14857/MEIYA NO SAIKEN: Maigo
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Date of Scene: | 20 May 2023 |
Location: | Meguro Ward, Tokyo, Japan |
Synopsis: | Logan is rescued from Lord Shingen's estate, but something is missing. |
Cast of Characters: | Logan Howlett, Natasha Romanoff, Rhona Lauren, Tabitha Smith, Evan Sabahnur, Eabha Aine, Lorna Dane
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The Professor had been able to pin-point Logan's location only after several hours in Cerebro. The nature of the mutant's adamantium-laced skull made it difficult to sense him, even when he was making a concentrated effort to be sensed. The location itself was the Meguro Ward in Tokyo, and with the name Jean had plucked from the head of one of the attackers at the School - 'Shingen' - it wasn't hard to learn of the influential crime lord who made his home there.
There had been discussion of waiting longer. To get more information and make the trip when they were more certain about what they might face. Logan would last, certainly? But not everyone was willing to wait so long, and so the rag-tag group had come together.
It had been portals that had brought them here, the Blackbird not exactly available to be picked up and flown to Japan on a whim. And they find themselves stepping out onto a quiet, suburban-looking street. Before them is a tall, formidable-looking wall in a traditional Japanese style with heavy greenery obscuring the top of it.
This is the place.
There's no obvious security to be seen, save for two men in dark suits and sunglasses despite the hour standing outside the large gate marked with the 'mon' - or crest - of Clan Yashida.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Yakuza had always had connections. To the Hand, to Hydra.. And the numerous splinter groups that operated in the Orient, often through Madripoor. On this night, Natasha Romanova is on the prowl after having heard those ever so associative word of 'ninjas' and 'kidnap Logan'. So she's taken the time to ensure that her assignment in the area gives her a side trip over to where the Yakuza clan organized by Shingen has been known to operate out of.
She's setup a rendezous in advance with the group in full kit for engaging ninjas and other unknown enemies. They could have things available from the mystical, to the alien, to the technological. That means a lot of different weapons on her. Perhaps surprisingly to some is that there's no sword on her.
Don't meet the enemy on their preferred battleground after all. Kill them from a distance. Now, she waits in the shadows where the group is going to meet, stalking around in case there's any sign of an ambush or enemy overwatch.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona hadn't been pleased about Logan being taken after the assault on the school. But there wasn't a lot the Junior could do but wait and hear what was going to be done about it. She'd risked her hide to help keep the school safe though, and had garnered some measure of respect out of the chaos for her part in it all. But, she wasn't an X-Men member. She only knew some meager amount about the X-Men. She also didn't care about that. She just wanted Logan safely returned.
When she had caught wind of a mission being formed, she'd made sure to make it clear she wanted in on it. She even went to Logan's room in the mansion and took one of the shiny Katana swords off of the displays he had within it. It had felt weird going in to his room to DO that, but she wanted to help the man find his way back.
Otherwise, Rhona was dressed in a black leather jacket, a camo green backpack worn over her shoulders, dark blue jeans and black leather boots. The sword strapped around her body.
"Far out." She'd quietly said when they'd taken the portals from the silver lined X-Men base to the complete other side of the planet.
They were just sent right to the location. "That's absolutely amazing..." She quietly breathes as her eyes go up the wall imposing before them. "Now what?" She asks, looking to the others.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
It's not hard to arrange teleports when one of your exes and BFFs is Queen of Limbo and through there you can get anywhere. Of course being an X-Man when students wanted to go rescue a teacher, somehow she's the one currently being a responsible adult. Plus the whole thing going on with Brood and Savage Land gunk, she needed a break from alien bugs and ninjas are like palette cleansing violence.
The blonde herself at least has some parts of one of her uniforms on. The black with yellow padding cropped jacket. she adds black jeans and yellow boots from the uniform while she keeps her hair in a ponytail and some Ray Bans on her nose with red tinted lenses. Any fun gear like tools and lockpicks and snacks inside the pockets inside her jacket.
The meeting spot with Black Widow is found. And anyone coming through the portals gets a grin. "Anyone needs to hurl, get it out of ya systems now." she states and grins.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Having overheard some discussion about finding Logan after getting caught in the attack on the school that he was kidnapped during, Evan dressed in jeans, boots and a dark shirt and followed the people discussing it, trying to look official. Since nobody told him not to come along, he now finds himself in Japan for the first time, lurking near the entrance to a Yakuza compound.
Not really sure of the protocol involved in this sort of thing, he just stays with the group as they look things over.
In a very quiet aside to Eabha Aine he says "I wonder if after the rescue we'd have time to check out the Ginza, it's supposed to be pretty cool." Ok, so perhaps he's not completely on task, but it's not like he's had covert assault training.
- Eabha Aine has posed:
Since starting at Xavier's, Eabha Aine had begun to learn a great deal about themselves and the other mutants who both attended classes and taught them. They have managed to learn how to completely control their telekinesis, unless upset of course, and were working on learning the limits of what they could lift, throw, moved, etc.
The night Logan was taken had been one hell of an eye opening experience for the Junior(s) and had immediately thrown them into a world they didn't know existed... a world were in mutants were targets. The fact that a teacher was taken only doubled down just how little they knew at that time, and pushed them both into long hours of research for the truth.
When a decision was made to go after Logan, they were one of the first to volunteer. This time, no matter what happened, they were prepared to defend themself and the others to the best of their ability.
Wearing what looks like a set of well worn black biker leathers, with matching boots and gloves, they appeared with the others through the means of a portal and pretended that wasn't the most amazing thing to ever happen. Standing beside Evan they offer him a grin, "We doubt it, but we can come back... later."
Now her attention shifts to Rhona where a nod is offered. "We have no idea what comes next, but we can assure you that we're both ready for action this time."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
"Tabby, I hate to put this on you, but I'm going to need you to step up tonight with the kids. I'll do my best, but I've been feeling... off." Lorna explains to Tabby before she finished tying her shoes.
The queen wears something that isn't stealthy or visibly tactical, but a white hoodie over a pair of loose jeans. Beneath is a slightly modified battle corset that her family seems to have a contract to wear, but it's hidden.
Lorna is waiting by the teleporter when the group is supposed to be gathered and yet she's looking a little ill still. "You kids ready?" Lorna asks softly as she enters.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The two men who stand guard at the front gate are diligent, though even they need a break. After a moment or two they produce cigarettes and begin to smoke, casually chatting in Japanese as they lean against the two great, wooden pillars that support the gate on either side.
It's eerily quiet. No sounds emanate from the estate, not even the casual noise that one might expect. The only sound is distant traffic and the chatter of the two guards at the gate.
For those with unusual senses or other means to know, it's clear there is something unusual about the estate. For one, it takes in far more electricity from the grid than any other building in the area. The schematics, if pilfered from the city, suggest a structure that may support a large underground bunker. The bunker, however, is not present on any of the official documentation.
Besides going through the gate, the most obvious entrance remains going over the fence.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Meeting the others is relatively simple. Natasha goes to signal her presence to them covertly, walking along to rendezous after having confirmed that openly their presence hasn't been noted and they're not being obviously followed. She's quiet as she assembles with the others and glances at the layout. She can tell the faint tells of a highly powered system, and this is to be expected. Security is probably technological in nature with whatever other assets the family has.
She gives the junior team a gaze that can be easily translated as 'be quiet' and then looks over at Polaris with an 'are you in charge' expression? Then she goes quietly, "Two visible guards. Likely early warning if they drop." Going over the fence is the easy way - but also the obvious one. So she's inclined not to trust it.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona looks to the others before she steps toward the wal to place one hand on it. "I can get us over this." She says a second before Natasha is off on her own. This causes the dark haired Junior to just stare after the older woman, but she doesn't move to follow her. "She's brave." She quietly states before she looks to the rest of her group from Xaviers. "I made a staircase to get out of the school during the attack. I can make one to get us over this... my discs are a little weird to step on, but they're solid, and not slippery..."
She doesn't wait for an answer, if Natasha is doing her thing at the gate, it gives them a moderate distraction to get over the wall this way, doesn't it?
Either way, with the option being set in her mind, Rhona sweeps her hands out in front of her, and her fingertips snap a bright pink hue in color, followed by the soft hum of two large discs of energy that she immediately starts to position horizontally out in front of her. She swiftly hops up on the first one, and then proceeds to set the second while summoning a third, and fourth.
It doesn't take her long at all to create a glowing set of shields that can be walked up by everyone left, should they so desire. Of course, they're a bit unsettling to walk on as they buzz at the touch of physical objects contact them, with the pink-purple energy waving within itself like solidly touchable water....
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
If it was just her, Tabby might have had some ideas on how to rock things. She's had some experience not insubstantial as a thief and some more doing BlackOps. Lorna gets a nod of heer head. "You doing okay? When things go like straight sideways, just yank as much metal as you can. We find Logan, you're probably gonna be the one carrying him out till his healing factor kicks in then we let him play till we can get a portal out." she suggests a goal at least.
One thing she made sure to grab ahead of time was a passing knowledge of the Japanese language. Spoken and Witten, and passed on to the others coming along. Benefits of telepathy.
<<Well these two are useless.>> Boom-Boom gets a mind link established for quieter communication. <<They don't know what's inside. I'm gonna Go Jedi Mind Trick so these guys see nothing. We're on smash and grab till I can get a map. So when we do this I'll blow the doors, everyone stab behind be, we go Disco, shields up. Lorna make some noise. The rest of you keep like in cover and do any ranged attacks you can do. It'll be fun and if we get yelled at later for the balls up you can all blame me!>> she suggests and bounces on the spot psyching herself up. There's a look to Natasha and Lorna as the other grown ups and flashes them an awkward goofy look.
How the crap is Tabby leading a team?
the first too guards won't notice a thing but soon, Tabby is also charging a bomb to blow the entrance to the estate open. At least Disco's shield steps back getting over fences and walls easier to start. Once inside the compund...
BOOM! Doors saying goodbye to hinges.
Hope no one was on the other side.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Since they're going in and he has absolutely no idea of how to be stealthy, Evan cheats. After just a second's concentration, he begins to shrink, smaller and smaller, his form changing as well. In the space of maybe five seconds, a small Ural owl stands where Evan was. He spreads his wings and lifts silently into the air, soaring easily over the wall and circling to scout the compound.
Eyes optimized for seeing at night by thousands of years of evolution make the night seem as bright as day for him. He's about to circle back and land to relay what he's seen when Tabitha charges the doors, making the scouting a bit moot. He swoops in behind her and shimmers into another form, his mass growing until he's in his normal body. He closes his right hand and it shimmers, turning to metal which then glides up and over his entire form as his hand grows and forms into something like a metal mace.
It's good that there's no need for stealth now, as he thumps a bit as he walks, footsteps much heavier than normal. "Ok, I'm a little worried by the fact that nobody seems to be here but the two gate guards. It feels wrong."
- Eabha Aine has posed:
With all the confidence in the world, Eabha Aine fakes that she has a clue like an expert. Numerous years of acting lessons begin to pay off right here, right now, she /looks/ like she knows what she's doing. Neither Eabha nor Aine have any clue what they are doing.
As Rhona offers the "stairs", they watch closely as the discs appear and are used to form a way up and over the wall. Mutant powers were so random, so unique and beautiful, and they were just learning how many different types were out there.
Stepping into the first disc nervously, they move to the second, then the third, not even aware that she's making herself lighter. "This is a pretty neat trick," they offer to Rhona as they hop down from the top of the wall. It is only then that they realize they were making themself lighter, so a sheepishly grin crosses their face.
Turning her attention to watch Evan approach, they find themselves wondering if they could lift him like that, but that was thoughts for another time. "We have a telepath with us, why not have her searching for other minds in the building? Maybe they just aren't visible, after all... ninjas."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna turns to Tabby and then towards Natasha. "I'm not in charge of this team... I'm feeling under the weather lately." And yet she's here, doing what she can. "Yeah... just sore and tired." Lorna says to Tabby before leaning in to whisper, "I was going to go to the front doors and distract them while y'all get him out. But I'll follow your lead."
Lorna steps on the disks with a smile to the girl, "Hey, that's usefull. Keep it up girl." Lorna giggles before touching the grass with her fingers and starting to feel out the metal and trying to find that adamantium ping below.
"Guess we're going loud." Lorna smirks as she sends out her hands the sleeves of her hoodie roll up showing off the hints of the green sleeves hooked around her middle fingers as she pulls up the metal from the sprinklers and summons it all to her allowing the pieces to float around her head like a silver halo.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
As the gates are blown off their hinges, a loud clamour emanates from within. A young woman, beautiful and dressed in a pink and white kimono, has been thrown backwards onto the cobbled driveway. Smouldering, flaming chunks of wood litter the ground around her as she props herself up on the palms of her hands. Another man in black rushes to her side, seeking to help her to her feet. Another's eyes lock on Tabby and he's moving, drawing a long sword the catches the light of the moon from a black scabbard on his back.
Raised voices emanated through the compound. The voices speak Japanese, though the urgency and confusion is obvious.
"Anzenkan ga koka sareta!" <Security breached!>
"Shingen-sama o mita hito wa imasu ka?!" <Has anyone seen Lord Shingen?>
"Myutanto!" <Mutant!>
"Inu o kosho ni shiro!" <Keep the Dog restrained!>
The odd, peaceful atmosphere has been broken but the guards have focused their attention solely on the main gate. Leaving the Rhona's group and their 'stairs' unseen and unheard.
The inside of the compound where they find themselves is a Japanese guarden, leading on to an eclectic mix of modern and traditional architecture. Floor-to-ceiling glass walls that look on a 'zashiki' decorated with low tables and tatami mats.
Beyond, there's a courtyard and a steel door with a red light fixed above it. Markedly out of place here. To their right, Rhona's team can see the chaos on the driveway and the young woman in her kimono being ushered their way. Time to move, and fast.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Lovely. This means that if any of the children are hurt Logan will blame her. So rather than sneaking around, she has to stay here to be backup. She listens over to the rapid chatter back and forth amongst the guards. She goes to walk along through the fire and the explosions, evaluating the area. She goes to take out a garotte wire and goes to try to vanish over into the shadows. She'll be having to do her best to protect the children as they go to rescue their teacher.
She goes to slide through, intent on just trying to intercept any heavy reinforcements coming by being ready to ambush them quickly with the garotte to incapacitate them. Best not to kill so many unless she has to. And best to not go to war with the Yakuza over something personal. A personal feud - that can be settled. A slaughter? Loss of too much face. They will go to war.
So best to not leave too many bodies. And Natasha is in overwatch, trying to help ensure if she can hte advancing teenagers have the way forwards to the rescue.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
When her shields are finished being used, Disco is quick to pull them all back in upon themselves, essentially just restacking all of the glowing energy fields in to two attached to her fingertips again. They hum like lightsabers attacked to her spread-wide fingers on either hand as she offers those who speak on the stairs a soft smile. "Learning all manner of new uses for these..." The British girl softly says a second before Tabitha's explosive arrival goes off.
This, of course, causes Rhona's eyes to go wide. She's not used to explosives like that. "My Lord..." The teen says, rushing to stay up with the others as they make their insertion in to this place. Her eyes roam over the rather beautiful landscape of the compound, but there's no time to really worry about that.
She eyes the red doorway ahead though, and nods toward it. "Is that where we need to go?" She has to ask, her shields being held up in either hand to block from opposing directions where any return attacks are surely about to break out from, but there's only so much coverage the girl can offer at any given time with the way her shields work in the moment, each one about five feet tall, an oblong disc of raw growling power coming from her glowing fingertips.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
<<The telepath is Boom-Boom. And I totally am trying to scan for minds. I'm also trying to figure out where we're going. Having a whereabouts don't mean squat when you don't know where you're going in a place. Walls and doors and turns and stairs and stuff kinda get in the way. It's why we didn't just port straight to the old man cut him loose and port out.>> Tabitha reminds to Aoife. More advice for everyone. <<Think about what you two want to say and everyone will hear it in your heads. It's getting loud and tech comms are gonna be drowned out. Plus they probably do know English so like yelling plans is a bad idea.>> she advises on how the mind link works.
It can be disorientating for first timers.
The family at home that comes out gets a grin as Tabitha's telepathy adds translations. It also lets her speak back.
The man with the sword eyeballing her gets a grin and both her hands alight with plasma. "Logan sensei o mukae ni kimashita!" <We are here for Logan Sensei!> she explains with a grin aimed at the swordsman and the woman with them.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Stomping along with the group, Evan tries to keep an eye out for danger. Not being a trained agent like Natasha, he's not sure exactly what to watch for, but instinct tells him that anyone running at them with a sword or gun will probably fill the role of 'danger'. Well, for the group, anyway. At the moment, he's more worried about bullets ricocheting off him and hitting one of his friends than about getting shot himself.
His role? To put it in nerd terms, he's probably the tank of the group to Natasha's rogue. So he's mainly trying to be sure that if they are attacked, he can put himself between the attackers and the group. To that end, he's inching up until he's just behind Tabby, ready to jump in front of her if needed.
- Eabha Aine has posed:
For the time being Eabha Aine is keeping Evan between themself and any form of what could be dangerous... and then there's an explosion. For one brief moment they are pressed against Evan's back until everything returns to normal, or as normal as is possible given they appear to be breaking into a place.
The woman in the kimono, that they all seem so worry about, that was given a sama on her name... target for distraction. Beginning to concentrate, the twins attempt to use their telekinesis to slow down 'Mariko-Sama' from getting away.
<< She's a sama...>> they explain, in fact both talking over the top of each other. << Just let me do the talking... No, I never get to talk... Aine, please this is serious, I promise to let you talk next time... Fine!>> A moment of silence, them just Eabha speaks. << We can keep them entertained out there, make sure they don't get too close, and that the sama doesn't get away... because she might know why this happened, you know... information... but anyway, get the red door open and if you need out help, let us know.>>
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna stands with the halo and spies the target Tabitha started approaching as well. The queen does wait for the family to get into the car before she smirks, "They're not going anywhere."
Lorna then reaches out with her hands and without warning the wheel hubs of the car pop out and the tires end up away from the car, and in a follow up motion, the doors fuse to the body, not locked, but physically the same piece of metal. This is now a prison with windows. "You're welcome Boom Boom."
With that Lorna starts to walk away, hands held palms down, feeling the earth below, or the metal.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
When Tabby calls out her demand, several men with swords drawn have interposed themselves between the woman called 'Mariko' and the plasma-wielding mutants. Behind them stands an imperious man dressed in hakama and obi straight out of Japan's past, a sword at his hip. When he speaks, it is to Tabby with a deep and menacing tone.
"Rogan Sensei?! HA! Omae-tachi ni yaro. Nokotte iru no wa gaikoku no gomi dakeda. Ima, sore o rojiura no norainu no yo ni araso-e!" <Logan-sensei?! HA! You can have him. All that's left is foreign trash. Now fight over it like stray dogs in the alley!>
When he speaks, Mariko turns her head to look almost ashamedly into the garden. It is there that she locks eyes with the twins, as though aware that they are clinging on to her with telekinesis. Remarkably, however, she says nothing. She merely stands there. Then, she makes a subtle gesture of her hand towards the inside of the house. Towards the metal door.
The guards haven't spotted Rhona, Evan, nor Eabha yet - their attentions focused on Tabby and the flying, magnetic Lorna. When the car is sealed, two of the people inside thump their hands on the glass plaintively.
From her position in overwatch, Natasha can see three more similar-looking black cars approaching from the main thoroughfare.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
In the background, Natasha goes to evaluate the three cars coming towards her as she goes to wait. She goes to send a quick thought over to Tabitha, presuming she's included in the link. <<Three vehicles. Occupied. Intercepting.>> sheg oes to stalk towards the cars in the shadows.
<<And a large power drain underground. Heavy generators. Too heavy for a place even like this>> That thought given along with the layout that ground penetrating radar had given her. Natasha's mind is focused over and in predator mode.
She doesn't want to kill these men or cripple them.. But, that doesn't mean she has to be nice iwht htem. She goes to take ehr stun batons out, and they glow with energy as she advances. She spekas in fluent Japanese, taunting back at the men with the accent of the district of the city that they're from. <<Time to put you to rest, gentlemen.>> Batons in front of her as two of the men go to open fire on her. She ducks her head slightly to the side, bullet zigging past her cheek. THe men are decently trained and know how to shoot - none of this spray and pray most Americans would do. So she can't stay at range. She has to engage in close quarters. She charges.
Even as the three bullets have finished zigging past her she's in melee with the man that had shot her. Quick jab to the wrist disarms him of the gun, foot slams out to strike his kneecap and break it. Gun caught as it was dropped and it's hurled into the head of the next one. Then she's in close quarters. And they can't risk shooting - they're professionals, and not stupid enough to be cued to kill one another.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
Gunshots. Explosions. How does she keep ending up in this stuff?
Rhona's fingers stay alight with the power of her projected energy shields. She holds one out to her front, and one out to her side and back, her eyes going to Ebha and Evan. "Come on." She tells them then, catching sight of the woman that motions toward the house, and the man speaking of something... she doesn't know Japanese though.
That red door is enough to pique Rhona's interest however, and with her shileds at the ready the young woman rushes toward it.
When she reaches it, her left disc vanishes back in to her fingers, as she holds the right one up protectively out to the open space of the property grounds. Her freed-up hand now grabs at the door to try and pull it open to get inside to whatever lies beyond... She's getting a little brazen, a little reckless, but has faith in her companions to back her up on this...
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a look back over her shoulder at Evan <<I got this one. Go with Lorna and Eabha and Aine. Lorna should like sense the Adamantium and stuff in Logan's meat bits.>> the green haired woman gets a wink and a blow kiss in appreciation.
Back to the guy with the sword trying to be scary. The guy could probably wipe the floor with Tabitha in a clean fight. Not that Boom-Boom is planning on fighting fair. Natasha is included in the link. It'd be rude not to at this stage so she gets to hear the telepathic chaos that is most mutant run missions. Or at least the ones Tabitha is a part of.
"Inu tte yonde ne? Anata o watashi no meinu ni shite agemasu." <Call me a dog? I will make you my bitch!> That's when she starts humming aloud. Some might recognize the tune. 'Cha-La Head-Cha-La.' More plasma swarms around her, orbiting around as she generates a few to be directed at as many guards as she can. One even nicks her hair tie and allows all that blonde hair to float from the slight updraft cause by the increase in heat around her.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Evan does actually speak Japanese, so he's good there at least. When Rhona tells them to come along, he's a little torn between leaving Tabitha facing off against the bodyguards and the samurai. But since Tabitha tells them to go find Logan, he heads for the door Rhona is also headed for. He makes certain Eabha is also headed that way, then gets to the door and Rhona.
"Ok, I guess we're going in then? Want me to go first? I'm fairly bulletproof, so it might not be a bad idea to use me as a shield if you aren't."
- Eabha Aine has posed:
Eabha Aine holds the gaze of Mariko-Sama, as well as keeping that telekinetic hold on her. Realizing it might be dangerous to have her just standing there, they concentrate even harder as they lift their right hand up and aim it toward the Japanese woman, the motion needed to slowly wrap a shield around her body.
The indication of the metal door gets a nod in response, and the twins see something in the woman's eyes that tells them she is not entirely an enemy... but they're no expert on such things. They move with Rhona and Evan toward the door, but their attention remains on the woman, her bodyguards, and the man who called them dogs. There were just too many variables to know the correct course of action beyond what they were doing, and so they remained with other Juniors while keeping a protective hold on Mariko-sama.
- Lorna Dane has posed:
"Flirt with me later Boom Boom." Lorna says towards Tabby before she lewer her hands back to her sides in a frustrated motion.
Lorna's face is pale and VERY UNHAPPY. She spies the kids nearing the door and her heart sinks.
Lorna reaches both hands out. One to the car and the cabin begins to crunch and tighten. She wants to hold them in the, the other hand aimed at the door and she's reinforcing the door to prevent it from opening. By her kids or by whoever might be coming out.
Turning her head with a whip of her green hair, Lorna eyes Mariko, "Where's. Logan." Hands out but the halo moves over her head and opens up looking more like a handleless sickle and approaches the woman. "NOW!!"
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The men with their swords, despite the raw heat emanating from the plasma, charge ahead fearlessly. Many are burnt horribly, some charring all the way through as the plasma catches them on their shoulder or their chest. But there are many of them, and they move with staunch bravery in an effort to at least cut Tabby with their swords once before meeting their final fate.
The mocking man, clearly Lord Shingen by the crests on his clothing, takes several steps back and away from the conflict. When Lorna turns her attention to Mariko, a rueful but relieved expression covers his face. One moment he's there, then the next one of the men from the attack on the Mansion appears behind him - a hand clasping his shoulder - then both are gone.
Mariko, now alone, looks up at Lorna with a defiant expression.
"Kare wa kaika ni iru yo! Hayaku kite kudasai!" <He's downstairs! Please come quickly!>
Despite the risk, she attempts to move away from Lorna and the strange shielding that has sprung up around her. Away from Tabby the Fireball and towards the metal doorway that Rhona, Evan and the Eabha Aine Twintet have found. Rhona's efforts have opened it, and it leads to a long stairway well lit by harsh white light.
Should they go down, they will find in the center of the bunker a glass cube and within it an intensely bloodied form without a shred of clothing. The hair on his head had grown wildly long in only a few days, and despite the amount of blood there appear to be no wounds on him.
He lays still. Curled up on himself. Breathing and alive, but unresponsive.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The men around her are targets. In close quarters combat, they're good. But they're just high quality. They're not elite. They're good Yakuza foot soldiers and enforcers. But that's it. In close quarters..
Baton smash to nose. Broken. Spike to front of man's throat, collapsing wind tunnel. Falling to ground choking. Still able to breathe. Quick kick behind her to the sternum. Man drops with it broken. Palm strike to chin of next one to break his jaw. Leaving two more facing her. These ones are just a little bit outside of range. They each go to open fire on her with their pistols at a range of about five meters. Natasha cants her head to the side.
The windows of the car breaking behind her from the bullets shatters.
<<Run>> That's a taunt to them in the same dialect as their exact neighborhood. They do.
They're reasonably skilled Yakuza Enforcers.
She's the Black Widow.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
Evan's question garners a second of wide eyed stare from the British girl as she rapidly processes what he asks. "No, it's fine. My shield can handle gunfire, and I'd rather you be able to back me up on whatever we find." She says moments before she yanks the door open, and moments before it starts to get rumpled by Lorna who apparently tried to seal it seconds too late. The Queen of Genosha will thusly see the Briton, and likely her three (two?) companions rushing in to that brightly lit stairwell, with Rhona holding her disc shield up in front of her, while her other hand pulls that katana sword from its sheath on her back!
Sa-twiiiiiing! The sword comes out.
Quickly the teenager bounds down the stairs, her shield dis cgrowing a little larger as they come out in to the large room, only to see the Wolverine himself there on a slab.
"Logan!" Rhona calls out, starting to rush toward him in a bit of a reckless fashion as she hasn't cleared the room. She just rushes to his side to start to look him over to see if he's okay. He doesn't LOOK okay, and she looks suddenly quite worried for the teacher, and her martial arts trainer!
She starts to grab his shoulder, to shake it, to try and wake him up!
"Logan, we're here, we gotta get going!"
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
Thankfully between the plasma and the fact most of these ninja are just mooks and fodder, Tabby can get her brawl on. Well she still gets a few nicks and wounds and she is bleeding here and there but nothing life threatening.
Despite not being on even Natasha's skill level the blonde manages to fake it at least. Use of plasma blasts adding a lot of force. And as the fight goes on and her adrenaline is spikiing she even starts decking people hard with just her fists. She's not as agile so she makes up for it with some very brutal strikes and takedowns. A few bones and joins might need to be reset after this. <<Do we have him? Actually have him? Lorna?>> The adamantium in his skeleton the best way to check. <<Someone call home, we got our man. Time to portal out! Widow, you coming with?>>
To the Yashida elders she yells out in Japanese; "Anata no tawagoto o watashitachi no shibafu kara tozakete kudasai,-so sureba watashitachi wa anata no mono kara hanaremasu." <Keep your bullshit off our lawn, and we'll stay off yours!>
Once Logan is secure, and their ride is contacted Tabby can back off on the fight.
For now she's doing a good job of replicating some classic nineties scrolling beat em ups on the yard.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Following Rhona through the door and down the stairs, he stops when they see Logan curled up on himself. Rhona is trying to wake him, but they're really not in a place where they want to waste much time. Stepping up to where Logan is, he says to Rhona "I'll carry him out, I don't think we want to be here long enough for reinforcements to get called in."
Unless someone stops him or Logan wakes up to walk on his own, he'll pick up Logan and carry him back outside. They probably want to exit this area as quickly as possible. Shingen may have said they can have Logan, but at the same time, it's a loss of face for him to let people attack his guards and property. And Evan doubts Shingen is one to easily accept such losses.
- Eabha Aine has posed:
There is no avoiding or moving away from the shield, in fact the shield roots the woman in place. Eabha Aine isn't insanely strong with her powers yet, but they have managed to gain enough control to keep the woman there for a short time if she struggles against it. The other thing the shield offers is protection from the blades, fire and heat, though honestly the twins aren't aware of that.
<<She pointed out where Logan was already!>> they share fervently, then Aine continues alone with <<She pointed to the red metal door, I don't think she wanted him hurt, or for any of this to happen. --- Aine, I don't think now is the time to argue about whether she was in on it or not. --- Then when do we argue it?! --- We /talk/ about it, with the others, when Mr. Logan is safe. Let it go Aine.>>
The twins never meant for everyone to hear their debate, in fact most of the time no one had any idea the amount of conversation that took place between them. It was difficult every single day for the both of them, but more so when they disagreed on something. In this particular case, it was Eabha's power that held Mariko-sama in place and protected her, so when the final decision was made to 'let it go', she did just that... dropped the shield and followed Evan and Rhona through the door and down the stairs.
The minute Logan is in sight, both of their eyes go wide for a moment but then control returns and a deep seeded anger starts to flicker through their green eyes. How come a living being do this to another living being? <<Someone has to pay for this.>> They both think, not precisely at the same time. <<We have him,>> Eabha then says. <<On our way out now, meet up at rendezvous location.>> Even as she was talking, they removed their coat to wrap around Logan's parts... it wasn't much, but it was better than naked.
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna doesn't want to follow or trust Mariko... But the kids have the door open already so Lorna chooses to follow but the half halo in the air remains against Mariko. <<We... Boom Boom. It looks like him but I don't feel the- The adamantium is gone.>> Lorna says mentally with a deep, disturbed frown. A gag forces up from her throat and she turns away from the scene as she's made her way down the stairs... "You two go find a sheet or blanket. let's get him out of here." Lorna requests as she begins to mold a stretcher out of metal she pulls and summons from the walls of the house.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan stirs slightly at the sound of voices. Familiar voices, not the ones talking calmly about the countless ways to rip him apart. He turns his head slightly, revealing a face mostly covered with a thick black beard. He doesn't speak, instead growling like an animal.
"RRAAAAGH!" he screams, almost directly into Rhona's face as he rolls about as though he's going to strike her. But instead he plunges three claws into the glass wall mere inches from her head, breathing hard through clenched teeth. Those who see his claws see that they are not normal. That reflective, metal sheen they've always had? Gone. In their place are three similar-looking skewers of bone. When he pulls his hand away, the tip of his middle claw snaps off audibly and remains stuck in the glass.
"Gid ... giddout ... " he breathes, raising to his feet for a moment before his legs fail him and he topples onto his side with a heavy 'oof'.
"Take me with you," Mariko says suddenly, shifting seamlessly from Japanese to English and grasping Eabha Aine by the upper arm, "Please. My father left me here to die. Let him think I have."
When Evan moves to pick him up, Logan doesn't resist. He barely seems conscious. The guards are beaten back, the reinforcements are waylaid. If they're going to get out of here, now is the time.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And Natasha is going around the perimeter, and she goes to state <<Exterior secure for extraction>> That means for the next two minutes or so before reinforcements come pouring in. Or longer. She goes to wait over on the front lawn, going to take out an oversized rifle on her back and moves to load a large round of something loaded with shrapnel into it, like a shotgun with a claymore. <<And see to it that medical treatment is available immediately. I can authorize a landing on a military base where there will be medics on standby>> By that she meant medics she trusted. Or at least that owed her favors and would be too intimidated to look.
- Rhona Lauren has posed:
When Logan had shouted in her face, Disco had jumped visibly! The shout, and because of the claws. Her brown eyes nervously looked over at the claws stuck in the wall beside her head, before she puts her left hand down, dropping the sword in it to aim its tip toward the floor. Her shield disc in her right hand is pulled back inside of her fingertips, which soon there-after go dim back to the natural tone of her skin.
She stumbles back when Logan falls off the table, then watches Evan as he moves to pick the man up. "God, you're strong." She says of Evan, apparently knowing that Logan must weigh a million pounds, since he'd been throwing her around at his martial arts studio after all.
"They must have him on some kind of medication, or drugs." She states as Lorna joins them, giving a look to Lorna, then to Eabha'and'Company. "Lets get the hell out of here then." She notes, her sword still clutched in her left hand as she starts toward the stairs to follow up after Evan carrying Logan.
Once outside, Rhona uses the comms that they'd gotten from the X-Men Base to confirm a evacuation order, and when the portals snap open again from that lovely Russian lady back home, Rhona is quick to jump through it, putting the katana sword she'd stolen from Logan's room back in to its sheath on her back, making sure to be careful so she doesn't just slice her self up in the process.
She stands back in the X-Men base, gives a quick look around before motioning rapidly with her free hands for the others to get through the portal and join her back where its SAFE!
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
No bones about it, taking the adamantium out of Logan is no mean feat. <<How the fu... Never mind, we get him home. It feels like the hairy old Badger.>> she asks and then does as best a psychic check on Logan's mind. It's probably not a good idea right now.
Even Mariko's wish to come along gets acknowledged through the twin minds of Eabha and Aine. <<Bring her along, we calling this one a win. No one died and we come home with two people extra.>> she states. She even waves Black Widow to portal through the stepping discs.
One last goon gets a booming kick that dumps a body not far from where Shingen was, turning to lok back at the scorched wreckage she left behind and pokes her tongue while pulling down on a lower eyelid making a "Nyah!" sound before moving through the Portal, and with a brief flash of Limbo, home. Where she can bleed on the carpet and just flomp down on her back sprawled.
She might be spent.
- Evan Sabahnur has posed:
Seeing that Lorna has made a stretcher, he figures Logan would be more comfortable on it instead of being carried, so he lays the man on it, covers him up with the donated jacket, and asks Lorna, "Should I pull the stretcher, or can you just make it come with us? Second option would be better if we run into trouble, I think."
Either way, they end up with everyone including Logan headed into the portal home. Once they're through, he looks at Logan and says, "I think we better get him to medical and fast, he doesn't look good at all."
Now that they are home, he lets the metal fade and returns to his normal self. But he can still move Logan wherever they need to take him. Since he doesn't know what's in the X-Men base, he starts off towards the schools infirmary. Someone will probably want to point him to the far more extensive one in the basement.
- Eabha Aine has posed:
Following the others outside, Eabha Aine is met by Mariko and her passionate entreaty. Reaching out with the left hand, Aine takes hold of Mariko's hand with a nod. <<Aine was right>> Eabha says. <<Damn right I was, you know I can feel these things better than you do... so we're taking her with us.>> Aine finishes up with, and the twins have made up their minds.
Whether anyone else is happy with this decision or not doesn't seem to matter to them. While the left hand is holding onto Mariko's hand, the right one is putting that protective shield back around her. This time however, walking shield so that she can move.
"We got you," they say quietly, offering a slight smile. "We won't let anyone else hurt you."
True to their word, the twins ensure that Mariko makes it back to where they were all going... the X-Men base. Even with Tabitha's approval for bringing Maruko back, they felt like they just broke numerous rules, even if there there was no way in any of the hells that they were going to leave the woman there. If that meant they'd have to take responsibility for her, then so be it, they would. For now they would merely see to it that Mariko was comfortable, had a room and some clothing, perhaps order some items on Amazon for her.... Shopping!
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna feels like she's only in the way tonight. The queen was busy making a stretcher to carry Logan on when she looks up and realizes one of the students is already carrying him. In a huff of rage, Lorna shoves the thin metal bed away from herself and the students to damage the wall of the house by impalement.
Turning to bring up the rear, that gag reflex kicks in again, a wash of nausea crossing the queen again.
hrough the portal behind Rhona and Tabby, Lorna reaches up to touch the blonde and whispers something to her, but looks for Natasha, to whisper the same thing.
The Monarch is still very concerned.