15424/SUICIDE SQUAD!: You're All Fired
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SUICIDE SQUAD!: You're All Fired | |
Date of Scene: | 27 July 2023 |
Location: | Belle Reve Penitentiary |
Synopsis: | We're all fired! Or put on leave. Road Trip! |
Cast of Characters: | Wade Wilson, Amanda Waller, Jennifer Stavros, Melissa Gold, Felicia Hardy
- Wade Wilson has posed:
A little red and black crayon figure steps out on the stage and addresses the audience.
"So alright, I suppose you're wondering what happened?" The figure says as it struts the stage, gesturing with its tiny three-fingered 'hands'. "Well there we were, at the convention center. And we were moving together like a well-oiled team, I'm talking SWAT precision without the balaclavas since _some_ people don't want to muss their hair. Jen."
The image on stage changes to the heroic Suicide Squad skittering across the stage all clumped up together moving between little tables and chairs with scienciey doodads illuminating the area with lightning and buzzers and flashes of light.
"When," The Wade crayon figure steps out from the crowd of squaddies, "Suddenly. She arrived."
Another crayon figure appeared, this one in red white and blue with a golden lasso, "The Woman of Wonder! Diana! And she instantly keyed onto what was going on using her Wonder Vision and her Wonder Hearing."
The little stick figure Diana dances forward, "My keen enhanced senses tell me that danger is afoot!"
Little crayon Deadpool sashays out of the crowd. "Lo, errant harpy! Tis I, Wade Wilson, Deadpool! Your nemesis! Face me!"
The stick figures of the suicide squad then rush across the stage and grasp the magical Flergle Kermuffin and run off with it. A tiny crayon Songbird with gigantic afro hair turns and calls out, "But Wade! We can't leave you!"
The Crayon Wade draws his crayon swords and advances on the Crayon Diana. "Have no fear, I shall avert this dire tragedy!"
Crayon Melissa sobs, little crayon tears _flying_ out from her face while all the other Squaddies look aghast with wide eyes and start to sob. But they slowly rush off as Wade engages in a dustball fight with Diana.
"And then everyone escaped." Crayon Wade takes a bow.
Then, out of nowhere. "Oh yeah, and there was a van somewhere in there."
As a crayon van _falls_ onto Crayon Wade. And crushes him.
Then, in the real world, Wade spreads his hands to Amanda Waller and says, "So yeah then I escaped, and now. You're caught up."
- Amanda Waller has posed:
To say that things were a touch stressed was understating it. Visible in the way Amanda Waller's jaw clenched each moment that passed during Deadpool's little stage play. Yet perhaps more surprising was that the woman had said /nothing/ during it all no matter how much this all was a test of her patience. Perhaps simply building up her rage for when Deadpool was done. Silence abates upon the office room once Deadpool is done. A deadly silence, only the scuffle of boots from Flagg that's standing in a military pose in the side of the room heard. His expression? That of someone that had been on the rear-end of the fabled Wall's for the last hour or three.
And just when it seems Amanda had nothing to say to this? "So ...." the 5'1 woman leans forward hands on the edge of her table as her commanding gaze goes over each person in the room. "Is this how the op went down?" accusing gaze. Voice dripping with anger. "Or does someone have anything to add?"
One last chance to defend themselves!
And finally to Flagg she adds, "Go find Harley, she's probably in the mess hall eating all the freaking gumbo." the man gulps but then starts walking out of the room, sharing a look with Melissa that seems to say 'you guys better have a good explanation for this'.
- Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Only -he- would make himself into the star of the show. He's so full of himself," Jennifer whispers in a loud aside to Melissa.
Wade earns a lifted shoulder and a tight smirk at his quip about balaclavas as she flips a lock of platinum blonde back with manicured fingers. "Dude's got some nerve," she adds in a low voice, looking straight ahead at the silly man in costume.
But like all good adventure tales especially one she had a co-starring role in, Roulette is sucked into it. She leans forward to follow the action, lips pursed into ohhh of surprise when Diana appears. When Wade remembers to add the van, she nearly claps, subsides and looks sideways at Waller to see if she noticed the aborted gesture. It looks like Waller is on a roll today.
Yep, Waller's first words confirm her suspicion. Jenn straightens up like a scolded kid and tugs at her cropped crochet top with the revealing neckline, wishing she had gone for business casual today. No way is she going to try to explain what happened. Let Mr. Smarty-Pants Wade do it.
- Melissa Gold has posed:
She was not that short. Although, in truth, she probably was compared to the rest of the team. Also, she did not cry like that. Ever. Okay, maybe once or twice. But not in this situation. And lastly--Her hair did not look that bad! Yes, it was a bit big because she was from the south and they liked their hair big but that was just a little bit insane. Although, maybe she should confirm. A very soft whisper to Jennifer while Wade was still talking at least. "Is my hair really that bad?"
And those are the points she found insane. Not the rest of it and the level of fiction involved. Not the fact Wade was telling it, in crayon. Not that they were all gathered together inside a prison where some of them were serving time but the others were allegedly free. She really didn't feel free right now. Not in the least.
And Waller wanted an answer. And Melissa wanted so desperately to be a good leader, to open her mouth and vouch for her team. To lay it out and say no no it was her fault as leader, not that of her team!
She sunk down further in her chair, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a t-shirt with kittens on the front of it and a pair of jeans with very faded bits that looked like they might tear through at any moment. There were combat style boots on her feet, not laced up and obviously old. No fancy shiny military ones like Flagg would approve of.
She bit her bottom lip and looked at the rest of the team. But then she finally sighed and spoke. But for a person who had a power that was sound, she definitely was not tapping into it with the barely audible words that came out. "While not quite as dramatic as his retelling, it was pretty close. We knew we had the one shot. Team one was on acquisition duty. Team two was in the van prepared to help with exit--depending on how much equipment we had to grab--or distraction. Then Diana showed up and was compromising the op. Harley went on interception duty, I went on destructive distraction duty and the van..."
A pause then she opted to go with it. "Came in unexpectedly. I suspect there was a vehicular malfunction. But then we had to deal with it and the rest played out much as explained."
- Felicia Hardy has posed:
Defending oneself in an argument implies something wrong. The epitome of sleek cool, the white-haired woman in the black outfit is just full enough of herself to resist being utterly consumed by a need to say anything. The art of keeping her tongue behind her teeth is practiced well, letting the blonde comment in her place. Felicia rests her palm against her hip, adopting what probably amounts to a look of vague contrition if one is extremely generous. By the same token of generosity, that would make Wade utterly a dashing hero to slide in and save Diana from the peril of AIM, fanboys, and photogs with bad aim.
She doesn't amend the explanation for all of what happened, not for Waller or anyone else in the room. The crayoned shapes are sort of accurate, but trust someone to colour her hair in an outline of black or grey because white crayons never get properly used. Her eyebrows arch slightly.
"We acquired the requested marks, yes?" she drawls out, possibly ending in a proper dot of cat-tail curled inquiry at the end for confirmation from... anyone, really.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Hey." Wade gestures over at Melissa. "I'm not taking notes. As far as you chuckleheads are concerned?" He tosses the little array of construction paper and crayon scribblings. "This is the bible."
With that said he _slouches_ in his chair, folding his arms over his chest and making a /harumph!/ sound. Though the white eyelets of his mask flick over in the direction of Flagg as the man makes his departure to wander off to find Harls. He looks back up to Waller and spreads his hands. "I might've missed a detail here or there, but you got the gist."
And when Felicia offers her insight in that carefully measured series of words he points in her direction. "Exactly. Mission accomplished. So really give us our XP and our quest reward, because seriously."
Then again there's that sound. "Harumph!"
- Amanda Waller has posed:
The woman's hardened gaze goes over the group as they all give their piece on what happened. Colorful or not. Challenging or not. Eyes narrow in distaste. To anyone in particular? Maybe to them all and the clearly unsatisfactory explanations given her way, "Seems you aren't taking this seriously." the woman finally says, still standing, leaned forward on her desk. Hands on it supporting her.
"The Suicide Squad works because it's secret. There's no pesky regulations on us, nothing to stop us from doing what /must/ /be/ /done/. Without it...?" she shakes her head. " .... there is no Suicide Squad. Something you jeopardized with your antics and disregard from what we do. Whatever made you chucklehe---" she stops herself before continuing, eyeing Wade. Damn man is contagious! ".. you think to go ahead with the mission with Diana present? Right now she is looking for answers and she will be coming to meet me soon. With the pull she has? We could seriously be looking to the end of the suicide squad." a moment as she lets them process that.
"I am sure you all know what that could mean for you." Prison most likely.
It's right when Harley comes back in, sidled up to Flagg's arm, her hip sashaying in a manner that she bumps into him from time to time, "Hey, what did I miss? I just start eatin' when I am nervous and dunno when to stop and ....-" pause, "Ooh, nice hair Mel."
- Jennifer Stavros has posed:
A white disc appears between Jennifer's index and ring finger. Keeping it out of sight next to her thigh exposed by the skimpy mini-skirt, she flips it through her fingers like a stage magician. Now you see it, now you don't. "What's the worst that Waller can do to us?" she whispers again, looking innocently ahead at Wade. "I mean, Felicia is right. We got it done."
Jenn raises her chin defiantly at the unspoken threat and flashes a grin to Mel at Harl's hair comment. "It's more an evening look, you know."
- Melissa Gold has posed:
A muttered comment from Melissa again, half under her breath. "God, I am getting a haircut as soon as we get out of here. Or if I can. Do they have a barber in this place?"
Then she raised her voice again. Though she had given a terse nod and a lift of her hand in the direction of Felicia's words cause yeah, they had gotten the job done.
"Because the event was ending that day. We would've had to completely replan everything and..." She paused and somewhere some steel found its way into her as she sat up a bit more straight. "You don't like wasted time, money, resources and so forth. We might've been less obvious if not for the van malfunction." Yes, she was sticking her guns to that one cause no way it was a team member malfunction, right? "But once that genie was out of the bottle, there was nothing to do but get the goods and get out. Unless you wanted all of us to attack Diana directly and potentially not get the items we had been asked to get."
She is tappity tap tapping with her tap shoes on some thin ice here.
- Felicia Hardy has posed:
Felicia doesn't exactly move away from Jennifer as a glowy bit manifests from those talented fingers. A slight lean away which can be attributed to getting a better view of Wade's reaction and waving to Harley. A snowy lock falls over her brow, escaping confinement behind her ears. The seductive bounce against the contours of her face partly blocks the appraising look given to Flagg, punctuated by a half-smile when he escorts the Clownette into their presence.
"Looking at the situation another way," she is careful to speak and avoid Waller's attention directly. "Diana's interest might play to your interests. AIM commits corporate espionage and IP theft all the time. Not to mention crimes targeting consumers and communities. Any third-party security hired legitimately by an affected company, organization or private individual would choke up with Wonder Woman around. Or a community-driven response. I'm not saying vigilantism." You totally are, Felicia. But she continues.
With a wave of her hand, elegant manicure flashing with sparkles incongruent with a jail, she says, "Look how people in Bushwick or Brighton Beach, as in example, set up grassroots organization to protect their interests. Even Gotham." Shudder. Gotham is just about as bad as Bludhaven. "My point is, they'd all choke with a Justice Leaguer or Avenger around. Natural they panic when someone important shows up. It doesn't require a whole lot of explanation or hand-holding, and only he and she," nod to Harley, "are famous enough to raise eyebrows. Both known for their profound interest in highly varied causes. Can anyone blame him for being awed by Diana?"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Listening to the back and forth, Deadpool seems to be shaking his head, not agreeing with the sentiment given by any side he's listened to so far. Though at the mention of Waller having to speak with Diana again... _that_ catches his attention.
"I mean, I wouldn't exactly saw 'awed'. She is sorta into me, I can sweet talk Diana. She likes me. Hopefully she'll bring that rope again." Under the mask he bites his lower lip as those eyelets distance and he seems to purr softly, "Sweet beautiful legendary bondage rope. So just. So righteous. So naughty."
He shivers a little then recovers, "But yah, anyways. If you need a hand with handling her I can be there for you, Waller. Me and her..." He holds up two fingers apart and then puts them together. "We're like this..."
Then he sort of rubs those fingers together, "And then we're like this..." And then he twists those fingers around which clearly must emphasize the usage of the Kama Sutra in its most modern implementation. "And then we're all like,"
Which is the moment when fate intervenes...
- Amanda Waller has posed:
"Oh, you got it done alright." This to Stavros, "The problem is if you will continue to get it done in the future or return to prison. I shouldn't have to remind you the dossiers on each of you are extensive." Waller says in that matter-of-factly tone of hers, shaking her head at them slowly at the 'gang'. Attention shifts then to Mel and Fel, "The situation with AIM, and those particular scientists, required a group of ..." pause, "... well, people like you. No government involvement so they don't know we are on to them. Yet if any of this comes out to the public? They will disappear. And with that their experiments. And trust me on that, you don't want those people on the loose." a frown.
"Right now you are all on leave until /I/ clean your mess up. After? We will see. With some luck you will be going after AIM again soon."
Pause as Wade then starts talking .., and talking .., and obscene gesturing and....
It's right when fate decides to intervene by way of a angry clownette that rushes away from Flagg's arm (that's one big sacrifice!) and jumps towards Wade. Fist hits the man's jaw with that superstrength behind it. "You keep Didi's name out of your filthy mouth." big baby blue eyes blazing.
- Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Oh, in his dreams. Damn," the white disc pops back into existence and disappears. Jennifer raises her voice, dropping the adolescent whispers.
She stands, primly smoothing down her short flouncy skirt. "We can spin this to everybody's advantage. "Diana captures the baddies who go underground and the government disavows any knowledge of us beyond being on the job and investigating us to their utmost. Yeah. Then we are in the clear. Right?"
Her heroine comes to the rescue with a clean upper cut. The crack of fist to jaw satisfying enough to make her grin.
"You go Harls!" she cheers, giving her an overhead salute with a clenched fist. "Right on."
- Melissa Gold has posed:
And finally, Wade did it. The finger exercises had Mel dropping her head into her hand, hiding her eyes from view as she just let out a soft pained groan because she has no control. All control has been lost. She's going to prison for the rest of her...
Wait! Did Waller say on leave? Leave is good! Leave means Tahiti is an option. Or somewhere else Waller might not be able to find her. Which brought her head up just in time to see a flying clownette punching the hell out of Wade. Mel's mouth dropped open but no sound came out until she managed to close it again with a little click of her teeth. Yet she said nothing.
- Felicia Hardy has posed:
Felicia isn't about to sully her hands smacking a fist into Wade anywhere, because who knows what he has touched and where her hand might end. Wide aqua eyes widen further as Harley socks him one. "Ooh, that looked painful."
Peanut gallery 1, getting dirty 0. She rebalances on the balls of her feet and nods to Jennifer. "Exactly. We can make it advantageous. Ever shining back on Diana's unimpeachable reputation." The apples of her cheeks round as she drops that playful smile.
"Keep a low profile, then. We can get a couple bottles of wine and stay firmly off their radar. Good for everyone, isn't it?" Don't worry, Melissa, she has your back.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
That punch comes in right as Wade's eyes are lifted up toward the ceiling even as he's starting to bring his other hand into the mix. Which is when Harley shouts that shout of justice as she hurls herself across the distance and right into Wade. Her fist blurs out and _cracks_ into the side of his jaw as his head turns to the side abruptly, almost comically with those white eyelets going _wide_ as his head twists around in an arc and his legs flip _up_ and against the wall where he makes an impact not unlike the Vitruvian Man.
No wry words of wit are summoned forth from him. No casual lewd comments. Instead he slowly sort of peels off of the wall, falling down heavily onto his back with a thud, arms and legs spread wide and his eyes locked in that wide-eyed gaze staring up at the ceiling, his nose very clearly broken to such a degree it's flat.
Which is why when he finally does speak it's with a nasally high-pitched tone.
- Amanda Waller has posed:
Silence abates once again, Waller watching Wade slide down the wall with a rather disapproving look. Eventually she speaks up again. "Yes. On leave." she doesn't like repeating herself. "Don't think about disappearing, I can find you." offered casually but also in a rather ominous manner. Almost as if she could read minds! A gesture is made with her hand. "Flagg. See them out." she tells the tall military man.
Harley peeks up at the others after doing that fist bump with Jennifer, as if only now she was listening to what was being said (besides Wade's antics), "Ooooh, does this mean we gettin' some team gelling time?" she grins widely while walking over to pick Wade from the ground, "You guys wanna come meet my hyenas?!" she offers.
Hand picks Wade by the arm so they can go out, her fury fully gone now as if a switch had been turned, "But first ..., gumbo.." it's a Belle Reve specialty after all!
- Jennifer Stavros has posed:
With an eye roll worthy of every disgusted woman, Jennifer shakes her head with disapproval at Wade's complaint. The pain wouldn't last more than a minute, they all knew it. She sits back down then stands back up after Waller's insistence on leave, jumping in place and clapping her hands gleefully.
"Road trip, road trip! Vacay. Vacay! I vote for an island off Belize."
- Felicia Hardy has posed:
Felicia already has a list of things to do a mile long, most of which involve casing, theft, and... corporate espionage. "We'll try not to wrap ourselves up in knots about it. Except him. He's happiest when he's left hanging, apparently."
Her smile is full, her hand wave washing away all the concerns of the world. "I don't like to be pinned down too much, but I can spend a few minutes grabbing some gumbo if you recommend it that much, Harley."
A flicker of bad luck is all that she's gonna leave here, passing in Jennifer's wake. "Or Goa, beautiful beaches."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
The Merc with the Mouth is slowly brought back to his feet, displaying that what harley giveth she can taketh. Or vice versa. Though as he stands Wade mumbles softly, absently, his already addled brain further addlepated. "Weren't we goin' ta Tahiti or somethin'?" Those words coming out slurred and befuddled as he follows along with Harley, being guided by the Harlequin girl's grip. As they walk by Amanda Waller those white eyelets turn as he tells her.
"I had jello today..."
Then he's led off along with the others.