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Justice League: Moon Mystery
Date of Scene: 05 February 2023
Location: Moon Crater
Synopsis: The Justice League respond to Astronauts who discover a hidden facility on the Moon. It is a grotesque affair within, and there's a lot of good targets for smashing!
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, John Constantine, Cassie Sandsmark, Kate Kane, Meggan Puceanu, T'Challa, Hal Jordan

Diana Prince has posed:
With the Lunar Colony project heavily underway by a joint effort of nations upon Earth, there is quite a lot of activity upon the surface of the Moon these days. With the Justice League Watchtower having been built prior to all of this, some two years ago, there's been a foundation laid in place to prepare the Moon for the people of Earth.

However, as things go, sometimes unusual... unpredictable situations arise.

About twenty minutes ago a communication had come in from a far side of the moon crater where a team of American, and Korean, astronauts had come across something in their surveying of a large Lunar crater. They had been directed by their respective space agencies to send out a signal to the Justice League, and thus... 'JLA. This is Astronaut Ria London. We have a situation over here that we could really use some of your people to offer some assistance with...'

The radio communique had been filled with static from spacial interference, but it had come in clear enough to get the coordinates of the team to the JLA and thus get people out there to see what they had come across...

This is where we are now, out in a dark Moon crater, with members of the JLA arriving. Wonder Woman is already there, wearing her Themysciran Space Force uniform, a helmet even on her head to give her oxygen to verbally speak through channels to the astronauts, even if she herself didn't need it. She has her sword and shield on her back, which certainly makes for an interesting contrast to the usual space uniforms, but this is the 'future' after all, right?

Deep within the crater, pushed up near one of its dusty walls, a rocky landside has recently occured, likely due to the tremors from the Lunar Colony project underway... they've revealed something truly unexpected. A metal wall. A metal wall with etchings worked in to it, labeling even. Written in German.

And beneath the German inscription is the unmistakable criss-cross symbol notorious to the German regime from 75 some odd years ago...

"What do you make of this?" Astronaut Ria London says, her helmet lights shining across the metal wall, then back over to the people of the Justice League response team...

John Constantine has posed:
Do you know who doesn't need a spacesuit? John Constantine. His space suit is his trenchcoat, which he has be-spelled to have the properties of a spacesuit; including a small area around him wherein air exists, and through which sound can travel, so he can, you know, talk with people.

He brought Meggan with him, because if he went to the bloody moon and didn't take her, he'd hear no end to it, really.

He squints at the inscription, but mostly the Swastika. "Looks to me like the bloody Krauts were 'ere a spell ago. Shite. I hope there aren't Nazi werewolves on the moon. That'd be a pickle."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
For once, Cassie is in costume!

Well, uniform. But still. Gotta love that Themysciran Space Force drip! Legends say she might have had some input on the design (although that input may have been followed by Io yelling 'Cassie get out of here!'). Legends have a way about them...

Regardless, here she is, operating alongside her mentor in similar gear. Gotta fill her sidekick quota. Like Diana, the helmet is for communicative purposes, and though young, she manages not to seem over-awed hanging around on the moon. It's not even her first time in space! She still takes it in, hands briefly resting on her hips as she surveys the craterous surface ahead of them. It's not called the 'dark side' for nothing, and so the Amazon helmets have powerful flashlights on them as well, automatically activated and shining out ahead in bright cones, regardless of how well either of them might naturally see under the circumstances. This makes her visual sweep of the landscape more obvious, as the pair of spotlights trace over the surface.

Right up until they hit the wall, a stark contrast to the uneven terrain.

"Um. Well, I'm glad he said it first," she remarks, as someone else is the first to Godwin the situation. "Because yeah, wasn't that kinda a thing they did? Crazy mad scientists, secret labs?"

Kate Kane has posed:
It's been said many times that the vigilantes from Gotham don't sleep. This is patently false. Kate totally gets sleep. She gets a solid 8 hours every three days or so. Cumulatively. And she's cheating her way to more sleep than normal by signing up for a series of JLA monitor duty shifts. Because even she can't convince herself that she needs to be out on patrol on _The Moon_.

Which means she's a little surprised when her breakfast is interrupted by a request from the Lunar Colony project. Fortunately, she never did get around to returning that prototype space suit she borrowed during that issue with space sharks. They might have eaten her space plane, but the suit performed great.

As she rolls across the moon in a rover, Kate promises herself she'll fill out the proper forms in full, in triplicate even. During her next monitor duty shift.

It's not difficult to find the astronauts, not when there's gleaming metal peeking out of the landslide, or Wonder Woman's presence drawing attention. But the wall actually manages to overshadow meeting one of the founding members of the League.

And draws a raised eyebrow from Kate as she finds herself reading the German. And then eying that symbol with far more focused concern. At least until Constantine chimes in.

"Wait, if you put a werewolf on the moon, do they just... permanently become a wolf? Does the phase of the moon even matter?" There's a resigned sigh from Kate. It doesn't really matter. She didn't bring any silver weapons... because who the hell plans for space werewolves?

Kate. Kate plans for space werewolves. Starting tomorrow.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Bringing along someone to space who can produce a theoretically endless supply of oxygen and nitrogen, or act as another's own personal atmosphere, may also have dividends. Space Elves don't actually *need* to protection against radiation or suffer breathing problems, as it happens. Meggan only bothers wearing long sleeves as she propels herself over to the crater wall to look at it upside down. Her snow-white braid hangs strangely in the low gravity, but that's to be expected. For convenience, she radiates her own faintly glowing aura, even if that has the habit of attracting stray light particles and increasing the Amazons' flashlight effect in her vicinity.

She doesn't need to trace the shape out to recognize what she sees. "The Germans got a working V2 program that didn't burn up on the launchpad in Peenemunde? Or maybe they got their hands on something a whole lot more wibbly-wobbly." A grimace mars her mouth.

"Lot of magic stuff got taken and yanked outta moldy undercrofts when the Nazis went around looting art. Either way, it's a right horrible jump to be here."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa checks his Panther suit as he can get a reading from the hud, and with all green lights he nods as he was in a different version today. This one was much like the others the Black Panther shape, but on the back is a tank that is over his spine that is full of frozen oxygen, slowly defrosting to fill up so he could breath, as well as some extra manuverablity. The other different things is small holes on the side, though they are small and used to push out condesed air to move him while in zero to low gravity.

He looks at Constantine, "Be ware... the vacume is not the only danger. Fire for example might not work as well here if it leaves your bubble." T'Challa answers on coms though for here in the air it would also come through on speakers though lowly.

T'Challa looks at the moon... he says nothing as he starts looking around. "Let us not assume it means to them what it does to us, If they are communicating they might have coms. Any way we can get ears on before we attack some budist colony." though on this he starts to head out away from the others moving towards Diana with a small hop that lifts him up and over. Thankfully it was a black suit against space so it would be difficult to see him if anyone were looking.

Hal Jordan has posed:
It is a rare occasion indeed when Hal Jordan can score a day off of any sort. All things considered being a test pilot isn't that taxing -- especially for someone who enjoys flying as much as he does -- but between his duties as a member of the Green Lantern Corps and the Justice League, well, suffice to say he usually finds ways to keep himself occupied.

But not today, nope. Today he is sprawled out on his couch, one hand tucked behind his head and beer in hand as he watches the game play out on the screen in front of him. "That's right, c'mon," he shouts at the television, starting to slide forward, to sit up as he cheers on his team.

Which of course is when the League alert sounds, the invisible emerald band encircling his finger flaring to life. "Of course," he mutters, that green uniform sliding over his body like magic as he floats off the couch. And an instant later a streak of emerald light bursts from the apartment, speeding towards the heavens at impossible speeds.

While there might be some limit to just how fast he can go within the atmosphere, such restrictions fall away upon reaching the void of space and despite having a ways to travel he reaches the crater in question only moments after the others. No special suit needed, the emerald glow that engulfs him seems to provide all the protection needed against the void of space. And it has the added benefit of providing a whole lot of illumination. Darkest night is no match for him.

Like others he looks over the strange wall with it's most unlikely of symbology, shaking his head slowly. "Please be a giant space Nazi robot, please be a giant space Nazi robot."

Diana Prince has posed:
Wonder Woman just stands there watching the others as they reacct, listening to what they say. She does look away from the German inscribed metal wall toward the Astronaut with them in the crater. "It ... is as they say. Unexpected. But also... not entirely from a blind side." Diana's voice speaks through the shared comms of their teams. She looks back toward the wall and takes a step toward it.

"The history books do not quite have the truth behind the end of the war." She says then, for all those listening. "They were chased up here, by an old group that I was affiliated with back then... Though we believed we handled it then. I was there. It was the first time I ever left Earth's atmosphere. It was the first time I ventured this far from the grasp of Earth's pull. We found the German military facility, but it wasn't here... it was nearly entirely on the other side of the Moon's surface in fact."

Diana glances toward Hal when he makes his presence known. "The Watchtower has been spending all its time looking outward for threats. It has not, nor was, designed to look at the Moon itself. To look inward, as it were."

Her eyes go back to the metal wall as the Astronaut standing there chips away at some of the rock with a digging tool she had attached to her bulky right glove. The rock falls away in a shower of dust, revealing a large grip mounted inside a deep nook within the metal wall.

"Is that a release mechanism?" Ria London's voice says, her helmeted gaze going back to the Justice Leaguers. "Okay, this is above my pay grade. I think I'm going to head back to the rover with my team... We'll be back at our landing site. If... if... any of you need our... help." She says, eyeing the JLers over with a 'yeah, they're not going to need our help' kind of look!

Diana eyes the mechanism that the Astronaut uncovered, and she looks back to her team. "We should explore this." She says then, stepping forward to grab hold of it, and yanking. Suddenly a series of reverberations start to spread out through the crater's cavern. Dust, rock, and more begins to sweep around in the low-gravity of the Moon's nearly non-existent atmosphere.

With a unstable motion, the metal wall starts to raise upward, more detritus falling all around it as red swirling lights can be seen inside it. It's an airlock... with another door on the other side, waiting to be opened next.

John Constantine has posed:
John doesn't really _want_ to go first. do you have any idea how many times he _has_ gone first because he didn't have a choice? Because it was him or a bunch of people who just would get flattened by Winnie the Pooh on a bad day?

But today -- TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY! No sirree! An Amazon, a Green Lantern, a demigoddess, a Black Panther, his (very tough) wife, and one (1) Bat-Person, who is probably the only one (aside from Ria) with a legitimate reason for not being front and center for this.

He looks at Hal. "Oi, Limelight, lead the way so's we can all see where we're goin' without steppin' on any werewolf droppings, will yah?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie gives a big ole thumbs up as the woman makes her retreat. "We got it! Appreciate the work you do up here." Astronauts are cool. She's definitely hitting Ria up for a group moon selfie when they're done.

After this, the mysterious handle awaits!

She floats after her boss, setting up to 'watch her back,' although in practicality, with plenty of other heroes around and little chance of danger OUTSIDE, she's mostly just watching over Diana's shoulder for the reveal of whatever might be inside. And it is quite a reveal, with all that ancient machinery coming back to life, a spectacle of metal and moon rock that looks like it should be loud and rough, but is naturally enough quite eerily silent instead. Chunks of moon debris fall gently back to the crater floor, as if everything was in slow motion, and Cassie watches it with an open interest. It's hard to be an unimpressed zoomer on the moon!

"Cooooool..." Hmm. "Well. Except that it's empty. No giant robot hangar." She's evidently casting her vote with Hal.

"Welp. May as well go take a look, right? Not like we're gonna stand out here all day." And thus, she takes the bold, unsidekick-llike step of marching AHEAD of Diana into the airlock. Again, her head's on a swivel, marked by the passage of the helmet lights all around the interior space. "Gotta be more controls at the other end probably, yeah?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate continues sweeping her gaze along the wall, looking for an entrance of some sort, or a weak point, some vulnerability to exploit to get inside. And half-heartedly hoping that they'll just find a frozen crypt full of dead Nazis. Actual-dead, not like, reanimated zombie dead. Still, she takes the punches and rolls with them. Finding out that Nazis were literally chased off Earth to an actual goddamn moon base? That's not so bad.

"Well, I'm willing to allow that if you chased them to the dark side of the moon and found their base, not expecting a _second_ base here seems pretty reasonable."

When the locking mechanism is uncovered, Kate shifts a little nervously, like she's expecting it to spring to life on its own. As the astronauts beat a hasty, understandable retreat, Kate sighs and steps up to take her position next to the rising door.

As it rises, hands slide down to her utility belt, not drawing any of her gadgets forth just yet.

And then everyone's beginning to move in and Kate falls in line. Because she'd rather get shot at in the Nazi moon base than out on the surface where there's no air. Moon base must have air. Otherwise they wouldn't need the big goddamn airlock.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
The Moon can be plenty distracting, especially the gently cratered far side that human eyes never see from Earth. Meggan forces herself to stop staring at the unbroken grey landscape peppered by boulders and boundless dust, then the fractured rim of the crater receding into endless dark space. Several times, because the Moon is cool and so is the JLA on the Moon. Kate in her Bat spacesuit on a rover or T'Challa kitted out looks straight out of a sci-fi novel cover, sleek and fancy as all get out.

"Several alert people are back through there," she hesitates to speak after the warning about other comm systems or Buddhists. The uncertainty lingers long enough to forge a gap of silence until the ground starts to shake and she reels in closer to John.

Which means not going in first. "They aren't all together sleeping or stuck in suspended animation like Walt Disney or anything. A few more in that direction, and a couple others spread out close by. I don't get strong emotional impressions off them like everyone here would have. Could be all the moon rock in the way blunting it, maybe they aren't fully human or they have something in their system altering them. I can pinpoint them, though, working on whatever you work on in a space Nazi lunar base. If it's any consolation, they're not boiling with rage but they definitely know we've come."

As if the claxons weren't obvious enough for that. She shrugs her shoulders and scoots to the airlock, the ambient temperature around her shifting to a solid 20'C and not deviating in the least. That means leaving room for Kate, and scootching ahead of John in case he gets notions like burning something. If he needs oxygen to burninate, he's got his source right there.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa sighs as he gets closer to see it is earth made, and that reall could only mean one thing. Hearing about the history T'Challa sighs a bit, as if it were his people the Nazi's took he would not of been happy with that result so could only imagine. He says nothing as the others talk about the wall, and the mechanism. Though he smiles at Ria, "Thank you for what you have done here. If you run into anything on your way back please radio immeditly." he warns as just because this is their base didn't mean they were all right here right now.

He looks at Diana, and nods.. "We should Stealth..." and the lever is pulled, and the lights go off. With a small chuckle claws pop out of his suit, as he fades leaving only a bearly visable light bending effect where he is standing that when he doesn't move is even harder to see. Over the comms again he continues, "Perhaps a smash and grab Diana?" as he means she smashes, and he will sneak in and grab as he looks back at the others to see if there was anyone else who was able to stealth as well.

Stepping away from the others he leaves a small foot-print as he is starting to give them room for whatever might come rushing out they were the bait as he was looking for a way further in. He knew this many people would be impossible to hide, so would use that instead.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Well that's interesting. Perhaps there is something about that in the Justice League records, or buried away in the expansive database accessible by his ring but it is not something that Hal has come across. He arches a brow slightly as Wonder Woman recounts her story, giving a small shrug and a nod of agreement at the challenges of truly monitoring an entire planet -- or moon in this case. Even on Earth they are hard pressed to truly know what is going on in the depths of their planet afterall. In some respects it is a bigger mystery then space.

"So what you're saying is that the chances of a giant nazi space robot are high. Check," he says, an oversized green fist bursting forth from that ring, flashing green sparks seeming to flare around it as that huge thumb slowly rises up. Hey, at least he's not sulking about his lost day crashed out on the couch, getting some well deserved rest and relaxation in.

Floating above the dark surface of the moon, he edges forward enough so that green glow can fill up the airlock in front of them. "The most powerful tool in the universe and half the time all people really want is a nightlight," Hal comments dryly, though he nevertheless answers 'the call' like the big damn hero he is. The emerald hue might be a little unusual but it does plenty to make the details of the airlocks construction discernable and the Green Lantern lingers behind everyone, only slipping into the now open airlock after everyone else -- a translucent wall of green sealing the opening behind him so they can progress further inward without having to worry about dealing with massive depreassurization.

"Boo stealth. Smashy smashy," Hal urges. "Lets get that hatch open and see if we have some hostile Germans or a bunch of monks who might just chant us to death."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is amongst the middle of those who move in to the airlock. With Cassie bounding ahead, as Cassie's are one to do, she just observes as she glances to her right to see Ria London using her Moon Segway machine to start to roll away, her comms offering a parting few words to the Leaguers who speak to her, before she's gone to rejoin the other three Astronauts outside the cavern mouth.

"It was after the end of the War." Diana continues to explain, as everyone gathers inside the airlock. "Just a couple of years after. My team, and I, did not fully know what to expect. We found a landing site. A series of facilities that had been sent in to space, constructed while enroute and seemingly crash landed to 'install' themselves upon the Lunar surface. We found many members of ... their military, including 'him'." She says, being vague, but in a way that many of them might pick up on who she means. "He was ended here, on my blade... He was put to rest here too, as the return of his body was deemed to be something that would cause too much international strife. Other items were recovered though, including the Spear of Destiny... the spear that was bathed in the blood of Christ after his crucifiction." As Hal builds that wall with his ring, Diana affords a look to T'Chala, then over to Kate and the Constantines. "Needless to say, there was a lot to deal with after we were here. But, we thought we had dealt with it. We thought it was over."

Once Hal has his wall erected, Diana reaches over to pull on the next mechanism. The red lights wash over the Justice League members gathered within the airlock, the red hue mixing with the green from hal...

The inner door doesn't open. It's been locked.

Diana steps up to it now and starts to search for its edges, the best place to grab it.

"Stand back." She warns them, before she starts to pull hard at the airlock door, and soon it is being ripped asunder from the wall, far enough that she can then bend it inward and a rush of oxygen comes pouring in to the airlock from beyond the inner doorway.

A few more moments and Wonder Woman has crumpled that entire door in upon itself, and is shoving it to the ground.

Beyond it, beyond that gnarled doorframe now, resides a long hallway, lined by circling yellow lights, yellow light streaking across the walls, the floor, and the metal railings that sweep deeper in to the Moon base, deep enough that they're lost in darkness about fifty yards ahead. Ahead there is no light, just blackness.

Diana has her helmet off now, as she steps inside. "It's safe to breathe." She announces now to everyone as her helmet is set down upon a column beside the now open airlock, and the dark, creepy facility that lies ahead of them.

John Constantine has posed:
John blinks. He watches as Diana does the whole 'treat a giant metal hatch like it's made out of a single sheet of aluminium foil and even once she's done that and what not, John swallows a little and then breathes in deep. "I'm not going to ask what you all did with bloody Longinus' lance, I'm pretty sure I don't want to know the answer cos it'll make me blood boil."

He adjusts his tie. "Shall we then, folks?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Although Cassie finds the airlock disappointingly robot-free, Meggan has good news. Well, 'good' news. "Oooooh. You mean, like, there's still some in here? Hahaha, they're about to have a really bad day." Is she... a little too excited about this, almost giddy?

Look, Diana got to fight real Nazis (as she goes on to explain). Cassie? Like most of her generation mostly gets to fight them in online troll form, the occasional uppity copycat group aside. But this? This might be the REAL DEAL. This is top-grade asskicking territory, the big cheese, totally the kind of thing she got into the whole hero business for in the first place.

And she is so here for it.

Also, according to their space elf (is she really a space elf? cool if true...), they know the League is here. So, not much harm in...

Knocking. Just pounding on the big metal door. "Yo! Nazi punks! Open up so we can tell you to fuck off. And then assist with said off-fucking by tossing your busted asses into space."

Obviously, no one agrees to this. Can they even hear her? Presumably they're all on some kinda radio, and she puts it on all frequencies! No answer, still. But happily enough, the big Wonder Cheese is ready to make a door for them. Well. "I coulda done that," she grumbles at Di.

But, once more, she's happy to rush on in through the door her boss has made. With the ability to breathe (insomuch as it matters!), she touches a button on the helmet, opening the faceplate. Somewhat more notably, she pulls the sword and shield off her back as she forges ahead. She looks a little bloodthirsty!

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's definitely not going to try and force the airlock herself. But once Diana's looking around for the right location to grab and exploit any structural weakness, she's quick to whip a batarang out and stab the razor sharp point into the floor in front of her before the metal's being wrenched and torn asunder.

She still has to crouch to ensure the blast of air doesn't topple her backwards, even it does send her cape streaming out behind her.

Once the wind dies down and Diana confirms there's breathable atmosphere, Kate taps a hidden button on her suit, the helmet mostly recessing to let her breathe, but keeping that cowl in place as she realizes there's a gulf of difference between 'breathable for a divine being' and 'Breathable for Kate'... but she doesn't start choking or pass out, so it seems fine.

One eyebrow quirks behind her cowl as Cassie soars past the airlock and draws sword and shield like she's looking for a fight. Gotta give her points for enthusiasm.

Kate's mostly regretting that she saw an alert about a mystery on the moon and didn't immediately think of grabbing a grenade launcher. Next time, though? Next time.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"I like the way you think," the space elf says to Hal, breaking into a wide grin. Look, no matter how serious the issue could be, he's got the right of it from her perspective.

Promise, she *was* listening to Diana's history lesson about escapee Germans who needed to be put to rest. Her accent -- solidly British -- probably alludes to covert approval for the outcome, because she at least thumbs-up the Princess' choice. "You did the best you could at the time."

Cassie is off and she reaches out an increasingly translucent hand to tug on John's trenchcoat, mostly to give him an idea of where she happens to be. That sleek green and black outfit around her fades out of existence in the halcyon light of the Green Lantern's ring. Her ambient glow vanishes as she dwindles down to a ghost in their presence, almost completely transparent. "I wonder if Mum gets to see herself from up here often," Meggan asides to John, looking back over her shoulder once for good measure. "Can we get a snap 'fore you take us back? I could frame it for her and send it up to the Garden."

A roll of her shoulders alludes to a shrug, and then she becomes the mostly unseen presence constructed of the air itself, the better to move without attracting bullets or showing up easily on most scanners. Smashy smashy *and* stealthy stealthy!

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa shakes his head as he quietly moves though over the comms his voice comes through, "If I glowd green I would also find stealth bothersome." and grins to himself as T'Challa waits for the way to open as he paitently listens to the explination though the sound that Diana killed them herself makes him smile as that was a worthy target no-mater where you came from. He takes a step back from the doorway, and his clawls lightly cling into the wall as to not pierce anything fearing it would make the wall useless.

Even though the all clear is signed there is no other tace of Black Panther, as the cloked person is quietly waiting for the distraction to start before he would make his move to end it. A quick answer comes through, "That spear sounds like strong magic... Magic gives me headaches." and though he couldn't be seen maybe John would feel the stare though he says nothing else falling back to silence and only talking on Comms. He does watch Cassie charge in, and John hold back like him and others disapear he wondered if their space city would be like this.

Taking some measurements, and marking down some of this 'scrap' for pick-up later this place gave him an idea. Minus some Nazi's if this place makes it throguh this it could be very usefull for all their efforts. Then again that would mean he is going to have to find their back-up plan while they move towards the others. He trusted they all had it, but one thing experience had told him there was usually a backup plan, and usually it was to blow stuff up. Waiting for the others he leaves the airlock with a plan now forming he radios to Diana, ""They have successfully made a city on the moon, and in secret. Perhaps you were not wrong in your plans. Once we clear it might be useful to help you reach your goals." it might not be as big as the city she had in mind, but the principals were all there so they had succesfully been doing it for years now so that ment something.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Ugh. Yellow. Gross," Hal comments as the inner airlock door is tugged free of it's moorings, the mix of colors giving a sickly sort of hue to lightly filling up the space. "That pretty much seals it. This is definitely no Buddhist sanctuary. No self-respecting monk could try to seek oneness with the universe while bathed in that light. Can't be done," the Green Lantern asserts glibly. He might be a little biased on that front though. It doesn't seem that he feels terribly bad about his little predjudices though.

Presumably Hal is taking in what Diana has to say about the Nazi history on the moon, despite running his mouth. With the glowing green barrier in place behind them he glides forward to that inner entrance before lifting that hand once again. This time as the ring encircling his finger begins to spart it is a half dozen giant-sized green fireflies that burst out from it, beginning to flutter forward, carrying their glow along with them though he does keep them reined in and close enough so that if anyone wants to sneak on ahead they're not bathed in that telltale emerald light. "We shall. Those gisnt Nazi space robots won't kick their own asses. Unless their makers were pretty twisted."

If there was any doubt about their ultimate approach, Diana ripping the airlock door out of the wall likely puts an end to it -- there just isn't a quiet way of tearing down a wall. Believe him, he's tried. And of course Cassie leaping ahead pretty much seals the deal. He has a pretty good idea of just how fast their more stealthy members can be when called upon, but there's not much chance that they're going to get in front of her before they run across trouble of some sort.

Winking at Meggan, Hal flashes a brief grin before starting to leap ahead as well. "Looks like majority rules. Lets go do some redecorating."

There is surely evil in here somewhere and no evil escapes his sight for long.

Diana Prince has posed:
"It is in capable hands now." Diana replies to John about the Spear. She steps forward to stand on Cassie's left now, the younger Amazon holding sword and shield out at the ready already. It gets a look from Diana, who doesn't believe it is overreacting considering everything. "It was a different time, and we gave him every opportunity to surrender peacefully." Diana adds on to her little history lesson for those still listening to it, afterall there was quite a ominous ambience to absorb all around them.

"The gravity is stronger in here..." Diana says next, her voice soft, but still carrying over the hissing sounds that permeate the backdrop.

The yellow lights lining the entry way walls continue to circle rapidly, sending shafts of golden light around the metal walls, around the railings that encase walkways on either side of the main tunnel's floor.

"Let us go, perhaps in nearly a hundred years the willingness to listen to peaceful talk has improved.., perhaps things have changed." The Princess notes further before she casts a look to her team, and then deeper down the hallway. "Meggan, can you sense any changes in their intentions?" She asks as Hal's green flutterflies sweep past her and off ahead in to the darkness.

The team is able to walk down the long corridor unmolested, leaving behind those sickly yellow lights behind them at the airlock entryway. Hal's green flies help offer more light to those who need it as they are immersed fully in darkness.

Whatever intentions the inhabitants of this place may have though, are soon experienced as the darkness up ahead is flashed with more swirling yellow lights that come on, as a large metal door sweeps aside from right to left, and within its archway stand many figures, all being crossed over by that yellow light, and all holding large machine guns leveled at the intruders.

"Achtung!" One of the figures shouts in German. "Achtung!" The rest start to repeat as they march out of the doorway, and open fire.

Facing down the Justice League now, the hallway that they occupy becomes a hailstorm of machinegun bulletfire! Their machine guns are an unknown type, large flowers of sparks bursting from their muzzles as they rain fire upon those who have entered their base!

John Constantine has posed:
As far as John is concerned, he's here for M&M Support (Moral and Magical). First things first, he's going to give the entire team a lot more illumination than the glow from Green Lantern's ring.

He gives a few quick waves of his hand, and then says a word in... It's not Greek. Is that Persian? Maybe. But he cups his hands over his mouth when he says it, and then he blows, sending motes of bright white light out into the cave that dance upwards, starting to spin in a circle... until they _explode_ with white light, illuminating the entire place.

"Let there be light. Or something else equally blasphemous."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
While eager for this particular battle, Cassie does not overextend beyond the group. She's happy to be the tip of the spear, but Amazon discipline holds. You work with your team, whatever that team is. So down a long corridoor they all go. En route, she muses on the changing times, or lack thereof: "If my experience on twitter has taught me anything, it's that nearly a hundred years hasn't done much to improve their fanboys."

Pretty clearly, she is spoiling for a fight.... and soon gets it!

A big door opens, and they shout. It's just like so many videogames. Instinctively, her shield comes up to take the first hail of gunfire, giving her just enough time to give Diana a bit of a told-you-so. "See? No such thing as a good Nazi." After that? Ooh boy.

Cassie is very much capable of moving fast when she wants to, and no one is holding her back from this particular heroic fantasy. She flies down the hall, horizontal position giving her more coverage with the shield, before she hits the line. Both figuratively and literally. The first one, that takes the brunt of that shield rush, just goes flying, wheeeee. At almost the same instant, the one standing to its right... topples over, chest hitting the floor, legs still standing, severed at the waist.

There are sparks when it happens. Cyborg Nazis. Maybe its a relief for some, as ethics go? It's hard to say if Cassie had even noticed before she chopped the guy in half.

Once in their midst, there's gunfire from both sides. This might, in theory, pose a challenge to the directional nature of her shield, except that her sword hand still flashes in the classic Wonder defense, her bracer snapping between bullets, redirecting them away, or back at their targets. The first wave of them barely stands a chance, as she blink-of-an-eye charges into another one, putting her sword into his chest, then spins back the other way, throwing her shield. It's Captain America-esque, except for the part where instead of knocking someone out and nimbly bouncing back into her hand, it lodges into the cyborg's skull at the jaw.

Then she darts the other way, cuts another, and then a second later is back to retrieve the shield, yanking it up from the fallen borg. Back and forth she goes, like a violent golden pinball. "Ahahah! Die Nazi Cyborgs die!" Well.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's following along in the wake of heroes with levels of power far beyond her own... something she's defintiely still adjusting to. Just feeling the slight difference of gravity reminds her this is so very far from dealing with gangs and costumed trouble in Gotham, even if the decor didn't do a fine job of underlining it.

She's at least able to prevent herself from making any sort of dismissive remark or even snort at the idea of Moon Nazis being more willing to listen to reason after half a century under the surface of the moon.

Once that door begins to open and the figures begin to shout one word in unison... she sighs and rolls her eyes. First she hits New York for a liason meeting with the Avengers about HYDRA causing trouble across North America, and now their grandfathers are up here opening fire with machine guns that definitely don't strike the same tone as Kate's thorough research of World War 2 firearms would lead her to expect.

Which means Kate defaults to her usual acrobatic motions and movements, trusting that flaring and snapping cape to foul up any aiming. And hey, maybe her suit will even hold up to the bullets. She just doesn't intend to find out on purpose.

That batarang she'd used to brace against the rush of air when Diana broke the seal on the airlock is thrown towards one of the machine gunners, as her other hand pulls her grappling gun out to fire a line above and behind the rank of soldiers, before flinging her into the air.

Because fighting machine gun Nazis at range seems like such a bad idea. Especially when they have so many machine guns and she hasn't got any.

Someone's got to teach them that sharing is caring.

She's flying through the air when John's magic lights things up. Oh. They're robots. Well damn. They probably don't do much caring.

Fortunately, Kate's still beginning that parabolic arc into the air when the true cybernetic nature of this Nazi menace is revealed, giving her time for the hand not hanging on to her grapple to reach for that utility belt, palming something in time to adjust her trajectory towards one of the cyborgs.

Kate wasn't planning on worrying about the 'no killing' rule in the first place. But these are like... 50% robot. So that doesn't even count and she feels no conflict whatsoever when she lands to drive her fist into the gut of the cyborg in front of her, triggering a charge typically meant to breach a reinforced door.

Really, Kate's main concern is whether or not she can hipfire a machine gun designed to be used by something created by Nazi superscience. Well, short controlled bursts are key anyway. And aching shoulders are a small price to pay for beginning to fire those short controlled bursts at murderous cyborgs.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
The air moves to percolate a whisper near Hal, where presumably he can hear it despite the muted feminine voice heavy on sibillance as a result of the method of communication. "None of them have independent thoughts. Somewhere's a Borg Queen-type steering what they do. Machine or person, hard to tell yet."

The intense white light boils over Meggan in a wave that doesn't make her any easier to spot. Once she sheds her corporeal form, distinguishing her among the countless molecules free-floating in a hallway takes different talents altogether.

Someone around here must certainly understand Gaelic. She chooses that over Welsh for directness, as a language that uses 'Coegfeddyginiaeth' for a comparable five-letter word in English isn't big on brevity. "<Poison. Thirty seconds on two.>"

One. The air vibrates in a static wave to generate the sound, which might resemble simultaneously the sough of a spring zephyr and the rumble of clouds portending lightning. They get neither because Missus Constantine is the opposite of Constantine over there sometimes. Winter bears the crown of subtlety, the kill by creeping cold and languishing silence. In the stilled forest, lives end not with a bang but not even a whimper under the watchers' pitiless, hoarfrost gaze.


The atmosphere resonates with a heavy nitrogen and minority oxygen balance that she instinctively shifts and drags askew until a bubble surrounding the half-human Nazi robots lacks any oxygen whatsoever. Separating two elements gives her leave to create a pure nitrogen environment around the soldiers to breathe in and immediately begin the process of nitrogen asphyxiation. Brutally fast, when it happens.

The missing oxygen ends up smeared along the ceiling well behind them in a thin layer, bubbled and shoved away by the invisible elemental.

She holds the overly purified web until and if the bodies hit the floor, unconscious rather than dead, preferably.

Let the heroes decide their fates.

If they leave it up to the winter-aspected Tuath de Danaan with a personal history in a modern concentration camp, the odds aren't going to be pretty for Team Moon Nazi.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa is quiet as he listens, and is ready for the shift, as he enters he walks slowly towards the group firing at them which is easier as he wasn't being targeted he just kept moving forward, as the shots went wizzing past him. And then Cassie hit their line, and a whole opening just appeared, so as Cassie dives into the group of them, and goes crazy he slowly keeps walking not even having to slow down, as he continues through the opening she is making. He says nothing so he needs to watch not only the friendly fire, but to make sure he is not splashed as floating goo would give him away.

T'Challa is walking past the group not breaking pace it looks like the chaos just opens room infront of him. That is until he is just close enough to one of the machines where the spray shot of Kate just clips the side of his suit. T'Challa isn't hurt, but the sound of metal hitting metal 'Ding' and T'Challa stops looking to the side as one of the Nazi robots looks right at him, and the stealth flickers as it doesn't break, but the impact makes him visiable for a few flickers as the two stare at each other.

With a sigh T'Challa says to himself.. "This is why I work alone." and reaches out to grab the cyborg by the skull he grips with the strength to bend metal as his claws dig in. T'Challa watches the light die out as as he smashes the metal skull. "Tell your queen I am coming for them.".

Though he isn't sure it even hears it as he tosses the body aside the shifting oxygen cleaning the goo of his claw as he turns to look down the path these cyborgs came from as he continues walking forward leaving the rest for the others.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Tempting as it might be to start the redecorating earlier, smashing out of the confines of the corridor they find themselves in, Hal restrains himself. He's not really concerned about accidentally breaching the surface of the moon -- his ring gives him more than enough spatial awareness to know exactly where they are more or less. But there are some advantages in having only one direction their enemies can come from. And it's not like he can't always change his mind later, right?

When the door opens up ahead and the figures begin marching through, Green Lantern is more than prepared. While the green fireflies might be nice, there's no doubt that John's mystical lights are a little more natural -- at least for the human eye -- and when they reveal the half-human, half-cyborg features of their foes he gives a little whoop. "Oh yes, you have got to be kidding me. Nazi Cyborgs. If they have some Zombie Nazi's waiting too I swear to god I'll pee myself in joy. Just a little." It might be better, in this case, if the necromatic arts haven't been put to use in this case.

As the machine gun fire starts, Hal offers his response -- in this case a glowing green cattle-catcher appearing out in front of the most vulnerable of the team, offering protection as it sweeps along the passage. And then it offers trampling goodness as it plows into the cyborgs, barrelling through and over them very much like it was attached to a train engine instead of merely being propelled along by the force of his will.

When those whispered words reach him on the wind Hal pauses consideringly for just a moment. It makes sense of course and Hal dips his head appreciatively towards Meggan. "You heard her ring. If they're all being controlled there has to be some sort of signal directing them. Latch on to it and guide us back to the source," he instructs.

~Affirmative, Lantern Jordan. Scanning... Scanning... Scanning... signal found.~

With that his ring flares again and a dozen or so emerald birds leap forth, flapping down the passage, over the green cattle-catcher that continues to plow a path and over the head's of the cyborg drones, presumably towards the 'Queen'.

"Follow that flock of seagulls!"

Diana Prince has posed:
When the Justice League jumps in to action to defend themselves from the barrage of gunfire from their new cybernetic enemies, something further peculiar starts to happen when each one falls down. Each time a soldier drops, some variation of the words 'Mein Leben!" are shouted from the mouth of the soldier. When Cassie slices one in half, When Batwoman pummels one, or uses her newfound weaponry to cut them down in return. Even when T'Chala crushes through them with his mighty claws. "Mein Leben!" is called out, 'My life!' for those who speak their language.

Every time it happens, each soldier says it in a different level of strength of voice, each one calling out in their own unique way based on how their cyborg implants were placed in to their decaying bodies, but as they drop, the remaining soldiers continue to shout 'Achtung!' which those who speak the language will know as simply 'Attention!'.

T'Chala charges ahead, and is instantly met, however, by a much larger Cyborg that marches around a corridor junction up ahead, its massive metal feet impacting against the ground as it levels a silvery-shining chain-gun at the Black Panther, and opens fire...

Only this chain gun doesn't fire bullets, instead its muzzles light up with a brilliant blue energy beams that lance out at the King of Wakanda! The beams scream in the chaos, attempting to burn through T'Chala to shoot at his teammates behind him too!

The guards held by Meggan's oxygen deflating force continues to drop those who rely upon Oxygen, but not all of them do, their cybernetics having replaced the need in some cases for it, and these soldiers continue to fire off shots while shouting their words of alarm!

Hal's search for the source is successful, though it's beyond the soldier with the massive beam weapon chain gun, who continues his unrelenting fire!

And to make matters al lthe more worse, suddenly from behind the Justice League members, the fast moving figures of four-legged cybernetic canines appear, rushing over the fallen Soldiers and leaping in to the air to charge at any of the Justice League members that they can clamp their robotic metal teeth down upon!

Wonder Woman rushes forward toward where T'Chala is, her own shield up to block the beams from the massive chain-gun wielding Cyborg! She watches Hal's searchers rush by to go and locate the 'hive mind' leader of the base, but they have to get past the nasty laser beam weapon first!

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is kind of indistinguishable, location-wise, from the Nazi formation. So she ends up in the poison bubble, such as it is. But it's fine! She gets a warning, technically, but does not in fact speak either of those languages. Still mostly fine! The helmet, even open, registers the change in air quality with some kind of angry warning light, and Cassie takes a half-instant off her faster-than-the-eye bullets and bracelets routine to tap her helmet control again. In fact, it takes fractionally longer for it to slide shut than it does for her to push the button. It slides closed a little late, but nitrogen isn't, er, cyanide or whatever. Plus she can survive in space so presumably she holds her breath pretty well!

It does mean, however, that many of the nearest cyborgs start having problems, which reduces the richness of her environment, target-wise. Indeed, many start dropping around her like flies. "Aw."

Yet fear not, young Cassandra. Many more foes abound. Plus they have an objective, now. Well, on top of her clear objective of 'gleefully fuck up maximum Nazi shit.' So Cassie follows the birds!

Or that is, she fights her way through them. There are cyborgs with cyborg faces who don't choke to death, and earn the privilege of being unceremoniously beheaded, instead! She also hears the doggies barking, but being that she's at the front, she's not the nearest to deal with the rear-action attack. Plus... she's maybe a bit less gung-ho about doggy smooshing. It's not the poor puppers fault!

What she does have to deal with, is a real big'un. "I got the Level Boss, someone who's finished college can deal with the computer!" And thus, she makes a rather spectacle of herself rushing out to fly in front of it, intervening in the opening volley of laser blasts with shield and bracer alike, drawing as much fire as she can from the others. Swish, zap, twist, pew. Many sound effects! "Di, oak beneath the storm, theta rho!" Uh, they have their own Amazon code, apparently.

Cassie launches forward, flying into the barrage head on, using all her various techniques to fend off the pew-pew laser attack, until she's closer. As she charges in, she throws her shield at it, which... kinda bounces off uselessly, and then the sword, which lodges in its armor, penetrating partly, but not too deep. Useless?

Oh, maybe not. The Big Borg retaliates as she gets close, swatting her away. She's too slow to avoid it, or, maybe her attention is elsewhere. Because as Cassandra hits a nearby wall, landing at its base, its hard not to notice something... connecting her to the cyborg. Or to the sword, rather.

She tied her lasso to the sword. "Waiting on you."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's falling into a familiar rhythm... well, aside from that brief moment where she clips T'Challa while he's lurking around invisibly. Well, it was bound to happen with an invisible ally lurking around in a melee, especially when they've never met before, let alone drilled on lines of fire and zones of responsibility.

Once Kate's borrowed gun is running low on ammo, she hurls it with all the strength she can manage to topple over another cyborg, whipping an extendable staff out of her utility belt. A quick twist of her wrist on the haft, and one end snaps open into a sharp, wicked blade that crackles with electricity for a moment.

Because while Black Panthers are sneaky and agile, cybernetic attack dogs are a clearly noticeable incoming threat. Kate spins about and sweeps that electric staff towards the first inbound dog, driving the blade into that toothy maw. She'd feel bad about this... because robot nazis are one thing. But robot nazi dogs? The _dog_ part didn't have a choice in this. Kate will process that later.

Because while she's occupied doing her best to dismantle or at least disable the first robot dog, hurling a series of flash bombs at the others to try and temporarily scramble their sensors and buy time.

And then Cassie's shouting out amazon battle codes, and for a moment Kate's filled with an urge to shout 'YES! LIKE _THAT!_'. But no, she can write up a long, dry report on recommended League battle phrases later. After the more capable heroes have dealt with the 20 foot tall robot monster, and the remaining regular sized cyborgs. And the robot dogs.

Goddamn Moon Nazis.

T'Challa has posed:
As T'Challa turns the corner he stops and looks up at the much larger cyborg infront of him he sees the gun and calculates that if he were to simply dodge it would be putting others in danger. So reaching under an arm he flicks out one of his vibranium dagger, as he jumps sideways towards the wall, as he flips over hitting the wall with his feet he flicks the dagger though not at the gun, but the large arm that is holding it hoping to dig the blade deep into the shoulder before the electricity sparks out as the thin wire connected to his suit burns itself up with the high voltage shock that is then sent directly into shoulder through the knife hopefully throwing the aim off so no-one else would be hurt.

As this is happening Black Panther is already pushing off the wall to do his own impression of a pinball, but as he is launched up and forward he flies forward claws out to hit high as Cassie hits low, and start clawing away till it stops moving or there is no more pieces to tear out. He hopes the impact might tilt the thing over backwards so he can do this on the ground but would latch on if he is unable happy to just hold on with one hand as he rips out things with the other to shut this thing down before it can shoot again.

Diana Prince has posed:
At the back of the group, Hal is dealing with the more mechanical soldiers, along with the Constantines. The shouting of 'Achtung!' and 'Mein Leben!' continues to resonate out from the packs of metal and flesh bodies that fall to the ground.

Kate's skillful manuevers with her shock spear deal with the canines rushing at her, but the others are met by Diana's sword! She doesn't have any issues with slicing her weapon through the metallic canine-borgs! She's never been much of a pet person anyway!

Wonder Woman ends up doing a full circle around Kate, coming around again to be back to back with her in fact, as her blade cuts in to another dog, then her shield bashes one lunging at them, sending it down the hallway where it slides past Hal, leaving a streak of blood and oil in its wake.

T'Chala's efforts cause the 20 foot tall monstrosity to lose the control of his gun, just as he was about to level it on the knocked-down Cassie. The eyes of the German soldier that is part man, part machine, meet the eyes of the Black Panther, and he speaks in a growl of a voice, his red eyes flaring. "Schutzstaffel!"

And then Cassie's electrically empowered lasso activates, a chain of electric lightning rushing through the rope in to the SS Protector, his chain gun going off once more, but aimed up at the ceiling of the corridor, just ripping the ceiling apart as steam pours out from above!

The resulting lightning blast causes a reaction inside the Cyborg and without much fanfare, and with a gruesome level of gore, his entire organic body bursts in to flames, followed by him shouting 'Mein Leben!" before he crumples in to a burning heap of human flesh, and mechanical mayhem.

Diana appears between Cassie and Black Panther then. She surveys their work.

"Right..." Wonder Woman exhales. "Lets see what Hal's spies have found...."

The Princess of Themyscira pushes forward then, and with a bit more delving, and a descent down a flight of metal stairs at the end of that corridor, the remaining Justice League members find themselves in a massive chamber, with its very center holding a series of computers surrounding a giant metal snake, bathed in spotlights shining down from above, the snake a good 50 feet in coiled-up length, and at its apex, at its head, is a man's upper body, wearing the black leathers of a German military uniform.

His face is bathed in light, and his eyes are shut closed... He's connected to the computers.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Victory! Of a sort.

The combo of various wire-based electrical effects deals with the sub Boss, even if it's T'Challa who tags in on the Amazon combo attack. Cassie's not gonna complain. She hauls up from her place on the ground, being smacked by the cyborg not really putting too much of a dent in her. It's just as Diana arrives, and so she even teases her a bit, for missing 'her half' of the combo attack: "Took your sweet time!" A big grin. "One giant Nazi down, guess it's off to see what the others are up to..."

And so, onwards!

This time, she does stick more with Diana, rather than rushing ahead. They've spread their numbers out around the base, and they really don't know what they might be walking (or flying) into. Plus, she's expelled a bit of that nervous 'I really wanna kill Nazis' energy, and seems a bit more balanced for it. But when they arrive, she has to admit...

"I don't remember this one, from the games. Then again, I never played the original, just the new reboot..." She ponders it, flying upward slowly to get a better view of the dude at the top of the snake (?!), presumably ready to resume her bloodlust at any moment...

But for Diana's sake, from earlier, she does attempt sorta-diplomacy. "Yo? You alive in there? If you're in charge, this is your chance to surrender! You're really not getting another one, and I'm not gonna feel bad if you make me fry you in there."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate focuses on singular purpose, taking down the wave of attacking dogs, even if they're swarming and adapting rapidly enough that she's finishing the last one up by spearing her staff into its internal components and triggering the electric blade again, erupting in sparks and the sharp crack of discharging electricity. Still, she's not doing too bad. That suit is scuffed and scraped, her cape's tattered, torn half off where one particularly dutiful Nazi dog got its jaws locked.

She's breathing heavily, muscles aching as she breaks into a sprint to join the vanguard of the other heroes.

Eyes widen slightly at the sight of the metal snake, and the body contained atop it, eyes narrowing slightly, like she's trying to match that figure to... it surely can't be.. but... who else would the Nazis put in a weird pod on the top of a big mechanical snake?

Batwoman shakes her head slowly as Cassie floats up to get a better look... well, hopefully if the metallic snake part wakes up, she can smash the glass and stab the... Nazi part. Because Kate's feeling exhausted in that particular blend of 'I am out of my element and also just fought off a bunch of cyborgs, and it was a few hours into what was supposed to be a good night's sleep.'

All in all, Kate would be just fine with someone smashing all this stuff and calling it a day. Night? Whatever time it is.

T'Challa has posed:
The stealth falls as T'Challa rises again walking forward he just quietly retrives his dagger from the shoulder of this giant thing the smoke around him makes him chuckle a bit, "So glad I can't smell in the suit." he nods to Diana his claws retracting again. He follows her quietly though as he is just use to moving as if people could not see him. His suit had translated the words, and that each of them said it he sighed a bit. It was wierd they all died saying the same thing, he hoped it wasn't some ritual as he really didn't get this whole magic thing.

Then he walks and sees it... 'Snakes, why did it have to be Snakes." though he is accented he is actually thankful of his sister for sending him a list of movies to catch up on. Though he does look around to check for other hidden dangers, such as traps, or forcefield projectors, as he had learned to take the heart of the complex seriously. Not to mention how did he get in here the door not near that size, though he shakes his head to clear it thankfully someone else already made the surrender request.

So other then give them another chance so quickly T'Challa stood quietly waiting for a response watching around the room, and keeping any questions to himself.

Diana Prince has posed:
It doesn't move. He doesn't move. He's just slumbering. Is he even alive? Cassie gets right up there, up close and personal. But the man connected to the massive snake body just lingers, as is. The lights beat down upon him from above, almost all of them aimed directly at him creating a glowing circle of light in the center of the room, leaving the lumens to scatter about the rest of the large chamber to provide minimal light for it.

Diana had ended up standing there beside Kate, watching Cassie sweep up to the man to taunt him.

As T'Chala wanders behind the women, his observations are soon to pick up that the technology here isn't exactly like it was back in the era from which these people separated from Earth. It's both advanced, and old. The advancements are... unique, these people having gone off in their own kind of technological pathway over the past century...

"He is not moving..." Diana says as she steps over to one of the computer terminals. She tries to access it.

It's then that all of the monitors surrounding the snake-man blink on, and the image of a man's face appears. He's just staring out on a black backdrop, his skin a grey-ish white.

He starts to speak in German. 'You come to us now, on the backs of /our/ technology. You come to us now seeking our /end/. You do not know the folly of your choices here. We build for the entire Human race. We are its Protectors!'

Of course, if one doesn't speak the lingo, it just sounds like a lot of very angry German shouting.

"He is without defenses." Diana says, her eyes up on one of the screens before her. "We can preserve this site, or end him, and let his secrets die with him..."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie's German is just slightly better than her Gaelic. Falls in that long list of 'went there with my mom once, learned about ten words.'

Which is to say it mostly sounds like nonsense to her. And the stuff she gets probably doesn't make it sound any friendlier. Something something Human race. Oof, yeah, if it's one thing the Nazis are famous for bad takes on...

She glances down, from where she hovers near the dude. In this case, although her opinion is obvious without even getting to say it, she won't act without Diana's OK. "You know my vote. We've built things a thousand times cooler than this place in Themyscira, Wakanda, Atlantis, even Stark and co... my phone looks way better than any of this garbage."

She pauses a moment, and then adds: "Plus I can't imagine even WANTING the kinda secrets some Nazi has. '7 ethnicities I really hate!' 'Ten new amazing ways to commit genocide!' Yeah, no thanks."

Again, she flies nearer where the man is suspended. "I say we pull the plug on gramps. Night night at this whack ass retirement home for old fashies."

Kate Kane has posed:
For her part, Kate picks up a few words... admittedly, not enough to get the _nuance_ of the angry Nazi ranting, her hands balling with nervous energy, eyes darting up to that tank, her breath drawing in slowly. She's tensed, she knows her own vote, nodding up to Cassie, "She's not wrong. I mean, this whole 'We're the only thing to protect Earth' thing... kind of falls apart when a bunch of us from Earth just..." Her head jerks back to the stairs, to the wreckage they've left behind them.

Shoulders rise and fall, "I'm going to let someone with more authority than me call this shot. But I don't think anyone's going to particularly regret if we don't wind up with a space Nazi museum on the moon."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa looks at the thing, and then back at the moniter "I do not think we are ready for that sort of cybernetic tech to enslave others." he notes from the cyborgs outside that were gone way before they even came here. He sighs a bit looking around, "But I am not up for killing the defenseless if there is another way even if they are... this. Not to mention I would be interested in knowing if this is the only place or if there are otheres," he also thinks aloud considering they didn't know about this place what else don't they know about.

He then shrugs looking up to Cassie, "They say death is the easy way, but I do not know if we have the option as we can not just leave it as is of course." he sighs a bit and looks at Diana, "If given a choice I would say bury it in a deep hole and use what information we can to continue to fighting, and their resources against them, but.. If that isn't an option I will agree with the others." he smiles abit though inside his mask, "But the final choice is yours. I have no thoughts of this being a democracy." and nods to her a bit.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana regards all three of them as they speak. She looks from one to the other, her tiara glinting golden on her forehead in the light coming off of the spotlights shining down on the massive snake-man before them, her dark hair tied back in a tight braid that is looped up around the back of her head. Finally, Diana looks back up to where Cassie is floating before the man in his stasis state.

"Look deeper, Cassandra." Diana says. "This place has artificial gravity, independent from the Moon's own. Doubling it, at least... That is no small feat. Technology does not have to be aesthetic to be impressive..."

Wonder Woman looks over to Kate, seeing her tattered cape, the condition that her suit is in after the fighting... She sees the danger of this place, and with a glance toward T'Chala, she speaks up. "We should ask the other---"

The Snake-Man's eyes snap open. His right hand comes up, and he clutches Cassie's throat! He doesn't hesitate. He snaps forward and opens his mouth, razor sharp teeth going to bite down upon the young Wonder Girl's throat!

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Pft. Can't be THAT hard. Just look at what we've done at the Starport, in just a year or two. We got all kindaCK!"

There's probably room for a 'Yo wtf!' or a prompt 'I told you so!' in the situation here, except Cassie is prevented from quippery due to the hand clasping her throat. Fortunately, she's stronger than him. It's not too many people who that isn't true of. Which isn't to say that he isn't surprisingly strong! So it keeps her from getting her throat crushed, let alone torn out. The grip is so tight that she can't just yank free though, and her instinctive reaction is, well, VERY instinctive OH SHIT NO YOU DON'T. Without hesitation, she brings both her hands together at full strength, right on that incoming mug...

Well, not hands. _Wrists_.

Everyone else below will just hear a very loud sound, something like the ringing of a bell. Cassie is thrown free in the other direction, blown backward, and there's just a visual... pop, like that of a balloon, in front of her, spraying bone, blood, and brain bits in every direction, leaving the figure hanging there, with no head at all.

Cassie lands some bit distant, covered in some of that mess. She looks up, with clear fingerprint bruises on her neck,^^ and over. "See? Told you so. Always bash the fash."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa is listening and more turns as he sees Dianas shock more then hears the thing as he turns to see the thing waking up to strike. Other then save her he thought more praticly, and took a flat piece of tech from the side of his suit and slaps it on the nearest computer hoping it is connected to the network. It was his Kimoyo Bead which alowed him to hack into systems much like this. It had taken time to move the satalite from around earth to the moon, but his sister had been watching from the get-go focused on just that task.

He knew he had seconds before this system was going to start burning itself down, and so he hoped with what little time he had he could download some of it to a different computer as to get some information about this place. He looks up to see it was already dead, and his time had just gotten shorter, though he did his best using his access to the system to slow it down so he could download more information. It was a losing battle, but perhaps he could get enough to find enough and that made it worth the attempt.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate's drawing batarangs in an instant as the Nazi strikes at Cassie, arm whipping back, eyes darting, mind working to determine weak points, lining up shots...

And then Cassie's wrists are slamming together, she's flying backwards and... well, now Kate's back to two out of three weakpoints determined. Her mouth works silently for a moment, and then she's sighing. Apparently putting the batarangs back in the utility belt is a lot more finicky than pulling them out.

"I'm going to assume he wasn't put in the snake for his brilliant tactical acumen. ...Do you need a wetnap?"

Kate wiggles her fingers, like she's fully offering to get one out of her utility belt. Given how she's fighting back a grin, it's probably just a joke.


Diana Prince has posed:
Diana reacts to Cassie in danger by lunging up in to the air, but it all happens so quickly that by the time she is there beside Cassie, the explosive Aegis Blast is already over, consumed by the SS Officer's face and head... The resulting gore is unappealing, but Cassie survives. She looks to her protege, as she hovers there in mid air now, her eyes dropping down to the others below.

The computer core starts to get pulled in to T'Chala's siphon system, while the snake-man's headless body starts to sway, and the long 50-foot tail starts to shiver, shake, and quake. It's tail starts to shake. A ominous rattling sound sweeps through its entire structure before the rest of the SS Officer's body starts to burn up, smoking, stinking, a wretched foul odor indeed!

The tail lashes outward then toward where Kate is, only to find Diana lunging downward with her sword to impale it!

"Smash the machine!" She shouts up to Batwoman and Black Panther then, just as more of Hal's glowing green birds arrive to take heed of what is happening in here.

"Smash it before it enters whatever final arguments it's processing!"

The computers do indeed light up then with a series of flashing lights as the snake's huge tail continues to try and move, processing its own demise, while Diana holds it there pinned by the tip of that rattling tail by the edge of her sword!

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is still sorta processing, so after that last bit, she's not so quick to leap into heroic action. She stands up, wipes goo off her face, and looks generally... a little loopy, or out of it. Diana shouts a command and she echoes: "What?"

Yeah, you're probably not really supposed to do whatever she just did mere inches from your own face! She'll be fine, it's one of those advantages of being a demigoddess, but it leaves her a little less spectacularly heroic and quick to action in the aftermath. It also didn't seem like she was SUPER motivated to rescue all this tech in the first place, even if, at some pragmatic level, it might be the sensible move.

Also what would she even do? Download it on her phone?

"Smashed?" she wonders, getting whatever percentage of what Diana is saying. "No, I'm OK, I think..."

However, the moving snake tail gives her some motivation that things are not quite handled, and she jumps in with Diana to try and help out there. "Stupid Nazi snake just die alraedy!" Yeah, she just starts, uh, stabbing it extra. Probably a pretty overblown amount of stabbing, being real...

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate doesn't need to be told to wreck Nazi moon computers twice. She might not even need to be told once, as they begin lighting up and grinding to life, batarangs begin to fly, smashing screens, slashing into internal electronics... next time she's just going to bring a burlap sack of grenades if she gets an emergency alert on the moon. It's shocking just how useful explosives would be. ...And that's when it hits her. Shocking.

Kate's hand reaches for another segment of her belt, and another batarang is thrown into the guts of the machine, landing... and then a split second later there's a sharp crackling as it unleashes an intense burst of electricity.

Was it designed to fry a computer? No. It was designed to be able to tase Killer Croc. He's not as smart as a computer, but he's also less electrically conductive so she figures it'll even out in the wash.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa keeps rapid typing as he can't pull himself away from the hacked device as he is just too busy trying to slow down the self-destruction of the information on the device. "I need ten more seconds... I am trying to convince it that this terminal has already been burnt out." he states his tone calm despite his rapid movement. He types and looks at the computer with a frown, as time ticks by one second, then another as he just keeos at it. He doesn't look up but adds "Stay clear from the computers themselves.. As they go some might have some electrical discharges."

As it would catch up to him even slowed down it was a matter of time, but that it would happen wasn't important it was the amount of information of the facility they could get. With even ten percent they could stumble into something, but with the help of the others he hoped to get much more then that as they bought him even more time ontop of his technology skills. All that information would be on a Wakandan computer safeguarded, and seperated as even in pieces it could have some virus that they would need to find, and remove. For now though he would just get as much as he could and worry about the rest later.

Diana Prince has posed:
The combined efforts of Amazonian blades have that snake tail kept under control, and as it finally dies off and stops moving, it just slumps in to a heap on the ground while its Human remains burn up at its apex.

Batwoman smashes the computer screens in, their tubes blowing out the back of their cabinets, sending sparks in all directions, and the efforts of the Black Panther do pay off. At least in part.

He gets 77% of the Core's data files in to his machine. It's not all of it, but it's more than half, and that's not too shabby, right?

"Wonder Woman." Hal's voice speaks through one of those green birds that is floating by now.

"WE've found something strange here. These guys have a whole forest in one of their chambers. You should come check it out, when your group is finished playing around in there."

Diana pulls her sword from the snake's tail, she looks to those with her. She nods softly once to them. "Good job." She tells them. "Let us go find the others."

A shudder rumbles through the Nazi Moon base. The lights flicker, but they stay on. What secrets it may hold yet still, await the Justice League to find now.