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Hydra vs UN: A Train Goes North
Date of Scene: 06 April 2024
Location: Trains in New York
Synopsis: Hydra sends passenger trains out of control, racing towards imminent collisions. Various heroes respond to save the passengers. Only, at the end, to hear of a Hydra attack underway at the United Nations.
Cast of Characters: Frank Noble, Steve Rogers, Mary Bromfield, Fred Dukes, Janet van Dyne, Clea, Arisia Rrab, Carol Danvers
Tinyplot: Hydra vs UN

Frank Noble has posed:
The Red Line was moving North at a rapid rate while the South line was increasing speed as the Brown line (a limited run) was already showing alarms but it was the oldest line still active with the transit authority, She complained a lot so her engineers were fine until all hell began to break loose across the city and the NYPD asked for a heightened security protocol, The engineers obligongly began to run checks and as they did, those checks came back negative.

"This is Red Line, we are getting negatives on breaks."

"This is Green Line all clear"

"This is Brown Line, we are reporting break failure as well"

There was a silent curse from control,"Signals on both lines are down."


"I already tried that..."

"I am calling it now, put in a call to S.H.I.E.L.D. and NYPD. But in case we can't fix this, keep it quiet, we dont need a mass panic on our hands..."

Frank sat reading a book on Quantum Chemistry with a slight smile as the young boy tormented his parents narrating his encyclopedic knowlesge about trains. Ever since thr lad's insistsnce he had been on a magical jouney to the North pole his parents were loving but very tolerant of what he said, tuning it out. Frank was good at multitasking and tuned it out as well until the young boy said,"Well thats not right."

Frank looked up from his book but no one was saying anything except the kid,"The switch didnt activate We're on the wrong track!"

Serendipitousoy, the pghts flickered and suddenly GRENADEMAN was seated and stood walking to talk to the lad. l
"Oh Wow, you are a super hero and you have Thomas the Tank Engine on your head!"

"Greeting citizens, you said something about a switch?"

"Definitely. The 14th Street switch didnt activate. We are on the wrong track!"

"I shall notify the cnductor at once!" and with a swirl of his cape Frank was walking towards the front of rhe train

The Hydra agent in charge of this mission said,"Superhero spotted...identifying.."

"So Early? Do you need reinforcements."

"System says its some minor lunatic, called Grenademan."

"No threat then, proceed with the time table."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers is riding his motorcycle through Midtown. He was out trying to hunt down The Punisher. A few near misses and some leads, but Cap still hadn't managed to corner the wanted man.

The smooth voice of JARVIS comes over Cap's comms. "Captain Rogers. I am detecting passenger trains moving at elevated speeds, and seemingly on the same tracks. A collision will be imminent if no one intervenes."

Steve pulls to the side of the road and stops so he can pull out his phone. "Send me a map of the locations," he says. JARVIS has the map up in mere moments. "I'll make for the southernmost train, it's nearest to me. But better put out a full alert to the team for anyone in the area who can respond," Steve says back to JARVIS.

Milliseconds later, the phones and comms of Avengers across the city are activating to warn them of the situation.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
While Captain America was on patrol, Mary Bromfield was working on cleaning up his laptop (again! Seriously Steve, don't click on the popups!) as the Unofficial Tech Support for World War Two Era Avengers. Then when JARVIS announces the alert, she blinks in surprise. Then she considers the situation, and... well, it's not really much of a decision, especially since the Mansion isn't in lockdown.

Running out of the mansion, she ducks down the alley and looks around, before shouting, "SHAZAM!" A sudden bolt of lightning roars from the cloudless sky, and where Mary was standing, Thunderbolt takes off and flies towards the trains, specifically going to the southernmost train since she knows that's where Captain America is heading.

Since she figures, well, Cap is pretty strong, but he might need help stopping a train.

Fred Dukes has posed:
"What do you mean I need to payfor two tickets?"

In all honesty, it should probably be three. Fred Dukes has stuffed himself into a custom tailored suit for this train ride, three piece, brown pinstripe, and a little hat over his mohawk. He is unhappy with the conductor, who is also unhappy that a seven hundred pound man is pointing a finger at his chest. "Listen here twerp, you want to soak a plus sized man for a train ticket you've picked the wrong sucker. I'm doing important diplomatic work for the Genoshian."

Fred trails off. "What're we calling it again. Kingdom? People's republic? Hell the boss changes it every damn week. I think he's trying to impress Doctor Doom, you figure?" Fred Dukes laughs loud enough to shake his unfortunate neighbors's chairs, elbowing the conductor gently. "Laugh, hoss, it's a joke."

The conductor picks himself off the floor. "So should I contact the Genoshian embassy for compensation, Mister Blob?"

"I don't see why! You let that fool c-lister run around all holi palloy!" Blob bellows, face coloring again. "I don't even know who he is, and I fought Superman once! I swear we are runnin out of names hoss and that is no lie. Listen, why don't you get me a menu from the dining car and we'll call it square huh? I hate those little stools you make everyone use. It ain't a bar, friend, it's a dining experience!"

Janet van Dyne has posed:

Janet Van Dyne, the Unstoppable Wasp, is not currently being unstoppable. Instead, she's in her office, pacing and, well, yelling at the phone. "I don't care if it's cheaper. The optics, not to mention the actual -morality- of that source is awful. Get me something better, we can afford it."

"But ma'am," the voice on the speaker replies, "It's going to be--"

It's about then that something else goes off, and Janet's head swivels towards her desk. "Just do what I said, understand? Something came up."

She turns towards the big window with a secret sliding mechanism, pushing a hidden switch on her bracelet.


The Unstoppable Wasp, now much tinier, but a great deal faster, zips through the air towards the careening trains. "On my way, Cap," she says, coming into visual range.

Clea has posed:
Even if Clea isn't living at Avenger's Mansion anymore she still gets the message across comms and the Sorceresss Supreme of the Dark Dimension simply appears where she is needed. Which at this point is a distance between the two trains <<Captain, I just hit the tracks, where do you need me?>> she asks the man in charge. She's got the handy dandy magic to deal with trying to mark things. So she doesn't become the flattest sorceror in the history of the Mystic Arts.

Arisia Rrab has posed:
Arisia was.. well.. she was listening in to the various bands of communication that the ring can tap into. It helps her to learn about the different culture! No, really!

When there's a few different callouts regarding trains that are headed towards one another at high speed without breaks... she's quick to answer! Okay, so she's not Justice League, or Avengers, she's not even Titans or Young Avengers. But she's here and she can help!

Using the ring, she 'suits up' and flies off to see what she can do to help with getting the trains to stop!

As she gets in closer, she taps into the Avengers comm channel thanks to her ring, and to JARVIS's timely intervention. "This is Green Lantern, approaching from the north! Let me know which train needs assistance and I can offer aid!" Despite the tag of 'Green Lantern' the voice coming across the comm sounds very young and female.. it is certainly not any of the current known Green Lanterns for Earth!

Carol Danvers has posed:
It's not every day Carol gets an Avengers alarm when she's actually indulging in some downtime. Is this because the Avengers don't get a lot of alarms? Not so much. It's mostly because she usually doesn't take days off. Her and Steve have talked about it. Really, her and most of her friends have, and since they were right about the drinking, she's allowed they might be right about leisure time.

Of course, the problem is CArol's recent attempts at leisure time have been fixing up her place upstate. And since that's involved painting lately, she hasn't been wearing her 'good t-shirts' let alone an expensive and one of a kind Kree battle suit.

Which is why, when the call to Assemble comes, Carol goes for an old classic. Because a black leotard with a swimsuit cut and thigh high boots? Way faster to get on than the whole suit.

And that's why Carol Danvers is flying towards two trains rushing towards one another in that black one-piece with the yellow lightning bolt, and frowning, "No one's gonna notice... no one's gonna realize I forgot the sash... it's fine... it's..."

She trails off and snarls to herself. Still, she manages to put on her best casual tone as she chimes in over her communicator, "So... does anyone actually know anything about trains? I'm assuming we can't just melt the wheels, right? Because... physics?"

Frank Noble has posed:
Its a regular hydra convention in the three cities right now, a literal agent on almost every street corner tracking hero movements. "How did they become aware so fast?"

"We WANT them to be aware, all is well. Alert the Swift Reaction team. Let's see if our Mercenaries earn their pay."

Four shadowed figures are moved in a force bubble of Yellow toward the Trains in question. One of them is playing Bach as they fly through the air. There is general grousing among the four of them since they are not at all compatible, but the money is good and the occasion is right.

Graviton, Modok, Ultra Humanite (wearing a suit of mechanically souped up armor) and someone that most won't recognize, a giant man of wood with a cloak and thick beard of wood (though Clea and Mary MIGHT recognize Blackbriar Thorn). Its a Motley Crew to be sure.

In the mirror, as Frank walks up to the cabin and says, "Greetings Citizens, I hear that the train is off course?"

"Who the hell..."

"Yes! Can you fix it?"

Grenademan begins to examine the instrumentation. It isn't good. The inertia of the train is increasing and its sheer MASS means a lot of the solutions that he can do are not going to work, still a few solutions come to mind.

A shimmer in the mirror flies as a certain Fetch comes and looks. This is the moment. This is the moment the idiot changes things...for the better. Mr. Boom is not having it. Using the Spirit of Murphy, he reaches through the mirror....taps the network of the train and makes things...SO much worse....Then back through the mirror he goes....

At Hydra, someone checks the view screen showing operations around the city, "Sir...something is wrong."

"Define 'wrong.'"

"At least seven other trains are accelerating. We didn't do it."

"So....someone else is making a move? It only helps us. Proceed with the plan."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve zooms towards the nearest train, weaving his motorcycle in and out of traffic as other members of the team check in. << I am heading for the southernmost train. Carol, I'm not sure what it will take. Most of the trains I've been in the engineer's booth for ran on steam. But JARVIS said these are passenger trains. We've got to stop them before they hit. Or even jump their tracks which could be even more devastating."

In the distance Steve can see one of the trains, racing along an elevated track. Spotting a bend it makes ahead, he angles off, looking for a way he can get up to it.

He makes a sharp corner, knee practically against the pavement and races into a parking garage. Around and around he goes until he's on the roofless top of it. The train is coming from one side, but it's too long of a jump for Steve to make.

He grimaces and tightens the strap of his helmet. "This is a bad idea Rogers," he says to himself, and then guns the motorcycle's engine. It races forward and at the last second Steve pops up to his feet, balanced on the seat. As the motorcycle slams into the cement wall ringing the parking garage's roof, Steve leaps, using the motorcycle's speed to propel him through the air. If even he makes it to the train, staying on the roof looks a nearly impossible feat!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt was arrowing towards the southernmost train as well, thunder and lightning rippling in her wake as she puts the pedal to the proverbial metal. While she might notice the villains, her priority for now (especially with the Avengers around) is catching the train.

And then she sees Captain America do that leap... and does a quick calculation thanks to Athena. With that, she immediately alters course, swooping in and catching Captain America! "Due respect to a living legend sir, but you were about to become a train pizza! Here!" She then carries him over towards the lead engine of the southmost train, landing on the roof of it and setting him down.

"Can you stop this here? I thought I saw more out of control trains, and some supervillains to boot!"

Fred Dukes has posed:
Blob hasn't heard that the train is out of control, yet. The man is an experienced "reformed" terrorist and can pick up on the stark terror the staff is likely showing, but he also has a head of steam going and is not terribly interested in a situation. No matter what happens on some train Fred Dukes will be fine, a reality that does something to your state of mind. Still, his stance gets a little rigid regardless. Something is clearly wrong and it's throwing his rant off.

"Look just bill 'Mortimer Toynbee', alright? He set up this stupid trip. Something about 'proving the old guard's worth in these changing political times', I'm gonna strangle Mastermind for getting him that political language book I'll tell you that for free. What're you so nervous about anyway?" Blob looks up.

"Oh." It's a little embarrassing, being 'legit' around old colleagues. He's never worked with Graviton, who's insane, but MODOK? Everyone's done a job with MODOK. Ultra Huminite must be in charge, that maniac scares even the invincible Blob. And. "Floronic Man?" Blob pauses.

And grins. "Robbing the train, huh?" The big man laughs, stomping over to pat MODOK on his horrible robot back. "Look at you all doin' the grind. Now I can't help, not in my good suit, not that I really care about the normies's stuff, but you mind if I point out mine? It's property of the People's Imperial Republical Duchy of Old New Genoshia and I'd rather it not get mussed up. Then I'll just stand out of the way." Blob laughs, a horrible 'HAW HAW' that's half Texas bully and half bull moose. "Like a good civilian until the Avengers or something show up."

Blob looks out the window, sees Captain Marvel flying towards the train, and does a double take. "The Avengers?! Aw jeze she's gonna flatten me! I sorta. Helped kill her once. You know the business it wasn't personal! Cept for Mystique, nothing that broad does ain't a little personal." Blob pulls on his hat. "Oh Lorna's gonna yell at me if I fight the Avengers on a train! And where's her sash anyway. The outfit totally falls apart without it."

Arisia Rrab has posed:
"Hi! So, we need to slow the trains before stopping! With their momentum and mass, stopping too quickly will cause the cars to crimp up and crash into the engine! This will lead to massive injury and casualty!"

Again, that young, female voice breaks into the comms to give a (very abbreciated) physics lesson! Arisia is still zooming towards one of the first two trains when her ring breaks onto a completely differnet channel, one whose crackling message has her eyes widening and adding some extra speed. She breaks out onto the Avengers comchannel once more, with urgency.
<<Hello? I don't know who can hear me, but there are SEVEN more trains that are speeding up, no brakes. All currently in transit with passengers! We will need more assistance!!>>

She sets the ring to starting to sift through all the chatter on the rail transportation communication so she can try to determine where the other trains are, which direction they're headed, and how long until they crash.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet zips through the air, screaming as fast as she can through the air for the northern train. Steve and Thunderbolt have the other one, she can handle this one. Maybe.

She intercepts and immediately goes Tiny, slipping in through a gap in one of the windows. She uses her size to her advantage, flitting through the train towards the engine compartment. She whispers over comms as she makes her way through.

<<On the north train. Heading to the engine room to see if I can just kill the power. If not, I'm going to start breaking things. Which I'll enjoy, it's been a rough day at the office,>> she quips. It's Solid Wasp mode as she sneaks and skulks through the train.

Granted, it's pretty easy when you're the size of a bee.

Clea has posed:
"He's probably busy being a hero." Clea muses when Cap doesn't answer her on where she needs to go. So the fire crowned woman makes her own path. There is a moment taken to float down to the ground, actually touching it for once. EW!

<<Captain, we have a magical effect in the mix that is trailing the trains. I will be going after that.>> she tells him and the other Avengers. For now she does leave a magic wall of magic in the middle of the tracks to start working on slowing down at least one of the sets!

Carol Danvers has posed:
Part of Carol is a little irked when she spots the figures in a force bubble... showoffs. Is she glowing as she burns her way through the atmosphere? Sure! But that's her thing. These guys are just... stealing the aesthetic. Totally not cool. Also, presumably, they work for HYDRA, so they're just generally assholes. And also they're clearly part of why two trains are about to re-enact that late 19th century demonstration of two trains slamming together.

And as her gaze flicks to take in Steve making Evel Kinevel look sane in his motorcycle stunts, and hears Janet chime in she's heading for a strain, the glowing arc of Captain Marvel's path through the sky twists towards the figures stepping out of the force bubble. "Well, I'm going to punch someone. I mean, I can probably stop a train /engine/, but a whole train with people on it? That's... not going to go well."

Yeah, if nothing else, Carol knows her skillset and limits. But also... like, she's pretty sure that's Sinestro. And he's always had a really punchable face.

And she's pretty sure he stole her sandwich once when he was working with the League.

He's gonna pay.

Frank Noble has posed:
Modok teleports the four of them on to the train and seems....indifferent to Blob's announcements. "They didnt tell me you were going to be on this."

"That's because he is not you dolt." Ultra Humanite says, "Operational security please?"

Graviton cracks his knuckles, "Why arent we out there smashing them?"

"Because we can do far more IN HERE." He waves to the large number of hostages in the train, "Bad timing old fellow" he nods to Blob. Maybe he might even teleport them out.

Blackbriar Thorne whispers, "Magic about. Dark and light."

"Well that's what you're here for...go check it out."

The Wall that Clea casts on one of the trains that just started going haywire stops it. One down, eight to go. As she moves to the front, she sees Grenademan and senses something DARK in the mirror. "I am sorry fellows, I cant stay but have a solution" and he flies out of the train door and grapples the train and begins tossing crystal grenades in the wheels; it wont stop the train but it WILL slow it down.

Janet gets into the guts of the Brown line, and sees a very high tech gizmo with nanotech that seems ready to defend itself. She is able to cut the power, but she has reason to believe that it will keep repairing its sabotage unless taken out. There are two of them; even if the magically messed up trains have no such devices.

Arisia is able to get the signal through, remarkably picked on comms of anyone who has one, though the bizarre mixes of magics allows someone to speak up on it who does NOT belong on said channel, "I am attempting to slow down the red line, but I can only slow it down....there are four miscreants on the train."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve wasn't quite sure what his landing on the train was going to be like, but as he's suddenly caught by a swooping caped young woman, he lets out a sigh of relief. "Appreciate the help!" he tells her as she drops him off on the roof. "I'll do my best to take care of this one, ma'am. It sounds like there are other trains, and also some powered individuals in the field. If you can help with either, we'd appreciate it," he says.

Steve turns then, racing across the top of the train towards the lead car. >>I'm on the south train. Clea, help stop any of the trains you can, but they may need you with these villains too. One of the Marvels is here and may be able to assist there too.>>

Steve reaches the front car and glances up, seeing Carol zooming by off in the distance towards the villains.

<<Are you missing a sash?>>

With that Steve jumps down into the train, checking on briefly on the busted controls before he heads for the engines.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt launches into the air, heading over towards the next train out of control, thinking that, well, Captain Marvel can easily handle a quartet of nogoodniks. and these trains aren't going to stop themselves, even as she feels the hairs rise on the back of her neck because...

Oh heck, there's magic involved with this. And not the good kind.

She crashes down in front of the next runaway train, and does the Superman thing where she puts her strength and durability on the line to stop it. And it grinds and chugs, forcing Thunderbolt back as she grimaces...

Until the engine gives out, and the train is stopped, the tracks... well, they've seen better days, but the train is stopped without any serious casualties if nothing else. Another one down, far too many to go!

Clea has posed:
Clea gives a bit of a finger wiggle wave to Grenademan, but doesn't bother him in his quest to stop the train. She's more curious of what is going on in the mirror. "Show yourself!" she calls out to the darkness, hoping to draw out whatever is doing the magic. "If not I will hunt you down and that will annoy me...and you don't want to see annoyed Clea." she admits to them. She was from the Dark Dimension, she wasn't scared of the dark. Maybe she should be though? It definitely wasn't something that crossed her mind in the moment.

Fred Dukes has posed:
Blob's smile twitches, a little.

"Now MODOK, old buddy, you wouldn't be thinking of holding a genuine Genoshian diplomat for ransom would you?" Blob's voice has lowered an octive and he's bothered to stand up straight, giving the meat miracle an extra foot and a half of height. The suit, brave though it may be, strains under the fat and muscle being slid into place. "I already said I wouldn't get in the way of your heist, though it is a might strange three egomanaics like you're working for anybody." Blob puts a meaty hand on MODOK, again. "But you don't order me anywhere, flatscan."

And then Carol comes barreling in. Blob is not MOVED by the punch, but he does move away, eyes wide, assuming she's after him. "Listen Miss Marvel I ain't got nothin to do with whatever this nonsense is! Polaris'll kill me if this is an international incident, I just wanted a pizza!"

He looks for something heavy to smash someone's head in with, on the off chance diplomacy fails.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet uses her size to her advantage and gets to the engine. What she finds there is not ... great. She frowns, staring at the devices, groaning over comms. <<Okay. So there are two ... devices here attached to the system. They look like they might have some self repair involved. I'm gonna start blasting, and hope for the best. Wish me luck.>>

Jan rolls her neck and brings her hands up. Bioelectricity starts to spark and dance along her arms and across her fingers. She draws a breath and unleashes bolts of built up bioelectricity again and again into one of the devices, hoping to overload it.

"Ugh. I'm gonna need a spa day after this."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol chimes in, "Hey! Whoever's trying to slow the train down, just let me know when you need a little uhhh..." She frowns slightly and shrugs, "Bump. Okay. Big bump. Also, if you can tell anyone who isn't already hanging on for dear life to do their best to go limp, I hear that helps..." Not that she sounds terribly certain about it. But with a little fancy flying... or at least, it looks fancy. The technical aspects of her flight mean it's really more just thinking about her trajectory. Which is great, because she's busy looking over the front of a train and trying to figure out how exactly she should approach this... wheel assembly! That thing looks sturdy. It can probably take the force. And if not, the train's just going to sort of... okay, probably lift up because of that whole equal and opposite reactions thing. And then the Daily Bugle's going to run 'Ms. Marvel suplexes express train' headlines and... no, no. It'll be fine.

Frank Noble has posed:
The thing in the mirror grunts with annoyance at its discovery. It looks out and sees Clea. WELL, THAT is a bit above his paygrade. "I'm No One." He travels back to the future.....let her hunt THAT...though it annoys him that he cant wreak more chaos in the present...she feels it vanish only to be replaced by Briar Blackwood who attacks her on sight, sending strong wooden arms as the Spirit of Murphy wreaks the most chaos.

Steve is able to move across the train with no problem. Several people in the train below take pictures as they do so. The controls werent busted until Janet started firing (see below) but they are still somewhat usable. The thing is, the damn device inside keeps trying to break them but he can see the engine quite clearly and an assault on it might yet work.

The three villains look for something to punch, but Graviton merely sneers and says, "I am not being paid enough for this" and proceeds to fly away (unless stopped of course)Mary is able to stop another train that was about to crash into the red line, and fortunately though hexed it has no infernal deice trying to stop her. It is easily slowed down and eventually stopped as all the passengers and crew cheer.

Carol focuses on stopping the Brown Line and is able to lift it and psuh it back with hurculean effort (while making it look easy) but the real trick is doing so without making everyone inside splatter, which she does...barely.

Ultra Humanite looks whistfully at Graviton, wanting to join him but he really needs the money. So he simply busts open a window and shoots at Mary with a massive energy canon.

Modok shrieks, "She's a minor threat compared to Danvers!"

"I'll choose my own targets thank you."

Modok looks appraisingly at Blob, "Funny you should say that about delegats, this is rich, do you know what we're doing?"


Grenademan's crystal grenades are slowing the Red line but not stopping it....until Janet engages the sapient sabotoge device full bore and causes it to retreat into the rigging of the train. The controls suddenly light up , giving Steve the option to apply breaks or attack the engine itself.

Steve Rogers has posed:
As people are snapping his photo, Steve points to two of them. "Tell everyone to get in their seats and brace themselves. We might derail if I'm even able to stop the train," he tells them.

As he's about to head for the engine, he sees the lights on the console light back up again. Steve heads back in there, reading over the controls quickly and finding the brakes.

"It's either this or destroy the engine and use my shield against a wheel to try to stop us," he says.

"Everyone hold out!" he shouts back towards the train, and seeing the train's horn he sounds it a few times.

Then he braces himself and hits the brakes. The train is going recklessly fast, the brakes catching and sparking along the wheels as they slow the train. Rapidly at first so Steve's body sways way forward, the man gripping the conductor's seat. But it's slowly, until finally it's creeping forward and then comes to a stop.

Clea has posed:
"Hello No One! I'm Clea!" the woman smiles brightly as the flames around her start to coalesce into one beautiful wreath of flames around her. There is a 'tch' to Briar when she attacks her, "You brought wood to a fire?" she looks amused. She reaches out to grip the wooden arm, the searing of flames starting to char into it. "Stop the train or I will end all of you." the tells them in a calm tone.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt was perfectly content to let Carol and others handle the actual supervillains in favor of stopping trains. And so far so good in that regard... and then that's when Ultra-Humanite hits her with the massive cannon, knocking her off her stride and into a thankfully-empty train car that was parked on an unused track. That's also when she heard that she was a "minor threat."

And to be honest, it's hard to say which one made her /angrier/. She launches herself out towards the car with MODOK and Ultra-Humanite on board, crashing into Ultra-Humanite and tossing him into MODOK with no small amount of force.

Then she picks up the cannon and bends it into a pretzel with ridiculous ease as she narrows her eyes at the pair, "If I were you, I'd stay down and not do anything while we try and stop these trains." Then she notices Fred and blinks, "Hey, you're Fred Dukes, right? I think you can help!" She brightens a bit, as she seems to get an /idea/.

Fred Dukes has posed:
Blob frowns.

He thought this was just a robbery. But a wizard? MODOK? A full Avengers turnout? Ultra-Humanite insisting on 'opsec'? All of this sounds like.

Blob scowls, as some cape in a skirt punches MODOK out of his grip. "Girlie what the hell are you flapping about?" Blob asks, starting to realize how much trouble they're in.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet does her blasting thing and staggers as it ... leaves? Is destroyed? She doesn't know and, at the moment, doesn't care. She slips out from the housing, getting back into some open space. She considers growing, but when the train screams and shudders, she instead wedges into a gap, braces herself and waits.

<<Got it! How's everyone doing out there?>>

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol glows with the fury of... significantly fewer than a thousand exploding stars. Mostly because while she's trying to stop the train, she'd like to do it at a pace that /slows/ it, and lets momentum and inertia work to slow down everyone inside it at a pace that hits 'uncomfortably rough but not injurious' if possible.

Also she's pretty sure if she puts out the force to stop the train cold, she will in fact stop it hot and melt it. And that seems like it'd get one of those classic Cap silent 'I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed' stares.

And so while work crews /are/ going to be occupied fixing up a long string of smoldering railroad ties that have been burn in half by the flare of energy and the force of Carol's boots driving through them, and the wheels at the front of the engine /do/ skip upwards a few times... she lets out a ragged breath as the train gets down to coasting speed and she eases up. Well... that's one problem solved at least... which just means she's already starting to look around for the next problem.

Frank Noble has posed:
Briar Blackwood howls in rage and moves to strike back with even more force when the entire train LURCHES 1960's Batman or Star Trek TOS style as tose not in seat belts are thrown about with pell mell. Grenademan, still on the wrong channel says, "I believe we are fi-HOLY ANTIOCH..." and spots several civilians not secured to their chairs about to fly loose and sends about six crystal grenades, trapping them temporarily but preventing injury as they are secured in breathable crystal.

Ultra Humanite is indigant, "HOW DARE YOU!?" as his cannon is pretzled, "That took me months!" He moves to punch Mary and is instead sent barreling into Modok, who is slammed into the side of the wall.

Carol spots two more trains ready for a slow crash; not as perfectly timed as the Hydra distraction but hexed just the same. Many in the train she stopped are clapping and eager to take her picture as well.

Modok reports, "Abort! Abort!"

Ultra humanite activates the teleportation ring but....leaves Modok behind....

Serendiptiously, the same hex that got Grenademan on the Avengers channel, is having a similar effect as Cap is able to hear on the Hydra Channel, "Distractions accomplished. Proceed with Primary Operation at Primary Target" as Jarvis scrambles to find out where that might be and report the bad news.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt looks at MODOK, "Sucks to be you, it seems, but hey Mister Dukes, I need to borrow you for a second." She grins and suddenly grabs Fred by the shoulders and takes off through the hole in the side of the train. "Sorry for this, by the way, but we need to make sure to stop all these trains and I really need your help, so I guess you could say you were volunteered!" She grins a bit and then drops Fred right in the path of... one of the trains.

Then she flies off, "I owe you one, Mister Dukes!" With that, she flies in front of one of the trains that's on the collision course, trying to stop it with minimal injuries and hoping someone can get the other one!

Clea has posed:
Clea hasn't had a good last few months and honestly it keeps getting more and more difficult for her to hold all of her emotions in. Men troubles. Bad haircuts. For a moment...just a moment she lets them slip and that is something that is bad, mkay?

There is a magical shockwave that rolls out from her form as she fights with Briar, sending more flames up around her and the point of the shockwave is to break the hex, overpower it with the Faltines magic.

She's going to be getting a visit from Wong or the Ancient One, that is for damn sure! She's using way too much energy and needs to refuel...but that's something that might get sidetracked given others scrambling.

<<I think we're okay, Janet. How are you?>> she asks over the Avengers comms.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
The stop was rough, and Janet rattles around in her little hiding spot. When the train is still and no one is dead, she crawls out, growing back to her full height and running fingers through her hair. <<In one piece. Is it dying down out there?>>

She peeks out the nearest window, catching her breath. <<I'm about out of juice, Clea.>>

Fred Dukes has posed:
Nothing can move the Blob. He's not JUST fat, Fred Dukes projects an intense personal gravity field that renders him literally immovable unless the ground he's standing on is destroyed.

He can be caught off guard, though. Mary's super speed lets her grab Dukes before he can fully react, and he goes, "Woah!" but does not activate his full power mid-air because who'd do that.

"Why would you put me in front! Tie me to the back!" Blob shouts, but it's too late, he's dropped off like a bomb. Fred swears like a Texan, holds his arms out, and projects his powers to their limit, sinking into the earth underneath the tracks.

"I never signed up for this Spider-Man shit!" Blob bellows, and does his damnedest to stop the train.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol sighs out and flares into light again, blazing a path to one train, and... okay, and maybe a little frustration slips out, as her hands slam into the front of the engine, arms tensing, immense strength giving a solid push, before one hand leaves the train, fist balled, and a searing beam of energy melts the front wheels to slag.

Hey... it's only going to get her a /kind of/ grumpy look, she's sure.

And then that last train is being given an equally judicious shove before she's huffing, and puffing and, kind of scowling as she flies up into the sky, eyes scanning, "I swear to god, if I see one more out of control train..." She heaves a sigh and clicks her comms, "Okay, I think we're good on rolling death machines... so that's a day's work done, right?"

Oh Carol. You just had to say it.

Frank Noble has posed:
"There are two more" comes a voice over the comms, though its not clear who...until the counter hex that Clea applied hits, and then the two remaining trains do what trains do best....stop and frustrate their passengers. But that has nothing on the final train to be stopped, which to the Conductor's and his future Therapists eternal shock involves a giant blob slamming in front of the train and the train just BLOIPS and inertia is confused and all of the people on it are saved.

That stops all the trains, and Modok is quietly scuttling away until the passengers rush him and literally sit on him (not that hard when depowered) until the heroes are able to properly secure him.

Briarwood is slammed into the wall and knocked uncocnious by the wave that Clea sent out and the now thoroughly beaten sapient Hydra sabotoge engine is having none of it and slithers away into the shadows....its twin, the only two of its kind, had no such opportunity because it got crushed when Carol stopped the train.

Grenadman applies a salve to the random passengers in crystal rather than making them wait a few hours for it to wear off naturally.

The transit authority and damage control inc will have a LOT of work to do.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The trains seemingly all stopped and the villains subdued. Steve Rogers takes a minute to check in with everyone on comms, as well as with JARVIS back at Avengers Mansion that there are no further signs of trouble.

What he hears sends a chill down his spine. Cameras at the United Nations showing enormous mechanical vessels emerging from the nearby river and opening fire on the security forces there.

Steve shifts his grip on his shield, a hand going to cover his earpiece as he tells JARVIS, "Send out a warning to all hero teams. The Justice League, Titans, X-men, anyone who can respond. And connect all of our team."

"Avengers, assemble."