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Kandor: Superbrainiacman
Date of Scene: 04 June 2023
Location: Hyperspace
Synopsis: A significant portion of Earth's mightiest heroes mount a rescue mission to save Superman from Brainiac. For some of them, they faced more than they bargained for. For Brainiac, he missed the most important part when he cloned Superman - heart.
Cast of Characters: Alura In-Ze, Monet St. Croix, Diana Prince, Gabby Kinney, Sunny Harlow, Conner Kent, Belinda Gutierrez, Billy Batson, Clark Kent, Donna Troy

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The twin stars emit bright flashes with each rotation that makes the solar system spectacular to look at. This is where Brainiac cased the Kryptonians. This is where he has Zod's ship. And this is where Kal-El must be. The battle was won by Brainiac's forces and now the giant skull ship floats ominously in space. Two of its massive tentacles are holding dishes pointed at the binary stars, soaking up its radiation.

Not far beyond it, you'd be forgiven for thinking this were an episode of star gate -- a giant crystalline circle is being constructed by a small army of Brainiac drones. What remains of Zod's spaceship is being deconstructed to build it while its engines are being reworked entirely by the drones. For what purpose, it's unclear.

Alura's Kryptonian scout ship is aged and a little worse for ware after all the adventures it's seen of late. It's not like she can take it to be tuned up - she has to fix it all herself. It's stealth systems still work perfectly though. She eyes what she sees out there and shakes her head.

"Who knows what Brainiac is up to. We're going to dock with his ship before he realises we're here and raises his shields. Expect... heavy resistance. We'll have to find Kal-El once we're on board. There are also many other Kryptonians who may still be alive too. Including Dru-Zod. If we can rescue them, we should."

She shakes her head and looks at the ensemble, "This is going to be very dangerous. I appreciate you all coming to the call for aid. If you need a spacesuit - suit up, they're in the back. Kal wouldn't want any of you to sacrifice yourself for him. So we do this as a group, protect each other."

A sly little smile, "And I have an idea on how we can even the odds against Brainiac and his drones once we're inside." She takes in a breath and then nods her head, touching the controls to move them toward an easy point of stealthy entry, "Good luck, to all of us."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
They all have to do this for Superman. And.. Those events with Brainaic in the past on Krypton still haunt her dreams. Along with far too many other things. More time spent reviewing the footage from Brainiac's previous invasion of Earth some years ago. But M is ready to lend what aid she can. In a battle between gods and machines she is outclassed. But don't tell her that.

"I can coordinate us as best as possible until we get too far spread out. I would expect that we will lose comms rather shortly after the engagement begins. If we do not, then I would presume that they are being monitored by our adversary." An alien supercomputer can probably break any encryption they use, no matter how advanced it is. So go into battle presuming the worst. That always seems to best fit her experience in these sceanrios.

She's gotten herself suited up as best she can. She's spent days reviewing all the data accessible for her. What the X-Men have, whatever the other teams that the X-Men are on good terms with have shared.. It's all or nothing. Prepared as she can ever be - not tactically, but emotionally. Time to fight th stuff of nightmares.

Diana Prince has posed:
There was no way Diana would come this far out without having the Lansinarian Morphing Disc-ship (The Invisible Jet) with her. It's in the region, but keeping a distance, monitoring from afar as the group makes their way in on Superwoman's ship.

Diana is quietly standing with the rest, ready to make the insertion when the time comes. She's dressed in her Golden Eagle Armor, golden wings that are wrapped around her shoulders to conceal her arms, ready to protect the Princess should they be required in this possible fight. IN her arms, she holds her Golden Eagle helmet against her stomach, her torso clad in a shining golden curas. She certainly 'shines' today in this attire, but it is a form-fitting armor suit, that is quite effective in space-oriented situations such as this.

When the time comes, Wonder Woman's helmet is placed upon her head, covering her dark locks and holding them down against the sides of her head. She wields two long lances with jagged golden spear-tips, and her lasso of Truth hangs coiled at her side.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The ride to the location where they would go up against terrible odds was likely a tense one. Mostly tense. Gabby was a mixture of anxious and undeniably gleefully giddy because, space. It was the one place she had never been. The space station was the closest she'd made it, but it was nothing compared to the vast open expanses, and getting to see Earth diminish from view as they departed was understandably a beautiful and sad experience all at once.

There was work to be done still however so excitement aside she had already called dibs on one of the space suits, and ensured any of her teammates had one as well where needed.

"Do we have a way to track them? I'd offer, but--" A little tap goes to her nose as she smiles ruefully, "Won't work inside the helmet. Even with my healing factor I still need air to function." Even if it was a Kryptonian helmet.

With the suit on she checks over her weapons she'd brought. A sword slung over her back, a utility belt in a familiar style bearing many pouches, just in case, as well as a large tazer-flashlight combo.

"Anyone else need a Batman-grade tazer?" She offers while hefting hers up to grasp in hand. "Bullets seem like a bad idea in space."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Space was awesome! After all, unlike some of the other flight capable persons physics was more than a suggestion for Sunny much of the time: if she tried to accelerate to interplanetery speed on Earth in the atmosphere she'd end up naked, on fire and probably decimating the land beneath her before she even got close to light speeds. Space didn't have pesky things like air pressure!

Her newest costume in place, thanks to the borrowed spacesuit that was super awesome and would very much inspire ideas when she got home, Sunny would have been enjoying space a heck of a lot more if it weren't such a serious reason for being out here. After all, she liked Superman, he'd helped her save a town from a collapsing dam (or rather she'd helped him and earned fangirling worthy praise) and she was well aware the world was very much better with him in it. It was perhaps this same seriousness that was helping (Although not eliminating) the amount she was starstruck by one or two others among the group while she awaited on the ship.

She didn't know this Brainiac like others might, she'd simply offer her aid punching the badguys and offering some rescue.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I really don't think we should split," comments Conner. He seems a bit worried, for once, wondering where Kara and PG are right now, because Brainiac is not the typical Eartling super-villain. Last time he visited Earth Conner missed most of the action, but he read the reports.

"Last time Braniac was on Earth he murdered eight million people," he reminds the others. Alura might not know this. "And he hinted it was just a visit to close a time-loop caused by some stupid Kryptonian godling," that might be new for most, but Monet and Alura were there.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Yesterday, gazing up at the stars, dreaming silently, wistfully, wondering 'How to pay for college?'. And now, now--

Happenstance-- she had been there when the Call to Arms was sounded. Closed the store for Mrs. Crowe. Wrote a hasty letter of apology for closing down early. Ran and raced and didn't think too long.

Superman, in danger. *Superman*.

"... am in space," Belinda, shifted to the taller, bulkier, fuller form that is Silverdane, werewolf, remarks for the hundredth time, staring at her hand as she curls her fingers, wriggles her toes, exhales and inhales and wags her tail.

Tail. Silverdane. Because no idea (and not wanting to CHANCE) whether Sir Isaac Newton would win. Hard vacuum trumping over the need for silver bullets.

"Am in *space*," Silverdane remarks again, grinning that silly puppy grin. Be serious. Grim. Eventually.

Wag. Fanningtailwag. Habit!

Clad in the similar Kryptonian suit-armor others wear, her only change is the emerald green sash worn outside the armor-- and the utility belt it conceals. Pockets are too handy-- never leave home without them.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson accepts a spacesuit. They are in space after all. He needs to breathe sometimes. A couple times a day at least. He notes Sunny quietly having the time of her life. Cosplayer's dream. He smiles and falls into place beside her.

Brainiac was a heavy hitter, probably out of his league but all capes aside -this was the father of one of his besties. Shazam was here to help. Unfortunately the speed of the meeting precluded having five more Shazams but, truth be told, he didn't want the others on this mission.

And that was Belinda Gutierrez turning into a werewolf... he makes a note to reach out to her about joining the family after this.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El was cold and in darkness. At the edge of his consciousness was a red tinge of light. His strength was gone. He felt weak and tired. Oh so tired...as though his life force was being drained from his body, bit by bit. Sounds were muted...smells were non existant except for the smell of antiseptic. Almost like a hospital smell.

There was also a dull pain. Strange. Kal-El had felt pain before, but not like this. His nerves were on fire. Drifting between this world and the next, his thoughts were of his adopted home and how he needed to come back to consciousness or it may be lost.

Wait. Was that a voice? It sounds familiar...like the voice of the AI in his Fortress. As well, a feminine voice. Telling him something. He could let go, and find them once again. "Father." Kal mumbles. "Mother."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Fight unpredictably," Donna advises. "Brainiac drones share combat data and adapt. Don't rely on a particular technique which works once, next time you fight a drone they'll be expecting it. Don't get in close unless you're very sure of your close-quarters skills, they are very strong, and good fighters."

    When Brainiac had invaded the Earth Donna had developed a whole training program based on her experience with fighting drones, and run the Titans through it mercilessly for two weeks solid. There's just not enough time for that today.

    Donna pulls out one of the two hard cases she'd brought along and opens it up, revealing a collection of strange hand guns inside. "When he hit Earth, Brianiac's drones had a weak spot at the base of the skull. We developed these bolo guns to target it -- you aim at the neck and it'll do the rest. Feel free to take one, but don't waste time on them if they don't seem to work straight away. There's a reasonable chance that weakness has been fixed since then. Brainiac adapts." She nods her head at Conner. "Not just closing a time loop caused by an insane Kryptonian god, but exploiting the time travel paradox to shore up his own defenses and disable our best weapon against him. He's /very/ smart at adapting."

     Donna takes one of the guns for herself clipping it to her belt. There's no space suit for Donna. She has fancy full-body armor made from a hybrid of American high technology and Themysciran armor crafting, and it already looks a bit space suit like. That, along with a breathing mask, seems to be all she feels necessary. More incongruous for a a mission in space is the shield on her back and the sword and lasso she wears at her belt, now joined by that gun.

    "Alura -- it looks like Brainiac is repurposing Zod's crystal ship. It won't be for anything good. We might want to consider disabling those energy collectors. Also..." she gestures towards the second case. "I brought a small number of micro missiles tipped with corrupted sunstone, collected last time I faced that ship. You're the expert on this stuff, but I suggest that anything we can do to upset Brianiac's plans is likely to be worth doing, and disrupting the crystal matrix sounds like a way to do that. Zod had to shed parts of his ship to stop this stuff spreading last time. Brianiac may not know enough about sunstone to realize that's even necessary."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura presses a sunbelt to Conner's chest. She nods to him, "Your instincts are often right Con." She taps the sunbelt upon her own waist and then shows him she has a third - for Kal-El. "Brainiac has what is called a 12th level intellect. It's an exponential scale. The average person on Earth is a 4th level intellect, to give you an idea of the kind of chess we'd lose if we tried to out think Brainiac."

"There is only one thing he cannot account for - surprise. He is expecting me - but perhaps he hasn't calculated for some heroes he's never encountered before." She gives a nod to the people who aren't yet high on the database of 'who do you call'.

"Do not give in ground. Give more than you take. Brainiac is a monster in the truest form. He was a program designed to preserve for future generals. Instead, he prays on the weak, those he considers near extinction, and takes a prize for his collection of bottled cities."

Her eyes look to the case that Donna brought with her and she considers it with curiosity. Another thing Brainiac wouldn't know about - the decay of Sunstone. She nods to Donna and asks her, "Brainiac drones will sacrifice themselves to stop a missile. You'd need to get close to Zod's ship to set it off. That could be risky. Do you have a plan?"

The ship docks with the skull. Crystal forms a against its exterior creating a seal and slicing in to its shell. With a pop it opens up and she nods to the group, "Get Superman, get out. Everything else is a bonus." But oh is her mind conflicted about wasting this opportunity. Conner's words were logical but her heart couldn't stop thinking of this potential one and only opportunity to acquire Brainiac's unshrinking technology.

She holds out her hand as if grabbing a gun and the bracer on her wrist reforms in to said weapon. She steps through the breach and sees the first of the Brainiac drones. It turns and responds immediately. More will be there in mere moments. She fires at the chest and drops it.

As she rushes down the hallway another drone drops in front above and grabs her wrist. It's surprisingly strong and yanks her to the wall. She counters by pulling it in a spin and smashing it to the wall, crushing its parts. As another drone appears she turns and fires at it - a blue shield shimmers absorbing the energy. Kryptonian weapons are hardly a surprise to Brainiac at this point.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Now it's time to get ready to rumble. Expecting comms to be down but hopefully telepathy to work, Monet goes to hover in place in the back as seh goes to setup a parallel telepathic coordination front with everyone else that she can manage. Hopefully Brainiac won't be, even if he has contingencies for heavy backup for Alura.. Not expecting a telepath - or at least not a mutant one.

So that might give him awhile - at least until he can detect it and setup jammers or power disruptors. Monet expects that is inevitable. But you work with the advantages that you have while they're operational. So she's going to fly along with the others to move in as they ready for the attack.

While also moving to hopefully allow free flow of information along the link - sensory data, thoughts, analysis, technological and tactical input.. It was something she was used to - but it was always a challenge. But an advantage in any fight.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, I saw what he did to Genosha," Gabby states quietly even as she steps over to take one of the guns that Donna brought with a nod. "At the very least it can serve as a distraction when preparing another attack." With that reasoning in mind she pauses before taking a second to tuck into the back of her belt as well.

Looking to Conner she flashes a grin. "Yeah, we'll stick together, but likely the fight is going to split some of us up regardless... But we'll all get out of this, Conner." With that assurance made, she looks toward the transformed Silverdane to squint and consider. "Think you could yeet me over there?" She points toward the line of drones that start to appear. Of course even if Silverdane couldn't there were many others here that likely could.

Diana Prince has posed:
There is a lot of information to absorb here, but Diana takes it in stride. Her main concern was her friend in Superman, and seeing him brought home.

When the ships are linked, Diana shares a look over the others gathered up and waiting to embark on the same journey. She regards her sister wielding space weaponry, but does not comment on it, nor reach for any type of gun herself. Instead, she relies on the weapons she grips already in her hands, and when the time comes, Diana follows Alura in to the breach.

She's right there when drones sweep in too, rushing them with quick speed behind her golden-wings that do lash out to smack at some of the drones sweeping in toward her. On armored boots, Diana drops out of the air, using her javelins to bash at the drones before their shields can come online, a benefit of being as fast as she is.

With her golden wings spreading out, Diana twirls through a group of drones, sending them fanning out away from her, as her javelins aim to spear in to others, to skewer them upon her pole-armed weaponry.

She's come for Kal-el, and she clearly is here to find him at great costs.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Welp, the fun of the day was very much sucked out the moment Brainiac's casulty count from last time was mentioned. She'd done many rescues, fought supervillains, but this? This was a whole level above. Big league stuff, after all she was standing her freaking wonder woman! Exhaling a breath at the mention of the guns, she shakes her head lightly. "I've never even held a gun before unless you count taking them off bad guys. Better to let someone who knows their stuff carry it."

Perhaps the most Sunny had going for her was that she was a 'pretend' Kryptonain and her immunity to kryptonite might buy her a few moments.

Her plan was simple: find Superman and let him loose, then everything would be better...right?

And then it was on, Sunny rushed forwards and drew her fist back, accelleration and super speed thrown behind her motion as she slammed into the first drone and sent it toppling before she makes a momentary calculation by how solid the impact felt against her hand.

They were solid, they weren't people.

She might not be a kryptonian with every step an earthquake and every breath a hurricane...but for the first time in her life, the young Viltrumite didn't hold back as she hurled herself into the next line of drones.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Great intellect and lots of weapons does not make anyone invincible," replies Conner, giving Alura a cocky smile. But then drones start to show up, sooner he expected. Looks like the stealth systems did a good job up to the moment the ships touched. He didn't even have time to try any telekinetic trickery.

"Oh well, I guess we push forward until we find Kal and the others," he decides, glancing at Gabby, who is usually able to take care of herself, but maybe not against an army of alien robots. "Yeah, watch my back, and I'll watch yours. No crazy stunts... unless nothing else works."

He rushes forward to grab the robot that adapted to Alura's blaster, pushing it against a bulwark. Then he reaches with his telekinesis to see if it can be dissembled from the inside.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
It was the feeling, the memory, the instinctive awareness that carries across the telepathic link first. Excitement. Youthful energy. Boundless eagerness balanced against hungry determination. And the faint sense of smell, muted to only Silverdane's spacesuit enclosure-- itself balanced against that telepathic touch that leaves her shivering with joy.

Silverdane giggles gruffly, nodding as she steps over. A few steps, balancing as she adjusts to the gravity, the difference in everything in the spatial realm. She offers a quick thumbs up to Gabby; stretching her arms together, knuckles creaking, she moves to set, heft the Badger, carrying her up on one shoulder. Move from outer ship to inner, find a target, heft back-- toss and hurl! Release in the form of the Cannonball Special. Crazy stunt 1.0: JLD Division.


And charge after, howling with silent gusto, sound contained within her helmet! Thought, instinct, consumed. Hunt. Save. Protecc!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson has let loose in a fight twice, both were against the Juggernaut and botH involved him ramping up to full strength. He didn't win either fight really but Juggernaut was a living being. These are killing machines. There's no ramping up to avoid killing :them. Solomon provides some insight: punch a hole in their line, get into the rear and wreak havoc.

The first drone in his way is crushed and hurled aside. The second and third throw arms up to somewhat cushion the impact and are, you might say, disarmed. The fourth and fifth fare the same, except the dismembered arms writhe and coil around Shazam like snakes. Drones six through ten pile on him and you get a walking pile of drones with yellow construction boots. The pressure is tremendous but he waits as long as he can. He doesn't have to breathe for a while. "You... guys might want to look away in 3... 2..." Holy Moley! This is like a never ending battle.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El was in a nightmare. Was that a cackle of superiority he hears in the distance, or the semblance of a nightmare corrupting his consciousness? A flash of green and purple. Cold, robotic eyes. Brainiac. Then darkness tinged in red. "Fight it Kal-El. Fight!" His thoughts and body push against his restraints.

A sound. Kal heard it. Was that an...explosion? Weapons fire? No...it must be another dream, clawing at his hope and resiliance. His willpower was fighting to come to the fore. To push him to consciousness. He was Superman! The people of his adopted home needed him! And he would not fail them.

Superman was unconscious, but that was disappearing as consciousness fought its way to the fore. And sensing something..."Monet..." His thoughts reach out, as shocked as his awakening mind was to believe she was here...

"No! It is suicide! Leave me. I'm not so important to sacrifice yourselves!" Flashes of others here to save him brought further despair.

Alura. Of course she would come. Belinda. Billy...Billy. Gabby. Sunny. Conner and Donna. No surprise. He knew they would be here. Diana...incredible. She brought HIM hope.

Then. Superman was awake. Barely. Impossibly. Brainiac made sure of that. But he erred. This was Superman.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna nods her head at Alura and opens the case, taking out a portable missile launcher and slinging it over her shoulder. "The plan is to get close and launch the missiles into the sunstone at multiple locations if the option arises. Beyond that -- we'll have to see." There are a couple of other launchers in the case, and she gestures towards it to indicate to Alura she's welcome to grab one. There's a spare too if someone else wants to arm themselves with anti-sunstone missiles!

    Sensing her sister's eyes on her, Donna flashes Diana a quick, encouraging smile. No words needed -- the message is obvious. We'll get him back.

    Although she has equipped herself with bolo gun and missile launcher, it's her sword and shield Donna turns to first, unslinging her shield from her back and strapping it to her arm and drawing her sword to prepare for the initial wave. She checks the lasso at her hip, but that's for later.

    In the initial rush, Donna follows in closely behind Diana. Diana's wing-charge spreads a group out, and Donna follows in behind the charge, a blur of motion moving out to the flanks. Taking advantage of the separation of the drone group, Donna attacks in counterpoint to her sister, smashing her shield into the drones, the silver of her blade flicking in to stab, then to slice and sever a head. As Diana turns to take another foe with her spear, Donna moves across to the other flank, battering with her shield and using her sword on targets of opportunity, pressing the drones to stop them closing in, giving them no time to coordinate.

    The pair of Amazons do not need to exchange words in the fight -- this is the years of Amazon combat training in action. Donna presses close on the enemy but fights defensively, creating space and openings for Diana to take them out with the greater reach of her spear. Brainiac drones may be networked for better cooperation in combat, but Amazons make warfare an art-form, a lethal dance choreographed by thousands of years of experience in fighting for and with your sisters.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The drones speak as one as they fight. It quickly turns from 1 on 1 to 2 on 1.. to 3 on 1.. 4 on 1.. the drone pressure keeps mounting. "Alura In-Ze. You brought new friends. More inferior creatures. Your allies on Earth are irrelevant to me. This era of resistance is coming to an end."

Talk about creepy things to say. Cryptic too. Alura feels two drones grab her arms and she slams them in to each other. Another fires a red solar energy gun at her. She feels herself draining of strength and activates her sun belt to counter it. A short burst of her heat vision melts through the drone and it topples to the ground.

The layout of the ship is the same as the one that attacked Earth - though it's clear the one that came to Earth was more of a 'prop' compared to this beast. Powerful shielding starts to burst in to walls of crackling energy that subdivide and separate off the heroes from each other. Walls fall away and more drones charge out.

Brainiac isn't playing fair, but then, she didn't expect him to. "My force fields can withstand even Superman's mightiest punch," he states matter of factly. Perhaps as if he'd measured the potential and account for it. But Alura expected as much from him.

The gun she formed returns to the shape of a bracer on her arm. The shields on the drones rushing at her begin to block her heat vision with their shielding. One raises up a weapon and shoots green energy at her. She taps her bracer feeling that Kryptonite energy and a shield forms. She holds it up and it begins to take the Kryptonite energy dead on. It starts to wither and turn black but she pushes forward in to the attacking drone just like the Amazon's taught her to do.

A hand erupts through the drones chest and she tosses it in to another three and then - Superwoman disappears in to the bowls of the ship, through its wall.

In Brainiac's inner sanctum, a Body Printer is diligently creating a body based on Kal-El. It is sweeping back and forth. But this would be its second body created. The first sits on a throne, observing through the eyes of hundreds of drones everything going on in his domain. This Brainiac is an amalgamation of flesh and machine. Green skin, three power nodes upon his chest. Brainiac Superior smiles as he hears Superman stirring.

He pays him no heed. His thoughts are everywhere at once. He sends drones after Superwoman even as he places another piece of sunstone on his gateway in the stars. Kal-El can see some of the computer screens, holograms, about him. What he sees is some kind of over the top phantom zone projector.

This thing wasn't a temporary doorway - it was a stable bridge between real space and phantom space. Big enough to fly his ship through. What could Brainiac Superior possibly want in the phantom zone?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Now there's interference starting to eat into her mind. Monet isn't 'near' what passes for the front line, but her attempts at telepathic scanning have borne some fruit. She goes to quickly broadcast it as soon as she's able to confirm it. It's tricky work. estimating distance based upon thought. Leaving room for shock, disorientation.. The alienness of the other KRyptonian prisoners makes it much easier. It's easier for her to orient around their unfamiliar minds.

Then based off sensory infromation, metallurgical and alloy composition of Brainiac's ship, range of her telepathy.. It's all extremely complicated geometry going through, along with speed of thought, interference.. And all of those emotions coming alon gthe current. It's something that she shouldn't be able to do..

But, Brainiac makes one trick that gives her enough to go through. He broadcasts. HE taunts. He talks. She's able to use the echos of the voice through the melee, the distortions it provides to backup her data and her calculations, doing some incredibly difficult trigonometry, calculating positions over, trying to go for a confirmation..

<<There! I have them!>> She goes to send to the others as best she can a distance, location, range, position, number of individuals.. And then ones of the drones goes to charge her and slams fully into her as it's cut off. The slash goes through her spacesuit, through her stomach, and out her back as a blade bypasses her invulnerability, having a built in suppressio field to it that peels back her layered telekinetis that lets her be super strong like a vibroknife.

IN space, no one can hear you scream. Which makes for one less indignity.

Diana Prince has posed:
Throughout the combat drones attacking the Amazons, Diana is tanking shots by blocking them with the golden wings. Each wing seems to move with a life of its own, sometimes curling in to defend the Princess from attacks, sometines spreading out wide again to block her where necessary from incoming strikes.

But soon, the drones have their shields operational, and Diana is forced to cocoon up inside of her protective wings of gold!

Drone blasters fire upon her, sizzling the metal of those wings until tendrils of smoke rise up from her armored form, and the drones gather around the Princess, marching up toward her.

She is down in a crouch when they come upon her, ready to strike her down, when she suddenly lunges back up to her armored booted feet! Her wings spread out once more, and her bracers come together, sending a sudden burst of kinetic energy power sweeping out ahead of her, and colliding in to the bulkheads of the ship's floors, ceiling and walls. She sends the drones tumbling away from her, as she holds her shining bracers up to her chin, staring past them with her dark brows angled downward.

"We are here for our friend." Diana says, her fists loosening again as she squats to grab her javelins and begin to move once more, to rejoin Donna and the rest.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Nothing... crazy? "Sorry Conner," is said simply just as the little ball of Gabby tucked in on herself is thrown past hre fellows into the fray that many had already gone into. The first drone she meets is greeted feet-first to it's face and chest using her mometum and weight to bring him down. Forever down? Hard to say as she doesn't stop to check.

Not so much rolling to her feet as just continuing to run and jump she moves trying to weave her way through drones hoping to get further in. The gun Donna offered is pulled out to shoot at one, and just in case it doesn't work as she predicted, the gun itself is thrown at it's face, too. With the little self-destruct button on it already having been pressed so that it creates a lovely little explosion for *that* drone.

It's the intel from Monet that she was hoping would show up during her rush. She herself couldn't be strong enough to handle most of these--Though she had often fought others stronger, and bigger, very often. Getting some of the other Kryptonians out seemed like the best bet. Even if not all of them were... well... *nice*. In this case the enemy of an enemy was a temporary friend.

Her goal becomes slowed significantly as she finds some of the drones reacting to stop her as it seemed she was more interested in rushing by with quick, short attacks. An arm lashes out to grab her, and throw her much as Belinda had--But into a wall leaving her crumpled and sliding to the floor.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny was, unfortunately for her, a little bit of a one-trick pony at the moment. Move fast, hit hard...and that field surging into life? Well, it was begining to slow her down. Maybe she should have taken one of those weapons.

It was like fighting in waist deep mud. More hits found her, staggering the girl despite her resilliance...but she was stubborn if nothing else.

She wasn't trained by amazons, she was trained by classes, experience, self-tuteledge...and it showed as she was bloodied and beaten. A slash here, a blow there, among this crowd Sunny might actually be one of the weaker links.

Yet even so, 'Indestructibelle' kept fighting. She might not live up to her namesake, but she was certainly stubborn.

Conner Kent has posed:
Deactivating electronic and mechanical parts with tactile telekinesis is a trick Conner has used against technological opponents dozens of times. This time it works only three times before the robots somehow manage to adjust, creating some kind of disruptive signal to protect themselves.

That leaves Conner with no good alternatives besides punching and kicking robots that seems as strong as him and only a little slower. He can do nothing to help Monet when she is cut, and Gabby, predictably, does something crazy and he misses her among the horde or robots trying to kill him.

Like Alura, he gets blasted with red sun light blasts, but his forcefield protects him from those. This surprises the drones, but on for half a second, he uses that time to tear off the head of one of the robots, and get some breathing space.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane has not the supreme strength of the Supers, nothing even approaching Amazonian combat skills, no living lightning. Merely mortal in a battle amongst gods. But she can run, hunt, seek--

--stream of instinct and thought cut short as a mental scream reverberates from the mental network, as a lash of tentacles swirls from a shadowed alcove that suddenly appeared as Gabby and Silverdane passed: a part of the wall, snapping open, revealing the recharge chamber inside... and its current occupant, a Braniac drone with its eyes already flaring to dull, sardonically malicious life.

"Inferior even compared to them," the Master's voice remarks without emotion through the drone, trifold cables weaving from its chest to snare around Silverdane midrun, midleap. "You wear Kryptonian devices. However: you are not Kryptonian." Metal cables squeeze tighter, remorseless synthetic snakes constricting tighter and tighter. Harder to take breath, harder to move, can't smell, can't see-- Only, barely hear, as the tendrils bind tighter, relentless as the calm voice continues.

"Unremarkable. Primitive. Irrelevant."

Billy Batson has posed:
Wrath of god explodes into the writhing mass of drones that swarmed Shazam drones are blasted from him in one or more pieces. The flash of lightning is brilliant, silhoueting the bot parts and the man inside it. It take a moment to get his bearings, then "Sunny..." How many times can you go Wrath of god in a day? The next drone to step in front of Shazam disperses his lightning. It gets a fist smashing into its chest. Then, more lightning! Shazam starts moving towards the Viltrumite. One grabs his legs, another grabs for his face and gets its head torn off. The headless body keeps coming until Shazam grabs its loose cables and fries it. More appear, slowing but not stopping him, rending his spacesuit.

"You guys are nothing," He says spitting some blood from his mouth, "You wouldn't last a minute in Philly!"

This is not the way, he has more than strength and lightning. Speed for one thing! He grabs the next bot to come at him and spins it like a top. He repeats it a second, a third time until they conjure up frictionless hides. The three he set spinning are still upright and bouncing off their fellows, causing mayhem. He didn't waste that day playing Battle Bots with the younger kids.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El awakens, and it seems playing "possum" doesn't work. Of course Brainiac knows he is awake. The 12th Level Intellect + superiority complex at this point just doesn't care. He thinks Superman and these heroes are irrelevant. Brainiac's miscalculation. All of these heroes here to rescue him and the other Kryptonians, are unquantifiable and incalculable. They are super heroes.

Spotting the "phantom zone" prejector, Kal-El's intellect determines the horror of what Brainiac was contemplating. "No. That would be...impossible." Maybe not. "Why..." There was no time.

Struggling to get up, Superman grimaces in frustration. And pain. He tries his heat vision on his restraints...to no avail. His strength was all but gone.

Hearing Monet at the edge of his thoughts, Kal-El allows himself a smile. Thinking this, <Welcome to the fight Monet. Hope I helped. Try to not get killed.>

The battle was getting closer, yet Brainiac seems supremely confident. It must be a trap. <Monet. It's a trap.>

Donna Troy has posed:
    Amazons are not speedsters, and Donna learned long ago that she was never going to come close to Wally West in a foot race. Donna's reactions are however frighteningly fast, and her brain keeps up with them. An intense dedication to training has imparted to her a knowledge of combat technique and tactics that have long become virtually muscle memory. As her sword sweeps around in a precise arc to take the arm from one drone, her calf muscles are already tensing to prepare for the motion that will carry her in under the guard of the drone she'll be attacking after she's dealt with the one her shield arm is already in motion to knock aside, that's closing in behind the one that has just lost its arm.

    Yet all this relies on speed, and when Donna's hit with a temporal manipulation field that robs her of her speed, the tactics and years of training start to fail.

    The shield-barge is too slow, and Donna finds herself having to adjust to block an energy blast rather than attacking. The third drone lunges in on her before she has even started to move towards it on the attack.

    There's no longer scope for the perfect choreography of Amazon battle. No way for Amazon to support Amazon. Donna finds herself pressed on all sides, no longer able to control the flow of battle, and grappled by half a dozen drones.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
"Hubris or Ignorance. You ignore the calls of your own gods." Brainiac Superior says casually to Clark as he rises from his chair and watches as the final pieces for his gateway are being assembled. "None the less, now that I am Kryptonian in form I can accept the gift left to you and your kind."

Hubris indeed for Brainiac believes himself unstoppable at this point. His drones are adapting. The rescue attempt will falter. It is only a matter of time before even Wonder Woman is subdued. It is merely a matter of the application of energy through the use of science and he is a master of all these things.

Alura studied the map created by the Titans when they raided the skull ship that attacked Earth. She steps out in to the storage vault of bottles and her eyes sweep over the options. There - perfect - a species of rock creatures. She loads it up on to the resizer.

Now that the missing piece of Brianiac's history had been revealed to them in their time travel adventure, she sets her bracer to Ye Olde protocols and connects in to the network. With fingers tapping holograms dancing over her forearm she re-targets it --- to the center of the skull ship.

There is no words to describe the vibrational violence that partakes a city of rock and sand resizing from miniature in to full size right inside the skull ship itself. The entire ship is bifurcated instantly, sliced through cleaner than the sharpest of magical swords. It takes a moment for the systems of the ship to register this change in reality.

The sand and rocks spread out popping the top off the skull and all the lights go out. The energy weapons go out. The shields go out. The communications between the drones go out. The gravity goes out. Thank goodness everyone is wearing a spacesuit. Everything goes dark and the drones swap to individual mode.

Alura sits back a moment at the devastation she just caused the ship. It feels like every molecule of her body is still vibrating. A small flashing hologram over her arm says in Kryptonian 'Data Capture Complete'.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Brainiac, Superior? Even with one blade of a drone slagged through her gut has M go to reach over to the edge of it and go for a joint to latch onto it and move to snap it off at the edge. Blow given to the servo. Strike given to a connecting bolt. The drones are mass produced. They all have the same exact construction, no doubt down to the molecular level.

WIthout adaptation, they all have the same weak points. So from the information she's taken from the others she moves to hit it again. Then she goes to once more start to pickup her telepathic field tos tart to reassemble the mental network as best she can as the suppression distorts and starts to give her some level of connectivity again. Shutting down the parts of her mind responsible for pain, slowing the beat o fher heart until she can stop the bleeding as she moves to simply yank out a small cutting torch, se tit on low power, and go to simply seal the injury shut with fire..

No one would ever follow such an uncharismatic bore. Throwing the drone to the side, Monet goes to join once more into the fight, but far to the rear of the rest of the group after her spacesuit is resealed.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Red sun blasts couldn't hurt her, they splashed harmlessly at her skin where her suit had failed...but claws still cut and kryptonian-like punches still hurt. She was bruised, bloodied and...angry. This might truely be the hardest fight she'd had, the truest fight for survival and...something near primal had kicked in for the girl.

She swung, she ripped, she tore and smashed...yet for every bot she destroyed another would land a blow until finally they adapted once more and several more of those cables shot out.

The first? She simply seized the restraint and yanked the drone toward her...but then there was another, then another, then another until the blonde viltrumite was ensnared and entangled all over by drones cables, effectively immobilized for the time being. She was done, beaten, bested...actual despair managed to race through the mind of the girl who usually embodied her namesake.

Then suddenly the ground shifted, the ship rocked and... the tide turned.

It was enough!

There was no gravity, but she didn't need it. In fact, Indestructibelle was better without it.

The bots had no leverage...and she could now accelerate at 'Mach holy shit' upwards and stop immediately.

The result was well, like a multiple car pile up of drones, scrap metal flying everywhere as they were all yanked inwards, upwarda and wiplashed to each other while Sunny...Indestructibelle, wriggled out of the now limp restraints and shifted her stance in the air.

She was okay. Now it was time to beat down some robots and save Superman!

Diana Prince has posed:
They were on their way to the bridge, they had to move as quickly as possible, make ground before the local defenses could block them from it. Diana was fighting her way there, but also had to support those around her. She sweeps past where Donna is, slamming through some of the drones that were bearing down upon her sister, running them right over with javelins duel-slicing through them as she moves.

When she landed she clutched two of the drones against her body, keeping them tucked in beneath her arms with their bodies emitting bright lances of electricity, with the tendrils of power rushing across Wonder Woman's golden-encased form. She ignored it, just dragging the drones across the deckplating like metallic ragdolls as she advances on the bridge.

When she passes through the doorway, with raw power gliding across her every curve, Diana crushes the drones under her arms, smashing their metal bodies up against her own shining golden covered form.

She drops the shattered drones to the ground at the entrance to the bridge, her eyes peering with determination out from within her Eagle-shaped helm, and her hands coming up with the power sapped from the drones gliding in to her palms, crackling around her fingertips before she just aims them at the Brainiac on the bridge, and unleashes the power taken from the defensive systems of the drones, sending out an arching blast of crackling electric power!

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is a stubborn fighter, and he keeps punching and kicking robots, trying to follow Alura, even though it seems that for each one destroyed two more show up. And man, they hit hard too. As they warned him, they also learn quickly how to hurt him best, which is why they slowly switch from physical attacks to energy. Trying to fry him with plasma and lightning. Kryptonian armor takes a good deal of damage, but they know how to destroy it, too.

By the time Alura un-shrinks a whole city inside the ship, Conner was starting to suspect they had bitten more than they could chew. But no! Suddenly the ship is broken and the drones seem confused. And he uses the lack of gravity to bury half a dozen of them under a chunk of telekinetically-pushed rock and break free. Why are now rocks inside the spaceship? Weird.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
The switch from Groupmind to Individual is smooth, precise, nearly instant-- providing only the slimmest of margins, a single heartbeat of opportunity to work with. Gripping cables that, combioned, have strength enough to capture and potentially hold even one of Kryptonian stature- for that single, blessed instant, no longer working together. Individual.

It is enough.

Silverdane bursts from the cocoon of enwrapping metal links, soundless snarling fury as she rips her arms free. The tendrils jerk uncontrolled, wrapped around torso, legs, waist; the wolf lunges forward to the still-encased Braniac drone, it's grey eyes gazing emotionlessly. Spearing fingers punch through the tender optics of the entrapped drone; the helmet hides pitiless fury as she digs in with second clawed hand, tearing back with a frazzling spark of energy.

Breath hammering through aching ribs, aching lungs, she tosses the twin cybernetic orbs aside, whimpering quietly to herself as she reaches for the-- floor? Ceiling? No gravity. Chuffing in hot frustration, she reaches for the wall, digging in a grasp as she tries to shove forward. Moving backward instead, back towards the breach and Alura's ship.

No gravity. Sigh.

<< "...um. Cannot reach wall. Am floating now." >> Pause. << "...help, por favor?" >>

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson sees Sunny fighting and gaining on the drones. Yeah rescue right now would put him in danger -from Sunny. He sees Gabby and Belinda swimming in the micro gravity. He grabs her around her waist feeling kind of tiny in comparison. Whatever still got the strength of Hercules. He takes old of Gabby and together the three float in the direction of the bridge.

"I mean... you ladies can't miss the Boss Fight. You going to be up for it Honey Badger?" He gives Belinda a wink. "Heads up."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El watches as Brainiac rises from his chair, and gloats in his victory before it has been finalized. "Brainiac. You don't know what you are doing. You are marching to your own destruction! Stop this! We can learn to live together in harmony. You don't need to be our enemy. I know you can strive to be better. I have met your ancestor and he is a good man!"

Kal-El struggles as he sees what Brainiac is going to try and do. Then, he feels what Alura has done. "Well done Aunt Alura..." Superman's "chains" disconnect, and he stumbles out of his restraints.

Superman is weak, but that doesn't stop him, as he tries to stop Brainiac from doing what he fears he was about to do. Even though he is just a "man" at this point in time, he tries to make the supreme sacrifice to stop the next chapter of this nightmare. "I will not allow it Brainiac."
Superman weakly can feel the heroes here to rescue him arriving. Each and every one of them. Struggling to stand, Kal-El almost falls over. However, Superman pushes through the pain to stand. "Brainiac. You forget. We are Legion. Long Live the Legion. Together we will always be stronger than apart. I owe these heroes my life, and you can be a part of that. Just stop what you are doing." Even without powers Superman is a hero.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had begun to stir from where she'd lain from that throw. While not in pain, a few limbs were doing that slow numb movement she was used to when a bone broke or was dislocated. It would right itself soon enough with her healing factor, but she didn't cherish the idea of sitting around being a potential target. Though, really, the Brainiacs might just think she was not at threat at all.

It doesn't matter much as the sudden lack of gravity has her moving off the floor floating lightly. "In other circumstances this would be pretty awesome." It's the only remark she can think to make before she's scooped up by Billy giving a small grunt of quiet thanks.

"Everyone okay? We need to get a move on." Even as she states this she shifts, testing her limbs movement with a nod. "Thanks. I can get going from here if needed. Mobile again."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny looked like she'd been fighting a lawn mower, but at leaat she was in one piece and either the space suit would heal itself or she'd simply have to survive on the single lungful of air she had inside her for the next few hours...which was perfectly doable for her species.

Managing to rejoin the others she actually shook out and straightened her hair with her fingertips before giving a 'thumbs up' to the others and then moving onwards towards their goal.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda-- Silverdane --squeaks in surprise! Caught, flying now, who--? She glances over, nondiscript helmet giving sight of her ears slanting back against her head as she nods. "Am okay," she answers Gabby's question, grimacing unseen as cracked ribs reaffirm themselves-- her own healing swift as the Badger's, if just as unpleasant. "Never been without gravity before," she adds, glancing... up? Down? Sideways? Below feet, as Shazam and the others soar swiftly along.

"Am good now," she manages, once the screaming of cracked ribs dulls to a simple throb, pain fading from mind with barely a tingle to remind of its presence. "Think I can--" She pauses, an indicator shimmering on inside-- Kryptonian, of course --and the faint thrum of something cliking at her boots comes on.

"Hey, bien! Found the gravity shoes! And the radio." Cough.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Without her speed advantage, Donna has to rely on main strength to resist the grappling of Brainiac drones. She crouches low, dropping her center of gravity, and holds her shield over her head, sheltering beneath it. Drones haul at her, trying to haul her out of position so they can get some blows in, but she holds still. One of the drones stands back, blasting her shield with a continuous beam of energy, and the metal starts to heat up, turning a faint cherry red.

    Donna sheathes her sword and takes out her lasso instead, flicking it out through the legs of one drone, then drawing it tight, tangling the arm of another. She quickly coils the end around her bracer, then punches upwards, arm over shield, to take the energy pulse on the Themysciran steel around her wrist.

    The energy of the drone's blast arcs from the bracer to the lasso, and carries down the lasso to fry the two drones caught in its loops. She lashes out with a foot, crushing the knee of a third drone, and giving herself some space.

    Then the field slowing her down fails, and Diana crashes through the drones surrounding her, to give her some breathing room. Donna explodes upwards, yanking the lasso around with two part-molten drones tangled around the end of it, and uses it like a flail to batter a path through the oncoming horde. She comes down again hard, crashing on another drone, and flicks her lasso to hurl the broken drones forwards into the crowd. She drops into a crouch for just a moment before bursting forwards in pursuit of her sister.

    While the golden form of Diana sweeps through the remaining drones between herself and the bridge, Donna sweeps up, her lasso flicking out constantly to entangle any drones her sister passes in one piece and dash them against the walls, ensuring there's no renewed assault at the rear.

    As they reach the bridge Donna turns to check that the group has made it together -- Billy seems to have already seen to it that nobody got left behind, and the people who can't just ignore the lack of gravity by flying aren't just floating away. She gives him a wide encouraging grin, then steps in beside her sister.

    As she enters the bridge, Donna loosens her shield and slips the strap back over her shoulder to let it hang from her back. In its place she unslings the missile launcher...

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Brainiac pauses at Clark's words. He turns to face him and says, "With all your super powers, clearly your intellect was left lacking. Each version of me is an improvement on the last, like the ship of Theseus, I am still all the same Brainiac."

As the ship is ripped apart Brainiac gets a look of surprise on his face. He lifts off the floor and hovers there, as he is now able to do, his muscular arms folding across his chest, "Alura In-Ze has a creative spark. Too little too late for your extinct species. I will keep your words in my heart when I take the mantel of God."

Brainiac Superior looks to Wonder Woman. The first of the invaders to make it to him. He has a weirdly Kal-El like face and physique. A hand rises up at super speed to catch the electricity but it doesn't matter. It does nothing to him and he lets out a shrugged laugh.

He looks next to Donna and her missile launcher. "That won't affect me," he says after studying it with his super vision. "I amended the Kryptonian flaws. I improved upon the design. I am Superior in every way."

Alura strides on to the bridge of the ship. It's cut in half - the stars are visible now through the fine layer of sand spreading out everywhere. Her heat vision cuts through the body printing machine and the construct inside turns to goopy slush. No more copying Kal-El!

She tosses over to Kal the second sunbelt she's been carrying around as she stares down Brainiac Superior. "Superior or not, it's over," she states with no small degree of anger tinging her voice.

"It is never over," he says by himself. The drones don't repeat it when they're off network. With super speed he rushes to Clark and attempts to grab his neck. Alura rushes across and catches that hand. One of his mechanical arms strikes at her side and another grips at her belt trying to cut through it.

The dust about them ripples as she uses her flight to counter his flight as they both build up unmoving momentum. Her vision looks through his Kryptonian body and sees all the machinery and the computer brain in his skull. "He's still mostly machine. If we can.. just.. rip the robotic spine out..." she grunt speaks as she grapples against him. He starts to win though, his strength greater than hers as he is templated off of Kal-El. She grits her teeth and groans, not giving up, even as he inches closer and closer to Kal-El's vulnerable neck and to beating her down.

The Brainiac drones pour in to the room like Agent Smith in a desperate final attempt to repel the invaders off the destroyed ship.

And the rocks? ... some of them unfold in to vaguely person shaped and begin to clobber the Brainiac drones along side the heroes. Monet can hear 200k odd rock minds at once. It's unintelligible to a human mind but they're there. They're confused. They're pissed. They're pissed at Brainiac.

It's not just the rocks though. The Kryptonian prisoners, Zod's militia. They are all de-powered. A little splash of light from the sunbelts helps to stop them from turning in to icicles, but they're struggling for breath. Rocks float over to them and embrace them each, pressing stone to their breathing holes in an alien embrace. The rocks exhale, slowly, oxygen for them to live.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And the army is going to surge up and towards Brainiac. All that rage that has coallated for all that time is released and goes back on it's target for all the suffering, imprisonment, and experimentation that he's put them through.

"We all must die, sometime." That's spoken over if only to herself as she can only fly as best she can up to the bridge, her badly injured state leaving her with enough just as she can do to fly and keep up with the group. She's not been engaged for a few minutes even as the group has gotten in toe to toe with Brianiac and is rending him apart electron by electron.

But hopefully it will be over, finished. And that Brainiac will find himself surprlus to requirements. And that the heroes have given him a short, sharp lesson and a whole new world of pain.

And maybe.. If they're relaly lucky, it will be over.


Diana Prince has posed:
When fighting villainous beings like Brainiac, you don't fire electrical bursts of energy at them with the intent of actually harming them, you just do it to say 'Hi', and such was the case with Diana coming through the bridge and sending that discharge at him. She stares bullets in his direction before her eyes go over to her sister who brandishes that rocket launcher. It causes Diana to faintly smirk before her head turns again, her eyes once more return to Brainiac. "You are not even remotely comparable to Superman." She states back to him. "You are a miserable joke of a creation. You are a failure in the universe to create better souls. You are a mistake, a blight, and we will assuredly find a way to see to it that your malevolence stops here."

Big words from a woman dressed as a giant golden chicken!

Her hand snaps down to her lasso as the bridge is filled with more drones, and sentient rocks (?). The Princess of Themyscira launches at Brainiac as Alura does as well. The two women take different attack vectors, with Diana's golden lasso gleaming in the dim bridge environment. It twirls through the air, uncoiling, and lacing outward to try and ensnare Brainiac, to grip him where he stands, and to give her allies time to potentially get to his weak spots, to that machinery of his spine...

Sunny Harlow has posed:
For someone bright, friendly, always smiling at the situation, payback wasn't really a 'Sunny' thing.

Given what she'd just been through however? Well, she'd make an exception for Brainiac. Of course, compared to some of the heaviest hitters at their prime in this room she was basically a child having a temper tantrum, that still didn't stop Sunny from jumping in on the Diana-enabled beatdown.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Billy lets Gabby back on her feet shortly after Belinda finds the gravity boots. Perfect, as she finds them too, though she could easily just go without. It might take awhile but she had practiced zero-G in the gravity room on many an occasion. Partially for fun, partially just in case she ended up in space somehow. The time had finally come.

As Donna steps up alongside Diana, she moves forward as well. Smaller than them by far, less heavily weaponed, just... her. The little scrappy fighter that could heal quicker than most.

"All flaws?" Her head tilts to the side as her gaze sweeps over to Donna's side where the magical rope was slung. "Hm." Krytponite maybe, but...

Mentally she speaks to her fellows suggesting, <<Isn't he also weak to magic? Would Brainiac have considered that being all sciencey?>>

Even as she thinks it she pops her claws out tearing holes in the gloves of the suit she'd borrowed. Likely to seal up around the bone claws to ensure there's no breach in the suit itself. While Diana and Alura work in their attacks she dodges in too, low and trying to come from behind. At the very least she'll be a distraction to let the pair get a better shot. At the most? She'll find out if her magically imbued claws are effective or not trying to stab Brainiac Prime in the spine.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane glances at the Badger. Plans are instinctive, compliance enacted in an instant. Brainiac-drones flood the room; the wolfwoman's steps, magnified by the gravboots (yay, down!) clong and stomp across the floor. No time for subtlety and care to reenact the plan, first joined when entering the great Skullship. She kneels down, quick grasp seizing Gabby by belt and shoulder. Heft, lift, lean back, up and up and AWAY--

-- up, to join the grand Amazon-ensuing fracas. Up, to punch and pierce and CLAW--!

"Adjust to /this/," Silverdane snarls, a toothy grin beaming beneath her mask.


Clark Kent has posed:
"Brainiac." Kal-El sighs, shakes his head, and struggles to remain standing. "I am not super powers. I am a man. As for you Brainiac, perhaps you need to step back, and enjoy life. Stop trying to detroy everything, and revel in your life. My intellect is intact. It is my spirit that is strong."

As the ship is ripped apart, Superman leans against the nearest bulkhead. "Keep my words at heart Brainiac. They may still save you."

Diana was first. As he knew she would be. His eyes look at her with awe and respect. Then Donna. Another deflected blow. Kal tries not to show his disappointment. Then, his copy was gone. Thanks to Alura. And the belt she tosses his way.

Thankfully. With a nod, Kal turns, puts on the sunbelt, and feels the change already. Now he was almost ready to launch hinself at Brainiac.

Then, Brainiac attempts to extinguish Kal, but at the last second, Alura was there. As Kal's strength returns, he watches as Alura and Brainiac go toe to toe.

Then Kal's eyes start to glow. Supported by all the heroes present, and Diana's lasso atack, Kal El blinks, and then unleashes the full power of his heat vision upon the head of Brainiac's Kryptonian body. He knows this would not kill Brainiac, but may surprise him enough for the heroes to win the day.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna flashes Brainiac a predatory look. Despite his confidence that the missile launcher will do nothing to him, she flips down the targeting mechanism and activates it, sweeping it around to point at him as she adjusts the controls.

    Someone who had studied the controls on the missile launcher might recognize that she's adjusting them more than necessary. She's fiddling around with the scopes zoom settings, yet she's already pressed the target lock button. Before she'd even finished bringing it to bear on Brianiac, strangely enough.

    "You're over-confident, Brianiac," Donna tells him with a grin. She flicks the trigger on the launcher, and four micro-missiles blast out from the launcher.

    Donna lets the launcher drop to the floor and leaps up in the air, following close behind the missiles, her lasso glowing gold in her hands. Half way to the target, the missiles peel away, their guidance systems redirecting them away from Brainiac and towards her /real/ target, the target she'd locked in while she was sweeping the launcher towards him.

    <<One way to find out,>> Donna replies to Gabby's musings on magic as she sweeps around the opposite side of Brainiac from Diana, her own lasso a golden gleaming twin of her sister's as she looses it towards him, attempting to entangle him from the other side so that the two Amazons can pull in opposite directions and suspend him between them for the others to attack freely!

    "Everyone hit him with everything you've got!" Donna calls out.

    And what of those missiles? They curve sharply through the space of the bridge, bearing down not on any living or synthetic foe, but on the phantom zone bridge! A foot from their target the second stage burn accelerates the penetrating warheads into the sunstone crystal structure. The warheads themselves have only a small charge, but that charge releases seed crystals deep into the sunstone structure at multiple points.

    Two years ago, when Zod had attacked Earth in search of remnants of Brainiac technology in the hopes of finding a way to restore Kandor, the defenders of the Earth, without the help of the their Kryptonian allies, had sought unconventional ways to deal with Zod's forces, and the potent sunstone battle cruiser they arrived in. In that attempt, a curious property of sunstone had been discovered -- it does not react well to Kryptonite. A shard of Kryptonite placed into part of the hull had caused an cascading infection of black sunstone to start spreading through Zod's ship, forcing the Kryptonians to shed part of the superstructure to save the rest of their ship from the malignant crystal infection. It is seeds of this black sunstone, recovered from the scene of that battle in Earth orbit, that make up the payload of those missiles.

    Where each of the missiles hits the sunstone of the Phantom Zone bridge, dark flowers of diseased crystal quickly flourish. Threads of blackness crawl through the intricate sunstone construction of the bridge. It shudders and swells unhealthily as the black sunstone infection spreads rapidly..

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Gabby is right. All of those weaknesses - not just Kryptonite or the red sun. No. Magic. The only defense against it is a friend who does magic too and puts protective spells on you. And now he is part man, part machine - Diana's lasso is caste upon him and it -works-.

The full blast of heat vision against Brainiac is met with an attempt to heat vision back. The area around the heroes begins to heat up dramatically with haste. The slash of the claws does it - severing the machine from the meat.

The effect is instant, a rag doll of flesh that rips, bursts, and melts away from the combined attacks leaving a broken metal machine beneath. The lights along its spine flash and then go out as Brainiac vacates the body leaving it so that he cannot be captured or interrogated.

The phantom gate, nearly complete, crumbles away in to black crystal structures even as a flicker of the phantom zone beyond appears and then disappears. In that one fleeting moment something strange is seen on the other side - not the darkness they are used to but an ink black palace with rainbow hues dancing off of its surface. And then it is gone.

One of the Brainiac Drones activates the remains of Zod's Kryptonian warship. It is mostly disassembled at this point. The ship lurches and jumps away without all the usual protection that biological beings need - Brainiac does not need them.

The ship zips past the stars as the crystal corruption begin to spread through its surface and machinery until it drops out of hyperspace and falls to pieces. The remaining Brainiac drone flies with speed in to a bright blue star.

Far far away, Brainiac Prime shuts his eyes and frowns. The communications from the Brainiac Superior experiment had been cut off. Lessons were lost. Knowledge deprived. But one thing was known for sure.

Sol Threat Level: Top Priority for Extinction.