chance for rebirth and renewal?

Or is there something more at work here than she's not aware of? M is here because she finds this situation interesting.. And dangerous. Seven hundred women brought bck to life, coming to an island that has been an oasis, a haven for millenia. She is here to watch.

And if need be to intervene. Not necessarily to stop things.. But to give a warning should moods escalate in a way so that those more qualified can respond. Monet is not bothering to read minds.. There's too much going on, too chaotic. She's aware of her limitations.

But her slightly enhanced senses make up for it.. And the wine, grapes, /and/ company are lovely. Monet has a rare, rare soft smile on her lips from the experience.

One that is not immediately fleeing into hiding within seconds as soon as someone might notice it. This is a period of relaxation. Of discovery..

And of trying more wine and more grapes. Once she's figured out the ones she likes that won't knock her out.

One thing at a time, after all. To new experiences..

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
It's no surprise that the arrival of these new Amazons has thrown Themyscira into a bit of a buzz. There was a time when a single new Amazon was in and of itself a grand event, given the immortal, nearly unchanging nature of their society. Indeed, maybe it's more accurate to say that not just any one, but EVERY one of the prior 'new' additions was a great deal. Certainly, Diana herself is the most famous of these, Queen Hippolyta's miracle child. But even by comparison to that, Cassie had felt like quite the celebrity when she first came to the island, learning of her heritage, undertaking the training.

It was a BIG DEAL.

Well... imagine what it's like now that there's SEVEN HUNDRED of them!

And yet, for the young yet no-longer 'new' Amazon, it's not an occasion to feel overshadowed. Rather, it's one where she feels like suddenly she has a meaningful, distinct role on the island. She gets to be a bit of an ambassador, someone who fits in the space inbetween her ageless, ancient peers and their newely-arrived counterparts. Cassie never wandered out of the Well of Souls, but she's been new to the island. And recently, at least by the comparative standard of the millenia its been for most of the rest. And so she's been very busy, helping a great deal with organizing the lodgings, the activities, the 'orientation' tours, and so on. She's not the only one (700 people is a lot to handle!), but she's definitely taking it on with gusto. And this party would be a particular example.

The plan for the 'modern' Themysciran night club slightly predates the arrival of the 700, an idea that had originally been part of efforts at cultural exchange with the world outside. But now the place has a whole new purpose. The space has been cleared to accomodate larger crowds, sacrificing some of the more complicated elements. Many of the tables have been pushed off to the wings, accomodating a larger dancefloor. One ready to be totally packed. At the far side, there's a stage... and oh boy, well, there's Cassie.

She's gone for one of her full club looks, frayed jean shorts over fishnets, bright sneakers, and a red bustier top with some sparkling details. Throughout the night, she's been up there playing DJ (although this amounts to not a lot more than messing with a playlist on her StarkPhone). "We having fun tonight, ladies? I think you'll enjoy this one."

Oh no.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
The past week has gone by in a whirlwind of activity for Kora, helping the newly arrived find their way around the island and acting as a guide to life on it. The more curious among them, especially those from more modern eras, have a thousand questions that she wouldn't have been able to answer a scant three months before. She still shares their wonder at being on the beautiful island.

Making their transition happy has been paramount for them all. A transition that the young Amazon feels she understands in part. Because she is young compared to the Amazons who have lived here for hundreds of years and newly arrived, not three years ago. The similarity ends there because the differences between her birthplace and Themyscira were only minor compared to what many of the '700' is experiencing .

Stationed near the drinks table. Kora busies herself, handing out drinks. The music has her swaying in place, eager to get out on the dance floor, curious to see how they will take to modern music.

The classic short white tunic worn under armor or for everyday wear is perfect for dancing. The young Amazon spent time on her dark hair, laced with red cords into an intricate braid that swings to the middle of her back.

"Here," she says, handing a glass of citrusy punch to one of the women holding back from the table. "It's got a kick to it, so go slow."

Donna Troy has posed:
    It is a defining feature of Themyscira that it is a land of plenty; it is after all known as Paradise Island. The soil is richly fertile, the weather supernaturally good for growing crops. Although it is not a big island, it's larger than the external geography of the Aegean should allow for, and there's plenty of space for the small Amazon population. That population, being immortal, has build significantly more than it needs, and builds to last. Providing for the newcomers, when it comes to physical needs, is not a problem. Providing for their emotional needs has been occupying the entire country since the first of these new Amazons appeared.

    There are some factors that make it easier. The goddesses picked carefully, after all. Each soul was vetted before being reborn as an Amazon, and if they awaken with memories of suffering, they also awaken with the knowledge that they have been granted a second life; what's more one in a body that is their own ideal form, stronger, smarter, and immortal, to live on an island paradise.

    It's also quite a big help that they awaken knowing Themysciran, a gift of the goddesses that makes life a lot easier.

    The new Amazons are a varied lot. There are those who lived in ancient times, long enough ago that they must have been on the shortlist for the original birth of Amazons. The most recent of the souls died so recently that one indeed had heard of Themyscira in the media after Diana's revelations to the world a mere five years ago. They will take time to adjust to their new homes and new lives, but what is time to the Amazons who have already lived for thirty-five centuries?

    "Seven hundred and forty-seven," Donna says. She stands out almost as much as Cassie, wearing her suit of Themysciran/American hybrid armor as she is wont to do these days. "I can't guarantee the figures are accurate, but that's the best I can tell from the records. About three hundred left Themyscira with our aunt Melanippe all those years ago, and I've found records of four hundred and forty seven deaths since the Amazons came to the island. We're almost back to the original number of Amazons who arrived here after the war with Theseus and Herakles. Melanippe -- the high priestess I mean, not our aunt -- says the Five are being their normally evasive selves about all of this, but the numbers are telling. This..." Donna gestures expansively at the crowd enjoying the club. "It's a new start."

Diana Prince has posed:
With the music reaching a moment to overhear the conversations more clearly, Diana looks to Donna with a grin before she looks to Cassie and offers some supportive applause. Of course, the supportive applause from Diana isn't entirely necessary considering so many others of the women within the hall tonight are doing the same. They're all quite in to the show being put on tonight, and so much so that the building itself is at capacity, with more Amazons lining the streets outside, visiting the taverna on the other side of the street corner, or some of the other attractions along this streetway.

Including the garden yard outside. The eastern wall of the club is open archways that lead out to that garden, and the women out there are enjoying the outdoor ambience, and time together beside the flowing riverway.

Food and drinks are served on metal trays carried high overhead by the trained employees of this new club, the women dancing their way through the crowds as they take their orders to the various tables, including Diana's.

"It is a holiday to be celebrate from this point, and onward." Diana says as a new drink arrives from her, delivered by the lovely 'Monska', one of the younger 700 who has slipped right in to the culture with a happy air about her. "For you, Princess." She says to Diana with a bright smile for her.

Monska then proceeds around the table and area to deliver drinks to Kora, and Monet as well, finishing with Donna and Cassie.

Amongst the revelry though, there are those few introverts hiding in the corners who seem unsure of how to process this clashing of cultures, both new Amazons, and old who do not know what to think of this music yet. Where some have just fallen headlong in to it, and are eagerly awaiting the next group dance, others are just observing from the main floor, or the balcony level above where Amazons line the railings while enjoying their drinks and company, cheering on those down below.

"Next up is fashion by Cassie, I believe." Diana says with a light laugh, of course referencing the clothing her sister has chosen to wear.

She considers Donna's words then. "There is talk of the numbers being a direct indication of that. A reward for our positive strides upon this world in the past decade. I like to believe in this theory, that we are rewarded for doing what we are meant to do as Amazons."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's not necessarily Monet's taste in music, and as to why they've given Cassandra free reign is somewhat of a mystery to M. But it's Wonder Girl's.. Music hall.. So that means that they go along wiht what she's decided to set up. Monet goes to take a small sip over from her drink, even as she's going to watch things and listen to them. The chatter, the gossip, the unsurety.. The confusion..

And also no doubt the acceptance. The friendships. The sense of welcoming from all their enw sisters. It makes for a very unique contrast to essentially anywhere else in the cosmos wehre a millenia old sisterhood is suddenly expanded by several hundred more and things go on so seamlessly as the new ones were accepted over, blending tradition with the modern era.

Monet listens and absorbs, paying attention. Listening to talk, to gossip, getting a feel for the vibe of the eb and flow of the partying throughout the music. And the music in her opinion getting in the way, but not her place ot comment on. Her nodding over at the woman bringing her drink refill, "Ah, thank you. And some more of those grapes if you don't mind?" She should try to setup a trade network. Just bring in chocolate in return for some of this wine to take home and have herself. They didn't have much of that here, did they?

And as Donna and Diana talk, and Kora mingles with the newcomers, M goes to bring her full attention over to the two sisters. "And the goddesses are known for their gifts to those that follow them?" That's an honest question from her. By reputation, the Greek gods do not give out that particular vibe. But, that is merely what the myths say.

And myths have proven in these last few centuries to be rather wrong. Thor was supposed to have red hair after all.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Drink in hand, Kora dances out from the bar. The thumping music has a magic all its own. Still new to modern dancing, she has no consistent style yet. Lots of YouTube exploration has helped, so she alternates between a sinuous movement of head and hips in one song to a bouncier style in the next.

Grinning widely, she heads in the direction of a woman swaying to the music but hesitating to join the hurly-burly on the floor. Then, hand extended, she invites her and another woman out to dance with her.

Talking over the music, "Hi, I'm Kora. Just go with the flow!" Which she demonstrates, turning in place with one hand in the air.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
After she gets the next set of songs going, Cassie hops down off the stage, dance-dance-dancing her way through the crowd to cross the floor. They're getting the authentic club experience in here, which means tight-packed crowds on the dancefloor and music that's sometimes so loud you have to get close and shout to hear one another over it, at least out in front of the biggest speakers, flanking the stage. But some of that is part of the point. Getting close!

A hip-bump here, a shimmy-shimmy there.

Of course, the degree of uptake among all the crowd varies quite a bit. This applies to Amazons 'young' and 'old' alike. Cassies always had her little clique of quick-adopters to outside influences. A fair number have spent time off the island now, in their rotations at the Embassy and Art Center. For some of those, veterans of Cassie-led outings to the West Village, this is not their first time to a place like this! The most devoted of these early adopters are visible even at a glance, wearing clothing that Cassie inevitably brings to the island on each of her trips. But for many it is definitely a new experience. No one is pushed into things, but the more curious and eager find a willing teacher in Cassie!

Sometimes she joins a knot for a bit of dancing, forming a little circle, encouraging the movements with her own energetic bouncing, bobbing and shaking. And sometimes, she even gets them singing (or shouting) along to the catchier choruses.

There are no doubt some disapproving looks, especially with the dubious understanding of English some of them have and WHAT they might be singing along to. Still! Fun!

Eventually, Cassie's route takes her back toward the others, passing Monska en route to nab up her drink. Seeing Kora encouraging someone out gets a big grin and a thumbs-up from behind the other woman's back. "Ooh, I've got something for this..." She pulls out her phone again, messing with it as she slooowly makes her way over to Diana and Donna. Whatever the song is, she waits for this one to end. "Heeeeeey you two, having fun? You're not going to hide here on the sidelines all night, are ya?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna takes the drink from Monska with a thank you and a huge smile and an invitation to join them at the table. It may take the new Amazons a little while to get a handle on the Themysciran mode for royalty, especially for those who have come from a place with a more authoritarian sort of monarchy. On Themyscira there's an oddly egalitarian attitude mixed in with a genuine respect for their royal family.

    "Gift? It's hard to say with the goddesses," Donna answers both Diana's suggestion and Monet's question. "Being an Amazon is itself a gift from the goddesses. Those they chose to raise, they gave great gifts to. On the other hand, those gifts are to enable the Amazons to do what we were created to do. Likewise, these new sisters are both a gift to us, and something to enable us to do what we were created to do, I think. "

    "I wouldn't call it a reward as Diana does," she says, nodding in Diana's direction. "But perhaps it could be seen as the goddesses fulfilling their part of the bargain now that we are once more fulfilling ours." There is an oddity in Donna's speech that doesn't take long to observe, when discussions of Themyscira happen -- an unconscious duality in the way she refers to the Amazons, as if she's never quite clear in her own head whether to refer to the Amazons as 'they' or 'we'. She gives a nod in the direction of Kora. "We have been adding to our numbers lately, of course. Kora over there. Caitlin. Cassie. Me. We're all 'new Amazons' too. Diana as well, in the minds of the rest of the Amazons who remember her childhood as if it were yesterday. So perhaps this isn't so much a reward as it is a message carved in letters ten foot high saying 'get on with it!'."

    Donna leans back, feet stretched comfortably under the table to sip her drink. She'd definitely enjoying herself. When Cassie shows up to challenge their choice of a quiet corner to sit in, she replies with a wide grin. "The night is still very young, Cass. This still counts as pre-game." Donna does have a bit of a reputation amongst the party Amazons and the fact that she hasn't started dancing yet presumably indicates that some of her own trouble-loving clique of revelers haven't arrived yet and are planning to show up when the more sober and easily scandalized Amazons attending this event have already gone to bed.

    "You know, Mom's still pretty reluctant to be seen to encourage anything that might hint at a proper electricity grid rather than just a few cables being run to necessary locations Cassie, but we've got to get more power in here and set you up with a proper lighting rig and mixing desk!"

Diana Prince has posed:
With Kora being out there on the dance floor, mixing it up, it draws Diana's attention. She grins widely at the sight of the other women joining Kora, and the Princess happily cheers her on before Cassie sweeps past the other young Amazon that is no longer the 'newest' to the island.

An aside to Monet is offered, along with a nod to the young visitor to the island. "The Goddesses look upon Themyscira as a 'shared project' in some sense. It is a thing that they have all had direct influence over since its creation. They all want the best for it, and though they each show this in their own way... a gift like this..." Di notes, with a glance around. "Is one, to me, that suggests they have all come together in agreement." She smiles then and motions to the dance floor. "You should get out there yourself, Monet. You are an honored guest, and many are likely eager to get to know you more."

Of course, this is when Cassie arrives in a bolsterous display of which only Cassie can create. Diana smiles warmly to her and watches her switching up the music. "Yes, I do plan to dance the night away myself." She answers the young blonde before smirking over to Donna, overhearing what she replies to Monet with. "The Queen feels she has to walk the line between those who are eager for change, and those who are reluctant about all of it. Which, in the grand scheme, makes sense, I believe. Thusly it might be some time before we see her here, for instance."

After a sip of her drink, Diana continues. "That being said, it seems the village on the beach will become a thing, a pier even has been discussed while plans already exist. What with our Amazons stationed at the Starport, and up to fifty now cleared to come to New York... we are truly spreading our wings, and I could not be more happy about it."

Right after she finishes these words, a young newly arrived woman, likely in her mid twenties, approaches Diana and offers her a small bow, along with a quiet invite to dance. This gets a pleased look from Diana, who reaches out to accept the offered hand, and takes her leave from the table with her sisters. "Lead by example." Diana says on her way to the dance floor, moving past Kora upon it now to join this brave newcomer to the island who went straight to the 'top' to ask for a dancing partner!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would go to fold her fingers together over and then watch at the proceedings, "Interesting. Thank you." She's thoughtful in her analysis, taking what the two sisters have said. "It gives me a much better perspective over on the matter." She would watch over then and go to look out to the crowd and then think of the Queen.

"One would presume after several thousand years that the battle lines would be clearly drawn." She would attempt over at a light quip over then and get up and sigh over. "Then let us go ahead and try something." She glances over at Diana and the newcomer go over to the dance floor. She goes to consider, finishing up her own wine and leaving it in place while getting up to head over towards the floor itself.

"Very well." Monet herself moves lsowly, calmly, and with a great degree of focus. There's nothing excessive about her maneuvers. They're all too finely controlled over as she would maneuver. Each one an exercise in efficiency and expediency. She was dancing almost like it was a kata.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Catching sight of Cassie's thumbs-up gives Kora's dancing a new impetus. She laughs aloud and flashes a thumbs-up back to her. As Kora turns in place, she glimpses Diana and Donna on the periphery of the dance floor and waves to them both. The beat has taken hold of her and she dances harder.

Still grinning, she manuevers toward another group hanging back and motions them to join her small circle. The ring of dancers gradually enlarges until nearly ten women are gyrating to the music together.

"Wooohooo," she croons, loud enough to be heard over the music. Shades of Dionysus, something certainly the oldest souls among them might remember. And the beat goes on.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Get on with what?" Cassie wonders back at Donna. "The conquest of Man's World?" It's a joke when she says it, but... well. This is how it starts. One minute you're joking, then things get out of hand and next thing you know you're hijacking Air Force One.

She sips on her drink. Siiiiip.

"Good. Gonna hold you to it," she echoes after Diana. "After all, this isn't like when I take you out to the Village." Indeed, Di has been the victim of her dance plots many a time. "No one's gonna get all weird, or Paparazzi us. Its just us sistahs." And Monet! "Oh hold on."

Her faux-DJ setup means she can do everything from the phone. As a song is finishing, she looks out after Kora and her new friend and proceeds to queue up the next one.

o/~ This was never the way I planned, not my intention... I got so brave drink in hand, lost my discretion....o/~

On Man's World, the lyrics are so recognizable that it would be obvious what she's up to immediately, but here... it might sneak up on people a little. Cassie lets it play, looking back up from the screen. Oh, but now Diana is getting dragged off. She kinda pouts at that, but then grins, looking back to Donna. "That'd be cool, but honestly it's not like I'd really know what to do with it. I'm just pretending here, haha. Diana got me to do it because she knows I listen to this stuff, but I'm not any kind of musician, really."

Annnnnd, the chorus hits with its pounding bass and bright lyrics: o/~ I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick... o/~

Yep. Cassie's definitely done some thematic planning, here!

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Did Kora just say 'Woohoo?'" Donna asks nobody in particular, with amusement. New York has clearly already left its mark on the young Amazon.

    Donna raises her glass to cheer Diana's comment about the Themyscirans spreading their wings, and gives her sister a wide grin as she heads to the dance floor. She watches Diana leave, followed perhaps a little less confidently by Monet. She tilts her head in Cassie's direction and says "Of course Diana's being very politic in not mentioning the upcoming Themysciran space patrol. Let's not be too limited in our ambitions, Cassie. Why conquer Man's World when there are so many other worlds to conquer?"

    It has been noted before that it's probably a good thing that Alexander never had space ships. Or if it hasn't, it should have been.

    "Well, you can just plug your Stark phone into the mixing desk and pretend. You'd look good behind a proper mixing desk, and that's half the battle. Let's be honest, there's not a whole lot of people who'd know the difference. Unless you're worried that after visiting your club the Amazons who get posted to Manhattan will be straight out to Lavo or Terminal 5 and learn what proper mixing is. Then you'll have to learn. Why not? I mean Apollo might even approve. He doesn't seem to be too offended by you playing Katy Perry, so who knows."

Diana Prince has posed:
Once on the dance floor, Diana enjoys the music that is playing in the moment. It's not overly wild to make her have to move in a way that is unnatural to her considering her dance skills are rooted in traditional Amazon methods. She's certainly learned a few moves over the years in the greater world, especially with Cassie dragging her off to New York nightclubs, but her comfort zone will ever be what she was rised within!

And then DJ Crazzie Cassie changes it up to far, far more wild tunes, and Diana is left laughing at her dance partner who is also enjoying the change of pace. Together they figure it out and enjoy one another's company out there on the dance floor.

In fact, Diana's laughter can be heard here and there as she shares in the exchange, passing by Kora, and now Monet too, offering them both big smiles and encouraging words.

Eventually though, Diana parts ways with the woman who'd asked her to dance, and she ends up back walk around the edge of the dance floor, greeting some of the others along the way...

Once she returns to her table though, she takes a bigger swig of her drink, raises her right hand up to smooth back her ponytail behind her shoulders, and she casts a grin to Donna, and then toward the others still on the dance floor.

"Perhaps we should open something like this in New York next? A Themysciran dance club? See if we can get the line to wrap around the entire block!" She says with her eyes widening before she just shakes her head and looks about the club once more, her left arm now leaning against the table's edge.

"I do intend on pushing things further toward space too." She says to Donna, because even with this loud music... she can still hear stupidly good.

"A Moon base is next, and then an ... Amazon patrol between here and there, perhaps?" She asks with a smile. "We only need to ... you know... build a space ship. How hard could that be though?" She says with a coy edge to her humorous words there.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would head along over to the dance floor, her face having a small smile to it. But for most it would seem like she was being wholly passive. That was merely the normal way that she interacted with society, after all. She couldn't let herself lose that much of her edge. She had appearances to keep up after all.

Then she would glance over at Diana, and then over at Donna for a few moments as Dianaw ould come off the dance floor. Then she would slowly, slowly grin just a litlte more as she would approach the two.

"May I have this dance?" SHe would offer to the two in Themysciran, using just a little bit telepathically to make sure she had the enunciantion right and the proper honorifics to the two based on her observations of society.

"You two could cut loose a little." Playfully smug, hand offered to each of the D-Girls in turn to see if they might go over at her bite. "And there's so much more out there. Space, above and beyond."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"She's getting into the spirit," Cassie confirms, looking pleased. "A good strong 'woohoo' is the proper war cry of partying drunk girls everywhere." She pauses in a moment of thought afterward, gaze tilting briefly and reflexively upward, even if all there is to see is the dance hall's ceiling. "Hmm, yeah. Guess there's all kinda stuff out there. It's pretty crazy, thinking of going out to see it. Hopefully we find more friends tho', and not more of... well, all that stuff. Be pretty disappointing to fly out into space and run into all the same bullshit we deal with here. Except with like, weird stuff on their foreheads."

She may be disappointed...

Nonetheless, girl kissing proves a popular enough topic (whoddathunkit?) that the song gets some good energy going on the floor, including some energetic singalongs from the forward-thinking crowd. Thereafter, Cassie queues up something with a slightly lower, slower, more sensual middle eastern beat for the next song. Its both a bit of cool off, and a chance for some of the dancers to get a little closer, where the inclination may have found them. She may not have those crazy mixing skills, but she gets by!

Di returns! "Heya. Have fun?" Immediately, she's met with another idea for how to take this musical experiment further. "Hmm. It'd be popular I'm sure, although I think... that'd be a very different kind of project. Like, we'd want a lot more Themysciran music. We could probably do some of that at the Art Center, even now."

Stellar shipbuilding, though? That's a topic she has properly ZERO clue about. "Maybe ask the disc for some instructions?"

And now it's Monet coming over, to claim a dance... with the double Ds (what?). "Taking them all for yourself?!" she wonders with a touch of exaggerated bravado, before breaking into a grin. "Well, I'm not getting left by myself, so why don't we all go!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "You can't deny the potency of a proper 'alele' either Cassie," Donna counters. "It may not be as universal, but it's very us, and it's a war cry I have used more than a few times on the dance floors of Manhattan and Metropolis."

    There is, inevitably, a demonstration as Donna raises her glass and gives voice to the loud, tongue-flicking "ALELELE!" whoop, which is taken up by some around the club. A few others respond by echoing Kora's 'Woohoo', to general laughter in at least that corner of the club.

    Grinning at the silliness, Donna returns to the conversation of space ships. "We'll need the space ships before the moon base, you know. And Cassie's got the measure of it. Reverse engineer a bit of Lansinarian tech, get some designs from Nadia. We've got the materials sciences for it, but not so much the electronics, yet. But that as a starting point, I'm sure Charikleia and Io would kill to be given the project. Maybe we can persuade Caitlin to offer some oversight. It's not really her field, but she's a good engineer and has some practical experience with space ships." Yes, there's no doubt Donna has given this a LOT of thought already.

    Monet makes her offer, and Cassie her counter offer. Donna gives it a moment's thought, grins at Cassie and nods her head. She knocks back her drink, kicks back her chair to stand, throws up a fist and says "Let's do it! ALELELELE!"

Diana Prince has posed:
Cassie gets the Princess to turn her head in thought some at the mention of the Arts Center. "You are right... There is a storage room on the east side of the building that has been empty since we opened. Perhaps it could be fashioned in to such a thing..." She notes with a glance around the lively room as the music shifts in to something softer after her dance with the woman had already ended. "I will look in to this when we return to Manhattan..." She says with a grin.

A look is sent to Donna then before Monet arrives. "I am hesitant to let the Lansinarian morphing disc be ... delved in to by others, but I know that you are right, and it is the best direction to take for such a thing. I should meet with them, Caitlin, Nadia, and whomever else you think should be involved. Set that up for some time soon, if you would?" She asks of her sister.

And then Monet is there, and the offer to dance is extended. Diana grins between those around her, she laughs at Cassie not wishing to be left behind, and reaches out to accept one of Monet's hands. "Lets." She says, before stepping back toward the dance floor.

And the rest of the club continues to enjoy the ambience, and festivities as well, people flowing in from the garden area, and others going outside to take a break in the cool evening air of paradise island.

Surely the Queen is not glaring from a balcony window at the sound of the base rolling up from the dance club this evening too...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would smile over at Donna, Diana, and Cassandra. Then she goes to tentatively say.. "Thank you, for helping me." A rare enough thing for when she's out of her element. And a tone of gratitude. That's soft and that only the group in the immedaite circle would hear. But she's quite content to let herself be lead along with the group.

"I would.. Like to expand my training with you further. If you would.. Feel I was worthy of it. I feel like I would have much to gain from it. I.. Am too sheltered. Too much.." Inside herself.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is definitely team Woo-Girls! She's carrying on Etta's proud spirit, or something.

She's also very much not a tech person, beyond the inborn, hardwired Gen-Z connection to her phone. So her contribution to the discussion of starships is mostly, well, to put on a certain song of the same name next. Even if that one is technically about drugs. NEVERMIND!

And so it goes.

Soon they're back out on the floor. In such familiar, comfortable company, and powered by nothing less than personal soundtrack of her own engineering, it's no surprise that Cassie is able to wholly and truly embrace the spirit of the evening, and in every inch she can, encourage the same out of her companions. She might not be a musician, but she's one hell of an energetic and uninhibited dancer, showing off (and teaching!) all variety of modern booty pops, chest bumps, open knees and hair whips. Monet's sure to get her wish, although Cassie has to wonder: "How is it that you're not even from here and Donna knows more of these?"

Also, there's that one TikTok dance for Diana! She's gonna learn that one, no excuses!

For the rest of the residents of the island in attendance, it's a window into the modern world, and not merely in some metaphorical sense: beyond the US Billboard hits, there is music from Latin America, the Middle East, Europe and Asia. There are modern Greek and Turkish pop numbers, where the ancient among the Amazon can hear, via whatever distant synthesis, their cultural descent. Amidst the bright, glitzy pop, the universal party anthems, there are lyrics that speak to the desires and ambitions of the global sisterhood they're yet to meet.

Also, a few more about girl kissing. She's a crowd-pleaser. "Woohoo!"