13335/The End of the Ringmaster

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The End of the Ringmaster
Date of Scene: 28 January 2023
Location: Abandoned Amusement Park - Amusement Mile
Synopsis: The thrilling conclusion of an incidental, accidental plot inspirited by a typo of Merry-go-Wrong. The Ringmaster makes his last appearance. Michael Hannigan stops people from trampling each other twice. Osprey plays whack-a-mole with tendrils of shadow and destabilizes a magical gate. Daniel Ketch wrestles a Hellephant and Robbie Reyes ruins the Ringmaster.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Michael Hannigan, Daniel Ketch, Robbie Reyes, Austin Reese

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Theme music: https://youtu.be/lvLuXmvk8j4

    It's honestly not that unsual for pop-up carnivals to amke their way into Gotham; there's enough empty lots and people in need of distraction, though notoriously few like to bring out their clowns for such occasions.

    ... this circus, which rolled into town late on Thursday night and set up shop, has let a strange, shadowy stain on the astral around the carnival grounds as the striped tents in violets and reds and pale, stained creams are drawn up. There is a Menagerie of the Impossible, sporting one-horned goats touted as unicorns, tusked deer and overlarge mara with antlers embedded into bars around their heads and presented as jackelopes to the delight of children and the laughter of adults.

    A chimp in a ringmaster costume and a leash poses for pictures with others.

    The of popcorn popcorn popping and calliope music, with the waltzes from a merry-go-round beset with all different kinds of creatures from winged pegasus to the curling bodies of sea horses are presented as steeds for the children and childlike at heart.

    The Big Top in the center should be starting their show within the hour, with elephants and acrobats and -- yes, clowns.

    Clowns that are currently wandering the grounds, performing sleight of hand and giving away paper flowers in pinks and soft blues to the children and reds and yellows to the adults.

     And among this all, the pervading sense of something dark beneath the surface, holding its breath.

    And the reports that some who went to see the circus never made it home last night. Usually it might not stand high on the Bat Radar, but this was a personal missing for Phoebe Beacon.

    She knew one of the missing, and had come on her own to investigate.

    Those who are active in the Justice League Dark might have been alerted to the suspiciously large influx of magic and may have been made aware that it could be some sort of vortex to another world. Better check it out, just to be safe, and to keep any stray batlings from falling into it.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Amongst those on the JLD listing that got notice was one Mike Hannigan. Considering how his work had him working in Gotham for periods of time, today being one of them, it seemed necessary. With some overheard conversations at Gotham studios referencing the circus, that just added to the importance.

Having finished up shooting for the day and escaping the costume and makeup for the prison scenes, Mike has shed his Nick Drago stage persona and has dressed down to being just Mike Hannigan. Goodwill's finest, a warm jacket, and a knit cap adorn the actor now, allowing for him to blend in with the crowd wandering the circus grounds. While maybe not partaking in the boisterous laughter of the adults around him. He does manage for a small smile. Pale eyes taking in the scenery for anything that could be termed, 'off'.

If this turns out to be that damn ringmaster again...

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel got one of those cryptic messages from the JLD that one never knows who sent. Maybe the Ghost Rider sent it, he was around the other night due to some drunk with a shotgun and a problem with the neighbor dog. Danny is not sure if the dog counted as innocent blood or was someone else endangered, but after beating the drunk guy the Rider had a busy night beating up gangers, drug pushers and a couple corrupt cops. The last one bit had the whole Brooklyn Police Department ineffectually chasing him around until dawn.

The next morning Danny woke up in an alleyway, was late form work and the day went downward from it. But since he seems to have a masochist streak, he is in a circus in Gotham tonight. The day started poorly and clearly can't end up well. At least he has popcorn.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie hates clowns. And really, who doesn't? So naturally, when Nettie asked him to stop by and 'take a look' at what's going on with the circus in town, and all that mystical energy hanging around it like a 420 party gone wrong? Robbie was super enthusiastic about complying with the request.

So enthusiastic that he's tried to convince himself twice already, on the drive over here, that someone else'll sort it out and he'd rather go grab a burger.

Unfortunately, his sense of decency and loyalty wins out, and he swings into the back of the lot and kills the engine. A little late to the party, but it seems he's not the only one who answered the summons. He climbs out, shoves his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, and approaches cautiously.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    At least the Brooklyn PD were then all chasing after Danny and not the mutant population. They needed a night off.

    So as Daniel enjoys his popcorn, wandering through the crowds of Gotham merrymakers through the circus. The people at the ticket booths at the front are mostly normal looking, but there's something off about the eyes, and the rust-red makeup around them.

    They wave people through when cards decline or they can't find cash.

    The is a clown following Michael around, and folds a yellow flower, then taps his shoulder to offer the yellow flower to him with a bright smile, and a squeaker in its palm. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/91/46/34/91463490bc4c546c06b9cafe9962cf6a.jpg

    There is also a clown following Danny. There's a red flower in this clown's hand, which he moves with surprising nimbleness to offer to Danny, taking off his hat and showing the red flower growing out of his wig. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9d/b2/93/9db2935a12d0bb497dd77a6a569f8e5b.jpg

    Robbie may have spotted someone go up and over the chainlink fence separating the once abandoned amusement park, definitely should recognize the black-and-orange motorcycle shell Phoebe was wearing, if not the battered go-bag. Because of course she can't leave well enough alone as she drops over the other side of the fence and disappears into the crowds with ease.

    There is, however, a pair of clowns that spot her. There appears to be a silent conversation, and then one hurries along the outskirts of the revellers, the other slipping into the crowd to follow her.

    Others within the park are beginning to direct people to the big top.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Feeling a tap upon his shoulder, Mike turns around. Looking to the clown, he takes in the smile and naturally returns it back. The flower gets a look as well. It appears to be fake and judging from the way it's being held, probably one of those squirting flowers.

He's momentarily tempted to turn it down but then there's the side glimpse of a kid nearby looking to the pair. The smile remains fixed as he makes to accept the flower. He's probably going to regret this later.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"No thanks, I need coffee, not flowers," grumbles Daniel to the flower clown. But the popcorn was overpriced enough. So, no coffee will be had. Instead, he spots Robbie, which makes him stare.

The need of coffee intensifies, but the clown pack is reminding everyone that the big top main act is about to start and they can't miss it. And Danny has the strong impression he can't miss it, even though he -really- wants to miss it. But duty calls, or something, and so he and his popcorn go into the Big Top (of Doom).

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie, prickly little thing that he is, is quick to give some scowling side-eye to any clowns that try to approach him. Which, fortunately, none do.

But as he's about to head for the big top with the rest of the crowd, he spots a *very* familiar flash of movement. It arrests him in his tracks for a beat; and then he's pushing past the flow of people trying to make their way inside, cutting slantwise toward where he saw the girl disappear. The moment he has room to move, he breaks into a run and scales the fence with the ease of a street kid who grew up doing this.

Then he drops down on the other side and books it again without missing a beat, shoving people out of the way if need be.

Austin Reese has posed:
When Phoebe mentioned a missing friend, Austin had agreed to come along. But missing friends in Gotham can often lead to a need for some costumed intervention. So while Phoebe had opted to go in her civilian clothes, Austin had donned his gear and came to investigate as Osprey.

Places like this had to have some kind of office. And with the show getting ready to start, it was likely that the office would have few people into it. Osprey was surveying the site from a nearby roof, looking for the office, or at the very least, somewhere that looks guarded. Guarded areas usually mean someone doesn't want people in there. And when someone's missing, that's usually the first place Osprey would want to look.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The yellow flower is accepted! The clown gives a smile, giving a double-handed blown kiss with the comically large white gloves to Michael, and hands him the flower. It's just a paper flower, with green pipe cleaner stem. Except it feels weird. The physical feeling of television static in his hand.

    The clown with Daniel makes a hilariously exagerated frown, and brings up a red coffee mug with a facsimile of the Starbucks logo, save for it's a clown with two long socks that dramatically drape over the cup, and hang down past the cup and swing in the breeze. There's a pantomimed sip, and then the clown goes off on his merry way.

    The bigtop, with its red and stained, dirty cream-colored stripes awaits, and is open. There is stadium-style seating erected, wood and steel bleachers for people to sit. Popcorn and foil-wrapped hotdogs with soggy buns are being sold. Cotton candy is just given to kids and sold in larger portions to adults in pinks and whites and yellows.

    Robbie is able to scale the fence no problem; it's only a six foot chainlink, and it's not very good at keeping people out. The ticket takers don't seem inclined to care about someone storming the circus, though Robbie does catch the attention of the second clown that had spotted Phoebe.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, and all others in between! The Show is about to begin! Please make your way should you care to the center of our Circus!" a friendly voice, dripping with artificial sweetness calls out over the crowds. The voice can make anyone with magical senses feel a little shudder -- there's something afoot.

    Inside the big top there is indeed the center ring now, where an acrobat trio is doing a routine on a bicycle.

    Osprey cannot find an office. There are tents, rides, a creepy fun house, but nothing that screams out 'I'm an office'. There aren't any trucks or rail cars either -- how did they set up on Thursday Night into Friday without any means of... bringing everything?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the fuzzy surface of the pipe cleaner steam turns out to be more than expected. Mike registers the sensation of sitting way too close to a television set or physically pressing a finger against the screen to point out an element of the picture being depicted. Normally the sensation would be short lived as the process would be cut off by a parental unit having to take the newly acquired smudges off the glass. But this one lingers.

Even without the premptive note coming through the JLD, it is quite clear. This is not right at all.

As the child leaves with their parent, leaving Michael with the double handed kiss blowing, flower giving clown, the musician looks to her. "Are you okay?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
They mocked him with coffee and the Ghost Rider didn't show up to smite them! This proves Gotham is the city of evil and the world is particularly unfair today. Also, Daniel is out of popcorn. The 'friendly' voice from the circus does sound evil and creepy as hell to him. But maybe he is biased.

Given the circumstances it all means Danny is probably in the correct mindframe to step into the so-called center of the circus. That is, scowling and ready to unleash hell.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie's entirely oblivious to the clown whose attention he seems to have drawn. He continues with singleminded -- some might say stubborn -- focus in his efforts to find the girl he caught a glimpse of a minute ago.

Around the back side of the big top he spots her, hands coming out of his jacket pockets, tension in his shoulders as he slows his approach. Guy looks for all the world like a dog bred to fight, and has every intention to; there's something Wrong about this place.

"Phoebe!" he calls out, prowling in closer.

Austin Reese has posed:
There's no trucks. No train cars. Nothing that could be used to transport that carnival and equipment. And without that kind of infrastructure, there's no way an operation like this could set up. Well, no way it could normally.

<"Balm. I don't like this at all. It feels like a trap.">

He swings from the roof with a grapnel launcher, landing on top of the big top, balancing on one of the supports as he looks for a way in through the top of the tent. He figures that's his best bet to get in without paying for a ticket, right?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There is a lot wrong about this place. Mocking coffee and Daniel's friend not showing? The lingering feeling of static in Mike's hand?

    The way Phoebe jerks her head up, a globe of rose quartz on a rose-gold chain hanging from her hand as she hears her name being called out. She hitches her breath a moment, somewhat dazedly replying 'Robbie?', blinking at him owlishly, and then she raises her hand to her ear a moment.

    <Osprey, you remember the guy who was gonna kinda murder the guy from the fight club? He's here, and an ally as a head's up.>

    And she loops her pendelum into her hand quickly as she looks to Robbie, and speaks loud enough that both Robbie and Osprey, over their comms, could hear her:

    "It's a trap." she confirms, looking into the bigtop, and motioning with her head. "Only thing to do is spring it," she adds grimly.

    The happy clown with the bright white gloves looks alarmed at the question... and as if looking for the first time at her own arms, she looks down in momentarily horror, pupils contracting as she looks at her motley, turning up to Mike, and then she turns, and skips off. She rings a bicycle bell as she waves, motioning people towards the big top.

    Into the bigtop people meander, through the top of the big top and the main entrance. There's a fire entrance to the side, and then a performer entrance that appears to be blacked out with shimmering gauze.

    And the acrobats on the bike, warming up the crowds with daring flips to happy music, complete their act.

    The lights dim.

    The crowds are ushered to seats, though msotly the back seats at this point. The flowers that were given out all appear to glow here.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The entertainer looks to clown as her demeanor momentarily changes. It appears to be a brief lifting of the veil before it falls back in place. But it does lead to thoughts of a past scenario. As the clown skips off towards the big top, Mike starts to follow quietly, tossing the 'not right' flower into a nearby trashcan when he's sure no one is looking directly at him. As he enters the already darkened tent, the sight of the glowing flowers makes him somewhat glad he discarded his.

Could it be the people who went missing are the ones working the circus now?

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel is almost sure this is all some kind of malignant ritual and the Ghost Rider needs to show up right now to scare the normal people away and give the creeps behind all this the vengeful beatup.

Like 97% sure.

But that is not quite enough. What if he is wrong and what if there is a human stampede and someone gets hurt. Maybe he is not cynical enough yet, because instead of turning into the flaming skeleton, he takes a seat near the back and waits for the incoming evil reveal.

Austin Reese has posed:
<"Understood."> Osprey replies, as he lowers himself down into the rigging in the top of the tent. Once he's inside, he perches up high, even above the acrobats, where there's a trapeeze swing.

No net, great. That's encouraging. He holds position for now. Balm wants to spring the trap, they'll spring the trap. Sure he's not the most skilled when it comes to this magical stuff, but he sure as hell knows how to hit things, and this'll no doubt require some hitting here soon. He starts marking anybody associated with the circus on his domino HUD. Better to keep track of them now.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
It becomes clear pretty quickly that Phoebe's on patrol. Which explains the strange behaviour, at least; the way she looks at him like she barely recognises him. The rapid-fire explanation for his presence given over comms.

And he may be a blunt weapon at times, lacking in the finer points of social interaction; but he wasn't born yesterday. "I know," he answers her, eyes on hers. Immobile until he isn't, then stalking quickly for the side entrance he's seen a few performers enter through. But.. no. Nothing. Even though he *swears* there was a door here a minute ago. Fuck.

Off he goes then to try to find another way in. Maybe through the top?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Michael would be partially right.

    As he discards the flower, the staticky feeling fades from his hands.

    Daniel is partially right. The lights wander around the crowd, falling for brief moments on the people with the flowers, as if pointing them out. There's waving and laughing.

    THe feeling of Wrongness decends heavier, like a cold wool blanket, both inside and outside the tent.

    Phoebe, to the side, is holding her pendelum again as it begins to swing, widdershins, in a tightening circle, and she holds her breath a moment, feeling iciness prick up on the back of her own neck as she raises her gaze.

    There is a drumroll. The sounding of slightly offtune trumpets -- and in a sparkling flash, there is The Ringmaster.

    Michael should hate it when he's right.

    This creature, an ovid characature of a human has a smile that is too wide, lips that are shaded blue like those of a corpse. HIs teeth are sharp, his hair stringy and oily, hanging down sparsely about his ears and down his back. His red Ringmaster's jacket is faded and patched where he had been split in twain and his sawdust wet by heavy rain, and his eyes were gold and black now.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Those with straight hair and those with dark curls! The show of Dreams is bound to start, so we beg you to open you eyes and heart. come together and let us take part on the show of hte curious, the wonderous, the bright -- and perhaps some of you will choose to stay past tonight!" he calls out, taking off the too-tall top hat and taking a bow.

    The flowers all begin to glow.

    "And for those of you who have returned again, what can you possibly hope to gain? We'll dance and dance each jolly refrain!" he gives a very cold laugh, and his eyes settle Directly on Michael.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the abnormal sensation leaving his fingertips, there is a slight moment of relaxation to that change. At least the source of the sensation stayed with the discarded flower. The move of the lights, made irregular by the pauses upon the flower holders seems to add to the decision to drop the flower being the right call. With there being nothing actionable at the moment, Mike drifts to observing.

And observe he does. When the familiar appearance of the bulbous ringmaster comes into view, there is a bit of an inner curse. He really...REALLY hates this guy. And yes, he is hating that he's right.

As the introduction is made and there is a mention of dreams to the show theme, there is a tilt of the head. Seriously?

And then the ringmaster looks right at him.

Mike's not standing in the light. But if the ringmaster can see him clearly enough, he will get a very pointed glare.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel's scowl depends when the Ringmaster appears. A mutant? Or maybe it is just an outfit and some makeup. But no... that guy is just plain wrong, even though Daniel is not very good at identifying supernatural monsters, it is now obvious.

So he stands up, and moves forward through the aisle between rows of seats. "Stop! Whatever you are, stop right now!" The young man eyes are glowing red, as the Ghost Rider is starting to push, and this time Daniel is not restraining him.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie's never met a problem he couldn't bust through. Well, not very *often*, anyway. But this stupid big top and its magically sealed entrances are proving to be an issue. He prowls about restlessly, able to hear what's going on inside, but -- aggravatingly -- unable to get in. Maybe Eli'd have an easier time-- but that brings its own set of problems.

Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey frowns as he watches the Ringmaster appear, "Of course." He mutters to himself, as he tenses up, getting himself ready. The lights among the crowd get his attention though, as he turns to look at those flowers lighting up.

He is waiting on a signal from Balm, wanting to wait until she tells him to move in. If this is some kinda spell that might hurt the civilians, he doesn't want to move until it's safe. He hates dealing with this kinda magic stuff without knowing what he's going against. That ends in punching upside down spider monsters.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Big Top is now made to be uneasy, the people holding flowers try to drop them, to move -- because Gotham might be a crazy mixed up town, but most of its population knows when to get out of a bad situation that looks like Weird Shit (TM) may happen.

    The Staring Contest between The Ringmaster and Michael intensifies as the smile grins, wide, wider, coming up nearly to the little curls that act as the Ringmaster's ears before he cackles dully, adn the lights go out.

    The flowers glow. Men and women, boys and girls. Yellow and red and pink and blue.

    And the screaming starts nearest to the performer entrance, where the lights of the flowers are slowly being dragged towards.

    "OSPREY!" Balm's voice barks over the comm, "Light it up! Find a way out for the crowds and punch anything that tries to stop you!" she calls out, and she switches from her jacket to her Mage gear with a word, hood up and a domino on.

    And the thing about being able to sense magic.... sometimes it senses you back.

    Daniel Ketch would find himself as he begins to set the world on fire inside him, wrapped up by tentacles from the darkness, squeezing and trying to rid him of pesky life.

    Michael would feel the air shift above him and an inhuman scream echo through the tent, wings beating above him before something comes to try and get the drop on him!

    And outside the tent, Robbie's phone buzzes.

    A message from Phoebe:

    >NEED U


Michael Hannigan has posed:
You ever get the feeling that no matter how peacefully you might want something to be settled, it's just not going to be that way? That's more or less the sense Mike gets when Daniel starts shouting out.

And this big top is too crowded.

Considering the past times involving this ringmaster, Mike tries to hedge his bets by giving some oomph to the 'please exit calmly' speech.

"Look what you've done, this isn't fun.

To those in the seats,
consider this my greet.
But I must implore you to go home.
To the ringmaster you see,
your misery brings glee,

And with him you must never be alone.
The situation's dour,
So please drop the flowers, down to the floor-
and calmly, CALMLY proceed to the door."

Whether that helps one shall see but as Mike opens his mouth to add something a bit more pointed towards the Ringmaster, there is a loud screech from above. He can't quite SEE what's coming down but he can definitely hear it.

Following up on the sound cue, he moves.

Austin Reese has posed:
Welp, that's his cue. Osprey leaps off of the girder, and grabs the trapeze as he falls down, swinging off of it, and flipping through the air, landing on top of one of the clowns with a hefty thud, <"On it!"> He calls back to Balm, as he hops back to his feet, and heads towards the front entrance. Open a path for the civilians, sure. He'll just need to get through whatever the Ringmaster has in store.

He's already scanning for any of those circus workers he marked earlier as he crosses the area, scanning for any civilians that might need help as well. He can't help them while they're under the spell attached to those flowers, but he knows Balm will be able to free them. He needs to focus on getting that path open for them.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Glancing at the message from Phoebe, Robbie scowls and takes a couple of steps back, and to one side, keeping his eyes on the bigtop with its apparently impenetrable walls. He swipes back a moment later:

>fuckin trying, but there's something keeping me out

Jogging around the other side of the thing, he tries to slam his shoulder against what looks like an entrance, battering it with as much force as he can muster.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    People are crowding away from the performer's entrance, as slowly tendrils of shadow drag unfortunates holding flowers towards it, like a very slow octopus drawing things to its beaky maw.

    The lights are nominally on now, showing Osprey where he could land safely if he didn't have a Batmask on. Those who were not held fast by the flowers are, with Michael's guidance, CALMLY going back to the entrance, where though there's a soft 'BOOM' of Robbie hitting something hard, there's a clown holding the flap shut.

    The clown looks at Osprey.

    And then flees off to the side, but the tent flap stubbornly refuses to open.

    Michael narrowly misses being caught by some sort of... harpyish creature, sharp talons and blood red nails tearing into the jacket of the guy who was behind him as she lifts him up and then casts him into the circle.

    He screams, bleeding into the sawdust -- and then becomes one with the sawdust.

    Meanwhile, there is a Hellaphant. A massive, bipedal creature with a barrel-like body, arms and legs like treelimbs, and the head of an Asiatic Elephant, save for in lieu of eyes it has burning black pits, and in stead of a trunk its appendage was split into the form of tentacles.

    This is what Ketch is contending with, and with curse words and howling fire as the two tumble, rolling into an emptied set of bleachers, and then blow out and burn out a section of the canvas -- Escape! Entrance!

    And light and fresh air.

    Then echoing, Phoebe's voice gives her own release command: "Exolvo mi, da mihi lumen!"

     And light intensifies -- because Phoebe is now a Lightsource, her entire body shining with rose-gold. Her Aura is evident.

    So is her very, very angry expression.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the prospect of people being trampled to death in a panic removed, Mike ends up focusing on other matters. As of this moment it is ensuring he doesn't get killed. With the light coming on, he is soon treated to the sight of the creature that he avoided instead killing another.

This won't do.

Using the time bought by the poor man's death, there's a shift to the knitcapped man's features as they mirror. The jacket sleeves obscure the more blatant indication of the effect.

With a couple steps, Mike's foot shoves down hard, launching himself up to land upon the Harpy's back, bringing his arms to wrap around the neck in his best attempts at a chokehold.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Well, the conventional approach is getting him nowhere. And there's something inside the big top that's making it hard to think for Eli's clamouring to get out. So it's time to stop pulling punches and do his damn job.

The air comes out of him in a rough, pained hiss as the transformation begins to take him; blowing out one eye and half his face in a burst of hellflame. With one of those wickedly sharp knives of his, he drives it into the fabric of the tent and tries to cut his way in.

Austin Reese has posed:
The clown runs off, and Osprey lets him, as he instead tries to get the door open. He gives it a few tries, before he gives up, "Stay back!" He calls out to the crowd, as he pulls something out of one of the pouches on his bandolier, the small device spraying a foam onto the tent hatch that won't open. It takes a few moments before the foam turns acidic, burning through the tent in a large enough opening for people to get out.

As the acid melts through he points to the crowd, and then to the other exit that was just opened by the Helliphant and Ghost Rider, "Out that way, get going!" He calls out. It's Gotham, so folks have a tendency to listen to people in costume. With the path open now, he uses his grapnel launcher to pull himself above the crowd, landing closer to the exit that people are being dragged towards, aiming to grab some of the people being dragged towards it, and try to pull them away. Or at the very least, anchor them with some high-tensity zip ties and whatever looks solid enough to hold them down, "Hang on, we got you!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Rriiiiiiip. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to our main ring THE GHOSTRIDER Robbie Reyes, taking a cut of the action. The fabric of the tent gives under his knives, ripping as if in flight away from the wicked metal of their construction.

    And right on the other side of the hole Robbie made there is a clown. This does not look like the other clowns. It's more old fashioned, the kind you'd see made into glass dolls or on old cartoons. It was pale in color, puffy clothes with black pom-poms, and a jaunty hat. The only thing is... its face. It's upside-down. Mouth on the forehead. Black, empty eyes above its chin, nostrils pointing upward, not about to let Robbie in. It brings its gloved hands up, like an Old Fashioned Fisticuffs meme -- and then throws a haymaker to the Hellish Head of the Ghost Rider.

    "Stay away from the center ring! Go around it!" phoebe calls out as she uses a grappling hook to get up to one of the trapeeze platforms -- Nightwing would have had such a conniption with how she almost falls off it in the first minute, but she crocuhes down, and begins to cast, her eyes focused on the tendrils to slow them even more. Phantasm is launched into the air and comes down on the harpy's back, with the harpy screaming out loud as it can as it tries to rip and tear at his arms, struggling, wings beating frantically.

    Osprey sets the front door on acid. Eventually, the fabric submits and falls away, creating a hole for people to weirdly calmly walk out.

    The others twoards the back in the line go towards the newer opening.

    With the grapple launcher pulling Osprey towards the tentacles, now made more solid, he has something to grasp the high-tense lines to as they're looped around the bleachers, the tent poles, anything he can get his hands on that's not in the center ring.

    And the Ringmaster, probably that most evil, black thing in the tent, just gives a laugh.

    "We meet again!" he laughs out loud "We just keep dancing around it, Little Light, the way we dance refrain, and though your glowing seems to bright your powers may just wane; we feast upon which provides for us and you would nicely do, too bad your friends and family here would miss as much as you!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Despite the efforts of the Harpy to get the Phantasm off of her back, the figure remains locked on. But not everywhere. While the Phantasm LOOKS to be on the the flying creature, there is something going on that perhaps only the Harpy at the time would privy too.

The weight of the man upon her is all wrong. While visibly present on the back, there's not enough weight pressing down to hint to it fully being there. But the pressure of the arms and shoulder encircling the neck is very much there.

The claws scrape along the arm, causing for a bloodless gash to appear in the jacket. Mike lets out a snarl, which due to the odd positioning of the two ends up going directly into the Harpy's ear. There's a shift to the weight, less of it upon the back, more going to the grip around the neck, tightening it.

Phoebe's warning does not go unnoticed.

"You want me to let go?" Mike asks the Harpy, "Knock the ringmaster into the center ring."

Austin Reese has posed:
This is working, at least for the moment. Osprey dodges around the center ring as he anchors people, and then decides to try something. He pulls a pair of batarangs out of a pouch, and whips them at a few of the tendrils. If they stick, Osprey will set off the small charges in them and try to blast the tendrils apart. If they don't stick, well they won't hit any civilians at least!

He resumes work on trying to anchor people to the ground, but he's running out of cables quick. It's not like he has an unlimited supply of these things, <"How do we get the flowers out of these folks hands? I don't want to try to grab one and get snatched myself!">

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The Ghost Rider is thwarted in his efforts to move forward by what looks very much like a china doll with the upside-down face of a clown. They face off like that for a second or three; grotesque to grotesque, before the clown takes that swing.

A swing that the demon doesn't even bother to block. Does this black-eyed creature burn? They're about to find out; a gloved hand shoots out to try to catch the clown by its throat and *FWOOMP* as it's blasted with hellfire. And tossed aside like a broken toy, before he stalks off for the Ringmaster like an impossible lure.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Skree...?" the harpy gives a breath, and it wheels about, looking towards the ringmaster, who is floating a little. Not touching the ground. And it desires that the preservation of its own existence may be the better choice. It wheels about, turning, and begins to dive at the Ringmaster, its wings giving a flap before it wheels about again and tries to knock the Ringmaster over and to touch the sawdust in the ring.

    The Ringmaster gives a cry out in pain and coughs up more sawdust, flailing about!

    "UNRULY CREATURE!" he snarls, turning and raising a whip, that crackles with electrical power, and he tries to strike Phantasm off the harpy's back!

    Osprey continues to work; the tensile lines are holding. No one has been brought through the portal yet, but he is running out of cables.

    The batarang's blasts severs the tendril, and then the tendril shatters like glass, breaking and melting into the ground.

    The clown attempts to face off. It doesn't work so good. The punch lands, but doesn't seem to do much, and then the cloth clown is grabbed by its throat and burned away, tossed aside and also breaking apart, turning into ashes.

    The Ringmaster then realizes that people... actually have it out for him. Hrm. What to do.

    <Working on it!> Phoebe hisses between clenched teeth, and she takes out her green handled knife from her backpack and a sharpie, and with her perfect handwriting and circle work she traces an emblem on the trapeeze platform, looking down at the No Nets to the big, center ring, and she brings her knife up, and then stabs it dead center of the circle she's traced.

    Below, the center circle comes alight with evil light, crackling gold and deepest black, a webwork of patterns and runes. Phantasm could probably feel the ice cold coming off it, absorbing energy.


Michael Hannigan has posed:
The Phantasm's grip remains on the Harpy, allowing for the whip to pass through to hit the forced mode of air transportation. "Close, but not quite!"

Getting a sense of something pulling from the center ring that wasn't there before, the phantasm glances over.


The Phantasm leans back towards the ear, voice a bit kinder this time, the ringmaster's cruel enough. "Try again." The grip itself doesn't relax.

Kinder. Not stupid.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
With the interfering clown out of the way, the leather-clad demon with the flaming silver skull moves swiftly forward. Clambering over the backs of seats and around straggling people still trying to escape, burning pits for eyes fixed on the Ringmaster with his whip. He's hard *not* to spot, even under the bright lights of the big top.

And unless someone or something tries to stop him, one of those wickedly curved knives is about to be driven into the thing's heart. If it has one.

Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey takes a moment to throw a batarang at the Ringmaster. He figures the guy might be distracted enough by the attacks from the...Is that a bird thing? The hell is that? Well as long as it's attacking the Ringmaster that's good enough for him.

He's out of cables, but he has the people who are closest to the door secure. So it's time to go on the offensive. He pulls a pack out of his belt and slots it into his right gauntlet, which begins to glow red as the heat charge engages, <"Balm I'm about to try something stupid!">

He turns to face the door that's trying to pull people in, plants his feet, and then launches into a punch. He's not aiming for the door though, he's aiming for the frame around it, putting all the heat from the gauntlet into the frame, which if it's made of wood like it LOOKS like, should make it burst into flames. If it's not actually made of wood, well then Osprey's probably about to break his hand.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Ska-REEEE! the harpy's electrified! It is a shocking experience. Not as much energetic as before, the Harpy's now turned a bit on its former employer and her rider, and she lands near the bleaches, hissing, twitching, and generally in quite poor spirits considering she just got electrocuted, and she hisses lowly... before turning tail. She's running straight for the blackness that Osprey is parked in front of trying to stop people from being taken by those tendrils!

    he leather-clad demon with the silver skull aflame has found the source of Evil. There is no reaction to the Ghost Rider in the center circle; his steps leave a flaming trail in their wake. The Ring Master was distracted with the attempt to kill him by dropping him into his own spell work, and then iritated further by the batarang. He was about to lift his whip again to punish Osprey when Robbie's Rider brings down the hellfire forged blades into his body. There is the sound of air escaping, a rush of breath that reeks of rotten eggs and foot fungus, and then the Ringmaster begins to slowly burn, from the stab wound outwards.

    "No... no no NO.. you fools! You don't know... what you've done..." he hisses, and then as he disintegrates, Austin gets a message of <WHY ARE YOU TRYING SOMETHING STUPID?!>

     -- it ends up working. The portal begins to shrink, the frame around it making it destabilize. There's screaming now, the tendrils that had grabbed and were holding the flower-napped men women and children dropping. These people are not affected by the Calm spell -- they scream. They rush to the side, out the holes that the Hellephant and Robbie made.

    Phoebe clings to the pole. There is no net below, and the platform is beginning to also disintegrate around them.

    " -- this is why there's a city ordinance for neeeEEEEETS!" she cries out. Bag, dagger, and Mage-mode Balm beginning their descent! That spell she's about to fall into is still active!

Austin Reese has posed:
"Get down, stay down!" Osprey yells at the people, as he rushes back from the door as it starts to destabilize. He looks upwards as he hears Balm yelling. He had one line left, and he uses it to fire upwards at her, aiming to grab her with the line and yank her back towards him, and more importantly away from that spell she's about to fall into.

He just hopes this works, because if he catches her it'll be better than letting her hit the floor. He'd hate to be responsible for letting that happen when she was the one who dragged him here in the first place.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The blade's buried deep, carving into the thing's body like it's butter. And then the other one sliced through the Ringmaster's throat; both of them ablaze as the demon *roars* in victory. Then the knives are torn back out again, shredding anything resembling flesh and bone as they're ripped free.

But something else gains the Rider's attention: Phoebe, desperately clinging to the trapeze pole, and no way to get down. And the tent is crumpling, burning, coming apart around them.

It's enough to bring Robbie back, though he has to claw his way out to reassert control over his body. "Jump!" he hollers up to the girl, even as his face is still a mess of flesh trying to stitch itself back together over that inhumanly smooth skull. At the same time, Austin fires his grappling line at her; hopefully it'll work. But if not, he's positioned to catch her.

Michael Hannigan has posed:

The Harpy's response is not what he was expecting. But, as the Harpy tries to run into the not that great looking doorway, Phantasm decides that's REALLY not looking like a great destination choice for him. Although the Harpy failed at her given task, the Phantasm lets go of the neck, which, should be a relief except for one thing. That force and weight had to go somewhere, and right now it's shifting to the soles of his feet as he pushes off of the Harpy. Newton's Laws take hold after that. Well, at least for one party.

Phoebe's scream causes for Phantasm to look over but after seeing Austin and Robbie leaping to her rescue, he ignores her predicament.

Which leaves the panicky mob.

Form unmirroring, Mike holds up his hands and points to the large hole in the tent.

"Now that the flowers are on the ground,
It is time for you to come round
CALMLY through that open door,
Towards safety and fret no more!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Ringmaster gives an unhuman screech as he's again rendered to sand and sawdust again, and the cheap cloth holding him together catches on fire, rendering him down to his base elements on the destructive, absorbing circle.
    The grapple line catches her, and Phoebe is pulled to safety, tumbling down as she attempts to right herself for a Bad End Fall she yells out in her Scouse-stained Latin:

    "Fac me sicut pluma sine pondere!"

     -- and she makes a face as her mass changes, and she's more slowly drifting down, air resistence forcing her body to wave back and forth as she falls.

    And within five minutes, the circus was completely gone. Its clowns, its rides, its strange sideshows, its main tent. People are left int he normal, abandoned theme park that was once a shining jewel in Gotham entertainment.

    The portal, destabilized, explodes into black soot, and then nothing remains of it, either.