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When the latest addition to the Reavers turns out to be a mutant with the power of healing, Joshua Foley finds his life turned upside down and sideways as he comes to terms with both being a mutant and being hunted by the Reavers.
Base Info
Plot Scale: Minor
Plot Runner(s): Joshua Foley
Groups Involved:
Target Audience:
Rating & Tone:


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Bunny Macleod, Shredder

Other Information

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Title Date Scene Summary
Reavers: Assault on Cooterman's Creek October 15th, 2023 This is it! Nettie leads a mixed-team attack on the Reaver's base in Australia. The Reavers are stopped, Gateway is freed and the contract of Joshua is voided.
Sorry about your book, Nettie! October 9th, 2023 After talking to Gabby, Joshua comes across his adopted mother who attempts to soothe him while making plans to deal with the threat to Joshua once and for all.
Reavers: Interrogation October 9th, 2023 In the aftermath of the ambush on Joshua, Nettie comes to collect information and vengeance for her adopted son. Unfortunately for Skullbuster, he's the only one available for information.
Pinned Down and Pissed Off October 8th, 2023 Joshua is ambushed by Reavers while making deliveries. He's rescued by Prisma, Spider-Man and Mania and he is faced with a cruel truth. There really is only one way to stop the Reavers.
It's Bad if it's Your Own Blood, Right October 8th, 2023 Gabby had set up for her movie date with Joshua. It may have been a slasher flick, because Josh brought the blood.
Awkward Reunions September 17th, 2023 While at the Skatepark, Bunny and Joshua awkwardly reconnect. They discuss events and part as friends.
The Reavers: Kill or Capture October 30th, 2022 Donald Pierce goes all in to recover Josh to further a secret advanced cybernetics program. Trying to grab Josh in Bushwick goes sideways when Bunny, Gabby, Monet, Roberto, and Tabby show up and wreck borgs.
The Reavers: Running Short October 26th, 2022 Justin goes to Horizons to meet Cecily. Cecily gets deputized and some cyborgs get wrecked.
The Reavers: Interventions, Ignorance, and Islands October 24th, 2022 Vorpal tries to get some information from Josh and reason with him. He finds out the Reaver rabbit hole can be just as deep as Wonderland ones, and Josh has not even started to crawl out of it.
The Reavers: Not all Doom. Sometimes it's Milshakes and Heartbreaks. August 11th, 2022 Warren manipulates Bunny's messenger service to get Bunny to Fred's. The two talk about the attack on the Jackson Building, being mutants, and the guilt when not everyone can be saved.
The Reavers: Seeing the Dark August 11th, 2022 Darksight whisks Donald Pierce away from sure death during a raid on an illegal cybernetic chop shop by the X-Men. Darksight learns about why the Reavers are abducting mutants, and just how twisted Pierce is. He also gains some insight into what is under that man's skin.
The Reavers: Pizza Surprise August 10th, 2022 Terry discovers the dead corpse was actually a living young man in the Bronx. Julie the cyborg also seems to be back from the dead. Terry's first try to abduct Josh goes a little awry. Josh's home explodes during a 'mutan't attack with his parents in it. Vorapal kidnaps Josh on the second try.
Press The Stops and Stop The Presses August 6th, 2022 Terry brings Lois some news, and there are hints of something /big/ happening involving the FBI and other, potentially unknown parties. Stop the presses!
The Reavers: Misery at Scale August 5th, 2022 No description
The Reavers: Turning Over Stones August 5th, 2022 Terry investigates the attack on the Jackson building by visiting a contact at the hospital. He finds brainless cyborg corpses... and that one corpse has gone missing.
The Reavers: Initiation Interrupted July 29th, 2022 Several heroes converge on a black market cybernetic body shop just when the Reavers inducted a new recruit by giving him his full enhancements. The fight was swift, brutal and left nothing standing. But that did not keep the heroes from making off with people and information that may shed some light on who the Reavers are and what they have been doing.


Title Date Scene Summary
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