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Latest revision as of 22:33, 26 October 2020

Is That A Turtle
Date of Scene: 19 October 2020
Location: Long Island
Synopsis: A dragon's slumber is disturbed, and heroes save the day from its wrath.
Cast of Characters: Stephen Strange, Jackie Estacado, Bart Allen, T'Challa, Spiral, Amora, Sara Pezzini, Takako Kyozan, Rachel Roth

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Friday evening in New York, and yet, thankfully this will not be taking place in Manhattan but instead on Long Island, at the length beach to the south where there's still many people and countless innocents looking to get that last weekend of beach time to top off the year. The sky is clear as the sun begins to kiss the tops of the buildings to the west and their long shadows reach onto the islands and the cyan skies are starting to give way to the indigo nights with orange ring and tint to all the clouds in the sky and the horizon. It's a rather remarkably plain and pleasant day.

    Beneath the waves however something stirs. Something ancient and forgotten. There has been a knocking upon the earth's magic spheres lately with the sorcerer supreme long absent and his house in disarray with a non-stop rave heralding the future comings as the leylines have begun to become frayed and fractured especially around the New York and Tristate areas.

    The slumber beneath the waves has been awokened and the beast is not happy about being freshly disturbed.

    The water not far from the beach swells as though a bomb had been detonated below the waves and suddenly a great crashing sound happens as the beast's containment is shattered and thousands of eons of bars and waves shatter from the creature's rising to the air it hasn't tasted since shortly after the dawn of man.

Jackie Estacado has posed:
A cigarette is between his lips is the only thing lighting up Jackie's face as he stands in the shadows. He is dressed in a long black trenchcoat, his hair in front of his eyes. His smoke is fired out over and over, in long labored puffs. His eyes looking down at the beach, his pistols hidden under that coat, as he thinks for a moment.


His eyes twitch in annoyance behind those shades, under that hair as he speaks softly."Shut the fuck up, I know." His voice is cold, as his right hand is come up to brush back his hair as he leaps off the pier making his way towards the beach, and that beast is now roaring with a snarl at it.

<Let's see it, Jackie, Get me a better fucking look!>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has came to the beach after seeing a documentary on the area. One of the things about a short attention span and super speed, you can check out an interest in the blink of an eye. So, after zooming in and finding a place to change Bart is out looking at the beach and the people. He is considering buying a metal detector at the water acting odd. He will move towards one of the life guard stations to see if he can see whats going on.

T'Challa has posed:
The mystical artifacts that are part of Wakanda's treasury are known to very few, even within the reclusive African nation. One is a large compass-like object, a ball with an arrow pointer. It usually just sits there uneventfully. However it has started both pointing a different direction, and also dipping below the horizontal. Neither are good signs, T'Challa knows, though the artifact gives little information other than trouble of a magical nature of the type it was meant to watch for.

So it is that a cloaked Wakandan aircraft is in the vicinity, flying high up, invisible to radar and projecting an image of the sky behind it to foil visual scans, were anyone up there to see it. T'Challa stands behind Okoye as she pilots it. The woman says, "Why do they always go for Long Island? Richmond isn't nice this time of year? Or maybe Charlotte?" she asks him, getting a small, warm smirk in reply from T'Challa.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral isn't all that many miles away, and feels enough of a mystical (and physical) disturbance to attact her attention. She pats the face of the mercifully most unconscious guy in her nutrient bath. "Don't go anywhere." she tells him with a smile, and with a twirl she vanishes, appearing on the road overlooking the beach.

Seeing the boiling water and the cthonic entity at the end of the pier... she promptly reaches into one of her many pockets and draws out a pair of disembodied eyes, holding them out in one palm.
Ratings gold.

Amora has posed:
It's not as if Amora usually cares too much about Midgard woes. Yet the lacking of a Sorcerer Supreme meant there was power out there to be grasped and taken and, she was curious. And a curious Amora is always a dangerous thing.

So she found herself walking the length of Long Island at this particular evening, a rather stylish white suit framing her body, high heels, jewelry. Very much disguised from her usual green Enchantress outfit. Sometimes she had to make these sacrifices in order to mingle with humanity afterall.

The disturbance is too great to ignore though, having her turn her attention to the rumbling waters. "Well, well, well..." her lips curling up in a deliciously wicked smirk.

Power was indeed being felt. She begins her approach.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Pez had heard about the raves through two different sources - work and the mystic grapevine that she has found herself intertwined in, more and more deeply. The chief had stopped by her desk at the 11th to ask her if she knew anything about it. She shrugged and left her office, laying out bait for the other detectives to trick them into thinking she had just left to go down into the bowels of the underground evidence room. The story of the rave she'll leave to another time.

Sara needed to get out of the office because her constant companion, the entity that lives in her dreams and consciousness, the Witchblade was restless. It was like living with a smart two-year-old that needed to be entertained all the time. Something was up. Though she and the Blade had been together for some months, things like leylines and imbalance in the mystical world were still like the language of quantum mechanics. To soothe them both, she decided to on a lark to go to Long Island. Sara has begun to learn there are not many coincidences around the artifact that resides on her wrist.

She arrived in time to witness the benign colors of the sunset and smell the innocent waft of caramel corn from a vendor near the beach when the water exploded.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
After several decades Takako has learned to deal with the dark whispers in the back of her mind, even if to this day she's still not completely sure where they come from. Sometimes they tell urge her towards terrible and bizarre things like revenge against distant gods that seems all but impossible, occasionally however they point her at something that would threaten her own existence and by extension many of those around her. It is for just such a reason that the voice has has urged her to this Long Island beach today.

A black sedan with tinted windows and embassy plates pulls up to the boardwalk and out steps a skirtsuit clad Takako, likely having come straight from the UN where there never seems to be any end to her workload. At first she is looking around unsure where the threat might come from. That is of course until the water seems to literally explode upward, and she sighs a bit, "Why is it always fights in the water?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    The creature's leather metalic looking wings unfurl with the thousands of gallons of water cascading off it's back and tail. With a huge beat of its wings, the thing lifts into the air above the waters that spray away from the force of the wings and the currents it gusts. The beast roars an unholy booming cry with those that can see catch a glimpse of a hint of glow within the creatures lengthy neck.

    That's not a turtle. That's a dragon! People back on the beach are dumbfounded, and slackjawed though several have phones held up between them and the brown scaled creature that looms out over and creates larger waves that splash at people's towels and feet and dogs barking their defiant barks. A few people are scared, children cling to their mother's legs and fathers point at the beast with reverance, and awe, though a few have a primal inescapable fear in their hearts freezing their knees in place.

    Another bat of it's gigantic wings and the creature is no longer hovering but moving towards the beach with a mandala forming before its opening mouth and suddenly a stream of blue hot fire bursts forth towards the shorelines.

Jackie Estacado has posed:
<Jackie, others are coming.>

Jackie listens to the voice as his eyes glance back, watching Sara for a moment, his eye drawn to her."I see a hot one too." His voice is cold as he stops now, looking over at the creature, boots in the sand. That large mother fucker in front of him, as he drops his cigarette, crushing it with his boot.

"Yo, the gangs all here and shit. What we are doing with this mother fucker, I can shot it in the head, and we can go the fuck home." With that, his hands reaching into his coat, wiping out two 9mms, as his hands hold them to the side of the jacket, as he looks up with a snarl of pleasure and boredom, and ready to not give a fuck go ahead.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen stands for a moment and says "Cool." Then the dragon wants to use it's radioactive death breath. So with a moments concentration his costume pops from his ring, and he has changed into on the run. Impulse does what he has been told a hero does. He starts moving the people out of the way of the flame strike. He is not the strongest person, so a few will be moved along on their towels. He even makes sure to get the peoples belongings, and as he turns to make sure he has it all, he sees a British Bulldog pup, and he charges in to get it moments before the flame should hit.

Spiral has posed:
Wow, this is going to be amazing. Spiral has faith in the Avengers or something being around, but right now she's holding the eyes out so she doesn't miss a thing. Zoom in shots on all the terrified children, and then the tiny Jackie Estacado swimming /towards/ it.

A few terrified onlookers flee, pause slightly when they see Spiral - and then run right past her. Mmm that makes a change, seeing people running towards her in fear.

All the fire coming in though makes her go up on tiptoe and start swaying around, one hand holding the eyes, the rest twirling about. No sense in not being prudent after all - even though she's by the beach, not on it.

"Ooh lil guns." she grins. A few shots of bullets plinking off the huge monster will definitely set the scene. And a cute doggie! Oh this has it all.

T'Challa has posed:
Okoye's eyes widen as she sees the immense dragon emerge from the water, flapping its wings to lift it into the air. "You know, if you were not an Avenger you would not have to deal with this. We could just return to Birnin Zana and watch the Jeopardy Tournament of Champions," she tells him.

T'Challa leans forward, resting a hand on her chair as he looks at the dragon. "Then who would take care of this?" he asks in his raspy voice. Okoye shrugs. "The Americans have enough resources. They could deal with it. Maybe send their great entertainer to deal with it," she tells him.

T'Challa lifts an eyebrow. "Tom Cruise? Those are just movies," he says. Okoye shakes her head. "I meant Carrot Top." This leaves the Wakandan monarch laughing as he walks over to the back of the silent aircraft. He is already wearing his Black Panther habit, and the mask forms over his face. "And let him have all of the fun?" Black Panther says as a hole in the bottom of the vessel opens and he steps through, dropping out of it.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A vast shape blots out the sunset, a winged cloud formed from the ocean drenching all the spectators standing gape-mouthed on the shore. Pez spares a moment to reflect on the utter stupidity of filming your oncoming demise. The Witchblade, wise in the domain of sorcery, reacts before Sara can even parse what she is seeing. Armor plate unfolds like a flower on her wrist, climbing her arm, the petals arming her against the coming blow.

She yells, "Run! Run you jerks, run." None of these autumn sun-worshippers deserve the death the thing is about to rain down on them, especially not the children.

As some come to their senses and start to run away, Sara sprints toward the beast, both hands held high in front of her like a shield. She feels more than sees others through the Witchblade, some dark and threatening but there isn't time to think about them.

Amora has posed:
Mmm, ancient power. She can almost taste in the air, that tangible feeling that she is looking at a creature of old. "Fascinating.." if the elegantly clad woman has any fear though ..., that doesn't show in that proud, bordering arrogant demeanor, standing tall, a fingertip tapping on her perfect ruby lips in consideration. "Even if clearly lacking in intelligence. A pity how the mighty have fallen ..." she says in dismay. So dramatic..

She has just reached that particular caramel corn vendor's stall. The salesman is already running down the street so she picks up on one unattended piece of corn to take a bite, "Are you going to shoot at it with those guns...?" an eyebrow lifts in both amusement and doubt. Though then she spots Pez starting to transform. It does seem like heroes are indeed assembling... Along with a speedy taking people out of the streets. Well, well. What an interesting little group.

Her arms start weaving as she begins to prepare an incantation to boost the ones charging in against the dragon. Enchantress helping people? Well, she must have her reasons.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako goes to dash forward and nearly faceplants in the sand before she remembers that she is still wearing heels. She pauses and focuses a moment as a white wispy mystic energy begins to surround her skirtsuit and the entire outfit changes into her white, black, and red, morphic cloth uniform, which is far more suited to battling dragons to begin with.

She then dashes forward again, there is no time to think as the creature summons a mystic mandala and prepares to unleash it's horrible mystic firebreath.

"Run!" Takako shouts at the remaining bystanders as she makes for the edge of the shoreline attempting to position herself between the people and the dragon.

Upon reaching the shoreline, that white mystic energy surrounds her again. It's not wispy this time but flaring out in a veritable aura, as she suddenly begins to grow and grow and grow until she is about two hundred and fifty feed tall, spreading her arms to the side like a massive human shield intent on taking the dragon's breath with her body to spare the civilians still fleeing.

"This is going to hurt." She mutters to herself grimacing.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    The beast's enormous wings continue to rain water off their leathery webbing and the scales continue to release pockets of water as it flaps and roars with the blue flame spell splashing against the water, boiling the sea, and the sand that gets impacted turning to impossible shapes of glass. Sara's demonic and mystic blade's shield form meets the blue flames with just enough protection built in by the sources of the witchblade to handle ancient magics such as this. But only barely as the fires lick and scorch the beach surrounding her in a beautiful wake of death and fury.

    Another beat of those massive wings keep the brown beast in the air and the waves below splash into mist from the forces acting on them while Bart's intense speed save hundreds of people from incredibly awful fates, while Takako steps up, and literally steps up, taking the brunt of a mystical fire that is just stopped by the magic energies surrounding the suddenly larger woman. After what feels like an eternity the initial fireblast from the dragon subsides and another beat of those wings stop the thing from falling again into the ocean as it starts to lean forward and push to invade the beach with it's enormous form, looking to Takako as a full meal that it hasn't eaten in millennia and upon landing at the meeting of land and ocean the creature rushes on powerful legs towards the giant woman.

Jackie Estacado has posed:
Jackie's eyes narrow now, his hands bringing up both guns, loaded with the darkness. His hands opening fire quickly, with each shot aiming for the mother fucker."Die you fuck!" His voice is come out highly amused. Those bullets are moving quickly, not truly of this world. But a hitman needs a secret weapon. His is just from the pit of his evil nature.

<Jackie, something bad is here, too much to pinpoint. Kill that fucker.>

With a grunt, Jackie is sprinting forward now towards the fucker, as he keeps firing, aiming for the head, the bullets designed to burrow into anything he aims at. Not sure if it works on dragons, but it fucked up that mobster goons real good last night, as he grins from ear to ear, his hair is flowing back behind him, trenchcoat turning into wings."FUCKING DIE LIZARD!"

Spiral has posed:
Of course it's not a movie, not that Spiral can mindread or anything. It's reality television. Or... it can be. Anything can be, really, but drama on this scale would be a crime to waste.

Oh there's one of the protagonists, trying to clear the extras off the beach. The eyes are pointing at Sara, maximum zoom. Oh if people taking photos get torched that would be reality TV at it's best.

"Whaaat?". No burning people. Well, at least there's a giant versus dragon fight going on. She dances through the last of the crowd as they pass her, holding the eyes up high so they can see past the people, until they're all behind her and she as an unobstructed view anyway.

Bart Allen has posed:
Impulse looks around and takes off running away from the Dragon? Yes he does, but he comes back rolling a large spool of cable from a construction site a bit down the road. He starts in towards the dragon catching a piece of the cable under the things foot, and then around and around he goes. trying to tie the things legs up and trip it up. "Yea, your a bit bigger than an At-At, but if it works for Luke it should work for me." He will use about half the spool, and then moves back out of the way waiting if it topples he is prepared to call out Timber.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Mystical senses are a hell of a drug. Raven has practically quarantined herself in her room in the tower, her continued delving into her demonic heritage for the erstwhile sake of the currently missing Titans fueling an ever less-stable half-demon. There are few things that would drag her attention away, but as something emerges and begins its rampage, Raven simply cannot resist.

    Part of her is justifying this as a relief valve. The other half of her knows that she is here to, in more ways than one, feed.

    In one moment, Raven is standing in her room in the tower. In the next, a seemingly-living shadow emerges on a roofto nearby, taking the oddly three-dimensional shape of a Raven before retracting into the body of the heroine herself.

    The hood clouds her features, keeping only her glowing, purple-red eyes visible in the shadows, along with the lower half of her face. Hands in her pockets, she floats eerily towards the lip of the building, and then off of it- feet never having touched the ground in her arrival.

    For now, she is content to watch- but soon, she'll begin to consume specific emotions- anger, hatred... All forms of Rage, that can be used. Things she'd normally avoid so openly.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The world turns blue. The smell of ancient sea bottom turns her stomach, death, and anerobic bacteria wiping away the memory of caramel corn.

Sara swims in magic, the hot cyan flames licking at her, while overhead she catches a glimpse of a vast form in the shape of a woman facing off with the dragon. Because, yes, Sara, it is a dragon facing a giantess.

The Witchblade sees these others, feeling the amorphous mist of a sorcerer working somewhere nearby, the darkness of a man firing bullets, yelling imprecations like a gangbanger. A blur speeds by with cable. She relives one of her favorite Star War scenes as the blur slows enough for her to see a young man unwinding line around the dragon.

The shield transforms into a sword. Flames flow up its blade, holding it aloft with two hands, feet apart for balance, the Witchblade returns fire on the beast.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
The impact of the dragon's breath staggers Takako back a few steps, a few steps that aren't as carefully placed as they'd normally be, though she pushes the unpleasant hypotheticals from her mind instead just trusting in others to get the civilians clear of the ensuing collateral damage from this clash of titans.

Smoke rises off of Takako's form and she's breathing a bit heavily, it is questionable just how many times she can actually do that. Her feet slide apart into a fighting stance though as the dragon comes, this clearly isn't her first rodeo. Her feet dig briefly into the sand as she launches forward to meet the beast head on, one hand attempting to grapple its neck while her other hand balls into a fist and levels a powerful punch at the dragon's head.

T'Challa has posed:
The black figure drops out of the sky seemingly from nowhere, using his body and the wind of his fall to steer himself. Black Panther aims for the dragon's wing, spreading his own arms and legs near the end of the plummet to slow himself down from bone-disintegrating speeds to just bone-breaking speeds.

Though as he falls towards the immense wing, he pulls out a pair of energy daggers, charging them to full strength so as he reaches the leathery membrane he can stab them in and let the speed of his fall impart extra cutting power as he hopefully slides down and creates a long slash down the wing.

Amora has posed:
Amora finally finishes her incantation, creating faint hues of green around the ones she initially spotted charging in, both Jackie and Pez. A protective shield of sorts that should help against fire, and aid against brunt attacks even if not making one totally immune. Yet as she watches the fight unfold it seems almost unnecessary. "These humans appear more resourceful than I imagined.." her eyes do fix on the Witchblade for a few long moments though. Power.. Very interesting.

She takes up to the skies then, starting to fly in closer but still out of arms reach (or bite) from the dragon. No need to get in harm's way and there's so many people willing to fight afterall!

She is just about ready to watch how this will go when she notes a form landing on that wing. She squints her eyes. That is one of the Prince's friends. Fine, she will do a *bit* more. So she again begins to chant, this time the air around filled with the sound of ancient asgardian words, her hands spinning and weaving in a more complex spell. She joins her efforts to those of Sarah's, shooting a beam of bright green light pointed right to one of it's wings. The aim? To have it become unstable and fall prey to the others advances.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    The beast is onset by attacks and insults from all over, as the things feet are wrapped up in a strong steel cable and the thing tries to take a step forward, it's teeth longer than a man is tall snap out at Takako, wanting to bite the giant human and to end her life before she ends it. There is rage within it ancient soul having been trapped for long and suddenly awakening at the power vaccum of the Earth's magics. The cable around it's feet cause it to stumble forward upon its belly hard into the sand.

     A reaction from the beast and its wings start to flap again, booming gusts of wind smash down into the beach and ocean, sending spray and sand in all direcitons as it fights to get back airborne with coiled legs. A great orange and white beam flies out from the witchblade, smashing into the creature, and yet, there's a pause before it starts to fall back down with a roar of great pain as a tear forms in the web of its wing and the thing begins to feel even greater rage, but it turns towards the blade's attack and opens it's mouth, and instead of being knocked back, it starts to devour the witchblade's attack.

    The thing starts to drip countless holes of deep black blood from parts of it's scales across its neck and shoulder and face where a single point on the crown of its head a single spot begins to glow.


    "There is supposed to be a deal." The human voice, a tone unheard in this dimension for countless years cries out before a single wet echoing THUD sounds in the black chamber. A body falls to the near-marble like floors of the great castle-cathedral of the ancient elder god. "A deal struck by my master and mentor, the man who chose me to be his replacement. The title remains. The deal remains." Stephen says, his tunic barely there and hanging onto his shoulder by barely there threads. "Deal." Stephen says, reaching his bloodied and bruised hand up, ichor dripping from his knuckles as he stands before the being with a snarl...

Bart Allen has posed:
Impulse looks around watching the others with the magical attacks for a moment. He then starts to run in a circle around all of the heroes and the beast. For now, he is just trying to keep sand and anything else from escaping out to the normal folks. He keeps slow enough not to cause a vacuum. He keeps that trick at bay ready if needed. He does see at least one other here he knows a bit about and will keep an eye over on Raven to see what she has planned.

Jackie Estacado has posed:
<Jackie, use me!>

Jackie sighs softly, as the voice talks giving into it now.

The hands are whirling downwards now, making as if he is reloading, as he feeds in two more empty mags. His hands coming up now as he watches for a moment, with a sigh of displeasure. A soft sigh of fuck it, as his hand comes forward to produce a long black blade shaped like a katana. From from the darkness, as he leaps forward, trying to get close to the dragon, his eyes twinkle with the desire to make it fucking bleed! As he slices at one of the legs, with a wicked chuckle of pure delight!

Rachel Roth has posed:

    Raven's influence is as obvious as it is intense. Bits of ebon scraps begin to flutter from anyone and anything currently consumed by emotions some might consider less than virtuous. Anger, pride, the usual patrons of the seven deadly. Most of this is focused on the creature, whom proves to be a buffet- but nobody is an exception for Raven's all-devouring empathy, which may prove to be moderately beneficial, or the opposite- as a side effect of her consumption is that it tends to bring out the best in people, freeing them from negative influences... Hopefully nobody -needs- those. Raven is at perhaps more than full power right now, thanks to her preparations for something fortuitously unrelated, and her empathy is already difficult to resist.

    The red glow of her eyes overtakes the midnight, and her mouth opens somewhat ominously. Words, for now, fail.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
From the corner of her eye, Sara sees a fantastical castle of molten glass crumble under the vibration of the dragon's stagger. Even with the strength that the Witchblade imparts, her arms burn with the effort of holding up the blade. It might as well be gumdrops she's feeding it for all the impact the Witch Fire has on it. The dragon's maw sips the flames.

Fascinated she watches T'challa drop from the sky, his double blades tearing at the dragon's wings. A maelstrom of magic whirls on the beach. Black chaff flies from everywhere.

A small form encased in armor, the last of the westering sun reflecting gold and red on it - Sara holds up the blade having nothing but it and her courage to add to the fight.

Amora has posed:
Something else is out there ... Amora can feel it, a desire for consumption. She looks around, seeking that source for a moment after she has unleashed the powerful beam. At least until she notes the glow on the creature's head.

She ignores the sand blasting against her fair features and looks down at Sarah. "It's absorbing your energy and powering up." she warns the witchblade wielder. Honestly, she even surprises herself, she wouldn't care to warn these humans at any other occasion. Damn empaths! And then flies in.

Dragons are known as being a source of power, of magics. That glow, is it a source? She needs to see it closer. She swoops in behind the giant Takako, using her as cover to get closer and closer. She wants to reach that glow, to drain it, or at least attempt so. Yes, even with those negative feelings taken down there is no veering Amora away from seeking power!

She flies right in. Dangerously close too, the disguise being shed and the full form of the Enchantress now in sight in that black and green outfit, the proud crown. She extends one hand to the creature's head.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako, still looking rather singed from dragon's flames, her uniform scorched in a few places, pivots into a twist stance to move out of the way as the dragon's jaws make a desperate attempt to bite. With the beasts legs and wings already being locked down by she moves to place the creature in something resembling a headlock. As much as one can headlock a long serpentine neck and begins to drag the beast completely to the ground with her grappling training. Luckily she has some experience grappling awkward giant monsters. The goal seems to be to at the very least to subdue it, though extending that into a lethal choke would just be a matter of not letting go.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    The beast is beset upon by most every side as daggars and cables and tiny black swords and tiny witchy swords seem to be assaulting it non-stop as it tries to beat its wings again to try and get some height when there's the human grapping it's neck. The thing whips its head back and forth, another circle forming in the air as another blast of blue flames shoots from before its mouth. Blasting wildly as the thing reaches forwards with all of its legs to try and scratch at Takako's back with talons the size of busses, and trying to get away from the pain all over it like a child standing in an ant bed.

    The spot on it's head continues to glow brighter and brighter until it pops up, like the beast is beginning to grow a new clear/yellow horn of glowing lights. It's small and blood runs down from the base of the growth down the creatures enormous head and blood continues to flow from the thousands of paper-cuts caused by the humans. It's rage is total at this point.


    An ancient language not spoken for generations, not heard by man is replied to Strange and the sorcerer supreme, understands. "No. There is not a new deal. You respect the old one, or you will find your current home not only further from earth, but invited to be the newest addition to the dreaded Dor-" Stephen's interrupted by the god and the sorcerer's eyes squint just slightly as he tilts his chin up to face the foe, and frowns within his goatee. "So we have a deal." Strange steps closer and extends his hand again, and the Elder God reaches out towards the mortal and a deal. Is struck.

Jackie Estacado has posed:
That blade is biting into the flesh, as Jackie starts to climb pulling himself up, using blade and a second one now. Each one is stabing in and out of the dragon, trying to get up there."This is fucking fun!"


That voice is booming in his head, glowing head is a weak point right, it is how movies and games fucking work.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen :will move to run up the things back, hammering along it's spine and where the wings meet the body. Normally a thousand or so punches can have an effect, but on something this size it does not seem to be effective.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa rides out the buffeting wings, clinging to the vibranium knives stick into the leathery covering. A hard flap sends him flying though. He sheathes the knives and just lets himself crash into the ground, rolling back to his feet as if the hundred feet fall was nothing. The only sign of the impact is the purple glow that can be seen between the fibers of the Black Panther's suit.

He runs forward towards where the dragon is fighting Takako. As one of the clawed feet pulls away, reading another strike, Black Panther leaps like his namesake, right at the foot. He grabs hold of the claws, pressing his body up against the pad of the dragon's foot. That purple aura, kinetic energy absorbed during his impact, is suddenly released in a concussive wave right against the dragon's foot. T'Challa pushes off them trying to leap away.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The blade's flames snap off, the power in the Witchblade and Sara realizing the truth in Amora's words. "Well, damn it. I'm powering it up like the Duracell rabbit," she mutters.

Power. So much power is centered on this monster. The detective reduced to using the blade, wades into the water, wondering whether the weight of her armor will drown her as the wet sand sucks at her feet. It, fortunately, is a long shallow beach, great for surfing. She plows through the water to hack at the monstrous toes on one foot while T'challa works on the other. A wild laugh surfaces as she thinks about giant pedicures.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Floating through the air at a slow speed, but impressive height, Raven draws herself closer to the font of fury that is boiling her so pleasantly in that malignant core that is half of her heritage. If the Sorcerer Supreme were on this plane, many of his alarms may in fact be going off. Likely, even without being on this plane of existence, the Eye is telling him that something bad is happening.

    The scales are tipping, and with it Raven's spelunking into her demonic powers is peaking, such that even now she could manage the feat that she has been so desperately on the cusp of. Coming here was dangerous, and, in many ways, a bad move. Right now, however, she is not quite in her right mind.

    The bolts of shadow increase in intensity as Raven seeks to drain the malevolence from this dragon, to devour its hatred, fear, and anger wholesale. She doesn't, seemingly, care about her effect on the battle- such thoughts are ancillary to the meal that the demon in her craves. Of course, this feast has its unintended, if perhaps beneficial side effects. Fear is likely impossible now for those present, and it's easier to maintain a level head... Despite that her target is the dragon.

    For those with magical senses, she's pinging something majorly malevolent, hard to ignore even in the face of the Dragon. Quite clearly there is a major source of demonic power present, and just how much that unnerves anyone else depends on how much they might care for that particular presence.

Amora has posed:
The Enchantress now ignores most of the others still dealing with the beast, both the speedster and the dark one climbing on it to hack at the creature, or the wrestling Takako which, if she wasn't so focused on the power glowing from it's forehead would look mighty impressive, the purple-charging panther and even the wielder of the Witchblade. No, she is too focused on the magic power swirling from that forehead. Pure magic. What a delight!

And so many uses for it too...

She begins to weave and weave, her energies visible to those sensitive to it, vibrating and demanding, her power almost as old as the dragon itself. She begins to pull at it's strength. At it's source. A vial appears in the air.

When Raven swoops in, shooting it's bolts she casts a look at her. Someone to contest her drain of power? A sneer mars her otherwise perfect features. Then she simply smiles. She won't be stopped. She redoubles her efforts on the creature's magic.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako lets out a cry of pain as the claws cut into the flesh of her back tearing through part of her morphic cloth uniform. She grits her teeth bears it, at least it isn't spitting acid on her this time. Focusing on that small silver lining, she renews her assault and redoubles her effort.

The attack on her back while she still grips the dragon's neck earns the beast a judo-style hip throw, as she pivots using gravity and her own massive strength to pull the creature forward using her hip as a fulcrum and attempting to land it on its back, less able to use those dangerous clawed appendages ...or fly ...or much else for that matter.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    For those climbing all over the creature the flip might be a rather horrific experience had Raven not devoured those current emotions, so people and the humans still on the beach watch as the creature awesomely goes end over end, the tail of the beast landing after the thud of the dragon sinks into the sand, the tail smashing the pier with zero remorse. The creature roars and violently shakes its neck and back trying to get back onto its feet, the cable finally snapping as it struggles and claws. Fighting now not for its own sake of rage and anger, but suddenly the thing is fighting to stay alive. As another ring of magic is created out of energies before the dragon's mouth, something halts it and the new tiny glowing horn on the creatures head snaps.

    It sails through the air, up and out, tumbling nimbly through the air and the magic disk before the dragon fades away, disloving with the loss of it's magic. The shard tumbling end over end rising and rising until it reaches it zenith and begins to tumble back down.

    Stephen takes his hand back and turns around to the hoards of demons he fought to get here and reaches down with a tired sigh to pick up the battle hammer he'd been weilding, and moves over towards the ancient pre-Babalonian bell and, Stephen drills the bell with his might. The bell rings hollow and forboding. The soundwaves fill the chamber and the realm, causing ripples through the magics within the realm. Again. Stephen primes the hammer and nails the bell once again. This time the bell's ring and frequency cause the magics of the adjacent dimensions to reverbate with the news that the Supreme is.

    The final ring, hollow, deep powerful, there's an echo that sails through time and realities anew, even the reality Stephen calls home echos his procolmation, the very planets, the moon above the oceans rings hollow and true. Magic is not so easily fallible.

Jackie Estacado has posed:
As the flip is going down Jackie sword fade now, as he drops now rolling into the water swiming away now, fuck this shit he is done. He is going to get the fuck outta here this is too fucking much.

<Jackie, kill it.>

"Shut the fuck up, we will die." With that he is swiming out of the area, quickly with a little frown.

Bart Allen has posed:
Impulse is not dumb, but sometimes, he does act without thinking. He runs off the dragon as it flips, and when he sees it go poof, and the item is falling. He has played enough games to know, that is the treasure, and he should catch it. Not sure how he will split it with the others, but sometimes catching the treasure is extra points.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven feeds as much as she can, before the heroes present are able to make work of the dragon- short or otherwise. She helps only minimally, by presence alone- but it's important to note she is not feeding on the magic. It isn't that she can't- but more that she is prideful enough to believe that her own magic is enough as it is.

    When the dragon's magic dissipates, her feast is over. No longer fueled by rage, its fight out of desperation is not the negative influence that she seeks to consume. As such, Raven doesn't wish to continue being present, but there is a moment spared to look over the others present, sparing most of that gaze towards Amora- whose greed for the magic was a tantalizing treat, in its own right. She makes note of this, but the demon has both gorged itself and won enough. Unless she's approached- and swiftly, at that- Raven will regain enough of her composure to understand that this was a mistake... And that she should leave.

    A great bird of shadow springs from nothingness around her, and when it has finished encompassing her form, she will be gone.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
One mighty hack and a scale floats away on a wave. Wading out into the water may have been a mistake. Too late. The monster flails as it tips over in a judo throw to end all tournaments. Takako rules.

A toe catches Sara knocking her off her feet. She misses the throw but feels the result as a wave of sand and water runs counter to the incoming tide and submerges her under water.

Through the Witchblade she feels a wash of magic that blacks out all conscious thought, it is like holding a live wire standing in a puddle. Rachel's magic, Amora's, the darkness flowing from the gangbanger, all culminate in peal of sound that makes the earth ring like a hollow bell. She feels like Quasimodo in his tower, giddy with the bone deep vibrations.

Water flows off of the armor as she struggles to her feet to stare at the supine dragon. The Witchblade tells her what she missed when she face planted. Its magic is gone.

Amora has posed:
A glance is spared towards Raven while she feasts on the creature. Wild and dark magics for certain. "Your hunger for power is remarkable." she comments at her. Pleased perhaps, and in approval. Yet the attention immediately returns to the dragon at the snapping.

With the horn broken and it's magics ended power is finally hers! Or ..., would be if the damn horn hadn't slipped away! Darn it. Amora doesn't look pleased at all. Specially as she has no way of competing with Impulse's speed.

The innocents being saved is a second notion to her. And besides, with the dragon not being magic anymore it's no longer a threat (at least to her eyes).

She hovers further away, even if not escaping an onslaught of water and sand that just drench her outfit. Ugh ... But she is still with her eyes on that magic, approaching whoever may catch up with that magical zit. She puts up her best smile.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    The dragon squirms against Takako's hold but the kicking of its feet grow more and more weak, violent and scared, but weak. Breath is blocked from the incredible lungs and blood vessles begin to rupture from their own sheer weight. This thing seems like it wont be able to keep it up under its own weight without the magics within sustaining the ancient beast. The wings flap, and the jaw chomps and it whines weakly against the giant and all the countless wounds given to it by the humans. With a pitiful whimper the thing's strugles cease and Takako, Bart, Jackie, Sara, T'Challa, and even Amora helped defeat the great beast. Raven was simply at an all you can eat buffet of anger and fear.

     Bart holds the large shard of magic in his quick hands at the end, lets see what happens in the end. Does the speedster share the 'loot', or does he decide to keep it for himself?

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will examine the gem, and turns to ask Raven what it is, but she is gone. He looks around, and holding the shard in one hand, and says "Anyone know what we are supposed to do, and is the Dragon still alive? Maybe we can take it to the savage land, or is monster island a real place, you know king king, godzookie and the bunch?

Takako Kyozan has posed:
With the dragon defeated, Takako staggers away from its corpse. Her own body dwindling in size back to a much more reasonable five foot six. She's still bleeding from the tears in her back, hair singed, and her entire body scorched around the edges as she limps ashore exhausted. "I could really go for an all you can eat buffet." She mutters as she sinks to the sand to rest a moment.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara slogs out of the water. The Witchblade retracts with dainty metallic clinks back into its benign form of a bracelet set with a red stone. She plops down in the sand not far from Takako, giving her a tired, neighborly wave.

"I want a hot dog with everything on it," she replies amiably, plucking at her wet work clothes - jeans much worse for the wear, high top tennis shoes and a tweed jacket that most likely won't survive the seawater soak. Pushing back a wet lock of hair, she asks, "What the hell was that?"

Amora has posed:
Amora hovers closer and closer to Bart, an elegant gesture made with one hand. "Something has righted the interdimensional magic which initially released the creature from slumber." She explains, "That, young man, is what kept it moving for all these years, something that should be preserved by those that know of such magics." then her dazzling smile coming into place. "And I am such an expert." because of course she is.

"Amora, the Enchantress. At your disposal." She says in ways of introduction. "Of the Asgardian Court." her tone oozing gentleness and appeasement. No trace of those greedy lines on her expression anymore.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako offers Sara an exhausted smile, returning her wave when she plops down nearby. She doesn't seem terribly concerned with the fight for the horn, but then her focus in all of this was keeping the civilians and bystanders safe, not chasing mystic trinkets.

"New York hot dogs are really good, too. I think I could eat an entire cart of them right now." She agrees with Sara, "I think it was a dragon? I'm not really sure, but lizard with wings, I think that's a dragon. At least this one wasn't a drunk alien tourist like the one that attacked London." She grimaces at the memory of Fin Fang Foom's attack.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs a bit, and the woman did help, and she says she knows Thor, that makes her trustworthy right?" He tosses the horn over to her like it was nothing more than a plush animal, and looks to the others "Order me a couple dozen hotdogs will ya?" He then turns to check out the dragon closer, not worrying about the horn.

Amora has posed:
Amora catches the horn. Well, that worked. Of course it did! The woman's smile turns all too self-satisfied with having gotten the magical source.

She is just about to simply fly off without a simple 'thank you' when again those drained negative energies make her do something uncharacteristic. She nods towards Bart and reaches into the folds of her suit, bringing out a small vial with a clear liquid within.

"A gift." She tosses it to the young man. Not that she explains what it does.

She begins to fly away, eventually disappearing in the distance.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Coming back to herself after the shock of magic that had blacked her out, Sara looks up and down the beach. Helicopters, police, rescue and news are circling the beach. Unhappy beachgoers that witnessed the fight stand in desolate clumps.

"Dude, a cartload would work for me right now. Drunks are bad anywhere. Drunk aliens?" Sara shakes her head contemplating that spectacle. She watches Amora flip the vial at the young man in what looks like a drug deal to her police eyes. Mouth pinched into a frown, she makes no comment to the Japanese woman beyond, "New York dogs are the best."

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako eventually pushes herself to her feet with a sigh. "Well hot dogs aren't just going to appear here. Time to go I suppose. I'll probably need to make a report to the UN, too." In the time she was resting the wounds in her back seem to have closed, though perhaps related her stomach has been growling more and more the longer she remains. "Need a lift?" She asks Sara before turning and heading to her car.