18887/Happy Harbor: Civics Field Trip

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Happy Harbor: Civics Field Trip
Date of Scene: 23 September 2024
Location: Happy Harbor Waterfront
Synopsis: A class on Civics turns into a surprise wedding. Congrats Sam and Morrigan.
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, Michael Hannigan, Morrigan MacIntyre, Richard Stadler, James Barnes, James Rhodes, Camille Russo

Sam Wilson has posed:
The small beachside home sits quietly at the end of a sandy lane, its cozy, weathered exterior a soft pastel blue, blending harmoniously with the oceanic backdrop. The charming white picket fence out front frames a lush, well-kept garden, where clusters of vibrant wildflowers sway gently in the breeze. The front door is flanked by large windows, and just beside it, a simple wooden sign reads, "Justice of the Peace," etched in elegant black script-a modest yet proud marker of the home's role in the community.

Beyond the house, the backyard opens to an expansive view of the ocean, the deep blue waves crashing softly against the shore. The scent of salt and sea fills the air, and seagulls call faintly in the distance. A narrow stone path winds through the grassy yard, leading to a small gate in the picket fence that opens directly onto the sandy beach.

As the small school van pulls up and unloads with the dozen Civics students who wanted to go on this Field Trip, some of the students are already complaining. "Aww, man, I thought we were going to the Justice League. Lame." one of them grumps.

"Hey, hey! I heard that!" Sam calls out as he points a finger towards the student. "So it's not the Hall of Justice, but this place is important! I know, I've spent plenty of time at one when I was younger."

Sam Wilson stands at the front of the modest home, surrounded by a group of wide-eyed students from Happy Harbor High School. Dressed casually yet sharply in a crisp, button-down shirt and slacks, Sam radiates an easy confidence. His demeanor is approachable, his deep brown eyes warm as he scans the students' faces, offering them an encouraging smile.

"Alright, everyone," Sam begins, his voice steady yet warm, with just the right hint of authority to grab their attention. "Today, we're here to learn about something that's both simple and incredibly important: what a Justice of the Peace does, and why it matters."

He gestures to the desk at the front of the room, where the Justice of the Peace will soon take their place. His voice, calm and measured, carries a note of reverence for the civic role he's about to describe. "A Justice of the Peace, or JP, is someone who handles a variety of civil duties-things that don't always make the headlines but are absolutely essential to how our society runs. They resolve disputes, oversee small legal matters, and most commonly, they officiate weddings." His eyes flicker toward Morrigan, standing beside him, her expression as composed as ever, though there's a gleam of excitement just beneath the surface.

"The work they do keeps communities functioning smoothly," Sam continues, his tone earnest. "From settling minor disagreements between neighbors to officiating marriages, their role is all about keeping peace and ensuring fairness. And it may not seem as dramatic as what you see on TV with big courtroom battles, but this is where so much of life happens. It's real, and it's personal."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As with most field trips there is a need for chaperones. Which is how one non-teacher, non-staff but still commonly present at the school Rock Star ends up in this situation.

Considering the group came in a van and not a bus, the ratio of chaperones to students appear to be 'too damn high'

But it is what it is, and being the retreat is within walking distance from here, if it turns out to be too much- Well, then he can just walk his butt home.

Despite the field trip, Mike is dressed in presentable church like attire. Should any of the students ask, like with courts, it's just common attire when seeing a JP.

The musician hangs to the back of the group, making sure any straggling students do not conveniently walk off to find something 'more interesting'.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's normally not on Earth for the Equinox. This is the first time in years that she's been here in the flesh. She's dressed in her normal clothing that she'd wear at the school or if she was doing something at Mount Sinai.

She is watching some of the newer students and there is a bit of an amused smile when someone says its lame. "I'd remind students to be kind and courteous as the Justice has taken time out of their personal life to do this." she states.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     There were things Rick wanted to say, of course. Chief among which was 'Did you notice we weren't heading to the Loop station to go to Metropolis?' and 'Did you happen to read the permission form that we provided to your parents?" He was afraid the answer would have been sullen 'no's' on both fronts, and that he'd end up lamenting the concept of teenagers for a few painful minutes. And they generally /should/ be excited about this; it wasn't exactly driving up to City Hall on the more important island, but local civics lessons were important things to teach kids... assuming they'd still be around in a few weeks time.

No time to settle on the dark thoughts, though; it simply wasn't the time for it, and it was best to know they'd get through this. So it was enough to wrangle some of these students who might have decided to talk a walk to somewhere they thought was more interesting. Perhaps a reminder. "Folks, you know there's going to be a worksheet at the end of this; I know some of you are from upstate; these are important things to learn for when you head back home."

He just had to hope the Civics teacher here did a good job of explaining some of the cons, as well; elected layman were good for some things, but they weren't dedicated jurists. Again, though... not the /best/ time.

James Barnes has posed:
Bucky's not on any bus or van - he's not overseeing little humans. He hasn't even decided if he's going to make his presence known at all.

Stealth, infiltration, losing a tail, tailing someone. He didn't get to be the CIA's boogeyman, the one that newer agents heard tales of just to strike fear, by not being way above just expert level in all these things. He's not on his own bike, that would stand out - Sam knows that vehicle.

Instead he's 'borrowed' a Honda Rebel. As far as motorcycles go, one cannot get any more bland than that. It's like the 'dark sedan' of the motorcycle world.

He's also not anywhere near the hustle and bustle of it all - he's tucked himself away on some side street somewhere to just wait. No one in the *world* has the patience to wait like Bucky Barnes - spending hours and hours set up to wait for the perfect shot, well it grows a man some patience.

Hidden, alone, on the outside but *present*. No matter what's going on in his world, Bucky wouldn't miss Sam's wedding.

James Rhodes has posed:
While the others might be arriving at the Justice of the Peace's office shortly, others are already present and accounted for.

While Rhodey might not be a regular with his appearances at Happy Harbor, he has at least been by from time to time. Though usually his wardrobe is either a little more casual or a little more... metallic when he drops by.

Not that the War Machine armor is all that far away mind you. It does make it awfully convenient to get around. And while Tony has taught him many lessons -- some good, some bad over the years -- one of the important ones is that you can indeed walk out of one of those metal suits in a full on tux and still look reasonably well put together.

While formal occasions might not be his absolute favorite thing in the world, working for Stark Industries as their Head of Security for the past few years has pretty much imunized him to the tight collars and other little drawbacks to formal wear.

Besides, he looks good.

And it is a special occasion afterall. So while others manuever all the various guests of honor to the proper place, Rhodey remains in the back, helping to put the finishing touches on the scene with all of the other surprise guests who are not on the official agenda for the day.

Camille Russo has posed:
Cam's got an earpiece in, listening in on the field trip as they arrive at Happy Harbor's justice of the peace. Listening to the complaints of the teens and the resulting chides from the adults has her chuckling quietly to herself as they start unloading the SHIELD SUVs and head into the back of the building, setting up for their coworker's wedding. She bumps Rhodey in the hip as she passes, blowing him a kiss as she turns to work on her part of the setup.

Working in heels is annoying, but at least today they're on flat ground and the chance of having to run is low. Just in case though, she's got a pair of boots in the SUV, and she's pretty sure the other women do as well. There's a car ready for the couple too, fully decorated and hiding around the corner so that it isn't seen until the right time.

Sam Wilson has posed:
The Justice of the Peace, an older man with a kind smile and sun-kissed skin, stands by the front door of the quaint beachside home, greeting Sam Wilson, Morrigan, and the group of high school students with a firm handshake. His eyes are sharp, but his demeanor is warm, inviting everyone into the modest living room that doubles as his office. His outfit-a crisp, short-sleeved white shirt with a small tie-mirrors the laid-back coastal setting, but there's an unmistakable air of professionalism about him.

As the students shuffle in, curiosity in their eyes, the Justice clears his throat, his voice gravelly but gentle. "Welcome, everyone. I'm Judge Melvin Harcourt, Justice of the Peace. Now, you might be wondering what it is I actually do." He chuckles, looking around at the eager faces. "In this little house, a lot happens that keeps the wheels of society turning smoothly."

The students listen closely as he continues, gesturing to a simple desk covered in neatly stacked paperwork. "You see, not all matters of law need a courtroom. People come here for a variety of reasons-small disputes, agreements between neighbors, or even to get their wedding vows legally recognized. I mediate, help resolve issues without drawn-out legal battles, and perform civil ceremonies. It's a job that focuses on bringing peace and fairness, but it's also about celebrating the special moments in life, like marriage."

Judge Harcourt's words sink in, and the students are soon invited to engage in a few activities. He leads them through a brief mock mediation, where two students pretend to have a small property dispute-one claiming the other's bike was on their side of the fence. The students quickly see how, with calm conversation and guided fairness, the issue can be resolved peacefully without much fuss.

Next, he hands out some printed copies of official marriage certificates, allowing the students to examine the legal documentation behind a wedding. Some joke about signing their names, and a few ask questions about how the process works. Sam watches with an approving smile, occasionally exchanging glances with Morrigan.

After the activities, Judge Harcourt claps his hands together with a smile. "Alright, folks, I've talked your ears off enough. I imagine you're thirsty after all that learning. How about we step out back for some refreshments?" He gestures toward the sliding glass door that leads out to the backyard.

And that's the cue. "Judge Harcourt, I need to step aside for a moment to discuss some school business with Dean MacIntyre. Dr. Stadler can handle getting the kids outside?" he asks, looking over to Richard. "If you'll pardon us for a moment?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the presentation goes on, Mike ends up drifting closer to some of the less engaged students who have started their own little side conversation.

Nothing's said to them, but the general presence of an 'adult' plus a quiet point towards the JP seems sufficient to at least stop the side conversation.

Once the mention of refreshments and Sam stating he needs to step aside with Mo, Mike glances up, looks to Rick, and then to the group.

And like that the chaperone to student ratio went from 'Too damn high' to 'Ok that's a bit more reasonable.'

As Rick is given lead, Mike helps with the general process of students filtering outside by... well basically making sure no one backtracks.

Move along people. Move along.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's wearing her sunglasses, because it is daytime and she likes her vision. She doesn't float between people too much, just making sure that there is proper coverage of the students. It's not that big of a group, but teens are able to get into things that others don't.

When she hears the words that she needs to hear there is a moment taken to look around to others and then to Sam, "Sure, lets step out." she tells him. She heads towards the exit...because right now she's in OMG how much time do we have mode.

James Barnes has posed:
Still a few blocks away, Bucky trades his helmet for a Met's baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses and hoofs it the rest of the way. The only thing that seems remotely odd about him is that long-sleeved shirt in the middle of the coming fall that still feels like the dead of summer. He stops before actually stepping foot on the property - blending in with a few people waiting on a bus.

He spots his moment when one of the kids in the class strays just a tiny bit too far, perhaps not far enough to raise alarm, but far enough to suit his needs. Bucky approaches the child as if he's supposed to be there - on the grounds that is, not with the kid. As he walks by, he drops something on the ground - a small round tube. When he stoops to pick it up again, he lays blame on the child - well not so much blame. "Hey kid, I think you dropped this," is offered while he's holding the tube out to the student. He stoops a little, closer to child-level and whispers, "Sam Wilson, give this to him for me." He slips the kid a ten and adds, "...for your trouble." He raises his finger to his lips. "Shhhh, I wasn't here."

Maybe he picked one that can keep a secret and keep his and keep his mouth shut? Maybe not? Maybe someone will spot some weirdo talking to a wayward child, maybe not.

Either way, whatever happens, Bucky Barnes stands and heads back the way he came.

It could be, that once the ceremony actually begins, he'll be back, could be that someone will be standing about, seeming disinterested - maybe they're waiting on someone? Could be that someone is actually watching everything.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     A thoroughly enjoyable educational activity, Rick thought. And it kept kids engaged! ...Some of them, at least. Sometimes teenagers didn't appreciate the opportunities that were right in front of them. At least Mike knows how to handle some of these students with simple presence. Rick usually used a look he had well crafted in a number of decades dealing with dumb 20 somethings, of which teenagers were but prototypes. It certainly got a group chattering about when this would end to be quiet and let the students who were rather into the idea of mediation focus. There was at least one or two which showed some... hidden depths, of course. People to watch, to perhaps direct to the right professors at the community college... though he knew at least one of them would be better suited furthur up at Columbia.

Marraige certificates... now those got a bit of a bittersweet smile. A bit more... sweet than bitter, today, though. The kids were having fun with it, and, while Rick didn't get 'giddy' these days, there was a bit of welcomed apprehension. to it...

And here it was. Call for some refreshments outside, and Rick got to take a small part, nodding over to Sam. "Oh, don't think it should be a trouble. Free drinks are free drinks. All right folks!" He said, with Michael's assistance. "This way; no shoving- Hey, shoving's just going to make it take longer." He says, pointing at one of the more impatient kids. And once they've all milled outside, Rick is following them, moving to close the door behind him.

James Rhodes has posed:
While this might not exactly be the traditional baliwick for SHIELD -- preparing for weddings and the subsequent reception is not exactly right up their alley afterall -- you put a group that thrives on organization, on excution and timing and chances are you're going to have an event that runs relatively smoothly. Even, dare he say it, with near military precision.

Which, depending on one's outlook on things might be a good or bad thing in the grand scheme of things. It should at the very least be a relatively good thing for the guests of honor at the very least. While clockwork precision might not be an absolutely requirement, no major disasters, nothing blowing up is usually right at the top of the list of things to avoid on days like this.

Oh course, rank does have a few priviledges, and in this case it means that Colonel James Rhodes isn't forced to do a lot of the heavy lifting and scurrying about, making sure that everything is in place, everything is just so in time for the show to begin. Which is getting closer and closer actually.

A quick glance is tossed down at his watch -- just to doublecheck -- and the fleeting frown that appears there is enough to send nearby agents scurrying to make sure that the nearby flower displays are perfectly arranged. There are some things that Rhodey just loves about working with those who appreciate military precision. Old habits clearly die hard.

As Cam bumps his hip as she walks by, that frown vanishes and he winks her way before the notice that the little convoy is arriving. Which is enough to get Rhodey to heave to and begin to pitch in as well.

He just better not rumple his tux.

Camille Russo has posed:
Ah, to either be a teen or have the ability to pull rank. Camille's mouth twitches as she works with the food team, making a solid effort to keep her laughter under control between what she's picking up from the actual field trip and from the scurrying happening when Rhodey turns his impressive frown at her fellow agents. Everything is looking good for the set-up, and the teams working the tables and chairs have everything perfectly in place with plenty of time for them to set up the spread of food, double-checking temps and making sure everything is clearly labeled for allergens and cross-contamination.

The bit of chatter that does happen is quiet and efficient in their way, a short-hand of questions levied with the raise of an eyebrow. Once everything in her area is set, Cam comes to a stop at Rhodey's side, shaking her hair free of the scarf she'd been using as a cover.

Sam Wilson has posed:
As the students file outside, blinking in the bright sunlight and sipping on their drinks, the first hint that something is happening comes in the form of the SHIELD agents quietly stationed around the perimeter. Dressed in their sharp, black tactical suits, they stand at attention, but there's a subtle air of celebration in their posture rather than tension. The students start to whisper among themselves, confused but curious.

Just beyond the picket fence, a beautiful gazebo has been transformed. Ribbons and flowers, all in deep autumnal hues-rich reds, oranges, and golds-drape elegantly around the structure. The wind plays softly with the ribbons, fluttering them in the gentle breeze, and it becomes clear that this isn't just a normal visit anymore. Something special is about to happen.

One of the girls, her eyes widening in realization, gasps loudly enough to turn heads. "Someone's getting married!" she announces excitedly, her voice carrying across the group like a spark. The buzz begins to ripple through the students as they look at one another, their confusion now shifting to excitement.

"Who do you think it is?" one boy asks, craning his neck to get a better look at the gazebo. The SHIELD agents smile knowingly, clearly in on the secret, but say nothing. The students begin to speculate, giggles and whispers rising in the air.

Just then, one of the agents steps forward, presenting Michael with a sleek violin case.

"But who's getting married?" another student asks, their voice full of curiosity, eyes darting around to see if anyone has the answer.

The question is soon answered when the door to the beachside house opens, and Sam Wilson steps out, no longer dressed in his casual clothes but in his full Air Force dress blues. His polished shoes gleam under the afternoon sun, the medals on his chest catching the light as he strides with purpose toward the front. His posture is straight and proud, and yet there's a softness in his expression, as if the weight of this moment is settling on him in a way that transcends his usual confident demeanor.

A murmur spreads through the students as they realize what's happening. "Wait... it's Mister Wlson!" one of them exclaims, eyes wide with astonishment. "He's the one getting married!"

As he reaches the gazebo, Sam smiles at Judge Harcourt, who is already standing there with the quiet authority of a man who has witnessed countless unions but still cherishes each one as something unique. Sam takes his place at the front, standing tall but visibly emotional.

The Justice of the Peace, seeing that everything is in order, gives a small nod. "Alright, everyone, if you could please take your seats," he announces, his voice cutting through the murmurs. The SHIELD agents step in to guide the students and other guests into rows of neatly arranged chairs that have been set up facing the gazebo.

As the students, still buzzing with excitement and disbelief, settle into their seats, the atmosphere shifts into one of quiet anticipation. The sound of the waves crashing gently against the shore fills the silence.

Just then, a boy runs up James. The boy's eyes light up with excitement as he approaches Rhodes, holding the tube up proudly.

"Hey, mister!" the boy calls out, mistaking Rhodes for Sam. "I found this outside! Is it yours? It says it's for Sam Wilson!" He holds out the tube to be collected.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike, having lingered to the back, shifts to the side as Rick opts to close the door. A quiet nod is given to Rick.

Once all the kids have been led outside, Mike does follow. Instead he turns, looking to the agent approaching him.The exchange between him and the agent was quick. A nod in exchange for the violin case. Now armed with a weapon of music, he moves on his set path. Skirting around the gathering to a more acoustically permissive location. He comes to a quiet halt, taking out the instrument, giving a quick lookover to make sure the backup isn't necessary. Satisfied, he glances to the entrance for the the signal for him to start.

The violin is brought up to rest upon his left shoulder. Once the signal is given, pale eyes lower to glance to the strings as he brings the bow holding right hand over.

Soon after, the warm and gentle tones of Clair de Lune starts to waft over the gathering.

James Barnes has posed:
If Bucky sees his little gesture delivered to the wrong man, he's not worried. It'll get where it needs to be - or it won't. If it doesn't, maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

Someone might catch a glimpse and think - is that Bucky? Only to look again and not be able to find him.

The Winter Soldier knows how to find shadows even in the brightest of days - he knows how to disappear.

But he sticks around, hiding in plain sight until that might no longer work. Then he'll move to 'not so plain sight'. But he'll stick around. Until the vows are spoken and that final kiss that seals the deal - Bucky Barnes will stick around.

Because even if they're not always aware of the fact - Buck shows up for the people he cares about, for the handful he chooses to call 'friend'.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's cue is the violin. Given everything that has gone on things are a blur. She is going to be forever indebted to the SHIELD agents that helped them pull this whole thing off. It is sort of amazing feeling to be able to surprise the students. The gasps and the whispers make her smile.

There is a last look given to herself in the mirror that was provided before she takes a deep breath and turns towards the door. Her hands are empty though and she realizes that she forgot any sort of bouquet. Though someone hands her a small bouquet as she's looking at her hands, it causes her to look up from the white and black tulips to who is handing them off. "You always did know when I forgot something." she tells the tall and tattooed herald of the Underworld.

"You always forget the little things. Now lets get you outside to your groom." the Irish man states as he goes to open the door for her and she steps out as her heart skips a few beats. It was go time.

Morrigan's chosen to wear something a bit more on the less fluffy side of a wedding gown. The cream colored dress has navy blue lace that matches Sam's dress blues. Just little touches that compliment the man (https://imgur.com/a/36lfELg).

Riordan offers his arm to her and she gives him a smile before he guides her down the aisle to where Sam is standing, "I believe you'll be needing this one as well." he gives a smile to Sam and then reaches out to pat the man on the shoulder. Then he goes to find Richard and others to stand with.

"You ready?" Morrigan asks Sam in a quiet whisper.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Certainly, tactical suits wasn't exactly the attire that one would normally war at a festive occassion, but with the people involved, who could blame them? It was a bit of ambiance. Police have squad cars, fire fighters would have fire trucks, after all, so what was the look of a few MiBs holding a vigil around the grounds? Rick could do a little bit to keep the students calm and on the curious side. A few questions directed toward him get the calm, deadpan. "Oh, must be some operation going on." In that unconcerned voice that was just assured to bring up more excited whispering. And then one of the bright girls happens to get the idea of what's happening, and Rick's heart would never be hard enough to keep the smile from quirking on his face at the discovery and rapid fire gossip that slowly approached the truth of the matter.

A shame Rick couldn't have broken out his own Class As for the ceremony itself, but he was here a teacher, first and foremost. A moderately priced sport jacket, well tailored, certainly served enough purposes. And it would serve this just as well.

Once the student are properly escorted by the SHIELD agents to the seats around them, Rick takes up a post, standing off to the side, nodding to Riordan as he walks over. Still had a job to do, of course, and that was all right by him. Weddings were always more enjoyable when you could put a small part toward the special day.

James Rhodes has posed:
As the doors to the office open, as the collection of kids and their chaperones appear, stepping out into the light of day, James Rhodes -- Rhodey to his friends -- turns towards the various SHIELD agents who have, quite naturally managed to complete the necessary preparations right on time. Like barely a second to spare, the last few little touches put into place as that small horde descends on the scene and comes to the realization that something very unexpected -- and very special -- is about to take place.

Ahhh, military precision. He really, really does love it.

He doesn't bark out orders, and instead a stare is tossed in one direction, a brief nod in the other, all those little non-verbal signals enough to make sure that everyone takes their assign positions like they have been drilling for this moment -- which is not completely out of the question. Rhodey is a pretty big believer in the value of training to really make things run entirely on instinct when the moment comes.

Soon enough, the designated agents are leading the newly arrived guests to their seats, or distributing violins, or any of the other dozen little tasks necessary to get the job done.

And Rhodey finally steps back and lets them do their thing. Lets the forthcoming bride and groom take center stage as he slips back in by Cam's side.

"Not too bad if I do say so myself," the tuxedo-clad man murmurs in quiet satisfaction.

Camille Russo has posed:
The murmuring and realization of the teens makes Camille's tiny smile broaden as they realize Sam is one of the people getting married. He looks good in his dress blues, but then she's not aware of many people that don't cut a nice figure in them. The smile helps, and she's thrilled that he's found his person. She can't help but be glad to be part of it, and as Mike starts to play her fingers tangle with Rhodey's, nodding in silent agreement and tucking herself into his side while keeping her eyes on her brother-at-arms as he gets his first glimpse of his bride.

Morrigan is lovely all the time, but she's especially beautiful as she moves towards Sam today. Her cheeks hurt from how joyous the occasion is, and she sighs quietly from her place next to James as the ceremony begins.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Since the day I met you, my wizard," Sam responds softly, his gaze locked on Morrigan as she steps forward, flanked by her escort. The sunlight catches her hair, creating a halo effect around her, and Sam feels his heart swell with emotion. He nods respectfully to her escort, acknowledging the importance of the moment. "Thank you, Riordan. Hopefully, she won't forget me." He winks.

Drawing in a deep breath, Sam takes a moment to absorb his surroundings-the decorated gazebo, the eager faces of the students, and the gentle waves rolling in the background. There's a peaceful energy in the air, a shared sense of anticipation that makes the day feel even more special.

Just as he glances at the students, who are whispering excitedly among themselves, Judge Harcourt steps forward, his voice carrying authority and warmth. "Ladies and gentlemen, family, and friends," he begins, capturing the attention of everyone present. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of Sam Wilson and Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre, two remarkable individuals who have chosen to share their lives together."

The students, their eyes wide with wonder, lean forward in their seats, fully engaged now. Judge Harcourt starts to address the pair, outlining what a marriage is, the significance of the vows they are about to make. Marriage, he reflects, is not just a ceremony; it's a profound commitment that represents love, partnership, and mutual support. It's a promise to stand by one another through life's challenges and joys, a collaboration built on trust and shared dreams.

As the Judge starts to outline the vows, Sam steals another glance at Morrigan, feeling a rush of gratitude and love. This day, this moment-everything they've been through has led to this beautiful occasion, and he's ready to embrace every word that will seal their commitment, through the diamond band that he pulls out of his pocket to present to Morrigan.

"Samuel Thomas Wilson, do you accept this woman, Morrigan Larkin MacIntyre as your lawfully wedded wife for all your days?"

"I do." Sam says, unable to stop smiling for a moment.

"And do you Morrigan Larking MacIntyre, accept this man, Samuel Thomas Wilson, as your lawfully wedded husband for all your days?"

Oh, if he only knew what that meant.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the song ends and the actual talking part begins, the violin and bow are lowered. He seats himself in the chair set aside for him. (Such great planning!)

While Mike is quiet as the speaking begins, he does give a slight grimace as Sam calls Mo a wizard. This may be a debate that will never truly be settled. But, it's not reason to object to the wedding. Instead, he observes, and keeps a glance for the one managing the cues for this occasion.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's trying not to look at the crowd too much as she's afraid that everything might be a dream and she desperately does not want that to be the case. Her pale gaze goes to Sam as he calls her a Wizard and she grins as she reaches out to put her hands in his.

She looks cool, calm and composed. A smile on her face as she listens to the Judge and steals a glance at Sam as he asks him if he's ready to accept the vows. She gives a softer smile as Sam places the wedding band on her finger.

When the question is turned to her there is a radiant smile, "I do." she states to the question as she repeats the gesture, placing a band on Sam's finger.

There is clapping from the students and a few cheers. Lets be honest, they should have given them popcorn to hold them over through the ceremony.

After the celebrating calms down, the Judge returns to his duties and seeing that the rings have been exchanged there is a smile, "By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife." he explains to the two of them.

Then there is a look to Sam, "You may now kiss your bride." he tells him before he's stepping back to have their moment.

And Sam looks all too happy to step forward and wrap his arm around her waist before dipping her gently into a kiss that makes Morrigan laugh as she uses his shoulders as an anchor.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     The kids, at least, made good impromptu wedding guests. Even the few Rick was expecting might cause some trouble didn't do more than give a few excited whispers; It was a reminder that, yes, most of them were good kids. Or simply thrilled about the experience; how many of them found a field trip was turning into an actual, honest to God wedding... surrounded by secret agents from a covert organization?

Well, this was Happy Harbor. Statisically, it's be one or two at this point, but it didn't make the event any less special.

And at the very least, it allowed Rick to keep most of his attention on the ceremony itself, which was properly concise. No catholic church on Manhattan needed; no big performance. Just friends, students, and a ceremony. Certainly, Rick wasn't one to cry... not much, anyway. And sadly, not here. But there was still a warm sense of satisfaction of an affirmation of something in life.

And it actually went through! The vows, the confirmation, the kiss. Certainly, Rick had been... a quarter expecting- no, no, a tenth, that there would be some last minute hang up. Some HYDRA infiltration; a sniper on that old two story victorian half a block away. But there it was, signed and sealed.

Now /this/ was a wonderful day.

James Rhodes has posed:
Look, at a certain point about all you can do is sit back and relax and let nature take it's course. They've done just about everything humanly possible -- and a few things that might be a little extra-humanly possible -- to make sure everything goes well, goes smooth, so Rhodey leans back and just watches, arms folded across his chest as he looks on.

Heck, even the kdis are behaving. Who would have expected that one? Hard though it might be to believe, given his own experience when it comes to this kind of thing, sometimes things do just work out it would seem. Which is admittedly nice for the pair up in front of the rest of them, the ones who are the focus of all their attention.

It didn't even rain.

Though chances are the SHIELD team was prepared for that eventuality too. Somewhere, out there, parked on a nearby street there is surely a van with a big ol' tent, just ready to be deployed.

Camille Russo has posed:
There is, in fact, a series of tents. Just in case. Everything goes well though, and Cam's eyes are a little shiny as Sam and Mo finally kiss. She's very pleased with the way the teens have behaved, and she makes a note to talk to Rick - a few of them had caught on quickly, and some of the others had seemingly noticed but chosen to keep the information quiet. If they haven't considered the Air Force for a future, maybe it's not the worst idea that could be on offer.

She can still hear quiet chatter in her earpiece, the groups getting everything coordinated quietly congratulating one another on the well-executed plan.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam takes one more lingering look at Morrigan, his fiancee, the joy radiating between them palpable. With a gentle smile, he leans in to kiss her, his arms settling around her waist as he savors the moment. Just to remind her that it's all very real, he gives her bottom a playful pinch, to remind her this is real.

As they pull apart, basking in their newly solidified union, Sam turns his attention to the small gathering of students and guests. "Thank you all for coming out!" he calls out, his voice warm and inviting. The students cheer, still buzzing with excitement from the ceremony.

Out of the corner of his eye, however, something catches his attention-a fleeting glimpse of a metal arm, glinting in the sunlight. Sam's heart skips a beat; it couldn't be. He had heard that his friend couldn't make it today. Shaking off the fleeting doubt, he refocuses on the crowd, trying to maintain the festive spirit.

"Morrigan and I are going to grade your papers on this assignment," he announces, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. "Doctor Stadler will make sure you all get back to the school." It's a lame excuse, and he knows it, but it lightens the atmosphere even more. The students chuckle, some rolling their eyes at the suggestion of grading.

And this his attention turns to his wife. "Galactus didn't eat the place. No HYDRA. No clones. No demons. Successful mission?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the ceremony starts to near a close, the waiting musician is soon nudged into action.

It first starts with a glance to be ready. Quietly moving back to his feet, he brings the violin back up.

But it's not until he is given the nod that the bow is brought over.

Betraying a bit of humor shared between the couple, the song selected for the end of the ceremony was a little less...Traditional.

As Sam and Morrigan turn around, the ever so recognizable sounds of John Williams erupts from the violin in the form of the Imperial March.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Sam, the smile warm and for once in a very long time there is nothing weighing her heart or her spirit down. It is a rare thing to see Morrigan this happy. She'd been a storm cloud for a long time, but apparently those days were behind them.

There is a laugh when Sam tells the gathered students they are going to be grading papers, "What Mister Wilson means to say is that we are eternally grateful for each one of you that are here today and for all of you that have helped us with this. None of this could be done without you." she tells those that are gathered.

"Please enjoy the rest of the day and be safe in your travels." the woman states. Then she looks back to Sam as he speaks on Galactus and Hydra, "I'd say a very successful mission." she grins to that as she leans in to press her forehead to his.

Then Mike starts playing the Imperial March and she gives Sam the biggest of smiles, Morrigan's a huge Star Wars nerd. It's not really a secret. "Time for the honeymoon..." she grins.