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Injustice For All: The Opening Salvo
Date of Scene: 22 August 2023
Location: Midtown - New Troy
Synopsis: Grood and the Reverse-Flash resurface in Metropolis with a surprise in store for the heroes that answer the bell. The lives of the Justice League and their allies are about to get much more complicated.
Cast of Characters: Barry Allen, Monet St. Croix, Phoebe Beacon, Alura In-Ze, Richard Swift, J'onn J'onzz, Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Stephen Strange, Illyana Rasputina
Tinyplot: Injustice For All

Barry Allen has posed:
While summer might still be in bloom in Metropolis, the heat is no longer quite so palpable or overbearing, the warmth pleasant and tempered with the setting of the sun and the breeze wafting in over the city, off of the nearby Atlantic Ocean. It is a great night for being out and about, for taking in and enjoying all that the City of Tomorrow has to offer both its residents and its guests.

And there are certainly plenty of people doing just that, especially on the ever popular Avenue of Tomorrow. The recent crime wave by the Rogues does not appear to have deterred anyone from taking to the street, to wander along that broad strip with it's flashing neon signs and electronic billboards lighting up this part of the city as if it were still day. HUndreds of people slip in and out of the myriad of electronic shops peddling all of the latest and greatest gadgets from the numerous labs and corporations that call this part of the city home, and just as many crowd around stalls where similar goods are likewise available -- without the markup of being a name brand.

While the public has moved on from the depredations of the Rogues, it is still a matter very much near the top of mind for at least a few inhabitants of the city. The fact that majority of the Flash's enemies teamed up, worked together under the guidance -- or possibly the outright control -- of Gorilla Grodd and Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash is more then a little cause for concern.

And while Batgirl's timely batarang toss as the teleporting villians let them track them as far as the heart of Africa -- and the city of intelligent gorillas they found there -- the trail has since gone cold.

Until tonight.

The portal the suddenly opens in the middle of Avenue of Tomorrow is mildy concerning, though in the sheer spectacle that is offered by the street could also be missed by some. The hulking gorilla and the man in the yellow costume do stand out a little more in the crowd however and even as they pass through, that rift lingers for a good half minute, spilling out even more light onto the street.

"This has been a long time in coming," the Reverse-Flash remarks, a smile on his masked face as his gaze sweeps over the crowd -- most of whom well enough to begin to back away. Any resident of Metropolis learns that skill sooner or later, regardless of the formidability of its defenders.

<< COWER HUMANS. COWER BEFORE YOUR BETTERS >> comes the pshychic roar of that huge gorilla who rises up to his full height, starting to simply walk down the street.

At the Hall of Justice, Barry Allen is taking yet another extra shift of monitor duty. A common occurence for the last week or so. Somehow it feels like it's only a matter of time before their missing baddies show up again. And sure enough, when they do, the Flash is present in the control room to send out that alert...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She was currently going through Metropolis, having been doing some shopping and meeting with some pepole in the city to try and track down information on.. Current mutant affairs and their own crisis that was always going on. So when the portal opens and Monet St. Croix is walking along the Avenue of TOmorrow, she doesn't pay it that much attention.. Right until that psychic scream.

The Reverse Flash.. That's one hse recognizes as she goes to immediately tense up and balls her knuckles. The psychic scream right after hits her hardened shields as she brushes it away. She moves to then take out her X-Men communicator, and speaks to it calmly. <<Incident report, Avenue of Tomorrow. Situation critical. Individual known as Reverse Flash and high powered psychic identified as Gorilla Grodd. Pass along to other teams along the network.>> Superheroes generally traded information quickly. So she could hope that anyone on monitor duty at Xavier's could pass it along to the Titans, the Justice League, the Avengers.. Or whomever was around. she goes to ball her fists, getting ready to wade through the coming melee and going to mostly dart to the side to keep herself out of the rush of oncoming 'traffic'.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Out of curiosity, where *does* a five hundred pound psychic gorilla sleep at night? The world wants to know." comes a quip, and who does quips better than the Gotham superheroes?

    Balm was in her gray armor tonight, with the blue pips at her shoulder, hood drawn up and over her head as the blue lenses of her domino mask glow in the shadow, her matte black lips forming a wry smile as she comes down in a three-point landing in the street nearby Grodd. She's hoping her appearance will give some of the bystanders time to find a safe place as she watches the sidebar on her domino light up for alerts sent back to Gotham. Her head tilts to the side, her eight-pointed star lighting up on the backs of her gloves as she switches her weight between her legs.

    "Oh wait, was I *also* supposed to cower?"

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The little kids jumped up and down with glee as their cat was returned to him. The cat itself needed the loving embrace of its chosen human family after getting stuck up a tree all night. Superwoman is more than happy to return the clinging feline fluffball to the kids.

"Thank you Superwoman!" comes a chorus from the kids as the mother of the family offers Alura a tray of cookies. "I'm sorry I completely blanked on how to properly thank you. For some reason Santa just popped in to my head and.." She chuckles nervously.

Alura's smile blossoms even more and she places a hand on the overworked mother. "It's okay. I'm a mother too. I know how it gets. Besides - I think your kids will probably want them." She gives a small wave to the family and then jumps up in to the air and rises away rapidly.

The Kryptonian network is a very privately and secure thing on Earth which is why Alura is surprised to suddenly receive a Justice League alert on it. "Forwarded... Kal what in the world..." She raises an eyebrow. Since when has Kal-El been forwarding his Justice League work to her? A quick look at the world map and.. ah.. Clark is with his mother.

"Don't worry nephew. I've got this." A touch on the holographic interface indicates her receipt and she turns in the air; a swoosh cuts through it as she races toward the arrival of teleporting naredowells.

<< "Hello Flash. This is Superwoman responding to your alert." >> No sooner has she said this than the roar from Grodd hits her head like an anvil. She clutches the sides of her head as she hangs in the air, cape whipping about her like a shawl. "Aagghh! What was that?!"

Richard Swift has posed:
The Shadows move and undulate. Finally, a figure emerges. Top hat. Black Tuxedo. Cane. The Shade has arrived. His eyes scan the place, as always, and takes in everything around him.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn felt that psychic roar from Grodd from quite a distance away. Distance he covered, if not near as fast as Flash, fast enough to have him there in relative moments. He soars overhead in his green-hued form, cape waving behind him and fists outstretched. The League alert finds him already nearly arrived.

//Manhunter here. I'm flying towards the source of that psychic blast, presumably Grodd. I can take point on him. He's probably expecting Flash. He's not ready for me.//

Still, if there are innocents in danger along the way, he will likely be delayed alleviating that immediate danger. He won't leave citizens in peril just so he can play the hero

Bruce Wayne has posed:
It is early in the evening, when people are still milling about the street. Too early for the Batman to be out and about. Instead, Bruce Wayne sits at his chair in the Batcave, staring at the display as if somehow more time spent on the information displayed will alter its meaning. "Hmmm."

As if some sort of answer to prayers, not that Bruce Wayne has issued many since that night on Crime Alley, the alert comes through on the JL frequency. He flicks off the display and rises up from the seat, reaching back to tug the cowl up from behind his neck.

"Disturbance. Metropolis. It's Flash's friends." He sends out a quick message out to those on his own comms. A few flying mammals, and quite a large flock of birds.

And then he is down the stairs and to the Batjet. If the trouble is in Metropolis, he would have to get there first.

Oliver Queen has posed:
At the very least Barry has some company there in the control room.

Given a choice Oliver would probably prefer to be back in New York, attending to the ongoing issues around his Phoenix Tower project in Hell's Kitchen, tracking down the ongoing Triad threat. He knows that in the grand scheme of things having more then a dozen Rogues flittering about out there in the wind, up to who knows what is the bigger threat.

But that's why things like the League exist. To deal with that sort of thing. To keep an eye on the big picture.

So that some of them can keep a better eye on things a little closer to the ground.

Which is why the Green Arrow is here, in the Hall of Justice tonight instead of patrolling the alleys and rooftops of New York. Being oh so determined to make Barry regret the fact that they're friends. "Did you notice, there weren't any banana trees around Gorilla City? Do you think they just don't like them? Or that they important them from somewhere? Do you think that there is an entire underground economy designed specifically to arrange the importation of bananas to a hidden city full of primates? Cause I gotta tell ya..." he rambles.

At least until he is abruptly cut off by sudden sounding of an alarm as that portal opens abruptly on the Avenue of Tomorrow.

"Ugh, you're going to superspeed us over there aren't you? I can run myself, I'm a pretty fast sprinter you know. This isn't necessary..."

He suspects his protestations aren't going to do a whole lot of good.

Stephen Strange has posed:
It was a relatively quiet evening for a couple casually walking along the Avenue. A night out, away from the usual noise of New York. Dinner was had, though not necessarily at the Planet Herowood. No, it was a bit more upscale...and also completed. Now was just a stroll along the shops, gelato in hand for both, regarding the technological marvels the shops present through the windows.

Incognito, at least for the moment. The taller of the two is dressed in casual clothing. A white t-shirt, with a blue button up open overtop, despite the heat. Jeans and sensible shoes. "You know, I could get used to this sort of thing. Rather calm..." The voice sounds familiar, if not the face. Doctor Stephen Strange seems to be enjoying some downtime with his paramour.

And...that's when the floodgates open. The psychic wailing is barely perceptible, though certainly noted. Courtesy of constant shielding. And then there is the influx of hero types that are not just cosplayers serving slightly overpriced food. And, despite this, the sudden need of heroes, Strange rolls his eyes. "I do swear, my dear. I believe we are cursed to never have dull lives."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    Nothing like a whole street clamouring in fear to spoil the mood for date night. Concern and fear pass in waves that sweep through Metropolis. The first to react on autopilot by running at the pair of sorcerers requires immediate response. Illyana protectively shelters her eco-friendly recyclable cup filled by flor di latte and cioccolato extra noir, turning inward. An elbow might deflect the collision that never quite comes except as a brush past and a good citizen of the Metropolis South Running Club bolting for safety.
    Her phone utters a distinctive sound, that of a peregrine falcon, further attesting that Monet's message reached somewhere far closer than Westchester. Then again, among the X team, it may only be Jean who can get from A to B quicker. The message comes up third to be read, after guarding the ice cream and then Stephen Strange's back.
    Convenient, casual sliding behind him that leaves more sidewalk open. She spots trouble down the Avenue, muttering in her native Russian. "<This is how we get bad names. Flashy entrances and that.>"
    Her chin rises in judgment. Reverse Flash has apparently earned the ire from the Demon Queen. "That colour is criminal."

Barry Allen has posed:
One would think that even Grodd and Thawne, as powerful as they might be, would show at least a little more discretion. They have to know that they're being hunted right? And yet they turn back up at the same scene of the crime as their peers -- or patsies -- have struck over and over again throughout the summer. It certainly speaks to a certain lack of care.

Or perhaps just incredible arrogane. Both of them certainly seem to have more then enough of that to spare.

Striding down the street towards S.T.A.R. Labs, Grodd gives the slightest of nods towards the Reverse-Flash who just smirks and suddenly zooms off, his form extending to a yellow streak that stretches out along once side of the Avenue and then comes back, careening down the other all in the blink of an eye. Over and over again, creating a virtual wall that corrals those still on the street, preventing them from slipping away, down alleyways or into some of the shops, trapping hundreds out on the street under the bright glow of those flashing electronic billboards and their host of advertisements.

Capitalism at it's most gaudy. Well, almost.

For his part, Grodd's attention is seemingly grabbed by the armored woman who stands defiant against his mental commands, who puts herself right in his way, between himself and all of those bystanders trapped out on the street. For a moment, he comes to a stop and he simply regards the costumed young woman before him.

Then, without so much as moving a muscle, a nearby stall that seems to feature the latest is smart watches begins to vibrate, tremble. Then it just lifts off the ground and hurls itself straight towards Balm.

<< COWER. OR DIE. IT'S ALL THE SAME TO ME, >> comes that pyschic reply in her head, that inexorable advance towards the helpless citizens beyond her resuming once more.

Unfortunately for Grood and the Reverse Flash, they do not seem to notice some of the threats that also already populate the street. Nevermind the ones swiftly on their way.

Back at the Hall of Justice, Barry flashes Ollie a quick, tight grin. "It won't be so bad. And look at it this way, we can both get a little payback for the last time out. You won't be able to whine at me any more for getting you set on fire," the Flash points out helpfully, pulling that maks into place as the comms sound. "Copy that J'onn. Back up is on it's way. And any help you can lend Superwoman would be greatly appreciated. They caught us with our pants down last time out. It'd be nice to even the score," he admits.

Then he is crossing the room, grabbing hold of Green Arrow and offering a measure of support. "This won't take more then a sec or two. Literally," he says.

Then they too are off towards the nearby Avenue.

And whatever Grodd and Thawne might have in store.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And it's the monkey and the time traveling maniac. Monet has her own (very limited) experience with Zoom, so she goes to give anyone that she recognizes in the area a quick download of her memories of the man. Dangerous. Psychotic. That makes linearity a plaything. And her warning given over she moves to focus over on Grodd. His powers far overwhelm her own, but if he's not used to having other telepaths fight him.. She has nowhere near his experience, his skill, or his power..

But she does have training from Jean Grey and Charles Xavier. She goes to focus over on Grodd if she can, attempting to tweak over at him telepathically as he would lumber forwards.. Her attempt at this point is more subtle as she tries to nudge her way over into his consciousness if possible. It will be difficult going, but hopefully if Grodd is engaged with a half dozen other metas then she'll have her moment. SHe's not flying in to charge at him - she's going to try and just get into his head. She goes to land on the ground, backing out of the way and trying to keep her nudge over on his psyche if at all possible. Monitoring, and tryign to wait for an opening.

Because in this day and age, Monkey gets the Spankin'.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Talk about being thrown in the deep end. Sure, she's faced off against her old friend turned enemy turned prisoner Zod but this is a wholly terrestrial creation of carnage. There is a blur zooming about out there. He's fast. Damn fast. She wonders if she could keep up with him - but such wonders have to wait.

Because one brave sole stands before a giant Gorilla and that kind of heroism is a precious thing. As the display stand of watches launches itself impossibly from the ground at Balm, Superwoman drops from the sky with a thud.

One hand out stretched, she catches the flying assortment of watches. The side of the stand dents in where she grabs it and she deduces, fairly quickly, that this big hairy fella must be responsible.

"I can see you're not used to using your words to resolve conflict. The world would be a better place if more people sat down and discussed their feelings receptively," Superwoman says to Grodd as she sets the display stand down. "Perhaps we could all take five and get started on that discussion."

Richard Swift has posed:
Ah. Discretion. The better part of valor. The Shade never understood that. Discretion was not something those in his field ever partook in. Discretion was for cowards. As Grodd and Thawne were proving today.

Today, Swift was there for one reason. To observe. Two of his "allies" were causing problems, and now, he was there to, what? Ensure they didn't go too far? To join the heroes? No. To join the villains? No. To see whwre the profit was in it, and then fade into the shadows.
"Cower. Or die. Why that is so...quaint." The Shade almost smiles. Maybe he was there to offer a way out...after all, the odds against Thawn and Grodd were...significant. "In the chaos, a feint. A riposte. For the just, and quick. Fortune." Now where was that quote from?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<Batman, I'm on site, engaging with Grodd and -- a Smart Watch Kiosk?!>> comes Balm's response. The sole reason she's able to withstand the psychic commands?

    She's had demons in her head. You learn to withstand!

    Balm dodges the kiosk, ducking down low and gritting her teeth as she goes to raise her shield -- except SUPERWOMAN catches the kiosk!

    "Now that's a heck of an Over-Watch." Balm jokes, and then the young mage breathes out a sigh of relief, gives a wave and nod of appreciation, and then she comes in low to the psychic simian!

    "Rather Not Die today, not ready for the family reunion!" she quips, coming in low, fast, and with her extending staff looping around some of the flotsam and jetsam from the ruined kiosk in a rapid-fire, obnoxious attack on the Gorilla.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
<<Be careful. He is not to be underestimated.>>

At some point, Batman should just record that line and push it on loop, since he says it about just about every villain. Of course, that advice holds true whether that villain is Grodd, the Joker, Toad, or the Wet Sprocket. <<I am two minutes out.>>

Directing the jet with minimal movements of his hands, Batman glances at the display monitor as he closes in on Metropolis. There are already some heroes responding to the call, which means he should have plenty of opportunity to figure out what is actually going on once he arrives. Good.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I Knew I should have stayed home. But nooooooooo. I wanted to be a good friend. Support you in your hour of need. And boredom," Oliver protests, and only mildy. Instead he draws up that green hood and retrieves that bow and quiver, giving his preferred weapon a little flick as that composite bow suddenly extends to its full length.

"I'm a sucker. Remind me not to do that again," he says with the faintest of smirks.

Then he is bracing himself, preparing himself for the inevitable. The room blurs, then the Hall and the streets of the city beyond, moving faster then his senses can really keep up with. All he can do is grit his teeth and try to ignore the distinctly unpleasant sensation, instead focusing on that rush of speed. And the upcoming fight.

Adrenaline can be a powerful counter agent to a lot of things.

When they come into sight of the Avenue of Tomorrow, with the Reverse-Flash speeding around, Ollie takes a moment to steady himself as he's set down, nocking an arrow and pausing to judge all those little intangible variables before letting it fly.

When it lands in the speedster's path, almsot at once a frictionless dark liquid begins to spread out and pool on the pavement as the Green Arrow flashes a tight grin of his own.

Stephen Strange has posed:
Oh. A psychic gorilla...and a speedster with horrible fashion sense. What a pair.

Well...so much for that quiet evening. Even as the terrible duo start in on their shenanigans, Strange just casually reaches over and drops his gelato into the nearest garbage can. In addition, a casual wave of the hand causes the casual attire to disappear, replaced with the resplendid blue and red that is signature to the Sorcerer Supreme. "Well, I suppose we may as well lend a hand. If any case, it should be a bit of fun."

Well, maybe.

Though...the sorcerer does pause as he regards the portal. "Are you feeling what I am feeling, Illyana dear?" It would seem that there may be a mystical element to that little portal.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    Add more to the tally of defenders in Metropolis. First it's a lady in gray. Along comes Superwoman in a fetching cape. Illyana instinctively looks sidelong at a point around Stephen's shoulder and arches a golden-white eyebrow. With the thick fringe of bangs, the ironic expression could be hard to catch. The faster they come, the more interesting the day promises to be.
    She quickly reads the message from Monet--left-handed. The right still protects the gelato. "Another student is in sight. Reverse Flash being blurry there, da? The other is Gorilla... Grodd. Tower?" Sadly, the name translates funny into Russian. "He seems to be angry about something." However furious the telepathic simian may be, his shouts and commands have a better chance of reaching Santa Claus than breaching the Hell Lord's mind.
    The spoonful of gelato is halfway to her mouth when Stephen tosses his dessert. Surprise fletches a line on her forehead at the waste. Still, she casually sweeps her hand ahead of her and several of the people being corralled two blocks down the street are no longer on the other side of the yellow wall, summarily reappearing kitty-corner at the periphery of her sight-line. They may not enjoy their sudden blip out of existence and back in, but at least they can say it didn't last a lifetime. Or more than two very jittery steps. "Open path then. Are you wondering where the director is?"

Barry Allen has posed:
For a moment it looks as if everything is going to go exactly as Grodd had intended.

Which is a very bad thing for Balm indeed. But then Superwoman is there, catching that flying stall before it can simply barrel into and through Balm entirely, setting it aside with a minimum of damage and no real harm. It is almost like a rush of relief goes through the crowd that still frequents the street and more then a few cheers rise up from the people. She might not be the protector that most of them know, but she is certainly a welcome sight right at the moment.

He really should be more dismayed. That telekinetic display might be impressive enough, but it rather pales in comparison to the strength of a Kryptonian. For a moment it just regards the pair of women before him with that unreadable expression.

At least until Monet comes barrelling towards him, that attempt to pry into his minds, to get past the formidably psychic defenses. All at once that inscrutable expression fills with rage and it might only be the fact that the answering roar that sweeps over the streets is entirely in everyone's head instead of aloud that prevents windows from shattering.

Still, it's not pleasant. Nor is the backhand of that big fist thrown towards M likely to be if it lands, not with the size and strength Grodd boasts.

While the Reverse-Flash might have been intent on keeping with crowd captive on the street, it is pretty much impossible for the speedster not to take note of the spreading pool of liquid that glistens on the street, especially under all that light, and it brings him to an abrupt stop, turning his sneering visage towards the Flash and Green Arrow. "Really? That's the best you can do? An oil slick? It continually baffles me what primitive savages people from this time are," Thawne says contemptously.

"Got you to stop, didn't it?" the Flash points out lightly. And then he is leaping forward, once more speeding back into that red blur as he races towards the man who so casually beat him at their last meeting, hands outstretched.

Answering just as quick Thawne races away, those red and yellow streaks racing around the Avenue too fast for almost anyone else present to track. Each time the yellow streak of the Reverse-Flash starts back towards the crowd, no doubt intending to make use of them as hostages and potential collateral damage, Barry is right there, that red streak cutting him off, forcing him away and leaving the Green Arrow to help with the evacuation.

While that glowing portal finally snaps shut, the hint of magic in the air that Dr. Strange and Magik sense does not dissipate with it. Instead it remains a palpable thing, the unmistakable sense of dark illusions carried in the air and the faintest of shimmers around the S.T.A.R. Labs facility becoming more and more apparent. At least to those mystically inclined.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
A psionic backhand over from someone of Grodd's power level is shattering. Even for M, wtih her shields up, that has fought against the Shadow King, trained by Xavier, and has seen Cable when he cuts loose is staggered by it. She spasms in midair like she's having a seizure and twitches, hitting the ground hard even as she completely locks down her mind before worse can happen. ALl right, that didn't go well.. She won't be breaking into his head during this melee. She can't attack Grodd physically, and hte others have crowd and civilian control well in hand. So hwo does one handle a fight over with Kryptonians present? AH yes.

She might not be able to disorient Grodd telepathically.. But she can still hopefully add to his physical disorientation. As he's focused over on the Kryptonians, she braces herself. Hard. Several dozen meters away, completely unable to keep up with Thawne so not even trying. She goes to open up her mind over to Magik and to Strange..

And goes to draw a direct line of sensation along Grodd's positioning, her own, and for Illyana to go ahead and make a charge in. M rapidly calculating Grodd's physical abilities and his reaction times and strength.. And then trying to feed it back and over towards Illyana for her to have available for an option if she decides to start playing with portals and stabbings.

If not, it's still a useful way to help her keep track of how fast Grodd can move and how strong he is, and be on hand to give a mental assist if needed to the magic users.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The magic user closest to Monet is also being distracted by the growing shimmering around S.T.A.R. Labs, and Balm winces, recoiling physically at the psychic roar a second time. She physically grasps her hands against the street, giving a strained cry out, clinging to her orientation. Street is down. Head is up.

    ANd as M goes down, Balm raises her shield with that eight-pointed star to stop any physical attack from striking Monet, and she calls out over the local band for comms: <<Hey, does anyone *else* feel like needles are stabbing into the back of their skull magically, or am I the lucky oddball again?>> before she braces her feet and turns about, raising a second shield to impede and annoy Grodd.

    She's not underestimating him, but she is pacing herself!

    "Hey, where you off to? I thought we were gonna have a nice chat!" she grits her teeth.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
<<One minute. Hang tight, Balm.>>

Not that Batman is really worried about Balm, knowing that Superwoman and now the Flash are on the scene. And the Green Arrow.

He frowns a bit as he thinks through what he is hearing. No attack, no purpose. Just two villains jumping out to menace people, where they know they will be spotted.

<<Keep your eyes open.>>

<<It's a trap.>>

Oliver Queen has posed:
Admittedly it would have been so much more satisfying to watch that yellow streak go sliding and flailing straight into the side of a building after hitting that frictionless liquid.

But sometimes a win is a win and you take what you can get. Mission accomplished.

As Thawne and Barry race off, streaking about the street too fast to track, and with Grodd seemingly occupied with Superwoman, Balm and M, the Green Arrow turns his attention towards the crowds still caught up in the conflict, nocking another arrow and keeping a wary eye out. "Don't just stand around. Let's move it people! No standing in the line of fire!" he calls out, focusing on keeping a path clear and trusting the Flash to do the same. Much as he might like a little bit of revenge on the big monkey and the evil speedster, he knows where the priority lays.

First get the people to safety. Then worry about the rest.

"If you get me set on fire again Barry..." he mutters under his breath before yelling at the crowd to hurry up, more and more people abandonning the center of the street to rush towards the alleyway escape that has temporarily opened for them.

Richard Swift has posed:
So. Heroes. Coming out of the woodwork. The Shade takes a moment to adjust his top hat, as he maneuvers around a building and the shadows that were part of the building. It was getting too hot for him, of course, but he couldn't refuse the opportunity to see what chaos could bring in regards to opportunities.

Leaning against his cane, the Shade waits, and watches."Facinating."

Mystics. Archers. Speedsters. Kryptonians. Mutants. Villains. Heroes. Indeed.

Well. Perhaps it was best that he take his self out of the line of fire. Into the shadows once more. Anything he would do here would place him in too many lines of fire. For now. "Good luck." Was that for the villains...or heroes?

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura clutches at her head as Grodd, who for just one moment seemed to be listening to the voice of reason, blasts them all with a psychic roar far worse than the last one. Like someone had attacked him. "NNnnrrggg," she says as she struggles to keep her footing.

And when it is over, Monet is being pounded to the ground. Well, that explains that then. Of course, the weakness of the infamous Superman is well known - prioritising kindness to all over violence. Just how far until Superwoman's buttons are pushed. She's not Kal-El.

She steps between Balm and Grodd and spreads her arms, "STOP!" It's not a command, but more of a plea. The respect she's showing is indifferent to who threw the first punch. "There's no need to escalate this." And wow is she receiving a blunt lesson in the difficulties of working with Earth heroes. Kal-El's mission logs did not give this justice.

"We can resolve this peacefully," she says glancing around at the on lookers who have, for whatever reason, not run for the hills yet. There is a note of consequences to the way she says it though. We can resolve this peacefully -or else-.

Stephen Strange has posed:
"Right. That is exactly what I am curious on, my dear. Because....that little dark flavor has not dissipated. Whatever the source...it is still near here, somewhere."

With that, Stephen steps around, hands tracing arcane symbols in thin air. The mystic runes spark with golden light, as a round shield manifests before Stephen. And, more importantly, before Illyana as well. Not that she may want that protection.

Knowing his better half, Stephen fully expects Illyana to go a-hunting.

Nevertheless, he does call out, speaking the plan that they already more than likely formulated at the same time. "I would imagine we should say hello. Illyana, my dear, please feel free to extend our greetings."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    The heavyweights like Superwoman and the Flash do a fantastic job keeping the two striding enemies occupied so Illyana can focus on the important things. Like spotting M in the fight and her precarious position facing off against the oversized man. The seizures in the telepathic mutant's limbs are concerning enough to pause briefly in the ongoing survey of the Avenue of Tomorrow that preoccupies the blonde Russian. "<Hoggoth's bloody teeth. That is a problem.>" Yana must be as cold as that country's winters because she does not cry out in alarm or whisk Monet out of arm's reach.
    Any telepathic cry of help or suggestion simply cannot find her, the price to pay for Limbo's mixed blessings.
    Stephen must be onto what she's about, and while he keeps track of the combat, the lure must be set. She withdraws from their vantage alongside the sidewalk at a brisk pace, still ranging alongside Strange and guarding his flank. Magical runes shine off her t-shirt. Still no heroic suit for her! The faint blue-gilt glow to her eyes gives away something up.
    Vicious syllables usually not produced by a human voice box shape an incantation that no person of her youth and apparent goodness should know. Dark command throws a web of magic out there to anchor to the unseen spell like metal to a magnetic source. The final invocation, <Come forth!> in High Infernal, takes the totality of the mingled spells and yanks back as hard as she can muster to see what comes ripped up from the garden of Metropolis.

Barry Allen has posed:
That roar of pyschic rage seems to hang and hand in the metaphorical air, Grodd's approach towards Monet abruptly cutoff as Balm blocks his way once more with those shields. And of course if that was not enough to dissuade him from continuing to purse M, there is Superwoman once more, putting herself between Grodd and those that he might choose to harm.

Once should never venture to Metropolis if one is not prepared to deal with a Kryptonian, should one? It seems to be something of an oversight on the part of Grodd and Thawne. Hopefully one that they won't get the chance to learn from.

For a moment as he stands in front of Alura, that animalistic rage continues to burn bright in that gorilla's eyes. But he doesn't lash out. He stands there before her, lips curled, teeth showing threateningly, a fine froth whistling out with each heated breath he takes. And then Grodd smiles.

What does a gorilla smiling look like? A little disturbing, at least in Grodd's case.

<< NO PEACE, >> comes that mental roar, words like a psychic onslaught. << THE WAR IS JUST BEGINNING. >>

The Flash and the Reverse-Flash continue to play out their elaborate little duel on the streets, each thrust and counter-trhsut parried away in a split-second, those red and yellow blurs whipping about the Avenue in a dance too elaborate, too fast to follow. Time and time again it looks like Thawne might manage to reach one of the fleeing bystanders. One more then one occasion it looks like Barry will just have to careen into one of the buildings lining the street in his efforts to cut off his enemy from reaching some helpless citizen.

But each time the dance goes one, adding one more distraction to the street.

With the attentions of Dr. Strange, Magik and now Balm increasingly on that faint, blurring distortion that surrounds the S.T.A.R. Labs building, it only grows more apparent, as if somehow attention makes it increasingly more difficult to conceal. In moments it is not just the mystically-minded that can see it, but anyone and that, combined with Magik's efforts seem to have the desired effect as there is a sudden, pained cry from the direction of that building.

And the whole, carefully laid sweep of illusion is laid bare.

The source of the cry? It would seem to be a purple-haired woman in a slinky black dress, a dark tattoo, a mystic symbol, prominent on her dress just above that plunging neckline. For the moment she pants, bent over as if trying to catch her breath. Which might be the case, after having her spell simply shattered.

Unfortunately it is not just Tala the Sorceress that stands there. Oh, it might come as no surprise to see Weather Wizard, that wand that lets him command the elements hovering there as if a sentinel, watching over their magic support -- he is one of the Rogues that has plagued the city as of late. Nor is it shocking to see Captain Cold and Heat Wave doing much the same. Grood has already proven that he has a firm hold on their services.

What might be a little more unexpected however are the others. That black and orange mask of Deathstroke the Terminator, perched on a nearby roof with sniper leveled at the street below. The purple skinned Parasite, that practically licks his lips and directs hungry eyes towards Superwoman. The blonde haired man in their midst who looks almost unassuming. Until his chest simply slides apart, revealling the glowing green heart that rests there instead of his heart. Metallo. And the most striking figure of all... the giant red headed woman in leopard print who is busy affixing devices of unknown origin all over the S.T.A.R. Labs building.

That then, would be the other shoe.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Well yes, it's a trap. And a masterfully done one at that. Even Monet for all of her disoriented tidings at having been smashed in and now needing rescued by Balm and saved can at least admit in retrospect it was a masteruflly done one. And she can rapidly recognize that they're rather, rather out of position here.

She goes to rapidly reassess through files that she's read on Justice League enemies, reviewing hte roster of adversaries that they were face to face with. Her normal response is to suggest a tactiacl withdraw here given the circumstances and figure out what they're up against.

She does, however, recognize that glowing green thing at the center of Metallo's chest. She knows what happens to Kryptonians when they encoutner it. And she knows how much they suffer. And she knows what she has to do.

Pay it forwards. What salvation was given, grant it unto others. Where they sacrifice, do it for them as well. She moves to rush forwards at high speed towards Metallo. Monet is not supremely fast. She can perhpas hit low supersonic. But right about now she's pouring all her power in to try and slam into Metallo *hard* before he can get off full power. Presuming she can grapple him at high speed she's going to try and launch herself UPWARDS and into the air!

Pay it forwards.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
<<There's the trap.>>

As the illusion drops and the array of villains is suddenly revealed, a screaming sound cuts through the night as the Batjet slices through the weave of buildings upon reaching Metropolis and visual contact with the battle.

A sudden RAT-A-TAT-TAT erupts from the jet as it arcs to the side, blasting the series of devices that are being planted along the walls of STAR labs. Avoiding the angry swipe from Giganta, Batman swoops up towards the sky before turning back around towards the lab, taking out more of the devices on his second pass.

<<It's a diversion. S.T.A.R. Labs is the target. Engage the villains, I will maintain a perimeter.>>

Easier said than done. He will have to figure out a way to eject the towering woman from his perimeter.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura's frown grows intensely as Grodd roars his ultimatum in to their heads. The wince is there but her hands form in to fists as she rolls her shoulders back. "Then you're going to have to wait out your war in a cell until you change your ways."

Of course, then the penny drops. This was not a casual drop in to menace the city but a very well laid out plan. Batman suggested it was a trap and when you have this many variables to contend with as villains you have to put together a very good trap.

Perhaps they were expecting Superman, or perhaps Power Girl, or may be even Supergirl. Superwoman is still rather new to the scene and the villains haven't quite had the chance to figure her out yet. Metallo's kryptonite heart thumps and beats, pulsing its energy at Alura.

She drops to her knees and with a swish of her hand, the Kryptonian bracer on her forearm transforms and jumps in to her hand. A portable shield erupts in a stylish golden light as Deathstroke takes the shot. He wasn't going to miss, but the shield wibbles in the air as the bullet hits it, even as the effects of the Kryptonite make Alura begin to teeter even this low to the ground.

The visceral pain she's feeling is written all over her face - far worse than any mental attack Grodd could throw at her. This is why you have allies and friends. This is why one of the first things Clark did was warn her about Kryptonite.

With curled fingers she taps at her holograms, which are flickering erratically, activating her fail safe. She hopes it gets here in time.

Oliver Queen has posed:
As far a shoes go, it's a big, ugly, stinky one.

As whatever force was keeping those reinforcements and their activities around STAR Labs undercover is disrupted, Ollie curses and motions a little more emphatically to those trailers who still linger on the street. Either because of curiousity or because fear slows their steps. But the time to rubberneck is quickly running out and being paralyzed with fear holds an ever greater risk now. "Move it, come on lets go! Off the streets! Now!" the Green Arrow says emphatically.

He does shoot a look towards Heat Wave, shaking his head briefly before shouting at Barry, "I /knew/ you were going to get me set on fire agaiN!" he accuses his friend and fellow Leaguer, before that gaze that constantly roams, seeking out threats falls on Deathstroke up on that rooftop.

And his gaze goes hard.

Theirs is a complicated relationship to be sure. They have even worked together from time to time. But the man still killed his father. And here he is, with a gun levelled at the street where a dozen or so people still are making their away towards cover, away from the impending fight.

Without hesitation, Oliver draws back that bow a little more taunt before letting the arrow already nocked there fly up into that ledge, watching as arguably the most dangerous mercenary in the world abandons that perch, leaping away cleanly as that arrow explodes in a shower of shattered brick and mortar.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm looks up, her expression falling as she looks up, and her domino ID's the villains. She tilts her head, and her expression goes a little blank before she breathes out.

    She sees Monet is up and away, and she drops the shield between her and the Gorilla.

    <<Brilliant, ah... who's got the Giant Woman?>> Balm asks, and she returns to the giant Ape of an issue before she backrolls, and grasps her left wrist in her right hand.

    <<I'm glad I decided to wear my grays instead of the oranges tonight.>> she quips, and in lieu of her extending staff she's got a staff made of light, that glows with mystic power as she draws herself to a stand.

    "If you need to, help establish the perimeter -- no one will ask any more of you than that." she states with a smile to Alura, and the magic girl then strikes forward.

    She uses a dislodged bench as a jump point, and as she leaps up and takes to the air, a pair of rose-gold wings forms and she brings her staff down, engaging the far more dangerous and heavy ape and brings an armored knee before Grodd to try and strike him in the face!

    "Get down Donkey Kong!"

Stephen Strange has posed:
Once the illusionary veil is dropped, it becomes clear to the magic users the source of the dark magic. And...the type of magic feels familiar. A glance over towards Illyana is given as the Sorcerer Supreme compares. "Well, if I didn't know any better, I would say the two of you are related. But, really, this new entity seems to be a lesser version of you, my dear Illyana." Still, the sorcerer is on his guard.

Because, regardless if this Tala seems to be a bargain store Illyana, there is still power there. Infernal power.

Demonic, even.

"I do believe this pale imitation should learn why you rule Limbo."

Demoness....meet the Demon Queen of Limbo.

In the meantime, Strange takes a moment longer to determine what is needed. With the exception of Tala, the other villains are not mystically inclined. And..therefore, a bit of an unknown variable to Stephen.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    That's a lot of bad guys. A number of significant individuals who might be noteworthy or notorious gathered around S.T.A.R. Labs up to absolutely no good.
    "I have enough relatives. You want to add one more upset they were not invited to the wedding?" Illyana quips back to Stephen, shaking her head. Blood runs from the corner of her mouth, something she ignores rather than smears away with the back of the hand. Prickly sensations don't just come from sensing Tala's mystical workings but now her own spell, rebelling at better days.
    "Next time, I stab it. See, that woman gets it!" Balm's approach of yelling at Donkey Kong is a reference she can get and hear.
    Which of the many targets to select? Well, bargain-store her might be the one to go with. She makes a face though. "You take care of her. I take care of those. Someone Metropolitan, where do you want a stash of illegal mystery objects?"
    Pushing the pain away gives her a little room to work, which is really all she needs. The black, sleek shadow of a Batcraft in the air may be heartening in a way. With a bit more energy to pull on she can just start selectively teleporting the weird gizmos stuck to the labs away one by one or two.

Barry Allen has posed:
It is an ominous sight.

On the one hand the Dark Knight's timely arrival, straffing the S.T.A.R. Labs building with those projectiles plays havoc with the machines that Giganta is putting into place -- and the ones already operational. Sparks fly and metal casings split as the Bat-Plane demolishes the heart of whatever plan they might have had for the building.

On the other hand?

They knew that Grodd and Thawne had co-opted the serivce of more then a dozen Rogues. Already facing the combined threat from them, that alone was a serious threat. But it would seem that his ambitions have gone far beyond just the Rogues. In Giganta, Metallo and Parasite, he seems to have found some truly heavy-hitting allies. In Tala, it seems he has anticipated the threat that magic might pose to him and his ambitions. And while Deathstroke might not have powers like the rest, there are few more cunning and capable tacticians. It is a potent mix to be sure.

And there is no guarantee that is the limit of it.

Whether he just has a hair trigger anger issue, or if he recognizes the threat posed by Batman, Grodd roars again, this time the sound is audible instead of a psychic scream and a half dozen parked cars nearby lift up from the ground. For a moment they hover there, gripped in the invisible force of Grodd's mind. Then they are launched, one after another towards the swooping Bat-Plane like crude missles.

Of course the Dark Knight has to deal with that big, sweeping hand of Giganta as well, lashing out towards his jet each time he nears. As is so often the case it is only speed and agility working in his favor. For the moment.

Landing on the street, Deathstroke tucks and rolls, coming to his feet in one smooth motion, none the worse for wear despite that leap. "You might want to be careful *Arrow*," Slade Wilson's voice comes mockingly towards the archer, a not-so-subtle reminder he knows very well just what Oliver Queen gets up to at night. "You're in over your head this time kid."

"Grodd," comes the plantive wail from Tala as she finally manages to straighten, still breathing hard as she lingers behind the protective cover offered up by the trio of Rogues surrounding her. "It's the Queen of Limbo. And the Sorcerer Supreme. You didn't say anything about them being here. I can't hold both of them off," she protests. She probably couldn't hold either of them off really, but that's not the point, at least not in her eyes. "We need to get out of here."

While Metallo and the purple-skinned Parasite advice on Superwoman, Monet is suddenly there, interposing herself once again. "Out of my way, fool girl!" Metallo bellows at her angrily, and while that green glowing heart might have little enough effect on her, he proves that is not the only special thing about him either as he swings an arm at her -- revealling that oh so formidable strength. He might not be a match for Superman, but then neither is M.

"You deal with the minnows. Imma gonna have myself a feast," the Parasite says with a great big predatory grin, sweeping right past Monet and the steel-skinned robot of a man, to continue advancing towards Alura, eyes wide with antipation.

Grodd snarls at Tala as she tries to give him orders, distracted just long enough to let Balm pierce his defenses, to get that staff through and strike him hard, prooking a grunt from the gorilla. << FOOL CHILD >> he says, that telekinetic force reaching out, seeking to just grab hold of Phoebe and draw her straight to the crushing strength of that paw.

With the street clearing, Barry pulls away from Thawne, rushing back towards the others to lend what aid he can under the circumstances. "I'll see if I can't scattered them," he says at Batman's suggestion, veering towards Tala and the trio of Rogues flanking her.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
In the realm between human and metahuman, between mutant and alien.. Of M, whom on a good day can lift a car, and a Kryptonian, on a normal day, that can lift a continent.. There is no contest. Metallo is not a Kryptonian. Monet is not a Metallo. There's a CRUNCH over as the impact goes to hit M hard over in the chest, an dsends her away skipping like a stone hitting along the ground. She smashes through one building's ground floor, through two support beams, through the exterior wall reinforced for the daily supersonic flybies that the city has.. To rest over by the nearby building where she leaves an impact crater. Dazed. Forcing herself to get up and back on her feet. Even if she has to float because she's no tsure what way is 'up' again. And there she is, charging back into the fight.. With several seconds of delay which will have her 'out' for the next phase of the melee. She has a solid half a kilometer or so to cover. Even at supersonic speeds in a brawl between those that can move mountains..

It is as slow as a mountain being worn down to a hill by the rain and snow over tens of millenia.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The cars are all lifted. Balm stays suspended in the air as she prepares to catch items with her shield, her eyes going wide behind the screens of her domino as she catches a breath, feeling the sudden grab and pull of the pyschic ape as Grodd snarls at her and grasps her in his psionic clutches. Her muscles still. She looks at that oncoming fist, and brings her staff down --

    and then there's a circle of rose-gold that opens up in front of the fist, and in back of Grodd himself --

    Balm passes through one portal, and through the other to smack Grodd with as much force as he was pulling her with!

    "Try again, Gorilla Grape!" she calls out, trying to launch herself up off his shoulder and into the air to bring that magic staff down on him again!

Bruce Wayne has posed:
After one final swoop, the Batplane takes out the devices on the last side of S.T.A.R Labs. Swinging around to the side, Batman jerks the stick to the side to avoid Giganta's giant swipes.

<<I thought someone was getting her out of the perimeter.>>

Batman is a fair pilot, but he is no Hal Jordan. He barely manages to evade Giganta's hand, although the passage of such a large object wreaks havoc with the jetstream, causing a bit of a wobble of the wing. Batman grunts a bit as he tries to wrestle control, and it is then that the proximity alarms go off.

"Not good."

One or two cars would have been a challenge, with a struggle to control the thrust of the jet. A series of them is just too much. Despite his best efforts, the Batplane spins through the herd of autos, but two of them clip his left wing and one smacks against the tail, sending the Batplane into a spin. He does not spare any time to announce what should be clear enough to the others, instead whipping his head around quickly to see where the least number of onlookers is gathered.

A certain grin comes over his face as the stick fights with him, but the careening Batplane seems to be on a collision course for a skyscraper. One particularly large, over-compensating skyscraper.

"Thank me later, Clark," he mutters to himself as he fixes the trajectory, and once confident the plane will not fall out of the sky and onto the crowd, he yanks on the release, firing him off into the sky.

Extending his arms out to either side, large leathery looking wings extend out from his body. Letting the wind carry him, the Batman glides on a slow spiraling descent towards the ground while the Batplane completes its final flight, destination Floor 13 of LexCorp Tower.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Another roar, this time physical. Alura is briefly given some respite from the Kryptonite - the full blast redirected away from her by Monet's engagement with Metallo. Slowly, she pushes herself up. She grimaces at the rogues and the chaos they're unleashing. "You took your shot..."

She notes the way Parasite is eyeing her. Very creepy. Legs shaky, green lines like veins bulging from her skin. She grips at her stomach. The shield reforms back in to a bracer and a dot on a map of the planet appears moving rapidly toward her. // tahvot nzughozh // flashes above her forearm in Kryptonian symbols. She spreads out her arms and shuts her eyes.

The payload hits her but it doesn't knock her over - instead, it spreads rapidly around her and reforming like a futuristic suit of armor. Inspired by the tactics of the hegemony, Alura knew she needed to prepare in case a threat like that ever made its way to Earth.

// chadhrahzh wailagehd // the Kryptonian symbols tell her on a heads up display. The cosmic radiation of the Kryptonite shielded, Parasite's grip lands upon her.

// chadhrahzh kigrhys // alerts Alura to the problem - immediate power drain on her protective suit keeping her safe from the Kryptonite; and unknowingly safe from Parasite duplicating her powers. She grabs at his wrist and twists it, then gives his body a firm shove back recognising that Parasite is a lot tougher than he appears. "No touchie," says the woman of steel. Parasite isn't interested in that memo as he launches himself at her once more and the two begin to grapple.

Oliver Queen has posed:
With the crowd of innocent bystanders finally off the street, the Green Arrow is able to turn his attention from crowd control to the more visceral threats still very much active on the street.

He seems to ignore the implicit threat from Deathstroke, though his eyes narrow ever so slightly and simply releases the next arrow towards Slade -- who simply cuts it out of the sky, the severed halves landing in a pile at this feet.

Reaching back, Ollie pulls out and nocks another arrow. But this time, just before letting it fly he abruptly shifts, turns and instead fires it right into the middle of Tala and the Rogues, a billowing cloud of smoke emerging, offering cover to Barry as he starts to race in.

Barry Allen has posed:
The power of this new collective of criminals is significant, but clearly they have been denied their goal and their coordination still needs a little work, given how some of their most powerful members almost immediately go off to pursue their own agenda.

But that might be the only good news that the League and its allies has gotten this evening.

Between Giganta and Grodd's telekinetic barrage, that Bat-Plane is finally clipped and begins to go down, plunging towards LexCorp Headquarters.

That might not earn any of them any good will from the President. Not a good enemy to make.

As Batman begins wafting down towards the battle below it is almost possible to feel the palpable grins from Captain Cold and Heat Wave as Snart and Rory turn their respective weapons heavenward to draw a bead on the big, bad bat. But before they can launch that attack Green Arrow's smoke arrow suddenly explodes amongst them, cutting off their sight and leaving them coughing in that fog.

A reprieve, if only temporarily for the Dark Knight though the wild arcs of fire and ice spraying in his general direction are still a threat.

Then the Flash is barrelling through that mist, simply bowling over both his old advesaries and the sorceress Tala who cries out for Grodd once more. He does not see Giganta's foot coming until it's too late and as he stops and turns to race back again, he instead finds himself clipped and goes sprawling across the street to crash into the storefront there, clutting at his ribs. "...ow."

Grodd is not having a good time of it either as Balm manages to turn that telekinesis against him, to use that momentum and a little trick of her own to strike him in the back rather forcefully. As big and hulking as he might be, the gorilla is still staggered, taking a step forward. << ENOUGH, >> comes that psychic roar again and this time when he lashes out at Phoebe it is with a bolt of pure mental energy.

<< KADABRA, IT IS TIME TO WITHDRAW. >> comes that mental roar again. And in the skies overhead and on the ground around him metal plates begin to appear, locking together to begin to form giant circles. Not entirely magical, not entirely technological, but some unholy combination of the two. << GATHER WITH ME >> he orders, reaching out with those telekinetic powers to simply draw Tala and the Rogues to him.

For his part Metallo watches with some satisfaction as Monet is hurled away and he turns back towards Superwoman and starts to advance on her once more. Which is when he takes not of that armor enveloping her. Armor that seems to be protecting her from his Kryptonite heart. He hesitates for a moment and then grudgingly starts to back off. "Parasite! You heard him," John Corben says.

And is ignored. "No! I'm so close. I want to taste that power!" that purple monster barks out, ignoring the order to withdraw and simply throwing himself towards Alura, armor or not, seeking some gap in the plating to slip through, to draw that energy from it, from her.

Deathstroke gathers with the others, falling in beside Grodd and eyeing the raving purple beast. "I told you he was undependable," he says flatly.


Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet is flying along on a painful arc, even as she catches the mental thoughts of the villains fleeing. There will be time for revenge later. She can get a sense that Parasite is going to be tareted.. So she goes to factor in her own approach. She's nowhere near the power to phase him or even slow him so she doesn't even try. She gets a sense of the attack being taken.. And from half a kilometer or so away, even as the villains get ready to portal out, she goes to try and give Parasite a firm telepathic command. While he's outside the radius of Grodd's attention.. That command is a very, very simple one. For a very simple minded cretin.

<<STOP>> She goes to try and force it onto Parasite's mental pathways. He's focused on Alura - all M has to do is just keep him from not twitching for a micro-second or so. Enough to hopefully get him to stay still rather than struggle. It's not needed..

But, in lieu of revenge against Metallo she'll take whatever small licks she can get in here. Even purely for her own vanity and ego.

So, hopefully that small adjustment and command gets him to slow for half a heartbeat's pulse.. Not that's needed to stop him.

But for the sake of her own arrogance.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura has access to many files about the enemies Superman has come across in his time. But there's a big gap between reading a mission report and experiencing the ferocity of a monster like parasite for yourself. The energy is draining away quickly and once it hits zero, Metallo will be able to kill her with that Kryptonite heart.

Fortune favours the heroes though as Metallo joins the beat of retreat. Parasite, however does not, as the two of them enter in to grappled combat. It is rather unfortunate for Parasite though that Alura learnt how to fight from the Amazons.

With each grab, she twists and tosses him back. He charges in again and she blocks, feels his claws scraping against her armor again as more power is depleted. This is a losing battle - and short of doing the strange creature real harm, she gives him a firm kick in the chest, knocking him back in to the wall.

The energy he's taken from the suit protects him from the harm that would have come and he's moving faster now too. But Alura lifts her arm up and a part of the armor reforms in to her hand - her gauntlet, in to the form of some sort of alien blaster.

A beam of golden energy shoots from it and strikes Parasite in the chest, stunning the strange creature. Alura lets go of a breath she was holding. She was worried that wouldn't stop him either.

Her attention turns back to the retreating villains. The shouts from Grodd in her mind make her grip at her head again. "Nng.." Dropping to a knee a holographic interface appears before her and she quickly starts to input in to it, trying desperately to get ahead of the villains teleportation departure. If she can catch the signal, the energy signature, _something_, then may be they can follow.

But Kryptonian technology was not made for superspeed - it is exceptionally fast at computing things but it was designed with a user interface that was not meant to take inputs so fast. Yet another thing Alura is going to have to reinvent. She cannot configure it fast enough to capture their teleportation mark.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe is sent backwards from the mental energy, this time she's flung through the glass front of a Star City Coffee shop. She breaks at least four windows. Lacerations along her face, and she lands hard against the counter, slamming the blender off of it, upsetting a number of plastic fruits and finally, convinces the espresso machine to start humming to life.

    <<I apologize, just got... unalived by a very angry Kong... might need a minute... think my spleen burst.>>

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Without a particularly clear trajectory towards the ground, the Batman tries to steer his way clear of the chaos below. And rest assured, it is a lot of chaos! Heroes and villains all over the place, very little in the way of coordination.

<<Coming in hot!>> Batman manages to swoop out of the way of a blast from Heat Wave, swirling a bit as a matching blast from Captain Cold catches a bit of his wing. While designed to be heat and cold resistant, the added way sends him into a spin much like his jet moments earlier.

"Not good at all," he mutters, shifting again as he tries to regain some measure of control. And that is when another errant blast from Heat Wave runs through that wing, puncturing it as the cold reduces the coefficient of resistance enough to rend the wing flammable.

And so as a trail of smoke lifts up to the sky, the Batman spins one that one wing until he slams into one of the few cars that Grodd had not hurled at him.

Oliver Queen has posed:
It is not difficult to tell that the baddies look to be planning a hasty departure and while they might be doing so without the prize offered by STAR Labs, it's still not an ideal outcome. There's a lot of power in that group of villains and they still have no real idea of just what they're up to, though Grodd's booming mental voice does offer a clue.

An... Injustice League? That doesn't bode well from anyone.

At best it feels like a draw.

Green Arrow does try to fire off another arrow towards that gathering of foes right in the center of the assembling ring, but as it tries to cross that line formed by the two metallic circles on the ground and in the air, his arrow simply... fizzles out of existence.

That hard-eyes gaze lingers on Deathstroke even as he sprints across the street, but he does drop to his knee to check on Barry. "You okay? I mean, at least we found your missing monkey," he points out.

Who says that the Arrow isn't an optomist.

Barry Allen has posed:
Parasite is completely out of control.

He is also alone in his assault at this point, abandonned by the rest of the group thanks to his uncontrollable hunger. He throws himself at Superwoman's armored form again and again, his power slowly growing, making him more and more dangerous with each passing moment, with each flicker of energy he manages to drain away.

But even he is surprised when he is suddenly batted back -- right before that golden beam strikes him in the chest. Eyes open wide and he struggles to stave off the effects.

Which is when Monet adds her own mental command.

Under Grodd's psychic protection he might have had a chance, might have been able to stave it off. Without it? Combined with that blast from Alura? Parasite slumps to the ground bonelessly, neutralized for the moment.

The rest of them though? They're definitely making a break for it. Those two metallic circles begin to whirl as they finish forming out of thin air, spinning in increasingly rapid circles. They begin to glow and the air around them hums, alive with energy. Then the two circles start to move together, raising and lowering through the air as is appropriate. As they do, everything within their diameter simply vanishes, teleporting to who knows where.

Then, as the two circles reach each other they too disappear in a brief, blinding burst of light.

The electronic billboards and neon lights that fill the street spark and fizzle, the street lights exploding as the Avenue of Tomorrow is plunged into darkness.

Laying at the side of the road, Barry struggles into an upright position, letting out a long, low breath. "I think we might have a little bit of a problem on our hands," he says.

Probably a really big understatement.

Getting back to his feet with Oliver's help, the Flash checks on the others, glancing around to make sure no one is unduly hurt before turning his gaze towards Batman. "I think we're definitely going ot have to muster the League. This has gone way beyond just my Rogue's Gallery," he says quietly.


