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Winds of Change: Savage Lands Part Three
Date of Scene: 22 April 2020
Location: Sauron's Evil Lair, The Savage Lands
Synopsis: Sauron has been found, and punched a lot to get the information and the data to reverse the dinoplague!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Illyana Rasputina, Roberto da Costa, Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Piotr Rasputin, Alex Summers, Kitty Pryde, Artemis

Emma Frost has posed:
Just south of the city of Pterons is a stone tower that looks like it could easily fit into any number of fantasy novels, especially given the encroaching jungle terrain and the steep cliffs overlooking a snaking river nearby. That stone tower, according to all the data collected, houses the science laboratory and super secret lair of one Dr. Karl Lykos, now better known as -- SAURON --... master of dinosaurs and evil, not the giant floating eye of hate that's really obsessed with jewelry.

The tower (only one, but with a name like that shouldn't there be two?) stands roughly seven stories tall-- not impressive for a place like New York City, but out in the jungle, a sight to behold indeed. A handful of humanoid pterodons (though none as impressively intelligent as SAURON, he will have you know) mill about outside of the tower, some walking around on the ground near the main entrance at ground level, others soaring around, landing on the upper floors exterior areas obvioulsy built with flying reptilians in mind.

Emma Frost has posed:
Inside, working in his lab on the fourth floor this night, is SAURON!!!!, vials and bunsen burners and microscopes and all that other good old science stuff the artists draw in the background of these sorts of panels to make it really obvious that SCIENCE!!!! is happening. So be assured, science is happening. Mad science. Bad science. The sort of science that turns people into dinosaurs. Liquids of various bright colors are bubbling. There are questionable apparatuses-- apparati? in the background, looming omniously. There's electricity here somehow. Don't ask.

There are ample heavy objects with which one might hit Sauron, and there are windows to yeet him out of. Or other pterons into. Or...

You do you, really. There are just so many options.

The X-Men had a mission, and while doctor McCoy was back on the Blackbird, working in his lab with the first bits of what he needs to create a worldwide cure and vaccine, there are yet a few more items on the good doctor's grocery list.

    * Pteron blood
    * Sauron blood
    * ...any notes or data that might be on Sauron's computers or scribbled down on notepads regarding the creation of this dino-producing mist.

It's really not a long grocery list, all things considered.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Obsessed with jewelry, obsessed with dinosaur DNA: there really isn't much of a difference. Someone's going down for nearly ruining a very nice young woman's birthday. Enter Illyana Rasputina, key contributor of tripwire vines and looking fashionably coordinated despite being in the Savage Lands. She isn't particularly concerned about jungle mosquitoes clouding around them, though the stifling heat and humidity might be an unwelcome addition. Her gaze rests on that tower piercing the canopy, the blocky bulk of it so different from the verdant clouds struck by the occasional vestigial horror of another time. To watch her too long is unwise, her eyes completely empty of their frost-pale pallor. An unnatural glow fills them, the sort marking her exactly for what she is: not regular old human. A hand shields her brow from the filtration of the sun, and possibly anyone else from noticing that space has a paper-thin rent directly in front of her. She tilts her head occasionally to make adjustments.

"Numbers are higher within," she says with that distant, precise tone to her English. Otherwise, Russian prevails on her accent. "Several on each floor. I see no sign of obvious reinforcement. No traps or pits. They are working and scattered across the tower. It is an apartment for dinosaurs."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Ever figure Sauron's like someone's five year old kid brother, that just won't shut up about dinosaurs?" Roberto thinks aloud as he crouches in the jungle. This was pretty much his first real op with the team, he's nervous, but trying hard not to sound like it.

He swats at a mosquito, and nods to Illy's report. "So, what's the plan? Bust in, punch dinos until we find what we're looking for, or are we going to get clever on this one?" he asks the grown ups. "I mean we've got Kitty here, the good old we all make a really loud diversion while she slips in the back does have some merit as an idea."

A look to Kitty. "Not to volunteer you or anything, Kit-Kat."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Hrrm, these are the coordinates for sure," confirms Scott. And he holds himself a lucky because they are not inside the city proper. Also, Hank's grocery list is much shorter than yesterday. Although maybe a little more complicated.

"Try to avoid weird mists, I want no dinosauring around today," and yes, he means YOU.

"Jean, mindlink. Kitty, some recon," he commands, all x-bossy-like. "The rest, get ready for anything. We need to be quick to avoid possible reinforcements from the city."

Jean Grey has posed:
The nice thing about telekinesis, is that Jean can use it to keep mosquitos at bay without even really thinking about it. She then flashes a smile over towards 'Berto. If she senses his nervousness, she doesn't let on, as she says, "Well, I would say we could go directly in and go right for the head of the dino, in this case."

She then pauses, as Scott gives his directives, and nods, "Alright, Scott." And with that, the mindlink goes active, instantaneous communication between the group...well, except for Illyana. The mental shielding is a bit too impressive there.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr was here, ready for putting this to bed once and for all. He still is not fond of the Savage Lands. Too hot, too humid, it's the complete opposite of home. The Russian is still in his regular form at the moment as they disembark. Smelling of sunscreen and bug repellant, the elder Rasputin stretches as he looks around.

Piotr looks to his little sister after her commentary, "Da, so we deal with glorified barracks? Joy." He laughs at Berto's description of Sauron, "Wait, so we deal with overgrown child? This makes sense." When the mindlink sets in, he says <<Good luck everyone, let's try not to get eaten.>>

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex isn't precisely a X-Men like most of the others...but he was willing to volunteer to help, all the same. Given he's still learning the all important control for his powers, he mostly guarded the Blackbird while others went dino punching when the group first arrived. Now that many of those who went dino punching are tired and thus guarding the plane, he's gone with the group to deal with Sauron, however he need to.

    He is, however, a gorilla today.

    Yes, he was suprised as well.

    That said, his powers seem to be working as normal, and he figures huge frag off gorilla in puny light boned pteradon people faces probably would help. And infiltration! If there are actually any apes around!

    And he's already here, so what else is he gonna do, really?

    "I can make a distraction outside, if you want them out of the building..." he grunts, knucklign forward in...well, sweatshorts, pretty much. Hard to find much else in his size.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks to Sunspot and says, "If you think about it, kind of fortuitous. Has a dino obsession and turns into one. What if he'd been into Transformers instead? 'Ah nuts!? I gotta be a stupid dinosaur!? I wanted to be Optimus Prime!!'"

Kitty came dressed for the Savage Lands. That means a camouflage outfit that is good for blending into rugged jungle terrains. Not necessarily skimpy. Who did you think she was, Rogue?

Kitty double checks the backpack she's added to her uniform today, making sure the contents are secure and won't shift about or create noise. Everything a girl needs to hack into the computers of a dino-scientist. She hopes.

Kitty pulls out a little portable breather, putting it into a pocket. One of those that just fits in the mouth and only has about five minutes of air. "Right, scouting, Scotting," she replies and snaps a little two finger salute before moving off through the jungle towards the cliffs. Moving stealthily is much easier when one can go through the foliage instead of worrying about stepping on it or pushing it aside. Kitty heads up atop one of the cliffs, airwalking if needed, to get a better view of the area and report back what she sees.

Artemis has posed:
She was not pleased about this at all. A man who might have information on the whereabouts of the Bow of Bast was holding out. Sure, his wife had been turned into some kind of strange dinosaur with a duck bill but that was hardly her fault. He had told her he'd give her the information if she had simply taken care of his boss. Now, his boss was crapping his pants in fear of a tall red-head who told him to never speak to her client again.

Apparently, that wasn't enough without finding out just why his wife was a dinosaur and how to fix it. Artemis was ready to kill the man on the spot but at the same time she could understand his plight. So, after a bit of rage, she left. It took a couple of tries but then Artemis came upon a man who was supposedly in the know. She met with him quietly in a backroom and with a frown said, "What do you know about the people turning into dinosaurs?!" The man blinked in surprise. Staring at her in confusion. He then looked at the men around him before shaking his head.

"That? That's Sauron. He's a nut who constantly wants to turn people into dinosaurs. I figured that'd be obvious? Right guys?" And then several men not in agreement, "Yeah, Sauron." And another, "Yep, pretty much." And Artemis blinks. The man then looks at her, "Seriously, is that all? I mean, if so, no charge. That's easy."

Now, Artemis is the Savage Lands, still angry and upset and grumbling. Why? Cause now there's a plane flying back to the main land and she's stuck in the Savage Land. Of course, it's not all bad. At least she's in the right place.

Even now, a T-Rex is fleeing for its life after having been back handed into a tree by an entirely not happy red head and a pack of Utahraptors are racing out of the area even as a freshly cut down tree collapses near them. Some very frustrated, long haired, and red-headed thing is making its way toward Sauron's tower.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"I can get you there," Illyana replies to Jean's recommendation about going right for the head. "But would that be fun?" Her hands flex, her wrists rolled back and forth to loosen up the tendons that invariably will be needed to expertly scale a wall or Piotr or something. The salve she brewed up before the Blackbird took off hopefully does the most at repelling insects. She keeps checking that distant point with a certain ease, her blinks rare and far between. "Da, barracks, laboratory, kitchen. Standard layout you would expect. It is a tower. The tower must have been here before Mr. Red-Eye." Sorry, Sauron is Sauron, Tolkien was here first.

She's that blank spot in the telepathic link, no thoughts and no signature to speak of. Which, of course, harbours its own risks. She has to look more than once Alex's way, assessing the gorillaness with a bit of an arched eyebrow. Then back, as Kitty vanishes into the ether. Or just about. 'Godspeed' doesn't seem particularly the right thing to say, so she states simply, "Luck." That benediction is brought back with the Russian sorceress sticking close to her brother, though she occasionally throws Berto a smirk. "Good place for drinks, da? The ones with the little umbrellas, maybe a toe-spike instead of a rapier?" Her mood is strange, not quite so serious. But on the other hand... they're about to jump into trouble, and trouble is where she can let go. Unless Scott says no. And she hears it. And she listens. Has Scott said no?

Emma Frost has posed:
Dinos to the left of me, semi-intelligent pterodons to the right, and here I am... stuck in the middle with you. Kitty's stealth approach doesn't draw any attention. It's nice. It's quiet. It's... see through? Walk through? What's the word... incorporeal. Bit of a large word for four-color print on paper meant as a reward for a kid to keep quiet at the grocery store though.

Alas and alack.

Kitty may be quiet, but there's a very angry Amazon who isn't trying the stealth approach at all. More like the "I'm going to punch this guy into next week" approach, with a side of "and all his little friends, too", drizzled in "please, I beg you, try me".

So basically, like... any other Bana-Mighdall Amazon, really.

The problem with this is a loud approach agitates the locals. Never agitate the locals. The locals have been //agitated//. And the ones outside the tower are on alert, looking towards the rumbling, jumbling jungle noise of a enraged redhead with a punching fist ready to go.

You know, come to think of it, she and Jean have a lot in common.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde makes her way up to a good vantage point, training from Logan giving her stealth worthy of the name Shadowcat. She crawls her way forward to the edge of a cliff, lying down in the vegetation and trying to ignore the creepy crawly she can feel working its way along her leg.

<<Ok, there's a lot of those pteros around it. Obviously some intelligence. Loincloths - I guess they learned modesty? - and some tool use. But we're talking spears and stone age weapons,>> Kitty reports back through the telepathic link.

<<Something's going on over at your 2 o'clock. It has them stirring like a hive of bees. Or, ah, I don't know, change that to your favorite similar avian analogy. Anyway, they are on alert. Looks like... a woman. Red hair. Either she just took down a tree or something by her did.>>

Kitty looks towards the tower. <<Cyclops, want me to help with the ones outside? Or wait for an opening to try to get into the tower and find the computers?>>

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott really hopes the pterons do not have enhanced sense of scent. Seriously, why are they worrying about insects when there are dinosaurs around. Some soldiers.

Well, and some of the mosquitos here are the size of chihuahuas, but that is beside the point!

The plan was to surprise the reptiles and subdue them quickly. Knock out Sauron hard enough he wakes up in the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminal Insane. Before he can use his hypnotic gaze or other shenanigans.

No plan survive contact with the enemy, though. Or contact with angry redheads (which is why Scott avoids getting Jean angry). << Oh great. But some other superheroes showing up was to be expected. Anyone knows who is this woman? Kitty, do not go inside alone. Sauron is too dangerous for anyone of us to face alone. People, we are moving. Pick your targets, watch each other's back >>

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean lifts into the air, << On it, Scott. >> She then starts telekinetically causing //all// sorts of turbulence for the Pterons that would want to try and attack the group. Or Artemis, for that matter.

The latter actually does get a message from Jean, telepathically, << Hey, love the fashion sense, and if you're here to take on Sauron... well, I'm pretty sure we could use the extra help. >> She grins a bit, as she focuses on providing cover for the rest of the X-Men here.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Well, if they're going loud....Alex isn't entirely certainly he can keep enough control of his powers to not, well, vaporize people into a fine ash. Not to mention his powers don't have a 'quiet' setting, and they don't want to alert the city nearby with huge explosions, he figures.

    On the other hand, most pteradon people are probably surprised when a gorilla comes charging out of the woods at full knuckle, roaring, grabbing the nearest one, then performing a German suplex on them either.

    Alex watches too much wrestling, apparently.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Right?" Roberto says to Piotr. "Makes total sense."

The smile from Jean is appreciated and before the mindlink kicks in he replies verbally to Kitty. "Could have lucked out and became a dinobot, best of both worlds."

As for wardrobe, Roberto was dressed light out of necessity, the more skin he exposed, the more sunlight he could drink in and by the look of things he was going to need every drop of that he could get. So, he was wearing a camo tank top, a pair of safari shorts and some expensive Timberlands he was going to chuck out of the Blackbird when they got back due to an encounter with what he hoped was just smelly mud and not dino poop.

Illy's comment draws a smile from Roberto, "Right? Needs a little cleaning up, but a decent pools and some deck chairs, perfect place for a couple of fancy drinks with umbrellas."

When word comes back that it's go time Roberto reaches inward and draws on those reserves of solar energy he'd been building up, his skin turning dark a blazing yellow corona surrounding it. "Got us for air cover," he says and lifts off into the air with a blast of hot air trailing behind him. Once he's airborne he's on defense for the guys below. Any winged dino people get close to the team from the air, Berto will go all Frank Reynolds and start blasting.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr looks to Kitty and nods, <<Pointed sticks and rocks? This should work, trouble is reaching them.>> He says this and realizes where he is. Seeing a downed tree he picks it up, <<Disregard previous statement>>. The elder Rasputin is likely the least-heavily equipped of the team, mostly in a glorified tank top and pants. Both in tactical slightly darker shades of black.

The large X-Man gives Scott a nod as he advances, then blinks as Gorilla Alex roflstomps one of the pteradon people and looks back and says, <<Why not throw one over here, I think now might be a good time for baseball practice.>> Piotr's skin turns to steel and he runs forward and swings the once-tree like a driver, smacking a pteradon in the facemeat.

Artemis has posed:
Other Superheroes? Yeah, Artemis doesn't exactly fit that description. No, she's not exactly what one might paint as a superheroine. The pteradons are flying out and obviously there's other people here. She can realize that soon after someone flies out into the sky above that doesn't look like one of these dinosaurs. Then there's that sudden intrusion into her mind. Artemis looks briefly annoyed. Ya know, like usual.

<<I am here to stop Sauron. If you wish my help, I recommend staying out of my way.>>

And then one of the fliers starts coming her way and it looks like it is gonna go right for her...that is till it suddenly stops and has a surprised look on its face as moments later the redhead leaps from ground level straight up into it and grabs it by the head and slams a knee into it. She glares at it as one hand grips the top of its head and the other grabs its jaw.

"Where is Sauron?!" Which is followed up by a surprised and upset loud screech as they begin to spiral toward the ground. It struggles and tries to free its mouth. She squeezes tighter and glares at it.

"Is he in that tower?" The creature struggles and growls out, "Not tell you!" And then she nods her head.

"Fair enough." And then she whips her body suddenly and more screeching as they begin to plummet.


"Sauron!!!" Artemis calls out from the ground as she stands up off the unconcious and broken creature, "Come out and face me!" And then she is racing forward again even as a flying dinosaur man flies in from the right and slashes at her, causing her to have to dodge and then keep moving.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Pterons dwelling nearby most certainly might be a problem. Illyana doesn't have much to say about a strange redhead's appearance, considering they already possess a team redhead. Turbulence surrounding the canopy graciously causes problems for the pteradons, and as for the rest, well... any of them trying to swoop out of the forest at them will discover the unbothered blonde sorceress watching with exceptional calm as the descending missiles of leathery throwbacks face telekinesis and contrails, midnight and worse. She whips her hand up into the air, and states something in a language never spoken on Earth save by people like her. Her being unnaturally prone to staring at trouble...

And no matter how acrobatic they may be, her portals are faster. One of them appears over a divebombing pterasaur-person, swallowing it up as it goes for the X-Men. And when it re-emerges, that's approximately eight feet off the ground, too slow to halt it from smashing skull-first into the ground. Broken neck? Sure, and if not, there are always her legions to deal with it.

The next one earns that dry, blank stare.

Emma Frost has posed:
"SQUKRAAAAAAAAWWWW?!!!" the pteradons are eager to bring the fight to the X-Men (and one Amazon), shrieking and cawing as they take to the air. As Alex suplexes one, another dives at him to try carrying him away. Another does the same to Cyclops. Others fly at those already in the air, attacking them with beak, claw, and occasionally spear.


Did you know that Sauron was a fan of Leonard Bernstein?

Inside his lab, the stone walls thick enough to make the noise outside hard to hear, especially with his speakers blaring Julie Andrews singing, with Sauron's nasally, whiny 1990's cartoon bad guy voice singing along:

    I feel charming
    Oh, so charming
    It's alarming how charming I feel!
    And so pretty
    That I hardly can believe I'm real

He points to himself in the reflection of the large metal-and-glass device in the corner of his lab, the glass "tubes" of the device looking like a bacta tank from Star Wars, without the floating liquid.
    See the pretty girl in that mirror there
    Who can that attractive girl be?
    Such a pretty face
    Such a pretty dress
    Such a pretty smile
    Such a pretty me!

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex the Gorilla grunts as he gets to his feet, giving Piotr a thumbs up, then is grabbed by one of the other swooping pteradon's, struggling a bit as he's picked up. "Fuck! Let go, you overgrown psycho parakeet!" He grabs hold of one of the creature's legs to steady himself, then gorilla-punches him repeatedly in the kidney. Like a rabbit punch, but if the rabbit had drained a whole case of REd Bull and was hallucinating it was Terry Crews.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott stays behind for a few seconds, making sure no one is getting ambushed, then flows, moving swiftly towards the back of the tower.

Zark. A flash of red and a pterodon falls from the sky. Zark. Zark. Zark. Another and another and another. Then ZARK and a good chunk of the tower wall is pulverized. Now they have a back door. "Team A, go inside, get the research and if you find Sauron... call for reinforcements and engage. Team B, secure the area."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Sure enough the flying dino people come rushing in. Sunspot dodges the one Piotr sends flying grabbing it by the leg spinning in the air and sending it flying off into another of its kind.

They fall away towards the jungle floor as Berto blasts another pterodon comes too close. He ducks around one of Illy's portals, sending a fourth pterodon sprawling through before he pops up behind the closing rift to blast a fifth in the face. << Covering the outside, let me know when you hit the lab I'll join you>> He can fly after all. He can use the pterodon door to make his own entrance.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr watches the trajectory of the formerly grounded pterodon and how Berto deals with it. The large Russian gives a thumbs up to the flying student and is about to confirm to Scott as he feels some scratching at his shoulders as his tank top is suddenly hanging around his waist, the shoulders ripped away by something, which is confirmed to be a ptero futilely trying to pick up Piotr. Fortunately for the winged beast, it is able to get out of the way of a backfist from Piotr, who looks down and sighs, <<This is why we can't have nice things.>>

Piotr nods to Scott and bounds forward into the tower, using his tree as a battering ram on the first door, rendering both a pile of splinters as he moves forward. As he sees one ptero guard, his first response is to grab it by the shoulders and two-hand throws him back into the courtyard in front of the tower for the rest of the team to deal with.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
A pterodon soars around the tower and sets its sights on Roberto as he's dealing with one of the other dinosaurs. It is just starting to adjust its wings to dive on him when something else hits it from above. Kitty Pryde lands on its back, grabbing the head and kneeing it repeatedly. The dinosaur is knocked out, and dino and girl both plummet towards the ground.

The pterodon hits the ground, while Kitty disappears into it. After a few seconds she pops back up above ground, Lockheed flying down to circle over her head. <<Alright, going in,>> she announces, moving for the hole that has been blasted in the side of the tower, but letting Piotr enter first. Always send the tank in first.

Artemis has posed:
A look toward the others and Artemis hmms. She can see a Gorilla fighting and a metal man. Then there's some man zarking things with his zarking laser beams. She is still racing forward herself, having been further out than the group at the start but she's heading that way. She leaps up finally and lands on another Pteradon as yet another goes for her back, she takes a scrape as she is grabbed by that one, growling as she kicks the other one down. ONe falls and both her and this new one rise. She holds out her hand and then calls out, "Mistress!" And a massive axe appears in her hand.

She aims to swing it and the semi-intelligent flying dinosaur simply lets go. Nope, he's not sure what is happening there but he's not involved. And she goes flying to the ground, landing with a thud and looking toward Piotr, "Well done." And then she is racing inside with her axe in hand.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
There goes the paladin, showing his perennial dislike of restrictive features like walls and doors. Wrapped in the steel shine of righteousness, Piotr on the move demonstrates an alarming facility for property damage and insurance adjustors from here to Tierra del Fuego probably started salivating without truly understanding why. Splinters and woodchips make a useful addition to the rustic decor that not even Illyana can appreciate. She follows after him, already moving on the instructions to deal with a very grumpy, badly behaved man. The whip-snap of her wrist cultivates a strange process of shapes, fingers curled and manifested as she brings down a mystic shield around herself. Useful given she otherwise looks like the typical teenaged girl going for a walk, all in all, a lot like Kitty in this respect. Nothing here is verbalized, but the black leather outfit starts to harden into its unquestionably more daunting metallic form.

She follows behind the party rogue, the forked black points of her coronet echoing the horns that every so often like to show up. No sign yet of the flaming incarnation of her soul in very pointy form, but that means nothing; soon as trouble arises, be that a pteradon or a scary little pink tropical spider, the Soulsword is in hand and ready to greet them with a Russian hello.

Emma Frost has posed:
An explosion that busts a hole in his tower!?! Well, the rumbling alone would have notified Sauron something is afoot! He flips off his music-- why must these pitiful fools interrupt SUCH GENIUS?!-- and turns towards the window of his lab. He looks out, spying a familiar set of red eyebeams zarking and zapping his minions.

"SsssssSUMMERS!" he squawks, shaking a fist. Of course the cursed X-Men have come to try and foil his great genuis plans! But no matter, he is PREPARED! A clawed hand taps the giant glass tubes happily, then he wipes the small makers mark attached to the metallic standee portion of the device:

    Summers Hi-Intensity Energy Extraction Device
    an EssexCo product

"He is here! I will get to try my new toy!" Lykos squawks to himself in glee. "Now, to deal with his pitiful friends!"

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott keeps quick blasting his way around the flying pterons. Alex, watch and learn what you could do with some training. He even takes two of them down with a ricocheted blast.

They are thinning down the pterodons quickly. Thankfully they are not as though or agile as Sauron himself. In fact, it is a good thing Team A will have a shot at him in close quarters. He frowns when the redhead follows Piotr, though. Uh huh. "Hey," he yells, "Axewoman!" It might be her codename, for all he knows. << Piotr, tell that redhead not to look Sauron a the eyes. She looks as strong as you, it would be a problem to have her trying to kill us >>.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex's struggle with the pteranadon works out in several ways. One, it turns out pteradons don't like being punched in the kidneys by gorillas. Two, they tend to drop what they're holding when they're punched in the kidneys.

    Three, they tend to try and toss whatever is punching them away when they do so, which is why Alex suddenly finds himself airborne then slamming into one of the windows on the lab level with a *CRASH* and continuing into the lab beyond like a furry wrecking ball. It is not graceful, but it IS destructive before he finally comes to a halt smashing a bunch of delicate looking alembics and thankfully mostly empty glassware. *KA-RASHtinkletinkletinkl*

    Alex groans as he picks himself up. "Man, how does Hank make that look easy?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde follows along with Piotr and Illyana, with Lockheed having swooped down to rest on her shoulder for the time being within the lower ceilings of the tower, until such time as he's needed.

Kitty tightens the strap of her backpack, stepping through a ruined doorway that has been blasted open, just as a pteranodon lunges for her, beak snapping. She dodges back, the dino having been sure it was going to snap it's pointy beak close don her.

She moves over to a window in an outer wall as the beast lunges at her again. Kitty ducks the sharp beak, grabbing the dino and falling backwards as she phases it. It's thrown out through the wall, Kitty rising back to her feet and dusting off her hands.

Kitty whispers something to Lockheed, the little dragon nodding his head. "When we reach him, Lockheed will make it lights out. So blindfighting tactics," Kitty tells the Rasputins.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr knows his job, while his power may not have a ton of range, it has depth and he continues his way into the tower, surprised as the newcomer rushes past him. He blinks and gives a wave and the confused response of, "Thank you? Also do not look him in the eyes, you will have bad time!" He turns to Kitty and Illy and shrugs, though once he sees the armor and sword, he internally sighs. Somebody was going to be having a bad day here in short order. Kitty gets a nod as well, "Understood, lights out. Just be careful, everybody. Last thing we need is friendly fire."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Outside Roberto implements the five D's of pteradon dog-fighting dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge! He keeps the airborne pteradons airborne and out of the fight in the tower whittling down their numbers one by one with concussive heat blasts that send them spiralling into the earth.

Once his tail is clear, Berto reaches out over the mindlink << You guys want me to try going in up top and opening a second front? There's not a lot these guys can do to me. >>

As long as his solar power holds out.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Da," reports the blonde sorceress, after Kitty returns. The point of 'pteranodon out the window' to 'blind fighting' involves whipping the Soulsword around in a defensive arc, swiveling with it gracefully describing murderous patterns with a luminescent trail. What edges exist pass straight through the flesh, explosive pain and destructive patterns on the nervous system of her victims unleashed. She has little reason to escalate or temper the strokes in kind, her duels marked by a precise efficiency.

"Dance in the dark? I can do that." Not quite the appropriate time to put on a blindfold and start demonstrating how sword practice in Limbo looks like, but they have the archpriest of St. Yeet in their company. At the end of the day, maybe Sauron is at risk of admiring /himself/ on that shiny carapace.

Emma Frost has posed:
"GRODD?" snarls Sauron to Alex as he wrecking balls into the lab. "You idiot, I should--" he pauses. "You are not Grodd! He must have gotten you." Sauron looks Alex in the eyes. "Just stand there a moment," he says soothingly, hypnotically. "Let me help rid you of that horrendous gorilla shell." The dinosaur scientist continues to speak soothingly, hypnotically, to Alex, keeping his eyes locked with Gorilla!Havok as his hands rifle through the injectors on one of the non-destroyed tables, finally coming up with one triumphantly. "Yes, yes, this should work, my simian friend. You don't want to be an ape, do you? No one wants to be an ape. Now..." Sauron reaches for the hypnotized younger Summers brother, placing a friendly hand on his shoulder, "let me help you."

And he takes a little 'nibble' of power drain. He can't help it, it's been some time since he's vampirically fed. He lifts the injector up to Alex's other shoulder, the needle pressing against the furry skin...

Sauron frowns. This little taste of life force... it's intense. It's... filling. It's more than just the weak energy he has drawn from others before-- in fact! He has only tasted this sort of life energy //once// before!!!

But... Ssssssummers is outside. What is this before him? Could it be? Was what his... ah, ally of convienence, shall we say, implying-- true?

"Another Ssssummers." There is a hiss as the injector hits Alex's shoulder, the chemicals inside triggering an undoing of Grodd's work. "Fortuitous," he continues, his other hand not leaving Alex's shoulder, slowly draining more life force from the younger Summers, even as he returns to himself. "Very, very fortuitous. I think you are now my new friend."

Summerseseses are friends, not food, Sauron!!

Artemis has posed:
"Got it." Artemis replies to Piotr, "Don't look into his eyes." Artemis then swings her axe around and catches two of the dinosaurs in the torso, sending one into the other and leaving htem fly into a wall. THe one up front is not in a good way but then Artemis is not a hero. She is a warrior. She cares not for these that dare stand in her way. She has a dinosaur man to stop. She keeps moving forward, looking for a way up that doesn't simply involve punching her way up through the ceiling into the next room.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott replies through the telepathic mindlink. << Go for it, Sunspot, I'll help Jean mop up the remaining pterodons and join you in a minute >>. Hitting Sauron from all angles makes sense. But wait, where is Alex?

He lost sight of him for a second only! Did he drop out of the mindlink? Oh uh.

Yeah, Jean can take care of the remaining flying lizards, Scott is running into the tower.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde spots an ethernet port over near a power outlet. "Please be connected," she says as she pulls out a slim laptop of her own design from the backpack, and hooks it up. "We have a dial tone," she says with a grin.

Kitty motions to Lockheed and towards the others. "Go with them, if they encounter Sauron, lay down the smokescreen for them," she says.

<<I'm connected to his network. Hacking in now. Will retrieve what I can for Beast for the antidote,>> Kitty sends. <<Try to make sure people don't go all smashing everything in the lab if you can avoid it before we get what we need.>>

She focuses in on hacking into Sauron's computers then.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
<< Roger that. Going in. >> Berto lands on one of the pteradon platforms and slips inside. He finds himself in the middle of what must be the pteradon barracks, mostly empty. Mostly.

Five pteradons perch on shadowy roosts deep in the cave like living space, their stone spears piled up against the wall. Berto pauses, studying them for a moment before, he sighs, whistles and starts blasting.

At least they'll be awake when they get knocked out by the concussive blasts. One though manages to dodge grab a spear and hurl it before being thrown into the wall by a blast of hot air. The spear hits Roberto and skitters across the floor, his Sunspot form giving him enough resistance to survive the attack. Picking up the spear, he breaks off the head and sticks it in one of the pockets of his shorts, before taking the staff and using it to bar the door once he's out of the sleeping quarters, buying the team a bit more time if more pteradons show up. << Been through the sleeping quarters going to come down towards you guys >> he says as he begins descending a set of rough hewn steps leading downwards.

Emma Frost has posed:

    Kitty Pryde, aka Shadowcat: the 1337 h4xx0r, r0xx3n Sauron's b0xx3n outside the lab, currently undisturbed by Pterons whilst the rest of the party is making some noise.

    Roberto da Costa, aka Sunspot: on the top floor, punching and blasting Pterons with impugnity, shutting and locking doors behind him so additional mobs cannot add to the party below.

    Piotr "the Colossus" Rasputin, tanking it up on his way to the lab, knocking out pterons, doors, and walls alike. Do you doubt he is the party tank? He's drawing the aggro AND he's the shiny one.

    Jean Grey, Marvel Girl, the Phoenix: rising up above it all outside for now, TKing and punching pterons and keeping the comms going.

    Illyana Rasputina, the prettier Rasputin sibling, bringing the Magik: Crowd control and portals. Obviously the mage here. These birdbrains better hope she doesn't start with the sheeping-- though that may be the least of their troubles. Floating in the wake of her tankier bigbro.

    Artemis, the badass warrior Amazon: the pickup off-tank for this dungeon. Might actually be a better tank than the main tank, but is nice enough not to rub his face in it. Yet. Punching dinos and drawing hella aggro.

    Alex Summers, Havok: Surprisingly not so much Havok thus far, but when he loses that Hypnotized CC he'll probably have some rage meter built up. Currently the only one in the lab with the Boss. Pulled early. Raid leader gonna be pissed.

    Scott Summers, raid leader, party leader, Cyclops: Probably swearing about how his little brother needs to learn pull order. Also: more dots! More dots-- Stop Dots.

Scott is rushing inside to save his little brother, who has dropped out of the telepathic link after being bowling balled into Sauron's lab. Half the raid is wreaking destruction on their way up the tower to get to the boss, also causing ample distraction to let the rogue steal the things. Jean? Jean's flying, and can easily go into the lab the same way Alex ended up there: through the window.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean blinks, noticing Alex going silent in the link, then she narrows her eyes. Then, she shoots like an arrow towards the hole in question, not hesitating as she uses her telekinesis to //shatter// the wall wide open. Subtle is normally Jean's hallmark, so this blatant display is a bit unlike her.

Of course, she's normally not confronting someone that decided it'd be fun to turn her into a T-Rex either.

She shouts, "CANDYGRAM FOR SAURON!" as she looks to telekinetically propel Sauron into the wall. Possibly through it, though she's not using lethal force.


Yeah, did we mention she's pretty angry?

Artemis has posed:
Working her way up toward the lab, Artemis is equal parts to be targetted and completely avoided. She throws her axe (yes, that axe that's the size of her) up the stairs, catching a couple of Pterons along the way and it embeds in a wall up ahead. She then starts bounding up the stairs about three at a time even as she bullies her way up the stairs.

Once up top, she leaps on to the handle of her axe, jumps off of it and lands foot first on a Pteron and rides it to the floor before another swoops it and grabs her arm, driving claws into her arm. She lets out a cry of pain before gritting her teeth. The Pteron looks quite proud of itself as it tries to rip her up off the ground by that arm.

"Let go." She states coldly even as the Pteron lifts up, causing her to wince and then she lets out a sharp breath through the nose, "Mistress." And into her left hand appears the axe once more and she whips it around. She aims the flat of it right for the side of the Pteron's head which rings like a bell before it lets her go and both she and the creature hit the ground.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr is busy plowing his way through the building, making pterodons become more acquainted with the floors, ceilings, and walls as he traverses the tower. His main asset as a tank comes from the fact that despite their best efforts to hurt him, all they do to the metal monster is irritate him and cause tears in his clothing. The Russian has taken no injuries, so he is not in need of a healer, which is good, as they do not have one. Once he gets to another door he hears the sound of Jean yelling and turns to the others with him, "I think we might be close."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Where goeth Piotr, so followeth La Rasputina. The party wizard shouldn't leave the party tank, after all, even though he happens to be the good-looking one. By pteradon standards, at least, whereas her pale blonde hair and milky skin don't add up the same way with showing off their lovely greenish-brown or ruddy visages. The best looking person is the one who shows your own image back at you, right? Let's not question that, anyway, as she has no reason to lash out with endless fury or unbearable rage. No, for once, Piotr's snowflake is living up to that title with a somewhat friendly air about her. This could well be indicative they are about to smash through a wall into very real trouble.

Oh, right, party healer? Yeah. That's her too. Party bus? Don't even say it. Just don't. Hearing Jean brings the slight edge of a smile to her lips. Almost. "Better hurry," she warns Piotr in Russian. "A blood sample if he is dead is still a good blood sample, da?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    As the needle slides home, Alex barely reacts, his overly muscular gorilla form shrinking as the fur and gorilla features smooth out into a more standard human primate arrangement, the younger Summers swaying a bit the change in balance. He still can't look away, though Alex is trying, fitfully, to put what little shielding Emma has taught him into play...which sadly isn't much, and he's already good and caught as it is, more and more of his power leaking out to fill Sauron.

    At least, until Jean picks up Sauron and throws him through a wall.

    Alex blinks, coming out of it, then getting a righteously angry expression as he pushes himself to his feet. "You son of a bitch, stay out of my HEAD!!"
    And if Sauron didn't go through the wall the first time...the plasma bolt that roars out of Havok's arms as he raises them and fires probably helps him get the rest of the way through, Alex lashing out before he really thinks about what he's doing for once.

Scott Summers has posed:
This means Scott, the party DPS person, finds a hallways and staircase up full of unconscious pterons, which is good. And some dead or maimed ones, which is not good. They might be helping Sauron, but it is unlikely they know what they are doing.

He races up, trying to catch with the others. Then he hears that not-very-nice sound of Alex' blasting plasma. So, he is awake. << Jean! What is going on? Is Alex with you? >> He is not sounding his usual calm and controlled self, for once.

Emma Frost has posed:
"SQWUAAAAAAAAAAAARKKK--"crunch. There's a law, or there should be, regarding ticking off redheads. Sauron has broken it, and he goes flying across the lab, slamming into a wall, releasing both his grip on Alex and his hypnotism thereof as Jean gives him a special delivery.

Small problem.

He DID get to feed a fair deal off Alex before he got TK tossed across the room. Which means he currently has a small portion of Alex's... rather explosive... abilities.

"YOU DAMAGED MY LAB!" he shrieks, sending a blast of plasma towards Jean and the broken window in rage!

...in time to be caught by one from Alex himself, which blasts Sauron through the back wall of his lab out into the hallway, though doesn't damage him overmuch otherwise. Weird. Maybe holding Alex's plasma power himself gives him some sort of immunity?


But that does put a certain were-ptero with a 12 foot wingspan right outside the stairwell, half covered in stone and dust and sundry.

Artemis has posed:
Then there's havok from up above. Well, Havok and Havok's power from both Havok and Sauron who had a Havok snack. Lots of havok either way. Artemis hears said havok and gets annoyed, "I came here to hurt someone named Sauron who is really ruining my day, week, and potentially month. He had better still be concious when I get up there!" She calls out and Artemis spots the next set of stairs and rushes off in that direction. She is rather annoyed now. Well, to be honest she's been annoyed. She's rather more annoyed now.

Once she hits that next set of stairs, she leaps up to a wall, pushes off and gains the next floor before she simply chucks her axe toward the next set of stairs to clear the way, grabs it as she runs by and keeps moving. For those up above, someone or something is going up the stairs like a linebacker.

Jean Grey has posed:
Admittedly, Jean was expecting the hypnotic glare from Sauron... she was /not/ expecting a plasma blast. She gets knocked back, her own telekinetic shield just enough to keep her from becoming crispy, but she still flies out of the hole she made.

She falls about ten feet down, before she catches herself, then she frowns, >> That little twerp hits hard. I think he snacked a bit on Alex, so be careful, he's lobbing plasma blasts. <<

With that, she flies back up towards the hole, trying to catch Sauron's attention, "Hey, punk, there's only one Return, and that's OF THE JEDI!" Because nothing like hitting the Tolkien-themed villain where he lives, after all.

Emma Frost has posed:
It's Berto from the top rope! Or top of the stairwell, in this case. Sunspot drops down the last flight of stairs, half-falling and half-flying, only to land on Sauron as the good Doctor is rising to his feet.

Land fist-first, that is. He punches Sauron once from above, and then a second time from the side, knocking Sauron back into the lab through the hole in the wall. "I have been waiting for like, two weeks to do that," he notes. Hearing Pterodon noises from above, he sighs and flies back up the stairs to take care of any stray mobs.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Creating destruction seems like an odd talent for an artist, but Piotr lets his fists be his paintbrush as he continues to mow his way through the building. At this point the noise gets louder and louder as they approach and so the rather angry Russian looks to his sister and the Amazon traveling with them and says "Are you ready for this?" and without giving them a chance to respond, bullrushes the door to the lab, taking it off its hinges and then throwing it to the ground, yelling, "Knock knock."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Artists destroy, and in destroy, create new things. Illyana could examine this in detail later. Her philosophy when dealing with a geneticist destroying boundaries between humanity and other species, certainly non-consenting targets at that, bows on the principle of destruction. Specifically turning the ruined lab to the blood-stained floor of the Colosseum and upending the corrupt order of this corner of the Savage Lands. Which is to say when the second delivery of a candygram shows up in the form of her noble elder brother, hulking and so very brightly wrought, it's time to dance. She has protections, an Amazon of Bana-Mighdall right there. Her magic shield wraps around her, adding to the glitter of the night-black armour. And Piotr, prominently in the way, which is what she needs to pull off this particular little move.

She whips the Soulsword out as though it might impact the air immediately beside her. It's a hell of a swing, bringing strength and unnatural agility into play, but just one problem. Is she attacking thin air? The wall? Rasputin family hates architecture! Wrong.

Instead, the blade sweeps through a portal with the other termination /behind/ Sauron. For the backstab, in the best tradition of certain newfangled Rennish Sith-wannabe Driver-dark lords.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott finally joins with Piotr, Illyana and the redheaded amazon. She still needs to introduce herself. He is breathing hard from running up all those stairs, but still more than willing to punch Lykos. Or zap him, whatever is more convenient.

But Sauron is not in the lab, since someone (several someones) blasted him through the wall. So good, except he missed it. But he will live with that disappointment. Instead he goes to help his brother, "Alex! Are you... hey, no longer a gorilla. Not much of an improvement, but I am sure Emma will appreciate it. C'mon, can you walk?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex staggers to his feet with Scott's help, grunting. "Yeah....but that Sauron guy did something to me, I feel...really tired. My plasma charge is drained too..." he manages, leaning on Scott for a moment until he's sure he's staying on his feet. "..he's kinda a jerk..." He points towards the big hole in the wall. "Went thattaway...I'm good, go get him!"

Emma Frost has posed:
This is about the time Sauron is blasted back through the hole in the back of the lab courtesy of one Roberto da Costa.

This is not going to be Dr. Lykos's best day. He's already a bit disoriented, but now he's been tossed back in to a room full of people who really desire to punch him. A lot.

Artemis has posed:
Artemis smiles as Piotr goes through the door and she leaps in with him before grinning, "I am really beginning to like you, large metal man." She nods to Piotr before she turns her gaze to the large dinosaur man that just got thrown in here. She squints, "Dr. Lykos, I presume." She states and then she leaps up into the air and attempts to come down hard with a rather nasty punch right into his gut. They did say not to look at his eyes after all.

"You have caused me a great deal of trouble, Sauron." She nods her head, "And you are either going to help me fix that problem or I'm going to keep hitting you till I feel like you've learned a lesson." She nods her head, "I warn you, I teach hard lessons."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean floats back into the room, looking at Sauron sternly as he is turned into a pinata. And she looks pretty satisfied with that, as she looks over at Artemis in approval at her punch, "Nice shot."

She then sends a mental communication to Artemis, << We're the X-Men. I'm Marvel Girl, those two are Cyclops and Havok, the metal one and his sister are Colossus and Magik, Sunspot's keeping watch above, and Shadowcat has been hacking the system. Nice to meet you. >> She doesn't pry for Artemis' name, but she handles the introductions mentally since, well... she also wants to make sure that Sauron stays down.

Shouldn't be a problem right NOW, but you never know with this sneak.

Emma Frost has posed:
Sauron lets out a loud 'oof!' as he is suckerpunched by the Amazon, and a sharp cry of pain as that suckerpunch drives him back into the blade Illyana has at his back. It doesn't STAB stab him, but the tip breaks the skin and a shot of pain does rush through his as the Demon Queen sends a shock of pure pain through the blade into his body. "Noooo!" He desperately attempts to make eye contact with Scott or Jean to utilize them to handle their companions. "SsssssSummers, be fair!" he squawks at Scott. Apparently they've had dealings before.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
One portal riveted into the wall gives a brief glimpse of Limbo, and that hellish landscape radiates in a very small margin around the Soulsword emerging from the corresponding point right behind Sauron. Punching the pteradon scientist in the gut may just aid the process of skewering him. There are probably essential organs perilously close to being soul-scorched, but Illyana handles such fine-tuned care with effortless ease.

Putting that wicked blade through the back of Sauron means any enchantments or magical gifts shatter, more than likely. And pain? Yes, pain. This, too, she doesn't find difficult to handle. Still, she is braced with her feet wide apart, a defensive position in case Sauron intends to do something stupid. Like breathe fire, look her brother's way, tell a bad joke, order Door Dash from the Falkland Islands. 'Stupid' in her lexicon is even broader than Scott in the Summers Definitive Dictionary. "Hello, Herr Doktor." Ooh, German? Bad. Bad when delivered with that far eastern Russian dialect, especially with those ancestral memories of the Great Patriotic War. Of the horrors after. "Fair? You turned children into monsters against their will." A tap on the hilt of the sword causes it to quiver. And that's the -brighter- half of her soul there.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean blinks at the 'be fair' as she's very careful to avoid eye contact. "Fair? FAIR?!? YOU TURNED ME INTO A DINOSAUR!" Suddenly, there's a crushing pressure coming down on Sauron, as there's the full weight of Jean's telekinetic might is bearing down on him. She doesn't bring it to the point where he's completely splattered...

But he is gasping for air as it's pretty hard for Sauron to, well, breathe, as Jean just seems really angry right now. She looks at him, thinking how easy it would be... and what he did to Marie-Ange, to Laura and Gabby, to her...

So... SO easy...

Scott Summers has posed:
"I will be fair," replies Scott, voice cold. "Surrender and help undo your manipulations. Agree to come to New York and receive therapy. Otherwise we will drag you there," he maneuvers closer, but trying to stay out of Sauron's sight. "Beast can undo your idiotic genetic transformation without your input anyway."

Oh, trying to get Jean on top of that. That is -zark- blast to his face. "Give up already, damnit!" << Punch him some more, I think he still has stored energy. He is far tougher than he looks. >>

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr is irritated at this point. It was humid, overly warm, and Sauron was being himself. He looks to Illy in mild horror, but is able to overcome it and looks to Sauron, "As you see, you have crossed the wrong family, I am nice brother, and you turned my dear friends and many others into creatures, which I do not appreciate." He also jabs a thumb in Jean's direction, "See, you have created big problem."

The shirtless Russian frowns and looks to Jean and Illy again, "Remember what we stand for and our rules." Implying the no-killing, but even he is aware he cannot stop them, but he can help. Piotr walks forward and looms, though Scott's most recent order gets a nod and Colossus goes for an uppercut right in the facemeat of Sauron.

Emma Frost has posed:
Sauron snarls, releasing a fairly decent sized plasma blast directly at Cyclops. "NO! YOU WILL NOT UNDO MY GIFT! I AM SAVING THE WORLD!" he roars, shaking off the bell-ringing delivered by Colossus.

It's the last of the energy Sauron had vampirically stolen from the younger Summers, however, and the dino-man sags in exhaustion. "Everyone should be a dinosaur," he whines plantively.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott staggers when Sauron blasts him. But he is not automatically incinerated like a normal human would. Fortunately that is still one of Alex' blasts. He grunts, stepping back. "Well... yes, that must be the least of his power," he grunts.

"Since he is not going to help, please Colossus, grab him. Jean... Jean!" Oh, this is why you don't provoke a redhead! "Jean, can you just put him to sleep?" And then Illyana can teleport him to a nice cell under the mansion. Kitty can download the information Hank needs.

Artemis has posed:
"He's not going to be helpful? YOu want him to sleep?" Artemis will help Jean with getting him to sleep. She raises up her right hand, the axe appears and hten she takes teh flat of it and brings it crashing down right into Sauron's face and then whips it up, "Should be asleep now or at least ready to do so." She stands up and then puts her axe to her shoulder. She idly looks around, "So, is this over?"

She then blinks as she had this voice in her head, after all. She looks up at Jean and then points at her, "I am Artemis of the Bana-Mighdall." She looks around at the others and nods before she looks back at Sauron, "I assume we have a way of undoing this dinosaur thing so I can return to my journey?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex arrives in the next area mostly in time to watch Sauron get the limbo beaten out of him by the remaining X-Men, leaning against the side of the hole blown in the wall as he flinches at the very familiar looking blast from the dino dweeb that smashes into Scott....annnnnd does nothing, which has Alex blinking a bit in suprise. Not that he's not grateful to know his power didn't toasty his brother, but suprised as he's not sure exactly why it had no effect. Maybe Scott is a bit tougher than he looks?" "There's all sorts of stuff in the other room. And a cure for people turned into gorillas too, apparently...he thought I was some guy named Grodd? Isn't that the superbrainy gorilla supervillain guy?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana remains at the back, more than happy to keep the Soulsword buried in Sauron's back and through his chest. The careful narrowing of the portal keeps him from being slammed through until someone else handles him. All the same, she proves to be an implacable wall until the green monstrosity is out. Then, the joy of life is how she rips down the barrier between the worlds to send him toppling into another spot in the mansion. A cell? Sounds like fun. No one's looking? /A kick!/ Then she steps out to find herself some iced tea and a quick, thorough washing of her hands. Who knows what the heck came from the Savage Lands!

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr cracks his knuckles once Sauron is out from Artemis' attack, rendering his instructions from Scott moot, "Well done," he says with an approving nods and then looks to Alex, "Grodd? There were two people behind this?!" He hangs his head in irritation, "But at least we can scour the office safely at the moment." He walks over to the desk and says after a cursory search, "Found some injectors and notes, probably of use to Hank." Then he sees something that he uses the remnant of his shirt to pick up, "Also this, apparently it controls the 'Summers Juicer'. I do not know what it is used for, and I do not want to know."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott grunts at hearing the name 'Grodd'. Vaguely familiar, he will check the files back at the school. "I suppose someone else is responsible for the gorillas," he sighs. "No matter now. Find kitty. Grab everything that looks important. Swiftly. I don't want more lizard-men arriving, or more dinosaurs. Move!" He looks at Artemis, "miss? If you want a way back to civilization, we have an airplane and we are heading to New York."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean looks over at Scott, then takes a deep sigh, and psychically knocks out Sauron without too much effort. Especially after that hit from Artemis, the dino-vampire really doesn't need much coercion to go unconscious.

Pity his dreams are all going to be about Jay and Silent Bob mocking Lord of the Rings and propping up Star Wars. She never said she'd give him /good/ dreams.

Then she flashes a smile to Artemis, speaking verbally, "Glad to meet you, Artemis, and yes, we do. You can definitely get a ride back with us out of the Savage Land, easy enough." Now that the immediate danger is passed, and she looks a bit calmer now. Taking a few deep breaths as she calms herself, not liking the mindset where she was just now.