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|GroupSummary=A 'team' in the sense that they all share a ship and a common cause of 'steal shit, don't get caught'. This band of misanthropes and ne'er-do-wells aren't known for their great strength, vast resources, or tremendous personal power. They're mostly known for being the only sentients sane enough to take on some insane tasks, and lucky enough to live through it.
|GroupSummary=A 'team' in the sense that they all share a ship and a common cause of 'steal shit, don't get caught'. This band of misanthropes and ne'er-do-wells aren't known for their great strength, vast resources, or tremendous personal power. They're mostly known for being the only sentients sane enough to take on some insane tasks, and lucky enough to live through it.
|GroupLeadership=3644, 1981, 1991,
|GroupMembers=1993, 2006, 1997, 2001, 1995

Revision as of 21:08, 6 January 2025

Guaridans of the Galaxy
Founded 01 January 2020
Leadership: Richard Rider, Peter Quill, Rocket
Brief Summary A 'team' in the sense that they all share a ship and a common cause of 'steal shit, don't get caught'. This band of misanthropes and ne'er-do-wells aren't known for their great strength, vast resources, or tremendous personal power. They're mostly known for being the only sentients sane enough to take on some insane tasks, and lucky enough to live through it.
Members: Gamora, Mantis, Drax, Nebula, Groot
Allies: Carol Danvers

Additional Group Information

Group Assets

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Full Summary

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Notable Events

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