The Garden

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There is only one Garden.

The Garden is a metaphysical concept, a primal one that is associated not just with the rise of humanity but the very concept of mortality, and notions like curiosity, hunger, shame, and freedom. The Garden is a location in the Astral Plane, near to The Dreaming and to the Silver City. It stands alone, with few inhabitants permitted to visit; notably the Endless, who may visit their brother Destiny on family business. Accessing the Garden requires an invitation. Some have found their way after entering a maze and-- by intention or luck-- finding themselves in the ancient home of mortal awareness.

The angel Uriel stands constant vigil over the gates into the Garden. Uriel's instructions are very specific: do not give permission for anyone to enter The Garden. He is a terrifying sight to behold and bears a flaming blade that no immortal can resist. Uriel was a witness to the first mortal souls leaving the garden after the ideologues of Adam and Eve were cast out. He rebuffed the Lilim and the Nephilim when they begged for shelter, after the Silver City had them thrown from the very towers they had built for the Heavenly Host.

The Garden takes on many forms and has echoes in many universes. When the Demiurge was still in a hazy state of pre-dreaming, the homeless First God known as Gaea took shelter at its heart near the roots of Yggdrasil. She created a planet of stone and fire to house the fragile Life Entity she had saved from the shattering of the First Firmament.

Night joined Gaea and from the infinity of the Void, shaped their home into another facet of the Garden. Gaea tends to the needs of the Demiurge from this sacred place, and with the help of Mother Night and her daughter The Lady, tends the Immortal Fruits that are the source of power for the godheads of Yggdrasil.