15112/The Cruelty of Kulan Gath

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The Cruelty of Kulan Gath
Date of Scene: 09 June 2023
Location: Abandoned Hyborean Temple
Synopsis: The Justice League Dark and the Sorcerorors Supreme face Kulan Gath in an underground castle.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Nettie Crowe, Megan Gwynn, Stephen Strange, Illyana Rasputina, Sunrise Aberdeen, Gabby Kinney

Emma Frost has posed:
Sprite had spread the word of her encounter with Kulan Gath. The current body of which had taken the power of the Mother Box channeled through Sprite's dagger to demolecularze it. But you couldn't keep a good lich down. In an ancient temple, abandoned since the Hyborean Era, buried deep in the wastes and ashes.. There schemed the ancient Necromancer. In one form or another. Weaving magics togehter then in a twirl of his fists.. Working ever so slowly on a portal to an other dimension. As it would start to flicker, he would go to bow to one knee. Offering a highly theatrical..
    "My master.." In a show to that abomination of a being that was it's own dimension in another time and place and plane of existence..

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Dashing and daring, courageous and caring, faithful and friendly with stories to shar--

    Wait no, that's Gummi Bears, not Nettie Crowe. Nettie Crowe, witch, nurse, business owner and retired necromancer had gotten an alert through her crystal ball, and sent out an alarm through the contacts of the Justice League Dark that something Big was going down, and that they should bring the big guns, so to speak.

    So when she arrives, with the crackling of violet and black energies and the cawing of her familiar on her shoulder, the Greywitch arrives on broomstick, cowled and already baring her wand.

    And because she's a very nice lady, she raises her wand and utters a word, lighting up a section of the sky with the crack of thunder and the dark brilliance of her power as a sign to friend and warning to foe.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn also arrives not long after Nettie, frowning softly. She makes no effort to hide as she flies in from the southern skies, leaving a trail of pink glitter in her wake. Recognizing Nettie's colorful magic signature, she angles downward to join her, landing lightly on her feet, smiling and waving to her. "Heya Nettie! what's all this talk of a Necromancer?" she shivers, "Creepy stuff.."

Stephen Strange has posed:
It doesn't matter how slowly one works on a portal to another dimension. One does not simply open a portal to another dimension without setting off a few alarms. Even as the crack of thunder sounds off, sundering the silence, another sign of power shines forth. Although, there is no spectacular display of cacophonic brillance.

Instead, a shower of sparks swirls into existence, the only sound accompanied is the pop and crackle most commonly associated with common pyrotechnic sparklers. But, this is no mere roadside display. Within the circle of sparks forms what appears to be a portal, with the other side betraying antique furniture and fine carpets. Then, a male form emerges. "I am truly sorry we didn't take your stepping disks, my dear. I thought you wouldn't mind if I did the honors this time." Footfalls onto the terrain...and with a quick turn, the folds of an all-too-familiar red cloak can be seen.

It would appear that the Sorcerer Supreme has arrived on the scene.

Strange hmms softly, as he steps out of the way of the portal for his conversation partner to arrive. "Charming. About on par to walk into an abandoned temple to find a potential incursion."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    "Playing with portals?" Behind the Sorcerer Supreme comes another, except fashionably attired in black as one does to differentiate. It would hardly do if they both wore blue and red, and if they were both male. The duplicate carries a cup of tea in one hand, the cup odd in that it's glass and chased in antique silver carefully polished to avoid tarnish.
    She, for the woman very much is that, steps out a breath prior to the spell collapsing. The lifted tea acknowledges Strange. "We can recognize the scale of the ambition at least." A sip coalesces into a seep of debauched vanilla and black tannins crowning the dark shadow slick of her smirk.

Stephen has all the courtesy of a gentleman so she follows this lead. Her arm bends, extended to slip around his or be taken into his hand. Possibly the Cloak's, for it has its own whims. "Do we expect many guests? I hope there are dinner guests."

Emma Frost has posed:
As the group would arrive, the floating form of Kulan Gath would turn to face the arrivals, "The Sorceror Supreme and his cohort, I presume?" Gath would muse. "Tell me.. Do you have the memories of those that came before you int he position?" HE would grin at Strange, Nettie, and the reigning Limbo Champion.
    "Because I remember the expression on the face of your predecessor when I gutted them. I hope that you have as strong a recollection of it as I do." His hands would go to glow as the group would arrive.

"You seem to have a bit of fun when it comes to arriving here. So how about we make that a running theme for tonight?" HIs hands would go to gesture in midair.. And throughout the open air dozens upon dozens of portals would pepper into existence seemingly randomly.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie pauses, and pulls her hood down to take a look at Megan Gwynn, and looking up as the Sorcerer Supreme and Queen of Limbo make their appearance, she hitches a breath.

    "Well. Now it's a party!" she murmurs quietly to herself, and she withdraws a flask from her side pouch and sips it as they talk about... dinner guests?

    Well. Queen of Limbo and all.

    "I *did* have Sprite write up a report, it's accessable to --" Nettie begins, and then Kulan Gath makes an appearance.

    "Miss Gwynn, be ready. You may need to use that soul knife you have to knock this form out of existence as well." she states to the Pixie, and as portals upon Portals begin to pile up, ponderously powered and peturbingly present in such mass quantities that it's making the old witch's head hurt, she kicks her broom up, drawing down a pair of flight goggles.

    "Stranges! I don't suppose you got the communication sent out regarding this most oderous member of previous cohort?" she calls out, and brings her wand to bear, energy crackling out as she tries to close the portals closest to hers, trying to wrest control from the ancient mage!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow as another portal opens, beaming at the sight of Doctor Strange, though her face falls at the sight of Illyana. "Uh..Is this really the time for tea?" rolling her eyes she focuses on the Necromancer, menacing as they are, and draws her soul dagger, ready for anything. And then there are portals and she blinks, tensing.

"What's this all about?" no doubt, she is expecting zombies or vampires or..Who knows what to pop out of those portals. With a groan, she is ready for anything, "Sooo, I guess we're already past the point of peaceful negotiations huh.."

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
Here's Sunrise, minding her own business when some Necromancer starts opening portals and summoning the undead. It's understandable how the spell might end up a bit confused with her. Surely he didn't PLAN to summon then wayward member of vampiric royalty.

The girl wipes a hint of blood from the edge of her lip with her thumb and sucks it clean as she meanders out of the Gotham City alleyway. Battered skinny jeans, worn skater shoes in black and pink, a faded Nirvana shirt and a flannel make up the skater's outfit. Behind her, a drug dealer fades from life amid the trash of a dumpster. For once, the eternal hunger inside of her is quiet. She knows it won't last, though. She drops her board to the ground and climbs atop, cruising down the empty, cracked sidewalk so near the Narrows...

...And then she falls out of a floating, necromantic portal! "GAH!" She lands in an inhumanely graceful crouch, and reaches out to catch her skateboard as she leaps back to her feet, snarling a bit as she glances about at what she assumes are attackers. Her skateboard is scuffed and well loved, with the words 'THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS' along the underbelly, superimposed over the pink, blue and white of the trans flag.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Footsteps had followed after Sunrise chasing the apparent attacker into the alley. Gabby had been in Gotham just when she'd heard something suspicious, and her instincts told her 'investigate'. As luck would happen it, she ends up stepping through the portal herself just behind Sunrise unaware of what she was walking into--At least until she spots the gathering throng here with a soft, "Aw crap."

The necklace she wears was already glowing around her neck telling her 'magic magic magic' was going on. That's enough for her to know she'd slipped in on the tail end of something dangerous.

"Nettie!?" She calls out while jumping back from the girl she'd stalked through the portal. The others here she knew as well, a quick nod of acknowledgement given. "Oh, hey Illy!" She calls out absently while whirling around to see what was BEHIND her that they were all facing.

Stephen Strange has posed:
Illyana is greeted with a slight smirk, followed with a chuckle. He did leave his own cup back in the Sanctum, which is apparently where his portal led to before it fizzles to nonexistence. "I do not anticipate many guests. If so, we are going to need to use the larger tea service."

Oh...well, perhaps Strange was mistaken. Taking a moment to fully observe his surroundings, there are certainly more than just the expected number...which would have been 3. Nettie is given a nod in greeting...and Megan, too, with her question answered with a simple (and amused) "It is always time for tea." Nettie's question, however, is answered in the negative. "Regrettably not, Ms. Crowe. We were in reconnaissance and had not expected, well....him."

With that, Strange turns to regard Kulan Gath. "Sorcerer Supremes, if you wish to be technical." Yes, Illyana is indeed the Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo. The whole Queen gig is more impressive, usually. "And I assure you, it is not a pleasure to make your acquaintance." That whole gutting commentary doesn't win Stephen over at all. But the sudden portals opening everywhere, with random people falling through? Oh...yeah, that's got Stephen's attention. Hands are up as both he and Nettie work on closing portals. Her wand a crackling...and Stephen a little more flashy as he lifts up his hands and begins to tug on the portals, collasping them in upon themselves. Hopefully to prevent any more visitors....and quite possibly to use Gath's portals against him.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    Better to leave all the finer discussion points to Stephen. Illyana plays the little ray of sunshine armed with the moderating influence of her samovar's finest tea. Her pinkie finger extends when she tilts the caged glass back. "You gutted the bastard? <<Chudesno! U tebya otlichnoe chuvstvo uimora.>> We can be friends." A last sip leaves only a small, dark puddle accumulating a couple leaves in the bottom of the the glass. She banishes it after a wave of her hand, and sounds bright and cheerful. "Tell me more about his expression. Wrinkled up and baring his teeth? Overdramatic and furious at betrayal or the tired, I-am-disappointed-you-thought-that-would-work-mask?"
    Portals gather around worse than dishes piling up after a cocktail party or evening with friends and boardgames. The blonde suffers one getting a bit too close before she crunches her hand shut, and the glittering edge swallows up the magically induced portal like Kirby after a strawberry. Now some bike courier will have a spectacular story to tell about riding through a crazy forest. No threat of being temporarily knocked out of reality now is there? She needs the moment to recover and hear Nettie -- a quick nod there to confirm the question, and then the smart gesture with her now freed hand to jettison a fold of space two or three body lengths away. It wiggles right past Sunrise wherever the skateboarding vampire comes to a drop.
    "My favourite honey badger!" Some days turn out to be good days, necromancer or no necromancer. "Stephen, that is Gabby. Very fierce fighter, funny too. Let's dance together, da?"
    The evening's slipdress dissolves in a heel strike to the ground so flipped atoms reorganize gauzy fabric into levinquick blue and gilded metal accoutrements.

Emma Frost has posed:
The portals go to start flashing about. While the others would have teleported in on them - small flickers in and out of reality.. These ones are of a quite, quite more dangerous nature. Each of the dozens of ones is acting as a small singularity - sucking in matter, physical and magical and then going to spit it out through an entirely different one, compressed and then disintegrated! Dozens and dozens of them would appear out of existence, vanishing and reappearing, attempting to dimension dump whatever they could consume to other planes of existence!

"Oh, then where are my manners? I get to kill two at once, so thank you. TIme to see if you put up more of a fight than your past incarnation did." Kulan Gath speaks ever so politely - even as he goes to cast about spells that try to consume things over!

"And what have we here?" This is directed over in the direction of Nettie, "Arent you the most adorable little corpse to be? Well.. After your little mongrel here." That spoken over to Gabby. "And whatever tha tis." A dismissive wave is given over at Sunny. "I suppose that I can at least make sure that they don't interfere in the main event." From around the trio go to spring forth a group of corpses. Shambling ones that were sewn together from.. W hat were clearly not human parts. Or even humanoid parts. Or things that were ever remotely recognizable as them. Like someone went htrough a monster catalogue of things and cut and pasted them together.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Look Alive Alice's Restaurant!" Nettie barks at Sunrise, and she grits her teeth, grabbing at the portals and wrestling them free, closing them as quickly as she can.

    She's not as flashy, but she moves with ruthlessness in her seated stance, drawing her besom up and around as she clings to Broom the Broom (no she did not name it), turning upside down as she hangs, legs wrapped around the quickly moving magical ride, and she bares her teeth.

    "Kinney How Is It You Know AbsolBloodyLutely *everyone*?" she calls out in mock frustration, and then her attention comes back to Kulan.

    "Rude, I haven't been a corpse since I was fourteen!" Nettie chipperly answers back, and now she decides to play her part.

    It's just like riding a bike, isn't it, except everything around you violates the natural law and The Green and The Red and its guardians probably get rather cross with you when you call on powers that normal magicians shouldn't ken, and she tries to rip the shamblers from the other necromancer's control, exerting her dark will over them!

    "/Gimmie That./"

    Nettie's familiar spirit goes and flits over to Gabby as she makes her entrance, the ol' Pirate giving a cry of "Be careful, Lass! This is one of the Big Ones, hang back if you're not absolutely sure!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn rolls her eyes as Illyana makes a dramatic entrance though she beams and smiles at Dr Strange, who HAD once upon a time, promised to teach her more advanced magic techniques. "Hi! Don't forget about me!" she waves at newcomers like Gabby and Strange..That vampire girl is given a wary glance though, is she friend or foe?

But there is a battle at hand, and it seems the portals are not so much dropping monsters as sucking up random objects and dumping them elsewhere. She yelps, swinging her dagger at anything that comes in too close, but it seems they will have to take out the Necromancer to stop this mayhem.

She narrows her eyes, flying in the air a bit higher, darting nimbly between random portal blow ups, trying to get in closer to the Necromancer, "Seriously! I thought I was the Faerie of Chaos!"

Sunrise Aberdeen has posed:
The pale skater whirls when Gabby appears behind her, and she snarls a bit. Sharp, white fangs are in place of normal eyeteeth. "I THOUGHT I smelt something off. Were you -following- me?," the girl demands. She pauses, then, as she gets a better look at the other people present. Her fangs vanish, sliding back into normal teeth like something out of a movie. She turns, then, and furrows her brow a bit.

"Huh. That's Doctor Strange...," Sunrise mutters to herself. "That's -totally- Doctor Strange." She notices Nettie, then, and she blinks. "Oh. Um. Hey." Why does she suddenly look like an awkward teenager?

The girl sees Ilyana's costume shift, then, and she blinks. "Rad."

The necromancer's dismissive words in her direction makes her narrow her eyes, and she glances in his direction. "Hey. Rude."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a rather fierce grin at Illyana's greeting in turn, which only deepens into an entirely mischeivious look when Nettie snaps at her. "That is MY magic, Nettie!" comes her quick response to the airborne witch.

Sunrise, whom she's closer to, is responded to with a very simple, "Yes, I was, and be lucky I was at this point. Also hope you can fight?" She wasn't sure, but she doesn't really seem put off by the whole fang thing. Especially as her own hands come up into fists and claws pop free. The single long bone claw from the back of each hand is not aimed at the young vampire so much as the 'old one' that was about to attack. They were different from the last time Illyana had seen them for they now radiated a moonlit glow of enchantment to best be used against things of a magical nature.

"Gotcha, Corvax. Don't think we have time to wonder though! Megan please tell me you have your knife on you!" She calls out even as she lunges to slice a shambling THING that was coming too close for comfort.

Stephen Strange has posed:
Those portals simply have to go. And those pesky reanimated corpses. Those are a nuisance for the party guests and...they may be of use for Stephen, too.

"Well, I would hope you forgive if we make this just a little difficult for you. After all, we wouldn't want you to be bored. Or us, for that matter." Even as Stephen speaks, his hands are in motion. The myriad of portals opened by Gath reduce in number, until it seems that there are maybe two left. One...positioned right above Gath's floating form itself.

And the other? It appears to be controlled by Strange. And...it swoops in, engulfing one of the shambling corpses that Gath has animated. Though, instead of disappearing into oblivion, it would seem that Strange did a little conjoining...for as the corpse disappears into one, it falls out of the other, aimed for the lich itself.

With the corpse acting as a distraction of sorts, Strange immediately uses the brief window to conjure up a response. "Let us see how you fare with the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak..." With that, Strange's arms cross, thumb tips touching each other, then pull down quickly, hands flaring down and out, palms downward. It serves two purposes. The portal dispels...and red bands descend from the void immediately above the former portal, dropping down to encircle the necromancer and threatening to bind. Should they succeed, few have the power to resist.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    Illyana laughs at Megan in a shimmer of breaking ice and soughing tides. "You have four foot tall wings, baboshka. How would they miss them? If you have a problem, we can talk after." The armour clambers up her arm and locks into place, and glazes across her tall boots in hoarfrost greaves and cuisses. Thin plates flow with her instead of hindering her, another shared gift with her big brother. But the symmetry sadly doesn't extend to physically yeeting Kulan-Gath over a cliff. "Don't you have pretty jewelry! And very good moves, both of you," for this includes the Greywitch, Gabby of the magnificent claws, and a fine-plumed crow. Both must be all; English numerical grammar rules are tough to Slavic-speakers.
    A brief clarification comes for Sunrise. "Magik." Yes, isn't it? She pivots to fall into Stephen's right, outright anticipating the Sorcerer Supreme in his dominion against another dark arcanist up to absolutely the standard fare of no good. His scarred hands outstretch to command and shape the magical energy he summoned is a mirrored in the stance taken up by the Demon Queen of Limbo. The position guards his back squared off as they are. She forms intricate gestures with her hands that infuse a set of glowing sigils wrapped in ethereal electric-blue flame. Swirling eldritch tendrils wreathe her and tease the Cloak's hem how a cat rubs against mortal shins and ankles, evincing a peculiar familiarity. When the crackling blood-red filaments emerge into the world under Stephen's command, her eyes momentary flash the same crimson hue.
    Her aura pools around them in a wavering lens that magnifies the fabric of space into stained glass panes, segmented patches of space separated by the deepening azure light instead of lead welds. "Catch, <<dusha moya>>."
    Arcane energy follows the splintered fracture lines through the dimensional convergence, joining them in a mystical bridge. Limbo, its might and its terror, floods through the sorceress into Stephen himself.

Emma Frost has posed:
Portals flash and appear all over as Pixie dodges and evades them! THey're tricky things - not only sucking up matter, but also magical energies. They had the potential to yank a portal off course- and her wiht them if she wasn't careful! But she was a master teleporter and dodger, so she could handle it. She's able to ge thigh enough to evade them and to have a clear view o fthe battle and take a few moments to come up with a plan and attack, if she wished to.

Nettie's power goes to launch out over as she goes to reach over to two of those huge, bony beasts of a corpse that had been thrown together and stapled among. She goes to even as Gath is focused on the 'real show' of the Sorcerors Supreme where Nettie is able to yank forth two of them! She has two huge beasts of broken at her beck and call - fully animated, functional, and something twisted and macabre from a time long, long dead ago. And now she could move to bust some heads (Or corpses).

Gabby can dive through the fight fairily handily - she's still just to Gath the resident little pet and plaything, and is of no consequence whatsoever. THe dismissal is automatic, even as her bone claws go to pop out and she moves to slash through along with Sunny of the monsters attacking them. THey were still huge constructs - flesh and bone golems and whatever other animated tissues there were in it. Blades cut through them fine. Arms rended them apart just as easy.

As Strange goes toyank free the last remaining corpse shambling along that had been summoned by Gath, it's flung through the air over at the ancient Necromancer! He's too busy playing with them and is a bit caught up when Strange shows some actual creatiivty. What he might think he could match for the Strange in power he cannot match for the Doctor and the Missus. The magics of Limbo cancel out and overrule other magics wihtin their bounds, after all. THe Crimson Bands of Cyrrotak, among Strange's more potent spells, and one of his signature ones, seemingly, goes to lash out and over, binding the floathing Lich's frame as he goes tos truggle as the bands would wrap around him! Even as Gath howls!

NOw he goes for another trick, however, even as the two go to hold him down! There's a crushing sound. Then more and more as things start to detonate!

Pre-placed charges are activated as the ancient castle starts to shudder and break apart! Ancient metals and booby traps starting to erupt and frenzy!

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    It had been a long time since Nettie had come up against another necromancer. She breathes out. She takes a deep breath in, and her too-blue-to-be-natural-eyes narrow as she breathes out in a quiet word of command.

    "Rip them away"

    The two beasts turn, shambling as Nettie's own magic augments the creatures, the willful witch winds her energy with theirs as Corvax gives a loud crow, flying off Gabby's shoulder as she lunges, and returning to the witch hanging upside-down from her broom, her gloved hands outstretched as she cackles with laughter.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts at Gabby, slashing and slicing at any creepiest that get in her way. "It's a *dagger* not a knife! Big diff!" but she's a little busy right now to make a similar retort to Illyana, who, she simply shoots an evil glare at as she tries to carve a path through the myriad of undead starting to swarm her. Luckily she's up high enough and moving fast enough not to get dragged down by the horde.

It looks like the heavy hitters are honing in on The Necromancer so she just focuses on clearing a path through undead, grateful for Dr Strange dissipating many of the portals along the way. She smiles and nods to him in thanks. But this is getting ridiculous.

"Alright then, time to clear out some trash!" She flutters higher into the air, spreading her wings and fluttering them at blinding speeds as she dumps a shower of glittering pink faerie dust on the Necromancer from above, hoping to confuse or blind him enough that one of the others can finish him off!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
While Nettie lets loose, and the Sorcerers Supreme play with portals in the nastiest of ways, Gabby fixes her attention on keeping anything from escaping this general area. From one to another she moves, slicing and slashing without mercy so that soon there's an array of deader bodies strewn on the ground. They were attacking, she was containing to the best of her ability so that they weren't going to perhaps wander off and cause more damage elsewhere to less skilled people.

A little sniff to the air is given as she pauses between creatures with nose crinkled. The smell was atrocious but--There was more that had tickled at her senses. With some alarm she calls out, "Bombs! We can't stay here much longer!" True to her word things begin to shake in the castle in response to the charges that had been set by their current target.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
    The evil glare is lost on Illyana, given the rather substantial task she musters at the moment. Inviting the ocean's worth of magical energy to rip through the proverbial Pillars of Hercules could run amok if she loses any of her concentration to stampeding undead chimerae or conversation. Her forehead wrinkles in the effort to direct the cascade into Doctor Strange at a speed he can absorb without being completely flattened or his own spells being adversely impacted. The light show has an impressive effect considering the stained glass shards that ripple and spin in rather enchanting patterns.
    Charges stink when they go off and she fights off a sneeze. No mere mortal reaction will stop her. It does stop the arcane flood to a trickle, and she shifts to put herself back to back with the Sorcerer Supreme. "How long do we stay? Things exploding hurt them, da?"
    Another spray of rock or a collapsing beam won't really hurt the Demon Queen. She has armour to see to that, more of it forming around her protectively. The Cloak around Strange is adept at tossing things off or floating him out of danger. She cannot fully see and only support. The convenient out for teleportation via stepping disk is a bit limited too by amping him up.

Emma Frost has posed:
The bad guy -always- has a self destruct system built into their ancient Tomb of Horrors. Anyone who has seen movies or played the scenario in an RPG knows this. As soon as the bad guy seems to be losing they detonate the place to book it or so they 'take them down wtih them'. Gath? Gath, despite his near dead-yet-again nature doesn't seem to stop or tarry.

No taunts, no statements of 'this cannot be' or 'I cannot lose' or 'I will take you with me'. He's too old for that kind of s***.

So, as soon as there's the slightest maneuver for him to break free as everything collapses and the group is focused on bracing the magically detonating traps and the ancient lair collapsing about them.. His body goes to shudder, flopping down over like a puppet that had it's strings cut. Just whatever latest meatsack he had. Apparently one he wasn't that attached too.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "And here I thought we were all having fun --" Nettie grins, her mouth turning a little too wide, teeth a little too--

    "/NETTIE/." Corvax squawks, "Get the girls!"

    "-- oh, right, right --" Nettie turns about, wheeling in the air, and dives down, gloved hands reaching out for Gabby (and presumably for poor Sunrise).

    "Right then, duckies, it is time for us to make our escape back to the Candle -- shall we go?" she offers a ride on the Besom to get the *heck* out of a collapsing evil castle.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
There is a lot of epic magic and general badassery being thrown around..You'd think it's enough to defeat the baddie but of course he makes a quick getaway to live another day..And lives an explosion in his wake. "Darnit, I can't believe it!" she takes to the skies, trying her best to dodge out of the way of exploding debris..

Fortunately it seems Nettie has the vampire girl and Gabby covered, and no doubt Strange and Magick have their own escape route, So she opens her own portal, fleeing to safety, vanishing from sight.


Gabby Kinney has posed:
For a split second there is contemplation. Gabby could simply retreat through one of Illyana's portals. She'd been through enough of them before--But who knew where it went? Or when? Her old friend's story was known well enough to her about how tricky traversing through Limbo could be without a proper guide.

Luckily she doesn't have to make the decision since she finds herself scooped up by Nettie along with the poor unfortunate vamp teen that had ended up here entirely by accident. That was a seperate matter to deal with later.

"Thanks Nettie. Let's go before it starts to smell like a barbecue in here please?" her nose was already scrunching at the thought.

Stephen Strange has posed:
How very cliche of Gath. Rigging up the castle to explode the moment things start to go south? Second oldest rule in the book. Stephen would have words to say about the whole thing. But, well, explosions. And falling chucks of castle. Not necessarily the best place to spout verbose on the lack of creativity of an ancient undead sorcerer...

...who apparently shed his meat suit the moment concentration was broken. Ah....the third oldest rule. Stephen does mutter out one word in response.


But now it is time to go. Taking a moment to take stock of the situation, Strange checks off the ticks. Nettie saving Gabby and her vampiric friend? Quarry? Check. Megan poofing out? Double Check. Which leaves Stephen and Illyana left to fend for themselves.

Fortunately, that is not hard at all. Perhaps it is an after-effect of the mystical charge his better half provided to Stephen. Perhaps it is just because he has it in his mind. Regardless of the case, instead of the usual spinning of the sling ring and exiting via the sparkling shower of his usual portals, Stephen makes a gesture that is extremely similar to Illyana's own method, fabricating a 'stepping disk' of his own. The power there...it certainly is reminiscent of Illyana's own, with just the faintest hint of brilliant blue that could only be from his own mystical reserve. And yes...it is most definitely a portal to Limbo, just like Illyana would do.

With that, Stephen calls out. "I do believe the party is over, Illyana. We should go." He turns to call out to Team Broom, adding a quick wave before he steps through the disk. "We simply must do this again. Just...less explosions." Then...a hand extends to Illyana to take, then a step...and the good Doctor vanishes from view.

Emma Frost has posed:
And it ends the way it always does. Abandoned underground castle buried beneath however much debris is thus rendered debris itself as it's master sacrifices it and it's ancient structure over to fuel his own departure. THer'es one more pockmarked explosion underground of a thousands of years old abandoned temple and castle, home of a great evil and a wretched thing.

That now has one less lair to flee and hide to. They'll get him next time..