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The Dollhouse: The Enemy We Know
Date of Scene: 11 July 2021
Location: Lounge - Playground
Synopsis: SHIELD comes together to celebrate the heroics of their agents and hand out overdue promotions. Extremely pertinent intelligence is brought to Peggy about the identity of SecDef Denver Maelstrom and an agent loses it when a key phrase is mentioned resulting in Peggy being violently struck by a lightning gun's blast.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Peggy Carter, James Barnes, Daniel Sousa, Sharon Carter, Sara Pezzini, Dottie Underwood, Clint Barton, Jemma Simmons, Sam Wilson, Darcy Lewis

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The Framework was a massive drain on SHIELD. They went there to find intelligence on what HYDRA was up to. They found it. They found so much of it it almost swallowed them whole. Agents working on the outside to defend it and extract the agents trapped on the inside.

    A lot of heroics went down during that operation. A lot of information was recovered too. That world was what HYDRA imagined for itself, wished it could be and hoped to change the world to become. Now that SHIELD knows, HYDRA knows they know. Their attempt to stop SHIELD and retake the Sphere failed.

    Agents have been gathering in the Playground's common area. It's both a blessing and a curse that this was becoming normal once more. A blessing because their agents are free, a curse because they still have a whole lot of HYDRA to break.

    But everyone is real eager to break 'em.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi does not have the tell tale red lines over her face of someone who had just escaped from The Framework and was healing. Her body heals quickly. Very quickly. However, she does have the tell tale signs of someone who has been recently cut with knives and punched in the face. A bruise on her cheek, a slash on her arm.

    Not consistent with the wounds she got from the Sphere, but something that happened more recently still. That and for those with astute eyes, a twisted golden ring on her finger with a beautiful stone set in to it. A new piece of jewellery on her ring finger.

    Standing by Peggy and carrying a set of black boxes under one arm, she nods to her and says, "Also, I'm going to take some leave. Unless it's an emergency, then I'll be back here in the blink of an eye.. I bought some property up north."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The Chief hasn't actively walked these halls in weeks, until she was brought back this past weekend, and she's been quite on top of things since. Two days of paperwork, reports, catch up, meetings, if she should have still been recovering in bed, there is no sign of it. Well, no sign other than the faint red circuitry lines all across her face and the visible areas of her wrists. She's dulled them down with a bit of make up (along with her usual rouge and matte red lip) but doesn't hide her scars. She's given everyone a bit of time to mill an chat, gathering comfortably in the lounge that is full of pizza, beer, and better feelings than people have had in a while. She arches a brow towards Bobbi at those words, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I think leave is more than earned. Just finish tonight, and go."

Then it's time for action. When Peggy decides to speak to the room, she does it with panache. High heels sharply click against the floor as she calls across the heads of everyone, "ATTENTION!" Much like the old unit leader she used to be, she knows how to command a room. Once the bubbly crowd has gone a bit silent, she looks across the faces, her voice still as stern and commanding as her initial word, just not quite so loud.

"I wish to see the following Agents front and center. Now. Sara Pezzini. Clint Barton. Samuel Wilson. Jemma Simmons." Her shoulders are back and stiff. She looks every bit the commander in her well tailored suit, still in the 1940s cut with wider shoulder pads and legs. Dark eyes land on each agent as they come forward, evaluating their expressions, the stance of their frames, every inch of the personality they present on the line.

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky? He's mostly been absent from around the Playground of late, at least a week or two since he's been completely absent. But some people may have seen him creeping around the halls early this morning, before sunrise and then leaving again.

    After a long drive to the city and back, made in record time because James Buchanan Barnes is an INSANE driver, he's back with Sam and Lili in tow.

    He stops just short of Peggy, the dog at his side, and levels a glare that's half in jest and half SERIOUS BUSINESS at Bobbi, "Why the *fuck* would you say that? Now it's guaranteed to be an emergency. Damn..."

    He turns to Sam and asks, "Did you hear what she just said."

    Then Peggy is screaming, almost in his ear, for ATTENTION and he just drops back a step or three and lets the show go on.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel was definitely among those eager to break HYDRA, but for now he was wearing his pleasant 'office face' mingling with the present day agents with a drink in his hand. No cane for Daniel today, his old 50's leg for something new and state of the art letting him walk freely for the first time since 1945.

Standing by Peggy and Bobbi, until Peggy makes her announcement he does note the ring on Bobbi's finger and raises his glass in quiet salute to her, then his attention turns to Peggy and the agents being called up to join her.

Sharon Carter has posed:
Lord only knows what Sharon has been up to.

But let a little nosey agent tell it, Sharon went back home to spend time with mom and pop. Who in the world could resist that homely cooking. It was a good thing, at least.. setting stuff up required a little bit of peace and not constant knocks upon the door. But solitude as she was, she does make it to the little shindig. Tucked in a little corner, minding her business, fingers tapping away upon her phone until attention was called.

Every thing was put away; phone slipped into her back pocket. Beer left on the table. Seeing her grandparents and.. pulling her lower lid down and sticking out her tongue towards Grandpop if he decides to look, then wave. Nooow is when its time to be official, especially when those names are called forth.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
During this time, Sara had been all over the place. The little things that tend to get forgotten when people are away. Feeding pets, watering plants, keeping things dusted, and of course kicking ass when she could. She didn't know all the details of what had happened, only the most obvious... Hydra sucked, Agents were stuck in the Framework, plan to work over time.

Now that those agents were out, Sara made no plans to stop what she had already been doing. These people would need time to recover and she intended to ensure they had that time.

Moving around the common area of the Playground, she heard her name called and immediately headed over to Peggy.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Still smelling faintly of that telltale scent of ICER energy discharge, Dottie keeps herself to the rear of the room, back to the wall. Where she can keep an eye on everyone. A social gathering without the veneer of a false personality is unnerving. And the number of people in the room who she trusts can be counted on one hand -- with a few fingers missing.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint looks up as his name is called. No circuits for him, he managed to avoid getting dragged into the Framework. One shoulder is still a little stiff from the wound he took during the attack on the Sphere, but otherwise he looks like he always does, though perhaps a little less cheerful than normal. He's happy to see everyone safely back, mind you, but the HYDRA thing has his usually positive outlook kind of muted these days.

He makes his way through the crowd of agents to stand in front of the boss, giving a somewhat casual salute as he arrives, standing in a relaxed stance as he looks around, a bit puzzled at the immediate call for certain agents.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
While Jemma Simmons may not have the tell-tale red lines of someone recently freed of the Framework, it was only because she was able to control her own descent into that virtual landscape...at least up until fairly recently. She is dressed in her usual lab coat ensemble....lab coat, comfortable jeans, shirt, and sneakers. Not all that different from another Jemma, from another world, but still unique, nonetheless. The shoulder that was wounded before her decision to brave the digital wilds is healed now. One of the benefits of full emersion technology, no doubt.

And Jemma...was on the fringe of the little party. At least, until Peggy calls out...and rattles off Jemma's name. That is a surprise. Though, judging from the British scientist's reaction, not really much of a surprise. In a way, it is good to hear that tone, even if it is directed at her. Still, Director Carter calls...and Jemma answers. She slides her way from the back, making her way to the forefront. And...stands before Peggy.

No shyness, no real hesitation. Just up front and expecting. It would seem that SHIELD's resident wallflower might have grown a little recently.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    It's been a lot to take in, as someone who was out of the loop for the initial takeover. Sam's got a very particular set of skills (eat your heart out, Liam Neeson) that means he's not often the first pick for a mission, and his role as a SHIELD agent has always taken something of a back seat to his whole Avengering shtick.

    The thing about HYDRA, though, is that they're like debt collectors but even worse: give them enough time and they'll track you down.

    Sam's got the scars to prove it.

    So he's been around. Mostly hanging out on Bucky's couch, when he's not on active mission duty, and he's here again, hands in the pockets of his jacket and looking very much like he's not extremely concerned about... everything.

    It's just a lot. Sam is good at putting up a solid front so his worries don't end up transferring to other people, though.

    "Nope," he says to Bucky. "I'm not inviting that bad juju into my life by acknowledging it."

    There are a lot of people here he wants to touch base with, check on, but for now he's snapped to attention--well, loosely, he's let some of his old military habits go--and steps forward when his name is called, though he looks uncertainly at Peggy as he does so.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Agent Navarez is holding a tablet with critic intelligence. He pauses in his stride as attention is called and watches with interest at the goings on. Agent House pauses too, lugging a very big recovered weapon. An odd looking cube with an aperture on one side and a trigger on the other, a hand on the top. She places it down on a tabletop with a loud *thunk* which she hopes didn't draw too much attention.

    Bobbi smirks a moment at Barnes, "A woman can have her dreams can't she James?" A dream where there's no emergency, where she gets to spend some quiet time with Lance and they can go adopt some adorable puppers together. Bobbi raises an imaginary glass in return to Daniel. She'd normally have one in her hand at these sorts of things but right now.. official business.

    Bobbi hands one of the black boxes she's carrying to each of the agents before them. Barton, Simmons, Wilson, Simmons, and Pezzini. "Don't open just yet," she instructs as Peggy has words for them.

James Barnes has posed:
    And here, he thought he was the resident wall flower? When Sam leaves his side, Bucky takes one step back, then another... he'll keep doing that until he's leaning against a wall and even then, he'll squat down next to Lili to pet behind her ears to make himself even smaller and less noticeable than before.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel lifts his drink to cover his smile as Sharon sticks her tongue out at him before the official business gets going he sticks his tongue out at her right back, then winks, before taking a proper drink, and focusing his attention up front, still smiling at the exchange with his granddaughter.Though when his eyes fall on Dottie at the back of the room his brows raise with surprise but still, he offers a friendly nod of greeting to the woman, even if his back itches slightly as he does so.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The ring on Bobbi's finger hasn't gone unnoticed by Peggy, a bit more of a smile tugging at her lips when she granted that leave, but she's not quite annoying-mother enough to put the younger Commander on the spot in front of everyone. They had business to conduct anyway. Peggy flickers one look to the side, mouthing a silent apology to Bucky for being quite so loud, but then all of her dark eyed attention is on the Agents coming forward. For as stern as the announcement seemed, now a softer, more proud smile tugs across her lips. "SHIELD has faced it's darkest times in the last few months. When Howard Stark and I founded this organization, we could have never dreamt the challenges you have all faced this year alone. And yet, you have done it with courage, aplomb, and grace. I could not be more proud of every last one of you, and to call myself SHIELD after all these years. But a few of you have risen above and beyond the call of duty."

"Sara Pezzini. While many of our agents remained trapped in the Framework, you not only valiantly defended SHIELD, but you kept safe the things that remind us who we are. Plants. Pets. The homestead. You have proven yourself a vital part of this team time and again, after only joining us in the worst of hours. For this service, I promote you to Level 4 with all rights and privileges that entails, effective immediately." She smiles, giving Bobbi a small nod to come forward.

Then next down the line. Peggy's dark eyes rest heavily on Clint. "Clint Barton. You have seen the best and the worst sides of this service. You have risked your life time and again. You have a penchant for diving in deeper when the danger seems the worst. It has never been your life, but all your fellow agents, which clearly remain at the forefront of your mind. For this service, and all the years before, I now promote you to Level 7 under direct command of Barbara Morse." She cracks a smile, "Now it *really* gets dangerous." A little wink follows with that.

Then she steps towards Sam, her smile softening, sad and appreciative at the same time. "Samuel Wilson. It takes a truly great man to see the artocities of war, survive, return to help others who survived the same, and yet return to service. In these past months, you have proven yourself not only an effective and loyal agent, but a shelter in this storm of chaos, especially to most of our worst affected. For this service and all that came before, you have been promoted to Level 5, Senior Agent. May all those under your command learn from your stellar example, not just as an agent, but as a person." Then Peggy steps to Jemma with a wider, but softer, smile...

Sharon Carter has posed:
In the back of the room where Sharon stands, a small voice could be heard.. "Yay Sammy.." Along with very, tiny claps.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Agent House begins to clap her hands as people are awarded promotions. She grins and says, "Hey I know at least one of those people.." Vaguely. She leans against the strange cube she's brought in. Agent Navarez dances from foot to foot like he needs to go to the toilet. The opposite, he needs to deliver intelligence but this is a moment that's important for the other agents.

    Bobbi offers her hand to Sara and says, "Congratulations. A proper welcome to SHIELD." And to Clint she offers her hand, "This is more a curse than a promotion. I need you, thank you." And to Sam she offers her hand, "It's going to be a pleasure to fly with you again Falcon. This is a promotion a long time coming. You're a natural leader."

James Barnes has posed:
    This was a mistake. Bucky realizes it almost immediately. Being back here, in the middle of it all, right smack dab in the center of the place that was, quite literally, driving him mad? Sam can attest to it. Definitely a mistake. He buries his face in Lili's fur and murmurs, "C'mon girl," before he stands and heads for the door as unobtrusively as he possibly can. He sticks to perimeter of the room and keeps the shepherd on a tight heel. He pauses only long enough, once to the door, to try and catch Sam's attention with a thumbs up and then a 'be in the car' sorta thing that he hopes gets through.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For a moment Sara stands there stunned, but she pushes that shock down and offers a nod as she says, "Thank you, I won't let you down, any of you." She looks around at everyone present, offering a nod to each that she can. She meant her words. She may not have been charging head first into danger at every turn, but she would if it was called for, and she hoped that everyone there knew they could count on her, no matter how big or small the task.

Accepting Bobbi's hand she shakes it, not firmly and macho, but a genuine shake. "Just doing my part Agent Morse, thank you, and uh..." she points at the ring sort of side ways. "... congratulations."

Sam Wilson has posed:
    There's a dawning sort of realization happening on Sam's face as Bobbi comes by, and he reaches to take the box she hands out. But then he spots the ring on her finger and his own revelation is set aside for surprise at hers, one that earns Agent Morse a wide grin.

    And a pointed look that clearly communicates that Sam is going to want details--later.

    Then Peggy begins, and yeah, it's as Sam was starting to suspect. Rather than look ahead as she speaks, his chin dips down to stare at the box in his hands, which he's suddenly gripping very hard.

    It only takes a couple of moments--just through the introduction Peggy gives--and then he's looking ahead again, blinking more often than usual but expression carefully neutral. There's some tension still evident in the set of his shoulders, though.

    He's quiet through the announcements for the agents that precede him in the line, though he leans over to lightly elbow his fellow (bird bro!) Avenger with a flash of a smile.

    Sam's turn, then. The way he meets Peggy's gaze is steady, because that's Sam to a T, but the rigid way he's holding himself is still there--though it does lessen a bit at Sharon's call from behind him. "Hey, we all had each other's backs," he says lightly, and then he takes Bobbi's hand. "Just say the word. Redwing misses you!"

    He looks almost relieved when the procession moves past him, and then Sam's looking over everyone's shoulders to meet Bucky's eyes and nod at him.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Dottie watches the man and his dog leave, barely a flicker in her expression as he passes her. She looks back to front of the room. Commendations. Happy families. She supposes they deserve it. It certainly seems to make the young agent's day, judging by how her face lit up. Fascinating.

Clint Barton has posed:
Glancing at the agents beside him, Clint smiles and looks to Peggy with a nod and "Thank you, I won't let you down. Time to kick HYDRA out of our house now." He steps back as she moves on to Sam, then takes Bobbi's hand as she steps up to him.

"So now it's official, you can get me in all the trouble you need to. But for now, take your leave and I'll watch the store, though I'm just a little hurt not to have heard thing one about this." One finger taps the ring on her finger. "Congrats though, it's about time."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is something almost elder sisterly in her features as Peggy looks over Jemma Simmons. She hesitates with a deep breath, considering these words that rest so close to her heart. "Jemma Simmons. When I met you, I met the most brilliant, quite doormouse of a scientist I'd ever encountered in my life. I was shocked to find you had saved my life through... Truly extrodinary means, because you seemed so shy. You made yourself smaller. You hid with your science in your lab. I wondered how SHIELD hadn't broken you. I was worried that it would. And then the last year happened. I have watched you bloom and blossom -- not simply as a scientist. You always had the genius down. But as a field agent. A teammate. An example that you don't have to start this work with a gun in your hand. Time and again, you have dared reach beyond your lab to not just save lives, but change the world. I can't wait to see what another year, much less another five, brings of you. But you will be doing that as a Level 6 Senior Agent, effective immediately, with all the rights and privileges that entails. Well earned, Jemma. You make me proud."

And when Jemma opens her box, Peggy dares to reach forward and lift out that lanyard to gently place it across the younger woman's neck. "Long overdue." She mutters quietly to her friend, before formally pulling back and looking to the rest of the room, "Thank you all again. I know we said this was going to be a party, and now we have even more to celebrate. Go. Drink. Relax. I even got the *good* beer, not just Smithwicks, so you can stop griping about that." Peggy flashes a teasing smile to the gathered agents.

Business then done, she settles back near her husband's side, shifting one arm around to rest against the back of his waist. "It's not all death threats and misery. Maybe we'll even get a dance in tonight on that new leg of yours." She winks to him. Her eyes continue to search the crowd then, catching sight of a certain dyed brunette agent across the room. A look of pleasant surprise crosses Peggy's features and she dips her head in respectful greeting to Dottie Underwood. "And some... tentative peace has been made with our hero from the other day. Glad to see her."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi's eyes track Barnes as he starts heading out of the place. She twists her lips for just a small moment wondering what's going on with him. A question for Peggy later no doubt. The mission reports from the defence of the sphere painted some very heroic pictures of so many of the agents here. But also Steve's oldest friend, James Barnes.

    It seems everyone wants to hear about her wedding ring. She smirks at the people in front of her and says, "What this thing? it's no big deal.." Though the smile on her face says otherwise. She offers her hand to Jemma and says, "You had a rough start on your senior agent training Jemma but ... without a doubt you have found the way. Congratulations. You and Sam can talk to each other about how weird it is to have junior agents look to you like you know what you're doing." She winks.

    In each box is a new SHIELD shield, sadly they can't leave the base. But also a lanyard with their name and new rank printed on it. She does the very rare thing done in SHIELD, she steps back and salutes the four agents in front of them.

Sharon Carter has posed:
This wouldn't do. Sharon doesn't necessarily see all, but when someone is moving and others are standing still, that person tends to stand out. Sharon was quick with her steps, making sure to not brush or bump into anyone, coming up upon Bucky's side to at least stop him for a little bit before he departs. "Hey, asshole.." She mutters quietly, keeping her tone low while the speech is going on.

"I got your letter."

Which was weird, but, she usually just rolls with weird.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Now that the official part was finished, and Sara was done being shocked, she took a moment to open the box and look at all the newness inside. When she joined SHIELD it had been with the intent to do something good and right with the powerful gift she had been given, the Witchblade. Just barely a Rookie agent and everything that SHIELD stood for had been challenged and the agency cast into oblivion because of Hydra. Time and again she had watched the Agents of the organization continue the fight, even when the agencies good name was smeared across the headlines. It had angered her, and she had immediately set to work trying to find clues and evidence of just where all Hydra has a tentacle, and offered herself up to every mission she could.

Pulling the new lanyard out, she slipped it around her neck, then took a look at the badge. They couldn't leave the building, she knew that, but for tonight she would celebrate with her comrades and enjoy the spoils of victory.

James Barnes has posed:
    At first, Bucky doesn't register what Sharon's talking about. What letter? Dawning comes with a little shake of his head, not here... and a murmured, "I was hopin' maybe it got lost in the mail."

    "I'm just... gonna go wait for Sam..." He makes a vague gesture toward the door. ... thattaway, he's going to go wait... thattaway. Outside. Maybe at the nearest bar or something.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel smiles watching as the agents get their well-deserved moments in the sun, especially Jemma, there's no missing the sisterly smile Peggy gives the woman, it was nice to see.

Peggy's arrival at his side is met with a smile. "I think that could be arranged," he says of a dance before he turns his eyes towards Dottie. "So, things are good there?" he asks, before reaching for one of the Smithwicks and handing it to Peggy.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg's eyes remain mostly on the newly promoted agents, Sara getting a warmer smile as she watches the young woman put on that shield and lanyard -- she truly is warmed that the rookie has stuck by them through all of this. But the more senior agents too. She doesn't get many nights of good feelings and celebrations, she's going to hang onto this one. "I had debated all of us cheerings to Bobbi's nupitals as well, but I don't want to jinx it considering I suspect I know the husband." Peggy says that JUST loud enough that, if Bobbi is being sharp, she'll probably overhear.

Then the question of Dottie is there, her dark eyes trailing back to her old adversary. A curl of amusement crosses Peg's red mouth, "I suspect she still wants to kill you, frankly. But we've come to a decent agreement and, whether people believe it or not, she and I do make a good team. We could use her for the moment. We'll see. Maybe she'll even find a place here. Right now, though... I need to clean up messes other people made with Underwood. She's mine to handle and I'm handling it."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Agent Navarez waits for the moment and then starts moving again. He is quickly at Peggy's side and says softly to her ear, "Sorry to interrupt Chief. I have critical intelligence for you. Agent Morse set it high priority. Our computers have been number crunching for weeks."

    He holds up a tablet for her to see. "Secretary of Defence Denver Maelstrom is actually Nathaniel Mallick, the son of Gideon Mallick. The world believed he died as a teenager, but actually he's gone so deep under cover he's worked his way to one of the highest positions of power in the nation."

    They knew the SecDef was HYDRA, but this.. this ties it all back together in to one big bow. It all makes so much more sense now. It also gives them leverage. The image on the tablet is of teenage Nathaniel. It's an old image that clearly had to be dug up from somewhere long forgotten and digitally enhanced by only the finest of SHIELD and Stark algorithms. The other image is of the Secretary of Defence. Between them '99% Match' in bold letters the text declares the truth. The Mallicks think they own this country. HYDRA thinks they've won.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    When Sara opens the box she's been given, Sam gets a solid peek of it. Certainly enough to know what's waiting in his own. "No big deal?" he asks, seizing on the distraction.

    The box gets tucked under one arm so that Sam can cross his arms over his chest. "Come on, it needs to be at least a little bit of a big deal. Otherwise the whole office collection plate thing for your big gift is gonna be kind of awkward."

    He waits for just the space of a heartbeat to add, "I promise we won't buy you one of those old people china sets. No offense to any centenarians in our midst!" That last bit's a little bit louder, in the hopes of it crossing the distance to Bucky's fleeing back.

    Sam's mostly unaware of the tense standoff that's just occurred between Sharon and Bucky, but he's headed thataway nonetheless, breaking off from the pack of newly promoted agents to do so.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Emerging from whatever depths she normally does her work in is one (1) Darcy Lewis. She is drawn by the tell-tale signs of an office party, the siren song of cheese plates and alcohol. Somehow these things always taste better when they're on the company dime.

Her arrival seems to coincide with the tail end of some official ceremony, and while not entirely sure what she's missed, she decides the socially apt thing to do is quietly applaud. If she's a bit out of the loop, it's possibly somewhat intentional, as she's been on loan/transfer to more above-board parts of the agency during its recent times of strife and hardship. But yes, polite clapping, followed by finding herself a paper plate to start piling items on, with all the skill at foraging of a grad student practiced at living on free food from fancy wine & cheese events. She's no longer such a thing, but old habbits die hard.

Soon, she's arranged the careful balance of plate in one hand and plastic cup in the other.

Sharon Carter has posed:
If she could, she'd reach out to grab Bucky's arm. She doesn't let it linger, just a quick tug back into her direction if he lets her. "No.. don't go. We're celebrating.." She pauses. "But.. yeah, we do need to talk."

Tense as all get out, Sharon doesn't really stop him, but she was hoping he'd at least stay for a little bit. Turning away from Bucky now, she spies Sam's approach and gives him a smile, making a path to meet him halfway. "Don't dodge it!" She says to him, arms outstretched to try to capture Sam into a big, whopping hug in congrats!

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"Greeeat," Daniel says at the news Dottie may still want to kill him. "Always wanted to learn to sleep with one eye open," he remarks dryly and shakes his head. "Glad she's at least somewhat on our side, she did come through with the intel about the attack on the Sphere."

That's when the news comes in, Daniel blinks. "That's confirmed? Shit. Should have took Wilfred Mallick down when I first suspected him saved us from a couple more generations of that family putting the screws to us." He looks to the agent. "We got enough to prove that Maelstrom is Nathaniel Mallick to someone who isn't us?"

Dottie Underwood has posed:
How thrilling. What drama, what theater. And Dottie has a front row seat. It's always useful to nab the spot by the door.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Agent Navarez says to Daniel Sousa, "We're still working on it sir, but expect a full report on that aspect in a few days."

    Bobbi raises an eyebrow, "Office collection plate? hooo boy." She laughs and smirks, "Look Lance and I just decided we're much better together than apart. The last thirty odd years of my virtual life proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt." She's trying to be glib about it but there's hurt in her eyes about her time in the framework.

    She grins very genuinely at the 'old peoples chinasets' jab. "Look once we have the house set up we will have a house warming. You're all invited. And I'll tell you about the ninjas that turned up later..." She motions to a cut on her arm that has been bandaged.

    She says to Clint, "There were so many ninjas. Just.. so so many ninjas. One might even say too many ninjas. Definitely too many ninjas." She points and says, "But that story is going to cost you some fine whiskey and you're buying. That place in Gotham with all the pun names?"

    Hearing a bit of what was just spoken to Peggy she turns to look catch the chief's eyes with a look of anger on her own face. A Mallick as SecDef? That will _not_ do.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Beginning the circuit involves getting a beer, some cheese and crackers and wandering around through the agents presently, offering hellos and hand shakes... so that's exactly what Sara does. She's been to far too many office parties in her life time not to know the routine, though the New York police department doesn't normally serve beer, that's a definite perk for this party.

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky reaches around his back, up under his hoodie, and pulls out his one - and probably only, boy likes his own weapons - SHIELD issued firearm. He doesn't have his SHIELD uh shield, they're not supposed to carry those. "Here, turn this in for me. My shield is in my room," he says as he sidesteps to, not quite in front of her, but more front side.

    Then, he'll actually - wait wut? Hug her. "Love ya, Lil' Bitch," he whispers in the middle of that hug - provided he's not slapped that is.

    He still has one ear on the announcements being made, but doesn't show it.

    When he sees Sam approaching, he fishes around in his pocket for the car keys. He tosses them Sam way after a sharp, "Sam, heads up!" It's followed with a slightly softer, "I'll meetcha later at Steve's."

    The hell, is he going to *walk* back to Brooklyn? He holds out Lili's leash. "Take her."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The news from Agent Navarez gets a quiet blink. Peggy's silent for a few few moments, swallowing her heart back down her throat. She accepts the tablet and starts properly reading over every inch of the report and examining the comparison between faces. The intel doesn't lie. Peggy lets out a low breath and gives Navarez a brief nod. "Thank you, Navarez. This was, indeed, vital information. We need to start cutting off any last connections to the secretary of defense and figure out how to get Talbot on our side. Much of the US government doesn't like these people any more than us, but... this might be the proof we need to win them over."

She levels eyes at the younger agent, but exchanges a look with Bobbi and Daniel for a moment before she also nods towards Dottie, trying to call the other woman over. "I want all L6s and up to be informed of this. Underwood. How would you feel about seducing a secretary of defense and seeing how many of his contacts you can get your hands on?" Peggy asks with a cold smile. But her nice night has now been ruined. SHe has to WORK. So, she's going to ruin as many HYDRA lives as possible too.

Clint Barton has posed:
Opening his box, Clint swaps out the lanyard but leaves the badge in there, slipping the box into one of his pockets. Looking to the other newly promoted agents, he offers a quiet, "Congratulations guys. You've all done really well." He doesn't try to stop Sam from going after Bucky, just shaking his head a little as he sees the metal armed soldier slinking away from the gathering. He turns to Sara with a smile, "Well, see that? You stick around, people notice. I know you came in at the worst possible time, but we appreciate your loyalty."

Looking over at Bobbi with a smile, he nods, "You got it, I want to hear about these ninjas. That sounds like a proper Bobbi Morse wedding. And is the reason you should have invited people, who doesn't like a good ninja bashing?"

As the info about Mallick is brought out, his eyes narrow and he looks to Peggy and Agent Navarez, growling, "Ok, _now_ we really need to do something about the scumbag. I mean, I wanted to shoot him to begin with."

Sam Wilson has posed:
    "Maybe some Le Creuset? Depending on how many deep pockets we have here. I feel like a Kitchenaid's kind of a cliche wedding gift any more," Sam says to Bobbi, and then he's on the move.

    No dodging! Sam isn't trying to sneak out the door by coming over this way, his flight path has him on a deliberate crash course with Sharon. As soon as she's hugging him, Sam's hugging back. That box shifts into one of his hands so he can wrap both arms around Sharon.

    Sam's pretty good at hugs! It's not like they do official training for physical contact in any degree program, but he's got lots of practice. And he kind of needs the hug himself, it seems like.

    "I feel like I missed out on the catharsis of everyone coming out of the Framework," he admits as they separate. "I'd say pinch me so that I'm convinced this is real, but I know you'd do it and I'd end up with a bruise for a week."

    His eyes narrow as he looks back towards where the rest of the SHIELD are gathered, aware that some sort of news is being shared, but not quite sure of exactly what, yet.

    He might not even have the necessary background knowledge to understand the significance if he did.

    And then he has to snatch his own car keys out of the air. "Buck?" He looks between Bucky and Sharon, and then his concern deepens as he's offered Lili's leash. Which he takes, after a moment of hesitation. "If you're going to do something stupid, text me about it so I know where to come save your ass," is what he decides on telling Bucky, even though it's obviously not what he really wants to say.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Dottie answers Peggy's call. This should be actually interesting. And when she hears the request, she smiles. It's a chilling grin, cold, calculating, ruthless. "Mallick Senior already knows me as Clara Starling," she says. "I've been entertaining Giyera, since I rescued him from that shipwreck. But I could see her...trading up."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Agent House engages in some small chat with another agent next to her when she hears some strange words waft across the room. 'Denver Maelstrom is Nathaniel Mallick'. Her vision goes a bit weird as she hears the sound of a drill and feels a pain in her side, the dripping of water and a pounding against her forehead, strange kaleidoscope images fill her vision, the classical music of Flight of the Valkyrie, and the words 'Are you ready to comply?'.

    She shakes her head as if snapping out of a strange dream, of time lost to her when SHIELD fell before she found her way to a safe house. Her thumb clicks the power button on the cube and she hoists it up by the handle.

    "I'm ready to comply," she says to herself, then points the device at Chief Peggy Carter. She presses the trigger and a flash of ~lightning~ lances from the aperture and hits the chief squarely in the chest. "Hail HYDRA."

    And just as quickly, she looks confused, shocked, horrified, and drops the weapon. "What in the hells just happened?" She looks down at her shaking hands, "What did I do?!!" The smell of ozone fills the room and the clap of the weapon echos through every room in the playground. She begins to hyperventilate.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Being more involved in esoteric space nonsense than whatever breed of World War II politics turned Cold War politics turned modern politics, Darcy might be one of the few people in the room who doesn't qualify for that 'we all knew this already.' Maybe SHIELD knew, and she could have looked it up in a dossier somewhere, but she, on a personal level, had no idea. Her reaction displays her shock and horror: "Well that sucks."

OK well, maybe shock and horror modulated by the generalized anxiety of her generation. Everything sucks.

"So I guess this means everyone is still kind of technically on the national shit-list still?" she wonders, probably just of anyone who happens to be standing near enough to be in earshot. "Well, spy-everyone, anyway." As she's blabbering on, she's trying to maneuver a cheese block without dropping her plate or letting go of her cup, the eternal balancing act that these kind of gatherings usually require.

Which means whern there's suddenly a flashy thing and a reason for real shock, she ends up dropping both. No, not the cheese! "What the actual fuck?!"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Reaction time, not entirely of her own choosing.

Sara was attempting to mingle, shaking hands, offering up chit chat and then there was the sound of a weapon being fired, not a sound she'd heard before, and the smell of ozone. The beer and plate are dropped as a thousand tiny tendrils of metal wrap her body in protective armor and her eyes are searching for who fired the weapon and who was hit.

So much for that lanyard.

Sharon Carter has posed:
There was a look of disbelief as Bucky hands her his SHIELD issued weapon. And then the hug. Sharon's head shakes as her brows furrow, only to be left hanging and essentially left with Sam and his returned hug. Which, wasn't bad at all. "Jam.." She stops herself, then stands straighter than she normally does to tuck the service weapon in her own belt. Her head shakes as she looks towards the ceiling, then turns upon her heels to head towards her grandparents, and others.

Too many to name.

As much as she wanted to greet the two with a hug, everyone surrounding them seemed almost as serious as her. Suddenly, that shock of lightening hits Peggy.. Sharon remains stunned, both hands outstretched.. and..

The gun that Sharon had gotten from Bucky? Immediately drawn and angled towards the ground. It was a quick stalk towards Agent House as her thumb already turns off the safety to the weapon, who even -knows- if it's even loaded. Who even knows if Sharon could recognize the confusion, shock and horrified look on Agent Houses' face, but others would know hers.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The moment someone calls 'Hail HYDRA' across the room, Peggy's snapping into action. She is also armed, immediately reaching for that ICER beneath her arm, but it's too late. Literal lightning strikes out across the room, straight to her chest, in the blink of an eye with a crack of ozone. Her ICER tumbles to the ground and her body a moment later, suit jacket and shirt singed, body unmmoving.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
As Agent House fires the device Daniel tries to get between it and Peggy but is a moment too late. Like with his children in the Framework he reaches out but the moment has passed. He follows Peggy down to the floor, leaning over her "Peg, Peg, can you hear me?" he asks her checking her pulse and other vitals as quickly as he can. "Someone get a medic!" he shouts. He knows others will react to deal with the rogue agent, right now his focus is on Peggy.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Dottie's quick, but she's not faster than lightning. As Peggy falls, Dottie is behind the trembling woman, arms wrapping around her neck. It would be so easy, so familiar to snap her neck. But the woman is shaking in her arms.

"Why don't you take a little nap?" She whispers in Agent House's ear as she begins to apply pressure.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's hair stands on end as the lightning flashes past him to hit Peggy, and he spins to see Agent House dropping the weapon and Peggy falling to the ground. He dives for the woman on the ground just as Daniel does, also checking for a pulse as he screams, "Medic! Get the medical people in here!"

He looks around, snapping, "Someone recover that weapon and take House into custody! Anyone non-essential needs to clear the room."

James Barnes has posed:
    Ready to comply...

    How many times over seven decades was Bucky forced to say those very words? Too many.

    Something goes *blip* in his already fractured mind. At first he seems like he's frozen, not going to move a muscle. Then he makes a little sound, one little sound, it's kind of a cross between a gurgle and a groan, but it builds. It builds until it's an outright scream of rage and hostility.

    Sharon has his gun. But he doesn't need one. One second he's just standing there looking frozen, the next he's launching himself across the room with all the Super Soldier serum in his blood behind his actions, toward House.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
As the shit hits the fan (and the cheese cubes hit the floor), Darcy's first instinct is to simply hides behind the nearest table, choosing a bulkier metal food service one with some built in comparments and heating stuff beneath the surface. A plain old 4 legs table is kind of crappy cover if you don't knock it over like an action badass! Anyway, point is, she ducks and covers. "Shit, I really should have done political science instead."

Someone is shouting for people to clear out, but at least in the moment, she feels safer hiding rather than popping up to go running very obviously for an exit, thankyouvery much!

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's no response from Peggy on the ground, completely oblivious to the chaos that has broken out overtop of her. The faint red lines of circuits that were left in her skin from the Framework are now slightly shadowed by the electrical, nerve-like branches of burns that stretch up from her chest, across her throat and lick at the underside of her jaw. The small golden tree medallion she often wears is now faintly melted into a button of her shirt and against her skin beneath. Lightning is a terrifying power.

When Daniel and Clint get their hands on her, her pulse is wild. Barely detectable, frantically tachycardic, the deathly amount of volts that's been put through her body throwing off every electricaly regulation system any human naturally has. It will stop soon. Probably entirely.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    "I'll talk to him about it," is what Sam promises Sharon, and to his credit Sam doesn't look particularly concerned about whatever it is that's prompted Bucky's actions here. Or maybe it's just that he feels like he's got a decent enough handle on how to get through to Bucky on these sorts of things.

    Hey, his track recrod's been improving recently.

    He looks down at Lili, at her leash in his hand, and so misses Peggy being attacked. It all happens in his peripheral vision, and so he lags a second behind until the shouting kicks in.

    Someone calls for a medic, and well, Sam's not actively a medical professional anymore but it's not as if he's lacked for practice in recent times. He flinches, ducks down when a blur of noise and force bursts past him, and it takes Sam even longer to realize that was Bucky.

    Shit. Shitshitshit.

    Someone gets Lili's leash. Honestly Sam's not sure whose hand he presses it into, but Lili is going to be going crazy trying to get to Bucky, and Sam can't deal with that on top of rendering first aid as he drops to his knees next to Peggy.

    "Peggy, can you hear me? Peggy? Agent Carter!" His voice gets progressively louder as he tries to get some sort of reaction from Peggy, while his fingers seek out her pulse at her carotid. "What happened? Her heart rate is spiking, we need to get her to medical!" There's not much Sam can do here, especially without equipment, and he bends his head down to press his ear to Peggy's chest, eyes intent as he listens.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Agent House can see all the agents moving in on her. The realisation of what just happened and that she was responsible is dawning on her as her eyes fill with tears. She rests her hands on Dottie's arms even as the pressure is applied and she weakly protests, "No.. please no.."

    Even as Dottie is putting her to sleep and Sharon is closing off the angles, Barnes launches across the room She does not struggle against Dottie's grip and her visions fades to darkness.A regular human, the agent is out like a light.

    Bobbi much like everyone else is momentarily stunned. It's like having a flashbang go off. She can feel her heart racing as her vision returns and she sees Peggy down. "Jemma! Sam! Crash cart." The klaxons in the base start to sound. Bobbi has her ICER out and in hand and she didn't even realise she'd drawn it.

    "Make a path for medical!," Bobbi yells and agents start to shuffle out of the way in the corridor as Collingwood rushes down the hall with the crash cart. She slides across the floor to Peggy's side and checks her pulse. "She's tachycardic, we need to stabalize her and get her to medical stat." She says and hands the defib to Sam, then injects pulse stabalizers in to Peggy's arm. Not too far behind her a nurse is rushing down the corridor with a medical gurney.

    Agent Navarez says, "Yes sir!" To Clint and slides across the floor to secure the weapon. He turns it off and yanks it away from the scene just in case anyone else might suddenly turn on them.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara moves with purpose, clearing the way toward medical, between the armor and screaming, "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" it shouldn't be too much of a problem for anyone to realize they need to move, and move NOW.


Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel clears out of the way as Sam takes charge of the situation, looking on grimly, "She got hit by that thing," he points to the object in House's hand. "Can someone secure that, we'll need it," then he's getting to his feet as Peggy is moved towards medical, following only a couple steps behind.

Spotting Sharon he reaches out for her. "Sharon," he calls, bidding her to join him as they push through the doors to medical.

James Barnes has posed:
    Just before Bucky gets that left hand of his up in an obvious attempt to reach for House's throat, something else clicks in his head, another blip.

    This isn't the agent's fault. It's not where his anger should be directed.

    No. With that sudden realization, he lowers his hand, turns on his heels and walks from the room. He doesn't head for medical. He has things to do. Maybe a person or two to murder and he can't do that under the shield of... SHIELD.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy continues to valiantly hide behind a very sturdy looking metal table-cabinet doohicky. Maybe it's a poor choice when people are getting Sith-lightning'd, but her options are limited.

She would stay back there, fully concealed, but somewhere in the chaos, she sees the end of a leash sliding past one corner of the table. Pausing to make her HEROIC STAND, she crawls around to the other edge, waits for the dog to come skittering past, and reaches out to snag the leash when it slides into view. "Hey there, good girl, wanna come back here? Warzone's no place for a pup. I've got cheese!" She has reclaimed one of the fallen cubes, which may well be what brought the dog over in the first place. "I know you just WUV that floor cheese, don't you."

In this fashion, the pooch is coaxed into cover!

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Everything goes quiet as the woman falls limp in her arms. A moment of peace amid the confusion.

She looks over to Clint, "Where do you keep the likes of her?"

Sam Wilson has posed:
    'That thing' isn't really descriptive enough for Sam to go on, but he gets a rough sense of what's happened just from the injuries he can see on Peggy's unconscious body. "Come on, Peg," he says as he works to get access to bare skin so that he can place the defibrillator pads on her chest.

    When Collingwood pushes meds, Sam stares at the defib's display for a long few moments until he shakes his head. "She's not stabilizing, we need to get her back into a regular rhythm." Before he calls the standard clear, though, he waves his arm. "Everyone, BACK!" he shouts. There's real authority in his voice; maybe he deserves that promotion after all!

    And then, for the medical professionals, "Clear!" He hits the button to deliver the shock, and then they need to get Peggy transferred onto the gurney.

    In the moment, Sam still has some situational awareness, given his medical training is meant to be put to use in wartime. But even he can't hope to keep up with everything that's happening, except to know that someone has subdued the... hostile? And that, thankfully, Darcy has the dog. Because ucky is nowhere in sight.

Sharon Carter has posed:
So close, but yet so far. Sharon nearly lost herself in the whirlwind of Peggy's attack, ready to raise the gun to put an end to a life that didn't even realize it had done something wrong until it was too late. But still, Sharon was angry, angry at the fact that Dottie was faster than her, she even tucked the gun into the back of her pants to let out a slight growl and a stamping of her feet in a temper tantrum made for kids who missed the last cookie!

Shaking her head, she turns and begins a light jog to follow those who were clearing a path towards medical, searching for Daniel. It wasn't a time to be an agent, it was time to be a granddaughter. Finding him, she joins him on the trek to medical, quickly saying words she really wanted to keep quiet as a surprise. "Dad's in town.. I called him for the event.."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Everything around Peggy is just barely controlled chaos. Thank goodness for the commanding nature of Sam's voice, being able to clear the area around her just enough that no one else is getting shocked by that controlled electricity that's now poured into her from a new set of hookups on her chest. Not even three days out of those pods and she's attached to something else again. If she wakes up -- when she wakes up -- she's going to be quite cross.

For now, though, she's rag doll unconscious as they move her from the ground to the gurney, the hallway quickly being cleared while Collingwood and company help rush her down to the medical bay proper. Even some agents that weren't in the scene start sticking their heads out of other doors at the rukus down the hall. It's going to be all over the base that there was an assassination attempt (hopefully not a successful one) before the night is up.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    As the medical staff rush Peggy down the hall in to medical. The elite medical teams gather around and get to work trying to stabalize the chief. Bobbi can feel that anger rising up inside of her. She nods to Dottie holding Agent House's unconscious body, "Vault D lock up. We need answers."

    Because Agent House has been with shield for years and was not part of the HYDRA purge. She's loyal and trustworthy.. yet somehow, somehow she just turned a weapon on their chief. She nods to Clint and says, "I need to help with Peggy. She has a unique medical condition Jemma and I are looped in on. Find out what House knows. Find out why she did it. Something doesn't add up here."

    There's a scorch mark across the floor of the common room tracing the path of the lightning. Agent Navarez takes the cube weapon to R&D to get some answers there. The motivation to take down HYDRA was already sky high. Now it's immeasurable. And they know who to blame. Mallick.