14108/X-Folks: The Purest Pack... of dumbasses.

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X-Folks: The Purest Pack... of dumbasses.
Date of Scene: 04 March 2023
Location: Westchester County woods.
Synopsis: Part II: The Purest Pack tried to increase their beef with Logan and Harry's Hideaway. By targeting Tabitha and some girls from Xavier's School. The X-Men and two Kryptionian ladies made sure the actual prey were the bikers. Part III coming soon!
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Monet St. Croix, Divine, Marie-Ange Colbert, Illyana Rasputina, Karen Starr

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Previously on X-Men:...

It hadn't been that long ago that Logan had encountered some bikers belonging to a group calling themselves 'The Purest Pack' standard Friends of Humanity aligned jackasses led by a man going by the name Hogwart.

He'd never read anything more than maybe propaganda, let alone Harry Potter. The lack of education cost him some fingers and the more intelligent menbers of the gang ushered him out.

The missing fingers might have been lost to the dumpster.

It's been a couple weeks since then. There's hadn't been much more of a disturbance. Way more motorcycles in North Salem and closer to the Conneticut border.

At least until recently.

The school got itself a call from one of the kids. The emergency number sometimes called the X-11, the caller, one of the older girls saying a bunch of racist bikers had come sleezing onto them at the mall, not even being underage had really deterred them til Tabitha had turned up and maybe gave them a really good stare down.

Some of them seemed to recognise her with possibly even way worse looks the younger girls got. But they left. The caller in a terriied voice had reported that the drive home the bikers came after them. Started trying to run Tabitha's van off the road. She tried to fight them off with the van and her bombs but it only just kept them going.

Their location was given and they explain that Tabby told them to stay in the van. They'd been run off the road some distance well away from the school, practically the same distance the opposite direction.

The trail from the road was easy enough, a few junked bikes and scorch marks along with tiretracks leading off the road and into one of the more wooded areas. The yellow and black Mitsubishi Delica had been run into a tree a few hundred yards in. The front windshield smashed out on the drivers side. Some of the bombshell's blood here and there and a big divot in the ground and then what seem like the tracks of someone crawling and then rising. More tracks following, including tires.

The van though, has a few scared and terrified young women still in it, the side door along with the driver side open. One girl behind the wheel trying to get the van started and moving. The engibne revs but the wheels don't seem to be. A problem for later. The others are fighting back as best they can from the cover of the van. One girl using low level telekinesis. Another energy blasts from her index fingers.

"Fucking Mutie bitches. Gonna make a mint selling you!" One of the bikers yells and ducks behind tree cover. A couple dozen of so of them, hunkering down behind bikes and foilage where the kids can't actually see to get a shot and vice versa.

A halfdozen more tracks seem to have wandered off after Tabitha.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She's gone off as soon as they got an alert. Monet is flying up high and going for overwatch. Using her slightly enhanced senses and telepathy to play forward scout for anyone coming along. As she picks up the mental signals of Tabitha's distress, and the other students that are pinned, she goes tos end a mental alert to the others.

<<They have been located>> She doesn't dive bomb yet.. They need to have a plan to deal with the marauders first. Something that she'll defer to the actually qualified one at the moment whiel sending in a broadcast to the rest of the team.

Divine has posed:
Why, exactly, is Divine here? She's not a mutant. She has no reason to be here in Westchester. Well, that's not true. She -is- Emma Frost's bodyguard and attache. She sometimes does things other than loom behind the CEO and glower at rich old white men. Sometimes.

This time, she couriered a message from the former White Queen to the Xavier Mansion. What was in it, she has no idea, she didn't look. She respects privacy and confidentiality. She sure gets paid enough to do so, even if she -was- a little curious. Whatever it was, doesn't matter now. She was making ready to leave again when the second phone call came in. Of course she heard it.

Then she was gone.

She zips through the sky, gaze sweeping across as Monet finds the van and the girls, but no Boom Boom. Goons, though.

She needs no plan, she's (mostly) invincible. She does divebomb, cratering the ground as she lands near the van, rising to her full height. She cuts an impressive figure, the long tail of her coat fluttering in the early March breeze. She looks at the bikers menacing the van, her face cold, furious. She says one word, her eyes starting to glow red.


Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
A bird's eye view is appropriate for this kind of search and rescue situation; although while Monet is faster... and stealthier... there is something to be said for a twenty-five foot tall image of the devil flying through the night sky, with a far smaller redhead perched upon its shoulder (and possibly other non-fliers ferried along as well).

<<What is the plan?>> Marie tries to send back towards Monet, hoping the Moroccan mutant is keeping a mental ear out for the rescue team's thoughts, if a link hasn't been set up. Truthfully, she doesn't know Divine's already on site; the Kryptonian is far faster, afterall. She's also not providing the plan; the seer is a follower, not a leader. She'll bring her own brand of the proverbial thunder as needed, but she's not going to be the one directing it.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Sometimes a bad day compounds itself like tribbles piling up in an unoccupied room.

Go and harass a mutant kid to start the problems. Then add several frightened children and a blend of possible harassment or assault charges. Why not add abduction of a Hell Lord's dearest friend tagged with an "it's complicated" status to be the rotten cherry on top?

Illyana shoves the bowl of borscht from Yuri's Borscht Hut into the kitchen fridge. A tureen the size of a football helmet must be for Piotr for later. It still steams, the metal slightly warped from the force of her pushing the sealed bowl in. From there she disappears in the twinkling of an eye.

Thought-speed breaches the distance from A to B. She has no impressive devil or flight necessary to bring her to the sourced signal for the call. An abandoned van with several frightened girls is enough. Once upon a time, /she/ was that girl, surrounded by no others, and no help on the way.

Call it personal when the shadows darken, the woods growing that much sharper and stiller.

Karen Starr has posed:
    The sound of explosions coming from a woodland road was enough to rouse Power Girl from her desk at Starrware. Not in Metropolis, of course- but the branch in New York where she goes often to handle the odd Avengers matter and to evade paperwork.

    Sadly, her secretary and various assistants have learned of this tactic, and the excuse of 'I'm in the New York office' has not stopped paperwork piling up so much on her desk that she is now resting on it as if it were a pillow.

    When she tunes into the noise, she finds more that she dislikes. Human trafficking. Discrimination. Her hand casually comes up, and slips the glasses from her nose, her eyes shifting from chestnut brown to an unearthly beautiful blue.

    A sliding door opens onto a patio. Karen Starr is gone.

    Instead, there is an object travelling many times faster than the sound that had brought her here. A blur in the skies that leaves precious moments for those on the ground to make a decision to flee that they didn't even know they needed to make.

    She arrives with a rush of air, floating just a few feet off of the ground behind the bikers. Her eyes aren't glowing, yet- but her reputation might be well enough known- a woman that lifts buildings and juggles battleships. For whom Power Girl isn't at all an ambiguous name.

    Her arms are folded in a way that'd make a lot of people jealous, and her demeanor should strike the fear of an angry god. Sadly, everyone always shoots, but she hopes that she'll make them shoot at her, when the thunderous display from Divine is done.

    "You heard her. You've got one chance to run as fast as you possibly can before this becomes the absolute worst day of your life."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
To telepaths like Monet, Tabitha's mind is kinda hazy right now and moving further away on foot in an increasingly slower pace. She's rocket jumped a few times to lead them away but the bikers didn't all take the bait clearly. She's been tranqed, tired, and concussed. From the sky, more divots in the ground and trailing scorch marks leave steamy spots where her plasma has been used to increase her mobility and glassy patches where it's melted dirt and sand. Hogwart and a few of his minions giving chase on foot and bike. It takes care of at least a large fraction.

She'll be fine, totally!

Right? The kids kinda need the rescue more since they aren't actually in any rush to become heroes.

Divine's landing gets a bunch of dirt, show, and all the other mess the woods might entail. And some spend bullet casings as well in the small shockwave. Of course while she might be a Kryptonian hybrid, she doesn't exactly look like the two blonde women in her family. Close but it's the dark hair and clothes that she wears that throws folks off.

"Another one, fucking jackpot!" one yells to actually open fire. The submachine gun small enough to conceal under coats and vests.

The girls themselves maybe kind of recognise Divine, they'd seen her around as a friend of some of the older folks like Emma or Marie. "Tabitha, they shot her with something then she ran off trying to get EVERYONE chasing her. They talked about bagging themselves a live movie star. She doesn't even do socials like an old lady!" Illyana might remember the studio that was shutr down. Monet and Marie had heard of what they did to girls on camera. No one missed anyone that didn't make it out of there.

The girl ducked behind the steering wheel trying to get traction on any of those wheels yells.

The the telekinetic girl from the open side of the van yells out too. Even as Powergirl lands and joins the threats. "Guess they didn't want to waste their resouces on one mutant. We might have kinda given opurselves away." she yells as well.

"Like a genetrash fucking flare gun" another biker yells though it's not the bullet proof kryptonians that give them pause. Powergirl catching gunfire as surely as Divine and about as effective while everything gets even darker.

Evening it might have been but now it feels like midnight in a horror movie. Power Girl's threat is probably getting carried out whether she wants it to or not. Magik going for intimidation with dramatic flare.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Everyone is focused over on Divine and Power Girl. That makes it simpler over as the students go to try and get their way out. She mvoes to rapidly go in for a landing, moving to put herself between the truck and the attackers. Her intent is to help them get out of the way if they need it and use her body as a shield. The otehr two are more than welcome over to the full on melee. They would relish it a lot more than she would! Who is she to get in their way of fun?
    <<I have the studetns in hand. Enjoy yourself>> That's sent telepathically over to Illyana. Monet has put herself over in the way, and is going to move down over to the truck. She sends to the students <<Remain calm.>> Then she's moving over to try and just put her hands over underneath the truck.. And to go to try and lift it up to help it move away.

Divine has posed:
Divine's demeanor of icy, righteous fury is at first enhanced by the deepening shadows and looming trees. They cast her face in darkness, leaving the only lighting coming from her eyes. Truly, she must be a demon from hell. Or adjacent.

This does not last. She hears the approach first, her head tilting just a fraction of an inch upwards. Her eyes widen visibly, following Power Girl's trajectory in, the bikers forgotten for a moment.


Emotions crowd her face, flickering through anger and shame and some flavor of terror before she realizes what's going on and refocuses on the goons. Then they shoot at her. A lot. She tilts her head slightly as the bullets impact her torso, and she just stands there, a weird little smirk crossing her face. "Huh. That's the first time I've been shot, ever."

She takes a step forward, all six foot three, Goth Super Bitch, of her. "You know. You disgust me. Useless hatred and sickening, sickening aims." Her eyes burn and the heat vision lances out. She carves it across the guns, the magazines specifically, possibly causing the ammunition to blow up in their hands.

Another step forward. "Part of me says I should grab you and drag you into orbit, but Superman, I think, wouldn't like me taking lives. Even ones like yours." Her eyes flicker to her blonde mirror for a second. "Go, before I take more than your fingers. You can live without arms, legs and ... the useless things between your legs."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
As the sound of gunfire starts to fill the air, well, there's no time to wait for one of the more senior members of the team to make a plan; Monet seems to agree by her own descent, so Marie takes that as a cue, directing her demonic ride to land in the very spot where the van was, assuming the perfectly powerful mutant was able to scoop it, and the inhabitants to safety. As far as Marie knows due to the landing delay, this is the only group that is in danger and Tabby must be in the van!

Of course, as bullets are flying -- and bouncing off of -- the Kryptonian pair, that might work to Marie's advantage. Neither she or the giant demon she rides, are bulletproof... but with a little luck their foes will see that bullets didn't work on the considerably smaller girls, that they might just surrender outright at the sight of the fearsome beast. Which she commands to /roar./

Of course, from this viewpoint there's familiar faces. She's met Power Girl once. She knows Divine decently well. The two of them combined... probably have this more than handled, but fate has played its cards and she simply obeys.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The shimmer of space warping itself can be subtle enough that even alert sentries don't notice it a few centimeters away. Subtle tears split apart the face of reality, intersections built where none existed before according to classic physics. Magic might provide the giveaway to an infernal alteration, were it at all responsible for the interruption.

Magik, however, needs no mystic art or technological device to manifest out of the ether.

In the commotion between Divine's crash landing and Power Girl sending the trees rustling in lamentations, another person between 15 and 3,500 probably slides right under the radar. Beneficial for M on high and Marie-Ange riding devilback. Alas, Monet's message intended for Illyana's mind never reaches it, dissipated among the seething energies of Limbo that infuse the woman garbed in black.

The biker who shuts "Gene trash" soon finds himself subject to a look that breaches a portal directly beneath his feet. Where he stands -- or stood -- shadows leap and writhe in eager abandon, coloured by the icy vendetta carried by a flame-eyed sorcerer-queen. Marie-Ange's friend roaring so loudly says all that needs to be said, and thus she slinks between the trees, stalking her next unfortunate victim. Alas for them, the portal isn't /terminating/ back on Earth.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Divine had already caught her attention, but Power Girl had figured their conversation- impending as it may be- would be something they could postpone. Especially as the shooting began, and the rounds being fired troubled her less than none.

    What /did/ trouble her was the heat vision. "Yeah, me." she responded to Divine, strolling through the gunfire as if it were less danger to her than buzzing flies- which, it very well might be. Her target isn't even the ineffectual gunmen anymore. Something more dangerous is present- a Kryptonian, or half of one, who isn't demonstrating the level of control she's imposed on herself, that Divine never really agreed to.

    "And yeah, he wouldn't. He would also tell you that we /don't/ use heat vision like /that/, and that we aren't here to mutilate, maim, or kill."

    Striding forward, she'll bring one finger up to point at Divine. "You get it under control, you take them in whole, or you don't live this life. I'll be back to check your work."

    This is, effectively, Divine's one chance- this odd ultimatum delivered at the strangest of times by a full grown, full fledged member of a species with powers near deific.

    Unless she's stopped- Magik's restraint, she hopes, of one of the gunmen something nonfatal but something she doesn't fully understand- Power Girl will continue on. She's noticed the path into the forest, the cries regarding Tabitha, whom she recalls as the blonde she met tossing bombs around with more than reckless abandon more than once before.

    If something isn't done to impede her progress, with another few steps she'll rocket off on that course, to follow after Hogwart, the bulk of his goons, and the one of their victims that as far as she knows, genuinely needs help in the immediate.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The van in it's four wheel drive glory might need a lot of work when it's back home. But it's clearly solid enough it's kept the girls from harm. They're terrified as Monet magages to lift and fly the vehicle up and out. But they listen to her telepathic instructions and hunker down in the vehicle. The rollcage and chassis easily keeping things together.

An exploded airbag flapping over the steering wheel. It probably went off after Tabby went through the windshield.

Which leaves these members of The Purest Pack with no prey.

They shall be subbing in in that role from now on.

Heat vision claims a number of firearms, some melt some fall apart like they were sliced, some explode when their ammunition gets too hot. The sounds of other weapons still firing from behind cover. There's a shift as they change directions, "Yeah, you space us, it's just gonna inspire more righteous Americans to stand up to you freaks. This is humanity's world. Not you mutie whores!" a solidly built man with long but visibly rededing hair and a goatee yells. he might actually be the only one actually taller than either Kryptonian.

Tarot's attempts to intimidate as well with her demonically beastly mount get screams "G....God will save us from you hell bitches." someone might have soiled themselves.

Then got dragged to what might as well be Hell for him. It's hard to tell the difference between certain realms. These bikers probably won't.

From ground level, the chase that Tabitha is leading seems to sound more distant or the booms just get less powerful. There's an odd billow of smoke and distant gunfire. Barely audible to most bar the two Kryptonians. But it is a trail that can be followed on foot, hoof, or stepping disk later on. A few barely breathing and moaning bodies and wrecked bikes found along the way.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Going to keep track of where the studetns are, Monet goes to make them her highest priority. THe vehicle is stable, and she goes to move it to a point where it can roll away if need be and drive, pulling it up and out of the gunk. She goes to check in with Marie-Ange

<<Are you all right?>> The van can hopefully drive away without issue and she's put hersel fover in the way of any errant bullets or shrapnel that might go along the way. <<Well done, Meltdown. The studetns are safe. How are you faring?>> She geos to keep herself in front of the van. They're still children in it. Any thoughts of revenge she might haev are deferred over to ILlyana.
    Illyana can come up with far, far, far scarier things than M could. Even with all the time condemned to ehr brother's realm.

Divine has posed:
Power Girl approaches, and her body language shifts in an instant. From assured, absolute self confidence to rigid tension. She meets her mirrors gaze without flinching at the very least, but her teeth audibly grind at the lecture. The part that galls the most is that Power Girl isn't -wrong-, but in her mind, neither is Divine. Essentially raised from a nigh blank slate into who she is today by Emma Frost. Taught to be civil, even kind with those who have not wronged anyone. She was also taught to ruthlessly destroy those who deserve it, and who on this planet, in this universe, deserves it any more than human traffickers? Her teeth grind audibly, but Power Girl is gone to find Tabby.

"Fine. We'll do this your way. It'll be more fun, anyway."

She cracks her knuckles, looking at the men who are still here, gauging what they can take without, you know, dying or being permanantly maimed, and she wades in. She hits hard, harder than a human can, but these men don't go flying. The worst they'll suffer is a cracked rib from her precisely pulled punches. She only really aims for the torso, because headshots are unpredictable and humans are weirdly fragile.

"That's clone, you swine. Get it right!"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie's been called worse.

The insults don't really get a rise out of the redhead, who, with the threat of firearms no longer active, can go about directing her own brand of traffic. Hands nearly as large as their foes sweep down, swatting at the group of bikers while Divine handles others. While her summoned creatures don't have traditional super strength, the mere /size/ of those giant hands is enough to pack a -- non-lethal -- punch.

"God will /forgive/ the repentant, Monsieurs, but today you face judgement!" Well. Technically the Devil. Not Judgement. That's a different card entirely.

Divine's correction, however, draws a laugh out of Marie. "Those who proclaim themselves righteous see /everything/ as..." 'Hell Bitches' "...what they said. You are doing wonderfully, though!" she encourages.

Nearly twenty-one, riding on the shoulder of a demonic entity... but Marie-Ange Colbert still cannot bring herself to swear. She just can't.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The absence of the Soulsword here might be considered a net positive for everyone. If she's not wielding that, and her legs remain shapely and straight, Magik has not lost her bloody mind. Helpful considering the main form of restraint is currently under fire somewhere else. Hopefully Power Girl may rest easy that Magik deals in fates other than death.

With the van no longer in immediate sight, she checks quickly off her shoulder for any remaining figures or familiar faces. Divine certainly is a sight, but the argument with effectively her big Kryptonian half-sister is none of her business. Marie-Ange on the other hand is.

"Do not get shot. I do not want to explain to Cyclops, da?"

Smartly she heads forward to ghost along Power Girl's path, since bikers are not exactly dangerous to her either. Any that swings a gun her way shall soon discover that guns /and/ hands are arbitrary, snapped away by a portal or a bullet ricocheted back through a tiny aperture that points at them. If they swing, they can be ignored, shoved aside so as not to slow her down.

Karen Starr has posed:
    The blonde woman is off like a bullet, following an obvious trail of carnage that she doesn't approve of, but at the same time, isn't necessarily going to argue with at this juncture. Last she heard, Tabby wasn't faring so well, and the explosions aren't exactly rocking the foundations.

    With any luck, nobody's dead.

    The signs of life among the bikers are welcome- it means that Tabby wasn't, hopefully, trying to kill anyone. Just distract them. She isn't an EMT, personally- but the cleanup's going to be on her shoulders or else Clark will Have Words, so she at least takes split seconds to check heartbeats, looking through the men to see their beating hearts on her breakneck pace towards...

    Well, the sight of a battle.

    She lands in that area and starts approaching who she can- but of all of them, admittedly, Tabby will be first. While she's not here to /kill/ anyone by action or inaction, sometimes you have to prioritize- and Tabby's the victim. Her life is worth more than the others there.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The van might actually have a chance to drive now it's on firmer ground. There's a collective "Thanks Monet!" from the girls as they start slowly attempting to drive off. The one behind the wheel might not exactly be familira with anything other than an automatic.

The attempt to ping Tabitha telepathically is fuzzy. Range, injuries, and drugs kind of making it hard to catch but it's there. <<Heeeyyyy, girls get home? I mighta gotten kinda side tracked. Kinda need some help getting home. I am straight up lost.>> to put it mildly.

Karen might not have much impeding her from atempting a rescure but as she likely can hear and see. Tabitha's side of the fight might finally be drawing to a close at the same time.

The one named Hogwart seems to be speeding away. Karen could give chase easily if she wanted but is it worth it. He's got to explain the loss of so many pack members while the last of Boom-Boom's pursuers seems to vbe screaming in pain as a blonde girl barely on her knees seems to have maybe swung him, bike and all into a veery sturdy tree trunk. Legs crushed and shattered, he may need prosthetics or some really good reconstruction. A couple more bikers are on the ground. One with some nasty burns on his back. The other's face just beaten by hand.

Funny how adrenaline can increase strength.

Tabitha herself wobbling on her knees. Herr elbows arev forewarms shredded from going through a windshield. There's a pretty nasty gash down her back, the red spiky leather belt she oftens wears with her jeans cut along with her pants.

They caught her, with intent, but she fought back.


The benefits of embracing all that black ops and combat training.

The younng blonde woman crawling over the pinned man and placing a hand on his head. "Shhh, you're gonna think of all this pain and feel it the second you think of how mutants are just the worst." a little command to make sure he really does feel this agony over and over again. At the same time she might just be probing him for information.

Back at the larger fight, men crumble easily under Divine's fists, as much as the apparitions tarot summons to aid in the fight. Some of them start running whe it's clear they have nothing to really fight back with. The best they really have is their swearing but half the time it's in terror as much of the Kryptonian hybrid running roughshod over as it is instilled by the demonic apperances and mystical messing of the environment.

The few of the pursuers between Illyana and the other blondes never stood a chance as Magik gets creative with her portals.

Telefragging is a term that could be used to describe it as she lands on the same scene as Power Girl.

That being Tabitha falling back and off the bike pinned biker screaming. A tired look on the girl's face as she finds that one of if not her most favourite person on several planes of reality came. As did probably one of the more physicallly powerful women though probably not too high on the list of favourites.

Ex-girlfriends tend to earn a little bias. "Soooo, umm. Hi!" she greets. The welt on her neck where a tranquilizer dart hit her giving away the how of why she might sound stoned. They should have used a higher dosage. They might have managed to get away with her otherwise.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is focused over on helping the children get away. As the van goes to pull off in the mud, it sprays all over her, coating her form completely over in it. With things well in hand she actually goes to let ou ta little sigh at the gunk covering her. She doesn't go to try and bother to wipe it off. She moves to intersperse herself in front of the van in case there are any more errant bullets flying the way of it before the children get away and out of the combat zone.

For once, she's not needed. IT feels rather odd. But.. With two Kryptonians and a very, very not happy limbo-kin, the situation is well in hand. M goes to glance about the field, just in case they've missed anything. THey haven't.

She goes to fold her arms, waiting over and leaning against a tree as she waits for the true powerhouses to put the fear of everything into the men.

Divine has posed:
Divine is a tempest in a teapot. A controlled storm, lashing out at these dispicible human beings hard enough that they will not forget this. Hard enough that they -know- that she could be liquifying their organs with her fists, and she's choosing not to. She's choosing mercy. She's choosing the way of the House of El.

It's not even a battle of attrition. It's not even a battle. It's the swatting of ignorant gnats to protect others. The ones that have fallen at her feet are alive, awake even, they've had the wind knocked from them, maybe a couple ribs cracked. She lets their friends drag them off, limping like wounded dogs. She snorts, turning her back on the fleeing bigots. She folds her arms across her chest, making an expression that, well, mirrors one that Power Girl made earlier. Annoyance. Consternation. At least the girls got out.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I will try not to, Magik!" Marie knows the rules of super-combat, and the number one rule in this game: Never call them by their real name. Not in front of the baddies, at least.

Of course, Divine dealt with the guns a while back, so there's not too much worry of that. In fact... it appears that most, if not all the bikers are either out, downed, or fleeing, so it's now hat Marie chooses to return to Earth. Her demonic steed reaching up to take Marie in its hand, removing her from its shoulder to set her on the ground, not too far from Divine.

"Your help was most appreciated, merci beaucoup!" is offered to Divine in Marie's cheerful tone. As far as she knows, that /is/ the clone's real name, so she's opting not to use it here. There's a quick glance around the area to make sure no other foes are coming.. and once it's clear that they aren't? She tucks the lone tarot card in her hand away, allowing the Devil to dissolve into the ether as if it had never been there in the first place.

"...and Power Girl, too! It is good to see that she has recovered from having a cow." A most serious nod from Marie, here. Yes. One must occasionally be wary of the words one uses in front of the French girl.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Another hop through space covers more of the distance. Jumping between shadows, Illyana avoids colliding with a tree on its last root. Taking the trunk to the shoulder, she jounces away to the side and regains her footing. The old fashioned way of hiking could be wiser, but what fun is that?

Once again the Demon Queen vanishes from sight within a ghostly spiral of fire, re-emerging some further distance up the way on a path of destruction and fire. Who doesn't love that in her line of business?

Tabitha is all that matters right now. Sorry, children who are safe. All due respect to the Kryptonians, you are very nice and one day not this instant, she will be happy to drink or gab. Monet and Marie are safe, therefore she can swallow back the towering, planar rage that gives her shadow wings, a spiked crown, and very much claws. Only the shadow, nothing more.

"How are you?" One question. Respectful. Direct. This is Illyana clinging to her humanity, what remains of it. Power Girl gets a nod. See, she's /trying./

Karen Starr has posed:
    The carnage is frustrating, but seeing that Tabitha is okay-adjacent is enough, for now. "Listen." she begins, "I know that you guys like to take care of your own. I'm going to make sure that these guys live to be scum another day. Just- Get her medical attention, fast."

    She isn't questioning portals and shadows. This world has Raven in it, and you learn not to ask until you need to know what someone can do- either to punch them around it, or because multiple people need punching.

    Having delivered her message, she's up through the trees, and unless stopped, off like a bullet. She won't be gone long, of course- returning swiftly with an ambulance.

    Carried over her head.

    Because they'll need more, she's getting more, but large vehicles aren't especially stackable in one's inventory, despite the more than impressive carrying capacity.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The remaining bikers back where Divine and the devilish construct of Tarot were wiping the floor with them start turning tail where they can. Some clearly can't but heatvision on firearms can have unpredictable results but no one is dead.

So that's a net plus, no one is getting yelled at.

Tabitha might later for getting kids in danger. But she can handle getting chewed out.

Monet might need to give the van an extra push here and there to speed it along but at least fleeing bikers are heading in the opposite direction from them. It was the same dierction Tabby was trying to lead the pack but at least the girls have a clear run back to school.

The shadowy demon visage projected where Illyana blocks out any remaining light gets more of that way too happy for the situation smile from "Oh you know, same old same old." it's not. Tabitha usually needed a lot of help, this time she might not be aware entirely what she did. Adrenaline and drugs can be so good for blanking things out. "I think I caught some beef that was meant for Wolverine and Harry." she says while Power Girl flies off to probably carry a couple ambulances.

That brief moment, while the two blonde mutants have their space. Illyana gets a huge hug and maybe the sort of tears that come from relief and not having to be brave face for a moment. "They caught me. But they didn't /get/ me! They didn't get the girls. And I know where they live." There are probably very few people that actually feel safe around this particular demon lord.

Someone might be about to start planning on how to crash a party.