9870/Birds of Prey: Clocktower

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Birds of Prey: Clocktower
Date of Scene: 28 January 2022
Location: Historic Clocktower - Penthouse
Synopsis: The Birds of Yay meet up for a nice official gathering. Pammy Ivy shows up thinking its a bookclub that Harley set her up with... Good times!
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, Strix, Zatanna Zatara, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Pamela Isley, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara had sent out a message to all available Birds to meet up at the clocktower tonight. Of course, this didn't ensure that everyone would, or anyone could. It's a wild world out there, after all!

Those who do, however, are able to reach the apex of the tower, where they find the living space is... quite casual. Barbara is here, not in costume, she's in a black slim fit sweater, with black denim pants, and a pair of simple small heeled boots of black leather. Her red hair is tied up in to a bun on the crown of her head, and she's wearing some black framed glasses. She's welcoming those who arrive, and ushering them inside, with even food and drink available on the tables around the sitting area at the center of the tower.

This is where Babs is now, standing near the seating, a cup of hot coffee in her right hand, held by its handle.

"Really, tonight is just a way to further infuse comradery amongst the team members." She tells those who may have already arrived. "Or so one can hope. Maybe everyone will go at each other's throats, and we'll do the opposite of that, but that should be interesting too, if it is the case." She dryly says before taking a sip of the mug.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass is, as always, unmasked on arrival. She may not actually own a mask. Still, she gives Babs a smile as she arrives, then finds a corner to skulk in. She thumbs behind her, nodding, and opening both hands. Many people coming behind her, apparently.

Then she's quiet. Not that this is an alteration of her habits. Hello, I'll be over here. Pretending.

Strix has posed:
Strix has only met some of the members of the Birds of Prey once or twice before so it kind of came as a surprise to her to be invited to this gathering, not that she's one to turn down such an invite. She's indecisive on how she wants to go, so ends up going in costume so she can ninja her way into the clock tower.

Not that it's not filled with ninjas already.

Once she gets there, she stands there awkwardly in costume while others are dressed more... leisurely. Then she spies Cass brooding in a corner. Cass! Her silent sister! Sister in silence! She walks over to her and, if permitted, gives her a hug.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna ports into a back room discreetly straight out of Tokyo fashion week. The intrepid magician likes a little me-time away from fighting demonic menaces and angels molting eyes over New York.

The iconic costume of form-fitting tux, fishnets, and top hat are for stage appearances these days. She sheds her patent leather trench coat over the back of a chair and walks over to join Barbara, hands deep in the pockets of her boxy black jacket and matching high-waisted wide-legged pants.

"Hello, Barbara. Good to see you. Can I get myself a coffee?" Brushing back her raven-black hair she turns to see who else has arrived, noting the quiet woman that someone greeted as Cass. "Introduce us, won't you Barbara?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie was about when people were first ushered in by Babs. She was found firmly parked in the seating area, her back against the couch sitting cross legged on the floor. This puts her at eye level with some of the food and drinks. Though she is holding an energy drink and sipping it instead of drinking one of the fancier drinks. The food though. That is getting eyed hungrily.

    "Well I'd hope that no one goes for each others throats... we have training space downstairs if people want to go for each others throats." reaching out to snag an appetizer, unable to resist any longer. "Who all is coming I wonder..."

    Cass and Mary very much got a greeting when they came in, even if they are brooding or in costume. She herself is dressed in yoga pants and wearing a very soft cotten looking wonder woman hoodie. When Zee pops in she raises a hand and wiggles it in hello to the Mistress of Magicks.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela's been keeping a low profile as of late... not so much on purpose, as part of a scheme, so much as the woman's been having a bit of a crisis of identity. Or maybe it's just Seasonal Affective Disorder and she's feeling it harder because she's part plant. But she's been mostly cooped up, watching daytime TV and getting in Twitter arguments. And what kind of friend lets a friend do _that_? So when Harley kept sending her texts about a book club meeting and that Pam should get out and mingle before she grows roots. And so here she is, making her way to a clocktower, not just a clocktower, but _the_ clocktower that she always finds a little reassuring to see on Gotham's skyline, not that she'd ever admit she likes the architecture of course.

Still, at least she hasn't shown up in costume, or even rocking her usual shade of green skin to show off. Although if anyone recognizes her, the beanie she's got tugged down nearly over her ears with a smiling daisy just slightly offset on the front of it is probably going to be a bit on the nose. Of course, on her actual nose she's got a pair of thick black framed glasses on... hey, it might work as a disguise! Certainly she hasn't had to fight anyone on this nerve-wracking walk, or the wait to reach the meeting place up in the elevator.

It's really only once she steps out, holding a copy of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, with blatant Gotham Library sticker on the spine, that she looks around slowly, mouth working silently for a moment. "So... uh... is this the book club? Did I go to the _wrong_ clocktower?" Her brow furrows as she reaches into the pocket of her hoodie with the hand not keeping a death grip on the book, muttering softly, "I swear that mapping app said this was..."

This is fine... maybe everyone else just forgot their copy of the book? What're the odds her manic best friend told her to go to something that wasn't actually a book club?


Stephanie Brown has posed:
The line at Anthony's deli and parcheesi parlor is a bit longer than normal. Stephanie Brown taps her foot as she waits for the woman in front of her to put in her order for some salami, and to pick up her pieces for a game.

She finally makes it to the front of the line. "Yes, I have a meat and cheese tray to pick up. Name of Gordon," she says. The man goes to the cooler to get it, returning with a well-laid out tray. "Great. Now if I can just make it on my bike without dropping it," she says as she takes it, giving the man a smile and heading for her purple and black bike. She hops on, strapping it to the back and soon is roaring off towards the Clocktower. Running late after her chemistry lab went wrong. Not 'disastrously' wrong mind you, as there wasn't an actual fire to accompany the smoke. "If they didn't intend for us to mix those together, it should have said so," Stephanie says to herself in her helmet. "Ok, in BIGGER LETTERS then," she answers the nagging voice in her head.

She pulls up to the Clocktower, pulling into a garage and hopping off the bike. She removes the helmet and finger combs her hair back to respectability before heading up with the additional snacks.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara pays Charlie a quick smile. "You show them the way, if it comes to that." She says softly before adding. 'And... everyone got the invite." She states before seeing Pamela arriving. "Everyone." She adds with a grim smirk.

A smile is given to Cass, and Strix. Zatanna gets a light grin, and a hand reaching out to touch the other's elbow as she gets closer. "Have at it. Bagels and all manner of yummy stuff to put on them too." Babs adds before she tries to step to a spot where she can see everyone at once.

Even Steph when she makes her appearance.

"So, hey, everyone. Rare is it that we are all in a room like this together, rather than... shit posting each other on social media." She's kidding. "Or talking over team coms. I just want to say. It's good to see you. Actually. See. You." Those last few words she says with a bit of clear emotion behind her voice, even if its just some!

With her hands together, her fingers lacing between each other, Babs continues. "Really, I'd like you all to say what it is... you've been up to. So that we can just.... get to know each other's course a bit. Oh, and what you most prefer others call you."

She smiles to Cass. "And, if someone would like to speak for our dear quiet friend, that would be great also..."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass is sitting in a corner, her full and complete attention on Babs as she talks. But her attention being on her, her INtention was to sit quietly while everyone else chatted. She blinks, then she nods. And she starts making gestures with both hands.

She waves to Charlie, adding a smile for emphasis, then gives Zatanna a ...well, it looks like taking one finger from the rest and tossing it aside? Then she makes wings with her hands, and moves her makeshift wings around a bit.

Yeah, don't ask me either. I'm just typing it.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A pleased smile lights the magician's face on seeing Misfit.

"Charlie," she greets airily, returning the finger toodles with her own, "how did I overlook you of all people? "

With a fresh mug of coffee in hand, she joins Charlie, asking as she settles in on the other end of couch, "Now, why would we want to go at each other's throats? Old-fashioned me." She vaguely crosses her eyes. "Woman power and all that."

At Barbara's voice, she holds a finger over her lips and stops talking, eyes focused on Barbara, then flitting to the woman carrying 'The Wizard of Oz" then back to the woman signing, to whom she nods to with a faint smile.

"Tell us, how you've been, Barbara, please. We never have your news. I've been in New York and Gotham, mostly helping mages new to their craft."

Strix has posed:
Seeing as everybody's unmasked, Strix takes off her mask, too, revealing dark, scarred skin wrapped haphazardly in bandages. Tucking the mask under an arm, she pulls out a phone and starts tapping on it. "I AM STRIX," comes the tinny voice out of the phone in what could be, but is almost certainly legally distinct from, siri.

She gives everybody a jaunty wave and a smile, and makes her way over to the bagels. Somehow she manages to make herself one with cream cheese and lox in her taloned gloves. Do you know the kind of dexterity you have to have in order to pull that off?

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I'm smol." is her answer to Zatanna, and well it probably helps she is tucked down between couch and coffee table like that. She is pretty damn short though. Curse you and your growth spurt Damian. Making her the resident smol one.

    She shoots Cass another smile at the dove pantomining. Then looks at Ivy curious and the Everyone. Wait is Ivy in this book club. She studies her carefully and quietly now. Well. Okay. Then glances at Zee. Then to Stephanie. Then back to Barbara. Then over to Cass.

    "Uh." puzzled.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela's stewing in a good, deep stew of awkwardness, sighing, eye rolling... until her phone chimes out with a chiptune of circus music. It's not terribly loud, but for a split second it registers a gunshot to her nerves. But hey, she's already got the phone out, so she only jolts instead of leaping out the nearest window. And then her already pale face goes downright pallid as she stares at the screen and her mouth works slowly. "So... you all... know Harley... huh? From..." She frowns and chews her lower lip, eyebrows perking as her eyes dart across the rest of the room, "Uhh... _business_? ...Hobbies? I duno, what's the standard euphemism for this kind of thing? God..da... I didnt' even _need_ to go to the library, did I?"

Ivy pinches the bridge of her nose, eyes the book she's holding, and tosses it onto the nearby table, skin shifting from alabaster to her usual green as she heaves out a loud sigh, "Well, whatever. I didn't read the book anyway, okay? I Googled it on the way over."

Eyes focus on Zatanna for a moment and she points, "Okay, yeah, you I recognize. See? Isn't it _way_ easier just working the costume stuff into your day job?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown comes in late, the haste of her movements and her body language suggesting the small amount of embarrassment from being so. "Sorry, was a bit delayed," she says. "Picked up the rest of the snacks though," she says with a movement of the tray towards Barbara to show she did exactly that.

The blond girl makes it halfway over to the table with the snacks to set it down, before something in the room stands out to her as out of place. She turns and glances over at the one person in the room she's not familiar with. Or maybe, familiar with but not expecting to see. Though she continues on then, setting down the tray and taking off the cover, getting it set for everyone to be able to help themselves to.

The thought of ducking into a nearby equipment room in search of an ampule of anti-serum is on Stephanie's mind, when Ivy gets her text message and gives a hint as to why she's there. "Harley," Stephanie says softly under her breath. Barbara knows Stephanie's doubts about Harley's reformation. Probably knows they stem from sources not-related to Harley too. The blond crosses her arms for the moment as she looks about at the others.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass watches the goings-on as the go on, rather bemused by all the unnecessary darama. She gives Steph a small salute, touching the brim a nonexistent hat, then eyes Pamela. Awkward.

Still, she has yet to really see anything that requires gunfire, so she just holds out a hand toward Strix, offering the nice silent ninja lady a seat. Not like her, she's the mean silent ninja lady. Yup.

She is, clearly, not worried about Ms Islay's arrival, or about the book being overdue. Books suck anyway.

Strix has posed:
Strix makes an audible gasp of delight when she sees what book it is that Pam tosses on the table, as she actually recognizes it. She rushes over and picks it up, carefully thumbing through the pages with her talons. She shows it to everybody and then hugs it to her chest, as she sits down next to Cass.

She pulls out the phone and looks at Pam as she types, "Y DIDNT U READ THE BOOK? IT IS A GOOD BOOK!"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara casts her glasses-covered eyes around at everyone as they settle in, offering some insight in to who they are and what they're doing, leading up to Pam and her... reveal.

"Right. harley." Babs says similarly to that of steph. She reaches for her mug of coffee, lifts it up for another sip. It might have liquor in it...

"Well. Okay. I'm Barbara. Gordon. Some of you know this, some of you may not. I'm not really looking to hide it as much as I used to. As many of you know, I've been through a lot to get to where I am now, and I know many of you are going through a lot to get to where you are, and where you will be later in life. That's ultimately the core of what the Birds means. We're a flock, as cheesey as that sounds... and as much as it reminds me of the Mighty Ducks..." That last part is mumbled some.

"But, as some of you know, I just had my butt handed to me in a fight at the Blackgate Prison outbreak. A mercenary of opportunity had a weapon that shut down my neural implant. It rendered me unable to fight back, and, well... yeah. The shiner is mostly healed, so that's a positive." She smirks once to them as she cups her mug between her hands now, letting the warmth soak in to her fingers and palms.

"I want the Birds to be a closer nit flock. I want us to help each other more, because... literally, and figuratively, it's cold out there." She glances toward the back of the huge clock itself, then looks back to everyone. "We need to help each other. More."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli arrives just as Barbara begins to talk. She goes immediately to the wine 'fridge and pours herself a glass of red from one of the bottles of her uncle's label. Drink in hand, she makes her way to where everyone is gathered, leaning against the wall with her shoulder. She looks around the gathered group of ladies; most of whom she knows or knows of. Strix is offered a smile and Ivy? Well Ivy gets a head tilt of regard before the wine glass is lifted in a welcoming salute and sip and she settles in to listen to the rest of Barbara's introduction.

Strix has posed:
Strix tilts her head at Barbara and gives her a puzzled look. Tapping out on the phone it says, "Y R DUCKS MIGHTEE?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown returns the salute of Cass's with a little nod of her head. She puts a little bit of food on a plate and moves over to lean back against a table rather than taking an actual seat.

Strix gets a quick glance from Stephanie and a quick smile given her way. Her eyes go back to Pamela as the woman's skin turns green. Probably a little bit of tensing on the blonde coed's part at that, though she stays slouched there against the table. "So, if Harley sent you, does that mean you are thinking of... a change similar to hers?" she asks in a quiet voice.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie just glances at the book when it is tossed down. "Harley... had you get the Wizard of Oz and ..." she trails off and bites her lower lip. It would be impolite to laugh about Ivy's plight. I mean yes she is an ecoterrorist and maybe villain. But. Still. Wow. Still it wouldn't do to be mean to Ivy about it, Harley would probably be bent out of shape about her bestie being given too much snark over it. "Wow."

    "So uh.. if you need backup and drop an SOS over the comms, I can get to you just about anywhere.... I just can't pull you out as easily. Though I am totes learning how to do the pop razzle dazzle thanks to Zee's lessons." .. .. she is absolutely enthustiastic, chipper, despite the tension and drama around the book club angle.

When Steph asks Ivy The Question she falls quiet to listen.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass gives Steph a thumbs-up when she asks Pamela the question. Then she goes back to what she was doing, which is trying to answer Strix!

She makes wings with her arms, elbows out, and mouths 'quack' a few times. Then she mimes...fighting? Then her hands are all, things flying at my face. And she clearly punches one, and then something hit her in the back of the head, and she facepalms, then motions to the floor. And then, many things pecking at the fallen girl. Ducks are scary!

The fact that she's not really part of the ongoing drama (she only eats veggies and fish and rice, after all) is so not related.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee lets the currents in the room breeze past her as she goes to the table to build herself a plate of snacks. Oh, yes, a little bagel, a little smoked salmon, capers (but no salad, did that woman actually turn green?) and she's a happy magician. Plate in hand, she turns in time to see Strix ask about ducks, she bites back a grin and takes a bite of bagel.

The latest arrival looks vaguely familiar to her. Not the face, but her hair, her height and way of walking.

Charlie mentioning her names catches her attention. With a faint smile, she shrugs, saying mysteriously, "Well, less razzle dazzle among other things."

Signing, the mistress of words, agrees emphatically with Strix about the terrors of ducks.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela eyes Barbara, brow furrowing slightly... she _swears_ she's seen that particular brand of vaguely annoyed at Harley recently. But it would be gauche to bring it up... and also there's beverages she can focus on, until she picks out something strong to pour a generous shot of into a cup of coffee. That'll help the fact that she's tensed like a coiled spring... she'd dive out the window at the awkwardness, but then someone would have to rush into whatever their costumed identity is and jump out to rescue her.

So Irish'd coffee it is. Helena earns an appraising little look and a half-hearted little fingerwiggling wave as Pam mostly focuses on Babs and her speech.

She sighs and shrugs to Steph, "I... well, I haven't even _threatened_ any chemical company CEOs in a few months. I sort of left town for a bit, to check out this... mutant group." Her shoulders shrug and she rolls her eyes, "But I'll admit, I've got a soft spot for Gotham, and it's not like the city's been getting better without me around... so..."

She heaves out a loud sigh, "I guess yeah, I'm trying to do something similar. I don't know. I'm... trying to be flexible, right? I mean, I'm going to try _really_ hard not to kill anyone, even if they deserve it."

Okay, so she clearly still thinks some people deserve to die, but that's got to be progress!

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara catches the question from Strix which garners a sly grin from the redhead for a moment. She lets others handle that answer in-stride. Her eyes go back then to the group as a whole, though she does spare a nod, and a smile to Helena's arrival.

"So I guess... what I want from all of you, is to know what you want out of this group." She continues, as she steps over to one of the chairs and sits down upon the arm of it, still holding that mug of coffee between her hands.

"ARe there things you need? Training, resources, even just a better place to lay your head at night, and recover from the day? This group is meant to be... a utility knife, of sorts. Something you can draw on to get your through any troubles, any hurdles, that which you might be facing."

Babs raises her right hand, as she motions around. "We got quite a group here, with even more notable faces not able to make it tonight. There, really, isn't much we can't accomplish. But, I want your suggestions too. What /more/ can we do? What more can /I/ do to help with what you need to get by. If there's anything, please just shout it out." She smirks then to Cass, and Strix. "Or whatever is easiest for you..."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smiles at the fingerwaggle from Ivy. The almost promise to try to not kill anyone makes her grin. She has found a common ground already with the redheaded Plant Maven. Seeing Zatanna looking her way she feigns innocence. But that only lasts a moment as the dark haired Italian woman offers a conspiratorial wink at her before again acting as if nothing happened.

Oh... snacky finger foods. With a push of her shoulder against the wall, her body shifts back to properly balanced equilibrium and she makes her way over to take inventory of what is there and what she's going to begin with - because she will be back!

She tries not to talk over anyone as she addresses Ivy, "Not all of us have pristine backgrounds and upbringings. We're all trying to do better though." She offers a smile of encouragement - in general to the gathering.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown continues to mostly focus on Ivy while she gives her reply. Afterwards the girl's blue eyes continue to study the other woman, having been studying her haptics throughout the response to try gauge its sincerity. Barbara's training in action.

Stephanie is silent for a little bit after as if she's mulling things over in her head. Finally she lets out a breath, which takes a little bit of tension with it, if not all. "So, you're willing to turn over a new leaf," she says to Poison Ivy.

The blond girl glances around the room with a sheepish grin at her comment. "What!?" she tells them all before they can say anything in response. "You were all thinking it too!"

Helena is given a little head nod then as Stephanie falls silent while Barbara speaks.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie was taking a sip of her energy drink when Stephanie makes the turning over a new leaf joke and manages to not quite die choking on it. But it is a near thing as she manages to not spit take over all the food but ends up coughing and doubling over for a moment there. "Crackers..." is wheezed as she tries to get the burn of dark cherry energy fizz out of her airways.

    Great Steph. You've slain the chaos muppet.

    Eyes are wiped, tears.

Strix has posed:
Strix gasps and her eyes go wide as Cass mimes out a duck assault. She scowls in anger and mimes picking apart a piece of bread and throwing it on the ground and crosses her arms with a resolute nuh-unh shake of the head. No more bread for ducks!

When Barbara asks what everybody wants to get out of it, Strix raises her hand until everybody's attention is on her. Then she motions for everybody to gather to her and she holds out her arms like she's going to give them all a hug.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Bingo," Zee mutters under her breath. She gives the dark-haired woman a nod then, under the pretext of adding to her plate, places herself next to her, saying softly without looking at her, "Got home safely, I see. Not that I doubted it for a moment. You know my name, but I don't know yours."

Concentrating on Barbara while she speaks, she remains silent while others cross-talk. Charlie's wheeze earns an appreciative grin and a raised eyebrow. She takes another bite of bagel when she is sure that they won't be doing a Heimlich.

" Togetherness has its merits. Why not comms for us to contact one another or call in support, Babs?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
As Charlie is coughing and wheezing, Stephanie gives her back a good thump as if to help her clear her throat. "Really shouldn't guzzle that energy drink down," Stephanie says as if she didn't have anything to do with Charlie's predicament.

"It would be helpful," she agrees as the topic of communications are brought up. She gets a bit of cheese and sausage, putting it on a cracker and nibbling it slowly.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela's mouth works silently for a long moment as Steph actually says _it_ out loud and Ivy's shoulders sag as she heaves out a loud sigh, she's probably about to bemoan that no one's made that joke before.

Except poor Charlie almost chokes to death on cherry energy drink. And Pamela takes the opportunity to point towards Steph with one primly angled index finger, and then flick her wrist to gesture to poor gasping, wheezing Charlie.

"Okay, that's _totally_ not my fault."

And then she's looking back to Barbara, because as good as Steph's line was... and as thankful she is Charlie didn't actually pass out suffocating on caffeine, she can't help but quash that cynicism she's always carrying and answer honestly, "I don't know. A second chance? I mean hey, if I help save the city, maybe I can get a _job_ again that's not under the table."

Okay,maybe not entirely quash the cynicism.

And then she's turning to eye Strix and the pantomimed hug request.... well, she can handle that if it comes to it. Probably.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara shows a smile to Strix. "Okay. Everyone make sure to hug her before you leave tonight." She says in response to that desire out of the group. To the others, reacting to Steph's joke, has Babs just showing a reserved smirk, followed by another drink of her coffee.

Her eyes go up then to Zatanna, to whom gets a single nod from Babs. "Actually. That is part of what I want you all to know. You know that I've gone by the name of Oracle for the past decade, give or take... I want you to know that the system of ORacle, providing Eyes i nthe Sky, is now a twenty four seven thing. 'Oracle' is online now, and its a team A.I. that you can call upon for the same, or better, services that I used to provide. From maps, police and emergency service information, individual rap sheets on citizens... The new Oracle system is up, and its going to be widely available to our team, as well as to the Bats of Gotham as a whole. Should anyone need it, just call upon it over the team coms. If you don't /have/ a team com, then just reach out to me directly..."

Barbara lets her eyes shift over to Pamela then, to whom she also nods a single small time. "Second chances. This is why you're actually here tonight, Pam. Thank Harley for working with me on that. You're here to be associated with me, with us. So that you too, can let us know what you need, and we in turn are there for you."

Strix has posed:
Strix looks down at her phone and taps out a message. "I WUZ GIVEN 2ND CHANCE 2," it says as she looks at Pam. God only knows how many men, women, and children she'd assassinated for the Court of Owls. She lost count long ago. She taps out another message, jaw set resolutely, "NO MOAR KILLING"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Then I am reaching out to you directly. A nice straight forward electronic com will be something new for me. No magic amulets stinging my wrist."

The smile and joking fades to the background as the words, 'Second chance' is repeated. "I doubt there are many of us who haven't needed a second chance," she affirms after a glance at Babs. Babs knows Zee's worst sins.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli checks on Charlie till it's clear she'll make it without turning blue. She sets her plate with snacky finger foods down and looks to the group. She takes a breath. "So.. part of this was to meet each other and become a team..." She pauses, trust not being a thing she's been strong on giving very often. But Barbara took a chance on her. "I'm Helena Bertinelli. If the last name sounds familiar, it may be due to headlines twenty years ago." She doesn't go any deeper into it. Anyone can look it up themselves and connect the dots. "I'm an English teacher at Gotham Central High."

She glances around with a light smirk toward Zatanna. "But I am also a fellow Gotham Vigilante known as the Huntress. Though I'll point out there is another Huntress in the city. We've agreed to share the codename" she clarifies. A final nod around, "So hello to those I haven't met. I'm no island to myself. I'm always good for assistance - offering or receiving."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela sighs out and points to Barbara, "Well, when you're installing this... communication thing, if you can find a way to mute the dating app Harley convinced me to install that one time, and... I don't know, scour all trace of it from the internet, I super double _extra_ promise I'll try not to even break any criminal bones... for at least like, a week? Week and a half? I mean, that's practically a bargain." She offers a little smile to Strix and nods her head... and Zatanna. Okay, maybe even her cynicism is taking a beating here.

Maybe she can actually do this.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown hasn't given her name tonight, though everyone in the room except for Pamela Isley has heard it before. And that's not an oversight. Though Stephanie isn't staring at the green-skinned woman, neither does the Gotham coed ever quite let down her guard fully.

Stephanie can't help give a tiny smirk about the dating app. "Probably full of spyware anyway," she comments. Stephanie finishes up the tiny plate of food she'd made, and takes it over to the sink before returning.

She does offer towards Ivy, "Batgirl." If they work together, that much will be obvious once encountering her in costume and seeing the hair in contrast with Barbara.

Strix has posed:
Strix taps out another message on the phone. "STRIX" is all it says and she points a thumb to herself as way of introduction to Pam, and anybody else who may not be as familiar with her. It's not that she doesn't want anybody to know her given name, it's just that she identifies more with this new identity more. Mary was an orphaned 9 year old girl, sold to a circus and later sold to the Court of Owls. Strix was the name given to a Talon, a faceless assassin, who decided that she had had enough of killing.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Helena, it's a pleasure to meet you. Did you get everything you needed last night?" She puts down her plate and holds out a hand to the dark-haired woman.

"I'm on my way out but not before I give at least one of you a hug." Eyes narrowed she regards Charlie briefly, her sapphire eyes slide over Barbara with a smile hidden in them, coming to a rest on Strix. R
"We haven't officially met Strix, I'm Zatanna but my friends call me Zee. Can I give you a hug?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara maneuvers over to a desk where she gathers up a small device that she takes over to Zatanna, offering it to her with a smile. "Like a smaart phone, but... all about us. You'll figure it out." She adds with a sly grin before her green eyes go over to Pam.

"If I know Harley, her tech skills haven't really improved, so I'll make sure to get you setup as well before the night is out.. Just do me a favor and tell Harley that its a dating phone, and if she touches it, she'll cost you 'hot dates'. Hopefully that keeps her away from it." She says with a light smile before Barbara looks arounjd to the others.

"I appreciate you all being here tonight." She says, with a nod to Helena. "Teamwork is important. We have to stick together, we have to stay as close as possible. Ducks... fly together." She flashes a grin, before looking to Stephanie. "Now we gotta get everyone to watch that movie together..."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smiles to Zatanna and offers a hug when or if she cares for one. "Hey. Yeah, I did. It'll get me what I'm after, which is more leads and information. Thanks for the distraction. Your guyfriend wasn't the sort I'd care to chum about with as Huntress. I don't think his org would likely let me slide..I wouldn't think." A shrug.

Then to Barbara, "I'd prefer to consider us anything but ducks.. even Geese would be better. But I think I'm more Osprey than a duck.." she smiles.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie finally manages to get herself under control and dabs her eyes with a napkin. "Misfit." she offers helpfully as to who she is.

    She does pop up though to get her hug from Zatanna not wanting to miss out on that, cause hugs are great. She definitely makes sure it lasts at least six seconds before letting go too, because that is when the body starts producing oxytocin which is great nature made happy drugs.

    There is an aside to Pam. "I mean.. most of us break bones... just don't kill. It's so hard to not break people's noses when smacking them... though that is cartilage.... I suppose.... ooo movie!"

Strix has posed:
Strix gladly accepts the hug from Zee. Despite being kitted out for war, the ex-assassin is a surprisingly good hugger. Her eyes light up at the mention of a movie, and nods enthusiastically. Movie time!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Mobbed by hugs, Zee grins over Charlie's shoulder at the prolonged hug then moves on to Helena. "I'll let him know that you thought he was cute," she murmurs.

Breaking loose she goes Strix who does honor to the hug and embraces her.

Last but far from least, she stands in front of Babs with a smile. "Thanks for the evening. It was a good idea getting us together. I've needed to put names to faces and vice versa. We'll talk soon."

Turning to the room, she waves. "Ta, everyone."