18411/X(aviers)-Men: Eat, Explode, Splash
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X(aviers)-Men: Eat, Explode, Splash | |
Date of Scene: | 30 June 2024 |
Location: | Swimming Pool / Patio Deck |
Synopsis: | The Xavier's school plays host to music, fun, grilling, and fireworks courtesy of a particularly talented mutant with poor musical tastes. Plus Ellie's there. That means it's trending on something or another. |
Cast of Characters: | Scott Summers, Rogue, Jean Grey, Negasonic, Monet St. Croix, Jubilation Lee, Warlock, Kurt Wagner, Amara Aquilla
- Scott Summers has posed:
The backyard of Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters plays host to an assortment of faculty and students who have remained behind for the summer or even returned for the holiday weekend's gathering itself. The promise of food, swimming, fireworks, and perhaps even a fire with sweet treats has all been put on offer by some of the faculty of the specialized school for specialized people. Unfortunately it is summer and that sometimes means complications. It's shortly after dusk and the sun has dipped over the horizon, painting the sky in an array of colors from pinks, purples, burnt siennas, indigo, and more. Thick clouds cling to the sky and some of them even sport a particularly foreboding darkness to them. Despite the possibility of impending rain, the decision has been made to make the most of the plans until the most isn't good enough.
The grill's sizzling and Mr. Summers - Scott - stands behind it wearing a pair of blue and white board shorts bearing a chevron pattern. He's busy turning burgers and rolling hotdogs while a fairly diverse array of summertime music is thumping through speaks throughout the pool and patio area. He's positioned the grill near the pool, but not so close as to pose a potential safety hazard. At present he wears an apron without any sort of witty phrases or images on it, but otherwise shirtless that he may get straight into the pool when he may please. All those hours in the Danger Room and gym have definitely paid off.
The pool is a touch cool on account of the cloudy day and fledgling evening, but perfectly fine after a few moments of adaptation. A few pool toys have been thrown into the water, along with a few pool noodles and floats for those that would prefer a bit of relaxation.
Around the grill though a small meeting is unfolding as Scott turns his attention toward Jubilation and Anna Marie. He looks between the pair with his ruby quartz visor secured around his head like a pair of swimming goggles, "Rain could start up soon. What do you two think? Kick off the fireworks just in case, so we don't have everyone getting soaked to see them?"
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue is here, Rogue is ready.
Dressed in denim cut off short shorts, with a two piece swimsuit on, one half under the shorts poking out via strings, the other tied off in big stringy bows behind her back. A doo-rag is tied up around her two-toned hair, holding her hair back behind her shoulders, and every piece of her outfit is adorned in red, white, and blues. Stars and stripes cover her somewhat covered form, whilst in her right hand she holds a icy beverage of crimson red, with a red, white, and blue straw sticking out of the top of the glass.
With her eyes covered by dark aviators, the Southern Belle is watching the festivities as they begin to get more prominent across the backyard.
They still had 40 or 50 students on-hand at the school for summer break, and they were milling about the yard's activities, or down at the lake where the boats, and inflatable rafts were setup for lake time hijinx.
Rogue, sipping from her straw, regards Scott a few feet away at the grill, then her reflective aviator lenses turn toward Jubilee (but does she have a reflection in them?)
"What say you?" She asks, her naturally husky voice laced with a subtle playfulness that one who knows her well could spot.
"I say make'em wait, make'em watch them in the rain. It's more ... I dunno... special that way?"
Drink sip, straw between lips.
- Jean Grey has posed:
4th of July at Xaviers is always pretty big thing. It's a great excuse for a party - especially set against a lake at the point where summer is getting its very hottest. Even if they don't have all the students, and those who are here often bring family if they're able. And then there's the secondary crowd of Xaviers-adjacent, Superfriends type folks. But Jean is firmly in the first camp. She brings family. ALLLLL the family.
To some, they're familiar by now. To others, they've met but probably forgotten them in the haze of mix-and-match Greys and affiliates. John and Elaine, her parents. Sara, Julia, Roger and Liam are the siblings. Sara's husband Paul, and their two kids (who've been identified, by testing Jean convinced her sister to allow, as very likely future students). Roger and Julia are older, too, with families, but their children are adults and so they don't usually show up. And Liam is a priest!
With all that nonsense out of the way, Jean still spends her time fussing over whatever's necessary to make sure the party is going well. That includes managing students doing chores like carrying down plastic plates, utensils, cups, napkins, bags of burger and hotdog buns, coolers with drinks, alll the things. So she checks on Rogue and Scott at the grill. "You have everything you need? Not running low on anything?
She's not nearly as fancied up as Rogue. A red tanktop, white shorts, flipflops. Blue ribbon in her hair? There we go. "Dial it back, Maverick. I... think we should probably go ahead, rather than risk getting rained out, but it's up to Jubilee. What do you think, oh mighty DORL?"
- Negasonic has posed:
"I think we should launch them early," says Negasonic, appearing from the poolhouse that was her home. She had obtained it, obviously, by legal means, and not by just sitting in it and throwing her stuff around for so long she had squatter's rights to the place.
"That way, no one can bitch about us waking them up or whatever," she says. She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, jet black and with a skull motif to the design, her hair having grown a couple steps more. One half of her head was shaved almost to the skull. The other was growing long.
And she was wearing flip-flops and a pair of sunglasses.
With everyone milling around, she had a target in mind. She goes for the hot dogs.
Although she passes Rogue and Jubilee, lifting her chin in a 'sup sort of gesture.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a pool party. A relaxing one. Monet makes no presumptions that it will stay that way. But it is still a chance for her to be appreciated by everyone about and so she graces the event with her presence. She's currently sunning herself - not that she really needs to be sunning herself after all, but it's good to be out and be seen. The girl is relaxing over and showcasing her body, spread out over on a tanning chair.
Her swimsuit is just a dark one piece, and she has sunglasses on that she would occasionally flip up and over.
"Anna-Marie, how goes iwth you? And MIster Summers, I hope that all is well." She gives a smile over to Jean at the presence of her family there. There's a look about for some of hte others that she might know. Monet does not particularly pay attention to the students unless she personally interats with them, but for this event she makes sure to give each a smile. The smile is rather sincere, and she has read thier general files and knows the basics on them so can make conversation.
She has not gone for any food yet, but has gone to grab herself a margarita which she's slowly sipping in appreciation. As the others seem to be going to the barbecue, she goes forwards to grce them with her presence.
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
"'Kick off the fireworks'?" Jubilee repeats, looking up at Scott as both of her eyebrows rise over the top frame of her Ray Ban sunglasses. "...'Kick off the fireworks'? I'll have you know that I am an /artist/ at /work/ here!" She pretends to be offended for a couple more seconds before smiling.
Jubilee is dressed for summer fun-in-the-moon, tonight. She wears an oversized yellow hoodie with the 'Lean Cuisine' logo printed across the breast. Her porcelain legs are totally bare, suggesting that she's wearing a two-piece under the hoodie. A pair of pink flip-flops are all the footwear she requires.
Jubilee tap-tap-taps her finger against the tip of her nose as she looks from Scott to Rogue and then to Jean as each of them ask her for a decision here.
She's about to answer but a horrible sound distracts her. Jubilation rises on her tippy toes to find the source: a crying baby. It gets louder and louder, closer and closer, and then...
One of the older students who stays for the summer months emerges from the crowd and hands Jubilation a baby wearing a lime green, hooded onesie with pretend cat ears. She brings him inward and bounces him a little to try to get him to stop crying. It doesn't help.
"What? What's that?" Jubilation coos, bringing the crying baby up to her ear. "Logan's trapped in the Old Well?" She nods her head through the crying. "...Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. You have a very strong accent..."
Jubilation turns to face the adults. "He says to kick them off now," Jubilation answers.
- Warlock has posed:
Warlock is in mostly-human form for this, sprawled on a lounger near the pool. He's been gone so long that none of the students are more than vaguely familiar to him, faces he's noted on his few visits since arriving back on Earth and reuniting with Soulfriend. The most familiar faces still aren't well known to him either, so while he's watching and observing plenty, he hasn't felt the need to do much talking.
The sun earlier was nice, and the reason for the semi-human form. His face, neck, and legs look fully human, but his torso and arms are shifted, with the arms sporting a familiar black and gold pattern. His torso has been shifted into a solar panel, storing up free energy from beams that are rapidly being overtaken by clouds. A baby's crying catches his attention, and his face turns to the group near the grill. "Self thinks traditional fireworks should be used before the rain starts and renders them unusable. Non-traditional fireworks can be loosed at the discretion of their creator."
- Scott Summers has posed:
"Not every day you get to watch fireworks in the rain," Scott muses quietly in answer to Rogue's own view of the evening's plan. Otherwise he seems as stoic as ever, even while he multitasks with turning a few burgers over and causing them to sizzle angrily in response. Jubilee's answer though does earn a glance toward her and he nods once, clearly recognizing that his words had downplayed the other mutant's ability, "I know you are, Jubilation. I really appreciate you volunteering your talents". The words ring with sincerity, but the speaker remains as cool and calm as ever.
"Whenever you're ready then, Jubilee. Now or wait is your decision," Scott imparts to Jubilee. The question presented by Jean though causes him to turn his attention toward her and he gestures off toward the pair of buffet tables set up for an assortment of summertime foods; potato salad, devilved eggs, fruits and vegetables, and much more. "Make sure the table doesn't need anything refresh? I could use a," and it must truly be a summer night for relaxing, "beer would be great. Please?" Scott doesn't smile toward Jean, but in his own little way he's positively beaming toward her.
Shogo's there and regarding with a stern stare, but eventually Scott's attention drifts to Monet and he offers her a polite nod before he gestures with a pair of tongs toward her, "You've had a hotdog, right? Here, have another..." he says even as he begins plucking one of the char-striped hotdogs up from the grill with those very same tongs.
The comment out of Warlock earns a nod, though Scott answers with a bit of amusement bleeding into an otherwise casual, relaxed voice, "I had plans to hire someone for a big show, but then Jubilation offered her expertise and how could I refuse?"
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
It might not be the loveliest of weekend evenings, but one doesn't exactly need perfect conditions to enjoy an evening such as this.
That certainly would seem to be the sort of sentiment shared by most of those still in residence at Xavier's despite the summer break having fallen across the otherwise bustling campus. Nor is a certain fuzzy blue elf much inclined to let the cloudy skies dampen his enthusiasm for the early evening festivities. Rain or shine, Kurt can usually be counted upon to keep his rather sunny disposition on full view and there is certainly no reason for tonight to be any different in that particular respect.
With that customary aplomb, he appears in a little cloud of inky dark mist that swiftly disipates and that telltale little *bamf* sound effect that is the only really warning of his arrival. Though he does arrive with Amara by hiss side, flashing her a quick grin. "It really is the fastest way to travel," he asserts.
He too has come dressed for the occasion, with just swim trunks on, otherwise leaving that indigo fuzz that covers him on display. Hands rub together and he makes an almost immediate beeline towards the grill where Scott is busy at work -- better him then Kurt! -- checking in on the progress of the food. "Mmmm, everything looks - and smells - delicious my friend," the fuzzy blue elf enthuses before continuing on past, stopping by the edge of the pool to casually drag one foot through the water to test it out.
A little chill or not, it seems to meet with his approval. "Oh, are we getting a show so soon?" he asks, glancing back towards the others.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Knowing full well what goe sinto the creation process of hot dogs, Monet smiles at Mister Summers, "No, thank you. I'm sure there will be plenty of other takers." She keeps her tone completely polite when it comes over to that while moving to turn her attentiont owards some of the snarkier members of those present just in case they take the chance to land some things on her.
"And I hope that Ms. Munroe is available to if need be clear out the weather." What was Ororo for if not being utilized to make nice weather for events? Ah well, what's the point of such minute things if they couldn't be squished and obliterated?
THen looking over at the baby and keeping her face extremely passive and flat with a 'where did that thing come from' expression while making sure to keep her distance. Such things will get answers or.. More likely she'll ignore them and it won't bother her at all. Score one for being unlikable!
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue is offering an upnod, and a grin, toward Ellie, as she strides past. "You need that sun screen, you let me know, Sugah." She tells the other, calling back to their last pool time adventure out here a couple weeks ago. It is one of the Greys who garners Rogue's attention, as Jean arrives. Since Rogue was standing beside the drinks cooler, she was recruited to grag a drink for Elaine, which she dutifully provided after a snatching grab motion from the ice bucket. She stepped over to the Grey's claimed table, and held a moment of chat with them.
Rogue was explaining that her father had gone to the garage to dig up the baseball equipment, to try and put together a game in the western yard, and that he should be back soon enough, Jeepers in-tow, along with Rogue's little sister.
It was the crying baby that drew Rogue's eyes back toward the grill, and a grin shown at the decision being made.
Warlock's words cause the Belle to look his way, and with a smirk given to him, she shakes her head slightly side to side. "You're expellin way too much energy with that excited tone, Mistah." She tells him.
Grabbing a cupcake from the table beside her, Rogue walked it over to Monet, her flip-flops slapping the stones of the patio beneath her feet, as she offers the sprinkled cake cup to the French woman. "I'm as right as a cupcake, Missy. Eat up." She tells her, grinning lightly before she turns to head back toward the grill where her drink was waiting for her.
- Negasonic has posed:
"Well, you can come by the pool anytime with that sunscreen, Rogue," says Negasonic, running her tongue over her teeth. She nonetheless picks up a hot dog, Negasonic taking a bite out of the same as she turns around at the sound of the baby.
She looks from baby, to Jubilee, to back again, a thoughtful look on her features.
"Huh," she says.
"Thanks for the food, Scott," she says, with a waggle of that hot dog as she wanders away. "It's good stuff," she says.
Nightcrawler was teleporting all over. "Hey hey, don't leave your fart clouds everywhere!" she chides him in passing.
- Jean Grey has posed:
"Hi Monet. Try a burger!" Jean won't give her a *hard* time, really. She's too nice. But she will passive aggressively try and make her eat peasant food! That's real parenting!
There's a lot going on, between her family, the food, and the would-be fireworks. But it's not just her family shaking thigns up here, as Jubilee gets a baby delivery mid-operation. "If Shogo's made up his mind, I think the matter is settled."
As for Scott requesting a quick 'beer me'? He might not really smile, but she does, and it's no trouble getting him. Partly because the cooler is open and she just has one float up out of it, then sail over. But it sails (gently!) to her hand, not to his, taking a trajectory to meet her midway as she walks over to him, whereupon she completes the hand-off by hand.
From there, she looks around, clearly still feeling the impulse to always make sure the party is going smoothly. She loses track of Rogue only to pick her back up by her family. She leaves Scott with his beer and his grill, since everything else sounds handled, and goes to join what is close to the whole of her family, grabbing a couple more ready items off as Scott finishes them before she goes. Because people always need more.
"Have Gail and Joey eaten?" Gailyn and Joseph, Sara's soon to be powered spawn.
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
Amara was hardly going to turn down the chance to hang out and enjoy free food and a show! She arrives with Kurt, returning his grin with a nod, "No arguments here. Especially since it was my fault for running late." Chuckling, she lifts a hand in a wave towards everyone, offering a sunny smile.
With blonde hair left down in loose waves around her face and shoulders, Amara arrives in a white bikini with shiny gold flames on it and a sarong around her hips in a gradient of red to yellow. Barefoot, she moves easily along in Kurt's wake, approaching the grill with a smile, "Are there any hotdogs ready?"
Glancing back as Kurt tests the water, she glances skyward for a moment, then back to the faculty, "Oh! Are the fireworks still planned, then? Most excellent!"
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
A smile is given over to Jean at the mention of a burger, "Thank you Ms. Grey, appreciated." She will accept a burger if one is sent her way. "It's good to see your family here. I hope that they're enjoying themselves. So is there any potential reason for the large event? OR is it simpler than renting a large beachhouse?" She would turn over to accept the cupcake from Rogue. "Thank you." SHe would bow her head and take a bite over of it. "Has everything been well with you?"
She's making sure to keep conversation banal. There's enough things going on without having to talk business.
"Ms. Aquilla." Monet would nod her head at the.. Princess? Was that the correct title for the Nova Roma expatriate?
- Warlock has posed:
Warlock flops a lazy hand wave and a wide grin in Rogue's direction. "Self is emitting exactly as much excitement as is necessary for the occasion, MissAnne-MarieRogueX-man." He blinks a few times, solar panels shifting as he recalibrates for the direction of the sun's fading light, and adds a second wave to Kurt and Amara. It's nice to see how many people are on the grounds, mostly happy, able to relax and enjoy the afternoon before the storms hit, and it warms Warlock in a similar manner as a fuzzy blanket. The sun's given him plenty of extra energy, so he contemplates shapes or forms he can take to keep some of the younger children occupied once they're relegated inside. Maybe a big play area?
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
"Oh, relaaax, Scott," Jubilee urges, grinning up at the grillmaster. "I'm just messing with you."
Jubilation turns away from the grill and walks across the concrete towards the pool deck area. By now, Shogo has stopped crying, choosing instead to tangle his fingers in Jubilee's hair. "'But then Jubilation offered her expertise...'" she mutters, imitating Scott as she takes the baby away. "Just like she did last year and the year before that and the year before that and the year before that!"
Jubilee sets her phone down next to a little family of wireless speakers set up on a table before walking across the grass and onto the lawn. Her plasmoids aren't real fireworks, so there's no real need to distance herself from the others, but it's tradition!
Jubes stands there for a few moments, building up the anticipation for the fireworks display. After several seconds of waiting, Jubes raises her arm into the air and then....
...lowers it. She starts walking back.
"Ellie," Jubilee starts, intercepting Negasonic on her way to wherever she was going with the hot dog. "Can you take Shogo for a couple minutes for me?"
The baby stops chewing on Jubilee's hair and stares at Negasonic's hot dog.
- Rogue has posed:
With Monet giving in to food, Rogue is quick to grab one of the red, white, and blue paper plates she'd picked up from the store in town. She's got the plate loaded up, with extra deviled eggs, since Monet is 'of the devil' herself! (Rogue's words) She makes a few big strides over to the French lady, where she lounges, and offers it to her. "Here ya go, eat up, put on a little weight. You're rail thin!"
When she turns around, she spies both Kurt, and Amara having arrived. With hands on her hips, knuckles against her denim shorts with the American flags covering the pockets of said shorts, Rogue sweeps her way over toward them, keeping her distance considering how much skin she's got dangerously out!
"Ya'll made it, glad to see it." She says in a happy tone, before motioning to Scott. "Mistah Pragmatic says we should start the show early, since they're callin' for rain tonight. I say, let it rain, if Storm can't be here ta save us, then we'll just endure the power of water from the sky."
Her green eyed gaze goes back toward Warlock, and she smirks at him quite readily. "Well, Sunshine. You want a plate'a food, or is Photosynthesis the way'a the game for you t'day?" She inquires, gently swaying side to side, as she happily observes the party as it unfollds.
As she had said, moments ago, a group of baseball enthusiasts begin to setup a game in the western side of the yard, by the tennis court. With Rogue's father at the lead, and a yellow lab dog running around with a wagging tail going a million miles per hour, it looks to be a lively game about to break out.
- Scott Summers has posed:
Monet's refusal of a hotdog earns a mild shrug out of Scott and he's right back to attending to the grill. He sets the hotdog he'd chosen to be Monet's back onto the grill so that it may earns its stripes a bit longer. Because mmmm, carbon. Though the arrival of a beer by the hand of Jean Grey earns an appreciative nod and a subtle glimmer of a smile accompanied by a meaningful, "Thank you, Jean."
Ellie's passing is acknowledged with a little nod, though he doesn't address her directly. She seems like she's determined to wander on by and Scott's multitasking like a champ already. The arrival of Nightcrawler and Magma - Kurt and Amara - earns a little salute from the tongs and a nod of appreciation for Kurt's compliment regarding the hot, grilled meats.
Though Amara's question earns a nod and a prompt answer, "I've got a few perfectly striped dogs ready to go, Amara. Step right on," he announces with a bit of good cheer drifting into an otherwise unflappably calm voice. He takes up a hot dog, considers it for a moment, and then sets it back to the grill. Not that one. He takes up another, considers it for a brief moment, and then offers a firm nod of satisfaction. Then he holds it between the tongs, awaiting Amara's arrival with a bun.
Though Jubilee and then Rogue sliding some teasing his way earns a neutral stare, followed by a calmly spoken answer, "I said that I liked the idea of fireworks in the rain," he begins before shifting the answer into one directed at Jubilee, "and I don't want to make assumptions whether you're up for a performance, year after year after year. I make plans assuming you don't want to. Then you tell me you want to. This is the way it works, Jubilation."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would accept the plate from Rogue for just a moment, before tentatively smiling, "Thank you. And.." Her tone is a confused whisper over then that's mostly to Rogue unless one has enhanced hearing or is watching the two directly (or being a nosy telepath, they have been known to be about). "Why are you being so nice to me?" And including her?
Monet, poster ego of 'I have issues' being welcomed for something and having someone single her out, even on a small thing is..
Very, very appreciated - even if the girl would never admit it and if too many people were looking, would probably try to play it down otherwise. "And, ah.. Greetings."
To Warlock, taht she's never likely met beyond perhaps being in the same place at the same time in passing. "Thank you for this, MIster Summers." That's said in passing of the hot dog as she remembers this thing called 'etiquette'.
- Jean Grey has posed:
The kids have partly eaten, in the way kids often do - Sara points out a half-eaten hotdog length and a hamburger that has been deconstructed into its components, some removed to the side, and some random bites taken. "Still picky eaters?" Jean glances around after them, maybe on the thought of taking another try, or just being sure of where they are.
The kids are exploring, as they do. And... they find Warlock even before he's finished said contemplations, suddenly fascinated by his obviously exotic appearance.
"What are you?" "You look funny!" Kids.
Liam ends up tagging along with Jean to retrieve them, so they all end up over there near Warlock.
"Sorry if they were bothering you! These are my sister Sara's kids," she explains. She's used to re-iterating it because it's hard enough for HER to remember her whole family, let alone anyone else. "You guys having fun?"
"What can he do?" They're demanding of Warlock. Growing up in this environment, and with the looming possibility of joining it, even the children have at least a bit of a idea of the whole mutant powers thing. Sara resisted, long ago, but it's kind of become the norm now.
"Hey you wee little monsters, why don't we give your auntie Jean," oof, "a rest? Do you want a snack?" Although even he seems unsure of how to address Warlock. "And leave ah, this good... fellow? To some peace."
- Negasonic has posed:
"Huh?" says Negasonic to Jubilee. "Shogo, sure," she says. "Sure, whatever," she says, frowning over towards Shogo who was looking at her hot dog. "Where'd you get the baby, J-Lee?" she asks, idly, as she heads over that way. And yeah, don't worry Scott. Ellie understood the vibes and how busy he was.
She herself could handle only a couple of people at a time.
Unless we were talking social media. She could troll on four different accounts simultaneously.
Negasonic notes the child eyeing her hot dog, and takes one last big bite from it, before offering the remains to Shogo.
Before she opens up her arms, set to take the kid from Jubilee.
"Just don't barf on me or whatever," she says.
- Warlock has posed:
Warlock blinks suddenly overlarge, very wide eyes in amusement at the swarm of children. He sits upright and shifts into his humanoid - but obviously non-human - form, black and gold limbs folding criss-cross applesauce as he begins to speak. "Self is fine with the attention. They are not a trouble," he states easily.
"Self is a techno-organic mutant being, capable of shifting into a wide variety of forms and limited mostly by space and energy expense," he begins, shifting from sitting humanoid into what appears to be a cardboard box with working eyes and mouth. "A shift into simple forms does not expend much energy, although several of them very quickly can because Self is not taking time to replenish his energy between them." At that, he shifts from the box into a fairly large pot of flowers - then a large rubik's cube, pieces spinning into a solution on their own - back into that humanoid form.
"Self has been getting extra energy from the sunlight and was considering a jungle gym form or similar later that could be climbed and swung on, if that sounds like fun."
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
Smiling towards Monet, Amara offers a quick, "Hi, Ms. St. Croix!" Then it's waves and smiles all around, though Warlock gets the addition of a quick hug before she's scampering off to get a plate and a bun so she can liberate one of the hotdogs from the grill!
Turning towards ROgue, she gives a bright smile, "Hello! Thanks! Sorry we're late, Kurt very patiently waited while I debated over clothing. And if it starts raining, then let it rain! It wouldn't bother me." Says the girl that turns into living lava.
Holding out the bun to Scott, she grins, "Thank you! Both for the hot dog and for setting this up." Holding out a second bun, she adds, "For Kurt," in case there's a limit on how many anyone can have. Once she's acquired the dogs, Amara will make sure to get one into Kurt's hands before finding herself a chair to sit in so she can enjoy her own!
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
"Thanks," Jubilee tells Ellie, happy to unload this responsibility onto someone else for a couple minutes. With her hands free again, Jubes reaches up and straightens out her sunglasses. As far as where the baby came from? "Well, Ellie, there's a brochure down in the nurse's office that can explain it better than I can," she jokes, grinning a little at Negasonic. She lets that joke hang uncomfortably for a seconds before she follows up with the real answer.
"Budapest," she explains, as if that explains anything.
Jubilation Lee could be called many things, but responsible is rarely one of them. Despite her reputation, though, Jubes moves her hand in time to block the hot dog from entering Shogo's mouth. "Negative, ghost rider. Too big," she explains. "It's gotta be all cut up and stuff." She mimes cutting something with a pair of finger scissors.
"I'll B.R.B. Be good for Ellie, little man!" she adds before returning to the table with the wireless speakers. Jubes taps the 'play' button on her phone and runs out into the field to get into position in time with the music. An uptempo pop hit starts blasting out of the speakers.
I hopped off the plane at LAX
With a dream and my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess (woah)
Am I gonna fit in?
Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time
This year's song would be Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus. It's a miracle Jubilee is allowed to do this every summer.
Back out on the lawn again, Jubilee raises her arms into the air and starts the show. Plasmoids burst into vibrant hues of red, white, and blue against the darkening sky. Each burst is perfectly timed and choreographed, matching the beat of Miley's pop anthem. She unleashes cascades of sparkling lights that twist and turn like traditional fireworks, but with a dynamic energy that seems almost alive.
Jubilee's show is not just a spectacle of light, but also of sound. Her explosions crackle and pop in the air, filling the night with a symphony of energetic bursts. With each flick of her fingers, Jubilee adds new dimensions to the show, creating intricate spirals and star bursts. About halfway through, a cluster of Burnt Sienna explosions come together in the sky above the barbecue. A thirty foot poop emoji hangs in the sky for a few seconds before exploding into a rain of sparkles.
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
If Kurt is offended by the accusation of dumping his fart clouds all over the place, he certainly gives no sign of it, instead simply tipping his head in Ellie's direction, a little grin playing over his features. "I would of course do no such thing. Unless of course I'm given cause to," is that teasing retort as he shakes a little of that water free from his foot, arching a brow in her direction. "I mean, I would truly hate to spend the rest of the evening following you around, bamfing every few seconds. Wouldn't you?" he says impishly.
Then he is back at the grill, pausing only to cast a grin over towards Warlock's antics for a moment before turning his attention back to the food on hand and finding that Amara has already been kind enough to insure that he won't go hungry afterall, no matter how distracted that he might otherwise be. "Most certainly. It is always good to get together like this," he agrees, taking a bite of that hot dog.
Apparently he is just less concerned with how they're made. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, and perhaps this is one of those times.
"Mmmm, baseball or lounge by the pool? Decisions, decisions," he muses, flashing a grin Amara's way. At least until Jubilee starts the show. That seems to decide things for the fuzzy blue elf.
- Negasonic has posed:
"You got pregnant in Budapest. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that..." she says, although she sighs when Jubilee blocks the hot dog.
"Not my fault your mom doesn't want you to have a hot dog, little guy," she says to Shogo, frowning deeper with her black-painted lips.
Although she rolls her eyes when Jubilee starts playing that song. Not that she wanted to ruin the show for a little kid, so she lets him look up towards the fireworks, or, at least, tries to orient Shogo that way.
"Damn, look at that," she says.
"Her show is really the shit, isn't it?" she says, right after the poop emoji.
She gives Kurt her attention. "Well, let me know if you're willing to do it sometime, as like... a soldier for hire. Like when Laura or Logan are in the danger room, farting up the locker room or whatever. They'll love it."
- Scott Summers has posed:
"You're welcome, of course," Scott answers back at Monet's thanks. Amara's is met by the threat of a smile that never truly grows legs. He offers her a soft dip of his chin in answer and the call for a second hotdog results in an actual, true and blue exclamation out of Scott Summers, "Aha, two hotdogs! Coming right up!" He turns back to the grill and starts perusing the selection, turning some over to check their own stripes before, finally, settling on one. "There's plenty to go around, so if you want more just pop over," Scott answers with a stoic little nod as the overly enthusiastic response dies away and Summers' usual calm demeanor slips right back into place.
The thanks for bringing things together though earns a mild shrug before the tongs are once again used to gesture around the party, "It's a team effort, as always. Many moving parts working together for success". The answer is given before a nod seems prepared to open the door for Amara escaping pleasantries and returning to the fun.
Then Scott's attention turns back to the grill, though he's attentive to his surroundings and those within it. The grill's lid is closed in order to allow things within to roast appropriately and finally Scott strips away his apron, tosses it aside, and indulges on that sweet evening breeze on his exposed skin.
Hearing Ellie mentioned getting pregnant in Budapest, Scott can be heard sighing heavily in the background before he goes back to minding his own business. Which mostly means the beer that's in his hand, courtesy of none other than Jean Grey.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue just smirked back over her shoulder at Monet questioning her being nice to her. "When am I ever not?" She asked back, before her eyes went to Scott. She paid him a big smile, and within a second she produced him a cupcake, dashed in red, white, and blue sprinkles, that she sat on a plate beside his beer. "When you're ready, get some Sugah in ya. You're rail thin." She tells him, a playful edge to her entire demeanor.
Her green eyes go back to Amara, when the blonde expresses why they were a bit late, and with a laugh toward Kurt, Rogue nods toward Amara. 'Well, ya picked good. I dig the flames. I just love the thought'a Kurt havin' the fastest fast travel around, and yet still bein' late..." She grinned, before her drink was raised up to her lips for a sip.
The crack of a baseball against a pine bat, gave hearld to the sounds of the pickup game taking off, or at least warming up. The sight of a entire gaggle of kids, and a yellow lag, chasing after where the ball lands... gives herald to a lot of kids at Xaviers school not having any idea how to play baseball. With an exasperated body language, Rogue's father calls out at the kids who all seem to be trying to grab the ball before the others can, and a dog dragging another kid by one of his socks in the outfield, things seem to be going well there.
"Mmm hmmm." Rogue says, her eyes leaving the 'game' before falling on Ellie. "Well hey there, Mammasonic." The Belle teases the skull adorned woman. "She already got you assigned some babysitter duties, huh? Better get your pay rate figured out fast."
When Rogue notes Jubilee starting the show, the Mississippi native settles in, by sitting down half-on, half off, the corner of one of the stone railings that surround the patio area. Her eyes go up to the sky, and she scrunches her face up at the first chosen emoji to hit the darkening skies.
"Yep..." Rogue quietly states, as all eyes around the yard begin to look up too, with kids coming in from the lake area, to watch the show when it starts.
- Jean Grey has posed:
Obviously... this is the coolest thing in the world, ever? Warlock that is. How could it not be, for children.
The lingo of the explanation is probably far above their grasp, but the rapid-fire sequence of shapes is enthralling, not just for their variety, but also the somewhat inherently comedic aspect that is imparted the mundane objects when you add the detail of Warlock's large-eyed face to them. It's a bit of a real life cartoon. Of course, his energy reserves for quick shifting may be taxed: "Can you do a kitty?" "A jet plane?" "A unicorn?" "A DINOSAUR?"
Jean is more familiar with the potential here, although Liam is nearly as dumbfounded as the children are. "You've got some fine, interesting friends, Jeanie."
"That I do," she answers back, grinning. "OK kids. Maybe you can play with Warlock a little more later, but we're gonna wach auntie Jubilee do the fireworks, OK?" If she has a BABY, she definitely gets to be an auntie now. "I know you like those.""
"Self agrees!" declares Joey. Oh, they're mimicking that too, now.
As for the show? Well, obviously the kids LOVE the poop emoji. Jean has them back at the table eventually and more or less settled with their mom and the rest of the family, and maybe eating some food, although the 'self-friends' continue, with a few 'self-mom' and 'self-dads' thrown in. And finally, once they're all settled, only then does she find a moment to go rejoin Rogue, as she settles at that railing. She gets offered a beer too, like Scott.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The back and forth is appreciated, even as Jubilee goes to keep up with the fireworks and the students are going to play games and splash about. She goes to turn to watch the fireworks, a rare look of contentment up and over on her face as she goes to watch things. She goes to wrap her arms together and gives a nod at anyone who makes eye contact with her after the standard exchanges of etiquettes are given.
Then she goes to smirk to herself and moves to send to Jean <<So has the date been set yet?>> While eveyrone is together, and all the family is there.. Might as well go in for the bit that she would find most amusing.
- Amara Aquilla has posed:
Smiling at Scott, she gives a nod, "A very good point. Still, thanks to you." She lifts her voice, "And thank you to everyone else that helped set this up!" Because she's not one to be rude, so thanks all around! With one last smile towards Scott, she steps away, pausing only when Rogue responds.
Laughing, she grins towarsd Rogue, "Still my fault! The party had started and I was still debating! And thanks! I love yours as well! You look so patriotic!"
Turning towards Kurt, Amara smiles, "Want to grab us a few sodas and we can watch the show while we eat, then we can debate pool or baseball after!" She turns her eyes to the sky and watches the first few pops and sparks with a grin.
- Scott Summers has posed:
Suddenly there's a cupcake thrust in his direction and Scott's eyebrows rise up higher above his ruby quartz goggles. "Rail thin?" he says with a glance down the front of himself. He may be slim, but boy's shredded on account of all the training and in-field exercise. He shrugs however and reaches out to collected the offered cupcake, "Thank you," he offers back upon his acquisition of the sweet treat. A cupcake in one hand, a beer in the other; Scott's living the good life today. The storm brewing across the sky is easy to ignore when everything seems to be going well for the summer gathering.
The music kicks up though and Scott turns to face the lawn. He watches Jubilee for a moment while she prepares herself for the show and as the many colored plasmoids begin to burst into vibrant red, white, and blue the X-Man finally smiles in truth. It lasts for only a moment, but he does take in a long breath before releasing it upon a contented sigh. It's subtle, it's quiet, but it happens. That pleasant expression remains fixed upon Scott Summer's face. Most are distracted by the fireworks and that means it's a little safer to let it out; it's less likely to be noticed. The contented sound is likely drown out by the snaps, crackles, pops, and even the bursting booms.
He continues to watch even as the massive dookie emoji glitters to life and hangs there, his expression shifting into something approaching neutral. Jubilee may not be able to hear it: but Scott sighs. Again.
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
Shogo makes a comple of grabby hands at Ellie's hot dog but forgets all about it once she turns him to face the fireworks show. "Buh!" he comments in baby talk.
Shortly after the poop emoji, Jubilee goes off-book. Instead of just making firework-shaped explosions appear out of nothing up in the sky, Jubilation begins forming them closer to the ground. A swirl of pink and yellow micro-explosions swirl around her before shooting up into the sky. Thousands of individual explosions form a trail, approximating the effect of a real firework being shot into the sky.
So I put my hands up
They're playin' my song, the butterflies fly away
I'm noddin' my head like, yeah (noddin' my head)
Movin' my hips like, yeah (ooh, yeah)
I got my hands up, they're playin' my song
They know I'm gonna be okay (gonna be okay)
Yeah, it's a party in the U.S.A.
Yeah, it's a party in the U.S.A.
Jubilation continues to fill the sky with color and noise, making sure to bring the focus to three enormous red, white, and blue fireworks each time Miley sings U.S.A!
As the song nears its end, Jubilation drops both hands down at her sides. Thousands of white sparkles begin to form in the air surrounding her fingers. She doesn't have to do this, but it does look cool, doesn't it? As soon as the final note of the song pours out of the speakers, Jubilee raises both hands above her head and releases the cloud of white sparkles.
After a single second of silence, a dazzling curtain light and sound erupts, ending with the number '2024' spread across the evening sky. Jubilation remains still, pointing both hands up at hundred-foot tall numbers, apparently under some strain to keep it from busting apart and ruining the finale.
- Warlock has posed:
Warlock is amused by the children and doesn't even find their mimicry obnoxious. He does some of the shifts called out - a dinosaur (roughly the size of a bobcat), the unicorn, and the cat. The jet plane is saved for last, and the style is distinctly cartoony - a round body with two seats, some oversized internal buttons and switches, and a propeller that gives the round eyes and mouth a funny little mustache. It can't fly, obviously, but it looks distinctly similar to the sort of pretend plane one might sit in for a children's ride at the fair.
As fun as the children are though, Self is not sad when they leave, because that allows him to watch the fireworks in peace. He moves back to his lounger and shifts the solar panel back into place as his torso, adding to the appreciative chorus oohs and aahs the children make with each fun new burst of color and sound.
- Kurt Wagner has posed:
Would Kurt really do that? To Logan or Laura, given their extremely acute sense of smell?
He would probably consider letting himself get talked into it. Those white teeth with just a hint of fang gleam for a moment amongst beneath the light of the fireworks that explode overhead and the line of his mouth settles into a grin. "I will consider it. Provided that you distract them both and insure that I get an ample headstart when it comes time to run away," he agrees.
Then, hotdog in hand he turns to retreive a couple of sodas from the nearby cooler before spotting an open patch of grass not that far from the patio. It may have rained, off and on, a little earlier, but that's what he swimsuits are for. You know, beside jumping into the pool at some point.
"That sounds like a fine plan," he agrees to Amara, padding over to stretch out unconcerned on the grass, turning those golden eyes skyward to continue taking in the show. Both the one in the sky, and, sneaking occasional glances, the one put on by Jubilee herself.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue, of course, accepts the can of bubbles an brew from Jean, when it is offered. She shows an appreciative expression to the redhead's efforts in remembering her, and her taste for such delicious beverages. With it snapped open, her first sip is sampled, before she watches the show that Jubilee is putting on, a moment's glance sent toward Ellie, and the baby, to gauge the kid's reaction to the loud noises, and bright lights.
Seems he's decent with it, but then again, he survived a car exploding, so the kid seems to handle explosions well.
Out in the yard, the baseball is put on pause, as everyone gathers around, takes a seat on the lawn, and watches the lights, mixing to the beat of the selected music. Throughout it all, over Jubilee's shoulder, Jeepers periodically barks, loudly and repetitively, as Rogue's little sister tries to get him to stop with pats to the back of his furry head.
When the show reaches an inspiring cclimax, the Belle sets the can down beside her on the stone railing, then offers up a round of applause for the sparkle-fisted Jubilation.
Along with one of those obnoxiously loud two-fingered whistles, her fingers tucked in to the corners of her lips. It's utterly ear piercing!
- Negasonic has posed:
"Obviously I'm the most trustworthy person here in the crowd, right?" she says to Rogue when the woman calls her out. In spite of her usual badass persona, she did seem concerned about the baby, looking to him with the reflection of the fireworks in her sunglasses.
Ellie looks towards the Belle. "Did you approve of her using that song, by the way?" she j'accuses.
"I thought early Miley Cyrus music was banned on campus," she says. "And if not, it should be," she says.
"You can teleport, but fine, fine," she says to Kurt. "I'll distract them when you do it," she says. "They'll never even know it was you," she says.
Bouncing the baby in her arm, she glances up towards the fireworks, silently marveling at it.
- Scott Summers has posed:
A few steps sends Scott to stand aside Rogue. With his cupcake in one hand and a beer in the other, his attention seems fixed upon the bright '2024' that hands in the sky by courtesy of one Jubilation Lee. The tall, slim Cyclops leans aside to offer a quiet remark to Rogue, "I appreciate your help today. Every day, sure, but today especially". He nods once and stoic as ever returns to standing upright so that he can enjoy his sweet treat, brew, and Jubilee's colorful display of power and potential.
- Jean Grey has posed:
"I feel like she's really developed her technique over the years."
Is this strictly true? Jubilee's show has always hit a pretty common benchmark of pop-inspired slightly corny school-spirit nonsense, like she was doing a Wildcats pep rally. It's often been notable as much for its contrast to *everything* else they know about her these days. But... she's definitely got some good moves with those plasmoids, as the later part demonstrates, and by the time she reaches her finale, well, it's definitely quite the show.
At some point throughout, as they watch the fireworks, Jean leans over, and lays her head on Rogue's shoulder. It's a nice place to watch them from, and the whole thing is very wholesome and warm.
But that also means she's still there at the finale, and awfully close to that whistling, jerking her head back upright when Rogue starts, so that she doesn't totally lose her hearing in the instant.
From the latter pose, she puts her hands together to applaud instead.
The whole Grey-Bailey clan does the same of course. They're all huge JUBILEE FANS. "Do the poop one again, self-auntie Jubilee!"
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
As the Miley Cyrus anthem comes to a close, Jubilee's phone starts playing whatever the algorithm decides should be next. She recognizes the song immediately. "No!" she cries out before running across the lawn towards her phone.
In Ellie's arms, Shogo claps his hands a few times, sloppily missing it about a half the time. He recognizes the new song coming from the wireless speakers: the Bluey theme song.
Jubilee reaches her phone and slaps her undead palm against the screen, stopping the horror in an instant. "...Wow...that was a close one," she mutters, slumped forward over the table. After shoving her phone into the front pocket of her hoodie, Jubilee heads in Ellie's direction.
Jubilee is rarely all business, so her route purposely passes the gaggle of Grey-Bailey kids. She strut-dance-walks by and flashes Joey a peace sign with one of her hands. The sky turns brown as another giant poop emoji forms out of plasmoid explosions that trickle harmlessly back down to the ground. "Stay in school," she tells him. "And eat your vegetables!"
After giving Joey a little thrill, Jubilee hurries back towards Ellie with both arms extended towards little Shogo.