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Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting
Date of Scene: 17 November 2021
Location: Rockefeller Center
Synopsis: The Christmas tree is lit to much fanfare! Love and holiday spirit are in the air!
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Albert Rothstein, Peggy Carter, Stephanie Brown, Jessica Drew, Ruby Lasertrava, Asariel, Sam Wilson, Jonathan Sims, Michael Hannigan, Daniel Sousa, Michael Erickson

Jane Foster has posed:
The tradition of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting may be so old, Steve Rogers attended it as a young man. Far and away from the original modest 20-foot tall fir, the grand Norway spruce looming like an empress over two blocks of holiday lights, wreaths, and garlands awaits her moment. Bedecked in iridescent ornaments and a definite celestial theme, the Christmas tree awaits its moment. Mere lesser trees and trumpeting LED angels outlined against lampposts overlook the barricaded paths for that other favourite Christmas tradition: waiting in a crowd!

The darkened sky overhead provides a pretty backdrop, floodlights washing over the adjacent skyscrapers. Blue and gold pools form on the skating rink where the lucky few might feel like trying their moves.

The current live performance provides a rendition of a popular holiday hit, one Mr. Buble crooning about how it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. He isn't alone, though his clear voice rises above the many people caroling along, either in key or completely hopeless but for utter enthusiasm.

The atmosphere bubbles with excitement. People squeeze together and turn their heads towards the tree as the projected blue countdown clock in its last minutes. A flashing set of digits reads 3:00 and brought to you by Damage Control! Happy holidays! appears briefly underneath. Even here, there's some advertisement. Some!

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein has came out to watch things going on. This may not be Albert's holiday, but he can get behind the whole peace on earth and good will towards men part of it. He has found a spot overlooking the skating rink where he can lean on a railing and watch people and listen to the songs. Plus he figures never know when some of his students might show up, and it is good to keep an eye on them.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While the once Director, now Chief of SHIELD isn't as famous a face as she was in her hey-day, she's still not an unknown. But, Peggy Carter isn't here for work. Therefore, she's bundled up in a way that is meant to obscure her usually known profile. Her hair is flat tied back at the nape of her neck and she's got earmuffs on, as well as a big black swing jacket. Well, maybe the jacket is a bit classic Carter style. She remains towards the back of the couch, dark eyes watching the proceedings with a quiet, warm smile behind them. This has been tradition for her for many years.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown emerges from some steps leading to the plaza. She's wearing a white jacket and fuzzy red pants, with a red and white stocking cap and some red gloves. It's a very peppermint stick sort of outfit, if we're honest.

And she's singing.

"Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner... but he didn't... know this song. Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona... um... and these words are probably wrong. Get back. Get back. Get back to where you once belonged."

Singing badly.

Fortunately for the crowd, there are other, more holiday appropriate songs filling the air, so Stephanie lets the Beatles song lapse as she traipses over to a spot on the outside of the crowd. She pulls off her gloves and then gets her phone, tapping out a message. After, she taps her foot a few times to the music, before her phone chimes and she checks it.

"Ah. Nuts," she says with a sigh. "Well, there goes the evening's plans," she says to herself, expression turning glum as she stuffs the phone back into a pocket.

Jessica Drew has posed:
SHIELD is a low key presence today. The only thing that might give the Agent away is how she stands hands at her side, scanning the area around the skating rink, the earbud is hidden under her raven-black hair. Jessica's scarf is a bright splash of primary colors against the black cashmere coat, nothing that would distinguish her from the others in the crowd.

Under the buttoned coat, she has an underarm holster for the M&K MP modified for ICERS that field agents carry. A redundancy since she can throw venom blasts that can stun or kill.

Against her will, she hums along with the Christmas song, amusing herself by substituting lyrics: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas It's mobbed in every store.

Ruby Lasertrava has posed:
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away:

An aged woman with gray hair sips her geriatric tonic, mixed with her favorite berry juice and effervescent water. "Lemme tell you, Ruby," she says to the small child with beet-red hair looking up at her, "about Christmas-time."

"There was a place in the center of New York called Rockefeller Plaza. Every year, even when the war started, they would bring a great tree there - it was really big, kind of had a stacked cone look. They called it a pine. Thin needles for leaves, and they stayed green all year round. Anyway, they put up this enormous tree and decked it out with lights. It was part of one of the greatest winter holidays of all of Earth."

"Winter was that polar season, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. On Christmas you got with your family - you exchanged gifts... you got some Coca-Cola and --"

"Did Christmas invent Coca-Cola?"


Ruby Lasertrava is standing in the crowd wearing a heavy parka (mint green) and a dainty beret held in place on hair just as red as it was those long light-years ago. She has a ring on her finger but the parka is hiding any light-show right now. What she does have in her other hand is a bag from Duane Reade containing five different flavors of Coca Cola (small size). Right now she is working on the one with Vanilla.

She is also listening to the music, while gazing reverently up at the E N O R M O U S tree.

Asariel has posed:
Being rich and popular has its advantages, like not being in a pressing crowd when you have PTSD. Lasariel had chosen to go with ice skating for this jaunt out into the world and she looks excited to be doing it while they'll be able to watch the tree lighting.

Her bodyguard does not look so thrilled, "You're going to fall and break something and then I'll have to carry you to a cab and to the hospital." he had grumped to her. "Maybe I can call that large boyfriend of yours to babysit instead?" the Italian man had wiggled his phone at the white haired woman.

"Don't you dare call Chas!" she hisses at him as she slides over to the rail so she doesn't fall over. "Seriously, he's not my guard. You are." she points out with a laugh. "No one's replacing you." she pats him on the arm. "Now, lace up some skates and join me or stand there and look tall, dark and Italian. Mmmkay?" she grins to him before she skates off.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    As a native New Yorker, Sam wouldn't usually be in attendance at something like this. Anything that attracts a large tourist crowd is right out in his book, and that's certainly the case here tonight. Not that he's a Scrooge or anything! Sam's a big fan of the holiday season, if more for its focus on spending quality time with loved ones than any particular religious meanings.

    Look, that's a whole chunk of Sam's backstory that he doesn't generally go into. Gotta hit up his +timeline for that kind of personal detail. He's a private guy.

    But no, he's here on SHIELD duty. Mingling with the crowd, half his face obscured by a scarf, eyes shaded by a New York Mets cap that he owns probably only to bother Steve. His team is the DC Nationals, if it must be known. He's wearing a fairly bulky leather jacket that helps to obscure the shape of his body armor and the various SHIELD-issued weaponry he's toting, as his eyes--like Jessica's--scan the area. Though right now he's posted basically on the opposite side of the tree from her.

    And he's whistling along with the song. Thankfully he has himself muted over the SHIELD comms.

Jane Foster has posed:
The soothing jazzy ensemble of Michael Buble performing Bing Crosby's famous holiday song taper off as he waves his hand to the crowds. The stage dims down so he can exit without too much fuss, heading right for an assistant holding a big coat. It's cold!

The round shell of s stage positioned by the skating rink comes to life. Several of those skaters fancy themselves more than amateurs, making simple flips and spins. However fancy the skaters might be, they can't hold a candle to the next act. Amber candles come to life at ground-level, pulsing to the beat that leads into the next song: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree.

The lights display the Radio City Rockettes. Thirty-six women total stand in shifting rows, dressed in red-and-gold candy cane costumes. Giving a smart salute to the crowd, they start moving as soon as the music comes up. They kick their feet high to the first swinging beats provided by singers behind them. Accompanying the dancers, the choir from the New York Fire Department accompany carollers. A lot of carollers. The projected time clock flips over to the lyrics for anyone who wants to join.

     "Rockin' around the Christmas tree
     At the Christmas party hop!
     Mistletoe hung where you can see,
     Every couple tries to stop!
     Rockin' around the Christmas tree,
     Let the Christmas spirit ring!"

Two minutes and counting. The lights begin to dim softly still, taking with it all the excess illumination, in preparation to put all attention upon the tree.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    There are multiple SHIELD agents in the crowd, and Agent Sims is another, wrapped up in a black coat and emerald green scarf, hair just long enough to hide his own earbud. He moves a little oddly, still not used to the way an underarm holster feels, triangulated around the tree from Sam and Jessica. He normally wouldn't be here for a variety of reasons, not least of which being he doesn't celebrate Christmas and doesn't really like tourists after a childhood spent in a tourist town. But duty calls, so here he is. Agent Blackwood is probably lighting the menorah back at their suite at the Triskelion, about now.

    At least scanning the crowd is a good excuse to avoid looking at the tree. The dang trees are always the part that kind of makes Jon wish he celebrated Christmas. That and the music. It's just not fair, Christmas having such nice music. He and Sam could harmonize, if they were both on comms; he's humming, himself.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As it is an outdoor venue in the beginning of December, Michael Hannigan has forgone the usual stage attire his stage persona Nick Drago's been seen to wear on his concert tour. This time around his attire is much more laid back. Lined jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt are his chosen items to equip today. His hair is pulled back to manage the long locks as well. Currently situated backstage, he uses his vantage point to visually ensure that the items needed on stage are still there. As he's listening to the other Buble, he's momentarily glad he's not going immediately after him. One reason being that he's still awaiting someone in his group.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will find himself humming with the song. He does watch the lovely ladies dance, and putting on the show. He does look over at the fellow in the Met's hat. He looks familiar but the hat and such enough to make him unsure if it is who he thinks it might be. He will watch a bit longer and then move to get a hot soft pretzel.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown gets her gloves back on and wanders forth into the crowd. She bobs her head in time to the music, the tassel on her hat bouncing around as she does.

The Gothamite swings her gaze around. What are the odds she'll see a familiar face? Probably not too good. She mostly only comes to Gotham for gymnastics meets, underground street racing, and crime fighting. If she did see someone familiar, it probably would be someone to shadow, not converse with.

The blond girl makes her way forward, trying not to be pushy. Eventually she gets to a spot she doesn't have taller people blocking her view of the dancers. "Oh!" she says as the Rockettes come out. She pulls out her phone and snaps a photo and then records the performance.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
There's the rush of footsteps coming up from behind causing for Nick to look behind him. Giving a smile, he nods over to one of the instrumentalists hold. "Just in time. We're setting up."

The late comer nods and after Buble and co moves off stage, Nick and crew make their way on while the OTHER stage keeps people entertained. It's not a traditional stage set up for Mr. Drago. Along with the usual guitars and drums, there are several orchestral strings as well getting situated. Nick glances around, finding his position as he awaits his cue.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy isn't singing, but there is a very faint hum in the back of her throat as she listens to everything. And her agents probably aren't even aware that she is there, but she does have a comm in her ear, hidden beneath that muff. She's listening to their chatter, or lack there of it, as much as she is watching the show. It's like being with family, right? SHIELD is her family.

Jessica Drew has posed:
What with the Rockettes doing their thing, the music, the colors and lights, Jess fudges operating procedures to chatter a little on coms, well aware of Jon being along with them. So far, this is not a 'hot ops'.

<"How's it looking in your section, Sam? I have eyes on Carter. The Rockettes started in 1925, believe it or not.">

Now, Jon can call her down on talking unnecessarily. She turns in place, likely the only person in the crowd not looking at the women in their bright costumes, kicking on stage.

Jane Foster has posed:
A platform placed directly in front of the tree some distance away hosts a few celebrities, the mayor of New York, and other guests. Among them, Jane stands directly adjacent to a large candy-striped platform topped by a very large button. She taps the earpiece discreetly tucked under her knit hat, and murmurs to anyone in SHIELD who can hear, <<Whose idea was it to make this a big red button? I'm going to be fending off everyone who can't resist the temptation.>>

Ruby Lasertrava has posed:
Ruby pivots slightly to look directly at Stephanie Brown, who is a mere several yards from her. "I KNOW THEY'RE AMAZING," Ruby says to her, clenching her fists and crouching slightly in excitement! Which makes her can of soda overflow a little, which makes her say "oops," and then sort of hold it hesitantly.

"I've never met you before," Ruby says then to Stephanie, "But I'd like to offer you... a Coca-Cola." She says the word with undue reverence. Then she opens the bag. "Take one. Whatever you want. Merry Christmastime."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    <"Believe it,"> is Jon's droll reply. <"What's the saying? In Europe we think 100 miles is a long way, in America they think 100 years is a long time?"> He scans the crowd, idly noting the woman handing out soda cans. <"What on Earth is the big red button for, Dr. Foster?"> That's pertinent, right?

    Sorry, Jess, Jon's not calling you out on this tonight. In all honesty the chatter helps him focus.

Asariel has posed:
"Alright, but if I fall and break something /you/ have to carry me to the Uber, got it?" Giovanni tells Lasariel as she skates back over to where he is. The white haired woman gives him a bit of a squint, "After all that pumpkin pie you ate I'm not sure if I could lift you." she teases him. Then she notices it's almost time for the tree to light and she leans against the railing with him, "Ooooh. Almost time. Maybe hold off on the ice skates." she tells him cheerily.

She'd not done Christmas celebrating since her mother passed, so being out was a big deal for her in general. She takes out her phone and shoots off a text to someone quickly and then goes back to watching the tree. Just waiting.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    So far, so good. Sam had made the decision not to come out with a photostatic veil on his face, hoping (perhaps against all odds) that people will be more focused on the tree than on any potential public superhero trying his best to blend into the crowd. Though he feels eyes on his face, and he subtly turns away from Albert as he adjusts the way the New York Mets cap sits on his head.

    "<<Ah, yes. The big red button,>>" he says. "<<It's not Christmastime without a little bit of potential doom lingering over our heads, right? Feliz navidad!>>" It's mostly said in a joking tone. Despite the press of people and risk of being discovered, Sam's in his New York native element: blending into the crowd. "<<Nothing exciting except--oh god she's proposing!>>"

    His report to Jess is cut off by a woman in a puffy coat dropping down onto one knee next to what was once her boyfriend but is now her fiance, as he beams at her and says yes. Like most of the folks in the immediate area, Sam joins in on the chorus of "awws" and congratulations.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Excited and somewhat cold crowds shift around, starting to cheer or call out the seconds. Any jostling of other guests isn't intentional. If someone's knocked, "Sorry" or "Pardon" comes out quick as anticipation and joy take hold. The time ticks down into the final thirty seconds. Moments fade into darkness as the surrounding lights fade out, leaving only the large menorah aglow among curling, snapping blue flags. While the Rockettes dance their shortened number, the swinging beats take on a more electric feel. Guitars and a violin cut in, no more Christmas tree but symphonic metal into a breathless, brief pause.

With that, the woman who was doing her best to SEEM like she was only here to watch, but had actually been asked to do something special, she shifts forward to the stage from where she was at the corner of the crowd, and the mircophone that's been set up for the proper end of the count down. She gives Jane a wry smile at the button comment, but there is no time for chit chat. Peggy has a job to do. So much for staying hidden. Chief Margaret Carter of SHIELD -- the newly redeemed, unburdened, heroes once more SHIELD, stands at the edge of the stage and starts the count down, "5... 4... 3... 2... 1!"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown looks over to Ruby and gives her a smile. "Oh, thank you," she says at the offer of the soda. She takes one of the cans of Coke from the bag. "First time here?" she asks Ruby. "I've watched it on TV but never been here for it live before," she says as her eyes go back to the performances on stage.

Stephanie taps something into her phone, sending the video she took off to be viewed. Rubbing the salt in the wound for the person who wasn't able to come. She cackles softly as she does.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess tracks a movement in the crowd centered on a woman kneeling to a man. She would have liked Michael to see it, yet another reason to love Earthlings, right? She grins at the vignette from across the rink, throwing glances toward the stage where Foster is standing and Peg is climbing up the stairs to join her through the jostling crowd.

The Agent counts, a little tensely, with the public, countdown associations fraught with explosions and terror in her memory.

<"There she goes,"> she murmurs, proud to see Peggy in action.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will munch his pretzel as he looks over towards the Menorah with a bit of a smile. He gives it a longer look but does turn to see what the tree is going to look like all lit up. The large man does listen about him, as much as he likes and hopes for good will, there are plenty of chances for people to be up to no good here.

Ruby Lasertrava has posed:
Stephanie secures... a REGULAR Coke. "Yes," Ruby says. "I've never seen it before. In fact I've never seen a TREE that big before. How do they keep it healthy here in the city year after year?!" Ruby asks her, but it's rhetorical. She straightens up as she hears the countdown. "They're gonna do it they're gonna DO IT oh WOW I don't even get WHY but this is EXCITING!!"

"I hope nothing bad happens," Ruby says some time around the '3' in the count.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agent Drew has eyes on Carter, so as much as he /wants/ to watch her do the countdown, Sims scans the crowd, watching for troublemakers or potential assassins or what-have-you. Watching with mystical eyes as well as normal ones--just in case. Why else is /he/ here, after all, as a rookie, if not to look for things other SHIELD agents literally can't see?

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Did he miss it?

Daniel is running late, but with the help of his SHIELD credentials he's able to weave his way through the crowd with a succession of 'sorries' and 'coming through' until he's standing near the stage as the countdown begins. Joining in the count he looks up at Peggy trying to catch her eye and if he does he flashes her an encouraging smile.

Jane Foster has posed:
The stamping excitement of the crowd only builds as Peggy Carter's cultivated voice rises above the strobe lights rolling over the ninety-foot tall Norway spruce bedecked with a truly fascinating, glitter-laden star. At one, she's accompanied by at least fifty thousand other voices (and probably more) shouting one like kids on Christmas morning. Some jumping up and down may be involved as the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's explosive Sarajevo 12/24 rolls straight through.

The mayor presses the big red button on the cherry-red platform. Nothing happens. For a second, he stares and presses it four times, as if expecting something. Mute confusion until Jane coughs and points to the cord unplugged under his foot. The hasty reconnection takes mere seconds. Only the really quick-witted might realize the Christmas lights, all 5.76 miles of them, come to brilliant life before anyone pushed a button. Or plugged the button in, for that matter.

Night erupts into vivid, brilliant warmth once more. The mayor calls into his microphone, "Merry Christmas and happy holidays!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the tree lights up and the applause starts to die away, Nick gets the cue. He nods to the group and nods to the others. There's a lift of the hand bobbing up and down four times. Upon the downbeat of the fourth, orchestral strings start to play. Giving a bobbing beat.

Nick turns to the microphone, closing his eyes as he starts singing gently but to the rhythm of the strings.

"Joyful, joyful, we adore You
God of glory and Lord of love
Hearts unfold like flowers before You
Opening to the sun...." He pauses, smiling, "- above."

The guitars and drums start to kick in, giving more energy as the tempo picks up.

'Joyful, joyful, we adore You
God of glory, Lord of love,
Hearts unfold like flowers before You
Opening to the sun above-
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
Drive the dark of doubt away...'

There's a simultaneous crash of guitar cords as Nick brings his voice up more.

'Joyful, joyful, we adore You
Hearts unfold like flowers before You
Joyful, joyful, we adore You
Joyful, we adore Yooooooouuuu...'

Nick steps back from the microphone gesturing over towards the orchestral strings as they start to go into their instrumental feature.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    <"Good /lord/,"> Jon blurts at the comm, whirling to stare at the tree as it lights up, actually shading his eyes from the sudden blaze in his Sight. <"That's... not normal at all. The electricity wasn't connected when it lit up. Something... /Something/ else turned it on, at first."> He sounds a little shaken, but only a little. Christmas miracles are hardly out of bounds for life these days.

    He turns in a slow circle, brow furrowing. Is that all it is? Just Someone, Somewhere, wanting to be sure the tree lights up properly? He sure hopes so.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Cal'natar of Chandilar, scion of the ancient and far-flung Shi'ar Empire's noble houses, traitor to his name and to his nation, is stuck outside in the cold where a bunch of primitives stand around pursuing a tradition stolen from a long-dead culture that, oddly enough, fits his home culture better than the democratic mess that exists in this country today. He wears the name of 'Michael Erickson' as comfortably as he does the sweater and overcoat and flat cap and scarf and -- good Lord, is he wearing /layers/! -- which means, of course, not very well in the plunging winter cold. He looks a bit like a cross between an Eastern European cabbie and a snowman, blue eyes piercing from the space formed between the brim of his cap and the wall of knitted wool his scarf forms over his face.

    These people and their winter traditions. Can't people stay inside when it's cold like they're /sane/?

    So there he is in the throng, watching the tree lighting, attempting to embrace these traditions now as though they were his own - which they are not, but this world is his now, chosen by his actions. He even tries to hum along, very quietly, with the music. Because he is a deviant now. They're all deviants to the Shi'ar mind. He might as well just make his turncoat nature complete. But now there's a problem with the activator button, and the tree that yawns overhead seems to stand and mock the mayor (Ed Koch would've attacked it with a flamethrower, he muses) until Jane down there points out what should be obvious to the pompous man. Then the sun comes out and blazes electric with holiday light, searing away the astonished ghosts of Ebenezer Scrooge and the Grinch and all their minions, and the music starts again. Siiiiiiigh.

    Of course he hums along some more.

Jessica Drew has posed:
<"Weird that. You'd think they wouldn't have a cord you could unplug or out of the way. What, Jon?"> Jess grumbles like any good agent when things happen out of the ordinary. A familiar and not altogether welcome tingle flows up her spine, the moment a blast of music hits her super senses hard. She takes a step back and covers her other ear.

<Repeat that again, Jon. Did you say the lights came on before they were plugged in? I say, Agents be on alert, I have a bad feeling about this.">

Asariel has posed:
Gio forgoes the skates for the moment and instead reaches out to steady the younger woman with the white hair, "Tree lighting, hot chocolate then home to finish your painting that's due. I'm supposed to keep you on track as well." he points out quietly. Then the countdown is going and she is transfixed by the woman that is on stage. Oh gosh, it's Peggy Carter!

Then there is a clammy feeling that washes over her, tingling running from the base of her skull and down her spine. She reaches out to grasp onto Gio's forearm as she feels her knees go week, "Gio...something's not right." she whispers to him.

"Ah shit!" the Italian man grunts out as he tries to gather up the suddenly limp woman.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's hard to see her husband in the half darkness of the crowd, especially with him being that late, and Peggy focusing on not messing up the easiest job in the world -- counting to five. But there's something in her that knows. Instinct. Holiday magic. Seeing the motion of a body in a crowd that she'd know anywhere. It means that the first thing she sees upon the lights coming to life is Daniel Sousa's face. She didn't think he'd make it.

"Happy holidays!!" She calls loudly over the microphone, into the general din of the crowd, and then she crouches down to reach a hand up to Daniel and drag him bodily onto the stage. It's not the New Years Eve countdown, but it's close enough. And he's here. And it's their first tree lighting in sixty years. She pulls him into a massive, deep kiss. The sort that photographers and black and white movies immortalize. She doesn't care who sees them. But really, they mainly look like two shadows back lit by that impossible brightness.

Then...there's a report over her comms. She was enjoying her husband's kiss. Flushed and breathless, she barely pulls back, muttering quieter so the microphone doesn't pick it up by her comm does. <"Wait. What??">

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    <"Yes, the lights on the tree came on /before/ the electricity. All those cords, 5.78 miles of cabling, just... turned on, /before/ a single jolt of electromagnetism hit the circuit."> Yes, of course he knows those kinds of details. <"Magic, or something like it."> Jon's completed his slow circle and stares at the tree, down toward the cord leading off to whatever's generating electricity. <"It's normal /now/. But for a moment there, it wasn't. I'm not sure I'd have noticed if I hadn't been looking for that kind of thing.">

    He has one hand to his ear, all-too-obviously not just a normal onlooker as he mutters into the comm and starts scanning the skies.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the orchestral feature is about to end, Nick comes back to the microphone, tone a bit more gentle,

'All Your works with joy surround You
Earth and Heaven reflect Your rays
Stars and angels sing around You
Center of unbroken praise
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
Drive the dark of doubt away'

The energy rises once more in the tone and instrumentation.

'Joyful, joyful, we adore You
Hearts unfold like flowers before You
Joyful, joyful, we adore You
Joyful, we adore You'

A female guitarist moves over to a nearby microphone during a quieter moment of the song before she starts singing into the microphone, gently.

'God our Father, Christ, our Brother
All who live in love are Thine
Teach us how to love each other
Lift us to the joy divine'

Nick nods, joining back in alongside her as they draw the song to a close.

'Oh God, our Father, Christ, our Brother
All who live in love are Thine
Teach us how to love each other
Lift us to the joy divine
Oh God, our Father, Christ, our Brother
All who live in love are Thine
Teach us how to love each other
Lift us to the joy divine...'

The music fades to nothing.

There is a strum as the guitarist turns away from the microphone, handing the singing back over to Nick.

'Joyful, joyful, we adore You
Hearts unfold like flowers before You
Joyful, joyful, we adore You
Hearts unfold like flowers before You'

The pair of voices unite once more, bringing the song to an end.

'Oh God, our Father
All who live in love are Thine
Teach us how to love each other...'

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Somehow, Sam almost entirely misses that it's Peggy Carter, Director of SHIELD, up there on the stage doing the countdown. He, like several other people who were coincidental audience to a successful marriage proposal, have all been roped into the excitement of the moment with the happy couple.

    And thanks to his nephews' influence, Sam manages to get an amazing photo of the pair kissing just as the tree lights up in the background.

    He doesn't notice the malfunction with the lights, though it'll be obvious if he looks back at the short video he just took for the 'gram. But he does hear the uptick in chatter on SHIELD comms, and steps away from the commotion to put a hand to his ear, trying to listen over the sound of the performance accompanying the lighting of the tree. "<<What's going on?>>"

    But then Sam's hand drops. He stares upwards, blinking several times, as a feeling washes over him. A familiar one, that washes away the adrenaline that had just begun to bleed through his system and untangles the worst of the deep-seated emotional knots that accompany the holidays for him.

    "<<Wait, this is...>>"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein does not notice the timing on the lights. He is more paying attention for pick pockets or such. The big man is relaxed, and not seeing any problems, he finishes his pretzel.

Ruby Lasertrava has posed:
Ruby bounces up and down on her heels as the countdown is reached... and...

She knows no better, so the brief delay is not a compromise. She shrieks in joy and delight at the lights coming on. "It's like they hung an entire --" she begins, before Peggy gets on the mic and shouts HAPPY HOLIDAYS out at them with great force.

Ruby beams at Stephanie - and then holds up her free hand to her ear. "What," she says, then back to Stephanie, "Sorry, I'm getting a call."

A couple of seconds pass. "What? No."


"No, I'm not - I can do what I want, can't I?"

Ruby sighs enormously. "FINE," she complains, before smiling at Stephanie again. The ring says something vaguely numerical but indistinct in the crowd noise. Ruby does not seem particularly different, other than perhaps a slight shift of her parka.

"Who are they even talking about? Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but I have to deal with this. Here," Ruby continues, foisting the remaining Cokes onto Stephanie or possibly the ground, "just, so they don't go to waste." After this she slips into the crowd, ducking and weaving.

"Oh, it's Sharra and K'ythri's son on Earth," Ruby mutters to herself when someone mentions Jesus in the lyrics. "That makes sense. It's his birthday, isn't it?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
It doesn't take much encouragement for Daniel to be pulled onto the stage and even less to kiss his wife so deeply even with so many people watching. He'd blush about it later but right now he's happy to enjoy it.

For as long as it lasts.

Hearing Peggy responding to comms he breaks a hand free of her to rummage in his pocket for an earpiece and slip it in place. As he does he flashes Peggy a look to say 'what's going on?'.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown smiles over to Ruby. "They get a new tree every year," she explains once the loudest of the hoopla over the lighting has passed enough to be heard. As the beverages are given to her, Stephanie takes them, giving the other woman a look of empathy. "Ah, sorry you have to go, but glad you got to see it. It's really something isn't it? We came ice skating a few days ago, and decided to come back up for the tree lighting," she says.

A hand is raised in a motionless wave goodbye to Ruby then as the other woman wanders off. Stephanie turns back towards the stage, but glances to those around her, offering the Cokes then.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Ah. Christianity. The song is lovely, but Michael's gods are not the kind that would embrace joyfulness -- they'd in fact be the ones to round up the Christians and eat them. Though not religious himself, he knows they're out there somewhere, a splinter of their cruelty in every Shi'ar heart; he hunkers down a tiny bit under the weight of his coat as the oh-so-joyous melody pours through the public address system, and catches Jessica out there in the crowd. Now there, at least, is a welcome sight amid all this noise and light, and he goes to her, shouldering through the crowd faster with much less patience than he normally would in such situations before.

    Of course, he doesn't have an earpipece, so he doesn't ear whatever the agents are hearing, doesn't catch her grim face as he makes for her. He just knows she's there, and he wants to be there, too. Still ignorant of whatever situation is brewing.

Jessica Drew has posed:
A woman faints on the edge of the rink, or so it appears to Agent Drew. There doesn't appear to be a direct link with the glitch with the lights and the warning she got through her spider senses, still she notes it and the couple. After seeing that the woman is being taken care of she starts to make her way toward Sousa and Carter. Later, she might tease the Commander about that very public kiss.

<"Anyone seeing anything out of the ordinary?">

She catches Michael out of the corner of her eye, in his Eastern Block country costume and motions to him. Both to him and over coms, she reports, <"I'm going for the Commander.">

Asariel has posed:
Lasariel's vision stops blurring as she is scooped up by Gio, "I don't know what it is." she murmurs to her bodyguard as she kicks off her skates, making sure not to hit anyone with them. "I just...need a minute. That's all." she adds with a little more energy. He didn't need to worry really. Maybe it was something that would pass.

Or maybe it wouldn't! Who knows?!

"Lemme down so I can put my boots back on please, just in case." she whispers to him after a heartbeat of silence.

Jane Foster has posed:
Many videos will be taken this night. Many videos will display absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Having the right angle to the podium with the light-triggering big red button might reveal the momentary blip. Who cares? What with the musical acts drawing the crowd back into holiday frivolity, far more interesting things await to happen!

The next event on the itinerary as identified by the helpful projector: Welcome the World's Largest Charity Kettle! (Brought to you by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of New York, wishing peace and joy to all our neighbours.)

That welcome is easily staged by dropping the hundreds of strung lights away from a cube-shaped frame around the large red aluminum kettle. Brilliant vermillion lights threaded around the donation pot large enough to stew a whale in twinkle brightly, and a thrilling little coin chute allows mechanical donations of change for the needy.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A small, frustrated sigh escapes Peggy's lips. She mouths to Daniel, so the comms don't pick it up, 'I love you.' But it seems there is some work to do. Still, no chaos is happening in the crowd, so she doesn't run off into the mix of people, but lingers on the stage with one arm around her husband's waist as they both get caught up over the comms.

However, something catches the corner of her eye as she sees the projector. Her brows arch slowly with a quiet groan and she murmurs into her comm unit, <"The Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul have been... known to have supernatural ties. Prophetic, you might say. But I wouldn't be surprised if their oddness went beyond oracles... If you all are looking into this, I might recommend looking their way.">

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    <"There's an aura, it's..."> Jon hesitates, takes a long, slow turn around. Then suddenly he starts /jogging/ through the crowd, jogging around the plaza, as if trying to be sure he's not missing something. Stops when he's glared at by revelers, and takes another slow turn in place again.

    <"The whole plaza, this /whole/ place, is... lit by a solid aura connected to the tree. Light, just... /light/. And under that... love."> There's a kind of wonder in his voice. <"Agape, I would say. The love of God for man and of man for God. I think you may be right, Chief, though the power it would take to do /this/...">

    He presses a hand to his chest, takes a deep breath. It's more than a little overwhelming. <"Wilson? What is it, do you recognize this?"> He didn't miss the change in tone in Falcon's voice, over the comms.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the song finishes, Nick's smile remains locked on. Eyes blinking rapidly as if to dispell an eyelash. Or to shake off the after effects of a really really really really really really...

...really really...

...really bright camera flash. He turns his head to look over to the tree, tilting his head for a moment before a nudge from one of the other musicians brings him back to reality. Oh right. Get off the stage. Get off the stage. Get off the damn stage.

He does just that.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Coming to Jessica's side as beckoned, Michael murmurs a few words to her muffled by the scarf. Pulls it down, then, so he can be heard. "Hello, Agent," he says, though there's a faint smile upon those newly-revealed lips. "How's the evening treating you? Are you up to no good?"

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Mouthing 'I love you too' Daniel keeps close to Peggy his hand dipping back into his pocket to double-check he's got a weapon. Old habits die hard. "So... magic nuns?" Daniel asks Peggy as she explains the signifigance of The Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Really, not the weirdest thing he's heard about since coming to the 21st Century but for a lapsed Catholic it's up there.

Jessica Drew has posed:
<"Copy that, Commander,"> Jessica replies while doing a little step-sidle-dance with a mother and her toddler that she nearly walked into. <"Eyes on the kettle, ma'am.">

"Damn," she breathes to herself as she experiences another Spider-sense tingle roll up her spine.<"I'm not getting it. I just feel happy and want to hug people all of a sudden. Is that it? I feel like I'm on love drugs."> The agent grabs Michael's hand.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    There's no immediate answer forthcoming from Sam. Anyone looking in the direction of where he's been posted for the evening might occasionally catch sight of him amidst the crowd as they shuffle to and fro, because he's stationary, staring up at the tree.

    "<<Yeah. I know what it is. Don't want to talk about it over comms.>>" And that's that. Sam shoves his hands into his pockets, smiles and nods at the celebrating couple nearby--who will only realize later that it's the Falcon who helped capture this happy memory for them--and then starts to work his way through the crowd, trying to get closer to the tree and where people are converging on Director Carter.

Ruby Lasertrava has posed:
In the crowd, Ruby climbs up to balance on the top of a trash can, tilting her head back as the wind tugs at her beret. She narrows her eyes at the tree. Then at the kettle.

"What do you mean?" Ruby says to nobody in particular.

"It's a holiday! Of course it feels good," Ruby continues. "You're being paranoid."

She stays on this slightly elevated perch, which is probably not the weirdest thing going on in the crowd but may be in the top 20. "I am not doing that," Ruby then says to thin air. "They'd all SEE."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will turn looking over to the woman on the trashcan, Even standing atop it does not put her a huge distance above him. He will turn and looks around trying to see if she is actually talking to someone or is just a loon. They are in the city for it after all.

Jane Foster has posed:
For all that's going on, Jane has to babysit a mayor and politicians, business people, and celebrities. Does she get a break? No. Not when the mayor waxes wistful about Manhattan. Two of the billionaires who paid their way on the stage rib one another about that amazing little Italian place they haven't been to in years, and maybe they should just buy it for dinner. Then the city can have a treasure. Phones come out long enough for her to frown and make a break for it.

<<"If we have a meeting point, someone let me know because the crowd is thick enough to crowdsurf on. I'd rather not.">> The wry tone from her masks tension. Ruby on a trash can in a lovely beret snags her attention. however not, she flashes a smile after noting the look at the illuminated kettle.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon frowns for a moment and then starts working his own way toward the Chief. He has questions, and Falcon, evidently, has answers, and there's no immediate threat.

    <"That's agape, Agent Drew,"> Jon replies as he passes the kettle. <"Unconditional love, charity, the desire to do good and be good and love God or the gods. Happiness and hugging do occur but are optional."> He pulls out his phone, to snap the QR code and donate $500 to the charity on the spot. As he does so he /sings/, just loud enough to be heard on the comms, <"A voice, a chime, a chant sublime / Of peace on earth, good will to men!"> Blame the love aura, and/or Jon's own susceptibility to that /particular/ form of love. Then on to where the SHIELD agents are converging.

Peggy Carter has posed:
<"We... probably shouldn't make the meeting place the stage. Slightly behind, to the western side, it's a little more breatheable back there."> Peggy directs, really not wanting to fall into work, but it's too late now. She looks back to her husband, momentarily switching her comm unit off as she gives a slight shrug, "Uh... Yes. Probably. Magic nuns. Apocalyptic vision magic nuns, sometimes, but... We can enjoy a nice thing, perhaps?" She hopes. The look in her eyes is desperate for this to just be nice. She kisses him quickly once more, then her comm is back on and she's ushering around and back about 20 feet, to where the crowd is far less because you can't see anything from this angle. Not well, at least.

She stands there, no fear in her eyes, just a quiet bit of curiousity as she waits to see which of her agents gather. <"Wilson, you don't want to talk about it, but...is this something we should WORRY about? We could just... Enjoy it. Maybe."> She's the commanding officer now. She could give that command. But only if she's assured this isn't an actual threat.

Jessica Drew has posed:
It's like everyone's favorite team just won the World Cup, the feeling of celebration washes through the crowd. She tugs on Michael's hand as she remembers her objective, wondering if she can send that donation to the Orphanage in Queens before she finishes her shift.

Right now, even if the whole world is dissolving in LOVE, she goes toward Jane Foster and the Commander.

After Jon, bless him, sings to them, Jess wedges in, <"Next to the stage or the corner of the ice rink nearest the stage for a meet point, Foster?">

Jane Foster has posed:
Another performance originates from a group of very young adults, if they can even claim to be tweens. All dressed in dark sailor-collared shirts and black slacks, they could be totally overlooked by the crowd in its good cheer.

This might be a true statement if they did not collectively start to sing in a distressingly pure round, picking up the Carol of the Bells in stages. The Vienna Boys' Choir could stir emperors, they haven't lost that enchanting touch. (Disregard the irony of sailor suits for a landlocked country!)

"One seems to hear
Words of good cheer
From everywhere, from everywhere
Filling the air."

A few idle snowflakes start to tumble down in a light, charmingly silvery flurry. The kind of fluffy flakes children dream of land on upturned faces or winter coats, caught up in slow-moving waltzes on their descent. Light flurries add that picturesque quality to Rockefeller Center, harmlessly bringing a denouement to the lighting ceremony in the gentlest gesture of the skies in accordance with peace on Earth.

For now.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Fully off the stage, the musicians make their way to the designated back stage area where they proceed to mingle with other musicians with plenty of fistbu- hugs. Thre's a lot of hugging going on.

Nick is now wondering how to get a Buble off his back.

Asariel has posed:
Las is settled down onto her feet and she trundles over to where her boots are and plants her butt on the bench that they are by. "This is weird." she tells Gio as she tugs her boots over and starts to put them on.

The white snow starting to trickle down from the sky as the choir sings makes her look up and there's a flake that lands on her forehead, "Oh hey." she grins.

"Better excuse to grab cocoa on the way home." she points out to her guard.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    It is...a strange thing, this place. So alien to Cal'hatar -- no. Michael. Their customs. These people. These people whom he turned his back on an entirely glaxy for. What is it about this planet? When he was young he had trod the mud and bloody ground of worlds, marched at the head of his own squad to help put down rebellions against imperial order, helped conquer populations among the burning remains of their cities. Interrogated rebels and traitors and all manner of foes of the Throne. And then he came here to watch the Kree, to monitor the threat that metahumanity might present, and then...somewhere, along the way, he changed. Became different. Softened, his countrymen would say.

    But here, under the light of the tree, amid the jingling coins of charity, standing next to Jessica whom he, against all odds, has formed a very different sort of bond with than ever he expected, whatever magic of the season there is comes into him, pours into his heart like a golden flood, and the man who knows such violence, whose soul is, against all odds, yet rich with understanding and sensitivity - /moved/. Moved in ways he did not know he could be. Ever. He doesn't even realize that his eyes are starting with tears. Michael just knows that in this moment, among these people, his choices were right. They are worth fighting for. /She/ is worth fighting for. Sharra and K'ythri are but pale shadows before this feeling in their pettiness. They celebrate /love/! And so will he in that moment. He can do nothing else.

    Jessica's hand is in his, and he lifts it to his lips, kissing the back of it even as her attention is elsewhere. Murmurs something to her, quietly, as his free hand reaches up to cup her face and turn it to his own, his blue eyes washed over with the out-of-character tears. The language is his own, but the meaning is not disguised by it: gratitude and affection, surprising him in its depth, its warmth. Gone is the instinct that would make him summon the raw entropy of Jon's staff just the night before. In that moment, as Jon was water, he is water, too.

    Hail, Atlantis.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's mouth hangs open a moment as he processes what he's hearing. "Seriously a contender for the weirdest thing I've heard but I'll take your word for it Peg," he says glancing from her to the crowd. When he glances back he returns that kiss and nods. "But you can fill me in later, I'm good with enjoying this for now..." as long as the rest of the team doesn't spot a threat.

Ruby Lasertrava has posed:
Ruby remains in her elevated perch, looking around alertly. The vibes may be reaching her, but perhaps this is how it's happening. She is clearly not a local. (She does wave, with sudden recognition, to Albert; though it is brief.)

And then she looks upwards, and seems momentarily stunned.

Jessica Drew has posed:
It's an odd moment. Jess first feels a snowflake kiss her cheek, Jon's voice sings in her earbud, then a soft hand turns her face into a kiss. She doesn't fight it, 'La-la-la, so much for field manuals,' flits through her head as she leans into it and puts her arm around him. She surfs the love surge with just a faint question nagging at the back of her head. "How?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon grins brightly at the alien SHIELD consultant as they finally make their way to the same spot, presumably to the side of the stage as suggested by Chief Carter. "Erickson! Drew! This is /not/ natural but at the moment I'm not certain I care. You feel it, right? Mercy." And then he /hugs/ the man, briefly, pulling back and clapping him on the shoulders after he does. Jessica, too, because she's there, and he's a huggy person under everything.

    "I should thank you, actually. I had something of a breakthrough, after that discussion. But we can talk about that later. Where's Wilson?" He looks around like he's expecting Falcon to just... materialize from thin air.

    Then it starts snowing and he laughs. "Oh good lord. Do they have snow where you're from, Erickson? We never got much in Bournemouth. I'm going to hate the stuff tomorrow, gums up traffic something awful."

    It's bothering him, too, on some level, but damn it, he can't /help/ but let the aura wash over him at least for now. Maybe it'll be bracing, for whatever's to come.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    And then all of a sudden, indeed, the Falcon is there. Not because he took to the skies and is doing the classic three-point superhero landing, no, he's just got the typical New Yorker crowd-management skills, so he's managed to make his way over to where some of the other agents are congregating.

    Sam doesn't try to hug anyone. Out of the entire group he's probably the only one who looks visibly uneasy, resisting the feel-good vibes that spill out from the tree. "I'm going to need to clear my schedule," he mutters. Sam knows something's going to come of this.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Criminy, Sims, what's come over us?" She has to let go of Michael's hand to return Sim's hug. She squeezes him enthusiastically like he was long-lost family seen after years of separation.

<"Agent Wilson, get yourself down here," she warbles over coms, eyes widening at what is coming out of her mouth.

Around them other people are hugging, people are smiling maniacally, hugs abound. Has working in espionage made her a chronic cynic?

"Oh, there you are!" Jess says much too loud and claps her hand over her mouth like she realized she's drunk.

Michael Erickson has posed:
    Another murmur in her ear, and Michael is at peace, something he has not been in...a very long time. Snatches of his childhood, fishing with his father. The scent of tal'yon flowers in his mother's parlor, rich perfume that made him lightheaded as a boy. The first time he stepped onto a transport to go off-world. These warm memories fill him as he stands there, his arm around Jessica's waist, as Jon comes up to hug him, and Michael reaches out with his free arm to squeeze the man's shoulders in reply. He realizes that he's crying, however quietly, wipes the tears away with the back of his hand. He really should be concerned, but somehow he isn't. For once, just for /once/, something is going well.

    And then Sam shows up. That's when, after a long moment, the old fist of that decades-long training, all the suffering and instincts drilled into him mailed with conditioned will, comes smashing through this beautiful stained-glass window in whose light, filtered through its glowing panes, he had been basking. /Nothing/ goes so well. Not like this. And it's not natural.

    Damn you, Sharra and K'ythri, you petty tyrant-gods. This is your doing, this doubt in him.

    "It's unnatural," he hears himself saying. "It's wrong. I wish it wasn't, but...this isn't right." The fingers of his will close around the golden collar around his neck and crush it, though not so much that his arm drops from around Jessica's waist. "But is it a threat?" That's the question.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Watching all of her agents, as Peggy still leans close to her husband, her arm not having left being wrapped around his back this entire time, there is a slow wariness that starts to come over her features. "Bloody *HELL*... I want to enjoy this..." She mutters, mostly to Daniel, but it's certainly loud enough to be heard by the agents who are near. As even Michael and Sim are getting into it, the paranoid behind her dark eyes makes them narrow even more.

"Falcon. Report. What are we clearing our schedule to DO? What is wrong here? It feels too... *right*. We're happy. All of us. EVERY SINGLE ONE... other than you. That feels wrong. What is wrong, here?" Peggy's voice is forcibly commanding, like she's having to fight back her own happiness to keep command of the situation.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon turns to Sam and smirks. "Well, go on, ruin the mood." He says it cheerfully, though, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "What's all this about, then? Is this more than a charity influencing everyone to give them money? Which I'm not opposed to, inherently, by the by. Getting New Yorkers to open our wallets can be a bit of a lift, at times."

    He blinks. He's literally /never/ called himself a 'New Yorker' before, but... it's true enough now, isn't it? His expression turns thoughtful.

Asariel has posed:
Boots back on, skates returned the angelic looking woman that is Lasariel sets off in a bit of a determined way.


She's good at this, really.

"Doctor Weiss..." Giovanni heads after her. He's trying to maybe talk her down, but it's the Christmas spirit. He just watches her with a bit of a chuckle as she makes the donation digitally. Because nuns. You don't tell a nun 'no'. Or well...not in Rome you don't!

Ruby Lasertrava has posed:
Ruby shades her eyes and looks up at the passing Falcon. Who she doesn't recognize, perhaps, but she can get the *idea*. That is obviously a super-hero!!

"Look, if I take off here I'm going to draw everyone's eyes and it's going to be incredibly awkward," Ruby mutters to her invisible friend (the ring, it's the ring). "SHIELD might see and I really do not want to have that conversation. -- Wow, the crowd got really..."

"Maybe I should just -"

Ruby then flinches, as if she smelled something, or as if a rat just bit her foot. (She IS standing on a trash can.)

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's brow furrows. "I do too, but let's check it out and if it's all clear we can relax for a bit, just enjoy the moment," he reasons keeping his voice pitched low. "Not that I know where to start," he admits. "This is more Abcde's area of expertise than mine."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Feeling a general threshold for physical contact being reached, Nick tries to take a couple steps away from the from behind hugger. With Nick having about 4 inches of height on Buble, what he ends up doing is dragging the smaller musician with him.

Nick gives an urk of surprise at the added weight. Ok as good as Nick was feeling going into the backstage area, There was something off about having a Buble backpack as a result. There's something ALSO off about some random news reporter coming up to interview him without even blinking at the cling-on. He moves over towards a curb area to get Buble some footing to work with. And, hopefully relieve some of the weight around his neck. The reporter asks something but he's not entirely sure what was said but the the word song gives hem just enough context to wing it.

Okay. Time to tap into promotional mode. "Oh yes..." Nick responds, practiced smile once again in place despite the attachment behind. "The song was 'Joyful Joyful' which is on this year's Holiday Hope album. The profits from the sales of that album will be divided up amongst several shelters in the New York and Boston area..."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica pulls out a packet of kleenex from her pocket to wipe Michael's face. Eyebrows drawn together, she tsks and leans against him, forgetting herself in front of the other agents, "There, Mike, there. What's come over us? Are you alright? Don't cry."

There is no waiting for the end of her shift, she pockets the kleenex before unbuttoning her coat. Then, she reaches into the inner pocket to grab her phone and in a few quick swipes adds a modest sum to the growing donations filling the nun's kettle.

The commander's question produces another spider tingle and she looks up from her phone after pressing the confirmation for transfer.