Ava Starr
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Ava Starr (Scenesys ID: 2657) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Ava Starr | ||
Superalias: | Ghost | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Freelancer | ||
Citizenship: | UK | ||
Residence: | New York City | ||
Education: | Private Academy | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Defenders SHIELD | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 31 | Actual Age: | 31 |
Date of Birth | 6 Sep 1989 | Played By | Hanna John-Kamen |
Height: | 5'6" | Weight: | 120 lb |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Former SHIELD asset turned rogue agent, Ava Starr is a world-class assassin who hates to kill. Plagued by constant pain on account of a rare genetic condition caused by a lab accident when she was a child, Ava has learned the hard way that authority isn't to be trusted and that the only person she can rely on is herself. Consequently, she will do whatever she needs to do to survive, damn the consequences. That said, she has occasionally discovered that there are rare individuals out there who will stand up for those less fortunate than themselves and who will help, regardless of cost, simply because it's the right thing to do. She's not quite sure what to make of them. Yet.
* 1989 - Ava is born to Elihas and Catherine Starr, a high-level SHIELD scientist and his wife.
* 1995 - Elihas is fired from SHIELD due to disagreements with his supervisor over the use of his research. He moves his family to Argentina to continue his work. (His new sponsors are a subsidiary of AIM.)
* 1997 - Elihas' latest experiment goes awry, causing a horrific quantum energy explosion that kills both him and his wife. Although she is also caught in the explosion, Ava survives. However, due to the influx of quantum energy, her body mutates at a quantum level, causing her to become intangible and suffer severe molecular seizures that threaten her cellular cohesion.
* 1998 - She comes to the attention of another SHIELD scientist, who adopts her and attempts to find a cure. Some of his less scruplous colleagues, secretly HYDRA double agents, become aware of her affliction and its possibilities. Under the guilse of helping to find a cure, they begin experimenting on her, sometimes without her adopted father's knowledge.
* 1999 - Ava begins to gain some modicum of control over her abilities; she beings martial arts training with the hope the discipline and focus provided by that training will help improve that control. Her adopted father builds the first version of the Quantum Energy Chamber (QEC) to help stabilize her condition.
* 2001 - Against her adopted father's better judgement, Ava's physical training is increased. She begins to learn the basics field craft and other subjects that will aid her in the future.
* 2002 - Ava enters high school, but is sequestered at a private institution because of her "medical condition". Her grooming as an assassin and spy commences in earnest.
* 2007 - Ava graduates high school and is accepted into the SHIELD Training Academy for Operations. However, she is redirected from the main campus to a secret training facility for 'enhanced individuals' before the start of her first classes. An upgraded version of the QEC is installed in her room.
* 2009 - Ava graduates from the Academy and is partnered with an experienced SHIELD agent (who also happens to be a HYDRA double agent), who shows her the ropes.
* 2011 - Ava, as Ghost, begins taking on solo asignments, all the while continuing to hope for the long-promised cure to her affliction. Her QEC requires a third upgrade.
* 2019 - Ava's condition begins to noticably deteriorate, increasing her reliance on her suit and prompting a fourth upgrade of the QEC. By this time, she has begun to suspect there will be no cure for her condition, that the promise is nothing more than a carrot held over her head to keep her doing SHIELD's (actually HYDRA's) dirty work. She begins laying the groundwork for an exit strategy.
* 2021 - SHIELD is disavowed by the US goverment and collapses. The division Ava works for is dismantled and she is cut loose without resources. Enacting her exit strategy, she manages to go to ground, adopting the alias Ava Foster and moving into a small apartment in Hell's Kitchen, with a new version of the QEC installed. 'Ghost' becomes a vigilante, mercenary, and info broker, collecting information on powerful underworld figures, criminial enterprises, and terrorist cells to sell to the highest bidder.
IC Journal
Given all she's seen, all she's done, and all that's happened to her, it's no wonder Ava is an extremely angry individual. It's always there, simmering under the surface -- the wounded heart of an abused, sensitive child who was forced by circumstance and authority to become something she never wanted to be. She can hold a grudge like no one else and is extremely slow to forgive. SHIELD is at the top of her shitlist, given their betrayal of her. They never had any intention of curing her, and she knows it. Thus, her baseline assumption is that people are selfish, manipulative bastards who will always put their own welfare ahead of others. This, combined with the chronic pain that constantly plagues her, can cause her to lash out even at those who actually do care and do want to help, which can make her a very difficult person to deal with. At the core of her anger, however, are two things: the fear and loathing of a betrayed little girl and a deep sense of Justice that has been stepped on and compromised way too often in her life.
Ava was a sweet, sensitive child who cared deeply for her family and for others around her. That person is still inside her. She still cares deeply, despite the fact she tells herself she doesn't. She will *never* let a child suffer, if there's anything she can do to stop it. Adults... well, that depends on what she feels they deserve -- she'll stop to save an innocent on the street, but not someone she perceives as being in the same league as the bastards who ruined her life. Still, though she considers friends and family will quickly see that she is, in fact, a gentle, caring soul capable of great acts of compassion, who loves deeply and will go to the ends of the Earth to protect her own.
Despite appearances, Ava has a strong, internal moral compass. She knows what's right and what's wrong and she struggles with it constantly. No matter how SHIELD tried to justify it, Ava was never truly able to become a remorseless killer. Was never able to justify what she was asked to do either to herself or to the memory of her parents. As a result, she suffers from deep seated guilt and shame. She remembers every kill, every lie, every time she's had to compromise the person she wanted to be -- the person her parents would have expected her to be -- just to survive. And she hates it. It fuels her anger, to be sure. But it also means that, deep down inside, there's still a principled crusader, a loyal friend, and a caring protector just waiting to see the light of day.
Ava has no patience when it comes to dealing with impediments to achieving her goals. She has reached a point of desperation in dealing with her condition, all too aware that it is going to kill her one day, unless she can find some way to get it stabilized. This can make her reckless and, when combined with her anger, also makes her inclined to ignore good advice offered her by people who actually care and know what they're talking about.
Given the abuse and betrayal she's suffered in her life, it might be surprising to find out that Ava has any sense of loyalty to anyone at all. But the fact is, those few people who break through her hardened exterior to reach the gentle woman beneath discover quite quickly that she is a steadfast friend who would lay down her life for them, if it would make a difference. Of course, once betrayed, that's it. She doesn't forgive quickly or easily.
Trained and conditioned since childhood, Ava can be entirely merciless when the situation demands. She is an elite assassin and infiltration specialist who has killed dozens of high-level, exceptionally dangerous targets over the years. So, she's learned that, even with her unique abiilities, hesitation can be fatal -- not to mention the fact that hesitation means she's dwelling on what needs to be done rather than just doing it and getting it over with. That's never good. There will be time for guilt and remorse later. Thus, she has the capacity for quick, decisive, violent action that others may see as brutal and efficient. In her mind, however, it's simply what she needs to do to survive.
Character Sheet
High Pain Threshhold:
Ava has lived with constant, excruitiating pain since she was eight years old. Consequently, she is exceptionally good at ignoring physical discomfort of any sort. While technically not a superpower, per se, her experience puts her skill at this so far above that of an average person that it might as well be. This means torture is largely a wasted effort on her, providing, of course, she can be kept in a tangible state, in the first place. It's only when her condition gets so far out of control that she starts to experience quantum flux seizures that she finds it impossible to block it out the agony. And by that point, she's in far greater danger than anything simple pain could portend.
Ava has the ability to phase through normal matter, living or inert, at will. It's actually easier for her to be intangible than tangible, since it requires far less quantum energy to do so. Regardless, she can quickly switch between phase states at will, and even isolate specific parts of her body to make them intangible while the rest of her remains solid. When she is intangible, she is immune to all physical attacks outside of quantum space. However, she must become tangible to make a physical attack, providing her opponents with clear opportunities take her down.
If she makes herself tangible inside another physical structure, Ava can disrupt and destroy that structure, providing it is not significantly larger than herself -- she has to be able to be partially in and partially out of the structure in order for it to work. This makes it possible for her to harm another person by phasing her hand into their body and then solidifying it. She has been known to rip out hearts and catastrophically break bones in this fashion. She has also been known to sabotage machines and security systems this way, by reaching into the heart of the mechanism and tearing out its guts or using the quantum energy in her body to disrupt its energy systems.
She can also phase other objects -- even a living person -- along with her when she becomes intangible (and even invisible). The mass of whatever she takes with her cannot be much greater than she is, unless she expends considerably more quantum energy to do so. Taking a brief case out of an office is fairly inconsequential. Phasing the Hulk through a solid wall will leave her drained and half-dead, even with her suit. Using her powers to affect other things, particularly living things, burns off her reserves much more quickly, truncating the amount of time she can spend outside her quantum chamber without her suit.
Ava can phase herself in and out of the visible spectrum of light, far beyond both infra-red and ultra-violet wavelengths, effectively turning invisible. She is also intangible in this form, undetectable by anything that doesn't register quantum energy fields. That said, because she still possesses consciousness and a soul, she can still be sensed by telepaths, empaths, or others capable of detecting presences by means other than physical. Nevertheless, when she is invisible, she is scentless, soundless, and entirely hidden from any of the normal means of physical detection. Of course, in order to affect the physical world, she must become tangible, and thus visible, again, providing opponents with a window of opportunity to get the drop on her.
Quantum Field Effect:
Ava can add a quantum field effect to her body, amplifying the force behind her attacks and actions. This allows her to punch opponents through heavy walls, toss vehicles across a street, and experience a temporary burst of speed when necessary. (In all cases, this is more like the application of additional, external thrust to move things, rather than a physical change to her natural strength or speed.) Doing so, however, burns off the reserves of quantum energy in her body and shortens the amount of time she can safely exist outside her quantum chamber without her suit.
Ava is a skilled gymnast and acrobat. She uses that flexibility constantly in the field, combining it with her martial arts prowess to keep opponents off-balance and practicing parkour to allow her to move past obstacles she can't simply phase through without great delay.
Martial Arts:
Ava has trained in a wide variety of martial arts styles since she was eight years old. Her style tends to be acrobatic in nature, favouring techniques from such disciplines as Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Judo, and Taekwondo. She can hold her own with most trained fighters, including many of the most elite martial artists in the world -- especially when she brings her powers into play.
Research & Investigation:
Although the foundation of this skill comes out of her spy training, Ava has spent considerable time researching her condition and investigating what happened to her parents. This has taught her techniques that are more academic in nature and more inline with what detective might do than strictly what a spy might do -- though, yes, there's considerable overlap. Nevertheless, it means she can read and understand scientific journals and is competent at understanding forensics and picking up on subtle clues others might miss.
Ava has trained since she was a child to be one of SHIELD's most elite operatives. To some degree, she has experienced many of the same things as a Red Room operative and can hold her own with any of them. (This is partly because the off-the-books division that trained her was one of those operations compromised by HYDRA.) She's an expert assassin and master spy. She can disguise herself competently when she must (though, really, she rarely does since she can just turn invisible instead). She knows how to tail a target and take them out silently -- using both conventional means and her own unique abilities as the situation demands. She can competently hack into fairly advanced computer and security systems, though she's not an elite hacker by any means. She's an expert with many different forms of weaponry, ranging from handguns to assault rifles, sniper rifles and more. She understands how to pass messages, spot a tell, profile a mark, and all the myriad other microskills a good spy should have. She has put an end to many criminal organizations, terrorists, and other threats that proved too difficult for conventional agents and will make no apology for that even now.
Like most elite spies, Ava has a network of contacts and conditional allies on both sides of the law who either owe her favours or are willing to help her out in exchange for something they value in return. This allows her to get her hands on equipment she might need, find out information about whatever she's currently investigating, and connect her to other operatives who might be able to help. She understands that none of this comes for free, however, and is very careful about who she indebts herself to, for how long, and for how much. Thus, she's judicious about saving the use of her biggest favours for when the shit really hits the fan.
While working for SHIELD, Ava tended to be barracked and quartered onsite at whatever base they were deploying her from, sparing her the cost of higher rentals in the city. Consequently, since they still had to pay her for her work, she has considerable savings set back -- including a significant amount of danger pay. Add to this several 'alternative' income sources she's cultivated over her years as an operative, and she has enough money to maintain her cover identity and cover the rest of her expenses now that she's no longer associated with the agency. She continues to pick up freelance gigs as Ghost, though she no longer takes wetwork-specific contracts, and has no compunction about confiscating the assets of targets she's forced to take out or take down in the course of a job. The bulk of her current income, however, comes from being a mid-level infobroker; she uses her abilities to sneak into key targets, steal their information, and turn around and sell it to someone she thinks will make good use of it.
Ghost Suit:
A custom set of light combat armour derived from SHIELD nanomesh material, augmented by nanopolymer hard points, and coated with retro-reflective microarrays that help her harness quantum energy and prevent her from burning too much of it at one time. Effectively, this suit acts as a mobile quantum chamber for her, stabilizing her condition while still allowing her to access the full range of her abilities. While it is technically SHIELD property, the only way they're getting it back is to physically take it from her, which they'll find a considerable challenge.
Quantum Energy Chamber:
Created for her by a friend and former colleague of her father's, the Quantum Energy Chamber is the size of a small room, capable of holding a bed, a desk, a chair, and a small side table. When active, it generates waves of quantum energy within it, which Ava can abosorb and which serve to stabilize her condition. It is not a cure, however. Ava will need to find some way to absorb far greater amounts of energy to stabilize herself permanently, something she has yet to figure out how to do.
Ava has a small apartment in Hell's Kitchen where her Quantum Energy Chamber is installed. It's rented under a pseudonym -- Ava Foster -- and she is careful not to bring 'work' home with her whenever she can avoid it. For work-related things, there's an old, abandoned warehouse over by the Hudson River docks that typically serves quite well. It used to belong to a mobster, but she managed to scoop it up after she scooped him up, and has kept it low-key and off-the-books ever since.
Exceptions To the Rule:
Generally, Ava is no longer willing to work as an assassin. She'll steal, she'll sabotage, and she'll spy without a second thought. She'll kill in self-defense or if she's left no other choice in the course of her mission, but she won't specifically kill for money. Even when she goes after criminials and terrorists on her own, she tries to find some non-lethal way of subduing them, often leaving them for the cops. The exception to this rule, however, comes in the form of the people she considers responsible for her parents' deaths, the SHIELD agents (actually HYDRA operatives) who abused and manipulated her as a child, and anyone else who would intentionally abuse a child or put them in harm's way. Needless to say, this can create both ethical and practical dilemmas for her, as well as leave her open to manipulation by anyone who has sufficient understanding of her profile to know what her triggers may be.
Quantum Mutation:
Caught in the same quantum energy explosion that killed her parents, Ava's body was mutated at a fundamental level to require quantum energy to survive. Her body is in a constant state of painful flux. SHIELD called it 'molecular disequilibrium.' Every cell in her body is torn apart... and stitched back together. Over and over. Everyday. Needless to say, this is exceptionally painful and the pain simply does not abate, save for those times when she is able to rest in the quantum chamber her foster father devised for her. Outside of that chamber, even pain-killers are nearly useless to control it, meaning that she must exercise constant focus to both keep herself together and to dismiss the pain to a more manageable level.
While local law enforcement isn't a huge threat to Ava, her former missions with SHIELD never made their radar and her current missions are usually so far out of their jurisdiction it's a non-issue, the Ghost is still a known operative in the criminal and mercenary/terrorist underworlds. When she was associated with SHIELD, this wasn't a problem. Since the Secretary of Defence burned SHIELD, however, it's become a challenge. In the first place, as a former SHIELD agent, she's now considered a terrorist by most Western authorities -- despite the fact she's cut ties with them. This means that major international authorities (Interpol, the CIA or FBI, etc.) will have Ghost on their radar.
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Ava Starr has
50 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
CERN Concerns | October 1st, 2022 | No description |
Renovations Suck | July 26th, 2022 | Ava and Finley escape renovation hell for dinner at a pub and end up booking a trip to France. |
Ellistarr | May 5th, 2022 | Ava gives Finley the surprise of her life -- partly as an apology for their fight. It's more than Finley ever dreamed. |
Waking Up Is Hard To Do | April 15th, 2022 | Waking up after collapsing from exhaustion in the wake of the destruction of the Slime Planet in Darkspace turns out to be a bit of a battle for Ava. Finley has *Opinions* about all that, which she needs to express. |
SWORD: That's no moon | March 26th, 2022 | SWORD takes their shiny new quinjet out in to deep space to find the source of the acid cube invasion - and boy do they find it. Thanks to cosmic and quantum energies, they are able to put an end to the continued threat. |
Building Plans | March 19th, 2022 | Finley comes in to find Ava redesigning the warehouse. She has a few ideas of her own to share. |
SWORD: Close Encounters of the 3rd Degree Burns | February 26th, 2022 | Darcy, having had a bad day already, ends up at Ava's Warehouse requesting help making a device to read the radiation signature of a victim of a new kind of alien threat. Plugging this in to the fancy new SENSE satellite system, she discovers an imminent alien invasion. |
SWORD: The acidic sky is falling | February 26th, 2022 | An Alien autopsy, SWORD arrives and takes up space in Ava and Finley's home while they research the threat and make plans on how to tackle it. It's far worse than they first realised. |
Finally Home | February 9th, 2022 | Ava finally gets Finley back home. They decide to order in Chinese and settle in at home properly. |
After Curfew | January 9th, 2022 | Ava and Finley steal away to the gardens outside the Triskelion in the middle of the night for a bit of fresh air, a bit of bonding, and a bit of chat. |
Checking In On The Patient | December 27th, 2021 | Fin and Ava cause a stir in medbay when Ava's power of invisibility accidentally causes the staff to 'misplace' Finley. Carol comes to check in on them and, once everything settles down, teaches Finley a nifty new nanite trick. |
The Miracle of Home | December 22nd, 2021 | Awake, Finley seeks answers and comfort from Ava, while her body still adjusts to the nanites flooding her system. |
Awakening from Mechanical Dreams | December 3rd, 2021 | Jemma and Ava are on hand when Finley finally awakens from her nanite-induced coma. Although there are lots of questions to be answered, most of them will wait until later. The important thing? Fin's unlikely to end up like Yv'Kar. Not with SHIELD's finest on the case. |
Ghost and the Machine | November 14th, 2021 | Darcy turns up during Ava's vigil over Finley's comatose form to offer her expertise. This forces Ava to actually experiment with the q-bands matter-conversion capabilities. She has no idea if it actually worked... yet. |
Catch a Falling Star | November 10th, 2021 | Ava brings Finley to the Triskelion for help. Peggy gives what help she can. In the end, though, it's a waiting game. |
The Search for Yv'Kar | November 7th, 2021 | Carol accompanies Finley and Ava to meet Yv'Kar. Unfortunately, all they discover is a bloody corpse, a shattered containment unit, and a swarm of quantum powered nanites that seem to prefer vanilla human to suped up cosmic energy wielding metahumans. Poor Finley. |
Which demons must die first | October 29th, 2021 | As the Guardians consider who they want to take revenge on first, Peter reveals he spent the last of their cash and Ava is struggling to find the doctor she needs on Hala. |
Power Plays | October 28th, 2021 | Carol teaches Ava a little bit more about how to use her power... and suggests a path she needs to explore in the future. |
Hunting on Hala | October 11th, 2021 | Ava, Finley, and Carol go to find the scientist Yv'Kar. Unfortunately, he's dead. But what they find in his lab will change one of their lives... forever. |
Regarging the Quantum Batteries | October 6th, 2021 | After the narrow escape from the Kree border patrol, Ava gives Finley her data pendant and makes sure the engineer is in one piece, unharmed in the fight. It helps her sleep better so she can recharge. |
Hello Hala | October 3rd, 2021 | The Guardians enter Kree space in an effort to get Ava and Finley to Hala. Unfortunately, the Kree border patrol don't take kindly to the Milano's presence and stubbornly fire upon the ship -- despite the number of reassurances Peter Solo gives them. Turns out, giving a Ghost a quantum energy boost can be really beneficial when you're trying not to get shot. Who knew? |
Take a Deep Breath | October 2nd, 2021 | As Ava struggles some with the nature of their close quarters on the ship, Finley tries to understand the nature of Ava's abilities more thoroughly. In the end, they decide they both need more practice -- on the battlefield and off.
OOC WARNING: Some personal intimacy involved. |
You Want Me To What | September 28th, 2021 | Vance tries to convince Ava to learn how to 'quantum jump'. The first step, however, is learning to manifest a protective aura, and the way he proposes they do that isn't Ava's first choice -- especially knowing how Finley will react. |
More Quantum Bling | September 16th, 2021 | Finley surprises Ava with a gift to make understanding her powers easier. In return, Ava shows Finley a little of what she's learned on her own. |
Learning to Dance | September 2nd, 2021 | After spending the day blasting rocks into pieces, Ava listens to Finley's theories about how she might be able to improve. |
Q-Banding | August 30th, 2021 | After Vance unintentionally triggers some painful memories for Fin, Ava tries to make her feel better. |
Ebb and Flow | August 29th, 2021 | Fin and Ava retreat to a private corner, where Fin discovers more about Ava's past and just why she is the way she is. |
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket | August 29th, 2021 | The Guardians arrive at Halfworld, where they not only find out there are others like the injured Rocket, they also learn an unexpected truth about him and the planet itself. Of course there's a mission involved. |
Energy in Flux | August 28th, 2021 | Ava and Finley begin to experiment with the q-bands, only to be interrupted by Nebula. They discuss the nature of energy in the universe, which doesn't solve anyone's problem. |
2,000 Light Years From Home | August 26th, 2021 | Finley tries to reassure Ava everything will work out okay, despite Phyla-Vell's death and all the other craziness they've gotten roped into since they left Earth. Together, they discover the q-bands do have one advantage... Ava doesn't have to work nearly so hard to remain tangible. |
Halfway to Halfworld | August 24th, 2021 | In the wake of their pyrrhic victory over Thanos -- they did rescue Nebula, after all -- the Guardians and most of their passengers try to come to terms with all the changes wrought... all the while ignoring the sanest voice among them. (Who, frighteningly, may actually be Mantis.) Nevertheless, cheaters to the last, they are still apparently committed to taking out Thanos moving forward.
After Rocket is fixed. Until then... well... that's anybody's guess. |
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket, Part 2 | August 23rd, 2021 | The Guardians and Friends see that Rocket is going to make it, then they deal with a little robot problem deep within the prison asylum of Halfworld. At least it's not a very difficult win, which some of them probably needed after recent events. |
Thanos in Hyperspace when the Quasar Fell (II) | August 22nd, 2021 | The crew of the Milano with friends attempt to take out Thanos once and for all. Things do not go as planned. The Black Order are not an easy fight, though some fall. Thanos, however, has mastered Hyperspace energy and brings the battle to Phyla-Vell, evaporating her. The crew of the Milano manage to escape and are headed to Half-World with Rocket in stasis on the verge of death. Somehow, Mantis cheated death entirely, which is only fair since Black Swan did the same thing. The quantum bands found a new worthy wearer: Ava. |
Milano Tales: Meet the Ghost and SWORD | August 11th, 2021 | Meet two of the new Milano regulars |
Meeting of the Engineering Minds | August 3rd, 2021 | Vance and Finley poke at continuing to solve Ava's more longterm energy problems while Ghost, herself, works on sourcing some important equipment that has a much greater priority to her. |
...It Pours (Part II) | August 3rd, 2021 | Phyla-Vell is introduced to Captain Marvel. It is there she learns that her mother, Mar-Vell, not only was dead, but loved Carol Danvers enough to sacrifice herself to save the half-human half-Kree stranger. Their familial cosmic energy bond results in hard truths and hugs, followed by a plea to help take out Thanos once and for all. The course is set. |
When it Rains | August 2nd, 2021 | Carol's week gets worse. This is just science in the way things are measured. It also doesn't look like it is going to get any better either thanks to the news Ava Starr has delivered. Phyla-Starr and Thanos. Great. |
Breaking Down the Process | August 1st, 2021 | Ava brings Finley up to speed on her encounter with Phyla. The engineer assures her they'll stick together and make sure little green men posing as space scientists don't get too pokey. |
A Quanta of Solace | July 31st, 2021 | Phyla-Vell comes face to face with Ava's curse and is bewildered by it. She can still help, a bit of space age medicine to tide her over while they search for a permanent solution (that isn't death - or the birth of a new universe). |
A falling Quantum Star | July 28th, 2021 | Phyla-Vell arrives on Earth and is found by Ava and Finley, seeking out her strange quantum signature. May be she can help save Ava before it's too late. Phyla though, is looking for her mother Mar-Vell. She'll be surprised whens he meets Captain Marvel that's for sure. |
Quantum Club Warehouse | July 28th, 2021 | Ava introduces Vance to her supersuit. He tells her a bit about his story. Maybe he'll be able to help. |
Dollhouse: Genetic Drift | July 19th, 2021 | Bobbi, Jemma, and Sarah go straight to work when they get back from the Triskelion raid. This is the second time they've done something like this. It goes far smoother than they expected with an astonishing result the next morning. Peggy is saved. |
Quantum State | July 11th, 2021 | Ava and Finley figure out what their next step is in building a machine to help Ava. Then, it's off to the bar. |
Home, Sweet Quantum Chamber | June 20th, 2021 | Finley escorts Ava back to her apartment, where she discovers the breadth of Ava's research and the depth of her mistrust. The moorings for bridges are built. |
Consolidated Ghost | May 16th, 2021 | The Ghost scopes out a piece of tech she needs at Queen Consildated... and admires its CEO as she passes. |
The pull of a kindred spirit... | May 11th, 2021 | Bucky is going to make sure that promises to Ava are kept. He might apologize to Finley later. Certainly she did her best. |
Ghosting the Triskelion | May 11th, 2021 | Ava breaks into the Triskelion to get her hands on some tech that might help stabilze her molecular disequalibrium. She runs afoul of Talbot and -- worse -- General Hale, whose secret she knows. Fortunately, a small team of SHIELD agents happen to show up just in time to pull her ass out of the fire. |
Prismatic Aftermath | May 11th, 2021 | Ava wakes up in the Playground, still in the midst of a molecular disequilibrium meltdown. Several SHIELD agents try to get her to calm down so they can help her. That takes a bit of doing. |
Who even robs banks anymore | April 25th, 2021 | Apparently a dragon is who. |
Just Another Reason | April 19th, 2021 | Social, girls talking in a bar with Luke in the wings doing bartender things. Established 5 NPCs. Benny the barback, Dave the assist bartender, Sally, Jessie and Ralphetta the waitresses. If anyone gets that reference, they're old. |
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Ava Starr has
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