14660/Strange Creature From The Sea!

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Strange Creature From The Sea!
Date of Scene: 11 April 2023
Location: Happy Harbor Waterfront
Synopsis: A powerful, alien beast from the deep assaults the beach in Happy Harbor. A gaggle of superheroes show up and save the day. They are all Thuderbolt's sidekicks!
Cast of Characters: Freddy Freeman, Jon Kent, Billy Batson, Marie-Ange Colbert, Franklin Richards, Mary Bromfield

Freddy Freeman has posed:
It is a cool Spring evening at the waterfront in Happy Harbor. It's not quite swim-in-the-ocean weather, but it's definitely warm enough for people to take their dogs on oceanside runs, walk hand-in-hand with a partner or loved on, and otherwise just Be Outside for Pete's sake!

Freddy doesn't come out this way very often. When he was still in high school he attended Happy Harbor, but now there isn't too much motivation for him to come here. He wasn't very socially successful in high school so this place sometimes has bad memories for him. Today, though, it's a lucky thing he made the trip. As the skinny young man moves easily along the sand with the aid of a metal crutch in his left hand and clasped to his left elbow, a sudden disturbance begins in the water.

About two hundred yards or so from the shore the water starts to swirls and bubble on a large scale, like something massive is moving there. At first, onlookers gather to watch the phenomenon with wonder. But as it progressively becomes more violent, people are starting to become concerned, moving back away from the water.

"Oh shit..." is muttered by Freddy under his breath and he stares out at the ocean. Even in this form he can sense residual energy from the Rock of Eternity at work here. And that can't be a good thing.

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon Kent has friends at Happy Harbour. While he doesn't attend the massive school of superhumans and people with exceptional talents, he often enjoys coming to visit them to such an extent that he's well known among the student body, even if his secret identity is ultimately still a secret. However, this time?

Instead of flying, Jon is walking. He doesn't take his shoes off (likely because he has the red ones underneath as patr of a suit that is most definitely underneath his clothes). Though as he walks, he can /hear/ something.

Something he doesn't really understand.

"What is...." He ends up unintentionally walking up to Freddy's side, staring at the water. "Is...the water moving?" Jon asks curiously, blue eyes staring ahead with no fear but...he did have a caution and tension to his body. His fists were starting to clench.

"Uhhh guys? Guys get off the beach!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam was doing what Freddy might consider cheating. He used his powers to hop over from Queens and his apartment. The objective in this case was to hit a certain dinner and get some pie from a certain gorgeous blonde beauty. People who said Shazam had no weaknesses were wrong.

Freddy can access his magical sense in his unpowered form. Unpowered Billy was not able to. He might have a little Courage of Achilles showing. Some people might insist he channels for Zeus. In any case he can see the water boiling, no, seething from some undersea disturbance. So fly closer or wait and see? Unconsciously he drifts between the disturbance and the beach.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy, of course, has no idea that it is none other than Superboy standing next to him. All he sees is a teenager who is in all kinds of danger if that disturbance in the water turns out to be the type of threat that Freddy thinks it is. "Look, bro, you gotta get out of here," the young man says to Jon with palpable concern in his voice. "I have a feeling that thing might be legit trou..." Freddy gets cut off mid-sentence by a massive, ear-splitting roar coming from the water. It's so loud that its vibrations set off nearby car alarms. "Oh shit," Freddy repeats under his breath. He glances around desperately for a place to transform. Skinny Freddy attempts to give Jon a shove in the direction of land. He may as well be trying to give the Earth itself a shove. "Dude, seriously, you *have* get out of here right now!"

The only place that is both close and offers some degree of privacy is a pier. The crippled teenager hobbles quickly in the direction of the pier, his crutch and disabled leg not slowing him down even one bit. Quickly, Freddy ducks under the pier. His heart is beating a hundred miles an hour. "Shit, shit, shit. Billy, where are you, man?" he mutters to himself. But inside this skinny, disabled teenager is the heart of a warrior. Drawing a deep breath, he exhales and says the word!

"SHAZAM!" It's a word of great power in its own right, but it feels like something less to say it without his family with him.

Amidst the disturbance, a mighty bolt of lightning rockets out of the sky and hits the pier like the very gods themselves were angry at the ground! The pier explodes, splintering into hundreds of pieces. And standing amidst the smoke and wreckage: Pantheon, recipient of a fragment of the Immortal Elders' powers. He looks out at the sea as his body begins to hover up off the ground.

Jon Kent has posed:
"I would, but..."

Jon turns to look towards Freddy, and he /smiles/ at him. A look that those brilliant blue eyes may reveal something to Freddy, if the Wisdom of Solomon is active and online: He looks a /hell/ of a lot like Superman. Like, big boy blue scout, not his human alias. He turns his eyes towards the ocean when a *shove* from Freddy hits him. But because Jon wasn't paying attention, he doesn't quite *sell it* like he was supposed to.

In fact, the reaction seems delayed, like he went 'oh' and then stumbled backwards. "You have to get out of here too!" Though as soon as Freddy says 'Shazam', Jon understands.

In speed, Jon is suddenly gone with a blur, returning wearing a suit of blue and red, with a red and yellow S on the center of his chest. Superboy had arrived, just in time for that lightning bolt to strike where Freddy Freeman once stood...replacing the weak, puny mortal with the awesome visage of Pantheon!

Superboy looks towards the beast that trheatens to come out of the water, that massive ear-splitting roar that Jon has to mute his hearing for a second to avoid his eardrums immediately bursting.

"Hey. Superboy." He gestures to himself. "We need to clear this beach and make sure that thing /stays/ in the water."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy became Shazam fighting Sivana and his demon allies. Before that he was a kid aping a superhero in a grown up costume. The sneaky, wiseacre kid was beaten out of him. He stepped up. After all the Champions started in the Bronze Age. Some of them probably were fifteen! Age was no excuse. He was a Champion of Magic, Defender of Mankind and called the World's Mightiest Mortal.

He tries to get that right.

He watches the thing rise up and scowls. He was made to fight this. He can feel the thing is not right, does not belong here. It is hostile to all in this world. As its roar pushes at him whipping foam and slime in his face he plants himself like Atlas and he screams in a voice heard miles away, "Not on my watch!"

He still wishes Sunny was here. He works better with her around.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie doesn't come out to the Happy Harbor area all that often, but having recently made some friends in the area -- and heading out this way to seek out the advice of one of them, it's a matter of right place, right time. One might think wrong place, wrong time would be more accurate...

...but this is Marie. She follows fate itself's instructions. She's never in the /wrong/ place.

Maybe the wrong attire, though, given that she's opted for a breezy yellow sundress that goes down to her ankles, a white, ethereal blouse that's worn open and flows behind her a bit, and a pale yellow headband that stands out against her auburn hair. Great for a walk on the beach... maybe not that great for a sea monster.

Unlike a lot of the people running /away/ from the coastline, Marie? Marie instead sits in the sand, crosses her legs beneath her, and digs briefly into her purse for her tarot deck. Eyes gazing over the water and smiling to herself. "Let us see who wields a scythe better, oui?" Marie murmers, withdrawing a single card from her deck, and closing her eyes.

Within moments, there's another form on the beach that's sure to draw attention. A twenty-foot tall, black-robed skeletal figure of Death itself, complete with size-appropriate scythe in one hand. A bony finger extends forward towards the creature still out of reach. A warning.

...and, for the magically inclined? The slender redhead, but /not/ the creature she's summoned will ping as magical. Figure that one out!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin was stuck though he sighed again safe in his forcefield it is currently invisable though he inside is not. He thought it would be cool go visit Atlantis, see the fish people, but of course his folding space was not so exact. He arived around.. well to be fair he wasn't sure where he was, but as the giant thing captured him he is not in a bit of a situation. Now as a large coral pole held in onee of the tenticales of the octopus pops out of the water hanging from the top is a coral cage with a young man sitting in it. It couldn't get to him so it had taken Franklin as it's flag to show the land people what was next for them though Franklin inside the cage just looked bored.

Looking at the Beach for a moment as he is held above the water hey says in a bored voice.. "Oh no.. save me." looking back down at the water. "This is actually kind of embarassing." saying to the thing even though he wasn't sure if it even spoke English. Looking at the beach... was that Marie? Franklin waved at her from his cage on the pole a little bit over the water surface. He stops not sure if she can hear him he instead puts a hand to his head only Marie could hear... "Called it... Its Franklin First... told ya so, and second prob more importantly I am stuck in the cage!" though it would be in her mind.

Could he get out of this cage, and away... likely, but to be honest he wasn't sure if this was an Atlantian related thing so didn't want to kill it which if he used his powers to fight it he was afraid he would. So he waits paitently for the others all back of the bus like, and at least for now

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Emerging from the water is a massive creature from nightmare or legend or both: it is an aquatic cyclops standing some fifty feet in height, coiled with preternatural, thickly corded muscles. And its legs? Well instead of legs, this hideous beast has two giant squid growing from its lower body. The normal mortals in the area -- the unlucky ones that didn't run fast enough -- suddenly turn toward the beast and stand motionless, staring at it in fear and submission.

The monster is holding what appears to be a force field containing a rather bored-looking, unconcerned young man. So it decides to try to make him concerned. The beast suddenly whips the force field at Shazam at an incredible velocity.

And the woman on the ground with the tarot cards? The monster arcs his scythe in her general direction and those entranced mortals turn and begin to rapidly advance on her.

Pantheon witnesses the strange boy bubble thingy get thrown at his brother. "NO!" he shouts as he rockets toward the force field. Just moments too late, he watches helplessly as Franklin is hurled dangerously at Shazam.

Jon Kent has posed:

THat creature straight out of the darkest corner of the mind was /massive/. It was big enough to stand some fifty feet high, covered in muscles and terror. A swipe of his scythe seems to immediately dominate the minds of those entranced by it's evil eye, by it's scythe....honestly, Jon wasn't sure which.

But one thing was certainly clear: That one-eyed monster's gotta go.

"Wait, there's someone in that!" He watches as the boy in the bubble is thrown towards the arriving Shazam, Superboy starts, but Pantheon is quicker on the draw, bolting up to try and rocket towards him. "You have to catch him!" Superboy calls out as he turns to the big guy.

"Alright, cyclops....let's dance."

In a blur of blue and red motion, Superboy flies straight for the giant creature, his eyes glowing a brilliant red hue before a pair of red beams shoot out from his eyes. His target? The Atlantean demon's giant eye.

He has to trust hte other heroes present to be able to defend themselves...and if they can't? Well, Superboy can help them. But for now, he's focusing on the big guy.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam has caught heat from Juggernaught. He might not be the fastest thinker in the family, but he is fast and moving back to catch the force field and grab it. either this guy is a hostage or behind this thing (unlikely, evil wizards do not let their creatures play hackey sack with them). The catch doesn't go smooth. He gets his face smushed against the force field as he tries to say, "Is this your cyclops, sir?"

His hands dig into the cage. Get the guy out of the cage. What the heck am I hitting? It hurts. Anti-Shazam defenses? He tries to pull the cage away from the monster. We'll flipping see.

Oh hey Superboy AND Junior... and Death Incarnate?

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie might not've been able to see Franklin with her own eyes... but she could see him through her creation, at least. Which was a very fortunate thing, because it means that Death's scythe is angled to meet with the Cyclops' scythe, the two weapons colliding with a clash of metal -- but not taking out the little seer on the ground.

The voice in her head, though? She recognizes it. She knows telepathy. She didn't realize Frankie had it. ... of course, with his powers, he may well not have this morning. Just in case, she tries to focus her thoughts like she does when one of her teammates is in her head.

<<Are you alright, Franklin? If you can get out of this... some crowd control would be most appreciated!>>

Because Marie's focus is on having her creation of Death go toe to toe with the Cyclops and keep the scythe away from her... or any of the other mysterious heroes flying around, for that matter!

Franklin Richards has posed:
As the thing moves forward Franklin looks down. "Comon Giant Ursula I don't like the look in your.." and then cage and all is thrown which pushes the boy to the back of his field as he finished. "Eyyyyyeeee!" now flying at someone else at great speed his yelling the word held a bit longer, as he is caught, a bit roughly though thankfully not dropped. Sitting inside the small spherical cicle held by Shazam he waves. Up close you can now see a young man dressed head to toe in Fantastic Four merch. He has the hat, though it fell off with the black, and blue design, the hoodie, and pants with the same design, but todays shirt has Val on the front with a smile though they didn't give her any words like the others.

"First... ouch." he says rubbing his back, "No... But you shouldn't kill it." he says to Shazam. "It is just part of nature.. like a shark, or whale.. Just afraid as it is out of its element." he sighs a bit looking back the shield around him drops, but he hovers in the air not moving. "Franklin Richards.. Fantastic Four, and card carrying member of A.S.S." he grins, as he holds out a card that has Alien Spotter of Starling then putting it away with a chuckle.

He looks around a bit, and sees Super-man? No he didn't look like him as Franklin had the card and knew the stats very well.

He raises a hand.. "Shoot...." and raises a field between the eye and the laser to block it, and made it Opaque so Jon could see it. He looked at Shazam, "He prob isn't going to like I did that... You got my back... right?" and chuckles a bit nerviously as Franklin floats a bit behind the larger man to maybe get out of sight.

From behind he smiles a bit, <<I... Okay....>> and grumbles a bit, as while he did have it Marie was right, and he did not use it often as people would think he could read minds or something. <<Don't... Kill it is nature>> the message finishes and he smiles down with a shrug at Maries general direction.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
In the distance, there's a crack of thunder, followed by a distant roar that's growing in volume. A speck in the distance, that slowly resolves itself into the form of Thunderbolt as the heroine angles in, going nearly supersonic as she *slams* into the aquatic titan.

The objective is to knock it back away from the coast, as she wants to make sure no one gets hurt, as the impact is rather spectacular, Thunderbolt being knocked back from the recoil as she flies back, altering course to hover over by Pantheon, "So, you boys having a party without me?"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Pantheon looks relieved when he sees his brother catch Force Field Franklin without anyone getting hurt. That damned field was moving *fast*. He sees that Superboy and his sister are dealing with the creature. The blue-clad hero looks down and sees Marie being encroached upon by rapidly moving, mind-controlled civilians. They must be dealt with non-lethally. He flies down in Marie's direction.

That's about the time that Thunderbolt BLASTS into the creature. Ichor and other various otherworldly fluids splorch in all directions, some propelled hundreds of feet from the pure kinetic force of the collision.

But the gambit works. Tall, dark, and mono-ocular is knocked up and back, arcing through the air and then down into the water.

And then the real trouble starts. The force of the giant cyclops hitting the water sends energy in all directions...including toward the shore...as a slow-moving, massive waves begins to roll toward the shore!

As Pantheon begins to scoop up mind-controlled civilians to keep them away from Marie, he glances out to sea and murmurs, "Oh shit." It's his favorite word today.

Jon Kent has posed:
Red beams race out of Superboy's eyes when suddenly, an opaque field of energy is created between the beams and the creature, not with enough oomph to shatter it, but just enoug hto make it ripple with the energy dissipating after the fierce contact.

"What the..."

Superboy moves immediately around the Cyclops, only for the lightning bolt to Crack right into the back of it! It's revealed that Mary Marvel has joined the fray!

"Wow...that was really impressive." Superboy tells her with a kind smile, before he notices something horrible: the fall of the creature causes a massive wave of water to be going towards the land, which can cause destruction of not only the civilians, but any structures if the wave is allowed to go too far!


Superboy is a blur of red and blue, he flies so he's in front of the wave, before a large amount of air is inhaled into the lungs and expelled, hoping to use some good, classic super breath to freeze the water!

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam streaks down to the beach, ahead of the wave. He ploughs a trench to eat the wave. He's making fairly good time despite shifting tons of sand... and there's a girl sitting on the dang sand. He plows around her and loops back to grab her in a princess carry and hoist her above the flood.

Shazam blinks and says, "Oh, hey, Marie. Com' cest-va?" Hey Shazam speaks French too! He blushes a little carrying his sister's girlfriend around.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary sees the waves coming, and she starts calculating force vectors in her head as Superboy has one of the waves covered with his super breath. Sadly, Mary doesn't exactly have that.

But, what she *does* have, is the Intellect of Hypatia.

Suddenly, Thunderbolt dives down at a steep angle by the shore, crashing into the ocean and sending a wave back into the other oncoming wave from the cyclops' impact. And the waves will pretty much end up negating each other, so the shoreline is spared.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"...oh no."

Mary's making quick work of the beast threatening them has ripple effects, and one of those effects is an incoming tidal wave! Marie lets the image of Death disappate quickly -- reaching to gather up her cards /before/ trying to get out of the way.

Fortunately for the redhead, someone else has that handled. She's suddenly no longer feeling the sand under her feet and... she's in the air! A testament to how many times she's dealt with these things, she's not /panicking./ Instead, looking at the face of her rescuer, who seems surprisingly to know who she is.

"...wait, how do you know my..."

There's somethingg about those eyes, though... and with a glance down at the /outfit/... so similar to two of the others that are flying around, and most especially similar to someone she knows very well...

"...Billy?!" It's not a shriek. It's more of a surprised whisper.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin is just looking from behind Shazam, before he streaks down the beach glad he saved it from the eye beams, but then as the Thunderbolt goes off Franklin yells.. "Ursula!" worried that might of just killed it. Though he looks to do something about the wave raising a hand, but then stops. He smiles a bit as he looks at the big frozen wave, and chuckles a bit. "Good job." he notes to Jon "I these people could use a bit of show to relax them though." and he touches the ice.

A blue light spreads through the ice, and then gets bright, until poof its gone. So is the frozen wave the water going back to normal as it starts to snow for everyone as Franklin figured a nice snowy day might help them get past all this. He turns and looks at Jon giving him the thumbs up before he starts to float slowly down.. "Oh... I think I need to sit down a minute." landing and falling into a sit.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
The chaos is being contained. The massive creature has vanished beneath the waves, presumably fleeing to whatever abyss it crawled out of. Superboy, Shazam, Thunderbolt, and Franklin have contained what otherwise would have been a lethal, devastating amount of water. The previously mind-controlled civilians are otherwise unhurt. They begin to wander around the beach as snow falls in mid-April. One dude looks around and asks, "What...what year is it?" It will be a bit before the effects of the mind control wear off.

Pantheon lands on the ground near Franklin. "Hey man!" he says enthusiastically, "That was beast mode what you did. Name's Pantheon." He sticks his hand out.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt flies back up towards the beach proper, waving up towards Superboy as she loops around and comes down to land near Franklin and Pantheon. "Good work there, little brother." She grins and nods over towards Franklin with a wry expression, as she definitely looks like Mary up close.

Just a taller, more athletic version of Marie's girlfriend, really. "You can call me Thunderbolt."

Jon Kent has posed:

That could've been DISASTEROUSLY bad. But thankfully, the combined efforts of the heroes has stopped the wave from causing mass destruction. Coming down to join the others, his cape blowing with the wind and his face friendly as he flies over to them, Jon gives a slightly shy wave. "Hi there. Thanks for helping take that thing down, guys. He looked /mean/."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam's can blush it seems. He's about to explain that knowing people's names is one of his super powers. Heck that didn't even work on Mary. Also it is kind of flattering to be recognized. "Cest moi," he says flying to a safe dry spot to let her down gently. "So you do magic stuff? Cool! Ye-e-eah, very perceptive. There's sis now." He gives her a proper side hug. Because it's Marie.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
When Shazam lands with Marie, Pantheon smiles at the girl and nods. "Miss, I'm glad you're safe." He glances at Mary when he says that.

Then he turns to Superboy and breaks into a really wide grin. "I can't believe that Superboy showed up! That is so sick! Man I have always wanted to meet you. I have all of your Heroic Wards collector cards, INCLUDING the foil special issue set. I have the ultra-rare chase figure of you with the all-black alternate universe costume..." He just goes into full-on nerd mode at this point, talking about all of the Superboy collectibles he has. There is a sense about Pantheon. He has the body and face of a grown man, but somehow his demeanor is youthful and full of wonder.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie beams at the realization that Billy is... well. Billy! As for her? "...there is a bit more to it than that. I will explain soon, oui?" she suggests -- especially since they just landed! Billy does get a bit of an exaggerated hug, "My hero!" she exclaims in a classic, damsel in distress tone. Looking around at the assembled group of heroes. "I am so fortunate to have been saved by Thunderbolt and her mighty sidekicks!"

...to be fair? Marie just doesn't know what to call the other two, similarly dresseed fellas. So she's playing it by ear!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin looks up, and covers his eyes from the sun. He shakes the hand "As i was telling lightning bolt up there.. Franklin Richards." he uses the hand to pick himself up, though he is just normal strength, and skinny @emit Franklin looks up, and covers his eyes from the sun. He shakes the hand "As i was telling lightning bolt up there.. Franklin Richards." he uses the hand to pick himself up, though he is just normal strength, and skinny so would not pull that hard.

He looks at Mary... stops and thinks about it as he did not expect this when she said abilities.

He looks at her then at Pantheon, "Wait.. so is this the podcast person?" he asks remembering what she said though surprised himself that was his first question. Shaking his head he chuckles, "No wonder you understood the family thing." then looks over at Jon. "He was more scared then you were. A new land of no water, and I am sure the new minds confused it. Just imagine all the new concepts it had to grasp when it had only fish before." he sighs a bit looking out at the water. "I hope it learned the dangers of this world, and does not return." he says sadly as if it did he would have to kill it.

Turning to look around a bit more he smiles, "So how many of you are there?" as he assumes for now Jon and Marie are part of their 'group' as they were here when he was brough back to land. He looks at Freddy, "Yea.. I am just going to sit in the sand, and enjoy the snow." and sits back down that last trick was a lot of energy as he sat, and looked up smiling at the Snow.

He looks at Mary, "I always loved New York snow.. made everything look a little brighter in the tower." and chuckles relaxing to enjoy it. "And good to see you again Marie, those cards... now those are scarry."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary suddenly coughs a bit, mainly to keep from laughing at Marie's exclamation, "Not sidekicks, miss. This is Shazam, and Pantheon. It's a family thing." With that, she gives Marie a bit of a sly wink, though the "sidekicks" line is probably going to be joke fodder in the Vasquez House for /years/.

She glances over at Franklin and nods slightly, "Trying to keep it a little under our capes, but you can be trusted with it, I think." She smiles and looks quite content with the fact that people were saved from deep sea cyclops-monsters without any casualties.