17618/Happy Harbor: Faculty Night Out
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Happy Harbor: Faculty Night Out | |
Date of Scene: | 19 April 2024 |
Location: | A Fancy Steakhouse (That Richard JUDGES!) |
Synopsis: | The adults of Happy Harbor have a quiet night out and talk trips! |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, J'onn J'onzz, Richard Stadler, Michael Hannigan
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had decided that a faculty night out would be nice. No planned shenanigans. Just good dinner and some drinks at an upscale steak house then possibly some other event. Then they'd all be complaining tomorrow morning.
Or at least Richard and Morrigan would.
While most of the other teachers and things have made it, there are a few that are absent because of other previous engagments or being introverted. Morrigan wasn't going to be personally offended if someone didn't show up.
This is a genuinely social occassion. One that Mo is hoping nothing goes wrong at. Because if it did there is a good bet that the nicely dressed Doctor would just sit down in the middle of the floor and cry.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz is in human form, and is not particularly of a mindset to relax. But as it is, he is showing up and reintegrating himself into the school despite being gone so long. As it is, he listens to what she has proposed and he is dressed nicely in real clothing, but nothing earthshattering. He waves and on arrival nods to those he knows.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
The one thing Stadler was never, ever going to turn down was a proper work event where the dinner was being expensed. Sometimes it was your only chance to get some excellent food at someone else's expense. Not that he wasn't going to relax his own way, firmly seated at the table, the suit and tie he was wearing perhaps a slight, slight cut above what he normally wore to class, and frowning heavily at the menu.
"Look, right there. How do they get away with charging a hundred and fifteen dollars for a steak? I mean, yes, it's big, but they charge you extra for the sauces. I imagine you could make a grocery store sirloin taste good with those." He grouses, flipping through the menu again. "At least the chicken a la king is reasonable..."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike is not a teacher, nor is he faculty but... he's apparently helped out enough to where he got an invite. And a dinner invite is not so easily turned down when you actually like the people involved. As far as attire is concerned, it does appear that Mike may have a few good pieces hidden away in his wardrobe. Sensible pants, sensible dress shoes, and a sensible dress shirt. He's gone so far as to wear a dress jacket too. No tie though.
Oh well.
Mike glances over from his seat, looking over to Rick. "Menu pricing tactic. They charge an incredibly high amount for items so you're more prone to go for the items mid-price range. That's what they're really expecting you to get."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a wave to J'onn as he enters in and there is a smile, "I miss seeing your other face." she comments to the man in a quieter tone that others can't here. "Come and have a seat, hopefully the menu has something for everyone." she states as she stops to make conversation with a few people. She then gives a look over to Richard and Michael and then heads there way, "Is Richard complaining about the steak price?" she quirks an eyebrow up over her sunglasses. "If you want a steak get one." she mutters.
"How are you all this evening?" she asks the others.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz says, "I am well," he smiles and wants to assure Richard he will cover it, its not like he is shorting for money but knows that if he does Richard is unlikely to accept so simply makes a mental note to tap the server on the shoudler mentally and sips his wine, relaxing."
- Richard Stadler has posed:
"It's not about if I /want/ the steak, it's about the value..." He says, before sighing and leaning back in his chair. "God, I thought I could keep pressing it for longer. The batteries drain so fast these days. Yes, the steak is fine. With the sauces. And maybe a glass of wine. Honestly, Doctor." He says, leaning back up at the question of their current condition. "I would have given a thumbs up if we just held this in the back of the College library with a plate of sandwiches. We could turn off all the lights and I could block an hour where I don't have to do anything."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike smiles, looking to the menu. "So maybe a faculty pot-luck next time." He comments, "As for the value... considering the size of the steak you were talking about, that's likely three meals worth of food. So that's more around $38.33 per meal if we're not factoring in the various taxes and gratuities. Still pricey but if you consider the size of the Chicken a-la-king, they're not too far off. And now that we have done the math, just order the damn steak. Rick."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I mean, I'm paying for dinner, so don't worry about the price tag." Morrigan grins with those fangs of hers. Not the vampire fangs, she's just pretty fangy naturally. "Alright, so BBQ for summer break at my place then?" she offers to them all. There are a lot of people that agree. "Well, I thought folks might like some time away from the town and actually be able to drink without a student tossing something at them." she muses.
She does laugh at Mike telling Rick to order the damn steak and she raises her glass to that. Then she gives a look over everyone, "I appreciate everyone that has come out. And I hope that we'll see a lot of returning faces to faculty next school year." she raises her glass to the table of gathered folks.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz orders the ham and eggs and a long island ice tea, and is quite relaxed. He listens to the others, exceptionally relaxed but not stressed at at all. He sips his drink and ponders.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
"What you two don't understand, of course, is proper etiquette." Rick says, before pausing. "Or, maybe you do, and I'm ruining the vibe, but I must certainly be seen to show being concerned about my burden on our host, then she indicates that such a burden is acceptable. Trivial, even. Thus established, I can order such a steak guilt free." He notes... before going back to the menu. "But I feel like making a point and going with the strip. Cheaper, and again, it's the sauces that do the work."
With that, he sets the menu down on the table, nodding. "I certainly don't mind a barbecue at your place, Doctor. You have the lawn for it, after all." He says, before hesitating. "And... Yes. I'll certainly be back next year; there's a lot of people who I like to see molded with a class or two... though I..."
He trails off again. "I suppose it's just the world seems on a bit of a knife edge right now. And I have to wonder if I can be doing more than teach."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike pauses, glancing to Stadler, "You're already doing more than just teaching. Chaperoning trips and events is no joke with this school."
He looks over to Morrigan, "And while technically not staff. I will be happy to continue to offer assistance getting the school some ins with the Entertainment Industry and the potential work-study opportunities within. Thank you for including me in on the festivities."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"J'onn do you have anything in particular you want to do before the end of the semester or anything like that?" Morrigan asks the Manhunter. Then there is a look to Richard, "Sir, my parents put me in etiquette training so I wouldn't ruin dinner parties." she muses. "I just don't want folks to worry so much right now. We've had enough." she states. There is a curious look to him, "Do you want to take a break?" she asks him.
Then there is a look to Mike and she grins, "I think we should make you an honorary teacher, you do so much for us, truly." she states. "And always, you are just as much a part of this as anyone else." she adds.
"Does anyone have suggestions for end of school trip? Not Egypt?" she muses to that.
- J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz says, "Nothing I can think of," he smiles, "Just glad to be back" he seems insanely relaxed but mainly going through the ritual of being social and trying to be good facultry. "Maybe....Argentina?""
- Richard Stadler has posed:
"Oh, I didn't get etiquette training as early as that, at least. Barbecue or hunting trips, maybe, but most of the training I got was after color guards started attending every odd one." He notes, before shaking his head. "Lord, no. I don't know exactly what a break would look like, for me. I'm adapting, at least; there's a wonder what you can do nowadays with online lectures and materials. And the right TA's, of course. It's more... course load might need a bit of reduction."
He moves to shake his head over to MIke. "I certainly love doing that. Some of the best trips are the ones you can see students and those young adults out in the field. And given some of the data we're getting on xenobiology these days, we might be able to put the college to some honest to go research, and I'm grabbing Ms. Guiterrez for something. But that's the main thing. There's some heightened tensions right now in the world, things I've seen, things I've done..."
He looks back over to Morrigan. "I'm thinking of talking to our friends in Westchester. Looking for a bit of a more... active role."
And then to Mike. "Nope, you hold that over him until I see a degree on that wall; And none of that honorary stuff, either. I'm sure he could be out with an associates inside of a year."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
"So long as I don't have to grade papers." Mike responds back to the mention of the honorary title, giving a bit of a smile.
"And yes, for the trip- definitely not Egypt." Mike agrees, tilting his head in thought. "Unfortunately my go to travel spots have not been all that kind to you, Mo. Else I'd suggest Ireland. Although- Portugal is pretty friendly to US travelers."
He looks over to J'onn, considering the suggestion. "...Which variation of Spanish does the school teach? Could be good practice to go with a country that does that type."
Mike turns his head to look over to Rick, "There's more than one way to get an education, Rick. Mine just didn't involve a degree beyond the GED."