15218/AVENGERS FOREVER: Sword of Damocles

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AVENGERS FOREVER: Sword of Damocles
Date of Scene: 01 July 2023
Location: Earth Orbit
Synopsis: The SHIELD Contingent brave the mysterious interior of Kang the Conqueror's Starship Damocles.
Cast of Characters: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Bobbi Morse, Richard Stadler, Stefani Houston, Jemma Simmons, Jessica Drew, Wanda Maximoff, Darcy Lewis
Tinyplot: Avengers Forever

Clint Barton has posed:
SHIELD Listening Post Phillips

0320 hours ...

" - and it costs barely anything, which is crazy. Anyway, I - "


"Hang on," mutters Webster, turning away from her conversation and nursing a cup of coffee between two cold hands, "It's beeping."

"Forget about it," answers Dalton with a sniff, "It's just glitching again. Get one of the geeks in here in the morning to fix it."


"I don't think it's a glitch."

"Ugh! Fine, hang on. You're gonna explain to Forty-Six why we used monitor time chasing ghosts, though."

On the glowing monitor, the vista of space above the vaulted blue dome of Earth is displayed. It is empty, not even the stars twinkle outside the atmosphere like this.

"See, noth-"

And then it appears. A great vessel, over a kilometer long and shaped like a great, stylized sword. It hoaves into view slowly, until its great bulk blocks out everything on the screen.

"-ing ... "

                                    * * *

Quinjet William Nasland

Low Earth Orbit

The SHIELD team approach the great spacecraft, no defenses appearing to waylay them. The vessel had sent out an invitation of sorts. A series of codes that allowed them to come this close, and incomplete schematics that revealed a docking bay somewhere along the 'blade' of it.

It opened now before them, revealing a darkened hangar backlit in blue light. Nothing moved within, and no other vessels could be seen.

Agent Barton isn't sitting down, instead he's clasping one of the railings above their heads and lowering his head to peer out of the cockpit window at what lies before them.

"So we just see what we can see? Sounds perfectly reasonable. We've never had a problem with aliens before ... "

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And Natasha Romanova is reviewing over databases. Sorting through SWORD files to see if she can make any sort of match or identification. She's wearing a full body glove with small oxygen tank and filter system included in her getup. And her boots have very small magnetic clamps voer in them. Getting ready in case they get exposed to vacuum or zero gravity. Doing a once over check of her equipment. There should be grandeur at being out here in space. Out of Earth orbit.

Yet there is none. Maybe she's become accustomed to it, and it no longer holds any sort of enthrallment for her. Maybe she's simply so cynical that there are few things left to be treasured anymore. Perhaps. But they also have a mission with an unknown, likely a threat (it always is) and they're likely going to be in a close quarters melee operation.

She's working a few final times over what is a very, very large auto-shotgun that's got multiple different magazines festooned about it, from fragmentation, EMP, acid.. And some very, very nasty ones that are considered violations of the United Nations charter to have on hand. These are aliens.

They don't apply.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The gigantic sword spaceship thing looms bigger and bigger in their view. "Someone's overcompensating..." Bobbi states but she is more than a little in awe. This is likely the second biggest space ship to make its way to Earth so far. The biggest being the warzoon warworld.

"You're a funny man Clint," Bobbi lifts up her tablet and eyes the schematics they were given. As far as aliens coming to Earth this is a first. None of the others have handed out an invitation to come chat. It could be a trap.

"Remember your sci-fi tropes people." You never know when an alien is going to go all V on you. This isn't the first time Bobbi's been in space but that doesn't make it any less special for her. This time they have a fairly large team - mix of Avengers and SHIELD.

This isn't exactly a diplomatic mission. Not yet. They aren't unarmed. Heck, they have a Scarlet Witch with them. At least they didn't bring a Hulk up in to space though. "Oh.. right!" She checks her pockets quickly and pulls out her phone.

"Super important." She starts taking pictures out of the windows for Lance. You can't go to space and not bring back pictures for your partner. There'd be attempted murder if she did that.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     "I understand... Yes, I understand I've consulted in the past, but this has become far too routine, and I'm trying...

"No, the money's been fine, but that's part of the problem- that's a question for a burser. You have other biologists.

"Yes, I understand, specialized skill set, but still- Where the hell is the operation, anyway?"

"...Could you say that again?"

Stadler was coming to understand that he was stuck in a bit of a personal quandary with extracurricular activities. And he had told himself he wanted to stop, of course. That he had other things on his mind. And then they mentioned 'Low Earth Orbit' and what the fuck was he supposed to do with that information? Say 'no thank you, I'm sure I'll go to space some other time?

He, of course, did not look happy with the situation he was in. At least he was used to being in an enclosed environment and air supply, but he was also made very aware that it was nothing but vacuum outside this ship, and radiation would cook you alive without the right type of shielding. He'd seen quinjets like these shot down fairly easily, too, so how safe was this really?

He wasn't unbelting from the seat to save his life, teeth clenched, and trying to control his breathing in the suit he was in. There was a lot less majesty doing this than he thought, as he peered out of the window closest to him. His rifle was held tightly to high thigh, having been recently unclipped, and his battle rattle was as tightly secured as he could make it.

"Sci-fi tropes generally aren't real life. Hell, you do understand that depending on the situation, we might not be able too dissipate heat from firearms? Or the fact that we better be /well/ secured before firing anything off? Just... sorry. Regretting some life choices." He says, tightly.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Agent Houston sits within the passenger compartment of the jet's interior. She's never been to space before, and is trying hard to contain herself, but the moment that the edge of atmosphere blends out in to the depth of dark space, she's already craning her neck to look toward the closest viewport. Very exciting. Contain one's self. Don't twitch. People don't like twitching.

Various inner dialogue such as these roll through the Agent who has only been with the Agency for a short amount of time now.

To quell the urge to stand up and go find a window to push her face up against, Stef just drops her eyes back down to her tactical backpack on her lap, and begins to sift through the contents of it whilst biting down on her bottom lip.

A keen eyed observer would see her right combat booted foot rapidly tapping heel against the floor paneling beneath her seat.

Very quietly, Stefanie just hums to herself a simple little tune.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Unlike a certain archer, Agent Jemma Simmons remains seated. She does, however, have her usual accouterments on her person. Which is to say she is travelling light. She is in SHIELD standard issue...no fancy jumpsuit for her at the moment...with her tablet in one hand. She does have trust in the ship they are in...but hey, it doesn't hurt to have Wanda present, ensorcelling the group.

Not that Jemma was completely on board with the concept of 'magic.' But hey, she is learning to deal with it. Slowly.

"Sci-fi tropes. So, does that mean I should have brought the plasma sword? Or a large bulky blaster that somehow had kickback despite firing concentrated laser blasts? I do believe both are available in the R&D labs." A bunch of genius geeks with access to advanced tech? Of course they created certain iconic weapons. It was practically required. "If so, then I apologize. I only brought my ICER and my tablet."

Yeah, doubt the aliens would be impressed with those.

Clint's commentary about not having any issues with aliens goes unanswered. Even if his statement was true, there is always a first time. And...Jemma prefers to be cautious and prepared. Always prepared.

Which is why she is studying the tablet. Preparation in progress. Otherwise, she might be mesmerized with the fact she is in space. Regardless of how often Jemma might be in orbit, it is amazing each and every time should she deviate from her prep work.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Famous last words," Jessica mutters, half to herself and anyone within earshot. "But we have had problems with aliens. The Shi'ar, the Dark Elves." Shaking her head ruefully, "Who did I forget?"

Unbuckling her seat restraint, Jessica floats to a window to peer out at the great black ship. Nothing in the shape reassures her that whoever it is, has come in peace.

Her last foray into space had been in full modern space-going kit, bulky but reassuring. Despite her confidence in Wanda's abilities, she feels bare-assed naked, crossing over to the ship in only tactical gear and as much firepower as she can carry. Guns in space normally would spell disaster - hello decompression, so she carries one of the newest experimental guns with lethal and non-lethal settings and a backpack of other goodies.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Why have one Avenger when you can have three? For a little company into the star-spangled vistas above the jewelled blue Earth, the package deal includes the shooty one, the stabby one, and the weird one.

The witch is the one looking through the viewports at the massive hulk of something frankly a little difficult to comprehend the size of. A kilometer of metal far and away exceeds the mass of the helicarrier. "Are there any orders from the Director to acquire this as a new mobile communications platform?" Wanda asks. Tac suits suited for the depths of space make very good sense but witchcore fashion falls for something a bit different. She has silver-rimmed gloves connected to small lozenges that can fire lines and hook her to something as the distinguishing feature of her otherwise slightly reflective outfit. "I like to know expectations before we start out."

Final checks to basic tech takes a little time: smartwatch, comms, whatever they need to monitor vitals. It boils down to a few minutes going over every little detail. You don't learn from Captain Rogers or Mr. Barnes without picking up the essentials. She doesn't look up to Richard, but she tries to reassure him. "I agree that the physical dangers of firearms use are substantial in an unfamiliar environment. SWORD has excellent resources to mitigate the outcome. Backup systems can deal with situations outside of mission parameters and stabilize life systems." She taps her boot to assure no gap remains, since that would be particularly unwelcome.

"And if that should fail, let's prove Clarke's Law."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Although Darcy is an actual Astrophysicist, and SHIELD has all this kind of fun tech, the amount of time she's spent in actual space is pretty limited, largely to a few rotations to the Peak to help with various kinds of new equipment. She's always considered herself a -theory- gal, and for good reason: theory means you get to sit back safely in the lab, playing on your computer all day.

It's fieldwork that gets you killed.

And yet, not for the first time in recent weeks, here she is on a Quinjet, flying out near something that could very easily murder them all. Heck, you don't even need the gignatic sword of doom spaceship for that to be true: space alone is basically always trying to kill you. Her background gives her a deep, terrifying understanding of this fact.

Thus, despite whatever magical wonders they might have at their disposal, Darcy is in a full suit. She's not taking chances out here.

As they approach, she's at one of the computer terminals, monitoring a variety of readings they're getting, some from the Quinjet but more from whichever of their satellites are in view of the thing, feeding all kinds of more sophisticated data through for analysis. Of course, a lot of it is strange. "Unusual spectographic readings suggest unknown materials. Not surprising, actually... it's basically a pre-requisite of construction of this scale. Material science is one of those places where we're the furthest behind."

After going through a few more readings, she gets up, tapping a last control on the terminal to transfer the data over to a small portable screen on the wrist of her suit. Looking to Bobbi at her comment, she crinkles her nose. "Think they'd respond to a trademark suit? I feel this whole 'giant sword in space' thing is kind of infringing on our branding."

As she gets up and starts making her way along in her clunky boots, she gives Richard a passing grin. "Looking good Stadler, made it this far without booting. Now let's see if we can do the rest without running into any weird looking eggs." It's funny because Alien was basically their last mission!

Clint Barton has posed:
"Right, don't let them put anything in your mouth, don't shake hands because that might be space-man for sexual congress, if they start screaming at something you've probably offended their arcane alien god."

Clint looks away from the window for a moment to peer at Jemma: "If you've got plasma swords that you're not sharing, we are gonna have words. It's bad enough I haven't got my flying motorbike yet."

Hawkeye is dressed in his own version of a SHIELD-issue spacesuit, sporting his own purple livery because that's one of the perks of being an Avenger. He has his bow, though it's looped over his shoulder and the quiver attached to the back is closed. Arrows were not likely designed with space in mind.

He watches as the Nasland flies into the hangar and stops, settling down with a dull thud that shakes the craft just a little. It's then that the hangar itself begins to seal, the docking bay doors hissing shut. When they close, the resonating bang seems to stretch through the depths of the ship and off into eternity.

"Sounds like we're all in."

                                    * * *

Emerging from the ship, the group find a great and empty hangar bay. The technology itself is streamlined and miniaturized beyond even the wildest dreams of modern engineers, giving it an almost organic aesthetic. The gravity is normal even though the vessel shows no outward evidence of momentum to maintain it, meaning it must be generated through some other means.

Suddenly, a holographic image flickers into being just ahead of the group on the deck. It is transparent for a moment before becoming entirely corporeal in appearance. It depicts a man, projected larger - roughly nine feet tall - than the group. He wears a green, armored jumpsuit of sorts with a purple helm and a face hidden behind a glowing blue faceplate.

"My apologies for not appearing in person," the man says, his voice developing a vaguely electronic timbre, "I know your era is noted for its developing pan-humanist beliefs, but you are not far removed from barbarity. So, let us speak like this for now."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Era? Pan humanist? Those two somewhat confuse Natasha - not that she might show it on her face. As whatever the entity int he image is goes to start to talk to them, Natasha goes to survey the very large, seemingly empty hangar while moving tos weep around wiht her weapon. Looking for any sorts of seams internally that might be signs of doors, latches, storage containers.. Somewhere this large was meant for landing and launchign craft, so there had to be some things around it for tha tpurpose. For resupply, for repair and refueling..

Or connecting hallways and doors where they might deploy forces. Natasha's going to rapidly sweep every centimeter of the hangar, her optics set to record and to send along the data to whomever was in the observer position to coordinate. Even as she goes to scan for anything that might be signs of /something/ else present.

There's no jocularity from her or joinin gin what is likely to be some back and forth banter and snarking. That's what the others are there for after all. She gives a quick nod in Mockingbird's direction, a sign of her being on 'overwatch' and ready to intercept if whatever htis thing is starts to send security forces after them.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smirks at Darcy, "Let's not open with a lawsuit. Even if we are mostly Americans..." She glances over at Stadler. He's not someone she's worked with. But the consultant on the roster was invited and she's not going to turn down another set of scientific eyes. Jemma can't do everything at once after all.

"As for sci-fi tropes. I mean things like where there's one monster there's probably thousands more. Something that looks cute will probably eat your hand. Those offering world changing green technology are probably secretly planning to destroy us. Etc etc. Though, the laser sword would have been very cool."

"The mission is straight forward - figure out what we're dealing with here. Friend or Foe should be pretty obvious pretty quickly. Unlike our other visitors, this one has knocked politely on the door. A little too low orbit for our comfort. Personal space, Earth wants it. But hey, first contact people. Let's try to make a good impression. Stressing on the word try there."

Her eyes roam over Natasha's armaments. She makes no comment - it's what she'd expect from a level seven agent. When things go bad they can go bad really fast. Especially in space. "And important space tip - don't touch anything." The way she says it suggests she may have run afoul of that mistake herself.

Tilting her head as they hear sound resonating not just on the hull of their own ship - that means atmosphere. She steps out and hops up and down a few times testing the gravity. "What a gracious host" she murmurs and looks around the hanger space.

Her eyes snap to the hologram as it appears and she has to look up. Given the hologram could have been projected at literally any size she deduces it's deliberate to instil a sense of hierarchy. Giant sword ship, giant hologram - it speaks volumes about who they're dealing with.

She parks herself in front of the big hologram and folds her arms. "You've come a long way to chat. So let's chat. I'm pan-humanist barbarian Bobbi Morse. Welcome to Earth, Sol." The alien is speaking English so there's no reason to assume he's not familiar with their culture and probably even all of their identities. To some varying degree or another.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Stadler had noted Jemma had been here; he'd worked with her before, and knew her by reputation, but he wasn't going to turn down being the back up.

"I've been in worse chop, Doctor Lewis. At least they aren't shooting at us. Yet." It was rather clear that the attempt at bravado was more to settle Stadler's own nerves than to impress anyone else on the ship. "But I expect an astrophysicist like yourself consider's this old hat." He notes, as the ship moves into the hanger, and jumping slightly with the dull thud of the metal hitting the deck, at least ready for the loud bang that has them entombed in a starship that no one here quite understood.

"If there are eggs, I'm burning this place down and trying my luck with re-entry." He notes. "Though for all we know this ship could be a gateway to hell, right?" The harness is unclipped, and Stadler rises slowly, testing the gravity. At least that was a bit more normal, though it wasn't as if the rifle he was using would be of any help at all here beyond a security blanket.

Wanda is nodded to as he heads down the ramp with the others, his suit stlll sealed (and like hell if he was taking it off before the O2 ran out. "Still. I hope it doesn't come to shooting. What could we do against..."

He trails offf, looking up to the large holographic image that suddenly appears in front of them, speaking in grandiose terms. "...that."

No one likes to be slighted by a guest simply waltzing into orbit, but Rick keeps the grimace to himself. Morse was the lead on this.

Stefani Houston has posed:
As the other's speak amongst themselves, Stef travels her eyes from one face to the other before she looks again to the viewport closest to where she is seated. The gaping maw of a looming space hangar is visibly growing larger, and some part of her heart skips a beat at the notion of not only being in space, but docking with a alien vessel.

It's so cool, she wants to squee. But that would be unbecoming of an assassin, a trained killer, and an Agent of this highly respectable agency.

As the green light comes on indicating they're cleared to disembark, Stef gathers up her backpack and slings it over her shoulders before checking her rifle slung over her left shoulder specifically. She grabs a rung hanging from the Jet's ceiling, stands on booted feet, and watches the Jet boarding ramp lower down.

There is a tiny squeel, but it's drowned out by the ambient noise of the ramp's hydraulic systems.

Stefanie places her black ballcap on over her head, tugging the brim down a little with her fingerless gloved hands, then simply moves with the others as they all disembark.

When the holo-image presents itself, Agent Houston takes a moment to step in to view of it to let her eyes roam over the visage of the speaker's electronic-ghostly image.

She absorbs what he says, and adjusts her green eyes to look to the others on her team to her left to gauge their reactions to it.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Plasma sword. Not laser. But yes, we do have them. And there is a reason they are not widely available, as you could imagine. The same reason why flying motor bicycles are not readily available." Note that Jemma didn't say that the bike didn't exist...just that it was not available. "Still...I understand. The short definition is 'be on your guard.' Understood."

As the ship docks, Jemma does a few minor preparations. Mainly, she adjusts her SHIELD standard issue suit to ensure that everything is copacetic before stepping out. Yes, Jemma is gaining an appreciation of magic. But, that doesn't mean she isn't going to take precautions.

As the holographic figure takes shape, Jemma takes a moment to pause in her step. There might be surprise there..but there is also curiosity. And caution. Caution that prompts the scientist to bring her tablet up to bear. To take notes, certainly...but also to record whatever data she can gleam from her present surroundings. At least, whatever information she is allowed.

Because, given the advanced technology around her, Jemma is pretty sure that she isn't going to get much before she is asked politely...or not-so-politely...to stop.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The hangar alone is awe-inspiring, worthy of the best sci-fi movie. Except, it is not a movie. Nope.

Not a minute into conversation with a giant alien who speaks perfect English, and they are being condescended to. The size of the projection can't be arbitrary. So, intimidation and condescension - they are off to a promising start.

Silently, Jess shrugs at Agent Houston then moves to the side of the group. Like Agent Romanoff, she inspects the cavernous room, hoping she will recognize a weapon or a threat. Let Bobbi and the others negotiate and examine the science; she will watch the perimeter.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Little details make the narrative that draws itself up to rear over the assembled SHIELD agents and Avengers. A massive, blade-shaped ship and then an enormous projection to greet the welcome wagon instills such confidence. If size is meant to impress, then disembarking the Quinjet brings the extraordinary scale home. The sorceress takes a few seconds to absorb her surroundings. More importantly, those with her. Wanda glances aside to mark the reactions for Clint and Natasha, taking in any wisecracks or immediate strategizing. The varied expressions out of seasoned agents or research specialists dictates her own response, which amounts to walking on eggshells.

"We know it isn't." So much for a free ride to Hell, all expenses included. "No legal actions, just remember." Her own movements restrained to the absolute minimum generate little sound. At least someone else here enjoys themselves by all signs, and Stefanie can project the enthusiasm for both of them. Nothing like a nine-foot tall billboard to flash thrills.

The ship's sounds elicit a different cacophony than she is quite used to. Her lips stay sealed, hands peacefully at her sides. Posture adds another measure of communication among them and their unexpected host, her stance carrying no bombastic confidence or curling up inwardly and dying at the thought of eggs. Twitches in her shoulders fail to settle immediately, though point to her. The hooded cloak that goes with her usual uniform helps to conceal the prickly ick-factor.

"All in good time. Greetings," she speaks directly to the helmed man. Nothing special over here. Honest.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Oh, we're locked in. Cool, cool."

Darcy is having an FML moment.

Still, there's nowhere to go with the mission, but forward. Soon enough, there's a nice resounding THUNK as she steps out in her suit. The chonky boots have magnetic locks, among other things, but it's immediately apparent that they aren't necessary, as the gear feels its full weight. "Reading us at exactly one gee," she sounds off, checking her wrist-puter. "Like, exact-exact. Pretty unlikely to be coincidental, although it could just be really polite of them. Never seen a Shi'ar ship set to Earth standard."

Generally, as they unload into the hangar and spread out in whatever formation, she brings up the rear. It's cozy and safe back there, insofar as anything about their situation is. Because ultimately, sealed inside the ship like this, they are pretty much totally screwed if anything goes wrong. Mostly, she continues monitoring the variety of readings she's able to get. Unfortunately, with the hangar closed, she loses all that fancy telemetry from the satellites, leaving her to the stuff built into her suit and on the jet.

"Yeah, I'm with you on the eggs," she comments back to Richard.

Soon, though, they have something of an answer to the 'who' of all this, in the form of a sudden image. "Star Wars really called this one: space folk love their holo-calls," she remarks, more a mutter to herself. "Can't say the guy is far off base, though. 'Developing pan-humanist beliefs' might even be a little generous. I barely get along with the dude across the hall in my building."

Clint Barton has posed:
"I appreciate your welcome," the hologram answers not unpleasantly, "But I am no stranger to your world, only your time. In fact, I was born here ... "

The hologram extends a hand and an image of the Earth is displayed. Geographically it appears similar, though the extent that cities sprawl across its surface makes it very much a different version that the one they currently orbit. The projected image zooms in at speed, revealing a strange city of soaring glass spires.

"Nea Karchedona. Of course, it does not exist here. It never will. Our paths have already diverged. But I did not invite you here to tell tales. I came to join your great alliance."

There's no further explanation as the figure turns, moving as though walking only to disappear and reappear on the other end of the hangar near an unobtrusive door which slides open. He's smaller now, average human height, and he gestures through the opening.

                                    * * *

The corridor the holographic man leads them through is akin to a trophy room. Almost a kilometer long by the way it seems to simply disappear into darkness at either end, the lighting activating and deactivating to illuminate only a small sphere that ends just outside the group.

The walls are lined with all manner of things. Some familiar, some bizarre. There's a fractured helmet that looks like that of Iron Man. Captain America's shield. A golden gauntlet arrayed with colored gems. Even something that looks like the great Hammer of Thor, albeit larger and more gnarled. The varying trophies seem to repeat over and over with variations.

Clint pauses to look at what is very obviously a cowl in 'Hawkeye purple' with winged flares on either side. He tilts his head and gives it a 'not bad' sort of expression.

He falls back a step, glancing sidelong at Quiet before making a gesture to her in what must be American Sign Language.

"I am afraid I wasn't quite telling the truth when I mentioned wanting to avoid being harmed by you," the Man gestures to the trophies as he continues to walk, "In truth, I did not want you to give me reason to harm you. My history with the Avengers has been one of conflict borne from misunderstanding. I would avoid that here."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Well, now that he's gone ahead and talked to them.. As Natasha goes along with the group, she keeps her weapons over in front o her an dready, glancing over at the items on display with a very, very light narrowing of her eyes behind her mask. For Hawkeye and Mockingbird, who know Natasha's body language and her quirks just enough..

There's suppressed rage buliding up and tenseness in her that bubbles beneath the surface. Rather than resisting and denying it, Natasha channels it. Then freezes it in a mentality borne of the perma-frosted tundra as she would go. "Then tell me, Kang.. Why exactly do you say that and you've already gone out of your way to attack us once?" Normally Natasha isn't the type to snap out like that and reply. So yes, she's definitely on edge.

Her weapon is up and she's moving to the side of the room.. To a positionw ehre she can get an effective crossfire position along with anyone else going to open fire or when whatever Kang has is launched at them. As soon as she says that name, the message network along the tightbeam goes to bring up the files on the last engagement with him - at least, what little ones are on hand.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi is pretty sure when it comes to time travel there's meant to be some kind of prime directive. Right? don't talk about the future to the past or else you will disrupt the future? She looks over at Jemma briefly. When it comes to tropes like that Simmons is a go-to.

Still, she is taken by surprise when the stranger from another time, but apparently not another world, says he wants to join their 'great alliance'. The look of bewilderment is written over her face as she follows after him through the open door.

The long litany of trophies has her mouth drop open. It'd be very easy to take this the wrong way - after all, these are paraphernalia of her friends. Or alternate versions of her friends? Just how many misunderstandings can one person have with the Avengers.

"... riiight." She walks about the hallway a little glancing over at Clint, then over at Natasha. The vibes about this are far creepier than she imagined. Eggs? Eggs be damned. "How's about you start with a name and we'll see where we go from there."

Which is when Natasha lets the ball drop. Kang. Not Kong. Also still a projection of him - he did make a good choice not to appear in person after all. She does look around for the proverbial curtain he might be hiding behind though.

"You'd better start explaining yourself Grimace or we're going to have one of those misunderstandings. This is a real fancy sword ship, I'd hate for something to happen to it."

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Stadler was generally glad that Darcy was here. Shared experiences meant an extra voice that would be added to the chorus of 'nuke anything that looked a bit too numerous and a bit too hostile.' He'd almost wish for something like that, however. Whatever threat that might arise from those, he'd be generally familiar with how to deal with it. Kilometer long ships and holographic projections... less so. This seemed like a battalion sized job, but they did have a couple of Avengers, so it probably would even out.

Wanda get's a brief nod. "I'll submit to your expertise. Still doesn't meant I'm not a bit concerned about where we find ourselves in." He notes, continuing forward with the rest of the team. At least the gravity still worked well enough for him to lug around the space suit as they moved forward.

But there was at least some information that was being passed along. He squinted through the visor of the suit at the projection being displayed. Earth, certainly. Maybe if he had some time he could identify the time period, but geography wasn't what his doctorate was in. Clearly, though, this was a bit bigger than he thought. Just a tiny amount. A scooch.

A kilometer of trophies taken from Avengers, one of which certainly looked fatal. Yeah, just a hair more complicated than your normal big space ship arriving in Earth's orbit. Certainly some pieces from those set up here. "Grandiose fellow, isn't he?" He notes to Darcy, under his breath. I can understand his confidence, though. If he wanted to try something, I don't think we'd-"

The info dump came in, but it wasn't the first thing Stadler noticed. He could see Natasha move with her weapon to the side, and quickly mirrored her action, taking cover behind a pedastal with a star spangled shield that sorta looked like it might have some blood on it. His rifle is still pointed down, but his gloved hands are tight on the grips.

<<Give me the short version; is this about to get exciting?>> He speaks lowly, subvocally into the short range net.

Stefani Houston has posed:
When Darcy starts accessing her wrist 'puter, Stefanie's head drifts in from off-camera to peer over the woman in the bulky space suit's shoulder. She eyes what the display is showing off, and glances toward the astro-physicist to offer a light smile---

--- but that's when the hologram activates a hologram. Hologram-ception.

Stef takes a step forward to eye the Earth displayed hovering over the figure's arm. She reaches in to a pouch on her suit, and raises up a trio of brightly colored Skittles that she deposits in to her mouth with the clattering of little candies across her teeth as she slowly chews on them, whilst providing her fullest attention... her her rapt attention even.

She's enjoying this.

But then the figure flashes to another place within the hangar, and with a glance toward the others, Stefanie is swift to move past Jessica on the perimeter toward the holo-gram's new location.


Once they're all gathering inside this massive museum chamber, Stefanie is there near to where Clint observes that purple mask. She's recording video and images with a device on her own suit, when Clint signs to her. Popping another Skittle in to her mouth to free up her hands, Agent Houston starts to sign back to Clint, asking him a question while raising her dark brows up a little before finally showing a slight grin.

Her eyes go to the others, and she moves to keep up with everyone, not wishing to treat this fully like some trip to a space museum... but, it is challenging not to fall in to that pattern of behavior with the emotional waves she's experiencing thus far on this mission!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Oh...and Jemma left her wrist computer back at the office. She knew she should have taken that.

And Bobbi was right in deferring towards Jemma in regards to time travel shenanigans. Already, Jemma's head was running through possible scenarios. Though, a comment does slip out of the Brit's mouth. "Usually, one would expect a time machine to be larger on the inside, rather than the outside. Perhaps one is compensating..." For what Jemma does not speculate. It could be quite possibly because the giant hologram might overhear. It would not be proper to offend the host.

Although, as the group walks onward, through what appears to be a trophy room filled with various pieces of apparently Avenger lore, that concern for offending is slowly morphing to just fear itself. Why are there so many Avenger tokens? That does not sit well. Especially with the comment about giving reason for their host to harm them. Yes, that was not a thing one says to instill confidence in others.

Yet, does it seem that Jemma is afraid on the outside? No, not in the least. Agent Simmons is certainly more adept than most in squirreling away negative thoughts and putting on a brave face. And...the fact that this..wait. Kang, did Natasha say? The fact that this Kang practically admitted he could eliminate quite possibly everyone in the envoy is certainly a negative thought. Yet, Jemma doesn't show it.

She just adopts a mask of gentility. While within her head other scenarios are being analyzed. Like...the most direct route back.

This certainly was the wrong day to leave her usual bag of tricks back at the Trisk.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Fascinated Jess leans forward, avidly scanning the globe, then remembers herself. She is not here to rubberneck. Jessica can read Natasha's tells, subtle as they are. Her eyes widen slightly at the suppressed rage in her voice. She has lost count of the number of ops they have been on together and can't remember hearing Natasha show so much anger.

The name Kang, sets Jessica's teeth on edge. It doesn't take great intuition on her part to read Morse's reaction or the others in the group. For herself, the trophies smack of triumphant hunts displayed to impress and overawe. Overweening pride is a trope she knows.

In tandem with Romanoff, she shifts her weapon from her shoulder to a ready position as she listens to coms bring her up to date on their 'host.' His exploits are astonishing - time travel, advanced tech, armor that might give Stark 'armor envy.' And despite herself, Jess is impressed as the litany goes on - strength to match her own and telekinesis. Well, well.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The running translation for other teammates may not be necessary. Wanda, a child of the Mediterranean on its north-central shore, supplies some fact. "New Carthage. What an interesting choice of name, given the last twenty-five hundred years." It's an extra-smol kitten next to the leonine-sized fact Natasha let out of the bag. The briefest glimmer of the globe appears in the reflection of her eyes before they turn away to new horizons.

How nice might it be to stay exchanging pleasantries in the big hangar bay but that's not meant to be. They instead get a minor tour of the grand ship from the inside. Displays hit close to home, but short of one very particular object under a spotlight, her colour stays largely the same. One treasure after another behind shining panels beckons for attention, where even to begin?

And not a few of them enchanted. How curious indeed. The centre of the multiverse cracks a half-smile but she isn't notably rushing into pointing weapons that she doesn't have.

She idly asks, "Ceterum censeo Ultorem esse delendam? Videtur et hoc mihi, Carthaginem non debere esse?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Oh boy. More time travel talk. "Well, guess that explains the gravity."

Grabbing an image of the projected version of Earth, Darcy starts doing some quick calculations and analysis. Sure, it's just a fancy tourist-y looking kind of map, but there's data there. The physical shapes on the map, for starters. It's not really her specialty, but it also falls into the vicinity of stuff a non-specialist can do some 'napkin' math on if they're able to look up a few things. In this case, that would be standard plate tectonic models. Maybe she can narrow it within a couple thousand years?

And Since Quiet is peering over her shoulder for a look, she holds up her arm so the display is a little clearer. "Might be able to backtrack 'when' he's from, maybe."

Otherwise, Darcy follows along with all the enthusiasm of livestock going to slaughter. Which is actually to say that the situation remains ambiguous and she just kind of goes along with the flow of their procession: those animals probably don't know what they're in for until its too late, after all. Unfortunately, by contrast she's a little more genre-aware.

As they pass along the various trophies, she's not shy to hold her wrist up nearer to them, either, seeing if she can get any noteworthy kinds of readings. Beep boop.

"Yeah, we're kinda fucked if he wants us to be," she agrees with Richard. "Magic lady depending." As for what they're being shown, she's still running all kinds of little tests. "It does all kind of line up with what that guy we brought in was talking about. He mentioned other Avengers losing a fight. This-" And she gestures at some of the trophies. "Looks kind of like that, right?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"To that, I say that there is an infinite Multiverse beyond your comprehension," Kang answers plainly, "You and I have not met. Or, if we have, it has not happened to me just yet. You may consider your own timeline to be like an arrow."

On one of the shelves stands a less hi-tech version of Clint's quiver, from which the hologram withdraws a purple-shafted arrow without ever seeming to touch.

"And mine ... more complex."

The arrow itself begins to grow like a tree. Branches protrude from all along the shaft, some flowering with green leaves while others wither and die. There is another wave of his gloved hand and it simply withers away to ashes.

"I cannot speak for the actions of those others who bear my name. Indeed, I act here in defiance of them. The boy in your care? He is far more vital than he may seem. The forces arrayed against you are pan-dimensional in scope, and the stakes existential."

It is then that Kang turns slightly, regarding the rest of the group. His eyes turn to Natasha's hand on her weapon, to Richard's hand on his. The rest of the wary-looking posse. To Wanda, he raises his eyebrow behind the mask of his helmet.

"I do not need your trust, but you will need my power before the end of all this. You exist at the fulcrum of the lever that will move the Multiverse for good or ill. I come to you offering my guidance freely. I have allowed you into my sanctum and I will allow you to leave whenver you so wish. But you must understand that Chrononauts are the very least of his minions. His warlord is already here, though your world's mutants have displaced him for now."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
They're not in any real position to fight here. This rather morbid show and tell is testament to that. Bobbi would move to a position with Natasha where they could secure a quick extraction route back to the Quinjet if they needed to engage in a fighting wihtdraw. Natasha's attention is back up and over on the various tropies on display - the ones that if need be they could repurpose over to said retreat.

THen her eyes fall on something on the display and they widen for just a moment before narrowing again. Oh she has /seen/ that little thing before. Slightly different, on it's own, and been warned to look out for it specifically. It looks a little different.. But she can still tell what it is. Jessica knows Natasha's tells - as do Clint and Bobbi enough to pickup her attention on that glove, and one of the small gems inlaid in it.

Natasha speaks, "And whom then are you here to guide us with then?" She would casually ready her weapon. Grapple gun at her side in case.. "I'm guessing yourself. So in that case why are we the ones interfering in a family feud?"

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Stadler was absoultely certain, in that moment, that his life did not need the dose of cosmic horror it was being provided currently. Never mind the fact that they were in a situation where they could be simply vented into space. The arrow that moves to grow leaves and branches was proof of that (biomass simply couldn't be made that fast, after all, and certainly not from an arrow). But that paled next to the annoucement that the enemies they were fighting were simply from an infinite number of different worlds.

One thing at a time. That was about all you could take it at right now. "Looks like they've lost a lot of fights." He says to Darcy, his voice low. "I'm beginning to think I need to get debriefed if and when we get off this ship."

Stefani Houston has posed:
With their tour guide still providing some strangely vague-sounding context to what they're doing here and why he'd even want them here, Stefanie continues to move around the immediate area. She doesn't have her primary defense weapon readied, but she does have one hand resting on the sling that holds it over her left shoulder. Her right hand is holding her own tablet device that she'd pulled from the rig strapped around her torso. She's still actively using this device to record, catalogue and just generally keep tabs on the situation around them for the immediate interest, and for potential review later back home.

Assuming they get back home, of course.

She ends up back behind some of the others again though, peering past Wanda and Darcy toward the display of that arrow shaft being turned in to a natural display of growing life. This causes her dark lashes to flutter in thought for a few short moments before she looks up to this masked figure's face again. Of course his face is covered though, and for the time being Stef does have a less than pleased expression grace her facial features.

Something about this man, and how he is conducting himself has cast a sour cloud across the Agent's mind.

She gives another look right, then left, seemingly feeling a bit uncomfortable for now for whatever reason.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Despite his promises of being here to help in this timeline, somehow, multiverses and promised savior seems to go hand in hand with narcism and anti-social personality disorder. It boggles imagining herself in multiple worlds. But, right now, Jessica is willing to play the rube with a gun.

Frowning slightly, she observes Romanoff scrutinize Kang's jeweled glove.

Subvocalizing, she asks over coms, <<What do you see?>>

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Don't get Darcy started in on the 'closed timelike curves' again, Exposition Guy!

But actually, she doesn't start spouting off on quantum mechanics. "Any of you seen Primer?" she wonders instead, looking around among several of the nearby SHIELD types. "It's pretty much the best time travel movie ever made, even though it's this low-budget indie thing... But anyway, it does a pretty good job laying out what scientifically plausible time-travel might look like. Course it's still kind of a mind-fuck, but a better conceptual exploration than Mary McFly."

Also, aside to Stadler: "Phrasing."

As tense as the other agents are, she displays none of this killer instinct, no action girl tendencies. Maybe the others could fight this dude, or much more maybe not. But she's not going to be the deciding factor in anything like that. Plus, the guy is offering to help! Totally trustworthy, right?

"I'm sure we'd appreciate any sort of information you have on the situation, Mr. Kang." Addressing him comes a bit out of nowhere, but there's a lot of caginess happening and she's the information-hungry kind of gal. "In our postmodern yet pre-panhumanist era, we've yet to create a Unified Theory or even properly reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. So, you know, maybe we could get something of an 'Explain like I'm five' for starters?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"The boy came to you," Kang answers, "that is where the Destiny Force brought him. It is a uniquely human power, and he is the first in history to access it. I have some understanding of how this will play out, and this place - this time - is at the hear of it. I can aid you, but Immortus? He knows how I think. He is me. But this reality? It is different."

He regards Darcy in silence for a moment: "I will help you how I can. I welcome you and your colleagues here aboard the Damocles. There is much about time-travel and the Unified Theory that you are not ready to unwravel, but I wish to give you a push in the right direction."

Finally, they arrive at another door. It seems to form itself from solid metal, appearing only as they approach it. The hologram vanishes and, inside, sits Kang. His throne is vaguely spherical and hovers within a shaft of light, a great array of holographic displays filling the air around him.

Scenes from throughout history play on the screens. One depicts Ancient Egypt and a great statue that looks very much like tha man seated before them. Another shows Odin of Asgard, decidedly younger and warring in the shadow of a great mechanical creature several hundreds of feet tall. Yet another shows a moon-sized throne and dais carved from rock with the motifs of death and bones carved upon it. A great staircase leads up to the highest point, and arrayed upon it are the bloodied and dismembered remains of hundreds of heroes. Many familiar to those in the room now.

Kang remains in his throne, the helmet still on: "Are you ready to begin?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The group doesn't quite have much choice in the matter now, do they? They can go along with the being that has clearly implied that he can operate on several planes over of existence.. Even as Natasha glances over at Jessica and speaks over the comm and tightband <<Something involving another thing.>> The way she phrases 'thing' is used with the same sort of verbal intonation as she had replied to Kang. Spyspeak for 'same'.

Now that the group goes along, Natasha's attention turns over quickly to Darcy and Jemma. She could recognize Odin.

But that huge thing that was being fought? That throne in another? Those skeletons? Something is very wrong here. Walking in someone else's afterimages. "You have yet to say what you have to gain from this. If you are going to help us, you clearly have something that yields something for you. Explain that first." No demagogue ever does anything out of a sense of benevolence. So might as well ge thim to put all the bits on the table and say what's in it for him.

Because, as Jessica knew, as Bobbi knew, as Richard knew, as Stefanie knew.. The best way to ensure that a megaloamaniac held up his end of things was when he had something worth the investment for him. So he didn't get bored and cut them off out of a sense of disinterest and betray them for the mere sake that he could. Not that he wouldn't betray them anyways of course.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
To Darcy she casually replies, "Banner borrowed my copy and never returned it." Still, he named his ship the Damocles and hangs it over their heads, literally. Immortus or this version of Kang. This guy is the alien from V offering generosity in one hand but doom in the other. Beating one won't be enough.

She's running the concepts in her head. If he's from the future then anything that was once classified has long since become open casual reading. How much of it is lost to his time? probably not much - not much you can't recover when you own a time machine. And it's no point putting in measures against that in their timeline because it's already happened in his.

Their technology, much like technology from 50 years ago, must be childs play to him. No wonder the robits hacked her wings with ease. Still, he claims that this reality is 'different'.

Velcro rips on the side of her leg and she dips her hand in, taking out a communicator. This is an opportunity to get in to the head of the enemy and perhaps learn what Kang - or Immortus - knows about each and everyone of them. If they are unique, then they need to know what strengths they possess that the other timelines did not.

She tosses it from one hand to the other and then looks around at the team. The faces paint a certain kind of picture. She knows they're all very smart and most of them will have put two and two together already. "It seems we're going to have a lot to talk about then." She tosses the hologram the communicator. He touched the arrow - she wants to see how 'here' he really is. But more importantly, it's a gesture to signal the beginning of open dialogue.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Stadler was quite aware that most things were done out of self interest; sometimes a sense of justice and the general idea that life and cultures were pretty here that not would suffice, but give what he could get from context, the man in front of them was more... transactional in nature.

Morse's recognition is spoken out loud. "Rather on the nose name for a ship, isn't it?" It was too obvious to be clever, but he wasn't exactly going to say that to the mans face. Especially as they walked up the stairs and saw the real him, surrounded by scenes off fighting and just an extraordinary large amount of corpses in front of it.

He pauses for a moment, then moves to take his hands off the rifle and leave it hanging on the sling. This wasn't something they were going to shoot their way out of. "Mind out of the gutter, Lewis." He mentioned over to her.

Stefani Houston has posed:
When they reach the next doorway, Stefani posts up on the side of it to let everyone walk through ahead of her. As they go she lets her eyes roam the doorway itself. The problem with space ships is that they're likely going to have some pretty amazing air-tight seals which will form a problem for her, should she need to be a bit more... aggressive if things here went poorly.

Upon entering the chamber where their host takes a seat upon some manner of throne, Stef finds herself looking at the various displays showing off better glimpses of History than any television channel back home could ever hope to. But a theme settles within her mind, and she steps back over toward where Clint is.

Clint gets a look at Stefanie signing something to him again, whether or not their Host can read ASL is entirely unknown to her, and she may not even care either way.

After signing whatever it is she says, her eyes go toward Bobbi to watch her toss the comm unit, and to the Holo-Man to see if he'll snag it.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Shifting the gun back to her shoulder, Jess follows the group, lingering toward the back. The tableaus on the screen scream for her attention. It takes an effort to tear her eyes away from Odin and the pyramids.

Natasha's cryptic reply sends a tingle down her back. Gloves and jewels. Where had she heard of that before?

She shifts her gaze to their host, awaiting his reply. She, like Natasha, doubts he is here out of the benevolence of his heart. After catching Bobbi's glance, she nods, acknowledging her suspicions then focuses on Kang's reaction to the communicator.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I'm sure anything would help."

Darcy is willing to be a little selfish here, in terms of asking for what might amount to some big 'ole science cheat codes. Or maybe selfish isn't quite the right word. Even a little info could do a LOT to push scientific frontiers forward for all of humanity. Temporal Prime Directives? Pft, that's TV, Bobbi. As far as she knows, 'paradoxes' are just invalid solutions to the equations.

So: go ahead and Forbidden Knowledge her, baby!

... and careful what you wish for.

Because in the next room, they get some knowledge, in terms of all those glimpses of the future. Not exactly happy ones either. Darcy looks around, making sure her helmet cam gets it all, but her eyes are still wide despite the attempt to continue good mission procedures. Maybe there's no proof that any of it is real, that they're not elaborate future CGI scenes, but in her gut, it's still a pretty imposing display, especially when taken together with the gigantic space ship and everything else.

Mostly, though, she stands and waits, unsure what's coming next.

Clint Barton has posed:
"The vessel's name is coincidental, I assure you," Kang answers, gesturing a hand towards Bobbi and then Richard with the faintest of smiles, "I will welcome your scientists here and I will provide their instruction and quarters. You may send security if you so wish, but I will not tolerate intervention or senseless snooping."

From where he stands, Clint glances sidelong at Stefanie. He glances down at the sign she gives him, returning a few gestures of his own. He keeps his attention fixated on Bobbi and Kang for the most part.

"You will not tell me where the boy is. It is best I do not know. I believe Doctor Lewis will be of much assistance in propagating the science I am going to share with you. As will Doctor Stadler. But if it discomforts you, feel free to send anyone else you wish. I only ask that they be competent enough to keep up."

That said, Kang stands up from his throne. Small discs of metal arise from the floor, placing themselves under his feet like a descending staircase that exists only long enough for him to step on to and off of it.

He extends a hand to Bobbi, eyes practically burning into her own through the tinged-blue faceplate of his helmet.

"Do we have a deal?"

                                    * * *

Lightyears away ...

The surface of Ego, the Living Planet

"ARGHHHH! Free me!"

Tempus Khan, an immense being seemingly constructed from a silvery liquid metal, struggles against what looks to be like a tide of strange creatures. Each of them identical, possessing purple and blue bodies with a strange hexagonal head on their shoulders. They grasp at him like a living tidal-wave.

<<I will have the power. This is but a taste of the horrors I can inflict upon you.>>

"I will tell you nothing! Hail Immortus!"

The great voice, washing over the great plains of the Living Planet's surface and bubbling up from the depths of the oceans, laughs. A cruel and mocking sound, devoid of happiness.

<<More ... more ... your defenses peel away ...>>

The image of Earth forms itself in the eye of a mind geographical in scope. The laughter continues, building to a crescendo as Tempus Khan sinks beneath the monstrous tide.