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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2022/01/22
|Date of Scene=2022/02/05
|Location=Grand Central Station
|Location=Grand Central Station
|Synopsis=Cael and Uriel give an update on what has transpired since Jon turned himself over to Michael. The primary topic of discussion? Where the next phase of the war with Heaven takes place: the astral realm.
|Synopsis=Cael and Uriel give an update on what has transpired since Jon turned himself over to Michael. The primary topic of discussion? Where the next phase of the war with Heaven takes place: the astral realm.

Latest revision as of 21:55, 7 February 2022

Path of Glory: Lay Down One's Life
Date of Scene: 05 February 2022
Location: Grand Central Station
Synopsis: Cael and Uriel give an update on what has transpired since Jon turned himself over to Michael. The primary topic of discussion? Where the next phase of the war with Heaven takes place: the astral realm.
Cast of Characters: Chas Chandler, Sara Pezzini, Sarah Rainmaker, Lydia Dietrich, Peggy Carter, Cael Becker, Phoebe Beacon, Asariel, Johnny Blaze, Donna Troy
Tinyplot: Path of Glory

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Early morning on February 5th, the angels left Manhattan.

    There was no announcement; no explosive declaration; no indication at all for their reason. One moment, their numbers swelled to fill the dark sky and the next... they were gone. Winked out.

    Moments after their departure, calls would go out to the various forces of the Resistance from the Quartermaster of their forces. A meeting was to take place at Grand Central Station to discuss what comes next. Apparently, even with the angels gone... it wasn't over.

    Manhattan was deathly silent beyond the doors of Grand Central. Eerily so. The evacuation order hadn't been rescinded yet (government work and all.) There was a large measure of detritus around the main concourse, Jon's order for full retreat and evacuation of all premises had been followed without error or hesitation.

    Inside Grand Central were two figures, one was the figure of Cael Becker: the Quartermaster and voice of notice for this meeting. The other was a man of average height with a rather innocuous appearance to his stance and features... except for the pair of red and gold wings on his back marking him as an angel. And not just any angel, but the Archangel Uriel. He looks like he chose the his wardrobe straight from Henry Winkler's trailer from Happy Days. Motorcycle boots, leather jacket, jeans, and a white tee. His hands are stuffed in his pockets and he rocks in place on his heels, waiting for all to arrive.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis, a teenager many have never seen stands there with a grin on her face, holding a large tablet with the screen aimed at the room. On that screen is Sara Pezzini in a Triskelion hospital room. Aside from a little redness on her face, she looks pretty much like herself... if you only look at her face. She's in a hospital gown, no pink, she made that clear, but she's here... sort of.

"Alis, I'm looking at chests," Sara says, the volume not horribly loud but enough to be heard. Alis adjusts the angle and pans the room with the tablet. "Perfect Alis, thank you. Sorry to not be there in person," is then offered to those there. "They won't let me leave yet."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker is staying along in the back. Her body's swathed in bandages over where she had second and third degree burns over her body that had been numbed over with ice. She's waved off anyone that was trying to magically heal her and has simply taken the time with a first aid kit to treat herself over wiht a burn kit. WIth one arm up in a sling and having put a leg in a brace as well to make supporting herself easier. Still mobile, mentally checking on how long it had been since she did her level of bandaging to think of when she should put them on again.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia arrives just in time for the meeting, stepping out of a purple portal. She looks like hell, still recovering from the night before. She's gaunt to the point of being skeletal, and her skin is ashen grey. Her eyes retain their vampiric quality of being deep, blood red, and her fangs have distended, leaving no doubt as to what she is. Also absent are the little motes of light that is her power. It's hard to tell whether this is from the burgeoning daylight or the fact that she spent herself dry the night before.

Moreover, Lydia seems to be in a foul mood. Anger and frustration radiate from her like heat, and the absence of the angels didn't seem to lessen her mood at all. She keeps quiet for now, however.

Peggy Carter has posed:
In the last two weeks, Peggy Carter has actually been around a lot more. Doing several supply runs in person for SHIELD and even going out into the field. It seems the one fight she did have directly with the angels gave her more courage and comfort with being on the front lines. She's dressed for a fight, just in case, with her new set of tactical clothing that fits better than the old one. Her hair is tightly drawn back, pinned off her face, and she's carrying at least two noticable weapons on her hip. ICERs likely, but still weapons. She steps into the room, giving the few people she knows a respectful nod as she falls into a good place to listen.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael has taken a seat near Uriel as she waits for everyone to gather - with her great pyrenees pup at her side, dressed in his 'Service Dog in Training' vest. His head is in her lap, and she pets it continuously as everyone gathers, offering nods of greeting to people as they enter, her expression solemn, and carefully contained. Her sister, and the face of Sara looking through the screen she holds gets the only, brief smile that she offers.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Understandable, Sara." comes an exhausted voice, "you just work on getting better."

     Phoebe was just about out of everything, and even had to be helped back to their temporary HQ. She has a towel draped over her shoulders, her hair in disarray, tired to the point where she hadn't offered to heal anyone, and even her unbound aura was ebbing. She's not wearing her hood, her armor packed for restoration and recovery, and is just wearing a pair of simple sweatpants. She knows most people in the room -- but Peggy Carter was a new face. She has an extra large cup of strong, black coffee. And since Peggy and Rainmaker were the two she was the least familiar with -- other than Uriel, who she gives a bit of a wide berth -- she gives a nod to Rainmaker, and introduces herself to the two.

    "Phoebe. I'm one of the mages who was working with the sealing project and for all intents and purposes, one of the leaders of the group. I apologize that I didn't get the chance to introduce myself earlier." she states, trying to manage a smile -- but she's seventeen, and it's late, and there were orders to return to Gotham the minute everything was resolved.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel was last seen in a ball of silver light, but the white haired, Michael-esque looking woman is here tonight. She's quiet and seated off to the side of people. Not wanting to get in the way. She gives a look to her Uncle Uriel and then to the others as they speak. Giovanni is absent given the circumstances. He couldn't stand up to most of the stuff that others did.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
After taking some time to recover from what amounts as a 'essence bomb' as a parting gift from Zadkiel, Johnny is present at this meeting and assembly. He looks tired and he looks to be nursing himself a little bit in how he moves.

Arms cross over his chest as he looks at Uriel. Zarathos wants to get out, but Uriel has been a helping hand. He keeps the monster in it's cage, and he looks around. He notices Peggy, and he gives her a nod. "Good to see you." Johnny mentions, his eyes looking to Cael and Uriel.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Manhattan may still be largely empty, but the skies are not. Since the angels suddenly disappeared, civil authorities and the military have been cautiously making their presence felt in the air above the city. Flying into Manhattan today is an assurance of attention, and Donna has been buzzed by three helicopters and a fighter jet already. She had spent the early hours after dawn searching the city, but after a while it had seemed easier to take to the ground.

    After a while it had seemed the easiest thing to just stop flying and walk.

    She has spent the morning before this meeting visiting a number of locations around Manhattan. Checking the Themysciran Embassy and Arts Center -- and searching for Caitlin, a process partially automated as computers check the feeds from a large number of Gozer boxes, and partially by visiting places she might be hiding out. But finally it's time to get an update, to hear the latest news, even if she thinks she can guess a significant chunk of it from what Jon had revealed before.

    She arrives at Grand Central station without much of anything to say for herself, greeting people she knows with a nod (and a smile for Sarah) before taking a seat in silence.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Uriel, for his part, looks around the room at the gathered attendants and shrugs. "Good enough for government work..." he mutters and then claps his hands together to get the attention the room.

    "Welcome honored members of the Resistance. I am the Archangel Uriel. I am here to assure you that the angels will not be making a return appearance, at least physically, as they all have been relegated to the astral and the Metatron's threat has been..." he pauses. "...contained." There is a note of intensity in that last word.

    "You will likely note that your leader isn't here. He has been given over as a prisoner to Michael in exchange for this..." he pauses again. Cessation isn't the right word. Change of field? That works as good as anything else. I am also here to answer any questions you may have about what comes after. I know many--if not all of you--distrust me. I wouldn't expect anything different. But understand that I am -incapable- of lying and I will not withold information in my answers if I am allowed to give such information."

    He steps back and gestures to the woman with the large dog. "With my introduction out of the way, I believe Cael has a statement of sorts from your Field Commander and will be delivering it post haste."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would give a slow, pained nod over at Donna and then a shake of her head to indicate 'she hadn't heard anything'. Presuming that the look given to her by Donna was in reference to that or not. Which if it wasn't then Donna might not get what it was about. For now, Sarah is tired, large chunks of her hair have been burnt off, and she seems in no real place to be talking more as she would just fiddle to try and make sure that she wasn't leaning on anything that would tug into the bindings and bandages she had put over about herself. Donna's smile acknowledged, Sarah would turn herself up and over to face the speaker, her eyes closing.
    Then listening.. Relegated to the Astral? That makes little more sense to her than anything else. But the others.. Well, she will be trusting to the others to elaborate if it's a.. Good or a bad thing. And she's not sure which.

Asariel has posed:
"That is a goddamn understatement, Uncle Uriel. I trust Uncle Luci more than you at the moment." Asariel points a finger at the Archangel as she states that from off to the side. She wasn't sure what else to say really. But she quiets, getting herself riled up wouldn't do much. She looks to Cael as Uriel states she's got a message to give from Jon.

Cael Becker has posed:
    As Uriel indicates her, Cael rises to her feet, causing Bear to take the opportunity to flump to the floor beside her. She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly as she steels herself for what she has to share, keeping her a flat, impassive mask. "I can vouch for all that Uriel just shared. As many of you know, a few hours ago, Lydia Dietrich, with the assistance of Phoebe Beacon and Meggan Constantine managed to successfully cast a seal that locks the Archangel Michael out of the physical world. His image can still appear to us and speak to us, but he cannot affect it physically.
    "Unfortunately, that allowed Metatron who - and I cannot emphasize this enough - is a fucking prick to seize control of the heavenly host. He declared that he would not be bound by the rules of the Game that Michael agreed to with Gaea and Uriel, and that he would be attacking us with the full force of the Heavenly Host - and gave us 24 hours to prepare."
    Cael pauses to let everyone absorb this, as she takes another deep breath in, and lets it out again. "Agent Sims used this as an opportunity to strike a deal with Archangel Michael. He and I walked to Saint Patrick's Cathedral to meet with him and Uriel, and there he agreed to turn himself over to be tortured," she holds up a hand to forestall any outcry this statement may cause, "which is something he'll explain in his own words momentarily. He also surrendered the spear that was made with Michael's blood, and the remainder of Michael's blood we had in reserve. In return for this, Michael will force the Angelic Host to retreat to the Astral Plane to do battle with us there for the fate of the world. We will not have to face Metatron - and Manhattan's population will be able to safely return home to rebuild and mourn their losses. I've also been given a key that will allow us to open doorways into the Astral Plane and allow those who we wish to do battle there to accompany us onto the field. As for Agent Sims - I will be allowed to retrieve him after three days have passed - which will be Tuesday. And Sims will tell you this himself, but I want to emphasize that he insists that the cycle of pain and suffering ends with him, and that no one seek revenge for what Michael is doing to him... right now," she explains in a heavy, tired voice.
    Cael looks down then, to a microcassette player sitting on the table in front of her. "Sims recorded a message that he wanted me to play at this meeting," she adds, sitting back down and pressing the play button without another word.
    Once she sits - Bear gets up from his position lying at her feet to put his head back into her lap for her to pet quietly, while she stares ahead at the opposite wall.

    There is the sound of a throat clearing and then Jon's voice. "This is Jonathan Sims, the Archivist, recording... 4th of February, 2022." He sighs. "If you are listening to this tape, then I have finally handed myself over to Saint Michael for the retribution he has in store for me. I have done this of my own free will, to honor an agreement made several weeks ago. Michael will not kill me, but I cannot say what state I will be in when I return."

    He takes a deep breath, then says, "For those who may not know... this is happening because I damaged Michael's wing during interrogation back in December. I used bale water that I got from Lucifer, in order to get his true name out of him. I went farther than I should have--I was angry at him for tricking Chas and hurting Cael, for the people he killed in Hell's Kitchen. Rather than heal him after it was done... I left the wing as it was, cleaned him up, and took the blood. That was useful, and I may have made the right decision from the standpoint of the war. But was it right? Just? I don't know."

Cael Becker has posed:
    He clears his throat. "When we exorcised him, and he escaped containment, he declared that he was going to take several people away for retribution. Myself, Lydia, Phoebe, Meggan, Zatanna, Rien. The people who hurt him and bound him. Nothing was hurting him in that moment--/nothing/. I was holding a shield of negative energy, and I thought to hold the shield and tell the others to flee... but I knew there were people there who would not. So I dropped my weapons and offered myself in exchange for mercy for the others. I thought that an act of compassion might stay his hand, and I figured that, tactically, one for five was a reasonable trade. I was right, in the first--Michael stopped fighting us, and left. And since I gave my word, now I go to face his vengeance."

    There's a pause, long enough to be noticable. Then, "I've been thinking a lot, lately, about vengeance, and justice. About the way we conflate the two. What I did to Michael was not justice--and what he will do to me is not justice, either. Justice is what is right, and fair, and morally correct. How can causing pain be any of that? How can punitive punishment be morally correct? Punitive measures teach nothing but fear and pain. This isn't just my opinion--it's backed by a lot of sound scientific studies."

    He sighs. "Justice should redress an imbalance, bring things into harmony. Vengeance doesn't make anything better--it just makes us worse. All it does is perpetuate a cycle--people did wrong to Cael, and so she did wrong to them, and so Michael punished her, and so I punished Michael, and so he gets revenge on me... where does that stop? Where does the cycle of pain end, and /healing/ begin?"

    His voice becomes firm. "It ends here. It ends now. The one thing I will say, if anyone listening to this has any respect for me at all--do not seek vengeance for what Michael does to me. Do not try to rescue me, nor lash out in anger. I will offer Michael the apology and the healing I should have given long ago. I doubt he will take it, but I also very much doubt that anything he does to me in anger and pain will satisfy him. This business will not end in violence or punishment. It will not end with Michael dead, or sent to Hell, or any other such cruelty. It will end only when he can understand what he's done, and work to atone for the pain he's caused. And that will only happen once we can convince him to give up the Demiurgic Force."

    Another sigh, and a sound of shifting fabric. "I'm sorry this had to happen. I know many of you might worry for me, will be hurting because I'm hurting. I'll be back in a few days, and I'll need my friends to recover--at least so long as I'm still alive." The smirk is almost audible in his tone. "Of course, I intend to come back from that, too. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of... all of this. But I gave my word, and others have already tried to intervene on my behalf and failed. So I go to face my fate. I'll see you all soon."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I have a question for you, Uriel," Lydia says, unable to keep the bitterness from her voice. "The seal was /supposed/ to lock the host from the physical plane. Do you know who gave me that vision for the seal? Because I find it /highly/ suspect that a vision to seal the angels from the physical plane only worked on Michael and thus unshackles the host."

"It doesn't take a stretch of imagination to think that maybe one of the archangels wasn't happy with hot Michael was handling things, and wanted to remove him from the picture but couldn't move directly against him." She shakes her head, the anger in her causing her to nearly spit her words, "So it wouldn't take much to send a vision to some witch on the resistance and lead her to believe it did one thing while it does another."

"Because it's either that, or my own incompetence completely fucked everything up."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The approach of the young woman Phoebe gets a smile from Peggy. The Chief of SHIELD is a practically legendary figure herself, supposedly 100 years old but she doesn't look a day over 30. Despite the imposing position she's had for so long, the warmth behind her smile and eyes is genuine. She seems an earnest, kind person and definitely looks softer around the edges in person than her job would imply. "Miss Phoebe, is it? I'm Chief Peggy Carter... but Peggy is just fine. Thank you for all your hard work over this matter. Truly, a... massive thank you to *everyone*. I know it's been an awful time but... you all have saved a lot of lives out there."

Then the announcements are starting. Peggy's dark eyes turn forward, a deeper frown tugging across her lips as the information of Jon's imprisonment is told. Her expression darkens, protective and angry about it. She doesn't give up her people. Her jaw tightens as Jon's recording implores them not to go after him. She is incredibly unhappy, but looks like she will likely respect his request. "...Damn fool man, too eager to the martyr. We shouldn't be giving our people up this way..." But it's done now. She sighs, dragging a hand across her face.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
While standing there, Alis remains perfectly silent and keeps moving the tablet to show Sara who is talking. The pain on Sara's face is not from her own injuries, it is from not being there when this happened, when Jon made the decision she knew was coming, and that Cael had to go through it alone... and not a damn thing she could do but lay there in a hospital bed.

Jon spoke the truth about vengeance and revenge, it never ends, the pattern repeats over and over again and no amount of it every healed the damage done to the heart and soul. Only time healed the heart and soul, no amount of violence and blood could ever do it. So much pain had come from this, from one really bad decision that snow balled into a war for the universe. So many had died, many more injured, much like herself, but her own situation wasn't her concern right now.... right now, she was concerned about Cael.

Muting the mic, she says something to Alis through her phone, then unmutes and asks, to move past the moment because if she lingered on it, she'd be trying to get past Wade and out of the hospital room. "What happens next?"

After being spoken to through the phone, Alis moves to set the tablet on a stand by Cael, then walks around to stand near Cael. She doesn't say anything, just lays her hand on Cael's shoulder.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny frowns as he hears of Jon's message. "I'm getting really tired of this." Johnny states with a frown. "He's being martyred. Vengeance is my domain, and I have no desire to leave him there. Too eager is right, he mentions it often. I haven't tried yet, and I'm about to" Johnny says.

"He knows what he's doing...but I worry he won't be able to withstand what he must. Vengeance will be taken, for justice and vengeance hand in hand. But the threat of Metatron remains. I don't like this. Necessary sacrifices to try and appease the earth incoming but....we must speak to Michael. One that doesn't involve actions that won't satisfy him. Perhaps I am a fool, but..." Johnny frowns. He knows what he was told not to do, but...

The problem? "But Jon's right." He hated that he was right, but he's right. "Focus on preparing for what may come, among many other things." Johnny suggests. "And, whatever is advised." He turns his attention to Uriel and Cael.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Thank you, but truly it was far more Lydia's work than mine. I did some bracing." And some unbracing, like what destroyed Radio City Music Hall. "I wish we had been better prepared. I know SHIELD lost many good agents." the teenager had been practicing the statement. Every bit of her is showing exhaustion.

    And then Phoebe looks around the group, and decides, as the only standing leader of the Justice LEague Dark, she should probably say something.

    "We prepare for war on the Astral front." she states, holding her coffee cup tightly. Barefoot, she steps up a little closer to the group, and looks around. "It's not over yet. Anyone who is capable should be checking for holes and tears, signs of their passing. We'll have three days until Jon is returned to us, and we're still going to have to journey to Du'at. Jon is going to try to convince Michael to give up untold power, and who knows the fuck that'll do to everything." she drinks her coffee, wavering on her feet a moment. Jon's an ass, but if he can stick a bug in Michael's ear during the three days, hey. Maybe we can avoid killing Jon and opening gates."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "The threat of Metatron does not remain," Cael says flatly, frowning at Johnny. "It's been dealt with. That's what all this... //shit// is about right now. The angels have left the physical plane, and we'll face them - under Michael's command on the Astral Plane." She runs a hand through her hair, revealing hints of slowly-fading rainbow hues underneath. "Talking to Michael does little good, in my experience. He's... frustrating. He doesn't think like we do."
    Her gaze goes to her sister next, giving her the barest hint of a smile for her support, before turning her attention to Uriel.
    "Is there any way to prevent Sims's death? He doesn't seem to think so, but look - I'd really rather not eat a bug if I don't have to."
    There's a statement to drop without much context.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives a small, helpless shrug in response to Sarah's shake of the head. She doubts that anyone there apart from Sarah and herself are giving much thought to Caitlin right now, so that's an issue to address later. There's no knowing whether right now Caitlin wants to be found or wants to be alone. She may not know herself.

    The revelation that Michael intends to continue the war on the astral plane elicits an Amazonian arched eyebrow, but nothing in what Uriel or Cael reveal seems to her to require any comment.

    When the recording from Jon ends, Donna turns her attention back to Uriel, studying him carefully, and recalling an image shown to her by Michael that she had committed to memory, of Uriel and Gaea talking together in the Garden.

    "This... game... was your idea, was it not, Angel?" Donna asks Uriel. She doesn't hide the contempt in her voice at the word 'game'. "Can you answer this... why? Just to work around Michael's certainty? There must have been a better way. He thinks he's the Great Warrior, that he's still fighting the war against Lucifer. Is he? Do you believe, as he does, that Lucifer was the cause of this universe being so unstable?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The shrug from Donna to her essentially confirms what Sarah Rainmaker had presumed and feared. But now.. But now all that can be done is hope that their friend can make contact on her own terms, no matter what they are. She gives a look at Donna expressing her support that may not be noticed given the rather worrying track of the conversation. Sarah can only just lean over agaisnt the wall as a little more pain would go through her body that would be handled by her encasing another bit of herself in ice to numb it away, making no move to interact with anyone else. The talk of continued fighting would get another shaking of her head as the discussion goes to the particulars. She would take a breath in and out.
    Then slowly shuffling over to sit on a crate that had been stacked, taking out a first aid kit and some burn treatment to start to go through the process of changing her bandages without making noise.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The Chief frowns deeper, listening to this all. Her eyes narrow towards Uriel as Donna asks that question. She doesn't cut in with questions yet yerself, but she does catch sight of the younger Sarah stepping to the side to handle her wounds all alone. "If you excuse me..." She murmurs to Phoebe and Lydia, stepping past them to go join Sarah. She keeps her voice low, as to not interrupt the larger conversation, but her tone is motherly and worried as she offers. "Here...let me do that. I've changed out a lot of wound dressings before."

Peggy then comes to kneel at Sarah's side. She uses antiseptic from the first aid kit to clean her hands first then pulls on some gloves and reaches very gingerly to start undoing the young woman's dressing before very gently cleaning out the wound. She does have practiced hands of someone whose done wound care in the field and off for many years.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Uriel frowns at Lydia. "-I- gave you the vision. And it did -exactly- what it was supposed to do. Visions aren't literal, they can't be when coming from beings like us. Sealing Michael, taking away the -General- of the Hosts should have shifted everyone of them to the astral. But I made a mistake... I'm an Archangel, not the Presence Itself." He shrugs absently. "I did not expect the Voice of God to take a direct hand in this involvement. He doesn't talk much to us. Usually the things he says are more important than casual conversation warrants. We are a rather dysfunctional family, if Lucifer's Fall from Grace didn't tip you off."

    He looks at Johnny. "Martyr is the wrong word. He's not -dying- here. Retribution for what he did to Michael's wing, that is all. He will suffer torment and return... he will be hurt, possibly severely. I can't say what Michael will do to him. But as he said, it will not be death. Metatron has been... dutifully punished for his actions. He has returned to the Seat of the Presence and will remain there for the rest of the battle. Battle was never his Purpose anyway; but Michael calling all of us to war..." he gestures and shakes his head. "Oversights."

    He looks to Donna and frowns. "Two things: one, Caitlin is safe. I suggest you check her room at Titan's Tower if you're that concerned. I think she's going to sleep for a while and she will need... help after that. But she will live. Secondly," he pauses and considers the questions in order. "The game was called to give you a fighting chance. There was no better way that would have made Michael listen. He's a competitor and this gave him an open competition that he could engage in. What is wrong with the universe is--" he cuts off. He opens his mouth again, and then closes it.

    Taking a slow, deep breath, he tries again. "What is wrong with the universe has nothing to do with Lucifer or Hell. Hence their uninvolvement. It has -everything- to do with a cycle of life and death. Thus it is up to creatures that can -die- to fix what is broken. After that is fixed, it will be a matter of hard-edged diplomacy with my brother."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel is trying desperately to keep up with everything that is going on, but she feels a bit lost in the waves of information. The angelic woman gives a look around and there's a frown, "So they have Jon and Chas. Looks like storming heaven just became the priority." she states. Or at least for herself it did. She crosses her arms over her chest, feeling terribly useless for the time being, but not doing anything else to interrupt the flow of information.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would keep an expression of passive distaste on her face. Their friend abandoning himself to Michael in the crux of this hypocricy.. But, given the way everyone reacted with acceptance and rage at things meant that there was a reason for it that she did not know or could grasp, from his friends having fought through hell (metaphorically) for him. The expression on her face could b eusmmarized as 'I hate magic'. But Uriel's words about Caitlin would have her shoulders slump in relief. That is what she cares about and has been her priority through this. She would look at Donna with exhaustion but relief in her expression. This part of the battle was for her over.
    And then the approach of Peggy towards her as her hands would be going through the bandages and the process of starting to cut the ones on her off.. "Ah, hello?" She would ask in confusion tot he woman she only knew as 'Crazy Pregnant Flamethrower Lady' from the sole encounter she had had with her.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Good to know everything is working as intended," Lydia says bitterly. Words cannot describe the frustration the vampiress feels. "I'm done with this farce," she says, pulling out her phone and tapping out a text. Red eyes catches Phoebe's. "Call me when it's time to go to the Duat."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I'm Peggy Carter.... Chief of SHIELD. I'v...done a lot of wound care in my days, especially during the war. It's miserable to have to do it yourself. Let me help." Peggy whispers gently, her tone as supportive and protective as an old friend might be, not just a strange woman who well knows how to use a flame thrower. Then, if Sarah doesn't protest, she does go about carefully finishing cutting the old bandages off and peeling them away with ginger touches.

Her dark eyes look over to the group for a moment, frown returning, but then she makes certain to focus on her work over those injuries, not the larger group at hand. She does speak up, though, to Uriel and Cael. "So... we need to go into the Astral plane to keep fighting. How many people can go at a time? When should we go? What... is needed best there? How are people strongest or most prepared in the astral? It's...not something a lot of us know much about, I suspect. What happens to your bodies when you are there, or do they...come with you? What if you die there?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Sims doesn't want rescue," Cael answers Asariel flatly. "And I don't think he's in heaven - we won't find him there. He'll be returned to us Tuesday morning. I'll be... retrieving him, and bringing him back to the Triskelion for treatment," Cael explains simply, her fingers still brushing over Bear's head and ears.
    "The problem with reality has something to do with the flow of souls being deverted to... 'the Old Ones'? The souls are being destroyed, instead of recycled? I guess reincarnation is a thing?" She lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't understand it all. But Sims is slated to die," yes, her tone is bitter, "and I, Lydia, Phoebe, Fairchild, and Lady Death are meant to retrieve him, and fix whatever is wrong with the universe. ... somehow."
    Her attention turns to Peggy as she adds, "I'm the wrong person for these questions, but... I think there'll be no fight until after Sims is returned. And given the artefact we've been given - it's implied that we step across with our physical bodies, though I could be wrong. And I believe we can take as many people as we want or need. We'll have a... literal doorway."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The talk would go well, well over Sarah Rainmaker's head as they went into 'fix fabric of the universe', 'astral plane' and talk of magic. She would just go flat and neutral and then as Peggy Carter would go to introduce herself. The name would be meaningless to Sarah, but the 'Chief of SHIELD' would have her tense for just a moment, it rapidly leaving and hopefully being covered by her just having a hand rub over one of her bandages to conceal the origin of the change in posture to defensive.
    "Thank you. Ah.. You don't have to. You are very skilled with a flamethrower. From practice?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna catches Sarah's eyes at that confirmation that Caitlin is okay, giving her a small smile and a little nod.

    "So..." Donna turns her eyes back to Uriel. "Michael was supposed to be responsible for the physical universe, and the physical universe is not working right. But he was also responsible for defeating Lucifer, and he thinks he is fighting that battle still. A little while ago I asked Michael to ask himself the question: if he is the Great Warrior, who is the Great Stonemason now? It sounds like the answer to that question is no-one."

    She takes a deep breath and leans back. "The Astral plane is a complicated thing. A realm of mind, of concepts," she says in answer to Peggy's questions. "There are different ways to get there, and the answers to your questions will depend somewhat on how you travel -- but dying in the Astral Plane is something to avoid. I'm sure the practitioners of the Justice League Dark will ensure there's a proper briefing about fighting in the Astral Plane. I will observe however that the Astral Plane is a realm of imagination -- and Angels so far have not shown themselves to be the most imaginative of creatures."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
From the tablet Sara remains silent, listening to the back and forth of those present. The planning, the fear, the anger, the worry, it's all in their voices even when she can't see their faces.

"We need time to process and heal," Sara finally says as loudly as she can, trying to get heard. "We've been given that time, before we have to go astral. We can't plan for every angle, every contingency right now, but what we..." she pauses for a deeper breath. "... what we can do is check whose still in this fight, take time to heal those who can be, and regain our strength. The fight isn't over, it's only postponed and moved to a new battle field."

She pauses again, for another breath. "We'll all worry about Jon, we'll all have time for major emotions later. Right now... we have to stay strong, that means good meals, some sleep, and back at it in the morning."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slow nod comes from Peggy as she processes all that information. "It's good to know. And yes... taking this time to heal up and rest would be wise. Getting people back into Manhattan is going to be a large operation, not to mention the clean up. I can start that on the government side of things, being that I was the one who convinced them all to evacuate in the first place." Much to the Pentagon's unhappiness. So many had been so cross with Peggy for shutting down the center of business for the entire world.

Then she's looking back to Sarah, finishing cleaning out that wound and carefully applying antibacterial salve to it before she'll start the wrapping again. "I... won't say I've routinely used a flame thrower but there was some practice during the war. I've... had a lot of time to learn many different weapons, and my husband Daniel, who was the one with the grenades, was a munitions expert in the war. So... we have experience." She grins, "I.. .prefer helping people do destroying them, but we will do what we must to protect our people."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The 'one with grenades' makes it simple for Sarah (with an H) to recall who it was. "You had a very.. Unique showing. And an interesting life if you'v ehad the experience to learn a great many weapons." 'Expert in the war' catches her attention but makes little sense as far as her expression goes. "Hopefully they are.. Able to help Jon and rescue him and.. Fix whtaever is wrong." Sarah is emotoinally exhausted, but as Peggy helps tend to her wounds and work at replacing the wave of bandages on her and cleaning them, she almost seems content. Right as her cell phone would buzz in indication of a text.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Oh good, Metatron isn't involved. Apparently he was punished for his actions and reigned back into his place. "Good to know." Though Uriel's words make Johnny frown. "Maybe your right." he frowns a bit. "It is one thing that consistently led to another. Chandler, then a wing. This has been a cycle of pain that I'd like us all to e freed from." He hums then, a fist on his hip. "But we need to recover. We have three days to do so. The battle in the Astral is fast approaching, and we can prepare for that."

"Hive people their normal lives back." He frowns. "And trust Michael will give Jon back when the time is up. We will do what we can, and it will be enough." Johnny moves to lean against a wall. Standing up sucks.

Chas Chandler has posed:
    "That is the jist of it, yes. You will likely be travelling to the astral in the physical sense if you use the door's that Cael can now open. Dying there is... unadvised." Uriel looks to Cael. "Jon's dying is unavoidable because as I said... thoes who can die can fix the problem and he is one who has a... unique connection to one avenue of correction."

    He grins at Donna. "We are not the most imaginative of creatures... no. Which is why you have an advantage. I will continue to feed Jon information about our movements once he is returend Tuesday morning." He looks to Johnny. Central Park. At the Great Tree that is the physical representation of the Seal Lydia put in place." He looks at the gathering. "Are there any more questions for me?" he asks. "I should be getting back to my post. Don't want to give Michael too much of a reason to watch my movements. Wouldn't be much of a spy if that was the case, would I?" he says, glancing to Peggy with a grin.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "He'll give Sims back on time," Cael answers quietly. "Alive. He'll hold to the letter of his promise - he has to. Angels can't deviate from such things." She continues to stroke at Bear's head, letting out a heavy sigh.
    Three days to... rest. Right.
    She needs to find Amit's family. Perhaps talk to Fairchild - and if she can, Lady Death.
    As Uriel speaks again, she looks up towards the being, no real surprise on her tired features. Jon had said he had a spy, why not Uriel?
    "Well, if we're done..." She picks up the microcassette player, and rises to her feet. "I have friends to check on, and things to do."
    And as long as no one stops her - she starts to move towards the door, with Bear on her heels.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara takes a slow deep breath, she's considering asking, it's her only chance.

"Uriel," she says quietly. "I know your a busy... being, but if I could get maybe ten minutes of your time... in private... I would greatly appreciate that."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives a nod of agreement to Sara. "Wise words. The change in venue will mean a different set of challenges, but whatever the battlefield, it is always best to go into battle rested. From the sounds of it, there will be time. I do not think Michael will want to continue the battle until the enemy general is back on the field. He may want retribution, but he also wants a war fought with what he considers to be proper honor. A little time then to heal, rest and plan."

    She turns to the other Sarah, the one with an 'h'. "Sarah, not to cast aspersions on anyone's skill at field dressings, but field dressings are field dressings. I'd be much happier if you returned to the tower for some more thorough medical attention, and a proper night's sleep. I can fly you back if you need help."

    Uriel's acknowledgement of her point about imagination provokes a wry smile, but no more than that. Instead she raises a hand in farewell to Cael. "Take good care of her Bear," she calls out after the departing woman and floof.

    Donna gets to her feet, walking over to Sarah to rest a hand on her shoulder. "Coming?" she asks. "It would be for the best."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A small smile crosses Peggy's lips as the woman mentions her unique showing. "When I say we were trained in the war... I meant World War two. It's... a long story. I've been alive a... long time. BUt thank you. I'll tell Daniel we were called unique." Peggy grins, a little proud of that as she finishes up the bandaging. She then stands. "There you go. You clearly know how to handle those yourself but... don't be scared to ask for help, young lady. We all need it sometime." Peggy looks like she's getting ready to go herself. It's going to be a very long few days getting the city back. She flashes Uriel the smallest bit of a grin at his spy comment. "Indeed...Be safe as you can be out there."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
There's a look over from Sarah Rainmaker in light confusion at Peggy Carter. World War 2? But that would mean the other woman was.. Nearing a hundred years old? Sarah would open her mouth ind ispute.. Then remember Captain America and take the words at face value. "Ah.. Thank you for the kind words. And good.. Luck." she would offer to the Director from SHIELD. THen Donna would come to approaach her and she would jump slightly. "Yes, you're right. I'll.. Take it. I don't think that I could get there on my own."
    Then her attention would turn over to her phone and the text she had gotten and she would tense and turn pale. Then quickly turn the phone off and shove it into her pocket in a quick, but jerky motion. "Yes, I definitely need the help."

Chas Chandler has posed:
    Uriel nods to the young figure of Alis and subsequently Sara. "I will be with you shortly, Sara. Sleep and you will have your time." He then starts for the door, walking with very humanlike strides. No one needed to know that the wards put on Grand Central effectively rendered him a mortal and a very weak one at that while he was under their barrier.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael pauses for a moment in her egress, looking back to her sister, still holding the screen Sara was displayed on, and Uriel for a moment. She listens to the man's reply, then turns to continue her exit without another word - offering Donna a brief nod for her words of farewell.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A touch of worry crosses her eyes as she sees the sudden look on Sarah's features in response to the phone. "Are you...alright? Do you need a ride somewhere?" Peggy offers her, not going to immediately take off when the woman she was helping is clearly in distress.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna is in accord with Peggy, watching Sarah's interaction with her phone with some concern. "Something come up, Sarah? If there's somewhere you need to stop off on the way, let me know. If it's more than a few hundred miles I can arrange a teleport."

    She flashes Peggy a slight grin. "It seems we're competing to offer her a ride, but if she's going back to Metropolis and some medical attention, that's on my route. I'm sure you've got a lot on your plate and could do without the detour."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would slowly shake her head, "No, taking me back to the Towers will.. Be all right. And.. Family matters." Sarah with an H would slowly make herself focus. "Family matters." Her tone woudl be flat but more even now. "I need to rest like you said."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Very.... very well then. Be safe out there. If you ever need me or any help..." Peggy reaches into her pocket, pulling out one of her cards and sliding it in Sarah's direction before she turns to go. Sara and Cael are both given small nods and waves, but unless anyone stops the Chief, she's headed out to start the process of refilling Manhattan.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Alis offers Peggy a wave, almost dropping the tablet but she manages to catch it. The ghost teen is /not/ going to stop the Chief, nope... and if Sara tries, she'll shut the tablet off. Peggy needs her rest, she's growing a person after all.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny takes a long look at Uriel. "Potentially, but...maybe when it's time." On talking to Uriel, anyway. He watches Uriel go and Johnny falls into a pained silence. He slowly slides down the wall until he's sitting, a slow breath from him in an exhale. But people start to leave, and Johnny gives a wave. "Be seeing you." He tells the collective.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Before Peggy entirely disappears out the door, she pauses at Johnny's side. She looks him up and down with a concerned frown. "Mr. Blaze, is it? You are... not doing well. Why don't you let me take you back to the doctor's at SHIELD. They can help look you over and put you back together better than combat field medicine out here. I need to go back to the Triskelion anyway. Come with me?" Her British tone asks hopefully. She's not going to make it an order, but she is a woman who expects to be listened to over all. It's hard to say no to Peggy Carter.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny looks at Peggy, a small frown touching his face. His first instinct is what comes out of his mouth.

"No thanks."

Then he considers it for a moment, and he sighs. "Fine." and Johnny struggles to get back to his feet. "I don't think it's physical though...felt off since Zadkiel." Probably because of internal bombs that even Ghost Rider felt, but...wel, sometimes damage is both internal and external. "Lead on." and Johnny starts to follow.

"and call me Johnny. Mr. Blaze is my dad, whoever he was."

Peggy Carter has posed:
When he says no, Peggy just levels a firm look in his direction and rests her hands on her hips, waiting a few moments. She can be as stubborn as he is. And it seems her patience has paid off. She reaches a hand down to help him up and gently leads the way out to her car, giving him somewhere to lean against her if he needs at all. "Johnny it is, then. I'm Peggy. I promise I don't bite, and SHIELD medical is some of the most advanced in the city..."