6591/Happy Harbor: 4th of July Celebration

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Happy Harbor: 4th of July Celebration
Date of Scene: 05 July 2021
Location: Exterior - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: The Four...Fifth of July happens in Happy Harbor and there's an uninvited guest.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Madison Evans, Vivian Vision, Hellboy, Greg Rollins, Michael Hannigan, Nicolai Codona, Colette O'Connail

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Happy Harbor's firework display got rescheduled from the 4th due to some technical difficulties. Which was great given a lot of folks had other plans. So it's the Fourth of July on the Fifth! The festivities have been going on for a few hours in their small little town and a good amount of people are convening on the lawn of the High School where Duncan has been manning a grill which comes with him cracking horrible dad jokes every so often to some of the children.

And some might recognize some of the faces that are around, a few of the Malta teens have joined the cook out tonight while people wait for the towns fireworks display to start up. Rashid and Nylia are probably fifteen at most, both seem to be of Middle Eastern decent. And they are VERY social. They walk around and talk to anyone that will listen.

Morrigan's here, but the redheaded principal has been quietly observing from the sidelines sort of. She's dressed in a fairly fourth of July inspired outfit, red blouse, blue pencil skirt and her hair is straight today. Which might be jarring to all that are use to her curls. She's manning the ice cream cart that they rented. Because everyone needs ice cream.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Ice cream! Madison is so //there// for ice cream.
    She waits impatiently - but politely - until she gets up to the front of the line, then she beams broadly at Morrigan. "Hi again, Ms. MacIntyre. Thanks again for - you know. The scholarship. I've been celebrating aaaaaaall weekend! Me and mom went to New York, and went to some museums, and went to Central Park - and Spidey and Squirrel Girl and I went to White Castle for burgers and It's just been - well, it's been great. But - oh! Right! Ice cream. Ummm." She peers at the names of the flavors.
    "Which one's the weiiiiirdest one?" she muses to herself.
    That's really what she's going to base her decision on?!

Vivian Vision has posed:
The Fourth of July isn't something Viv has had much call to celebrate before. So getting to experience it twice in one year is a chance to double up on her understanding. She's wearing her formal school uniform for the occasion. An attempt to show school spirit even if the colours do rather clash with her synthezoid skin & hair colour.

The food on offer holds no real appeal to her. But watching the cooking is a learning experience. The use of flame and smoke to prepare dishes is something of an artform and a very primal way to cook. Perhaps it's something she can use herself for other celebratory events in the future!

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy was told there was a party, and that there would be kids. Hellboy can deal with kids - its the adults that tend to irritate him like a good shot of Ex-Lax. Oh yeah, and grilled meat, cause, well, MEAT. So somewhere in the distance, the big heavy van that can handle him has been parked in case quick egress is needed, and the Big Red One lumbers his way to the edge of the gathering. Apparently someone (maybe Liz) convinced him its a HOLIDAY and if he's going to go to a party, he ought to look like it, so that ankle-length duster he calls a jacket has been festooned with a single little point of color, a bright little red white and blue 'stars and stripes' pin that's been attached to the left lapel, and stands out like a big, well, red thumb.
    A soft grunt of contemplation escapes him, at least until he spies Morrigan at the ice cream and starts that way to be a Good Boy and join the cluster of shorter ones waiting for a scoop. He can do ice cream.

Greg Rollins has posed:
At first Greg had shown up in civilian clothing, but then the alien teen had gone and changed into his silver suit. Now with a lot less of a migraine and able to talk and not accidently toss thoughts into heads or emotions, he's started looking around and trying to figure out what to do. With it being a party, and an Earth party at that, it looks like it's his first one.

That is probably what lead to him trailing to the ice cream booth since he has had that before and experienced it. The smells from the grill are also attracting his attention as well, causing him to look indecisive between waiting in the ice cream line or grill line at the moment.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the craziness of the past week, the 4th of July celebration seemed to be what the Doctor ordered. Also due to the craziness he was still able to attend the event despite it getting rescheduled. So... one good point to having to reschedule a concert due to security concerns?

Being that the weather is definitely too hot for a knitcap, Mike's hair is pulled back into a ponytail instead. However, despite the summer heat, Mike is still wearing jeans. But there is a concession in that the jeans are blue, not black, and the shirt is white, not... well, black.


Mike has found a seat amongst the cookout goers but has drifted off to quiet thought as he chews a bite of hotdog. Most catchup conversations that typically would come with the event were handled in the first few hours of the event. So, there's really just waiting for the fireworks.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan shoos some of the teens off when they are holding up the line after getting their frozen treats, "There's growing kids behind you guys." she muses with a laugh. There's a smile to Madison when she approaches, "I'm glad that you're excited over things. Even if Bo did cause minor flooding." she muses. "Which wasn't your fault." she points out quickly. "It was a good project. You deserved it." she tells her. She gives a look up when there is a much taller and redder presence than some of the other teens in line. She gives a smile to Hellboy, "Hey there Big Red." she gives a little wave to him. "You want two scoops?" she asks him with a grin.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I'm already planning my next entry!" Madeline says brightly. "If I can make a lightsaber - that'd count, right?" She asks with a large grin.
    Speaking of Bo - the shirt she's wearing shows the 'ant shaming' picture Doctor Pym had posted after the water fountain fiasco. "Bo didn't mean to make any trouble - he's really a very good ant. I didn't realize he could, like, totally chomp off someone's leg if he wanted, you know? Crazy. Ooo - is that a spicy chocolate flavor? I'll take that, please!" she declares - pointing at one of the ice creams on display.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy rumbles softly at Morrigan, cracking a faint smile, "Hey Mo. Naw, just one of the angel food on one of those cone things. You think brain freezes hurt YOU..." He winks at that and casts a look around while giving her a moment to handle Madison's ask, while asking, "I don't come by when you have classes, this most of your kids? Or just the well-behaved ones?" Considering Madison's just ahead of him, she even gets a bob of his head and a grunted, "Evenin..." while he's being sociable.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg, of course, happens to spot Hellboy. And well. Curious alien teen! The visor of his suit comes down. Then comes back up before he walks over to get in line as well. He's still watching Hellboy. And definitely unsure what to make of that one. Madison's mention of a light saber has Greg looking at her, "If you mean an energy based melee weapon, I may be able to help. We would need a suitable power source, which is the more difficult part."

Yep. Greg just said he might know how to build a lightsaber. That could spell trouble.

Nicolai Codona has posed:
    Nicolai is just one of those people. He's not drop dead, kick a person in the teeth, gorgeous, no. He's just passably good looking. He's not a big guy, he's actually a little on the smaller side of average for a man his age. His visible mutation, while obvious enough, isn't so obvious as to be the cause of it... he's just one of *those* people, the type that others tend to notice just because of the sheer force of his presence.

    It's that bright open, friendly smile and the way it makes those odd, aqua-blue eyes glow a little brighter. It's how easy he is to laugh. How personable he is and unafraid to touch a hand to a shoulder when he's talking or reach out an brush an eyelash off the cheek of a stranger. Unlike the other musician in the room, his hair's hanging loose in a mop of unruly curls that manage to look all the more 'styled' for their unruliness.

    Fucking Europeans.

    Anyway, he's heard about the party and is here, mostly, to check it out as a possible resource for kids in Bushwick. He's barely 'in the door' and he's stopping to comment on something someone's wearing, complimenting someone else on their hair and finally looking at Hellboy and announcing, "I bet you save a lot of money on sunscreen!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"If you make a lightsaber you're going to be dealing with all kinds of agencies that want to know how to do it as well." Morrigan points out to Madison. It's not a 'no' at least! Then she sees the shirt that she's wearing and there's a squint, "Did...did Doctor Pym pet shame Bo? Wow..." she shakes her head. Then she gives Madison another smile and gives her the scoop of ice cream that she had pointed out. There's a smile to Hellboy, "It's some of them, yeah. Watch the redheaded twins. They'll bite." she muses. "Hellboy, this is Madison. Madison, this is my friend Hellboy." she introduces the two of them. "Hey Greg! Come on over and try some ice cream and meet our friend." she waves to Greg. Then her violet gaze goes to the voice that called out to Hellboy, "Good evening." the Irish woman greets him.

Meanwhile, Declan and Delia have found Rashid and Nylia and look to be settling in nicely with them in conversation near the rest of the group.

The radio station that has music that will go along with the fireworks cuts on, time is nearing! Which gets a cheer out of some of the students.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Viv is, for now at least, content to people watch. If you can call everyone attending a person. The large red form of Hellboy and the fellow student who has decided to dress up in a costume both drawing a curious look from the synthezoid. But only for a moment. Anything longer would be rude.

Of course she's close enough to pipe up when the conversation gets technical enough to interest her. "If you made a real world lightsaber then the heat from the blade would destroy your hand the moment you turned it on."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the rather odd statement, pale blur eyes shift over to look at Nicolai curiously. New staffer maybe? a brow arcs, but Mike's attention drifts over to the one Nicolai was addressing. He smiles slightly, lifting a hand to wave at the late arriving Hellboy in greeting.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "You didn't see the picture online?" Madison asks - giggling in response to Mo's question. "Mom couldn't argue when I said I wanted to make it into a shirt. Because - well. Scholarship." Has she been leveraging that all weekend? ... YOU BET.
    Her attention shifts next to the towering, red figure beside her. "Hi! We met. I mean, not exactly. I was at the meeting - sitting quietly and listening and not interrupting //at all//," sure Madison, "while you planned the Malta thing! I'm glad everyone made it back okay!"
    And then her gaze is on Greg as she stands there with her ice cream in hand - and her eyes wide. "Yeah? You think you could help? I mean - Spidey also offered to see if his friend can think of anything, and I was going to maybe drag Doctor Pym into it too - if he's willing. But- well, gosh!" She wears a bright, broad smile. "I hope we can figure it out! This is going to be //soooooo cool!"

Hellboy has posed:
    Catching the look from Greg, Hellboy offers the young man a probably disturbing sort of smile, but doesn't add anything since he's already addressing Madison. Instead, Nicolai's comment draws his attention away while he's reaching for the ice cream from Morrigan, waiting until he's closer to grunt at him, "I dont do beaches unless Abe's after something. Always lotsa screaming and running when I show up on the beach..." He seems a little amused at that idea, glancing back at said scoop of ice cream before rumbling at Morrigan, "Thanks, beautiful," and stepping away to get his big rump out of the way for kids that are piling up behind him and Madison.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks over at Vivian, "Not exactly. There are fields that can redirect as well as energy sources out there that can exist without that by product. If you are talking of something melting or causing burns, there may be a different means as well. I am not sure that would be a safe thing to do, however. Such a weapon is more for violent pursuits rather than more peaceful ones."

Greg looks back at Hellboy in time to catch the odd smile. And Greg actually blinks. He doesn't look disturbed or anything. "Excuse me, but... what are you?" He asks towards Hellboy. "My database has nothing on your species, nor do you match the Internet searches that my ship's computer can do in regards to your appearance." That curiousity is there, for sure!

Looking to Madison has Greg smiling, "I would have to see what these lightsabers can do as well, by the way. I would prefer to make it as safe as I can either way."

Nicolai Codona has posed:
    "Ms. MacIntyre!" Nicolai greets cheerfully when he spots the principal. "I know you're busy, but another day, perhaps we could talk? My name's Nicolai Codona. I've just opened Hope House in Bushwick. And thought we could..." For just a moment, his attention isn't entirely on Morrigan, it's off behind her and to the left.

    He shakes his head, blinks a time or two and continues as if nothing happened, "... maybe work together for the kids."

    He leans in close, for her ears only.... because it's what he does, he just can't help it, it's damned well what he does. "Luv, you know there's a... shade attached to you?"

    Way to ruin a party dude!

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I have a fairly advanced understanding of science," Vivian assures Greg. It's probably not an idle boast too. Given she's obviously an AI! "And anything which generates heat to cut like a lightsaber would not be safe to hold. If you are going to the effort of adding /another/ energy field to protect the user... It's vastly inefficient for a sword. You could just use the energy field device to freeze a person solid."

She frowns, then adds "Also I am unsure what purposes an energy sword would have /except/ for violent ones. Nor how you could make it safe..."

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison blinks at Vivian in confusion. "That's not how they work in the movies, though," she points out - as if that arguement fixes everything.
    She moves out of the line now that she has her ice cream, taking a cautious lick and letting out a contented sound before she answers Greg. "I still need to show you the movies! I think I've found someone with the laser discs - so we can watch the originally triology the way it //should// have been." Fifteen year old hipster alert! "Then you'll see what they're supposed to do. And - I mean - of //course// we want it to be as safe as we can. It's the weapon of the Jedi Knight! It's meant to be used for defense! You know?"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Even in the movies they didn't hold them by the blade, Vivian," Colette says with a smirk. She's kind of hovering around in a vaguely responsible keep-an-eye-on-the-kids sort of way. "They probably stuff the handles with asbestos or something. Probably more dangerous than the actual beam." Okay, not the most helpful, or serious, commentary.

    "I always wondered how they persuade the photons to stop, myself. That's not really how photons work. Obviously not really a laser beam. I mean apart from the whole fictional thing, but you get my point. Also, they can be used to deflect laser gun fire. How does that work? Deflecting light with light? They clearly didn't think this through properly."

    Greg's somewhat more serious interjection gets a brief side-eye from her. "She's right you know, weapons generally aren't meant to be safe, or particularly peaceful," she says. "Why does everyone want to make powered armor and light sabers instead of, I dunno... ice-cream delivery drones or something."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy gets a munch out of his ice cream cone first before Greg gets his question out. Lick on it? Naw, he just chomps a portion off and squints a little before sucking it down and mutters, "That's not bad..."
    But then he's canting his head and looking down at Greg to listen to his question, rumbling softly before he offers, "Oh, I'm on the Internet there in a few places, friend. Agents gripin' at me all the time for it. 'Stop letting people take selfies!' 'Yer makin it hard for us!'. You know, whining. Never seen a demon before? Though I guess most of em are tryin ta melt yer face off, lately, huh?" Again that small smile is flashed, this time at Greg, "Wanna help me irritate them? Gotta phone ta take a picture?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's cheeks blush a bit over being called beautiful by Hellboy, "You're welcome Big Red." she tells him. Then there is a look to Nicolai and she recognizes him, "You work with Hope House, yes?" she asks him. "I'd be happy to talk on it another day." she nods to that. Though his whisper makes her give him a look, "Ummm, no? Not that I was aware of." she states. Then she looks over her shoulder, she can't see anything really.

But what Nicolai sees is a shadow staring at him and it's like those eyes are narrowed right at him. It disappears though. Apparently someone noticing it sent it on it's way.

A few minutes later, the fireworks start up. The different colors of mortars shooting up into the clear night sky and exploding into bright colors as it starts slow.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The hand lowers. Frowning, Mike takes another bite of his hotdog. Hearing the crackle of the fireworks and getting a bit of light in his side vision, he glances up. Bringing his legs up, he wraps his arms around them and just stays there.

Nicolai Codona has posed:
    "I don't think it means any harm, not to you anyway," Nicolai murmurs, a little distracted now. "It's gone. But... If it ever gives you any trouble..." He'll help in any way that he can, really. It's been said before, it's what he does. That brilliant smile had faded a bit, but it's back again. "Anyway, call me?" He even makes that goofy 'phone' hand gesture to his ear. "I'd really like to see what we can pull together for the less fortunate kids in Bushwick."

    Not wanting to take up all the hostess's time, he wanders away then to see what else he can get into.

    Over there, somewhere, talk about Light Sabers. So, he heads that way. "I sort of have my own light saber," he intrudes into the conversation. "I mean, it's a whip and a staff, but a sword, but it does glow!"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg blinks a few times. "A de-mon?" He makes sure he has the pronunciation right. Then reaches up to slide his visor back down. Which looks a bit weird because without it you wouldn't know it was there! Then he raises it back up and turns to look as he sees the fireworks. "Oh! Nice! What was the occasion again?" He looks to the others.

Then he looks at the ice cream, "Um... can I have neapolitan, please? I still want to try what is over there, too." He motions at the grill.

Then he happens to remember the conversation and turns to look at Vivian, "Technically, my knight suit could be modified into an actual weapon. But weapons are also tools. You could use the heat to melt rock, provide warmth, or also to save people if you have to make an opening to save people rather than resort to violence. The violence is more of those that do not know how to use it non-violently or those that have the intention of violence from the start."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision shakes her head at Colette. "The thermal output needed to cut metal like in the movies would mean the air around the blade would be impossibly hot. Even at the handle." Then her attention shifts to Madison and she offers a wry grin. "Yes because a movie has special effects and not functional devices."

She can't help but overhear Hellboy mention he's online. So a portion of her mind will not only look him up but, as he seems to want more images online, she makes a super realistic video and uploads it. So detailed it'll make any Agent trying to debunk the image cry.

"The ability to block another blade also does not fit with how a 'light' blade would function. Practically speaking they should pass through each other." And then Greg comments on weapons and she shrugs. "The definition of a tool is a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function. So yes. All weapons qualify as tools. That does not mean it is responsible to give an advanced energy projection device to a fellow student."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Yeah, see? Lightsabers are tools!" Madison says brightly, before directing a curious, puzzled look on Nicolai. "Whoa. Your eyes are really cool. What do you mean you have a glowing whip staff sword? Can I see it? Do you have - like - a video or something?" she asks - pulling out her phone as if to illustrate. Or take a video herself of - oh, nope. She wants a photo with Hellboy.
    "Me with a demon! Cool! Say 'cheese.....!'" She exclaims, as she turns on selfie-mode to snap the picture - then goes back to licking her ice cream.
    "We're celebrating America's Independence," she explains to Greg. "We kicked England's butt, and told them we're our own county now, and signed the Declaration of Independence - and eventually the Constitution. ...I think we're celebrating the former, and not the latter? I don't know. It's America's Birthday! We're having a party!"
    She then blinks at Vivian - a frown appearing on her features for the first time. "I wouldn't use it to hurt anyone. I'm not a //Sith//."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan keeps checking over her shoulder, but seems a bit less worried when Nicolai says it's not meant to harm her, "That's reassuring." she tells him with a smile. "And thank you for the heads up." she adds. "I'd be happy to call and talk about helping with the situation in Bushwick." she tells him with a smile. Then Greg is there and she smiles to the teen, "Coming right up." she tells him. She scoops some neopolitan into one of the cups and hands it over with a spoon to Greg, "Excellent choice." she states with a grin.

She doesn't intrude in the lightsaber talk for the moment.

She does however go back to scanning the area. Just to make sure that all is well. And that no ninjas are about to ruin their belated fourth.

Hellboy has posed:
    When the colorful explosions start going off, and with Greg's curiosity apparently sated, Hellboy finds a good spot off to the side and the edge of the crowd to look up, where he's not going to be obstructing any of the shorter people's view of things.
    The talk of light sabres has his attention split, looking over to catch a better earful of the conversation. Catching Madison's set up, he goes so far as to pose like a ham and give her shot a Big Red Thumbs up, waiting until he hears the camera click before rumbling at her, "Lemme know where you post that. I love to hear them complain about it." Ahh, this must be why the big guy doesn't get out often...he usually has to sneak out. Well, 'sneak' as much as his huge self can manage.

Nicolai Codona has posed:
"    "You'll have to ask Miss MacIntyre if demonstrations are allowed here," Nicolai tells Madison along with a helpless little shrug and a pout-y bottom lip. Not his school, not his show, but he's willing to show and tell if it's permitted.

    He has absolutely no issue with showing off his mutant 'gifts'. That's what they are, right? Gifts. Mutant and proud of it. While the girl decides if it's worth it to ask the principal, Nicolai wanders over to snag a hot dog from the grill.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg happens to have a small beep come from what seems like the side of his head. His visor comes down again. Then he raises it back up. He looks at Hellboy. "Your request was granted by someone else it looks like." Then he gets the ice cream and smiles, "Thank you."

Then he turns to Vivian, "Perhaps, but if it was a safe form it might also be allowed. And it is possible to block something physical with a magnetic cylinder field. That may also be used to contain a stable energy field of some sort as well. It is simply a matter of making sure the field is looped to not let the energy continuously shoot out. That would be like if I constantly used my force beams and was waving my hand around or eating this ice cream at the moment."

He seems to consider, "I will have to make sure not to do that, now that I think about it. Property destruction would not be a good thing."

Madison Evans has posed:
    If Nicholai knew Madison - he'd know better than to wonder if she'd go ask.
    The girl is off like a shot. "Ms. MaaaaacIntyre! Can the man with the glowing eyes show us how his glowing sword staff whip works? Pleeeeeeease?" she begs with an eager grin. "I'm sure it'll be perfectly safe!" She bounces eagerly on her feet - waiting for the woman's reply - with the majority of her ice cream still held in her hand. She even manages to keep her eyes on the woman - rather than staring at the fireworks.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Air is not a terribly good conductor of electricity," Colette objects. "Certainly not as good as metal is. Besides, if you're going to invent some crazy sci-fi energy field that can tell photons to stop moving, why not have it shunt excess heat into hyperspace at the same time? Could be the blade is only hot within the field, and you could have your hand an inch from the blade without even feeling warm."

    Fireworks are exploding overhead and it's becoming a little hard to converse, though Colette's confident that Vivian at least will hear; she's probably perfectly capable of cancelling out the noise of exploding mortars. Colette herself doesn't have that luxury so takes the opportunity to grab herself a hotdog to eat. The multi-colored explosions going on overhead don't really hold her interest the way they do most people there. It's not a bad hot-dog, either. Certainly far from the worst she's had -- that dishonor goes to the hotdog she refused to consume at Harley's roller derby. She eats it with a modicum of enthusiasm while watching Madison make her plea for demonstrations of presumably entirely unsafe laser-whip-staffs with barely hidden amusement.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The Grand Finale is coming! That's the lull in the fireworks that heralds the incoming spectacle. She looks to Madison when she comes over and there's a smile, "Alright." she chuckles to her. Then Morrigan gives a look to Nicolai, and there's a smile to the younger man, "I don't mind. Just be careful is all I ask." she tells him.

In the low lying smoke of the fireworks that were being professionally done and the ones from the amateurs in the parking lot there is a humongous looking black dog with long fur that comes trotting across the front lawn of Happy Harbor and makes his way towards Morrigan. Once there, he thunks down right beside her and huffs. She looks down with a bit of a surprised face, "Whoa...where did you come from? You hot? Get spooked by the fireworks?" she asks it as she crouches down to examine the small bear of a dog.

The Grand Finale errupts overhead. Sending gold and silver streaks through the air and there's ooooos and ahhhhhs from the crowds. It's a spectacular show. But Morrigan is distracted by trying to feed the dog ice cream to cool it off as this goes on.

Hellboy has posed:
    With the lull in the fireworks before the great finale, it's easy enough to notice the giant puppers that makes his way in and flops down in front of Morrigan. Hellboy raises one stony brow and rumbles, "Now THAT'S a big dog." The rest of his ice cream cone is shoved into his mouth with a satisfying crunch of the cone being demolished, watching the dog instead of the sky, such that when the cacophony of explosions start going off, he misses half the display before looking back up to admire the prettypretty.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg grimaces, then looks to Colette, "Please do not joke about that. I remember my science education back home. Someone tried that. Once it was turned off, the device exploded." He makes a bit of a face, as if remembering something unpleasant before going back to the ice cream. He does watch the fireworks, however! Yep! Distraction for the alien kid!

"Wow. So these are just chemical compounds made to explode at a certain height and give off light shows? I wonder if different shapes can be made?"

Then he sees the big dog. And that has him blinking a few times. He looks to the others, then to the dog, then to the others. "Do animals normally grow that size?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Giving technology of alien origin to a student could also make them a target for attack," Viv points out earnestly to Greg. "And yes. A magnetic field can repel things. But the device is called a light saber not a magnetically contained field weapon. And the path of light is not impacted by a magnetic field. You /could/ argue that the name is actually taking poetic license and it's really a magnetically contained plasma weapon that glows."

She can of course follow what Colette is saying even as the fireworks begin. And she turns to respond. "It's the thermal energy which I believe to be a danger not electricity. And even if that can be mitigated then it brings up the question of why is the light blade the weapon? If you can shunt thermal energy into hyperspace that's an order of magniture more deadly than any sword, energy or otherwise, could be."

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madeline is bounding back to the Nicholai so quickly, that she manages to miss the appearance of the rather oversized dog entirely. "She said yes!" She crows brightly - craning her head back to watch the fireworks for a moment, before returning her gaze (expectantly) to Nicholai with a huge grin.
    She allows herself to be distracted by Greg for only amoment as she asks in puzzlement, "Wait, what animals? What size?"
    That moment is all it takes. She finally follows Greg's gaze to the dog and- "Whoa. That's- huh. I've never seen a dog that big. Maybe Doctor Pym did it?"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Some of them grow considerably larger, Greg," Colette says. "As dogs go that one is rather large, but if it were an buffalo it would be very undersized. And if it was a blue whale, it would be positively microscopic. Also dead, because blue whales don't do well on land. Which, come to think of it, is quite fortunate. You wouldn't want a herd of blue whales blocking the freeway as they made their graceful way to better grazing land on the other side."

    Everyone it seems is more intrigued by the dog than the fireworks; it might be an impressive display, but it's also an impressive dog. "Is that your pupper, Doctor MacIntyre?" Colette calls out. "I didn't know you owned a dire wolf. What's his or her name?"

Nicolai Codona has posed:
    Really, once Nicolai gets his hands on a hotdog, it seems he's more done it because it's the thing he's supposed to do. Either that or he's just a really finicky eater. He tears small pieces of the bun off and chews them a little aimlessly but that's about it.

    One moment he's pretty engrossed with the last of the fireworks, the next he's completely engrossed by the dog Morrigan is petting.

    He doesn't immediately comment on what he sees there. But, at least has permission to go with his demonstration for Madison so... well, he'll be ready if things go south with the mutt that isn't really a mutt at all.

    Those odd, glowing eyes of his scan the area now, letting the two worlds he straddles on the daily come both into focus at the same time rather than pushing his attention more into the 'real world'. If there's anything *else* across that thin veil, he'll see it coming for sure now.

    As Madison approaches, Nicolai flicks a small bladed claw worn on his right thumb over his palm. So that's why the dude is wearing what looks like a coke nail to a kid's party?

    The ecotoplasm that flows through his veins in place of blood begins to seep from the wound before it begins to flow outward and away from the cut. The glowing green little river of ... goo? It looks like goo? ... it stretches and elongates until it coalesces and takes the form of a thick whip with a razor's edge at the tip. He wasn't lying, the thing glows!

    At the same time this is happening, something happens to... well, Nicolai. Aqua blues turn to glowing red, his skin pales to a death pallor and his hair turns a white shade of gray. Kinda cute dude to B-Grade ghoulie in 2.2. But his attention is fully on that 'dog'.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's a sucker for things that look like they could kill you in five seconds flat. This is not something that she hides. She settles down onto the ground next to the dog and holds out the cup of ice cream to it. Which it eats gladly. It watches Nicolai as it does. Probably just because it's a neat show.

The finale is winding down, the streaks of color and smoke all whisked away on the wind that blows. But, there is still plenty of food and company for folks that want to stay longer as fireworks from other folks start to be lit and set off. The night was still young to some apparently.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "That... that is sooooooo cool," Madison breathes as Nicholai demonstrates his gift - her gaze going from the weapon, to his features, and back. A few times. "...are you like a magic zombie or something?" she asks uncertainly. "Or... A lich! Yeah, like in Dungeons and Dragons! Or... or... a revenant!" How many other words for 'undead' can the girl come up with?
    "And you can use it to attack people? Does it cut them and draw blood? Or do like - //soul// damage somehow?" Whatever the hell 'soul damage' is. Weird kid.
    Still - she doesn't seem at all disturbed as she beams at the man. After all, she's surrounded by other superpowered people. Right?

Nicolai Codona has posed:
    He can't help but to smile at the kid. He kinda wants to pat her on top the head, but he doesn't.

    Without so much as a movement from him, the whip stretches out to wrap *gently* around Madison's hand. "No, just a mutant and it cuts flesh, not souls... at least when I'm using it on this side and on this sided things," he tells her before pulling the whip back once more. This side? It does take a flick of his wrist to snap the thing to its full length and ... it stays there, it solidifies into a staff with the same razor edge tip.

    The air, for about ten feet or so around him, is suddenly frigid, see your breath frigid.

    Finally he can't stand it anymore and he calls out to the others, "That's uh... not a dog!" He just wouldn't feel right not giving the warning and then having something horrible happen.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The 'dog' sighs when Nicola shouts, "Of course I'm not a real dog. Saints preserve us." he mutters as he lumbers up to his feet. "Trying to keep an eye on my charge and here comes 'my special brand' with his all seeing eyes." the dog chuffs out in a guttural sounding voice. "Can I just enjoy my ice cream and call it a night?" he looks to Nicolai. Then to Morrigan it bows low, "I'm going to trundle off before someone feels spicy." the dog states.

And Morrigan just sits there wide eyed and ABSOLUTELY CONFUSED at what happened as the black dog wanders off and disappears into the darkness.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Viv watches the fireworks display but, at the same time, can't help but pay attention to the display of mutant abilities from Nicolai. It never hurts to document encounters with people that have unusual abilities. You never know when they might give a clue as to how something works.

Or when you might need a contact who can fight a ghost or mystery entity. Like a talking dog.

Of course it's not exactly unusual to see such a thing if you've been to Titans Tower. "Typically when I've seen talking dogs they've been much greener in colouration."

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison lets out a shiver at the suddenly cool air - but that only makes her smile grow wider. "Are you doing that, too? Man - could've used you on hot days in California! No AC," she explains. "And what do you mean, 'this side'? This side of what? What's the oth- ...er... Do you mean the //other// side?" she asks in disbelief. "But - you're just a mutant? Not like - an undead mutant? Did you like die and come back or something? 'cuz... whoa. I mean just- whoa."
    And then she lets her gaze be drawn to the dog that's not a dog. "If it's not-" and then it's talking. The girl stares.
    "Is it a shape-shifter? What is it? How'd you know it wasn't a dog? I have soooooo many questions."
    Yes, Maddie. We noticed.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg just stared for a good few seconds. Then more. And.. more... and... then the talking dog.

He looks at Madison, then to Morrigan, then to Nicolai, then to the others around.

And he just does the typical thing, "Huh. So you have talking canine based life forms here, too."

Then he does the sensible thing and goes back to eating his ice cream. And moving over to the grill to get a hot dog and burger as well.

Nicolai Codona has posed:
    "Well, next time, be smart about it and tell the 'seer' in the room what's up, instead of making him nervous with the sneaky shit, yeah?" Nicolai suggests as if this is the most normal conversation he's ever had.

    His attention falls back to Madison. "Yes, the *other* side and yes, as a matter of fact I did. I drowned in a lake near my home when I was twelve and was revived. My powers manifested soon after. I've always had the glowing eyes though, from birth." A little flick and the staff is a whip again. He opens his hand and the thing just sorta... crawls back inside him. Weird. He phases back into a 'normal boy' and the air warms around him.

    "It's a shade and, apparently, it has decided Miss MacIntyre there is in need of its protection."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"That would be accurate," Vivian points out helpfully in response to the comment about Morrigan needing protection. "Given that Miss MacIntyre was shot very recently."

She nods to herself when the fireworks are completed. "I should probably depart for now. I have a lot of work to complete in addition to my allocation of homework." Most of that she can finish in the time it takes a teacher to ask for it. Althogh some members of staff, especially teaching assistants, like setting trick assignments you can't just autocomplete in moments.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Not just a dire wolf, but a talking dire wolf." Colette watches the 'dog' walk away, somewhat baffled, but decides that a shrug of the shoulders is clearly the appropriate response. "It doesn't count if it's Gar, Vivian," she says as she watches the mystery creature departs. "Besides, it went away without eating any pizza. Can't be Gar."

    "Greg, welcome to planet Earth. We have just about everything here. I've lived here my entire life and I'm constantly being surprised by the bizarre nonsense that keeps happening everywhere. My advice is just to assume that if you can imagine it, it probably happens on Earth from time to time. If you can't imagine it, it maybe happens on Earth from time to time. You'll get used to it."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Well, Morrigan looks PROPERLY freaked out at this point. "I...am going to be going home now." she tells them. "We've got a clean up crew. I'm sure folks will be fine." she states. But /she/ is leaving. "Thank you for coming by, Mister Codona. I'll call you later in the week." she tells him as she gathers up her shoes.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, gosh, you //drowned//?" Madison repeats. "That must've been scary." Her usual enthusiasm has been subdued by a layer of sympathy and concern. "Especially just being a little kid like that. I'm glad, umm, you were okay in the end. But - umm... what's a shade exactly? It's like... a kind of ghost? Ghosts can look like giant dogs sometimes?" she asks.
    "...man this school is so //weird//." It doesn't sound like a bad thing when she says it, though.

Nicolai Codona has posed:
    "It's Nix, Miss MacIntyre!" he calls out after the retreating woman. Madison draws a honest to goodness belly laugh right out of him. When he finally controls himself, he says, "Well, I have some filing and other light office work that needs to be done at Hope House. If you'll come by and help me with that, I'll answer all your questions."

    He grows a little more serious when he adds, "It was scary, very scary. Never swim alone, yeah?" Never miss the opportunity for a teaching moment? Or something.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison nods her head repeatedly. "No swimming alone," she promises. "And sure! I'll come help at Hope House. I, umm, saw it on the news. Right?" She beams at Nicolai adding, "I'm Madison by the-" just as she says this, she hears 'Maaaaaaadison' called across the square. "...that's my mom. Sorry. I better- anyways. Your power's really cool! BYYYYYE!" she calls as she trots off.