1852/The first Oni Jar, JFK Airport

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The first Oni Jar, JFK Airport
Date of Scene: 26 May 2020
Location: New York City - Queens - JFK Airport - Terminal 1
Synopsis: Three way battle in JFK, the contents of the oni jar escaped.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Yami Kuroki, Elektra Natchios, Greer Grant, Kaminari, Alexander Aaron, Heidi Ingerdottir, Matthew Murdock

Bobbi Morse has posed:
JFK International Airport. Terminal 1. This terminal services mostly Asian destinations including Air Japan. The upstairs is where checkin and TSA security are, while downstairs is baggage claim and all the transport options under the sun from taxis to light rail.

Flight JA17 has just landed, according to the tv screens scattered about the place. On board that plane is Yukioni Ai, an American citizen, born in Japan. He has brought with him an ancient jar from Japanese mythology. There are a lot of interested parties in this particular jar, one of four. Some don't know what's in it, some have theories.

It doesn't matter now, what matters is the gathering crowds of people concealing knives, swords and guns. Some lean against walls, others near the bathrooms, some against pillars. Some stand casually by the carousel as if waiting for their luggage. The way the looks are being thrown around, it is clear not everyone here is on the same side.

Passengers on the flight patiently wait for the ground crew to connect the airbridges to the plane so they can disembark.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    Despite its distance away from Manhattan, JFK Airport is a surprisingly easy airport to get to if you know how. True, you could catch an Uber. Or even a taxi! But if you don't want to be eighty dollars out of pocket, than catching the train is a cheap, reliable way of getting there. With little money to his name, this is naturally the elected route for one Yami Kuroki - a Japanese teenager currently staying somewhere uptown on the island borough. As he stands in the train, hand gripped to one of the hanging loops to help steady himself, the teen stares out at the window as he runs through the plan in his head over and over. This _should_ be pretty rudimentary. Get to the Terminal. Wait for a guy to come out, and then intercept.
    Though he typically possesses some swords while out on the field, the lithe figure doesn't carry them today. Walking around with such weaponry around at the airport is a sure-fire way to not only get noticed, but arrested! Besides, he shouldn't need swords today. Right? Right. So, dressed in his pretty standard kit of maroon-coloured PUMA themed sweats and Yankees cap pulled backwards, Yami digs hands into his comfortable pockets as he lingers around with a bunch of other suspicious looking folk at the baggage collection area. Idly, his pinky finger raises and digs into his ear, twisting and turning to clear it out. An assessment goes around to the others that are here, feeling the uneasy looks being exchanged. "Yikes." The mutter is quiet but there.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
How did this flock of Hand ninjas got here? Did they carpool? What's important is that they are indeed present, not dressed in black pajamas of course, no. Some are around dressed in black suits, sunglasses, head turning here and there looking for someone... Others on the mezzanine above to keep the higher ground while they look at the people that come in and out..

Some are hanging near the bathrooms, leaned against the walls, waiting. And no weapons in sight. If any were brought they are keeping them well hidden. But indeed there's a tension in the air..., specially as a couple of police officers walk into the bathroom and moments later a couple of those black-suited gentlemen follow in.

And yes, there was a cheeky enough member of the Hand crew that decided it was a good idea to wait by the luggage area with a sign that says 'YUKIONI AI'. And he looks so pleasant too with his hardened eyes and frown on his face.

Greer Grant has posed:
Everyone wants to be a cat. Whistles the striped Avenger, she is stretching her legs and Tigra has somehow found herself at the airport with a total of zero reasons to be here but she's planning on making the most of her time here.

    Tigra sits at the mexican chain restaurant with a chip lingering in the salsa as she eyes the marg before here when she lifts her enhanced nose and whispers to herself. "Something's wrong." Standing up, she lifts a hand to her waitress, "Watch my shit... but get everyone safe. Something is about to go down." Tigra warns the team at Christina's and starts moving to get to the terminal she smells oiled metal and gunpowder at.

Kaminari has posed:
It's hard being a god these days, what with mortals having learned how to fight back so you can't just take what you want or rain thunderbolts down upon the object of your displeasure without winding up on some sort of 'trial' That is why today we find Kaminari incognito rather than simply just expressing her divine perogatives and expecting them to be obeyed.

She is dressed comfortably in loose fitting yet fashionable clothing. Her iconic white hair however has been hidden beneath a black bomber jacket. She's also wearing a baseball cap and dark sunglasses to conceal who she is as best one can as she makes her way through Security into the terminal.

There are two others with her. The plan such that it exists seems to be to follow Ai from the terminal to baggage claim and see both who and what turns up.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The blond youth that accompanies Kaminari has no need to really be that incognito. The people that might recognize him are very niche and settled deep in the hallowed halls of either the divine or old training halls used by the occasional wanderer seeking enlightenment. But for most people, he is just a teenager wandering through the crowd shadowing along behind the incognito Kaminari.
    With hands deep in the pockets of his jeans and his white sneakers squeaking a little with each step, he blows a puff of air to get his hair out of his eyes, only for it to floof back over his brow. "Depending on how things fall out, I'd like to get some Sbarro." Absently murmured sidelong.
    He pauses as they pause, his grey and red top rather plain looking save for the text on it that proclaims idly, 'I Saved Olympus and All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt.'

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
It's hard to make Heidi incognito, but she's doing her best not to stand out. Her hair's plaited into a single braid at the back of her head, and she's wearing jeans and a hoodie. Ordinary, right? She can totally pretend to be an ordinary Midgardian. She trails near Kaminari and Alexander, peering sidelong in the latter's direction.

"What's a Sbarro? Is that some kind of alcoholic beverage? ... oh, or maybe a delicious frozen treat. It sounds like it could be that." Even while she's talking, her eyes are seeking the area to make sure nothing weird is going on. Or at least, what seems weird to her. There's plenty that's weird.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Staff at airports are trained not to have any humor about threats to peoples safety. When Greer alerts the staff that there may be trouble, they press the hidden police button. Two officers quickly approach the cafe. Muted conversation and finger pointing in the direction that Greer went results in the two officers walking toward baggage claim - only to be incepted by undercover detectives, casually showing the cops their badges. A quiet but heated discussion unfolds between them, taking their eye off the ball.

A man in a similarly non-descript suit approaches the Hand soldier carrying the Yukioni Ai sign and parts his suit enough to press a dagger to his back, "Drop the sign and walk away, you're not welcome here."

The police officers never return from the bathroom, though the two men that followed them in do - now wearing the police uniforms including pistols at their hips.

Past security in the terminal: The people start filing out of flight JA17 from Niigata, Japan. Amongst them an unassuming Japanese man, Yukioni Ai. He is wearing round rimmed glasses and has the stupefied expression of someone who has not had much sleep. Slung over his shoulder is a backpack and he's wearing travel clothes. A man bumps in to him briefly carrying a similar backpack to his. The second man, balding with a come-over, heads toward a different set of stairs leading out of the secured area.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    Yami licks his lips in anticipation. The air in the baggage area of Terminal 1 starts to feel dense as the tension grows palpable. Pivoting on his foot, his dark eyes examine the various passengers of the flight as they start to exit from customs and immigration. Fortunately for Yami, he was given at the very least a loose description of what he's meant to be looking for. This description, albeit vague, is just enough for the teen to spot the tired looking fellow known as Yukioni Ai. The round rimmed glasses give it away, truthfully. The subsequent bump into a man with a similar backpack and combover isn't missed, and as he departs a different set of stairs, Yami starts to follow with a casual stride.

Kaminari has posed:
"Yes, I will buy you all of the Sbarro you want after we're done." Kaminari tells Alexander.

Once she picks Yukioni Ai out of the crowd from the pictures she has seen, she falls into step at a reasonable distance behind him to keep him in sight without blatantly seeming like they are following him, just heading towards Baggage Claim like everyone else.

When the balding man bumps into Yukioni Ai, she frowns but the incident seems to pass. So, she continues trailing Yukioni towards the baggage claim.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    That seems to mollify Alexander as he strolls along, and indeed they make a motley trio with the thunder god, the fear god, and the tall god all wandering along with a subtle bit of distance between them to give the idea that they miiiight not entirely be together, but the pace they take they sort of are.
    For now he seems to not paying full attention to what passes around, the subtle tension, the rising emotions. Assuredly unaware to most, but perhaps like Tigra in a way, he has his own way of getting the vibe that matters are coming to a head. He picks up the pace for a few strides and murmurs.
    "A lot of people are very displeased and on edge in the area." A glance given to Heidi to include her in the last few of those words before he looks back to Kami.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
One could swear those cops weren't japanese when they entered that bathroom. But now here they are..., still adjusting their caps, looking around.. They note the bump as well between Ai and some other man so they begin to trail, not too far behind Kuroki, hands on their belts, not so casual at all. They look full of intent, and not a peaceful one.. One of them speaks quietly to an earpiece, which someone close enough and understanding of japanese will understand <<Tracking Ai. Possible change of cases.>> A moment later, as if they received some communication they separate, one towards Ai, the other continuing to follow.

The man that had the sign puts it aside. He has a nice incentive afterall, it being a dagger to his back so he begins to walk behind a corner, hoping to 'solve' things.

A few more men begin to come down the stairs from the mezzanine to the terminal, only a single figure remaining up there, sitting by a table, drinking his tea, a few instructions given from time to time. Face scarred as if it had been in a fire.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra is easily the easiest person to see in the unloading area of the terminal and as such, she's not going to be one to be one for stealth at this time of day. Tigra is not a happy camper.

    Sniffing the air, Tigra is choosing to seek out the smells of fire arms. Tigra takes a deep breath, puffing her chest in anticipation for her shout, "You are under arrest!" She says, putting two fingers into the vague shape of a finger gun and jabbing them into the back of a person she things might have a gun on their person who she thinks doesn't look like an air Marshall.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt hated airports. For one thing they tended to frown on guys dressed in devil suits, and second they tended to be full of cameras that made his whole 'pull a scarf up over his face' trick hard to pull off. Still, his efforts to keep an 'eye' on the Hand brought him here, and so, Matt tapped his way through the terminal behind his cane, keen senses sweeping the area for signs of his quarry. It doesn't take long to find them, the two cops leaving the bathroom speaking into a radio that wasn't part of their police man's kit, points the way.

Getting a coffee from a nearby kiosk, Matt takes up a position near the bathrooms looking like he was just loitering, his senses partly focused on the two 'cops' while they roamed the rest of the area for signs of any of their friends.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi remains close, certainly letting her gaze stray around as she notes what Alexander's saying. She nods, very slowly. "Aye, I kind of am getting a feeling someone's waiting for the flint to strike the tinder." She is, at least. There's /someone/ who's going to make a move. She leans in a little closer to Alexander.

"How many people here do you think want this thing?" She mutters.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
*beepbeepbeep* The light flashes. "Step back from the carousel" is played over the loud speaker in an automated voice. The carousel starts to move and the first few bags begin to come out. More people enter the baggage claim area, presumably from the flight. Yukioni Ai moves unaccosted in to the crowd as he is trailed by three gods and a fake cop.

Slowly, the man Greer stuck her fingers in to the back of lifts his arms up and says, "You're making a big mistake." People love a bit of cop drama. Phones come out and focus on the scene of the striped Avenger seemingly making an arrest. The man certainly has a gun in his waist band. Undercover detectives draw their guns and point them at the same man, "Henry Adachi you're under arrest." The detectives seem surprised that Greer is even there, let alone that she picked their man like that.

Several other yakuza stiffen as their mission boss is nabbed like that. They're unsure whether to make a go for it or not, but it reveals them all, the way they reach for weapons.

Yukioni Ai pauses and notices the police action taking place, then notices the yakuza and presumes they are waiting for him. He then notices his backpack is slightly lighter and finds the cut in the bottom of it.

"Yukioni wa yomigaeru!," <The snow demon shall rise> someone from the crowd says and draws a sword out. There are cameras turned toward it and he cuts the hand off a yakuza that has drawn a gun. "Holyshit," a guy with his phone out says and people start to scream and scatter. Yukioni Ai jumps on the carousel and rides it behind the wall.

The balding man that Yami has followed has turned a corner and opened up his identical backpack, taking out the stolen plastic container with Yukioni Ai's lunch in it. "Shit!," he says and slams it to the ground. He glares at Yami, "What are you looking at?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The cop that was following after Kuroki and the lunch-stealing bandit quietly draws out his weapon. There -is- a lot of commotion going on at the airport so it's not as if anyone has too much attention on the man when he starts to slide a silencer in his gun. He has yet to notice it's not the container they are looking for. But then he brings the weapon up, starting to point it towards the balding man. Even if Yami may be on the way! But there's the clear sign of a gun being cocked ready right behind Yami.

As for the Hand down near the terminal area they notice the start of hostilities, some communication being exchanged and a nod... Some separate to begin moving after Ai and towards that rolling caroussel, hoping to stay undetected in the mayhem. And indeed they are quite proficient in shadowing people! At least a couple are noticeable moving past to the luggage area...

As for the others.., they join in the mayhem.. Some men step towards a few targets they had found on the Yakuza, starting to whittle them down. Knives flashing out, blood.., screams joining in the chorus. But their intent is one, to keep the attention away from those of the Hand that are actively pursuing Ai now. One of the fake cops and two men dressed in black suits.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    Yami is so sure that he's done the right thing. The teen is still incredibly green when it comes to this caper, so you can just imagine the smile that he's trying his best to hide when he follows this stranger down the hallway. Yep, he saw that bump! And the identical backpack! And now he's going to get this jar away from all the commotion that he can hear coming from behind him in the baggage claim area. That is until the balding man reveals that he has in fact, accidentally, stolen the //lunch// from the pack.
    Yami's expression falls. "You stole his FOOD? Kono baka!" The exclamation in his native language is made as the sprightly teen moves closer to the balding man in an attempt to strip him of the backpack. As he does though, he hears the sound of a gun cocking behind him. Turning around with some alarm, Yami stares at the man wielding the weapon. And then? He runs!
    Yami has no connection to this balding man, thus he doesn't care if he lives or dies. All he knows is that this would-be thief doesn't have what he's looking for, meaning that it's still out in the open. As a result he bolts, running quickly back into the baggage area to try and look for his original target: Yukioni Ai. Unfortunately he arrives just a bit too late, missing his entry behind the baggage area.

Kaminari has posed:
Well this is certainly a mess. As the fecal matter hits the proverbial fan, Kaminari's attention is surprisingly not on Ai's retreat. Sure she doesn't exactly want an Oni being revived but the moment the name 'Henry Adachi' is called out her head snaps in that direction and it is seemingly all she can do not to unleash hell upon him from across the airport right then and there.

"Alex, see if you can catch up with the kid that wants to ressurect the Oni. Heidi, you can probably fight whichever ninjas and yakuza you want, this looks like a lot of bad people fighting over bad magic." Her gaze is locked on Henry Adachi as she says all of this. There is an anger roiling beneath the surface that practically has the temperature of the air around her rising, "I have a debt to settle. Or at least take a downpayment." And with that she begins stalking in the direction of Henry, woe betide anyone who tries to get in her way.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    In response to Heidi's words, Alexander comments idly, "Not enough to make a difference." Though he does seem a little wary as he considers his surroundings at large, gaze flitting to the active carousel as he ponders the system, the bags, and how it must be handled.
    But then, of course, things take a rather abrupt turn.
    A hand is sliced and like a surge of adrenalin throughout he'll feel the rising roil of that wash of fear lash through the crowd as people realize something horrible is happening once the melee breaks out. There is a rush of movement, raised voices, a few screams. And all because of it Alexander Aaron's eyes widen as he shoots a smile sidelong toward Heidi, then catches Kaminari's words aimed at him.
    "Ok, kid that wants to resurrect the Oni. Roger." He seems for a moment as if not entirely sure who that is... but a gesture might well solve that problem and with that information he's off in a snap, breaking into a run and weaving through the crowd with a careless ease.

Greer Grant has posed:
    A lift of her furred hand and she motions to one of the cops. "Cuff me blaser, I left mine at home." Tigra explains playfully with a flirty wink towards the nearest cop.

    "You know, whoever you are, I didnt know you were really a bad guy until you surrendered so easily." Tigra says with a shrug as she pulls and holds her captives hands behind his back. "Who are these other baddies out here with the swords n' stuff?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Well this could have gone better. Matt had been expecting to trail the Hand not walk into a major throw down! Still when one of the fake cops breaks away following the person coming through to the baggage claim, Matt moves forward behind his cane, thumb loosening the top of his coffee as he closes on the fake cup. The trip and spill gag wasn't inventive but it worked in a pin-


A kick from the Hand-Cop catches Matt in the face, sending him to the floor, coffee flying from his hand towards the officer. Blood streaming from his nose, Matt breaks the fall, but shouts all the same,"Ow! What hit me?!" selling the act and trying to draw attention before the Hand soldier in uniform slipped away.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi glances over at Alexander with a grin, then back to Kami. Telling Heidi to just attack whomever is both a great and a terrible thing. She turns, eyes seeking out the closest ninja or yakuza to her and moving in their direction. She doesn't /attack/ anyone, she just, instead stalks menacingly forward. "Who wants the honor of challenging an /Asgardian/ in battle?!"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
One of the detectives recognises Greer and tosses her cuffs. But then as the violence breaks out they look for a place to take cover. One of the real cops, seeing a blind man suddenly kicked by another cop - horrified - rushes to draw Matt back to cover where the rest of the police area going. "Come with me sir this area isn't safe," the police office says with genuine concern. An alarm is sounded throughout the airport, like a fire alarm but three quick brr-brr-brr on repeat. brr-brr-brr. brr-brr-brr. The tactical response unit at the far end of the terminal springs to action, gearing up and the call goes out for backup.

Hands cuffed by Greer behind him Henry scowls, "You got this all wrong, I'm the good guy here. I'm trying to stop the freakin' apocalypse," he struggles against Greer's hold but isn't going anywhere. Let me go you idiot they're going to kill me here and now if they get the chance.

On the other side of the wall Yukinoi Ai scrambles over the suit cases until he finds his own he. He quickly fumbles the combination in to the lock and pulls off the straps. The case springs open and he tosses his clothes out of the way, pulling a small bronze jar out from amongst them, barely the size of his hand. The other hand grasps the handle of a fold out katana, which with a flick extends to its full length.

Ai turns and to see two black suits and a cop make their way in the area too. The workers loading luggage on to the carousel see the sword and guns and start running for cover. When Alexander makes his way in to the back area too he resumes running along the carousel and dives back out in to the open melee of the baggage claim area, this time clearly carrying a bronze jar and a sword. Yami can see that jar in his hand - it is definitely the kind of jar used in mystical ceremonies from the Yamatai era. Some of the rarer artefacts from Queen Himiko's reign have been of similar design.

An athletic looking Japanese man pulls his sword free from the impaled heart of a yakuza holding an uzi in his hand he never got to fire. The sword flicks elegantly casting the blood away and he turns to face Heidi Ingerdottir and bows to her. "It would be my great honor to face you in combat Asgardian." He takes a pose for only the briefest of moments before charging at her.

The yakuza on Henry's side fair quite badly in the blink of an eye. The highly trained Hand and Yukioni taking no prisoners with their knives and swords. They start to square off against each other. "koko kara tsuredashite!," <get me out of here!> barks Yukioni Ai.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The sound of a silenced pistol and the drop of a balding man's body is heard by Yami as he flees

Elektra Natchios has posed:
What the ... The fake cop that was on pursuit and noticing Matt coming in delivers him a good kick, frowning. Not that his attention remains on Matt for long because instead there's this young man running in their direction.. He taps one of the suits on the shoulder, chinjerking towards Alexander. <<Stop him.>> this said in Japanese, and the three move in to serve as a deterrence for Alexander's advance and to whoever else they may be attempting to move in closer to where Ai is. The two suits bring out knives while the cop, well, he has a gun... Might as well use it..

He draws it out, levelling it and speaks in a clipped english. "Stop it right there!"

The cop that was handling the bald man frowns as there's no vase! He starts going back to the main room, again near Kuroki. It's like his shadow! <<Where is the vase?>> this said to Kuroki.

As for the scarred man that was on the mezzanine above he sighs, starting to go down the stairs to the main floor to have a closer look. Long overcoat, hands in his pockets, a comm device on his ear. Not a very friendly face. The burn mark doesn't help.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Barring her fangs to Henry, Tigra snarls with a snap to her words, her hands clinching the cuffs a touch too tight on Henry's wrists, "Call me an idiot again and you'll wish they had you and not me." Tigra growls to the man and shoves the man at the cop that gave her the cuffs. "Stay behind me." Tigra commands as she coils thr muscles in her legs and bounds up on top of the carousel and roars her great tiger roar, shaking the walls with her powerful vocal chords. Drawing the ire and attention of everyone she can.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    As chaos erupts, Yami ducks and swerves under those that are engaging in combat. "Damn it, damn it...!" The teen curses, desperately looking for any trace of Yukioni Ai. He was rarely given direct assignments like this, so to fail so early on in his career would surely earn a black mark against his name. As he's pretty sure he can hear someone claiming that they're an Asgardian over the sound of combat (did that really happen?), he finally spots his target. And what's worse? He's holding the damn jar like it's filled with strawberry jam.
    "Idiot," He murmurs, before moving to give chase. As Yukinoi Ai cries out for protection, Yami tries his best to close in on him with his enhanced physical attributes. Looking behind him at this cop that is trailing him, he looks back ahead to witness some folks deterring not only Alexander, but himself as well. "...hup!" Yami LEAPS! With an incredible bound in the air, the Japanese teen attempts to sail //over// the interference, hoping to land directly on Ai's back with a hard crash. Doing this isn't exactly what he wanted to do - for such an act of physicality surely gives him away as someone more than what he appears to be. But he, desperate times, right? Besides, everyone is fighting each other. Maybe no-body saw him!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt lets himself be dragged away by the cop, reaching out and feeling his way to the officer's shoulder, feeling his kit. "Are you a cop?" he asks before pushing right on. "Thank god, I think there were two men by the washroom talking about a bomb, I was looking for an officer when I ran into whatever I did. Officer, you need to get these people out of here right now before things get out of hand."

Nothing clears an airport out like a bomb scare and while Matt may not be able to stop the Yakuza and Hand from killing each other, he could try to get as many people out as he could.

As he talks, something tugs at the edge of his hearing, even in the chaos, a voice, familiar, but like the tune of a song you can't quite remember the name of, it draws his attention, even as he appeals to the real cop that came to his rescue.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari makes a beeline across the baggage claim area towards Henry Adachi. All around there is violence, though she passes through it seemingly like the eye of a hurricane. At first it seems like the tiger-lady might give her pause, but then said tiger-lady is leaping towards the carousel and she has a clear line to Henry.

Walking straight up to the man she grabs him by the scruff of his shirt and begins lifting him about an inch off the ground, "Henry, I presume?" she glances at the cop Greer placed him in the custody of and there seems to be a veritable war of emotions going on inside of her as to what she is going to do next.

Some sort of better angels seem to win out somehow, maybe it's the incoming tactical response teams, and she lets him down. "Start telling me about this apocalypse." she commands Henry with eyes like raging storms, before adding for the officer's benefit, "This man is a murderer who has committed grave sins, no matter what he is trying to do now. Do not let him get away."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander is a rush of movement across the terminal, then he /vaults/ upon the conveyor belt, hopping over this large suitcase and that over-sized bag. He hits the rubber flaps that block vision into the baggage handling area then busts right on through, skidding to a stop as he stands there, feet on the metal sides of the conveyor belt that aren't moving.
    Across the way he catches sight of Yukinoi Ai, "Hey there. I'm supposed to stop you."
    He takes a few more strides to close the distance and /hops/ down to land in a half-crouch, then rise to his feet. "I'm one of the few people out there that would sorta prefer to do that without killing you. Cool?"
    But then Yukinoi Ai makes a run for it again, "Maaan." He says to himself as he breaks into a run as well, trying to take short cuts as he can, leaping over a rolling luggage cart, leaping to that door back out and half-sliding half-bouncing off the conveyor belt itself trying to close the distance as best he can.
    Only to be confounded by the three men approaching him, blades drawn, pistol raised. Alexander's eyes narrow and abruptly there is a roiling lash of brilliant silver flame that bursts from his gaze. For everyone else he seems normal, but suddenly for the man with the pistol the blond youth becomes this enraged great armoured creature seething smoke and flame as he gestures at him, evil angry whispers roiling in the man's thoughts as he sees a vision of a creature out of nightmare that threatens the very sanity of one witnessing its emergence.
    Enough of a distraction perhaps, for in the next second he bursts into a blur of movement amongst those two knife-wielders, a wrist grabbed and twisted, weapon sent flying even as he uncoils with a smooth clean kick into the ribs of the other, sending him rocketing back into the wall with a heavy /WHAM!/ where he then slides down and lies inert.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is honorable in her fights. She returns the bow, then promptly dodges as she's charged at, though it's a narrow approach. If it weren't for the fact that the charge was obvious, it would be fast enough to get /something/. She isn't, of course, actually in it for the fight this time. In this particular instance, she's fighting to dispatch the enemy on the off-chance they cause problems for her companions.

She's there to make sure they don't cause those problems. Glancing to check on the rest of the immediate surroundings, she looks quickly back to the man. When she catches his wrist, it's used quickly to make him drop the sword and to slam him back to the ground with her impressive strength. She's not pulling punches, even if she's not throwing them. He does get some blows in, strong enough to make her stagger back just a touch, but she finishes quick a quick jolt of strength to knock him back against a cement pillar. She's not certain of his condition, but she does know he's not a problem.

"You were a worthy opponent," she offers in his direction before she looks back around her.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Yukioni Ai gasps in amazement at Tigra and her mighty raw. The police do the same. The few people who have taken cover and have their phones out focus on her too. It is an impressive roar. So much so, Ai fails to notice Yami jumping on his back. It knocks him over on top of a suit case. This does not deter the Hand behind him, with a toothy smile to Yami, he thrusting his blade through Ai's back and out his heart. Ai looks down at the blade protruding from his chest and pinning him to a suitcase. He starts to shake in disbelief, then drops his sword.. then the jar. "shippai shimashita" <I have failed>, he whispers before slumping in to the long dark of death.

The jar makes a bell like sound as it hits the side of the carousel and starts to roll across the floor. The wax seal around its lid chipping. It is clear the jar has taken many bumps through the years, it is not perfectly shaped and rolls in an arc. The jar even shakes at the might roar from Tigra, more of the wax falling off.

The Hand pretending to be a cop's eyes go wide in terror as he sees Alexander's monstrosity. He backs away, screaming "No! NO!" His shaky hand brings the gun to his head but he slips off the edge of a step and falls backwards hitting his head against a railing. The other two Hand look back at Alex and engage in a fight with him, though they are soundly dispatched by the Olympian.

Henry is summarily tossed against the detectives who are transfixed by the bloody mess that has erupted in the baggage claim area. When Tigra makes her roar, they forget about him entirely. He gets up on his knees and starts to run for it, straight in to the arms of Kaminari, then up off the floor with feet dangling. He splutters and scowls. "You're.. crazy. These.. psychos are breaking a demon back to life. Don't you get it, these jars call to each other! they want to be put back together. If you want to save lives get me outta here!". The officer next to him was about to get up and give chase but watches in awe at the white haired woman's superhuman strength. "Uh.. right lady, thank you.. we'll take it from here. Please vacate the area." The cop next to Matt pats his hand, "Yes sir, I am a cop. A bomb? ..shit." He gets on his radio, "We have a report of a bomb in the toilets at baggage claim terminal 1."

The tactical team approaches the entrance to the baggage area. They're in armour, they're carrying automatic weapons. They aren't interested in messing around. Over the comms they hear there might be a bomb in the toilets. Two of them split off from the rest and make their way to the bathroom to confirm. The airport alarm continues to siren. The place is almost deserted now except for the combatants in the baggage area. The rest begin to shout "GET DOWN. POLICE. THIS IS THE POLICE. GET DOWN ON THE GROUND. GROUND NOW!" at the remaining Yukioni-clan members and Hand, Alexander, Greer, Heidi, whom are all in the combat zone. No one is beyond suspicion - as a body comes out on the carousel behind Alex, a body cracks against a pillar, Yami is standing face to face against a Hand over the body of a recently sworded man.

A Yukioni-clan fighter dives at the jar, while a Hand soldier grabs him and gets in a tangled mess. The jar is knocked a little further along the floor.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
With so many of the Hand operatives starting to fall it brings the scarred man to action. He had just finished descending the stairs to watch what was going on but the developments bring him to a decision. Reaching up he covers the lower part of his face with a mask, speaking to the comms. <<Forget the Yukioni. Get the vase!>>

This makes the few remaning Hand to disengage from their fights, even the one that was near Yami, and instead of actually trying to attack the young man he begins to try and catch up with that damn elusive vase! In fact they all do!

As for their suppose leader, he waits until the tactical team begins to move past him and then there is the tell tale sound of a chain being released, ending on a hook. For those aware of japanese weapons it would be a Shoge Hook.

And then it's blood and slicing everywhere when he begins to attack the armored force unit.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    The space around Yami is rapidly starting to close up. With Ai now skewered and dying in a grizzly fashion, the teen whirls around to look at the member of the Hand that had run him through. "What a tough guy." The sarcastic remark is made as the precious jar starts to roll away. With speed and precision Yami strikes, using his increased speed combined with his martial prowess to bring this guy down. First locking his knees up to bring him to the ground in a pretty standard jiu-jitsu take down, the teen then proceeds to render the member of the Hand unconscious by simply choking him out. It's all done as quickly as possible, but it takes precious time away from getting the jar.
    Once the Hand is out, he gets back to his feet, looking wildly about for the bouncing jar that is losing wax. Catching sight of it, he goes for it again!

Greer Grant has posed:
    Thats the face she's seen a time or two, one with a rather potent wizard when she touched something in his creepy mansion. The face Yami makes is not one Tigra can't react to. That jar is SUPER IMPORTANT!

    Tigra leaps off the top off the carousel and bares her ten onyx claws at the ninja that is also making a move towards the urn. "Kitty's got dibs fellows" Tigra snaps as she aims to cut at the man's wrist. Damage, dont kill. Her red hair flows through the air like a cape, her tail puffed up in her rage and she roars back at the swat team while grasping for the jar.

    "Card carrying Avenger," turning to her head to the guy she attacked, "Why doesn't anyone recognize me?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The area is clear, now all there is to worry about is the cops. Matt lets himself be shoved towards the door one of the airport workers taking his arm until he slips free of that grip to ride along with the human current, losing his cane, grabbing an 'I <3 New York' sheet of a souvenir rack, before taking off his glasses and trying it expertly around his face like a ninja mask. With the people around him intent on the door, its easy to step out of the current and circle back to the carnage.

As he walks he hears that voice clearly now and his heart skips a beat only to freeze a little as he hears the blade on its chain unravel.

"No!" Matt shouts as he rushes to aid the armed response unit, against the ninja's assault, calling out "Nobu!" to draw the scarred man's attention his way.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari looks between Henry and the officers, "Yes, be glad they will keep you alive. Know this Henry Adachi, for the killing of a Kannushi you have been marked and eventually divine justice will be served. For now mortal justice will have to suffice." As the tactical team rushes in she puts her hands assuming they will handle the situation. That is until the scarred man descends and begins slicing them to pieces.

"Okay, I've had enough!" Kaminari eyes the cops around Henry, "Keep hold of him. I'm going to deal with /that/."

Turning towards the melee, she moves with uncanny speed in the direction of the chain wielding, her stance reminiscent of one who has seen a few battlefields and is fluent in the much older nearly extinct far more brutally effective forms of Aiki-Jujitsu.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There is that mad scrabble of people rushing to the jar, people trying to grab it, some diving, now fighting, some clashing. It's all chaos even as the authorities shout and shout loudly. Those nearest him are either enemies or he doesn't recognize them, yet he knows one thing.
    That jar. That's important.
    He breaks forward into a run, a hand extending with a short snap as he motions to the thing, his eyes flaring with silver flame again and presenting a flicker of magical illumination as he rushes for it. To Tigra, Kaminari, and Heidi... nothing seems to be different...
    Yet to the rest of the world that jar seems to snap open with a resonant /CRACK!/ as a great ichor of disgusting ooze and living vermin slither and surge free of that container. Monstrosities that seem best fitting as only things imagined brought forth from nightmare or considered by ancient man as assuredly what must be existing out beyond the halo of their campfire. Primal feelings of revulsion and fear and terror all surging from that broken jar!
    The one that Alexander just sort of picks up as he skids to a halt beside it as he turns to his friends, "Hey guys, I got it."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Well done!" Heidi calls in towards Alexander as he mentions having it. She's distracted by that for a moment, then she remembers that there were people yelling in her direction. Peace keepers? She can't remember. If no one's right in her face at the moment, she's ignoring them. Too crazy of a situation to keep track of everything. She does, however, reorient herself in the direction of where she heard Alexander yelling as she has a feeling that's where all the excitement's about to be.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
From behind a barricade a police officer replies to Tigra, "I recognise you Tigra! I love you, can I have your autograph after all this?"

Limbs go here and there as Yukioni take advantage of the change of direction from the Hand. They are willing to sacrifice themselves for their goal in a way that Yukioni-clan never could. One of the Hand dives for the jar, meeting claws and cat fury all at once. A slit wrist, he falls to the floor with Greer and grabs at his wrist trying to stop the bleeding as he yells out. At the same time Alexander launches in to action, using his power of fear on the jar itself. Tigra.. so close to grabbing it.. as ~yoink~ Alex picks it up. Ahem. Yami takes exception to the smirking Hand soldier. He fights back quite effectively until he falters and finds himself in a headlock, going to sleepy bye bye times now.

Matt takes the long way back around in time to see Nobu slicing and dicing the armored police. They don't stand a chance. All those little areas of vulnerability normally so hard to get at are like childs play for Nobu. But with Matt and Kaminari advancing on him.. a change of tactics may be in order.

Heidi finds herself without any adversaries except that man swinging his blade through the air, approached by Kaminari and Matt. His burnt face, he has that sinister look of someone who is used to killing. The bodies of the policemen around him finally drop to the ground.

Alexander, victorious in attaining the jar.. can feel the terror within it, the small cracks, the slight bulging of the bronze as the cap pops off. Whatever was inside it.. liquid now, flees in terror.

Somewhere in New York City, a young Japanese woman pauses, recoils in horror and presses herself against the wall of the building she's in. Yami can sense ~something~ has left the jar.. and so can Kaminari.

Exiting from the bathroom where there was no bomb to be found, the two armored officers look at the bloody mess, limbs everywhere, unconscious and dead bodies. Hey there's an Avenger! and everybody else seems kind of chummy.. they start to point their rifles at the few remaining Hand who kneel down and place their hands on their heads. They approach and zip-tie cuff the Hand members. They look in horror at Nobu and then one of them looks to Tigra, "Uh.. Avenger, Ma'am.. a little help~" He points at Nobu.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When someone -actually- calls out Nobu's name that makes the man pause, then his hatred-filled eyes turn in that direction, watching the familiar features of Daredevil. "You ..." yet then someone else approaches, in a posture that he hadn't seen in, well, ages.. The combined effort seems to be enough to deter him, along with what is happening further down the hall and the loss of the vase.. So he stops his killing.

<<Retreat.>> a simple order, then he does what his kind does best. Misdirection.. He tosses a couple of 'bombs' to the ground, smoke coming out of them as he hopes to use it to cover his escape, attempting to blend away into the shadows..

As for the few remaining Hand, they attempt to get the hell out, at least those not captured by the police or taken down by these meddling heroes!

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    Imposed by Alexander's powers, Yami's mouth drops open as the jar snaps open with a resounding CRACK! What comes out from inside isn't what he was told, but instead... ooze? And vermin? Fear and fright shoot up the back of Yami's spine as his eyes widen in fright, the Japanese teenager taking a nervous step back and raising his arms in fright. "N...no...! The jar cannot be opened...!" What he stammers out is loud and vocal, though it's difficult to say why he's speaking like that. Perhaps it's disbelief that he failed? Or maybe just complete fear? Falling down onto his knees he grips his head, trying to focus and accumulate some clear thoughts amid the chaos that Alexander had unleashed upon him!
    Then it strikes him. Something //else//. "No... no! It's too late... it's out! It's out! I failed!" Yami stands at this, and, head still swimming with fear, he staggers for the exit. Tripping over strewn bags and trolleys he tries to stumble away.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra hits the ground hard, using her arm down to absorb much of the force of her long and futile fall. She hits the cold and wet floor, rolling quickly and flipping her legs over her head to land with her tail in the air. The orange avenger's eyes are thin black slits in a field of emerald and then widen in the feline rage towards the foe pointed out by a kindly officer.

    Tigra growls, her claws digging into the tile before she launches herself in an impossibly quick sprint on all fours to try and slam into Nobu.

    The smoke bombs pop and yet Tigra charges with her feral rage taking over her mind, succumbing to the Tigra Soul.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari moves forward with superhuman swiftness. Her divine physicality certainly gives her an edge as she closes on Nobu, and she is clearly a skilled martial artist, if perhaps a bit rusty. But she also has several terrible habits such as drinking, smoking, and ...other substances which she regularly indulges on a scale worthy of a god. As such while she is clearly a force to be reckoned with, she is not nearly so dangerous as someone like Heidi in the peak of physical training and health.

All the same, she lunges forward going for Nobu's solar plexus with an open handed strike, simultaneously attempting to sweep his leg and and send him to the ground with a vicious amount of force.

When the sensation of the 'thing' escaping the jar reaches she curses under her breath in Japanese. This is not going anything like she had hoped.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Shouting from where he still just stands there holding the thing, Alexander calls out in the general direction of where he saw Kaminari go, "I got it!"
    But then the cap pops off and what little bit of liquid nastiness flits off in a whirl of motion that sends it rushing off and away. So he blinks and then yells again, only a split second after he just spoke, "Oh, hey. The top came off! And something just flew out of it. Is that bad?"
    Unfortunately then there are people all around rushing about with rifles and firearms, though Alexander... for whatever reason, holds up the other hand without the jar and waves. "Hi there." Even as the illusion around the now open jar fades with a flicker of silvery energy.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
This doesn't look like a good situation, but Heidi's able to surmise who they should be focusing on as she spots Kami rushing forward. The smoke bomb seems to make things tricky, but even with the haze, the Asgardian's got a sharp gaze. She darts after Kaminari with her own heightened speed. While Kami might be trying to sweep his legs out, Heidi literally just flying leaps at him within the smoke to bring him down.

"I got it!" She echoes what Alexander's yelling.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Nobu's escape would have been good, if it weren't for all these superhumans coming at him at once. Not every mission goes your way, he has learnt this. The super fast Tigra is on him, teeth digging in to his upper arm, her body weight yanking him right in to the oncoming punch from Matt, as Heidi and Kaminari simultaneously slam him to the ground. As the smoke clears, the four of them are on him and he is on the ground unconscious. The frothing coming from his mouth and the distinct smell of cyanide is obvious, he is dead.

The police cuff the last of the Yukioni-clan who have surrendered as police cars pull up out the front with skidded stops. A few moments later a quinjet hovers outside the front of the terminal. Police floor the place. If it weren't for Tigra being there, they'd all have been detained. Instead, they are all politely asked to attend an interview about the incident at police plaza.

Whatever was in that jar.. one of four.. it is free now.