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Along the Seas of Sweet Aegea
Date of Scene: 13 July 2022
Location: Aegea
Synopsis: The heroes chart a course to fair Aegea. Where they find a Cyclops has taken roost upon it. Fists lead to diplomacy as the heroes must ready themselves for a journey to Tartarus, Hades Realm, to stop an ancient witch from being freed from the depths.
Cast of Characters: Circe, Diana Prince, Alexander Aaron, Greer Grant, John Stewart, Achilles, Ikaris, Meggan Puceanu, John Constantine, Cassie Sandsmark

Circe has posed:
Our journey retracing the steps of Odysseus' journey home has taken our explorers, curious that they may be, to Aegea. Abandoned island of magic once home to an immortal witch that ensorcelled sailors and turned them to animals had made her home. That had fought one too many times with the Greek Gods and been banished so long ago. Even so many years later, on this abandoned beach on this island isolated by the Greek Gods there was the feeling of power.
    Our explorers come to the beach along a rocky outcropping, where once an Ithacan bireme had set anchor. Isolated by overgrown jungle, thick with plant life matching moreso to that of the Amazon than to the Mediterranean.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had arrived via the 'Invisible Jet'. An alien technology that she was given as a gift after aiding the people of a far away culture... The Jet glimmers in to view off of the coastline, its once invisible form, now quite visible. With curving elegant lines, the body of the Jet is quite aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and with a cloud-like hue to its hull, it mirrors the puffy whites clouds that linger high in the sky above.

Diana, in her armor, with her lasso at her right hip, touches down on the beach, her wedge-heeled boots touching the wet sand as she walks out of the water toward the dry sand a little ways in. Her dark hair flows around her bare shoulders, as her eyes scan the island that they've arrived upon...

The Princess flexes her leather wrapped hands, her fingers splaying apart, and then clenching again in fists as she approaches the dry land ahead...

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There are few things that can steal Alexander's composure, for it comes with the office. Beset by a maddening world he often takes it in stride. Though there are also a few things that can draw his interest and one such thing... is this connection to history.
    Arriving with the Themysciran princess, Phobos emerges and lands in the surf after a short leap. The waves lapping at his feet as he moves, leather boots leaving sharp prints in the sand while the weight of his own black armor sinks him a touch deeper in than would be normal.
    Sidelong toward Diana he murmurs as he advances beside, "Do you feel anything curious?" He asks in that way of his, perhaps more meaning he does and hasn't quite put a name to the thing. Yet he walks forward, adjusting his grip on the sword in its sheathe in his off hand.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Thank you for flying Themyscira Airways. We will soon be landing and so we ask that all passengers fasten their seatbelts and return their trays to the upright positions at this time." This from Tigra, perhaps the most scantly dressed stewardess ever. Actually, probably not. Not many stewardesses with tails, though, so she's got that in her favor. After landing, exits the plane and steps away a little bit, closing her eyes, tipping her head back and focusing on her senses of smell and hearing for a moment, getting a feel for things that might not be obvious, even to eyes such as hers.

John Stewart has posed:
It isn't often that one comes across magical signatures just sitting there. It's even less often one comes across /very/ old magical signatures... from among the creatures of the gods... yet that's exactly what has happened as John comes down through the atmosphere nearby.

<<Magical energy detected: Source 'Greek Gods'. Duration, several thousand Terran years.>> As John comes closer to the ground and spots the Jet, John himself is easy to spot in the sky; what with the heat of re-entry to the planet causing him to look like a small meteor starting to fall to the Earth... and then his green flight field making him stick out like a sore thumb. "Guide me in." John orders of the Power Ring AI, <<Confirmed. Adding guiding trail to vision>>

Within moments, those near the beach can see that green dot in the distance getting closer as John starts to fly towards it.

Achilles has posed:
    Since the gathered group was on the Aegean, Angelo decided to travel via the sea rather than the air. The invisible jet -is- a fantastic creation. But Angelo had not sailed the Aegean for a loooong time. So he left earlier, and took a small sailboat rather than an ancient Trireme. But he needed to feel the sun on his face, and smell the sea and feel the spray on his face. What? He is a creature of nostalgia these days.

    But he grounded his boat and dragged it mostly ashore before ascending towards the rest of the gathered group. Besides, if this is an Odyssey, there needs to be -some- sea travel involved. Right?

Ikaris has posed:
Part of the appeal of this part of the Aegean is obvious: it's beautiful, even by the standards of a naturally lovely planet. Part of it is personal: it's typically free of the hustle and bustle of modern life among humanity; peaceful save the distant engines of passing freighters, or the criss-crossed paths of international airline routes.

These facets and perhaps others draw the Eternal called Ikaris to the skies over Circe's remote island, only passingly familiar to most in myth; yet something distantly contemporary to a certain few.

The gathering of heroes, of alien jets, it's remarkable anywhere-- but particularly curious here, now, with the detecting surges in energy; and the power of one specific soul imprisoned here. Ikaris' flightpath diverges from its leisurely passage along oceanic coastline to intersect the assemblage on the island beach, hurtling towards that point in impressively short order-- if with less brilliant green glow than some.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Traces of oil will wash up on Aeaea's beaches sooner or later. A thin trickle of soke hangs dubiously over the waves marred by a black rainbow. Splotchy patches are thicker, smoldering until Poseidon has his way and demolishes the anathema of fire. The sea's rocking beat, ancient and elegiac, lulls the motor oil, unnamed lubricants, and a miscellany of battered misshapen wood being splashed around. One of those pieces of wood keeps knocking against the Laughing Magician slogging through the breaking waves onto the desolate shoreline of Circe's lonely island.

Constantine is busting 2.5 miles, wind whipping out his battered coat. Take a picture, in the distance a boat the Greek navy can't be bothered to track is sinking to the bottom. Others'll be flipping heroic poses, he's probably flipping the John may be flipping the bird. Somewhere in the distance is a dolphin doing flips and such, splashing a weapon into the deeps. Give it a little longer and John can get off the big, blue watery road and glare at everything.

In the big waves coming his way, believe it when the seafoam and swirling water takes on the form of a fey maiden. One in a completely drenched t-shirt and jeans, looking terribly pleased. "What's out there? It's pretty -- and look! It's Greer again!" Trust her to spot Tigra. The others will resolve themselves as familiar enough. So, sea travel to a lonely island, and they're going fast and...

John Constantine has posed:
John Constantine lands on the sand after riding that gnarly wave. There is one thing that's a little off:

He's barefoot.

Reaching into his coat he pulls out his shoes and socks and lifts one foot, wiping the sand off and putting on his sock, then his shoe, doing the same with the other foot as Meggan points out the cat-lady.

"I did tell you, luv, this was going to be one of those times." He snaps his fingers and his shoe laces tie themselves, and he starts walking towards the assembled. "Oi, you lot, fancy seeing you here." He does not sound surprised.

Circe has posed:
Along Circe's remote island, that witch damned by slight of Zeus. Hecate's favored witch long since thrown away through the gates of Tartarus. Off in the distance, where a castle once stood overflowing with servants, animals, and things that had been transformed for a witch's whimsy had since turned to debris. Normally things of ancient magic stood the test of time well. This island, still with magic inherent to it and power should have been the same.
    Instead that distant abode, empowered as it should have been had been long since reduced to rubble and crushed, jungle having overtaken it. For Angelo, it is likely a place of memory; though perhpas one not traveled to himself.
    For Diana, it is perhaps somewhere she has heard stories of old feuds among witches, amazons, and gods. For Ikaris, it is perhaps a place that is a memory from the past and from tales of heroes experienced. For the Constantines? It is definitely a place that holds within it magic of the Greek gods, divine in whatever form.

Diana Prince has posed:
"Mmh. Distant trouble." Diana replies to Alexander. "Will it stay distant? Let us hope." She notes before raising her gaze up to see the Lantern arriving, which she sends a light wave toward him as he gets closer. Her eyes dance then to Greer and she afford the tailed-one a little smile.

With Angelo arriving, and the Constantines, Diana nods to each in turn.

Once people are gathered up closer, Diana speaks out to everyone within earshot.

"This island has a dark past. If we are to explore it, I would warn everyone to be on their highest level of alertedness..."

She looks to the distant ruins of a structure. "There are likely many others hidden on this place. Some danger may yet lurk within them too..." Diana notes before she starts to move deeper on to the island itself.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "So many threads of fate woven together," Alexander says as he considers the approach of myriad souls. Idly he digs a few lines in the sand with Grasscutter's sheathe, creating an ouroboros of sorts and then casually swiping a line across it as he starts to move after.
     A tilt of his head is given toward Tigra as she moves onto the beach, perhaps curious if she is more house cattish and dislikes the water... or more tiger-like in exultation. Though the thought of it makes him smile sidelong toward her as they advance.
    Then as Diana speaks he steps up beside her, curiousity evident before he murmurs, "Is there anything in particular we should keep an eye out for?"

Achilles has posed:
    Now, he is not exactly a full creature of magic. At least not in the sense of a wizard or whatnot. Though, Angelo -is- just beginning the steps required to learn how to use the divine ichor of his blood... of two deific sources mingled together. What? It's complicated!

    But the point of the matter is that he hasn't really learned much about that yet. Either way, he has lived much of his life in the memories of the past. But he was never on 'the' Odyssey. Perhaps he figures that it is time for him to do so. If only to try to experience a part of what his old friend did way back then. . . but when it boils down to it, he can't -feel- magic. He can get a sense of a tactical situation as it devolves into chaos. But as people begin to get tense, a spear forms in his hand and his green eyes take in his surroundings, looking for incoming trouble.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra tilts her head the other way at hearing a familiar voice's recognition of her, and she opens her eyes to take a look, grinning and waving towards the 'Tines. Emerald light draws her eyes and she looks up to see the Green Lantern on his way in. "Think you've the right of it," she says to John after he gets shoes on. "One of those meaningful accidental gatherings." Her tail gives a light flick side to side as she considers Diana's words. "I'd like to think that any trouble that doesn't keep it distance is gonna have more trouble from us than us from it. Not counting on it, though." She seems unbothered by the water, certainly more of the tiger than the housecat to her as she moves inward, steps silent in the sand. She resists a magic helmet joke at Angelo's spear summoning.

Ikaris has posed:
Diana gives good advice. While not in traditional earshot, it reaches Ikaris nonetheless. The Eternal doesn't immediately descend to offer greetings and small-talk-- but he does make a rather obvious path over the beach, his blue and gold armored form at home in flight, graceful and swift. With such a party delving deeper into such a place, the opportunity for discovery, good or ill, seems probable-- if not outright overwhelmlingly //likely//.

As such, his vigil refocuses from that skyward perspective, soaring a patient perimeter around the advancing party. The whims of the powerful sorceress who waged her own war from these lands, the trials of the adventurer who lingered here un-polymorphed, but far from unchanged, are distant memories even without the fog of myth-- but far from wise to discount.

Eyes that may be drawn his way will be greeted with a gentle, too-practiced wave; at the least, the awkward politesse likely confirms that Ikaris is not here as a foe.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
... as usual, Cassie is left behind to park the jet!

Well, probably not exactly, as the wondrous bit of alien technology is perfectly capable of flying itself. But maybe she has to put away all the luggage or something. THE TOILS OF SIDEKICKERY. Whatever the details, she catches up with Diana a scant while later, flying along and then touching down on whatever beach-y stretch they've navigated to. Unlike her mentor, she does not fit seemlessly into the visual aesthetic of the quest! She has donned a breastplate and strapped a sword and shield onto her back, but they're clearly worn over modern athleticwear, and she doesn't even bother with the war-skirt and sandals. Just yoga pants and sneakers. She even has her headphones on as she catches up, although they're pulled free to hang around her neck as she arrives, blaring something from the current pop charts.

"So, magical disturbance and... what, we just wander around looking for trouble?" she asks her mentor. "Well, whatever. Lead on, my Princess!" The address is more sarcastic than royally reverent!

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan excitedly wiggles her fingers in an amiable wave. She squeezes her hair out in her hands to get the worst of the saltwater out, walking through the shallow waves and stepping up aboe the land. "Yes, you did, love. Here we go, then. Hullo!" The sunny greeting is purely at odds with dark-and-spooky island. Her mouth rounds at Diana's warning. "Oh, is it? Then probably best not to muck about too deeply off the beaten path." Ghosting up to John's shoulder is much easier when she floats, tapping his coat and pulling a sheen of water into her palm where it sits like a particularly happy hedgehog or porcupine. Bit useful when that comes to not being soaking wet and uncomfortable tramping through an ancient witch's island.

"Troubles might be a lack of ouzo or olives, with any luck. I would say mind hospitality and don't take anything that's not ours?" General recommendations are given. "Hm. The Astrapaios burnt out plenty here by the looks of it. Let's try not to make him angry, 'cos he might feel like crashing the party and only one of us is probably a bird with any regularity. Don't really reckon we want to tangle with an Olympian. That Olympian, anyway."

John Stewart has posed:
Up close, John Stewart is visible through his flight field; that Green energy aura around him allows for his version of the Green Lantern uniform to be seen, alongside the glowing green aura of his eyes. Unlike most in the Green Lantern Corps, John wears no mask and is public... and as he floats towards the group, Diana speaking up catches his attention. John floats a few inches above the ground as he takes it all in, crossing his arms.

Then, as Alexander speaks, John replies... it's hard to tell from his tone if it's serious or a quip, "Anything trying to kill you is usually a good thing to look out for."

Still, this is more than John originally planned for... and now this random group might be in danger. Better to map it out with allies. Mutual protection is nothing to scoff at.

Within moments, John floats over to Diana and 'drops' to the ground near her, "anything I'd pull up from the database would probably be outdated here, but I can keep an active scan ahead for us." John offers as he walks alongside the group, his flight field disappearing as he Wills a scanning field in front of the group.

John Constantine has posed:
"More'n I'm comfortable with," John says, looking at Alexander and then at the others. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and taps one out, lighting it as he eyes everyone.

He glances up at Ikaris, and then flashes the rest a smile, rolling his eyes at his wife claiming that it's best not to muck around off the beaten path. "Now you know that isn't my style, ducky," he tells Meggan with a shrug, taking another long drag of his cigarette.

"Off the beaten path's where I do me best work." He wrinkles his nose and then closes his eyes, though there's a soft red light behind his eyelids, suggesting his sight is just changed, not gone.

"If he does come," John says, re: Zeus, "we'll have words with him, as well, right Diana?" He seems amused at the prospect.

Circe has posed:
Ahead, to thsoe that can tell it are what are impacts of Zeus' thunderbolts would have been however long ago. Something here had drawn his ire. Centuries ago. Going along the island, as the group would go forwards in curiousity and file.. There would be figures made out of stone. Humanoids. Monsters. Things of myth.
    Recognizable to any that might have encountered her or her lineage in the past of Medusa's gaze. Monsters and men positioned in postures of fear and defense, left as battered statues in teh area.
    Things not of the memory of myth nor of the stories.

Diana Prince has posed:
With Cassie's arrival, Diana gives her young protege a quick smirk. Her eyes then go to the landing Lantern, who gets another light nod from the Princess. At the words from John, Meggan and John, Diana shows a faint smirk. "Let us hope it does not come to such a thing." She notes of her father...

A glance is shot to Alexander then, before Diana sweeps her eyes over everyone. "A word of further warning. What I know of this place is only through the legends and tales that were told to me some time ago. I cannot say for sure what of those legends are true, and what may be ... embellished. Those of you who can fly, you might wish to do so... to get a good look at the island from the sky. Those of you who are ground bound, I will remain with you. We shall see, what may have drawn us here..."

And with that the Princess sets out along what pathways reveal themselves. At the sight of statues, structures, and any such ruins, the Princess will grimace some. She keeps her thoughts mostly to herself though, while they adventure deeper in to the island.

"Witches, my people, and the Gods themselves... Combatants that fought here, lost their lives here, and intermixed it all with ... unpleasant magic. The kind of magics that can rot, and leave dangers for untold amounts of time..." The Princess does further elaborate as the group progresses yet further.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A solemn nod is given slowly as Alexander accepts the wisdom granted from the warrior in emerald. Likely the tone is taken as quip for he seems to accept it with warm aplomb. Ware the homicidal and malicious. Indeed.
    Though when he makes eye contact with Constantine, the young Olympian seems quick to summon a polite smile, lowering his eyes slightly in what would pass for as a bow in this august assembly. Yet for the most part he seems to be the more relaxed comrade for Diana beside the more vocal Cassandra.
    Then they are passing through the grim rock garden of the fallen, features of individuals trapped in stone with a look of such strong emotion that some of the ages old remnants of fear can almost be felt as he passes by one particularly telling set of statuary. He lifts a hand as if to touch, but doesn't quite make contact.
    "Can anything be done for them?" He asks, though as to who it is not clear.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Astrawhatsit?" Tigra asks Meggan as she idly moves upwind of John Constantine and his cigarette. She keeps eyes, ears, and nose peeled as she pads along with the others, fur rippling now and again but otherwise seeming to be more or less at ease at the moment. There's a slight frown when they first come to the statues, and she runs a hand along one as she realizes its origin. "Back in school, played D&D, and a stone to flesh spell would reverse something like this. I imagine that's probably not possible for these folks, here in the real world?"

John Stewart has posed:
As the scanning field flits from statue to statue, John frowns just slightly, "Lots of magical auras on those. If the Medusa stories are true at all, these are trapped souls The stone registers as actual stone, but the magical aura betrays the lie." There's a brief pause, "Deal with the magic locking them as stone, and it might reverse. Maybe."

Ikaris has posed:
"The curse of a Gorgon..." Ikaris offers in hypothesis or observation, as his flightpath dips low, acceleration abating in the span of a dime to hover over the assembled explorers.

"Reversing such is--" difficult. Complicated. Demanding of more equivalent exchange for the typical mage than is Wise. "-- beyond my ken." The Eternal settles on, with some measure of detached regret.

"If the threat is still here, I do not see it... but the growing power is notable; and concerning." It's not news, it's likely why these interlopers are here at all-- but it is confirmation, noted by virtue of the immortal's senses and the information offered by the Mother Box when he first neared the island; a slumbering nexus which seems to be stirring fitfully.

Achilles has posed:
    As someone who grew up -in- many of the myths of the Aegean area, Angelo sighs as he spies the statues. "I thought Perseus killed the Medusa." he remarks before forming his shield... "If you spot movement, I suggest -not- focusing your eyes upon it. Just in case." And as he is speaking, his armor and helmet form also. Yes, spear and magic helmet. Neener.

    "Can anyone tell if a mythical half snake, half woman is in residence here?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
And so they wander. For a bit, Cassie actually puts the headphones /back on/. Is she singing to herself? Vigilant of danger, indeed!

Her disaffection with the situation, even with chatter about the Gods as the background, might come off as the disinterested or ADD-prone manner so often attributed to her generation. But in her case, it's obviously a little more than that. Even when she passes a clearly lightning-scarred tree, her reaction is not trepidation. But neither is it total disregard. Instead, she rolls her eyes in the fashion of someone very much 'over' the drama. Parents are /sooooooo/ lame.

A stone statue of shockingly realistic detail does cause her greater pause, however. Cassie has never actually battled any of the true Gorgons in her short career (what did they ever do to her?!), but she's no doubt heard plenty of tales of them. And she has, on one occasion during a hunting trip on Themyscira, encountered another creature capable of similar attack. And that time, even the very experienced and capable DONNA TROY cautioned them to run away! So she stops, and examines the statue, peering closer in. "Woah. This is either really good job or... uh yeah. Better watch out."

So even if the vague threat of divine wrath doesn't sober her up, this does, at least a little. Or maybe she's not REALLY that blase about Diana's warnings. Eventually, she straightens back up and looks toward her, and then from there between some of their curious entourage. John scanning one of the statues with the ring comes off as kinda cool. "I always wonder how magic shows up to stuff like that... whaddya think Di, any chance of reversing it, if these are really people? Or are they uh, long gone?"

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"Name for the king of the Olympian gods. Rhymes with Goose. Trying to be polite seeing as where we are." Meggan a bit sheepishly ducks her head to Tigra. "Being as it might bring his attention."

Old superstitions may never die, but then she has other distractions to deal with, worse ones. She tugs on John's sleeve, the seawater splashing down as she forgets to keep it into a cohesive ball. "They're alive. Probably since..." Meggan counts briefly on her fingers. She needs a couple moments to parse, her voice tight. "Twenty-four hundred years. Maybe three thousand if we're pushing back to Mycenae? Trapped in the moment they got turned to stone." Shadows gather over her lowered eyes, traces of green dimmed ahead of a greying storm. Slim shoulders make a stiff line under her wet shirt in the uncomfortable, leaden pause around Alexander's question and Ikaris' explanation. She looks up at him curiously.

A momentary pause grows longer around Cassie's explanation and then that cat is out of the bag. Off it goes, orange and lovely. "I probably can. Or can, just gotta brew up an idea about how. Get some practice first. Like leaves or a fish to be sure I don't muck one of them up."

She gets softer the more she speaks. "They are alive though. The statues. All of them."

John Constantine has posed:
"They are," Constantine agrees with Meggan. "You lot go on," he tells the others, "I've got something I want to see. We'll catch up."

He takes Meggan's hand and tugs, heading in another direction. "C'mon, luv. I want to see a land about some statues." Let's face it, if there's anyone assembled who might be able to get those status un-stone-ified again, it's John and Meggan Constantine.

Circe has posed:
In the distance, finally there is some sort of sign of habitation. Smoke going up through the air. Puffing over in a large fire. A very, very large bonfire by the amount of smoke. The residue of the area and the inherent magical pressure having seemingly hidden it away until now as the group journeyed in. For the statues, locked in eternal prison, there were looks of fear, desperation, anger, defensiveness. Definitely the work of a gorgon. For those who could tell, a powerful one.
    Even if slain by the great hero Perseus, death was not always eternal, perhaps. Nor was a curse something that could only be inflicted once. But of whatever power or being that had done it.. There was no sense or trace of them here. Not for a long time. So they were safe, at least from anything like that.
    In the distance, the smoke went higher, thicker. For Greer, the scent was thick of meat. Meat. Freshly butchered and slaughtered.
    Trailing through the air, deep, loud singing that had started coming as if queued on command. Thick, heavy, rousing.

Greer Grant has posed:
"No offense," Tigra murmurs vaguely skyward after Megan explains the whatsit which perhaps deserved a bit more dignity than she had given it. "Do have to wonder, would it even be kind to release them? If they've been here since the time of legends, would waking up in the modern world be a release or perdition?" She frowns at her use of the fancy word, then tilts her head as she catches the scent of cooking. "Bulls and sheep," she murmurs. "Fresh. Is it just me, or were those used for sacrifices a lot? I mean, maybe someone's making kebabs, but maybe there's something else."

Ikaris has posed:
"Humans are remarkably adaptable." Is it kind to return the long lost to the modern age? Kinder than being stuck petrified in an endless curse, to Ikaris' reckoning; regardless of the era of this particular encounter.

The plume of smoke, the scent of meat, the implication of sacrifice and ritual-- it draws his attention and prompts a stern frown on the Eternal's features. Ikaris shoots skyward once more, arcing out over the island to approach that bonfire.

It had been absent from his initial survey, and the sudden reveal coupled with the surging power of this place only compounds that sinking suspicion of sorcerous nefarity. He doesn't comment on his intentions-- but it's readily evident that Ikaris intends to take a look at exactly //what// is going on.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana appears beside Cassie and glances toward her, then toward one of the stone faces rapt in agony as they were locked in place for all of eternity. She stares at their eyes before glancing toward Meggan and John as they make a departure toward another part of the island. "Be careful." She says softly as they go. Her eyes then trace over to Greer. "You raise a good point. Should such a thing take place, we may need to take them to Themyscira to ease them back in to existence. But... I can only theorize on ways to bring them back to life. It is... beyond me...."

Diana turns then to walk past Alex and Angelo. "Keep your wits about you. Though I do not think whatever caused these people to turn to stone still lingers, it is best to be ready...."

Her ears pick up the sound of distant singing, and Diana's eyes turn to take in the sight of smoke rising. "John. Ikaris." Diana says to those with the flight, and high tech scanning. "Looks as though someone may know we are getting closer..."

The Princess keeps her hands at her sides, as she moves toward the source of the smoke now... "It could be a diversion, so keep your eyes peeled." She tells everyone still within hearing range.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The crimson blade of Grasscutter slices free of its scabbard, the faded blood of Alexander's father still gleaming on the weapon's edge. A small flourish brings the sheath around to slip into place under a leather strap to hold it in place against his back. Though now with naked steel he advances at Diana's side, boot steps quiet as he moves and his attention forward with eyes lowered subtly.
    Sidelong he murmurs toward Tigra, "Given my druthers, I would prefer freedom to prison even if I'm forced to face difficult truths." The tone in delivery of those words is almost conversational as he walks. Then when she mentions the scent his own nostrils flare as he tries to pick it up. Though likely failing.

John Stewart has posed:
"Without any idea of who or what these creatures were, giving them the choice and giving their will back in a controlled manner is the responsible thing to do. I'm sure there are magicians who can do it." Then John sees the smoke... and a green field is Willed into existance around himself, "Just a moment." John states as he suddenly flies up into the air, high... to get a look down towards where the smoke is without any obstacles.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I think we're OK, as long as no one goes around doing any gross blasphemy or whatever," Cassie advises on the topic of skyfathers who rhyme with (and sometimes turn into) waterfowl. "Bunch of us are family, and I'm like, the spoiled new kid he dotes on. Well." She pauses, contemplatively. "At least as far as I know." He coulda gone and made be a half-dozen new demigods by now, for all she knows!

However, it's Meggan's more detailed analysis of the petrified figures that really strikes her. It's a long time, for one thing. "Woah." Still, she looks sidelong at Greer and then back. "Mm, yeah, it'd be some kinda crazy culture shock. But our people could help, maybe?" Diana has the same idea, and so she echoes it with a nod in support. "We've kept the culture going, and recently we've been working on integrating the island with the outside world more and more. It's slow-going, but still. Oughta be they have a say in things..."

Regardless of the ultimate fate of the many statues, they have a quest to carry on with. Ahead, ahead! And lo, someone has so kindly thought to get the 'party' started ahead of them. "So... if the creature who did this is here, what are we doing?" she wonders, glancing sidelong as Alex goes for the sword, and she considers her own armaments. "We gotta make sure we don't end up like them, but also... I mean, the Gorgons aren't just monsters. They're cursed people. So like, maybe we talk about things?" Its rare that Cassie isn't gung-ho for violence, but the situation is... well, they came to the island!

Achilles has posed:
    Narrowing his eyes under his helmet, Angelo slows. "We should be careful. Mother took me to visit the cyclopes before. I recall hearing their chants of offering to Poseidon. That is what we hear now." he says.

    "If we wish to avoid them, we should skirt about this area." he adds as he rests his spear over his shoulder, following the group for the most part.

Circe has posed:
In the distance, the smoke and the scent thickens. The chanting is audible. For those that understand the words, now audible off in the distance.. THe deep reverberations are that of a prayer and an offering.
    Angelo recognizes it. The deep booming that is familiar to those that have heard it; whether directly in their lives or could imagine it. And in the distance, as if a veil through the island was being parted..
    One such a thing can be seen. Large. Not as large as the Titans of old. Not nearly. But a large Cyclops, slaughtering a ram and offering a deep prayer.

    A Cyclops wiht a deep gouge where his eye would be.

Achilles has posed:
    Slowing to a stop, Angelo stops making -any- noise. This Cyclops has been blind for ages, and likely has good hearing. He grimaces and shakes his head before gesturing to try to get the attention of the others...

    He gestures back and around as if trying to suggest avoiding this Cyclops if at all possible. But no speaking!

Diana Prince has posed:
With the Lantern and Ikaris in the sky, Diana feels confident about them providing overwatch. Her eyes drop back down toward the smoke source as they get closer to it, and when she steps around some cover to see the eyeless Cyclops, it makes her dark eyebrows furrow some.

She looks over to Angelo, and nods softly toward him before she detaches her lasso from her hip, gripping the coiled golden rope tightly in her hand, while the other dips behind the small of her back to pull her shield from her harness.

Diana moves with light steps, barely audible to anyone even beside her as she continues, a glance over to Cassie, she eyes the headset that the young Amazon wears, then looks to the others. It would seem that Diana is trying to stay closest to the Cyclops, just in case he does take wind of their presence, she can be ready to attack if needs be.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Being the son of Ares often comes with its own particular cavalcade of issues. An easiness with violence being one thing that comes with the territory, though also an understanding with how circumstances change in wartime is another. Thankfully those two are coupled with an utter lack of fear otherwise the sight of the large maimed cyclops might summon a hint of it as the young Olympian catches a view of the tall creature.
    "Ah. Man." He offers in his oh so talkative yet whispery way, "I hope we don't have to kill him." Since that might well be a big production and he spares a glance at their gathered warriors true before he looks back toward Diana and then Cassie.
    Then sidelong he whispers toward Angelo, "Aren't you the fellow that blinded this guy?" Achilles, Ulysses, potayto, potahto.

Achilles has posed:
    Okay. Stealth. Sneaking. Nobody is talking and.. then Alexander asks a question aloud. The wrong question. Angelo winces and shakes his head, "No. I was supposed to be dead. I believe Nobody blinded him." Gods, let the Cyclops -not- think I did that to him. Yeesh.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
As it turns out, the statue garden provokes a lot of unecessary worry. There is no snake-haired lady to murder-slash-party with. Instead, there is a very large person!

Cassie doesn't have any deep insight to offer here, if not for lack of familiarity. Their crew is heavy with mythical experience, but even for the uninitiated... it's probably pretty obvious, right? It's a big old giant. With one eye. Well, zero eyes. Point is, it's mainstream enough that even the X-Men have ripped off the branding!

In any case, Cassie DOES demonstrate that, all her normal shenanigans aside, when it's time to work, she can get serious with the rest of them, and drops the totally idle and random chatter when Angelo signals silence. She even reaches up to tap the side of her headphones BEFORE Diana glares at her. OH EM GEE, SHE KNOWS.

However, wlel, there's still some whisper-y chitchat as they creep up like a bunch of creepers, so... uh, its not her fault at this point! "I mean... same deal really, these things aren't like, inherently evil or whatever. Anyone know WHAT the ritual is for?"

Greer Grant has posed:
It takes a cat to move more quietly than Diana, and Tigra does so, with careful steps as the Cyclops comes into view. She holds still and watches and listens. His words are all Greek to her, but it's clear he's quite intent on what it is he's doing. She gently and slowly crouches down, nodding in agreement to Alex, then a brief double take towards Angelo. Is that who he is? Later, find out about that later. A nod towards Cassie. "We're the intruders here," she murmurs very softly. "Let him mind his business?"

Circe has posed:
The chanting of the Cyclops blinded by Nobody, ancient Polyphemus, would continue to rise up in an offering to Poseidon. An old prayer, different and yet familiar. Thanking for protection, for sanctuary. And for revenge given and which would always be thankful for.
    Because the gods were always fickle, and that which they did could always be undone later if not properly recalled. Was that not how so many tales and tribulations started when they were not given their due and recognition?
    There are no signs of notice. NO interruptions of the chant and the prayers. No shifts of posture or attention. They don't seem to have been noticed at all. The group are now close to where Circe's old 'residence' used to be. Now rubble and ruin. hit by Thunderbolt and the power of the sea. Tellable even so long after.

Ikaris has posed:
Ikaris chooses -not- to leave the Noclops to his business. The Eternal dips down towards the bonfire and hovers a short span over the giant, "What is the purpose of this ritual, ... Polyphemus?" he guesses, and inquires with -utmost- stealth and subtlety.

The entire affair is dubious as can be to Ikaris' eyes; and with the surging power and mystical attention drawn here, it seems prudent to be direct. And intercede imminently, as the need should arise. "The power here was -meant- to be left to slumber."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana keeps a close watch on the Cyclops, as she stands just beyond where he is chanting. She looks back to the rest of her group as they make their way past him, and then moves to join them, her light footed steps bringing her back up with them.

"I believe he is chanting for continued food sources on the island. Or... to bring magic back to the shores. Pray for days long gone... the good old days." She says with a faint smirk touching her visage as she glances toward the others.

Her eyes then dart ahead toward the remains of Circe's abode. She draws in a breath as she feels a ocean wind roll up across the area, the wind causing some of her dark hair to streak across her face. She looks up to Ikaris and John still in the sky, then starts forward in to the ruins.

"Hopefully we will find our answers here." The Princess says while she drops down off a fallen stone to land upon a rubble covered walkway.

Achilles has posed:
    Now that talking is -not- causing problems, Angelo looks to Alexander and shrugs. Then he looks to Diana and lifts both brows. "They weren't -that- good." before moving forward. "But if he is not immediately being violent then... perhaps he has mellowed out over the eons?"

    That said, he strides forward and comes to a stop off to the right side of Diana, not behind, not ahead of. Abreast, but not right at her side. That would imply that he deserves to be at her side. And even he doesn't believe he is worthy of that.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As soon as Diana finishes speaking, Alexander drops down as well. Landing without a sound he straighens up, adjusting his hold on the red katana's grip. His eyes remain on the tableau before them of Ikaris and the Cyclops, wary for what tell-tale signs there might be from such a gigantic creature. A tensing of the muscles, a deep intake of breath, whatever might tell the tale.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"... I mean, we did follow a lot of energy here, and it could be a ceremony to free a Titan to devour the Gods and return the Earth to the dominion of the elder giants," Cassie offers as a both-sides point of view kind of deal, back to Greer. "It's why it kinda matters WHAT the ritual's for. But I think I did hear Poseidon's name. That... sorta tracks? Gorgon-wise, maybe."

Cassie knows all the myths, of course, her mom raising her on them as sometimes literal campfire stories, occasionally at dig sites related to the very same tales. Thus, rather, she knows the stories as modern humans know them, in their millenias of retellings and distortions. In her much briefer time on Themyscira, she's discovered how much of what human history recorded is sometimes... sketchy, in the various minute details.

Not surprisingly, it's Diana who finally offers clarity. However, her characterization causes her to scrunch up her nose. "'Make the island great again!' Awesome. That's never an excuse for being a total jerkass, or anything. Well, maybe we check out the cave..."

And lo, Cassie will of course sneak that way with her mentor, even as Ikaris flies out to uh, just, well, say hello. "I guess we'll find out if he's friendly."

Greer Grant has posed:
Another nod from Tigra back to Cassie. "Sure. If it's a black magic ritual, or he's trolling on Instagram, then it'd be appropriate to do something. If he's just minding his own business, having a quiet ceremony of some sort, that's different." A glance towards Diana. "Ahh the old days. When men were men. And so was Bruce Jenner." Attention back to Cassie. "I guess we'll find out shortly."

Circe has posed:
There's a rise from the old giant as he would turn around towards Ikaris, "WHO ARE YOU.. AND WHY DO YOU BOTHER ME." He would rise up. Up.. Very big. By the standards of a Cyclops. "THIS ISLAND IS MINE. MY FATHER GAVE IT TO ME."
    Definitely not the welcoming type as he goes to take a step in the direction of the flying Eternal. "AND I WILL FEAST ON YOUR BONES THE WAY I DO ALL THOSE WHOM INTRUDE." A sneer on his face.
    As Diana's eyes scan forwards, there are signs of a recent presence. In the grand scheme of things. An emptied goblet of wine. Incense. A thick scent of honeyed mead. Fresh like nectar. Droplets smelling sweet in the air.
    To those that could senes it or smell it.. Definite traces of magic now in that place.
    Stompign of Cyclops forwards.. Towards the floating Eternal.

Diana Prince has posed:
A look is sent back to the direction that the Eternal is... Diana can still see him near to the Cyclops. It might be best to keep watch on him too, but ... she would leave him for the time being.

Instead, her focus goes to the clear signs of life on the island, life that clearly is not that of a Cyclops variety. She moves toward the glass and runs her eyes around it.

"Others are here." Diana softly announces. "They likely know of us..." She looks up then and holds her shield at her side. "I am Princess Diana of Themyscira. Daughter of Queen Hippolyta, leader of the Amazons. I come with allies, seeking answers to questions. I do not seek violence." She calls out, raising her voice enough to let it cast around the ruins, while her senses are alert to try and pick up the sound of watchers in the dark.

Ikaris has posed:
"Ah, you've certainly evolved." Ikaris sarcastically snarks. "I am called Ikaris." His own mythology is even more muddied, even less accurate in the details than that of the ironically injured cyclops.

It's not a tale he deigns to tell now, instead-- Polyphemus lumbers forward, swats skyward, and the Eternal -launches- himself right into the fray heedless of the giant's might, intent on delivering a dual-fisted hammerblow to the behemoth's chest.

It's actually a mercy, compared to some opening options, but the giant's violence is met in kind, the ancienter ancient taking it upon himself to draw the mountain's aggro, now that he indeed confirms that aggro.

Achilles has posed:
    Narrowing his eyes, Angelo stares at the ritual itself. The preparations, the sacrifices... the details. "By Hades." he mutters as he shakes his head. "Diana. Polyphemus..." he says softly, allowing the Cyclops to be distracted by the Eternal. Yep, please be distracted. "He was trying to learn of..." and then Diana goes and gets all formal and introductory. He just falls silence for a moment before moving closer and half-whispering, "He is trying to find the way to enter Tartarus. Someplace that I can never go."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Under his breath Alexander says simply, "Dammit." Not out of reluctance to draw blood, but more that it is so rare to find these tenuous connections to his heritage...
    And once again they're probably going to have to kill it.
    A quick glance is given sidelong toward Diana, since if anyone is likely to try and make peace with a shouting roaring Cyclops threatening to eat someone it is her. And there it is. We come in peace.
    And then Ikaris is charging right into him. "Ah."

Greer Grant has posed:
"And they certainly know we're here now," Tigra murmurs towards Diana as the Cyclops bellows his displeasure at being interrupted. Damn, that guy's big. Why are they always so big? Yes, yes, listen to Diana. Not seeking viol--- well. Ikaris isn't seeking violence because he's obviously bringing the violence. Right. Well, then. While -that- big of negotiation is going on, Tigra moves forward to investigate the wine, incense and so on, scenting the air as she does so.

Circe has posed:
'Way to Tartarus' is bad. Very, very so. There's a grunt of Polyphemus as Diana goes out with her intent to Parlay, "WELL PRINCESS, YOU ARE HERE AT MY" which is interrupted by Ikaris going to punch him VERY hard as he would be sent flying away! Smashing along, bouncing over the sacrifices and other rams and sheep that had been arranged out for the slaughter and the prayer.
    The rain starts.

Diana Prince has posed:
It isn't a second after Diana had spoken that the sounds of fighting come. She draws in a quick breath, and just releases it again. A glance is sent to Angelo and Diana nods her head once. "It would seem as much then."

With Ikaris battling the Cyclops, Diana looks to the others. "We should help him then. Subdue the towering beast. We may need to garner more information from it afterward..."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "You got the guy?" Alexander says sidelong in that perhaps overly casual way of his that might make one think of a California surfer talking to his bros, but he's serious dammit. Even as he gestures sidelong toward the Cyclops with the sword.
    But he breaks into a run, not toward the monstrosity but instead to the site of the ritual where the Cyclops was chanting, calling out his words to the sea and the dark waters before them. And as he runs he flips his sword around and sheathes it without looking, which really if anyone sees him they should be damn impressed considering how hard that is.
    Only for him to /skiiid/ to a halt before the center of the ritual as he hastily tries to straighten a few things, put a few offerings back in place unless they're people then... ugh. But he opens his arms and calls out toward the ocean.
    "UNCLE! Hold your ire! Battle is joined and dedicated to your glory! The victor will make due offerings. Oh great Poseidon!" Which, curiously enough he seems doing a halfway decent job of selling it.

Ikaris has posed:
Ikaris' eyes burn with cosmic energy, replacing his baby blues with menacing, heavenly fire. Nonetheless, he does not press the attack as Polyphemus hurtles away; the initial point is made. Though whether the cyclops -grasps- that is up in the air. "You'll find no easy prey here, Polyphemus; only the fiercest of adversaries, if you do not cooperate and //stand down//."

It's more of an olive branch than he'd particularly -like- to offer to cannabilistic giants as a rule, but they /do/ need better intel. The rain sheets down unheeded, wetting the armor-clad Eternal as his focus remains on the behemoth-- and those investigating the suspiciously inhabited ruins beyond.

Greer Grant has posed:
At first Tigra's not sure which 'him' Diana wants to help. "Maybe we can just break it up," she suggests. "Get Ikaris to step back, get the Cyclops to listen to us, make an apology. Hospitality's hugely important to these people, and rules have been broken. Think I read somewhere that's basically what Odysseus's sin was, breaking rules of hospitality." She pulls bedraggled hair out of her face as her fur starts to cling. Again, tiger not housecat. Thankfully.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"SEE?" declares Cassie, in a bit of a triumphant 'I told you so' echo to Angelo's assessment. "Those giant types, they're always up to that kinda stuff! Titan jailbreaks. Everyone gets eaten. Bad shit, yo." Somehow, Cassie was vaguely correct in her worries! "But that definitely puts it into 'disrupt the ritual so the world doesn't get destroyed' territory. Pretty typical scenario, if I'm being honest."

At this point, she looks around a bit.

"So like, do we go help? Or..." Annnnnd Alex is off to mess with the ritual shenanigans. "I dunno. Feels like if we help, maybe we can get this dude sorted with a little less mass destruction and eye-lasering, yeah? And then, you know, figure out all the ritual details, say our apologies, maybe sort this crap out."

Which is to say... Cassie starts pulling out a weapon. Not her sword and shield, notably, but the more signature heroic emblem of her lasso. She spends a few moments drawing out its length, portionining it between her hands for whatever task is ahead, and then ZOOM flies out toward the area of conflict. "Di, maybe we can just tie him up and then... we can all talk?"

She flies, starts swinging around the loop in her hand, looking for an opening, a limb flailing in the right direction... and then tosses, going for one of his arms!

Achilles has posed:
    "This place is ancient. The rules are ancient. One does not attack their host if it can be avoided!" calls Angelo as he strides forward. "Polyphemus! I ask for guest rights. Finish your sacrifice and then we will talk! Nobody is going to attack you... are they?!" he calls out at the top of his lungs as he looks back to Diana, and then turns to regard the... scuffle going down.

Circe has posed:
The lasso goes to slap up and over around an arm of Polyphemus, restraining him over as Alexander goes to strive forwards and makes his yell to his Uncle. The rain holds for a moment as the Amazons advance. Greer's comments and then Angelo's firm words on rituals reinforcing them goes to bring it to a still.
    Polyphemus slows. Restrained by the lasso.

Diana Prince has posed:
"You are not wrong..." Diana had said to Greer, whilst the skies opened up, dumping rain down upon them all. With Cassie leaping off to go lasso the Cyclops, Diana walked past Angelo, watching Alexander doing similarly in his own way.

She draws in a breath while the rain beats down upon them all, and then watches Polyphemus react to all of this.

She takes to the skies herself then, spreading through the falling sheets of rain, until she's close enough to backup Cassie with the golden lasso of Truth.

She aims for Polyphemus' neck, meaning to snare it, and hold him steady.

"We have come for answers, and not violence." Diana says loudly enough for everyone to hear her now.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Your patience is to be honored, Grand Poseidon. You have my thanks. You will have your due." He then kneels and touches a bent knuckle to his brow and lowers his eyes before he begins to try and return some order to the symbols that are set before him. The trident. The horse. The dolphin. The taurus. All favored of Poseidon and so they are given fresh marks to try and repair what was done.
    Then once that is done he will rise and step back to consider the offerings and seek to bring them back into harmony with the rest of it. He is no spell caster, no ritualist, though he has known the pull of magic upon himself and knew what those casters had to do to invoke him...
    Hopefully this works.

Greer Grant has posed:
If anyone would know if Tigra's right, it'd be Diana, and it sounds like Angelo's definitely on the same page. The rain seems to be holding off a bit, so seems like they're on the right path. She steps towards Alexander, ready to lend a hand, but keeping out of his way otherwise. She doesn't know the ritual items, and doesn't want to make it worse. And she'll let the heavier hitters handle trying to get a hold on Cyclops. Or Ikaris. She wrings her hair out as she watches the fight. "We'd like to just talk! Despite how quickly we started fighting," she murmurs. Oh, what John Constantine would make of this, she wonders.

Achilles has posed:
    "You have never answered me before mother, but now would be a good time for you to put a good word in Poseidon's ear." mutters Angelo mostly to himself. Oh, and maybe to his mother. One never knows. He wasn't exactly a good son, was he?

    Either way, he slowly walks forward and sighs, "Diana. Honey, not Vinegar." he suggests.

Ikaris has posed:
As the lassos strike true, and Polyphemus struggles to recover from the proverbial warning shot-- and in such tests of strength that is, deceptively, just the sort of blow that Ikaris landed-- the Promethean fire dulls from the Eternal's eyes, and he once more floats nearer to ground level, as keenly interested in the answers being sought as anyone else.

It's a strange array, from all throughout history, alongside various demigods and godlings at a nexus of another's remarkable mystical might. These pensive perusings dominate the moment for Ikaris as his intent blue eyes survey one, and then the next, considering; and listening.

With the growing realization that the behemoth was invoking Poseidon, and not some dark(er) force, the sinking feeling does not alleviate; but rather, returns intensely. It's the sense of knowing a piece is missing... but not immediately identifying what that may depict.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is gentle! ... insofar as one can be gentle, when trying to capture and restrain a hulking creature in an indestructible lasso and then yank them around with Olympian might. She doesn't electrify the lasso, at least! That's peaceful!

Regardless, the aerial pattern of dual lasso work is carried out with precision, indicating the time and effort Cassie goes into training alongside her elder counterpart. They've practiced this, and they execute it accordingly, with Cassie zipping around behind the creature once she gets the lasso on its wrist, pulling its arm toward its back. At the same time, with Diana's around its neck, she can pull forward and toward the other direction, preventing it from turning to break hold... at least without putting all the force on its arm. It's actually very similar to a maneuver you might use to restrain a normal person, except scaled waaaaay up for 2 Amazons versus a hugemongous creature.

"Easy there, big fella. Eye beams over there is gonna chill out, we really just wanna, uh, know what the deal is around here. Can't have people doing crazy world-shattering magic all willy-nilly, you feel me?"

Perhaps her modern dialect is... less appropriate for negotiation, in this context!

Circe has posed:
The storm stays. And then eases. Poseidon has seemingly at least been satisfied. Alexander's rapid fixing of the dissarranged offerings and the promise, as well as the cessation of the fighting before it escalated further seems to have appeased him.
    And taking notice of the slowing rain, Polyphemus would hiss, "WHY DO YOU COME TO MY HOME? MY ISLAND, GIVEN TO ME BY POSEIDON? WHY DO YOU INVADE?" He is, however, not threatening anymore. His body language was extremely defensive, but not on the attack.

Diana Prince has posed:
With the team effort of everyone doing their best to subdue the Cyclops, Diana stays up in the air until after Cassie makes her last moves of wrangling the beastly creature in to submission.

It's then that Diana's boots slap down against the wet earth, and she takes a wide stance, holding her own glowing lasso taught with both of her half gloved hands.

She looks up at the eyeless face of Polyphemus, her rain soaked hair laying flat down against her otherwise bare shoulders and arms now.

"We come seeking answers. What is it that you are doing here? What magics are you trying to summon? What is your end goal here? And... who does that Honied Mead come from? Who else is on this Island with you?"

Diana asks this selection of questions, with the lasso's burning compulsion pushing the creature to answer her in succession.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Once that order has been restored as much as can be, Alexander turns and steps away leaving the ritual site settled. He gives Tigra a nod with a sort of pained wide-eyed look as if to say, 'hope that works' but not giving actual voice to it lest it be overheard.
    Instead he now moves to back up the others near the Cyclops as he murmurs, "However things end someone's gonna have to give Poseidon his due."

Achilles has posed:
    Sighing, Angelo shakes his head, "We didn't need to even tie him... oh skip it." he mutters as he shakes his head. "This is his home. We came here following the original journey of Odysseus, the man Polyphemus here knows as Nobody." A pause and he adds, "He was doing a ritual that involved locating some part of Tartarus.. at least I think that is what he was doing." he says as both his spear and shield vanish, seemingly into the ether. But in reality, into his bracers.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Despite any claims of 'everything being totally fine now,' Cassie does not relent, maintaining tension for as long as Diana does on her end. Plus, when it comes to discussion, she knows her boss has the superior rope. Torture isn't generally useful, folks, via electrocution or otherwise, but magical truth compulsion? Much more convenient!

"Yeah there's definitely a bit of a gap here between... I'm just minding my own business giving thanks to my patron for my home and uh, the kind of magical ritual that would grab our attention from across the world. I mean, -I- pray to Poseidon sometimes, at the sea cliffs on Themyscira." Because, you know, also water! And the megalodons! "This all seems a little -extra-, by comparison."

Ikaris has posed:
"Unless this ritual is not actually what drew us here." Ikaris observes, giving voice to some of the Very Bad Feeling feelings. "Or there was much more to the ritual than Poseidon's favor and a connection to the afterlife."

Either way, with the mystical compulsion at play, the hovering Eternal pauses to hear Polyphemus out; even a he slowly scans the island with impossibly acute eyes. He offers no defense to his violent action-- when someone wants to eat him, umbrage is demanded.

Circe has posed:
Polyphemus growls over, "I HONOR MY FATHER WHO GAVE ME THIS LAND." Okay, the sacrifice was over to Poseidon. "HE GIFTED IT TO ME TO STAY WHEN ZEUS BANISHED THE ONE WHO AFFRONTED THE SON OF CRONUS." Tracked so far..
    "ONE CAME AND GAVE IT TO ME IN RETURN FOR LETTING THEM STAY FOR AWHILE." The honeyed ambrosia. Left unsaid' they were properly courteous'. "I KNOW NOT WHO THEY WERE." Nor did he care that apparently the person tracked whatever means Circe had charted a course to Tartarus for Odysseus however many eons ago. and tehy were no longer here.. "NO ONE IS HERE BUT ME, MY STOCK, THE ANIMALS, AND YOU."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's muscled arms flex tightly as she holds the rope alight around Polyphemus' neck. She hears the words of her companions on this quest, but when the answers come from the large eyeless beast, the Princess' arms slacken as she draws back on the lasso, unfurling it from the Nocloptic monster.

"So be it then." Diana says as her feet come closer together, her stance not quite as wide, her lasso being drawn back to her, to be coiled up once more.

"We shall leave your island in peace. But should any signs of dark magic conjuring take place here... we will return, and... well... we won't like it."

A breath is taken in then as Diana scans her eyes around the others. "I think we have what we need to bid fairwell to these shores." She turns then and raises her team com up to speak to the others venturing around the island...

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Sidelong toward Angelo, Alexander wipes a finger along the side of his eyelid, "Can you say something other than 'glub glub' right now?" The God of Fear says with a crooked half-smile. "Oh you can? You're welcome." But then he's closed the distance and settled into place near Diana as she takes care of business.
    Hands on his hips he lifts his eyes up toward the Cyclops, then Ikaris, then back toward the cyclops as he rocks back on his heels and seems completely alright to wait.