646/Mutant Rights Fundraiser!

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Mutant Rights Fundraiser!
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Rockaway Beach, Long Island
Synopsis: Money is raised, art is made.
Cast of Characters: Nick Lytton, Sally Pride, Jason Blood, Lara Croft, Pietro Maximoff, Betsy Braddock, Lorna Dane, Clarice Ferguson, Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris, Bobby Drake

Nick Lytton has posed:
    It is a new event, so Nick is pleased with the turnout.  Next year's will be bigger.
    As people gather, he's making his way around his "workspace", assisted by a couple of the interns from the studio.  Piles of pre-sifted beach sand, a large metal plate, a long table with several small buckets, assorted glassworking tools... yes, he's ready.
    "All right!"  Nick straightens up and addresses the gathering, clapping his hands once.  "We know why we're here, this is to raise some awareness -- and some money -- for some good causes.  Everything raised from here is going to be divided between Genoshan relief, and starting a scholarship fund for meta youth going into the arts."
    He strolls around in front of the metal plate.  "We are going to build a sand castle -- out of glass made from beach sand.  Several donations have already come in to sponsor parts of it, we'll be taking donations here on site -- see Miguel over there, he's handling that," he interjects, pointing to one of the interns, who waves his phone.  "After it's all built, then once I have the structure stabilized, we're going to auction the whole thing off.  That won't be today.  Today is just showing that meta is just another way to be human."
    He heads over to the metal plate that will be his workspace.  "If there are any metas with us today," he says, picking up a double handful of sand, which starts to melt in his hands, "I welcome collaboration.  Now... this first turret is for an anonymous donor -- thank you!"
    The sand has become almost taffy-like, and he starts kneading the imperfections out, while walking over to the table.  A quick conference with the other intern results in a tablespoon or two of one of the bucket contents into the mass while Nick works it.

Sally Pride has posed:
It's a fundraiser for mutant related (a different version of mutant, but is that really important) purposes. So that means Sally doesn't have to try and conceal herself this time, right?

That being said, she's still not gun-hoing her way into the midst of the crowd. She's lingering more on the outskirts, hands in the pockets of her leather jacket, listening to the initial shpeel.

Then the man gets to work. Sally does move a little closer to see, using a claw to tug down her aviators so she can see more clearly. That's not at -all- how she was expecting this to be done.

With a show like that to watch who's going to notice the humanoid feline standing over here, being unobtrusive?

Jason Blood has posed:
Deciding that there were not enough demonic or mystical affairs to occupy him for this evening, Jason Blood has made an appearance at this fundraiser, finding the subject of it to be of some middling interest. He is dressed up in a suit and tie, his red hair has been cut short, the streak of white that runs through it rather noticeable. When Lytton begins his spiel, he turns and focuses his gaze on the man and the castle and raises a single brow with some interest. Lips pursing, he reaches into a pocket and pulls out his checkbook, then casually taps it on the palm of one hand as he continues to consider the castle and the sand.

Sally's approach is noticed, and he merely offers a nod of greeting before returning his gaze to Nick's work.

Lara Croft has posed:
One element of being of British nobility is a requirement to make public appearances to maintain your family's name and the reputation of the Monarchy of Great Britain. Charity events are a big element of this, and this is what has 'Duchess' Lara Croft here in tonight's gathering. Of all public events, charitable ones are the ones that Lara enjoys the most. She doesn't dip into her family's wealth for any reason other than charities such as this and after speaking with Miguel to offer her donation, she is now stepping around the crowds and watching the glassworks art show as it begins. After being given a drink, Lara sips from it and watches calmly from the left side of the artist putting on the display tonight. She runs her eyes over the tools and table that it's all taking place upon, dressed in casual but fine garments of a dark blue shade, Lara has a pair of sunglasses resting up upon the top of her hairline, helping hold her loose brown hair off of her face as she watches.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    "Sandcastle made out of glass? then, it wouldn't be a sand castle, but a glass castle." The voice, belonging to one Pietro Maximoff, is pitched respectfully low enough to not carry *too* far into the crowd. But, he wasn't necessarily whispering either. He turns to regard his half-sister Lorna. "I mean really. People go for this sort of thing? I mean, I get part of this is to help Genosha, but really how are easily shattered art deco castles going to help?"

    And there is the impatience of the speedster shining through. Today, he isn't here as a member of the Avengers, but as a member of Genoshian royalty, standing as prince to his sister the Queen. And, he certainly looks like he may want to be elsewhere. "Seriously, if we are going to watch this a bucketful at a time, at least have a pile ready. I could gather this whole beach into a pile in a manner of moments."

    It appears that Pietro may not necessarily be appreciative of the finer, and slower, details of glass-shaping.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Designer jumpsuit and heels to match? Check. The soft silver fabric compliments the well styled purple waves that slide over her shoulders. The accessories are simple, and she's downplayed her look for this. She will sip from a glass, as she look over at the intern who is handling donations. Betsy will saunter that way, intent on handing over a sizeable donation of famiy money. She might even notice other British nobility, far higher titled that Lady Braddock herself.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had arrived to make an appearance with her half-brother. Given that both she and Pietro were publically known, she figured it would help lend weight and support to a mutant-rights anything.. After all, it's not every day that the Queen of the only mutant nation, destroyed or not.. makes an appearance with her brother the Avenger.

The green haired woman arrives wearing a simple black dress, and cardigan, her green hair free to hang about her face. She listened politely, and with a vaguely interested air. At least until Pietro started to mock-whisper about the whole thing. "Pietro.." She shot back, shaking her head, as she pursed her lips. A warning in her tone that didn't quite reach her eyes. "It's art. Art gets auctioned and what the artist does with those funds is right now.. partly for Genosha." She shook her head.

"Granted his concept of metas verses mutants is a bit off, but still. He's trying."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I can do this..."

Clarice stood on the edge of the field hospital in Wakanda. Dressed in some clothes that she was given from the locals, the maueve mutant swung her arms back and forth. She's made long jumps before. She's made blind jumps before. But to combine the two? Swallowing and taking another breath, she finally braced for what she needed to do.

Throwing her hand forward, one of her portals pops to life in front of her. And after a moment, she sticks her head through to look around.

Above Rockaway Beach, a magenta colored portal pops to life. The mauve hair with likewise colored -- if lighter skin -- and green eyes peers through, before she deems it sfe, and then...

Clarice Ferguson makes the leap from Wakanda to New York with an audible BLINK, and lands onto the beach as the sand crunches under her shoes and she doubles over to heave in several breaths. She did it. She doesn't know how successful she was yet, but she knows she made the jump.

Hal Jordan has posed:
There was a decision to make...Hal could show up as himself, or he could show up as the Green Lantern. If he showed up as just Hal, well, he hasn't got the money to make much more than a token contribution, compared to all the money others have. But if he shows up as Green Lantern...his constructs may not be sellable, but he could create molds for Nick to use to create his sand castle. That's probably more useful for this particular project that what little money Hal can contribute.

So, Hal makes an online donation of what he can afford...but it's Green Lantern showing up to the event, landing from the sky. He was there...shortly after it fell. He remembers what it was like then. So he figures lending his support now can back up what he was once doing on scene.

Carol Ferris has posed:
Not having been there, but not wanting to put a certain name too close to another charity event for Genosha, Hal isn't the only one to decide that this time it was the time to show up with the ring on, and offering the support of one of the Lantern Corps.

Probably not as well known as the green guys, that doesn't stop Carol from donning the ring and the uniform, and coming to the event as well to throw support behind things. Love often gets thrown around for intimate, romantic love. But there are other kinds of love, too.

Jason Blood has posed:
Making his decision, Jason moves forward and speaks quietly with Miguel for a moment or two before making a donation of his own. Not bothered by the least that offering the name 'Jason of Norwich' is reciprocated with a raised eyebrow. Donation made, he moves back into the crowd to watch more work done on the castle. Overhearing the words of Lorna and Pietro, he says, "I'm not even sure why there needs to be a discussion of meta versus mutant versus human. There are enough problems that face this world that creating unnecessary strife is rather foolish, but being foolish is what humankind excels at." One corner of his mouth faintly quirks up in a small half-smilee. It fades as he watches Clarice and Green Lantern make their respective entrances.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake cleans up pretty good. He's dressed up for the event, shoes polished, trousers pressed, jacket fitted, and seeming to be in a good mood as he makes his way over to watch Nick begin putting the piece together, interested in watching how it's going to be made. He has, tucked away in his jacket, an envelope of some donations that he'd gathered on campus for the event along with his own, and he glances in the direction of Miguel. He'll go over to handle that in a little bit.

There's a glance over in Pietro's direction as he notices he and Lorna, and he offers them both a little smile, unable to hide the amusement at Pietro's impatience with this whole glass castle production.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride is noticed!.. But the man merely nods to her in acknowledgement and goes back to watching the show. Which honestly almost feels as weird as being pointed out, just for not being how things usually go. She's not going to knock it, though.

She watches Jason go up to make a donation, and pauses to stand nearby after he's returned to the crowd. "That's a pretty impressive show to see." Which could also apply to the arrival of the Lanterns, but she mainly means the display of Nick's work.

"Yeah. There's enough lines being drawn in the sand as is." Not the most clever of quips, but it's a beach, a sand related remark is still a little witty right?

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Lorna's tone is acknowledged. With a sigh tinged with slight annoyance, Pietro grudgingly agrees. "Fine. It's art, I suppose." And...that means Pietro will behave. Not because others might have frowned at his visible agitation, but because Lorna asked him to, without saying a word.

Jason earns himself a glance as Pietro wisely keeps his mouth shut. Oh, he has some opinions. Pietro seems positively ready to burst. But, he remains quiet for now.

Nick Lytton has posed:
    In Nick's hands, the additive is quickly worked into the mass -- of course, it's impossible to tell what color it is since the glass is glowing a dull, molten red.  Towards one corner of the metal platform, he begins his build, letting the glass rope out from one hand and shaping it into place with the other.  It quickly spirals upward into a tower-like structure of reasonably clear but obviously imperfect glass.  That was to be expected -- this is beach sand, not pure silicon dioxide.  He wasn't going to get Waterford crystal.
    It should be noted that what he's doing is impossible -- not as a matter of skill, but as a matter of physics.  Normally, the glass would need to be annealed.  Nick, however, can control the temperature throughout and bring it down to a solid without risking breaking anything.
    Another visit to the table, a little dash of some other additive.  This time he mushes the remaining glass out flat between his hands and rapidly shapes it into a peaked roof for the tower: it cools to a sea green.
    He looks up in time to see two arrivals from the sky, one somewhat more graceful than the other, but both impressive in their own ways.
    Awesome.  Gets a huge grin out of him.  He waves Green Lantern over, and scoops up another double handful of sand, which rapidly begins to melt and flow.  Meanwhile, Miguel leans in to whisper some information to him.
    Multitasking.  It's very much a thing.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Once waved over, Green Lantern does just that. Having constructs available is useful for construction. "Hello, Mr. Lytton. Seems I made it pretty close to on time...so, what're you thinking of building next? And do you want just earth structures, or structures on other planets too?"

Because structures on other planets is totally a thing he can make, and potentially could drive the price of the glass castle up. Or so he hopes. It's just another kind of donation, really. Although he's not really sure if alien glass structures would make it more valuable or less. Could go either way.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna clearly had no intents to actually help build the sand castle, she was there to make an appearance after all, and magnokinetics had no control over metal after all. Still, it was fascinating to watch how the sand changed to glass, and she ended up going silent as Pietro quiets gently. She stared, watching with interest. "What temperature does sand change to glass?" She asked, lifting her voice to actually carry to be heard.

While her question might be innocent enough, her mind lingered on the glass like flatness that was left behind on Genosha's landscape.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Once she was on the sand, Clarice was going to take a moment to catch her breath and then make the next blink, the one that would to take her from the beach to Westchester. Or she would have, had voices not caught her attention. Approaching the demonstration with some trepedation, she looks around, realizing that there is a mutant putting on a show and her heart catches in her chest.

Her eyes frantically scan the crowd, and when they catch the sight of green hair, Clarice's smile grows to a brilliant warmth. She's alive! So's her brother, she realizes as she notices the white-haired speedster.

Now that she's seen them, she can pinpoint and with a pop of a portal and a blink, Clarice ends up next to the pair of mutant royalty, where she immediately drops into a low bow. "...your highnesses." she greets, emotion catching in her throat. "It is so good to see you both well!"

Carol Ferris has posed:
What temperature does sand change to glass? That's a good question. Carol looks over towards Lorna at the question, then she turns her attention back towards Nick to see what the answer is.

Unlike the Green Lantern, she doesn't venture forward, just stays lingering near by, watching the crowd as much as she watches the sand castle get shaped.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Were it winter, or Nick needed help cooling things, Bobby could contribute, but anything that he might create would be an ephemeral addition, at best, and so he is mostly there to observe and to help show support and provide donations. He does, however, as the sculpture begin to take shape, step over toward Miguel and offers him the donations that he's collected. Once that business is taken care of, he begins a slow stroll around, mostly to get another angle of view of the sculpting, but also to take in the others there.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Having made her donation and soft little request, Betsy will flash a smile at the glassmaker as she steps away a bit, sipping at her glass. She will smile at sight of Bobby, moving to fall in alongside. "Well hello, Mister Drake. "

Nick Lytton has posed:
    Nick heard the question -- he gets it all the time at the studio on public tour days.  "Gotta ramp it up to about 1300 to get it to flow together, and then back it down to nine hundred, a thousand, thereabouts to work it.  That's C, not F," he adds.  Teacher Nick mode.  And after another additive, another tower quickly takes shape, turning a rich amethyst as it cools, with a lilac roof.
    Then a quick consultation with Green Lantern, which involves a lot of pointing and tracing in the air what he has in mind.
    And then he starts up a fresh melt.  A big one.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason turns towards Sally as she speaks and nods, "It is very impressive. I would love to see what sort of artistic stained glass windows he might have done in the past. In any case, I apologize if I don't immediately recognize anyone here. I spend way too much of my time in books and old scrolls." He smiles faintly as reaches into a pocket to produce a business card that give his name, address and phone number with the words 'Demonologist and Occultist' written underneath his name. Because that's a totally normal profession for anyone to have. Probably explains why he's not put out one bit by what Nick has been doing.

Clarice's mention of 'highnesses' catches his attention and his gaze seems to slip past the present around him as he begins to travel through some old memories, his thumb on his right hand gently caressing an old ring as he does so. After several long moments of this he shakes his head and returns his mind to the present. "Ah, I was unaware that there were such notable personages here in attendance." He bows his head respectfully to Lorna and Pietro, though quickly returns his gaze to Nick and the Green Lantern.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Green Lantern mostly provides the shape. Nick controls the sand, he just makes a complex and intricate shape to put that sand before it gets turned to glass. In this case, the rectangle with turrets at each corner, and a square hollowed out in the middle. The wall is crenelated, with the kind of arrow slits a real castle would have, and on one wall, there's a gate, complete with a porticullus. The constructs creates the grating effect that can be made permanent once it's glassed.

A little beyond that, he's created space for a drawbridge to this castle, complete with chains from the wall to the end of the bridge. The bridge itself is patterned to look like wooden planks with steel bands on the top and bottom, and the construct will hold the sand in place long enough to make chains out of it.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
     Well, that doesn't happen very often. Clarice bowing before Lorna and Pietro actually catches Pietro off-guard. The reaction is not a grand gesture...just a pause and a slight double-take. But the fact that it was noticeable on a person with super fast reflexes is significant. Pietro's reaction? He falls back on correcting Clarice, though his tone is significantly less annoyed as before. "I am your highness. Miss Dane should be referred to as her Majesty." That slight clarification is enough to show that yes, even Pietro respects his queenly sister.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna was intently watching the glass-work. It held her interest intently, it would seem. "It has to get that hot? For how long?" She was clearly curious and made sure to pitch her voice loud enough to be heard at a polite distance. She was maintaining that at least, so when Clarice was just //suddenly// there, and falling into a kneeling position before her and Pietro she boggled.

"Clarice! You're awake! S-stop, that, get up." She bent to hurriedly lift the teleporting mutant up from the sandy ground.

A glance was spared for Pietro, and she shook her head, pursing her lips. "Lorna. Geeze. It's Lorna."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride accepts the card from Jason. Raises a brow at the title. That's not a normal profession you see. But with all the weird things she's seen in a relatively short time, she's not going to doubt it being an actual thing. The full name does get a snicker out of her. Just because that surname is a bit fitting to the job.

The card is tucked away in a pocket. You never know, it could be useful to know some day. Though she doesn't have a fancy card to give out so she's got to do introductions the old fashioned way. "Name's Sally. Sally Pride." That's probably why she was snickering at the name.

A glance is given in the direction of the so-called royalty, but it doesn't mean a whole lot to her so Sally resumes watching the show.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
She was in public, she didn't know how formal she had to be with the siblings. Though Pietro's rebuttal reminds Clarice that Magneto is... and that she wasn't able to protect him. The young woman's magenta skin darkens further, and she was about to manage an apology when Lorna is bending over to her, and Clarice slips her manners to give the green-haired mutant a quick embrace. "I came to this morning. The Wakandans told me you were here. And I just couldn't loaf around?" she asks in self-amusement.

Reaching up to rub her head, she winces. "I am ready if you need me for anything, Your Maj... Lorna." she corrects herself, but like Pietro, acknowledges the mistress of magnetism as the Queen. With that, she's moving to join the pair as she watches the demonstration, lips pursed in thought, the small gem mark in the middle of her head standing out.

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "Mmmm, should be longer than I'm letting it sit, but yaknow, exigencies of the situation," Nick replies, as glass flows from his hands into the mold Green Lantern provides.  "Oh, that's gonna be awesome," he comments as it starts filling the spaces and the details and definitions start becoming more visible.  "Dude!" -- has anyone ever called the Green Lantern 'dude'? -- "You're an artist too!"

Hal Jordan has posed:
That makes this particular Green Lantern laugh. "Oh, no. I am NOT the best artist among the Lanterns. Not even in the top 10. But I'm glad I can help with your project." Regardless, while a construct doesn't last forever, it'll last plenty long enough for Nick to get the glass set into this particular mold. But hey, when your ring creates literally anything you can imagine...being able to help like this works out well.

Jason Blood has posed:
"Pleased to make your acquaintance Sally Pride." A pause. "If you will permit me a singular observation, do be careful with pride. In small doses it can be good for anyone to take a measure in pride with their work." He nods towards where Nick works. "Though pride can make any one or any thing fall. When it is a person that falls, that can be quite detrimental to those around them, but when it is an idea that falls, that can set the world into darkness." For a brief moment, Jason's eyes become weary with the burden of his years. "My apologies, there are just a few things reminding me of the past out and about this evening and it is so easy to get caught up in such things at my... ah, no, that's just an excuse."

Bobby Drake has posed:
"Miss Braddock," Bobby greets Betsy as she falls in at his side. His steps are slow, idle. He's not going anywhere in particular, though he does drift closer to where there are drinks so that he can acquire one of his own. "Fancy meeting you here." He lifts his glass and takes a small sip from it, satisfied with whatever it is that he's just acquired.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy laughs at Bobby, and without asking, just takes his arm while she walks with him. "Imagine meeting here. Who would have guessed." She chuckles, sipping champagne. She glances at the glass building, smiling at the amethyst turret with lilac peak. "It's always been a fascinating art to me." She asides to Bobby. "Glass working, I mean."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Pietro actually stands aside, allowing room for Clarice to stand in between if she should want. A sideward glance is given to Lorna as a ghost of a smile could be visible. Then, the speedster turns to actually watch the construction. Perhaps he got over his initial impatience. Or, rather, he sees how the emerald construct molds are speeding up the process.

     Of course, the molds also seem to strike Pietro with amusement. When he comments to Lorna and Clarice, this time he pitches his voice soft enough so only the two can hear. "Which one is the artist here, Lorna? If I run off and get a mold, can I be an artist, too?" Though, to be truthful, Pietro does find the process intriguing.

     In his own unique way.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna was now far too distracted to watch and listen to the instructions about the glass work or art going on. Particularly as Clarice rises and embraces her. She blinked, a bit stunned, but allowed it none the less. After all, she hadn't even been sure if the other mutant would wake up again.

She clears her throat as Clarice falls into step beside her, and her gaze moved back to the public area around them, noting Bobby's presence briefly, before her gaze swung back to her older brother. "You're already an artist Pietro, stop that." She rolled her eyes, and glanced at the ever growing glass work.

"I've seen it, so don't try to deny that."

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "Sometimes," Nick remarks absently to his 'assistant', "all you need to make art is to concentrate on it.  Okay, I think that's set, you can release the mold.  Awesome.  Now I need a mold to hold the moat--"  He turns to address the other intern while Miguel confers with another donor.  "Aimi, I need about one percent cobalt and toss in a little of the cuprous too, m'kay?  In that pile there, thanks."
    Time to take a little breath, a quick gulp of water, make sure he still has the audience's attention... and then back to work, melting the pile he had just directed Aimi to treat.

Sally Pride has posed:
"... It's mainly because I'm a lion," Sally notes. Not that she objects to any of Jason's observation because he's pretty accurate with it. "But it's probably better to just enjoy the show and the night than ruminate on the past, right?" She considers for a moment. "Excuse me a moment."

Sally nudges her way through the crowd to make her way over to Miguel. Smiles and does her best to not look too intimidating, and digs a hand out of her pocket to drop a few dollars in the donations. Not like she has a lot to give but its the thought that counts.

That and seeing an someone that's visibly a mutant donating towards a mutant supporting cause is good publicity isn't it?

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake lifts his elbow just a little bit as Betsy reaches for his arm and lets her take it, his glass shifted to the other hand as they make a slow circuit around the sculpture as its being built. "It's definitely interesting to watch it come together." He grins a little at the amethyst tower and nods in its direction, "That one's yours." When Nick mentions making the moat out of glass, his attention shifts there, "I like cobalt glass, the really deep blue."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy laughs up at Bobby. "I'm so easy to guess, hmm? I think I might want to help him with the moat." She will take a half step forward, one hand lifting and handing her glass to her hand just above Bobby's arm.

She smiles, and in front of Nick is a flow of purple-magenta light, that makes a form for a moat, with some little bits of curves and indents to make it a little more interesting.

Hal Jordan has posed:
And the Lantern then creates the moat around the wall. The 'riverbank' around the castle does not have perfectly smooth edges, rather, it curves around a little randomly, much like a real moat would, and the bottom has a rocky surface, with shapes of all kinds along the bottom. No medieval moat is complete without some alligators, of course, so there's going to be alligator faces lurking around the drawbridge, with their jaws open and lots of razor sharp teeth. The moat section actually goes under the drawbridge section, as would be natural of a moat. "How's that?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"It is very pretty." Clarice offers, settling in, but not seperating the siblings, taking to Lorna's other side, the embrace quick before she realized her manners. "Where are the others?" she asks the pair quietly. "I have not secured lodgings, but I can return to Wakanda and be back in the morning." So she's not a burden to anyone. Her attention is on the sand and glasswork, she curbs her questions as she notices the purple magenta light and the similarly colored mutant starts to look for the source of it.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason watches Sally go off and make her donation. As she does that, he watches the art continue for a short time before he feels a slight buzzing in his pocket. Reaching into it, he pulls out a pager and frowns at it. Slipping it back in his pocket, he takes one more look around the room and quietly departs.

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "Whoa."  Clearly, Nick wasn't expecting the assist from... well, from someone else here, other than the Lantern.  "Okay, this is even better.  Between the two molds, that's an even more authentic shoreline.  Whoever's doing the purple, thank you and hold that until I say to let go!"
    Cobalt glass is of course a staggeringly deep blue -- this is lightened and greened a little because of the addition of cuprous oxide.  Free chemistry lesson with your performance art, who knew?  So still blue, but a little more watery.  The liquid glass flows from his hands, filling the dual mold -- as his hands empty, Aimi adds more of the sand mixture so that the flow is constant as he circles the structure.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
     "You've seen?" Any normal person might have shown some emotion. Maybe even a blush. But not Pietro. Instead he shrugs it off, answering in typical fashion. "I had some spare time."

     A hand reaches up to stifle a yawn as the cobalt glass is poured into the mold. A frown slowly forms, slight but visible. Another tilting towards Lorna as Pietro murmurs to both her and Clarice. "Have you had enough of playing figurehead for the day? I don't know about you, but I don't think I can stand around much longer." A lack of tact...but an honest reaction, nonetheless.

Bobby Drake has posed:
When Betty says that she is going to help out, he offers to hold her glass for her as he stands off to one side, watching as the flow of purple-magenta light joins the Lantern's construct and chuckles a little bit at Nick's surprise. "Well, you did ask for help," he points out to the man with a little chuckle. Then he watches as the glass takes on that somewhat lighter sea green color once it begins to fill the structure and harden into place.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced briefly toward Clarice and smiled, as her focus remained politely on the art work coming together. It certainly was something to see, for all that her speedster of a brother had no patience for it. She glanced at Pietro, and seemed to sigh once and inclined her head. "Yes, okay. We can go get something to eat." She murmured, and nodded to Clarice and her brother as she made to depart.

A brief glance spared for Betsy and Bobby and one last look at the art-work of glass being put together as she turned to go.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Food sounds great." Clarice agreed with the siblings as the young woman perpares to follow the others out from the sand, slipping quite easily back into her guard role as there was one more glance around and she admits to the pair. "Is all of America like this?" she asks curiously. Someone's not been here before.

Carol Ferris has posed:
There is quiet appreciation for someone making purple things out there. Very quiet appreciation. Carol smiles faintly at that, but she only gives the crowd a quick once over to see if she might be able to actually spot who it is. Then she returns her attention to the creator of all this, calling out, "You need a candle in there...to light the way home."

Hal Jordan has posed:
Meanwhile, the Lantern holds this mold in place, just like he held the other. At first, the violet light made him think Star Sapphire had finally hopped in to help form the castle...but evidently, it's not her after all. It's someone else.

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "Fair enough, I did!" Nick admits, finishing the pour, and concentrating over the mass of glass for a moment as it rapidly cools to a deep blue-green.  He didn't see who said that, but whoever it was had his number, fair enough.  "Okay, release the molds!" he says, stepping back... and scooping up a smaller handful of sand.  "Excellent idea!  I'll rig it for lighting while I stabilize the structure!" he says to the suggestion from the audience.  "Other than that, I have one last thing to add before I call this complete."
    He forms a shape swiftly, a milky white-grey thing.  Colored layers are added, and it soon becomes obvious what he has made is a stylized model of a Sentinel.
    Aimi comes over with a bucket and lid; Nick unceremoniously drops it in and Aimi claps the lid on tight.
    The cracking sound is like a rifle shot.
    Nick fishes the chunks out of the bucket and drops them into the gap in the base of the structure, and then seals it over with a sheet of black glass.  "Anti-mutant hate belongs in the dungeon, out of sight and lost forever," he says, almost reverentially.
    He turns, and bows to the gathered audience.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride doesn't entirely get the reference with the Sentinel, but she gets the sentiment behind the gesture and that's enough to get her to chuckle at the whole dungeon remark all the same.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake raises a brow as he watches Nick fashion a sentinel, his expression going a little uncertain at the appearance of that particular figure. But when it ends up in the dungeon, that seems alright with him, and he lifts his hands to applaud a little bit, the best he can while still holding onto a glass and trying not to tip it out.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
There's barely any movement at all, as Betsy releases the energy, then takes her glass from Bobby, so they can applaud appropriately. She takes a couple steps closer, to look admiringly over Nick's creation.

Hal Jordan has posed:
The Green Lantern nods...he came here because there IS, in fact, far too much hate in the world, and he doesn't want to see any more of it. He figured by showing some solidarity, he might help that hate die down just a little. "...Anything else you want to add? Nice touch with the robot, though." Cause he remembers fighting a couple of the damn things on Genosha, and the murder bots...well, he calls them murderbots for a reason.

Carol Ferris has posed:
The agreement of adding a candle is enough to get a smile from her, then when Nick bows she lifts her hands upwards to applaud him respectfully. But Carol doesn't clap for long, if no one else is clapping. That's just weird.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake returns Betsy's glass to her and says, "Nice touch," to her additional help on the moat. Then he lifts his glass to Nick and says, "I look forward to seeing what the auction turns up. Thank you for the show. It was very interesting to watch how you make art."

Nick Lytton has posed:
    "I want to thank everyone who donated, everyone who attended," Nick says, bowing again.  "The auction date will be announced on empireglassworx.com, that's the studio I work out of, Miguel and Aimi here intern at, you've all done a lot of good for a lot of people.  *People*," he repeats with emphasis.  "Mutants and metas are *people*.  We're your next door neighbors, your friends, and even your family.  From that, all else follows.  Thanks again, everyone!"