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Good Deeds In Mutant Town
Date of Scene: 21 January 2023
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Paths of a half dozen people cross at a homeless shelter and soup kitchen in Mutant Town.
Cast of Characters: Maria King, Frank Castle, Sho Oto, Robert Marksman, Felicia Hardy, Noriko Ashida, Caleb Dykstra, Roberto da Costa

Maria King has posed:
The Bushwick Homeless shelter has been open for about a year. Sponsored by the Greater New York Caring Network, it has a quartet of open dormitory style rooms. There's a larger room in front which has counters for a soup kitchen and tables for people to eat at on one side. The other half gradually transitions to cast off pieces of furniture. Couches, love seats, coffee tables, recliners, old card tables and folding chairs.

The place is often understaffed, and sometimes it's a struggle to keep the pantries stocked, but they always seem to find a way to serve up a hot meal.

This time of year the place is seeing even more use than normal with freezing temperatures gripping the New York area in January. There is a fair number of people here already as the sun is going down and evening is coming on. The smells from the kitchen welcome those who enter. Soup, local made rolls, beef tips, green beans, peas and carrots, with large slabs of a thick pound cake for desert.

The place is fairly representative of Bushwick which has as many humans as mutants. Perhaps there might be more mutants than humans in the shelter overall, as the mutants tend to be more economically depressed by a small margin. However, just judging by appearance, about a third of those here are obviously mutants, the other two thirds there is nothing obvious to say which species they are.

Frank Castle has posed:
'Francis Rook' volunteers here a couple of times a month. He used to get coffee and meals at places like this, but started to feel like he was taking somebody else's supplies. People that could use it more. Sometimes Frank's Catholic heart reminds him that he's supposed to do good works, even if his heart isn't in it anymore. Mostly he does it for Maria, the Maria he lost. She cooked soup in the basement of their old parish church, in the before days.

Frank hears the echo of old gunfire in his ears and tries to shut it out.

He mostly serves, ladeling out soup now and then or carrying trays out to some of the older guests. He didn't care about human or mutant. How could people help how they were born? Stupid bigots.

And if, sometimes, the homeless people knew about shady goings on or saw something bad - if they were endangered by a predator or if they saw someone dangerous hiding in their ranks - well, a few of them knew enough to tip off Frank. And the problem would usually go away in a bodybag.

Sho Oto has posed:
While not a mutant, Sho is at least homeless and seriously. Cold is not his friend with his power set. The young man has managed to get into the shelter at least as he joins into the line. He's even managed to guide a few other homeless down on their luck to the place as well.

As it is, he's dressed in an extra layer of shirts and a thick if worn duster that probably seen some better days along with a pair of well worn trainers.

Overall, the most he can do is blow into his hands at the moment as he tries to get warm and hopefully a good meal while he waits in line and keeps his eyes open in case of trouble.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is one of the people who helps keep this place running and while the clinic maybe nearby he does stop by to check on people here on a regular bases, and to compare notes with the people running it, if there have been problems, or if he needs to let them know something or vice versa. Since none seem to need a doc right now, he has offered to help how ever he is needed.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    /Someone/ had a whole bunch of big, thick blankets delivered. The kind one uses to wrap up heavy furniture like desks and cabinets and pianos for moving. Surely not for larcenous reasons, no. Who steals antique cabinets and baby grand pianos anyway? Don't answer that.

    The strange creature known as Felicia Hardy is intensely incognito here, though, to ensure that the thick blankets are delivered safely. Her hair is as shaggy white fluff as always but she's wrapped up in a brown trenchy overcoat and her head is adorned with a fluffy brown ushanka with the earflaps down. To top it off, those vibrant aqua eyes are covered by dark sunglasses. Thick black gloves on her hands and matching boots on her feet.

    Maybe she recognizes 'Rook', maybe not, but the two of them are here for similar reasons. The Black Cat isn't one to steal from the bottom rung, far from it. She might not be ladeling soup in the line, but she is keeping a watch on things from the sidelines.

Maria King has posed:
The door opens and someone steps inside, pulling it closed behind them quickly to avoid letting too much cold air in. Due to a hood pulled up that hides their face, about all that can be told at first is that the person is short, and judging by their denim-clad legs it is either a girl or a slender boy.

Maria King looks around the place from within the hood's concealment. Her eyes go over faces of those here before finally she seems to feel comfortable enough with pulling the hood down. Her hair is a bit mussed up, which isn't uncommon among the homeless. She pulls out an old faded blue baseball cap from a pocket and pulls it on as if a little self-conscious about it.

The lack of familiar faces here was reassuring. But then she'd hoped that would be the case. The girl who lives on the streets of New Lots is some distance from her normal stomping grounds. She'd spotted too many friends of her father's today, including a few in uniform. As a result, there was a subway ride to another economically depressed area where she figured she could find some shelters and avoid being spotted.

The teenaged girl moves over out of the way, becoming a wallflower at first as she just watches what is going on. Though her eyes keep swinging back to the line for food in a way that reveals the level of hunger she's dealing with at present.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko has never been to visit the shelter since it opened, but this is the first time in awhile she's gotten to take a run about the city, and jaunting through Mutant Town (and her growling stomach) lead her to...the smells.

It isn't till Nori's in the place that she realizes /where/ she is.  She looks down at her outfit, wondering if she could pass for homeless, though she has a few critiques that go beyond her raglan shirt and second hand running shorts that looked like they came out of the early 90s.  Mostly, NOT HOMELESS ENOUGH.  The recently re-dyed electric blue hair doesn't help either, though the run has made a proper mess of it.  Also, never mind those weird metal gauntlets wrapping up just past her elbows that look like someone welded them together in their backyard.

Time to be a secret shopper.  At least she looks extremely hungry, and one can imagine she's cold in that outfit.

Noriko gets in line.  If this were a Disney movie, she might as well be shopping for a curse.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
For Caleb, the strategy is simple. His Mob Boss gave him some 'stuff' to sell - and he better sell it, his exact words. So, where do you find the perfect selling spot where you don't have to put up with the crazed competition of Gotham's gangs (and possibly the Bat)? Why, you branch out, away from Gotham. And this soup kitchen in Mutant Town is just the right target, where he can not only help, but also sell some of the 'stuff'.

It still seems awkward, but he's slowly getting in his head the idea that he may be providing some service to those in need... Others will call it exploitation, of course, but it's a big ocean to swim in, isn't it?

So, he's helping out, providing blankets, briniging food, whatever he's called out to do. And, every now and then, a small transaction takes place away from prying eyes.

Frank Castle has posed:
Frank spots Maria when she comes in. He's a little harder to recognize than usual - he hasn't shaved in about a week, giving him a dark, patchy beard that still hasn't fully grown in. He has a stocking cap jammed down on his head and he's wearing a large brown coat different than his usual black. And, of course, he isn't wearing his skull emblem nor is he brandishing large firearms.

Well, not openly.

He moves behind Maria and puts a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Take a seat, I'll get you something," he says. She had helped him, once, not so long ago, when he had been hurt. Thought it might've been the last rodeo for a few minutes there. He owed her plenty, not the least of which was a hot meal.

To the others, he takes no particular note, although Felicia might get a pause for a moment. Something familiar there. He tries not to let it nag at him.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Maybe it's that momentary pause, but Felicia focuses her attention on 'Francis' for a moment. She brings a gloved finger up to tug her sunglasses down just enough to let him see her vibrant eyes, then makes a 'shh' motion with that same digit over her lips. She knows that he's smart and observant. But she's not here for that kind of business, not at all. In fact, she sees to the distribution of some of those blankets. The leggy larcener clears her throat and moves to one of the cardboard boxes she had brought in.

    "Grab one, take two, come on. The bite is sharp out there and it'll only get sharper overnight," she pulls out two thick, padded blankets, draping the folded cloth over one arm. They look soft, to be sure, even if they're not made of high-quality fleece or wool. At the least, they'll be extra warm--and easily washed, to boot.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is working the line of the food service. He is dishing up the meat giving each person their food in term, talking to them asking how they are doing and such. It seems Robert knows most of the regulars.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
There's a lot that goes on in a place like this, and Noriko gets caught holding up the line because she's too busy letting her eyes dash around and take in every little interaction, every /transaction/.  Yeah she saw that and she sees Frank Castle trying to help the wallflower over there.  "Eww," she says aloud for no apparent reason before moving along.  There are some things Nori sees but never catches onto, like the fact that Felicia is lying low in a sense.  These things take knowledge the former street rat is no longer privy to and so she plays these characters no mind.

Plus, now, the blue-haired girl is getting food, probably ignoring dirty looks, and has her brown eyes locked on Caleb.  When she gets to Felicia and the blankets she just shakes her head.  "Don't need it, but thanks."  Nori isn't a regular, at all, so she dash-steps past all the people who look like they know people, and then slips to lean up against a wall, edging along oh so inconspicuously as she blows on her food.  Her eyes physically widen as she breathes in the comforting smells, forgetting her side quest for a moment.

The, comes her signal.  She clears her throat somewhere behind Caleb.

Sho Oto has posed:
Being so cold, and in line, Sho does happen to look around on occasion. And he blinks at seeing someone in well... shorts and definitely not winter weather. He shakes his head and goes back to it before finally getting his own food and moving to find some place to sit down and eat while he can. The homeless man's mostly keeping to himself, but eyeing a few. Something was odd to him, but well... he was cold. And warm food! Delicious warm food!

Maria King has posed:
Maria King draws a few looks once her hood is down and the delicately formed, somewhat angelic face is revealed. Though no one looks long enough to be worrisome to her as she gets a feel for the place.

When the incognito Frank Castle comes over and gives her that little bit of guidance towards a table, the homeless teen doesn't seem to recognize him. Only a quick glance at up his face, but her natural predilection to avoid a lot of eye contact helps serve him well. Plus he looks entirely different. No blood nor visible wounds today. That she can see.

She does give a soft, grateful smile at the guidance, and the offer of a meal is welcome to the nearly always hungry girl. Maria moves ahead towards an empty table, though diverts as she sees Felicia giving out blankets. She waits behind the people in line there before finally getting up to her. "Excuse me," she offers quietly. "Would I be able to get one of those? Please ma'am?" she asks quietly, keeping her head down and mostly peeking up with short glances at the white-haired woman.

Frank Castle has posed:
Frank fetches a tray for Maria, with a bowl of stew, some bread and a couple of the peanut butter cookies that tend to be so precious around here. He sees her going to get a blanket from Felicia and doesn't interrupt, setting the tray down carefully where she'd sat.

He makes that brief eye contact with Felicia and gives a nod of acknowledgement.

Caleb's activity does draw his attention, eventually. The way he's moving around, going from person to person, can't help but draw suspicion from a naturally suspicious person like Frank. He's up to something. Can't be a pickpocket, ain't anybody here got anything to pick. Which means he's not taking. He's giving. Not a lot of options there, none of them savory.

Frank clenches his teeth. Not the time. But he feels his hand flex in the itch for a gun at that very moment.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The young man raises himself from helping out an old woman (and a junkie who just got the dose for her fix), and turns to look at Nori. "Hiya, Blue, though I'm sure that's not your real name. I'm Caleb." He smiles warmly. "What do you need? A blanket? Some soup? It's warm and tasty. Someone to lend an ear?" We bows his head. "I'm here for you."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "You don't even have to ask, darling," Felicia purrs, voice as smooth as silk. "Take two, if you want?" she's giving a smile down to Maria and carefully draping one of those blankets around the girl's shoulders. The Black Cat's height makes it so very easy to do this, and she's very careful, and gentle. "Go have a seat, blanket's yours to keep. Don't let anyone take it from you, I'll bop their nose if they do," she gives a wink. "Soup will warm you up on the inside."

    Then a polite dismissal to Maria before she focuses her attention on Sho, watching him collect his food and find a seat. She decides it's a good time to make her wy over towards him, one of those blankets in hand. "You might want to wrap up in something," she chides thoughtfully. Caleb gets a glance as does the tension in Frank, but all she can do is sigh softly, a hint of exasperation. As long as people are /helping/, it's not so bad. Yet.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Well, I don't need a blanket, well those are scratchy," they probably aren't, "and I've got some nice warm yummy soup, buuuuut.  I could use a warm blanket if you know what I mean?"  Noriko, as smooth talking as she likes to think she is, is struggling with her spoon for anyone paying close attention.  She tries to look casual while mixing in talk at Caleb's frame of velocity while slipping in soup eating movements faster than she thinks others can see...but it's like, she takes multiple tries.  Those gauntlets aren't made for dexterity work and it's killing her vibe.

"And, I might have something you need," money.  Because she's probably one of the customers here who can actually has an income, even if it's meager and thus mostly paid out in food and health benefits.

Maria King has posed:
Maria King takes the blanket from Felicia with a grateful smile as she drapes it around her shoulders. "Thank you, ma'am," she says, keeping her voice soft as she often does when around others and wanting to not draw too much attention to herself.

She moves back to the table, seeing the food that the man, Frank Castle, had set there for her. Her eyes latch onto the food in the same kind of way a canine looks when its bowl is set down.

She slips into the seat, taking three bites of the stew and one of bread, before she even bothers to look around at her table. There's Sho seated at the table, a couple of empty seats between them. Down at the far end of the table are three people who are visibly mutant. One has scales on their arms and a long lizardlike tail that they have curled up around their chair. Another has reddish skin with yellow patches anywhere they have bodyhair like under their eyebrows. The third has a rather visibly large head, about 20% larger than would fit his body. He reaches out with an arm, his fingers growing about three feet long to grab the salt which is down nearer to Sho.

Maria watches his fingers grow and then retract back with wide eyes, her mouth open and a spoonful of stew hovering halfway there. She quickly recovers though and eats the stew, looking back to her food to avoid staring.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman finishes with dishing up the food as someone comes by to take his spot. He is told to go over and talk to a lady. He nods his head a bit and heads over to one of the older ladies and says "Miss Emma, how are you doing?" He kneels down talking to the lady a moment, and she holds out his arm, and he will lower his glasses a bit and the red eyes behind them glow slightly brighter for a moment.

Frank Castle has posed:
Frank Castle sees the blue-haired girl approaching the dealer. There's a stereotype in action.

Not what you're here for, Frank. Dish out the god damn stew.

Obsession can be a harsh taskmaster, but Frank's always excelled at being disciplined. He can be patient and investigate Caleb when the guy leaves. Confronting him here would only be messy for both of them. Although messier for Caleb, probably. Blood spatter's a bitch.

Maria King has posed:
Maria King is making it through her food steadily. Not wolfing it down at least after the first few bites. But she's not really slowing as she works her way through the plate, the food absorbing a lot of her attention.

Robert Marksman might notice that she's got a wrap about her palm. A bandage wound round it that leaves her thumb and fingers able to move freely, so seems to be there for the benefit of her palm or maybe the back of her hand.

As Maria eats, a trio of men get trays and move over to take a seat at the table behind Maria. The state of their clothes matches that of many of the others in the room, likely homeless. The men take their seat and glance around, one of them openly grimacing at the sight of the mutants at the other end of Maria's table, and turning to his friends and muttering something to his friends. It's unflattering, to anyone with exceptional hearing capable of making it out, but said soft enough it doesn't carry enough for normal people to hear it.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The young man, Caleb, listens attentively, and gestures for Nori to walk with him. "Well, what I need is certainly a smile on your face, Blue." He places his hands in front of him, but not before discreetly passing one over his pocket. "Love the hair, natural color?" He then pulls out a blanket, "Trust me, a blanket will do you fine. I'm dressed for the weather, and even I want to wrap myself in one." And voila, underneath the blanket, away from the prying eyes... A packet for Nori. "It's like 75 below in here, you know?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman finishes with the woman he is talking to "Ok Miss Emma, it aint broken, but you will need to keep off it for a bit. Come by the clinic tomorrow, and we will help you out a bit more, but till them." He stands and moves to the first aid box, and takes it off the wall. There he will come back, and pulls a sling out from it to help the lady. He then looks over to Maria, and will walk over towards her after he has finished with Emma. "Miss, mind if we talk for a moment?" He asks Maria.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Well if I told you that'd spoil the mystery right?  I'm not looking to be called Blue Number 9."  Is that an artificial color?  Nori certainly doesn't know, but she delivers it with the surety of someone from a teen movie.  She even throws in a little wink.

"I just get hot.  I'd rather run a lap and get out some energy than burn up.  Besides, I got a trip ahead of me before I can settle down for the night..." But Noriko catches on, well quickly enough.  "Yeah, you do have a point," she says when she spots the packet.  A handoff is something the young woman is obviously very practiced at, and she moves ever so quickly with such precision, even in small spaces.  She makes magicians jealous...if...OH SHIT SHE DROPPED IT.  Oh good she got it!

With a small throat clearing, she easily hides her part of the deal in those bulky gauntlets as she finishes 'taking' the blanket, finally realizing that she set up the blanket cover herself in the beginning.  "Thanks," she says with a quick, stoplight level blush.  There one moment, gone the next, further betraying some of her abilities.  "Helps me sleep and...stuff."  Stuff.  Caleb gets a little static shock in return with the payment and the tip!

Frank Castle has posed:
Frank Castle sees the three guys settling down not far away from Maria. Can't hear the full tenor of their discussion, but it ain't hard to figure out. Guys like that ain't never subtle. Nothing to wonder about there.

He moves over to stand at the end of their table, reaching down to grasp the edges of it. His gaze is cold and implacable as he stares them down. Caleb can wait for the moment. Frank's got a fire to put out.

"Why don't you boys enjoy the hot meal and try and keep your mouths full, huh? Nobody here wants any trouble."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa has been in and out of MutantTown since setting up the Social Justice Organization known as X-Corporation. He's known by the locals and most recently has been trying to get the heat turned on in the Laguardia Projects a few blocks away. Because of the cold and the lack of amenities many of the residents have been coming to the shelter, The gas in the older buildings has been unreliable and the electric is needed for heaters of which there are berely enough even with the extra generators Roberto brought in. So, Roberto is here to check on the people, not obviously a mutant but openly one. He is as always well-dressed, dark suit, white shirt, no tie today and he is wearing a warm coat. Which he slips around the shoulders of an older woman who is without, "Avo, I told you to come by the offices so we could get you what you need, you take this. It is too cold to be without.: Roberto pulls the gloves and hat out of the pockets and slips them on the woman. "There, that's better. I'll be by later to make sure your building stays warm as I can tonight." He smiles, and accepts her thanks before moving on.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    While Felicia is making sure Sho is taken care of in terms of blankets, as well as the others at the table -- mutant or not -- she's certainly finding herself paying attention to the three at the table near them. She shakes her head slowly, and takes a few long moments to focus on the one that seemed to be more... openly unhappy about the status of things or patrons. She isn't saying anything. She's not even making any gestures. She's holding a blanket, looking thoughtful.

    ...and channeling a little bit of that Black Cat Bad Luck over to the man. Who knows what'll happen to him. It's not for her to control--or decide.

Maria King has posed:
Maria King looks up as Robert Marksman stops and addresses her. Her eyes flit over his face and clothing quickly. One can read she's wondering what it's about. Does he want to talk to her about whether she's embraced a Lord and Savior? Ask where she got the blanket? tell her that she's got a nose gremlin hanging on her nose? Maria rubs at her nose, whew, it's clean.

"Um, sure?" she replies hesitantly, pausing in her consumption of the meal. A meal which doesn't have much left before the plates will be clean.

Meanwhile, the three men behind Maria glance up as Frank stops at the end of their table. He's bigger than two of them, but maybe it's more that way about him that he has that eventually causes them to look away rather than confront him. "Just here for food," one of them says without looking at Frank.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to Maria, and says "I'm Dr. Robert Marksman, I run a clinic here in town and help people out around here as well." He offers a smile and has a seat near her with the med kit being put on the table "I noticed your hand, and was wondering have you had it looked at?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra holds a yelp from the blue-haired girl as he's jolted, and stiffles a chuckle. "Well, some rest to charge up will do you just fine", he teases.

And his attention falls on the other three guys whom Frank just approached. He looks between Maria, Frank, the three guys, and whoever else is nearby, watching the interaction for now. "I don't like this...", he mumbles.

Frank Castle has posed:
Frank Castle nods curtly. The men chose the better part of valor. Smart. Most guys that stupid don't act smart.

He turns away and finds himself looking right at Caleb, meeting the other man's eyes. And in that moment, maybe, Caleb might be able to recognize Frank Castle. The man's face has been on the TV often enough. Usually after a story about all the scumbags he killed.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Oh I charge up all the time.  Your cell phone is already half what it was I think," not like Noriko meant to.  "I'd give you a boost but I'd probably fry it.  Those quickcharging specifications are tricky."  It's not like she's got a little switch on her gauntlets to let her plug in.  Wouldn't that be a luxury.

"Huh?"  The blue haired girl absently turns her gaze on Frank, the three guys, and Maria.   "Well eff.  I run into enough of this at Home Depot."  Then she spots Roberto.  "Shit."  Someone who can blow her 'secret shopper' cover.

"Maybe I should get out of here before things get nasty."

Maria King has posed:
Maria King looks from Robert Marskman, down to her bandaged hand. "I cut it on a broken window," she comments to him, then gives a little shake of her head as she uses the hand to run the spoon through her stew bowl. Not much comes back out but the petite teen shovels it into her mouth and cleans the spoon.

"I rinsed it and then wrapped it up," she tells him. The bandage she used looks like she probably cut it from something else to make it, probably not exactly the most sterile of wrappings. But about what people in Maria's situation have to deal with.

Maria glances about, not hearing Frank quell the three men behind her, though the sight of the suit that Roberto is wearing stands out, and draws her attention to him. For a brief moment the sight of a familiar face makes her tense, but then she realizes his presence wouldn't put her at any risk and so she relaxes again. Looking back to Robert Marksman, she offers her bandaged hand over to him. "If you want to take a look, sure," she tells him.

The three guys give Frank's back small glares as he won't be able to spot them. But none seem to want to make anything of it. One stands up and heads over to the drink dispenser. He fills up his drink and turns and immediately runs into a woman who was walking past. His drink tips over and half of it splashes on his chest. Resulting in a swear word and a glare for the woman before he grabs some napkins to dry off with.

Bad luck.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods to Maria, and takes her hand and will start to unwrap her hand to look at it. The man takes it serious it seems. He opens the box and will tell her this may sting a bit." He makes sure she is ready for it and will make sure the place on her hand is clean and does not need stitches or what not.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods to Maria, coming over to sit near her and placing the bowl of stew he had collected on her tray, "It's very good but I don't think I could eat another bite." He smiles to the girl and the glances at Dr. Marksman. "Dr. Marksman, I did not realize you made house calls. He's an excellent physician." He gives the man an easy smile, as he offers Maria his hand, "You can squeeze my hand, if it helps."

Maria King has posed:
The cut doesn't look like it's infected, but it would definitely be best to use the antiseptic on it. Nor does it look too serious, just needs to be bandaged for awhile to help it stay clean while it heals. Nothing that would leave a scar.

Maria looks up as Roberto da Costa joins them. "Hello," she says, giving him a soft smile. "Stew," she comments, glancing at the bowl and then telling the man who supplied stew to the entire neighborhood who had gathered to ice skate on the flooded parking lot, "Seems like it's becoming a theme, doesn't it?" she asks.

She looks back to Robert as he applies the spray. Maria sits up straighter, and does grab Roberto's hand briefly, squeezing a bit until that initial sting goes away after which she releases it. "I didn't know," she starts to say, and then remembers that Roberto is a mutant. "I didn't realize you came to this area too," she finishes anyway.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over and says "I try to help where people need me." He tells the other man. He will pull out some superglue that is used for some stitches "This will help it keep closed and less chance of having issues with it. He does wrap it up, and says "Try to keep it clean and if is starts bleeding again or there is any issues come by the clinic and we will help check you out.

Frank Castle has posed:
Frank Castle keeps his eyes focused on Caleb as he makes his way over briefly to check on Maria, "You doin' okay? Need anything?" he asks gently. He sees the incident with one of the three ruffians bumping into the woman. A potential spark in a powderkeg but nothing there. Good.

Maybe he will have a talk with that kid. Just a talk.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Of course, being part of the Mob means there's a list that they tell you to keep an eye out for - in this case for a gothamite, means it's the Batman and his proteges. Most other vigilante types tend to stray away from Gotham, so the Bat-family is the most obvious cause for concern.

In Caleb's case... He's not part of the Mob, they don't tell him anything. So, it means research, which leads to a list of faces that you need to watch out for, and this includes news reports on one Frank Castle, the Punisher.

Who is right now in front of him, staring at him.

Muscles tense. Time slows. Noises go dim. Eyesight twitches. Skin goes cold.

Funtimes galore.

Shit's about to start, Caleb feels it.

He looks to Nori, "Uuhm... Think I'll uh, take you up on that and make my way out too..."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Good day to you sir," which sounds like something Noriko may have heard in the movies she watched as a kid not five years ago or so.  The pickings were slim.  Do judge.  "I'll catch you later," if his goods are good, but that's a given, and Noriko slips her way through the crowd after offering Caleb a dip of her head and trying to get a refill on her soup for the road.  She leaves with a soft smile on her face, the good vibes this place left her with were, well, unexpected.  Perhaps a good reason to give back.  As soon as she rounds the corner down an alleyway, the speedster takes off, somehow not spilling a drop of her soup.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa takes the hand squeeze in like a boss. He even smiles and nods, then shrugs, "Yes, I am working on some projects in the neighborhood we're trying to keep the Laguardia Projects warm, they've been having problems with the heat. He lets the girl eat her stew and smiles at Robert, "We are lucky to have you, let me know if you need anything."