15338/Emergency turned deadly

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Emergency turned deadly
Date of Scene: 08 July 2023
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: A routine emergency call turns out to be anything but routine.
Cast of Characters: Jacen Knight, Diana Prince, Phoebe Beacon, Cassie Sandsmark, Sunny Harlow

Jacen Knight has posed:
Lights flash in Central Park. Police, firefighters, and medics are on scene. The medics are attending to a patient on a stretcher that fell from a tree. It doesn't look life threatening, but the man has a large, mechanical splint on his right leg and his left arm is in a sling.

Typical response. Everyone has to come out and play. Police have to protect the scene, firefighters have to make sure the police don't get all the glory, and the medics just try to control the scene in their own way.

Jacen is currently studying something on a clip board as his partners load the patient. The man on the board struggles to talk around the oxygen mask,"Telling you. I heard beeping like a bomb." Probably just a head injury and of course his neck is caught up in a brace as well,"Beeping man...beeping." Jacen frowns and looks towards the tree curiously.

Diana Prince has posed:
Not every day has to be about swords, gladiator armor, Battle Kangaroos, Alien invading armies or truth compelling ropes.

Some days are just about getting outside and doing something fun.

Case in point, Diana Prince is out in the park tonight with her sister and protege, Cassie Sandsmark. The two Amazonian women are jogging, if you can believe it! Do they even need to exercise? Regardless, it's still fun and helps push a message that few things are better for your health than getting out and moving!

"Keep up, stop looking at your phone." Diana says on a brand new pair of running shoes that keep her stride darn near silent as she moves with a steady pace, a clear and present grace, and no small amount of athletic prowess too!

Wearing black lycra pants that end just past her knees, a matching halter top with a white sleeveless tanktop worn over it, the Princess of Themyscira has her hair tied back in to a loose ponytail that sways behind her shoulders.

"You are faster than this!" Diana chides her sister, who may not even be paying attention to her taller counterpart anymore.

Up ahead, Diana sees the EMS vehicles, as they reside within their jogging path, and she's already listening with her advanced hearing to see if she can check in on what is happening, though it looks to be in order already...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe Beacon didn't often operate outside of Gotham City these days, but when she does it's not usually in a superhero manner.

    SO when the young woman appears from between passing people, wearing a dark hood, a dark gray bolero jacket over a lighter gray shirt, comfortable tac pants and sturdy boots and fingerless-glove clad hands steps up. She gives a smile to Jacen, looking with mild curiosity as the gentlemen on the gurney is loaded into the back of the wagon.

    "Beeping, huh?" she questions, blue lenses of her domino mask settling back on Jacen.

    "Anyone climb the tree yet?" she questions.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
It's the moment Cassie was born for!

... Or at least, the moment she -usually- dresses for. So often, the athleticwear she favors over more impressive super-costuming stands out as painfully 'norm-core,' lacking in the pizzaz expected of the heroing set. But out here? She is among her people! New Yorkers are famous for their busy lifestyles, and for many, that means getting in daily exercise on the many loops and paths through the very large and famous park. It is a ritual, for many, and she is garbed as the devoted, in running shorts rather than the usual longer tights, and a WW-branded sports bra. The weather has been absolutely scorching in the city, so you gotta adapt! Even if super powers can keep you alive in the greatest extremes, they don't make 'em any less BLEH.

Plus, maybe she always just has to somehow be LESS dressed than Di.

"I can do both!" she echoes back at her, flicking through something on the screen, before tucking the phone back in its armband holster thing. Once it's away, her form returns to something more proper, ponytail bobbing as they go. "Hey, wanna take a detour off onto the Ramble? Do some tougher paths?" she starts to ask, before the flashing lights ahead come into view. "...or not. Guess we're checking it out, huh?"

There's no reason not to keep running, only finally slowing down from their pace as they make it toward the boundary the police are setting up. They're stopping runners, of course. They'd stop Cassie. But Diana? EVERYONE KNOWS DIANA.

Jacen Knight has posed:
Jacen checks the chart in his hand again and hands it to the attending medic. He gets a warning look, but they both know he is going to be walking to that tree. He notices Phoebe's appearance and shakes his head,"Not yet. We should prolly th' police involved, but they're too busy securin' th perimeter and shi...stuff." he amends.

He touches a small leather pouch on his belt, probably not standard issue, and continues walking.

A few people in the crowd start to stir as someone mutters something about a bomb and suddenly there might be a bomb turns into definately a bomb and the police are just covering it up. Jacen growls softly,"Really get ta where I don' like people much." he admits,"At least on th' stretcher they don' always fight it'r make it worse."

Anyone that can see spirit sight can see the image of a spectral bat, a big bat, encompass around his form, not to attack, but seeming to support him.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Amazon jog does indeed lead them right up to the EMS situation where the two women are forced to end their run. Diana pays Cassie a sidelong glance, "We'll continue after we check on this." She says in a quieter tone of her voice now that the two women are stopped with other pedestrians and park goers, many of whom are now eyeing the two women who have a pretty massive amount of notoriety in this city, let alone beyond.

Diana leans to her sister and speaks at a near-whisper. "They're talking about a bomb." She says, if Cassie hasn't already picked it up herself.

The Princess moves to the nearest official face, who is quick to go wide-eyed at the sudden presence of Wonder Woman, even if she's not the one even wearing WW branding on her exercise attire.

It only takes a moment to get access to the scene, and soon Diana - and Cassie - are let in to investigate.

To Jacen: Diana appears seemingly out of no where, watching him as her eyes look to the Ambulance before looking to the EMT himself. "What has happened?" Diana asks with concern laden upon her naturally husky flavored voice.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm, child of Gotham City, can definitely appreciate that bat that's wrapped around JAcen's form. Her head tilts slightly, and she opens her mouth to comment on it when she hears a familiar voice -- closing her mouth and taking a step back, she pulls her hood a little further down to shadow her face, matte black lips curling into a slight grin as she regards Diana and Cassie, giving what can only be the most awkward of waves to the two, and turns to investigate the tree through the blue lenses.

    She relaxes her shoulders and tries to view into the aether ot see if there's anything odd up the tree.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Beeping concerns weren't really a thing that had reached the ears of Indestructibelle...or Sunny Harlow for that fact. Today however the thing was simply common chance: she was on her way home from working the mundane job that was time as a waitress. Sure she might have been seeing some recent success with her design work, but it wasn't quite enough to live off just yet!

Still, the Emergency services vehicles and the like coming up and heading around brought the blonde closer, her own form wrapped in her work attire she draws closer before.

Then she spotted Diana.

Last time she'd been alongside the others, the rookie heroine had done battle with Brainiac of all things, and while it had been a day with the big leagues...it had also been the hardest of nights she'd dealt with.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie tags along behind Diana as they move through the police barricades, giving a big grin and thumbs up to one of the cops, who seems confused who she is!

The scene isn't really exceptional, something they probably encounter often enough in their work. A simple enough injury, and the real chaos only caused by the fact that, well, like almost anywhere in New York, there are a lot of people nearby to be curious bystanders. The loop roads around the park are really pretty busy, so even a small interruption can cause a bit of a pedestrian traffic jam, leading to the build up of onlookers. As for the whispers through the crowd, Cassie isn't quite as sharp as Diana yet, as good at filtering things out, but she catches bits and pieces.

"Some kinda bomb threat?" she echoes, looking toward Diana. "From the guy who was hurt? If he fell outta a tree..." A quick look around, not for her mentor, but for the various police and fire officials scattered around. "Point me where he fell?" She starts to float up a little from the ground. "One of us can fly up and look. We're pretty bomb-resistant."

And while she doesn't know where she's looking exactly, from the better vantage, she does spot Phoebe. "Yo Ph- er, uh Bomb? Why would it be bomb, you don't blow stuff- OH, spelled the other way, right. HI. You know whats happening?"

Jacen Knight has posed:
Jacen is focused for a moment, eyes widening,"There's a beeo f'r sure." he mutters to Phobe. The sudden appearance of the Amazon beauty takes him aback. One because she is, well beautiful and Wonder Woman (catches that a little late) and the bat around him seems to have turned his hearing up to 11 as he grabs his ears and says,"Holy..." he blinks and the spirit image of the bat fades. Shaking his head he blinks a few times,"Wonder Woman...th' guy on th' gurney said he seen a bomb. I could hear beepin' makes me think he might be right." He points to the tree from where the man fell.

Diana Prince has posed:
"Well if that is the case then we will need to get everyone away from... gawking and crowding around..." Diana says in response to what the EMT tells her. She looks back to him, affords him a soft smile and a single nod. "Thank you, we will look in to it."

With Cassie already in the air, Diana nods to her. "See what you can find. If it is... something troublesome, lets try to get it away as quickly and carefully as possible."

Not that Cassie really needs to hear that last part, but still.

Diana steps over to where Phoebe is then, and reaches out to gently place her left hand upon PHeeb's right shoulder. "It is good to see you." She tells the young woman in a warm tone of her voice. Her eyes dance around the crowds though, not yet having seen Sunny from that recent trip in to a far away star system....

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm geets a :| expression at Cassie, and she's about to open her mouth to correct that it's *Balm* like an ointment as she searches the Astral for anything that might prompt some sort of Guardian Spirit to wrap itself around the EMT, when she feels Diana's hand.

    She visible startles, bristles a bit like a hedgehog, and then turns to look up at Diana. Some of the expression is hid behind the domino she's wearing -- very Gotham, yes -- but her shoulders sag.

    "Since the Unicorn, yeah." she replies softly, and gives a thick swallow.

    "Just assume that I'm not really invited back to the embassy, pretty awkward last time. Wouldn't mind stopping in to see Kheimon, but I have no idea how long Kangas remember people." she replies.

    "I'm not seeing anything weird in the Aether. It's possible that there's a non-magic reason that he's hearing beeping. Did anyone check his cell battery?" she asks, trying to channel Bruce and be practical.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Heroes, costumed heroes and panic. It was time for her to actually do her thing. Of course, that -did- require a hasty change to find a dark corner to shrug out of her uniform and hastily throw the half-jacket over her form and let her hair down. She'd come to understand why so many heroines went for the figure-hugging attire: it was easier to wear more comfortably under day clothing.

A few moments later and 'Indestructibelle' was floating to join the crowd.

Dramatic entry and all but as she touched down near the familier faces AND the towering icon that was the princess the Viltrumite heroine could only really give a little light "Hi" of greeting.

If nothing else, at least she knew she was bomb-proof!

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"On it, bosslady."

Cassie approaches the tree with due caution. Flying, at least, means no messing around with scrambling up on precarious branches or anything, so its less risky for her to go up there than some poor fireman on a ladder or a cherrypicker. Plus, you know, the superheroic durability. She and Diana might not exactly be bulletproof, but still, they can take a lot of punishment, so better she gets blown up than one of New York's Bravest. And she does have her bracers on, even out running. Despite it's popularity, the park's more secluded paths have at times been infamous (rightly or wrongly) for muggers and axe murderers and other nonsense!

... anyway, she pushes a big tree branch out of the way, rotating around through the foliage to try and get a look around the tree from various angles What's the worst that can happen?

Right, the getting blown up part.

... and maybe she has help? Spotting the other flying lady: "Yo, 'sup. You want in on this? Check counter clockwise, and I'll go, you know, the other way."

Jacen Knight has posed:
Knowing he is more or less getting the brush off by the super hero, Jacen just nods and takes a few steps back,"Be careful then. Somethin'..." he looks to the one that mentioned the watch,"...not m' watch thanks. is definately beepin'."

He turns to walk back towards the ambulance when he notices a group of people, a big group of people, easily 30 storming towards the park.

"There's no way anybody could be that stupid." he mutters. Touching the bag again, the spirit of the bat returns to him so he can hear. What he hears and what most people around the area hear is various yells about people being in the way of the big show and surprise. Jacen sighs,"They are that stupid."

The men skirt around the edge of the police presence and start towards the ones around the tree. Quiet at first they close in on the hero types. Jacen, for his part, trusted the cops to stop them and shakes his head,"Really?"

Diana Prince has posed:
To what Phoebe says in return to Diana gets a second of a lingering stare back. She gives Pheeb's shoulder a light squeeze before she drops her hand from it. "You are our friend, and you are always welcome at the Embassy, and the Kanga never forget those they like." She adds a light smile before her eyes go forward again to where Cassie is.

She notes the arrival of another flyer, which has Diana stepping forward now, moving past Jacen and offering him a soft smile, and a little nod.

This is where Diana is when the group starts to muscle their way in. Diana is walking toward the tree in-question here tonight, but soon her eyes are going to the arrival of the group. She pays a glance over her shoulder toward the Police on-scene, who seem to be a bit out numbered for the moment, though surely more NYPD are on the way if not pre-occupied with some other wild thing happening in the city somewhere.

Walking on sneakered feet across the grass, Diana speaks up to those milling about now. "This is an active investigation of the Justice League. As an associate of the New York Police Department, I would ask that everyone please disperse and move on from this situation."

Will it work? Well if not... Diana isn't wearing her full bracers, but she does have the glimmering metal bracelets that generally reside beneath the larger bracers.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "What about if it's just the *scarf* they like?" Phoebe questions, a hint of the good natured teen that used to be there breaking through as she looks up to Indestructibelle. Hey, she knows her from the Dam incident, and she gives a raise of her hand to greet the other flyer before she looks to Jacen with an awkward smile, and then to the crowd of thirty, and she goes to the other side of the tree to guard the trunk.

    "You heard the lady." she states, and unlike Diana, she doesn't have to worry about bracers. She lifts her left hand, a tattooed-on circlet in white on her wrist lighting up brilliantly.

    "Unless you've got information, might wanna move it along."

    Where *is* that beeping coming from?

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Well, a nod was as good as she was going to get, but Sunny wasn't complaining. Instead she comes to settle herself down and join the approach only to catch Jacen's comments. Ah, that explains it.

Diana pulls 'rank?' if only she could do that! still she moves forwards before looking about the space. "What do you think?" she questions as she moves closer, crossing her arms under her bust. "A bomb? A prank? Something else?'

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Its kind of weird to put a bomb in a tree," Cassie opines back to the other heroic flying lady. "Not that I'm a real expert on the subject or anything but, I dunno. In the park there's places you'd get closer to people. Trash cans, benches, those are usually what they go for, yeah? Or any of the big tourist draws, the bridges, the fountain, the merry-go-round, you name it." The park has lots of cool things in it!

She continues looping around, making it something of a corkscrew spiral, so that she's gaining altitude as well, winding a path not just around but upwards, to cover as much of the tree as they can. In their two patrol paths, the two are no doubt going to cross each other and cover some of the same area, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Redundancy, to make sure they don't miss anything.

Ther's a brief glance back down bellow. "Uhg what are these dumbshits doing- well, I'm sure Di's got 'em."

A pause, and the next time they cross: "You do this a lot?"

Jacen Knight has posed:
Jacen looks to the cops and back to the gang. He motions with his hands and grabs his microphone on his shoulder,"Dispatch, we have 30 people forcing their way into the park. Please dispatch more officers."

He looks back towards the gang and past them to see about twenty more coming in from the opposite side of the park,"Ya know'f there's a bomb, you'd think these dumb bastard's would wanna be far away." Under his shirt he pulls up a necklace made of teeth, long sharp teeth. He focuses moment and this time a new spirit animal appears. Around his form a bear stands bipedal and roaring into the ether.

Near the tree, the investigars from a timer on a large binding of c4 plastic explosive. There is still over 5 minutes on the clock so that's probably why the would be thugs are brave. If they can stop the heroes from preventing the explosion.

"They really are stupid." Jacen growls and reaches out to grab two of them by their collars and crashing them together. Those seeing the spirits see the bear roar into the sky.

Diana Prince has posed:
It isn't but a second after Jacen is confronting two of the additionally arriving Odd Ones Out that a hand comes down upon Wonder Woman's shoulder. Not being in armor, she's a bit unusually dressed for something like this, but still her own hand is upon the one grasping her shoulder in an instant. She twists the hand, straightens the arm its connected to, then steps one leg behind the man who owned it all. With little to no effort put forth, Diana tips the man back, and drops him on the ground with a cry as two of his fingers are snapped inside her grasping own hand.

Another rushes Wonder Woman, who stands above the fallen first, her eyes snapping to them as they try to put BOTH hands upon her now. This second fool gets a strong kick right in to his left kneecap, which snaps it up from its jointed position in a gruesome detachment, which instantly sends the charging man twirling down to the ground in agony.

"Enough!" Diana calls out, whether or not these strange people listen.

"Cassie! Remove it, no matter what it is now!" Diana shouts up to her young protege.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Cassie's question had 'Belle' shrugging lightly and gesturing to herself. "Actually, most of my stuff is robbery stopping or rescues." The shift of her form brings a little tilt of her head before she considers, lightly. "The occasional supervillain...once or twice to space...I'm still kind of learning the ropes. But a bomb in a tree would be a new one. Maybe this is a creepy camera thing?"

Crowds moving in and Jacen's comment earns a little sigh. "Speaking of cameras, it's probably the sort of people who have to put everything on social media."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Wait, what is that a --" the hooded magician questions, and her head tilts, left arm still held aloft as she cranes her neck to look at Jacen.

    "Bear?" Balm states, questioning, distracted by the sudden shift in the astral around Jacen, eyes going wide behind the domino she wears as she reaches to her side and pulls a metal cylinder. This she expands the staff, and giving it a spin she looks to the oncoming crowd.

    "You're gonna wish you listened to Wonder Woman," she warns, "I'm not the nice one."

    She begins to move through the crowd coming form the other side of the park, striking at knees, shoulders and elbows to convince them to make a swift and disorderly exit!

    "Oh hey was that your funny bone? Not so humerus is it?"

    She's not the nice one, but she's a funny one.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Well, I take that all back about who would put a bomb in a tree, because the answer, obviously, is... whoever put a bomb in this tree."

Sometimes, Cassie has an impressive grasp of the obvious!

The fact that there is a timer is some relief to her, at least, as she hovers in a little closer to get a look. For one thing, it gives her a nice idea of how much time they have to work with, and happily, it's a lot. However, even if she's not bomb-squad trained, Cassie has seen this movie. Just because there's a timer, it doesn't mean there's not also some other kind of crazy secondary switch or something. 'Cut the red wire!' 'They're all red!' Yeah. Every dumb 90s movie has that.

"Ok so... I am just gonna take like, this whole branch, and fly it away," she warns Sunny. "Seems safer than messing around with it." One, two... *crack*

Yep, she rips a whole large branch off, breaking it clean far from where the bomb is attached. Lucky she doesn't take the whole tree!

And assuming none of that motion sets things off, she then immediately rockets upward into the sky. If it sticks to the timer, 5 minutes is plenty of time: forget tossing it in the reservoir, she heads for the river, out over water while gaining altitude. In parting, she shouts back at Sunny: "Yeah they're the worst... Be sure to follow me on instagram!"

Jacen Knight has posed:
Now good sense says there is a bomb and several members of their gang are taken out in seconds, maybe get out. However, they decide to engage. Several turn on Jacen and the rest charge towards Diana and the rest of the girls. Jacen rolls his neck and settles a bit, the bear roaring in defiance. The first one charges him and learns quickly that Jacen doesn't throw a mean punch, but he lifts the man from the ground, pressing him into the air, and then throws him into the rest of his oncoming friends,"One thing 'bout th' big city. Some really dumb bastards up here." he grumbles and looks away just long enough to see the cops catching on to what is happening.

"It's 'bout fu..." he starts, but one of the trouble makers is up and grabbing him. Jacen shifts his leverage and tosses this one into a tree.

He looks back to the rest in the distance and smirks, seeing a pile of bodies starting in the distance.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Indestructibelle wasn't really going to complain about the solition, but what she was intending to do was grasp the explosive and take it skywards. She'd probably going to just 'wear' the explosion rather than toss it into the water. Not the smarter play, just the one that she herself might have come up with.

Thugs coming their way? Okay, she could probably deal with that. She steps forwards, her hand extending to try and seize one by the collar.

Wonder woman, Belle and Jacen herself is likely going to be more than what a hanful of thugs can deal with.

Diana Prince has posed:
There were a lot of these people gathering up, and with the NYPD under staffed to stop some kind of a riot, Wonder Woman takes it upon herself. This was actually a bomb? These people had gathered together for a bomb in the middle of Central Park in the middle of July?

This vexes Diana.

With Sunny, Phoebe and the others behind her now, Diana marches toward the 'angry mob'. Her chin lowers down, her eyes locked upon them all as they confident advance upon her. Perhaps they don't fully know who she is, perhaps they just see a woman in jogging clothing and believe they can overwhelm her if they can surround her, which is precisely what the gang tries to do...

Only Diana beats them to it. She marches, she bends her left knee down, planting it upon the verdent lawn of the Park, and she slams her forearms together in front of her. Her bracelets come together - just as her bracers have done in combat many times before - only these smaller bracelets result in a slightly more unique effect.

a whirlwind of kinetic energy rips out of Diana's bracelets, spinning like a mini typhoon across the grassy yard, striking in to the throng of gathering aggressive goons! The force of the kinetic energy vortex will send each and every single one of them back, flying in the air, or rolling across the dirt as it casts them like ragdolls away from the heroes here tonight!

These people were endangering the lives of the park itself at the height of tourist season within New York...

... and now everyone who had gathered around the police barricades to watch, get a first hand view of Diana unleashing her Aegis whirlwind of kinetic power upon the onslaught of unusual foes!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe wouldn't call them unusual foes. To her? This is just a regular Gotham City night -- except there's two people flying and Wonder WOman is on the other side of the tree kicking ass and there's a guy who is channeling a Bear smashing skulls.

     -- so really it's a regular Gotham City night plus spirit bears and people taking video of the fight.

    She hears the SNAP above and registers Cassie taking the branch to the East as she plants the butt of her staff into the ground and brings her feet up to knock a couple people over one of the barricades.

    "Go Cassie /go/." she murmurs to herself.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A punch impacting against the side of her head was barely felt...well, but Sunny. The other guy was probably going to need a cast for that one. Still, she came to hoist the thug up and toss him down to the ground, another shove or strike at the next 'attacker' always seeming more about knocking them around rather than knocking them down. It was controlled...careful, maybe even hesitant.

The last fight she'd been in had been the first time Sunny had ever actually had to fight for her life and sunk into the natural brutality of her race she wasn't even aware of the nature of. It had obviously rattled the blonde a little!

Jacen Knight has posed:
The police finally start showing up in force. Jacen notes the difference in the air around the other officers and turns to fade into the crowd then make his way to the ambulance. He turns towards the others and looks at Wonder Woman. He gazes at her until their eyes meet once and reaches up to tip a hat to her, of course he isn't wearing a hat, but it's the gesture. He climbs into the abulance and tells the driver to "hit it" and away they go into the night.

The baddies put up a fight until Diana wipes out a large number and the police start falling on them before they can get up. Any baddie that a hero tosses or blasts gets picked up by the police.

Diana Prince has posed:
In the aftermath of it all; Diana is moving toward where Phoebe and Sunny are located. With more NYPD on-scene to gather up the bomb-gang, it would seem that whatever this was had come under control now.

"Thank you both." The Princess states with a sincere tone to her voice. She offers her right hand to Sunny to shake, should she wish to, and a soft smile to Phoebe. "Come to the Arts Center some time. There is an entire stable of Kanga on-site now. They all need some positive attention from a friendly face."

To Sunny, the Princess shows a hint of a grin. "We will have to find a chance to speak soon. I remember you from a few weeks prior. Clearly you are making an impact for good... Keep it up."

She'll take a moment then to find herself a chance to send a text off to Cassie. 'Swing back by when you get a chance. We need to figure out who these people were, and what their goal here was.'

Surely Cassie had safely gotten the bomb to a watery gravesite by now!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    And that being that, Balm is done for the night as well, shrinking down the metallic staff and regarding The Princess with the most awkward of unsure smiles.

    "Only if you, Cass, or Donna'll be there. Too much of a coward to walk in on my own." she replies quietly.

    "Indestructibelle, right? Nice work. Clearly, you are a force to be reckoned with." the magician states, and with her hood pushed up a little bit, a couple of dusky pink curls could be seen whisping against her forehead. "Please give my regards to Cassie upon her non-explosive return." she says to Diana, and then with a portal opening behind her, she simply falls backwards through it to make her exit.

    Hash Tag : Gotham Dramatic.

    She, on the other hand, has got an EMT to track down.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
More or less five minutes later, there's an explosion in the air, somewhere high over the Long Island Sound, endangering neither people nor fish! It is (much) too far off for anyone here to take note of, but no doubt, the police may be monitoring things and someone will eventually get the information radio'd back.

Shortly after, Diana gets a text, although it's just a string of emoji: dynamite, explosion, female superhero, thumbs up.

Wonder Girl lives to fight another day!