2034/Rest And Recovery

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Rest And Recovery
Date of Scene: 09 June 2020
Location: Medical Lab
Synopsis: X-men gather in the medical bay to check on the freed kidnap victims.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Samuel Guthrie, Clarice Ferguson, Lorna Dane, Emma Frost, Henry McCoy, Jean Grey, Roberto da Costa

Kitty Pryde has posed:
After the rescue of those kidnapped by Mister Sinister, the team's medical staff and psychics have gone to work on trying to help them. Though there are few cures that are better some good old fashioned bed rest.

The medical bay has been divided off into private areas for of those affected. Kitty arrives in the room, wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt celebrating the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series. She's got a tray of sandwiches and chips and soda and bottle water and juice that she sets down. Not so much for the patients, but for those who are standing vigil over them.

Kitty sets the tray down where everyone can get at them, and picks up a turkey wrap and a bottle of juice before wandering over to look into the area where Roberto is at. Her face shows signs of worry.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is sitting beside Berto's bed. The young man is wearing one of his older shirts, something Berto would have seen a lot, and his Yankee's hat is nearby. Sam has a cardboard box with a lid on it of stuff he has brought down, but Berto has been sleeping so he has not opened it yet. He looks like he maybe asleep, but at kitty looking in he opens his eyes must have just been resting his eyes.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Blink has been on and off here at the medical bay. She was part of the rescue attempts and came here later to recover from her own wounds when facing Clone-sinister and his cronies. Those have been taken care of by now but she finds herself returning, both to check in with Lorna when she is either at Xavier's or down here but also due to she having seen the condition in which the prisoners were being handled, the collars that so resembled the ones the Magistrates used.

So she finds herself taking these moments to come and help out in what she can. Which means there's a nurse Blink that's been wandering about, tending to those more basic needs of those still having been affected, delivering food, water, following doctor's instructions.. The works. It's part of her DNA afterall, unable to stay put when she finds mutants that have been hurt. Be them Genoshans, X-ers, whoever they may be.

A smile comes up to her lips when she sees Kitty coming in, offering her a small nod. "Hey." she is currently sitting a bit to the side, keeping vigil to the beds, watching, a nod also given towards Sam when he opens his eyes.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna hadn't been around. In fact she'd avoided the whole medical wing. She'd gone from helping with the rescue.. to going back to Genosha and avoiding the Mansion on the whole. She didn't want to see her friends in their terrible conditions, didn't want to see the suffering and misery that had been inflicted on them. The smells of the medical wing brought back the images of the refugee camps in Wakanda. And was once again a reminder that no where was safe.

Not Genosha. Not the Mansion.

So she'd only come when Clarice had made it clear her intentions to stay down there. And she trailed in behind Kitty at a slow, shuffling pace. In fact, she lingered in the door way, her gaze aimed low as she crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks back to Lorna, moving over to her for a moment and reaching out to rest a hand on her shoulder if allowed, and give it a gentle squeeze. "They're going to be ok," Kitty tells her in a voice meant to carry confidence this will indeed be the outcome.

Kitty moves over by Blink, motioning to the new food delivery. "Help yourself. And thanks for helping with the rescue, Clarice," she says. "Need to catch up with you about how things went the other night. Hope you guys had fun," Kitty says, keeping her voice down a bit.

She moves back over to Roberto's area, watching Sam sit there at his side. "How long has he been asleep?" she asks Sam quietly enough it probably won't wake him. Kitty's moving a little stiffly when she walks, favoring one of her legs. She spent some time in the med-bay herself earlier.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says softly "Not to long couple hours, Alexis wanted some time to work on her music so I gave her a little space." There seems to be a bit of worry there as well, but he does not explain more "Went by and gave Stephanie a kinda what happened but for civilians. Told her he was in an accident and had amnesia. She put together a care package for him, hoping to jog memories. Ah figure might help the Prof or Betsy when they see if they can fix the damage."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is somewhat stiff and very tired as she slips into the Medical Lab, honestly hoping for something like a painkiller. She sees those gathered around the folks that hadn't been released from staying in the lab full-time (well, to be fair, Emma had almost demanded that she be left to go somewhere she could be alone) and offers a pained smile. "Mm. Jean or the doc aren't here?" she asks, sounding a little defeated. All that movement from the guest rooms down here for nothing, maybe. She glances to sleeping Roberto. "Is he going to be okay?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
With Lorna's entrance to the medical bay there is a mix of surprise but also warmness on Blink's expression that the other woman would find the will to step in here. She offers a nod across the room to Genosha's Queen, one that says the purple-haired mutant is quite glad with her being here. "Time is the best healer when it comes to this sometimes."

Though at Kitty's approach she grins faintly, "Only did what every self-respecting mutant should do." she picks up a wrap from the tray too. She had been here for a while so she was indeed starting to get hungry. But the next words make her nod. "It went just fine. I will let you know details later." she promises, her tone also low.

She gets herself up to her feet, moving to join Lorna by the door, a shake of her head given at Emma's question. "Not right now. They should be around eventually though." she offers.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty nods towards Sam. "Good job, taking care of his friends," she tells the Kentuckian, resting a hand on his shoulder to give him a reassuring squeeze as well. "Hope that'll help him. I wonder if we could do that for the others. If we know what they've forgotten, help tailor some things towards them."

There's a moment of thought, an epiphany. "Could even set up the Danger Room to simulate some things. If they think that would help. I really don't know enough about how they would deal with something like that," she says.

Kitty turns and sees Emma come in. She doesn't know her very well still, but is aware of who she is and that's seeing Alex. The young woman walks over to her, favoring her right leg, and asking, "Are you doing ok? Do you need some assistance?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inhaled a deep breath as Kitty settled a hand on her shoulder, and spoke. She pursed her lips and looked back down and away. She didn't argue, even if she didn't necessarily agree either. Physical wounds healed, but would their friends ever return to who they'd been before?

Guilt slammed into her, and she shifted away from the door frame as Emma approached, giving the blonde space. More over, unable to do or say much of anything as Clarice approached.

Kitty and Clarice were helpers.. and well, she felt downright useless just standing there.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma grimaces at Kitty, but it's apparent its not out of malice as much as physical discomfort. "Mm. Was coming down to see if I could get another shot of whatever it was they gave me earlier. My insides are reminding me they were ripped out." Her comment is dry. She looks to Lorna, a bit of relief crossing her face. Someone she knows. "Hey, Lorna. Did you get injured getting us out, too?" Alex had some broken ribs, but being Summers, he's been a bit stubborn about admitting how much they hurt. "I hope not too badly." She finds a nice place to sit, at least for a few minutes. Maybe someone with access will show up, and if not, Emma will need a little rest before making her way back upstairs again.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Not sure who all had memories taken from them." He looks over to Emma, "The Evil Jean clone decided to whip Berto like an Etch A Sketch. Counting on some of the Professors training maybe his memories are locked away inside his head, to protect them. We were taught some defenses." He looks over to Emma, and says "I know this may sound weird, but can you do me a favor, and look after Alexis while she is looking after you?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Between helping tend to the injuries of the newly freed, and trying to mend his own headspace, Hank hadn't gotten much sleep. He steps into the medbay quietly, the weariness showing on the man. He's got a doctor's coat on, out of habid at this point. "Hey there..." He offers to those present. "Sorry I... was trying to sort things out." He offers, apologetically.

He begins making the rounds, looking to each person and their vitals on the various monitors. "Everyone doing all right?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Foods helps. Always. It's a mantra. So Clarice extends the wrap she had taken from the tray towards Lorna. A smile is given to the other Genoshan. "Go ahead, take it." then a gesture to the tray. "Kitty was kind enough to bring up a tray of food and drinks. It may not be enough to ease every pain but .., maybe it helps." she says.

Eyes then trail towards Kitty. It's not as if she has actually been into the danger room yet but .., she has heard of it at least. "That could be something. Was it Roberto the only one affected by memory loss? Or have there been others?" she questions, looking thoughtful.

To the good doctor she nods slowly. "So far everyone seems to be as good as they could be.."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty glances towards one of the monitors. "I could take a look at the dosage, see if it's something I'm familiar with," she says. In the old days there were only a few X-men, so picking up some medical training was even more of a must then than today.

Though the arrival of Henry McCoy keeps Kitty from having to possibly stretch her medical knowledge. "Hey Hank," she says, moving over to check on him even as he checks on everyone else. "How are you feeling?" she asks him. "Anything we can do to help you out?" she asks.

If he seems like he's in good enough shape, she'll add, "Miss Frost was wondering if she might have another shot. It is..." she says, moving over to the monitor and pulling up the records. Telling Hank what was given and when.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Oh, thank god, Hank." Emma looks incredibly relieved to see Dr. McCoy. She glances to the others. "mm. I think so, Roberto that is. The... bad doctor seemed to tailor his... treatments. To each of us. I don't think anyone else was treated like Roberto was." She rests a hand against her abdomen, flinching a bit. "Only Julian was... unhanded?" She looks discomfited talking about it more.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna pursed her lips, and glanced toward Emma briefly, "I'm fine. Just a little bruised. Nothing I don't normally get from training." She mumbled, and exhaled a breath. She seemed to be struggling with her desire to do something for Emma, and feeling utterly lost as to what that something was. At least Clarice and Kitty were being functional and helpful enough to act.

At the offer of food Lorna shook her head, "Emma? Are you hungry? I'm not." She murmured, "But thanks Clarice.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Again, for those natural telepaths and empaths - Hank is a lot less readble than before. Not impossible, but it is clear he's got his defences up. He nods to Clarice, giving her a tired smile. "Good, food is needed. If they feel up to eating more solid foods, it's a good sign." A shrug to Kitty, the man giving her the so-so gesture with his hand/paw. "That remains to be seen. Physicaly, I am for the most part."

He heads over to where Emma is, giving a nod. "The clone taunted me, but I do not think she did anything but read from me." A slight shiver. "We can give her her next dose." The man decides, looking over the charts. "Kitty, can you help with the injection into her IV? The... hands aren't the same."

Jean Grey has posed:
Speaking of Jeans... well, at least the one on the side of the angels, that's when Jean walks into the medlab. She still looks a bit tentative, though, not wanting to provoke anything as she smiles a bit, "Hey, figured I'd see how things were going down here." She glances over at Hank and Emma with some concern apparent there.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
The mention of the unhanded Julio makes Clarice grit her jaw in a firm manner, eyes straying to the ground a moment. But she shakes those thoughts away for now and at Lorna's refusal she offers the wrap towards Emma as Lorna extends the offer to the blond telepath.

But she otherwise stays quiet for now as more people start getting in and an actual doctor begins checking in with the patients, she remaining patiently by just in case anyone needs something.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is quiet. He is not wanting to be in the way siting beside his friends, bed. He will reach down and grab a bottle of tea has next to him taking a sip of it, but lets others do the talking.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma frowns at Sam. "Hmm?" she isn't exactly completely on her game at the moment, given recent events. "Is something wrong with Allegra?" She gives Hank a mouthed 'oh thank you' as he agrees to the next dose, and her smile to Kitty is a fair bit less of a grimace! She will be a perfectly well-behaved patient for the moment! The offered wrap is given a brief headshake. "Thanks, Lorna, and..." she bites her lip, looking at Clarice. No. She has not met her, she doesn't think. "Um, miss. I appreciate it, but I probably couldn't hold it down for a little bit at least. Maybe after the shot kicks in." Jean's entrance is met with a telepathic kind of wordless greeting to the redhead, followed by a verbal "Jean."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty nods back to Beast. "Sure thing, I can take care of it," she tells him. She goes over to where the medicine in question is kept, getting a needle and measuring out the proper amount. The teenage girl goes about the task with a certain level of competence that suggests this is far from her first time having to do this.

She moves over to Emma again. "Ok, let me have your arm please," she says, and if Emma complies she'll being finding a vein for the injection. Kitty glances to Lorna as she does, spotting the signs of someone who is feeling worse for not having something to do to improve the situation. "Lorna, I think there's a sponge and a water basin there on the counter. Want to maybe cool off a few foreheads for those who want it?" she suggests.

She'll proceed to give Emma the shot then, slipping the needle into the vein and injecting it. Then a little cotton ball over it and some medical tape around her arm to hold it in place. "There you go."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced once at Clarice and then back to Emma. "This is Clarice, she's been my bodyguard for a while, and she also helps teleport me around between Genosha here.. and well, practically anywhere." She murmured, noticing Emma's confusion. It's really too bad that the food Kitty brought down wasn't getting eaten.. It would seem no one quite had the appetite required. Maybe someone else would eat it.

"Clarice, Emma is a friend. She's helped invest in Genosha a lot these past few months." She kept her voice soft, and while people were knocked out cold or just in a light doze she tried to keep her voice soft. Kitty's suggestion of helping with a cool compress made Lorna grimace.

"Okay.. sure.." She looked around the room, pushing away from the wall and trying to figure out how best to NOT get in the way.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Emma, and says "She came along on the rescue, and had a bit of a run in with Scrambler, and Riptide. She is ok, but her first real exposure to our life style it has left her a little shaken and wondering about her place in it." He does not go into more details, at least not in public.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma snorts at Sam's comment. "And you think I am a bastion of knowledge and understanding about the mutant freedom fighting lifestyle?" she asks somewhat bitterly. "I can keep an eye on her, and I would anyway, but this isn't my 'lifestyle' either."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The med bay may have many people, but it's not too cramped, thankfully. Henry watches Kitty as the dose is administered - a slight frown that he cannot do it himself. A glance over as Jean enters. "Afternoon, Jean." He murmurs, bodding to the woman.

To Emma, he nods. "Better choice, that. Don't force the food, definitely." He explains, sitting back to be out of the way as well - letting those with nimble digits handle the finicky work of medical treatment.

"Unfortunately, monsters like Essex care not for our want to live normal lives."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Well, there's enough food to go around so when you want.." Clarice gestures to the tray, going to put the wrap back there along with the others and returning closer to the door. Jean's entrance brings a smile out of the purple-haired mutant. "Hello, Jean." an offer of a greeting nod to the redhead, arms folding together.

Though as Lorna gets about introductions her attention goes to Emma, "Good to meet you. Any friend of Genosha is a friend of mine." a warmer smile coming up to Blink's expression. "And if there's anything I can help with, please, don't hesitate to ask."

When Kitty suggests that Lorna goes and begins helping out with the proceedings there is a quiet, thankful nod given in her direction.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie starts to give back as well as he was given, but he remembers Emma was one of the hurt ones as well, and keeps his yap shut, not the time to fight back. He can either let it go or maybe talk to her in a calmer time and tone later.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins at Emma, "Well, I can also talk to her about things, too." She glances at Sam, "She did pretty good, and definitely has the heart for it. But it might not be something she wants, so... well, I've been doing this a little while, so I could talk to her."

She then gives Clarice a friendly nod, "Oh, and thanks for the lift yesterday. Was nice to get into New York for some shopping for a change." Especially after the past few days.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty moves to dispose of the syringe and then returns to the others. "Good of her to help," Kitty says to Sam of Alexis' involvement. "It can be a big adjustment I know. But we'll be there for her," she adds to him, giving Sam Guthrie a reassuring smile.

Kitty goes over to check on another of the kidnappees, finding them also asleep. "I know how tough it can be to go through that sort of mental assault," she says, frowning as if her own memories are triggered by what happened to those that Mister Sinister abducted.

"Jean, how are you doing?" Kitty asks in a warm tone, and moving over to offer Jean a gentle hug. "Really was worried about you. Glad to have you back," she offers.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mm. Thanks." Emma says to Kitty, glancing down at the tape and cotton on her arm, leaning back in the chair and sighing a bit. Already the pain is beginning to lessen some, which will likely help her mood. "Probably better you than me, Jean," she says. "I've never been the fighting sort, though I do appreciate what you've done. I'm glad none of the ones who died in there were anyone I knew." She glances to Hank, though, a bit interested in the changes on a purely nosy level, but she's at least not asking yet.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna found something that must be the basis for the cold compresses, she wasn't familiar with the medical lab, she'd rarely spent time there herself. So she fumbled around for a while before she figured it out and silently set about putting the damp cloths on those that needed it.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean accepts the hug from Kitty gladly, holding the younger girl tight as she smiles, "Doing pretty well Kitty, all things considered. Was not fun facing off against my evil twin, but... well, that's done. Fini."

She then glances over towards Emma and nods, "And hey, all part of the job. I just wish we could have gotten you out sooner. No one should have to go through what you all did." A quick glance and nod towards Lorna as well, acknowledging the other woman's help.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I am just sorry I didn't bring my autograph book on that trip, considering who we ran into. But I agree, was good to get out some..." A faint smile coming to Blink's expression, attention taken by Jean for a time. "Glad I could be of help." she says, always helpful!

That helpfulness brings her to join up with Lorna with the damp cloths. She is quiet but gestures to help with the motions while they go through the patients. But she voices her thoughts when she says to Lorna. "We all have our ways to help in what happened, Lorna." a nod of reassurance given to the Royal.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde returns the tight hug to Jean, hand gently patting her back. "Glad that you won out. Because you wouldn't look good with a goatee," she says. After a second, Kitty adds in a stage whisper, "That's a Star Trek joke. Just in case..."

She winks at Jean and then goes to wash up. After she moves off to the side and slips off her shoes and then slides her jeans off. She's wearing underwear beneath, nothing indecent. Revealed are the bandages around her lower thigh and much of her calf. Kitty carries some fresh bandages over and a tube of some kind of ointment over to one of the empty treatment beds, hopping up on it and setting the things beside her. She begins unwrapping the bandages then, revealing burn marks on her leg where not-Scott's optic beam melted the shards of glass in the air, splattering her with them.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Catching a glance of the injuries on Kitty, Hank grumbles. "Did anyone else get hurt on the rescue? I know Alex broke some ribs, Piotr had some injures to his chest. Others? Alexis, anyone?" He asks, looking to each of the people. "Jean?"

Unfortunately, he was out of the fight and secluded - he wasn't able to note the injuries to care for them.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced up at Clarice as the other woman approached to help and looked away, silently passing what was needed over and then doing whatever little bits she could. It at least kept her busy. She glanced up at the conversation, as Hank and the others asked about what had happened. "It might have gotten worse if Jean hadn't shielded us when she did. Sinister had a clone there.. shut Clarice and I down.." She paused and looked down at the sleeping figure in front of her briefly.

"He said he wanted to introduce me to a 'friend' of his.." She mumbled. "But otherwise our team was mostly okay."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Alexis took a blade to the shoulder but she has been patched up." He will inform Hank. "Aint seeming to show any lasting effects from Scrambler, luckily he only touched her a moment and Kurt was dealing with him.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
When Kitty speaks about someone sporting a goatee it makes Clarice shudder briefly. That brought memories of a certain Scott-37! But she nods at what Lorna says. "It was good teamwork all in all. I mostly only got a few scrapes during the fight too. And Jean's shield came right in the nick of time." some relief there on her words.

As she helped with the proceedings along with Lorna though she lets the Majesty take on the most of the work, just mostly directing, damping the towels and then handing them over.

The burn marks on Kitty do make Clarice frown though, she asking her. "How serious is it?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty glances up. "Not sure if Rahne was hurt much. Piotr took an energy harpoon for me rather than let it hit me in the back," she says with a nod. "Probably take him a little while to heal, but the rest of that Russian's body is as hard as his head. He should be ok," she says.

The bandages come off and are set aside, and Kitty begins spreading some ointment from the tube. She glances up as Clarice comes over. "Should be ok. Vertigo was surrounded by a whirling field of glass. Which, you know, not really a problem for me. But I had to unphase my leg to kick her. And then the glass got melted and some of it got my leg before I could phase it again," she says.

She looks the assortment of burns over. "Should be ok. Hurts mostly, but it'll heal. Hopefully no scarring," she says.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles, "I know Star Trek, Kitty... sheesh." She winces at Kitty's injuries, then looks over at Hank, "We're mostly fine... Laura got hit pretty hard, but well, she heals fast enough you wouldn't have known it by the time we left. Alexis got scrambled up a bit but she's fine now, relatively."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto tosses a little before his eyes open and he reaches up to keep the cold compress from slipping from his head. "Wha, hm?" he murmurs groggily before he sits all the way up. The dark skinned youth still looks a little pale, his eyes falling on anyone other than his fellow prisoners without much recognition. "Hey," he greets the room. "What's going on?" his eyes shifting about the room wearily, reaching down to pull his blanket over his shoulders.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods, listening to the damage reports. "I checked with Alexis the other day, she is doing well - thankfully no permanent issues from Scramble." A smile. "As for the others, make sure you keep the dressings clean - if you need help, I can help with that." He assures.

He looks over as Roberto wakes up. "Hey there, Roberto. How are you feeling?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced at Kitty and her burn with a grimace pulling at her lips, she hadn't seen much of the other team's injuries, but she'd been vaguely aware of them. She stood beside Roberto's bed, and blinked down at him as he shifted on the bed and awoke. She offered a crack of a smile in his direction. "Glad you're awake." She murmured, and nodded to the gaggle of people about.

"You know, typical chit-chat after missions."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Hey Berto, folks just checking on one one another." He does not ask him what he remembers or not, but goes for the easy one "You want me to grab you something to eat or drink?" "We have some real food if ya think you can handle it."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty is sitting over on one of the beds, in a Cubs t-shirt and her underwear, changing the bandages on some burns on her leg. She's done with the ointment and is wrapping her leg again when Roberto wakes up.

She smiles at him over across the room. "Hey Roberto," she tells him. "I'm Kitty, if you don't remember me," she tells him. "We've got some turkey wraps over here if you're hungry," she says. "And some soda and juice."

Kitty looks to Lorna and smiles to her. "Thanks for helping out," she says warmly to the green-haired young woman. "You doing ok?" Kitty asks her.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice was keeping herself busy with the rest of the cold compresses, keeping them damp, then offering them to Lorna to use. Though a brow does quirk up at how many she felt like using. But nope, not gonna interfere on that! Roberto's rise is a surprise to her, she blinking once (the normal manner) then offering the brazilian a smile of greeting.

To Sam she gestures to the tray. "Don't let the food Kitty brought go to waste!" she says of the turkey wraps there.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean moves over towards Roberto, "Hey, Roberto." She normally wouldn't approach him, considering what her clone did... but the nice thing about her wiping his brain is that he probably /can't/ remember what her clone did.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto looks a little overwhelmed by all the attention, but he nods to the various mentions of food. "Hi Kitty, Sam. Food would be good," he says after a moment. "And I'm okay, a little cold, still feel like I've got the flu." His solar energy is still close to tapped meaning he feels cold much more keenly than he did.

Looking around the room he asks, "How is everyone else?" his attention going to Emma and Beast, before looking for the rest of his fellow prisoners.

When Jean approaches, he gives no reaction besides a slight tensing of his back as some lingering fragment of memory surfaces. "Hey," he greets the woman, as he pushes the feeling aside. "Have we met?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to Berto, and says "Doing ok, got some stuff for ya, but we can wait to talk about it till a bit later." He says. He does have a cardboard box down beside his chair. He grabs one of the a couple of the wraps and puts them on a plate he and Berto can both reach, and will munch one himself.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna stepped back, giving Roberto some much needed space, and moved to clean up the extra cold compresses she and Clarice had been handling before. A glance was spared for Jean, unaware beyond the basics of what had happened to the other teams, and then was stepping away.

Better to not crowd around the guy that just woke up.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Oh yea, Clarice can recognize that overwhelmed look. It makes her step well too, though she does offer her own name at least. Names are important afterall. "Clarice." a smile given to the just-awoken mutant. "You will be a professional in no time." this she says in a low voice to Lorna. Though the intention appears to be in simple jest, perhaps trying to ease tensions. This wasn't easy for anyone. But it was needed.

She goes to put the compresses and the rest back near the sink and then rests her back against a wall, now mostly watching, quiet. She was good in being subtle and quiet. If noone minded the purple hair.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty finishes wrapping her leg, and then rises from the bed. Giving it a test step or two, and then pulling her jeans back on, then her shoes. Kitty moves over nearer to Roberto's bed, but stopping a little distance away to avoid the feeling he's being crowded.

"So, you know you are kind of tied to the sun. Your mutant ability," Kitty says to Roberto. "We might want to get you into some sunlight. Might help you feel better and with the healing," she says. She glances over towards Hank to see if he thinks that would be a good idea. "We could take him down the hall, get some sunlight there," she suggests. Of course down the hallway is just the Danger Room.

Oh, right.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank thinks on that, tapping at his chin. "Everyone is mending, Roberto. It will take some time." He offers with a smile to the younger man. A glance to Kitty, nodding. "It's not going to hurt once he feels up to walking. Or we can get a wheelchair so we can get you some sun. It's probably not a bad idea for everyone - feel the warmth of the summer sky." A grin.

"No pressure to anyone who aren't up for moving just yet. Just a thought."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna lingered toward the back, glancing once at Clarice, "Medical stuff has never been my strong suit and I doubt it ever will be." She muttered and shook her head. "You can cross nurse off the list of possible professions that I'll end up with, I think." It was a lame joke, and she glanced toward Kitty and Hank in turn as they spoke of moving him to get some form of sunlight.

Did the Danger Room even count for a recharge? She wasn't sure. Maybe Roberto would be okay, like a lizard with the right lamp.

"I can just shift his bed that way if he can't really stand..." She offered.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto takes the offered wrap nodding thanks to Sam, before taking a furtive bite as if still concerned there might be a trick to all of this somewhere. That said, Clarice is nodded to and her name remembered and he looks around the rest of the room. "Guess I should say thanks for everyone who came to get us, I don't know who you are but, it's appreciated. Seriously," he offers.

As for the offer of sunlight, his body responds for him, with a reaction like thirst and hunger all rolled into one. "Yeah, that actually sounds really good, if people are okay with it."

Standing... now that was a question, he sets down his wrap and swings his legs over the bed, then, slowly lets himself down to the floor, before hastily pulling himself back up as his legs feel like jello. "Yeah, maybe moving the bed or a chair would be a good idea."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a nod to Lorna. "If you don't mind - a chair would likely be easier. But move it as you like." A wry grin. He nods to Roberto. "You've been through a lot, your body is recovering." Not to mention his mind. Hank looks over his vitals, nodding. "You're doing well, though. Once you feel the energy too, you'll likely want to start slowly easing back into low impact workouts."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded, stepping forward as she glanced to Roberto. "Just stay on the bed, I'll get you there." Most of the frame was metal, and therefore, easy enough to just move him since he wasn't hooked up to anything in particular that would require further medical interference. She smiled, and it was meant to be encouraging, as she held her hand out and the bed gently lifted into the air.

"Alright, if you get sick or whatever puke away from me, yeah?" She wasn't sure if moving him via the bed might make him motion sick or whatever, she wasn't a doctor.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice didn't really know how Roberto's powers worked, so Kitty's suggestion makes her both blink but also slowly nod. Just like a battery that recharges in the sun! Smart. And she wisely keeps herself from suggesting that she used a portal. Better keep it simple and just move around some!

And the mention of puking reminds her about stepping to a more strategic spot. She was all for following and see what would happen though.

Doesn't stop her from giving Roberto an encouraging smile though, along with a thumbs up.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Berto, and says "You want some company? I brought a few things to show ya, don't know if it will help with you remembering things but figured could not hurt if your interested.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Nodding to Beast, he says, "I'll take your word for it doc, but right now seems like eating this wrap is enough to knock me back out," though that's before he starts taking a magic stretcher ride down to the danger room. Roberto shuffles to the center of the bed before settling and for the first time since his return actually smiles, "Naw, this is fine, besides barely had more than two bites of good solid food for a bit, so we should be alright on the puke front." At least he hoped, he didn't know most of these people but he didn't want to puke in front of them either.

Sam gets a nod, "Sure man, anyone else can come too," he says before giving Clarice a thumbs up in return as she gets out of the potential 'splash zone'.

Lorna Dane has posed:
It was easy enough to lift Roberto's bed and guide him down the hall. The doors swinging open and shut under her direction with ease. Her gaze shifted to Hank and she arched a brow. "Want to get the tropical island set up on there? I think Jubilee and Rogue had one programmed in already. They were tanning in there a few months ago." She murmured.

As she glanced back to Roberto, easing the bed down the hall in a smooth glide. A glance was spared for the Danger Room's emptiness as she entered, and shifted to lead Roberto's floating bed in after her.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Always happy to help, Henry follows as well. Besides, a nice island vacation sounds good. He gets to the Danger Room, queuing up the simulation - careful to add zero threats. "All set." There's a shimmer, then the room morphs into what could only be described as the perfect tropical island beach.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"That's like, cheating.." Clarice murmurs to Lorna when she mentions about someone using a room to simulate tropical islands! Of course this comes from the mutant that opens portals anywhere ..., maybe she is finding this danger room to be a rival to her abilities! But she moves along to follow. There is a deep curiosity to her now about what this danger room is all about, along with how it may affect Roberto and help in his recovery.

When they finally get in and the simulation gets set in she opens her mouth to comment but all she can do is have her jaw drop at the changes. "This is some seriously cool technology." she murmurs, unnatural green eyes wide.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will walks along carrying his box. He hmms and watches Berto's reaction to the room. He is concerned his buddy might freak finding it something odd, or maybe some part of him will know what it is even if he does not remember it.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Looking unsettled as they go into what seems to be a cavernous and empty room, his mood shifts as quickly as their surroundings as it morphs into a tropical paradise around them. His eyes go as wide as they did the first time he saw this place, before he feels the artificial sun on his skin, it wasn't the same as the real thing, but there was enough UV radiation put out by the Danger Room to make it the next best thing. His skin shifts to that blacker than black tone it takes when his powers are engaged as he tries to drink in every last drop.

"Wow," he breathes as the looks at himself and then over to the others. "T-this is normal right? This is what I do?" he asks looking around at the others with him on the holographic beach.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled, and eased the bed down as Hank flipped the room to the tropical island setting. The setting that had sent her into a panic attack months ago.. because it so painfully reminded her of Genosha before it was destroyed. She sat down on the sandy floor, folding her legs beneath her as she ran her fingers through the warm white sands. "Yeah, that's pretty normal. I dunno, I'll be the first to admit we've never been super close. I lived on an island like this for the past several years. I'm Lorna by the way." She offered, with a soft smile.

"Feeling better with it?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Stepping about Clarice also leans over to touch the sands, feeling it trickle past her fingers. "This place is great Lorna. I am sad you never brought me here." but her tone is one of teasing. About Roberto's powers she merely shrugs, not the best to talk about those either. They were never too close in the past afterall.

She is curious at that change of skin tone. "Sam might be the best to talk to you about it." she jerking her thumb in the big man's direction. "He didn't leave your bedside ever." she says, a smile given over to Guthrie.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods to Roberto. "Looks like you're getting your energy back - but yes, that is part of who you are. Nothing to be frightened of here. Just... don't unleash against any people." He offers, helpfully. "The sun should help you feel better, feel stronger. When you feel up to it, we can get you out in the real sun too." A nod.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "The more charged you get the more swirly bits you will have around you. You can turn back to normal and absorb the sunlight too, while like this, your super strong, and can do a bit more, but the other stuff took you a few years to learn, so lets stick with the basics, till your feeling better.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Lorna gets a nod, "You came from somewhere like this? Why would you ever leave?" though that reminds him, "Where are we anyhow? Guessing somewhere less than pleasant if we're using all this," he waves his arm at the surroundings. "Instead of going outside." Then he focuses, attention offered to Lorna again, "And good to meet you Lorna, or sounds like, good to meet you again."

He nods about his powers taking them in stride as Hank and Sam explain they're normal. "Not sure how I'd use them at others, but I do feel better, stronger, and warm for the first time that I can really remember."

He takes a long slow breath just relaxing for a moment, before he got to the big question. "So, my mind, is that, um, fixable?" he looks around at the gathered mutants.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sighed softly, casting a look at Clarice briefly as Roberto asked why she'd left. "That's a story best left for another time, I think." She murmured softly. Her green eyed gaze swinging to the not too distant curling waves that were the purest aquamarine and back.

"Sorry, Clarice, I just spaced telling you." She murmured, forcing a smile that didn't reach her eyes, before her focus returned to Roberto.

"Outside is fine, but there are quite a few obstacles to get you up and out of medical and it's a bit of a trip.. and well, for the sake of just getting you to feel better this was the quickest option." She murmured, and exhaled a breath. Her hands curling into the warm sands around her.

"I dunno about memory issues..." She trailed off.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
When Roberto asks why Lorna left wherever she came from it immediately brings a grimace out of Clarice. Clearly a sensitive enough question. And one that she shares with the green-haired mutant. She lets out a sigh of her own, now squatting down near the sands to brush her hands under it, feeling the warmth, blinking at how real it feels.

When Lorna addresses her she looks up, offering a very brief nod too, her own smile a knowing one but she offers no further retort about that, nor about Genosha.

Instead she focuses on the man's recovery. "You have got some of the best minds here." literally! Jean, Professor X, you name it! "And great doctors too. I am sure a solution will be found." she trying to imprint a reassuring tone to her voice.

"And more importantly, you have many friends here that will welcome you back." her eyes then going to Henry as if seeking for his own opinion on it.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a pause from Henry, the man thinking. "With the amount of powerful telepaths here, I would wager that every effort will be done to recover what was lost." The man admits. "I can't speak to that aspect, that's not where my specialities lay." A grin. He wiggles his toes in the sand, enjoying the feel. "And we're in New York, the state." He explains to Roberto. A friendly smile to Lorna and Clarice. "I am sure there will be more opportunities to check out what the room has to offer. It is meant for training, after all."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Berto, and says "Yea we have tons of folks who will work on it through the whole telepathy path, then you got some of us who can work on filling you in on things. Why Ah brought the box here, it has pictures and things from things we done, plus your girl friend sent a care package when Ah talked to her. She does not know about this side of things, so Ah told her you had been in an accident and have amnesia." He will tell the other young man.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Sorry if I touched a sore spot," Roberto says to Lorna. "And makes sense to work my way up to the real outdoors, though, gun to my head, if I woke up in this room I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference."

He looks up then, eyes like glowing embers as he takes in the blue sky. "Can't tell you how good this feels," he says to the whole group before glancing to Hank. "There was a while there when I didn't think I'd even see fake sky again."

He takes the rest in from the easiest, "New York, huh," he says at that bit of news. "Good to know," and then the harder. "Good to hear," he says pulling his legs up close to his chest. "Eager to try and put things back together. It's weird, it's all gone, but I can tell I'm missing things, I just can't tell what those things are. Anyhow, I guess we'll take things a step at a time. In the meantime you guys don't need to just stand by my bedside, if this room makes blankets or beach chairs or whatever, have at, might as well enjoy ourselves, right?"

Then something Sam says hits him, "I have a girlfriend?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once, "It'll be sore for a long while, I'm sort of used to it." She murmured, and she forced a small smile. "This is easier for me than the med bay anyways." She sighed, and closed her eyes. "I can't ever get fully tricked by this room. Some times I wish I could be." Electromagnetism had it's ups and downs, always knowing where she was in relation to the magnetic fields..

"I can imagine some ways it must feel pretty good." She mused, tilting her head to the side as she reached out and started to push the sand together idly creating a small mound of sand.

"I'm not standing on ceremony." She joked, but her voice was flat. Her eyebrows shot upward at Roberto's last question before she looked to Sam. "I dunno, does he have one?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Eyes go back up again, a warm smile when Clarice notes Lorna starting to move around the sand a little. It's something at least. She gets back up to her feet, stretching and moving around the place a bit. For her it feels way real. No special senses for her!

The way Roberto mentions not believing he'd might see sky again makes her attention go back to him, an understanding look to her. Yes, she had gone through similar. A sigh escapes her lips. "You have the whole future to both recover your old memories and forge new ones."

And taking on the mutant's suggestion she doesn't linger, making her way over to where seawater is foaming up on the sand, letting it wet her boots and she leaning in to feel the water. "Amazing." she says. Truly a marvel of technology this was for her.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Yea, her name is Stephanie Brown, and she is cute, not as cute as my girl, but hey what ya going to do?" A bit of reflexive teasing there. He will open the box, and fishes in it a moment, and pulls out a picture of Berto and Steph together somewhere in Gotham, that Steph gave him. "You even have introduced her to your mom. She wants to see you, but told her have to get it cleared by the doctors and such. Didn't want to set that up till your ready for it."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast lets Sam do the talking on this - he's the one likely closest to Roberto. A grin at the mention of Gotham, he himself having a friend out that way. "Maybe one evening, we'll head over that way?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto nods about whatever about Lorna's home remains a sore spot for her. "I think I understand," he says, not that he could remember much of if but his time in captivity was going to be a similar moment that would take a long, long time to heal.

He nods to Clarice about the future looking skyward again, "True, but feel eager to get going y'know, somehow I don't think patience was really one of my virtues, or at least it hasn't been for as long as I can remember."

He seems to be more at ease when some of the attention shifts from him, as hard as that would be to believe from the old Roberto, though when Sam tells him about Stephanie. When he's shown the picture, there's no recognition there, just a frown before he looks away, "She's cute, but I don't remember," a pause. "I don't know her, anyhow, glad she's okay and you talked to her though, Sam," he nods to Beast next. "Maybe, in a bit once my brain's fixed," he says of a trip to Gotham.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded once, pushing herself up to stand as she dusted off the sand from her hands. "Well, I'll let you get some time to relax in here. I have a feeling you'll probably rest better in here than the med bay." She shrugged, glancing toward Sam. "You're of more help here than I am. Hollar when you want his bed moved." She murmured, and her gaze swung back to Roberto. "I hope you feel better Roberto, take your time." She glanced to Clarice then.

"I've got some meetings in Genosha I'll have to hit up soon, so whenever you're up for it, I could really use a teleport.." She smiled to her purple haired friend and then nodded to Hank and the rest of the room as she made to depart.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"And when you want to visit Gotham or maybe even a tropical beach somewhere.., well, just ask and I can snap my fingers and make it happen." Clarice says in ways of offer, snapping her fingers for good measure. But nothing really happens. She stops playing around near the seawater, back up to her full height and starting to walk towards the exit too, apparently ready to go along with Lorna.

Not that it stops her from saying in an overly dramatic, joking tone. "I feel so used.." she murmurs back to her friend about she needing a teleport to Genosha. But she nods, least she could really. "I will be checking in later. Thanks for letting me be here and help out."

A glance up at the sky and then she smiling to the rest of the gang. "Work on your tan."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A glance to Clarice, and a chuckle. "I might take you up on that. Not that the loop is slow at all, mind you." He offers with a grin. The big man dusts himself off, nodding to those present. "All right - I think we should get Roberto back to the infirmary, then we can all return for some rest. Lord knows we've all earned it." A look to Sam, Clarice and Lorna. "Thank you all for helping us, seriously." A smile, the man slowly deactivating the beach scenario, and heading back to his room.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to his friend and says "You don't have to rush man, if you feel like going through this stuff we can and I will fill you in on it, and you can learn a bit about your past, but your still with us man, and that's the important part. We can always make new memories, while continuing to work on the old ones. I consider you a brother and my best friend Berto, I am even willing to rewatch magnum from the start with you. Hey look at it this way, the 700th watching of the series will be as fresh as the original viewing."