16818/The Path of Progress: Around The Island In Eight Hours
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The Path of Progress: Around The Island In Eight Hours | |
Date of Scene: | 15 January 2024 |
Location: | Madripoor |
Synopsis: | Cable and the team manage to obtain their objective and get their hands on someone who should bring them one step closer to finally catching up to John Sublime. They also sink a yacht. So typical mission. |
Cast of Characters: | Cable, Monet St. Croix, Neena Thurman, James Proudstar, Sally Pride, Tabitha Smith
- Cable has posed:
One thing about the sorts of jobs that they do. You're never going to get bored doing the same old thing over and over. One day you're infiltrating and blowing the shit out of some high end club. The next it's time to play modern-day pirate.
Much like their lives, Madripoor is a city of extremes. There is the obvious difference between Hightown and Lowtown, the greatest of excesses that money can buy and the purest abject poverty. Likewise the port city is firmly rooted in the modern day in most ways, having untold technological marvels in its high-end bazaars and boutiques. There are mercenary companies outfitted with the latest and greatest weaponry turning the city into a virtual collection of armed camps. And gleaming steel and glass highrises stretch up into the sky, reflecting the bright tropical sun.
But the city has never forgotten it's past either, not entirely, and numerous reminders of the past linger throughout the city. And in the traditions that continue to this day. One of those traditions is the race around the island. No longer is the race done in dugout canoes however, but instead by the yachts of the super wealthy, cutting the time from days-long trech to less then a double handful of hours as those boats leave Buccaneer Bay in the morning and return before the setting of the sun.
One of those participants is of particular interest to Cable and his team on this particular occasion. Gaerth Solomon is a Madripoor industrialist, pumping out hi-tech weapons and pouring billions of that into John Sublime's Transhumanist movement. Usually guarded by a virtual army of hired guns on his lavish estate, the man makes a habit of participating in this yearly race. A tradition that brings him out from behind all those armed men and onto the open seas.
Of course going after someone on the high seas offers its own challenges. While the man can't possibly pack as many mercenaries on his yacht as at his villa, it also isn't entirely practical to simplly bodyslide onto the moving vessel either. Which means approaching the ship via the water. Which means obtaining transport of their own.
Hence the modern day pirates theme.
While it is likely that they could have managed to steal another yacht easily enough -- and some of them would have probably done so enthusiastically -- obtaining a somewhat smaller, more innocuous speed boat was a little more practicaly. Though the boat does admittedly stand out a little more with the 25mm chain gun mounted in the back bed of it, jutting out in somewhat alarming fashion.
Which is where the members of X-Force find themselves at the moment, cutting through the relatively calm ocean waters that surround Madripoor, gleaming under the bright midday sun. They have past a trail of boats -- those without the horsepower or real interest in winning the race -- and are rapidly coming up on the leaders. The true contenders. Unsurprising, their quarry is right out in the forefront.
But not for long.
"Keep on point and be ready for anything. Solomon might not have his army with him out here but he won't be undefended by any stretch of the imagination," Cable says with that same implacable tone and expression that dominates his features during any of these missions. "This one we need to take alive. More's the pity."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is using her slightly enhanced vision and telepathy to scan ahead as they go forwards. "I presume that Sublime will be expecting us." As he had so far and strung them along with his rather merry, messy game. They'd never seemed to be ahead of the curve when it came to him.
"We should possibly try and hit him from different angles. Splitting up fully might not be the best idea but out here in the open he can't bring all of his defensive systems to bear on us.." They had multiple fliers and teleporters, so they could hopefully hit from a wide variety of angles and not have to worry as much about him having a ton of traps up in their faces. Of course, it hadn't worked out that way so far.. So they'd have to adapt once more and hope that improvisation got them through.
But, among Tabitha's explosive personality (let's call it that), Domino's creative chaos, Cable's insurmountable planning, Sally's senses, and Warpath's efficient brutality they might at least be a bit better set this time.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
So many different outfits to consider when yachting. Does one go for the obvious bimbo-bikini? That'd cause no end of sunburn, and so far Domino's managed to avoid it, even with visits to the beach. Leathers don't do well in salt-water brine, so that is out. The result is something light weight, covers the shoulders so they don't burn, and a pair of capris. All obviously in black.
Seated at the bow of the boat, in the little seating area that holds about four and a hearty cooler, Domino's got sunglasses on, keen blue eyes looking out over the water. Black hair blows back in the wind with the boat's progress as it bounces over waves, and calling back, "Did this thing come with fish?" Not //fish//, fish.. but FISH.
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar is dressed to blend in, wearing a casual button down in an exotic print and a pair of shorts. This does nothing to hide the broad musculature, the sculpted physique. His feet are bare and he is enormous in any normal concept especailly one the size of a motor boat. He sits in the back of the boat and sips on a juice box, "You want me to get out and push? Or maybe go disable their engines? I mean I could just scuttle the boat if that would help?" His own senses are tuned on the boat smelling, looking and hearing for the things Tabs and Monet's telepathy might miss. He pulls another Juice box from the cooler.
- Sally Pride has posed:
Really Sally prefers the speedboat. It's fast, sleek, and a bit more her style. Most of the rich assholes will have their eyes ahead on the race, or on their opponents. Not looking down to see a smaller craft coming up on them.
That doesn't mean she isn't above playing pirate when they get on the target yatch though. Never know what they might find. She didn't go completely for the pirate theme, but having traded her usual badass biker leather for cutoff shorts and a sleeveless vest to better handle the tropical waters at least evokes the essense of the modern day equivilent.
"Honestly, the bastard is lucky we want him alive." Because that is about the only thing that's going to ensure it. The lioness mutters that while she is adjusting her blaster. This is one of the few times for these missions it's actually set to non-lethal.
That doesn't mean it isn't going to hurt like a bitch to get shot with.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
With regards to regattas, it's a surprisingly good day for it. and the fact that technically what X-Force is doing could be considered Piracy.
Which is an endless source of amusement to the blonde bombshell known as Boom-Boom.
"so what was the prize for winning this little ol' race they have? Figure it's gonna be big enough, none of the other boats are gonna stop and help when we do our thing?" one more benefit for this moment.
Uniforms might have been better for safety and small arms but the sun, and sea, and surf called for a wetsuit. Sure it's full bodied. but it's also pink and yellow off the shelf. though it has a big wave shaped W on her chest instead of an X. The front unzipped with a red with yellow trimmed bikini top showing.
There's a grin as tactical options start getting thrown about. "You know, between you and Monet Jimmy, you two could totally just swoop up and down like eagles and pluck the crew off and dump them in the water. We pull up, I blast a hole in the side of their boat. they run like headless chickens trying to not sink. We snag our target. Then you ho ho, and a bottle of grog!"
- Cable has posed:
There is a degree of flexibility that comes with working with the same group of people on a regular basis. Both a trust in one another and a knowledge in the best ways to work together, to make use of their respective talents. With a newer team Cable might be a little more inclined to keep a tight group. To stick close together and pool their respective firepower so that they can better support one another.
But everyone here is more then capable enough to deal with things so that a surround and conquer plan of attack will work just as well. And overwhelming their opposition quick might be what is called for here. No need to linger any longer then necessary and perhaps find themselves caught up in yet another nasty surprise.
"Probably doesn't hurt to assume that Sublime or his lieutenants have guessed that we might have an interest in Solomon and have surrounded him with modified Transhumanists with stolen mutant powers. Even beyond whatever exo-suited mercs he might have onboard," Cable agrees. "So yes, we can hit him from a couple of sides at once."
Glancing towards James, the grizzled soldier from the future dips his head ever so slightly. "I think we can deal with the engines without you having to exert yourself," he says drily. "That's what Boom-Boom is for. Or the little toy in the back," he says, gesturing with one thumb over his shoulder towards the waiting mounted chain gun.
He does love his big guns.
"And you know I got you covered Dom," he adds with a smirk as the speeding boat practically skips across the water, the little rhythmic thunks jostling the speeding craft just a little as it cuts through the mild ocean swells. "Hit 'em fast and hard and then we get out with our prize."
It is simple and too the point, but then they do tend to thrive on plans like that as often as not. And it doesn't take them very long at all to make up a lot of that distance, coming up on their target's yacht. "The prize, Tabitha, is largely bragging rights. And some cheap trophy that is handed about like it is solid gold. But bragging rights matter a lot to these scummy asshats, so it is a safe bet that no one is going to be stopping to help them," Cable confirms.
Whether someone has done the unexpected on the ship ahead, or if it is something simply put in place by Sublime, as they continue to close that distance four dark shapes emerge from the brightly-lit ocean up ahead, cutting towards them. Speed boats, not so unlike their own. This then would be the welcoming party.
"Alright, looks like the first wave is on it's way. Take 'em out and then it's on to the ship."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would take a moment to frown and take a breaht. "Understood." She moves to quickly evaluate. "I'll draw fire." She was the fastest flier of the group, though Warpath had her beat extremely on invulnerability and strength. So in her mind that put him better put to take out targets of opportunity and not have to worry on shielding one of the others. Presuming that no one's going to say otherwise..
She goes to estalbish a mental link so that Cable can focus on combat telekinesis and so Tabitha can give her full attention to blasting things and goes to launch herself!
She's skimming along the waves at about Mach 3, a blast of water going up along with her as she heads in the direction of the boats! As she heads towards them she'd suddenly make a bootlegger's turn, sending a massive wave over at them presuming she wasn't shot down en route and hopefully the huge wave completely throwing off their counter-battery fire!
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smirks, "So, scuttling it is!" He rolls over the the edge of the boat and slips into the water with nary a splash, his own dark shadow flows under the boat and out towards the nearest of the dark shapes letting Monet take their the lead and hopefully draw their attention but pacing them nonetheless. He moves quickly and silently under water his flight power ambulating him and his prodigous physical abilities allowing him to count the time he can spend underwater in hours instead of minutes. He doesn't attack the people rather the conveyance, there is a flash of bright metal and the knife sinks into the hull and then down the midline from now to stern.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino looks back and grins at the rest of the crew, black hair whipping around her face. "I'm just here as a bow decoration then." Though at the acknowledgment of having small, programmable torpedoes, that grin turns a bit more quirky and lopsided. Giving up her spot for only a moment, she maneuvers herself around the edge of the boat in order to get at the armament. Once she's got a few in hand, it's back to the bow and flops back down on the seat.
Pulling the fronts apart, though she does look up and out onto the water every few heartbeats, she's got one to the side, two, three, and then the last.
The moment James hits the water, though, those black lips turn to a scowl. "You're in the way of my fun!" she yells out into the wind. "Dammit."
Ah well.
At least it's all set the side now, and instead, pulls out one of her rifles so carefully stowed along the side of her seat. Friendly fire isn't.
- Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride looks up as it's announcing they have incoming. "Looks like you were right to suspect they'd have precautions ready. So much for getting close unnoticed." Which honestly she doesn't sound extremely upside about.
Tail flicks back and forth to keep her balance on the moving speedboat as Sally braces one foot against the edge to steady herself and take aim. Specifically she's taking aim at one of the enemy boat's driver, less difficult to do when they're coming towards their own boat, and fires.
The blaster is still set in non-lethal. But that's just going to be a knockout blow when it hits, hopefully disabling the boat operator and the boat either goes astray, or someone else takes control and that's one less person shooting back at them. Either outcome is in their favor.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a look back to see that yep. There's more boats on this merry chase. That gets Tabby grinning pretty wide as sweeps an arm towards the back of their speedboat and starts generating a number of basketball sized bombs just dropping them into the water where they'll float and get in the path of any oncoming seacraft.
She'll save anything more guided for anything that manages to get through her impromptu seaminefield. the yellow tinted Wayfarer style shades keeping glare and sea spray out of her eyes while she enjoys her job.
With Monet on the mind link Tabby doesn't have to worry too much about that but she still chimes in. <<It takes a lot to really hurt Jimmy, and he has a healing factor.>> she reassures the others staying on the boat with a grin. Most of them using weapons, Tabby going hands free with her powers for now.
Domino gets a grin at her self deprecation. "I'm more an aft girl myself!" she adds playfully.
- Cable has posed:
It would appear that their opposition has much the same notion as Cable and his team, and those four speeding craft that cut through the waves towards them also have cannons mounted in the back of those boats. Even with the bright sun reflecting off of those crystalline waters it isn't hard to make out the muzzle flare from those guns as they begin to spill dozens of shells into the water ahead of them, cutting a path towards the team's boat, sprays of water splashing as those speeding projectiles slice into the water.
Fortunately, as planned, Monet presents herself as a rather excellent target, sweeping through the sky towards the approaching craft and in short order she takes some of the immediate pressure off the rest of the team as a pair of those chain guns begin to spew those high-powered shells her way, trying to track her through the air, that speed keeping them a step or two behind.
Warpath's approach is far more subtle, beneath the surface of the water as he dives from the boat, rapidly outpacing even the speeding craft that the rest of the team races behind in his wake. And while it is possible that if their opponets were paying attention to the water they might notice something inhumanly fast approaching, unfortunately for them, they never do. Only when the shriek of metal sliding through metal sounds do they realize just how much trouble they're in. But by then James' knife is already cleanly slicing their hull in half as he streaks on by, the speed boat practically falling right apart.
More often then not on their missions the need for Tabitha's explosive prowess tends to be more guided. But there is certainly something to say for having an impromptu mine field at their disposal. Those glowing bombs go into the water in their wake, spreading out and soon enough find their first mark, one of those pursuing craft running straight on into the explosive.
Kaboom! Scratch two.
The remaining two boats cut in closer, bringing them into range of the team's speed boat. Which also means they bring them into range of the snipers on the ship. The choppy waters, the high speeds might make sure that the hired merc's spray of automatic rifle fire skitters wide and never quite finds the mark. But Sally and Domino don't need to rely on spray and pray. And in short order those remaining two boats skip directionlessly across the water, one heading for open sea, the other travelling in tight circles as their respective pilots lay slumped over the wheels.
Through it all, Cable remains at the wheel, cutting that implacable path towards their real target; the huge yacht ahead. It might have huge engines, but the distance is rapidly carved in half. Close enough to indeed see a trio of those exo-suited troops mounted in the aft, watching their approach.
"Good job with the appetizer. Now someone take out those engines please. And deal with the welcoming commitee," Cable requests with a tight, humorless smile.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The thing with chain guns at close range was that the weapons were horribly inaccurate, even on mounts. They were being fired manually and essentially blindly thanks to the darkness, floodlights, and muzzel flash of the guns and smoke. That meant while they would be instantaneously fatal even from near misses.. They were also quite easy to dodge.
Monet goes to pull a quick bootleggers turn through the water, skimming along at about Mach 3, using the anti-gravity like nature of flying to make maneuvers that shouldn't be possible without inertia infringing in. It draws fire towards her and makes her difficult to hit as the group went to deal with the other boats. As they went towards the main target,s he would go to try and scan ahead with her telepathy to get an idea of what was up on the ship. Well aware that any traps there could be technological in nature, and that her brain-sweep might not get anything - but that had no real meaning if there was nothing present.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Nah. Even Logan would have a hard time walking what we've got off." Nothing like something akin to greek fire to set boats aflame, courtesy of more than a few egg-heads that had reluctantly donated their life's work. "I actually like Jimmy."
The sighting in of her rifle takes milliseconds, and when the report of the shot goes off, again, it's lost in the wind of boat. Down one. Down two..
The 'smaller' weapons fire doesn't really concern the luck magnet, and the bullets buzz like mosquitoes; annoying and not too terribly lethal.
The request to deal with the lead boat now has Domino grinning, and finally, she is able to set that rifle aside and take up the 'fish'. They're programmed, and leaning over the side, calls out, "One out," then the next, "Two.. I really want you guys to know that it'll get sticky hot if they hit." If? With the albino merc, she has the audacity to say 'if'?
Luck is always certain, but never sure how it'll play out. "Programmed for 2 feet below the water line."
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
Those impromptu mines go off and take one boat out while gunfire takes care of the crew on the others. Though more explosions are ready to catch the boats on a nice loud spray of water and plasma.
Which leaves the engines of the main target's yacht. Right in range of Boom-Boom's blasts. The guided ones A hefty orb or two of plasma leaving her hand and seeking out propellers and rudders
If there's anyone near the engines on the yacht, they'll probably want to start not being on that side of the boat. "We had those evil clone usses a while back. I had to go full burn on fake Jimmy. Wasn't easy. Wasn't fun. Real one I think is still single. He's a keeper but I'm a shitty girlfriend." she admits, but maybe tries to winwoman for her ex.
Plasma might not be sticky like petrochemically fueled blazes but bot and fast is still sucky and makes it hard to know what extinguishers to use at any particular time.
- Sally Pride has posed:
The enemy mercs are good at their job, but not good enough to outmatch the well synced unit that Cable's band of misfits have become over their adventures. "Rather have your butts than those dumbasses," Sally quips. Not really time to think of something more witty than that.
"On it." Sally slings her blaster across her back and scoots down their boat to the mounted chaingun. She fires it up and grabs the controls, giving it the moment the weapon needs to get up to speed. The little wait is worth not having a shot jam and render the weapon unoperational before it can do it's job.
Once it's going Sally swings the weapon up towards those exo-suits atop the yatch and pulls the triggers. The repeating bark of the weapon rings out as it opens up and she sweeps a line of fire across the trio's position. They're going to be a bigger threat so if they can be crippled beforehand all the better.
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar emerges from the water, grabbing the boat spinning in circles in both hands and sending it skimming across the water at the middle Mech suited muscle man.
He doesn't wait for the result as he follows his attack in ready to handle the welcoming committee and knowing that the others can dismantle the engines and hold off any other forces. There is of course a quick smell check as he zooms towards the boat.
- Cable has posed:
It certainly helps to have a telepathic scout taking the lead. Moreso it helps to have one that doesn't have to risk letting the techno-organic virus within run rampage just to stretch out one's mind's eye that far to take in the lay of the land.
WhatMonet senses however is not entirely good news. There are of course a half dozen trained, professional mercs in those heavily weaponized exo-suits up on deck of course. Three in the aft that they can clearly see and three more in the bow of the ship. The good news is the tighter quarters inside the yacht proper means that there are none of them within. There are another half-dozen deck hands seeing to the operation of the ship, all apparently trained combatants as well, though their automatic weapons are less of a threat then the mini-mechs. And then another half dozen soldiers with their target within the wheelhouse of the ship.
And three more psychic signatures which register as more then human. Modified Transhumanist experiments then. Humans with the grafted organs of kidnapped mutants, giving them their powers. Two of them are also with their target in the cabin of the ship. The other one lingers beneath the ship itself, in those sun-warmed waters. And that one, in particular, is radiating power.
Those mini-torpedos fired by Domino streak through the water followed closely by Boom-Boom's own explosive treats, all racing towards the back of that ship -- both above and beneath the surface. And sure enough, both sets of explosives find their mark, the water actually blooming outward like a dome as the torpedos explode perfectly, lifting the back of the ship for a moment. Which leaves the plasma bombs free to practically melt the rudder of the yacht in it's booming flare, twisted metal disappearing beneath the surface of the ocean again as the ship abruptly slows further, not quite at a standstill yet, but clearly badly damaged.
The distance between the team and their target rapidly closes.
As they near the crippled ship, those Exo-Mechs start to bring their own cannons to bear. At least they try to. They didn't really bargain on a literal lioness manning a chain-gun to make that a whole lot harder then expected. As Sally rakes that upper deck with fire, the armored mercs duck down for cover, high powered shells pattering off that armor -- or piercing it as at least one of them rocks back and forth, seeming struck repeatedly as he slumps.
Then Warpath pretty much renders the entire thing moot as he emerges from the water beneath one of those crippled speedboats, hefting it up and simply hurling it at the aft of their target. Hitting home, the rear deck of the yacht is practically obliterated by the strikes, half the deck ripped away and falling into the water leaving the upper cabin open to the sea air.
"Well, looks like we have another entrance," Cable says with half a smirk, guiding the speed boat towards the gaping backside of the yacht.
Which is when that surge of power becomes a whole lot more noticable. The waters around the yacht suddenly swell, the ocean turning rough. Then a twenty-foot high wall of water shoots up into the air and begins racing towards the team still aboard their boat.
That could be inconvenient.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The massive wave going to launch it's way over towards the boat gets Monet's attention along wtih a loud mental swear as she goes along hte link! She moves to dive bomb fast in that direction, moving to zoom along at her best possible speed while going to give a mental image to the rest of them over like a Daisy Chain! She's nowhere near strong enough to pick up the boat, so all she can do is hopefully let the rest get her intent as she goes to just try and yank them up to get them off the boat before the wave would smash into it! Of course, someone els emight get more creative and not need to abandon ship, but the effort was being made to help them avoid walking the plankton!
- Sally Pride has posed:
It's a shame that lions can't technically purr, but Sally makes a rumbling growl in her throat that has a similar implication as the chaingun does it's job. One exo down, the others too busy dodging her to do anything about the explosions, and then the entire back of the yatch is wrecked by Warpath living up to his name. So much for those threats.
Yet of course things can't be over that easily. "This is going to get a bit risky, but we can't pass the chance." She leaves the chaingun and moves back to the front of the boat to make things easier on the others to do their things.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino winces in Tabs' admission. "Damn, never had to kill a fake Nate..." is whistled softly before she glances back, possibly just making sure Cable //is// Cable. Of course he is; the look of determination on his face, and is there just a hint of a gleam of him enjoying himself? (And there's the smile!) Having a good team means that some of the pressure is off the soldier from the future. Just a little.
"I think I might have to try aft at some point..."
Okay, aft looks like a whole lot better idea at the moment. As she makes her way towards the back, her hand reaches to fall on Nate's arm, and there's a whisper, "Body-slide us there?" She's got an idea, of course, and it could have everything to do with the EMPs she's got on her (the girl never leaves home without them!), and, well, in order for her luck to TRULY work, she's got to be in the thick of it. "Don't you dare shield it," is added in the murmur. She knows well enough what it takes for him.
"Monet, grab Sally. Not sure how well lionesses swim in the ocean!"
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
Killing a fake ex gets a grin aimed Domino's way but the warning of getting chemical burns is a wider one yet. "I'll be fine with the sticky stuff, Dom." That gets a wink also from Boomie aimed at the paler skinned woman. "Napalm might as well be candlewax for me." she adds with a wink to the very fortunate girl.
The damage to the yacht gets a grin and a whoop though maybe they might have a new problem as that very large wave is coming up. "Umm, surfs up!" she looks over at the others on the speedboat with her. Sally is probably going to look awful with all that wet fur. And Tabby would rather avoid that. <<Jimmy, wanna give me some hulk style applause! I'm gonna make a lightshow!>> she adds a mental image of the plan a few moments before she sets it into action.
Tabby starts filling the air telekinetically with bombs, floating them just into the wave and holding them in position. The other part of the suggestion for Jimmy is giving one of those super strength hand claps so that when the booms go off and break up the water, the extra rush of blast waving air disperses it into little more than a drizzle for some distance.
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar arches up and sweeps back towards the boat as MOnet goes after the crew James moves towards the wave heading for the unprotected coastline, twenty feet of water can cause a lot of damage and while it is Mardipoor there are still poor folks here who have no where to hides from the water.
So, Jim, arches up and accelerates towards the wall of water low towards the base, in front of the boat, he smirks, "I have always wanted to try this okay, he time the clap with the explosion and them shoves thourgh whatever remains of the wave ahaead of the boat.
James is down under again, heading under the yacht to face this thing before it can attack again... Hopefully? Strong? Yes. Tough? Absolutely? Brave? Without question. Smart? well, the thought <<Did you know those SHIELD types get hazard pay for field ops?>> comes across the psychic link
- Cable has posed:
There is always something, right?
Every good general is well aware that no plan of action survives first contact with the enemy No matter how good your intelligence might be there will be surprises, there will be things that go wrong and oft-times the side comes out ahead is the one that can adapt more quickly, more effectively to those changing circumstances.
That is one of the things that Cable most appreciates about the team that they have gathered to hunt down John Sublime and his Transhumanists. No matter how things go sideways, they adapt. They overcome. And that means -- sooner or later -- John Sublime is going to be theres and face a measure of justice for all the mutants he has kidnapped and harvested for their parts.
That wave races towards the speed roat at speeds that are definitely not natural. But then it appeared from nowhere so nothing about it is natural. Already the boat sways from side to side wildly, rocking in the disrupted waters around Madripoor. Given that Sally is the one most in need of a helping hand, Cable flashes a brief nod towards the streaking M and gestures towards the lioness, making sure the flying telepath knows to grab hold of her.
The rest of them have their own means off. To varying degrees.
"Don't stay onboard if it looks like this isn't going to work Boomer," Cable adds flatly even as those bombs go streaking towards the approaching wave, even as James sweeps in front of them as well, slamming hands together to add that sudden wave of force to Tabitha's plasma explosions -- all in the hopes of disipating that rogue wave.
It could work. But Cable's not one for putting all his eggs in one basket. Neither, apparently is Domino. At her warning, the grizzled soldier from the future gives a faint smirk as she seemingly reads his thoughts. And pre-empts them. His telekinetic abilities are a little more at his command without the risk that his telepathy brings, but stopping a wave? Yeah, that would probably cost. "Okay. But there's a reason we didn't bodyslide here in the first place. It's going to be a *rough* trip," he warns her.
He focuses his gaze on the rear of that ship, that gleam in that cybernetic eye seeming to brighten as it locks on, transmits the coordinates up to the satellite far overhead, orbitting the world beneath that cloak. "Greymalkin, emergency bodyslide by two," he orders. <<Jimmy, if we survive this, I'll see about hazard pay,>> he adds mentally as he and Domino vanish.
He can manage to have Greymalkin manufacture billions to try to infiltrate the Transhumanist. He can probably manage to scrounge them all up some hazard pay.
The transport is indeed far more jarring for all being practically instantaneous and when they reemerge, Cable and Domino are indeed aboard. Perched precariously right on that ruined aft-section of the ship, boots mere inches from the jagged, ruined edge where the tossed speedboat flew through.
Their risky little escape proves at least somewhat unnecessary -- though it did get them where they needed to go. Because Tabby and James' effort bear fruit, the combined force of that explosive clap and Boom-Boom's plasma bombs melt that wave away in a sudden shower that rains down over the ocean -- and that speed boat. It might get a little wet. It also means that, without Cable's presence at the wheel, the boat plunges headlong towards the back of the rapidly approaching yacht.
Warpath also runs into a problem as he dives back beneath the waves, plunging down to face their attacker. A shape can be made out, just ahead, directly under their target craft. But before he can get much closer it as if the ocean... solidifies around James, the water packing tight, the pressure rising as if he were several thousand feet further down, instead of a dozen or so beneath the surface.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Oh lovely. Monet goes to speak to Sally, "Launching." Then moves to give the girl a warning and flips her up and over towards the yacht! She goes to scan the consciousness of the thing attacking Warpath. It takes her a moment to focus and translate. It's a Transhumanist. Hydrokinetic.. Likely going to try and protect their target. Monet can only do so many things mid battle. She's not a strong enough telepath to just override, or overwrite thier control of their powers.. And the enemy is going too hard and fast for her to do something to fully disrupt them.
What Monet can do is hopefully give an overwhelming physical sensation. THe sensation being of attempting to override the man's lungs (or whatever equivalent there is if he has grated on parts). From the last few missions in space Monet has a very, very specific idea of what it's like to be exposed to vacuum. So her best attempt telepathically is making the man feel like he's being completely asphyxiated. Hopefully even if he blocks it on a conscious level his body's automatic response to things will be to try and bring as much air into lungs as he can on an instinctive level..
WHich hopefully disrupts his control enough to give Warpath some room! And Tabitha to boom!
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Even without telepathy, the team is on the same page. Domino is right there with Cable in appreciating that fact. Above and beyond that, there is a scary sharing of braincells between Nate and Domino as the pair hit on the same solution even as it comes out of her mouth. She grins in the face of the higher humidity, the wave that is rapidly approaching, and nods her acknowledgment. "When isn't it a bumpy ride? Things I never tell you..." Teleporting is absolutely disorienting. Kudos to those that can adapt, who have it as their particular power, because... wow.
In the next second, the pair are off the speedboat and onto the yacht, the stern in jagged, broken pieces revealing some of the lower decks and the roiling water. Beyond, in their boat they'd departed, the wave has subsided in the face of the mutants, giving Tabs an unswamped boat. Maybe a wetfoot, but beyond that? No need for manning all the bilge pumps!
Reaching out to grab Cable's arm in order to take the balanced step forward, Domino moves ahead with purpose. She's bounding on a seat, onto a post where the electronics are stored for ship to shore communication. From a top perch, she pulls a pin on one of the EMP grenades and tosses it down. <<Fire in the hole..>> is murmured cross chan, and the moment it's tossed, she's on the move once more, headed towards the main drive deck. The rudderless yacht still has some command function, though undoubtedly it's from the mutant below...
<<Yeah, but SHIELD is boring. They don't get to blow things up. They actually have to apologize for it when they do.>>
- Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride is ready, having moved away from the gun placement so it doesn't interfer, letting Monet to grab her and ALLY OOP! The launch is enough to get Sally up high and over, and she comes down to skid to a stop on what remains of the yatch deck. Lands on her feet, like a proper cat.
She stands, dusts herself off, and glances back. The wave is dealt with, but the boat is a loss. This was probably safer than trying to stay on the speedboat anyways. <<Thanks for the save, M,>> she thinks, and unslings her blaster back into her hands. Let's keep this mission moving before whoever is left on the ship has a chance to recoup and regroup.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
So everyone else if off the speed boat. The wave is gone and it's just Tabitha on the speedboat on her own. <<It Totally Boatally worked!>> she mentally yells to the team though when water levels enough that just leaves her on the damn thing on her own and maybe a bit too far from the wheel to get in and turn it aside safely.
Nor jump herself into the water
she does however have one more idea in her nugget. It's one she's used before on a much smaller boat. A canoe in the savage land.
Scambling to the fore end of the speedboat she braces down and then aims her hands up. There's a sparky glow in her hands and then it happens.
Rocketboat! Tabby's bracing helps her from being thrown out of the boat, and the boat being on water means the force of the blast makes the thing zoom with the boom without pulverizing Tabby.
A boat slamming into a hull of a yacht can't be any worse than the walls she's blasted herself through over the years. At least Sally got to fire the 25mm cannon!
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar is actually worried, for a bit, I mean the attack isn't really the problem its more that when he takes this guy out the water will revert to normal and the bends will set in and that is going to hurt. He also knows that he has less usable air as the pressure increases. He tries to move and feel the resistance as well, the good news is he didn't come alone.
<<Tabs, Depth charges>> and Jim feels the attack lessen under MOnet's attention. He he tries to move again, but not directly towards the transhuman, he instead pulls down straight down into the depths, using his advanced senses to keep track of his pray. He saw this on Air Jaws, once.
- Cable has posed:
It is pretty clever gambit, all things considered. Clearly the underwater threat not only has power over the water itself, but to linger under the surface like this, likely has been altered to breath water itself. One more ability stolen from whatever mutant paid their life to give this Sublime follower his abilities. And while Monet's tactics might not work against someone to whom breathing, existing under water comes second nature, this man is only newly come to his abilities.
So that sensation playing in his mind, that he suddenly can't breath, that he is trapped beneath the surface of the water works just as intended. All by himself, in his natural element like this he might have proved a threat to the team's efforts, the entire ocean itself a weapon turned against them. But instead he begins to panic, to frantically begin to paddle and kick his way towards the surface, any hold on Warpath disrupted in the process.
Just as importantly, M's timely intervention has insured the safe evacuation of Sally who, despite being pretty much just tossed, lands with style on the deck overlooking the trio of Exo-Mechs at the front of the ship on the level below her. While not noticing her yet, they would seem to represent much of the significent firepower still arrayed against them, those gatling guns raised up, seeking out targets, a pair of them drawing a bead on Monet. But still very much unaware of the armed lioness above them.
Meanwhile, beneath the surface of the water James does indeed find the pressure on him starting to lessen, to disperse as the hydrokineticist's grip loosens due to that sudden panic. Still, the big powerhouse finds it much easier to move, to dive down deeper into those waters to help counter those sudden changes in pressures that might well bring on a crippling case of the bends.
Up above, on the surface of the waters the chaos continues apace. Cable's pretty solid, but the yacht is pretty much helpless to the rocking of the water around them, swaying unsteadily underfoot. And their footing is so very precarious at the moment. So Domino's sudden helping hand brings a brief smile from the big man and he eases away from that long, jagged drop behind them even as he pulls out a hand cannon that looks positively tiny compared to the weapons he normally seems to feature. But odds are -- like with Sally's -- this one has a non-lethal option should it be needed.
As Domino leans back over the edge to toss one of those EMP grenades down into the lower engineering level there is a cry from the mechanics below and any trace of lighting onboard suddenly goes out in a fizzle as the grenade explodes with it's expected results.
"I don't think Solomon's going to get his insurance deposit back on this boat," Nathan says tightly. "Let's go make sure that he's not in a position to collect either way," he adds, starting for the stairs leading up to the cabin above.
And then there is Tabby. Always having to make an entrance that one. In this case literally. As the speed boat careens out of control towards the side of the yacht, it is suddenly launched airborn, leaving the water behind and instead ramming bow-fist into the side of their target. Metal meets metal and the already abused hull of the yacht gives way, the speedboat sliding right into the lower decks of the ship. Again, the operations team scatters, shouting and swearing.
The speed boat? Yeah, that's pretty much a loss. But Tabby should be just fine, though perhaps a little jostled. The yacht? Well, the lapping ocean is starting to poor in through those gapping holes which means that the team is increasingly on a tight deadline.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
THe others have made it up to their own engageemnts. Monet has left the threat under the water to handle things himself. He's not a threat for the moment, and they have bigger targets. She doesn't noticet he Exo-Suits that are lining up shots at her, and instead goes to focus herself and moves to fly over towards the yacht once more to rejoint he rest of the attack group! Now it's time to hopefully get some answers.
Presuming the others have the upper level secure, she's focused more on speeding along towards it, and is otherwise not focused on flying evasively or towards scanning the rest of the area. She's got a strong sense of disgust from everything going on and wants to just try and get this over as quick as possible.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
With the others on the move now, Domino too takes up residence in a spot where she can cover her half of the team. That is, of course, until the yacht rocks and teeters as speedboat meets yacht. Splinters fly, the teakwood trim of the fancy yacht ruined. In fact, the albino merc has to hold on, until the rocking makes her lose her balance and she falls into one of the holes that have opened into the deck. The EMPs have just done their job, and she's landed on her back on the lower deck with a *whoomph*, knocking the air out of her for a brief moment.
Coughing, she waves at those that are actually //standing//, and offers up a "Hey, where's your boss? We need to talk..." which isn't very convincing, she's sure.
Still, she can gain her footing, though she does roll quickly to the side when small arms fire comes in to bear. (Lucky, that!) She's on her feet once more, leaping onto a well placed table, "Just talk. Really." It's then that she realizes that they're not really paying too much attention to her. Apparently the water pouring in from the side of the boat is a little more important? Who knew!
- Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride glance for a moment to check on Cable and Domino. Knowing they made it onto the yatch is all she needs to know, they're in a better position to get to the cabin and snag Solomon before the entire remains of the boat sink.
So she turns her attention back to the exos, who haven't noticed her as they are focused on the more immeadiate target of Monet.
"My turn to blow some shit up," Sally utters under her breath with a smirk. She grabs one of the spare power packs for her blaster, and pressed the overload switch on it. Essentially turning it into an energy bomb on a short timer.
But long enough for Sally to jump onto the middle of the three exo-suits, shove the pack in between the armor plates, and then bolt away before it detonates! Hopefully disabling the one and being in the middle at least damaging the other two.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
While the speed boat might be disappearing into yacht hull. That things taken waay too much of a beating to go anywhere other than down by now. There's a glow underneath it all as Boom-Boom sinks some more plasma orbs as depth charges. Launching them out the hole she made and onto the water and then under.
One of the few things that sets her apart from most plasma kinetics. She can blast away under water. And she can change the direction of her blasts. So under water the next batch of spheres sink.
And being a telepath, she can find the source of that wave that forced most of the team to abandon motorboat. Jostled and sore as she is she's still got her powers and if anyone down near her level plans on coming at her...
That 25mm cannon looks awfully sexy.
Bitches Love Cannons!
- James Proudstar has posed:
When Monet and Tabitha gets the hydrokinetic to release the the hold and keep him disoriented, Warpath wastes no time. He comes screaming up out out the depths, bends be damned. He rushes up and grabs the transhumanist. Pounding on him as he smashes into the yacht, ripping his way through the hull.
BOOM, the engine room and utility spaces on the bottom deck
BOOM, the kitchen and staff areas above that.
BOOM, sleeping quarters
BOOM, the public space above deck
CRASH the elevated private spaces for the bigwigs
CRASH and then the bridge CRASH.
James drops the insensate body of the first tranhumanist to the ground, blood is running from his nose and ears and the pain in his joints is ungodly.
He is in a word angry, "Boo."
- Cable has posed:
Again, the best laid plans right?
The speedboat slamming into the side of the yacht does make it list like crazy, does make the floors and internal hulls buckle from the impact and even as the grizzled soldier from the future starts up those stairs towards the waiting wheelhouse with their target, those buckling floors give way beneath Domino and drop her down into the lower level.
Glancing back, Cable takes a step to start to follow before stopping, turning and heading back up the stairs. Dom, afterall, has a way of ending up where she's needed. Odds are she's fine -- which pretty much means she is fine. And there's still the mission to finish.
So without another glance backwards, Cable continues up those steps.
Where unsurprisingly he is greeted by a hail of gunfire. That doesn't seem to dissuade him however as he patiently remains just out of sight, waiting for that initial volley to exhaust itself. Then he pops his head up through the port hole, motions with a hand in front of him and a wave of telekinetic force lashes out from the mutant solider, sending the half-dozen gun men flying backwards. Two crumple as they slam hard into control consoles and the other four quite literally fly through the window of the bridge, hurled out onto the lower decks. Or into the waters surrounding the floundering yacht.
As does one of those Transhumanist guards. The other -- a figure who's mouth has been removed and replaced with some sort of insectoid pincers crouches above the fallen form of Gaerth Solomon, chittering at Cable as he emerges onto the deck, blaster leveled. "I'd stand aside if I were you," he says flatly.
While Monet might be unaware of the impending attack as she scouts out the ship, seeking out any other threats that might present themselves, there is a reason they work as a team, a well-oiled machine by now. It insures that things run smoothly -- after a fashion -- even when they shouldn't. So as those gatling guns track Monet through the air, preparing to fire, they barely notice as Sally comes flying over the railing, overcharged power pack in hand. And swiftly wedged into the armored plating of one of the Exo-Mechs. Scampering away as that pack reaches critical mass, it suddenly explodes, ripping the mech apart from the inside and tearing through the two flanking suits with both force and a scattering of deadly debris.
Needless to say that those gatling guns never fire and Sally can poke her head out of cover to survey the remains of the threat.
Down below decks, chaos definitely reigns in the shattered remains of the engineering hold and while half of the crew of six desperately try to do what they can to keep the boat afloat, the rest advance with guns draw towards the remains of the speedboat, even as Tabitha croaches within, sending out those plasma depth charges to deal with the hydrokineticist below. Before they can riddle her position with gunfire however, Domino is abruptly falling amongst them. Whirling, the trio try to track her, scattering that small arm's fire their way as they nearly hit their own allies instead.
And with their attention now firmly fixed on the albino mutant, Tabby is freed to continue focusing on the last real threat.
Those depth charges do rock the panicked Transhumanist, the explosions going on around him, leaving him shaken and hurt. And in no position to do anything when Warpath shoots upward, grabbing him and literally battering him through the hull -- opening yet another hole in the yacht that begins to gush water -- and continuing on up through the heart of the ship. Whether the man is even alive when they emerge onto the top deck is questionable.
But the timing is impecable. The insectoid guard suddenly spits some sort of viscous, sticky substance Cable's way. Right before James emerges with that broken, battered shield of flesh to take the shot. Flesh hisses, burns, but clearly his compatriot is past feeling much at all.
- Cable has posed:
"Like I said," Cable says quietly, peering around the formidable bulk of Warpath towards Solomon and his last guard. "I'd surrender if I were you."
- Sally Pride has posed:
There's the explosion. Sally braces herself as the blast reverbs through the deck, the remains of yatch around her shielding against the debris. She gives it a moment then peeks back out. The exo is demolished, and the resulting blast and shrapnel disabled the other two even better than she had anticipated.
Sally scoots away, heading for where she can regroup with the others to get off the wrecked yatch. <<The remaining exos have been dealt with,>> she thinks over the group's shared tele-link. <<Nothing left to slow us down, get our man and delta out.>>
- Neena Thurman has posed:
If Domino knew that Cable considered briefly going after her, she'd shoot him. Mission first, no matter what it might mean. Clean-up later. They've broken the rule before, sure, but BAD things happen when it is broken. Not insulted, not offended. She's //fine//. Lucky. And if something happened to her, there are amazing medbays that she can recover (hopefully!) in!
But? Awwww, dammit. The trio aren't talking. Nope. And there's a lot of noise coming from above. Domino looks up, those other threats are looking up, following her lead like what happens in a comedy act. Beating them to the punch, however, that gives her the chance to grab a piece of splintered wood and throw it hard at one of the crew members' heads. The yacht lurches again, and if her aim hadn't been true before, it is now, and that piece becomes as dangerous as any other projectile. Particularly when it embeds into an eye. Falling backwards, he hits a table, breaking it and throwing up a table leg that hits another just behind the knee and brings him down and into the water. Knocking his head against something now unseen under the waterline, he's face down in the water and will shortly drown.
How's that for luck?
The last, finding himself in the middle of chaos and death seems to prefer the chaos, thus attempting to assure his continued breathing. "I'll tell you..." and just as the words are coming, a piece of decking falls from above and hits him in the head, bringing him to his knees. Domino gives the man a rousing kick to the side of his head, and he crumples down. Not necessarily fatal, but.. eh.
"Clear!" comes from belowdecks, and she begins to make her way up, climbing up and out of the hole instead of taking the less certain stairways. "Tell me there's good news!" After all, most of the rumbling and roiling has ceased... comparitively speaking.
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar growls, he actually honest to god growls and then he launches himself at the bug. There's a slash by the bug and then the knives, I mean seriously where does he keep them how does he pull them whenever he needs to? But the knives flash and it's all over before most can follow. The guy with he pinchers is dying hacking on one of his own spit wads and James stand over him, looking at Solomon, "You're sure we need him alive?" Honestly, Cable knows it's an act mostly an act, but a very convincing one and the boat is beginning to list.
Outside other yachts are whipping past them blowing air horns to rub it in.
- Tabitha Smith has posed:
Oh look Tabby has help down where she is and it's totally appreciates. "Hey Dom. Told ya I was more of an aft girl!" she jokes as she watches pale skin and dark hair party hard. Once there's nothing really left to boom. Tabby picks herself up from the remains of the boats she crashed as is she was going to tell them to Now Kiss.
"I'm golden down here. Lets bounce like the insides of our bikinis!" she gives her all clear and chuckles. "I may have kinda wrecked out boat. Porting still wonky?" honestly, the speed boat was not her fault.
- Cable has posed:
The bow deck has been cleared courtesy of Sally, and nothing remains of those Exo-Mechs except smoking remains and a smattering of twisted metal debris imbedded in portions of the ship.
The lower level is likewise free of any hostiles. The trio of gun men who thought to put an end to Boom-Boom and Domino have been taught a very pointed lesson that guns versus any make shift item Dom has on hand is still very much a losing proposition for them. And their colleagues have decided that rather then joining their dead, drowning or just unconscious friends, they'll take their chances with the ocean and the hope that they can flag down and convince one of the ships that are starting to pass the floundering yacht -- without stopping of course -- to bring them onboard.
Monet continues to sweep around the ship above, keeping an eye out for more trouble, though fortunately none seems to be presenting itself.
And up on the top deck? Well, Warpath has things well in hand. Cable doesn't even have to direct that blaster towards Solomon as the angry mutant powerhouse makes rather short and grisly work of the bug-man with those knives, one more mess left on the rapidly sinking ship.
"God, yes, I surrender! Just... don't let him have me," Solomon practically squeals, directing terrified eyes towards James as he scuttles across the floor like a crab in Cable's direction. One knows that he must be desperate and terrified when he looks towards the future solider as the less terrifying of alternatives.
But Cable is more then happy to take the win and he reaches down to casually grab their quarry by the cuff of his shirt, half dragging him across the cabin floor as he moves towards one of those shattered viewports, shards of glass still marking the broken windows where the rest of his men were bodily tossed through. <<We have the objective,>> Cable transmits over that shared psychic link that joins them. No EMP is going to hinder their comms -- one more advantage they have in the toolbox. <<Prepare for evac in five. And try not to throw up all over the floor when we get back to the safehouse or you'll be responsible for cleaning up. It'll be a little bit of a bumpy ride,>> the future soldier advises them. But at least there shouldn't be any jagged fall awaiting them at the end of their trip. Just pizza, beer and maybe an interrogation.
"Greymalkin, bodyslide by seven. Madripoor safehouse."
And with that the team fuzzes out of existence, leaving Solomon's yacht to disappear beneath the waves that still ripple silver and gold under the tropical sun.