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Latest revision as of 08:23, 28 May 2022

For Once, the Tower isn't Full of Nonsense.
Date of Scene: 28 May 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: A rare day of normality at the tower, that stays at the tower. Garth and Mary have a scoop, Colette didn't really eat the Tiramisu, Bart has been visiting dinosaurs, and Crush has been punching steel beams in half. Terry rolled an eight but did something unwise anyway, so America went rushing after him.
Cast of Characters: Colette O'Connail, Terry O'Neil, America Chavez, Mary Bromfield, Garth, Xiomara Rojas, Bart Allen

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    If you haven't been to the tower for a while, then arriving back there will normally cause your T-Com to ping with essential updates. How essential those reports are varies. Today, there's quite a few of them. Primarily the news that the Main Room of the Tower is in a state of probability flux, and may not actually be the Main Room when you try visiting it, depending on... a bunch of factors nobody has really quite figured out. Sometimes it's easy to find your way to the Main Room, and sometimes you end up in a place that looks rather like the main room, but isn't.

    Unless you actually want the confusion of a Donna-who-isn't-Donna, it's a relief when you get to the main room reasonably quickly and without having to navigate your way through corridors deciding to bend back on themselves and other similar shenanigans, but it happens. It's not all that infrequent. Some days it seems perfectly straightforwards, and today is apparently one of those days.

    Which is why people heading to the main room today will find themselves in... the Main Room. The good old normal meeting room at Titans tower, location of many an important meeting, pizza or party.

    And in said Main Room, they will find Colette. Who is not a member of the team, and will be an unfamiliar face to Mary and Garth, but apparently doesn't cause security alarms to trigger, and judging by the way she's helping herself to a drink and snack from the kitchen area, at least knows her way around and is under the impression it's okay for her to be there.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Today is a human day for Terry. He needs to balance his life between chaos and... well, less chaotic, in order to stay grounded and not get too unglued from the random framing device most people have agreed is current reality. And since he has been going down to Wonderland with the excursion teams, he's found out that he needs to spend twice as long as Terry as before, because he comes back /crackling/ with chaos.

The human redhead approaches Colette with a smirk, arms crossed over his chest. His black tank top shows that there is a slightly thick black line across his bicep that might pass for a tattoo... except for the slight indentation that gives the impression that it is some sort of wound that is healing. Perhaps.

"You'd better not touch the Tiramisu, 'Lettuce. I'm saving that for the holiday weekend. Mom wants to invite April over."

America Chavez has posed:
    America blinks in surprise as she emerges from the halls into the actual main room. It's the first time she's been here in... a long time. Defintiely the first time she's been in the actual main room and not a Throne Room of New Kronos during her -current- time in the world. The star-marked young woman is dressed casually for once. A red tee, black leggings and her usual high-tops. The jacket she left back in her room. Her hair is held back by a blue and white striped bandana.

    "Oh!" she says with a smile. "'Bout time..." She makes her way to the kitchen and stops, noticing the other woman in the room. "I rememeber you from when we rescued the Czarnian. But I didn't catch your name. I'm America" she says, giving Colette a friendly wave before grabbing a glass from the kitchenette and filling it with water from the fridge. Terry gets a smile. "Hiya, Cat" she doesn't seem to care that he's in his human guise. "What happened to your arm?" she asks the red-head.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary wasn't expecting her communicator to chime... and that's why her backpack is pinging away at her like a bomb about to detonate. She's pretty sure the dings are growing progressively faster, louder, and /angrier/! And because she's carrying a pile of text books for her upcoming final exam for the semester, she's doing a godawful hopping, spinning, awkward dance to try and get her hand into her backpack.

Which is probably a fine, entertaining view for those already in the Meeting Room, as she bounces in on one foot, wearing a distressingly plain red hoodie and black leggings, contrasting white running shoes. Because Mary is trying to be herself more often as of late. She al most doesn't notice anyone else until she gets to a point where those books can be dropped and her communicator rummaged out of her backpack.

"Oh... oh! OH!!!" ...Yep, that's definitely Mary realizing how many important alerts she's missed, then skimming them, then /reading/ them. She peers around the room and frowns thoughtfully, "So... /not/... weird dimensional shenanigans today. Okay. Okay. I can roll with that."

Garth has posed:
Glancing around in minor surprise to see so many within the main room, or the fact that it IS the main room, Garth continues along in search of food. He gives a casual glance to those consulting their pings, his gaze drifting over the newcomers and unfamiliar faces. And then continues right to the food getting. He allows the conversation to float along, but for the moment, appears intent upon his mission, not deviating to engage in the small talk. Friendly fellow, that one.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette comes out of the fridge with a couple of bottles of beer, one of which she offers to America. "Colette," she replies. "You named after the country, or the country named after you? With the kind of people you meet around here, never know. Seems worth asking. Want a beer? Much heathier for you than that filthy water stuff."

    Terry doesn't get offered a beer. "I'd offer you a beer, but you'd tell me you're too young and there would be the whole thing about how who cares. Is /she/ too young?" Colette gestures a beer bottle in the direction of the latest entrant as Mary comes hopping into the room. "Maybe not, but she's staggering like she's had too much to drink already. I mean not really, but it's an excuse to not bother going back to the fridge, and I'm lazy. Besides, if I go back to the fridge, I might be forced to eat tiramisu."

    And then Garth shows up. "He's probably not too old to drink though," Colette concedes. "Did you say it was your /mom's/ tiramisu, Terry? Because if it is I should probably go back to the fridge to offer him a beer."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Collective Aubergine O'Cottontail you stay the hell away from mom's tiramisu, I'm supposed to take it take it home tonight. I have already threatened to put Gar under The Interdict if he so much as nibbles on it, don't think I won't do worse to you!" Terry shakes his head at Colette and turns to America, then looks down at his bicep.

"Just a scratch I got over in Wonderland, 'Merica. Seems to be healing alright, sort of, though it might leave a mark. Nothing serious, though," he says quietly.

He's pouring himself a glass of water and looks up, "Hey, Mary, how have you been? Staggering under the weight of academia?" the redhead grins, "I'm glad I'm too poor to go to college." He can say that safely without Donna reminding him that the Titans has that scholarship program thing- because Donna currently doesn't exist.

But he's not letting that get him down, because in his heart of hearts he is confident they're going to get her back.


Garth's entrance gets a raised pair of eyebrows, "Hey, Marine Boy, no hellos or anything? What'sa matter, catfish got your tongue?" he says, grinning and sipping his water, "Haven't seen you 'round these parts in a while... Oh, America? Don't call /her/ Colette, call her The Meddler. We all do."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush had been given the warnings about the main room, something about changing states or flux, but she didn't really understand what they were saying. She had avoided the room since being warned, but had finally reached the point of needing to see for herself what it was all about. She had no t-comm, so never got updates or warnings, instead she used her own two eyes.

Wandering in, she stops just inside the room when she notes the number of people around. What was the risk if there were so many people? Contradictions were happening, so she lingered at the edges of the room. Leaning against the wall she folds her arms over her chest, one finger tracing along the black chain that was presently wrapped around her waist and over her chest.

America Chavez has posed:
    "Neither, actually" America replies in answer to Colette's question. She looks at her water and then shrugs, before tossing it and the glass into the sink and taking the offered beer. "Fair enough." Mary is offered a greeting with the bottle and Garth is noted but she leaves him be. She knows better to stand between a hungry person and the acquisition of food.

    She cracks the cap off the bottle and takes a draw. "I will call her whatever I want to call her, Terry and until she meddles in something I have a hand in... Colette is just fine." She gives the blonde a warm smile before eying Terry's mark. "You know... some scars might do you good. They show character... I saw if you can get 'em. Go right ahead."

    Another draw is taken before her eyes track to the aforementioned Czarnian. "You don't have to hide you know?" she says. "You are allowed to join us."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary seems just a touch overwhelmed at the sheer volume of activity going on before she drops into a chair with a loud exhalation and then hums out thoughtfully, "Oh! Tiramisu! I haven't had that in forever!" She presses her lips into a thin, thoughtful line, "But... well, /special occasion/ tiramisu is too sacred to steal a nibble of."

She heaves a sigh and bobs her head to Terry with a tired grin, "That's a pretty good description of it. Plus, you know, I can't show up to exams with uhhh... /magical help/ to pass them. Someone's going to notice the height difference and ask questions and... well, you know, it's just not /right/ to cheat."

She nods solemnly at her own point... the fact that she's biting her lower lip is in no way an indicator she's fighting not to laugh.

And she's certainly not above leaning back in her chair to peer towards the door upside down and offer a wave to Garth as he enters, /or/ to shift and throw another one Xio's way with an even brighter smile. She's so sunny she should really be sparkling by this point, despite the mountain of study material she's lugged along with her.

Garth has posed:
"Definitely not too old," mutters Garth, as decides to dig around for his own beer now that the others have been distributed. He glances back towards Terry and shakes his head, saying nothing. He decides to close the fridge without picking up any food, and seems destined to head back to his room before slowing a bit. He offers a nod each to America, Mary, and Xiomara. "Welcome." He says, raising his bottle in salute, before popping the top off and taking a long drink.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush actually snorts a laugh at America and mutters, "Like I could successfully hide... ever..." but she had been noticed so she slips more into the room. She wasn't a real social person, that is she sucked at it. She had been trying, that much was obvious by the fact that she didn't just turn around and walk out of the room, but it wasn't an easy thing to change a fundamental aspect of yourself.

Alright, time for some real socializing. Here goes, "Names Crush." She starts, not quietly but not too loud either. "You can call me, Crush." Redundant, move it along... "Er... nice, to ah... meet you all." Nailed it.

She glances to Colette for a moment, as if seeking some sort of approval or thumbsup, but really it was because hers was the most familiar and known face. "Good to see you Ms. O'Connail."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "You trying to undermine my excuse for eating Terry's mom's Tiramisu?" Colette asks Garth with an amused quirk of her eyebrow when he goes to fetch his own beer."

    She gives Xiomara a simple nod in greeting. "Hey Crush. If you want a beer, help yourself," She says, nodding in the direction of the fridge. Wait, she's worried about Mary and Terry being too old, but this doesn't seem to apply to Xiomara, who is actually her /student/?

    "What," Colette says, looking around as if to challenge anyone to call her up on it. "State law says she's allowed to drink on the private premises of her family, and you guys always go on about how the Titans are family."

    "Cheating at exams shouldn't be a moral concern," Colette says to Mary, nodding her head slightly as she pops the cap off her own bottle and takes a swig. "The thing you should really ask is who you're cheating. The whole point of education is to get smart. If you're cheating at exams, you don't know whether you got smart yet or not."

America Chavez has posed:
    America grins. "This is true..." she replies. "But doesn't hurt to call you out for sticking to the fringes." He gaze moves to Colette. "Far be it from me to gripe about state laws in a universe that isn't my home" she says, taking another long pull. "I'm not going to begrudge policy or law... at least not on something a trivial as social norms based on antiquated ideas of old white men."

    She leans against the counter. "So... Mary, Garth, you two've been away for a bit... what's the scoop with you both?" Like she's one to talk. She went on universal walkabout for nearly a year before only recently returning. But, to be fair, the Starling Highway allows for those like her (a very small number) to do that on the regular.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, she's a meddler," Terry makes his way to a table and fishes a slim laptop out of his messenger bag, "She meddled with my love life- she even meddled with getting the Titans back together. She's one of those 'crunchy on the outside, on the inside made of mush' people who do good deeds but puts up a snarky and disaffected front because she was raised on the go by a nomadic pack of 90's teen girl drama protagonists whose main currency was peroxide and Dolce and Gabbana handbags." Sip from the water. "True story."

He opens the laptop and begins the process of logging in, "I'll keep that in mind about the scars, amiga. The weird thing about this is that normally if I am injured in one body, it doesn't carry into the other, but this did. But we are talking about chaos magic, so... I'm trying to shoot a few emails to see if I can get some of the magic specialists in other teams to see me, as we currently don't have one ourselves."

He pauses, and clarifies, "As we currently don't have one who still has her eldritch powers and who currently has bigger things to worry about, namely the over-writing of her girlfriend's existence, and isn't exactly in the right frame of mind to look at my owie."

Garth's clamming up gets a single raised eyebrow, but then he shrugs and inputs his password. And again. And again. And realizes he's forgotten he changed it. And what he changed it to. So he starts the dance of verification with his phone, email, passcodes, etecetera. While he thumbs his way through them, he says, "Hey, Crush! We've got to do the training room again, that time with Hawky and Maddie was fun. I'm sorry if I seem distracted, but I am a little sidelined by having forgotten my password and hearing Colette give actual good advice," he grins. "And Colette. You touch that tiramisu and you are going to have to deal with my mother," he says, eliciting forth the alluded presence of Agatha O'Neil. Somewhere.

Garth has posed:
There is a look of confusion on Garth's face as America asks him about 'the scoop'. He looks over at Mary, and then back at America. "There is no scoop with us!" he insists, perhaps a bit too urgently and indignantly. He seems to realize this and quickly looks to Mary. "Not that I would mind if there was a scoop," he says, and then frowns _at that_, looking back to America. "We each have scoops, not together."

He steals a glance over at Mary again, and sips at his bottle. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He sighs and shakes his head, muttering at himself. "I'm going back to my room."

Garth pushes off the counter and heads back towards his room, taking a hefty sip of the beer.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary groans at America and gestures at her pile of text books, "The scoop with me is... wait, was that a dig at me going for my journalism degree? Oh my god, I did not come here to study and be /viciously attacked/!" She snorts and falls apart into a brief moment of helpless giggling... at least until Garth's reaction registers and her eyebrows shoot up and her cheeks try to match that red hoodie, "I... why would you think she meant that kind of scoop?! We're... not... yeah!! We just showed up at the same time!!"

Desperate to escape this line of thought, Mary points to Xiomara and smiles brightly, "Nice to meet you, Crush! That's a cool name! And... I mean, it looks like it fits!"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette rolls her eyes at Terry. "This is what I've had to deal with the last two years since meeting him," She tells America. "He puts on a spandex suit and goes out working as a vigilante, and he accuses me of being a meddler. I once or twice told him to stop being an idiot and he calls it meddling in his love life. As for the Titans thing, just a small favor to a friend, helped track a couple of people down for Gar. I'm just about the only friend he's got who isn't a super, I'm the least meddling person he knows. And I don't do good deeds. He's hallucinating again."

    "I like her," she tells Terry, nodding in America's direction. "And, your price is acceptable." Price? Yep. With that, she makes her way back to the fridge, apparently to steal Terry's mom's Tiramisu.

    "What bit the fish guy?" Colette asks while raiding the fridge. Well she didn't deny the 'crunchy on the outside' comment. "I think those two would make a cute couple."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush was going to comment about the fact that state law really didn't apply, that she wasn't a legal citizens of the country anyway. Then there was the thought about family, and how she wasn't really a part of the Titans and thus couldn't be a part of that family, but there was a beer in the fridge with her name on it and the other stuff didn't really matter. She knew the truth.

A nod is offered before she walks toward the fridge, waiting for Garth to get his beer before getting herself one. Pulling the bottle from the fridge, the difficulty begins... how to carefully open the twist off cap without ripping the top of the bottle off. She wasn't lieing when she'd told the others she had no idea how to pull her strength, she had to be very aware of it in everything she did so as not to rip doors off hinges, put her hand through doors when reaching for knobs, and other such every day acts that people can just do.

Two fingers carefully clamp around the metal cap, and carefully, like a surgeon about to open a patient, she twists to open the bottle. Success! "I think you did good leading," she says to Terry, in regards to the danger room training. "Not sure what the Hawkperson's problem was. You told me what to do, I did it, ain't that leading?" She takes a drink from the bottle before sort of making her way toward the group. She still kept herself at a certain distance, as if she expected someone there to reach out and try something.

Noting the exchange between America, Garth and Mary, she smirks slightly. Typical response really... panic from the guy. Why did they do that? Was it fear of admitting the truth or something else? "You're... Mary, right?" she finally says to Mary, having heard two names and wasn't about to assume that the guy wasn't named Mary, that'd be wrong, right? "Yeah, I kinda crush it." she then adds, a little tooting her own horn.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I forgot to mention, Colette- with the Regalia in my possession, it /isn't/ an impossibility that I could turn all of the alcohol in the world to tea. Hypothetically. At least until I return it to the Red King." He lets that ominous threat rest there. He finally gets his password in. "However long that might take. And it's not spandex. It's stable molecules. Used to be unstable, but some therapy from Harley fixed that."

He starts tapping his first email. "Hawk's objection was that I didn't offer follow-up guidance for Maddie because I was being attacked by the lion at the same time, Crush. Getting damned with faint praise isn't a new thing for me, so I just roll with it..." he pauses for a moment, pondering how to phrase the email. He hates writing emails. Starting them, that is. Agonizing over the proper tone, all of that. "Beats me, Colette. If you go fishing for clues and figure out, let minnow." Don't look at him, /she/ started it.

Mary gets a glance and a smile, "So, have you had a chance to think about applying for any internships, Mary?"

Garth has posed:
Glancing back over at Mary, Garth nods. "Yeah, just. That. Exactly." he says, pointing with his bottle over at America. And having asserted that, and given Terry a duly deserved scowl for the multitude of meandering marine mockeries made.

And then Garth is out the door, headed back to his room.

America Chavez has posed:
    America's eyes go up as Garth misinterprets her question but then Mary is having a laughing fit over her word use. She shrugs. "I just wanted to know what the pair of you have been up to... seperately. I was stuck outside of the universe by Heavenly superpowers so... been out of the loop myself for a spell." Colette gets a grin. "Feeling is mutual" she says to the woman before taking another swig.

    "Terry... you turn all the alcohol in the world to tea and I'll port you to a world where catfood is a literal statement, -me sientes?-" she says giving the red-head an arch look. Garth's departure is offered a wave with the bottle. "We'll catch up later, -hombre agua.-"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "He wouldn't mind being transported to a world where catfood is a literal statement America," Colette says. "Because I'd have killed him first." She comes out from behind the fridge door and closes it, licking her fingers. It's entirely possible she just dipped her fingers right into that tiramisu and scooped out a mouthful or two. After all when everyone else had bad doppelgangers turning up, Colette had a good one. It only makes logical sense that she would be capable of acts of great evil like that.

    Colette leans herself against the counter, slouching comfortably with her beer. "If you take the internship at the Planet Mary -- avoid any coffee that's made by a guy called 'Gary'. Seriously. I don't know why they haven't fired that guy yet. People shouldn't be allowed to make coffee that bad. Let alone encouraged to.

    She takes a swig of her drink and yawns slightly. "Hey Crush. How's the job going?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Place to lean, place to lean, Crush goes in search of a place to lean. It ends up being the wall again, but still closer to the group as a whole. She was content to just listen, now that she had successfully managed to get a beer, introduce herself, and meet two new people. That was a lot for her really, but then she's asked a question.

"I love it!" comes her almost cheerful answer, so she reigns it in. Someone might thing Madison was rubbing off on her or something. "The guys let me punch a steel beam in half last weekend, it was great. They didn't /need/ it half, but they kept saying there was no way I could, so it had to be proved."

A big ol' grin lands on her face, cause honestly it was cool learning a new trade, even if her job really was just moving things around for the guys. It saved them time to go 'hey Crush, bring me those bags of cement' and have her pick up the entire pallet of bags and move it. "They got a dump truck stuck on Sunday," she then adds. "So I moved it out of the mud for em. Weird they don't make comments though, I mean about how I look. Did someone say something to em?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"My hands are tied, America!" Terry says, pushing through the paragraph, "If Colette takes mom's Tiramisu, I will be forced to act as per the Bacckofen-Abendbrotsonnenblumenkernpflanzenfett treatise of 1785. I don't make the rules," he says, spreading his hands in the air, and then bringing them down to type once more, "I just follow them when it's convenient."

Watching Colette lick her fingers, Terry smirks. "Besides, nothing says I can't experiment. Something like Midas' Touch. All I am saying here is that someone shouldn't be surprised if she wakes up one morning finding that every bottle of alcohol she touches turns into veggie smoothies."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes heading into the room on his way to the kitchen. He has been in the lab, and seems to be a bit bored pondering what to do as he heads for food. He stops in the main room, as he sees all the people, and offers a wave "I miss the memo about a meeting?" He asks.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary's eyebrows perk as she eyes Colette, "Wait, isn't that like... the last lingering pillar of print media? It's like the police! The coffee /has/ to be bad. For the... atmosphere! Or maybe they'll upgrade to one of those touch screen robot coffee machines! Those things are neat. They've got one in the faculty lounge at the university, and the door doesn't always latch and..."

Mary clears her throat primly and murmurs softly, "And sometimes the coffee goes missing entirely on its own accord. Definitely not because scheming journalism students... /borrow/ it!"

She perks an eyebrow at America and grins brightly, "Hey, I've spent like... three weeks either reading, writing exams about what I'm reading, or having the weirdest dreams about showing up to exams I've already taken but totally unprepared. Misinterpreting you is like... the closest thing to /fun/ I've had!"

Her eyes flick over to Bart and she smiles brightly, lifting her hand in a wave, "Yep! Definitely. Very important meeting. You're in /so/ much trouble now." ...The giant smile on her face /might/ give away that attempted deadpan tone.

America Chavez has posed:
    America gives Terry a flat eyed stare. "You're making that up..." she says and then gives Colette a small grin, assuming the woman is joking about killing Vorpal. "I might just let you," she says after the veggie smoothie comment. "Construction?" she asks Crush with a small smile. "Sounds like a good gig." She wouldn't entirely know. She's never had a job that wasn't saving the universe.

    The emergence of one of the several Flashes garners a smile and wave before another draw is taken from the bottle. She gives Mary a smile. "Not an -official- meeting; I don't have my coat and hotpants after all. We just managed to all find ourselves in the actual Titan's Main Room instead of New Kronos for once and were helping ourselves to food and bev." She ushers him further in. "Come on and find a leaning spot and chill for a bit, amigo."

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "I've saved your life like... at least twice, Terry. That means it's mine now, and I'm allowed to kill you any time I feel like. That's how it works." Colette smirks right back, though she hides it behind her bottle.

    "Could just be they're smart enough to have a basic sense of survival," Colette tells Crush. "They would have to be pretty dumb to make comments about your appearance after seeing you punch a steel beam in half." Colette totally said something to 'em. Admittedly it was along the lines 'Don't make comments about her appearance or else. I'm not saying I'll get you fired if you do, but only because she can punch steel beams in half and dead men can't get fired,' but still. "Good to hear you're enjoying yourself. I hope you're enjoying the salary too. Seeing as how your strength is letting you do stuff that'd take them much longer without you helping, you keep on making a good impression and I'll talk to someone about getting you a raise when you've been there three months. Deal?"

    Colette shakes her head at Mary's comments on journalism. "'Last lingering pillar of print media'? You're not wrong, but if Lois Lane hears you say that you'll never get a job in journalism. That is if she hasn't already died of a cardiac arrest after hearing you claim that the office coffee is meant to be that bad."

    "Don't listen to 'em Bart. There's no meeting. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. There's beer though, and there's a really tasty tiramisu in the fridge you could finish off if you don't mind Terry's mom hunting you down."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush takes another drink of her beer as another new face wanders into the room, so she offers a quick, "Yo, I'm Crush." to Bart, then turns her attention back to the question she was asked.

"Ms. O'Connail got me a sweet gig working construction because apparently underground fighting rings are unacceptable," she states as smoothly as one might say it was a nice day. "Don't make as much, hours are better though, and I get to punch steel in half, can't beat that."

Her attention goes back to Colette, "You'd think more people would pick up that Ms. O'Connail, but people still make stupid comments all the time and get themselves punched... but yeah, it ain't all bad really. I was gonna ask if you could see about some more hours over the summer, except during the trip to Egypt, cause I'm going on that even if I have to sneak."

The talk about finals makes her smirk, because she just went through them herself. She didn't study, not really, because she didn't need to. If the class hadn't taught her what she needed to know, what was the point of being in the class in the first place? If in the end she failed, what was one more year as a Senior?

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry is silent for a little while after giving Bart a wave, focused on writing his email. It isn't until after he's sent it that he notices something in his inbox he hadn't really noticed. He clicks on it and expands the email. His eyes widen after reading the message. It wasn't anyting more than his usual notification alert for when someone left a message in one of his articles on the Planet- the little bit of vanity he allowed himself and told absolutely nobody, lest the damning with faint praise assert itself there as well.

The article was his interview with Sif, and seeing it fired off a whole set of memories to that encounter, and the memory that he had been ballsy enough to ask her about what they were planning to do with Loki.

"Sure, whatever, Colette," he says absent-mindedly, not even looking at the screen anymore and clearly not paying attention. Loki.

He glances down at his bicep, at the black mark there, and purses his lips for a few seconds. Well. Sif /had/ remarked that they were apparently similar. Did that also extend to chaos magic?

The glass of water is downed in one gulp. The laptop gets swept into his messenger bag discreetly and the redhead takes advantage of the focus of conversation, and slips out quietly. He stiill needs to be human for most of the day, but nothing says he can't do a quick change in order to Rabbit Hole to New York and leave a polite inquiry at the Embassy. Who'd notice he slipped away?

And he had to admit, he was curious. Nothing bad ever happened with curiosity, right?

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit as Terry heads out, Bart does notice things like that. He shrugs a bit and looks over to Colette " I would hate to have her wear herself out chasing me." He will head into the kitchen for a moment, and comes back out with a platter of sandwiches, and a six pack of sodas. He finds a place to sit, and looks over to Mary "Serious meeting, like I should try talking to the Mimic, I see how it is." He smiles though.

America Chavez has posed:
    While the general conversation is friendly and cordial, Terry's absent minded remark is not missed and America finishes her beer. Setting the bottle on the counter she frowns. "I... should probably follow him. When he gets like that... bad things tend to happen..." she says. "Colette, it's been a pleasure. You as well, Mary. We'll catch up soon Bart" she says firing off a salute to the man as she follows the Cheshire Cat.

    She stops at the exit. "Oh, and Crush... you, me, sparring match sometime." She snaps her fingers. "Count on it." With that she exits the room, her steps quickening to hopefully catch up to Terry and join him in whatever ridiculous escapade he's thought up.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Not a problem, Crush. Let me know how many hours you want to do over summer and I'll have a word," Colette says. It's easy when your dad owns the company. "As for Cairo -- you're scholarship. We can arrange something that doesn't involve sneaking. Come see me at school next week and I'll help you with the paperwork."

    She gives America a nod and a 'rather you than me' expression. America is right, and Colette knows it. Sometimes you just have to chase after Terry and beat some sense into it, but she's glad someone else is there to do it. "Have fun," she offers. You never know, maybe Terry will take her to Cafe Lalo after she punches some sense into him.

    "Egypt's gonna be fun, Crush," she says after the two portalers have made their departures. "So long as... you know. Ancient curses, mummies shambling around, sphinxes eating people who can't solve riddles, stuff like that. Kind of hoping we can do one school trip that /doesn't/ involve the crazy."

    "How's life keeping you, Bart? Still hanging out with Emiko?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Scholarship? Crush gets a confused expression on her face. "How can I have a scholarship when I don't even got identification? I ain't legal," she finally asks, because she really does want to know how that works. "I mean yeah, I'll come by, fill out whatever... just, that's confusing."

As America heads for the door she offers a, "Yeah, we need to punch each other!" and then the last drink of her beer is taken before she carries the bottle to the recycling and comes back.

"I never been to Egypt, so actually looking forward to it," she glances around, noting the thinning of the room then looks at her watch. "I better get back, curfews suck."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "There is all kinds of ways to make you legal identity, consider, we have aliens, future kids, maybe some from the past, not sure on those, people from other dimensions amongst others. Id's were a thing someone figured out quick." He offers and to Colette "Yea we are still together, we just recently took a trip up to the savage land for a weekend, to see the Dinos, and learn a bit more about the animals up there."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary bobs her head solemnly at Bart and grins, "Oh yes, very serious. Definitely not just a bunch of us wandering in at the same time." She turns her attention to Xiomara, eyebrows perking. "Oh! ...Yeah, I guess construction work /would/ have better hours than underground fighting rings. Like, underground fighting rings are probably basically working the night shift all the time. Also, you probably stop any catcalls at the construction site if you're punching steel beams in half..." She whistles softly and bites her lower lip... yeah, something tells her even the hardest of headed construction workers isn't going to try and anger their coworker who's helping unstick the cement truck.

And then America's mentioning a sparring match with Crush. Well, that's going to be something to try and catch! But for now, Mary opens one of her textbooks and begins reading with the sort of studious focus that... well, really, that most students probably have when you study in a world where aliens and gods and just plain old /weird stuff/ can happen all the time and still not get you an extension on your due dates. Oh, the woes of the modern student.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Happy Harbor doesn't exactly work like normal schools when it comes to that kind of thing, Crush," Colette says with a wry smile. "What happens is, Doctor Macintyre ticks a box in a file that says you get a special dispensation for various things, and magically it just happens. She's sneaky like that. But if you want something more permanent, you should talk to these guys. You met Kian, right? Alien guy with wings? He used to be at Happy Harbor. I introduced him to these guys and they had words with people, now he's got ID and everything."

    Colette finishes off her beer with one final swig. "Dinos, huh? You sure know how to set a girl up for an unusual date, Bart. Keep those experiences new and different, good mood." She salutes him with the bottle before tossing it into the recycling bin.

    "Yeah I should make a move too," Colette says, pushing herself away from the counter. "Later, Bart. Mary, nice meeting you. Crush, you wanna ride to the hyperloop?"