17345/The Tampa Bay Deadzone
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The Tampa Bay Deadzone | |
Date of Scene: | 22 March 2024 |
Location: | Tampa Bay - Florida |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Lara Croft, Jinx, Olivia Gaudin, Kiana, Kenesha, Donna Troy
- Lara Croft has posed:
A splash of water strikes the side of a rather nice boat off the coast of Tampa Bay. A sunny day, a warm wind crosses over the boat, and a relatively small submersible has just risen up from beneath the surface of the water...
At the aft of the boat, a number of people are gathered around a rigging setup for the submersible vehicle that just came up to the surface. Amongst the personel overseeing the return of the sub, is Lady Lara Croft, already in a wet suit, preparing for her team's side of the mission here today.
"We're through." One of the men tells Lara, as he swims alongside the sub upon its return to the aft end of the large boat. "It's all ready for you. The hole is cut, atmosphere is stable inside..." The man says, as he reaches the ladder on the edge of the main boat, starting his way up on to the deck.
Lara takes her eyes from the sub, and regards the diver as he ascends the ladder. She moves to offer him a hand to help him return aboard. "You did well." She tells him with a smile. "Your team is well worth the price." The British noble says further, earning her a salute from the man once he's back aboard.
The team returning sets to getting their sub re-attached to the main boat, and positioned back upon the aft rigging.
Lara, meanwhile, turns to the other divers ready to set out. "Okay. It's our turn then. We want to get down there, get in, check it out, and get back before sunfall. So let us not dally, and see to our individual assignments. It's time to get our last checks in, and get in the water." She tells the small team, clapping her hands once, before she receives more casual salutes from the fellow adventurer's.
Lara moves toward her own gear, finalizing the preparation of getting it all secured upon her form. "If you need any recaps, now is the time to talk to your team leaders." She calls out over the sound of others moving across the deck of the boat.
"The whole is cut!" One of the Sub team says upon his return to the boat. "Ya'll have good luck down there, finding out what is in that damn tomb. Watch out for ghosts." He says in his thick Irish accent, eliciting a number of chuckles, and wise cracked comments in return.
With the sub team returning now, the boarding team is moving to the diving rig to prepare to enter the water....
- Jinx has posed:
"You know, the weirdest thing about this whole U-Boat situation. The last time I was in one was last year in your county Croft," Jinx says as she checks her gauge. Already in her diving gear she cuts in a lean figure. Being out here in sunny Florida has done wonders for her mood. Perhaps it's just being away from the dire situation with H.I.V.E or the responsibility of being a good person with the Titans. Out here - just like on Themyscira - she can just be herself.
"Not exactly a happy set of memories mind." That was her first expedition to where she was born. She did that with Harley Quinn. The second time was with Donna and Nadia - though they never got to see the mysterious U-boat. It had been burnt to a crisp by then anyway.
Jinx doesn't exactly talk about her skill set. She gets the job done and that's all her clients need to know really. And that if they don't pay there are consequences. The only one here who really knows what she's capable of is Donna. That Donna is here at all is a bit of a mystery to her. "Just so I know - are you just here to make sure I don't get in to mischief oight? or are you actually here for a bit of adventure Troia..."
Not that she doesn't enjoy having Troia around. Troia has become a very good friend. It still feels like she's been 'watched' and 'handled'. The suspicious part of her brain cannot be switched off; not with an upbringing like hers.
Jinx moves to the diving rig and sits with her back to the ocean. She gives Lara a 'good to go' a-okay thumb to index finger and then puts the breathing mask down over her face. The lights go on - those to see with and the internal ones to look cool. Everyone needs the internal lights to look cool if they're going to wear a mask. Thems the rules.
- Olivia Gaudin has posed:
So Olivia is here, but she was only signed up because Luca was coming! She is not an expert diver, which causes some fuss. It honestly backs her in a corner until, well, she admits to another diver, "I don't know these things because, well... this."
This being, in her case, the blowhole that she was trying to hide but no longer can. It gets a strange look, admittedly. "I'm a mutant." She doesn't broadcast that with much joy, mind you. It usually gets the worst kind of attention. Fortunately, it seems, this does not generate too many issues. It seems that as long as the payment is fair and she causes no trouble, she's alright.
Liv does look to Lara. She obviously knows what she is doing. Liv will just... try to look as organized. She's checking things. Gauges. Sure! She's also eager to get in the water, where she belongs. Where there will be fewer questions.
- Kiana has posed:
It was another submarine that had brought Kiana to waters well offshore of Tampa Bay. The young woman who believes herself a mutant was just starting in on a dinner of coconut and passion fruit picked from the palm trees and plants that border the ring of sand around her little Cove in Genosha. When suddenly the teen's head lifted in alarm as she could sense a pair of people in peril at sea on the other side of the world.
She ran out into the sea water, which swirled about her briefly before she sank into it, and emerged instantaneously in the waters off the coast of Florida. An unfamiliar, sleek white boat flying a flag with stars and stripes on it was circling about a spot where air bubbles were coming up from below.
Diving down, she found a sinking vessel. A homemade submarine, not meant to dive underwater, but just to have such a low profile that it could pass without being picked up on radar. Unfortunately for the men inside, the Coast Guard cutter had spotted them visually, and in the resulting chase the vessels collided and the smuggling craft took on water and began sinking rapidly.
Fortunately for them, Kiana swam down and reversed the flow of water, forcing it to back out and keeping it from reflooding the ship. Bouyancy restored, the craft bobbed back to the surface. Where unfortunately for them, the Coast Guard was ready to take them into custody.
The conversation that ensued displayed the mutant girl's lack of worldly knowledge, as the sailors had to explain to her about drug smuggling. In the end she accepted their thanks and bid them goodbye and swam off. Seeing the coastline in the distance, Kiana heads that way, eager to take the opportunity to look around a new area of the world while she's there.
- Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha is, of course, along for the adventure. Because she's a member of the Adventurer's Club! Today sees her in a different sort of gear, however, a black wetsuit with short sleeves and shorts for the legs, she does have a rather interesting-looking satchel worn crossbody, but also has a webbed belt with a few slots and pouches, along with a diver's knife strapped to one calf. No scuba gear for her, she's apparently 'roughing it'... or she's unworried about air.
Looking over to Jinx, she smiles at the mention of U-boats and England, chuckling as she remembers her last time in a U-boat. Ahhhhh, punching nazis during WWII in a U-boat... didn't get much better. Of course, she was SUPPOSED to be flying that day, but a torpedo had taken out the port her plane was parked at, so... she went on her own personal mission.
When Lara gets the all clear, Kenesha steps into her fins and touches just behind her right ear. Something shimmers across the lower half of her face briefly before fading away again. "Good to go. You want me to take point in case of Weird?"
- Donna Troy has posed:
It's only a few weeks ago that Donna had met Lara at some mysterious temple-like structure just outside Gotham, where they'd got involved in some kind of magical nonsense and briefly discussed an excavation of a Nabatean trading settlement Lara had been involved in. Being here would seem like an odd way to follow up on a purely academic interest, but there are other reasons.
The Titans have been on the hunt for some very specific artifacts, and a strange combination of science and magic has provided a few potential hits via remote sensing, one of which, when you zoom in on Google Maps, is distinctly in the vicinity of a stately home in Surrey, England, called Croft Manor. The plot thickens, even if Jinx is so far unaware of it! "Actually I had no idea you knew Ms. Croft," Donna tells her pink-haired team mate. "Though I suppose I should have guessed. I was working on something with Nadia and we have a potential lead on one of the Fae artifacts we've been chasing -- it may be at her ancestral home. I made a few calls and discovered she was doing something here, so I thought I'd drop in to talk."
The exploration of the sunken U-Boat is at a critical juncture however, and Donna's talk can wait. Donna has been observing the operation with some curiosity as the professionals get on with things. "I'm no archeologist but I'd be happy to come along in case you need any heavy lifting done down there," she offers. She may not be part dolphin like some people around here, but she was raised on Themyscira where if you're not spending a fair amount of time diving into the blue Aegean waters surrounding the island, exploring underwater caves and occasionally getting into fights with giant clams or something, you're just not having fun.
- Lara Croft has posed:
"That means your our expert on what to expect inside one of these things." Lara says back to Jinx, fastening the last strap of her own breathing apparatus to her torso. She's adjusting her own mask, as she notes Olivia's clear unease at this kind of situation. She steps toward her, and offers a smile laced with a soft warmth. "You do not have to go down if you do not feel up to it." She reassures the young woman, here on behalf of the man she started this adventure with, who was called away in the last moment prior to this expedition setting off from Tampa's coastline. "If you are up for it. Know that youre primary task is making sure everyone is as safe as possible beneath the water. You're a talented swimmer, with an advantage over many of us... But you do this at your own pace, okay?"
Lara turns, stepping toward the edge of the boat again, her eyes traveling to Donna. "Troia, it is ever a relief to have someone of your position with us. We may eventually get orders to bring this entire relic up from its resting spot, but that is still being debated by those 'top men' I get told about so often." Ever the Indiana Jones jokes around her orbit, such is life!
"Here we go, team!" Lara calls out, stepping down the rigging toward the section resting beneath the surface of the ocean waters. "We're down to the U-Boat, we're boarding, and we're checking for anything that looks out of the ordinary... Obviously this whole thing is out of the ordinary, but you will know what I mean, if my hunches are right, when you see it!"
Within moments, Lara, and the extraction team are setting down in to the waters, the 'Cutting Team' meanwhile, settling in post-finishing their half of this mission, many of them shouting out calls of luck and well-being to the next group of divers.
- Jinx has posed:
"Check check one two one two," Jinx says to make sure the comms are working now her mask is in place. A quick tap on the oxygen mix gauge to make sure the needle is accurate. "Some carpet, a record player, a periscope.. you know, the usual Nazi U-Boat stuff." A cheeky tilt to her head.
"Troia. Remember to breath," There. She gave some advise to her team leader. If she's really just along to lift heavy things it can't hurt. She waggles an eyebrow illuminated by her cool internal mask lights and then gives the motion of thumbs down.
As if it weren't obvious that diving were something Jinx was clearly comfortable with the fact that she's using the hand signal to mean 'diving down' and not 'negative' will make it obvious her reputation is not unearned. She rolls backwards off the edge of the boat and in to the water with a standard divers backflip.
Once under the water she does another quick check everything is working before taking out an underwater flare, igniting it, then dropping it so it will lead the way ahead of the group. They are following a line down which makes it nice and simple anyway. Her finger tips dance along it and then she kicks with her flippers and starts to head down toward the salvage.
"Hold is down two floors - we should also check the Captain's safe and the Commander's safe. Their quarters are up the front near navigation in case they have to wake up in a hurry," she states as the silhouette of the vessel starts to appear through the murk kicked up by the cutting team.
- Olivia Gaudin has posed:
Olivia is relieved at Lara's reassurance. "I'll do my best," she replies. "I can sense things rather far off in the water, too. I'll keep in touch." Thus the communications are on. And the mask with it.
She'll settle into the water more confidently. A friendly word does a lot to help her courage. Once she is below though, she is blown away. Echolocation above water is one thing, and in a pool she got a taste of it, but now? Now she can 'see' for so very long and she can hear so very much. It takes her a moment to get over the awesome experience. Somewhere out there, she can hear orca chatter. More closely, the clicks of dolphins register.
It takes her a moment to focus again. She does comment, "Wow... I never realized how many voices were waiting for me down here."
But there is the matter of business. She uses her echolocation to scan outwards and down. The range underwater is over a mile and she is not used to nearly so much to 'hear' at once. It's a lot to take in, and she needs a moment to get used to all this information that is pouring in. Once she does, she will do her best to ensure the group is safe. She's a fast diver, but she takes a moment to breathe in and out a few times using just the blow hole. To anyone not born with powers, it may be familiar, the sight of someone getting used to what they can do.
- Kiana has posed:
The mutant spends as much time swimming underwater as she does on the surface. Kiana diving down, exploring the different coral reefs and schools of fish. Some of them seem familiar to her, though any time she might have encountered them before are adrift in the haze of her lost memories.
She flies up out of the water, arcing through the air and diving back in as she surges forward towards the long bridge she sees ahead. She swims up nearer to it and gazes in wonder. Not the first time that the feats of engineering of buildings and other structures has left her in awe of the scale on which people have built.
Eventually though the boat traffic near to shore causes her to turn back out to sea, gliding through the water near effortlessly. The sun is warm and the water is beautiful, and so she just darts through the water like a barracuda.
Until in the not too far distance, she sees a boat that appears to be anchored rather than underway. Kiana floats there for a bit, eyeing it from a long distance away. Is that a net on the back of the boat? Maybe a fishing vessel? She pauses there in the distance to watch for now.
- Kenesha has posed:
"Ohhhhh, nobody brings archeologists anywhere.. they're such boring, stuffy people..." Kenesha sends a grin towards Donna, a teasing glances angled towards Lara before she's up and over the edge of the boat to dive cleanly into the water. Moving through the water with strong, crisp strokes towards the U-boat and hole that's been cut into the side of it.
"And the armory, and the powder room, and the torpedo tubes. We don't want to leave behind anything that could damage the local ecological system... more than it already has, anyways. Or that could 'mysteriously disappear' before we can get a proper salvage team in here."
The swim itself won't take long, and Kenesha can find the opening easily enough, coming up out of the water and into the pressurized room. Still treading water, she pulls a crystalline object from her satchel and sets it ont he floor of the U-boat, setting it to scan the ship for anything they should be aware or cautious of. Hauling herself up and into the ship, she adds, "Be carefull of the crystal on the floor when you come in. It's mine and it's scanning. Please and thank you!" THen she's stepping out of the fins to start a more thorough search to make sure everything is structurally sound... and there aren't any immortal and/or undead nazis just chilling in the the hall.
- Donna Troy has posed:
"Lara here seems okay," Donna replies to Kenesha with a grin. "But I know what you mean. Very focused. I get emailed by archeologists a lot ever since word got around that I can speak a bit of a few languages a lot of them are eager to have translations of , and they're never emailing to invite me for drinks."
The Amazon does not seem to be taking this important scientific venture with the greatest of seriousness, though at least she's giving a respectful amount of room for the professionals to do their business.
Raising a U-Boat is actually pretty hard work. If it's fully flooded, the weight is considerable, and in the roughly eighty years since this sunk the structure is probably not exactly as sturdy as you'd want it to be. Pull or push in the wrong place and the whole thing could very easily break apart. Raising it from the sea bed will take divers with a lot of experience in structural engineering to test things, figure out whether it can take its own weight, where will need to be reinforced or trussed and so on before the actual lifting operation takes place.
This, above all, is why Donna isn't offering to just raise the thing and carry it to the beach, where exploring the interior would be a whole lot easier. She may be somewhat impetuous and prone to solving problems with main strength, but despite agreeing with the dryness of many of the field's practitioners she also has a healthy respect for archeology and enough common sense when it comes to basic mechanics to not even offer.
"I never try to breath underwater," Donna tells Jinx with an amused grin. Jinx isn't entirely wrong though. Donna's got breathing equipment with her, but once the descent is underway Donna joins it without actually wearing the mask or switching the oxygen on just yet. She even stops to stick her tongue out at Jinx half way down. Amazons are pretty used to holding their breaths when diving and Donna's probably showing off just to antagonize Jinx for her comment.
She does however put the mask on and activate the oxygen once they get to the U-Boat itself, if only to be able to use the underwater comms. "Just let me know if there's anything heavy that needs moving," she says, floating a little way from the hole in the side of the sub while the others do their work.
- Lara Croft has posed:
With the descent marked off by a line left by the Cutting Team, the pathway down, is indeed, a rather straight forward affair. Once the team is close enough, they can additionally see the cones of white lights shining down from where the entry portal was afixed following the cutting team's work. Four bright cones of white light shine out from the four corners of the portal rig attached to the U-Boat's hull. The rig came loaded with a few features, including an air filtering system, that was online with a low rumbling hum accompanying its mechanics.
Lara, holding on to a small underwater ski-sled, advanced closer to the U-Boat's underside. She parked the sled near to the newly attached portal, and motioned for the others to make their way inside, before she'd follow. "Don't get too excited, Kenesha." She says, seeing the woman's eagerness to get inside. "I'm sure none of the secrets are going anywhere." The cheeky Brit chides her. "And we'll mind the crystal. Probably."
Lara glides beneath the portal rig, moving from hand hold to hand hold, as she watches the others make their way closer, or outright through it, and inside, the sunken military ship.
"This U-Boat was said to be transporting infiltration teams in to the United States during the second World War, when it was spotted by the US Navy and sunk via depth charges. The logs that I recovered, indicated this was its last route before it was due to head back to Germany, and that it was carrying some recovered items in its hold..."
Lara finally moves through the portal herself, coming up through the water and in to the open chamber of the U-boat's interior. The portal rig has its air filtration setup, along with some internal lights shining inside the otherwise drab and dark room.
Shedding water, Lara stands up on bare feet, adjusting her mask and checking her wrist mounted readings. "Oxygen levels are stable. Likely musty, but I'm sure we can handle that."
She pulls her mask from her face, and lets it hang from her utility belt around her waist. "Jinx. You want to take Kenesha to the Captain's bunk to check on the safes? I'll take the others to the cargo hold?" She asks, her eyes roaming over the room lined with aging pipes, and duct work. "We're unsure which parts of the boat are filled with water, but it is likely most of it suffered compromised hull panels. Be careful." She warns everyone involved.
- Jinx has posed:
Jinx rolls her eyes as Donna easily passes her. That superior strength means excellent kicking and arm flailing capabilities equals very good swimming. And then Lara is passing her by in one of those underwater ski-sleds. Fine, she can cheat a little too.
Jinx extends her gloved fingers forward and motions through the water. It's like casting magic in molasses. Everything is awkward and slow. This is a sudden learning opportunity and she pauses in her swimming by the line to focus on the deed at heart.
Elemental magic being her most practiced art, making the water do her bidding is not too hard. Doing it underwater using all the new techniques she learnt from the temple in Themyscira though? well, that's a whole new world.
The gestures come slowly and that causes her to be more exact. No waggling, all concentration. The forms flow through the water and trails of pink sparkle in the darkly lit substance. It is, for want of a better word, a magical experience for her.
The water wibbles around her and then begins to flow down toward the portal. She turns and kicks once more and is aided with a newly created magical current that disappears as quickly as it appeared once she's made it to the bottom.
"Too right," she quips back in her far less posh British accent to Lara. She points to Kenesha and thumbs toward the bow of the boat. "Let's go find some Nazi secrets." She smiles and decides not to escalate with Troia. That way leads to defeat.
- Olivia Gaudin has posed:
Olivia registers a... that is no dolphin. "Someone is coming near. Fast. Very, very fast. It is shaped like a woman, but no normal person can move so quickly." For that matter, no cetacean or fish can move that quickly, either, she thinks to herself.
"I am unfortunately of little use in a fight, so I'll leave this to the heroes on the team." She will also be asking them for autographs later. Does one go out for drinks after a dive? Can she do that?
Liv does not go inside. Not yet, anyway. She is useing her echolocation to look /into/ the hull of the submarine. "So were all hands lost? Should I be looking for human remains?" It only now occurs to her that she's diving on a gravesite.
"Oh, and let me know if you want me to look for anything. Right now I'm focused on structure. I will alert you if your movement causes any changes."
- Kiana has posed:
Was that someone in diving equipment going into the water? Kiana watches for a bit longer, before finally making up her mind to approach. She travels through the water smoothly, those on the boat not seeing her until she's up near to it as their attention is on the back of the boat.
"Where'd you come from?" one of the men calls to her, looking around for a boat she might have come off of.
Kiana calls back, "I was helping some people in a sinking boat." She leaves out they were drug smugglers and ended up arrested. "I saw your boat and came over to see what was going on. She lifts up out of the water to her waist, held up by a little plume of water that would set to ease the minds of those on the boat that she was maybe adrift or something. "I thought I saw a diver going down below. Are you doing SCUBA diving?" she asks, having heard of it if not yet seen someone up close outfitted in a diving rig.
"We have people down exploring a very old submarine," one of the men says.
The plume of water drops back down, Kiana sticking her head underwater to look, and seeing the line disappearing down into the depths. She sticks her head back up above water. "I'll go down and make sure they are ok, if it's alright."
The men on the boat look at each other, but Kiana doesn't wait for an answer. There's a little kick of her legs and then she's diving down to the submarine. She swims all the way around it, looking it over, before going to where the lights are. Seeing Olivia outside, the girl with vaguely South Pacific islander features floats over nearer, but leaving some space. Kiana is wearing some blue lycra shorts and a bikini top. "Hello," she says. Though she's underwater without a radio or the like, she's still easy for Olivia to understand. "The men on the boat said there were people down here with a sunk ship. I came down to make sure everything is ok," she offers, along with a friendly smile.
- Kenesha has posed:
Laughins softly, Kenesha retorts back to Donna, "Remind me to invite you out for drinks sometime, no translations necessary. Won't even bring up a digsite or artifact or museum. Though if you ever want to really confound people, we can hold a conversation in some obscure dead language."
While Kenesha certainly takes it seriously, she's more than capable of multi-tasking! Completing her check of the hall, she moves back tot he entry point and picks up the crystalline piece to read off anything it has to offer. "You would be surprised how quickly things can disappear the moment someone knows about them, Lara. One minute you could have sworn it was right there on that table... next thing you know.. poof, gone." Said as if she's occasionally the one that makes them go poof!
Once the others join her in the alcove, she offers, "There's a weak spot near the mess hall, one of the struts is crumbling and the hull around it is showing signs of microfractures from the pressure and damages. There's a slow leak around the periscope, guess they cheaped out and couldn't get the good seals from Volkswagen or BMW. There's a few structural instabilities, but as long as we're not flinging things around or slamming heavy objects into the walls or floors, we should be good."
Reaching into the satchel, she pulls out four small metal rods about the size and shape of a pencil. She holds them out to Lara, "You have to pass by the mess hall on the way to the hold, if you put one of these at each point where strut meets the hull, it will help stabilize it at least long enough for you guys to get whatever's in there and get back here." She pauses and grins, "Or you can set them up in a corridor or doorway to provide a short-term forcefield that will keep things out.. or in."
Turning to Jinx, she smiles and motions, "Lead on, MacDuff! I wonder what kind of safe it will be.. oooooo, I hope its a Braune & Roth Leipzig... I might just carry the whole damn thing out if I can manage it. Those safes are tough little bastards."
- Donna Troy has posed:
Donna enters the sub and once out of the water quickly sheds her mask again, letting it dangle over her shoulder, and squeezes water out of her hair. "You might be surprised how undead some of those obscure dead languages turn out to be," Donna tells Kenesha with wide grin. "Only about a year ago I found myself talking with someone who's Greek was so ancient it must have predated the Mycenaean /koine/, and it was a struggle to understand quite a bit of it."
"Lots of people aren't exactly 'normal' Donna observes to Olivia. "Some of my best friends move very quickly indeed. Could be an Atlantean coming to take a look what we're up to. Probably nothing to worry about, but if it does come to fighting Jinx and will deal with the situation. Any problems at all, just yell and I'll be right there. Anyone who would prefer not to fight, just get out of the water while we deal with it."
Though she's leaving the archeological investigation to the professionals, she obviously considers the team's safety somewhat her responsibility, because once she's listened to Kenesha's safety concerns, she adds a few comments of her own.
"If any of you starts feeling light-headed or dizzy, crouch low, put your mask back on and move back to this area as soon as possible," she advises the team. "There may be accumulations of less breathable gasses in some locations. For the same reason, avoid naked flames. Before trying to open any pressure doors, give a knock on them. Echoing sound, okay. Dull sound, do not open, there's probably several tons of water pressing against it from the other side. Don't try to remove anything jammed into place, and go carefully. Above all stay in contact and say something immediately if you run into any trouble."
Safety talks out of the way, she gives a quick nod to Lara, waiting for her to take the lead -- though she reserves at least half her attention to the situation outside in case the arrival of the mystery person in the form of Kiana turns out to be a problem for Olivia.
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara accepts the metal rods from Kenesha, turning them over in her palm, before she regards the woman with a soft smirk. "Technology, the wonder of the world, and its ever tightening bane." She tucks the devices in to a place on her belt, before she turns toward the aft of the boat, her shoulder mounted light coming on to illuminate the pathway ahead, as Donna gives off sound advice to the other members of the recovery operation. "Be careful, Miss Gaudin." Lara warns over comms too, her voice crackling softly through the mic.
When Kenesha, and Jinx, begin their advance, it won't take them long at all to run in to the first set of Human remains. Dried up bones inside crumpled cloth uniforms. They're close to the aft hatch that the two will have to pass through, huddled against corners, with some ration cans laying beside them, and one having a small hammer resting on his dried up chest. Up ahead more corpses will be found in a similar state, and the door to the Captain's bunk is open, with no tonnage of water inside it to be found. In fact, most of the fore of the boat seems to be in fairly decent condition, with just a musty odor lingering in the air.
For Lara and Donna, however, it is a different state of affairs. The first hatch that they access, and step through, Lara's wrist mounted alerts begin to go off, and Lara is quick to slip her mask back on, giving Donna a look. "Air condition is poor back here." Lara says over the comms. "We're coming up on the Mess area, I believe."
Once they pass by another open hatch, they'll indeed find themselves facing a crew mess area, Lara's light shining in to it to find a long line of benches with tables built in to them. But what stands out the most is the existence of men's bodies laying over the tables, with one on the floor... completely intact, no sign of turning to dust, with glistening orange-red skin, and eyes still open, terrified expressions upon their faces.
Lara makes a sound of disgust, as she moves toward the place where Kenesha had indicated, and begins to setup the metal sticks.
"What could cause these men to remain in such a state?" She asks, as she plants one metal rod after the other, glancing over her shoulder as she works, her light sweeping across the internal hull of the ship.
Outside, back up on deck of the luxury boat. The men unwinding after their initial mission are sharing in some food and drinks, with one calling up to the Captain.
"We got fog incoming, sir!"
The Captain steps out of the bridge area, with a pair of binoculars, raising them up to peer through them at a thick bank of fog, rolling toward them a few klicks out.
With his collar flapping in the warm wind, he grimaces at the sight of it. "It should break up before it reaches us." He says to his First Officer, now standing beside him. "Check with the team anyway. Just to be sure."
Everyone down inside the U-Boat will hear the First Officer calling down to them on comms, asking for a status report and ETA on extraction.
- Jinx has posed:
Jinx sheds the breathing mask over her shoulder and starts to walk down the hallway with Kenesha. She does, however, turn around and walk backwards for a moment as Donna volunteers her to fight. There's a moment of annoyance at the way it's assumed she'd want to aid in the violence. But then she realises it's a huge vote of confidence from the Amazon.
A satisfied little 'hm!' and a nod of acknowledgement that yes, she is indeed ready to whip out some battle magic if the situation calls for it. "Team Titans," she thumps a hand to her chest twice and turns back around to keep walking in to the submarine. For Jinx, saying that might as well have been saying 'Team Family' as that is the value she assigns to the Titans.
Jinx pauses at the first of the remains. "This is the fate that hate awaits... kind of a poignant reminder of what we should care about each other. I guess." A small sigh, "We're a shit species." She's unaware that Kenesha is not human - then again she's always unaware that sorcerers and mages aren't exactly Homo Sapiens Sapiens either.
She smirks at the discussion of safes and says, "I see someone knows their storage vessels. I believe German U-Boats were fitted with a miniature Swiss Rosengren safe models. Somewhat ironic that they locked up their secrets in a Jewish designed locking mechanism. But that's fascists for you."
She rounds the corner to the Captains quarters and eyes the room. A faded photo of the Fuhrer is affixed to the wall. It's the obvious choice. She steps forward and feels its edges until it slides out of place revealing the mini-vault. "Let's see what's inside. You want to crack open the Commanders safe while I do this one?"
Jinx's fingertips turn pink a moment as she wiggles them toward the lock. The magical energy flows in to it and she takes a lockpick set out of her water tight pocket. "Let's see what secrets you hide..."
She fiddles with the mechanism for a moment until it makes a click and she pulls the handle to open it up. Inside she takes out some old documents - they are only slightly faded by time thanks to limited contact with air in there. She lays them out on the captains desk and stares at them in confusion and wonder.
"What in the world...." What appears to be a map of the ocean floors. A staging area, a facility with multiple submarine docks - all under water. A sort of under water nazi base out in the Atlantic. "There's no way the History Channel would have missed this. That means..." She's likely the only person alive to know it exists. Quickly she folds the map back up and puts it in to her water proof pocket.
- Olivia Gaudin has posed:
Olivia perks up at the appearance of Kiana. Now, as more of a dolphin style swimmer at this point, she can't quite stay very steady. But she does her best. "Oh wow, she's friendly! Looks like an islander. I mean like Moana, that is. Not like someone from Long Island." It's her niece's influence. Disney is everything for them right now.
Olivia waves back to Kiana. She imagines everyone will hear her half of the conversation, but she forgets how to turn the transmitter off. And if she managed it, she wouldn't even be able to turn it back on.
"I'm Olivia! It's a pleasure to meet you. Oh, the others are all inside, I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you. I think everyone is very safe right now, though."
She has so many questions! Liv gets excited by meeting new, interesting people. Especially underwater. Then her usual issue arises. Whenever she 'locks on' to someone too strongly, she focuses on their heartbeat. It's a flaw in her perception control. So yes, she's just locked on to Kiana's heartbeat. Sorry about that!
"Oh, excuse me. I need to surface quick." And up she shoots. She's not super fast, but she's still pretty darn quick in the water. She will pop her head out of the waves to take a look around before drawing in a deep breath and diving down once more.
- Kiana has posed:
"Hello Olivia, I'm Kiana," the teen replies in a friendly voice. Her head tilts a little bit, regarding Olivia and the manner in which she swims about.
When Olivia goes back to the surface for air, Kiana floats over to the hole that was cut in the hull. She peers at curiously. "Hello?" she calls out softly, in case anyone is near the hole to hear her.
She glances up where Olivia swam away, perhaps seeing her up above with her eyesight that is used to seeing in the ocean deep, but if so still far away. Kiana hesitates a moment and then swims in through the hole into the submarine. "Hello?" she calls into the air as her head raises up out of the water inside.
- Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha perks up at the mention of Greek older than Mycenaean era coinage and looks to Donna. "Really? Was it Minoan? Cycladic? Maybe even all the way back to the root language from the Neolithic era? I tell you what, all modern conveniences aside.. there was never a better tasting meal than the sweet greens you could find near the cliffs and a haunch of roasted boar in Crete. Straight off the fire, still on the bone, laid out on a bed of sweet grasses..." She sighs, "Modern pollutants are the devil."
To Lara, she lifts a shrug and smiles, "Hey, be glad I'm not breaking out the really crazy stuff. I only packed for a quick in and out trip." God only knows what the 'really crazy stuff' would entail. But lets all be glad Kenesha's not playing with anything experimental on this trip!
Heading up with Jinx, she looks down at the decayed face of the nazi, head canting as she idly wonders if they'd ever crossed paths. It was wartime, anything is possible! Then they're moving past as she offers, "I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, every sentient race has its growing pains. Has that dark period in their past nobody really wants to talk about or acknowledge. It's just part of general sapience, I think."
Laughing as they jump back into talk of safes, Kensha grins, "I have an appreciation for anything that's well-made. But yes, I do happen to like the B & R safe a little bit more." Chuckling, she murmurs, "Be amazed how many of their products were produced by Jewish hands. But then, the vendetta against the Jewish was never really about them being 'lesser' than the Nazis, it was about control and power. The Jewish were an easy group to isolate and demonize at the time, and Hitler needed a platform that would really grab his followers. And who doesn't want to hear that they're the best, around? Nothing's gonna ever bring them down?" She offers a faint quirk of a smile, "That's the basis of like.. every 80s movie America put out."
When they reach the room, Kenesha laughs softly and nods, "Yeah, sure. But I'm not really here after anything.. I'm just here for the adventure of it!" Still, she dutifully heads to the Commander's quarters and moves to the safe as if it had been her quarters and she knew exactly where to go. The safe gets a quick once-over, then she's pulling out a small device that gets attached to the front of the safe, whistling to herself as the tumblers click themselves into place and the door swings open. Removing the device and returning it to her satchel, she looks inside.
- Donna Troy has posed:
Donna Troyenesha will have to wait for further linguistic revelations as Donna departs with a grin, following Lara towards the cargo space. As big as the sub looks from the outside, once you start moving through the interior it becomes very clear just how cramped conditions had been in these craft.
Moving through the ruined sub takes a lot of care and stepping over things. That much would probably have been true back in the boat's day, when it was operational. Now with so much debris littering the interior it's even worse. There are moments where the Amazon finds herself turning sideways to squeeze between rusted chunks of metal that used to be bunks, storage lockers, or pieces of vital equipment. She ducks through the doorway into the mess area and looks on with an expression of studied neutrality that covers up an increasing sense of unease.
"...Nitrogen?" Donna suggest dubiously to Lara, fixing her own mask back into place. "or Carbon Monoxide? That could have stopped bacterial activity. Maybe pressure differential causes the red skin and bulging eyes, but..."
It's not a terrible explanation as far as it goes, with no other evidence and theorized on the spur of the moment, but it doesn't tally with the positions the expressions on the faces. These people don't look like they've drifted into unconsciousness. They don't really look like they've suffered from paroxysms, either.
They look more like they were scared to death. Donna has seen to much to assume that whatever scared them isn't still around just because it happened the best part of a century ago.
As Lara sets the props to stabilize the weak point in the structure, Donna's eyes scan the scattered bodies, making a mental map of the exact layout of the space, and steps a little closer to Lara. She picks up a lose metal pole, once a support leg of one of the mess tables, and weighs it in her hand while peering down at the body that had tumbled to the floor. "Something strange happened here," she says.
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara exhales softly as she gets the little shield sticks in place, and steps back from them. "Remarkable..." She quietly whispers before she turns then to look toward the Amazon, her face illuminated by the lights within it, making her look 'cool' right? She takes a breath of her clean oxygen within her mask as she steps around the table again. "I hadn't had the chance to tell you, before you arrived, that we're here searching for technology connected to the alien hardware found within the Savage Lands," the Brit tells the Themysciran. "It would seem that our 'friends' here found a hub of connected technologies, and ransacked it. I'll share more of the details with you when we get top side. But in the mean time, that's what we are here for..." Lara states with her tone soft as she steps around the body laying on the floor. "Perhaps its a result of some leak in the engine room?" She questions of the strangely tinted bodies. "It's unsettling, whatever is the cause." She mutters on the way back through the hatch and in to the cramped corridor. "The cargo hold is just a bit further ahead." She notes.
When the First Officer's call comes down over comms, Lara's voice can be heard responding to them. "We're coming up on the target location. We'll be headed back after that. Second team is checking the fore bunks and Captain's space. They should be on a similar time table."
Lara's bare feet step over another body that is laying half-in and half-out of a small hatchway leading in to what looks like a repair section, or storage room filled with engineering equipment. It gets a scan over of Lara's light before she moves on past it.
Reaching the cargo hold, Lara gives a glance toward Donna before she steps through in to the hold area. Her eyes scan out from behind her mask, at the variety of containers still lined against the bulkheads. "We will have to make several trips to gather all of this up, but..." She trails off as her eyes begin to scan for signs of what they came for...
It takes only a few moments, before she is moving toward a particular site, a container toppled over, with the Captain's body laying beside it, adorned in rather clear cut uniform indicators to identify who he was. He is grimly conditioned much as the others, with his skin a redish orange, and his eyes wildly locked in a place of terror at his end...
In front of him, a container is tipped over, with a bit of old webbing pushed aside to give access to what lies inside it. A softly glowing device, a purple hue etched in to the side of the pyramid-shaped object, it hums softly, with the rune upon its faces glowing in a dull pulse.
Up on the luxury boat, the Captain is stepping out of the bridge once more, as his sailors are calling to him, pointing toward the north. The Captain looks off deck, toward their indicated situation. "The fog, sir." One crewer states. "It's green. I... I've never seen anything like that. have you?"
With a second of thought and ponder taken, the Captain speaks gruffly. "No."
Inside the U-Boat, Kianna is suddenly met by the spectral face of a Nazi crewman 'ghost' appearing out of a dark corner, and screaming bloody murder right at the nice woman's face! His scream echoes through the boat, toward where Lara and Donna are, and further forward toward where Jinx and Kenesha are located as well!
- Jinx has posed:
Jinx lies, "Not much in here. How abo-" The ghostly screaming sort of cuts off any further lies or conversation not pertaining to said noise. She ducks back out in to the corridor and motions a finger to her lips to Kenesha. Whatever that scream was it didn't sound.. normal.
Jinx taptaps the comms button on the inside of her mask and whispers in to it, "Does anyone know what that was?" Even as she's asking she starts to stalk down the hallway back toward their point of ingress. Blurs of pink magical energy whip from her hands as she moves.
It's not long before Jinx can see for herself exactly what it is that's making all that noise. A ghost. Spirit stuff. Ugh, she hates spirit stuff. "Don't let it touch you," she warns Kianna as she slowly circles around to the other side of it.
Memories of cards in the Themysciran temple. Patterns carved in to the walls. Spirit stuff. She really should have spent more time practicing spirit stuff. "It could be a banshee and being touched by a banshee is very .. very bad."
- Olivia Gaudin has posed:
Olivia is not an expert at sea, but she hears very well, And her echolocation is working pretty well, too. Well enough to interrupt her focus on what is going on down below. She bobs up out of the water again.
"Oh wow. Hi everyone! There is a strange fog up here. It's green." She's not exactly scared, but she's not exactly /not/, either. But then she hears that scream below. It's so sudden that it causes her considerable distress. The sounds she cannot brace for are always horrible. She gets dizzy, but her instinct is, foolishly enough, to dive down towards danger at maximum speed, rather than focus on staying away. What could she possibly do to help? She hasn't a clue.
"What's happening? Are you okay? Does someone need me to pull them to safety?" Her senses reach out, then. She's not locking on a single heartbeat. She's trying to monitor everyone's pulse in the entire group.
When the mention of a banshee is made she realizes that the scream she heard is not accompanied by any physical form that her echolocation can pick up. That... that is enough to finally get her to stop just outside the ship. It's like one might react to facing an invisible foe. Sure, she can see it with her eyes. Maybe. But she's come to rely so heavily on her new senses, especially under the water.
"So you are telling me there are ghosts on this submarine? And a creepy green fog coming above." She's not scared! Honest.
- Donna Troy has posed:
"Unless you know exactly what that is," Donna advises Lara,"...don't touch it. Hook it with the webbing, get it into the box and get ready to run." There's only the scream so far at this end of the boat, but a scream means trouble.
Donna starts to unwind her lasso when there's a sudden motion at Lara's feet. The corpse of the U-boat captain flails an arm out and grabs Lara by the ankle. His head jerks upwards as the suddenly no longer so dead-appearing corpse stares up at her with unblinking eyes, and a guttural rattle rasps out of his throat. He gulps and tries again, and this time barely audible in the dry rattling of his throat, words can me just made out.
"Hi... hil... hifle! Helfen sie mir!"
Glowing gold in the dim light of the submarine interior, Donna's lasso lashes out, coiling around the arm of the captain and pulling it away. "MOVE!" Donna yells.
Donna advances on the captain, jerking her lasso one way and then the other to yank him to the side and out of Lara's path, advancing towards him. She holds out the metal pole she'd picked up to Lara. "Take this, hit anything that comes towards you. Get out fast, get everyone else out."
Then over the radio - "Jinx, we've got a zombie or something back here, situation your end? We need to get everyone out fast!"
- Lara Croft has posed:
When the clammy, cold, hand touches Lara's bare ankle she recoils with a start! Her masked face turns downward to stare down at the German U-boat Captain, as he squeezes her leg with a tight grasp! "Shit." Lara exhales through the filtered sound of her mask respirator. Donna's lasso is quick to act, and fast to pull the hand from her leg with relative ease, however, freeing the British woman to reach for the web netting, tearing it down and throwing it over the runed object inside the open box. She hooks an arm through the webbing, using it as a make-shift bag. With her other hand accepting the metal rod from the Amazon, Lara gingerly jumps over the Captain who is trying to rise up from the ground, using old bones, old muscles...
Lara shoulders her way in to the corridor, instantly met by another German crewman who has made it to his feet, practically falling against her as he too echoes similar German words to that of the Captain! A sickening wet crunch follows, however, as Lara brains him with a powerful, and direct, hit right to the front of his forehead, sending the man toppling off to the side. She breaks in to a sprint, nimbly running through the cramped corridor as more zombie-like men reach for her through hatchways, and from rising positions out of the wall mounted bunk spaces!
When Kenesha and Jinx make it back to the portal room, they find the ghostly spectre, having caused Kiana to flee, is now pacing back and forth, shouting something to himself. When he spies Olivia, he shouts something at her angrily German, before Jinx is suddenly rushed. The Spectre crewman tries to reach out to grab her, but his hands pass right through her, less she's too agile to even give him the chance!
Behind Kenesha, more Spectres are showing up, rising up from the bodies of the deceased crew of this foresaken U-boat submarine. They shamble to their feet, looking confused, agitated, and terrified at what they are seeing, a world unlike anything they can comprehend... They slowly begin to note unauthorized personnel aboard their ship, and begin shouting and pointing at the intruders!
Through the aft hatch, Lara thrusts the hatch open, and jumps through it, the bag hanging at her side with the pyramidal object inside it, still glowing. She peers back through the hatch for Donna, before she turns to see the others. "Lets go. Time to leave!" She shouts, motioning toward the portal exit, and rushing toward it, discarding the bloodied metal pole on her way, as another of the ghostly men tries to grab her before she can reach the portal!
- Jinx has posed:
It's almost instinctive. An angry German nazi spectre rushing you does tend to get the blood pumping and that big spike of adrenaline. That's usually not helpful when doing magic but Jinx has always been very instinctual when it comes to these things.
She flings up her hands defensively as her magic whips out; rusted bits of metal, implements, bits of what used to be shelves that fell off from age and rust, they all fling across the room through the angry spirit. As they touch the ghost they act like adhesive; the ghost being yanked with them as they clatter against the far wall.
Jinx turns to see the contorted unlife crumpled up yet still screaming in German. "Nyyy...," she says in defiance of her own fear and its shouts. "You know what - leaving is a REALLY good idea." She fits her mask back in place and marches out through the portal and in to the cold water. Following the line up is easy enough but she's very glad to be out of that haunted place.
- Donna Troy has posed:
Donna runs through the sub right on Lara's heals. There's a part of her that really wants to stay behind and fight, but there are people potentially in trouble ahead, and Donna really doesn't know how well most of the people along on this little trip are going to cope in a fight. Flight is clearly the best option in this case.
Speed is the main thing right now, and as the zombies crawl to their feet there's time to bypass them, with Brit and Amazon vaulting over slowly raising zombies and dodging out of the way of grasping hands as they make their way as quickly as possible towards the exit.
If there's the occasional crunching sound coming from behind Lara, well Donna can't be blamed. Ever since Diana told her about fighting in World War 2 she's wanted to punch a few nazis.
Before long the pair have made it back to the entry point, and Donna shuts a bulkhead door behind her to seal off the undead crew -- though the hinges are so rusted they barely survive being forced closed, and it's unlikely the door will last long.
"Out! Out! Everyone out!" Donna calls from the rear as she runs along behind Lara to where Jinx is dealing with the spirit. As she splashes into the water of the entry portal, she offers the end of her lasso to Olivia. "You're the fastest, do you think you're up to a bit of towing? If so everyone can grab on..."
- Olivia Gaudin has posed:
Olivia frets, waiting anxiously for the team to escape. When Lara plunges back into the water, the mutant readies herself for action. Then Jinx, Kenesha, and then Donna. The rope is a godsend. This she seizes with both hands. Then, with a powerful kick, she's pulling them upwards. Along the way, something registers. She's been speaking too much, she's been too nervous, and she didn't even properly get a full breath before diving. She's also never carried a person from a dive before, much less four.
With the surface far above, her lungs positively ache, then burn. She lets out a hypersonic scream of alarm. That will bother dolphins in the area. Still, she keeps pushing, kicking, straining. And then something feels like a snap inside her body. It is, oddly enough, her spleen, triggered into action by the exertion. A rush of red blood cells flows into her veins. She can move again.
The surface draws closer, but she can feel this second wind is finite. Before her eyes can darken and her pace fail, though, there is a blast of water, shooting them all up to the surface. Kiana's work! And just in the nick of time. Olivia isn't even concious when they break through the waves. Her new friends will have to finish getting all of them onto the boat...
- Lara Croft has posed:
With the U-boat abandoned, it is left on the bottom of the ocean, the four pale white lights an ominous beacon of life, versus a boat full of so much death.
The team returns to the surface, where they are met by hands of the luxury boat crew. They are helped out of the water, with many frantic words of the incoming emerald fog. It takes only a bit more effort for Lara to settle the artifact on a clear space near the edge of the boat's deck, wehre she rips the webbing from it, and speaks a soft series of words, whilst tracing her fingers across the edges of each face, turning the object with her free hand by its peak, and repeating the process on each of the pyramid stone's faces. When she finishes, the massive bank of encroaching green fog begins to visibly dissipate, weaken, and break apart.
Only small green fingers trickle their way around the luxury yacht... before they too turn to dissipated remnants of the former strange weather event.
An hour later, with the sun setting, and a beautiful orange-red sunset surrounding the boat, Lara is gathered with many of the crewmen, and likely some of the diving team, within the lounge of the boat's interior. She has the relic resting on a silk cloth upon a glass table, and adorned in a fresh set of clothing, she's explaining some of what just happened, all eyes upon her, many drinks in hands, and some dishes of hot food served to hungry mouths.
"The Atlanteans, many, many, centuries ago... had formed some manner of an alliance with an alien race. We do not know how long they were here on Earth, we just know it predates all known ideas on the age of mankind. These alien beings seemed to look at Earth as a test bed for a wide array of experiments. This lead to the creation of the Savage Lands, and all of the wild, amazing, results of those tests that we have found within its borders." Lara explains, as she stands beside the glass table, and the flat grey pyramid stone that rests upon it.
"WE had assumed that the technology that powered the ecosystem of the Savage Lands, was contained within those borders... But, it seems that assumption was also misguided. Some of my recent work has lead me to discover that the alien species held outposts throughout Earth, some of which are long lost to time, while others are in plain sight, yet still overlooked... This..." She motions to the pyramid, "Is a part of their technology. It was found by the Germans, and they rushed to attempt to exploit it... I have to find the other pieces that they took from one of these outposts, and get them back to where they belong within it. I don't know what all horrors the Germans have caused with the pieces that they've taken. But I know that there are at least two more. If you're up for helping me find them, then I will be greateful. Otherwise... I thank you alone, for what we've done here today. One step closer to solving this mystery, and hopefully ending any risidual horror caused by the nare-do-wells of our tumultuous past."