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Moles on the Farm
Date of Scene: 29 December 2023
Location: Nottles Farm, Upstate NY
Synopsis: Nick Nottles (who gets kidnapped so often he should get a punch card) hosts The Moles (Oppo, Norjak and Clem) along with the Outsiders for a rural Christmas on the Farm. You won't see everyone piled into a 'slay' looking for 'snipes', but you can imagine everyone piled in to a sleigh pulled by the local marvel, The Monster.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Damian Wayne, Austin Reese, Emiko Queen, Conner Kent, Kiden Nixon, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, M'gann M'orzz

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    'Twas some nights after Christmas and all through the farm, the decorations were done with the up-country charm. Boughs of holly and pine have been carefully hung on every fence post and ladder, up and down to the rung. The Farmhouse was nestled between barn and coop, with a plastic light-up Santa at home on the stoop. The door is be-wreathed with a white pine-made ring, with ribbons and ornaments and ev-er-ry-thing.

    The long drive of the various modes of transportation up to the front of the Nottles Farmhouse leaves a good mile between the house and the road, with the last quarter mile where the decorations of garland and lights begins. The Monster, a huge and ancient draft horse of dark dapples and of Percheon stock greets visitors with tosses of his head and trotting back and forth in the powdery snow. Chickens cluck as they poke heads out to investigate the noises of arrival, with thin, gray smoke coming out the chimney of the farmhouse, denoting a fire in the hearth to warm hands once inside.

    A pair of orange tabby barncats poke their heads out of the barn's ajar door. One runs immediately for the new arrivals looking for attention and treats.

    And as the Outsiders gather for a holiday party, the door to the farm house opens and Nick Nottles, who has the unfortunate distinction of being Phoebe Beacon's most-kidnapped friend, is wearing a Christmas Sweater with what looks like an egg on it, and the words NOG ME done in pretty script on the sweater. The college-age lad with dark hair and brown eyes gives a bright grin, wearing a METROPOLIS U scarf and waves to the assembled heroes.

    And below his elbow is Oppo. Oppo looks like a cross between a mole and a guinea pig. He is moderately fluffy, an ashy gray color, and has goggles over his eyes and wild 'hair'. He is also wearing a Christmas sweater, which has sparkling lights and Santa Claus riding a T-Rex, his translator box hanging from a shoulder strap as he calls out in his squeaky voice, which the translator box tinnily announces <HAPPY WINTER HOLIDAY!> as Outsiders arrive via van (or other choice mode of Transportation).

Damian Wayne has posed:
There is one non-Outsider in presence. Damian has been a friend of the Moles for a while, so when Phoebe made sure he got an invite as well, the young man decided to forgo the costume. Dressed in a simple black cashmere sweater underneath a brown leather jacket with blue jeans and tennis-shoes, a beanie hat is pulled on his head to keep him warm.

He already has a cup of something steaming in his hands as he is busy with the Moles, helping out around the farm - which is really his excused to spend time with the critters that are present - animals are his favorite people, after all.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin likes to drive, so he definitely drove himself all the way up here in his F-150 Raptor. Parking where he's been directed to, he actually takes a bit of time to admire the horse as he passes. Wearing his usual leather jacket he wears when the weather gets the way it is, eventually he manages to join the main party, after vanishing for a minute to get himself a cup of hot cocoa with lots of marshmallows in it.

"There's a lot of different holidays we have at this time of year, I think Christmas is the most celebrated one, but still." He muses to the mole, before he takes a long drink from his mug, "This is your first one, right?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen was amongst the first to arrive, but she's one of the last to actually make it to the farmhouse as she made several detours along the way. One was to meander close enough to toss a couple of apples out into the snowy field for Monster. Then it was treats for natures little assassins that keep the farm free of mice. One that comes to meet her, and the other she walks back to the barn to toss some just inside the door for. And waving at anyone else she happens to pass along doing so.

Then once the round is made to ensure the animals get a bit of holiday cheer she eventually makes her way into the farmhouse proper. "Happy holidays everyone." Pause. "Does that work, or do I need to say everymole too?" Eh, semantics. Not going to sweat over it.

She pulls off her of course red winter coat, to be wearing a red dress with simple but stylish green detailing around the hem shaped like holly leaves. This was pretty dressed up for her, with her usual leaning towards practical and comfortable... So there's probably a good chance Ollie or Felicity had something to do with insisting she at least fancy up a little festivally.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner came here walking. Well, the last hundred yards or so, for appearances sake. He also left the outfits with big red S home and dressed up for Christmas: with an ugly green and red Christmas sweater.

Otherwise just jeans and boots, what did you expect? Super-Santa? He leaves that for the older El generation.

He also shows up with Kiden at his side, which shouldn't surprise anyone, since lately, they are always together.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden is indeed tucked up against Conner's side! She's also in an Ugly Sweater, just in dress form! Green with rows of gliterry golden garland stitched around it, multicolored minibulb ornaments 'hung' under the garland strands. She's a Christmas Tree! There's even a headband with a sparkly gold star on her head. ALso black winter tights and a pair of ankle boots with a low heel.

Waving at everyone as they approach, she flashes a grin, "Hey guys! Happy holidays!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Damian had been an early arrival with Phoebe to help set up things and has already befriended the two barn cats (Named Curry and Butters) and probably marveled at Monster, who is still one of the largest horses in New York State (a point of pride for 'Pop' Nottles, who is currently on a cruise with his wife while his grandson babysits the farm and invites 'a few quiet friends and Phoebe' to the farm). Butters does his best to get As Much Orange And White fur on Damian's pants as possible before moving over to Emiko and attempting to get as much orange and white fur on her as well. Austin already has orange fur somewhere, probably.

    Oppo bares his teeth in a close approximation of a smile. The needly steel-colored chompers are slightly dulled from age <<First topside. Don't have much in the way of seasons down in the 'Dark. <<I'm pretty sure 'everyone' covers all of us. Good to see you again, Red Arrow.>> pause <<... why are so many superheroes 'red'? Red Robin, Red Hood, Red Tomato, Red Arrow... is it Red Flash or is the suit just a coincidence?>> Oppo ponders as Nick opens the door to let everyone into the main room of the farmhouse.

    Nick does stop a moment seeing Conner and Kiden, and gives a smile to offer a hand out to shake. "Hi, I'm Nick, welcome everyone to the Nottles Farm. C'mon in -- hey, did Red Robin ever mention that my Pops said a Super=person once crashed into the East Hayfield? Left a big crater... that wasn't you, right big guy?" he asks of Conner with a smile. "To everyone who doesn't know -- this is Oppo -- and that's Clem and Norjak inside."

    Walking into the farmhouse, the group is greeted by the 'great room', where a hearth has been set up with boughs of holly and white pine, and hung with stockings off old horseshoes. There is a stocking for each Outsider, stuffed with vegetarian-friendly candies (and one marked VEGAN FRIEND with Vegan candies in it). A cauldron is steaming with hot cocoa, swirls of sugar dancing across the surface, and a ladle hanging nearby. A crockpot has mulled apple cider, marked MAC, and another has mulled apple-and-cranberry cider, marked MACC. Benches and worn, comfortable chairs line the sides of the room, and from the chandelier (detailed with a pineapple as its 'bulb' from which branch the arms, which are set with fun sparkle lights) dangles mistletoe with a red ribbon and jingle bell.

    Here, Clem and Norjak have claimed a piece of floor, where they are assembling a steel-and-copper tinkertoy set. Clem is red-and-dusty-white furred and has a fauxhawk which has been dyed blue since the last time the team saw her, and is wearing a loud pink sweater with reindeer dancing across it. She immediately hops up to her short legs and begins to make her way over to the group as they arrive with a squeaked of <Happy Topsider Holiday!> from her translation box. She has holly over her goggles, giving her ridiculous eyebrows. Norjak, who is darker brown gives a cheery wave. In lieu of a sweater, he is wearing his normal over-alls but has decided to wear antlers over his shorn-short fur, showing his regular ears, a pair of reindeer ears, and the sparkly antlers.

Damian Wayne has posed:
More than happy to help out in return for animal pettings, Damian went through the set up with Phoebe and Autin until the others arrived - along with a promise to be on his best behavior. He's just enjoying the atmosphere of it all, when Emiko arrives and he smiles at her. "Hey. Been a bit. How's Bart?" he greets warmly, offering to help with her coat. "You look great tonight."

See, polite!

With others starting to arrive, those he does recognize get a wave, but for those that don't know, there's an introduction. "Hello, I'm Damian. I'm a friend of the family." He keeps what family that is close to his chest as he watches the moles go about their business in quiet fascination. Even if he's been out here before, it's still amazing to watch.

However, to Oppo, Damian remarks casually. "Red helps hide the blood better." he explains.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"It has been a while. Good to see you came to visit to. Bart had to work or he'd probably come along." Emiko lets Damian take her coat to hang as he offered. "Thanks. Family insisted I dress up at least some."

The orange fur is no issue. Emiko's use to it, she's got cats of her own.

She laughs a little at Oppo's question, and Damian's answer. Which is the same one she would of given, because it's fairly accurate. "And if the bad guys can't see you bleeding they don't know if you're hurt, and it freaks them out. Panic, make mistakes." A pause, and then a little shrug. "I think the Flashes are just a coincidence though."

Conner Kent has posed:
"If it was in the last three years it was probably me," confirms Conner with a grin, shaking the offered hand. He had a few (in)famous crash-landings. Not so much anymore, but it still happens.

"This is Kiden, she is new to the team," he adds, introducing the young woman. "Thanks for inviting us, what have you been up to? Did you find out anything cool underground?"

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden shakes Nick's hand and smiles back at him, "Kiden. I'm the new girl, great to meet you Nick. Love the farm." She glances around the area and then up to Conner with a chuckle as he gets asked if he left a large crater in the East Hayfield.

Laughing softly, she'll give Conner a quick squeeze, then pull away to head inside. Clem and Norjack get a friendly wave and smile, "Hi! Nice to meet you!" And she'll head towards the drinks to grab some cider for herself and Conner, and grabs one for Nick too! Carting them back over, she hands out the drinks and takes a sip.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin indeed has orange fur on him, though undoubtedly a lot of it is from Dorito as well. He follows along through, nodding to Oppo a bit. Once all the way inside, he's nodding and greeting various folks as he stalks through. Spotting Emiko he makes his way over towards her, giving her a grin and a nod hello, "Hey, Emiko." He offers her one of the gingerbread cookies he had picked up, if she wants it.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Nah, not you then -- this was ten, fifteen years ago? I was a little kid. Phoebe, Jayjay, Nacho and I used to try and figure out what caused it. And what could possibly be cooler than knowing one of my friends fixed a Subterrain and then watching him squeeze into a mole-seat to watch the readouts?" NIck replies to Conner with a grin, referencing poor Tim having to squeeze into the UNDEFEATED's control chair , and he offers a hand to Kiden.

    "Nice to meet you Kiden, Nick Nottles, chemical engineering." he greets her with a brief introduction, "Serial kidnapee. 'Cause of the broad shoulders." he taps his own shoulder and ushers everyone in. And he looks around, breathes out a breath and thenr ealizes there are an awful lot of Gotham people here. He gets a :| expression and flips one of the tails of his METROPOLIS U scarf over his shoulder, accepting the cider with a grin.

    Oppo, being the oldest of the three adjusts his sweater and begins to circle around, and offers his large, mole-like hand to Kiden, since she was the newest addition. <<A pleasure to meet you Miss Kiden.>> he squeaks out, with the tinny sound of his translation box translating for him. <<Nice to meet a new friend!>> and he tottles over to Emiko and Austin <<Good to see you both. I hope the roads were not... icy? Is that the right word? This old brain of mine doesn't handle new words well!>> he gives a bit of a laugh

    Norjak hops to his feet, crunching away on a candy cane and begins the social butterfly thing.

    Clem, however, seems a bit more reserved. She sets herself up near Damian, and her translation box is a bit higher-pitched than the others, though her squeaking isn't quite the same style. Turns out the Moles have gender dymorphic speach! <<... Nick is insisting we go for a 'slay ride' tomorrow. Do you know what they are going to be slaying? Is it something very large? Should we move some of the weaponry from The Undefeated to the craft we are taking?> she questions quietly.

Damian Wayne has posed:
See, Damian has a choice here. He could explain what a sleigh ride is... or... There's a wave to Austin as he arrives to share cookies with Emiko. "Evening." he greets politely. And then he is pulling up a seat next to Clem and explains.

"A slay ride is when one takes to the slopes on the search for the elusive 'snipe'. The snipe is a dangerous creature. So the only way you can stop one is to sled down a mountain and hope to catch it by surprise." he explains.

"But they are cunning creatures. So you need to know their mating cry, to get their attention. You're fortunate. I happen to know their call." He clears his throat. "It's like this..." He cups his hand around his mouth and calls out, "CAW CAW CAW!" he announces loudly.

"And while you do that, you need to stand on one leg and flap your arms. Because that's how a snipe in heat stands. And the flapping will draw their attention. Be real careful if you catch one, though. They're very dangerous." he warns in a soft voice. "Good luck on your slay ride."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Tim is very late. Sometimes his tendency to overplan and overthink ends up this way, when he's lined so much up in his schedule that it's just not humanly possible to accomplish everything he wants to in a single day.

    Important Business Lunch coincided with the final timeslot for shopping on his calendar, and even the extra time he built in to account for the crowds isn't enough to save him. So maybe he cheats by taking the Outsiders jet out to the farm rather than a more traditional (read: civilian) means of transportation. He's here, and that's what counts, right? Even if he near-stumbles through the front door in his haste to make it inside.

    "I made it!" he announces, arms loaded down with... stuff. Was he in charge of bringing anything to the shindig? If so, it's here now.

Emiko Queen has posed:
When Austin joins them Emiko gives him a friendly but probably still stronger than you'd expect from her lithe appearances pat on the back. "So how's it feel being an official part of the crew finally?" Then nods her head towards Kiden and winks. "Though you're not the lowest newbie on the latter anymore," she teases as she accepts the offered ginderbread. "Thank you." She gets some hot cocoa to go with it, filling a mug for Austin as well since he got the cookies.

Then her attention turns back to Oppa and she smiles. "It's good to see you all again too! This holiday is all about spending time together with friends and family so it's a pleasure to share it with you. No, the roads were fine, but yes you're right 'ice' is the thing that can make them slippy if it gets too cold."

Then she has to stifle a snicker at Damian's explaination.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Norjak had caught Damian's movements, and slips up behind Clem and listens to the Slay Ride tradition Clem looks up at Damian, horrified. She pushes her eyebrow-holly laiden goggles up. She blinks her tiny, beady eyes up at Damian, and simply squeaks out <<THAT IS THE SLAY RIDE TRADITION?!>> in horror.

    And then Tim arrives. The door slams open as he nearly stumbles through it.


    Nick chokes on his cider, and tries not to laugh, and remain aloof as he ducks in to catch some of those items in Tim's arms.

    "Hey Tim! Welcome, glad you could make it. Phoebe went up to the camp site earlier to make sure things were still tamped down there. She should be back soon." he grins, and then leans in "Meanwhile, your little brother? Snipe-hunting the Moles."

    Oppo chews on a cookie, walks by and also takes a couple parcels from Tim.

    <<We have a similar tradition. The Rottle-dig.>> he snorts with amusement, and lets the younger moles panic a little bit.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner accepts the cider and sips from it, listening to the conversations going, including Damian's explanations. Those almost cause him to choke on the cider. Good thing he doesn't have to breather.

"They told me you didn't have any sense of humor," he protests, pointing at the shorter boy. Who did that? Well, the person in question just stepped in, unfashionably late. "Hey Tim, happy winter break, dude," he greets.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Hey, Tim." Damian greets his older brother, taking out a small gift envelope and flicking it to him once his hands are free. "Happy Late Christmas." he offers. Inside the envelope? A gift card for Batburger loaded with a years supply of Batmite meals and a note.

'May you finally catch the one you want. - D.W.'

Then as the moles are going on about the snipes, he can't help but to snicker as they react. Though he does turn his attention to Nick thoughtfully. "How long ago did she head up?" he asks, realizing he hasn't seen her since he arrived.

To Conner, Damian offers a thin pull of his lips into what might be a smile. "What's a sense of humor?" he asks with a straight face.

Austin Reese has posed:
"Hey Damian." Austin replies, as he offers another cookie to him, before turning back to the mole, "Oh you know, a little bit icy. Snow tends to make it get like that. It's the right word though for sure." He replies with another grin, "I suppose it's not something you deal with a lot underground. Snow, I mean." A quick glance back to Emiko afterwards "Honestly it's been a ride. But it'll be good to have it in writing, so to speak." He finally takes a bite of one of his own cookies, though. Mmm. Very good.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden smiles, shaking Nick's hand, "Hi Nick. I'm.. undeclared at the moment. Starting in the spring, though, so yay!" She glances to the broad shoulders he mentions, then grins, "Well then, I'll look forward to helping rescue you at some future date. Til then, cider and snowballs?" A sip of cider is taken to help showcase!

Oppo's greeting is met with a bright smile and a handshake, "A pleasure to meet you too! Always glad to make new friends." She watches him go with a grin. Mole-people! The day is made better with mole-people.

Tim's entrance gets a grin and a wave of her free hand, though Nick seems to have the falling packages covered so she stays put and instead nudges Conner, "Sleigh ride later does sound kinda fun, maybe?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<I need at least twelve hours to transfer the weaponry to the vehicle to slay snipes!>> Clem squeaks as she throws her hands up in the air, and flails, and then falls backwards. This knocks Norjak backwards, who flails, and his candy-cane goes flying. Oppo pauses and appears to wince as he watches his nephew and engineer panic over an old Topsider joke, and their rapid squeaking doesn't exactly translate except low 'aaaaaa' and 'iiiiiii' noises as they flail and attempt to get up from the floor.

    And behind Tim, Phoebe's face appears, a little fog on her breath as she raises her eyebrows.

    "What's got everyone in a panic inside? They didn't find out what was in the chicken nuggets, did they?"

    Oppo looks to Phoebe.

    <<Is it Snipe?>>

Tim Drake has posed:
    "Snipes?" Tim asks, brow furrowing in obvious confusion, caught off-balance by the immediate questioning. He looks around at the faces of his friends and family as if they might offer any kind of clue to this predicament, but after a moment he just shrugs.

    And then he starts unloading the loot in his arms, which seems to be boxes. In festive shiny paper. Oh, look, they're gifts!

    Damian's gift is caught once his hands are free, and then Tim turns it over in his hands. "Thank you!" Once again he looks a little caught off-guard, but he hurriedly tries to assimilate--starting with cider and gingerbread.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Yeah, it can be crazy some times. But this," she gestures with half eaten gingerbread towards the mole trio, and then the group as a whole, "times like this make it worth it. While helping put it into perspective. One can easily forget what they fight to defend, if they do not take time to enjoy what it is they are defending." You can tell when she's putting extra effort into sounding wise, she stops using contractions and 'casual' speech for the moment.

But as this is a cheerful time it is quickly gone back to being casual.

Then a glance back at the moles. She's amused, but also a little concerned. At there is apparently something the molefolk know of called a snipe and it sounds dangerous. So, a challenge.

"Whatever a snape is, they apparently don't like it." Then a light wave. "Hi Phoebe. How'd you manage to be even later than Tim?" she teases both of them at once.

Conner Kent has posed:
"It is a slay ride, Kiden," deadpans Conner. "But of course we should go, someone needs to keep the others safe, right? Snipes." He sips some more cider, to hide his snickering.

"Hey, Pheebs. Thank for inviting us. We really should do more Christmastic things together," which really, they have not done much in past years. But not everyone has families that celebrate around this time.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian has served his purpose in sowing chaos and being a slight bit mischevious. Slipping out of his chair, he goes to pack his bag to head out, grabbing his motorcycle helmet. "I put the rest of the drinks out in the snow to cool off, Phoebe!" he calls out to her, so she knows where they are.

"Nice seeing you or meeting you all." he offers politely, before the young man accepts the cookie from Austin. "Thanks." A smile shows for a moment, before he's heading off to give the party over to Phoebe, since the hostess is back.

Austin Reese has posed:
Ah the good old snipe hunt. Austin chuckles a little bit to himself. Finishing off his cookie, he takes a second to look over as Phoebe finally joins them, "Oh we're just discussing the Slay Ride." He comments, heading back over to grab himself some more cookies and a refill of the cocoa, though he brings some of the cookies over to her on his way back, "Hope everything was alright getting here."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Mmm, sleigh ride sounds more fun. But if we *have* to work on the holidays... there are worse ways." Kiden lets out a small sigh and covers her smile with a sip from her cider. Because this is a Thing now. Phoebe's arrival has her lifting a hand and smiling in Phoebe's direction, "Hey! Give me a heads up next time and I'll help with setup!"

Looking over to Austin and Emiko, she flashes a grin and offers a belated, "I don't mind being the new girl, just happy to be here!" Kiden glances to Conner, "I'm going to get a cookie, want one?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes running up pulling the Impulseshaw behind him. When he sees Damian's bike here, he runs off again and comes back, putting a duffle bag on Damian's bike for him to find on it. With a note <To D and his friends from Bart.> He then grabs his rickshaw to head to find the others. Today the Impulse shaw has been decorated for Christmas. Flashing lights, a christmas tree, and even a decent amount of presents. He skids to a halt next to Emiko, smiling as he is points up above her, where his other hand is holding a sprig of mistletoe.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It was Nick's idea to treat the moles to Christmas." Phoebe answers as she comes in behind Tim, pulling off a puffy jacket and a sparkly light teal hat, "I was just up the mountain to make sure everything was good up there. 'Cave Outsiders' is only visible in the astral now, so things are getting back to normal." Phoebe states, mostly to Nick, Tim, and Conner -- they'd probably remember the fight at the campsite.

    And at the news of a snipe hunt, she gives a mildly dirty look to Damian who is abandoning the chaos he's sewn, and she reaches up to punch him lightly on the shoulder.

    "It's an old joke meant to rile up new people. There's no such thing as a snipe--" Phoebe begins, giving a wave to Kiden and taking off her boots to the side.

    And then something CAAW-CAH-CAH-CAWWWWS! and runs at Damian!

     -- it's Elias, the Rooster, who is being his own full-of-himself self (they don't call it 'Cocky' for nothing!).

    <<THE SNIPE!>> Clem and Norjak mutually yelp out, and run into the kitchen for arms.

    Phoebe just sort of gives a defeated look to Kiden.

    "Glad you got to meet the Moles at least. Oppo, Norjak and Clem are really good friends of ours." she explains.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen waves. "See you later Damian." Followed by a smile to Kiden. "We're happy to have you. These people are crazy, but in the good way. Always there for each other." She snags another cookie as Austin brings more.

And catchs a glint out the window in the corner of her eye.

Split-second later Bart is at her side, confirming the very brief flicker she saw was him speeding by. "Wonderful, you made it after all..." Eyes glance up a moment, then roll to the side before she leans over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christma--"

Then true to form all chaos breaks out in middle of a tender moment as two of three molefolk flee for the other room at the crowing and rush of movement. ".. Note to self, they don't know what a rooster is." She sips some cocoa like this was just another day... it mostly is. Just with more moles involved.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Aww, crap." Damian flees from the rooster, heading into the yard, where he tosses the cookie as a distraction to send Elias off after the treat. Arriving at his bag on the bike, Damian grins at the picture and the gifts that Bart left for him.

With that, he's on his bike and on his way back home to get some rest.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden offers a grin and shrug towards Phoebe, then glances in the direction of the kitchen. Looking back, she gives a nod and chuckles, "Oh yeah, they're great. Very nice, but I'm probably a terrible person to explain why not a snipe hunt."

Then Conner is whispering in her ear and she chuckles and gives a nod. "We're gonna go... uh, check the sleigh. Make sure it's properly armed for the Slay Ride." Then she's curling a hand into Conner's sweater and dragging him off somewhere for some proper Christmas snogging!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises and looks over to them and says "Should we take them and show them the different animals, so they know what is nice, and what they should not get near. I mean a rooster can be a pain, but only mildly dangerous, but like if there is a bull about, that could be an issue." He pockets the mistletoe and looks about "So what did I miss?"

Austin Reese has posed:
The appearance of Bart does surprise Austin a bit, but he quickly holds out one of the gingerbread cookies he has to the speedster, "Mostly introductions, a little bit of mad engineering. Kind of the usual from what I've seen." He says, chuckling a little bit, "A good plan to introduce them to the holidays. Helps spread the cheer a bit more."

He takes another long drink from his mug, watching Damian get chased by a rooster. Damian can handle himself, he's sure. Plus he sure as hell doesn't want to fight a rooster.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Yeah, just spreading some holiday cheer." Emiko hmms. "Though that's not a bad idea Bart. They're not familiar with 'surface' animals as they put it." She doesn't airquote because she has her hands full of cocoa mug and gingerbread. Also because that would be really cringe. "Don't know what they would think of the -really- big horse."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann received the invite to the farm, but she also had a prior commitment that required her presence! So she shows up fashionably late, but arrive she does! No frils, no dressup, she is her green self in her usual outfit... which in and of itself is somewhat Christmas-y just for the colors! She flies in, coming for a landing in the yard and doing her level best to not scare the animals before she heads inside. Well, aside from Damian's being chased by a rooster. That gets an amused smile (and a brief phone video taken) as she heads in.

"Hello! If nobody got video of the rooster chasing the young man, I can text it to you." Because that's how people show affection, through teasing and pranks and embarrassment!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Oppo gives a small laugh, and hefts himself onto a bench, and wheezes out.

    <<We know most surface animals. Horses we do know. When we did not dwell so deep, we sometimes came upon mining operations. Man and horses working together to mine ores from the ground.>> he states, and then grins <<The kids are just exciteable.>>

    Nick speaks up brightly "And they've met The Monster. That's his name, yes, I named him, I was like, three." he explains, and he looks up to M'gann, another face he doesn't recognize. He offers a hand out to the Martian.

    "Hi, Nick Nottles, Metropolis U Chemical Engineering major, welcome to the Nottles Farm-slash-young-superhero-Winter-Holiday-Party. Can I get you anything?" he asks politely.

    Phoebe shakes off the remaining snow from her hat with a 'brrrrr' and stops the younger moles (who actually look more like Guinea Pig-Mole hybrids) from exiting the kitchen with pans.

    "That wasn't a snipe, that was a rooster. My little brother was just joking around." she gives a warm smile.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen takes the offered cookie, and munches it. He looks over and says "Probably after some bird seed in his utility belt. " He offers with a smile. He will nod a bit and says "Have to find a way to take them to the zoo sometime, and show them around, and let them see the animals there."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen ooohs softly as Oppo clarifies some. "That makes sense.... was a long time ago horses were used for labor like that, you've been deep for a pretty long time then." Followed by a snicker at Nick. "It is an accurate name, at least as far as size goes."

Followed by another new arrival! "Hello." A bit more snickering. "An ornery rooster is probably one of the few things you'll ever see that young man run from." Even a trained assassin doesn't want to mess with angry rooster ego.

She shrugs and eats the rest of the gingerbread cookie, enjoying the ambience.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"M'gann M'orzz, I will start Metropolis University in the spring. Linguistics and diplomacy," the response if given with a smile and a glance around. "Ah, if you could point me towards something chocolate, please?" Even Miss Martian is not immune from chocolate!

She offers a cheerful wave to Bart and Emiko, then glances after Damian, chuckling. "It was amusing to watch, at least. He runs very well." The young man or the rooster? Hard to tell! Glancing to Bart, she nods, "Bart, glad to see you again. If you wish to take them to the zoo, I can always cast an illusion around them to make them appear as humans."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<Oh yes. I saw them when I was Nor's age, just a young sprout on a Subterrain called The Reliable. Worst piece of junk in the underfleet.>> Oppo reminices thoughtfully. <<Back then it was Tin, and they had just run track through the mine so that the carts would always follow the same path. They'd carry lanterns for light and I remember the smell was in general pretty awful. But hard for us to say about how long ago it was...>> he scratches at his head, and gives a small 'huh'.

    "Neat," NIck replies to M'gann, "Linguistics and diplomacy come in use in superhero work I'm sure. I know Phoebe's riding the sweet Wayne Grant train to her pre-med. Another of our friends is up at MIT working on his theoretical quantum mechanics pea-ache-dee and Nacho's back from Sri Lanka, where he was working at an Elephant Refuge. Nacho hasn't picked up on the whole..." he motions to the room "... he thinks the moles are anamatronics that Tim bought to show off his story-telling skills to show up JayJay from two years ago. It's a bit of a mess." he admits with a wince "Smart guy, but kinda misses the forest for the trees, if you know what I mean."

    M'gann is handed a tray of chocolate chip cookies, inverse chocolate chip cookies, and 'gobs' -- which are two chocolate cake-cookies with white frosting in the middle, also known as Whoopie Pies. And a cup of hot cocoa.

    Phoebe has corralled Clem and Norjak back into the great room and away from Grandma Nottles's knives and good cast iron pans.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit and says "If they are up for it, we can do it. I think everyone is staying away from Empire U, cause we are there." He jokes to Emiko. He will look around the place, and says "So, what to do." He hmmms a bit looking about and seeming to be doing that most dangerous of things. Thinking.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen chuckles a bit. "I guess. Not that Metro U is a bad choice by any stretch." Now that her hand is free of cookie for the moment she rubs crumbs off her chin with it. "The business and economics classes have helped me better understand the things that go on with Queen Consolidated, and I am more than happy to help out the family business" outside the vigilante one "But it is primarily for my own interest and understanding, I don't think it's really 'me' as far as pursuing lifetime careers."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I expect it will help in both lives. Interpretors and translators are in increasing demand, and it will be Megan Morse receiving the diploma. Though yes, I anticipate it will be useful in this life as well," M'gann responds with a smile, falling quiet to listen to Nick expound on his friends and how they're doing in their chosen schooling or vocations. She laughs at how Nacho isn't quite up on the whole 'mole people' thing and thinks them animatronics. "I have know some like that, yes. They are excellent friends, though not always someone I would call 'mission ready'."

The tray she's handed has her blinking in surprise, then laughing softly. Accepting the cocoa, she'll take one of the chocolate chip cookies and spend a few moments nibbling on the cookie and drinking the cocoa.

Looking back to Bart, she gives a nod, "I will be on hand if they wish to." As to the mention of Empire U, M'gann offers a shy grin, "I am not avoiding anyone, but the linguistics department at Metropolis U is very highly regarded." She nods to Emiko, "I technically do not *need* to attend school or be employed, but I find it helps to make my 'public' face more believable. Though, obviously, your situation allows for more flexibility in that area."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I could just get a placement in Wayne Enterprises at this point and not worry about schooling... but I was encouraged to complete Med School. Partially by Batman -- he seemed keen on the idea when I brought it up." Phoebe states, and gives a slight grin. "Yeaaaah Nacho is going to make an excellent exotic vet. He loves animals and can tell you step by step the pathology of determining what parasites are affecting the local herd, but I think when I broke his nose I kinda scrambled the logic centers." Phoebe admits and gives an embarrassed grin. "And while medical studies and terminology help me in the day-to-day stuff... I kinda like the idea of going into pediatrics -- it's extremely different from superhero trauma." she gives a small grin.

    <<Aaah, kind of like how Clem doesn't need her engineering certifications, but is going to get them anyway once the Empire falls.>> Oppo states.

    "And it's true, the linguistics department is really good, but also super competitive." Nick acknowledges from his chair, refilling his plate with cookies. "Jayjay wants to come back to Gotham once he gets his PhD, but we joke about him becoming a super villain if he does."

Emiko Queen has posed:
The trained assassin in Emiko thinks a moment about illusions being an 'easy' way of doing things, but she kicks it back into it's corner of her mind. Some people need the help. Not everyone is trained from near birth to be a living weapon stealthing through the shadows like she or Damian was.


"True, and also true." Emiko pauses to sip some now lukewarm cocoa, but she doesn't mind. The company keeps things cozy as a whole. "Kind of, Oppo. I insist on working on it for myself, even if it is partially for appearances. I know Oliver would do almost anything to support me, bless his heart, but I do not want to just be 'given' because I am his sister."

She also nods to Phoebe. "Knowing some real medicine certainly can't hurt any. Help you put less strain on your other abilities."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "And she has been borrowing my biology books for a while even before she started college herself." He says and heads into the kitchen checking out the food before returning with something to eat. "Tell Nacho, to hit me up and will see about getting him an internship at the zoo with me."