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Latest revision as of 02:53, 6 December 2021

Krampusnacht 2021
Date of Scene: 05 December 2021
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Krampusnacht 2021 goes off without a hitch. Kids are traumatized, drinks are had. Another successful night!
Cast of Characters: Asariel, Michael Hannigan, Anthony Druid, Chas Chandler, Keith Brooks, Illyana Rasputina, Michelangelo, Azazel, Talia Wagner, Alexander Aaron

Asariel has posed:
Krampus has become a more well known figure amongst the main stream over the years. And there are more than enough people across the globe that will gladly go out, strap on some fur and horns to their head if it means they can get shitfaced on a Sunday while partaking in pounding on drums to rile up the crowds that have amassed for the New York City Krampus Clubs 2021 parade.

There is a Christmas market set up where local artist and crafters have set up to sell their wares to those who are visiting. Everything from Krampus horns to drums that have been hand made and carved. It is quite the show. There are children running around with stuffed Krampus dolls and there are adults that are making sure that someone doesn't try to scoop one of their children into a sack.

Refreshment tents have been set up for this as well, ranging from ordinary drinks and sweet treats to Krampuslauf that is said to ward off the demon. Even photo ops are a thing this year.

There is a red counter that gives how many minutes there are until the start of the parade and it reads 10 minutes. Meanwhile, there are the far off sounds of drums being checked and people getting coralled into lines for the parade when it comes through.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Having nothing else scheduled for the day, Mike figured he might as well check out Krampus Fest this year. It's not far from his home and it is a bit of a sight. He has forgone the costumes though, instead opting to just dress for the weather. The sleeves of his jacket cover his arms, hiding away the scar. The knitcap he so loves is being used as well, performing the double duty of keeping the heat from escaping his head and hiding away his long hair.

Mike's start in the music industry consisted being taught the ways of percussion instruments. So, considering that, it should be no wonder he's drifted over towards the market section. Currently, he is perusing some of the hand crafted drums.

Anthony Druid has posed:
Anthony Druid is there in a longcoat lined with faux fur, the collar high and framing his face. His mustache is waxed tonight, his balding head shaved fully clean now, gleaming in the dimmig light of the rising twilight. He is easy to recognize, being a TV talk show host, published author and a member of the Avengers (well, the reserve, anyway).

He has jeweled hands, multiple rings on his fingers as he appraises the different goods, walking casually amidst the booths, his mystical awareness attuned in case anything untoward intends to disrupt the festivities.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas Chandler doesn't get out much, even less with what's been goin on in Hell's Kitchen, but today he's made an exception. He got an old hand to man the Laughing Magician and walks the streets in Central Park, smirking at the dolls and costumes in imitation of the old world boogie man turned pop culture icon.

    His height gives him something of an advantage to scan the crowd, looking for a familiar face in the crowd. Whether he finds one or not, he seems in lighter spirits than he has in a while. It's nice to have a night that isn't spent waiting in fear of what new crisis may rear its head.

Keith Brooks has posed:
Something like this is a perfect excuse for Keith to get out and about, eat some food he's never tried before, drink some booze he's never had. He'd definitely been wanting to try out some of the local stuff. He just has to deal with his passenger asking an ever increasing number of questions.

<What is the point of this?> A faint sigh escapes Keith as he thinks about it for a minute, "Honestly I don't know all the specifics." He says, though it's clear if anyone is looking at him he's not talking to anyone, "Guess it's an old legend that's gotten really popular lately and like every old legend somebody'll find a way to make money or get drunk off of it."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Clad in her Sunday best, which is slick black, Illyana stands in front of a shop full of delicate blown glass and lacepoint ornaments. A few made from delicate lace hang off her extended pointer finger. She holds them up to eye-level for review of minor flaws. One pointed star goes back onto a hook. "Maybe this one?" She selects another and adds the choices to the small pile of boxes prepared by the vendor. Several paper bags wait to be whisked away, the last Slav in the City episode, but replace Louboutins and Choos with kugeln and Bohemian crystal.

A child close by blows a toy horn loud enough to make her jerk. Icy blonde hair spills out from her particolored wool scarf when she turns her head, countenance as cool as her coloration. Red minutes scythed from the clock see the transaction finished up, and she soon has several bags of various size hanging from her wrists. "Spasibo. Happy holiday." The Russian sorceress ticks off one seasonal task and moves into the crowd, a stark, singular figure among a sea of many.

Michelangelo has posed:
    Things like parades are always great, because Michelangelo can put on fur and horns and call himself 'Turtle Krampus' or something like that. No need to be Cowabunga Carl or deal with the way people treat 'mutants' some of the time. Just coming out to have a blast with other people, dance to the drums, have some good food. It's not /pizza/ but it's still good, and it gives him more ideas for new /kinds/ of pizza. And look over the little crafting shops, those are cool.

    He doesn't drink, of course. Come on, he's a /teenage/ turtle.

Azazel has posed:
    With a *BAMF* Azazel arrives in among the trees a short way off from the party. He strolls out of the darkening woods and joins the crowd celebrating a slightly different devil. Dapper as always, he's dressed in a well tailored black  suit with a dark red shirt and black tie. The effect is only slightly dampened by the fact that he's got red skin and a barb tipped tail. No horns though, so there's that.

    Wandering over to the market, he smirks a bit to himself and remedies the lack of horns with a quick purchase, fitting them onto his head. This may not be a completely good thing, as he is now the spitting image of Christianity's Satan. One slightly drunk reveler stops him with a 'Great costume man!' and offers his hand to shake. When he shakes said hand with his prehensile tail, said reveler goes a bit white and very quickly needs to be somewhere else, eliciting an amused chuckle from the well dressed mutant.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Events like these mean that Talia Josephine Wagner Lensher aka TJ does not need to use a holographic image inducer disguise to have fun around New York City.

    Truely it is the little things.

    She has on a very well done fake set of horns to go with her light blue fur, spade tail, demonic yellow eyes, and pointy ears though. Over all that is a bit of winterized clothes. Heavy leather pants, stompy boots, and a less punky more german monster that may stuff your kid in a sack fur collar'd winter medevil coat.

    Spotting Illyana she veers that way cutting a swath through the crowds of children and adults "Hey Illyana!" is called good naturedly.

    She hasn't noticed her grandfather bamf into the festival yet though.

Asariel has posed:
The numbers on the clock click down for the start of the parade. There's the sound of restless Krampus' at the starting line as well, the scraping of sticks against the ground and the occasional hoots and howls as they prepare. People are starting to find places to line up behind the barriers so they can get a good view of the costumes and things that people wear for the parade.

The drums start up, heralding that the time is drawing near for the start of things.

And apparently one of the Angels for St. Nicholas' retinue that draws near the end of the parade has gotten loose! Or wait, that's just Lasariel. The white haired woman with the alabaster skin has a bag of goodies that she is carrying with her, but at the moment she was trying to catch up to a tall individual that she spied crossing the way. She comes up behind Chas, standing on her tip toes to tap his shoulder, "Excuse me sir you dropped this!" she pitches her voice so that he might not know it's her immediately as she stays to the back of him.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There is a peace that comes with such a tableau for the young Olympian known as Alexander Aaron. A peace that serves as a draw as it's rare to find. The festivities, the joviality, the positive good will, it lends to that lovely atmosphere. For in the surroundings of such an event, where people look forward to the future and celebrate the now, the underlying tone of 'fear' is less prominent there. And for one such as Phobos, it may leave him feeling a touch lean or thin in power...
    There's nothing like a holiday celebration.
    Which is why he is settled on one of the park benches, watching the comings and goings. So often an observer of mankind and its people. And it is also why there is almost what one could consider a goofy half-smile on his face. For where there is so little fear, it's a lovely respite for the young man.
    Then the drums start up, things seem to be set to moving, enough impetus to get The God of Fear to lean forward and grin a bit more.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike admires the pattern painted onto one such drum. Fingers idly lift up the price tag tied to the strap. Flipping the tag over, a brow lifts and the tag immediately dropped. He steps back, turning his head to take a deep breath. Pale Blue eyes set upon Anthony first. Recognizing him, Mike flashes the talk show host a smile and wave in greeting.

Anthony Druid has posed:
Anthony Druid can sense Illyana's aura the most sharply, her jagged and undeniable presence not something that's easy to overlook for anyone with a mystical sensibility. He regards the young lady warily, wondering idly how someone so apparently young could have such a corona of power and darkness around them. Then again, physical appearances can often be deceiving. Druid worked in show business, he should know that better than most. He might've even had his own crow's feet touched up a little bit, but you'd never get the name of the clinic out of him.

The beginning of the parade distracts him, however, as does an older woman coming to get a selfie with him. "Oh, I bought that vervain soak off of your website and it's done so much good for my bunions, doctor, I could hardly believe it," she says, snapping the selfie while he smiles cheerfully.

"I'm beyond pleased, Enid. Even the little good we can do in this world counts for so much."

Keith Brooks has posed:
Ah the parade is starting, perfect. Keith makes his way towards the parade route, squeezing in between a couple of people in order to get a good view, <So you just watch others in costumes? There seems to be no point to any of this.> "It's fun, man. Plus a lot of it is for the kids. Do they not have fun on your planet? Is that the deal?" For now he's got his hand in his hoodie pocket, at least the one that's not holding his beer. Gotta keep warm.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas turns in surprise at the tap and then smiles as he looks down at the individual. The envelope is studied and then he looks to the holder and a smile spreads over his face as he spots his girlfriend. "There you are" he says with a smile. He places a hand on the envelope, "Is this truly for me or just a clever ruse to get my attention?"

    He is dressed more conservatively than others, the only fur (faux in this case) on him being the bit at the collar of his brown leather coat. The rest of his attire is simple: jeans, boots, and a dark turtleneck, with a heavy scarf draped over his neck to ward off the bite of the cold (and to hide any strange activity his not so simple tattoos may give off.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Spatial distortions ring loudly to Illyana, clanging in the back of the perpetual mystic awareness. Inspection of the winter market happens discreetly to locate its relative direction. Those holiday packages are more a nuisance than a burden. "Good evening," rolls right off her tongue in conscious reflex. She has some height to look past a slew of shoulders and hooded heads to find TJ. Anyone blue normally would stick out. "New look? It fits very well." Her pale eyes tick up to the cosplay horns adding to the ensemble. "Better than noisy musical horns."

Yes, still a bit bitter. Sticks thumping and drums rolling add a primal sound through the usual noises of a crowd. She thumbs at the wrapped twine handles clutched by her fingers, lost to her thoughts for a second, shattered lines of her aura bleeding bright as sunshine passing through a massive stained glass window.

"This has a parade somewhere, da? We usually just chased after Perchta going by. You going to watch?" she asks Talia while drifting a little closer. The smallest bags might vanish here or there at unexpected times. She shifts them to rest against her body before slipping them through pinpoint apertures, shielded by the larger shopping bags.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Getting no response, Mike's smile fades, and he lowers his hand. Oh right... Not in celebrity attire. Druid probably doesn't recognize him. Giving a sigh, The rockstar turns back to the table to look back to the table.

Taking note of the fanfare of the parade, he changes his mind, heading towards where folks are lined up in order to watch.

Anthony Druid has posed:
Anthony Druid finishes up his photo op and turns towards Mike. He raises a hand to the rockstar just as he turns, the two of them apparently having missed one another, like ships passing in the night, except in this case famous ships. Of course, the only way most ships become famous is because they crash into things and sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Well. There's a festive thought.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ twirls for Illyana showing off her look for the parade. "Well I thought it would be good to be a bit more in theme, the horns are a nice touch even if they are a real pain to get on. The coat is downright cozy too." her tail curling around behind her for emphasis. "One would think I would just come with real horns all things given." amusement in those demonic yellow eyes.

    "No idea where the parade was going, I figured worth watching.. drinking warm boozy drinks.. maybe wandering along after it." she turns to look towards the noise and the parade starting up then glances sidelong towards Illyana. "Everything okay?"

Azazel has posed:
    Having adorned himself with horns, Azazel heads over to the parade route to see what the humans are finding amusement dressing up as these days. It never fails to amuse him how they manage to explain away his appearance to themselves so they can continue to live in their safe little bubbles. Given his agility, he manages to slip through the crowd to get to the front with a good view of the parade. Somewhere along the way he's acquired a large cookie and a hot chocolate which is currently being held with his tail.

    One slightly tipsy reveler tries to push him out of the way to get a better view. With a turn, Azazel locks his blazing red eyes onto the somewhat bleary brown ones the partygoer has. After a moment, the man goes a bit white, mumbles an apology and nearly trips over several people while getting away from the ruler of the Brimstone Dimension. Azazel chuckles and turns back to the parade route, bringing his cocoa around to sip.

Asariel has posed:
"Hello handsome." Las gives a bright smile to Chas as she relaxes her feet and stops trying to be on tip toe. She'd never be as tall as the man she was looking at. "Well, yes, it is for you." she tells him as she flips the envelope in her hand. "You can't open it until you get home tonight though." she tells him as she offers it to him. "Sorry I'm dressed like some renaissance angel, I always get here too late to be a stand in angel." she mock pouts at him. "You doing okay? I'm guessing Geraldine is still across seas but is Phoebe with you?" she asks him.

There are definitely some looks being given to those that have decided to dress up, Talia's outfit getting compliments as well as Azazel, a group of teens dressed in horns and goth attire flash him devil horns on the way by.

There is the sound of a horn blowing, something deep and primal. Not jazz horns. That would throw off the event entirely. And the pounding of the lead drum sounds off into the night as cheers come up when the countdown hits zero and there is a large spark of flames as two Krampus holding those really cool fire dancing contraptions leap off the starting line to kick off the parade!

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas shakes his head. "She had a thing to do with some of her friends this evening..." he replies giving the envelope another look over before tucking it into his coat pocket. He adds, "In Gotham." He doesn't seem too worried about it.

    His own eyes looks over those in attendance and he seems to chock them up to costumes fitting the event. He gives Lasariel another look over and smiles. "You'll always be an angel to me" he says, taking the opening line given with a grin and leaning down to place a chaste kiss on the woman's cheek (they are in public after all.)

    The primal horn catches his attention and there is a bit of tensing in his muscles, he laughs it off and rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry..." he offers the white-haired beauty, "still a bit on edge with... well... you know." Their last meeting hadn't been under the best of circumstances, with the subject matter leaning toward topics that he was thorougly uncomfortable with.

Michelangelo has posed:
    The Krampus Turtle finally decides to shell out some of his hard-earned pizza money for a small drum--drums are cool, okay?--and then turns to watch the parade start. He's been to this whole thing before, but it's always sort of amazing, the way people accept weirdness only on a day like this. The thoughts it makes flit through his mind he files away for later, and focuses on bouncing to the rhythm of the drums.

    Yeah, no, he's /totally/ going to start doing an impromptu breakdance routine there on the sidewalk, in a little space between vendors, jamming to the beat of the Krampus parade drums! Shell-spinning and all!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Rolling up onto his feet, as things start to get more pronouncedly active, Alexander adjusts the hang of his black pea coat with the wave of one hand. Hands settling into the depths of his cozy pockets, he starts forward with a casual aplomb. Shoulders turning as he wends his way through the crowd, moving toward perhaps a better place to get an eyeball on the festivities and the ensuing parade. He pauses bare long enough to catch his reflection in the window of a parked police vehicle, then he's making his way down the walk in the direction of some of the more vivacious parade watchers.
    Passing near Michael Hannigan there's a brief instant where he tilts his head and then on a whim the blond Olympian offers, "Hey. You look familiar." Just a casual comment by a face in the crowd, a moment's hesitation as if to see if the person will respond. The subtle thread of Fate lightly attaching for a moment however tenuous.
    Though that is, of course, the moment the Krampus leap to the fore and the parade begins!

Anthony Druid has posed:
Anthony Druid hears the horn and perks up his thick dark eyebrows, "Resonant. Almost triumphal. I can only hope some of the fae folk don't accidentally overhear and think a hunt has broken out in the city," he mutters to himself, stroking his beard.

The apperance of the Krampus himself is rather startling and certainly vivid. Special effects are quite the thing in the entertainment business. He certainly hopes that's all it is.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The appropriate reactions to TJ showing off are many. Illyana's dark-painted lips rise in a sly smirk, her eyes narrowed within their raccoon-smoked rings. "No fun if everyone wants to be on the side of angels. Who will give the devils their due?" she agrees. For all she's downright laconic most of the time, the night finds her possibly relaxed enough. Blame the holiday spirit as she draws a twirling motion with her fingers. "You make the horns yourself or they sell them somewhere? They blend so well."

Finding the parade becomes a matter of importance when the horns blare again. This time she doesn't jump. Her back straightens, a marginal improvement. "Da, fine. Central Park gets all the crazies at this time of year." Her teeth briefly break the line of her smirk. "Boozy drinks on your mind? Maybe something with rum, or coffee that is only coffee if you squint at it?"

The trumpeters aren't on high, more at ground level, so she uses a sharper pace to break through a crowd and find herself and TJ a spot to see the parade. Some people excel at moving through places, and she is very definitely one. Down to just two bags, she tucks one into the other. "What do you think we might see?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The start of the parade is a good draw, that is for certain. But when one gets the feeling they're being looked at. When it's followed by a statement like Alexander's, well- that's when the impish response comes out, unthinkingly "I get that a-." Mike responds back, turning to look to who said it. Brows raise, "-lot." The smile that once died comes back as recognition does form upon his features. "You do too. Worst raft ride ever." There's not much else given to explain the comment. But, is further explanation even necessary?

Talia Wagner has posed:
    "I mean angels never have any fun. I mean seriously so many rules. Not enough action. Esh." she smiles back to Illyana and then considers the question about the horns "Actually just tweaked my image inducer to just do horns, took some fiddling but I guess you could say I made them myself..." they are nicely curved not just Christian satan horn style halloween crap.

    "Something with rum and apples maybe... or honey. That or coffee but only if you squint at it sounds delightful." she tiptoes and cranes her neck to look around even further now as she follows Illyana through the crowd. Letting her break through and cut the path. She is distinctly unsurprised that Illy is good at that role. "Mmm probably some cool Krampus cosplay ... maybe some cool instruments.. first time to be honest."

    Her head turns and she squints. "Oh fucks sake, my grandfather is here." peering down the way at Azazel. "Well something something giving devils their due."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Crinkling his nose in passing, it's accompanied at the least by a wide smile settling on Alexander's features. "Well heck, cool man!"
    And that's all it is, a brief brush in the crowd, a small touchstone of an instant shared. Then he's walking past, hands in the pockets of that shoreman's coat, his boots thumping as he hops off the curb and around another crowd. Though so much noise is overwhelmed by the bands and the parade getting under way.
    Eventually his destination solidifies as he finally makes it to the front of a stall on the walk that serves lovely steaming cider. His place in queue gained, he sets in to wait.

Asariel has posed:
Lasariel gives a look to Chas as he speaks and there is a smile, "Ah, well, hopefully she is doing alright. I was sorry that I had to meet everyone in that situation and me being...less than on my A game." she admits with a soft sigh. "It was a rougher night for you all, so I'll not complain on it." she adds. "Has there been any more...news?" she asks him. She returns the kiss, planting one on his cheek, "Always the gentleman." she winks at him. Her hand finds his and she gives it a reassuring squeeze, "Just try to relax? If we need to cut out we can." she tells him.

Meanwhile there is the frightened shriek of a toddler that was being lifted up by a dad, "Here Krampus, this one has been naughty all year!" the man shouts. It's clearly a teasing thing, but the poor kid doesn't realize this. The Krampus that had been called forth has a double set of horns that are obsidian in color and wrapped with torn and bloodied (fake) strips of leather. They give a look over the offering, shaking a bell in the air before tickling the outstretched foot of the kid and then running off to the next kid that's about to be traumatized for life.

Therapists were going to be set for generations!

The fire dancers that are amoung the troop continue to make their way through the parade route, trading off acrobatics and making the crowd go 'ooooo' and 'aaaahhhh'.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Seeing the reaction, Mike chuckles as Alexander obviously remembered the worst element about that river. Although the stop sign hoverboards were kind of cool.

He watches as the long coated man heads off towards the concessions before turning back to watch the parade. New York is a pretty small place. Even now he's running into fellow God mothers and God fathers from that *ahem* Strange encounter.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas shakes his head. "No. No, it's alright" he says looking at the stylized demon with the bell who is giving the children nightmare fuel for years to come. He cna tell the difference between this "demon" and the real thing. The human-like gait, the stiffness of the person moving under the weight of the costume, the clear modulation of a human voice by the actor underneath. Just a costume. Not real. A show.

    He sighs and squeezes the woman's hand in his own. "I got away from the bar tonight to spend time with you and to watch this... display and I am determined to enjoy myself tonight. Without the threat of true demons. Or angels. Or anything else that may be terrorizing the neighborhood." He shakes his head as the lead figure rings his bell at another child "cursing" them with his malice for their yearly misdeeds.

Michelangelo has posed:
    Hopefully the kids so traumatized by Krampus might be briefly entertained by the Krampus Turtle, beatboxing and breakdancing off to one side. And a couple of kids do laugh, and Mikey hands out a card or two, for Cowabunga Carl to come to birthdays in January and February. It'll help pay for the drum, anyway.

    His need to dance out of the way, the turtle waves to the kids that had gathered, and heads off to find some food. The super-realistic devil gets a grin, but he trots on by. And is that Nick Drago...? Nah, couldn't be. He goes to join the cider line, himself, new drum tucked under his arm. He's thirsty now.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Ah, there it was. A subtle surge of terror, a rush of a child's fear that fouls the moment albeit briefly. Old habits kick in as Alexander numbs himself to the roil and tumult of terror that flits to life and then dissipates around the others near. His hazel eyes narrow slightly as he takes a step or two in line, then reaches the end of it. Lifting his head that same easy-going smile remains in place.
    "One please," Easily ordered since they had naught else, though he does take one of the small indivigually packaged cinnamon sticks from the bin to make ready for his drink. It grants him some time to get out of the way and let some others sally on up to the counter.
    Time to consider his surroundings and those nearby.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The amusement laced through Illyana's dry tone approaches high camp of sardonism. Learn from the best, after all. "Both sides have limits and rules. Some lucky enough not to have them get the best of both worlds." She turns those cool, pale eyes to the procession of made up monsters and a few real ones. "Best bits of being human. I hear it's very effective for doing whatever you feel like. Like wearing best horns or dyeing your hair green."

Turning sideways lets TJ squiggle forward to see more, as she isn't bothered by staying a few steps back. Distance really is no issue. She follows the neyaphem's warning. "What is he doing here? I did not think holiday tourism so popular?" The audible sound of a smirk is a rare distinction but it's there. "You need two or three drinks now, da?"

Azazel has posed:
    Watching the parade go by, Azazel takes occasional sips from his hot chocolate. Yes, it's not a terribly demonic type of beverage... but it's good. He bites a horn off the Krampus cookie he's holding as he considers the cosplayers in the parade. Given that he's actually watching the parade, he has not yet taken note of Talia further along the parade route. As the parade continues past, however, his attention follows along in her general direction.

    A flash of blue at the front of the crowd catches his attention and he focuses on it, smiling slightly when he gets a better look at who is over there watching the parade. He considers a moment, then slips back into the crowd, heading in her general direction. It will take a few moments since the crowd is heaviest along the parade route.

Keith Brooks has posed:
The fire dancers make Keith pull back reflexively, and he backs off from the parade route a few steps, "Maybe we should go get another drink.." He mutters to himself, before heading to go find himself something else to drink. He finished off his beer on the way to the line, and soon finds himself in line for cider behind Krampus Turtle, "Nice costume." He says to Mikey, "Very realistic looking, interesting take on the character."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ listens to Illyana's amused defense of both sides. "I mean true, does give a lot of latitude to doing whatever you feel like."

    "As for here... like the parade. Not sure, probably enjoying himself, maybe tempting a mortal into a contract or buying a child..." she is probably kidding right. Maybe. "As for here in the greater sense, just know he showed up a couple months ago and evidently came alone."

    She isn't surprised that out of everyone but Raven, Illyana would be the one to have some idea of Azazel and what might be doing on there. She knows the Xavier crowd in general has no clue, but Illy is different.

    "He is headed over to us, guess we will see how many drinks in the end are needed."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Very different from Krampus celebration. Here you do not chase them. I am disappointed a little," Illyana grouses in a fashion good-natured enough to pass muster if someone can cut through the sardonic Russian wit that makes the Atacama Desert resemble a rainforest. There will be no chasing down people, all shall suffer.

Her flickering expression settles back into its general neutrality as Azazel approaches them. A good outfit earns him a point. He has hot chocolate, is he all that bad? "I have offered you drinks. I will make good on it after this, or when you like, da?"

She inclines her head while TJ is the brighter, friendlier pair. That's the way it goes, of course. "Any spot in mind?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Pushing away from the vendor, cider in hand, Alexander makes his way through the crowd along near where the break-dancing Turtle-Krampus shows off his moves. Another instance of curiousity and for a moment he's struck with a hint of recognition, a similarity with the dancer and another individual who seemed so similar...
    No, no that was someone else. They had a different color bandanna.
    Yet it was enjoyable to see the people embracing the holiday and the event. But time was fleeting. He started to head further away from the crowd and toward the park proper.

Asariel has posed:
There is a trumpet of horns that herald that St. Nicholas' retuinue is starting to chase after the Krampus group. There are angels that proceed the float type vehicle that St. Nicholas is on. The Krampus group reacts, dodging in and out of the angels given that's whats been practiced. Entertainment, eh?

Given all the mystical types that are here tonight there might be the feeling of energies ramped up, which isn't that far off. There's more than just them in the crowd afterall. Unknown faces and possible a real Krampus might be here...not likely, but you never know!

Lasariel gives a look to Chas and smiles, "Did you want to grab takeout after this? We could talk back at the Laughing Magician or you could take a break and come and see Pudge before his pond gets iced over?" she offers. "I might be getting a cat as well..." she adds quickly with a grin.

Azazel has posed:
    Moving through the crowd skillfully, it takes only a minute for Azazel to reach Talia and her friend. A smile flashes pointed canines as he greets them with a simple "Hello Talia, how are you doing? Nice to be able to be yourself, isn't it?" He looks over to Illyana with a slightly raised eyebrow "And there's no mistaking you, of course. How goes Limbo these days?" He takes another drink from his cup after the greetings, glancing over at the St. Nicholas portion of the parade.

    "Ah, we're to the more boring part of the parade." Looking back to the two young women, he adds "Don't you find it interesting how the humans somehow manage to celebrate the things that used to prey on them? I mean, the less said about Twilight the better, but I doubt many of them would like to be a room with a real vampire."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Chas gives his white-haired companion a smile and a nod. "That sounds like a good idea... I'd like to see your fish once again." The prospect of a cat seems to make him smile brightly and he nods. "That sounds nice. I like cats. As long as I won't be imposing or anything..." He draws the woman closer and watches with interest as the Hero of the day parades through chasing after his not-so-jolly counterpart.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Before her grandfather finishes making his way through the crowd she nods to Illyana "I would love to go out for drinks with you anytime, either after this or later at your leisure." a wink and a crooked sort of befanged smile. "I am sure we can find a fun spot, no where is out of limits after all." she knows what those portals can do after all.

    TJ nods ot the hello "I'm doing pretty good. We never did catch up after the Hellfire thing I suppose." not that she is the one who can look the other one up easily to be honest. "It is nice being yourself though out and about."

    She looks back to the parade with the change. "I mean... people like to feel in control. Danger and risk.. fear.. those make all sorts of spicy brain chemicals. Also I think it might be monsters actually doing propaganda with the whole mass media angle. Prime a whole slew of the human populance into being monster fuckers.." a light shrug of her shoulders.

Asariel has posed:
The crowd cheers as St. Nicholas chases off the demons and the parade ends at a gathering spot where people can get photos taken with the performers that have been there tonight. There are kids that have been shown that the monsters aren't 'real' and hopefully they never need to find out that there are indeed horrible monsters out there. For now, it's just a performance and a happy memory in the minds of most that attend.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
A deal for drinks is a deal with TJ. "After this," Illyana asides. Her ornaments rustle in a nest of tissue paper, safely protected against being crunched by anyone passing by. As the parade dies down, the crush of people grows a little less problematic. She doesn't salute St. Nicholas, but upnods the fellow dressed up in red.

"No mistaking you either," says one Hell-Lord to the master of Brimstone, giving Azazel that direct look again. Not so much hostile; that's just who she is. "Nothing quite like winter cleaning, da?" Her smile isn't perfectly barbed.

"Stories have power. They play with and subvert them. Take the fear, make it something else. Good for them? That's up to them," she adds, a shrug easily executed. "Nothing more infernal than making money off bad things."