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Fleeb vs Vampires
Date of Scene: 08 September 2022
Location: Beach and Boardwalk - Coney Island
Synopsis: April O'Neil is kidnapped by vampires. An assortment of DIVERSE heroes come to her RESCUE! Tracy Fleeb witnesses the chaos she's been sewing...
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Mary Jane Watson, Leonardo, Jubilation Lee, Audra Meridian, Terry O'Neil, Tabitha Smith, Noriko Ashida, Atrid

April O'Neil has posed:
On a far end of the several mile stretch of Coney Island beachfront, there rests a dock area that is far less used anymore, far less traversed any longer, than that of the main boardwalk with all the faire grounds rides. This stretch of old, forgotten, dock, is now the home of a band of wayward people.. people who do not come out until after the sun has set.

Tonight, in Brooklyn, there was a political rally being held for a young aspiring politician named Tracy Fleeb. Her rallies have been growing in numbers after her public appearances where she outed the existence of a 'plague of vampires' in the shadows of the city. Apparently others have agreed with her, that this mythical villainous race was actually a threat to innocent people in the New York area! The rally was hopping, and in attendance was the reporter April O'Neil...

Not long in to Tracy Fleeb's public speech did something happen too, dark figures swept out of the sky over the crowds, causing panic! They swept through the audience, and snagged the yellow-jacket-wearing reporter right from her place on the perimeter of the audience where she'd been doing a live stream with her cameraman!

Vampires! They were attacking! They were kidnapping someone, no less... to what end? Send a message to Tracy? To the people of Brooklyn, and NYC?

A gang of angry Fleeb-supporters rallied after seeing April O'Neil get carried off in to the night sky! They got in their vehicles, and shouted to the crowds that they recognized the Vampires, and knew where they were headed..! A convoy of cars arrived at the old dock area, sand kicking up in the wake of their tires upon the beach!

Sure enough, upon the dock, the group of Vamkpires had April O'Neil strung up at the end of the dock, tied to a wooden light post, long darkened without any functioning light fixture, or power line connection.

When the convoy of rescuers arrived, the Vampires turned to block them from saving the captured Reporter...

And this is where we stand now, a stand off on the edge of the dock, one angry mob, versus another...

Shouting, cursing...

Followed by gunfire! Someone takes a shot at one of the Vampires, who goes down on the dock in a blaze of blood and flailing limbs!

Like a crack of thunder, the burning barrels of fire-consuming garbage give light to the darkness, as the two groups begin to engage in unbridled violence!

April struggles against the wooden post, tied up at the very end of the dock, guarded by a number of Vampires who have weapons at the ready!

It's pure chaos, upwards of fifty or more people per side!

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Oh, she is so here. For one of those rare times that Mary Jane has given full reign to Sonja. Sonja is there wearing a full SHIELD armored suit. A massive sword is drawn in front o fher. A heavy basterd sword of a Hyborean forging. It almost glows in the light, made of unnatural metals. She stalks forwards along the beachfront in a spirit of total glee along the boardwalk and the docks. Her blade in front of her and drawn.

There's a quick jog in her step as the SHIELD Agent Barbarian is heading in towards the melee. Ignoring the civilians. Heading right for the vampires. "Come, you abominations of the darkness! Let me kill you and put you out of your undeath and misery!"

Leonardo has posed:
Amidst the shadows watching the rally is one of the unseen protectors of that same reporter now captive to a host of vampires. Would Leonardo, ninja, Samurai, care about the existance of vampires if they'd but left his friend alone? Perhaps... it's hard to say. He's got no particular issue with their existance, but they do pose a relative threat to humanity by their particular diet of blood.

At this moment, however, that is moot.

They went and poked the bear.

And the bear has katanas.

When the shooting starts, the shadows move... rapidly. In the midst of chaos, one of the pair of katanas pulls form the cross grip sheaths on his back. The matte black blade reflects no light as it cleanly slices through the thigh of one vampire, whom is then shoulder blocked away. Opening up some room for him to hurl the blade like a javaline into the chest of another. Into the space that seperates him from the stumbling monster he runs, rolls over his shell, and kips into a double kick to retrieve his weapon. It slides from the kindreds chest ala excaliber from the stone.

Leaving the Ninja clad turtle in black clothing standing in a ready position as near to April as one can get in the span of several seconds.

Do not mess with the yellow coat wearing reporter.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation convinced Tabitha to bring her into the city past sundown -- we'll just check out this really cool bar that will totally let me in, honest! -- but really the idea was to be close to the Fleeb rally. Unfortunately, whispers of trouble cut their fun short.

    "If you like pina coladas....And gettin' caught in the rain... If you're not into yoga....And have half a brain...!" Jubilee is seated behind Tabitha, singing loudly so she can get her voice above the roar of Tabitha's motorcycle. Right in her ear. Jubes meant to hit G7 on the jukebox but hit G8 by accident. "That was a buck down the drain," she had complained at the time, but, as Tabitha's ear drums could certainly attest, Jubilation doesn't hate that song nearly as much as she pretended.

    "Watch out!" Jubes cries out. "I wanna get to this place in one piece! Follow that stupid yellow jacket!" And so, that's how our brave heroes found themselves rocketing through the city on a shared motorcycle, one of them at the handlebars while the other one has no choice but to hang on.

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian was... nowhere near the rally. Politics were not her thing, and she wasn't a resident of New York so it wasn't really her busy. She was just in the city dropping off a collection of meteorogical surveys of the region the hyperloop linked cities share. Then had stopped at a greasy corner diner for a cheap beer and a bite to eat. The rally just happened to be playing on the old TV suspended over one end of the counter. Until the reporter was nabbed from view.

The big semi-dirty windows gave a clear view of something dark flitting across the sky with a flicker of yellow amongst it pass by. Followed by a vehicle caravan that rivals New York's normal congested traffic. Audra pauses a moment, , glancing at the interrupted TV broadcast, then leaning to peer down the street. "That was strange. Even for New York..." The woman stuffed the rest of a cheap burger in her mouth, dropped the cash to pay and a tip on the tabletop, and beat feet back outside before anyone could check if she got the correct change or not. Moments later a SUV sped past outside.

Though it didn't join the chase directly. Or go all the way to the beach, just followed far enough to get the location. So Audra could park, shut the vehicle down, and jump in the back to grab her stuff. While muttering that she really needs to invent a way to carry her gear with her.

A few minutes later a woman clad in violet and blue and some elaborate looking gauntlets (and matching boots) comes speeding on the scene of the beach proper. "I'll be damned." She pulls to a stop and hovers a moment to eye the chaos. "It really is vampires." Pause. "... I guess, with there being aliens and everything, it's not entirely illogical. More importantly!" Windrose gets back into Heroic Moment. "You're making a mess of a perfectly good beach! You know how hard it is to find a CLEAN one around New York?!"

She raises her arms, a humming is heard, then turns into a rattling *WHOOSH* as she releases a burst of wind to try and dislodge some of the vampire horde from the dock! "Maybe some of you should take a dunk and cool off!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
<<Vampires have kidnapped your cousin.>>

"Wait, what?"

Terry O'Neil looks at his phone. Vern and Terry aren't the best of friends, with the only thing that they have in common is that they know April. The man is an inveterate coward, but he does have scruples... the moment he stops quaking hard enought o remember them, of course. The redhead looks around in the bullpen- just your standard evening at the Daily Planet, right? <<Location? Stat>>

"Uh, guys, I need to step out. Looks like my cousin has been kidnapped by-"
"You know the drill, O'Neil," comes the familiar voice near the editorial desk, "Just make sure you have the copy ready for the morning edition."

The perks of having a public-identity superhero on-staff: you never have to come up with a ridiculous story about how you got the scoop, and how you got there fast enough to still cover the event.

And then, a few seconds later, Chaos comes to the chaos that has been unleashed, as Vorpal the Cheshire Cat appears at the docks, emerging from a Rabbit Hole and lacking the very distinctive grin that characterizes him. In fact, he looks absolutely pissed. He raises his hand and a gowing flamingo croquet club appears in his hand, blazing a violent purple-red. "You lot are lucky Harley isn't here. So I guess I'm just going to have to /represent/. CUZ! I'm here! You hang on tight, I'll come getcha!"

Was that a joke?

Vorpal immediately leaps ahead, club swinging and leaving after-images of itself as it moves to impact bodies, the cat employing every dirty trick in the Harley Book Of Pugilism and Put It There Ow Is That Your Eye That Will Leave A Mark.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It's not exactly an ideal place for Tabitha to be hip deep in city terrirtory these days but she still needs to get out of the mansion. Random crowds add two layers of noise. The one hitting her ears and the one hitting her brain. So there's some occasional wincing and acting like she might have a headache. She still has to consciously block the brain noises out in both direction with effort.

Luckily Tabby's outfits never take much to nail her loud punkish style. Yellow corduroy jeans, one thigh ripped and the other merely slashed in a few places with some rips at back that maybe she should just turn them into cutoffs. A motorcycle jacket in pink leather, padded shoulders back and arms lined with white piping left open so a cropped little tank top in red with a blue Suziki logo cut off at the bottom where abs are visible instead. You got 'flaunt 'em. Motorcycle boots in a slightly scuffed pink and white with many a buckle keep her feet safe. The girl's hair bound up in a loosening ponytail that leaves some overgrown and almost shaggy bangs loose to be kept out of her eyes by red framed and yellow lensed cateye glasses, A belt and choker in red spinky leather at waist and hips adding to the loud mess of colors.

She had come with Jubilee mostly to do the whole getting out and about thing and to be fair she totally ran with the singing the wrong song. It's never the wrong song!

What probably suprised the Duchess of Westchester is Tabby was actually very good on the bike. The trip into the city no where near as slow as it would be if she had the van.

This makes following the kidnapping an easy thing to follow. Between telepathy and superiors vampire senses they have no trouble making it to the docks.

"So, rescue?" she ponders as the bike is parked and the two women can hear more than an engine roar and each other's singing. Tabby is nothing if not an enabler. "If anyone else turns up so like they probably won't be as sensitive to like vampire sentience as us. How hard can we hit?" she ponders the possibility of having to deal with future Jubilee moping.

April O'Neil has posed:
Red Sonja's arrival is certainly one of those things you just can't really miss, but at the same time, as impressive as she might be, or intimidating... Vampires aren't slouches in their own rights!

When she storms in with a clear intention to harm them, three of the closest Vampires to her, take to the skie and try to swarm her from above! Their fists, fangs, and fast motions make them a dark blue in the night sky above the warrior woman!

Leonardo's arrival has April gasping out in surprise. "Hey! I told you a-holes that I had friends who'd kick your butts! Guess you should've listened!" She says from her tied-up position on the old wooden post! She watches with huge eyes as Leo starts to do what he does, but with a big more aggressive undertones than she's used to! Either way, these monsters asked for it, and April starts to struggle while two more Vampires jump up from beneath the docks to put a blade toward April, to try and disuade the Ninja from making any further steps toward their captured prey!

Right then, Audra's kinetic attack bursts at the back of the Vampire line, sending about eight bodies flying in to the air, arms and legs flailing as they are spread out toward the waters around the ends of the dock! Half of them fall in to the water, while the other half takes to their Vampire-flying and shoot up in to the air, coming back down to swoop over the onslaught of Humans rushing the docks! They move to pick up some of the armed Humans, to toss them toward their convoy of vehicles! Screams start to fill the night!

"Terry??" April can be heard calling out, as she sees her cousin, with that giant hammer, through the line of Vamkpires trying to keep the docks 'theirs'. "Hold on tight?? What else am I supposed to do?!" April shouts further as she wiggles around beneath the bindings holding her against that old light post!

Up on the shore where Tabitha, and Jubilee are arriving, another vehicle pulls up, this one a fancy sedan, and from within it, a young blonde woman steps out, with her entourage around her.

Tracy Fleeb. She stands up on the hill, quite a distance away from the fighting. Her hands at her sides, her blonde hair gently flowing in the wind, as she just... watches... motionlessly.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja goes to grin madly over at the vampires as they go to charge her. This is the life she knows. THese are monsters the likes she has taken the measure of. These are the attacks that she knows how to counter. She doesn't taunt them as they go to attack her. Her yells have gotten their attention.

One going to launch at her is met by her twisting around the sword to block the fangs on the blade. Then from there a quick twist of it is used to hopefully cleave off the head through the jaw, hopefully sharp blade going through it the other side, leaving the slumping vampire to fall down partially beheaded.
    THe next one going to attack her is met with an attempted kick of a hard boot sent into the gut. Even with her enhanced strength, likely only driving it back a few inches at most. But that's the room she needs to spin around to twirl with her blade, ripping it free with luck from the hopefully slumping body. Blade swinging around like a scythe to hopefully chop through the vampire's central torso to leave it in twain.
    Hopefully cutting all the way through it and leaving her blade free. Then with all else leaving one more jumping at her through the air. Sonja would go to swing her blade up through the air after hopefully two rapid slashes to simply jam it through the torso of the one charging down at her to fully impale hijm on it. Then bracing herself, and moving to try and slice him clean through vertically. The vampires would likely still be alive, perhaps. It wasn't like she was using as take or fire. But, presuming she had them dismembered she would go to simply move to quickly spend a few seconds to hack them to bits and leave them fully rended. Even if they could regenerate being cut into several pieces and beheaded would hpoefully settle things.

Leonardo has posed:
They're vampires.

It's a rare situation where Leonardo can cut loose on some of his more nonviolent tendencies as all of his understanding of undead suggests they don't die easy. Nobody's losing their head, just yet.

They may walk away without an arm though.

Pick your hostages better, creatures of the night!

One of the aforementioned damned souls rushes the dark clad figure of a turtle ninja and slashes at the black jerkin he's wearing, leaving tattered claw marks in the cloth that reveals the front plates of his shell... Blue eyes tilt, wrists twist, and a katana in each hand turns over with the blades pointed downward and away at an angle.

One of them is turned over in his grip and held out to the creature, "Take it. You're going to need it." Unfortunately, knowledge with archaic bladed weapons is not a moveset usually carried over by vampiric blood. Hopefully he's a student of youtube.

Sans one of his blades, Leo slides his left foot back and double grips his remmaining katana. Flicking it with a jerk of his wrist to invite an attack. It comes, but it's very sloppy... slashing wildly and easily deflected with sliding twist of metal on metal running long ways across the flat surface of the matte black blade.

He side steps and shoves the vampire away.. putting himself between any remaining vampires and April.

Down a weapon... but he can see Terry appearing on the oposite side. "We've got you surrounded. This doesn't have to get any more violent than it already has... you took someone that doesn't belong to you.. Attracted attention you are not equipped to face. Stand down and run." Blade up, turned over, pointing at the vampire holding his other sword.

"Your chances of having a amiccable ending is rapidly decreasing with each second that passes. Chose wisely or get hurt."


Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko has been on her own little mission, maintaining stealth through speed in a highly populated area, the rally specifically.  She's been wanting to see if she could spot anyone familiar there early, so she's already around when the fighting breaks out.  She didn't come prepared, because there are plenty of Fleeb vampire slayer wannabes around with accoutrements to wield if necessary.

"This is useless," Nori says grumpily as she flings civilians out of the reach of various attackers.  She hasn't gone on the offensive yet.  It's that motorcycle muffler that gets her attention, and Noriko goes in the direction of the sound.  She scans for any points of interest, someone who might be important as she weaves through the crowd of chaos and blood.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubes dismounts the motorcycle behind Tabby and stumbles forward a couple of steps. "My legs are all... vibratey," she confesses before pulling her smartphone from the elastic waistband of her spandex shorts. She taptaptaptaptaps off a text before sending it and putting her phone away. Some student back at Xavier's was just told to go down the hall and tell Noriko Ashida where they are.

    "I'll just say this. Don't be doing any, like, stupid puns... Like, 'suck on this' ... or 'sucks to be you' ... Oh! And don't even think about talking about Twilight. It's offensive." Jubilee reaches up to pull her long, cascading hair into a makeshift ponytail, tied off with a red ribbon she had wrapped around her wrist. "...Alright, alright, you can mention Twilight, but only once. So, better make it count!" she decides with a little smile.

    "Whoever's here tonight should not be," is Jubilee's answer to Tabby's surprising demonstration of forethought. "But, like, don't let anything happen to that banana raincoat wearing dummy. She...uh... Well, just don't let anything happen to her. That's why we're here." There's some guilt in Jubilee's tone...

    And then Tracy Fleeb shows up.

    Jubilee stops right there, no longer on a course for the dock. "Uh..." Jubes looks at Tabby. "You go ahead, I'll catch up." Jubilation stares at Fleeb and opens her mouth, revealing those razor sharp fangs she never quite learned how to retract. She's not going to bite. She's going to...

    "What the $G&^#$G^# are you doing here?!" Jubes shouts, pointing her pink-nailpolished finger at the wannabe politician.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen wanders out looking around just doing his own thing in his own way Atrid never seems to really have a plan or does he...He's looking up and down the board walk when the fighting starts to break out. Not sure what's going on and wanting to get in on the action and help he moves to the best vantage point he can find one hand igniting in flames the other rapidly encasing in Ice. "Oh goodie goodie...fun lets get this Sh** started hell yes!" He laughs the excitement of the fight clear on his face.

Audra Meridian has posed:
What a rather eccentric and diverse collection of individuals coming out to bust vampire hea -- wait did that cat just -teleport- here? Now that is a little unorthadox, even for what she's seen.

Not much time to ponder on it though. Windrose's attention is grabbed by swooping vampires and people screaming. They can fly, but so can she! Thrust of vectored ions catapult the woman back into motion. Though not at the vampires directly. With the burst of speed and great maneuverability she positions herself by the parked convoy. Then use her wind manipulation to create a cushion of air and keep the flung humans from being slammed into their own vehicles! Then deposit them back on the beach. Likely to charge right back into the fray... But it is their city they're trying to defend from undead nocturnal horrors, can't really blame them for being zealous about it.

The windswept woman considers. Pity she doesn't have any specific light based abilities. Though she does have...

"You guys are starting to get on my nerves." Windrose lifts one hand away from the air cushion. "You could even say you're being really--" Sparks flicker about her fingers, and then there's a thunder-like *KRAKOOM* as a bolt of chain lightning leaps from her gauntlet at the nearest vampire fiends. Now typically vampires are not weak to lightning, no.

But lightning also generates a tremendous amount of heat. Enough to burn like fire, and even ignite things.

"--Revolting" she finishes her Heroic Quip/Bond Kill Pun.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The bike gets patted and a smile given buy it's blonde haired owner. "We'll be back Sybi!" yes she named her ride. It's cute. An arriving Fleeb gets an eyebrow arching. Then a look to Jubilee. Then to that blueish blur that might just be the Vampirte Duchess' other half.

"I hate Twilight. I'm a young adult and it offends me!" she states and grins. She can't promis her puns won't be awful.

"You guys think reall loud if you need me okay. Hash your crap out, damn!" she states and starts casually walking in to the fray while everyone else is like screaming.

The noise Tabby makes though.


Firey bowling ball sized orbs of plasma igniting and orbiting around her before she picks out vampiric targets. Psionically guided and set to detonate at anything vampiric as far as she can tell. A faint heat shimmer around her hinting she might possibly working some additional defense for herself while she attacks.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
There are a /lot/ of things happening. It's hard to miss the powerful redheaded warrior woman (redheads, unite!) carving up a healthy chunk of the undead. There is a mighty wind being raised, and-- look, there's a /lot/ of stuff going on. The Cheshire does have the benefit of cat eyes, so the figure in black that is heading towards April is not missed by him. In fact, it causes him to stop for a second and blink. "Sense- Ow!"

That was a claw. Vorpal swings the hammer around to Humpty Dumpty some Vampire skull, "Bad vampire! No blood pudding! Quick, does anybody know if Vampires clawing you turns you, or is it just the bite? And do they even /wash/ those grungy claws anyways? Ugh. Definitely not Twilight pretty boy vampires here-" Smash. Swing. Crunch. He manages to fend off bites, but the claws keep coming fast and furious, and he ends up bleeding from quite a few superficial wounds- which seems to encourage the vampires to enter their blood frenzy. The GoPro footage from the camera attached to his uniform is going to look like a John Romero movie.

His Sensei is kicking shell, so he really needs to not embarrass the team. "Geez, the last time there was so much clawing in my life was when I accidentally gave Gar that catnip tea-" the Cheshire smirks, "But that gives me an idea."

Tabitha is right about Vampires. Alas, these are not Twilight vampires, these? Fine. Vorpal can provide what they are missing, and in the process play homage to that old Dungeons and Dragons cantrip. His hands glow for a moment as the club is unsummoned, and with one fan-sweep of both hands something emerges.

It is glitter. Magical glitter. Magical, glowing, glistening, glittering glitter. The kind that gets in your hair. Your face. Your clothes. Your /eyes/. And it glows with a light of its own. The cone of glittermancy expands from Terry as he makes a sweeping motion, getting the pouring cloud of chaos magic glitter into as many Vampires as possible-- to blind some, to inconvenience others, but the takeaway is also very simple:

Not a single one of the vampires impacted is going to be able to play the 'Bwahahaha I am the night, bleh bleh bleh' game of being hard to see, hard to hit and easy to hide. Not when they look like Minnie Mouse's underpants at a gay funeral during Mardi Gras.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Did someone say bananas?" Noriko pops up near Jubes and electrified waves to Tabby even though they aren't terribly far from each other.

"Watch where you whirl those things," she says with a smirk, obviously able to play ring around the rosy with Tabby if she wanted to.  She does not.  Her head is suddenly tilted toward the Fleeb Jubes has pointed out.  Instead of going on the offensive, Noriko puts herself visibly at Jubilation's back.  "It's me," she says, as if to say, I have your back.  Not that Jubes cannot handle measly Fleeb.  No.  Nori is keeping her eyes on the vampires.

April O'Neil has posed:
Red Sonja's skill with a blade is legendary... or is it beyond that now? Is calling it legendary a understatement? Either way, she makes short work of these fresh blooded Vampires! So much so that the gruesome display is hard to watch if you're within her vicinity! Even more if you're rushing in to battle around her, such as Vorpal!
One of the Vampires is cleaved in half, and their lower half goes spinning around, until its legs land over Vorpal's shoulders, and the Cheshire Cat is covered in flailing, wiggling, bleeding, severed body parts! Ew!

The civilians on the dock, the random Humans that have come here tonight, are raising their firearms up to blast at the Vamkpires, more gunshots going off, as people starts to fight back against this perceieved threat that they've been warned about over the past several weeks! Anger has boiled up, boiled over, and is now spilling out over what should be a happy place, the beach!

The Vampires that Leonardo is facing off with stop when he displays his skillful ways with those blades! Two of them exchange looks, before they hiss, and show off their massive fangs! But. They both turn in unison and start to run away, toward some of the Humans firing those guns off!

Sadly, for Leo, the triumph of scaring Vampires off is short lived, as a flying torso comes out of the sky, no legs? It has no legs! And it's reaching out to land on the back of Leo's shell! The flying upper body hisses loudly as it tries to bite at Leonardo's neck!

Where did its legs go?!

At the same time, April calls out. "Look out!" But, she's not very quick with that, so It's not much help!

Nori will likely see Tracy Fleeb at the far end of the docks, amongst all the parked cars, standing there with some of her entourage surrounding her. Tracy will see Nori down amongst the madness, and that's when she finally... shows a little smile. Of course, it vanishes when Jubilee's voice calls out, and Tracy looks to her right toward where Jubilee stands. The blonde just stares at her... flatly. "They attacked my rally. I've come to make sure that they all ... get what they deserve. Ever, last, one of them." She says, Staring daggers, cold and sharp, at Jubilation.

A pair of people rush past Audra, Humans, carrying handguns, as they run in from their cars in the parking area. They rush past, and take up points behind wooden blocks at the start of the docks. They raise up and start to fire their guns off, moments before Audra's focused electric blasts land against three Vampire targets. The Vamkpires are shot by the guns, and by the lightning, the combined effects causing them to rapidly spasm, scream, and suddenly burst in to flames! This... of course, just gets more people to start screaming, as the Vampires are roasted 'alive' until all three of them suddenly explode when one of Tabitha's bombs lands at their feet!

Vampire parts, burning, stinking, wet, and smoking, go flowering out in all directions! It's quite disgusting, quite terrible, and it only causes more chaos as the line of Vamkpires on the docks continue to push back at the Humans with their weapons all firing off, or being swung wildly! A man screams as one of the Vampires DOES sink teeth in to his neck, only to get shot twice in the chest as that same man squeezes the trigger of his gun!

On the beach, near where Atrid stands, with his fire and ice powers on display... A shirtless man leaps out of the shadows, powerful and muscled! Covered in muscles! Bald too! He's wearing sunglasses also! He hoists up a saxophone and just starts to really lay in to it, playing loud, jazzy, sax music right at Atrid, and the chaos beyond it!

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would stalk forwards, "Come beasts! it is time to properly slay you. Prepare to be killed and culled to your final deaths." Her building cackle woudl fill the air. Mad, morbid, maniacal laughter over as she would go to walk forwarsd ever so calmly, blade in front of ehr. Ready to gut anything that got in her way or came to charge at her> weapon casually maneuvered aggressively.

Sonja making herself a full on, blatant target while mocking and sweeping ahead lazily. There were civilians present and hostages. So the more vampires that hse could draw out to her and to not engage the others.. The better.

Leonardo has posed:
In the best of all possible worlds, the humans would stop shooting at the vampires to make this a lot easier to protect them from the vampires who are absolutely about to rain a whole lot of agony down upon them. Usually, the turtle would step in. Disarm the humans, protect both parties... now that April is, marginally anyways, safe... his second primary objective is to see as few people get hurt as possible.

That is what would happen too.

He starts towards this end...

Until a torso flies on his back and tries to bite him on the neck.

His three fingered hand comes up and grabs the vampire by the scruff of the neck as one would a cat who is getting too aggressive! His shoulder tucks down, disappearing part of his neck behind the protective overlap of his shell, and his hand jerks to ram the sharp fangs into a very hard protective carapice.

"Suck on that!" He shouts, in opposition (if unintentional) to Jubilee's decree that this was not welcomed diatribe. Then he steps back, tilts over, and hurls the half a vampire into the water.

Hope he swims better than he runs.

Now there's just grotesque amounts of violence going on all around him...

The katana whips around and slices cleanly through the rope keeping April in suspense so she might fall right into his waiting arms where she can be safely depositted on the boardwalk. "Nice call out." He murmurs to her, putting himself between her and harm, one hand on her arm to angle her behind him. "Vorpal's turning them into Twilight zombies. Mikey is going to be so jealous he didn't get to see this..."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
For the mutants. It probably could have gone worse. Tabby could have decided to take the van and bring Tracy's brother and sister. But coming out with Jubilee was way more a fun idea.

The amount of humans getting hurt gets a pinch of Tabby's nose and with a frown begind her glasses sends as wide a telepathic command to any human that should not be there. Those that clearly can look after themselves spared. <<Leave or die. Heroes on site. RUN!>> she throws out before turning to direct more plasma as conentrated streams. There's a lot of vampires and Boom-Boom is hitting her stride, almost like she's dancing and gliding about.

It's almost a Bimbo Zen moment for her.

The blasts and flames being used to try and drive back as many vampires from the hopefully fleeing civillians. The streams intenses enough to do damage and keep travelling through vamp flesh while keeping the risk to said fleeing civillians to a minimal.

She might have been practicing. Danger Room's are so handy.

Outloud someone else makes the joke Jubilee warned against and it probably carries with super hearing. It wasn't her.

"C'Mon. Lets light up your night!" she yells as she makes sure the plasma streams flying like flamethrowers glow almost as bright as a coronal ejection from the sun. One for every digit on her fingers.

Audra Meridian has posed:
That looks nasty. And smells worse. Not as bad as Jersey, but pretty bad none the less. Audra waves a hand in front of her nose a few times, thankful her goggles at least keep it from getting in her eyes and making them water. "Does blood and gore count as littering? If so, sorry."

But not sorry about the vampires dying. Just making a mess. It's kind of avoidable, but she is that sort of person all the same. This WOULD be easier if the normal people would back off a bit, but riots don't work that way.

"I hate to do this, but you are not leaving me much of a choice." The weathercaster hovers close to the ground and leans back a bit to change the angle of the air boosters on her boots, while the ionized vectors from her hoverpack hold her steady. Then throttles her boot jets up to full. Which blasts into the beach, kicking it turbulently into the air towards the vampires, essentially bombarding them in a miniture sandstorm so they can't see any other attacks coming so easily. "Sand is coarse, rough, irritating and gets everywhere it shouldn't be!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"AUGH!" Vorpal lets out a loud, despairing cry, "Do you know hard it is to get gore out of /fur/? I'm going to ploz-" but then someone plotzes, and Terry ends up with legs wrapped around his neck, to which the cat reacts with his trademark wit, if in an albeit dark bend. "What the hell?" He reaches up to grab the legs and attempt to remove them, "What kind of a guy do you think I am? And how could you tell so fast?"

Humor is how one copes with horror. But right now, to be effective, he needs to get rid of the wiggling, wriggling bits and gore off him. "Sensei- I'll be right back!" he shouts. And then he Rabbit Holes.

It is apprixomately 11 am in Kyoto. The good people near the outside of Yasaka Shrine probably weren't ready for the Cheshire Cat appearing int he middle of the day, covered in wriggling bits of vampire. Ideally, under the light of the sun, that will not be a prolem for long, and then there'll just be...

Well. Bloodsoaked Cheshire cat.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Yeah, yeah, good for you," Jubilee fires back at Tracy Fleeb. FLEEB. FLEEB! She slowly walks towards Tracy, staring daggers right back. "Coming here was really stupid of you, Tracy..." Jubilation continues, her mouth curling upwards into a justifiable snarl as she starts to lose control of her emotions. Tonight, Tracy Fleeb gets an up close and personal look at the very thing she hates the most. The bright, bubbly girl that would be a total shoe-in for an Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters promotional video... is all but gone. A loud hiss announces to the world just what Jubilation Lee really is.

    A vampire.

    The shadows bend and twist as Jubilee advances upon Tracy Fleeb, the political poster child of the growing anti-vampire movement of the tri-state area. The hiss starts to get louder, echoing back against the violence, as the light and shadow stretch across Jubilee's face, transforming her into the very monster that Tracy Fleeb has warned the world about. Or... is that just a trick of the light?

    I'm here. Noriko's simple greeting might have saved Tracy Fleeb's life tonight. Jubes closes her eyes, her snarl pulled back into a mere grimace. She takes a demonstrative, empty breath -- a real one would require functional lungs -- and turns away. "$Y$@ this. I'm going to clean up your mess for you," Jubes announces, taunting Tracy Fleeb with one last jab before starting to run for the dock and the poor fashion-illiterate news reporter. On a whim, Jubilation flaps her arms a couple of times, as though she was expecting them to turn into bat wings. They don't, she looks stupid for trying, and Jubes keeps going on foot! As she gets closer to the chaos, there's a slight disturbance among some of the vampires closest.

    "It's the Duchess!" one of them hisses.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen turns to look at Sax man and raises a brow. "Dude really? Right here right #-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGE@*&% now bro?" He looks at him hands all ablaze and icey. "Keep that up bro and I'ma turn that sax and you inta a popsicle!" He shouts before looking for the nearest vamp or vamps with no one in his way. "Yo bat crap fer brains com'n get it I'm hot and a frozen treat!" He shouts his left hand forming a sword from the ice a Viking Broadsword by the look of it as he charges in throwing flames from the right at the first vamp he can hit. "Roasty toastie barbeque Vampo! Grad a certified, who's got da rotissery?"

He grins at his own joke and looks around. "Huh huh...what no one? Guess it's just me then. Well cold crowd damn."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Perhaps a few weeks ago, Noriko would have been keenly aware of just how much her greeting might have done for Tracy Fleeb.  Perhaps she would have taken it back if she knew.  But there is a slight tiny exhale of breath when Jubilation announces a more constructive course, she hopes.  Still, she flips Tracy the bird, an electric one, and walks in Jubilation's wake, a proper amount of paces behind.  It's just the kind of swagger that says, I don't even need this distance closed to keep her safe.

Ashida spends her time staring daggers at the other vampires as they turn to look, if they turn to look.  The Duchess' pet is on leash apparently, so to speak, since she's not lifting a finger to /hurt/ any vampires.

For a moment or two, Noriko can be seen blipping away from Jubilation to help nearby humans that she spots along the way, but by and large, she's on zone defense in the Duchess' wake.

April O'Neil has posed:
Sonja ends up cutting her way right to where Leonardo is when he throws that Vampire off of his shell! The Vampire, had indeed, sunk his fangs in to the shell, only to mutter 'Ow....' before he's grabbed and thrown through the air toward the surf below! There's a splish as his body vanishes under the waves!

April is soon falling off of the post, releasing a high-pitched yelp before she ends up in Leo's clutches, allowed to be settled down behind him, as she starts to sort herself out, her jacket being adjusted, and her tanktop worn beneath it. "God, what is all of this?!" April says, glancing toward the madness on the docks as it continues to unfold!

A stray bullet hits the lamp post where April had been just moments ago, and it makes her scream out in surprise, before she ducks down behind Leo, and peers around him. "This is like something outta a bad dream!" She says, with Sax music providing ambience from the beach further up the docks!

"We gotta get outta here, before one of these lunatics shoots us!" April says to Leo, AND to Sonja, as she gives the swordswoman a long once over. "Can you two cut us a hole?" She asks moments before the sandstorm starts, and April peers as she watches the cloud roll over the docks, seeing someone jet-boosting up above the chaos of the rioting battle. "Good lord..." The reporter mutters in awe.

With Terry portaling out of the docks, he leaves a line of incoming Vampires confused, and ducking away from the light of the portal!

In Vorpal's wake, a shower of glitter rains down, and is carried in amongst the sandstorm rushing over the docks! More shouting, more screaming, as many of the humans are starting to back peddle to get away from the madness. Some of them hurt, others just stunned by how out of hand this has all gotten! It doesn't stop more gunshots from ringing out though, as some of the more tactically minded Humans have been taking up positions around the end of the docks, but even they are put off by bombs, sand, and glitter, let alone all the gore!

Maybe the sax music too!

Tracy watches Jubilation with an intense stare, her two companions both open up their jackets, and draw out guns, and wooden stakes! "Back off!" One of them says to Jubilee, moments before she does just so. Tracy just watches Jubilee flap and run away with Noriko trailing behind her, shaking her head gently. "What have you become..." She quietly says of what used to be her best friend at Xaviers...

Atrid, of course, charges in to battle as Police sirens can be heard, and even a Police helicopter is coming in from Manhattan, visible in the distance with its spotlight shining down on the water... More saxophone music plays, as the large, muscled man follows Atrid in to combat, doing suggestive hip thrusts to the left, to the right, and leaning back hard to really send his jazzy tunes high up in to the sandy, glittery, gorey night! Apparently he didn't take Atrid's warning seriously, and is just dancing around the perimeter of the madness.

Where Terry had teleported, the legs drop off of his shoulders, in to the sunlight... where they just burst in to flames. A lower body of some poor Vampire, burning away in some far off corner of the world!

"Come on, come on, lets gooo..." April urges Leo and Sonja from the edge of the docks!

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would go to glance over at April O'Neil and swearing, "It can be managed." She's moving to go to put herself over on one flank, trusting Leonardo to cover the other. "Warrior, I know not who you are. You take the ones on that end, I will take the ones on this end." It seemed a simple enough strategy. Sonja was not particularly used to workingw ith people.

She had come to tolerate it from a lifetime where one learned the only one they could trust was themself. So in SHIELD she and Mary Jane had to work on it.

But with those whom she knew not at all.. Not how they fought, not how they defended themselves, not how steadfast they were.. She did loathe it.

But the She-Devil would not let such a thing slow her down. If he could not hold his own end, then she would simply take more of them to the cull and slaughter.

"Freaks! IT is time to die. Let your cries of terror announce your arrival to the abyss! And let them know that Sonja has sent you!" She would cry out with mad glee, SHIELD outfit cut adn slashed through, battered and bleeding and broken, a mad look of bersery fury on what was normally Mary Jane's happy, smiling face.

Then she would be going to charge ahead over in the direction that April had pointed her, she would go to engage in the routine of insert sword into body, rip sword ou tof body, insert sword into next body. Not the most efficient or effective way. Or the bloodiest.

"COME FREAKS! YOU ALL MUST DIE TONIGHT!" But it was the funnest way.

Leonardo has posed:
The problem with sand getting everywhere, as the saying goes, is that it gets EVERYwhere.

It is indiscriminate.

The great equalizer.

No wonder Anakin hated it so god damned much.

Leo cough sputters as sand is sprayed all around the perverbial battlefield and brings an arm up to shield his own eyes as well. Thankfully, he can fight just as well with his eyes closed! Just swing his swords to the sound of sexy sax music in time to what he can only imagine is the thrust of well oiled, leather clad hips.

"You heard her, we're going this way... Just hold onto my shell." He says to April, moving into the chaos.

Somewhere out there his sword is in the clutches of one of the damned, but it's easily replaced and ultimately unimportant compared to getting the reporter to safety. So it's a pretty intense moment of moving in unison.

A vampire comes in towards his left side and Leo guides April around with a hand on her arm to bash the incoming creature across the temple... throttling him hard enough that even an undead brain would be jarred by the concussive blow and send him tumbling across the boardwalk.

He completes the turn, holding fast to his yellow coat wearing friend.

Roundhouse kicking another vampire who was stunned, singing I still believe because he's an older (by mortal standards anyways) kindred. "I still belieeeee-" Whip crack across the temple with a turtle foot.

Leo pulls April against his chest and side flips over a vampire trying to spear him.. landing and depositing her, he's moving quickly, making a path for them towards the exit of the boardwalk. Moving April around with a deliberate sort of interest specifically to keep her out of harms way... or at least minimally so.

The jacket might get beat up a little.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
As dangerous as a vampire is, let alone a horde of them. Tabby has faced down much worse and right now could possibly be worse. Mutant BlackOps and no leash in sight.

And to at least the Mutants that know her, Jubilee, Nori, and Tracy. The fact that she's working and moving as much like she's dancing and flowing about like she's having a good time. The surprising thing is; She's fighting with a lot of experience behind her and seems calmly serious. She's beaten things with much greater strength, speed, and even durability. A whole mess of Proudstar clones for example. Even one of her giant ex-boyfriend Jimmy.

This at least isn't going to make her hurl too much with the gore and ash and scorched flesh flying around.

A few Vampires do try and close the distance but all it does is get them burned. A more visible flame engulfing Tabitha's whole body. While she's immune to the heat and fire, her assailatnts are and she just grins.  

It's go, go, go, go, go, go, go time.
Tick tick BOOM!"

Is she rapping?

"We're bringin' the noise!
Oh, baby, we bringin' out toys!
Separate men from the boys
Chopper be singin', should be on The Voice.
Bang, bang, we gon' ride out.
Gang, gang, we don't die out.
When it like this, ain't no timeouts.
Tell me who really gon' find out?" Boom-Boom goes on with the music in her own head.

Even with the seemingly wild streaming and walking plasma flamethrower directing her attacks, she still seems to maintail control and keeps going for vampires with as much care for avoiding breathing people as collateral.

Audra Meridian has posed:
The impromptu sandstorm doesn't end the chaos but it does help seperate the two sides a bit. Maybe they can finally get this fracas to wind down a bi -- or not, as the vampires are still trying to mob the armored woman, who is taunting them away from the somewhat broader than average person swordsman trying to get Miss O'Neil out of the heart of the horde.

That Windrose can help with.

She lowers to the ground, while altering the setting on her gauntlets to engage the temperature manipulation as well, drawing away thermal energy as she engages the next surge of air force. So the rush of air is really, really cold. Cold enough that, while she can't generate ice directly, it starts to freeze moisture from the beachside environment and create a layer of frost. Which she spreads around and behind the Ninja and the Reporter to make chasing them more dangerous. And probably easier to knock away any vampires that do slip.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen keeps throwing jets of flame at the Vamps and hacking at them with his Ice blade but Sax man yes he's really getting on Atrids nerves. Throwing his ice sword into a flaming vamp and yes he does hold true to his word and sends a jet of ice at Sax dude. He tries to shield his eyes best he can but all this sand dang he's having trouble seeing. "Dude seriously Not now!" His head bobbing to what he can hear of Tabitha singing. "The Vamps, the Vamps, The Vamps are on Fire we don't need no Wata!" He shouts laughing as he starts backing away seeing that spot light. "Yea I aint one ta be sticking around to talk to the bacon or have anythin' to do withem." He grins flipping the bird to those vamps closest when he unleashes yet another blast of fire and Ice. "Well I know everyone loves a Song of Ice and Fire, But I think it's a good idea if we make like shepherds and get the Flock outta here huh?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"That is the problem with these vampy guys," Vorpal smirks, crossing his arm as the charred remains vanish into ash and are carried away by a convenient cinematic wind, "They've got no stamina and are just a brief flash in the pan."

Then it dawns on him that the people who are /staring/ at him are entirely the wrong target for the joke, as they are shrine-goers and visitors who did not expect to run into an anthropomorphic Cheshire cat in spandex, covered in blood. Kuuki wo yomu- something Vorpal isn't always the best at. "Right... I'll just be heading out now."

But he has an idea. An idea that comes to him a propos of absolutely nothing he has seen at the shrine. Because his mind just works like that.

When he appears onto the battlefield again, he does so by first falling through the Rabbit Hole... and then keeping the Rabbit Hole wide open behind him, right behind his head so that the light from the sun frames him like a halo. And his power of illusion changes how he looks- turning him into a Cheshire version of Boticelli's Birth of Venus, complete with the half-shell, luxurious red locks of hair floating in convenient places to keep his modesty, and little cupids flying around him. The little cupids just happen to look like little chibi versions of Leo, Mike, Don and Raph with wings. But that's not important, what's important is the streaming light of the sun that blasts forth from that Rabbit Hole, directed towards the nearest group of the vampires, to help in the efforts in cutting a path for Leo and Sonja to evacuate April.

And you can blame Sexy sax man for this, but there is also music that comes forth from this particular tableaux. Specifically, the final song from the musical 'Hair', as an unseen choir begins to blast out:

~Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in!~

Why, yes, April is actually one of the saner O'Neils. How did you know?

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    The whispers and hisses from nearby vampires, those in the rear of the crowd, start a little cascade of paranoia among the supernatural creatures. Some of them know Jubilation, others are just getting caught in the feedback loop of the crowd. Before they have an opportunity to even have their last thought, *ONE*, *TWO*, two of these poor saps get carried off by the ocean breeze, just dust in the wind. Jubilation pulls each of her wooden stakes back and tosses one of them in a gentle ark in Noriko's direction. "Pointy side out," she says with a grin.

    "What did you do during your summer vacation...?" Jubes says in a nasally tone -- a perfect imitation of everyone's least favorite teacher. It doesn't matter. Everyone has had that teacher. "Well..." She starts driving her wooden stake into each and every vampire that manages to get within arms reach. "...I went to Coney Island..." *THREE*. "...And I went to the docks...." *FOUR*. "...And there was a fight..." *FIVE*. "And I killed...." *SIX* *SEVEN* *EIGHT* "...Nine of these jerks..." (Jubilee can't count so well) ..."Until..."

    "What the actual ----" It's now that Jubilation sees the Boticelli and the burst of light that comes forth.

    Jubilee, wide-eyed, makes a quick decision... and runs!

April O'Neil has posed:
And so it comes to pass, that with two powerful warriors watching over her, our young intrepid reporter is cowering behind her large-shelled friend, her hands holding on to the edges of that shell, almost like one George Costanza held on to the edges of his beloved Frogger machine, as he tried to navigate across a busy New York City street, all to conserve his Top Score. April, however, looks to conserve her life, her pretty yellow jacket, and everything beneath it! She winces, she ducks, she looks back to Sonja, to see the powerful woman do impressive deeds to make the exit from the besieged docks all the more possible!

And then, April is grabbed, flipped, and she has her eyes rolling back in her head before she is back to disoriented, dizzy, walking behind Leonardo again. "Oh my god, I'm gonna puke!" She says, covered from head to toe in sand, and glitter now! All while a rush of cold comes from the Weather Warrior in Audra, and the ice rushing across the docks from Atrid!The Sax Man does as the Sax Man do, and he leaps away from Atrid, landing on that sheet of ice, and sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiding along it, while continuing to thrust his leather clad lower body this way, and that way, his well exercised cheeks flexing beneath those way too tight pants as he belts out that sweet, sweet, music!

He slides right past April, Leo, and Sonja now, heading down the docks, causing April to look at him as he goes by. "What, the hell..." April says moments before a Vampire body lands on the ice beside her, causing her to jump behind Leonardo once again! "Jesus!" She squeaks out!

... Just as the light starts to shine from above, and an angelic figure hovers within the beam of glorious illumination! April looks skyward at it, as the beam showers down a golden... shower, upon the Vampires, turning about twelve of them in to literal fire and dust! But that's not Jesus... that's..

"Terry?!" April says, cut off by the music that follows!

Now, more Humans, and Vampires are starting to run away from the docks. People with ice swords, fire, bombs? Light of the sun and stars too?! People are starting to bug out, as that line is cut open for Leonardo and April to make their way through it, just as designed!

Some of the Vampires who see Jubilation call out to her. "The Duchess of Westchester! She's not supposed to be here!" They can be heard saying over the chaos. "We were told she wasn't going to be at the rally! We've been lied to!"

"Who are you talking to?!" One of them says angrily, shoving his friend from behind. "Come on, lets get back to the van!" But before the two can make their way up the sandy embankment, both are suddenly dusted from behind by Jubilation, and her well crafted wooden stakes! They scream loudly, their bodies bursting apart, before they fall in amongst the sand, vanishing with the rest of the ash in the wind...

It's becoming clear that the fight is breaking up now, with people starting to scatter, and some even taking to the skies again, those Vampires who've mastered flying are darting up in to the darkness, while a mess is left on the docks in their wake...

And up on the parking area, Tracy Fleeb just stands there, still watching. Her eyes flash a bright blue for just a moment, before she turns and starts to get back inside the classy sedan that brought her here, with her entourage moving around to get inside as well. "Lets go..." She says to the driver, who nods and starts the engine up again, and within moments the car moves past the incoming Police cruisers...

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko smirks at the advice she receives when she plucks the stake out of the air as if she were picking it from a tree.  To everyone else, it's just a slight blur that ends with the pointy end in one of the vampires looking to do in the Duchess' mutant "pet."  The vampire sprays out over one of his former friends and Noriko charges the spray of mist with a cluster of lightning from her off-gauntlet.

One of the vampires suddenly stunned by the flash laughs at Noriko.  Then suddenly the group bursts into flames.

"I will never understand why they don't use flame retardant leotards," the speedster says dryly as if it would be the most natural thing in the world for them to wear.

"Cops are coming."  Noriko dips down, bending at the knee in case Jubes wants a lift.  "Come on!"

Leonardo has posed:
"FORM OF BAT!" One of the vampires shouts and very nearly completing his transformation but for Leo grabbing his leg to hurl him, with his half formed batwings, right at Sonja! There's a slim chance he'll survive, but for a few seconds he's twisting around all awkwardly bundled up in his own leathery wings sprounting out from his Taylor Swift t-shirt and glitter covered, sparkly white, skin.

"FORM OF MYST!" Another shouts and is blown away by Audra's powerful weather gusts! "Ayeeeeeeeeeee..." He says as he's broken apart, reformming in several different pieces when the mass of mist is sperated completely.

Leo sees things in, more or less, slow motion.

It's a whole Mess of chaos.

A rather sexualized sexy sax man slides past him and the turtle watches with squinting eyes as, with the instrument still producing the sassiest of sounds, he smacks a vampire betwixt his eyes and steps up upon his back like Captain Morgan. Still yet gyrating his hips.

There's a litany of things Leonardo wants to say regarding the imminent insanity of this scenario. The lunacy inducing absurdity of it... Clapping a vampire with the pummel of his sword with such force that it knocks him directly upon the side of his neck in what would, for anything short of the undead, be a killing blow.

Now he's pulling April fully out of the menagerie of miasma.

"You realize this is fucking nuts, right?"

And Leonardo's don't cuss.

Once at her van, or Vernon's, Leo guides her in the side and crawls up in there with her. "Vernon-"
"- can we leave?"
"- Does the Pope shit in the woods?"
"That doesn't make any sense, just drive."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The fight seems to be winding down and Tabitha just looks straight filthy. For a given value of straight but still, soaked in mostly vampire gore and viscera. More than a few scratches and a couple teeth stuck in the leather of her jacket and collar.

There's a scream of what sounds like someone complaining about Jubilee fighting here when she shouldn't. That one gets his head exploded as she takes one last moment to direct a number of bombs at any straggling vampires. And finish the song. "Tick tick.."


Of course that's her queue to bail <<Jubes, head for the bike. Nori, if Jubes can here me, put her on the bike and we'll bail for home. Gonna need to take a slow ride to avoid cops while we gunky!" some of the blood is hers and she's actually limping a little as red jeans hide the blood but show some more slashes. She doesn't even know if she's been bit or shot or anything with the adrenaline.

But as she head for her ride she seems very calm and almost peaceful compared to the rampage she just enjoyed.

Those BOOMs feel waaaaay too good and her energy levels might be drained. And the relaxing ride will be nice. Even with Jubilee's singing a possible option if Nori doesn't just carry her home.

Once in audio hearing disnce for normal ears Tabby grins to Nori, "I know right. I'd be naked if I didn't get my clothes treated with thse unstable molecules. Dumbasses! Jubes, you should too if you figure out the bat thing. Like Rahne does." she states and hops on and kickstarts 'Subi' to life.

Audra Meridian has posed:
The vampire riot has been broken up with both sides deciding they've had enough and fleeing the scene. What remains, the cops can deal with. One well-known and well-liked news reporter rescued. So, day saved! More like night saved. Minor detail. Pity the beach is a mess either way. They'll need someone to clean up all the vampire biohazard gore. And glitter. Glitter is just the arts and crafts version of sand! Annoying and gets in everything!

"Law enforcement can handle the stragglers. Time to make like a hurricane and blow this joint." ... Ugh, did she really just say that? Need to work on more heroic quips that don't sound super cheesy and forced.

All the same, the stabilizer wings unfold from her pack and the weather caster takes off into the air.

A few minutes she descends back down to where she'd left her SUV parked in isolation, removing her superheroing gear and putting it back into storage. Then climbing up to flop in the driver's seat. Superheroing is hard work! She needs to catch her breath and maybe a nap before heading home.

It's okay, Audra is a professional storm chaser. Finding her asleep in her truck, parked on the outskirts of some location, is far from the strangest thing to be seen tonight.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smirks still tossing out flames and ice. "Dude that Sax dude needs to get outta here." He says with a chuckle burning up another vamp or two. "Yea Time to run ya'll lets get on outta here, ya know what they say, It's better to burn out than fade away." He says throwing ice down under him and sliding away waving to Jubilee and Noriko as he passes. "Catch ya'll on the flipside yea?" He looks around as he skates off as it were. "I ain't stickin' around to talk to da boys in blue."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
And as things die down, there is one figure who isn't fazed by the chaos- rather, he thrives and revels in it. The Cheshire cat gives a finger-gun at the sliding Sexy Sax Man, in that gesture that says 'groove on, you freaky little dude', and then he dismisses the Boticelli illusion once it is clear that the fight has broken up.

One thing left to do.

<<April Mallifloyd Syracusa O'Neil you had better come out of that uninjured,>> he texts to his cousin, quickly, let us not talk about the fact that he has claw mark wounds all over his body, okay? <<And is Leo okay? Say hi to him! I hope I made him proud!>> And not, you know, totally insane. And hopefully he won't be finding glitter in his shell until 2024.

He exhales, "God, I hope I don't get Vampired from getting clawed. Does this mean I need to drink holy water? Or bathed in it?" Yeah. This is the point at which he considers calling up Caitlin Fairchild in the middle of the night and say 'Cait, quick, we need to find a priest that can get me wet /stat/.'

And that's the moment Caitlin begins to write her resignation letter from the Titans.

Oh, right... the fight. He looks around, and his ear twitches at the sound from the incoming police. That's when he realizes he is the last man at the scene. And since he is a Titan, that means...

Yep. Paperwork.

"... oh fffffff-"