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<br>* 2000: Lonnie Machin is born in Gotham City to a single mother.<br>* 2007: Lonnie undergoes his first round of standardized testing, demonstrating extremely high intelligence. He is denied access to advanced education and gifted resources due to restrictions in the Gotham school budget.* 2008: Lonnie is gifted a used laptop for his birthday. He uses materials scavenged from a nearby abandoned tech store to increase its capabilities and to give himself illegal access to high-speed internet.<br>* 2012: Lonnie's mother grows ill. Her financial struggles and attempts to support them without work lead to Lonnie growing further radicalized. Having honed his hacking skills, he makes sure the family can get the help they need. He invents the online identity of MONEYSPIDER as his hacker alias.<br>* 2015: Recognizing that mere online action isn't enough, Lonnie designs the costumed identity of Anarky as an antidote to the establishment-promiting fascist methodology of the local costumed vigilantes.<br>* 2018: Lonnie's mother succumbs to cancer. He wipes records of his existence and goes underground, building a lair in an abandoned part of the old Gotham subway.<br>* 2020: Anarky begins direct action, starting a campaign of sabotage, disruption, protest and chaos to undermine the system.
<br>* 2000: Lonnie Machin is born in Gotham City to a single mother.<br>* 2007: Lonnie undergoes his first round of standardized testing, demonstrating extremely high intelligence. He is denied access to advanced education and gifted resources due to restrictions in the Gotham school budget.* 2008: Lonnie is gifted a used laptop for his birthday. He uses materials scavenged from a nearby abandoned tech store to increase its capabilities and to give himself illegal access to high-speed internet.<br>* 2012: Lonnie's mother grows ill. Her financial struggles and attempts to support them without work lead to Lonnie growing further radicalized. Having honed his hacking skills, he makes sure the family can get the help they need. He invents the online identity of MONEYSPIDER as his hacker alias.<br>* 2015: Recognizing that mere online action isn't enough, Lonnie designs the costumed identity of Anarky as an antidote to the establishment-promiting fascist methodology of the local costumed vigilantes.<br>* 2018: Lonnie's mother succumbs to cancer. He wipes records of his existence and goes underground, building a lair in an abandoned part of the old Gotham subway.<br>* 2020: Anarky begins direct action, starting a campaign of sabotage, disruption, protest and chaos to undermine the system.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Distrustful:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Anarchist:'''</span>
<br>Lonnie has a hard time trusting people. It's not even just a personality thing, he recognizes the insidious influence of powerful forces may push people to have agendas and perspectives they may not even be aware of. He's paranoid enough to be constantly scrubbing his existence, all evidence of his face or person after every encounter. He is very slow to let other people into his life and definitely only rarely gains trust in someone else (after a lot of research).<br><br>
<br>Lonnie Machin is an Anarchist. When most people hear the word 'Anarchist', they think of a violent, unstable person who loves chaos for its own sake, a bomb-throwing lunatic who seeks only to destabilize society. But as V said, that isn't anarchy - it's merely chaos.<br><br>Lonnie is a philosophical anarchist, meaning he embraces ethics such as skepticism toward authority and the abolition of states and all artificial or arbitrary distinctions partitioning society, along with a strong tendency toward both mutualism - voluntary sharing of resources and socialism - and individualism, the ongoing quest for individual liberty for all peoples and opposition to all forms of coercive authority.<br><br>His commitment to this is such that he is occasionally deemed a fanatic - and he would concede that he has no real interest in compromise with the parasitical forces he sees dragging down society and short-sightedly promoting social and environmental decay for their own immediate enrichment. Honestly, Lonnie could talk a person's ear off at length about Anarchism and if prompted probably would.<br><br>This committed belief makes him occasionally do things some see as unreasonable, and when he's set his mind on a goal, it can make him a real pain in the backside. But mostly, he just sees a world in trouble, and wants to do what he can to save it. He's just made the decision that dramatic action is necessary.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Kind-Hearted:'''</span>
<br>Despite his sometimes fearsome and explosive reputation, Lonnie is really a kind-hearted soul. Even when he has some sort of scheme afoot he abhors catching innocent people up in them. He would much rather help people than hurt them, and as he gets older he's starting to look at new ways in which to be a positive force in the world. It's just that sometimes, he loses patience or a truly egregious action brings out the firebrand in him.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Meticulous:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Meticulous:'''</span>
<br>Lonnie is extremely detail oriented. He is organized (although his organization often seems like chaos to those around him). He makes sure every aspect of something he works on is vetted, tested and verified. He is never careless.<br><br>
<br>Lonnie is extremely detail oriented. He is organized (although his organization often seems like chaos to those around him). He makes sure every aspect of something he works on is vetted, tested and verified. He is never careless.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Neurodiverse:'''</span>
<br>Lonnie has a variety of mental illnesses and conditions which significantly affect his behavior. He has depressive periods where he wrestles with despair and can become almost catatonic in his numbness. He has manic periods of inspiration where he works frantically, sometimes going days without sleep. He can be extremely sensitive and suffers from violent and uncontrollable mood swings in response to stimuli. His cognitive and language centers are significantly atypical and he often sees the world in extremely idiosyncratic ways.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Passionate:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Passionate:'''</span>
<br>While this fits in with his zealotry, Lonnie is, put simply, someone who cares a great deal. Whatever artificial or distorted vision of himself he puts forth in the Anarky persona, he is not some robot or computer without feelings. He hates to see people suffer and believes that the suffering in the world is attributal to significant cultural and economic forces designed to profit off said suffering. He's not going to tolerate it and he often uses the resources at his disposal to help those in need.<br><br>
<br>Perhaps too much so, to his detriment. Lonnie is a driven, passionate person, one with a deep well of empathy for the downtrodden and those in need and an equally deep well of anger and contempt for those who he views as parasitic, taking away more than they give and spreading human misery in order to make a profit. At times, this anger has catapulted him well into the realm of unreason - but if he is angry, there's always a good reason for it.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Zealot:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Polymath:'''</span>
<br>Lonnie believes in his cause. He doesn't tolerate compromise and considers the pursuit of justice his life's work. Like many young people, he tends to take his beliefs extremely seriously and has a habit of cutting out people or things that violate his sense of personal ethics. He would be considered a fanatic by many and even he wouldn't necessarily argue the point.
<br>Lonnie Machin is a certified genius, a true Polymath, with a high level of proficiency in both left-brain analytical skills such as science and mathematics and right-brain skills such as art, music and writing. His IQ is over 200 - if he viewed IQ as being anything more than a meaningless decoration, which he doesn't, he'd be proud of the fact.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Intellect:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Intellect:'''</span>
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<br>On the Dark Web and among his hacker brethren, MONEYSPIDER is a feared and recognized name with a reputation for near omnipotence (deserved or not). That cultural cache gives him leverage in such circles and can help him recruit or use other hackers to do his dirty work.
<br>On the Dark Web and among his hacker brethren, MONEYSPIDER is a feared and recognized name with a reputation for near omnipotence (deserved or not). That cultural cache gives him leverage in such circles and can help him recruit or use other hackers to do his dirty work.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Agenda-Driven:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Doubting Thomas:'''</span>
<br>While many operatives in the costumed realm operate in simple terms of good and bad, black and white, Anarky operates in a middle ground, where his perception of virtue and vice may differ substantially from the norm. He fits in neither with hero nor villain, operating in his own space on the fringes of both.<br><br>
<br>Lonnie has a deep-rooted mistrust of authority. As he once put it, "The Great and the Good, are for the most part the Small and the Evil to me." As such people in positions of power need to work extra-hard to convince him that their intentions are good, and until they manage that it can be difficult to make him cooperate. He's hard to intimidate and just as hard to reason with, and even when you have he's still notoriously independent-minded.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Fire-Brand:'''</span>
<br>Sometimes quite literally. Lonnie is so passionate about the things he cares about, he gets carried away - and when he gets carried away, he becomes self-righteous and intractable, akin to a religious fanatic in his convictions (which is poetic, because he's not a religious person, unto the point of being a bit of a Flat-Earth Atheist).<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Outlaw:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Outlaw:'''</span>
<br>Lonnie breaks the law every day. He steals everything from electricity and internet to credit and identity, using them all to further his agenda. If uncovered, he could potentially serve decades in jail for his crimes (if they could convict him).<br><br>
<br>Lonnie has set himself apart from society, and he lives outside of it. He's deleted most traces of himself from the system, and he collects his resources through a series of false identities and other convoluted means, siphoning resources off of the system in order to redirect them as needed and further his plans. Unfortunately since Lonnie doesn't exist within the law, he is by default an outlaw, one in whom numerous law enforcement agencies, super-heroes and vigilantes might take an interest when he makes his presence known. Oh well!<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''The Rich & Powerful:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Paternal Mystery:'''</span>
<br>Anarky targets the wealthy, the powerful, the influential and the unjust. Suffice to say, the people who want him stopped have immense resources to put to the task and he is often targeted by mercenaries, assassination and investigations from the private sector.<br><br>
<br>Lonnie doesn't know who his father is - and he hasn't been able to find any trace of it. He's looked, and looked. He knows that it's statistically improbable that his high intelligence and aptitudes are a freak accident, and given his mother's sordid past before his birth, he wonders if perhaps his father was himself one of Gotham City's dangerous meta-criminals. He tries not to think about it, or fall down the nature-vs-nurture rabbit hole it inevitably leads to.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Unstable:'''</span>
<br>Lonnie is mentally unstable and without treatment, as he has trust neither in Big Pharma or in the medical-industrial complex as a whole. He's prone to bouts of mania, paranoia and depression, making executing his plans sometimes difficult, especially if he just throws them out in a fit of disgust or pique.

Latest revision as of 18:10, 8 August 2021

Lonnie Machin (Scenesys ID: 1672)
Name: Lonnie Machin
Superalias: Anarky
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Revolutionary
Citizenship: American
Residence: Gotham City
Education: High School graduate
Theme: DC (VFC)
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 01 Jan 2000 Played By Cameron Monaghan
Height: 5'10" Weight: 175 lbs
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Bombtrack" by Rage Against The Machine

Character Info


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Lonnie Machin doesn't exist, in any legal sense. Anarky is only beginning to grow his name, a disruptive influence breaking the pattern of societal obedience, a firebomb thrown in the face of the oppressive status quo. Hacker, terrorist, villain, hero, revolutionary - Anarky defies labels in pursuit of a different kind of justice.


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* 2000: Lonnie Machin is born in Gotham City to a single mother.
* 2007: Lonnie undergoes his first round of standardized testing, demonstrating extremely high intelligence. He is denied access to advanced education and gifted resources due to restrictions in the Gotham school budget.* 2008: Lonnie is gifted a used laptop for his birthday. He uses materials scavenged from a nearby abandoned tech store to increase its capabilities and to give himself illegal access to high-speed internet.
* 2012: Lonnie's mother grows ill. Her financial struggles and attempts to support them without work lead to Lonnie growing further radicalized. Having honed his hacking skills, he makes sure the family can get the help they need. He invents the online identity of MONEYSPIDER as his hacker alias.
* 2015: Recognizing that mere online action isn't enough, Lonnie designs the costumed identity of Anarky as an antidote to the establishment-promiting fascist methodology of the local costumed vigilantes.
* 2018: Lonnie's mother succumbs to cancer. He wipes records of his existence and goes underground, building a lair in an abandoned part of the old Gotham subway.
* 2020: Anarky begins direct action, starting a campaign of sabotage, disruption, protest and chaos to undermine the system.

IC Journal

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Lonnie Machin is an Anarchist. When most people hear the word 'Anarchist', they think of a violent, unstable person who loves chaos for its own sake, a bomb-throwing lunatic who seeks only to destabilize society. But as V said, that isn't anarchy - it's merely chaos.

Lonnie is a philosophical anarchist, meaning he embraces ethics such as skepticism toward authority and the abolition of states and all artificial or arbitrary distinctions partitioning society, along with a strong tendency toward both mutualism - voluntary sharing of resources and socialism - and individualism, the ongoing quest for individual liberty for all peoples and opposition to all forms of coercive authority.

His commitment to this is such that he is occasionally deemed a fanatic - and he would concede that he has no real interest in compromise with the parasitical forces he sees dragging down society and short-sightedly promoting social and environmental decay for their own immediate enrichment. Honestly, Lonnie could talk a person's ear off at length about Anarchism and if prompted probably would.

This committed belief makes him occasionally do things some see as unreasonable, and when he's set his mind on a goal, it can make him a real pain in the backside. But mostly, he just sees a world in trouble, and wants to do what he can to save it. He's just made the decision that dramatic action is necessary.

Despite his sometimes fearsome and explosive reputation, Lonnie is really a kind-hearted soul. Even when he has some sort of scheme afoot he abhors catching innocent people up in them. He would much rather help people than hurt them, and as he gets older he's starting to look at new ways in which to be a positive force in the world. It's just that sometimes, he loses patience or a truly egregious action brings out the firebrand in him.

Lonnie is extremely detail oriented. He is organized (although his organization often seems like chaos to those around him). He makes sure every aspect of something he works on is vetted, tested and verified. He is never careless.

Perhaps too much so, to his detriment. Lonnie is a driven, passionate person, one with a deep well of empathy for the downtrodden and those in need and an equally deep well of anger and contempt for those who he views as parasitic, taking away more than they give and spreading human misery in order to make a profit. At times, this anger has catapulted him well into the realm of unreason - but if he is angry, there's always a good reason for it.

Lonnie Machin is a certified genius, a true Polymath, with a high level of proficiency in both left-brain analytical skills such as science and mathematics and right-brain skills such as art, music and writing. His IQ is over 200 - if he viewed IQ as being anything more than a meaningless decoration, which he doesn't, he'd be proud of the fact.

Character Sheet


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Whether or not his intellect qualifies as superhuman, Anarky's cognitive abilities far exceed those of an average human. Put simply, Lonnie's a supergenius. He doesn't subscribe to IQ tests, most of which he considers flawed, biased and offensive, but he has an undeniable brilliance. He learns rapidly, has a photographic memory and can perform complex mathematical calculations in his head. He's capable of multi-tasking and maintaining several trains of thought at once. When faced with a problem, he can think his way out of it rather quickly and is extremely gifted at making swift and correct decisions under pressure, assessing all the options available and selecting the optimum solution. He can multi-task dozens of streams of data at once and comprehend everything, read an entire book at a glance and, in general, possesses an intellect of almost quantum and superhuman measure.


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Anarky designs all of his own weapons and trickery. He's capable with electronics and mechanical manufacturing, using scavenged parts and tech gathered through the internet. He's good at hijacking the tech of others and can often defuse or rewire things to his own purposes.

Anarky is a world elite hacker, operating under the nom de cyber MONEYSPIDER. He's extremely skilled at bypassing electronic security and firewalls. He can craft viruses and apps capable of devastating computer systems and stealing information with ease. He's a master of the so-called Dark Web and adept at identity theft and electronic espionage. He's earned his stripes in financial hacking, shifting digital currency from the wicked and unworthy, draining the coffers of the secret masters of the world and rendering justice while undermining the capitalist underpinnings of the Western world. Well, at least that's how he characterizes it. Sometimes he just likes messing with rich people.

Mixed Martial Arts:
Lonnie has studied a wide variety of martial arts through theoretical and internet study, but most of his direct training comes in the modern mixed martial arts style. Combining boxing, jujitsu and Muy Thai, he has focused skills with heavy striking and grappling skills focused on joint attacks and immobilizing opponents.

Lonnie's intellectual gifts provide him with the ability to rapidly learn and master languages. He is currently fluent in Latin, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic, Pashto, Dutch and Persian, along with Egyptian heiroglyph, Babylonian and Sumerian.

Even beyond his specific areas of interest, Lonnie has a wide array of learning, his sublime intellect devouring data constantly, like a singularity of intellect with its own internal gravity. He knows countless details from subjects as widely arrayed as architecture and literature, genetics and linguistics. None of these are professional level skills, akin to experts, but a conversational knowledge that lets him engage with those subjects and incorporate them holistically into the gestalt of his overall worldview.

Anarky is a meticulous planner. He often has strategems within strategems. He's gifted at misdirection, chaos and using the strengths of his opponents against them. He is unconventional in his tactics but they are highly effective.

Lonnie has a natural gift for pattern recognition and understanding systems. He sees the interconnections that other people often overlook. He knows how aspects of a system, be it societal or technical, influence one another and the ways in which they can be manipulated. This allows him to bypass complex securities, solve puzzles, infiltrate bureaucracies and maneuver corporate and financial assets undetected. Of course, understanding the system means knowing how to sabotage it, making him expert at disrupting systems in precise ways to get the outcomes he likes.

Lonnie started out as a pickpocket and burglar, stealing computer parts and educational tools the old-fashioned way. He's a good pickpocket, excellent at stealth and can bypass and break into most conventional home security systems with relative ease.


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Costume & Gear:
Anarky's costume consists of a bodysuit padded with kevlar, fire resistant and designed for both flexibility and protection. His mask resembles something between a blank faced mannequin and the traditional Guy Falk mask. The mask has a heads-up display connected to his ANARKiPhone, a gutted and rewroked cellular phone using his own operating system, containing apps allowing him to both hack on the go and to analyze incoming data. The mask is equipped with nightvision and telescopic capabilities, with an onboard antenna capable of intercepting virtually any wireless signal in a fifty foot radius. He carries a variety of standard issue vigilante gear: grappling hooks, smokebombs, caltrops, lockpicks, glasscutters, etc. Beyond hand-to-hand, his primary weapon is an extendable shock baton with an industrial strength taser in the tip.

Anarky maintains a headquarters in an abandoned subway station, allowing him to tap into the extensive underbelly of wiring, cable and fiberoptics that provides the essential structure of the localized internet and power grids. He has a substantial cache of spare electronics, parts and salvage, along with a functional kitchen, sleeping area and a very wide variety of entertainment options. He has incredible wifi speeds on an encrypted network undetectable by conventional law enforcement.

Money Is a Lie:
Lonnie is all too aware that currency is a social construct deeply rooted in the historical hoarding of wealth and resources among a chosen few, rationed out in tiny measures sufficient to keep the masses at bay. That said, it's difficult to operate without money. Rather than participating in the hoarding, Lonnie either blatantly steals from the rich through a variety of hacking endeavors or simply creates the illusion of money with artificially generated credit and computerized shell games that keep the simulation of wealth shifting back and forth and doing what he needs it to do without actually requiring him to earn, save or count anything. While he can in theory use great wealth in this way, extremely exorbitant uses are conspicuous and attract attention: he prefers microtransactions and good old fashioned barter when he can in order to avoid trails.

On the Dark Web and among his hacker brethren, MONEYSPIDER is a feared and recognized name with a reputation for near omnipotence (deserved or not). That cultural cache gives him leverage in such circles and can help him recruit or use other hackers to do his dirty work.


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Doubting Thomas:
Lonnie has a deep-rooted mistrust of authority. As he once put it, "The Great and the Good, are for the most part the Small and the Evil to me." As such people in positions of power need to work extra-hard to convince him that their intentions are good, and until they manage that it can be difficult to make him cooperate. He's hard to intimidate and just as hard to reason with, and even when you have he's still notoriously independent-minded.

Sometimes quite literally. Lonnie is so passionate about the things he cares about, he gets carried away - and when he gets carried away, he becomes self-righteous and intractable, akin to a religious fanatic in his convictions (which is poetic, because he's not a religious person, unto the point of being a bit of a Flat-Earth Atheist).

Lonnie has set himself apart from society, and he lives outside of it. He's deleted most traces of himself from the system, and he collects his resources through a series of false identities and other convoluted means, siphoning resources off of the system in order to redirect them as needed and further his plans. Unfortunately since Lonnie doesn't exist within the law, he is by default an outlaw, one in whom numerous law enforcement agencies, super-heroes and vigilantes might take an interest when he makes his presence known. Oh well!

Paternal Mystery:
Lonnie doesn't know who his father is - and he hasn't been able to find any trace of it. He's looked, and looked. He knows that it's statistically improbable that his high intelligence and aptitudes are a freak accident, and given his mother's sordid past before his birth, he wonders if perhaps his father was himself one of Gotham City's dangerous meta-criminals. He tries not to think about it, or fall down the nature-vs-nurture rabbit hole it inevitably leads to.



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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Lonnie Machin has 79 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Freak flags August 26th, 2023 Lonnie and Jean-Paul meet, hacker style (but in real life)
Gotham University Summer Commencement August 6th, 2023 The Riddler springs a pop quiz on some graduating seniors, but unlucky for him, one of them was a Wayne. Cue massive beatdown and a (mostly) successful commencement ceremony!
Breakups Don't Belong On Patrol August 5th, 2023 Tim and Lonnie's relationship might be over but they're not done with each other. Unfortunately, because thinks are really, really awkward.
anarky scene March 25th, 2023 No description
Late Night Bat-Mite Meals March 2nd, 2023 Tim drags Lonnie and Phoebe out in the middle of the night on a Quest. Several Bat-mite meals later, they still don't find a Robin toy. I mean action figure.
Young, Just Us! Part 1 February 25th, 2023 The team makes it to San Francisco! Unfortunately the rain spoils any immediate plans for vacation, but it's nothing a good sleepover can't fix.
Down in the Depths February 12th, 2023 Lonnie finds Tim working on a secret project down in one of the Roost's sub-basements. Tim reveals a plan that's just about ready to hatch.
A Winter's Nightmare January 10th, 2023 Pamela has one hell of a nightmare that Gotham joins in and others have to save her from.
I'll Take A December 29th, 2022 A group meets over Soul Food, and Miles might be going to Hogwarts!
Speed(y) Service Guaranteed November 30th, 2022 A protest against the union-busting activities of a corporation-owned coffee chain comes to an abrupt end when an explosion blows the shop wide open. Lonnie (leading the protest) and Gabby and Tommy (bystanders) provide first aid and discover the source of the explosion: a young mutant unable to control her emotion-based powers. She runs away, but her overbearing, abusive mother ends up with a broken nose caused by... well, there were no witnesses, so who knows!
Black Friday Isn't Bad If You Don't Go November 26th, 2022 The Wayne wards gather at the lakehouse for a little non-turkey dinner on Black Friday.
Priority Mission, Codename: Onomatopoeia Pistachio September 23rd, 2022 The Outsiders respond to a metahuman sighting at a local fall fair just outside of Gotham and <insert nut pun here>, but they manage to save the day despite <insert another nut pun here>. Did they learn the danger of being too punny in the field? ...probably nut.
Smthg idk August 26th, 2022 No description
Big Game Hunting August 13th, 2022 Summary
ACAB... but so are Vigilantes August 9th, 2022 Somebody signs a deal with the Devil, but was it Jim Gordon or Anarky?
Nowhere Fast July 30th, 2022 Everybody's goin' nowhere slowly, they're only fighting for the chance to be last...
One Step Closer to Death July 27th, 2022 It's my party and I'll be kidnapped by a group of incompetent, bumbling wannabe criminals if I want to.
Looking for a gift. July 24th, 2022 Gifts are bought , New friends are made, and plans for lunch.
Phoebe ruins everything: A Review July 3rd, 2022 (Title is in good humor)

When Lonnie is caught recording a livestream in the Manor, he's asked nicely to not. Zatanna worries more about Phoebe and the unhealing injury. Cass is understanding that dogs are the best people.

Pineapple Express June 24th, 2022 Tim and Lonnie come to raid Jason's fridge. There is plenty of pineapple. But the beer is all gone.
Outside The Coffee Bean June 6th, 2022 Lonnie and Evan do a quick check-in and establish that things may or may not
Merely Chaos May 16th, 2022 No description
The Light of a Fading Star May 8th, 2022 Something stinks at Chemixon.
Nanomachines, Son! Pt. 2 April 12th, 2022 A group of Bats come together in the Roost to rid Gabby of her nanomachine problem.
Nanomachines, Son! April 3rd, 2022 A troubleshooting session in the Wayne Manor's kitchen regarding an unnamed friend of Tim's nanomachine woes.
Party like there is no N.O.W.H.E.R.E. April 3rd, 2022 The Outsiders have their victory party. Tim drinks too much coffee. Laura wears a dress. Robbie gets tagged as suspect of dating Gabby (he is innocent). And other normal things.
At the gates of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. March 16th, 2022 The Outsiders and their allies assault Colony Zero, defeating and capturing the bulk of the remaning N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agents. NPCs: Templar, Match, Bright Eyes, Hammersmith, Psykill, Windshear. All captured.
The Last Archivist: Absent Without Leave February 28th, 2022 No description
The Nicest Word There Is February 20th, 2022 After returning from NYC one final time, Tim is put on medical leave from his usual cape activities while he has the Archive stuck in his head. Somehow he ends up planning a vacation. Even more surprising: Lonnie agrees to go with him (though they have to fly Coach).
Happy Birthday Phoebe! February 14th, 2022 Tim Drake springs a 'Surprise' Birthday Party on Phoebe, with members of Justice League Dark and The Outsiders in attendence. Everything goes off without a hitch due to Outsiders, Batfam, JLD and new friend Arrowfam Emiko making sure assassins didn't infiltrate the Gotham Pinball Museum & Arcade. Everyone eats tons of Japanese Food, Onion Maiden food and So Much Cake and Cupcakes.

For just one night, Phoebe is able to focus on her friends and the ties that bind them together.

Special Appearance from Chas Chandler, whose gift is going to make Phoebe cry for like, three hours at least.

Path of Glory: Watch in Hope for the Lord January 28th, 2022 Anarky and the Shadow drop in on Red Robin amidst the destruction of Manhattan.
Outsider Babies: Anarchy! January 22nd, 2022 After a spell gone wrong by Phoebe turns several of the Outsiders into kid versions of themselves, tiny Tim goes to confront a similarly de-aged Anarky who is causing trouble in the Roost. They fight! They make up! They go play video games!
Path of Glory: But In Deed And Truth January 13th, 2022 Jon and Tim return to Gotham after a hellish week in angel-infested New York. They run into Lonnie volunteering at one of the refugee camps.
A Lovely Odor from the Kitchen January 4th, 2022 Vegan chili and meaty conversation at the Roost
All I Want for Christmas Is the Abolishment of Capitalism December 25th, 2021 Tim spends Christmas day with Lonnie, volunteering at a homeless shelter. There's some relationship talk in there too if you're into that kind of thing.
Dogs of Instagram December 21st, 2021 Social media magician-slash-star Zachary Zatara and Insta-famous Yap the protest dog meet for the very first time. Tim and Lonnie are there too, I guess.
Watching Over the Watchers December 14th, 2021 No description
What Do You Get For The Boy Who Knows Everything December 11th, 2021 Lonnie leaves a gift for Tim to find.
Three Months Is A Big Dill December 9th, 2021 And the best way to celebrate is to awkwardly reminisce about your past as enemies while making your best friend hang out with you as a third wheel. Sorry, Phoebe. The surprise appearance of a teenaged girl with a Lantern-powered gauntlet only reinforces the idea that it's impossible to have a normal relationship when Gotham does its best to be weird.
Anarchies in Progress December 3rd, 2021 That villainous Anarky is at it again! He (mostly) gets away with it, too! Really, though, did he have to call Misfit and Red Robin fascists? Rude.
The Secret Life of Jack Drake: Writ in the Book of Skelos November 17th, 2021 Our heroes arrive to stop Sophia Crowne. ...They all get interrupted by somebody else.
GIRL Expo: Day 1 November 16th, 2021 Day 1 of the GIRL Expo goes quite well! The universe is not destroyed.
Reconciliation, Part II October 31st, 2021 All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. AKA it's raining, someone cries (not going to spoil who) and eventually Tim and Lonnie make up.
When We Last Left Our Intrepid Adventurers... October 31st, 2021 The Outsiders come together for a special Halloween edition of a long-standing (and long-paused) D&D campaign. New members are initiated to the party, a haunted manse is explored, and ultimately the great, terrible beast lurking in the attic is slain. The group earns some experience points and a haunted orchestra of mechanical instruments. Plans are put in place for more meetings around the gaming table in the future.
Reconciliation, Part I October 29th, 2021 Instead of meeting Tim's fist, Martin just meets Tim. And Lonnie, too! But only for a little bit before he and Tim get into a fight. Awkward. Tim and Jon bring Martin up to speed on the whole book situation afterward, though, so at least it was a semi-productive meetup. Shame that everyone but Martin has lost their appetite by the end, though, because Onion Maiden is really just that good.
The Secret Life Of Jack Drake: The Iron-Bound Book of Skelos October 20th, 2021 ...Things get worse.
Gotham Fireman's Ball October 16th, 2021 -Nothing bad could ever happen at a Gotham Gala.

Interrupting the Fireman's Gala in which orphans were supposed to recognize their passed parents, many of Gotham's Heroes are forced to contend with creatures constructed of former Gotham Gate editor-and-owner, Mickey Rogers. In the fighting, Phoebe Beacon(-Constantine-Chandler) is injured, and her powers are failing to heal. After being stabilized by Tim Drake for her initial injury, and John Constantine for all other maladies and protections physicial, spiritual and magical, under the supervision of one Dr. Jonathan Sims (AKA ThothDad). Cassie Sandsmarkelectrocutes a giant undead scorpion. The Beef Canape doesn't make it.

(WARNING: Extreme undead transformation, curse words, injury, BUGS AND SCORPIONS)

The Secret Life of Jack Drake: Old Bones October 16th, 2021 Buried secrets don't stay buried forever...
The Secret Life of Jack Drake: Read, if you dare... October 16th, 2021 Tim calls Zatanna in for a consult. She reveals some of the history of the Book of Skelos.
Here For The Boos October 7th, 2021 A community volunteer group in Gotham raises money by hosting a bad-horror-film marathon at the park. At night. And nothing terrible happens... except to the poor folks on the silver screen.
Who Watches the Watchers October 4th, 2021 One of the Miagani Watch was murdered last night, and the GCPD are eager to brush a death in the Narrows off as gang violence. But there's more to it than that. Anarky and Red Robin are on the case.
The Birthday Party September 28th, 2021 Everyone shows up to celebrate Bruce Wayne turning 43. Beware strangers bearing gifts in salmon pantsuits.
Dark Business September 28th, 2021 Catman and Anarky begin investigating Park Row and a lost sister.
The Apokolips Morning Afters September 26th, 2021 Tim and Lonnie (don't) have a fight.
The Problem With China September 26th, 2021 Diplomacy will be offered by the Justice League and SHIELD in an attempt to get China to treat their mutants better. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood and new allies will go in to get the children out safely.
Enemy Territory September 25th, 2021 While Tim recuperates from his trip to the hellscape of Apokolips, Lonnie makes a foray behind enemy lines to check on him and put his shoes on as many expensive pieces of furniture as he can. Jason stops by to "borrow" some Bat-gear, and joins the investigation into what the Grand General of the Armies of Apokolips was sent to Earth to find.
You Can't Actually Have It Your Way at Batburger September 23rd, 2021 Some day Tim and Damian will expand their Batburger kids meal toy collection beyond Red Hood, but today is not that day. And they still haven't added a menu item in honor of a younger Lonnie's villainous schemes.
The House that Drake Built September 20th, 2021 A reckoning with the House that Drake Built.
Where in the world is N.O.W.H.E.R.E. September 14th, 2021 The Outsiders find and raid one of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. bases. A place that was nowhere.
Living in N.O.W.H.E.R.E. September 14th, 2021 In the aftermath of the battle at NOWHERE's Colony 2, the Outsiders refocus and have a brief talk with David Umber, a renegade member of the organization.
Tim Drake Isn't Punk Rock September 13th, 2021 Lonnie takes Tim to a grimy punk nightclub for their first date.
Relationship Extraction Task September 11th, 2021 Red Robin and Anarky lay a trap. With the help of X-23 and the Shadow, the trap is sprung.
Appreciating Art September 9th, 2021 Circumstances force Lonnie to attend an art gala as his newfound identity. It turns out he and Natasha do not get along well.
Red Bird, Black, and Pigeon September 9th, 2021 Phoebe, Tim, and Lonnie in the Labs with the Dog in a party hat.

Phoebe discovers that her dog likes Tim more than he likes her. Tim and Phoebe have a very frank conversation, and then everyone eats scrambled eggs. Even Phoebe, who is a vegetarian. Lonnie knows a weird amount about magic.

Outsider Art September 9th, 2021 An undercover mission where no one suspects a thing about their fake identities and a dark, spooky basement that can't even muster up a good jump scare. Boring. And a good opportunity for Tim and Lonnie to talk things out.
Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right September 8th, 2021 Tim and Lonnie Figure It Out. A Plot Thing. Mostly.
Word of the Day September 8th, 2021 Arachnids of unusual size go on the attack in the Narrows. Alternatively: AHHHHHHH SPIDERS ALKSJDFSDF
A Brief Jaunt Home September 5th, 2021 Phoebe makes a stop to restock both her medical bag and her candy drawer. There is dissatisfaction, and the team meets Lonnie.
A Chance to Ketchup August 31st, 2021 The Condiment King relishes his opportunity to hold up the local Batburger until it turns out he can't take the heat. TOTALLY UNRELATED: Red Robin and Anarky will both probably never eat mayonnaise again.
A Dark Night August 29th, 2021 A migraine and a missing teammate leads to Lonnie and Tim having a long talk on the rooftop of the Roost.
Dr. Taco is Not a Real Doctor (But He's The Next Best Thing) August 26th, 2021 Lonnie breaks Tim out of Dr. Thompkin's clinic where he definitely wasn't actually being held, but whatever.
Midnight at the Hanging Tree August 25th, 2021 Don't hang out in the park at night because that's how you get stabbed.
Stare Into The Abyss August 22nd, 2021 A crew of Bats, Birds, and adjacent allies oversee a brief window of maintenance at Arkham Asylum that has many of the inmates temporarily housed in the yard. Quick response times on their parts manages to stop a riot before it can start, thwart an assassination before it can be attempted, and uncover a plot that might have had explosive consequences, without casualties. Though a lot of people got punched real hard.
Maybe We're Crazy August 18th, 2021 Anarky makes a point.
The Devil Made Me Do It The First Time August 17th, 2021 Anarky continues his war against Hady. Catman does what Lions do.
Without A Trace August 15th, 2021 A group of very committed postal workers track down a gathering of young costumed vigilantes atop Gotham's roofs to deliver a message.
Your Daily Dose August 13th, 2021 An unknown contagion sweeps through the attendees of the 23rd annual Conference on Innovation in Neurocognitive Therapies, held at the Gotham Royal Hotel. A team of Bats and their allies manage to subdue most of those affected, but find little answers to the root cause of the chaos.
Open Circuit, Loose Threads August 12th, 2021 Red Robin and Anarky investigate a lead on a case they've been working on together. Someone takes notice.
Bound to Lose August 10th, 2021 Tim visits his mysterious ally. SURPRISE IT'S ANARKY.


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