10791/An Odd Discovery
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An Odd Discovery | |
Date of Scene: | 02 May 2022 |
Location: | Coney Island |
Synopsis: | A night at Coney Island is ruined by the discovery of a dead body...but how did it get there? |
Cast of Characters: | Micola Maximoff, Mary Jane Watson, Stefani Houston, Achilles, Zatanna Zatara, Tommy Shepherd, Pietro Maximoff, Elsa Bloodstone
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
With Spring blossoming nicely all over New York and the weather being nice that means that Coney Island is being open later and later since the season just started for tourists and warmer temperatures. This Monday night is no different. There is a little of everything here. The lights are bright and flashing, luring people in like moths to a flame.
The crowd has thinned a bit since the sun has started to go down, but the atmosphere is electric and noisy. It's fast paced and might be a bit overwhelming to first time visitors of the place. There are a few illusionists that are showing run of the mill card tricks and sleight of hand to people that pass by.
Micola looks like she fits in with this whole crowd tonight, but she's actually a bit distracted with thoughts as she people watches for the moment, her golden gaze a bit far when she's not focusing. Like she's looking through people at times. Maybe she's just weird? Next to her is black backpack which has her skates in it. There's a moment she looks to her phone before she taps in a text to someone.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would head on along, enjoying Coney Island. She's humming over while walking around and looking about at things going on. Pickpocket, pickpocket, armed person, armed person, overloaded party planner having to dress like a princess and thinking of going on a killing spree.. All the usuals, as far as she might be concerned on the boardwalk.
She's going to hum the tune to 'Cold Slither' while she would be out and enjoying herself in the sun and (what passed for) the beach.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani has been enjoying the offerings of Coney Island all evening. She'd wandered in a few hours ago, and was just walking around, spending money, and winning toys that she gives away to any kids she comes across. Currently she just used one of the target shooting games to win a giant teddy bear that she is giving away to two young girls that are wrapping their hands around it happily.
With a smile on her face, Stef waves goodbye to them, and turns to walk toward the bumper cars. She pauses near the fence area and places her forearms on the upper railing, taking a moment to just watch the cars bumping in to one another, with a big grin on her pale pink lips.
- Achilles has posed:
"I am telling you. You have got to try a Coney Island Dog. It's not like any other hot dog anywhere else." says Angelo in that -barely- there English accent of his. He is leading Zatanna towards a Hot Dog vendor cart after having already won the ginormous pink stuffed elephant toy at the 'marksman booth'.
Yes, he is carrying the giant pink floofy thing with one arm and hand, and hooking it over his shoulder as he approaches the vendor, all smiles and pride.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Brooklyn is the poor man's answer to the Caribbean. Sparkling blue waters and cloudless skies replaced by the grey turmoil of the Atlantic and spring bluster. No one risks getting conked on the head by an errant coconut. An errant hotdog, maybe.
Arm tucked under Angelo's, the Mistress of Sleight-of-Hand eyes both the carny booths and the hot dog stand dubiously. She gives Angelo a reluctant nod and lines up with him. "Everything?"
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
Said hot dog cart has only just been recently wiped clean of its cooked 'dogs, so Angelo and Zatanna will have to wait a few minutes while the man on the other side of the cart gets some fresh ones cooking on the flat top.
The reason? A kid sitting nearby, ass parked on the top of the bench and his feet on the actual seat part. Tommy's got a whole tray of dogs waiting on the bench next to him as he chows down, staring off into the middle distance. He's got a baseball cap pulled down low on his brow (repping the Nationals, a souvenir from a recent trip down to DC) and a hoodie thrown on over his t-shirt and jeans on account of the breeze coming off the water.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Well, this was interesting! A blur of green flashes through Brooklyn, in the direction of the famous Coney Island. Those who could track the blur with their enhanced sense, might recognize Pietro - though something is odd. He's got a one-strapped messenger bag over his shoulder, laden with a pair of high-tech looking rollerblades. He moves easily along the streets - dodging in and out of passersby with nary a slow down.
Into Coney Park, it would seem that he is all but a homing missile. Again, diving in and out of the crowd to stop alongside of Micola. "Hey there." He grins, looking around the park before turning his eyes on Micola. "Skating?" He winks, reaching out to spin one of the wheels on her skates.
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola slides her phone back into the inner pocket of her jean jacket and simply gives a smile as she watches over the crowd. Though when Pietro zips in beside her there is a chuckle, "Well hello there." she muses as she leans over to kiss his cheek. "Yes, skating. Figured it was nice out and I told Shane we'd close the shop on Monday nights so..." she gives a grin to him. "Figured since skating went off without a hitch last time we'd keep it up." she admits.
"How was your day?" she asks him as she moves her bag off the bench.
There's a bit of a commotion down towards the end of the boardwalk, someone shouting out something, but it gets drowned out over the sound of the music and the thrumming of neon and rides. There are people starting to turn their attention that way though as there seems to be distress.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would go to jog through the crowd over and just listen to the music. Whatever's up in the distance doesn't get her immediate attention. But as the noise picks up and people seem to be turning over in distress, she goes to look that way along the boardwalk. Then she's brekaing into a brisk jog, taking an arc so she wouldn't have people in her way if the crowd started running.
- Achilles has posed:
I mean, it's not every day that Angelo wins a giant pink stuffed elephant. "Well poop." he says as the vendor informs him someone bought all of his cooked stock. "I guess I'll have to learn to be patient. I am bad at that." he adds, totally lying about that part.
But he looks back to Zatanna and nods, "You want one with everything on it for sure. I mean unless you're a barbarian and don't like onio.." A pause.. in mid-word, and he looks past Zatanna before asking, "Hey Zee. Think you could magic up some sense of what's going on over that-a-way?" he asks far more softly, so that it's not overheard by others nearby.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stef props her chin up on the palm of her right hand now as she just watches the people playing in their bumper cars. She does catch a glimpse of the speedster rush by, and is able to see him despite his tremendous speed. She only watches him long enough to see him meet up with another to share some happy moment together, which makes her smile.
The sound of commotion is only given a glance. At a place like this, there's a lot to look at it, take in, and this often includes people shouting, after all.
Her hands go down to the metal railing again, as she straightens up, then turns to walk along the boardwalk, her brown hair blowing gently in the wind off the sea which has her closing her eyes peacefully for a spell.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna bites down on a smile at Angelo's disappointment. "We'll get them nice and fresh when they come off the grill. Hey, since when is not eating onions bad?"
The commotion had already caught her attention. "Can't magic it all, Angelo. Let's takes a stroll down there and see what's up."
Raising a finger in the air to test, she leans into him to murmur, "I'm not the only magic wielder in the area. I do know that."
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
Oh no. Tommy's speedster sense is tingling!
Wait, that's not a thing. But he does pause with his... third? fourth?... hot dog halfway to his mouth as he catches sight of someone moving at normal (read: superfast) speed down the street. It's just a glimpse between buildings given where he's sitting, but it's enough.
And yet the expected confrontation doesn't happen. Tommy waits, and waits, and something like a full fifteen seconds passes (an eternity) but Pietro doesn't show up to.... well, he wasn't sure exactly what would've happened. Clearly this is a sign from the universe, though, so he scoops up his tray laden with Coney dogs and decides to move further down the boardwalk in the hopes of eating his meal in peace.
Wasn't that tray like twice as full only a moment ago? And bad luck for Tommy: he's decided to head right in the direction of the shouting. But whatever, New Yorkers are always shouting about something. Still better than living in Jersey.
- Elsa Bloodstone has posed:
The Coney Island Boardwalk is a nice place. Lots of people. Some of them even nice. There's one coffee spot on the sandy end that sells a really nice blend of tea. God bless them. And that's where the long pony tail of Elsa Bloodstone can be found. Kicking back and sipping a cuppa.
Mostly dressed for a relaxed night. Long old over coat over bluejeans and a matching mororcyuclle jacket with black thigh high boots with a very solid looking stiletto heel adding a few inches. Ever present Bloodgem attached to a choker though the gem itself is embedded in her neck.
Thenoise down the other end getting a hmm.
As does spotting one other redhead she is familiar with. This makes the woman front and squickly finish her tea, prevent her from enjoying it properly. To the person that sold it to her she smile. "That would have been lovely but just maybe be ready to close your establishment up love. Good tea blends like that are very special and must be preserved." she states and flicks all that dam hair out off her shoulders to go see what the fuss is about.
"Maybe I can shoot something away." she ponders and tries to catch up at a leisurely saunter.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Tommy is thankfully spared any glances from Pietro - his focus was elsewhere. There most certainly would have been a confrontation of /some/ sort. Good, bad - it's still up in the air. "I got a bit of an upgrade to my skates." Thank goodness for knowing technical geniuses! "They should hold up to a bit more speed - though likely not full run speed." He explains.
The commotion earns a glance up by Pietro - hopefully people are having a good time? Not being butchered or abducted?
"It was good. It is good, so far." He smirks, looking back over to Micola. "Just... did you hear that ruckus? I can't quite describe the ruckus..."
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
The commotion is something that starts to pick up and given there is the sound of police sirens that ring off in the distance there might be something more afoot!
Micola gives a bit of a chuckle, "You upgraded your skates? I'm impressed...maybe they can look at mine?" she offers teasingly. She does give a nod to him, "Yeah...seems to be a weird tension building...or maybe that's just me." she admits.
Halfway up the boardwalk, much like a game of telephone someone shouts, "Someone's dead down there!"
And panic sets in almost immediately and people start to scatter, some moving to get out of the area and others moving TOWARDS where this body might be. It's easy to follow the crowd to the place though at least. It's right under the boardwalk, because that's not creepy at all!
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
NOW Mary Jane breaks over to a sprint. She goes to pull her hand up to a small commpiece slid over to her earbud and spekaing along the internal SHIELD-comms <<Anyone else in the area?>> She's going on an arc to make sure she's not going to get in the way of people. If need be they can help secure the area over for the authorities to arrive and investigate.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani has her arms crossed over her stomach, her black loose-fit tanktop fluttering in the wind coming up from the shoreline. She hears the police sirens, and sees the ruckuss starting to broaden outward, around the area in question. Her eyes scan around some as she uncrosses her arms, just walking at a casual pace onward now toward the site.
She's not making a rush of it though, as she's more interested in observing the situation as it unfolds.
She passes behind one of the booths on the boardwalk, then steps under a shadowy spot beneath a brightly lit sign...
- Achilles has posed:
Okay. Sirens are heard. Angelo reaches a hand into his rear right pocket to make sure his wallet (and badge) are there. Yep. Then he looks to Zatanna and says... voice laced with sarcasm, "And now the fun begins." implying that none of this is fun.
And then he begins working his way through the crowd. To an onlooker at a distance, it looks like Pokey the Pink Elephant... yes, he's named Pokey. Anyway, the elephant appears to be pushing its way through the crowd. Hey. He won the thing. He's not going to just toss it.
Anyway, he's working on trying to reach the incident itself. "Federal Agent. Coming through!" he exclaims once or twice to try to make his way closer.
- Elsa Bloodstone has posed:
A dead body alone is not something that might need a sprint towards. The people sprinting away from the boardwalk might have the right idea at least. But when she gets to the point where the body seems to be. Underneath her the redhead hmms at what's under neath her, looks at her spike heels then down again. Thankfully they're reinforced steel.
So over the rail she jumps and being all mystically super human, has no problem sticking a landing on soft sand like a gymnast dismounting.
The whole crime scene thing a little out of her wheel house usually so she happily lets the feds to their thing and happily lets people do that whole forensics thing.
A wink is sent Mary Jane's way but otherwise at the most the the monster hunter is just sniffing about from where she is and keeping her other enhanced senses peeled.
Dead bodies have a habit of not staying wholly dead.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Like wildfire, rumors of death spread through the boardwalk. The raven-haired magician shares a look with Angelo as they work their way against the stream of people running from what pulls them like a magnet.
"Federal Agent? Are you going to show them your Elephant?" she asks, blinking innocently.
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
It's not exactly easy to find an empty bench on the boardwalk on a decent day, but Tommy's lucky to snatch one up as a couple hastily departs. Whatever, their loss. It's not until he's like three more hot dogs deep that the carbs and protein he's been shoveling in finally start making their way through his system. Only took it a couple of minutes. Enhanced metabolism is both a curse and a blessing.
Hangriness conquered, Tommy and his diminishing hot dog supply wander over to the edge of the boardwalk so that he can lean over and try to sneak a peek. Dinner and a show.
Which is admittedly a bit morbid, but he's Gen Z. The fact that he hasn't already whipped his phone out is probably already pushing it.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Well, he's already wearing his 'work' uniform. Damnable trouble, always popping up on a nice day. As Micola collects up her bag, Pietro leans in. "Apologies. Close your eyes." He says, scooping her up. A hand is placed behind her head to avoid any whiplash. Considerate guy, right? Once he notes her eyes closing, he launches towards the sirens.
Quicksilver and friend come to a stop right at the railing - not wanting to interfere with any official city officers handling the situation. Right next to Tommy. "Here." He says, setting Micola down. "You can open your eyes." It's been a second or so... it's absurd.
He peers over the railing towards the commotion, trying to see if there is anything he can help with.
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Below in the shadows of the board walk there are people shining lights from their phones and the eerie glow from the neon signs and the flashing lights from booths create a strobe effect like you'd find in a haunted house. An uneasy beam of light falls across a foot and travels up the leg that is missing skin...that skin has sloughed off somewhere, but it is most assuredly not around the area. That is definitely a dead body...and one that looks like it's been in water for far too long, but it's just appeared on the beach?
That is off. Anyone that's dealt with death or corpses would know that this body just didn't wash up...so where did it come from?
That is the great mystery.
Micola trusts Pietro, so when he leans in she gives a soft nod of her head, her greenish-blue pony-tail bouncing as she does. Her eyes close and she doesn't even feel the wind as he picks her up. When she opens her eyes she looks down to the sands below, catching the sight of the leg in the moment. She looks a little green around the gills for a moment. "There aren't any ghosts around..." she whispers.
Might be an odd thing to say off the bat.
- Achilles has posed:
Turning his head to look to Zatanna as he reaches the edge of the crowd, Angelo rolls his eyes and says, "All of this going on, and you want to talk about the elephant in the room? Besides, this is very special agent Pokey here. This is his first case. Please be kind and supportive of him through the proceedings."
He tries to keep a straight face... but fails. And then he peers down over the edge of the boardwalk before jumping down to a spot that can support him. Yep, Pokey the Elephant still on his shoulder and back.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Word of her own presence given over the comms, Mary Jane can make out at least a couple of other agents. That includes the ever-sneaky Stefanie as the girl goes into cardboard box mode. Mary Jane would go to squint over the edge and see the body. It's.. Wrong. In her mind she takes dictation.
~That shouldn't be here. That body is one that's been in the depths. It shouldn't have come up to shore without being dragged~ The chimes from Sonja explain the uneasiness. So it was dropped or dragged up..
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani is more-so just watching the people around the boardwalk reacting to this body down on the beach, than she is interested in the body itself. She's seen a lot of dead bodies.
She reaches a hand down to her green denim shorts to fish her phone out of her pocket on her left hip side. She raises it up as her right foot goes up to rest on the edge of a bench beside her at the foot of one of those lit up booths.
She's texting something to someone, before she raises her phone up to do what others are doing...
She is recording video now of the scene itself...
- Elsa Bloodstone has posed:
The redhead with height adjusted for heels hmmms as she peeks over at the crime scene. The woman's nose wiggling as she literally sniffs about. Something drudged the body up. Blue eyes scan about to look for tracks and signs and clues that might not have been blown or washed away.
"Soooo, was the body dragged and dropped there. Carried, did it walk up onto the bloody beach and just collapse cause waterlogged?" she's idly talking to herself but loud enough those with badges might here her.
"If I shot it will it pop like a watermelon of gorrible ick. I think we can avoid that but it might be needed." Elsa ponders and folds her arms against her long coat covered chest.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The magician is one of the few in the crowd to not have a phone out. From the brief glimpse Zee gets as she jumps down beside Angelo, it appears to have been a watery death, skin sloughing from the body . Standing next to the Agent, she observes with a straight face, "You never struck me as the type to like plush animals. I will treat him with all the respect he deserves."
Craning her head for another look at the body and puzzling aloud, "Murder or suicide? He is awfully high up on the sand for a wave to put him there."
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
Did someone say Federal Agent? Welp, time to go. With the great power of being a teenager, Tommy somehow manages to shove an entire Coney dog into his mouth (toppings and all) and then he's gathering up all his food-related garbage to make like a tree and get the hell out of here.
He's smart enough not to leave any evidence behind of his presence here. Or maybe he's just been burned by that sort of thing before. Anyway, no need for the cops to know he was ever here! He's gone in... well, not a flash, not his style. But there's a bit of a stiff breeze suddenly, for a moment.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a frown from Pietro when the younger speedster dissappears. Yes, he saw him. Yes, he was expecting some sort of discussion... or something. Alas, it is not the day for that. He looks to Micola, hrming. "No Ghosts? Does that mean anything in particular? Do we all make ghosts?" He wonders, still staying where he is.
There's a glance over to Zantana and Angelo - familiar faces from lunch that one day. And they are down on the beach. "Should we head down?" He asks of Micola. "I can get us down there, obviously."
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
Angelo and anyone else with credentials are able to get down to the body really given they are the first on scene. An off duty cop also joins the crowd, starting to back people off that don't have proper clearances or badges. "If everyone could start moving out, we've got more officers and a coroner en route. Please move back." they state as the crowd starts to move back.
Micola gives a look to Pietro, "Not everyone leaves a ghost, no." the woman tells him. "Tramatic deaths, unfinished business...things like that keeps some bound to earth." she explains. "If there was a ghost connected to this it's not near its body." she frowns. "Sure...lets go down. I've got my consultants badge on me if that helps any." she whispers.
It's going to be a long night for the Forensics team and others for sure!
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is staying a bit back. She just looks like a teenager, and while she might have an ID, poking arounda ta body is something that while Sonja is definitely experienced at (even moreso making bodies end up that way), it's not something that the redhead would offer much of use to. So she lets the other agents handle it.. Whiel keeping herself on standby if they need any sort of backup or distraction.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The shadowy spot where Stefani once was is now just that, a shadow. She's no longer there, and as people moving this way and that break up some, there's a gap along the boardwalk. The shadow moves just a little before vanishing down between the boards, like a wave of flowing smoke moving against the winds, rather than with them.
- Achilles has posed:
Glancing at the body now, Angelo moves a bit closer. "I have seen enough death over the years. I'm not here to try to take the case away from local police. Unless this turns out to be some classified national security thing, SHIELD is not the sort of agency that takes over cases. So officer, tell me how I can be of assistance. I also have a civilian consultant here who is an expert in matters of occult. The world we live in has plenty of weirdness so, always good to have contacts with useful skills, eh?"
And then he follows the cop's eyes to his big fluffy elephant, "Yes. I have an elephant. His name is Pokey. Don't ask." he explains.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The policeman catches Zatanna's eye. She shakes her head gravely, "Don't ask."
Casting a glance over the crowd, her eyes stop on two familiar faces and she raises a hand to Micolai and Pietro. After a tap on Angelo's shoulder, she gestures to the couple, "Look who is here."
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Almost no sooner than Micola asks to be down on the beach, Pietro scoops her up again. "Eyes." He warns, before they zip down to the sandy area. He slows much earlier, not wanting to cause a dust cloud or disturb what is going on at the scene of the body. Once they are down on the sand, he lets her stand on her own.
A nod then to Zatanna and Angelo. "Anything I can do to assist?" The Avenger offers over, letting Micola get her own credentials out as needed. His sharp eyes scan the area, looking for any residual trouble.
- Elsa Bloodstone has posed:
Elsa adoesn't have a badge. Guns, yes. But no badge so best she can do to see what might be hapening comes from her spot amongst the soon to be controlled crowd. "So how did the bloody body get there? No sign of movement! But there it is. Not many options for transport! Why isn't it smelling or dead stuff?" she yells out curiously. Hopefully it nudges lines of thoughts.
The grin on her lips wide as she peers over people, weight on her toes to help the looming of a woman that might seem to be over six feet. "To be bloody honest. I wish more bodies would smell like this."
- Micola Maximoff has posed:
The calvary arrives!
That would be the incoming cops. And there's already Avengers and Federal Agents on scene so they are looking a bit nervous and there is a bigger pep in their step. The van that houses the incoming forensics team parks on the boardwalk and a few people get out. This is just a regular night for some. There is a thinning of the crowd now. Some ushering their groups away, not wanting to stare at the body anymore or to get away before questioning starts.
Micola closes her eyes again as Pietro scoops her up, "Thank you." she whispers to him. When he settles her down there is a look to the body and her head tilts to the side for a moment before there is a green glow that eminates from her hands. There's a few heart beats that go by and she shakes her head, "There's nothing to pull from. They were not killed here or I'd be able to view it." she tells Pietro and the others.
Then the cops move in to start taking over the scene proper, taping off the boardwalk and starting to close off access to it for the rest of the night.