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Big Wheel Keep On Turning
Date of Scene: 17 January 2024
Location: East Side
Synopsis: The Big Wheel rampages through Manhatten's East Side and comes face to face with several heroes willing to stop him and decent citizens willing to pitch in and help their fellow New Yorkers in the wake of his path of destruction.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Olivia Gaudin, Rogue, Jack Nolan, Kiden Nixon

Peter Parker has posed:
Late afternoon traffic in New York City is frequently a mess as people try to make their way from their jobs back home, or start heading out to restraunts and their evening plans, or just try to get out of the city entirely, starting the long commute. Of course it gets a little worse when the weather is not ideal either, and such is the case in Manhatten today as the sun starts to disappear behind the towering skyscrappers to the west.

It has been snowing pretty much all day, the sky a grey mass of clouds that blot out any trace of the sun, and while it is hardly a storm, that steady accumulation of frozen precipitation has left streets a little more slick, the divide between lanes a little more obscure. Nothing that the city hasn't dealt with before of course.

Heading home right about now sounds like an awfully good idea, though for one Peter Parker he at least doesn't have to face the daunting drive back to Queens. Say what you will about having a truly amazing car, or even better the ability to fly, it's not often that he would trade either for the thrill of swinging about the city. Though as he peeks through one of the windows of the Daily Bugle building, at the frosty gusts that send falling snowflakes dancing madly too and fro, this might be an evening where taking the subway could quite possibly be preferable.

Dropping off photos at the Bugle always makes for a mixed sort of day. On the one hand, yay, money! On the other hand is the fact that what money is paid has a tendancy to be less than generous and he can pretty much count on it going pretty fast. And oh yeah, he's feeding the beast that is J. Jonah Jameson's hatred for Spider-Man. Not exactly the most ego-friendly move to see what amounts to selfies of himself splashed across the front page of the Bugle, or posted online to JJJ's media machine. All with pretty denegrating headlines.

Oh well. It's a living. Barely.

Those outside will be the first to notice the disturbance. Probably because the blare of horns and possibly the sound of grinding metal being crushed. The shouts of panic will not follow that long later and then finally the ominous shadow reflected off the buildings becomes apparent.

Right before a massive golden wheel appears, towering over the other vehicles in the street -- and quite literally running them over when they get in it's way. Two mechanical appendages jut out from the side of the threat, big claw-like arms along white bristling weapons emplacements on each one. Tucked inside the figure of a man in green can just barely be made out as the spokes that make up the wheel whirl so fast to only make it possible to barely catch a glimpse of him.

And apparently he's in too much of a hurry to bother respecting the backed up traffic or any of the many signs and lights that are generally expected to be obeyed by drivers out on the road.

For Pete, of course, his first warning is a buzzing in the back of his head, that little bump of trouble that has saved his bacon on more then one occasion. Peering out the window, he finally spots the approaching threat. "Oh crap. Crap. Crap. Crap," he says oh so articulately, turning away from that slow walk towards the elevator and instead bursting through the door of the stairwell to scamper up towards the roof, awkwardly undressing along the way.

At least down to the red and blue costume he wears underneath.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane is currently playing bicycle messenger for her job. She has a bag slung over her shoulder and is wearing a helmt, a jacket appropriate for the weather, and is waving along the bike lanes as she goes towards whatever her latest assignment is of dropping something off or picking something up. She goes to hear the sounds of high pitched shrieking and rolling over and rapidly turns her head over her shoulders. That's way too familiar-DAMMIT.

She goes to let out a luod squawk and goes to dive over to the side, jumping off her bike barely in time to avoid being crushed over by the rocket powered wheel with spikes on it. Not AGAIN. This thing has run over her HOW many times? The Tinkerer has rebuilt it how many times? Does the person who keeps up wtih it get a bulk discount on replacements or something? Does Tinkerer franchise it out? She looks over to see the sign of the reb and blue webhead zigging and zagging out.

Mary Jane sighs and goes to keep on heading in that direction, but on foot while going past people. Some cars are wrecked and the street has more potholes than it did before which..

No one is going to notice more holes in a New York City street. No matter what you say about the city and it's capacity for snarkage, no one ever cares about potholes. They're a fact of life.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia has a sense of timing that is generally celebrated. It's Broadway where she shines. However, today that sense of timing leads her to step out of Shaw Studios in time to hear... what is that?

    Whatever that horrible noise is, it is unexpected. It is loud. And for a new mutant who still has only the vaguest grasp of her powers, it is enough to nearly flatten her. She finds herself leaning suddenly on one of the performers that were leaving with her.

    The spell does not last long, and then she 'sees' the scene more clearly. Sees, but cannot do a thing about it.

    "We need to stay away from the street," she says faintly.

Rogue has posed:
Metal boots as high as her thighs, a black hooded cape over a black and green bodysuit, Rogue is in Manhattan today, on her own. She'd been called back in to a small time hero group that had gone independent from its big corporate overlords at the turn of the new year, and they'd called 'Mighty Woman' back in to rejoin the roster of simply civilian members now.

Rogue's metal boots crunch on the snow, as she stands atop a building a few blocks over from whatever is unfolding now in this crazy ass city.

With her hood up over her two-toned hair, the southern super hero is launching snowballs at a couple of kids down below. Child laughter echoes upward, as the kids try lobbing snowballs back up at the flying super hero! They'd hit her with one when she'd first flown by, and now it'd turned in to an all out war of flinging icy spheres!

At least until Rogue's alert chimes on her phone stuck in a pouch on her left hip. She sticks her tongue out at the kids, before she disappears on to the building's rooftop to check her phone...

When the alert shows some of this strange attack occurring not too far away, Rogue vanishes from where she was, disappearing back up in to the sky!

Mighty Woman inbound.

Jack Nolan has posed:
There's always business for Stoneclaw Security in New York. With all the contracts they have for various smaller firms that can't afford their own security forces. Doing a site survey, it was supposed to be a slow, cold day.

The weather doesn't seem to be bothering him, the survey finished, and he had stopped to grab a cup of coffee. He steps out of the coffee shop with his mocha in one big claw, the largest size looking like a small for most people. Just in time for a giant wheel to crash it's way down the road in front of him.

There's concern, naturally, but he also doesn't want to give up all this coffee either. He pops open the lid and downs the whole thing in one gulp, tossing the cup in a trashcan nearby and, after checking down the street for any more giant death wheels, takes off running after it down the street. Hopefully it can't make sharp turns, and he'll be able to catch up to it.

Peter Parker has posed:
If anyone happened to be in the stairwell of the Daily Bugle building right about now they would surely be getting quite the show. Hopping about stairs, trying to remove sneakers, to tug a t-shirt over one's head is not exactly the most sensible sort of thing to do. But neither is throwing one's self off of buildings and counting on a thin line of artificial webbing to catch you before becoming street pizza. Pete pretty much abandonned sensible a few years back when he was bitten by the genetically altered spider.

Fortunately, Bugle employees are much like most of the others in buildings lining the path of destruction. They're pressed up against windows, peering down towards the street below as Big Wheel comes crashing down the street. The packed traffic leaves very little room to manuever, though some drivers still do their best to save their vehicles, plowing up over the curb where it's not blocked by parked cars or other sidewalk impediments.

Of course that only sends pedestrians scattering too skidding across sidewalks slick with a dusting of snow and more then one fight starts amongst the crowd.

At least until that huge, spinning engine of destruction gets closer at any rate.

One of those cars that tries to furiously get out of the way hops the curb and sends a mailbox flying backwards, perilously close to Olivia as she steps out of Shaw Studios.

In it's wake the whirling wheel leaves a trail of half crushed cars, bent and twisted and more then a few people who somehow didn't notice the Big Wheel's approach still trapped inside. There are, of course, other victims as well, like poor Mary Jane's bike that bites the dust under the spiked metal treads of that big, threatening device.

Coming stumbling through the door that leads out to the rooftop of the Bugle building, Peter manages to tug out his mask from his backpack and somehow tug it on before he goes more then a couple of steps, arms full of his shoes and clothes, managing to juggle it all without dropping it on the wet rooftop below. Trotting towards the edge of the roof -- the sounds of chaos below still very much apparent up here, more then forty stories up -- he stuffs his clothes into his backpack and hangs them on the edge of the Bugle sign as he peers down towards the street.

"Ugh, not this guy again," Spidey says with a shake of his masked head. Then he's diving over the edge, arms spread wide as he pretty much swan dives into mid-air without seeming concern for the looooong drop waiting him.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's not driving up the sides of the skyscrapers at least. Yet. Or trying to do Dukes of Hazard style jumps. Yet. Mary Jane is going to run towards some of the people that are stuck in cars, going to swear.

"HEy, breathe easy." She goes up to the first upturned car she sees - it's a Taxi. The occupant in the back is arguing ith the taxi driver as to whether this counts on the meter or not.

The taxi driver is insistent it does, and the person in the back is arguing like a proper New Yorker should to any circumstance. The doors are crushed flat but the men inside aren't in a position where they're threatened, and the car doesn't seem like it's at any risk of further damage. Mary Jaen goes to lean down to start carefully helping the man in the back out.. Who goes to gesture rudely over at her to wait as even the taxi driver does the same.

They need to settle the argument first, and if they get out of the car then it's definitely off the meter. They can't have a simple resolution after all.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    The man at her side tries to drag Olivia back into the studio, and she would normally go with him, if not for one damn inconvenient fact: she can 'see' all those people. She also has had the few seconds she needs to block out that hideous noise. Okay, all those hideous noises.

    "Keep everyone inside, Jason," Olivia says flatly. "I have to help those people."

    She is out the door before she properly registers his question. She hears it, of course. She is really, really good at listening, after all. Jason's question bothers her. 'What can you possibly do?'

    What indeed.

    There is so much going on in her head that she does the one thing she has learned helps her see more clearly. She shuts her eyes.

    In that moment, she has clarity.

    "Now I just need to find someone who can actually do something about all this."

    A pause to listen. She can hear sirens. Lots of sirens. "Well, that is a start," she murmurs. "I guess I will be ready for them."

    Ready, in this case, involves running by the wrecked cars and 'looking' into their occupants with a mix of sonar and ultrasound. Broken bones, pained whimpers, they all light up in her mind. A child crying, though, that gets to Olivia. And her mother is not moving. But she has a heartbeat. That one first, then.

    "I need some help!" shouts the young woman with her eyes closed. She is staring at a crushed car that she simply cannot tear open. Where is the muscle?

Rogue has posed:
One of the vehicles in the road that is being threatened by the mere existence of that spikey wheeled massive tank thing, is suddenly hoisted up in to the air. The driver inside thusly is stricken with surprise, as his car is now suddenly flying? Curse words eminate from within, as the worst is expected, but instead of his gnarled ending, what comes is the vehicle being sat down again several meters away on the edge of a side street.

Rogue sweeps past the hood of his car, having moved the vehicle out of harms way from the rampaging wheel! She whips herself around, and flies back the way she had come, the driver of the vehicle watching his hooded savior as she sweeps back in the direction of the dreadful danger! He slams on his gas pedal, his car rumbling down the side street to flee!

Hovering a good 15 feet off the ground, with her black cape fluttering in the snowy wind behind her, Rogue narrows her green eyes, her gloved hands balled up in to fists, as she watches this 'wheel' advance further.

"Where do the nerds even build this stuff?" She asks nobody in particular, as she leans forward, now flying toward it to intercept and hopefully aid in its inevitable dismantaling!

Jack Nolan has posed:
Stoneclaw is still booking it down the street, leaping over (or crashing through) cars as he does, doing his best to avoid ones with people still in them. The wheel's path of destruction looks like it's about to get intercepted, because that'll give him a chance to catch up.

Still, he figures he should at least try to do something to attempt to slow it down. None of the cars so far have managed it, but it DOES have spokes. So he stops running for a second to grab a hold of a street light, wrenching it out of the ground with a bit of the concrete under it, and takes a few steps to throw it like a javelin, trying his best to lodge it in one of those spokes. It'll probably just get crushed but maybe he'll get lucky and it'll jam it up.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden is like any other young 20-something with questionable fashion sense and even more questionable color palette. She tends towards bright colors, fashions perhaps a little out of date from current trends, and favoring form over appearance. Which is all to say she's wearing an electric blue cat ear cropped hoodie under a leather jacket that's clearly made for someone taller and broader shouldered than her, with a neon yellow thermal peeking out from under the hoodie, and a pair of bright purple skinny jeans with holes at the knees, some Chuck Taylors on her feet.

She might be enjoying a cup of cocoa from the egregiously overpriced place down the street when the commotion begins. A leans and glance out towards the street has her sighing and looking wistfully at that delicious cup of cocoa just waiting for her. Still, she hops up off her stool and heads out into the street. Making sure to dial up the music in her earbuds a few more tics, Kiden.. disappears.

More accurately, she enters an alternate timestream in which the regular world is all but frozen, and she herself has aaaaaaaaaaall the time in the world to figure out what to do. There's already people working on getting trapped people out of their cars, so she goes option two.. trying to stop the rolling Wheel o' Doom. Skirting around the frozen people and cars and the debris that tends to gather in such chaos, Kiden makes her way to the center of the street. "Hmm.. haven't tried this yet against something this big yet.. oh well!"

She'll get up a running start, much like any speedster might, building up that momentum that adds more oomph to the temporal force she's getting ready to apply. There may be a few side mirrors on cars she passes that suffer, a few cars may even get 'bumped' if they're too close together when she passes through.. but it's odd to watch in real time. Like that scene in Ghostbusters 2 where the chairs in the courtroom go flying even though you can't see the ghosts yet. Well. The cars do go flying, they just move to the left or right a few inches, possibly showing some crimping of metal or fiberglass along the way. But she'll try shoulder-checking the giant wheel head on before rolling off to the side and making her way back to the sidewalk so she can see what, if any, effect it might have had.

Stepping out of that alternate timestream allows her to reappear in the regular one, standing on the sidewalk, away from the stream of people, to see if she's managed to put a dent in the thing's own momentum.

Peter Parker has posed:
For the most part -- at least so far -- the destruction has been fairly concentrated in that while dozens of cars, SUVs and vans have been crushed by the passing Big Wheel, it is a fairly narrow path of destruction. And as it has continued to roll down the street, as of yet, unhindered, it tends to be crushing half of cars in each lane giving most of the occupants who haven't completely abandonned their vehicles a chance to at least scramble to the far side. Though as Olivie can 'see' not all have been so lucky as to have been left unscathed.

Still, increasingly drivers are abandonning their vehicles where they sit idling in the growing gloom, long shadows from buildings cast down across the street and the glow of the setting sun mingles with street lights coming on around them. But the wreckage left in the wake remains a significant problem for those trapped within, though the level of concern seems to vary greatly from the injured ones that Olivia seeks help for, to those more inclined to bicker over the cost of the cab ride as they studiously ignore MJ's efforts to aide them to instead focus on their more personal dispute.

Perhaps realizing that the path of smooth sailing ahead is rapidly coming to an end with Mighty Woman on the scene, those giant mechanized appendages jutting out from the side of the Big Wheel spring into action, lifting from their locked 'battering ram' position and instead lifting to target the flying woman that moves at least one potential victim out of the path. An instant later cannons begin to cycle up and a spray of bullets cuts through the East Side sky, raking towards Rogue.

the notion of jamming up the wheel makes a lot of sense of course. But it would seem that the engine's designer has indeed taken it into account and while the wheel moves quickly, those razor like spokes that line the exterior of the massive wheel move that much more quickly, creating a sort of shield for the green-suited driver within and battering aside efforts to reach him. Tossed street light flies through the air true enough, but it is can't get through those outer defenses. Still, it does knock the Big Wheel off it's course, sending it up over cars parked along the edge of the snowy street, careening towards one of the buildings that line the way.

As big and imposing as it is, the Big Wheel clearly has some horsepower behind it. It almost has to right? It moves at a pretty good clip, at least for most of those looking on. Most, but not all. Kiden's running star through her alternate timestream does provide her a great deal of momentum. And striking at the daunting destructive wheel as it moves along in slow motion does pack quite the kick. But it's a big mass. Still, while in real time the Wheel starts to careen along the side of a building, shattering windows, smashing brick and starting a rain of dangerous debris down towards those that crowd the sidewalk, that strike does divert it back and away from simply barrelling straight on through the building.

More importantly perhaps, is that unlike those caught up in real time, Kiden can quite clearly make out the driver, those powerful, speeding spokes that guard against outside attack significantly slower for her.

Plunging over the edge of that building, Spider-Man flings out an arm, a webline *thwiping* out to catch the ledge across the street, changing his descent into a graceful swing even as he contorts his body in seemingly impossible ways as he flies through the air.

The webslinger does toss out a couple of lines, blanketting the street to try and slow down that charging wheel of destruction -- which it simply sheers through with those spiked treads -- before the cry for help from below catches his attention. That, combined with the flying woman's appearance, makes Pete drop down beside Olivia.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Okay, okay, I'm here. Calm down. This one?" the masked man asks, gesturing towards the nearest twisted remains of a car before reaching out to try and wrangle the damage frame into something that those trapped inside might crawl out of.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
As ridiculous as some of his things are, the Tinkerer does a (mostly) quality product, even if all of his designs aren't so inspired. Mary Jane goes to head over towards the next car while listening to sounds of crashing over in the distance. In the next car she approaches, there are three men within a too-tight backseat arguing with one another. One is bad, another has wavey red hair, and the third has a bowler cut in an old style. The three would be arguing with one another, waving thier hands, and whacking one another in the head, eyes, and somehow having managed to fit a large hammer within the confines.

Mary Jane would roll her eyes, "That's really Nyucked up there." Looking over at no one in particular while she would say that non sequitir.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia has no super strength. And the supers are all off wrestling with the troublemaker. She frets for a moment, but then it occurs to her. It's only glass between her and kid, and with her echolocation, she knows exactly what can fit out of that wreckage. It is far from tetris, but it might just work.

    This is how she ends up taking off her coat, wrapping it around her arm, and using it to clear out the glass from a window.

    Olivia finally opens her eyes. It is a jarring bit of mental alignment, between vision and echolocation. If she focuses on the little girl's face, though, it is not so bad. It is about this time that she can smell it. Gasoline.

    Thank goodness Olivia is pretty slender. She can just reach the child seat's restraints and in a moment is very carefully extracting the little girl from the car.

    "Shh, shhh, it's okay. Don't cry. I'll get your mommy next."

    Olivia says it easily, but she knows this part will not be so simple. Lifting a child out of a car is not that demanding. Dragging a full grown woman out is going to be quite a different matter altogether.

Rogue has posed:
Spider-man isn't the only one with danger tingly senses, though his might work on a much broader spectrum than that of Rogue's own seventh sense. Even though the ammunition from the strange circular tank likely isn't enough to really harm her, the incoming gunfire still raises internall alarms, and mere miliseconds before they begin to unload at her, Rogue's arms spread out to either sides, and she enters in to a cork-screw spiral flight path that has her angling to avoid the enemy fire! She's no stranger to gunfire at this stage of her super hero career...

Content to draw the weapons fire, with the sight of other super heroes coming to try and stop this 'thing' before it gets any further along in its boundless rampage, Rogue flies rapidly around it, until she's coming up from behind it.

As someone throws something at the wheel, and another tries to veer it off course, Rogue just rams the damn thing, trying to slam it over on to its side, or tear a chunk out of its metal tread!

With gritted teeth, the Belle slams one hand at one of the cannons, before it can re-aim upon her again, now that she's in good and close upon the machine!

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    That is, of course, when Peter arrives. Or, more correctly, Spiderman. Okay, fun fact. Olivia is crazy for heroes. She loves them. Peter's pictures are on her wall at home. And even on her little wall of heroes in her dressing room. Yes, she is over 15! Honest!

    "Oh.. oh my. Spiderman, can you please help me? That woman needs to get out of the car and I can't get to her. And... try to be gentle. Her skull is fractured." Don't ask how she knows.
    The child is still crying, of course. She's so worked up. But those little eyes do turn to see Spiderman, and for the first time, there is a glimmer of hope. She probably knows all about Spiderman, too!

Jack Nolan has posed:
Okay that's not enough of a mass to knock it off course. Jack realizes he's going to have to go and find something bigger to throw. He stops near one of the half-crushed cars, and rips the door off of it, pulling the woman inside out of there. She's dazed, but he points her towards a nearby storefront, "Get inside and stay there!" He yells. Most people, in shock or not, tend to react when a giant stone dinosaur yells at them, so she scrambles into the store.

Jack grabs the car by the frame and hefts it up over his head. When he spots Mighty Woman moving in to slam into the wheel, he gets a dumb idea, "Hey, cape lady! Alley-oop!" He yells, taking a few steps to get some momentum behind it and then throws the car with everything he's got behind it. He hopes she gets the idea and uses it to knock the wheel down.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Okay. Okay, this isn't working and this thing has too much mass and momentum to just.. stop it. SO. Next step is to take out the guy controlling it? Then figure out the controls and make it stop? Right? Right, okay." Yes, she talks to herself, it helps her to think! Normally it would be worth a few strange looks from passersby, but they have bigger problems just now.

Kiden studies the wheel as it rolls, frowning, trying to figure out how to time it. Waiting for the next spoke to be in position, she'll wait.. wait.. now!

Jumping back into No Time, Kiden jumps up onto the wheel, the interior of it, snugging herself up against the smooth side of the spoke before jumping back into real time. Letting the wheel's movement continue will carry her up along the inside of the wheel, waiting again for the right time.

Once the spoke is in a good position, Kiden jumps back into No Time and tries to do a balancing act along it in the hopes of reaching whatever little cage or wheelhouse (yep, puns all around), this villain is using. Of course, once she's there, she'll have to figure out what to do next. But at least she's in position to act!

Peter Parker has posed:
Poor MJ. Her efforts to help might be extremely sincere and there is no shortage of people crawling out of the wreckage, looking for a hand. But the redhead does seem to have quite the knack in finding car loads of some of the oddest, most difficult passengers, that much is certain. Though perhaps it stands to reason. It is New York afterall and things are rarely simple.

Fortunately Olivia and Spider-Man seem to be having a little more luck with their own efforts, though they seem to be smack dab in the middle of the worst of the destruction left in Big Wheel's wake, those with the worst injuries seemingly trapped in these handful of vehicles.

For her part, thanks to that rolled up jacket protecting her, Olivia has little trouble smashing the remains of the window, clearing out what remains of the glass before easing out the frightened child. Though the soothing care offered by the woman helps calm her a little. As does, apparently the fact that Spider-Man has arrived on the scene. Which just proves that she's too young to read the Bugle or listen to good ol' Jonah's podcasts.

For his part, Pete doesn't even ask how the woman at his side already knows that the other victim in the car has a fractured skull. The blood is apparent of course, already matting hair. But stranger things, right? He's bending the door frame back into something wide enough to draw her out with his bare hands. "Got it. I'll be careful he says, leaning into those twisted remains to carefully lift the injured woman from her seat, cradling her head with one hand and keeping her as still as possible as he lifts her free -- trying to ignore the sounds of destruction that waft into the air further down the street.

Setting her down beside the car, propped up there as the little girl rushes over to her mommy, Spidey glances back to Olivia. "I'll be right back. Promise," he assures her. Then whirls away, leaping after that wheel-like tank and landing on the hood of one of those abandonned cars. Bracing himself, arms lash out and a pair of web lines *thwip* from his wrists, latching onto the back of the Wheel. Leaning back, Spidey pulls hard and adds his own efforts to try and slow that thing down.

Fortunately Mighty Woman and Stoneclaw have already started to put their own efforts into motion which just might prevent Pete from being dragged along in that Wheel's path of destruction like a toy. That tossed car rises up into the air as a potential weapon for Rogue even as she slams into the Tank-Wheel, slowing it's forward progress considerably at last. Metal spokes bend though they do not break and as she reaches from one of those weapon emplacements a big clawed metal appendage lashes out and tries to grab hold of her, to tug her free.

The other one is not idle either as it reaches out and rather casually scoops up a parked car from the side of the road. Which it promptly hurls towards the big stone dragon. What's good for the goose is apparently good from the gander and two thousand pounds or so of metal, glass and plastic hurl towards Jack.

Naturally Kiden isn't noticed at first, not while she is in her little time-stream all of her own, but as she jumps up onto one of those spokes that turns much slowly, as she slips back into real time the man within the wheel -- the appropriately named Jackson Weele -- does a double-take as she rapidly rises up towards the little cockpit nestled ten-feet up within those spinning spokes and armed destruction. "How the --" the man exclaims, fumbling for a weapon at his side, attention diverted from all those other heroes trying to stop his rampage.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane jogs along until she comes to the next car in the array which has a strange man with curly hair and a set of glasses that has two women that can only be models sitting on either side of him glaring, all three having somehow managed to flip and sit down smoothly despite the completely upended car.

THe curly man with a set of glasses looks at the two women while speaking to them, "Any man that claims he can see through women is missing a lot. And I think that women should be obscene, not heard." His commentary has the two women over in titters as they would lean in against him as the man gives a waggle of his eyebrows.

Mary Jane throws her hands up and over into the air, "I don't even.."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia is a bit breathless. I mean. It was /him/. For a good second or two she cannot help but watch him swing away, rather breathless. Heroes have that effect on her. Olivia, though, is busy. She smells gasoline and that is just not a great thing. With the car torn open, she can kill the engine before something horrible happens. She also can give up her coat and cardgian to try and keep the injured woman warm.

    "You stay right here with your momma, hon. Help is going to get here soon."

    Olivia can hear help. Ambulances are in the area. Thank goodness. She has a momentary dilemma. She has to run, and these shoes are just not going to have it. She is also freezing. But adrenaline just kicks in. And shoes are throw aside so she can spring towards first responders.

    When she gets there, she starts info dumping her entire triage efforts. Help races towards the woman that Spiderman just pulled from the car, much to the relief of a very grateful little girl. The rest, though, are also being helped. Obviously it would be better if Olivia had some actual paramedic training, but she can sense good breathing from raspy, strong heartbeats from weak, and if she's close enough, she can detect fractures.

    She is also very well known, especially in Manhattan. Further, the anti-mutant attack on her theatre was not long ago. Some of the emergency personnel are swiftly filling in the blanks.

Rogue has posed:
When 75 tons is your strength ceiling, a 2 ton sedan being tossed at you isn't a terribly concerning thing. Rogue did get a sense of danger from it at first, but when she saw where it was coming from, she just narrowed her eyes at the stone dino, then reached out and caugt the vehicle by its hood. Of course, vehicles are not meant to be off of their tires, and when the Belle grasps on to it, the thing starts to 'melt' in her hand, as it begins falling apart, gravity trying to pull it back to the ground!

This forces Rogue to let go of the Wheel entirely, instead needing her second hand to get a better grip on the car sent to her to become a bludgeo! She is sorting out her grip, just as her danger sense warns her of the incoming pincher arm!

Mighty Woman ducks in mid-air, the pincher grasping at nothing instead! She twirls her body around at high speed, sending the vehicle slamming in to the side of it! She gets two hard hits in before the sedan just falls in to ruin, pieces raining down to the ground. "Hope the driver had insurance..." The Belle muttered before her eyes caught sight of the webbing...

Spider people. She'd run in to them before. "Web up the driver's viewport!" She shouts back at Spider-man, as she notes Kiden trying to get at the driver of the big ol damn rolling tank. "What is this thing made of, adamantium?!" Rogue shouts, as she dodges the grabber arm once more, this time grasping its metal wrist with her black gloved hands, as she attempts to rend it from the Wheel construct, putting all her strength in to trying to rip the arm right off its superstructure!

Jack Nolan has posed:
Well when one throws a car they have to expect to have cars thrown back at them. That's usually par for the course. Jack dropped his shoulder and ducked down when the car came in, hitting it shoulder first against the hood and sending it flying end over end, taking a large chunk of the rock from his shoulder in the process. He growls loudly. It hurts, in so much as it's able to. The mind still interprets it as a type of pain. And he hates that.

Thankfully the woman's attacks have managed to at least slwo the wheel's forward progress, allowing Jack to catch up, though he doesn't go for the wheel proper, instead jumping onto one of the nearby buildings, grabbing the side with his claws, and then kicking off of it, throwing himself bodily towards one of the spokes that had been damaged by the caped hero's attack. Maybe he can break it with enough impact force. If he hits it. He hopes. Otherwise he'll get the same treatment as that light pole did.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Stealth is definitely not Kiden's thing. When the man inside the box starts yelling at her, Kiden flashes a grin and waves, then... disappears back into No Time! Finishing her race across the spoke, she'll yank the door open (and potentially off it's hinges) before releasing it (letting it fall?) so she can do something far more important.

Leaning into the cockpit, Kiden will grab the weapon from his hip and toss it away, then skitters back out and up onto the roof of the little cockpit.

Returning to the normal timestream, she'll call out to Rogue, "Hey! Uh.. Mighty... crap.. uhm.. Can you yank this guy outta here? He's disarmed but if I try to move him I'm gonna end up hurting him!" The one aspect of her power she hasn't figure out yet... how to interact with people in No Time without causing massive amounts of damage.

In the meantime, she's ten feet up, on top of a wheelhouse, in the middle of a giant wheel. This is pretty sweet!

Peter Parker has posed:
Sometimes you have to look for the small blessings where you can find them at moments like this and the one good thing about Big Wheel's rampage through East Side traffic is that as the wheeled tank crushes vehicles, it also tends to hurl them aside, clearing a path down the middle of the crowded Manhatten streets. So for a change the first responders called to the scene have a relatively clear path to follow. Which means that only minutes after his passing police, ambulances and fire trucks are already pouring onto the street, spilling out for those that need it.

While several move to help MJ with her wide assortment of unlikely villains, the bulk of them find themselves met by Olivia who gives them a run down of just who is hurt and where they might be found in all the chaos, the police lieutenant who appears to be in charge for the moment listens intently before barking orders. "You heard the lady, get those people out of the cars she points out," he calls out. "I need us to start cordoning off the area. I want this situation under control before Captain DeWolfe arrives on teh scene," he barks out

Between Mighty Woman's headlong charge into the wheel and Spider-Man's weblines dragging at the back of it -- even if he is half-dragged across the snow-covered asphalt underfoot as he's jerked from his perch on the hood of that car -- that boundless momentum of the Big Wheel is blunted at last, slowing the forward progress of it to a crawl. No doubt helped along considerably by the operator's distraction as Kiden practically appears out of nowhere.

That distraction does not significantly lessen as Stoneclaw batters away the car hurled at him -- even if there is a cost to that stony exterior -- and as he leaps first to the building and then into the side of the wheel itself, those spokes that protect Jackson Weele do not turn quite so fast any longer and the stong shaped dragon-man slamming into them makes them cave in, opening a significant gap in those defenses.

And leaves Weele craning his helmeted head all around, trying to make out which threat is closest even as he pulls that blaster from the holster at his side. "I'm warning you, stay back!" he calls out with growing panic.

"I can do that!" Spidey calls out as Rogue makes her request, dropping those weblines in his hands and instead letting those web-shooters unleash a flurry of that sticky webbing, coating the back spokes of the Big Wheel. And while it's progress might have been slowed, it hasn't been stopped, so that screen of webbing continues to move, to circle around the unlikely vehicle until it is wrapped up in an obscuring cocoon of webs that blot out any hint of what lies ahead. "Ada-what-ium?"

No longer able to see, no longer able to direct those flailing metal limbs at all given the threats rapidly approaching him, Rogue has a free hand to bring what remains of that tossed car crashing down atop the wheel, shattering it and again twisting abused metal, the sound of grinding growing louder as the damaged construct struggles to keep operating under that increasingly evident damage. One grappling arm flings itself at the flying woman, misses, and finds itself grabbed as it swings back. The sound of grinding metal, finally tearing away with an audible crash leaves Mighty Woman holding that grappling claw and attached weapons as the Big Wheel lurches ominously to one side.

Even as he tries to bring that weapon to bear on Kiden, on Jack, swinging wildly, the woman in front of him vanishes once more, leaving Jackson blinking in surprise. Surprise that only grows when that blaster is suddenly wrenched free from his hand, dropped uselessly to be churned up by those spiked treads below. "What? How did you--?" he sputters, trying to edge further out of his seat as he shies away from Kiden -- and comes dangerously close to falling down amidst those deadly spokes below.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia is rather relieved that there are no questions. Having people listen to her is a new experience, but she is getting used to it. Who says a blonde never gets respect?

    She sticks with the emergency personnel. There is more she can do, after all. In some cases, she can provide useful information about, well, structure damage to a person that might not otherwise be obvious. Admittedly she has to figure some of it out by comparing bodies.

    All the while she is of course freezing, until a fireman throws one of their very heavy spare coats over her. It looks comical, considering it was made for someone a half a foot taller and far stronger, but it is warm enough. They even give her boots. Which makes her look a bit more ridiculous, admittedly, but she won't lose any toes tonight, either.

Rogue has posed:
The sounds of ringing metal on metal action echoes down the snowy city streets, as Mighty Woman just beats the ever living Hell out of the Wheel Construction with its own metal arm! She'd claimed it, and was now in the process of smashing the strange vehicle to bits with it! "Buncha damn nerds, seen Star Wars too many times!" She's muttering to herself between hits, up to the point where Kiden calls out to her. When she hears that request, Rogue looks down to see the driver's weapon falling from his grasp down to the ground below, and can see that he's been exposed to a vulnerable level.

Tossing the battered metal arm aside, Rogue sweeps in and around the flinging spider-webs, right in toward the driver of the Wheel Construct! Just as he is about to fall out of the damn cockpit of it, she's there to grab hold of him with black gloved hands. Face to face with the man now, she smiles at him, her white bangs a mess around her face. "Heya, Sugah." She says, devoid of any emotion, as she glances inside his tank's control cabin. "Hows about you'n me spend a bit'a quality time t'gether?" She asks in her Mississippi Magnolia flavored voice.

Mighty Woman pulls the man out of the control cabin of the Wheel, smashing the door further open before she flies him down toward the ground below, as the vehicle itself is getting all manner of mangled, and unsafe at this point!

Jack Nolan has posed:
While it would seem Mighty Woman has this well in hand at this point, Jack picks himself up from where he had landed after the crash, watching the wheel go down and the pilot get extracted from it. He just shakes his head, taking time to look at all the damage and devastation behind them, and the patch of rock missing from his shoulder. Which also his shirt is missing too, probably lost when the car hit him.

"So what the hell was that all about?!" He asks of the former wheel pilot after Mighty Woman brings him to the ground. He'll probably not get any kind of real answer or anything, but at least he feels better after saying it. He leaves her to it, figuring she'll be able to extract info out of him, or at least hand him over to the NYPD. He's going to go try and see if he can help any of the civilians that are still trapped.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
With the villain yoinked free, Kiden will slip into the cockpit and see if she can't find the OFF button for this thing. If all else fails... there's always yanking cords and cables until it powers down! And once that is taken care of, she'll jump into No Time once more so she can slide down along a spoke until she reaches ground level once more.

Once there, she'll wander over to Spidey and pop back into time long enough to offer a grin, "That was fun, thanks for letting me tag in!" Then she's just.. gone again, running off in No Time so she can avoid cops, camers, and worst of all... reporters. Nobody needs to know about the mutant girl, nope! No names, no clear shots, just some random 'speedster' zooming about being helpful before disappearing again!

Peter Parker has posed:
While some of the paramedics might be a little dubious about listening to the blonde woman who directs them, it would seem that the Lieutenant's instincts are pretty dead on as she guides them to those most seriously injured seemingly without fail, letting them carefully extract them from the wreckage that lines the sides of the street and beginning to triage those that need help the most before getting them onto stretchers and into the waiting ambulances.

Despite the odds, it looks like they might just make it through the day without any casualties and just a handful of serious injuries. Though it might take some time to clear the city streets. The weather certainly isn't going to help.

As for the Big Wheel itself, it definitely comes to a shuddering stop, the already strained engine and structural integrity simply giving out at this point. Metal spokes are bent and twisted -- where they haven't simply been torn away or busted through entirely -- and that deadly spiked tread that ran over so many cars is now a bent and smoking wreck, numerous spokes blunted or knocked free entirely where Mighty Woman has beaten it with its own metal arm.

Someone takes the game of 'Stop Hitting Yourself' pretty damn serious it seems.

To top it off, webbing is draped all over the vehicle, in places hanging in tattered shreds adding an air ob abandonment to the shattered remains of the engine of destruction that was so very formidable moments before. Looks like it will be back to the drawning board for the Tinkerer. No doubt the next iteration will be even more deadly.

As Rogue swoops into the wreckage and plucks out Jackson Weele before he can tumble down in amongst the wreckage of his deadly toy, the green-suited man squirms and struggles for a moment. "Unhand me! You don't know who you're messing with!" he blusters, before perhaps noticing that he is being held aloft twenty feet above the ground. That shuts him up right quick and he stops squirming, instead muttering, "He's going to be so mad..." as he is flown down towards the snowy ground. Casting a frightened look towards the intimidating Stoneclaw as he asks that pointed but relevent question, the driver of the Big Wheel clams up. "I want my lawyer."

Such a familiar refrain from the guilty.

If there was any life left in that machine, Kiden insures that it is snuffed out, first by pressing pretty much any button that looks like it won't fire a weapon. And then just by ripping cords out from beneath the console. The Big Wheel gives one last shudder, and then well and truly dies.

For his part, Spider-Man is as interested as anyone else at just what caused such a senseless rampage. For the sake of safety he does fire off a few weblines, binding the tottering remains of the wheeled tank to the nearest building, insuring that it won't just topple over into the middle of the street before it can be attended to at least. And while he is mindful of that promise to go back, to help with the injured and the path of destruction left by Jackson Weele and his technological terror, he does keep shooting nervous glances over his shoulder as well.

Captain DeWolfe might welcome his presence, but she's not on the scene yet and the other officers are as likely to try and arrest him -- or shoot him -- as thank him for his help. Thank you J. Jonah Jameson.

As Kiden pops into view in front of him once more, the masked young man recoils just a little bit before he catches himself, that little tingling Spider-Sense giving him no warning since she's not intending him any harm. "Ah, yeah, no problem. Thank you too, ummm, you. Keep up the good work," he says as she vanishes just as quickly once more.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Uh yeah, so good work everyone. Team effort. Go us," Spidey asserts, as the police officers running down the street grow closer and closer. "Y'all got this right? It looks like you totally have this under control. So I'm just gonna go make my self scarce, 'kay? 'Kay." And with that, weblines are hurled out and your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man swoops back towards the rooftops.

Action is his reward. Clean-up is for the rest of you.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Well that is disappointing! Spider man didn't return. Olivia will regret it later. She totally wanted to invite him to come see her show! Nobody will ever believe she met him!

    Eventually, she has done her part. Her head is throbbing from all this work. She has never focused for this long before. She gives back the fireman's jacket and returns the boots, too. She... has no idea where her shoes are at this point. Hopefully they go to a good, size seven-and-a-half home. Or ebay.

    She gets herself bundled into a taxi and driven back home. At least her brother will believe her story! It never even occurs to her that there are now a bunch of photos of her floating around from the scene. Maybe even something blurry of Spiderman talking to her!

    In a few hours, the neighbors will hear a squee from her condo once a fan links it to her on social media!