15060/NYC Summer Charity Gala

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NYC Summer Charity Gala
Date of Scene: 21 June 2023
Location: Hammerstein Ballroom - Manhattan Center
Synopsis: The second annual Artios Charity Gala for NYC goes off without a hitch...but missing its hostess. Money is spent, connections and ties are made!
Cast of Characters: Priscilla Camilleri, Henry McCoy, Emma Frost, Richard Stadler, Janet van Dyne, Phoebe Beacon

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
The first day of Summer has been a hot one in New York City! But the night is promising cooler temps and the kick off to this season is one of the newer charity events for New York. It's sponsored by many medical firms and hospitals. Sadly the main hostess of the event has been sidelined due to being shot a few days ago, which was not part of anyones plans!

Artios had managed to call in a few favors to get a replacement host on such short notice. Not having Doctor Camilleri here was a bit of a pain, but they were more worried about her recovering.

This shindig is being held at the Hammerstein Ballroom of the Manhattan Center. Because lots of money has been spent to make sure people come out and have a good time and give money and support. It's a vicious circle really.

Security might be a little tighter than most charity galas though and there's a few extra that mingle out and about in the crowd to keep an eye on certain guests given the events earlier in the week.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Normally, Henry would have skipped this gala given the recent events - however, Priscilla shooed him away from her hospital bedside. Doing his best to put on a happy face, he's all dressed up in a tuxedo for the affair. Fur brushed and styled, he steps into the ballroom and takes a pause at the entryway. The surroundings are admired, the man offering a nod of approval. There's only a slight frown as he notes some of the security keeping close to him.

Regardless, he's going to have a good time of the evening, if only to report it back to Priscilla that things went swimmingly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is here, dressed to the twelves because of course she is. The actual charity they're supporting is a bit beyond her, but the rich pepole don't come to these sorts of benefits shows to support a cause. They're here to be noticed for how philanthropic they are and what good people they are. In fact, Emma's outfit probably has more money put into it than her donation does. And her donation, between tax writeoffs, free publicity and marketing, and a newspaper writeup that she'll no doubt get from it and profile will end up making her money. The way the routine works for the inordinantly wealthy is amazing, after all.

She would give a glance over at Henry as she passes on by him with an expression of 'do you want me to deal with them' on her face.

Richard Stadler has posed:
    Contacts were rather useful things to aqquire in one's life. It helped you cut through red-tape, gather resources needed for important projects and, most importantly, opportunities that one wouldn't get otherwise. Case in point: Stadler was here. Helpful when someone else had their organization buy them a ticket and they had found out they couldn't attend. Granted, there were still costs. For instance, the tux rental; it wasn't a bad fit, by any means, but it was the standard cut penguin-looking uniform that every male for the past 50 years had been wearing to events that were 'black tie' but didn't specified tails and top hat.

Another thing to get used to; the normal outfit he wore to these places he could no longer wear, aside from some very specific circumstances, and the unfamiliarity left him feeling a bit awkward. It certainly didn't help with the high powered guest list that seemed to have arrived; the sort of people who could actually plunk down a couple grand in pocket change for an event like this. But that was the point, wasn't it? Rub elbows with these people.

And maybe see if they had bacon wrapped shrimp.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Society events like this are the high point of Janet van Dyne's social life. It's a chance to see, and be seen, by the wealthiest and most influential people in New York-- and beyond. The right photograph, a chance meeting, could send the media into a frenzy and catapult even the least consequential attendee into the social stratosphere.

A dark Rolls with an extended rear cab pulls up to the red carpet. Out hops the driver on one side, and Janet's assistant darts out the other. The doors open to allow Brian Braddock to step out, dressed in a dark grey three-piece with a fitted waistcot and a sanguine red tie that adds dark contrast to the crushed, heavy-textured material. He turns to offer a hand to Janet van Dyne, and the socialite's own outfit doesn't disappoint: a halter dress in black and white silk blocks, alternating with each other such that the left and right side of her dress are perfect, negative mirrors. It seems to be made of a single long piece of fabric that wraps around the back of her neck, her ribs, and her hips before flowing out into a silken calf-length gown. Even her heels match the dichotomous colors, one black with white dots and the other, white with black dots. Diamonds glitter at her ears and wrists, set in glistening platinum.

"Move, Emma, you're blocking my photographer," Janet says as she and Brian bump into Emma's turn on the carpet. She laughs and offers the blonde a quick hug, then backpedals a step or two to interlink arms with Brian again. "I'll see you on the inside," Janet promises, and bides her time until it's her turn to shine in the spotlight before going into the gala proper.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Charity is a vicious cycle; such a pity that they can't just give money ad nauseum to the pet projects and not make appearances. And at least her 'brothers' all get to wear tuxes and nice, comfortable, flat shoes, but as the sibling who was being pointed towards medical school she was gently advised that it couldn't hurt to make some connections.

    So Phoebe steps out of her orange-cream colored Porche, giving a smile to the valet as she turns over her keys.

    She wasn't a hundred percent what was worse. The walking into the gala, or New York City traffic to an unexperienced driver with a stick shift.

    Her kinks and coils were relaxed and curled, chin-length and bouncing and a soft dusky pink, complemented by the soft yellow of her gown, with plenty of poof and shine to it and a pair of strappy heels, a pair of yellow roses dangling from her ears, the diamonds that make up the petals shimmering and matching the stone-spangled bangle over her left wrist, clutch held in hand, the young Wayne Spare Heir's tattoos and scars hidden beneath a combination of a shimmering rainbow scarf draped over her shoulders and biceps, jewelry, magic and make-up. She nimbly side-steps Emma and Janet's shared spotlight, giving a small smile and figuratively keeping her head down as she pauses by Dr. McCoy.

    "Good evening, Doctor." she greets him politely, the young woman making her way into the gala to put on an appearance.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
There's a live band playing upbeat sounding music for people to mingle to and eventually dance if they want. As people have made their way into the gala pictures are taken. Things are looking up on the front of people getting hurt at events this week. Because so far there are no gunshots or sketchy looking folks.

Priscilla's personal security detail arrived a little before Henry did as that was a stipulation of things. They wanted to make sure that Doctor McCoy wasn't bothered.

Everyone that has business with the medical world is here. A good turnout for the second year of this particular event.

And there is food! So much food and desserts. Apparently keeping people happy and sated outside of alcohol and limelight was food to eat.

Henry McCoy has posed:
As people arrive that he is more familiar with, Henry's smile becomes more genuine. A shake of his head to Emma, a thankful smile. The return look he gives her reads, as clear as his mind at the moment, that they are just doing what they are supposed to do. Significant others are going to worry and protect, after all.

The bump from Janet to Emma is noted, the Beast chuckling just a touch under his breath. They could fight over the limelight all they liked, he was happy to avoid the overheating scrutiny. Miss Van Dyne is offered a smile and a nod, polite greetings for a friend.

As he's greeted by Phoebe, he offers a friendly smile. "Good evening, Miss." He greets, offering a nod to Dr. Stadler as well. "Good evening." He moves off to the side, allowing those who wish to be seen, to be seen. Snacks sound good to the man.

Emma Frost has posed:
There's a low chcukle at Janet, "Janet, always a pleasure. Do make sure that they get your good side. Mister Braddock, charmed again. Or should I call you Duke Braddock? Baron Braddock? Do forgive me as I'm not quite sure how far up the nobility hierarchy your family is considered." She would opine playfully while making a show of getting out of the way after returning the hug to her old roommate. Explaining to any, "Janet and I were roommates together when we were at boarding school. We probably should have been shipped off to military school after our first semester or two together."

Emma sends a quick nod back over to Henry when he sends her the bit of reassurance and a smile. It quickly passes - one can't be aware she has a heart. It would kill her reputation.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Was he the only person who came in here in a taxi? Granted, Stadler had the presence of mind to have it drop him off around the block and walk the rest of the way. Honestly, that was already expensive enough, but he wasn't going to get the car out of storage to drive through 40-odd blocks of traffic. And who had money for a limousine

Stupid question, given who was here posing for the photographers. He was fine enough being a seat filler; getting one's name plastered over the society pages would probably be good for his self-esteem, but little else.

He nods briefly, almost automatically to the greeting, before he realizes whose giving it, and looking surprised. "Oh! Good evening... Doctor McCoy, right?" As if there were other blue-furred geniuses about. "I've seen the recent news; I'm sorry for what's happened, but I'm glad you're out and about." He says, extending a hand. "Ahh. Sorry. A bit parasocial of me there. Richard Stadler."

Phoebe get's a brief furrow of his brow, before his eyebrows go up in recognition. Oh. The Wayne kid from that train crash a while back. Well, he hadn't been in a tux then, so... hopefully there wouldn't be any recognition. "Miss." He greets, nodding toward her.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"I only have good sides, darling," Janet assures Emma, and flashes a megawatt grin brimming with enthusiasm. Her green eyes slide sideways to Hank and that notable gets a more casually welcoming smile in turn. "Dr. McCoy, always good to see you in town," she says, and laughs at the implied playful jibe.

Then Janet takes her turn for the photographers-- it's part and parcel of these events, giving them angles to work with under ideal lighting. It lasts just long enough to leave them wanting more, of course, and Janet gives Brian some near-invisible cue to move them both towards the gala proper.

"Brian, be a dear and see if you can find me a decent drink?" Janet requests of the man. Her eyes are locked on Phoebe while she speaks. That gaze turns back to him and she gives his broad sternum a pat. "I just need a minute to say hello to someone."

Brian gives Janet a look of slight bemusement, which prompts a narrowing of Janet's eyes, and then in turn he laughs once and gives her arm a squeeze. "If you need a hasty exit, set something on fire," he bids her, and turns towards the hors d'ouvers.

"Phoebe. Feebs!" Janet steps a little awkwardly to get into Phoebe's peripheral view, near enough not to shout but not so close that she's in the girl's personal space. The socialite flashes that photo-ready grin at her. "I'm glad to see someone from the Wayne family is in attendance tonight. Did you drag one of those boys along? Or are you here by yourself?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Wayne girl gives a smile to Richard Stadler, and a small tilt of her head.

    "I'm sorry, you know I rarely forget a face -- have we met before?" she questions, the pink curls bouncing as her head tilts, one drifting into her face as she raises her hand, well-manicured (FOR NOW) nails with dat French style drawing it back behind an ear before she hears Janet's voice. There is a momentary bristling that Stadler may be close enough to see before she turns, giving a serene smile towards Janet van Dyne.

    "Good evening Janet," the young lady in the rainbow-and-yellow greets van Dyne.

    "I'm afraid the rest of the family were all busy with other projects this evening, but the medical charities in Gotham are my pet projects -- and," she pauses, giving a pleasant grin, "as I'm heading to Medical School in Gotham in a few years, I figured it couldn't hurt to meet others who are outstanding in their fields."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Nope. No heart on Emma, Henry will help keep that facade for her! As Richard introduces himself, Henry extends over a hand to shake. "I believe I've heard of you, Doctor." A smile. "Pleasure to meet you in person." His tone is warm, genuine - he clearly enjoys meeting others of a intellectual bent. "I appreciate the condolences. Dr. Camilleri is in good hands, and mending nicely." A thankful grin at that.

"Good to be in town, Miss Van Dyne." He chuckles. "Circumstances being what they are. You look stunning, of course." Always compliment the designers!

It would seem the party is getting started, indeed.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
The Maltese security detail finally figures out that nothing is amiss and they back off a bit. Tending to things that they need to. One calling in to check in with others. It's Priscilla's personal bodyguard that seems to orbit a bit, but he gives Henry his space. The man was good at that.

And there are still people arriving. Apparently this party is going to go late. Hopefully someone took the day off tomorrow!

Emma Frost has posed:
A glance is given by Emma over to PHoebe in passing and a nod. The girl is recognized in passing perhaps - from some function or other or just keeping up in the society pages. Wayne did have a predilection for taking in orphans. Something that she wouldn't mention to anyone but that was a sign of his being a good person.
    She would smile over at Hank in a quick exchange while turning her attention back over to Janet, "I am glad that you've managed to make your new friend clean up well. Brian, always a pleasure. I hpoe that Elizabeth is doing well. If she's in town please do tell her that I said hello."

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Well, hell. Stadler's not about to suddenly speak up with 'Oh, right, there was a train and a supervillian taking out some rage', but the only answer to this challenge was a small quirk of a smile and trademark obfuscation. "You know, I can't say I recall us speaking before; It's the glasses, though." He notes, pointing to the square spectacles on his nose. "Just me and accountants. But that name itself does ring a bell. Some news story about Urbarail in Gotham, I think." He grimaces slightly. "You know, I really need to look at more upbeat news sources. Nevertheless, there's a whos-who of medical professionals here. You could do worse to-"

Bristling is noticed, but pushed aside in his thoughts as Hank gets an honest surprised look, as he racks his brain, trying to think of any time he would have met him; it's not like he could miss the man's presence, after all! "Oh, ahh... I'm flattered, certainly. Not something I was expecting. I... don't really have a lot out there, of course. Some research gathering dust at U of M. Like I was mentioning to Ms. Beacon here, it's probably the glasses."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet flashes another megawatt grin at Hank when she gets the compliment. Janet's vanity is easy to flatter. "Thank you. I just threw this thing together last night," she says. "We'll see if it gets any traction this fall. I might keep the design just for myself."

She looks back to Phoebe, and quirks a brow at her. "So what's this about medical school? Honey, I think you might be too smart for that," Janet tells Phoebe with a whimsical humor. "Get into the corporate game like Bruce. Make a billion bucks, donate ten percent to charity. Or, whatever, ask your accountant," she says, dropping that last tidbit into a theatrical sotto voce.

Phoebe's glances prompt Janet's attention, and she gives Richard a fast head-to-toe assessment (in which he comes up a little short, by her estimation-- the rented tux!), then catches Phoebe's eye and lifts her chin at Hank. "Hank, what do you think? Med school or business school?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod to Richard from Henry. "I tend to keep up with academia, dusty or not." A wink to the man. Looking to Janet, he cants his head. "I am a strong supporter of those finding their passion for learning, and applying it to their degree." A grin. "Even if I do lean towards the science side of things, myself." A chuckle and a nod to Phoebe.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I know it's not thrilling or heroic like fashion design or superheroism, but I'm afraid I don't have the heart for the corporate world!" Phoebe replies demurely, folding her hands over her cluth as she keeps that serene, soft smile, though her thumb rubs at her left wrist. "A little too cutthroat for the bleeding heart that I am, though in the mean time I do pop into the Medical division of Wayne Tech to observe for the Ethics comittee. Something far more my speed, and playing to my strengths." she explains, the young woman being earnest in that too-innocent-to-be-really-rich manner.

    "Oh, you know Dr. McCoy?" she smiles, and gives a bright-as-the-sun on a Spring day smile to Hank.

    "Phoebe Wayne, how do you do Doctor?" she smiles, and steeling herself she offers her hand to shake with McCoy.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would finally deign to approach the group now while looking at Janet and then at Phoebe, "If you're in the corporate world you shouldn't have a heart at all. It makes things far easier if you don't. It's a very zero sum game. you need as much of it on your own column as anyone else's. Particularly if you're new money. You have to rise fast and fight off anyone that thinks they can take you down. Particularly the old moneyed types.."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet grins wide at Phoebe's earnest and heartful rebuttal. Making it very clear she's not going to actually touch Phoebe, the socialite leans over and whispers: "See, I told you you'd get the hang of this sort of thing." She sits her weight back and smiles at Hank. "And yes, I know Dr. McCoy... well, fairly well at this point," she says, tapping her chin. "I can't recall how long he's been rostered with the Avengers, I just know we all wish he was in New York more often."

Janet's attention is drawn as Brian returns, drinks in hand. She turns away from the little gathering to have a few quick words with him, and from the look on her face, she's amused and annoyed by whatever sly banter the Brit exchanges with her. He takes off again, leaving Janet looking after the man with an unreadable expression until something jogs her attention back to the circle of friends.

"Oh Emma, never change," Janet tells her friend and gives her arm a fond squeeze. "You are like my north star, constant and bitter." She swings her drink over to chime it gently against Emma's glass just to take any sting out of the playful teasing.

Richard Stadler has posed:
    mit Well, that was a bit of a mysterious answer. Still, it was vague enough for Stadler's liking, and he gave a nod to it. "Well, I certainly appreciate the read, in any case. I felt we had a lot of good information to press the scholarship on the issue, even if sources weren't readily able to be divulged." He mentioned, before the question of medical or business came up, and Phoebe gave an eminently sensible answer.

"Given that she does have a heart, it seems, I'm certainly glad she isn't going for the corporate world itself. I understand we have some CEOs that are quite philanthropic, like Mr. Wayne or Mr. Stark, but I think the world could use fewer corporate sharks and more doctors and researchers. We're on the interstellar stage now, after all; there's plenty of room for scholarship, and certainly we need more bright young minds who might be interested, in, say, biodefense."

Janet's gaze get's a bit of a look himself, and just the hint of a scowl from past his glasses. Also a quick look down his own body to make sure things were still good, no stains or rips. Shoes still well-polished too, and he had to be the only one who polished them himself.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Turning to properly introduce himself to Phoebe, Henry extends a hand to shake. "A pleasure, Miss Wayne. I've had the pleasure of meeting Bruce once, it was a very riveting conversation." He smiles, his handshake firm, but polite.

There's a chuckle to Janet. "It would seem long enough on the roster, at least since twenty-eighteen. I look back at sparring with Steve fondly." A nod. "I believe I qualify as a reservist, these days."

A tap on the nose as Emma explains business. "On the surface, it would seem Miss Frost is correct, of course. There are some who have been rumored to make it through getting their MBA while keeping their hearts intact." A wink to her.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "The pleasure is mine, Dr. McCoy, I've referenced a number of your writings in my schoolwork this year for biological ethics. I'd love to make your acquaintence and ask you questions at not such a large gathering." Phoebe gives a bright smile to the good, blue doctor, though her handshake is looser and... shivering.

    "I was actually more interested in Pediatrics; there are many who go into being an MD for the money, and specialists tend to make more, which means there is a shortage of general practitioners working in family clinics. The need is largely being met with Nurse Practitioners, but they have other difficulties registerring for prescription rights, and sometimes the requirements that they have admission rights to local hospitals, which depending on the 'business side' of the hospital has been putting up more and more roadblocks has made it frustrating. Burnout is already so high among everyone in the medical field. I feel that there needs to be far less 'business' people with their MBA's and more those in the ethics board which have actually set foot in a Medical Ethics classroom for more than ten minutes." Phoebe gives a small grin, though her cheeks darken at Janet's complement.