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Seven Deadly Sins Ball
Date of Scene: 12 August 2020
Location: The Grand Edward Ballroom - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Surprisingly devoid of any real scandal
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Slade Wilson, Talia al Ghul, Neena Thurman, Lorna Dane, Nyssa al Ghul, Janet van Dyne

Emma Frost has posed:
The ballroom has already been filled with a light haze from the holoprojector: it's a lot healthier for the patrons than the actual smoky haze of an opium den, even if the feel is the same. The columns, walls, and balustrades have been curtained with long, heavy curtains of dark blues, reds, and golds in plush velvets, giving the room a darker, more secluded and secretive feel. The waitstaff and security staff alike, besides their regular uniforms, all wear faceless, expressionless masks: the security staff different with a plain cream, waitstaff and barstaff with a black-and-red.

There is no dance floor.

Instead, the bulk of the ballroom has been made into a veritable maze of silvery and dark grey gauze temporary walls, with numerous small alcoves within, each setup with a Victorian fainting couch or two and a side table to hold drinks. Each side table has a small drawer, where a selection of seemingly random items have been stocked ranging from thin silvery square packets to dulled flat razor blades to small silver spoons and heavy lighters with the Hellfire sigil heavily etched into the side. A strange mix of items that no one could possibly find use for, but tucked away nonetheless.

Music plays. It's light, distant, and slightly haunting chamber music, which suffuses the air without being overpowering to the senses... just enough to help give perhaps the barest nod to privacy to knots of conversation and... other things.

Both bars are fully staffed, though only one is serving drinks. The leftmost bar from the entrance is piled high with rich snacks, savory and sweet alike, complex and simple, but all impeccable and perfectly chosen to compliment the night, and perfectly bite sized regardless of the item. As one tray empties, it is replaced with another, different confection, so that the choices seem to ebb and flow with the night, never quite the same, never quite stable.

The rightmost bar, even beyond its usual of offering whatever requested of them, is covered with trays of premade drinks, each both strong and excellently mixed cocktails that can even stand up to the most discerning of tastes.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is a somewhat late arrival, dressed in a split-front empire waisted white gauzy spaghetti strap top that bares her stomach, loose white gauzy wrap pants that puff open at the sides to show flashes of bare leg... and fancy flip flops with gems on the bands. She promptly makes her way to the bar with the drinks, selecting two separate ones, one for each hand, and begins drinking. As a passing guest looks confused at her costume and asks which sin she's portraying, Emma shrugs.

"Gluttony," she replies and promptly entirely downs one of the drinks. The empty is quickly disposed of and replaced with another.

Calories and blood alcohol level do not count tonight, just like Christmas with the family.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade Wilson is not ordinarily what one might call a "party animal." Oh, he's fine with the high society gatherings, usually managing to keep his rough edges in check when he must. This...is a bit different. But new board member and all, he figured he should at least make an appearance. He can always retreat to the Public House or the VIP Lounge if he gets bored. Which isn't to say that he avoids greeting folks as he's able, often with some bemusement as several have shown up pre-intoxicated. Or by being darkly amused at some of the costume choices. It's likely a good thing this is about the most private type of party the Club has because he can imagine this is going to be some kind of train-wreck...not so much for the Club itself but for the confluence of privilege, excess, and tenuous interpersonal relationships whose breaking points may well be reached under the influence of...the atmosphere of the party and a little booze and /surely/ not anything else. Even Slade's thoughts have a sarcastic tone in his own head.

In any case, this party isn't exactly set up for "people watching" in the traditional sense, but Slade has taken up a position where he can occasionally take a glance towards the entrance and see who's showing up. There's a bit of a cluster near that entrance where some of the guests are meeting and greeting and mingling before heading into the pseudo-maze or off to grab food or drink, but nobody seems to be lingering there -too- long, and at least for now Slade's not inclined to venture into the temporary carpentry. So he may for the moment evoke a bit of a wallflower near where the drinks are served, but not seeming uncomfortable for it. He does give a nod and a brief, wry half-grin to Emma as she makes her first (but likely nowhere near last) order of the evening.

As for his own costume? Slade has taken on a very particular image of "Lust" evoking a late risque magazine publisher famous for his libertine lifestyle. A red brocaded smoking jacket is worn over a black silk dress shirt that's got the top two or three buttons unfastened. Matched black silk pants cover his legs, and a pair of formal slippers covers his feet. Not house slippers, but rather the somewhat archaic type of formal slipper that's technically suitable for formal affairs. He's even got the jaunty "captain's hat" and an unlit pipe that sometimes is held in his hand, and others tucked into one of the pockets of the jacket. The black eyepatch does align as far as color, but may not quite fit the rest of the image quite so well, but there's little that can be done for that. He is, however, devoid of the late publisher's favorite "accessory" of an coterie of nubile models/"girlfriends." It seems he's only willing to commit so far to this particular shtick.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghula arrives into the Seven Deadly Sins ball and it is clear to which 'sin' she adhered to.

Her long hair is given freedom, to hang down her shoulders and lay where it will. Her face is adorned in makeup, red lining across her forhead and down to her ears along the hairline. Her eyebrows seem to be highly over-exaggerated and painted over in black makeup into two elongated points like horns to the edge of each eye, two small points above her eyes and then at her eyes juts out to wrap around each entirely and each eye is shaded in black. Another arc of red-tinged-with-black spears into the middle of each cheek, and along her jawline while the last moves down from the middle of her lips halfway down her chin.

She wears a blood-red bone corset, the bone - real or manufactured, showing along the outside. A high-collar of spikes curve behind her jutting out from the high-back suggestive of the danger this woman imposes. Bone-spikes also jut from the knuckles across her fingerless gloves.

Thigh-high red boots overtake the leather pants she is wearing, buckled and spiked as the rest of her.

Talia al Ghul is, indeed, Wrath incarnate.

The woman enters the club to which only recently has she come to begin visiting and accustom to, taking in the decor and ambiance before she gravitates towards the bar to take for herself a glass of red wine, and watch the others as they enter. She's here mostly to entertain herself tonight, but also to take any opportunity should it present herself. One should never miss an opportunity, afterall. While not a 'deadly' sin, it certainly would be a grevious one.

She smiles, briefly, to Emma, amused. "An interesting choice."

She gravitates, albiet slowly, over to Slade's wallflower pose, looks him up and down. "I trust you're here for the entertainment, tonight. At least, I would hope so. A man of your caliber does deserve a break, once in awhile."

Neena Thurman has posed:
What light the room has is suddenly reflected off the arrival of a couple that step in. The man is one of the members of course, but the woman next to him that draws all the light certainly isn't. With a little whispered remark to him the man toddles off further into the room, and she promptly forgets his existence as she moves toward the line of boozy drinks herself. The mirrored dress she wears shows very little but hints at so much more.

Domino was impossible to not recognize for any who might know of her or her reputation as a mercenary. Tonight was for fun though. The length of her dark hair is twisted up on her head with a few well placed peacock feathers adding to her look. The black patch over one eye is highlighted with some rhinestones dotting across her eyebrow. The other side is similar but it's not as obvious against the paleness of her skin there. Lipstick of a shockingly deep royal purple is worn, and that's about it. All in all, a unique take on the sin of Pride.

A drink is plucked up to take a sip as she lets her gaze roam around those other few gathered. Slade's attire earns a soft chuff of laughter which she muffles behind the rim of her glass. That was certainly one way to get that sin across. Emma's is... a bit more confusing but she does try to figure it out.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had been planning to attend the event with a plus one, but when that plus one was ruler of a kingdom under attack.. unexpected things like monsters in the deep tended to pop up and ruin the best laid plans. So she was attending alone.

She arrived without much fanfare, and seemingly went with the easiest of sins for her to don for the night. Envy. Not only was her hair naturally green, but so were her eyes. She was quite literally the green eyed monster, or otherwise green with envy as the literature would suggest.

The Genoshan royal, former or otherwise according to the tabloid, only leaned in with it. Her make up matched in various hues and done in an overly dramatic fashion, down to her lipstick. Her hair was slicked back and straightened, with a curling metal headpiece that looked like small horns on her head.

On her neck rested an oversized, borrowed, emerald necklace that looked ancient in design and was wrought of intricate gold work to mimic coral shapes. Matching bracelets and rings covered her hands. All of which overshadowed the slightly simple solid green pantsuit she wore that dipped low in a dramatic 'V' neckline and was just a hair away from being wardrobe malfunction.

As she spotted Emma though she made her way over. "What are you drinking so I can get the same?"

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
Nyssa could likely afford her own membership. She's been toying with the idea. But part of dealing in rare and expensive goods is having a rare and expensive clientele, which generally suffices to get her into events...with the benefit of not having to put her name on a membership roll.

She enters on the arm of a man dressed in a gold and white Versailles-inspired suit fixed with countless tiny mirrors. In contrast, Nyssa is in deep, dark colors. A black dress hugs close to her form, high-collared with a deep v in the necklin, the loose, flowing skirt slit high on her thigh. Rich crimson embroidery works over the entire bodice, looking like a double-brace of curved daggers. It does mean an extra moment at security as they check to make sure none are real, but her date doesn't seem to mind the extra attention. Her hair is piled high on her head, fixed with a pair of ornately decorated hairsticks. Shades of crimson line her eyes and lips - it seems Wrath has made another appearance.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet's arrival is first heralded by smoke. Low, billowing fog that clings to itself and moves as if directed by an invisible hand, right in the middle of the ballroom. The currents eddy like a fae circle, whorling over impercetible depths within. From the smoke rises a figure; curled into itself and then straightening as she stands. A great span of cloth unfolds, forming a backpiece that frames Janet van Dyne's face and shoulders; it expands like a six-foot fan of peacock feathers, a red-orange at the tips which cool along the color spectrum to a frosty blue-white at the base. A crown of platinum and diamond provides cold counterpoint to Janet's Carribean-tan skin and dark brown pixie cut. Her dress is a daring halter-top affair; merely two white bands crossing over her upper chest and wrapping once around her back, once around her midsection, and then joining again just above her thighs before transitioning into the skirt of her outfit. A great deal of skin is visible, from the clear definition of her ribs and smooth belly down to the dimples of her hipbones.

The cloud continues to let low-hanging fog cling to it as the rest of Janet-- and her outfit-- rise upward. She sits back into a near-invisible chair that disappears into the structure. A crossing of her legs puts patent-leather red stilettos on display, along with the train of her skirt which is at least six feet long and echoes the transition of color from the headdress-- blue-white near her thighs, and a brilliant rainbow of color rolling down to deep umbre-red before not-quite-touching the floor. Seated thus, Janet's a full head taller than anyone else present, and the socialite allows everyone to bask in the view before waving one jewel-adorned hand in a wave of greeting. The palanquin moves her along with no apparent direction; there are no hands to guide it or wheels under it. \

"Get me a drink," Janet bids one of the passing waitstaff. "A pina colada, and keep them coming. I don't want an empty glass in my hand." The palanquin floats towards Emma, and Janet gives her friend a cheeky grin. "Give you seven guesses, but you're only gonna need one," she bids Emma. "And Queen Lorna, so nice to see you. I love the getup. Envy, right?" she hazards.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma eyes her two glasses. "Uh..." she sips one. "This one has gin and champagne at least..." and the other. "Oh, um, mead. Has a hint of... cinnamon?" she replies to Lorna regarding her drinks. "I just grabbed two at random," she admits, and then laughs at Janet's entrance merrily. "Oh, //obviously// we're looking at Wrath here," Emma jokes to Janet. "The rage of what you might do if someone spills something all over that palanquin." She lifts her right glass as soon as the other two have glasses of their own. "Cheers."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna hmm'ed under her breath, and placed an order for the drink with champagne in it, and glanced up after ordering as Janet arrived and greeted her. She shrugged lightly with a roll of her shoulders, a smile on her features as she paused to accept the drink slid her way. "Thanks. I'm not very creative. I was born with the right pallet, so I figured I might as well lean in." She sipped at her drink, trying not spill it as she did so.

"Oh this is good. Cheers indeed." She offered with a small laugh.

Her gaze skimmed the room, "Damn, awful lot of people I don't know here." She might've been coming to the Club events for the past few months but it would seem, either the costumes or the attendees were very different to what she normally saw.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade's attention turns towards Talia as she speaks, inclining his head towards her with a touch of sardonic humor, "I'm not on duty, and I expect that one way or another I'll likely find some entertainment here tonight, yes." He gives Talia a once over and an approving nod, "I suspect no one will be spared the wrath of your judgment this evening? Or at least a savage critique where warranted." His good eye does widen a touch at Janet's debut, bringing an expression that bears at least a spark of genuine admiration for the showmanship involved.

"Well, I think someone may have won the costume Olympics right out of the starting gates." He glances down at his own outfit and smirks, "After all those minutes spent at the tailor too." Not that his tone suggests he was really competing for anything. He's already seen at least two other men with similar ideas amidst the crowd.

But speaking of amidst the crowd, Domino cuts a striking figure, and an at least somewhat familiar one. If she manages to glances his way, she'll get a nod of greeting and a faint, polite-ish smile. Always interesting to see the competition during downtime.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"My counsel has suggested I memorize the term 'temporary insanity'," Janet tells Emma with a dry amusement. "I think that'd about do it. I slaved over this for days, I could bore you to death with how I pulled off the dye for the train without making it look like a hippie threw up on it.

Her drink's delivered into her hand and Janet guides the straw with her free fingers to bite down on it, lest she ruin her perfectly applied cosmetics. "I almost went for Sloth, just to stand out, but even I can't pull that one off. Laying around just isn't in me. And Lorna, don't put yourself down for a second," Janet tells the woman. "If anyone else had gone with Envy, the best they could have done is stare at your outfit all night wishing they had your creativity."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Janet van Dyne," agrees Talia to Slade, recognizing the high-profile fashionista. "She would outdo all of us, and such grandeur." She, too, seems amused at the other's entrance, but that amusement quickly turns to something else entirely as she spies another attendee.

Her voice drips with dry sarcasm. "Of course she would have to come." Who 'she' is Talia doesn't name, just yet, or how Talia knows her. "And, her understanding of Wrath, as expected, is a poor one." Talia does not have the best impression of her older sister, to be sure.

Her dark eyes look back to Slade, then. "Oh, I wouldn't say they were wasted," she assures him, taking the wine glass to her lips. "Lust and Wrath do have some commonalities, afterall. For example, while both can be satisfactory executed in the heat of the moment, there is also something more sublime to waiting until the opportune moment to see those sins fulfilled."

Another sip of wine. "At the very least, it should prove an interesting evening. And hardly a waste of time."

Emma Frost has posed:
"And," Emma adds in a chirp to Janet's comment to Lorna, "they would, in fact, be green with Envy." The telepath downs another of her drinks. This amount of psychic background noise is driving her mildly insane, given the content of what's around her, and the choice of costume and sin was as much out of self-preservation as anything else. She excuses herself for a moment, grabbing an... entire of the small trays of petit fours, don't judge her, it's the sin... and brings it back to Lorna and Janet, resting it on the edge of the palanquin for Janet to be able to snag some easily. "Temporary insanity is far better than the lasting kind," she points out.

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
Once security is certain that Nyssa isn't trying to sneak any actual weapons past them with her costume, she and her date continue inside the club. She seems content to be the shadow to his sun, making small talk with those who stop by. It's all the better to observe the others around her through the simulated haze of lights.

As simulations go, it's rather a good one, really. Thankfully missing the less savory scents she remembers from actual opium dens.

It doesn't take long for her to extricate herself under the pretense of claiming them both drinks, appearing near Janet, Emma, and Lorna. "Miss Van Dyne," she says with a small smile as she peruses the offerings. "You are a work of art, as ever."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Can I plea inherited insanity?" She drawled, sipping her drink and grinning as Emma brought over the whole tray of petit fours. She ooh'ed and grabbed one to nibble on. She glanced back at Janet as she spoke of her costume making other attempts envious. The comment earned a grin, and a small laugh as she shook her head.

"Green is my color, I guess. It's a good thing I like it." She mused, and paused to glance over at Nyssa's approach, not that she particularly knew the woman. She sipped at her drink curiously, but otherwise fell quiet for a beat.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino lifts her glass in greeting back toward Slade along with a nod when he catches her gaze. As amusing as the chatter of the heavily drinking and excessively costumed was, she pushes away from the bar to head toward Slade and Talia. It might not be the most wise move. A chance to see Slade Wilson not on duty though? Why that was too good to pass up.

"Never would I ever have thought you would be here, Mr. Wilson," she greets with a polite sort of amusement. Her head inclines toward Talia as well in greeting though there's no immediate recognition there. Maybe she wasn't as in-the-know as she'd like to believe at times. "Lovely choice of costume."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Gotta be careful with that Lorna, if you're on US soil someone might claim conservatorship," Janet informs the mutant queen with a sparkling grin. "I've got good lawyers, and I would really love to stick a royal title in the craw of some of the girls I went to boarding school with."

Janet passes off her empty drink and accepts one of the petit fours Emma offers; she eyes the tray, then eyes Emma, and her eyes narrow with a pointed theatricality. "Not a drop," she mutters ominously.

"Nyssa! So nice to see you again," Janet tells the art dealer, and transfer a drink over to her. "Lorna, Emma, this is Nyssa Raatko; absolutely brilliant art dealer. Wonderful taste in art, and a good contact to have during tax season."

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade's eye follows the track of Talia's vision as acid drips from her tongue, a silver brow quirking with curiosity as he takes a moment to study Nyssa. The eye flicks back to Talia for a moment, then back to Nyssa. "I'd ask if she's a friend of yours, but I get the impression she might be more closely related and less warmly regarded." For a moment, all humor fades from his tone as he asks the simple question, "Should I be concerned?" In short, is Nyssa a security risk? Or at least...more of a risk than others who are already here tonight.

Case in point, Domino approaches and Slade actually chuckles, "I sit on the Board here now, actually. But yes, even I have downtime. Sometimes. Nice outfit." He gestures between Talia and Domino now, "Talia al Ghul, allow me to introduce Ms. Neena Thurman, though she may prefer her professional name of Domino. She's an...occasional rival, and occasional ally. Depends on the job." He adds, "Domino, Talia al Ghul, also a new addition to the Board here."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma nods to Nyssa with a lift of her glass, even as she pops a petit four in her mouth. She at least chews and swallows before replying, "Emma Frost," in greeting. "Any specific art styles, or are you more the eclectic type?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Mmm. No," she answers, more directly than is her usual style, but there's no deception in her words. "You don't have anything to worry about from her. Nor does anyone else here. Likely enough she's here to gather information of future clientele, as well rapport." Still, Talia doesn't sound thrilled to have seen her, and she making no effort to draw attention to herself, or go visit with her older sister.

And then, there's Domino. Her arrival earns her a smile from Talia, especially at the other's compliment. "Thank you, my dear. Yours is rather brilliant, too," she says, smiling with the barest mirth at her play-on-words. If she knows Domino, which is likely by face and reputation if nothing else given her extensive contacts, she doesn't reveal it. "I see you know Mr. Wilson. I am Talia." She extends her hand to Domino, politely enough.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna laughed softly over the edge of her drink, finishing it off and promptly turning to order another. It was pretty good, and went directly to her head. The little petit fours were doing nothing to soak up the mix drinks contents. "Pretty sure my father, argue that." She mused, and as she was introduced to Nyssa, she offered a small nod of her head as her next drink was brought out.

"Can't say I appreciate art as much as I should. Doesn't help that every place I end up living in lasts for only a few years between getting wrecked." She mused, and shook her head.

"Nice to meet you though. I'm Lorna."

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"A pleasure to meet you," Nyssa says with a polite smile for both Emma and Lorna, offering a hand in a brief, light gesture that suits professional interest to a party where business is certainly not the stated purpose. "We deal in a variety of goods," she answers Emma. "Though we specialize in restoring artwork and tracing provenance."

At Lorna's introduction, she executes a flawless - if perhaps dated - curtsey to the queen. "Your majesty. I was sorry to hear about your father's...difficulties. We do a good deal of charity work with Holocaust survivors and their families, restoring pieces to their rightful owners. Unfortunately the trauma often leaves far more scars than needles ever did."

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino raises her eyebrows at the news of Slade being on the board. It's not total surprise so much as she did find it interesting. "Oh? Looking to retire in your old age?" It's a light tease though she offers, "I'm sure I can pick up any slack on jobs if you are." Wishful thinking maybe. There's no real malice behind her remark though--They had been on both sides of working together or against each other in the past after all. That was the life of a mercenary sometimes.

When Talia is introduced a small inhalation is drawn between her lips and her gaze rivets on the other woman. "Oh, quite a pleasure to meet you. I've... Heard the name before," she admits with a grin. "And Domino is fine. No one's really called me Neena since my late husband."

Slade Wilson has posed:
"I've always said you need to keep a diverse portfolio." Slade replies to Domino with the type of knowing look that suggests this is a conversation they've had more than once. "But I'm not slowing down just yet, sorry to disappoint."

He catches the signs of recognition from Domino, but doesn't comment on it, instead watching the interplay between the two ladies for a moment before he speaks again:

"You should save your pennies for a membership, Domino. Benefits are well worth the cost."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Best kind of art dealer, honest with you, lies to the IRS," Janet says sotto voce. She eyes the petit fours, but it's unthinkable to eat something that could leave the *idea* of a crumb on her outfit. So she beckons the waiter over with her ready cocktail and gives him the empty glass.

"So Lorna, what *is* the official status now?" she inquires of the green-haired woman. "Are you the titular queen still? I'm terrible gauche, I haven't been keeping up with the UN reports at all," she says with a crestfallen expression.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia regards Domino for a few moments longer, "Mr. Wilson speaks true. Networking can be invaluable," she suggests, gently. "Among other benefits. You should consider it. A woman of your caliber shouldn't have an issue with the fee." Her eyes lid, thoughtfully and then she looks aside to Slade.

"I am quite enjoying the benefits." She takes another sip of her wine, finishing it off and gesturing for one of the watiresses over so she can deposit the empty glass on the tray and pick up another. "You meet so many interesting people you would've never otherwise encountered, for one."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna arched a brow over the rim of her drink mid sip as Nyssa swept into a formal bow and addressed her and brought up, of all things the Shoah in the middle of party. "Do you always lead with commentary about one's family history with genocide, or am I just special?" She mused, shaking her head. "Thank you for the sentiment though." She added, and took another sip of her drink. Her focus shifting rapidly back to Janet as she bluntly addressed a question about her royal status.

"Frankly the UN wants nothing to with my father. And he well.." She shrugged, "I never had an official coronation and right now Genosha's future is uncertain. I can't say there's much in terms of a record of monarchs returning from the dead in history to go by either." She exhaled a breath, and shook her head.

"I believe my father is choosing instead the title of Emperor, these days."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma actually laughs slightly at the Emperor title bit. "Dramatic much?" she grins. "Mm, I should probably warn you, Lorna, when news of his not-death came to the club, we reached out to him. Socially, of course." She doesn't mention anything coming from it. "He might be around the club more often."

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
Nyssa chuckles at Janet's comment. "I'm a firm believer that the government has no place in art," she admits. "Except to allow for its free and unfettered creation, of course. And if they insist on putting numbers to things..." She trails off, shrugging as she takes a drink. "I'm more interested in the art than the paperwork."

She gives Lorna an apologetic look, dipping her chin. "My apologies, it is a pet project of mine," she admits. "So to answer your question truthfully...more often than I likely should."

Neena Thurman has posed:
"I have a few pretty pennies saved away," Domino responds to Slade with a grin at the idea. When it's echoed by Talia she tips her head to the side with a nod. "I have been rather lucky in who I've met so far. That fellow I came in with for instance," she makes a vague gesture over her shoulder with her raised drink glass. "Just wanted to be seen coming and going with a lady on his arm so his ex-wife won't find out about his relationship with her younger brother." Bemused by it all she can't help but grin. "So here I am."

The look Talia gives Slade does earn a nod of apparent agreement. "Oh I'm sure there's some nice perks there. Should I leave you two be for now to discuss the rest of your night?"

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade's gaze turns in the direction of Domino's "Date" and he barks a short laugh, "Well, lucky you." A play on words if ever there was one. But at her next question, his brow does raise considerably at both the temerity and the prospect.

"I don't think there's any need for you to run off unless you're looking for different company. Talia's perfectly lovely company, but our acquaintanceship is young, and purely professional" There's a beat before he adds, "So far, but regardless I'm sure you could offer all sorts of entertaining commentary on some of the other guests and their costuming choices."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced toward Emma at the laugh and 'dramatic' comment. "Well, he never does anything by halves." She mused, and shook her head, working through her second drink rapidly with the conversation and placing an order for a third before she was entirely finished.

The comment that her father might be around more earned a faint grumble and sigh. "Wonderful, as if it wasn't bad enough that he had the need to remark on gills to me the other day." She shook her head, utterly leaving out the context.

Her focus shifted toward Nyssa and she bit back a sigh, and forced a smile as she switched out her drink for a new one. She paused to grab another petite four before she responded. "I see. What a curious business to get into these days. How did you pick it up?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia's eyes slide back to Domino, and she assures the other woman, "Agreed. Mr. Wilson and I in no rush to be removed from your company." Otherwise, she'll let Domino either stay or leave at her own pace and leisure. As to Domino's 'luck', she makes no comment. She says quietly, "Good company is so rare to find. Some old sayings have quite a bit of truth to them."

"Ms. Frost's, for example," she says on the heels of Slade's suggestion. "What do you think of her choice of appearance this evening, Domino?" Using her preferred name, rather than given at the other's asking. She looks back to Domino, then to further away figure of Emma, curiously.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino gives Slade a slight squint as if she weren't sure he was aware Talia might be eyeing him up that way. Or maybe she'd misread it. That would be him though--Missing such an obvious thing. A rolling shrug is given as she steps slightly to the side to glance off in the direction that Talia had indicuated. Emma's attire is regarded a quiet moment before she responds. "Relaxed. She's not trying to impress anyone tonight but at the same time felt the need to put forth the effort the event called for. As for the way she's drinking," she pauses her to take a sip of her own glass. "She's trying to make it as short a night as possible."

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"The first such stolen painting I had come upon by chance," Nyssa explains to Lorna. "I was lucky enough to obtain it at a very low cost due to the circumstances under which it was being kept." Art is such a bargain when you take it from dead South American petty generals! "And when I first began searching for potential buyers, the family reached out to my office explaining how it had been taken from them during the war. After that, I began looking into it in more detail, of course, and when I discovered what an impact returning these lost works of art could have on the families..."

She trails off, smile faint and sad. "So much was taken. I myself lost family to the camps. There are so many things that can never be returned, but at least this way I can give back some of their heritage."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna blinked, tilting her head as she considered the history that Nyssa told of how exactly she came to be so involved with a rather dark part of history and art theft. She hmmm'ed sipping at her drink still as she listened. "I spent a while after my father was established in Genosha trying to track down family heirlooms actually." She paused to take another petit four. They were going quickly.

"My grandfather was a watchmaker, and I set out to find something he'd made. It was hard to trace much, but I got my hands on what his maker's mark was and it was a little easier to work with. Helped that I could find the records of his service in World War One." She was tipsy and veering into drunk territory, and so the story came from her in bit of a spill.

"I couldn't find anything on my sister's family, but that's not surprising given how much was burned."

Slade Wilson has posed:
Oh Slade's aware, but equally aware that Talia's own words have pointed towards a more...leisurely flirtation, if anything. But with two-ladies and two arms, he offers one to each, another humored grin just barely touching his lips. Hey, the costume comes with an image to maintain!

"Sounds pretty spot-on." Slade replies to Domino, not going into the personal details that would fill out the story (what few he's aware of), and instead gesturing to a gentleman that looks like he's got something between Brad Pitt's Louis from Interview with a Vampire and a Chippendale's dancer going on, except that he's about 30 pounds too heavy for the outfit and the wig is pretty obvious (and not doing a good job of hiding his receding hairline).

"How about that one?" The man also seems to be trying to drunkenly hit on masked waitresses more so than other partygoers. If one has a keen eye and a good memory for pop culture pap the fellow's the former frontman of a "one hit wonder" band whose success broke them up and his solo career never took off. Still that one-hit was a huge one, or at least enough to give him enough cash to blow on a Hellfire Club VIP membership, so here he is....

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"If you'd like, I could keep an eye out for anything that might come across the market," Nyssa offers to Lorna, taking a measured sip of her drink. "I've found that these things tend to come in fits and spurts. You'll find nothing for ages, then you find a string on which to tug and suddenly it's as though you've opened a book. And since I doubtless find myself with more strings, perhaps I might have better luck."

Turning her back to the bar, she glances out over the crowd with an idle, heavy-lidded gaze. Just a curious visitor here. No one important. "I'd be happy to do what I could."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled faint over the edge of her glass as she considered Nyssa's offer. "That's fair, if you have a card or something I'd be interested in seeing what you manage to dig up." She mused, and nabbed another petit four. Really she should eat something else beyond the sweets.

"Granted, the arguments I've had with the German government about being the daughter of a Holocaust survivor at my age has led to some interesting back and forth emails." She drawled.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Very astute," agrees Talia to Domino's commentary, along with Slade. She had, of course, her own reasons for asking Domino to do such, but those she'll keep to herself. And, as the other woman moves off into the party to go find some luck of her own most likely, Talia looks back to Slade as she finshes off her second glass of wine.

"And then there were two," she hazards, mildly. "Tell me, Mr. Wilson. Do you take such opportunities as the lovely Domino," referring to how Domino had told them she got into the party, "Or, do you prefer to make your own way?"

Her eyes shift to watch the other guests, but she is, in fact, playing rather close attention to Slade, nevertheless.

Slade Wilson has posed:
"Never been much of a hanger-on, but I suppose I make my own path by seizing available opportunities." Slade replies readily enough to Talia, gesturing vaguely at their surroundings. "It's how I ended up on the Board. I had expertise they decided they wanted. I may prefer working alone, but that wasn't the kind of opportunity you turn down for pride and stubbornness."

He glances to Talia, sidelong, "I'd ask the same, but I think the answer is fairly obvious there."

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"I can imagine," Nyssa chuckles to Lorna, drawing a card from a fold in her bodice to offer it over. "Have your people send over what you have, and I'll make sure that you hear first if anything comes onto the market." Having finished her drink, she sets the empty glass aside in favor of claiming a new one, taking a step back with a small smile.

"If you'll excuse me, though. I really should check in on my date." Taking her drink, she weaves her way back through the crowd, making exactly zero effort to find the mirrored gentleman she came in with. He has so many of his own reflection to keep him company, after all. Instead, her wandering path leads her closer to Slade and Talia, bit by bit.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia nods to Slade, "A little more - complicated," she answers with a humored smile, "But, accurate enough as it is." She seems pleased enough, at least, until she spies Nyssa's trajectory. The smile doesn't quite fade, but rather becomes more brittle.

"It would seem we've been noticed," she mentions to Slade. "How very fortunate."

The dark-haired woman does not pretend not to notice Nyssa on her way towards them, instead she pointedly looks at the approaching other figure of Wrath. "I will let you decide for yourself on her nature, and the factor of her danger to your person, or, other persons."

Slade Wilson has posed:
"Complicated is a good word, yes." Slade notes with a touch of wry amusement, which turns to careful consideration as Nyssa approaches. He doesn't bristle, or seem overly wary, but there's certainly a measuring-up going on.

And when she's in comfortable earshot he speaks, "I don't believe I've had the pleasure...?"

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
Nyssa does an excellent impression of harmlessness, thanks to years of first living normally, then living undercover. Though it's hard to hide from people who have reason to know her. Just as Slade speaks, she meets Talia's gaze, a small smile curving.

"I hope you'll forgive my interruption," she says smoothly. "I just wanted to compliment your companion's costume. Clearly you found a much better designer than I did." There's a faint accent to her words, though it's hard to place. Only then does she offer a hand. "Nyssa."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Of course, we're hardly being reclusive," Talia says agreeably to Nyssa, without rancor.

"Yes. This is Nyssa," Talia informs Slade, maintaining her manners effortlessly. "Nyssa, this is Slade Wilson. A rather respectable individual." Of course, coming from Talia, and the fact Talia has spent a large portion of the evening with is company will likely convey that to be 'dangerous' in some aspect or another to Nyssa.

"Slade, this is Nyssa al Ghul." That would explain the familiy relation that he'd honed in on. "My elder sister."

Talia pauses, after that, looking Nyssa over. "But, thank you. I thought I should put some effort into it. Impressions are everything, afterall." She smiles, then looks over Nyssa once more. "It has been a long time. Whatever brings you to the Hellfire Club?"

Slade Wilson has posed:
Between Talia's earlier comments and demeanor that accompanied them, and well, simply the atmosphere in general, it'd take a fool not to notice there's tension here. Slade does take Nyssa's hand though, giving it a firm shake as he's introduced. "A pleasure, Nyssa."

There's a brief flicker of a glance towards Talia as she gives Nyssa's full name and precise relation...he had calculated fairly close to the conclusion already (having some familiarity with the particular brand of tension and exasperation that only family can bring), but it's still nice to have confirmation on it, even if he does not speak further on it. Nyssa likely left the surname off for a reason. He'll respect it for the moment.

By the same token, Talia's given no indication she'd prefer he leave, so he also stays put. Besides, family drama is often entertaining when it's not YOUR family drama.

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"Raatko," Nyssa corrects, a wry smile curving at one corner of her lips. "Unless Father has begun reconsidering his choices. But as I've yet to see any other signs of the end times, I doubt that's happened." She seems at ease with it - if there's drama, it remains beneath the surface for her.

"I've heard the name," she adds to Slade, head tilting with a considering look. "This club truly does make an investment in its membership. And," she continues, looking back to Talia, "It's a rather convenient place for my own investments. There are always potential clients."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Ah, your little private venture. I hear you're doing quite well." Talia seems to nod in appreciation of this of this, not commenting on their father's mind, approval, or disapproval or giving her own. She, too, it seems - despite having at least making some of her feelings clear to Slade, does not bring any family drama to the table (or, in this case, the floor). Sorry, Slade, there won't be much entertainment tonight.

"I'm certain you'll find quite the list, should you induldge in membership. And many of our VIP members are always looking to throw money at things, having far too much of it for their own good."

Slade Wilson has posed:
How disappointing! They're both being perfectly civil, though Slade can understand it, certainly. Even Addie manages to not go for his throat in public...well...physically anyway. Verbally is another matter entirely. So after Talia's commentary, he can't help but ask the obvious question:

"If I might ask, what /is/ this private venture, Ms. Raatko?"

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"I have been considering it," Nyssa admits to her sister, looking around. "Though I've found it easy enough to garner an invitation when one is needed." At Slade's question, she produces another of those business cards like a magic trick, offering it over from between two fingers. "I deal in arts and antiquities," she explains. "Difficult to find pieces, investments. We also do investigations on provenance."

Her other personal project is another matter - //that// she keeps to herself. Just as well for any who might recognize her to think she's continued to avoid the family business.

"It's a lucrative business, and it allows me the leeway to do some good as well, restoring pieces and returning them to their..." A pause, that smile flickering with a glimmer of dark humor in her eyes. "Rightful heirs."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia seems to have no further commentary, at least, on her sister's ventures to suggest publically, though no doubt it would be a different conversation altogether if they were in private. Still, Talia shows composure only musing to Slade, "We all have things we enjoy in life."

She leaves it at that, looking to Nyssa again. "Well, I do hope you find what you've come to find, then."

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade accepts the card, and as protocol and decorum demands, produces one of his own, "Personal Security Consultation." He manages to say it straight-faced, though he's reasonably sure Nyssa knows who and what he is just fine. His dual identity may not be public...but it's known "in certain circles" readily enough.

He studies Nyssa's card a moment, with what by all accounts seems genuine interest, before tucking it away. "I just might be in touch." He notes with a polite smile

But Talia's tone takes a turn towards ending the conversation, so he again offers his arm to her...after all, their discussion of earlier may not yet be finished, and then nods to Nyssa once more, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Raatko."

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"I'm sure it will come in handy," Nyssa replies easily as she takes the card. "I know a few clients who would certainly feel better about their investments if they were more certain of making it home safely."

Raising her glass to the pair, she takes a step back with a small smile. "A pleasure meeting you, Mister Wilson. Talia. Always good to see you well." It seems genuine enough when she says it, at least. Then again, her quarrel with her father was already a hundred and fifty years old when Talia was born.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Nyssa. I'm sure I'll see you again," Talia agrees. She nods, "Do have a good evening. And, hopefully the night proves fruitful for you." She smiles, effortlessly, and then puts her arm into Slade's as offered.

"And, do be certain to enjoy yourself. That is, afterall, what this entire event is about."

She looks to Slade, "Let's go somewhere a bit more private, shall we?" She'll let him lead the way, and will follow in his wake. Nyssa is given a final nod of farewell, before Talia departs.