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Latest revision as of 22:30, 21 September 2022

Old Ones Wrap Up
Date of Scene: 20 September 2022
Location: The Velvet Room - Gardens
Synopsis: A team goes to visit the Velvet Room castle in the astral plane to check for lingering influences of The Rot. The results are bugs, eggs, and the realization that the corruption needs to be wiped out. The Castle in the Sky burns in magically enhanced Hellfire leaving them all to flee.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Sara Pezzini, Daniel Ketch, J'onn J'onzz, Megan Gwynn, Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine

Gabby Kinney has posed:
With the abrupt change in JLD leadership that occured recently it left several things which needed to be taken care of as soon as possible for the continued safety of the team. Gabby had put a request out to JLD members and assorted allies that there would need to be a clean sweep of the base made to ensure it wasn't still compromised.

They had said it wasn't before they left. It was likely to be accurate. It never hurt to be cautious, especially since they're wasn't any way to verify that with them now that contact had been lost.

Gabby herself is in the garden awaiting the arrival of others. There's some gear she has brought which is situated beside her in wheeled gear bags that looks like so much luggage. Gas masks, rebreathers, medical grade sterilization spray. Anything that might help in a mundane manner against what had been here to make it easier for those doing the hunting.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Having returned to the JLD, just in time to be recruited back into leadership, Sara arrived to the garden already wearing the armor of the Witchblade (not that it really ever covered much). It just made sense to be prepared, and of course meant no one had to witness the shredding of her clothing. Instead she had a bag with her for after the clean up.

"You ready?" she asked Gabby as she approached the woman. "Hopefully I won't need this," she gestures to the armor. "But better safe that sorry, right?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel hasn't been involved much in the fights against the so-called Old Ones. Rien told him some of what had happened, but apparently the old monsters left him alone. Maybe because the Ghost Riders make poor targets, or maybe they overlooked him. It is not as if he comes much to the Velvet Room, and when he does is mostly for the free drinks.

Well, and some team meetings. Like this one. Is it a meeting or some kind of cleaning thing? "Hello. I guess I missed the full memo. What are the gas masks for?" He inquires.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz appears as if from nowhere, just coming into existence as if from nothing. He is in the form most humans know for him, green skinned and hairless, with dark red eyes, red and blue costume and a long cape. He's six and a half feet tall and rather imposing, but the expression on his face seems kind and gentle.

He raises a hand quickly, "I am not here to intrude. I am merely here to show the support of the Justice League for your endeavors and to keep the League apprised of current events and affairs in the magical realm. While I myself am a scientist, I have often dabbled in the arena known simply as the 'Weird' for many, many years. If you have any need of my assistance or any questions, feel free, but I remain only a liaison and have no proper say in the affairs of your group."

"Also, hello. You may call me J'onn. I brought a cheese plate. It's over there."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been busy lately, trying to deal with a new emerging power, with help from both Padraigh and Thomas. And while the Necromancer was supposed to come to the meeting with her, well, other important issues came up so Megan arrives alone, a bit ruffled from an earlier exercise but no worse for wear. "Hi! Sorry I'm late! Am I late?" she meeps and peers around, smoothing out her rather messy looking hair, peering at a few new faces. "Hi! I'm Megan.."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a quick smile toward Sara when she approaches with such sentiments. "I hope so too, but I'd rather be sure. Everyone involved was influenced in some manner by the Old Ones even if it was only to shake their confidence. Having some fresh eyes to make sure nothing was missed will be greatly appreciated."

"Hey, Danny, thanks for jumping in on this. Sara and I should give an update on things--" She begins only for a little jump to come when Martian Manhunter arrives. Usually she was good with people appeearing out of no where, knowing quite a few teleporters in her time, but given the situation she was a bit on edge.

"Ah... Welcome then, J'onn," she greets in turn. "Any help is welcome honestly. A lot has happened. Also I love cheese that'll be great for after." Megan is greeted with a grin. "Just in time actually," she assures her.

Then her gaze shifts over to Sara a single time, giving her a nod, before she clears her throat. Time to get down to business. She begins to speak again but while she does she turns toward the gas masks to start picking a few up, offering one out to everyone here, even to J'onn.

"Long story short: There was an entity known to us as 'The Rot' that had managed to infiltrate the castle not long ago. The JLD leadership deemed the place safe, and cleared, however..." She hesitates here. "They all resigned at the same time and are no longer able to be reached. I've stepped in to help run things, and Sara has agreed to return to help lead as well. She can speak more on that herself if needed. We've both decided the first order of business is to ensure the place really *is* safe for ourselves. And the gas masks," she finally explains flashing Danny a wry grin, "Are because 'The Rot' is really, really disgusting. It smells awful. I've got enhanced senses and it caused me to flee last time because it was so bad, and several others involved were just as affected. It's a mundane thing but if it makes it easier for us to keep ontop of this thing, it seems a reasonable precaution to me. Not everything has to be magic."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The appearance of the Martian doesn't cause Sara to jump, it does however cause a dagger to form in her right gauntleted hand. Where once there was nothing, the tendrils of metal form the dagger in the blink of an eye. Thankfully she recognizes J'onn before anything else occurs.

Each arrival, including J'onn, would get a nod and, "Good to see you." then she feel silent while Gabby went into business mode.

"We can't be certain this place is actually clean and safe, so it makes the most sense to have a look around with every sort of perception we can," she adds, not touching on the resigned former leaders, or her returning to leadership. If people had questions, they would ask.

"As I don't know everyone speciality," her blue eyes level on J'onn as she says this, but only for that moment. "I think it best we try not to step on each other's toes and give a general idea of what we're capable of. Gabby may know, of course she knows," a smile if offered to the young lady.

Getting back to is she continues with, "Witchblade can see through all magical spectrums, form any melee weapon of my choice, use tendrils of metal to tie things down or pull people to safety, and he can heal my wounds and the wounds of others rather quickly."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel looks warily at the Martian, then relaxes when he realizes he is actually a known JL hero. Who also brings cheese. That is not weird at all, given the setting. Maybe next week Superman will bring them some chips.

"Yeah, nice to meet you," he offers, addressing the green man. A brief nods is given to Megan when she shows up. No questions to the purple-head. He knows better.

Back to Gabby! "Alright, if we find some of this smelly rot, do we apply bleach or just go straight to hellfire?" Oh, explaining what they can do to J'onn? He can do that, too. "I can turn into a flaming and rather angry skeleton that happens to be nearly invulnerable, super-strong and obsessed with vengeance. The motorcycle he rides is pretty cool, though."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz regards Sara's dagger with an arched eyebrow, his massive shelf of a brow furrowing. "A potent weapon indeed," he says. He knows whatever exists in the Justice League files about the various members, but no more than that.

"I am a capable telepath and have enhanced senses as well. I don't sense anything untoward, but the denizens of evil often learn to cloak their machinations," he says.

"Are there particular signs of this corruption we should look for?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, studying the new leader, someone she may have heard of but never met. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Pezzini." she greets, "Umm..I have some illusionary ability, some minor faerie magic, and a soulblade that can shatter magic and possessions. I can also sense magic but I'm a fairly newcomer to magical theory and practice."

She smiles to Jon, peering hungrily at that cheeese. Mmmm cheese. But wrinkles her nose at mention of the rot. Daniel is given a nod and small smile of recognition, nodding in agreement to his question. "Yeahh...Umm..I'm guessing it's just residual energy from the old ones right? Soo are we just burning the rot with purifying magic or something?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The invitation to return to JLD had been made not three days ago, the meeting at a local cafe met with apprehension, given her decision to separate herself from the group had been firm and never looked back on with regret. But a sorcerer's life is never a stable, plodding affair; it is often perilous and given to sudden abrupt turns. So in that light, the former leader's sudden departure doesn't shock Zatanna.

Her hope on being told about the rendezvous for house cleaning in the former 'home' of the group was that they would rid it of the pestilence riddling it. Then, close its doors.

A line sizzles in the air, then opens into a doorway. Out of which, Zatanna appears - dressed in a tailored black jacket, an icy white shirt, and matching pants. Her booted foot is soundless when she steps into the room. A mask suitable for dangerous environments covers her pale face. And her dark shoulder-length hair is hatless.

Zatanna pauses in the doorway, taking in the array of familiar faces. "How lovely to see you all! Sorry for the late arrival; I had some pressing business to take care of." Her sapphire eyes move to each of them, her smile under the mask growing as she greets them in turn.

"J'onn, its been too long! Sara! How have you been? Gabby, good to see you. And, of course, Megan."

She hesitates, gaze resting on an unknown face, "Hello. I'm Zatanna Zatarra; most friends call me Zee or Zed."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ah, great idea, Sara, thanks." Gabby nods in agreement at informing the others of their abilities. It makes total sense. "I have enhanced senses, speed, strength, stamina, and I heal if I get injured. I've also got claws that are enchanted to help against the supernatural," she adds lifting a fist to extend the claw from the back of her hand displaying it for those unfamiliar. The enchanting was at least new to Sara. It currently glows pale, like moonlight.

She flashes a grin of amusement when the mention of 'going straight to hellfire' is brought up. "I would say don't hold back in destroying it however you can. As for what to look for, it appears to enjoy making bugs. Large bugs, maggots, the sort of thing that would be attracted to 'rot'."

A can of the hospital sanitzer spray is hefted up, "This is in case we find something suspect but we're not sure. It may attempt to hide." The can of hospital sanitizer spray is shaken. "Give it a spritz. If it explodes or mutates into something worse, then we've got our answer. Plus," she adds, "I can confirm this stuff is really flammable too, just FYI."

The explanation wraps up just as Zatanna comes in, earing a grin of recognition at the sorcerer. "Ah, Zee! We were just wrapping up the main stuff here," she explains. "I'd like to work from outside in, that way we can hopefully keep anything from escaping our net."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Listening intently and taking mental notes as each present explains what they can do, Sara's eyes move from face to face as they speak. Sometimes it was difficult to remove the detective from the way she presented herself, even standing there in scanty armor, she is memorizing the new faces.

"Good to see you again Zee," she offers when spoken to. "I'm doing good myself, we'll have to catch up some time."

Now her attention shifts from person to person. "Honestly, I have no special magical abilities. If a giant maggot appears I can kill it, but magical cleansing? No, I'm afraid that's beyond Witchblade's abilities."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel knows doors open into the Velvet Room all the time, but they usually do from walls. Zatanna arrival makes him tense for a moment, until she identifies herself. "Daniel Ketch," he offers, "did we meet way back in that Raven...something mansion in Gotham?" There were a lot of people there, so maybe he is wrong.

The sanitizer is looked with some suspicion, maybe scepticism. Not holy water. Sanitizer. "You sure about this, Gabby?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz didn't list his full capabilities because he doesn't want to take up half the meeting, so he only listed the relevant ones to the task at hand. Sometimes he has to remember what counts as 'powers', in fact, since most of his abilities are simply a part of being a Martian to him.

"A pleasure as always, Zatanna. Certainly more up your alley than mine," he says. "But I'm glad to lend a hand or other relevant anatomy, although they seem to have things well in hand."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks and jumps just a bit at Zatanna's sudden arrival. But she does recognize her from way back to when and she smiles st her in greeting. "Hii Zee! Been like, forever, how you been?" actually she's pleasantly surprised that Zee remembers her. She doesn't exactly stand out on the merits of most powerful or awe inspiring sorceress of the month or anything.

Baxk to Gabby she nods and frowns a bit, toying with the mask offered her. "Right, right, no sweat..My soul dagger should do the trick...Soo what, we split up for some house cleaning, keep in touch somehow incase some areas are infected more than others? I mean this place isn't exactly small..It may take a while.."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"We should get this done quickly enough with all the talent we have here." Zatanna nods, regarding the others with a satisfied air. One eyebrow raises at the can of sanitizer, "Things will smell better with that, for sure."

"Up my alley, J'onn? Depends on the origin - it certainly seems like something a demon would lay on a place they didn't like. I think we can manage purifying the place between us."

A more emphatic nod is given to Megan when she mentions the soul dagger she carries. To the group, "If I may propose going in twos in case something unhappy happens?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I know. It seems stupid. It's a magical slash demonic slash whatever minion but I have tested it. It doesn't kill it, but it really doesn't LIKE the sanitizer, either," Gabby explains with a small shrug at the apparent simplicity of it.

"And yes, it'll take awhile unfortunately," she has to agree with Megan. "But I think it'll go quicker than we think too." It's the question of how to keep in contact, then Zee's request of going in pairs, that earns a quick snap-point toward her in agreement.

"Heck YES we are going in pairs. I know a good many of us are used to working alone, but trying to work alone is half of the reason the original situation popped up to begin with. We need to keep in mind we are a team, and we can rely on one another for help. It's okay to not shoulder everything ourselves."

With that she hefts up her mask to slip on over her head. SHE at least was wearing it. "One magic user to one not-so-magic user seems a good way to pair up."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
At the mention of 'keeping in contact' Sara kneels down and opens the duffle bag her clothing is in. "I have four police band radios we can use," she states as she starts pulling them out. "Being in the astral realm, they shouldn't actually carry over into the real world, so if each team takes one, we should be able to stay in contact."

Once she has all four out, she stands back up. "They're all set to work together and only with each other, so we also shouldn't pick up any random chatter from anyone else in the astral realm."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Do I count as magic user?" Because his arcane skills are sub-par, to be honest. But the Ghost Rider always acts as if he knows everything. "Also, Megan has a point. Not only is this place rather big, but I think there are rooms still unexplored and behind weird-ass protective spirits or machines." He considers, "we might need a more reliable way to detect this rot thing, but I guess we should sweep the more used areas first, so people don't get jumped upon by giant demon maggots or insects when going for a snack."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz could easily offer telepathic link-ups if desired, but he is following their lead for the moment. Many here might not want him in their heads, for example. He is a very tall alien stranger, after all.

He clasps his hands behind his back and nods, "As I said, happy to be of assistance."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Ooooh, police radios, very non-arcane and safe from magic. I like the idea, Sara," Zatanna holds out a hand for the radio. "Gabby, do you want to partner with me? And tell us where to start. I've never been here before and have no idea how large it is."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
A lot of information had been discussed regarding the Velvet Room and it's recent infiltration by The Rot. While the Old One itself had been sealed back where it came from that didn't mean that it's influence or minions weren't left around somewhere. It was best to make certain that there was no lingering influence of such a creature that could cause further damage to the Velvet Room or Astral Plane in general.

Having handed out gas masks to those who might need and/or want them, one was then affixed over her own face covering the lower half only. One of the cans of highly flammable hospital sanitzer spray is held in hand as well, her only apparent weapons so far. Those that knew her knew better at least. The other hand holds up one of the police band radios that Sara had brought.

"Okay, guess we get started," she reasons looking once more at the watch she wore. "I don't think anyone else is going to show up at this point and the longer we wait the worse it'll get." The waiting that was.

And there were things waiting for them that rustled in the leaves and bushes, waiting and hiding for now until the group starts to actually search. Not far off as a high pitched buzzing. Not of bees but of something far more sinister. As the group get closer to the base of the astral castle they become aware of several clusters of muddy brown, large and caked over the stonework with rectangular clumps. Eggs of some sort but far too large for your average bug.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Tucking her bag beneath a bush, Sara straightens up and actually looks at the gardens for the first time. One of those who entered through the castle itself, she'd never really bothered looking around the grounds and rooms of the the place. It always felt wrong to Witchblade no matter what part they were in, so she kept her visits short.

"Never realizes how huge these gardens are," she muttered, not repeating what Witchblade screamed in her head. There was no need, at least not yet, for Daniel to 'burn it all with hellfire'.

"Think I'll start out here, look around the gardens for indications of this Rot," she then says, not certain who will be her partner in this search.

John Constantine has posed:
John Constantine picks at his ear with his pinky finger, letting out an annoying and borderline immature yawn as the others decide it's finally time to get on with it. He takes a final drag of his cigarette and then tosses it on the floor, stepping on it and twisting his ankle to grind it down.

"Bloody finally. Let's get a move on, my friends, I've got an adorable date with me rugrat tonight. We're watching Powerpuff Girls reruns and painting our nails fluorescent colours."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Today Daniel is armed with... a can. Not a shotgun, just a can of sanitizer. "I suppose this is going to be another bug hunt?" He deadpans. A bug hunt with hellfire if they really find big supernatural vermin. This is the place where he comes to drink quietly, for Pete's sake.

"Okay, we can start here and then from the top, and the others from the bottom, or the other way around," he suggests. "Although I am pretty sure there are a lot of rooms no one knows. We need a way to find out if they are clear, too."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over at the grumpy Constantine a moment at mention of a date with the rugrat. "How old? That sounds like an awesome date," she agrees, nevermind that's the sort of thing she'd be up for herself. Now was not the time to reminisce though. It's Daniel's question which causes her to glance toward Sara a single time as if to confirm.

"Start from the outside in... And you're right, there's many rooms and nooks and crannies we hadn't yet discovered. I've explored this thing numerous times and always found something different each time."

Her lips purse together, eyebrows drawing together seriously. "It really doesn't matter. If we find signs of an infestation... Then we take care of it. All of it. Raze it to the ground. We can *not* allow the possibility of this spreading further. I'm not playing halfsies on this."

No sooner is this declaration made than a screech sounds out from all around them, echoes converging into one spot. Behind one leonine topiary comes a creature large as a convertable. Six curved horns adorns its lean head, which itself is devoid of any expression. Oozing ichor escapes the creature's deformed nostrils set within a stumpy nose. Its head sits atop a thick, muscular body. Otherworldly faces bulge from its skin, but you don't wish to find out the probably horrifying specifics. It jumps toward the grouping to block off their progress with red and black insectoid wings fanning from it's back.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara had just been about to answer Daniel's questions, including references from movie Aliens that the line came from, when the large... thing, answered the question for her.

"That is not a bug," she states plainly as a bastard sword appears in her right hand. "I wouldn't know how to describe that other than ugly."

The wings on her back spread and lift her into the air, to ensure she's out of range of what will likely be fire in many forms, but also so she can get a view further out and see if this thing has friends.

John Constantine has posed:
"That looks like one of me in-laws," John says dryly as the creature crawls out. From inside his coat, John pulls out a condiment container -- the squeezable kind with a nozzle at the top -- and shakes it, aiming it at the thing.

Then he squeezes.

Liquid sprays out across the space towards the creature, and John reaches out, snapping his fingers at the base of the stream. "Ignis demonicus."

The stream goes from liquid... to _flaming_, spreading over the creature and starting to burn _intensely_.

"Anybody bring marshmallows?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Crap, crap, crap..." is Daniel's response to the appearance of the horned insectoid thing. Then he tosses the whole sanitizer can straight to its face, and into John's fire stream. Didn't Gabby mention it was very inflammable?

Whatever, he is not waiting to see what happens. It is a rare case Daniel voluntarily steps aside when the Ghost Rider wants to get out. But look... Bugs. Giant nauseating bugs. It pays off feeling the body burn to cinders to let your monstrous-partner to deal with it.

Although the bug is already burning. Which would make the Ghost Rider grin. But he is always grinning. It comes with the lack of flesh.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Well, we all know the adage, better late than never. The mistress of magic guides herself through the astral using a familiar 'landmark' - one John Constantine. A woman's shape shimmers into existence next to the trickster, just avoiding being sprayed with a particularly noxious spell.

Her projection wears black form-fitting clothes and high-topped Doc Martins, fit for bug stomping.

"Do watch your aim, John!" Admiring the thing liquefying under John's sprayed spell, as she takes form. "Good one. So flames huh?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The insectoid creature rears up on it's hind legs as the ichor dripping from it's maw bubbles up. It leaves it's underside exposed for the spray of whatever liquid is in that bottle Constantine sprays to coat it. As the fire ignites earning a high-pitched shriek of air being released, that ichor also spews out toward the gathered crowd.

The smell is awful. It's sticky, and acrid.

The beast itself writhes around slamming into the topiary it was beside causing the manicured bush to topple beneath it's weight as it finally twitches and seizes. The chittenous armor sizzles beneath the flames.

    he dying roar seems to have summoned others though. At the top of the castle parapets several shadows part to buzz their way closer to the group from on high. More drops of disguisting goop fall and spatter to the ground catching on trees, bushes, and people if unaware.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Gabby wasn't wrong about the over powering aroma, and Sara had in fact had the opportunity to smell human corpses in varying degrees of decay... this was worse.

Turning as the shadows near the parapets move, thanks to Witchblade's extreme danger sense, she gets the count of incoming creatures. "We got more incoming from the castle," she reports through the police radio, then chooses one that isn't grouped up with the others as her target.

Magical flight makes it easier to dip, dodge, dive and simply fly. No worries about inertia, no having to deal with engine power, so the distance is closed quickly allowing her to take a swing at the things wings. Grounding them is the idea, where the fire from those down there can get to them.

John Constantine has posed:
"Zee, you wonderful witch, how are ya luv?" He looks at the melting bug and then shrugs, shaking his bottle again. "Enchanted petrol." He winks at her. "Can't burn objects or human flesh; just demons and whatever those bloody things are. I spent all week cooking the stuff up."

Then he reaches into his coat and pulls out another bottle, wielding one in each hand. He looks up at the incoming bugs and widens his gaze, looking for all intents and purposes like a madman.

"Come and get it you Starship Trooper rejects."


Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Well, it smells awful, you daft sorcerer," the witch in question retorts.

The smell is dizzying, the magic like a thick invisible slime. As ichor sprays indiscriminately, Zatanna's reacts on a visceral level with a strong desire to protect those near and dear to her. She raises her hands, palms outward, fingers spread. Turning in place, she mutters a spell, casting it at each of the members cleansing the infected castle.

".su fo hcae no dleihs rohcI"

Each member of the League will experience the shielding differently, so it is on the astral plane where mental states affect perception.

Around Zatanna, transparent shields engraved with magic glyphs spring into existence, revolving slowly in the air.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Ghost Rider is many things, but squeamish is not one of them. He stares at the corrupted bug-monsters without flinching, studying them for a few seconds. "They are but remains abandoned here, their creator returned to outer void, I presume." States the flaming skeleton, his voice a hollow bass.

"Nevertheless, they are corruption," he steps forward, silver flaming chains sliding through his right hand to form a whip. "Should their fester for long, they will become a pathway. They need to be purged." The whip shatters in a hundred sharp links that fly through the garden air leaving trails of hellfire. A veritable rain of death heading for the closest monsters.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Shields for Gabby are just that, a little transluscent haze and bubble that moves with her, similar to another mutants' powers she had experienced before. The ichor spatters and slips off to the ground leaving her safe enough beneath. Seeing Zatanna's issue with the smell she does offer out one of those half-gas masks. "Here," she offers simply. Whether it's taken or not doesn't matter, she moves to fan out as the creatures start to descend from above. The spray is forgotten for now as she lets her claws pop from the backs of her hands, the moonlit glow illuminating the shadows around her in the process.

One such Starship Trooper Reject aims directly for Constantine. It was a potential self-sacrifice move as it's spindly legs snap out in an attempt to latch onto him letting it's sizeable weight bear down. If it burnt so what? It would be there to try and topple him too.

Another of the three that had emerged from the shadows lands near Zatanna and Sara, spitting ichor and raking it's clawed feet through the air in preparation to charge, it's horned head dipping lower.

The last lands a short distance from the Ghost Rider. Rather than attacking outright it does something far more worrisome: It hunkers down to begin laying down a bubbling row of eggs throbbing and wet, preparing to hatc.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The shielding is not something Sara or Witchblade expected, and yet there it was as a shimmering, translucent skin over wielder and armor. If there had been time to think, both might wonder how this shielding would react to the changing armor and/or weapons, but time was limited due to stinky bugs.

Zatanna is another of those that Sara knows very little about, just enough to understand magical in nature, uses spells, talks backwards, but how strong and the full abilities of the woman? Nope, Sara had no idea, she wasn't one to pry into personal information, and it had never been shared openly before.

Removing the wings had been only partly effective, as now the thing was on the ground by Zatanna, which meant Sara was headed for the ground as well, preparing to jump in and stab the thing repeatedly if it proved too much for Zatanna.

John Constantine has posed:
One thing about John Constantine: he never does things half-assed. When he sees the bug leaping at him, instead of spraying it with his bottles, he turns the bottles on himself and squeezes them hard into his mouth, giving himself a mouthful of the enchanted petrol.

Just as the bug is almost on his face, John's mouth bursts with the stuff, the flame so hot from his mouth that it burns _white_ ass it consumes the big into pure ash, covering the Laughing Magician in cinders and white resin.

"Eugh, gonna need a shower and dry cleaner's after this."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee takes the mask from Gabby and claps it over her nose and mouth with a nodded thanks and immediate relief. She flashes the woman a high sign.

With a look of revulsion, a muffled exclamation can be heard as more of the bugs land nearby, "Can you believe the things are laying eggs?"

The magician levitates a few feet off the ground. Even on the astral plane, her strength lies in manipulating the elements, from air comes fire. As she maintains the group's shields with her left hand held aloft, she points at the nearest bug. Streams of fire flow from her fingertips joining John's fire act as she mutters a spell all the while.

"You just think you're hawt. Don't swallow, dear."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Rider does not wait for the bug to finish the egg-laying. He recalls the chain to his fist and steps forward, blasting the creature with a burst of hellfire and sharpened metal. If it smelled bad before, now imagine it with a side of sizzling fried eggs.

The bug should be dying, but since it is best not underestimate the creations of the Old Ones, the Spirit of Vengeance steps closer, reaching with a leather-clad hand for one of the hurts of the creature, and then punching through the exoskeleton with his fist.

That might be a little too much for the anti-ilchor shield. But the Rider seems perfectly fine with the gory mess.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That giant bug bearing down on Constantine was not expecting the gout of flame to erupt from him. It's weight was already off balance so as it ignites, it teeters and crashes down flailing around in the process. This one too, was apparently laden with eggs, because as it pops and bursts some of the eggy goo oozes out of it's body to drip upon the messy ground.

The wingless one thanks to Sara's work starts to tromp toward Zatanna only to meet more fire. it was highly effective against the minions of The Rot apparently; a cleansing fire that causes it to buckle and quiver as it soon seizes up, falling near the approach of the Witchblade.

The eggs splutch upon impact with the Rider's chain sending a disgusting sluice of goop and halved maggots in it's wake. That bug, too, finds it's end in the hellfire flames and fist of the Rider. For now it seems there's none left to face. So far. Now that they had seen what those eggs appeared to be, it becomes obvious that a good portion of the 'brickwork' along the base of the castle was coated in these yet-to-hatch creatures. Dozens upon dozens, perhaps hundreds yet to be seen from the other angles of the structure.

Gabby gives a nod toward Zatanna, quite glad that she'd gotten the mask herself. Already she was feeling her stomach turn just a bit though she manages to keep from being sick. "I think maybe it's worse than we thought. Any ideas on how to nuke this place?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"We shall burn them off," offers the Ghost Rider, blasting flame from his hand again. But this time the fire seems to slide into a shape, forming, wheels of fire, and then the metal body of his black motorcycle.

The fact the eggs are on the walls of the castle is hardly going to stop him from running over them at crazy speeds, and set them on fire. It will take him an hour or two, but he is pretty much tireless.

Likely a faster way can be found, but the Rider is fine with running up and down the walls of the castle for a while.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The currents of magic flow dark and turgid from the denizens of the Old Ones. What had once been conceived as beautiful succumbs to roiling waves of darkness that creep up the walls, consuming the castle's foundations.

Still aloft which gives her a view of the garden being overrun, "John, I can't keep on like this. We have to end it before the infection spreads past this realm."

Over coms to the group, <Fighting them one by one, isn't working. The demon bugs are going to overwhelm us. We can pull the plug and let this place drain back to where it came from. Be ready! Beware!>

Zee lowers herself back to the ground, turns to John and looks him deeply in the eyes as she offers him her hands, "Join your spells to mine, you fire-eating fool. And take it down."

John Constantine has posed:
When Zee takes his hand, John drops his containers of petrol and then lifts his other hand, pointing it towards the Ghost Rider. "Sorry, Zee, yer gonna have a heavin' headache after this one." He squeezes Zatanna's hand and then pours his magic -- _and hers_ -- and sends it _straight_ into the Spirit of Vengeance.

Do you know what happens when that much magic is poured right into a Ghost Rider?

Have you ever seen a forest fire from an ant's perspective?


Sara Pezzini has posed:
Logic dictates the actions that take place. The infestation from the Old Ones had already consumed much of the garden and the outer walls of the castle. What lay inside was likely even more of these large bug-like creatures. The level of magic required to send this place back from where it came, the ultimate cleansing via a reboot, was beyond her.

Swooping down to join the others as John and Zatanna begin their casting, she lands beside Gabby as she says, "Looks like the decision was made for us. Let's get out of here, now."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Nuke it from orbit, gotcha." Gabby's voice comes from behind the magic users as she watches... Then holds up a burner cellphone which looked as if it were from the 1990's. She hits dial, and on the first ring there comes a series of deep base 'BOOMS' from inside the castle itself. Starting Northward it goes around in a circle as smoke and dust rises. Rather than explode, the castle implodes on anything that may be attempting to escape before the magically enhanced flames get to it.

Smoldering ruins lay there as she clears her throat. "Glad I brought the gas masks," she asides to Sara only to give a shrug. "One way or another it was coming down. I haven't forgotten how to make bombs. Let's beat it though."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Let's get mightily drunk after this, John!"

The sluice gates of magic open and pour from the two mages directed into the Ghost Rider. Around them ash falls through the air.

"Let's blow this pop stand!"

One word suffices, "!emoH" Each member of the cleansing crew winks out of the astral and fly home.