16934/Carrion My Wayward Son
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Carrion My Wayward Son | |
Date of Scene: | 21 January 2024 |
Location: | Empire State University |
Synopsis: | Carrion makes an appearance on the ESU campus but finds that there might be a few more heroes around then he was planning on. |
Cast of Characters: | Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Nico Minoru, Mary Jane Watson, Sma'shaw Ihaka
- Peter Parker has posed:
It is another cool day in New York with temperatures hovering just below the freezing mark. But at least it has the benefit of being sunny on this particular afternoon, which helps to brighten the day somewhat. As always, the city positively hums with activity and just like it, rain or shine, hot or cold, the campus of Empire State Univesity in the heart of Greenwich Village bustles right along side of it.
With so many of it's buildings being more then a century old, constructed out of red brick, in some respects the university grounds seems like something out of another time, though there are still enough modern touches t hat the campus doesn't seem entirely like an anachronism.
While the green at the heart of the campus is only lightly dusted with snow, the cold helps to insure that only a few linger outside on this particular day, both staff and students -- and those visitors who happen to be wandering the grounds -- do not linger for two long as they move from building to building, heading to class or the library, or just wrapping up for the day.
One of the many students who happens to find himself on campus today is one Peter Parker, who is emerging from the Physics building -- a much more modern, glass and steel structure then most of the other buildings present. Walking and chatting in a small group of like-minded students, the tousled-haired student hardly has reason to believe that the cool but sunny day is about to take a very different turn. That out there, eyes watch with darker purpose.
"...it's pretty fascinating really. When you consider all the variables involved, the work that Dr. Connors has done so far..." Peter chats animatedly with his fellow students, enthusiasm for the subject practically dripping in his voice as he walks along. At least until his words suddenly trail off.
"Uh huh. Gonna finish that sentiment Pete?" his lab partner Philip Chang asks wryly, unaware that somewhere in the back of Peter's head a little warning buzz is starting to sound, his first indication that maybe this isn't just another snunny, winter day on the campus of ESU.
- Scott Lang has posed:
"And that's why you don't want to use a power source with a lower voltage!" Scott Lang concludes his guest lecture for the electrical engineering students. He doesn't stay around for questions. Too many times a student will ask him about being an Avenger. Yes, he'll answer those questions. However, he feels they don't have a place in various professional settings, except for maybe Baskin Robbins.
So, guest lecturing at a University, he wants to keep the Avenger talk to an absolute minimum. "You've all been great," he gives them a wave and ignore the hands that shoot up. Scott is dressed somewhat nice today, a pair of jeans, a nice button up red shirt that have both sleeves rolled up. Sadly, most of the outfit gets covered by a coat he'll slip. A smile comes to his face once he's outside. Sometimes it's nice to feel like you're part of the normal population. Life is never -truly- normal. Yet, it gives these brief moments where it pretends to be. Scott relishes those.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
Gothlings going to goth. That is what Nico is doing on campus at the moment.
Having just left a wannabe witch group meeting this past weekend, she heads out of the student union, stretching her arms in the air as she lets out a soft sigh, seemingly disappointed at what she found.
Wrapping herself tightly in her peacoat, she heads in the direction of the physics building, waiting for one of her tutoring appointments. It's been forever since she's taken a math class, so suddenly being throw into calculus was a bit of a challenge. She keeps her backpack slung over her right shoulder, as she just minds her own business for now. It's just one of those days.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
And there's Mary Jane spending time with Peter. She's wearing a large pink jacket and red hood over and rubbing her hands together to help keep warm in the cold. "I've missed this." She muses quietly to her friend. "Just the two of us spending time together. It's good." She looks fond of things. "Back before things got so crazy." When she was just a wild child and Peter was living pu to the legac yof his Uncle. She lets out a sigh and murmurs to herself.. "Forest for the Trees, Watson." Looking over at Peter talking very enthusiastically as she just listens, looking over the chatting students.
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Today was something of a bit of a rare treat for Sma'shaw. Being a incredible tall and large hyena mutant, he'd mainly kept to himself aboard the Landshark, occasionally resurfacing for groceries along the coast of New York City. But after meeting Sally Pride and the Pheebster (aka Phoebe of the Bat Fam), he'd grown a little more out of his shell and considered something he never thought he would in a million years.
Now, admittedly, getting a tour of the Empire State University was difficult, given that most of the students either fled in fear, screaming and wailing and- well okay he wasn't going to think in THAT much details. But finding a tour guide was much of the same ordeal, and it wasn't until he'd found a group of mostly crusty dads going for a tour on behalf of their teens who couldn't show up that day for one reason or another...but it was a wolf among sheep. Or ah, a hyena, this case.
"...Tuition's really this hoigh? How's anyone supposed to afford this...?" He looked at the itty-bitty pamphlet in his paws, which EASILY dwarfs this practical scrap of paper. He was currently wandering just outside of the main campus building, listing with the very disconcerted tour group as they sweated and neared the engineering side of the campus.
- Peter Parker has posed:
Despite the chill in the air there is no shortage of people out and about. Certainly more then a few eyes turn towards the Avenger on campus as he passes by, though most people remain very much wrapped up in their own affairs, even those who are lintering outside, more then one snowball tossed back and forth across that strip of snow-covered green that runs down the heart of the campus.
Distracted for a moment, Pete neither replies to his lab partner, nor to MJ right at first. Instead his gaze cranes about the open space around them, between the various buildings that line the Quad, seeking out the source of the sudden tingling in the back of his skull.
And then that little buzz that serves as a warning for him abruptly snuffs right out as if it had never been. Instead of being reassuring, it somehow seems all the worse.
"Sorry... I, um, lost my train of thought," Pete says quickly, trying to catch MJ's gaze, to give a hint of the sudden anxiety that passes over his features. "I think I left my textbook back in class. You guys go on ahead and I'll catch up," he suggests, already starting to drop back out of that pack, to turn back towards the nearby physics building. Though his gaze still darts all about the campus.
Which is right about when that ominous little warning that he gets ahead of time might suddenly be shared by just about everyone who is out and about this day. Across that stretch of snow covered field where a few students were tossing snowballs about, racing up and down the winding paths, there is suddenly a scream. Not a playful one, but one filled with horror and fear. Kneeling amongst the white-dusted grass one of the students clutches at his face, burning marks of red seeming to eat away at the flesh of his face.
And standing over him is a corpse-like figure, its body gaunt and seemingly stripped of all extraneous flesh. Skin yellowed and withered, it is wrapped in greyish rags including a head that shrouds it's features and an old leather satchel dangles from one shoulder. "Who else would like to volunteer to further the cause of science?" it asks in a rasping voice, the tattered grey glove that it wears clutching what appears to be a handful of reddish powder.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is about to say something else when Peter goes to say 'left his textbook' in just the way Prince Adam of Eternia would say when danger reared it's ugly head and all thought him Brave Sir Robin and fled.. "Got it. Don't want to miss your notes, Tiger.." As she goes to quickly look about to try and track where Peter's vision was going to pick up where it was coming from.. And goes to look in the wrong direction..
At least until she hears the yells and cries of fear. She goes to quickly jolt over and looks at the rising corpse like-thing coming up and over. "Oh $##!." That's something she's seen before, even if just indirectly. "Everyone, get moving! Opposite direction, pronto!" Hopefully when she says 'opposite direction' everyone knows what way she means - namely AWAY from that thing! She moves to quickly sweep herself around to stay out of the way in the falling back crowd to help shepherd them along and not get in the way. While quickly looking for things to throw if she has to.
- Scott Lang has posed:
Scott starts to run toward the scream. That's where the normalcy ends for the day. "Lasted a full ten minutes longer than I expected," he says to no one in particular. Then he looks to see someone with the gaunt figure. They stand above someone and make some remark about science.
Alright then. Science versus Science. Scott can play this game. He dips a hand into a pocket, then moves a certain way. A simple flick of the wrist and he's aiming for the satchel. The intent is to hit the satchel from a certain angle because when enlarged, it -could- tip over certain direction. That direction would be toward Carion. Thus, a very large satchel, with all of the contents enlarged, toppling ONTO Carion.
That's the plan for the enlarging disc. He needs to use these sparringly. Scott has one enlarging disc left and one shrinking one. Guy didn't resupply after his Gotham hijinks.
Also, this buys him time to find a certain place to change!
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Sma'shaw's ears pricked up at the shriek. This one was different. Not fear from seeing a big lumbering fluff-freak, but from adrenaline-spiking TERROR. And he could smell the scent of an open wound on the wind, and sickness. "Shit. Looks loike Oi bettah take this." And he booked it in the opposite direction of his fleeing tour group. Thankfully, he's actually bothered to bring his operator gear this time, in an innocuous backpack! But his ah...'transformation' was anything but stellar, and involved more than a couple of a tumbles with his heart-print briefs getting covered in snow as he transitioned into his armored mechanic's suit...how the hell did these hero types pull this kinda crap off? The movies -lied- to him.
When he did make it on scene, his body was covered in his shock-plate mechanic's suit, hoping it'd be more than enough to absorb any blows that might come his way. His head was concealed by a wolfskull-styled helmet, and his hip bore a holstered Lil' Barker, which was drawn, pumped two times, and aimed at this corpse-like bastard! "OI! Ya' drongo, dunno who y' are, but y' supposed to keep yer flesh-eatin' disease offa' campus! Safe distancin' and all!" Wawahi (his operating name) shouted as he approached. "Hands in the air, ya loon. Oi could easily blow ya' top half clean from ya' bottom half, but Oi dunno where ya've been. Step away from th' students!" The mutant circled around the creepy fella, trying to keep the students out of the crossfire as they fled.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
That is something one doesn't see every day. Well, unless you're a budding agent of WAND.
The sight of the yellow skinned, withered gaunt figure causes her to blink for a few moments. She just stops in her tracks and as people start running away in terror (cause who wouldn't), Nico remains eerily calm.
There's no quippy statements from this one. Instead, she pulls out her cellphone and makes a call, mumbling something under her breath. Anyone near by would probably hear her say, "We have a situation at Empire State. Engage?"
It's not like she wouldn't normally take action, but she also doesn't want to get in trouble for any potential collateral damage. It's part and parcel of becoming a UN agent-in-training.
- Peter Parker has posed:
For most people it isn't difficult to convince them to take off and seek some place far from here right at the moment. MJ's voice has the unexpected note of command in it which certainly helps undoubtedly, but one glance at the young man writhing on the ground as his flesh is seemingly consumed by whatever that red powder happens to be? That's pretty presuassive too. As is the sight of that gaunt creature and the rictus-like grin on his yellowed features.
Of course there are always going to be plenty of the other type too. Those that can't help put gawk when presented with some horrible scene. A dozen or more smartphones appear in hands, all craned to try and capture just what is going on with those cameras and while having a record may very well help the authorities later, it might not be the single wisest decision in the here and now.
For his part, Scott's aim is very much true and that flicked disk flies through the air and strikes home at that old leather satchel that is draped across the gaunt figure's shoulder. All at once that pouch and it's contents begin to rapidly expand, swiftly growing to seemingly engulf the corpse-like figure entirely, completely concealing him from view.
Hurray! The Avenger saves the day, right? Well... not quite.
For a moment things seem to slow on the campus and that burgeoning panic amps down a little, though does not entirely fade if only because the first unfortunate victim still writhes in place on the ground.
But any hope that things will be settled quite so easily dies away as the grey rag-wrapped figure emerges from the folds of that enlarged satchel almost as if it weren't there at all, as if he were walking straight through it. Again that harsh, rasping cackle sounds and the figure lashes out at the now giant, thick leathered pouch, hand casually puncturing through those layers of fabric as that red dust seems to practically fountain out in an expanding pile around the figure. "Why thank you for so enlarging my supply," Carrion rasps.
As Sma'shaw appears to confront the figure, it does not seem to be particularly daunted, looking him over for a moment. "You weren't the one I was expecting. But sometimes you simply must make due with what you're given. Very well," that gaunt, corpse-like figure says. A hand dips down into that expanding pile of powder around him and he hurls a handful of it up into the air.
For a moment it is like it is snowing, little flakes of red falling everywhere. Except where they fall, where they touch, it burns like acid, eating through the leafless trees or the coats that nearby students wear in equal, unforgiven measure.
For his part, Peter Parker has put the distraction to good use, racing towards the gap between the physics building and the next building over. A quick glance around is taken, just to be sure, before his hand fishes into the backpack over his shoulder, tugging out a certain mask. Tugging it on over his face, he starts to crawl up the wall, just as natural as walking for anyone else, cresting the roof before starting to pull off the rest of his clothes to reveal the rest of the Spider-suit beneath.
Only then does he make his way to the edge of the building and peer down into the courtyard as that red dust continues to rain down, his Spider-Sense strangely silent. "I have a real bad feeling about this," Pete mutters, hopping up on the ledge before leaping out into midair.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is quickly going to yank up her phone as people go to scramble away, going to rapidly herd them as best she can while going to try and get some quick pictures of Carrion. That goes to automatically upload him over to a secure data-line, which compares his face against SHIELD's database, goes to spit out a reference file, which is then downloaded and put at the call of anyone with a SHIELD access file in the immediate response area. Yes, Mary Jane has some idea of what Carrion can do (anyonethat's watching can).. But anyone arriving might not, and that's reason enough to have it available sot hey know what they're getting into.
Okay, okay. Guy that drains bodies from phyisal contact to heal himself rapidly and maintain structural integrity. But has to be at close range.. All right, no charging in at him. So her most immediately availabl options aren't useful, and she's not got anything heavy eough on her to throw at him from range he would notice.. So she goes to curse and keeps back to herding people away, trying to help maintain a perimeter about the area.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
Red. Snow.
Nico blinks for a few moments, still waiting to get orders back from WAND. Unlike MJ, she is completely unaware that there is a handy dandy database, but alas, she did not opt to take in the order of Google Glass to do such things. So instead, she reaches out to touch the 'snow' and winces in pain as it burns.
It doesn't just burn her, but other people, and other things. Is it napalm? There's a squint, and as her finger bleReds from the burn, her right arm starts to glow with purple energies as the witchbreaker Staff of One emerges from her chest and appears in her hand.
Purely on instinct, she points upwards to the sky and yells, "VACUUM CLEANER!"
Of course, she wants the dust to disappear. That would be the easy way, but unfortunately for Miss Minoru, she watchRed Spaceballs last night, so instead, a giant vacuum cleaner appears and starts sucking up the rRed dust... along with other things (as hilariously dictatRed in poses).
- Scott Lang has posed:
Scott's quickly rushing towards any place that gives him cover to change. It's going to take a minute. So, by the time he's out in that Ant-Man costume, Nico goes Dot Matrix on everyone. Being a fan of Mel Brooks, he has to appreciate this for a moment. "Wow. There's a woman with taste!"
Then he resumes going after everything happening. That red dust burns, ahd he'll see this by the state of his jacket upon return. That's when he pushes forward. "How bad is it?" he asks to anyone nearby him that can hear. This may be hard given the giant Vaccuum.
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Wawahi wrenches himself back initially as the powder is thrown, its crimson veil sweeping over the campus exterior and slowly eating holes into the surface of just about everything it touched! Some of the cloud breezed over the arm of his suit before the...giant vacuum(?) began to whisk away the immediate threat of the encroaching Kool-Aid powder of death. Inspecting himself...he winced as the suit's arm flared up in little sparks of chemical reaction...the mechanic suit was built for taking gunfire, punches, and...well, -regular- fire. He hadn't accounted for chemical warfare, and grimace as the surface of the suite began to deteriorate slowly.
"...Well now y' done it. Moi turn, ya -bogan-!!" He leveled Lil' Barker up, lined the sight picture with the corpse's upper half...and he squeezed the trigger. The firearm's bark was anything but little, fire jetting and sound booming like a cannon shot as the saw-off wrenched him back, while superheated shrapnel flew in in the opposite direction with enhanced velocity thanks to the second pump, whistling through dust and snowflake to pound into and pepper this bio-terrorist!
- Peter Parker has posed:
It is probably understandable to feel that New Yorkers seem a little jaded. As if everything is a little been there, done that to so many of the residents of this particular city. Alien invasions? Yeah, they've lived through more then a few. Costumed villains? Ha! That's kids stuff.
A gaunt, corpse-like figure in grey rags hurling burning red dust at everyone and everything, dust that seems to eat through anything at all, is mildly disturbing. Not something you see every day to be sure. Still, it's in the ballpark if nothing else. A variation on a theme.
But a giant vacuum cleaner? Hovering in mid-air above the Empire State University campus? Yeah, that's a new one.
It is a fairly effective one given the circumstances. At least in dealing with that falling red dust. And that is certainly the most immediate issue as it rains down on the campus, burning and eating through just about everything it touches. Shouts of panic sound from across the Quad and despite the chill in the air more then a few people practically rip their jackets off as those deadly red flakes land and begin to chew through them like they are nothing.
But then that dust is abruptly sucked away, the light little flakes no match for the vacuum cleaner above that hoovers up that dusting of red death, a swirling stream of them flying up into the air and away from the vulnerable crowd below. Even what is in that huge satchel that covers one portion of the path is sucked up into the sky, clearing at least one threat.
And the gaunt, corpse-like figure can only watch as that weraponized powder is simply drawn up and away, rendered harmless. "That... is most unfortunate," it says in that harsh, raspy voice.
Though it is entirely possible it goes unheard. Because while that magical vacuum might have saved those below from the falling dust of death, it does make things a little loud with that roar. Likewise stray bits of discarded refuse, of those jackets and other outerwear that have been discarded to get away from the burning dust, all of that flies about the Quad in a whirling vortex of debris as it is whisked skyward, adding to the chaos.
Of those present, perhaps no one has a better idea of just what they're dealing with then MJ, thanks to her SHIELD ties and quick thinking. Of course whether she can distribute any of that knowledge under the roar of the mystical cleaning implements above is another question.
Abruptly disarmed of his seemingly most formidable weapon, the time does indeed feel right to try and deal with Carrion once and for all, and Sma'shaw seemingly has the proper cure to this particular plague when he simply opens fire, spraying the fearsome figure with that cloud of shrapnel. It races towards the gaunt, corpse-like figure, strikes home... and passes straight through him as he seems to take on a certain ethereal quality for just a moment. Instead that barrage rips into the giant leather satchel behind him, slicing gaping, smoking holes in the enlarged leather pouch.
"Fool!" Carrion hisses, lifting a hand toward a tree that lines the edge of the path just ahead of him. As he drifts nearer there is an audible cracking sound, the wood of the leafless tree seeming to almost bend as if trying to avoid the creature's approach. Then the trunk cracks entirely and that tree soars away from Carrion as if fleeing his approach, hurling straight towards the armored form of Sma'shaw instead.
Up above the campus proper, Spider-Man starts to plunge down towards the scene below. Except he is a whole lot closer to the vacuum cleaner that hovers above the buildings that make up the university grounds and for a moment he finds himself drawn not towards the ground, but instead back towards that great funnel that threatens to suck up everything in it's path.
- Peter Parker has posed:
"Woah!" Pete calls out in alarm, firing off his web-shooters with that familiar *thwip*. Lines of webbing shoot out, anchoring him to the ground as he slingshot's himself towards the ground, landing in a crouch by the first victim of Carrion's attack. "Don't worry buddy, we're going to get you help," he promises, shooting a wary glance towards the corpse-like threat who still isn't registering on his Spider-senses.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The huge vacuum cleaner can only be the work of a decidedly few people, inside or outside of SHIELD. And most of the ones that could wouldn't do it in such a.. Creative manner. Mary Jane goes to let out a chuckle of glee, moving to call out.. But nothing quite gets across all the way - nor is she in much of a position to pass along info. She's going purely to wrangling pepole now - everyone sitting up and staring at the giant vacuum needs to make sure to stay down unless the corpse-bringer gets up again.
At least three huge sets of toupees going up in the air towards the hoover, one ridiculously oversized poumpador, and enough hair gel to make a new hole in the ozone layer. There's going ot be some really weird pollution readings tonight for those satellites!
- Nico Minoru has posed:
And there goes that /one/ time she can use VACUUM CLEANER as a spell, at least in English anyway. But still, a spell like that takes more than a little bit of energy from the young woman. Nico only has enough dark, emo thoughts to fuel such powerful magics, and in the end, the vacuum cleaner disappears as quickly as it appeared.
The gothling agent of WAND seems similarly pooped, falling down to her knee, clutching onto the witchbreaker staff for support. It seems that through the chaos, she muttered a glamour that changed her from Nico Minoru, college student into Nico Minoru, Agent of WAND.
"Go, uh... hide." she tells people around them as she continues to huff and puff, completely vulnerable for now. Hopefully she remains inconspicuous, even though the giant implement of magical might in her hand does stand out a bit.
- Scott Lang has posed:
Not getting TOO mesmorized by a Mel Brooks reference, the snapping of the tree catches Ant-Man's attention. Suddenly, he activates the particles. The man begins to grow as he tries to catch the falling tree. The plan is simple, catch the tree and either throw the tree, or even Sma'shaw at Carrion.
If there are variations of the Fastball Special, then Ant-Man can do a Rain Forest Ball Special or an Armored Ball Special. The name's are still being worked on. Either way, he'll try to snag then ready the toss.
The big guy will say, "You or the tree!" to the armored hero. Time to make a choice.
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Wawahi growled at he watched the shot pass right through this zam-bambo, snow hissing as the flak slipped landed into the scattered snow beyond in a streak. "OI! The bloody 'ell is with this no-clippin'! Quite bein' a COWARD, ya' Cheeto-dust flingin', Emu-lookin', beef-jerky ON LEGS!" Yeah, Wawahi didn't particularly care for ethereal business like this. He did however CACKLE in true hyena fashion as that property didn't seem to lend to the satchel. "Awww, sorry mate, did Oi mess up y' lil Gucci bag? What a shaaaaame...oh."
He balked a little as the tree was thrown menacing in his direction! Suddenly, however, he belt his whole body reverberate with the voice of Ant-Man himself! Almost made him say CRIKEY! -Almost-. "Why not both! YEEN TREE SPECIAL, LET'S GOOOO!!" Adrenaline in fifth gear, the mutant leapt into Ant-man's hasnd and began to spool up his Kinetic Jumpers, the dyson jets wind up as he got into launch-stanch. The moment that Ant-man would throw him, he'd kick off in a high-speed, jetting blast across the campus's exterior to ram into the tree directly and sending himself and it back! The plan was simple: Bug-guy through yeen-man into tree, and yeen-man smash zombie-bloke with said tree!
Fool proof plan! Nothing could possible go wrong!
- Peter Parker has posed:
And as quickly as it appeared, that vacuum cleaner in the sky vanishes almost without a trace, taking along with it all the deadly red dust, a few dozen jackets and sweaters and small host of notebooks, papers, toupees and various other detrius from the college campus below.
While there might be a few professors who are not too happy with Nico, that spell at least did its job, protecting dozens from what could have been a very deadly rainfall of burning powder. That is not nothing, even if it seems to have left the witch drained and slumped on the ground.
Thanks in part to MJ's wrangling, the Quad is slowly clearing of potential innocent victims as more and more of the students and faculty out and about race into nearby buildings and out of the immediate line of fire. Curious faces still populate all the various windows that line that green of course, but at least they are somewhat sheltered.
Though it is hard to call anybody safe.
Huddled low to the ground, crouching over the one injured man who moans weakly, his face a mess of bloody wounds, Spider-Man sneaks a quick look to check on his friends and finding that aside from MJ, they have all seemingly taken cover. Which can't help but be a little reassuring to the young college student. At least for a moment. It doesn't last though.
Even as Pete starts to carefully lift up Carrion's victim, the corpse-like figure turns that gaze his way, those eyes burning with intensity. "There he is," the threat practically coos in that raspy voice. "There's the one I was looking for. I thought you weren't going to come out and play Spider-Man," he hisses, turning and starting to advance towards Spidey and the young man whom he carries.
While that isn't particularly good for Peter, it does serve as a helpful and well-timed distraction. Because it is the same instant that Ant-Man enlarges himself and hurls Sma'shaw across the grounds, straight towards Carrion. That tree is caught up as well and in short order both come crashing down towards the gaunt, corpse-like figure. And this time? This time he doesn't seem to simply phase through the attack, the distraction posed by his target seeming to lower at least some of his defenses.
Some, but not all.
Even before Sma'shaw and his makeshift weapon strike home, the tree starts to break up, rapidly decaying as they near their target. The wood blackens and practically melts away, mere splinters pelting Carrion, all that is left by the time the tree finally hits home.
Fortunately Sma'Shaw's armor holds up a little better, though he might find it speckled with spots of rust later from that decaying field that seems to surround the yellowish, corpse-like figure. But he still slams solidly into that gaunt form, slamming him to the gorund. An audible cry of pain and anger comes from the man as he tumbles end over end, that rag-wrapped body seemingly broken and twisted.
And before their very eyes, Carrion's limbs seem to untwist, to start snapping back into place as if rebuilding himself. "Damn you!" he hisses, angry eyes pulled from Spidey to instead focus on Ant-Man and Sma'shaw instead.
Then he simply starts to melt away, disappearing into the ground itself as it opens up around him as if fearing his touch, closing in his wake.
- Nico Minoru has posed:
And that's when the ground simply melts away to keep away from Carrion.
That is a sight that Nico keeps in her memory, pursing her lips as she starts to pull herself up, leaning on the staff for support. There's a grump as she pulls out her phone and leaves a message on the SHIELD helpline.
Silly receptionists not being there and taking a break. There shall be a complaint!
- Scott Lang has posed:
"Is anyone else a little disappointed he didn't quote The Wicked Witch?" Ant Man asks seriously. Then he starts to shrink back down to normal size. He'll look at Nico, "Best. Spell. Ever." then he pauses to think on it, "Second or third best, if you could do something on par with a wish. Then it has stiff competition. Color me impressed," he grins at the young woman.
"Now I really want to watch Space Balls," and he'll look at the Wizard, "Want to?"
- Peter Parker has posed:
Yeah, that's a little concerning.
When Carrion turns his attention his way, Spider-Man starts to back away, slowly at first but then with increasing speed. He is, afterall, carrying an injured man -- one who badly needs medical attention. More then that though, he needs to be away from Carrion. Actually, that sounds like pretty good advice for everyone really. "What did I do?" Spidey protests, though he doesn't exactly expect much of a logical answer to be forthcoming.
Nor does he have to worry overly much about being pursued, at least not when the armored figure crashes into that corpse-like threat, seemingly smashing his body. Though as his body seemingly starts to reassemble itself, Spidey flings out a webline, sweeping on up towards one of the upper story windows where he knows there is a nurses station. It puts him out of the frey and gets the unfortunate young man some needed attention until the paramedics arrive.
He doesn't need to worry however as instead of lingering to press the fight, Carrion simply melts away, vanishing down into the earth that closes up behind him. That, then would seem to be the end of it, right? Though somehow Pete has a sneaking suspicion that this is not the last time that they will be seeing that particular threat. More's the pity.
For now though it is back to the Physics building and his backpack stuffed full of his clothes that are waiting on the roof there. With luck he can catch up to the rest of the gang before anyone comes to check on him.
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Wawahi rolled up onto his feet and he went tumbling past, but his head perked riiight up! Wait, was this guy seriously Homer Simpson'ing into the ground!? "OI! NO YA' DON'T GET BACK HERE!" But the guy disappears as he scrapes and scrabbles at the dirt filling the void that he'd made. "...Nuts." He gets back up, kicking dirt over the hole with a huff.