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Latest revision as of 20:45, 7 April 2022

Looking for Drinks in All the WRONG Places
Date of Scene: 07 April 2022
Location: Bar With No Name
Synopsis: A bunch of weirdos invade the Bar With No Name!
Cast of Characters: Rien D'Arqueness, Gabby Kinney, Tabitha Smith, Robbie Reyes, Cinque Evers, Clea, Cain Marko

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
It's not terribly difficult to get the address, if you know who and how to ask. And once you know, you know.

Rien leads Gabby by just a step or two, grinning over her shoulder at the younger woman, "I remember this place well. It's an excellent source of information, as well as a decent place to get a drink if you... don't really exist, or shouldn't, or just are on the run from 'good' guys." She pauses, frowning just a moment as she looks over the clothes given to her sister, then twirls her fingers lightly with a little tingling of magic, and the outfit tightens up a touch, conforming better to Gabby's slightly smaller frame. Her smile blooms once more and she gives a nod, "Much better."

The pair are headed for the bar, with the blonde ever so slightly in the lead, while Gabby covers their backs.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Leather. It wasn't the first time that Gabby had worn leather pants but it had been awhile. Rien was just a bit taller, but it still fit, and she feels rather nice in the get up. It was a change of pace. Plus they matched! Sisters indeed even if Rien was a bit taller and blonde. When the magic form-fits it to her she glances down with a broad grin of appreciation at the custom fit.

"Nice! Illyana aged me up for an evening once to get into Harry's but probably not something that should be done too often I mean I get that." Besides. She had her own fake ID's from... various friends. None of them were legal but they were all very authentic and capable of passing easily. Though she opted to just bring one with her tonight.

"Ah, yeah I've got a few friends that like to hide out. I mean. They're not super terrible or anything." Trailing off she straightens her posture a bit while coming up to the bar that you couldn't find on Google Maps.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby Smith appreciates a bar that doesn't card. Sure she's probably going to be hit for that a while after she turns twenty one so the lack of that formalioty is welcome.

Of course the whole don't start none, won't be none thing helps when you might be a hero in a bar usually frequented by supervillains.

Reformed criminal. Mostly.

Luckily she triies to play it down by dressiing mre casually in hip clinging yellow skinny jeans, a cropped turqoise tank top, with matching Chucks on her feat and a black leather spiky belt around heer waist half slung a matching colar around her neck. A leather racing jacket in red over the top while she chucgs herself a beer. Clearly not her first.

The empty mug is set on the counter and the blonde beams a smile with blue eyes behind red cat eye glasses and yellow lenses aims at the bartender. "Hit me again honey!" she makes another drink order.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Doesn't exist, or on the run from the 'good' guys? Either or both could apply to the scruffy, dark-haired kid who shoulders his way inside not too long after Rien and Gabby. Lanky frame, gray hoodie, threadbare jeans and hi-top sneakers. And a black biker leather jacket that he looks like he never parts with.

Hands shoved into its pockets, Robbie's expression is hard and oddly guarded, for someone who doesn't even look old enough to drink. He ambles toward the bar, moving like a slightly feral dog that hasn't eaten in a few days. Then he raps on the counter to try to gain the 'keeper's attention, without quite taking his attention off the patrons.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Either from asking his contacts as Oletha or by listening in on some on his shelter's clients conversations, Cinque hears about the current location of the Bar With No Name.

Cinque makes his way through the crowd and does a double take when he see someone from his old street-fighting days. A deep laugh escapes his lips and shakes his head again as he takes the man's bright yellow and blue polka dot costume. Cinque remembers that costume was the same one the fighter use to have in is locker, but he would wear it for spinning signs during tax seasons.
Cinque reluctantly turns his gaze away from the man, and makes his way to the bar.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien lifts a small shrug and glances to Gabby, "My work often means consorting with some of the lowest of the low. I can't just send back every demon and extra-dimensional creature I come across after all. Some of them are refugees. Some of them are informants. I try to stick to going after the ones that -neither- side wants active and running around loose. Makes things easier. So sometimes I make a deal with a devil to get to a demon." She quirks a smile towards Gabby before they hit the bar, urging her up onto the stool as she takes the one next to her sister. "Whiskey sour, neat." She glances to Gabby, "Feeling sugary or do you want something a little more balanced?"

Clea has posed:
The Bar With No Name is a traveling place. A hidey hole and dive for the nefarious, the malcontent and the lost. It is, in its way, a place of power. A mobile nexus of, if not malevolence, then some shade of darkness. It's not hard for the Sorcerer Supreme of the Dark Dimension to find, really. (Robbie's presence doesn't hurt either. Even unmanifested, a Ghost Rider's mystical presence is potent.)

Clea sweeps through the door, her white hair cut in its usual short bob. She, apparently, picked up that the dress code is leather. Her torso is covered in a deep violet tube top that would be way more daring if she wasn't wearing an open black leather jacket over it. Her leather pants seem painted on, and her heeled boots border on the impractical. She takes a good look around, taking in the almost bleak ambiance of the joint before she just sidles up to the bar. She waits her turn for the man behind the bar and purses her lips in thought.

"Something simple, I think. Beer. Draught. Yes, that will do."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Potent or not, he's doing his level best not to stand out here. Mediocrity is the name of the game. Robbie's just here for a drink (tequila with a splash of lime) and a looksee, see? Never mind the fact he reeks of demon.

On which note, the pair of women nearby briefly draw his attention, when 'deals with a devil' are mentioned. He watches them, turns his glass between gloved fingers, then looks away again as Clea wanders up to the bar. Little once-over with his eyes, though he doesn't budge from his broad-shouldered slouch atop his stool.

Cain Marko has posed:
Somebody break out the D&D books then because between Robbie, Rien and Clea..this place has suddenly turned into a magical pressure cooker that's somewhere around a 7 or 8 on the richter scale of magical turbulence and turmoil. And if Clea can sense Robbie's presence then the impending arrival of the next comer probably rumbles in at her with all the subtleness of a tectonic plate deciding to turn over in its sleep.

Yes. It's The Juggernaut. Fully armored, helmet and all, the vast bruiser literally seems to fill up the back area of the bar with the monstrous physicality one associates with the entire defensive line of the New York Giants and a few dozen Mr. Olympia competitions. The floor rumbles as he treads forward with a sort of lumbering gait that speaks of utter boredom and disinterest in the current crowd of minor C and D and even E-listers that occupy most of the bar where super villains and fellow mercs are concerned.

That is...until he thinks he sees someone he recognizes and he comes to a lumbering stop to peer through the haze of the bar towards Gabby and her companion.

"...Wait..what?" there's a pause and then The Juggernaut - Exemplar of Physical Power, cries out: "GABBY?!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney might be a bit on the short side but she knew how to get onto a stool. Thankfully these weren't so high anyway. One hand plants on the stool while the other grasps the bar in one smooth motion to vault herself ontop of it. It sets the stool spinning to the side to face Rien as she orders offering her elder sister a grin of amusement. It also gives her a good view of the door.

While she may be young, the scars on her face and the leather did a good job of making her seem a little older than she was. It was the mannerisms she picks up though. Watching the door. The crowd. That perhaps made her fit in most. She knew to be alert here even if it was neutral ground.

"I've never really done cocktails. Usually just a beer or whiskey. If you have any suggestions I'll give it a go, though."

Even as she says this her eyes start to widen with familiarity. Widen, and she twists around on the stool quickly to face away from the figure that come sinto the door but OH no that doesn't work at all as her name is called out. Lifting her fist to her mouth she coughs into it quietly. "Oops." Her hand lifts in a sheepish kind of wave. "Hey, Juggy! Come meet my sister!"

Clea has posed:
Clea's beer is delivered. She picks up the mug and peers at it with a thoughtful frown before taking a dainty looking sip.

Lord, she is out of place, here.

She makes a face at it, setting the glass down. Her eyes shoot wide as she feels the presence of Cyttorak. The faint aura of purple flame around her head seems to come more into reality as she turns her stool to face the incoming behemoth.

Then she seems to deflate slightly when it becomes clear that this is not going to escalate. Not that she enjoys violence, but she's never fought a chosen of Cyttorak before. It might be fun.

She swivels back, taking up her beer again, giving Robbie the side eye. His power and dour mood almost tangible to her.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque orders a Jameson and Coke as he waits for the bartender to bring him his order, he sets about looking for the best location to observe the room. After several quick glances of the place, Cinque navigates through the crowd and settles at a seat at the bar that allows for him to see that enters the building, and gives him the greatest view.

By the time his drink is brought to him, Cinque is already quietly observing the room, memorizing every aspects that he senses take in from his surroundings. His eyes widen in awe as Juggernaut enter the rooms and he peers around the bar as if to see if everyone else is seeing this. Obviously, everyone is seeing the same thing. When Cinque regains his composure, his gaze follows the Juggernaut's movements towards Gabby and Rien.

Cinque glances at the duo before moving his attention back to drink.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"See your ID, kid?" interjects the bartender with an in-your-face lean whose intent is to get Robbie's attention. His look is one of put upon forbearance, but after some digging in the back pocket of his jeans, he produces his wallet and ID for the guy. And he *is*, in fact, twenty-one. Says so right there. The 'tender doesn't look too sure he belongs here still, but lets it pass. "Lo tienes," murmurs Robbie with a quick wink.

He, of course, can't help but notice the Juggernaut's arrival. Would be hard not to, given the guy's the breadth of about six linebackers, and looks like he could snap him in half with one hand. Robbie keeps half an eye on him, grip a little tense around his glass, until it's clear the guy's got better things to do than hassle him.

Instead, a few words in askance to Clea, "Nice place, huh? You can almost smell the piss and vomit."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Sister--wha..?! Waittasec.."

The avatar of Cyttorak...is oh so lost. Juggernaut lifts a hand up in a gesture of mild dismay and confusion while hunching his shoulders and back up in a sort of 'Huh?!' bit of body language.

Which isn't to say he's completely oblivious to everything else no. That brightening aura about Clea is noticed, as is the woman herself but just as quickly as that aura fades away...does Juggernaut's glance move past her to take in the presence of Robbie and then back to Gabby and Rien. His eyes manage a cursory sweep of the rest of the bar in the process but none grab his attention just yet with the smarter mercenaries and criminal ne'er doers avoiding his gaze all together.

"This aint no Buffalo Wild Wings, Gabby! And who're these chumps?" His hand waves to indicate Clea and Robbie before he finally turns towards the bartender, "Th'hell man. You guys giving the address out on social media or something?"

"Might be time for a relocation." drawls the bartender who lifts his hands up as if to proclaim innocence in all of this. "...Folk know the rules. Not our fault if people are running their mouths.."

Clea has posed:
Clea smiles slightly at Robbie, shaking her head a little. "I don't think there's an 'Almost' about it. This place has a very distinctive boquet." It's not great, but, honestly, it's a pretty interesting spot.

"In my defense," she says to the bartender, and to a lesser extent the Juggernaut. "I could feel this place. It's like ... a transient nexus. The perils of being what I am, I suppose." She sips her beer and smirks. "Peril for your secrecy, anyway." Another little pause and a gesture to Robbie and then Cain. "Plus these two simply burn with mystical power."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up her hands palms wide open to show that she was completely innocent--Okay, maybe not. "I don't know who they are," she adds, "Though one's got a spooky vibe and the other's got that dangerous-cute thing going on but anyway! I came here with Rien. My sister." And her hands part to sweep up and down over Rien who was on her phone currently occupied with whatever phonecall it was.

"I mean, half sister I guess? She's way older than me. Like, eighty or something I think I don't know." Her teeth flash in a broad grin as she adds, "And I've heard of this place before just never really came here? I mean, you know I have friends that are... uh. Informed?" It's asked hesitantly as if she wasn't sure.

With a small sigh she mumbles, "Sooooo how's things otherwise? Good, yeah?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Not here to cause any trouble," Robbie offers in his defense, mismatched eyes lifting to the bartender. "Besides," he adds with a hitch of his chin toward Clea, "She's right. Followed my nose, weren't too hard to find. You know?"

Mind you, the fact that she just called him out.. that deserves a little more scrutiny. He pretends to be interested in his drink, when it's really just a flimsy excuse to watch her. "Who the fuck are you?" he manages a short while later. Charm is clearly his strong suit.

Cain Marko has posed:
Now it's Juggernaut's turn to be on the back foot as the bartender raises an eyebrow at him and just returns the look upon hearing Clea's explanation. He gives Clea a slowly widening smirk before answering the 'tender

"Hey..look.. Can't help being me. Just gotta do my thing." He grins, both of his mountainous shoulders rolling with a shrug as his hands lift up. "Sorry."

His attention returns to Gabby at her explanation and he rumbles a slow sigh that vibrates through the area around him, rattling the glasses on the bar itself as he eyes her and then glances past her to Rian. He seems to be slowly relaxing and Gabby's voice going into a mumble seems to do the trick to relax him a bunch, "Yeah, yeah. Listen, what..Electro might just come walking through that door y'know? Or maybe..I dunno.. The entire Wrecking Crew. Maybe some of Joker's goon here to hang out with some members of The Hand? My point is that..they don't want to know this place is just so easily found cause you come with connections to the type of folk that they want to kill.. Y'know?" He grunts and shrugs, apparently mostly over it all as he adds, "Not that anybody's gonna try something with me around-"

Robbie does get a final glare though, "...Don't make me change my mind, punk."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien turns nice and slowly on her stool, propping an elbow on the bartop and tilting her head back to look UP at the Juggernaut. The phone is slipped back into her jacket pocket as she eases into a slow, dangerous sort of smile. "She's here with me. And I got the address... well, not honestly. If I were the honest sort, I wouldn't really be welcome here now would I?" Reaching back for her whiskey sour, she brings the glass up to her lips for a long drink, setting it aside.

"They don't want to kill me. They don't even know me. And I don't really -do- hats, no matter the color. So I don't see why they'd care if we're here or not, we're not here for them and they're not here for us." She lifts one shoulder into a shrug then looks to Gabby, "You might like a rum runner. Uses fruit juices, rum... if you're looking for something less sweet, the whiskey sour is pretty good. So's an old fashioned." Looking back to Cain, Rien smiles, "First round's on me if you want to join us."

Clea has posed:
The explanation seems to go down smooth. That means she doesn't have to just teleport out of here. A bonus. When Robbie gets ... curt, she arches an eyebrow slightly. She's been around human cities for a while, so she understands the concept, but she's never really had it directed at her.

"I am Clea. A sorceress."

So she's understating things. People don't need to know her full list of titles and capabilities. It might make her a target. What if one of Mordo's goons is around here?!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gently reaches out to tug at the edge of Rien's jacket when she starts mentioning about Juggernaut's remark on 'people wanting to kill her.' Lightly she clears her throat looking juuuust a little guilty. "Uh, he means me. I mean. I ... I get around to a few teams and stuff. The Gotham sorts anyway." Which meant the Joker, and she nods solemnly in regards to that. At least she wears a mask when she DOES go out heroing. Right? Right.

"Oh, I'll try a rum runner then that sounds good." Her gaze flits over toward Clea at the mention of sorceress with her eyes narrowing just a bit. Didn't make any difference to her, but she knew a few people that might be interested, so she tucks it away for later. Much later.

"We're just catching up tonight and hanging out. I met Juggernaut ages ago when I was trying to get away from some guys. And we have a mutual friend."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Punk? Did that supersized cretin just call him a *punk*? Robbie most certainly resembles that remark. He keeps his focus pointedly away from the Juggernaut; and for want of something to do with his hands, reaches for the slice of lime that the 'tender gave him, and squeezes it into his drink. "Don't tempt me," he mutters. His quip's obviously intended for the armored, helmeted behemoth giving him the stinkeye over there.

To Clea, "Okay. That clears things up." Kid's got a mouth on him. And a deathwish, maybe; he takes to watching her curiously, though there's still no smile in sight on those sharp, angular features.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque was expecting to witness Leap-Frog, Stilt-Man, or even the Matador among the crowd, not the Juggernault or the woman with the purple halo thing. Cinque shakes his head and quickly downs his Jameson and Coke. Cinque takes a sip of the Jameson and Coke as he goes back to observing the bar. After a few moments, Cinque reaches into his pocket and pulls out envelope for the bartender. Cinque softly bits his lips as he lets out a deep sigh, "Someone ask me to deliver this to the bartender to this address." Cinque peers around the place and snaps his finger, "Oh, I forgot the phone. It goes with the letter."

Cinque quickly digs into his jacket and pulls out a hurner phone to hand to the bartender. Cinque rises from his seat and navigates through the crowd again.

Cain Marko has posed:
The crimson behemoth recoils abit. Sensory overload. He can't make his mind up on who to react to first between Rian and Robbie. Clea seems to get a full pass from the goliath. Rian's words, on the other hand, go over about as well as scraping a sharp block of cement down the side of a wall of adamantium. In other words. Not well.

Gabby, however, intervenes as she steps in to interject additional clarity and context but it doesn't stop Juggernaut's nostrils from flaring like an aggravated bull and he drums his fingers against the side of his massive leg with a visible anxiousness. The bartender clears his throat but says nothing.

But then...Robbie. Oh Robbie. He distracts Juggernaut from Rian and the huge man turns his attention sloooowwwwly towards him.

"...YOu wanna say that...again?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien just watches Juggernaut with that smile of hers, the one that all but dares him to do something. Oh but then Robbie takes the heat! Such a sweetie!

She looks over his way, her brows lifting up in a sharp spike as her senses kick in and information starts filtering through from them. "Oh. Oh this is very interesting..." She glances to Gabby and murmurs, "We should stay back from this one. The big one is dangerous... but the... not as big one is dangerous TO the dangerous ones." She lifts a brow, "Are either of them overly special to you? Or can I start taking bets for the fight?" Siiiiiiiiiiiip. After enjoying a nice long drink from her own glass, she nods to the bartender to get a rumrunner for Gabby!

Clea has posed:
Things are getting a little tense in here, Clea thinks as she actually finishes her beer. She sets the glass down and peers at it. "That ... Wasn't very good. Earth beverages are strange." Oops. She's not from around here.

As the unstoppable and the spirit of vengeance turn on each other, she considers her options. She could show her full hand and stop it right now. Honestly, Robbie and Cain might like a nice tropical vacation, no charge for transport.

On the other hand, she does what she sees as a smarter move. She reaches into her jacket pocket and drops a small wad of bills on the bartop (it's like twenty bucks), and slides from her stool. She shakes her head at the two boys who are getting posture-y before she just walks out, heels clicking on the beat up old wood.

A sorceress never leaves early, she leaves precisely when she chooses to.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Anyone placing bets will note that the Juggernaut is probably worth about ten Robbies, pound for pound. Then there's that armour to contend with, and that weird ass helmet the kid can't quite puzzle his way around. Is the guy just really accident prone? Maybe he has a head injury. Yeah, could be a head injury. It'd explain a lot.

Then the big guy's saying something.. to him. Definitely to him. Robbie watches his drink for a few seconds. Turns it once, so that it sits perfectly in its own ring of condensation. Then glances up and over his shoulder at Juggernaut. "I said you shouldn't tempt me, gringo. Don't want no trouble." His eyes shift gold, then orange, then red; the flame eats at the whites of his eyes first, before consuming the iris and pupil, and crumbling into smoke and ash at the edges. He's only dimly aware of Clea delicately taking her leave nearby.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oooh that's not goooood," Gabby lets out beneath her breath. It's likely heard easily by Rien. She's quickly shaking her head while glancing over at Robbie, though she had no idea who he was. It's an attempt at warning him off at least because she knew how his temper was when he was faced with sass. He'd already had a night of it so far including from Rien.

When her sister asks her about who she might prefer she furrows her brow with a frown. "Juggs," she states. "Cain and I are friends." Even if that meant she was stating she was friends with a known criminal. "He might have a hot temper but he's not a bad guy... Okay he IS but personally I mean."

Even as her own drink is ordered up she's slid off her stool intending to head over toward Juggernaut in what MAY NOT be the smartest move ever. It was a very HER move though. "Hey now I think we're all getting off on the wrong foot just a bit. I mean we're all here just to kick back with a drink right? Relax? And even I know the rules of the bar are like no fighting and neutral aaaaand..." She pauses, stares at Robbie, then cusses in the best Spanish that Julio had taught her. "Could you NOT?"

Even as she says this though he's currently going flame-eyed. "Ah. Fuck."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Juggernaut..." warns the bartender, though he also backs up abit as the nearly ten foot tall behemoth lumbers forward to loom over Robbie like a sequoia attempting to bend over to have a conversation with a regular tree. And then ..those eyes. Those flaming eyes. All eyes in the room turn towards the growing menace and pressure that rises in the room. Juggernaut is a brute who has collapsed entire buildings on people over a mere bar fight. The bartender stutters and stumbles a bit, unsure on how to proceed or if he'll be able to clear out of the way in enough time to avoid being caught up in the collateral damage of what may happen next.

Juggernaut purses his lips into a frown while leaning in and resting one massive hand across the bar top. He peers at Robbie, looking mildly surprised at first and then just narrowing his eyes a touch and allowintg a close mouth grin to crease his broad features.

"Man..looks like you got some tricks up yer sleeves after all! But wow..you're stupid kid. Stupidly brave but still stupid.. Do yourself a favor and know who you're talking to next time.."

After he wakes up? If he lives? Next time when?

..Apparently just next time. Juggernaut shrugs and straightens back up again. "Yeah, yeah, I know the rules. No fighting in the bar. If I start fighting..then everybody can start fighting..and then... no bar. Put yer eyes back in, kid."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien takes the cue to push to her feet and sidel over towards Gabby, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and tapping the monitor Gabby wears with a murmured, "You should stay out of this one, sister dear. That's why I asked if you had a favorite. So I can referee the fight." She draws Gabby back to the bar with a smile and gets her seated... right as things go very very quiet.

Rien smiles. Leaning in she whispers something to Gabby then murmurs, "The young man can take care of himself. But you're right, he's kinda cute. You should get his number before either of you leaves." Winking at Gabby, she looks back to Cain and asks, "So! Are you going to let me buy you a drink, big man? We can talk and let the young people get introduced." The blonde beckons him with smile and words. Wouldn't he much rather have a drink with the pretty blonde than grumble at some punk kid?

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie, it turns out, is many things. But a coward isn't one of them. Got a bit of a temper, to boot, though it's taking everything he's got right now to keep it reined in. Because once it's slipped the coop, there'll be Hell to pay.

He pushes his glass away, palms the bartop, and eases to his feet slowly as the Juggernaut lumbers closer. His posture looks easy, but anyone with a shred of sense can see the hungry junkyard dog in him. The street kid who grew up steeped in violence.

The grin's returned with the barest flicker of a smile, and he glances away to Gabby and Rien for a second with those awful burning eyes. When he looks back to the Juggernaut, the flames are gone. Just some kid with freckles and a beat-up leather jacket that looks like it doesn't belong to him. "Glad we got an understanding," he tells the big guy. The way he swallows, well. Maybe he's not so unafraid after all. Maybe he knows he dodged a bullet of some kind. Or, maybe, he just wanted to enjoy his drink instead of break necks today.

"Nos vemos," he murmurs, abandoning the tequila and prowling for the exit.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances down to the heart rate monitor strapped to her wrist. Thankfully it looks just like one of those chunky watches that were such the rage these days, but it does remind her of her... issue that she had before. "Oh, right." There's no fight in her as she allows Rien to tug her away to a safer distance. It doesn't stop her from watching a bit though. The whisper has her tilt her head thoughtfully while watchihng as Robbie stands up to leave.

"Huh." Her hands spread in a helpless shrug though as she allows things to wind down without further attempt to calm things. "Okay welel. I guess that wasn't so bad. Uh, nice meeting you!" She calls out in a cheery tone to Robbie. How? She's just that kind of person.

"Oh I do want to try that drink though." As if she's just suddenly remembered it she heads back to her stool to do just that.

Cain Marko has posed:
The giant watches as Robbie leaves and then just shakes his head and thumbs at him and the door while looking back to Gabbie and Rien, "You get a load of that guy? Sheesh. That's what I'm talkin' about. You just can't let -anyone- up in here." Juggernaut shakes his head and then reaches up to remove his helmet with a flash of red light accompanying the gesture. His skullcapped visage now revealed, he turns and starts walking over towards Gabby and RIen, "As for you two... Well you're here now so.." He shrugs. In truth, the bar is indeed overdue to move again and it is likey security will be stepped for the next time.

Not that it will matter to some as has been proven.

A look is given to Rien once more and he shrugs, setting his helmet down, "So...let's get that drink.."