10183/Ride 'Em Cowgirl
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Ride 'Em Cowgirl | |
Date of Scene: | 19 February 2022 |
Location: | Long Night Bar |
Synopsis: | In which there is a Mercenary Mutant reunion and much blackout drinking that will happen |
Cast of Characters: | Sarah Rainmaker, Billy Kaplan, Cindy Moon, Inez Temple, Wade Wilson, Gabby Kinney, Neena Thurman
- Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The Long Night is a Brooklyn Institution. And has been for a long time. Sarah Rainmaker is currently sitting at the bar counter, where she's sipping over slowly at a drink with a frilly umbrella in it that's rather too sweet. Currently, the jukebox is playing something melancholy over. She's quiet and has a few bruises on her that are healing, merely leaving some darker hues on her skin.
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy is exhaling from a vape as he walks in the front door. He tucks the device into one of the pockets of his leather jacket. He peers around with the look and body language of someone who hasn't been here before. He just...looks like he doesn't belong. He goes to the bar and asks for a cold beer on tap. He bartender gives him a smirk and asks for ID. Billy seems to be murmuring something under his breath as he pulls a Subway Club card from his pocket it and shows it to the bartender. Apparently Subway cards are good here because he gets Billy the beer. Leaving a ten on the bar top to pay for the beer and tip, Billy goes to a table and sits down.
- Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy's had a rough few weeks at the office. On a whim, she decided to go to the bar. Luckily, she has just the thing.
Silk dusts her hands as she surveys the fruits of her labor. Six grubby dudes webbed up for the police in their fake id manufactory. Just another day of petty crime dealt with. She looks around and spots something out of the corner of her eye. "Huh. What's this?"
Cindy shows her id to the bouncer, doing her best to look bored and not nervous. The big bald dude squints at the picture and then at Cindy, shrugs and hands it back, motioning her in. (So what if the birthday says she's like 30?)
Cindy is back at the arcade machines with a tall Electric Lemonade in the cup holder as she fights through a multiplayer beat-em-up based on the AVENGERS. (She's playing as Captain America.)
- Inez Temple has posed:
The door bursts open with a well-placed boot and in strolls a laughing Inez, arm around a pretty young woman on her right and a handsome young man on her left, "And he said, 'Its a piiiiiiiiineapple.'! Get it?" The trio burst into another round of laughter as Inez releases the duo and gives them a push nudge towards the bar, "Y'all go get settled, I'll be right there after I see to this music box yonder." That Texas twang is unmistakable, really. It's as loud and proud as the woman herself. Even as she heads to the juke, she waves a wad of cash at the bartender, "Beers for the bar! My friends there just got barely escaped bein' mugged on these mean streets and we're CELEBRATIN'!!" Thankfully, she does not 'make it rain'. Instead, she digs around in her pockets for quarters. No quarters. Tch. She shrugs and plugs in a 5 dollar bill and starts flipping through, pushing buttons and selecting a list of good dancing tunes (mostly country).
"WOO! Now we can BOOGIE!" Despite the cold, she's in cowboy boots, denim cutoff shorts, a crop top, and a leather duster like out of a cowboy movie. To top it off, there's a battered stetson atop her pretty blond hair. Making her way to the bar, she flashes a grin and wink at Sarah along the way, "Hey there. Wanna join me an' m'friends here? We don't bite, promise." Then she's sidling on down to join the young couple and flashes a grin at them as she passes the stack of cash to the bartender.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"I'm just saying if you don't have Wham! playing at least once a day, you're not doing a secret lair right" Wade says to a companion as he enters the bar. He's not hiding the face today, wearing a black hoodie with -his own stencil- on the front of it, (where he gets these things is anyone's guess), with the hood up. From the look of it, he -is- wearing his work suit underneath the hoodie though if the red and black leather is any indicator.
The look he gets from the doorman, a jerk back and a green tinge coming to the man's face, doesn't seem to phase him any. Especailly since it allows his companion (and three later patrons) to enter without needing to be carded. "And that's why I can join the X-men. There taste in music is terrible." He says as he slides onto a bar stool and holds up two fingers to the bartender before pointing before himself and Gabby.
His eyes scan over the bar, taking note of who his head (and the greater cosmic universe) knows and who he doesn't. He blinks as his eyes fall on Inez. "That's... odd..." he says almost soto vocce as he watches the woman for a longer moment before looking over the rest of those gathered.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney walks alongside Wade apparently completely unaware of the fact that she should be disturbed by his facial scars. She bore her own though no where near as severe as his. Still, it does help her to walk right in, allowing her to slip the ID she'd begun to pull out of her own hoodie pocket right back in. Her own hoodie was a little less 'flashy' than his, though it did have some nice little yellow stripes down the sleeves that look3ed as if someone had sewn the differing fabric into place.
"Oh, no yeah, usually the only time the music is good is if one of the younger group is running the training sims, y'know? Though I guess Ellie's choice in music is a bit much even for me." There's a pause as she considers it, only to shrug indifferently. "I mean it'd be *great* for a fight, but not really music to get down to otherwise. I like something more upbeat. Oh!"
"Did someone say something about a pineapple!? That reminds me of a joke! Did you hear the one about the cannibals and the three explorers?" She barely pauses to catch her breath before stating, "I want something fruity with an umbrella and enough alcohol to knock a mule on it's ass. I mean. I guess an ass and a mule are the same thing but you know what I mean."
Even as she rambles her attention hasn't totally slipped away from Wade as she drops her voice to ask, "Something wrong?" Her own gaze sweeps around only to light up spotting a familiar face or two. "Oh, Sarah's here, been ages..."
- Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The suddenly entering blonde woman in the cowboy outfit has Sarah Rainmaker spinning over on her seat. And giving a laugh as she would evaluate her attire. And 'just avoided being mugged' has her look over in light interest and amusement. Wondering if the cowgirl was the one that had done the mugging or instigated it at all. She would muse over then and raise up her glass. "So I supposes that means that your rescuees will be buying a round for their savior and everyone else that will be participating in a toast before they make their police report?"
The man entering with the hoodie is not noticed. He has done nothing to really stand out to her so far (woe will of course likely be inevitable for her lack of awareness).
The others going in and out mostly getting glances at. Sarah's not had any sort of real buzz yet and is just taking her first drink slowly. A very sweet thing made up of ice and lots of rum and sugar. So nothing that she's in any rush to get through.
Then as Gabby turns towards her, Sarah sould shift in ehr seat as recognition would dawn. "And definitely make sure they get one for her!" Pointing over at Gabby while not making out all the bits on the joek going along. Some things she just couldn't act her age about.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena manages to be patron #3 that doesn't get carded--not that she'd have to worry about it, she's old enough to get into the bar, but that would mean digging around in her jacket and pulling out her wallet and... ugh, that's just a hassle. Is she following Wade and Gabby? Not really. Not at all. She just happened to decide to stroll up to the bar when they came in. That's how things tend to go, for her.
She doesn't really pay attention to the two mutants, though, because /another/ mutant has grabbed her attention, the blonde making all the noise and handing stacks of cash to the bartender. "Oh my God, why didn't you tell me you're in New York!" Domino herself is impossible to miss or mistake, with her pale skin and the spot over her eye; evidently by the way she's grinning she recognizes Inez.
- Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy kind of passively watches the various strangers (some stranger than others) who enter the bar. Who knew this little neighborhood bar would be so hoppin'. After several minutes he gets up from his seat and heads back out into the cold.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"I sometimes... get a feeling about people... it's more complicated than that but... that's what I'm going with for sake of brevity" Wade says, taking a long pull from the bottle that's placed in front of him. "Even people I don't know I get a sense that I should know them or that they're... important in some way."
He points to Inez and watches as Domino--one of his best friends--seems to know the woman. "I get -nothing- from her. And that's... concerning. Very concerning." He sips again and resumes people watching. "You know her?" he asks, giving his 'sister' a glance. "I mean, that get up in this weather, she's got to be a mutant, right?"
- Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy has, apparently, powered through this game and her drink, leaning down to somehow drink through the straw and keep eyes on the screen at the same time, fingers flashing over the buttons.
Her double-take at Inez's flashy entrance makes her take a couple hits from the worst boss ever. THE WIZARD.
She mutters to herself, only Gabby might hear it. "I helped kick your ass a couple months ago you...!"
Then she double-takes again at Wade. Less for the scars and more that she recognizes the outfit. She whispers to herself once more. "Holy crap, that's Deadpool! ... Or a really good costu--"
"CONTINUE?!" Bellows the arcade machine. She turns back to it to see The Wizard gloating over the downed Captain America. She pats her hips before she remembers that sweater-dresses don't usually have pockets. By the time she rummages in her purse, the countdown ends.
"Aw man."
She takes solace in her ridiculously boozy drink.
- Inez Temple has posed:
"Police? Pshaw, no need for the police t'be involved. Was just some young punk wanted to make a couple bucks quick. Gave 'im a couple smacks and sent him along... DOMINO!" Inez is up and off the stool in a heartbeat, wrapping up her friend in a hug and lifting her off the floor. "I jes' got in! Ain't even been to the hotel yet! How are ya, darlin'?" She grins before setting Domino back on the floor, still smiling at her friend as she calls out, "Wade Winston Wilson, don't think I didn't see yer face o'er there, ya chiseler!" Without missing a beat, she glances over her shoulder and pins him with an eagle-eyed stare, "This where ya run off to, eh?"
She flashes a grin at Gabby, winking at her, "Hey there' darlin'. Order whatever ya want, it's on my tab." She makes shoo'ing motions to the bartender to get rolling with the drinks!
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena yelps as she's picked up off the floor, but it's good-natured. "Busy, is how I am. I live on an /asteroid/ now, can you believe that? Up in space." She points at the ceiling. "And how are--" Oh. Oh, right. Inez and Wade.
She responds to the tension by leaning against the bar and folding her arms across her chest. She waves at Gabby, she's seen her a couple of times... but she's seen a lot of mutants a couple of times. "You might want to take the offer," she notes drolly. "I think he's about to get punched. Hi Wade! Look who's back!"
She idly orders herself a beer over her shoulder and settles in to watch the fireworks. Does anyone have popcorn? She looks around at the others in the bar with the look of someone inviting others to join in the fun. And also looking for popcorn.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Hi Sarah!" Gabby greets when the woman points her way. The loud greeting would of course be enough in this bar but she opts to throw in a quickly raised hand waving in a manner that was enthusiastic to say the least. "Yep," she says aside to her 'big brother' quieter. "One of the crew I have been known to hang with. She's cool," she adds reassuring him that they were in a 'good spot'. She doesn't hear Cindy unfortunately, though the familiar sounds of a game being LOST are easy to pick out. Either way for the moment she considers Wade.
"Kinda like a ..." She thinks momentarily. "Like a 'Pooly Sense'? I mean we all seem to have weird little tidbits we can do and dad goes on and on about intuition so maybe it's related in that way."
The rambling is lost when Inez greetins Wade. THAT causes her to pause and sloowly turn toward Wade with her eyes sinking half shut. The expression changes to a far more serious one, hands on hips, as she asks, "I knew your middle name couldn't be 'Bad Ass McFuck'em'up'." Also... To Inez she flashes a huge grin. "Sweet, thanks! I wanna Kamikaze! And please don't punch my brother kay thanks."
- Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance at Gabby, "Well good to see you again. You seem to have gotten into.. Interesting company." Looking over at Inez, then at the others. "I feel like I'm the only one in the room not fluent wiht the rest of you. Perhaps a round of introductions are in order. Since I'm the one making the acquaintances." Particularly if they would be the ones paying for the drinks. "I suppose that makes me the odd one out." And probably the only one in the conversation that wasn't a mutant either! She was just so geneticlaly plain.
- Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy grumbles at the arcade machine and turns away from it, shuffling to the bar, slurping the dregs of her drink through the straw. She sets the glass down as she finds a seat. "'nother one, please," she asks politely.
She looks at the assembled a little wide eyed. Sure, she's Silk. She hangs out with Spider-Man and does Spider Things, but there's X-Men and adjacent folks here. This is neat.
The guy behind the bar delivers her new drink. (Author's Note: An Electric Lemonade is a Long Island Iced Tea where the cola is replaced with lemon-lime soda. Dangerous) She takes it in hand and sips.
T-Minus about half an hour to obliteration.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade blinks at Inez as she calls his name. His -full name-. (Yes, go ahead and make WWW jokes already, the 90s will be calling in a few minutes.) He still has enough presence to grin at Gabby, "But Badass McFuck'em'up just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? And we can go with Pooly Sense, I mean everything else I am is claimed to be nicked from Pete, why not that too?" Who Pete is is anyone's guess.
He looks back at Inez. "...Run off to?" he asks, and looks at Domino for some sort of help. It's unlikely he's going to get any from there. "I... this is going to sound weird. I don't think I've ever asked -anyone- this question before but... do I know you?" he asks the Stetson wearing woman, doing his -absolute best- to keep his eyes on her face. It's realy hard with her outfit giving off so much other interesting things to look at, after all.
Sarah's call for introductions gets an agreeable nod. "I'm Deadpool... as S--Cindy there let loose just a moment ago and yes, Wade Winston Wilson is my full name as..." he glances back to Inez. "I -really- have no fucking clue who you are..." he says looking at her with astonishment plain in his face and voice.
- Inez Temple has posed:
"Ooooooo, sweetie, that's a mighty big ask. Ya don't know what he's done t' deserve gettin' punched," Inez sends a wince towards Gabby before lifting a shrug and offering a faint grin. She flicks a galnce to Domino and lifts a brow, silently asking if Domino knows why Wade was gone. And then. Then comes Wade himself. Drawing in a deep breath, she swings around to face him, digging through the pocket of her duster to pull out a bricklike smartphone in special casing that still manages to have a crack through the screen. Flipping through the phone, she finds a photo album and looks back to him with a gimlet stare.
"Don't know me, huh? Funny. Ya knew me plenty well enough when ya MARRIED ME." She flips the phone around and starts slow-scrolling through the pictures. There's Nick Fury, marrying them. There's all the assorted mercenaries, vigilantes, and super heroes that make up their weird family of friends. And yep! There's Wade, in his suit, and a tux over it. There's Outlaw, wedding dress and a cowboy had. Yep. That's the kiss. Pictures from the reception. Dancing, cake, some terrible karaoke. And there's... oops, better not show the honeymoon pics. She closes out of the album, fists on hips, "Now y'all give me ONE good reason I don't beat this man senseless right now."
- Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy is there, minding her own business and drinking her jet fuel when Inez drops the bomb on Wade.
She does, in fact, spit her drink everywhere. "WHAT?!"
Then she clamps a hand to her mouth, flushing bright, bright red.
- Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would watch from Wade to Cindy to Inez and givea a wave, "Hello there. A pleasure to meet you." The name Deadpool doesn't have any immediate recognition on her face. She's rather good at keeping it passive. So she would spin it around as if the name had never been heard before and she only knew of it in the venue of 'Kiss-Fuck-Kill'. Going to rest her hands on her lap and wait for the drink to come along.
"You seem like me. Knowing some of the people here, but not all of them." Spoken to Inez. "Well, I only know one of them, at least in small passing." She would give a grin at Gabby. "And lovely to run into you again. It has been awhile. I admittedly spend very little time in the city so that's my own fault."
The spittaking of Cindy would have her glance to make sure that the girl wasn't choking.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh, introductions are good," Gabby agrees as everyone gathers around. So far, in spite of the mention of Wade potentially getting punched she's having a great time. "I'm Gabby Kinney, Wade's little sister kinda sorta anyway we're going with it our family is kinda messed up anyway and more family is better right?" Convinced of this she nods solemnly more in agreement with her own thoughts on the matter.
"It would be a pretty cool middle name. I just took my sister Zelda's name as my middle name after she died. Her grave is pretty near here, we should visit later," she prattles on even as she leans forward to look at the pictures on the phone. "It's okay Sarah, I've been busy over in Gotham helping out with a team there that actually wants my help. Got tired of being told I'm too young this and that."
It's there she pauses considering very, very hard with her jaw setting in a grim line at the reveal of the photos. HM. HMMmmmMMmmm.
She was trying here! Then it strikes her.
"Wait. WAIT. You were married to him?!" Her eyes go wide, she glances back at the now moved phone, and then grins gleefully while clapping her hands together. "That means you're my sister-in-law! EEEE! I've never had a sister-in-law before! This is so cool it's great to meet you we're gonna be besties I know it!"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade searches his memory banks. He saw the pics. He was -in- them. But... why doesn't he remember this babe... wait... "How long ago?" he asks, looking between Inez and Domino. "Like... when did that happen?" he asks. "Cause I have a -very- funny story about why I don't remember something -that- important." He is married. Oh shit. He is married. That's going to complicate like... everything.
"Look. You're more than attractive and I love women with accents and given that we already clearly did the do, I -should- know you. I know I should. There's only one me out there... well actually there's like 27 but..." he shrugs. "If it happened anytime before two years ago. I sort of fell. Off a building. That was being constructed. And landed in a pile of rebar. And well, rebar and my skull don't mix well it would seem. It likes to poke holes in my brain. A lot of them like to poke a lot of holes in there."
He sighs. "I'm... what I'm trying to say is that it seems what went missing during the recovery is everything about who you are. To me. To the world. And... that really fucking sucks, because... damn."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena waves at Sarah easily. "Hey, I'm Neena, or Domino, whichever floats your boat." She's trying not to laugh. She's /trying/ not to laugh.
She laughs.
"/Were/ married? They're /still/ married." She shakes her head. "I've been /waiting/ for you to figure it out, I thought, 'hey maybe Wade just got cold feet, it's not /my/ job to knock him over the head and drag him back to her,' but then there was the whole head trauma business, so... I figured I'd keep an eye out. Make sure nothing happened."
She gestures toward Wade, generally. "Something happened, though, while I was off... busy." She gives Outlaw an apologetic look. "He's been /mostly/ behaving, really. I'm sure he'll remember if you give his neurons time to heal. He says that takes the longest."
- Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance over at Wade, then at Inez, thena t Neena and give another sip of her drink. "Pleasure to meet you. Sarah." SHe's.. Well, certainly -confused- here. But she doesn't know any of them and the dynamic seems to be working. She's looking sadly over at the man in the sense of he really as far as the others are reacting -can't- remember anything. Which has her eyes go dark for a moment in her own recollections.
Watching at the group dynamics in thought.
- Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy waves off the attention. She's fine. She just never expected to 1) Run into Deadpool in a random bar and 2) learn that he's married to an exceptionally attractive cowgirl.
She drinks her drink, and plays spider on the wall, just soaking up the gossip.
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez points to Cindy and gives a nod, "See? THAT is th' appropriate response. I like ya." She flashes a smile towards Cindy, still wearing it as she looks to Sarah. "I know Wade. And Domino. And the.. well, the couple looks like they skedaddled." She holds a hand out to Sarah, "Inez Temple, folk in the know call me Outlaw. Good t' meetcha." Her grip, while careful, is FIRM. She's trying very hard to not let it be painfully firm. Thus, its kept purposely brief.
Gabby now. Gabby warrants a closer examination. She even lights up at being called a 'sister-in-law'. "I ain't never had siblings b'fore. Reckon I'd like that." She reaches down and scoops Gabby up with one arm, giving him a big ol' (careful) hug! "Glad to have ya, darlin'." Setting Gabby back down, she turns back to Wade. Who seems to have finally arrived at a conclusion.
"...huh." There's a hard expression on her face, a suspicious one, lips pursed up as she stares at him. Then she lets out a breath and gives a nod, "Yeah, that... that actually sounds a lot like ya, Wade." And just like that, she's smiling again, grabbing him up in a spin and smooching his cheek with a pat to his butt, "Alright, yer off the hook. Fer the disappearance. We're gonna have t' talk bout anythin' else, Wade. Yer cute but..." She shakes a finger at him before sidling back over to Domino.
Arm slung around her friend, she grins, "Yer th' best, Dom. Simply th' best. Yeah, t' be honest? I roamed around lookin' fer 'im fer awhile, but I had some charges come up from some past stuff we done, and I hadta lay low fer awhile t' let the statute of limitations run out on it." She winks, then grins, "So it has, an' now I'm back!"
- Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would take a moment to glance over at Deadpool, hten at Inez, "In the event that you are maritally separated but seeking an amicable split up.. I presume that the marriage is still considered binding legally for all purposes in bureaucracy? In that case, you should be able to arrange a split, which in turn would mean that you.." She would point over at Inez. "Would be entitled to part of his estate. Generally half of it is considered appropriate if you would wish to neogtiate over it to allow it to lapse."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows the conversation to flow around her as it seems that for the moment her attention was solidly split. There were so many things going on that she just snaps her gaze to and fro to keep up with the different strings of conversation.
"Oh, right, yeah my sister Laura says that getting shot in the head makes memories hard to get back too," she has to agree when Wade mentions what she shall now and forever after refer to as The Rebar Incident. "That's why I generally try to wear body armor and stuff," she adds in though it was unncessary. Inez's attention returning to her earns a rather warm and friendly grin as she was being quite genuine with her excitement over the matter.
When Inez goes in for that one-arm-pick up she's quite happy to throw her arms around her in a big hug of her own. "Yes! Great to meet you Inez!" Does she say her name again? Nah. When let back down she just bounces on the balls of her feet a moment before going, "Oh I should get a drink right? We should all like, celebrate the reunion! And yeah you guys should talk but..." Well. Now wasn't the best time right? So she snags a beer and takes a big gulp only to make a fussy face when it goes down. "This is not at all like root beer. One of them is lying about the name."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade relaxes visibly as Inez lets him free without anymore than a kiss, and hug, and a butt squeeze. If only everything were so simple. He's touching his cheek where the woman kissed him as he nods dumbly. "Umm... yeah... we really do need to talk about... things..." His memory is -trying- to bridge the gap in his head where everything about the woman resided but it just can't seem to make the jump.
He looks too Gabby and gives her a weak thumbs up before returning his attention to Cindy. "Okay... I know who you are... but you seem to know who -I- am and that makes my nose itch so... how do you know me?" he asks the woman, "Especially since only special people get to see this." He gestures to his face before jerking his head to Sarah.
"Can't get a divorce. I'm a Catholic it's against the rules, I think. Been a while since I went to a church so... I'll just roll with it. Besides, are you seeing this..." he gestures to Inez. "You think I'm dumb enough to divorce -her-? She'd break me in half and claim my lower bits as part of the settlement probably."
- Cindy Moon has posed:
A look at Cindy's drink would show that it's better than half gone. She is drinking doubles. This means she has consumed almost ten (10) shots of liquor. Even her enhanced RADIOACTIVE METABOLISM can't handle all of that so quickly. She sets her glass on the bar, swaying slightly.
It's hard to tell at this point whether she's making eyes at people as she's looking at them, or if she's just doing the Drunk Look.
Why not both?
Wade asks her a question, and she quints. "I ... Uh. ... It's the suit. Under the hoodie. ... I guessed?" Her words are a little slurred. And she giggles slightly. This certainly has nothing to do with the fact that she's a spider person. Nope.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino grins at Outlaw. "No, /you're/ the best, and I'm not just saying that because you can outshoot me sometimes." Hey, that's a big deal; Neena /never/ misses. Hardly ever, anyway.
She looks to Sarah and says, "Wade... kinda... he can survive almost anything, which includes head trauma, which evidently made him wander off and forget he was /married/." She rolls her eyes. "But honestly, they get along great when he remembers her, I say give it another shot! It'll be exciting. Like getting to do the honeymoon all over again." There's a sad look in her eyes.
Then she eyes Gabby. "Oh, /this/ is the elusive 'sister'! Hi! And no, root beer is /lying/, it's nothing like actual beer. Sometimes I like it better, though. You've gotta get used to beer, mostly by drinking enough to be drunk enough not to care what it tastes like." She's /helping/.
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez glances sidelong to Sarah and murmurs, "That ain't a half-bad idea... he regenerates fully when a piece breaks off.. both the piece an' th' main." Winking, she straightens and grins at Wade, "Hey, we been through some weird shit t'gether. If I can't cut ya some slack fer havin' rebar impaled through yer... oh! Mebbe this will help." She digs her phone back out, flips to the honeymoon folder, and hands it to Wade with a wink, "Take a gander, sugarbear."
Then Domino is giving her the highest of compliments and she's beaming and plumped up all happy, "Awwww! Ya say th' sweetest things!!" She gives Domino a bit of a squeeze. Carefully! Then a quick glance and a brow lift, "We need t'talk later, sweetie? I'll bring th' booze, c'n crash at my hotel. We'll gab all night an' sleep all day." She offers a quick smile to her friend.
Then back to Gabby with a grin, "Hellfire, beer is jes' a warmup! Git my sister a rootbeer with rum! An' an umbrella!" She winks at Gabby, all too happy to add to the delinquency of a maybe? minor.
- Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance at the group and smirk, going to appreciate the view.. Right over as the phone would flip out and she would recognize what was going on and then rapidly avert it and -very- potently making sure to not loko or to make a face. I twas only polite. She would move to look at her won drink, rapidly drain it, and then put down the money for another. So much for that rather lovely little daydream she had been going through!
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade looks at Inez with wide eyes. "Oh... now I've gone and given her ideas... never good." He pauses as the phone his handed to him and the pictures he sees. "Oh... oh my... that doesn't..." he looks at Inez, "you can -do that-?" he asks her. He pulls out his phone and a few taps gets the entire album onto his own phone (for assiting his memory, of course.)
"Okay. Definitely going to have to talk if only to see if you and I are -truly- that flexible... because some of these..." he whistles. "Physiologically impossible doesn't begin to cut it." Another swipe. "Okay... definitely going to remember that one for later..." He doesn't seem to realize the fact that there is a young woman next to him who is his -sister- (mostly) and probably shouldn't be seeing him in such positions, but he's an equal opportunity educator. Maybe she'll learn something if she sees it in a photo. No one ever claimed Deadpool was a good role model.