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Latest revision as of 23:04, 29 August 2020

Movie Night
Date of Scene: 20 August 2020
Location: Tim Drake's Reclamated Theater Home - Chelsea
Synopsis: Movie night! Friends! Fun! Opsec failures! And some gentle mindwiping.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Laura Kinney, Stephanie Brown, Gabby Kinney, Roberto da Costa, Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, M'gann M'orzz, Cassandra Cain, Cassie Sandsmark

Tim Drake has posed:
The Gotham Stars Theater, prior to rennovation, had been a six screen theater with all the acoutrements one would expect as far as concessions and such. It had been built originally in the early 1970s, during one of the periods where Migani Island (and specifically the Chelsea neighborhood) had been undergoing major economic growth and updates. In early 2019, only a few months after his father's death, Tim had purchased the dilapidated building and had spent a lot of money and time on rennovating it (with the approval, obviously, of his adoptive father Bruce Wayne, who had to sign off on those sorts of expenditures as the holder of Tim's trusts). It had only really been liveable and mostly complete since February of this year, which is a minor miracle in and of itself largely given over to the superpower of money.

While Tim had changed over the majority of the building to a grand private residence with sweeping ceilings and oversized rooms, he had left one of the movie theater screening rooms intact, though also entirely rennovated and brought up to a more modern standard, though with a classic vibe.

The theater room, as he refers to it, has a crisp, new modern screen on the front wall. The old movie reels in the projection room up on the upper back wall (accessible by a door in the back of the room and a steep flight of stairs) have been replaced with a state-of-the-art WayneTech ultra high definition digital projector. The speakers and subwoofers throughout the room had been completely replaced with smaller, cleaner, and more high-definition sound devices giving perfect surround sound.

The old black and gold velvet curtain wall-coverings along the side walls that had been moth-eaten and tattered had been stripped down, and replaced with rich black and maroon velvet. Muted matte metallic flat sculpture pieces made by a local Gotham artist of old-school video cameras, drama masks, movie reels, and film strips hang just shy of the ceiling on both sides of the theater.

The slant-stepped floor, going from higher in the back to lower at the front, has been entirely ripped out and the foundation repoured. Where before there were ten "levels" of seats, now there are only five, and instead of rows of uncomfortable stadium seating, each theater row is lined with comfortable recliners and at least one loveseat-style recliner per row (though the back rows each have two), along with small retractable tables that fold down and slide into the floor in front of each row if not desired.

There isn't a concession stand anymore, but that doesn't stop the typical movie fare! For movie night tonight, Tim has set up a long table along the side wall where the entrance to the theater room is with popcorn (buttered, cheese, and caramel) in those red-and-white classic popcorn bags; bottled sodas, teas, and waters on ice; a stack of pizzas from The Ultimate Slice (with plates and such as needed); and a huge assortment of the classic theater boxed candy.

Tim's already hanging out in the theater itself, which the entry to is right off the foyer, buzzing people in with his phone as they arrive at the front door (the door unlocking and popping open each time he does for folks to just come straight in). He's in what could be considered geek chic tonight, in charcoal-colored cargo shorts, a bright blue Steampunk Booster Gold t-shirt (it's truly terrible looking), and a pair of Olu'Kai leather beach sandals. The lights are still up in the theater screening room, though the projector is showing clips of various cheesy science fiction, horror, and fantasy films on the screen (the volume is at a dull roar, not enough to overpower conversation, but if one pays attention they can hear dialogue if they want to).

Overall, it seems to be the makings of a great night.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura comes in with her twin. Well. Not QUITE her twin. The other girl who looks -exactly- like Laura is a bit younger, perhaps, and a scar over one eye. Otherwise, it would be impossible to tell them apart.

As the two step in, Laura, dressed in her usual second-hand clothing fare looks around at the wealth and magnificence that Tim has established in setting up the private theatre and she nods in approval. She looks to her look-a-like, Gabby, and tells her, "I underestimated how private this would be." She had thought, and likely told Gabby from her misunderstanding of what Tim had stated, that Tim would simply be renting a theatre out. "This is far better than the time I tried to go to the theatre by myself. That place was very dirty. And crowded." She makes a brief face, then exhales.

There's a brief, but earnest smile given to Gabby. "Alright. You get to pick our snacks tonight." She gestures towards the snack-table. "Then, I will introduce you to my friends that are here."

She spies Tim, and gives him a wave, "Hello. It is good to see you. Thank you for doing this."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It was a hectic start to the affair for Stephanie Brown. An aircraft racing back to Gotham. A shower in the Batcave so fast one might wonder if the water even managed to hit her. Then racing down through the city to her new apartment adjacent to the University where she was set to meet Roberto for the short trip over to Tim's theater.

She probably kept Roberto waiting for at least a few minutes, after a hastily texted apology before she took off for the speed ordinance breaking motorcycle ride home. But eventually she did make it, and the pair arrive at Tim's place. "My first time seeing it. He bought a theater and renovated it," she explains to Roberto. "Not sure how many people I'll know either, actually," she tells the Brazilian as they arrive and come in.

Stephanie looks around, the blond doing one of those turning walks that takes her through 360 degrees while still traveling forward. "Wow," she says with a laugh, heading over towards where the others are gathering. "Tim, we made it," she calls out with a grin, walking close at Roberto's side.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is on her best behavior tonight as she was meeting Laura's teammates. The fact that it was also movie night was exciting though she's eager to see this group that Laura had gotten set up with. She did indeed look the spitting image of Laura save for her scars and the slightly more decorated variety of her attire. The length of her black hair is held back on either side of her face with pink and yellow barrettes, and she wears a pair of ripped jeans, boots with different colored laces, and a t-shirt with the image of a majestically leaping robotic unicorn in front of a rainbow where dolphins swam. Apparently a video game of some sort or another.

Green eyes widen when she takes in the private theater with a quick sweep of her gaze only to nod at Laura's remarks quietly. "Wow, yeah." Before she can say more though the magic words are said: Food. "Sweet! I'll pick the bestest stuff!" She assures as she promptly veers off toward the table of movie theater goodies grinning broadly.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto had also been in a rush, a little bit of practice at the Mansion, then checking out an apartment by Columbia and then a little power assisted trip to Jersey and a shower at his mom's place before meeting Steph. He only had to wait a few minutes, not that he mentioned it, ah the fun of double lives.

As they walk into the renovated theatre, Roberto looks around and lets out a low-whistle. "Mae de dios, your buddy Tim knows how to roll."

Roberto for his part is in a loose fitting blue tank top, white and blue board shorts and a pair if limited edition Fantastic 4-Dan high-tops in white and Fantastic Blue (tm).

When Steph calls out to Tim, Berto gives their host an up-nod, before he sees two faces he recognizes. "Hey you two," he calls to Gabby and Laura, "Small world."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner had seen the setup a while ago and to be honest he might have been nagging Tim about using the theater once or twice. Not that movies are as fun nowadays as they were before his senses got so stupidly sharp.

But it is still a cool place. It was begging to be used.

"We really should use this all the weekends," he comments. "Hey Laura and... oh, this is your sister," he lowers his voice, to the conspiracy level. Too low to be heard without enhanced senses. "The -clone- sister. We need to come up with a secret clone code greeting or something. Hi, I am Conner."

He looks around for the people coming, looking for someone. "No Bart, weird of him miss this. And I don't see Hope either."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick had gotten the invite and was happy to take a break from fixing the Wingcycle and RSVPed yes to his little brother. He has on a Gotham Law t-shirt and jeans and is in a fairly good mood as he makes his way over to the table to select some butter popcorn, to which he dumps in a few M&Ms, reserving mosgt of the box to be kept unpopcorned, though. He rests these on his plate with a couple slices of pizza, and selects a bottled water for himself.

When Dick sees Tim, he raises the bottle, "Hey, Tim! Thanks for putting this on!" The elder Wayneling grins and makes his way back over near where he will likely sit to put most of it down, keeping the bottle and popcorn in his hands. He then realizes he is /definitely/ the oldest person here, so sits back for a second and takes note of who is present.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Megan arrives in typical fashion. Which is to say, on her own, smile upon her face, in her 'Megan' attire. That would be brown slacks, with an oversized green t-shirt and a thin brown leather belt cinched around the waist. If it looks like a completely casual and modern version of a certain protagonist of a certain video game franchise...then congratulations, because that was the idea. Just another geek to the party, never mind the Hylian motif.

    After being buzzed in, Megan makes her way rather easily to the theatre room. It isn't like she needed directions...she just followed the noise. Of both the trailers and the minds in the room. Tim earns a smile and a wave as Megan comes in...followed by waves to a few of the others she recognizes, before wandering into the room proper. "Oh...this is going to be so much fun!"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A gathering, a gathering! Cassandra considers this an -awesome- use of her time! She watches folks arrive, taking time to survey the premises and the security involved in this locale, inspectigating the buzz-in feature at the entryway. Well, clearly can't go in that way. What other options are there?

She checks for sewer entry points, then goes up onto the roof and has a complete look there, checking any and all access routes. She goes up and down the walls with speed, rather enjoying this event already. Sets the emergency exits with what she can find, and tries to open the ventilation ducts from their ...

She's late.

Unfortunately she does eventually show up inside, her face flushed and her hair completely disheveled. She has a spider crawling in her matted hair, dust on her hands and knees, and is wearing a black skinsuit and toe-boots. She's also wearing a huge smile and isn't talking about what got her so filthy, but she's obviously had fun doing ....whatever it was.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
And there's Cassie! Who shows up especially dressed down, likely indicating she doesn't consider 'movie night' at the hideout to be much of a special occasion. In fact, she's wearing red sweatpants and some old black tank-top (still WW-branded!). It's comfy, maybe even TOO comfy, nearly pajamas level. Although maybe...

"I kinda assumed we'd just be hanging out on the couch," she explains as she comes in, still holding her phone which she'd presumably used to get 'buzzed' in, looking as thrilled about all the security details as ever. But at least there's not too many doors this time. "This is pretty cool though. Ooh, food." Her attention is diverted to the snack table initially, as she ambles on in, but her progress is halted when she notes a particular oddity in the vicinity of said foodstuffs, at least in comparison to previous gatherings. Namely, that there are now two of Laura!

"I didn't know you had a sister," she comments. She ends up barging in on the kind-of-conspiracy discussion, though, so she doesn't remained confused for too long. "Wow. Does /everyone/ get a clone? I'm getting kinda jealous now."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim greets everyone as they come in cheerily. He gives Laura and her sister a slight lifted brow-- wow, yeah, Laura wasn't kidding, clones-- but a warm smile to Gabby with a "glad you can make it, Laura's sister-- Gabby, right?" Stephanie and Roberto get an upnod in greeting, and Dick gets a slight chuckle as he goes right for the snacks. "Ah, that's my adopted big brother, Dick," he lets the folks who haven't met the eldest of the Wayne kids out of costume know.

"I dunno, Bart may have had to work tonight," Tim replies to his best friend with a shrug. "Hope is a maybe anyway," though he does give Conner a slight head tilt at that. Then he returns his own attention mostly towards the other arrivals, grinning at Megan's semi-cosplay and Cassie's... being Cassie. There's a quick glance towards Berto, though, at that-- he's some regular dude, right? No clue how this whole clone business might sit-- and then about that time Cass wanders in. He grabs a napkin, snatches the spider out of her hair and squishes it (and tosses the napkin the nearby trash can), and sighs at her. He leans down and says in an undertone to her "no vents into here, Cass..." and then pulls back and grins and gives her a wink.

And another, clean napkin if she wants to wipe up a bit.

He glances towards the door of the theater and looks a little disappointed for a moment, pulling up his phone and checking it, but then letting out a short sigh and returning his attention to everyone here. "Uh, so, hey all. Conner's been getting onto me to make use of the place, so... here it is. First movie in the theater room-- well, actually technically the third, but the first two I was actually testing everything out and spent more time tinkering with the sound than actually watching anything, so the first one that actually counts, I guess."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yep! I'm Gabby, nice to meet you!" Gabby offers cheerily to Conner, and Tim, and everyone else who is currently oggling the clone sisters. It just causes her to grin big enough that it wrinkles those old scars of hers on her cheeks. To Conner she nods solemnly, lowering her voice in an equally conspiratorial tone, "Clown power." A fist is held out in dapping position toward him solemnly.

While Tim is worrying over Roberto she grins back at him. "Berto! Where have you been hiding lately?" A glance is given to Stephanie as if this might hold the answer though she doesn't pry... besides there's a suitable distraction of popcorn and candy and sodas that she's currently working on pilfering a good armload of. Popcorn? Check. Boxed candy? Sure. What the hell were milk duds? She'd find out. And Junior Mints? That too. She was at least choosing snacks for two so it wasn't as if she was going to eat it ALL herself even if she probably could.

Even Cassandra's arrival earns a laugh. "Oh hey it's the lady you fought, Laura! This is gonna be such a cool night."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura is true to her word, she had promised Gabby a night of fun, and an earnest attempt on her part to have fun. And, she is certain Gabby does know how to have fun. So she follows suit - whatever her smaller likeness grabs, she grabs the same snack, in the same proportion. She doesn't realize how odd it might look to other people, two 'Laura's' acting in unison like this.

Finally as they wind down, she begings to introduce those she knows. "Gabby, this is Tim. He is the one who owns this place, and he is a very good person." She then gestures to Cassie, "This is Cassie. She is an Amazon." And, to Conner then. And since Conner has 'let the cat out of the bag? "This is Conner." She lowers her voice to the same conspiratorial level, "He is also a clone." And, a nod to M'gann. "This is M'gann. She is an alien, and very friendly. She also likes the same movies that Tim does, and I think that you do. And you have already met Cassandra." A nod to the other girl with long, black hair and supreme fighting abilities. Laura does not ask about the filth.

She looks then over to Dick, nodding once. "Hello, Dick. It is a pleasure to meet you," she says agreeably. Her head tilts to Stephanie and Roberto. "Those two I do not know."

She pauses a beat further, and tells them, "I am Laura. This is my sister, Gabby. It is nice to meet other friends of Tim's."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie glances at the two young women who look so like sisters as Roberto greets them. "Ok, you may know more people here than me," she says with a soft laugh. She is wearing a loose knit long-sleeved shirt, the sleeves left to dangle past her wrists, and with a broad neckline that hangs just off of one shoulder, showing the young blond woman still has her summer tan going. A pair of jeans and tennis shoes are the rest of her attired. (https://i.imgur.com/WpMJeD3.jpg)

The arrival of Cassandra Cain might at least even up the numbers of familiar faces. "Roberto, this is Dick," she says, making sure he's had a chance to meet the elder Wayne ward. "And this is Cassandra. She doesn't speak," Stephanie explains, "But reads body language well." The huge smile that Stephanie has for the Asian young woman is a bright one, and Stephanie gives a chuckle and attempts to help brush any remaining spiders and dust off of her friend. She motions to Roberto then, telling Cassandra, "This is my boyfriend, Roberto." Her expression will easily reveal the content of that sentence as Cassandra can see Stephanie's emotions there on her face.

She turns to Laura and Gabby then, offering a small smile. "Hey, I'm Stephanie. Nice to meet you," she says, offering her hand. She'll greet the others as they come in after as well. "Hello, Stephanie," she offers to each in turn.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner grins at Cassie. Because he is sure Tim expected -him- to be the one to say something 'weird' in front of his totally civilian and completely normal friends Steph and Berto, and his maybe totally normal big bro Dick. Well, no. It wasn't Conner. It wasn't Bart. It was Cassie!

"You mean siblings? Not me, I am a single child." Probably. Most likely. Maybe. He absently daps Gabby's fist. He was looking at Cass with a confused expression. Because Cass confuses him.

Then he steps forward to greet Steph, Roberto and Dick. Handshakes are offered and all that. "Hey, I am Conner. Old friend of Tim here. Know him for most of my life." Which is true. Just not as long as one would expect.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods to Tim again and then to Laura, "Hey, good to meet you two!" He grins and takes a sip from his bottled water, "Yeah, I have the pleasure and irritation," the latter being jokingly said, "of being Tim's big brother." He gives a wave to the two Kinneys before Stephanie and Berto walk over, "Hey, Roberto. Haven't seen you since the pool party. Hopefully your summer went all right?" He might be a little out of place due to age, but Dick is genuinely happy to be seeing the new people, and especially friend of Tim's.

"Hey Connor," Dick says politely and accepts the handshake, and takes another sip, "So have you guys seen the movie before?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Hey Gabbinator, just trying to get my head together, and get ready for school, how about you? Do anything fun since, y'know?" he asks with a little twist of his lips at the end, 'y'know' being code for sadistic torture apparently, before he finds himself blinking at some of what Laura says. "Clones, aliens and amazons huh? Wild crowd you got here Tim" Though for an apparent normal rich kid he seems to be taking it all in stride. "You guys been friends for long?" he asks, putting his arm around Steph's waist as they talk.

Dick is greeted with an upnod, "Yeah, I remember you, summer's going well, school soon though," he says before making a face. "All good things, right?" Conner too gets a nod. "Right on, good to meet you Conner."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    As much as Megan would try....she is completely not surprised that Laura dropped the A word when describing Megan. Or...rather, M'gann. And she doesn't seem upset about it at all. It...could probably be that she heard it coming just before Laura spoke. But....yes. As Laura may have alluded to, the cat is most definitely out of the bag. She steps up to Laura, offering a smile, before she turns and waves towards Gabby. "Hiya there! I'm M'gann."

    Yes, she switched to the slightly different pronunciation.

    She leans down towards Gabby, offering a conspiratorial smile. "And yes, your sister is right. I am an alien. But only the good kind that come in peace, not the other kind." With that, she indicates one of the trailers playing, showing the type of aliens she is talking about. "Perfectly friendly, I assure you!"

    Is M'gann kidding? Maybe...but she isn't telling!

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass watches her new spider friend get sent to the trash and bobbles her head to Tim in an animated fashion. The wipes she starts to use on her cheeks, utterly missing the mess on her nose and forehead and chin and ears and hair. And clothes, can't forget that. When she's addressed by Laura and Gabby she looks up, a masque of dirt and clean spots, and gives a raised eyebrow that in no way represents a wave of greeting, but she does continue smiling. Having a good night.

A glance at M'Gann would bring to mind the last time they met. Still, she seems..calm? The 'alien' comment didn't even get a twitch.

And Stephanie telling folks about her gets her attention once again, and she glances between her and Roberto. Then to her, and to Roberto again. And back again, there's a lot to unpack there s she's dusted off and de-infested. We all have that one friend, after all.

She walks over and sticks out her hand to Roberto, still with the wipe in it. Her eyes are so intense, staring into his with an inner message.

Well, she did stab someone at her last gathering after all.

Tim Drake has posed:
"I mean, I have," Tim notes regarding seeing the movie already, "but I figured most everyone here has." He does cut a quick look at the mention of Megan being an alien, but he replies to Roberto, "Yeah. I mean... it's just... hey, interesting people and all, right? Find more of 'em here than the Hellfire." It's delivered lightly, but he gives Steph a quick glance. Whew. His internal Bat-radar of opsec is having a minor stroke, even if it's not evident on his face. He checks his phone, firing off a quick text with a half-smile on his lips, then tucking his phone back into the pocket of his cargo shorts. "And yeah, I've known Conner for awhile. However, I warn you, Berto, he's Mr. Steal-Your-Girl, so watch out..." and he gives Roberto and Steph a wink. He's mostly joking.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Is 'clone' really any weirder than 'alien' or any other weirdness they've got floating around? Besides, Cassie's allowed to say whatever weird stuff she wants! Perk of seniority, or something. Mostly, though, she seems intrigued at the prospect of having /even more/ of Laura around, edging a little nearer Gabby and kind of... scoping her out, as if she's looking for details that might be different. Or something! "So are you rocking the knife-hands, too? I'm a big fan of the built-in weaponry." That's the Amazon in her talking, no doubt!

Other than gawking at Gabby, Cass 1 of 2 (yeah that won't get confusing) quickly helps herself to some of the food selection, ending up with... uh, far too ambitious of a plate by the time she's done, with a slice, a popcorn bag, a couple boxes of candy, and a drink. This is a little LESS an Amazon diet!

"Don't listen to her, she has evil brain powers," Cassie counters as Megan assures Gabby she comes in peace, making it sound all spooky when she says it. But she doesn't seem too frightened of said alien invader, herself. "Didja ever get that account set up for your cosplay stuff M'gann? You could even do a Leeloo one in honor of tonight!" Apparently she IS familiar with the movie! And unconcerned with the uh, nature of said character's more iconic outfit!

After all this, she turns with her massive tray of food and makes for the seats, balancing it in one hand and using the other to wave at some of the other new faces - Steph and Roberto as a unit, etc.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney bounces on the balls of her feet lightly working to get some of her boundless energy out in a more productive way than, say, seeing if she could scale that wall with the decorations. There was enough to catch her attention away from such stunts though like meeting all these new people. "An Amazon?" She squints at Cassie thoughtfully a moment before nodding. "Like from the jungle or...?" It never hurts to clarify such details. Questioning about the knife hands earns a laugh as she raises her fist letting one long bone claw pop out from the back of her hand. Given the people here knew about Laura... and Roberto was here, too... She felt safe enough in doing it. "Only the one. I'm a degraded clone. All of my sisters were, actually, since I'm the only one that ended up with the x gene." With a shrug she pops the claw away again in favor of grabbing some popcorn to toss into her mouth. "Been doing all right, Berto. Helping King Namor out with some murder fish business."

M'gann's introduction earns another grin as the redhead ducks down to assure her she's the nice kind of alien. "That's cool! I know another alien but he's more of the flying dragon look-alike sort and doesn't talk much. Just kind of grumbles a lot." Ah, but her attention is yet again pulled elsewhere... "What are we watching? I probably haven't seen it. I only got out of the labs earlier this year."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown had been intending to let the comments about aliens and more go, hoping maybe they'd been missed by Roberto. When they aren't, her own eyebrows go up in an expression of surprise. Tim and Dick likely can tell from her micro-expressions that some of the surprise was real, but some of it is feigned as if Stephanie is trying to help cover. "Why do I let me be surprised by the kind of people the Wayne family get a chance to meet?' she says with a soft laugh and a shake of her head to Tim, grinning at him.

The blond leans lightly against Roberto as his arm goes around her, another conscious display of her feelings towards the Brazilian for Cassandra Cain to pick up on. "He gave me this," Stephanie says, motioning to a gold necklace that she's had on every time Cass has seen her in some time, with a compass charm hanging from it, diamonds on the cardinal directions. Stephanie motions to it and towards Roberto for Cass's benefit.

She looks over to the others then, "Really nice to meet another of Tim's good friends," she tells Conner. "We go back a couple of years. But no stealing," she says with a warm chuckle after Tim's comment.

M'gann gets a smile from Stepahnie, and a little bit of a longer look after hearing she's an alien. "Very nice to meet you. All of you," Stephanie says, taking Cassie in that, and also Laura and Gabby. She glances to Roberto to ask, "Friends from school-" she starts to ask, when the bone claw comes out of Gabby's hand and Stephanie's eyes go wide in surprise.

Conner Kent has posed:
And Conner was being subtle today. He is wearing a normal black t-shirt without a big red S, even. Fortunately, Steph and Roberto are not freaking up. Maybe they are used to weird, being Gothamites.

Tim comment though, gets a snort. "I don't do that! That is not even funny," protests Conner. He walks away, probably to pick some popcorn for the movie.

Contrarily to most of the others, he has not seen it. He is still missing a good number of classics people his apparent age has seen on TV half a dozen times.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Heard he was back around," Berto says to Gabby. "We should talk about that later, kinda want to meet the guy," he says of Namor.

To Tim he says, "It's cool man, I get it, I grew up in the school where Hank teaches," he pauses a beat, having gotten out of touch with his professors since graduating. "I think he's still dating your sister, anyhow, I am used to interesting people, it's cool. They're some of the most interesting people to hang with." He nods to Gabby as an example.

There's a grin for Tim's comments about Conner. "So, cloned to steal girls or is that just a side-effect?" he asks the other apparent teen with a grin.

Cassie gets a wave back, and Cass? He tilts his head at her intense look then shakes her hand wipe and all. "Good meeting you."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I hear ya, summer always seems to sprint to the finish," Dick says to Berto, "Where you looking at studying and for what?" His tone is genuinely curious, though he does pick up on Stephanie's expression. He snags a bit of popcorn from the bag for himself. When the topic shifts to Namor and murderfish, Dick raises a brow and is now a bit more concerned.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks between Stephanie, and Cassandra, frowning some, troubled perhaps for one reason or another but it quickly fades as she, too, is paying attention to everything around her; imparticular Dick, Stephanie, and Roberto as it is her first time meeting them.

She lets Gabby 'show' off, then agrees, "I most certainly have not seen the movie. I have only seen three movies." She says this as if it's perfectlyi normal to only have seen three movies in your entire lifetime by your eighteenth birthday. "But I walked out of the last one, so I did not watch it all. The combat scenes were done by people who clearly had never fought in their entire lives." She makes a face again.

She looks back to Cassandra, "You should try the caramel," she suggests to the Quiet One.

And then she's addressing Cassie, telling her, "Gabby was luckier than I was. Or her sisters." She does not elaborate any further, at least, not now. THere are movies to watch.

So, she moves her heap of snacks over to one of the couches in the front row, and 'claims' it for her and Gabby.

She looks over to Roberto, "That is where I and Gabby live, yes. I am - adapting, to life outside of where I was raised. Logan, Gabby, and the others at the school are helping."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Cassie (the Amazon and not the vent-dwelling friend of spiders) gets a wide smile from M'gann as she answers the question of social media. "I did set up a Twitter and an Insta....but haven't put anything of note out there yet. But...it is only a matter of time."

    Then...there is the matter of telepathy. "Evil mind powers? I have no idea what you are talking about." The comment seems sincere enough, but there is a slight wink given to Gabby as M'gann answers back to Cassie. "no evil powers here!"

    Meanwhile, Gabby gets her own personal greeting, directly to her mind. <<While I might have mind powers, they are hardly evil at all.>> Then an image of a winking emoji flashes in Gabby's mind, before M'gann turns to the concession table. For snacks, of course!

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Hand shaken, Stephanie smiled to, Tim and Dick get waves and all the things. Then she looks around the room, for the first-ish time? She probably scoped the place when she arrived, but this is the first time actually -looking-.

She glances at Laura, it looks like an automatic reaction to being spoken to since she does it whenever anyone does. Unfortunately she doesn't look as if she comprehends the instructions, and stares at Laura for a moment, her head slowly tilting with concentration.

Then suddenly she flops into a seat near to where Gabby currently is, and then does something truly fun. She offers the younger girl a fistbump apparently. Which is ...considering the bone claw shown not a moment before, she likely means something by it.

It's just hard to tell sometimes.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah, ah, cool. I think they are still dating," Tim replies to Roberto regarding his sister. He relaxes a little bit. Very little. He glances to Laura. "I'm going to warn you, the combat... and really everything? in this movie makes exactly zero sense. It's meant to be ridiculous and fantastical." He snags a bag of caramel popcorn and a bottle of coke. Conner's retreating back gets a grin, though he doesn't give any retort to the half-Kryptonian. He does glance at Megan when Cassie suggests the Leeloo cosplay and lets out a breath. "Ahh, I think if that happened, Cassie... that might not be the... best idea."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"No, like Wonder Woman!" Cassie objects, sounding just a little miffed (hey, what's wrong with the rainforest?!). "She's my mentor. The Amazons are a sisterhood of immortal warrior women who live on a magic island without any boys" - gotta sell it! - "training to fight mythical monsters and stuff."

Still, the bone-claw is worth a bit of a look-see and some definite interest. Of course, the clone talk goes over her head in a bit of the same way as the Amazon comment, the particulars of mutant genetics hardly her specialty. She glances over at Conner with a confused look. Saywhat? But she doesn't really linger on it. There's food and movies to worry about.

Speaking of. To Laura: "Which three?" Important questions!

"This one's great. The main character is kinda- well, she's not really a clone but she's kind of a genetically reconstructed ali- er. Maybe that's spoiler-y? I don't know. Anyway, I think you'll like it! She's really fun. MULTIPASS!" Yes, one of Cassie's dark secrets is that on top of her kind of cheerleader-ish image she's a total geek for weird sci-fi and related junk. Mostly Beast Boy's old TV show, but this totally counts too!

And.... Tim is against her clearly brilliant idea, /shockingly/.

"Ugh, and why not?" she demands of Tim, looking a bit frowny. "Don't listen to him," she goes on to M'gann. "Cosplay is about creativity and stuff, and celebrating characters you love. Her outfit's not really any worse than wearing a swimsuit, or you can do the other one with the suspenders... Anyway, don't restrict yourself based on what some leering dude might think. You're not doing it for him, you're doing it for you!" Cassie, bringing Amazon ideology into the modern era!

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown puts her arm around Roberto's waist, the same as his is about hers. She looks to him and whispers, "I don't think I've ever been around such an assortment of people as this." It's followed up by a tiny peck to his cheek, and then in a normal voice, "Shall we get some snacks for the movie?"

She does glance with some curiosity toward the assortment of people revealed to be clones and aliens, but seems ok enough with it. If Roberto is willing she moves over to the table, getting a bowl of popcorn and then loading up a plate with other foods. "I'm so starving. All I had since breakfast was this little... ah... I don't know. It had zucchini and cream cheese and it was a single bite was all," she comments.

Stephanie looks over to Conner, asking him, "So are you in school anywhere, or working, or what?" She looks over the beverages and then pours herself a glass of flavored iced tea, looking to Roberto to see if he'd like one. "Tim, are the movies digital? Or, just knowing you if you tell me you have them on film back there and a projector, I'd believe it," she says with a grin towards him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Columbia, doing business with an eye to getting my MBA," Roberto tells Dick, he doesn't sound that enthused. "Got to get ready to run the family business." He gives a shrug. "Be one sec, grabbing snacks."

He goes with Steph to load up on snacks, popcorn, mints, and pop."

"I hear you, I barely ate anything today," he says to Steph before looking back to Dick. "What'd you study?" he asks.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney looks marginally confused at the mention of evil brain powers. At least until M'Gann clarifies with the telepathic remark which just causes her to grin brightly with a little bounce of excitement. "Oh! A telepath! I know a few others," she explains as she practically radiates cheerful excitement. She wasn't a telepath herself but it wasn't something that scared her at least. Bonus.

Cassie's correction earns a sheepish wince in response. "Oooh sorry. I mean a name like that is kinda region-based sounding so I wanted to make sure. Our dad's Canadian," she explains with a tip of her head toward Laura. Clones they may be but she would always rag on Logan about being 'dad' since he allowed her to get away with it.

As the talk of the movie starts, she claims the seat near Laura and drags her legs up to sit cross-legged. Being rather short unfortunately so any boost in a seat was usually a help. When Cass sits on her other side to offer the fist bump she grins in response and doesn't hesitate to dap back. Though she shifts her goodies onto the fold out table after that, and then holds her hands together cupping them with a nod at Cass to follow suit. If she does indeed cup her hands? Then Gabby picks up the box of milk duds to pour some out into her hands before taking one to pop into her mouth demonstrating that it was a snack and not some odd sort of ninja smoke bombs or something. Those were in her other pants.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim pulls out his phone, frowning at a text, then fires off a fairly long one before replying to Stephanie. "Nah, digital. Film and projectors are too much of a fire hazard without a dedicated projectionist, and I'm not sitting up there to deal with it when I want to watch a movie." He gives her a grin. Steph's known him awhile. It's a strained grin, though only someone really familiar with Tim (or a body and facial language expert like Cass) could catch it. "I've got one of the newest WayneTech digital projectors up there, and it's pretty great. Crisp picture, pure true blacks and whites. As close as you can get to the proper old film." Yes, let's do MUNDANE conversation and not... he glances to Cassie. "I mean, I think Megan would be great at anything she wants to cosplay." That's mildly delivered, but with 'but not right now!' unspoken.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Promptly, and accuarately, Laura lists the three whole movies which she has seen, answering, "Enter the Dragon, THe Big Boss, and Drunken Master. It was Drunken Master I walked out of. It was ludicrious. One does not get drunk, in drunken fighting." She seems adamant about this.

She moves over to where Cassandra and Gabby are, allowing for the exchange of fist-bumps, then takes out a few pieces of caramel corn and offers them to Cassandra whom she seems to have developed a rather deep respect for.

She tells Tim, "I am ready to watch your fantastical movie. I will not ask questions until after it is over." Someone at least, bothered to tell her about movie etiquette in one of her prior watchings. It might even have been Gabby.

Laura, for those that know her, seems to look almost content with Gabby around, and with the relaxed atmosphere. Not her usual wary, always-on-guard self. What's more, she doesn't even seem to realize she's doing that.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Good school," Dick says politely, and truthfully, to Berto before the latter goes to get snacks and Dick fires off a text or two. He looks to the Brazilian on his return and says, "Did my undergrad in poli sci and crim. Going back this fall for my law degree at Gotham. Looking forward to it, though as long as I survive the first year I should be fine." He grins.

Conner Kent has posed:
"You can't take fantasy movies seriously, Laura," offers Conner. "Now, maybe you would like to watch the oldies with Bruce Lee, but modern action movies are all wires and fake superpowers." Or real superpowers if Beast Boy or Wonder Man are on the screen. But still pretty fake everything else.

Steph's question surprises him, too. After Tim saying he would try to 'steal' her he expected the blonde would avoid him. "Me? Oh, I just finished my second semester in the ESU. Er... New York. I live there."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown jointly loads up with Roberto. Hearing he's hungry too, it turns into a big plate of food and snacks. Once it's gathered she moves over to find one of the seats with room for two.

She replies to Conner, "Oh, wonderful. How do you like it there? I'm starting at Gotham U. Still don't have a major but hopefully something will jump out at me as something I'd like to do in time," she says. Once settled in she takes a sip of her drink and then grabs a milk dud, chewing it slowly.

The mention of telepaths gets a slightly raised eyebrow but Stephanie doesn't ask about it. She looks over to Cassie and M'gann then and asks, "What about you two? Are you going to school anywhere?" she asks them.

Stephanie glances over towards Cassandra. She tends to try to help keep an eye out for her friend in social situations, but sees she seems to be fitting into this group pretty well, which brings her a smile.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim closes his eyes, fighting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. He's not that obvious about this sort of thing, generally. He tosses a handful of caramel corn into his mouth as he snags a seat of his own-- a regular recliner instead of a two-seater, since Rose had let him know she wasn't up to dealing with people tonight. As he settles into his chair, he pulls out his phone. "I'm setting the timer, movie will be starting in five." The lights go down slightly but not entirely yet-- they'll go down the rest of the way when the film starts.

While still fiddling with his phone (and texting Rose, if we're being honest), he 'thinks' loudly at M'Gann. <<Hey. M'Gann. I need a hand here, link me up with you.>>

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Back into the lion's den huh?" Roberto asks Dick. "Brave. And law too, yeah, I hear that first year is murder. Like other students straight try to sabotage people to get ahead. Good luck though, what sort of law are you planning to study?"

Food gathered by Steph, Roberto joins, moving his arm around her shoulder and stealing some of the food with the other hand as he does. "So, seen Fifth Element?" he asks her. "C'uz got to say, Chris Tucker's character is like my spirit animal."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Oh, it's OK," Cassie reassures Gabby. "Sometimes we tease Diana about her vast shipping empire. 'Though at first the joke kinda went over her head. But you know, the rainforest is actually named after the myth not the other way around! Well, the not-myth, because it the Amazons are real, but the guy naming it didn't know that. Some colonizer dude." AmazonFacts!

With Gabby, Laura, and otherCass forming a row, Cassie slots in behind them, where she can infringe on their viewing experience by leaning in from behind to offer commentary whenever she chooses. Yes, the seats may be a bit too far apart for this. But? She can fly, so whatevah. She sets down her giant tray of food on the appropriate fold-out table thing, so at least she won't be raining popcorn on them when she does it.

"Good picks, I love Drunken-" Haha, that's the one Laura hates! "Are you sure? I don't really know a lot about non-Amazon martial styles. But I bet there's at least some dude out there who has drunken fighting powers." ... there probably is.

Answering Stephanie, she shakes her head. "Not now, I had to take a year off after high school to go to Themyscira and do my Amazon training." That's apparently a thing. "But I'm gonna be starting this coming semester." She glances over at Conner. "Kinda weird he's /ahead/ of me, haha, but that's just how things end up I guess."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cupped hands gain chocolate. This is news to Cassandra Cain, and she grins at Gabby. Adn then the two apparently have now bonded over chocolate. It's not unheard of after all. Laura's offer also goes into the cupped hands, and she now has a halloween basket of goodies of sorts that she takes slowly. A life of rice and fish is broken open, and things become properly sugared up. It is good. She does however look askance at Tim as his smile registers. A clear 'what?' is on her face. Bit of concern, if not necessarily understanding. She does catch Steph's glance, and pops a chocolate ball into her own mouth. Making friends with the assassins. Predictable perhaps, but still, she smiles to Steph with something warmer. Well, she has known her for the longest.

She tilts her head back, looking for a moment at Cassie behind her, as the lights go down. And she seems to blend into the darkness. Creepy.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Well, if I want to stay in the family business, probably intellectual property and business law," Dick says, "But if I want to go do stuff like what I did in my old job, look at criminal law. I just don't want to chase ambulances and divorces." He snorts and nods, "Yeah, gotta watch out for those kids. I'd advise the same in undergrad. Some kids are more vicious when the stakes are lower in certain orgs. But you'll do fine!" Dick grins and gives Stephanie a polite nod as Berto mentions the film, though he chuckles at the spirit animal comment.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Walking away with some Oreos, M'gann makes her way to a rather comfy looking recliner to get reach to watch. "Oooo...these are really nice! I think the last theatre I went to had steel folding chairs and a floor that last seen a mop when TGIF sitcoms were a thing!" With a grin, she settles into the seat, pulling out an Oreo and stuffing it unceremoniously into her mouth.

    While doing so, Tim's thought is certainly caught. And, so M'gann responds, without so much as a flinch on the outside. After all....this is her element. <<Did anyone ever tell you that you have loud thoughts, Tim?>> There might have been a smile on M'gann's face...but she just did have an Oreo. Those things are heavenly! <<Is there something you need?>>

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim settles back into his chair, twisting the top off his soda, the grim look he usually has while masked on his lips. <<Steph doesn't know about the team, really. Her boyfriend is probably a mutant but I'm also pretty sure he doesn't need to know what we do here. And Gabby's a sweet kid, but Laura and I need to have a talk about Opsec.>> He takes a swig of his soda, then sends another short text. <<Holes in their memories might be weird. Can you... I dunno, make it fuzzy and pull out the worst of it? I hate asking, but you're the best chance of a lockdown here.>> Bat-paranoia and all, and it's clear in his mind what he suspects might be the worst case results of a security breach here. And it's not pretty.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown seems more than happy to snuggle in to the arm that goes about her. After the milk dud is gone, some karmelkorn is the next to be tasted. Just a few of the sweet kernels though as she needs something a little more substantive after how she spent the day dodging gunfire.

The comment from Dick about his plans in the law profession get a thoughtful look from Stephanie. "Hmm, I guess you probably have a good idea what the criminal side of things are from being a detective. Is that something you'd enjoy doing?" she asks him curiously, perhaps doubting whether he would or not.

The blond swivels her head back to Roberto, blue eyes staring at him for a moment before she laughs. "Are you serious? If you start talking like him at some point I'm probably going to loose it," she tells him in a good-natured tone. Stephanie rests her head against the Brazilian's shoulder. "I have seen it, but only once or twice. I remember bits of it but not the whole thing," she tells Roberto. "But I do remember that character, yes."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks behind her to Cassie, telling the Amazon, seriously, "Drunken Fighting is a style, yes. But is more the appearance of being drunk, because those that study that particular style actually do exhaustive training to make their bones more flexible which increases their ability to bend and distort themselves to accomodate the requirements of the style."

Then, as the lights darken she settles in to watch the movie, unaware of any upcoming conversations or concerns that Tim might have.

Instead, she actually eats some of the caramel corn, munching.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Yeah, family law, just no," Roberto agrees. "IP and business law huh? Guess we'll be seeing each other in the board room sooner or later," he says. "I think Wayne and da Costa have a couple of deals on the go anyhow." It wouldn't be surprising, da Costa International is one of Brazil's largest corporations with fingers in a lot of industries. He shrugs good naturedly. "Good to see the competition face to face though," he says with a wink.

"And no kidding, Ruby Rhod is super green," Roberto says to Steph. "Though I don't think I can pull off his outfits, what do you think?" he teases.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Maybe, really will depend on what catches my attention or where I think I can best be of use," Dick says to Stephanie, "Though I'd rather be a prosecutor than a defense attorney, don't have a ton of love for them after my old gig. I mean, they did their job, but they made our lives hell on the force," he takes a sip from the water bottle and turns to Berto, "If so, yeah, wouldn't surprise me, though hopefully we can do the deals on your turf from time to time, better weather than up here! Not looking forward to doing international law again, though."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    There is a tinge of sadness that colors Tim's connection to the resident telepath. A quick image of Gabby flashes in his mind, before M'gann responds solely to him. <<I get it. You want me to neuralize them.>> It seems that someone has seen at least one or two movies in regards to memory wiping. There is a moment, in which nothing is transmitted, before the mental IM'ing continues. <<Yes....I'll do it. It wouldn't be the first time. But....I don't like messing around too much. If I go in there and just tug a little, it should be alright. Just....let's not make this a habit, okay?>>

    There is actually...a slight frown upon M'gann's lips as she watches the screen. Faint, but there. Still, apart from that, she does not betray what, or who, exactly is in her thoughts at the moment.

    Then, without telling Tim, M'gann starts. First with Roberto. The mental link with Tim is still there...but there is a definite one way effect to it. He can see in...but only what M'gann is playing with. And...it is only the surface thoughts of the last half hour. And, at least to him, it looks a lot like watching a security tape play at high speeds. There are quick edits in which M'gann pulls out the really offending information, twisting it just enough to eliminate the incriminating information, then splices the edits as neatly as she can, while adding a general haze of forgetfulness and general fun to it. After all, they are all there to watch a movie, right? It should be fun!

    Each mind is touched, one at a time, the lightest possible....and Tim finds himself out of the loop after Roberto. Similar edits are done for Stephanie's memory....and then finally Gabby, at the end. Though, for Gabby, M'gann leaves a little extra warmth and joy in the overall memories, even as the Martian pulls out the telepathic message from before. Because....it seems that M'gann found a kindred spirit. And, even though she is doing as Tim asked....M'gann feels bad about it.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shifts in her seat a bit to get slightly more comfortable as the lights go down. Her attention is still split between those around her and the screen, though. Her head tips back to hear Cass and Laura talk of drunken fighting a moment. Only long enough for her to know what they were talking about before she gets bored and turns her attention back to the movie.

A slight tip of her head and a soft 'huh' comes before she shrugs to herself. "More candy for us."

Tim Drake has posed:
As the link breaks, Tim closes his eyes again for a few moments. He takes another long drink of his soda, then opens his eyes, and sends first one text: It's handled. followed by a frowning Red Robin emoji.

He punches the lights the rest of the way down, and the opening credits start playing.

Then he sends a second text in another window. Me too. See you in a bit. Movie's starting.

As the credits come to the title screen, Tim thinks towards M'Gann, <<Sorry. Hopefully it won't need to happen again.>> He knows she saw his memories just as much as he felt her sadness at being asked. But it's a lot better than the alternative.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
When the light comes from the movie, and when the mental touches scan the crowd, one is missing. It's almost expected, normal now, but when the lights went down, Cassandra Cain left. This is what Gabby's referring to most likely, and there's a bag of what appears to be skittles sitting by both Laura and Gabby's seats.

At some point she also left one by M'gann, Stephanie, and Dick's. Tim and Roberto both got cookies.

Cassie's seat has a lollipop of all things. But the fact that she did it at all is probably why she came. The chance to sneak past the whole team? Impossible to resist.

And she has to cover the city while you're watching movies. Fun times. Love, Cassandra.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown looks over at Roberto and laughs, shaking her head. "I think I'd give a lot to NOT see you try," she says of wearing the flamboyant outfits from the movie. Stephanie grabs some karmelkorn and if Roberto allows, pops a couple of kernels into his mouth playfully.

She rests her head back against him, focusing on the movie. "Did this come out for before the Resident Evil movie?" she wonders softly aloud. After that she falls silent, her eyes going a little bit glazed over as she finds herself feeling slightly woozy. Memories of the conversations they've had grow indistinct, causing Stephanie to shake her head as if trying to clear it. After a few moments though she relaxes back against Roberto again, snuggling gently against him. "Have only seen this once or twice," she comments to him.

Laura Kinney has posed:
As the lights go down, Laura turns her head, briefly, as if something had caught her eye over there in the darkness. But, her attention is only distracted for a few moments before she turns back to Gabby, considering her sister's confusion for a moment before she, too, begins to watch the movie. And, for the most part, is a good sport about it without asking blatant questions of things that don't make sense to her. Instead, she files them away to fire off like an AK-47 to Gabby later on.

Her eyes do shift from side to side, occasionally, to watch the others and their reactions to the movie; a study, perhaps, in socialization on her end, but she mainly focuses on the movie.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
M'gann's touch of Roberto's mind reveals a nightmare, his mind is a collection of fragments only very recently cobbled, welded and stitched together into something like it was. Even so, there are still gaps, places where memories have been entirely removed. In all though there's no resistance to the changes, and Roberto does no more than scratch his head idly when it happens.

"I'd go defense if I had the choice, but yeah, definitely better weather down in Rio, feel free to drop by sometime if you guys want, our mansion is your mansion, right?" he says to Dick with a smile.

"I watched this a ton," Roberto says to Steph. "In fact it was one of the top ten movies Sam showed me after my accident to help get my memory back, well that, and a shit ton of Magnum PI."