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Latest revision as of 09:22, 12 November 2021

Readjustment Period
Date of Scene: 12 November 2021
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: More of Hank's return 'party.' The tension is palpable, but Vorpal and The (Other) Flash are there to bring things back down to Earth. In a way.
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Caitlin Fairchild, Kaida Connolly, Terry O'Neil, Hank Hall, Victor Stone, Dawn Granger, Wally West

Donna Troy has posed:
    It has been a few years since Hank has been in the tower, but it hasn't changed dramatically and it used to be a home.

    It used to be a home for Don, too.

    It has changed a bit, though. The most obvious way is that it is the home to a lot more people than it ever had been in the old days. Hank has already met Mary, Kaida, Kian and Waspette. Even if he has, as the other Titans suspect, studiously avoided all the attention the Titans have been getting in the news the last year and a half, he can't really have avoided knowing that the team was much expanded. By the time Gar had joined, you could still count the number of Titans on the fingers of two hands. The signs of a significantly larger population are all around the tower. It's busy in a way it never really quite was before. It defeats even Caitlin's sternest demands and the efforts of Vic's army of Roombas to keep it clean and tidy.

    The trip up in the elevator had been a little awkward, but fortunately brief. Donna had glared daggers at Vic, and put a comforting arm around Caitlin's shoulders, but that's all more of the 'later' stuff. The now stuff is that here they are, in the main room of the tower, with the final member of the team who'd left after Doomsday back again at last.

    The doors open into the spacious room and there's the opportunity to spread out and put a little bit of distance between each other. Not too much distance -- that was how they spent three years after Doomsday, after all. Just enough to be comfortable. Just enough for the tension to drop a little.

    Donna moves out to the kitchen area, leaning against the counter top, and breathes out heavily. "I'd hoped you'd be here when I came back, Hank. We all tried to contact you, tried to ask you back. You never answered the messages. I... get that. I spent three years away before I felt able to face all this again. It's not what it was. Not the same. But it's /good/. None of us are entirely over what happened. None of us. But it helps. It could help you too."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
People are moving inside; that's a win. Nothing more needs to be said and Caitlin isn't the sort who needs the last word. Vic's words sting her deeply all the same. Her face is turned away so no one sees the tears welling up. She manages a pleasantly stoic expression until everyone's disembarked the elevator. Last out, and only then blinks a few tears free to roll down her face. She's long since outgrown blubbering in public but a little grief is much harder to contain.

The touch from Donna gives her some emotional support, enough to face the family again. She heads directly for the kitchen and puts on a black apron that says 'Science Cook', the last four spelled out via the Periodic Table. It doesn't take her long to dive into the task at hand, pulling out ingredients, cutting boards, and a set of professional knives.

"I--" she clears her throat, unexpectedly hoarse. "I'm gonna have to fake the corned beef, but I've got everything else. If anyone else wants a sandwich, just, um, speak up."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
As soon as the door to the elevator opens up by just about two inches, Kaida is gone. She's zipping across the whole room to the fridge to hit the small button at the bottom that opens the door for her so she can zip up into the fridge and grab out a Snacky Shake (^TM, a product of Caitlin Inc., all rights reserved). She has it up on the counter and leaps atop the lid to slurp down a solid quarter of the human sized cup inside of just a few seconds before falling backwards off the lid on to the counter with a gasping pleased sound.

Then she looks over as everyone else is coming in and starts moving about. She watches everyone go and finally hops back up once everyone is out of the elevator only to push her shake over to near where Donna ends up leaning and she shakes her head.

"Can't we put that kinda talk on the back burner?! I find the best way to deal with hard emotions that seem to be leading to punching is to put them on hold!" She nods her head, "Kinda like when you're really tryin' to get that one thing done. Ya know that one thing?!

"Like, you're like 'I GOTTA DO THIS ONE THING!' and you just can't. It's too frustrating and you just can't get it done so before you throw that thing across the room, scream, and go blow up a small city, you just put it down, let it sit and go get some food." She nods her head and then gestures at the fridge, "So, why not focus on what is most important in this world and that's Caitlin's food."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
There is a reason why Terry wasn't aware of what may have happened outside of the tower, and that has to deal with the fact that he had sand in his fur. You can thank one Garfield Mark Logan for /that/- but, admittedly, it was also Terry's fault for trying to Hobbes-pounce him into the water when he wasn't looking. Terry should know by now that the green Calvin is more than capable of shapeshifting ouf of the way.

In any case, getting that shit out takes /work/, and the specially-adapted showers and drains at the tower. The one in his apartment would clog and the whole floor would flood and- you get the gist. It's also day six since ABBA launched their brand-new album. This means that, for the last hour or so, Terry's room has been blasting music during the laborious process of drying his fur. For all senses and purposes, unless a Red Alert was sounded, he was oblivious to the world.

Raven would probably interject 'So, what's new?' at this point. Probably.

Now that he is clean, though, he is getting kind of hungry, and remembers that Caitlin has stocked the refrigerator recently. If he wants a bite of something, he'd better make haste before Gar gets to it.

Or Vic.

Or Irie.

Or Bart.

Or Wally.

Or Kori

Or Kaida-

How on earth DO they manage to pay for everything, anyway?

And so, it is with a piano glissando and accompanying music that a Rabbit Hole opens into the Main Room as Terry, dressed in only a pair of shorts and dancing through, emerges, vocalizing at the top of his lungs:

"And now you see another me, I've been reloaded, yeah
I'm fired up, don't shut me down (don't shut me down)"

A spin to the refrigerator, and he turns around with a snaky shake in hand, eyes closed as he belts:

I'm like a dream, within a dream, that's been decoded
I'm fired up, I'm hot, don't shut me -"

And then he stops.

There are people here. Check that: there is some /one/ here that he doesn't know. He stops, with the shake halfway up to his lips, and the Rabbit Hole snaps shut, cutting off the music.

"Er... um... hello!"

Hank Hall has posed:
    Hank takes time to marvel at the general business of the building. He *had* avoided the Titans in the news. Sternly changing thr station anytime mention of them was brought up on televison, moving away from conversations amongst his peers if they brought up the public vigilante group, and keeping himself clear of local news websites as the Titans were often featured in the newssites.

    In the elavator he keeps his eyes on the new Dove. There's a tumult of emotions in his head about the young woman and he wasn't sure all of it was his. Anger, relief, interest, affection, confusion. It all blended together and strained his ability to concentrate.

    Once beyond the elevators he nods to Donna. "It might. I'm still conflicted. I'm not leaving the city again. Kind of can't. Being a cop has its responsibilities and I take that seriously." He moves to the bar and watches Cait. "That's fine, Cait. Corned beef takes hours... roast beef is a good enough substitute. I'm just happy you know what it is." He grins at the red-head. He *did* have his T-Comm and he slips that into his ear, waiting for Vic to make good on his promise of color commentary of the game. He may not have a beer gut, but he did enjoy himself some football.

    To the little mouse girl, "Some times people have to work out the tough. I'm not going to be tearing into anyone..." he glances at Dawn briefly (maybe giving her credit for his demeanor,) "but there's still some air that needs to be cleared. Give it some time."

    As Terry makes his entrance he turns to regard the feline-looking young man. "That's... new..." he says and offers the man a wave. "Hi. Hank Hall. Formerly Hawk." He's going to be honest with it for the time being.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic is stoic, too, in the elevator. He's got a lot of conflicting emotions and he's trying to sort them all out. It says something that he just ignores Donna glaring daggers and Caitlin's near-tears. Not that he's immune or anything, he's just... trying not to engage.

    He comes out of the elevator and heads over to the slightly sunken seating area. Kaida finally gets him to break his stoic silence, saying, "What're we supposed to talk about, then? This stuff's /been/ on the back burner for /three years/. Not that I want it to come to /punching/ but geez Donna's just... y'know... are we supposed to pretend Hank wasn't /gone/?"

    He sighs and turns to focus on his T-Comm, adding, "Sorry I'm being a jerk. It's just... it's..." A pause. "I'd love a sandwich, Cait." Letting her take care of people, that's nice, right?

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dove leans back against the back of the elevator once people have piled in. She stays silent for a moment. She can feel his eyes on her. It's not surprising.. she wanted to find him and now here he is. A whole living breathing human being that is clearly older (seven years is a long time for a twenty year old).

Be careful what you wish for? was it a wish or just a nudging, an urging, that kept bringing her back. Now she has to deal with the reality that Hawk is real and .. "Formally?," she says with a small scoff.

Oh right, she's the last one standing in the elevator. She steps out and her eyes immediately sweep across little lego figurines left on the ground during some sort of epic retelling of a battle. She picks them up and places them on the table top.

"Active empathy is listening," she say to Vic as he asks what they're supposed to do. "Take turns. It's the art of no-reply," she adds. Her hand goes up to Cait, "And yes please, I'd love one. Thank you Caitlin."

She looks back to Hank and a moment, then glances away, "You can talk about your feelings, or what you did, or why you did what you did. But if it's not your turn to talk, then simply listen. Accept that what is being said is a truth immutable to the person speaking it."

Wally West has posed:
There is one moment!

One moment that helps define a generation. This one happens to be when the team is back together at it's core. There was -no way in hell- Wally was gonna miss the big team get together! It would seriously defeat the whole point of being one of the OG's, and Wally just can't let that slide. The pings from titans tower still reach him throug ha watch he was able to get made. Seriously, ahving smart people for friends is a dream come true.

He puts on the new suit, the sick-ass red one with the blue/white electricity bolts around it.

"Man, it's good to be back."

The speedster's feet carry him far and they carry him -fast-. The Flash moving so quickly that most people only perceive what just ran past them at mach 10 to be a strangely strong wind, those with better eyes see a blur of blue electricity. Some people are going through the elevators? Flash is more practical. He takes the stairs,getting in his cardio in the process.

What's WAY cooler than the long way? He does this in about ten seconds.

THe ping of the Tower is -way- too slow to account for Wally West, as the speedster slides to a stop as blue electricity lightly bolts off of him from the kinetic energy of the Speed Force and a lot of other cool science stuff that the player is -way- too tired to try and explain.

"What is UP Titans?!" Wally says with his arms raised and his hands dropping to his hips with a confident smile. "Ya miss me?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna couldn't really disagree more with Kaida, but it doesn't seem productive to say so, and besides she's immensely fond of the hyper-enthusiastic mouse, so she just responds with a grin. It could be argued that Donna's immensely fond of anyone who's a Titan /just because/ and there is a degree of truth in that, but she never ceases to be impressed by Kaida's courage, and finds her enthusiasm thoroughly infectious.

    It's just that this is hard.

    "Of course not Vic. It was tough on all of us when Hank didn't return our calls. But right now, he's /here/. You're not going to resolve any of those feelings by yelling at him until he goes away again. And..." she gestures towards Dawn. "There are things to work out here, stuff that's also important, and kinda pressing. Dawn doesn't have our history, wasn't part of all of that, but it's on her shoulders right now, and that's not fair. Hank and Dawn need time to work this out. That's... that's the important thing."

    Wally gets a faint grin and a nod of greeting, which is distinctly underwhelming by Donna standards since the Speedster has been away from the Tower for a time, but that's just a reflection of the situation. The Sword of Hankokles has been hanging over the Titans for quite a while, and it finally dropped.

    "So, Hank... the Cat Guy is Terry, or Vorpal. The mouse is Kaida, and before you say anything, you should have seen her kicking the asses of a dozen zombie centaurs. The winged guy was Kian. The student lady was Mary and... I'll let her introduce herself to you when the time is right. There are... a lot of others. I hope you'll get to meet them all."

    "Oh and uh... I said this to your front door once, last year. I don't know if you were inside and ignoring me or not. But I wasn't here for Doomsday, and that's a regret I'll always have, however many times people point out that I couldn't have known. I'd have given anything to... Don meant the world to me too."

    She lowers her head and sighs. "Also. Uh... My sister who's apartment I used to live in? She's a super too. Wonder Woman. Troia is actually my real name, not my code name. I'm an Amazon, from Themyscira. Also I actually am a princess, but that doesn't mean you can start up with the Xena jokes again. Sorry about the 'Knights of Ilium' BS story I gave you all back in the day, but I wasn't allowed to say any of that back then. "

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Holy sh*t!" Kaida screams and throws her small hands up. She has a lot of practice projecting at six inches tall. She looks at Hank and then at Victor before her eyes go wide and she looks up at the ceiling before finally letting out a long and frustrated sigh.

"I could write you a fucking book on tragedy and set back! I am a F**KING MOUSE!" She declares and gestures at herself, "Do you see me?! A F**KING mouse! DO I cry myself to sleep at night?! Sometimes! DO I try to make others feel bad about it?! NO! That's not what good people do! That's not what HEROES DO!" She lets out an exasperate sigh and looks from Victor to Hank. "I'm not saying ignore the damn problem! I'm just saying put it aside for a moment and eat! Drink! Watch some football! YOu haven't seen each other in years from what I can tell! Be happy you're both ALIVE!" She sucks in a breath, trying hard not to hyperventilate.

"If a mouse girl can go through her whole day smiling, being happy, laughing and just doing what she can EVERY DAMN F***ING DAY!" She sucks in a breath, "Than perhaps, just for ONE DAMN moment, we can all agree we all f**k up and just enjoy some REALLY GOOD food. Also look at Terry and laugh because he is silly!" She sits down and lets out a loud huff, arms crossed over her chest and then falls back on to her back, eyes staring at the ceiling and lets out a tiny.

"F**k." It says something that Kaida just continues to lay there even when Wally makes his entrance, her tiny chest raising and falling rapidly as she does her best to try to regain the Kaida zen.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
It's a lot easier to be confident with a knife, if one is nigh-invulnerable. There's a large beef shoulder in the fridge and Caitlin starts cutting thin strips of it off with a deft hand. They're tossed into a bowl full of rock salt and she starts pulling the other ingredients together.

After Kaida's outburst, there's a loud clatter of a lid dropping down on a bowl on the range. Caitlin glowers at the rest of the room. "I know we're going through it right now," she observes. "But I'd -really- appreciate if people could lay off the cursing."

Caitlin turns back to her labors, back to the crowd, and almost misses Wally. When she hears his familiar face she looks back, does a double-take, and drops her knife onto the cutting board with a clatter.


Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry watches the exchanges with the kind of expression a child usually gives his dentist when he is told 'This is only going to hurt a little.' When Hank introduces himself, suddenly Terry realizes that part of the strange feeling he is getting comes from the combined presence of Dawn, a lord of /order/, and Hank, who is of Terry's own metaphysical persuasion, if decidedly less flamboyant and glitter-prone.

"Oh, er- it's nice to meet you, I'm the -"

And then there are several things that happen. Wally arrives. Kaida has an 'I Am What I Am' moment, Vic is currently being inscrutable, and Caitlin is dropping knives.

There are many things the Cheshire Cat is capable of being. Perhaps, to the surprise of many, he /can/ be diplomatic and delicate when there is call for it, and this very much looks like the time for it.

The transformation is a little on the remarkable side, as he stands straighter and holds his hands together in the epitome of Victorian presentability. "How about I go and get us all some patented Agatha O'Neil tiramisu-flavored hot cocoa?" he says, with such exquisite inflection that it would have sent Mrs. Crocombe into tears of appreciation. "Just the perfect thing for some conversation. It won't be but a minute."

Because going behind Caitlin in the kitchen means that he isn't within throwing range.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "I wasn't... I was talking to /Kaida/. Because yeah, you're right--Dawn and Hank need the history, get to know people, all that stuff. But part of the history is going to be maybe hard and painful, and involve things like apologizing for things that weren't your /fault/." Vic looks at Donna significantly. He maintains it wasn't her fault that she wasn't there, when Doomsday attacked.

    Then, to Kaida, "You weren't here. You don't know what Hank and Don meant to us, to this /team/. You know who taught me it was okay to be mad about my situation? The situation I was /born into/? Not the chrome. The sh--stuff I got /before/ the chrome." He points at Hank. "Him. You know who helped me stop being so mad at my father I actually went to /talk/ to him after stuff went down? Don. We were a /family/. We still are. My issues with Hank can /wait/, and they're /gonna/, because it's not something I am gonna throw down about, right here and now. But I'm not gonna smile and be happy when I'm not, and it'd be a disservice to Don's memory and Hank's coming back to just pretend I'm happy."

    After a moment, "That said? I'm cool right now. I'm chill. Not gonna punch anyone. Stop worrying about me and focus on Hank and Dawn and the stuff they need to hear about. Also, hey Wally, look what the cat dragged in." He motions at Hank. "Not Terry. A metaphorical cat."

Hank Hall has posed:

    Hank tenses at the arrival of Wally. The word was right there on his lips. He almost called onsomething he hadn't called on in four years. But it's not a threat. It's just the Flash. He offers the the Fastest Man Alive a small smile and a wave. "Hi Wally. Been a hot minute, hasn't it?" he says, deadpan. The diplomacy act from the Cheshire Cat, Cait, Donna, and Victor all make his smile turn a bit more to a grimace and his eyes fall on Dawn.

    "There's... definitely history there..." he says. "But... I..." He shakes his head. He doesn't feel comfortable airing out in the open. Not until he's had some food at least. And maybe a--oh wait, there's no alcohol in the Tower. At least that's how he remembers it. Juice then.

    "We're mostly cool right now" he says his eyes still on Dawn. "Or at least, most of us are. There's... things to take care of that don't have to be tragic, but... might be regardless. Whether we want it to be or not." It's not a threat in his eyes at the young woman. It's... confusion. That's what's bothering him. He doesn't know where he stands with her. She's Dove. He's Hawk. They should be allies, partners, but the background of being siblings, isn't there with her. He doesn't know her from Eve and he's not sure if she's willing to sit and hash that out. Especially right now, out in the open. Titan family values or no.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn's eyes widen and she feels her heart work double time as Wally suddenly appears and she says sounding like an idiot, "Do..." and lets her word trail off in to nothing. That's the flash after all. There's no danger, just extreme surprise. She stares at him for a moment and then smiles at his jovial disposition.

It might seem a bit like chaos, so many speaking truths all at once. Donny lays out quite a lot of information - some of which she knew, most of which she didn't know. An eyebrow starts to raise. But it's Kaida who really lays it all out there. She places her hands to her stomach - she knows little about the mouse she only just met but apparently she's not always been a mouse? there's more story there for sure.

Caitlin reveals a desire not to have swearing in her ears which while slightly amusing is easily enough honoured in these walls. It's all part in parcel with the dropped knife. Through the chaos comes order, in that people know each other better and there is a harmony in that even if it takes a bit of pain to get there.

The avatar for a lord of chaos meeting Terry. Something about that feels like tossing a lit match on dynamic. Yet even so it seems Hanks demeanour is relaxing. Vic gets a nod from her. Don meant a lot to these people and it's not just Hawk who has to get used to her being around.

"I accepted the exchange program in England because everyone kept looking at me strangely," she says adding to the truth pile. "I know you all loved Don and finding out about him when I came here was a .. it was a shock. I'm really sorry. I'm not a replacement for him.. but you should all hold on to what you loved about him."

"Please don't use me as an excuse not to talk to each other about your feelings. This is not about 'Hawk and Dove' any more than it is about reuniting with your friend and mourning the loss of a brother and friend. I'm just.." She pauses, she's here because something in her role asked her to be here. Why does she let herself walk down blind allies hoping every next turn will be a revelation that'll make the maze make sense.

After a short pause she lifts up a hand, "... I'll be in my room." She turns and walks toward the bedrooms.

Wally West has posed:
The return of Wally West!

Caitlin's reaction is taken in first, finger-gunning at the tall powerhouse. "I was missed! Knew you guys wouldn't forget about me. Hopefully I didn't miss out on too much fun though, that would suck. Hey, speaking of suck, anybody have anything to eat? I'm famished, and I haven't even been running that much. Does that mean I'm getting slower?" Wally talks a mile a minute, sometimes you need to focus a mile a minute to really be able to listen!

Though With Hank's presence now known, Wally couldn't help but laugh. "Hah! Been a bit longer than a hot minute, Hall." He speeds over to the taller man, punching him in the shoulder. "That's what you get for not texting me for four years! You really broke my ailing heart, you know." Wally puts on the fake tears, before he's snickering and putting his hands on his hips. "Seriously though, it's good to see you." But the tension in the room is literally palpable.

Especially to the little mouse and Vic.

"I see I forgot to bring my popcorn for the drama-sesh." Wally says a little bit under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck. "But! We're all chill now, right? Got it all out of our system? We can kick butt and take names again as a team?" He totally looks at Vic with a fist bump.

Donna gives him a nod.

THAT'S IT?! Wally gasps in a feign of insult. "Babe! How could you?!" He flirts with her as he had always done with a hurt look in his eyes. "Missed you too, Donna the Don." He looks then between Vic and Hank, looking between the pair. "Do I need to get you two to hug it out?" He opens his arms wide. "Come on, bring it in. Titans group hug, Wallman in the center."

He knows for a fact he's gonna get crickets, probably, in response, but...uh...team building?

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Dawn," Donna calls out after her as she heads to the stairs up to the dorm corridor. "It..." she pauses a moment, chewing her lip. There's so much that could be said, but it's best to keep it simple. "It's just all a bit raw right now, but it'll be fine. We'll work it out, and we'll help each other work it out too. We're a family, and that includes you."

    She inhales deep and exhales slowly, puffing her cheeks out, before looking down at Kaida. Kaida is too small to hug so Donna contents herself with a friendly finger-pat on Kaida's back. "Yeah," she says. "Yeah. You're right. Just a few raw nerves, that's all. Thanks for keeping us honest, Kaida.

    She pushes away from the counter, and gives Wally an amused expression, followed by a quick scruff to his hair, which may not have been the intended effect but at least is a sign of affection. She gives a shake of her head and heads into the kitchen area to help Caitlin deliver the sandwiches she's been preparing. "Terry's mom's tiramisu is pretty good, let's go for that cocoa," Donna says, flashing the cat man a grateful smile. She has no intention of admitting to Hank that there in fact /is/ beer in the tower these days, at least not until he smells less like he doesn't need any more.

    She delivers the first sandwich off the Caitlin production line to Hank with a slightly apologetic looking smile, before turning to the rest of the crowd. "Is anyone /not/ having a Reuben? Extra cheese on yours, Kaida?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Yeah, well, at leas the came back and wants to talk." Kaida states to Vic and then looks to Donna after the pat. She looks around at the various folks. Shaking her head and then she casually walks to the edge of the counter she was on and shakes her head, "I'm not hungry anymore." And she leaps down and then is gone in a rush of speed. Not Flash level speed, just that typical alacrity with which she moves.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Right, tiramisu cocoa coming right up," Terry says. This will give him time to not only prepare the drink (at his mother's kitchen, which has all the necessary ingredients) but also raid his old room for some clothes. He is walking around in shorts, after all. "Be back in fifteen. Don't go anywhere."

Well. Dawn and Kaida are going somewhere. But he will com eback with drinks for them, for whenever they come around to them. The Cheshire cat gives Donna a quick thunbs-up, and slides into a Rabbit Hole.

Hank Hall has posed:
    Hank takes the sandwich and watches the young woman depart. "I'm going to..." he rises from the island and follows after Dawn. "Vic... rain check on Football. Sunday. Wally, I'll be around. More. The rest of you... I... I've really got to..."

    And then without much more explanation he's jogging down the hall towards the girl's dorms after Dawn. He's not a creeper, but some things are bigger than socially acceptable norms of the Tower's gender segregaton.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Well, /that/ hasn't changed," Vic states with amusement, watching Dawn and then Hank both leave. He sighs as Kaida leaves too. He's going to have to make it up to her somehow, and everything that comes to mind immediately is... probably dangerous to consider.

    But then he gets up and goes over to hug Wally, because it was offered. "It's good you're back, man," he says. "I need two things from you: you and Irie race, and you and me arm-wrestle. I'll even put on a limiter, give you a fair chance."

Wally West has posed:
Donna scruffs Wally's hair and Wally flails his arms a little bit in response. "Hey!" He complains with a bit of amusement touching his face. Affection given is affection returned, though as Dawn leaves, Wally's frown returns as she walks away. "Well...I guess that's that for today. Maybe just give her some time." he nods as if he just dropped some knowledge on everyone.

Though Vic accepts the hug! WOOHOO! BOOYAH! And it's a hug that Wally returns. "You too, Vic. Sure, name them!" He rubs his chin as he hears the requests. "Think both of those can be arranged! Just uh, don't break my arm, I need it to do the Fonz." He does the pose with the 'Aaaayyyyy' included.